Family,Genus,species,Synonyms,common names,Environ


From The Nature Conservancy’s Wildland Invasive Species Team

Prepared by Barry Rice

20 November 2003


Genus,species,Synonyms,common names,Environ

Score,Legal, Prohib, Garden, Nursery,States Nox



Acanthus,mollis,,Bears Breaches,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acanthus,mollis, ,Bears Breach,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Acanthus,montanus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acanthus,montanus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acanthus,ptarmica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acanthus,ptarmica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acanthus,pubescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acanthus,pubescens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Andrographis,paniculata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Andrographis,paniculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Anisostachya,tenella, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Asystasia,gangetica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Asystasia,gangetica,,Ganges primrose,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Asystasia,intrusa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Asystasia,intrusa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Asystasia,schimperi, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Asystasia,schimperi, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Barleria,cristata,,barleria,S,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Barleria,lupulina,,barleria,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Barleria,prionitis,,barleria,E,L,NT,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Barleria,prionitis, ,,,,,”Region of origin - trop Asia,

Afr; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Barleria,prionitis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Barleria,strigosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Blechum,pyramidatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Blechum,pyramidatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Blechum,pyramidatum (=B. brownei), ,,,,,”India,

“,Guam; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Tonga,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Blepharis,maderaspatensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Blepharis,maderaspatensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Brillantaisia,lamium,Leucorhaphis lamium,,E,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Brillantaisia,lamium,syn Leucorhaphis lamium Nees,,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Brillantaisia,lamium,syn Leucorhaphis lamium

Nees,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Brillantaisia,nitens,syn Leucorhaphis lamium Nees,,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Brillantaisia,nitens,syn Leucorhaphis lamium

Nees,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cardanthera,difformis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cardanthera,difformis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Elytraria,crenata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Elytraria,crenata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Hygrophila,difformis,,”water wisteria, Asian

wisteria”,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hygrophila,phlomoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hygrophila,phlomoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Hygrophila,pobeguini, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hygrophila,pobeguini, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Hygrophila,polysperma, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Hygrophila,polysperma, ,”hygro, Indian

swampweed”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Hygrophila,polysperma*,,green hygro,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.*P =Prohibited by Flo”,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Hygrophila,polysperma,,,aquatic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Hygrophila,spinosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hygrophila,spinosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Hygrophila,triflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hypoestes,antennifera,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hypoestes,aristata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hypoestes,phyllostachya,,”polkadot plant, freckle

face”,S,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hypoestes,phyllostachya, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Justicia,americana, ,waterwillow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Justicia,betonica,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Justicia,flava, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Justicia,flava, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Justicia,insularis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Justicia,insularis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Justicia,simplex, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Justicia,simplex, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Odontonema,tubaeforme,”O. tubiforme, O.

strictum”,firespike,X,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Odontonema,tubaeforme,”syn O. tubiforme, O. strictum

“,firespike,,P,,”syn. Odontonema tubiformeOdontonema has been

here in North Queensland for some twenty five years and has invaded the

ground layer of rainforest growing on red metamorphic soils. Two

apparently fertile seeded populations occur. Mick Godwin, Dept of

Enviro”,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rostellularia,sundana,syn Justicia probcumbens,,,,,”in

grassy area, roadsides, premises & gardens , in sunny to light shaded

sites, locally abundant; up to 2200m (Java); flowers profusely throughout

athe year; Upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”Malesia, Indonesia: Java & the Lesser Sunda

Is”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Ruellia,malacosperma,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ruellia,prostrata, ,,,,,”, tree crops,

roadsides”,Western Samoa ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Ruellia,squarrosa,,ruellia,S,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ruellia,tuberosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ruellia,tuberosa, ,,,,,annual dominance Ornamental , Thailand

,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Rungia,repens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rungia,repens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sanchezia,parvibracteata, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop Amer;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Stephanophysum,longifolium,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Thunbergia,alata,,black-eyed Susan,XXw,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Thunbergia,alata, ,Black-eyed Susan

,,,,VINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Thunbergia,alata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Thunbergia,annua,,thunbergia,,L,Qld,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Thunbergia,annua, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Thunbergia,annua, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Thunbergia,fragrans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Thunbergia,fragrans, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Thunbergia,grandiflora,,”thunbergia, blue trumpet vine,

Bengla clock-vine, blue skyflower, blue trumpet vine, clock vine, sky

flower, sky vine”,XHE,NLP,Qld,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Thunbergia,grandiflora, ,Sky Flower or Blue

Thunbergia,,,,VINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John

Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Thunbergia,grandiflora, ,”thunbergia, blue trumpet vine,

Bengla clock-vine, blue skyflower, blue trumpet vine, clock vine, sky

flower, sky vine”,,,,”admired for its showy flowers produced

throughout most of the year & its abiltiy to grow over fences,

buildings & trellises; abandoned plants can over take bushland areas

& smother whole trees, in agric. areas it infests roadsides, pastures

& canefields”,”originated in northern India; introd as an

ornamental in many trop, subtrop & war-temp areas including N& S

Amer”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Thunbergia,grandiflora, ,Blue Thunbergia

,,,,Vines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Thunbergia,grandiflora, ,”thunbergia, blue trumpet

vine”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Thunbergia,grandiflora, ,”thunbergia, blue trumpet

vine”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Thunbergia,laurifolia,T. harrissii,”blue thunbergia,

blue trumpet vine, laurel clock vine”,XHS,NL,Qld,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Thunbergia,laurifolia, ,,,,,”Region of origin - India,

Malaysia; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3


Acer,barbatum, ,Florida maple,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Acer,circinatum, ,vine maple,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acer,ginnala, ,amur maple,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Acer,macrophyllum, ,bigleaf maple,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acer,negundo,,Box-elder Maple,XXAw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Acer,negundo, ,,,,,Region of origin - N Amer; Extent of spread

- localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Acer,negundo, ,Box-elder Maple,,,,”Dispersal: Water,W.

Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 6,7,8”,”Introduced

deliberately from: N Am and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Acer,negundo, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acer,negundo, ,boxelder,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Acer,palmatum,,”box elder maple, ash-leaved

maple”,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acer,palmatum, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Japan, Korea;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental”,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Acer,pensylvanicum, ,striped maple,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acer,platanoides,,Norway maple,Escaping in the Portland area.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. Weed

Acer,platanoides,,Norway maple,"Avail nurseries, Street Tree, Ornamental Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Tolerant to pollution, introduced 1778 ""30 m high, flowers 10 mm wide, greenish yellow in clusters, leaves 5-7 lobes, dark green, simple, opposite, deciduo","Eurasia. Habitat: Towns, natural areas adjacent to urban"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Acer,platanoides, ,Norway maple,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Acer,platanoides, ,Norway maple,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acer,pseudoplantanus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acer,pseudoplatanus,,Sycamore Maple,HXAw,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acer,pseudoplatanus, ,planetree maple,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Acer,rubrum, ,red maple,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Acer,saccharinum, ,silver maple,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acer,saccharum, ,sugar maple,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acer,spicatum, ,mountain maple,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acer ,pseudoplatanus, ,Sucamore Maple,,,,”Dispersal: Wind.

Life Form: Tree. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

6,7,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria


Adiantum,capillus-veneris,syn ,”Maidenhair, Venus's

hair”,,,,”moist shaded habitats, wells, along

streams”“Fronds are an expectorant & emollient; infusion

used for colds, bronchitis, asthma, & chest diseases”““,cosmopolitan,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Pellaea,viridis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pityrogramma,calamelanos, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pityrogramma,calomelanos,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pityrogramma,calomelanos,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Agave,americana,,Century Plant,XXHXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Agave,americana,,Century Plant,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Agave,americana,,Century Plant,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Agave,americana,,Century Plant,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Agave,americana, ,Century Plant,,,,”Dispersal: Vegetative.

