- Sharing the message

(This Newsletter needs a name – can you think of one?)

This is YOUR Newsletter and is wholly independent of the Sydney Intergroup/Central Service Office. It is an open forum for contributions from all over Australia and New Zealand. We welcome contributions relating to CoDA, co-dependence and recovery from ALL CoDA members – wise sayings, your stories and experiences of CoDA & recovery, small illustrations, jokes, one- liners, questions, letters, comments…. We would especially like to receive news from individual groups.

Please post or email your contributions to:

Email: pio.coda@ Postal Address: CoDA Newsletter, 10 Shepherd St, Chippendale, Sydney NSW 2008


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|Story time! | |LISTENING |

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|ONCE UPON A TIME there was a small, non-conforming bird who decided | |~ When I ask you to listen to me, and you start giving advice, you have |

|not to fly south for the winter. | |not done what I asked. |

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|HOWEVER soon the weather turned cold, so cold that he reluctantly | |~ When I ask you to listen and you begin to tell me why I shouldn’t feel |

|started to fly south. In a short time ice began to form on his wings | |that way, you are trampling on my feelings. |

|and he fell into a farmyard, almost frozen. A cow passed by and | | |

|crapped on the little bird. He thought “this is the end!” but the | |~ When I ask you to listen to me and you feel you have to do something to|

|manure warmed him and defrosted his wings. | |solve my problem, you have failed me…all that I asked was that you listen|

| | |– not talk or do – just hear me. I’m not helpless. Maybe discouraged and |

|WARM and happy, able to breathe again, he started to sing. Just then a| |faltering, but not helpless. |

|large cat came by. Hearing the chirping he investigated the sounds. | | |

|The cat clawed away the manure, found the chirping bird and promptly | |~ When you do something for me that I can and need to do for myself, you |

|ate him. | |contribute to my fear and weakness. But when you accept the simple fact |

| | |that I do feel what I feel, no matter how irrational, I can stop trying |

|The moral of this story: | |to convince you and get on with the business of understanding what’s |

|Everyone who shits on you is not necessarily your enemy. | |behind this irrational fear. Irrational feelings make sense when we |

|Everyone who gets you out of the shit is not necessarily your friend. | |understand what’s behind them. |

|AND if you are warm and happy in a pile of shit – KEEP YOUR MOUTH | | |

|SHUT! | |~ So please listen and hear me, and if you want to talk, wait a minute |

| | |for your turn, and I will listen to you. |

|Provided by Diana, Crows Nest Meeting | | |

| | |Melinda N – taken from AA Reviver March 2004 |


This Newsletter was produced by two CoDA members (and their Higher Powers!). If we are going to produce another issue we can’t do it without some more help – especially with design and layout! If you can spare a couple of hours or more once a month to meet as a group and put together the next issue please contact the CoDA Office 02 8230 3959

or Alison on 02 9984 7792. THANKYOU

The content of this newsletter is contributed by individual CoDA members and is not a statement of CoDA policy,

nor does inclusion of any article constitute endorsement by either CoDA or those who produce the newsletter.


Monthly Steps Workshops

These are now in their second year and still going strong. They are held on the third Saturday of EVERY month from 2-5pm in Crows Nest (Sydney - North Shore) in The Baptist Centre, 65 Willoughby Rd, just South of Holterman St. The nearest train station is St. Leonards, a 10-15 minute walk away.

The next 2 dates are Step 6 on June 19th and Step 7 on July 17th. Your CoDA meeting will have a copy of the flyer giving more details.

So if you’re planning a trip to Sydney why not make it one of these weekends and come and join your CoDA friends. For more information call the workshop co-ordinator – Diana on 02 9477 2131

New Meetings

• A “Roving Recovery Focus Group” has started (9th June) in the Sydney area. This group proposes to hold meetings every 2 or 3 weeks in different locations around Sydney focusing on different aspects of how to actively use the program in our recovery. The current plan is to have a series of 3 meetings on the first topic (which is Step 4). The next two meetings are to be arranged and are likely to be in Crows Nest and Glebe. Suggestions for future topics and meeting locations are welcome – Ph Alison 02 9984 7792 or email: pio.coda@.

• Sydney: Anyone interested in starting a meeting in Cremorne/Mosman or Dee Why area? Call the CoDA office 02 8230 3959 to register your interest.

• Want to start a new meeting but unable to commit every week? Why not start a bi-monthly or even a once a month meeting?

News From The Intergroup Committee

- CoDA Australia could soon have it’s own website!!! Watch this space!

- A Literature person and Intergroup Secretary are URGENTLY required.

Our CoDA Central Service Office can not function without volunteers – if you would like to find out more about how you can help out please contact the office on 02 8230 3959. If you are unable to take on total responsibility for one position - consider finding another member to share the position with. There are only 6 Meetings of Intergroup every year – if you can commit to two (or even one) as Secretary that is enough. This involves taking minutes (as directed by the group) and then typing them up ready to be posted out to all CoDA groups with new meetings lists etc.

- We have no contact address for the GR for the Wednesday Parkside meeting in Adelaide – Please could someone contact the CoDA Office with the new address – thankyou.


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|You are never asked to do more than you are| |In dealing with other people remember the three | |Laughter can be more |

|able without being given the ability and | |C’s: You didn’t cause it, you can’t control it, | |satisfying than honor, more precious than |

|strength | |and you can’t cure it. | |money; more heart cleansing than prayer. |

|to do it. Eileen Caddy | |- Lorna P, Hazelden Daily Meditations | |Harriet Rochlin |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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