The Residency Plan is intended to serve as a general plan for the two-year Residency that will focus Residents and their Mentors on the State’s requirements for the Residency, and also ensure their understanding of and commitment to the program’s requirements and process.

The State-required Residency Plan will be completed by the Resident in consultation with his/her Mentor prior to beginning the two-year Residency period. Timelines indicated for each activity in the Residency Plan are understood to be approximate or proposed and should be shown only as month and year. Where activities may be ongoing throughout the year, indicate as “Ongoing”.

NOTE: Both the Year 1 AND Year 2 Residency Plans should be completed.

The signed original of the Residency Plan will be submitted by the Mentor to NJ-L2L Program Coordinator within two (2) weeks of the initial Mentor/Resident meeting prior to beginning the Residency. NJ-L2L will transmit the Residency Plan to the NJ Department of Education, and a copy will be retained by NJ-L2L in the Resident’s file.

Residents and Mentors should retain a copy of the Residency Plan for their records and future reference. A copy of the Residency Plan should also be retained by the District Contact Person to ensure that the District has knowledge of the Residency Plan and requirements, and that the District will provide the support needed by Residents to successfully complete the Residency Program.

Questions regarding completion of the Residency Plan should be directed to the NJ-L2L Program Coordinator.



|During the Year 1 Residency, |Timelines |

|I will engage in the following required activities: |(Month/Year) |

| | |

|Attend the NJ-L2L Day 1 Resident/Mentor Orientation | |

| | |

|Complete NJ-L2L Pre/Self-Assessments | |

| | |

|Based on my NJ-L2L Pre/Self-Assessments and in consultation with my Mentor, identify 2-3 professional growth targets in each | |

|of the NJ Professional Standards for School Leaders where I may enhance my school leadership knowledge, skills, personal | |

|dispositions, and practices. | |

| | |

|Develop a Leadership Portfolio to organize evidence of Year 1 Residency experiences | |

| | |

|Complete eight (8) Explorations into School Leadership Practice and maintain my Year 1 Residency Explorations and Activity | |

|Log | |

| | |

|Participate in a minimum of 45 contact hours of mentoring, which include on-site visits, observations, conferences, and Peer | |

|Support Group meetings | |

| | |

|Participate in regularly scheduled Peer Support Group meetings and complete individual Peer Support Group Reflections | |

| | |

|Engage in ongoing communications with my Mentor and Peer Support Group members using the NJ-L2L Online Learning Community | |

| | |

|Engage in professional development activities that support my learning related to my identified professional growth targets | |

|and Year 1 Explorations | |

| | |

|Based on Year 1 Explorations, identify district/school needs and 2-3 barriers to effective teaching and student learning that| |

|will be the focus of my Year 2 Residency Plan and job-embedded Action Research Project; further develop my Year 2 Residency | |

|Plan as needed | |

| | |

|Develop my Action Research Project proposal for Mentor review and approval | |

| | |

|Participate in Formative Assessment Conference #1 with my Mentor (end of 4 months) | |

| | |

|Participate in Formative Assessment Conference #2 with my Mentor (end of 8 months) | |

| | |

|Participate in Formative Assessment Conference #3 with my Mentor (end of 12 months) | |

| | |

|Complete NJ-L2L Year 1 Program Evaluation | |

RESIDENT SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ DATE: ________________________________

MENTOR SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________ DATE: ________________________________

DISTRICT SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ DATE: ________________________________



|During the Year 2 Residency, |Timelines |

|I will engage in the following required activities: |(Month/Year) |

| | |

|Implement my Year 2 Residency Plan, which will focus on addressing 2-3 barriers to effective teaching and student learning in| |

|my district/school | |

| | |

|Plan and implement my Job-Embedded Action Research Project, which addresses 2-3 barriers to effective teaching and student | |

|learning in my district/school | |

| | |

|Continue my Leadership Portfolio to organize evidence of Year 1 and 2 Residency experiences | |

| | |

|Participate in a minimum of 30 contact hours of mentoring, which include on-site visits, observations, conferences, and Peer | |

|Support Group meetings | |

| | |

|Participate in regularly scheduled Peer Support Group meetings and complete individual Peer Support Group Reflections | |

| | |

|Engage in ongoing communications with my Mentor and Peer Support Group members using the NJ-L2L Online Learning Community | |

| | |

|Engage in professional development activities that support my learning related to my identified professional growth targets | |

|and Year 2 Residency experiences | |

| | |

|Participate in Formative Assessment Conference #4 with my Mentor (end of 16 months) | |

| | |

|Share my Action Research Project in a PowerPoint presentation with my Peer Support Group | |

| | |

|Complete NJ-L2L Post/Self-Assessments | |

| | |

|Participate in Summative Assessment Conference with my Mentor (end of 19 months) | |

| | |

|Based on my Year 1 and Year 2 Residency experiences, identify 1-2 professional development goals specifically linked to | |

|district/school needs and goals that are focused on improving schools, teaching and learning, and begin development of my | |

|State-required 3-year Professional Growth Plan (PGP) for Year 3 | |

| | |

|Complete NJ-L2L Year 2 Program Evaluation | |

RESIDENT SIGNATURE: ______________________________________ DATE: ________________________________

MENTOR SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ DATE: ________________________________

DISTRICT SIGNATURE: ______________________________________ DATE: ________________________________


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