Life Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Not a threat (but may

have a negative visual impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: Mex and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Agave,americana, ,Yucca or Century

Plant,,,,SHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John

Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Agave,americana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Agave,attenuata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Agave,lecheguilla, ,lechuguilla,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Agave,schottii, ,Schott's century plant,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Agave,schottii, ,Schott agave,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Agave,sisalana,,sisal,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Agave,sisalana, ,,,,,Region of origin - Mexico; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - agriculture - rope,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Agave,spp.,,agave,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Agave,viviparia,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Agave ,americana, ,century plant,,,,”tropical America,

“,French Polynesia; Kiribati; New Caledonia,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Agave ,americana, ,American agave,,,,”Succulent

SpeciesInvades: dry habitats, rocky outcrops, drainage linesCultivated

for: ornament, fodder, security hedging; provides honey; relic plantings

occur all over southern Africa”,Origin: C Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Agave ,americana, ,American agave,,,,”Succulent

SpeciesInvades: dry habitats, rocky outcrops, drainage linesCultivated

for: ornament, fodder, security hedging; provides honey; relic plantings

occur all over southern Africa”,Origin: C Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Agave ,sisalana, ,sisal,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader.

Subject to herbicide registrationSucculent SpeciesInvades: subtropical

savanna, erosion channels, watercoursesCultivated for: fibre, security

hedging; provides honey “,Origin: C Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Agave ,sisalana, ,sisal,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader.

Subject to herbicide registrationSucculent SpeciesInvades: subtropical

savanna, erosion channels, watercoursesCultivated for: fibre, security

hedging; provides honey “,Origin: C Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Agave ,sisalana,,sisal hemp,,,,”Catergory II - Species

that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species

may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Cordyline,australis,,cabbage tree,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cordyline,australis, ,New Zealand Cabbage ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cordyline,australis, ,,,,,Region of origin - NZ; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Cordyline,australis, ,Cabbage Tree,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,9,10”,”Introduced deliberately from: NZ and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Furcraea,foetida,,Mauritius hemp,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Furcraea,selloa,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Furcraea,selloa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Furcraea,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Phormium,tenax,,New Zealand flax,XXS,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Phormium,tenax, ,,,,,Region of origin - NZ; Extent of spread -

localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Phormium,tenax, ,New Zealand Flax,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

9”,”Introduced deliberately from: NZ and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Sansevieria,guineensis,,,w,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sansevieria,hyacinthoides,,bowstring hemp,,,,”Catergory II

- Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities.

These species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet

demonstrated disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of

Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council


tounge,XS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sansevieria,trifasciata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Yucca,aloifolia,,”coastal yucca, dwarf yucca, Spanish

bayonet”,S,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Yucca,aloifolia, ,Spanish Bayonet ,,,,SHRUBS.,,”Environmental

Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Yucca,aloifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Yucca,elata, ,soaptree yucca,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Yucca,filamentosa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Yucca,glauca, ,small soapweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Yucca,gloriosa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Yucca,spp., ,,,,,”80-90% germ of seeds soaked in water

24hrs, germ between moist cotton at 28-32C over 3-9days; germ % inc. with

scarification or removal of seed coat; 95% germ of 6yr old seed”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes


Aptenia,cordifolia,,Heart-leaf Ice Plant,XXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Aptenia,cordifolia, ,Red Apple ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Aptenia,cordifolia, ,Heart-leaf Ice Plant,,,,”Dispersal:

?. Life Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Potential threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 12,13”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In

Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Aptenia,cordifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carpanthea,pomeridiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carpobrotus,aequilateralus, ,ice plant,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Carpobrotus,aequilaterus, ,Angled Pigface,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal,?animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative. Life Form:

Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: Chile, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Carpobrotus,aequilaterus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carpobrotus,chilensis,C. aequilaterus,angled

pigface,HXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Carpobrotus,edulis,,Hottentot fig,HXH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Carpobrotus,edulis, ,Iceplant ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Carpobrotus,edulis, ,Hottentot Fig,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,?animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Succulent herb,

subshrub or shrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria:

Widespread, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Carpobrotus,edulis, ,”freeway ice plant, hottentot

fig”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Carpobrotus,edulis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carpobrotus,edulis X C. virescens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Conicosia,bijlii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Conicosia,pugioniformis, ,”Narrow-leaved Iceplant,

Roundleaf Iceplant “,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control

Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Conicosia,pugioniformis, ,narrow-leaved iceplant,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Dorotheanthus,bellidiformis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Drosanthemum,candens,,Rodondo Creeper,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Drosanthemum,candens, ,Rodondo Creeper,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,4,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In

Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Drosanthemum,candens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Galenia,pubescens,,Galenia,HX,L,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Galenia,pubescens, ,Galenia,,,,”Dispersal: ?. Life Form:

Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,4,8,12”,”S Af, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Galenia,secunda,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Glinus,oppositifolius,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lampranthus,coccineus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lampranthus,glaucus,,Lampranthus,HX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lampranthus,glaucus, ,Lampranthus,,,,”Dispersal: ?. Life

Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5,12”,”S Af, In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lampranthus,glaucus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lampranthus,multiradiatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lampranthus,tegens,,Lampranthus,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lampranthus,tegens, ,Lampranthus,,,,”Dispersal: ?. Life

Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

12”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: Rare or

localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Lampranthus,tegens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Malephora,crocea, ,Ice Plant ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Malephora,lutea,Carpobrotus sp. in Plants of western NSW (info.

from H. Toelken at AD),,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mesembryanthemum,aitonis,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Mesembryanthemum,aitonis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mesembryanthemum,crystallinum,,ice plant,HXHH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mesembryanthemum,crystallinum, ,Crystalline Iceplant

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Mesembryanthemum,crystallinum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mesembryanthemum,cystallinum, ,Ice Plant,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Very serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

3,4,11”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria


iceplant,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mesembryanthemum,nodiflorum, ,Slender-leaved Iceplant

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Mesembryanthemum,nodiflorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Micropterum,papulosum,M. papillosum (incorrect

name),,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Micropterum,papulosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mollugo,verticillata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Mollugo,verticillata, ,carpetweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Mullugo,stricta, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Psilocaulon,tenue,,Wiry Noon-flower,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Psilocaulon,tenue, ,Wiry Noon-flower,,,,”Dispersal: ?.

Life Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Not a threat (but may

have a negative visual impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”S Af, In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Psilocaulon,tenue, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ruschia,decumbens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ruschia,decumbens, ,,,,,Region of origin - Southern Afr; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Ruschia,tumidula,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ruschia,tumidula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tetragonia,decumbens,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tetragonia,decumbens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tetragonia,microptera,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tetragonia,nigrescens,T. nigricans in WA?,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tetragonia,nigrescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trianthema,monogyna, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trianthema,monogyna, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Trianthema,pentandra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trianthema,pentandra, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Trianthema,portulacastrum,,black or giant

pigweed,XH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Trianthema,portulacastrum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trianthema,portulacastrum, ,”black pigweed, giant pigweed,

horse purslane”,,,,”Trianthema portulacastrum is an herbaceous

plant found in many tropical and subtropical countries. It occurs in

wastelands, roadsides, lawns, gardens, upland cultivated crops, and in

paddy fields if the water supply is low. Occasionally it is found in

per”,”origin unknow; found in tropical and subtropical

countries of the Americas, Africa and Asian and in several regions of

Australia”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm

et. al.

Trianthema,portulacastrum, ,horse purslane,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Zaleya,galericulata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Alisma,canaliculatum, ,,,,, , Japan,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Alisma,gramineum, ,narrowleaf waterplantain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Alisma,lanceolata,,Water Plantain,XXw,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Alisma,lanceolata, ,Water Plantain,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Annual/Perennial

herb). RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,9,10”,”Eur, N Af, W As, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Alisma,lanceolatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Alisma,lanceolatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Alisma,plantago-aquatica,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Alisma,plantago-aquatica, ,Common

Waterplantain,,,,bensulfuron 1995 Portugal Rice ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Alisma,plantago-aquatica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Alisma,plantago-aquatica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Alisma,triviale,” Alisma plantago, Alisma

plantago-aquatica”,Common waterplantain,,,,98% germ in sterile

distilled water at 29C within 10d by rupturing seed coats,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Alisma,triviale, ,common waterplantain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Damasonium,alisma, Damasonium stellatum,,,,,seeds matured in

July & placed on surface of water germ in few days; seeds allowed to

sink didn't germ to any extent until next year; 3-5mth dry stored seed

placed in water germ within a few days ,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Damasonium,australe, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Damasonium,minus, ,Starfruit ,,,,bensulfuron 1994 Australia

Rice , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Echinodorus,cordifolius,”E. radicans, E. bathii, E.

schlueteri “,”burhead, radicans sword, creeping burrhead, Texas

mud baby”,S,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Echinodorus,cordifolius, ,burhead,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Echinodorus,cordifolius,”syn E. radicans, E. bathii, E.

schlueteri “,”creeping burrhead, Texas mud baby,

burrhead”,,P,,This species can tolerate a wide temp range from

15-30 C See article in “The Alismataceae” Monograph 64 Flora Neotropica

1994,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sagittaria,aginashi, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sagittaria,aginashi, ,,,,,perennial sub-dominance , ,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Sagittaria,aginashi, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Sagittaria,calycina, ,California arrowhead,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sagittaria,chilensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sagittaria,chilensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Sagittaria,cuneata, Sagittaria arifolia,,,,,”vegetative

propagation by tubers; 42-46% germ of seeds stored in water at 1-3C for

5-7mths, then germ in tap water in diffuse light on greenhouse bench; dry

stored seed germ 93% on moist filter paper within 104days in dark after

seed coat cut at 20-25C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Sagittaria,engelmanniana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Sagittaria,falcata, ,coastal arrowhead,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sagittaria,graminea,was S. graminea var. platyphylla &

S. graminea var. weatherbiana,”sagittaria, arrow-head, delta

arrowhead, slender arrowhead”,HXXHE,L,SA; WA; Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sagittaria,graminea, ,Arrow-head,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,Water. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 10”,”Introduced deliberately from: N Am, In

Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Sagittaria,graminea, ,”sagittaria, arrow-head, delta

arrowhead, slender arrowhead”,,,,blocks water flow in irrigation

canals & drainage ditches,”native of N

Amer”“naturalised in Ekibin Creek, near Brisbane, Qld also in

Nine Mile Creek at Wunghnu in Vic & at Liverpool & Casula, NSW;

It has established in irrigation districts of north central Vic, Murray

River in SA”““,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Sagittaria,graminea, ,Sagittaria N ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Movement

prohibited on roads (Section 52(2) applies) Entry into South Australia

p”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Sagittaria,graminea, ,”sagittaria, arrow-head”,,,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Sagittaria,graminea, ,”sagittaria,

arrow-head”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Sagittaria,guayanensis ssp lappula,”syn Lophotocarpus

guayanensis, Sagittaria lappula, Sagittaria pusilla, Sagittaria

obtusissima, Lophiocarpus cordifolius”,,,,,”in ditches, up to

1000m alt. (Java); flowers throughout the year; the flowers open only

partly at noon or later & close long before sundown; lowland-irrigated

& lebak rice fields, a weed of minor importance, leaves sometimes

used as pig's food”,”tropical Afr or SE Asia, tropics of Afr

& SE Asia, Indonesia-Java, Sumatra & Sulawesi”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Sagittaria,latifolia,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sagittaria,latifolia, ,Common arrowhead,,,,”vegetative

propagation by tubers; 42-46% germ of seeds stored in water at 1-3C for

5-7mths, then germ in tap water in diffuse light on greenhouse bench; dry

stored seed germ 93% on moist filter paper within 104days in dark after

seed coat cut at 20-25C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Sagittaria,latifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sagittaria,latifolia, ,common arrowhead,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sagittaria,latifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Sagittaria,montevidensis,,”arrowhead, sagittaria,

California arrowhead”,E,L,SA; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Sagittaria,montevidensis,,”arrowhead, sagittaria,

California arrowhead”,E,L,SA; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Sagittaria,montevidensis,,”arrowhead, sagittaria,

California arrowhead”,E,L,SA; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Sagittaria,montevidensis, ,California

Arrowhead,,,,bensulfuron 1993 USA Rice ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Sagittaria,montevidensis, ,California

Arrowhead,,,,bensulfuron 1994 Australia Rice ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Sagittaria,montevidensis, ,”arrowhead, sagittaria,

California arrowhead”,,,,”dense infestations block channels

& drainage ditches; 2 subsp. spread into rice fields, drainage

ditches & Barren Box Swamp west of Griffith NSW”,”native of

N & S Amer, most common weeds of Californian rice

fields”“Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area of NSW,not naturalised

eslewhere in Aust”““,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Sagittaria,montevidensis, ,Arrowhead N # ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies) Roadside control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section

60 applies) Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Sagittaria,montevidensis, ,arrow-head sagittaria,,,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Sagittaria,montevidensis, ,arrow-head sagittaria,,P,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sagittaria,platyphylla, ,Delta arrowhead,,,,vegetative

propagation by tubers,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Sagittaria,platyphylla,”syn N Amer (Gulf of Mexico,

Mississippi)”,”found in 1949 in W Java near Bogor & Depok,

an escape of the Botanic Garden, Bogor & later spread throughout

Java”,,,,”a weed of minor importance, “,”up to 250m

alt. in Java; lowland & rainfed rice fields, “,”Weeds of

Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Sagittaria,platyphylla, ,delta arrowhead,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sagittaria,pygmaea,,dwarf arrowhead,,L,Qld,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sagittaria,pygmaea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sagittaria,pygmaea, ,,,,,”perennial dominance,

sub-dominance “, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Sagittaria,pygmaea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Sagittaria,sagittifolia,,,aquatic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Sagittaria,sagittifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sagittaria,sagittifolia, ,”arrow-head, chinese

arrowhead”,,,,”Sagittaria sagittifolia is an herbaceous,

perennial or sometimes annual aquatic plant. It is a general nuisance in

the crops, irrigation systems,drains and waterways of more than 50 countries.

Its remarkable ability to adapt, both in form and

physiology”,”N & S Amer, Eur, Eurasia, S & E Asia, the

Pacific Islands, Hawaii, Afr, and Aust”,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Sagittaria,subulata, ,dwarf arrowhead,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sagittaria,trifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sagittaria,trifolia, ,,,,,perennial , Taiwan Japan,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Sagittaria,trifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Sagittaria,variabilis, ,,,,,”no germ of intact seeds

during 10day test; mechanically ruptured coats, germ 92% promptly in

sterile distilled water at 29C”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes


Allium,acuminatum, ,tapertip onion,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Allium,ampeloprasum,,”broadleaf wild leek, wild

leek”,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Allium,ampeloprasum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Allium,canadense, ,Wild Onion,,,,”large bulblets higher

germ rate & longer viability; dormancy 2.5mths, “,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Allium,canadense, ,wild onion,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Allium,cepa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Allium,mutabile, ,purple onion,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Allium,neapolitanum,,Naples Onion,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Allium,neapolitanum, ,Naples Onion,,,,Dispersal: ?. Life Form:

Bulbous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”Introduced

deliberately from: Med and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or

localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Allium,neapolitanum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Allium,oleraceum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Allium,orientale, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Allium,paniculatum,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Allium,paniculatum, ,Panicled Onion ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Allium,paniculatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Allium,porrum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Allium,roseum,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Allium,roseum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Allium,rotundum, ,,,,,,,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds

In World Agriculture”

Allium,scorodoprasum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Allium,scrodoprasum,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Allium,scrodoprasum,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Allium,sphaerocephalon, ,,,,,,,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass

Weeds In World Agriculture”

Allium,tricoccum, ,wild leek,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Allium,triquetrum,,”three-corner garlic, angled

onion”,HHH,NL,Vic; SA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Allium,triquetrum, ,Angled Onion,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative,Water. Life Form: Bulbous geophyte. RISK: Very serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,4,5,6,7,8,9 “,”Introduced deliberately from: W Med,

In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Allium,triquetrum, ,”three-corner garlic, angled

onion”,,,,”restricted to high rainfall areas, does not compete

strongly with crops & improved pastures, but imparts a strong onion

flavour & unpleasant odour to dairy products & meat, making them

unfit for sale; problem as garden weed, in bushlands & public

places”,”native of western Medit region, not widely distributed

but occurs commonly in parts of Aust & NZ”“nat. in SA,

found in NSW, Vic, Tas & WA”““,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Allium,triquetrum, ,Three cornered garlic * ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”, Roadside control cost to be

met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies),”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Allium,triquetrum, ,”three-corner garlic, angled

onion”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Allium,ursinum, ,,,,,,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Allium,ursinum ,,wood garlic,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Allium,ursinum , ,wood garlic,,P,,”Hardy bulb to 30cm

tall. Flowers early summer. This plant prefers woodland conditions in a

moist well-drained soil, and can then be invasive, but because it dies down

in summer other plants can grow in the same space. The bulb needs to be

planted fairly “,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Allium,vineale,,”crow garlic, wild garlic, field garlic,

wild onion”,HX,NL,Vic; SA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Allium,vineale, ,,,,,,,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In

World Agriculture”

Allium,vineale, ,Wild Garlic ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Allium,vineale, ,Wild garlic,,,,”aerial bulblets stored at

room temp dormancy broken after 5mths, larger bulblets higher germ %

& longer viability”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Allium,vineale, ,”crow garlic, wild garlic, field garlic,

wild onion”,,,,”important weed because it contains allyl

sulphides which impart a strong garlic odour & flavour to agric.

produce, particularly cereal grain, grain products, milk &

meat”,”native of Eur, NAfr & Asia Minor, important weed of

cereal crops & vineyards; introd most temp regions of world-Eng,

Spain, Ger, Italy, Turkey & Sweden; important weed of pastures,

cereals crops & lawns in USA & NZ”“occurs in all states

ex Qld & NT; Vic w”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Allium,vineale, ,field garlic,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Allium,vineale, ,Field garlic ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN

SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Move”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Allium,vineale, ,”crow garlic, wild garlic, field

garlic”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Allium,vineale, ,wild garlic,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Allium,vineale,,field garlic,,,,”RANK 2. “SIGNIFICANT

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some invasive

characteristics, but have less impact on native plant communities; may

have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance

corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Ipheion,uniflorum,,spring star-flower,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Nothoscordum,gracile,”N. borbonicum, N.

inodorum”,fragrant false garlic,XXX,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Nothoscordum,inodorum, ,FALSE Garlic ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed


Aloe,arborescens,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Aloe,arborescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aloe,cameronii,,”aloe, “,S,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Aloe,cameronii, ,,,,,Region of origin - Afr; Extent of spread -

localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Aloe,ferox,,bitter aloe,E,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aloe,ferox, ,bitter aloe,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aloe,ferox, ,bitter aloe,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Aloe,latifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aloe,maculata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Aloe,parvibracteata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aloe,parvibracteata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aloe,saponaria,Probably should be A. maculata,,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Aloe,saponaria,,Soap Aloe,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aloe,saponaria, var. ficksburgensis,,,,,Region of origin - S

Afr; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Aloe,saponaria, ,Soap Aloe,,,,”Dispersal: Vegetative. Life

Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,3,4,5,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Aloe,saponaria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Kniphofia,uvaria, ,Red-hot Poker,,,,”Dispersal: Wind. Life

Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria



Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Alstroemeria,aurea, ,Alstroemeria,,,,”Dispersal:

?Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Tuberous geophyte. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 6,7,8,”,”Introduced deliberately from: Chile, Arg and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Alstroemeria,aurea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Alstroemeria,pulchella,,,XXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Alstroemeria,pulchella, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Achyranthes,aspera, ,chafflower,,,,”tropical America,

disturbed forest”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New

Caledonia; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon

Islands; Vanuatu,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty

in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Achyranthes,aspera,,devil's horsewhip,X,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Achyranthes,aspera, ,”chaff flow, devil's

horsewhip”,,,,,widely disbursed in tropical & subtropical

regions of the world.,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution -

Holm et. al.

Achyranthes,aspera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Achyranthes,japonica, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Achyranthes,sicula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Achyranthes,sicula, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acnida,altissima, ,tall waterhemp,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aerva,javanica,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aerva,javanica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aerva,lanata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Allmania,nodiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Allmania,nodiflora,”syn Achyranthes nodiflora,

Chamissoa javanica, Chamissoa nodiflora”,,,,,”locally abundant

on light, esp. sandy soils, sandy shores, fields, roadsides, dunes; in

Java up to 100m alt.; upland & gogo rancah rice fields, a weed of

minor importance, Amaranthaceae”,”SE Asia, tropical Asia, W

Malesia, Philippines, throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Allmania,nodiflora, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Alternanthera,angustifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Alternanthera,bettzickiana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Alternanthera,bettzickiana, ,,,,,Region of origin - Brazil;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental ?,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Alternanthera,dentata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Alternanthera,ficoidea,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Alternanthera,philoxeroides,,, Coastal in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"


philoxeroides, Bucholzia philoxeroides, Telanthera philoxeroides”,alligator

weed,XXwH,L,NSW; Vic; Qld; Sa; NT; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Alternanthera,philoxeroides, ,Alligatorweed

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Alternanthera,philoxeroides, ,Alligatorweed,,,,vegetative

propagation of terminal sections,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Alternanthera,philoxeroides,” Achyranthes

philoxeroides, Bucholzia philoxeroides, Telanthera

philoxeroides”,alligator weed,,,,”strong competitor in rice

fields & pastures prone to waterlogging often crowding out &

reducing yield; thick mats produced restrict flow in waterways &

light penetration, promote sedimentation & create anaerobic

conditions”,”native of S Amer; widesprd in trop & warm-temp

regions of world; problem in SE USA & irrigation areas of California,

Arg, Caribbean Is, parts of Afr, India, Malay, SE Asia, Indo &

NZ”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Alternanthera,philoxeroides, ,alligator weed,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Alternanthera,philoxeroides, ,Alligator weed N # ,,,,”


* Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Alternanthera,philoxeroides, ,alligator weed,,,, Declared

spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Alternanthera,philoxeroides, ,”alligator weed,

alligator grass”,,,,Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligator weed) is

a much-feared weed of waterways across the world. It is best known as an

aquatic weed but is also found in several of man's cultivated crops &

inn pastures. It is a problem weed of 10 crops in 30 countries.,Found in

thermal tropics or the mild regions of the temperate zones.,WORLD WEEDS

Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.


,alligatorweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Alternanthera,philoxeroides, ,alligator weed,,P,, Declared

spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Alternanthera,philoxeroides,,alligator weed,,,,”RANK

2. “SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance

corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee


weed,,,,”Catergory II - Species that shown a potential to disrupt

native plant communities. These species may become ranked as Catergory I,

but have not yet demonstrated disruption of natural Florida communities.

*P =Prohibited by Florida Department “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Alternanthera,pungens, ,Khaki weed N # ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies) Movement prohibited on roads (Section 52(2) applies) Entry into

South Australia “,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Alternanthera,pungens,”Achyranthes repens,

Alternanthera achyrantha, Alternanthera echinata, Alternanthera

repens”,”khaki weed, creeping chaffweed”,XXXX,L,NSW; Vic;

SA; NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Alternanthera,pungens,” Achyranthes repens,

Alternanthera achyrantha, Alternanthera echinata, Alternanthera

repens”,”khaki weed, creeping

chaffweed”,,,,”colonises bare or disturbed areas; deep

taproot-survive drought conditions, plant needs plentiful moisture for

vigorous growth, grows well in irrigated areas; heads cause problems to

feet & mouths of stock & dogs, poisonous to

animals”,”native of trop Amer, widesprd throughout temp &

trop world; southern & eastern Afr, temp areas of Eur & N Amer,

Philip, India, Sri Lanka & PNG”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Alternanthera,pungens, ,khaki weed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Alternanthera,pungens, ,khaki weed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Alternanthera,repens, ,khakiweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Alternanthera,sessilis, ,sessile joyweed,,,,”tropical

and subtropical America (Brazil?), taro, roadside ditches”,Fiji;

French Polynesia; Guam; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa;

Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu; Wallis and Futuna ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Alternanthera,sessilis,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Alternanthera,sessilis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Alternanthera,sessilis, ,,,,, , Taiwan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Alternanthera,sessilis,syn Alternanthera

repens,,,,,”preferably wet soil, along ditches, fallow lands;

flowering Jan-Dec (Java); in upland lebak & tidal rice fields; in

Irian Jaya from 0-2650m, sometimes noxious, young tips eaten as

vegetable”,”unknown, throughout the Old World; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Alternanthera,sessilis, ,”sessile joyweed, sessile

flowered globe amaranth”,,,,”Alternanthera sessilis tends to

overlap A. philoxeroides, in transition zones between wet and dry lands.

It appears in more than 30 crops across the world, is more terrestrial than

aquatic.”,Found in thermal tropics or the mild regions of the

temperate zones.,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm

et. al.

Alternanthera ,sessilis,syn Gomphrena sessilis

,Sessile-flowered globe amaranth,,,,”drains, irrigation canals, rice

fields”,tropical and subtropical regions of the world,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Amaranthus,albus,,”tumble pigweed, prostrate

pigweed”,HX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,albus, ,White pigweed,,,,,Mainland Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Amaranthus,albus, ,Tumble pigweed,,,,simazine 1987 Spain

Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,albus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,albus, ,tumble pigweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amaranthus,blitoides, ,Prostrate Amaranth,,,,,”UK,

Mainland Europe except Slovak states”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Amaranthus,blitoides, ,Prostrate Amaranth,,,,,”UK,

Mainland Europe except Slovak states”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Amaranthus,blitoides, ,Prostrate

pigweed,,,,”sulfonylureas 1991 Israel Roadside, Forest “,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,blitoides, ,Prostrate pigweed,,,,simazine 1986

Spain Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,blitoides, ,Prostrate pigweed,,,,”triazines

1983 Israel Cropland, Roadside “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,blitoides, ,spreading pigweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amaranthus,bouchonii, , ,,,,triazines 1982 France ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,bouchonii, , ,,,,triazines 1986 Switzerland Corn

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,caudatus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,caudatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,crispus, ,,,,,,Italy and SE Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Amaranthus,cruentus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,cruentus, ,Smooth pigweed,,,,atrazine 1989 Spain

Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,cruentus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,deflexus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,deflexus, ,,,,,,Southern and Eastern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Amaranthus,deflexus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,dubius,,amaranth,,GQ,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,dubius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,dubius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Amaranthus,dubius,,,"annual crops, rice, gardens, disturbed sites and secondary vegetation",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Amaranthus,gangeticus, ,spleen amaranth,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amaranthus,gracilis,”syn Amaranthus polystachyus,

Amaranthus viridis, Euxolus caudatus, Euxolus

polystachyus”,pigweed,,,,”common weed in cultivated areas,

waste places, gardens, along roads; does not grow in very wet places;

prefers sandy soils or those rich in humus & fairly moist; very

common in Java below 300m, goes up to 600m; flowers throughout the year;

upland & gogo r”,”E Asia, pantropical; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Amaranthus,graecizans,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,graecizans, Amaranthus blitoides,Prostrate

pigweed,,,,optimum germ temp 30-37C with periodic illumination &

partial or entire removal of seed coat ,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Amaranthus,graecizans, ,Speading Pigweed,,,,”A.

angustifolius, A. slyvestris”,”Mainland Europe, UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Amaranthus,graecizans,syn A. angustifolius ,White

pigweed,,,,”fields, gardens, orchards, roadsides, especially in

sandy soils”,”Medit, trop Afr, W Asia”,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Amaranthus,graecizans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,graecizans, ,prostrate pigweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amaranthus,grandiflorus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,hybridus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,hybridus, ,Green Amaranth,,,,”A.

chlorostachys, A. hypochondriacus, A. powellii”,Mainland Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Amaranthus,hybridus, ,Smooth pigweed,,,,imazaquin 1992 USA

Soybean , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,hybridus, ,Smooth pigweed,,,,atrazine 1972 USA

Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,hybridus, ,Smooth pigweed,,,,atrazine 1984 Italy

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,hybridus, ,Smooth pigweed,,,,atrazine 1985 Spain

Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,hybridus, ,Smooth pigweed,,,,triazines 1980

France , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,hybridus, ,Smooth pigweed,,,,triazines 1982

Switzerland Vegetables ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,hybridus, ,Smooth pigweed,,,,triazines 1986

Israel Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,hybridus, ,Smooth pigweed,,,,triazines 1993

South Africa Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,hybridus,syn A. cruentus; A. paniculatus; A.

chlorostachys ,Green amaranth,,,,”fields, orchards, waste

ground”,temp. and trop. regions of the world,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Amaranthus,hybridus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,hybridus, ,smooth pigweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amaranthus,interruptus, ,native amaranth,,,,”southern

China, “,New Caledonia; Niue; Solomon Islands,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Amaranthus,lividus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,lividus, ,Livid Amaranth,,,,”A. blitum, A.

ascendens, A. polygonoides”,”Mainland Europe, S Sweden,

Finland”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Amaranthus,lividus, ,Livid Amaranth,,,,paraquat 1990

Malaysia Vegetables ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,lividus, ,Livid Amaranth,,,,triazines 1978 Switzerland

Vineyard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,lividus, ,Livid Amaranth,,,,triazines 1981

France , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,lividus,syn A. ascendens ,,,,,”cultivated

fields, waste ground, ditch sides”,widespread in warm and trop.

regions of the world,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., &

Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Amaranthus,lividus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,lividus, ,,,,,annual sub-dominance , Upland

Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Amaranthus,lividus, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Amaranthus,lividus, ,livid amaranth,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amaranthus,macrocarpus, ,Dwarf Amaranth,,,,,,Weed Science


Amaranthus,macrocarpus, ,Dwarf Amaranth,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Amaranthus,mangostanus, ,,,,,annual dominance , Upland

Korea ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Amaranthus,mitchellii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,muricatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,muricatus, ,,,,,,”Spain ,

Portugal”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Amaranthus,muricatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,palmeri, ,Palmer amaranth,,,,imazethapyr 1991

USA , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,palmeri, ,Palmer amaranth,,,,dinitroanilines

1989 USA Cotton , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,palmeri, ,Palmer amaranth,,,,triazines 1993 USA

Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,palmeri, ,Palmer amaranth,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amaranthus,paniculatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,patulus, ,,,,, , Hokkaido Okayama ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Amaranthus,powellii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,powellii, ,Powell Amaranth,,,,atrazine 1989

Czech Republic Orchard ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,powellii, ,Powell Amaranth,,,,terbacil 1992 USA

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,powellii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,powellii, ,Powell amaranth,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amaranthus,quitensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,quitensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,retroflexus,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,Common Amaranth,,,,,”Mainland

Europe, UK, S Sweden”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,Redroot Pigweed,,,,linuron 1984

Bulgaria Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,Redroot

Pigweed,,,,”thiazfluron 1987 Germany Roadside, Railway “,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,Redroot Pigweed,,,,ALS inhibitors

1995 USA , heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,Redroot Pigweed,,,,sulfonylureas

1991 Israel Forest , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,Redroot Pigweed,,,,atrazine 1980

Canada Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,Redroot Pigweed,,,,atrazine 1980

Germany Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,Redroot Pigweed,,,,atrazine 1980

USA Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,Redroot Pigweed,,,,”atrazine

1985 Czech Republic Corn, Sugarbeet”,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,Redroot Pigweed,,,,atrazine 1986

Spain Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,Redroot Pigweed,,,,atrazine 1991

Poland Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,Redroot Pigweed,,,,atrazine 1995

Chile , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,Redroot Pigweed,,,,metribuzin 1984

Bulgaria Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,Redroot Pigweed,,,,triazines 1980

France , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,Redroot Pigweed,,,,”triazines

1982 Switzerland Vineyard, Orchard “,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,”common amaranth, redroot,

redroot pigweed”,,,,Amaranthus retroflexus is in 60 crops in 70

countries.,,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et.


Amaranthus,retroflexus, ,redroot pigweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amaranthus,rudis, ,Common waterhemp,,,,”imazethapyr

1993 USA Corn, Soybean “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Amaranthus,spinosus, ,”spiny amaranth, spiny

pigweed”,,,,”tropical America, vegetables”,Fiji; Guam; New

Caledonia; Papua New Guinea; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Amaranthus,spinosus,,needle burr,X,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,spinosus, ,Needle Burr,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,spinosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,spinosus,syn ,”spiny pigweed, needle

burr”,,,,”in open, not too dry places; very common; prefers

good soils; up to 1800m alt.; up to 20 000 seeds/plant; upland rice

fields, sometimes noxious, suspected of poisoning calves in

Aust;sometimes eaten as a vegetable”,”unknown, pantropical;

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Amaranthus,spinosus, ,spiny amaranth,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amaranthus,spinosus, ,Needle Burr,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Amaranthus,thunbergii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,thunbergii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Amaranthus,tricolor,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,viridis,,slender amaranth,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Amaranthus,viridis, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Amaranthus,viridis, ,”green amaranth, prince of wales feather,

green pigweed, “,,,,Amaranthus viridis is in 50 crops in more than

80 countries.,,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm

et. al.

Amaranthus,viridis (=A.gracilis), ,”slender amaranth,

green amaranth”,,,,”tropical America, vegetables,

cabbage”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; New

Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon

Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Wallis and Futuna ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Amaranthus,viridus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaranthus,viridus, ,slender amaranth,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amaranthus ,hybridus, Amaranthus hypochondriacus,Smooth

pigweed,,,,seeds kept moist at 3C for 1-3wks gave high germ % at

alternating temps 20-30C with or without light,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Amaranthus ,inamoenus, ,,,,,diurnal alternation of 20-40C

for 7days nearly complete germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Amaranthus ,retroflexus, ,Redroot pigweed,,,,”dormancy

of fresh seed can be broken by 2-3min in conc. H2SO4; temps above 20C

optimum 35-40C, alternating light dark”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Amaranthus ,spinosus, ,Spiny amaranth,,,,42% germ of dry

stored seed at room temp for several mths after harvest; germ in

continuous darkness in petri dishes,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Amaranthus ,viridis, ,Slender amaranth,,,,64% germ of moist

seed with 24hrs light alternating 24hrs dark at room temp,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Brayulinea,densa, ,small matweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Celosia,argentea,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Celosia,argentea, ,,,,,43% germ of seed in moist sand after

dry storage for several months,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Celosia,argentea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Celosia,argentea,syn ,quailgrass,,,,”roadsides, esp.

after disturbance, building sites, quarries, riverbeds; up to 700m alt.;

flowering Jan-Dec; upland & gogo rancah rice fields, can become a

noxious weed in upland rice; a very bad weed in India, an inferior

vegetable; seeds used as a poulti”,”Afr, pantropical;

thoroughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Celosia,cristata,,cockscomb,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Celosia,cristata, ,cockscomb,,,,,,Weed Science List

Celosia,cristata, ,cockscomb,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Celosia,trigyna, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Celosia,trigyna, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cyathula,cylindrica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyathula,cylindrica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cyathula,prostrata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyathula,prostrata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Digera,arvensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digera,arvensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Digera,muricata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digera,muricata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Froelichia,floridana,,”cottontails, Florida snake

cotton, plain's snake cotton”,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Froelichia,floridana, ,”cottontails, Florida snake

cotton, plain's snake cotton”,,,,”produces seed quickly with no

dormancy, other than temp dependency, can result in rapid colonisation of

affected areas; self limiting allelopathic system; plants unpalatable

& have no feed value but eaten if there is little other

feed”,”native of eastern N Amer, that does not seem to have

become widely spread”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Froelichia,floridana, ,cottontails,,,,,,Weed Science List

Froelichia,floridana, ,cottontails,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Froelichia,gracilis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Froelichia,gracilis, ,,,,,Region of origin - Amer; Extent

of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Froelichia,gracilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gomphrena,celosiodes, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gomphrena,celosioides,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gomphrena,celosioides, ,,,,, Seed Impurities , Thailand

,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Gomphrena,celosioides,syn ,S Amer,,,,”a weed of minor

importance, dangerous to horses (PNG) causes 'coastal staggers' in Qld,

“,”in Indonesia except Sumatra, Kalimantan & Sulawesi &

in Singapore, on grassy roadsides, areas of high rainfall, locally

abundant; 1-1300m alt.; flowering Jan-Dec; upland rice

fields”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Gomphrena,decumbens, ,,,,,germ of seeds under a variety of

conditions very slow & unsatisfactory for unkown reasona,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Guilleminea,densa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Guilleminea,densa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Iresine,rhizomatosa, ,bloodleaf,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pupalia,lappacea,,sweethearts,Xw,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Pupalia,lappacea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tidestromia,lanuginosa, ,woolly

tidestromia,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Agapanthus,praecox,,African Lily,H,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa


“orientalis”,Agapanthus,HXX,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Agapanthus,spp.,,agapanthus,H,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Amaryllis,belladonna,,belladonna lily,XX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hymenocallis,caribaea,,spider lily,S,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hymenocallis,caribea, ,,,,,Region of origin - W Indies;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Leucojum,aestivum,,”summer snowflake, London

lily”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Narcissus,jonquilla,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Narcissus,papyraceus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Narcissus,papyraceus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Narcissus,pseudonarcissu, ,,,,,Region of origin - W Eur;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Narcissus,pseudonarcissus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Narcissus,pseudonarcissus, ,,,,,daughter bulbs develop

rapidly in the mature adult bulb very efficient method of vegetative

reproduction; seeds dormant for 6mths; pretreatment at low temps inc.

germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Narcissus,pseudonarcissus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Narcissus,tazetta,,jonquil,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Narcissus,tazetta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Narcissus,x medioluteus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Nerine,filifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Nerine,filifolia, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Pancratium,maritimum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sternbergia,lutea,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Zephyranthes,atamasco, ,atamascolily,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Zephyranthes,candida,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Zephyranthes,drummondii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Zephyranthes,grandiflora,,pink storm

lily,S,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa


Anacardium,occidentale,,cashew nut,w,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Anacardium,occidentale, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop Amer;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - agriculture - nuts,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Mangifera,indica,,mango,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Mangifera,indica, ,mango,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Mangifera,indica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pistacia,chinensis,,pistachio nut tree,S,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pistacia,chinensis, ,,,,,Region of origin - Afghanistan to

Kashmir; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Rhus,aromatica, syn. Duckera,fragrant

sumac,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhus,copallina, ,Shining sumac,,,,seeds with seed coat

nipped germ 10% in 10days in light & 48% within 19days in dark;

intact seeds did not germ within 28days in light/dark at

20-25C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Rhus,copallina, syn. Duckera,shining sumac,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhus,diversiloba, syn. Duckera,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rhus,diversiloba, syn. Duckera,Pacific poison

oak,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published by

WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhus,diversiloba, syn. Duckera,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Rhus,glabra,Duckera glabra?,smooth sumac,X,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rhus,glabra, ,Smooth sumac,,,,seeds with seed coat nipped

germ 48% in 18days in light & 28% within 14days in dark; intact seeds

did not germ within 28days in light/dark at 20-25C,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Rhus,glabra, ,smooth sumac,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Rhus,glabra, syn. Duckera,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rhus,glabra, syn. Duckera,smooth sumac,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhus,glabra, syn. Duckera,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Rhus,lanceolata, syn. Duckera,prairie

sumac,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhus,laurina, syn. Duckera,laurel sumac,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhus,microphylla, syn. Duckera,littleleaf

sumac,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhus,ovata, syn. Duckera,sugar sumac,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhus,radicans,Duckera,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Rhus,radicans, syn. Duckera,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rhus,radicans, syn. Duckera,poison ivy,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhus,radicans, syn. Duckera,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Rhus,succedanea, ,wax tree,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

moist forest and plantation margins, woodland, roadsidesCultivated for:

ornament, wax from its berries, resin from its stems”,Origin: Asia

,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Rhus,succedanea, ,wax tree,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

moist forest and plantation margins, woodland, roadsidesCultivated for:

ornament, wax from its berries, resin from its stems”,Origin: Asia

,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Rhus,taitensis, syn. Duckera,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rhus,toxicodendron, syn. Duckera,poison

oak,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published by

WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhus,trilobata, syn. Duckera,skunkbush

sumac,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhus,typhina, syn. Duckera,staghorn sumac,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhus,vernix, syn. Duckera,poison sumac,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhus,virens, syn. Duckera,evergreen sumac,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhus ,ovata, ,Sugar sumac,,,,”90% germ when entire

seed coat removed, 74% when whole drilled in seed coat & 2% when only

1st seed coat layer was removed; soaking in conc. sulfuric acid inc.

germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Schinus,areia, ,Brazilian Pepper Tree

,,,,TREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Schinus,areira,”Schinus molle, Schinus molle var.

areira”,”Pepper tree, Californian pepper tree, pepper corn

tree, pepperina”,HXw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Schinus,molle, ,Pepper Tree,,,,”Dispersal: Bird, internal,?animal

(not bird), internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,8,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Am,Mex and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Schinus,molle, ,pepper tree,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject

of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigation.Woody

SpeciesInvades: grassland, shrubland, roadsides, wasteland, riverbanks,

rocky outcropsCultivated for: ornament, shade; provides

honey”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Schinus,molle, ,pepper tree,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject

of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigation.Woody

SpeciesInvades: grassland, shrubland, roadsides, wasteland, riverbanks,

rocky outcropsCultivated for: ornament, shade; provides

honey”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Schinus,molle, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Schinus,molle, ,California peppertree,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Schinus,terebinthefolius, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive

weeds nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated

Worst Invasive Weeds”

Schinus,terebinthifolia,,broad-leaf pepper

tree,XXHwX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Schinus,terebinthifolia, ,,,,,”It is one of the worse

weeds here in Hawaii. It invades pasture, hastoxins (related to poison

ivy) and eventually overruns things here intropical conditions. S. molii

is a different story. I don't think anyonehas any problems with it

here....Mach Fu”,,Weed Science List

Schinus,terebinthifolius, ,christmas berry,,,,”, waste

areas, roadsides”,Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Marshall Islands;

New Caledonia; American Samoa; Western Samoa ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”,

D.F Waterhouse”

Schinus,terebinthifolius, ,Brazilian Pepper

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Schinus,terebinthifolius, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems

Web Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Schinus,terebinthifolius, ,”Brazilian pepper,

christmasberry”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Schinus,terebinthifolius, ,Brazilian pepper tree,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: woodland, coastal bush, roadsides, riverbanksCultivated

for: ornament, shade, shelter, hedging; provides honey”,Origin: S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Schinus,terebinthifolius, ,Brazilian pepper tree,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: woodland, coastal bush, roadsides, riverbanksCultivated

for: ornament, shade, shelter, hedging; provides honey”,Origin: S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Schinus,terebinthifolius, ,Brazil peppertree,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966It is one of the worse weeds here in Hawaii. It invades

pasture, hastoxins (related to poison ivy) and eventually overruns things

here intropical conditions. S. molii is a”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


pepper,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are invading and disrupting

native plant communities in Florida. This definition does not rely on the

economic severity or geographical range of the problem, but on the

documented ecological damage caused.*P =Prohibited by Fl”,,List of

Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Spondias,purpurea, ,purple mombin,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Toxicodendron,radicans, ,Poison ivy # ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60

applies)”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Toxicodendron,radicans, ,poison ivy,,,,,,Weed Science List

Toxicodendron,radicans, ,poison ivy,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Toxicodendron,succedanea, ,Rhus

,,,,TREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Toxicodendron,succedaneum,Rhus succedanea,”rhus, rhus

tree, Japanese wax tree, scarlet rhus, sumac, wax tree”,X,LP,NSW;

SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Toxicodendron,succedaneum, ,Rhus tree # ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies) Roadside control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section

60 applies)”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Toxicodendron,succedaneum, ,poison ivy,,,,,,Weed Science


Toxicodendron,succedaneum, ,poison ivy,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Toxicodendron ,radicans,”Rhus radicans, Toxicodendron

negundo”,poison ivy,E,L,SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Toxicodendron ,radicans,” Rhus radicans, Toxicodendron

negundo”,poison ivy,,,,”sap of poison ivy causes severe

dermatitis in humans; most animals, including cattle, horses, sheep,

goats, pigs & birds are immune to posion ivy, & it provides a

valuable harbour & food supply to wildlife & a harbour to

vermin”,”native throughout USA, southern Canada from Quebect to

British Columbia, Mex & Caribbean; introd to other countries because

of its outstanding autumn-foliage colours”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Toxicodendron ,succedaneum, Rhus succedanea,”rhus,

rhus tree, Japanese wax tree, scarlet rhus, sumac, wax

tree”,,,,”rhus is an allergenic plant, its sap causing severe

dermatitis, all parts of the plant are dangerous; resin remains active

for long periods so that contact with affected tools, clothes etc many

months after contamination may result in painful

lesions”,”native of Japan, China & the Himalayan region,

has spread as an ornamental to most warm-temp parts of the

world”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”


Annona,glabra,,pond apple,Xw,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Annona,reticulata,,custard apple,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Annona,reticulata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Annona,senegalensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Annona,senegalensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Annona,squamosa,(prev. Annona reticulata?),,,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Annona,squamosa, ,sugar-apple,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”


Chlorophytum,comosum,Anthericum comosum,”spider lily,

spider plant, ribbon plant”,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Actinotus,helianthi,,Flannel Flower,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Actinotus,helianthi, ,Flannel Flower,,,,Dispersal: Wind. Life

Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,”Introduced

deliberately from: NSW, Qld and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Aegopodium,podagraria,,”goutweed, Bishop's weed, ground

elder”,w,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Aegopodium,podagraria, ,Ground Elder,,,,,”All Europe except

Iberian Pen, S Italy, Greece, less in UK & Eire”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Aegopodium,podagraria, ,goutweed,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Aegopodium,podagraria,, bishop's goutweed,Weed Status Uncertain - current information is inadequate to assess risk. Further analysis may be warranted.,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Aegopodium,podagraria,,Common Name(s): Goutweed,"Avail nurseries, Weed Low Level Invasive ""Perennial, 3-11 dm high, flowers in white, dense clusters, 6-12 cm wide, stems erect, leaves with long petioles, biternate with 9 leaflets, 2.5-9 cm long biternate with 9 leaflets, 2.5-9 cm long ","Eurasia. Habitat: Roadsides, waste places, habitations"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Aegopodium,podagraria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aegopodium,podograria, ,bishops goatweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aethusa,cynapium, ,Fool's Parsley,,,,,”All Europe, Asia

Minor, rarer in Medit regions”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Aethusa,cynapium,Umbelliferae ,Fool's Parsley,,,,,”All

Europe, Asia Minor, rarer in Medit regions”,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Aethusa,cynapium, ,foolsparsley,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ammi,majus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ammi,majus, ,Bullwort,,,,,Southern to SW Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Ammi,majus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ammi,majus, ,greater ammi,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Ammi,majus,syn ,Bishop's weed,,,,”Seeds are diuretic,

carminative, tonic, digestive & stomachic, also used against

asthma”,”Medit, Eur, W Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Ammi,visnaga,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ammi,visnaga, ,Toothpick Bullwort,,,,,Southern to SW Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Ammi,visnaga, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ammi,visnaga, ,toothpick ammi,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ammi,visnaga,syn Daucus visnaga,Toothpick,,,,”Dry mature

umbel rays are used as toothpicks, seeds used as diuretic, carminative,

stimulant, vasodilator, & antipasmodic. “,”Medit, W

Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Anetheum,graveolens,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Anethum,graveolens, ,Dill,,,,,Scattered Mainland Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Anethum,graveolens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Angelica,atropurpurea, ,purplestem angelica,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Angelica,sylvestris,,Common Name(s): Angelica,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive ""4-10 feet high, flowers in white clusters, purple stem, erect, smooth compound leaves """,Europe. Habitat: Wetlands," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Anthriscus,caucalis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Anthriscus,sylvestris, ,Chervil ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Anthriscus,sylvestris, ,woodland beakchervil,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Apium,graveolens,,Celery,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Apium,graveolens, ,Celery,,,,”Dispersal: Water. Life Form:

Biennial. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 9,11”,”Eur and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Apium,graveolens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Apium,leptophyllum, ,wild celery,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966=

Cyclospermum leptophyllum, Apium tenuifolium, Ciclospermum

leptophyllum”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Apium,leptophyullum,syn A. tenuifolium,,,,,”gardens,

lawns”,introduced from Amer into some warm temp. regions of the Old

World,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi,


Berula,erecta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Berula,erecta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bifora,radians, ,,,,,,”Central Europe to Italy, less in

North”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Bifora,radians,Umbelliferae ,,,,,,”Central Europe to Italy,

less in North”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Bifora,testiculata,,”Bifora, carrot weed, Bird's

eye”,,LP,SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bifora,testiculata, ,Small Coriander,,,,,Southern to SW

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Bifora,testiculata, ,Bifora + n ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN

SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable in

part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special program

in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited

in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Movement prohibited on

roads (Section 52(2) applies)”,”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Bifora,testiculata, ,”Bifora, carrot weed, Bird's

eye”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bifora,testiculata, ,”Bifora, carrot weed, Bird's

eye”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Blupleurum,lancifolium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Blupleurum,rotundifolium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Blupleurum,semicompositum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bowlesia,incana, ,hairy bowlesia,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bunium,bulbocastanum, ,Great Pignut,,,,,UK though Central Europe

to Italy & Greece,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Bunium,bulbocastanum,Umbelliferae ,Great Pignut,,,,,UK though

Central Europe to Italy & Greece,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Bunium,bulbocastanum, ,Great Pignut,,P,,,UK though Central

Europe to Italy & Greece,Western Australian Prohibited List

Bupleurum,falcatum,”syn. B.

chinensis,”,”Bupleurum, Chai Hu “,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Bupleurum,lancifolium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bupleurum,lancifolium, ,False Thorow Wax,,,,B.

protractum,”Central to South West Europe & UK, less in NW

“,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Bupleurum,rotundifolium, ,,,,,germ in presence of 0.03% soln GA

on filter paper in darkness at 20-25C.,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Bupleurum,rotundifolium,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bupleurum,rotundifolium, ,Thorow Wax,,,,,Mainland Europe &

UK except Denmark & NE,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Bupleurum,rotundifolium,,hound's ear,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Bupleurum,semicompositum,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Carum,caryi, ,caraway,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List

of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Caucalis,platycarpos, ,Small Bur Parsley,,,,”C. lappula, C.

daucoides”,”Mainland Europe, except Denmark & NE”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Caucalis,platycarpos,Umbelliferae ,Small Bur Parsley,,,,”C.

lappula, C. daucoides”,”Mainland Europe, except Denmark &

NE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Centella,asiatica,syn Hydrocotyle asiatica,Indian penny

wort,,,,”locally common in rather wet roadsides, earth banks, along

ditches; locally gregarious; at about 0-2500m alt; flowering Jan-Dec;

rainfed rice fields, rarely noxious, sometimes planted to prevent

erosion; eaten raw or steamed as a vegetable “,”unknown, pantropical;

througout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Centella,asiatica, ,Asiatic pennywort,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ciclospermum,leptophyllum,Apium leptophyllum,,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cicuta,douglasii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cicuta,douglasii, ,western waterhemlock,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cicuta,douglasii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cicuta,mackenzieana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cicuta,mackenzieana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cicuta,maculata, ,Spotted water hemlock,,,,no germ of either

freshly harvested or seeds stored for 6mths; germ at 21C in dark; GA

treatments not successful,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Cicuta,maculata, ,spotted waterhemlock,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cicuta,virosa,,cowbane,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cicuta,virosa, ,,,,,”seeds germ in 1st & 2nd springs

after collection; seeds germ soon after harvest, exposed to temps

similiar to those prevailing outdoors; seeds left in germinator until

germ or rotted; 95-97% germ”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cicuta,virosa, ,cowbane,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cicuta,virosa, ,cowbane,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Conium,chaerophylloides, ,,,P,,Prohibited by AQIS,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Conium,maculatum,,”hemlock, carrot fern, poison-hemlock,

poison parsley, spotted hemlock”,HXXAH,NLP,ACT; NSW; Vic; Qld;

Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Conium,maculatum,,poison-hemlock ,CLASS C WEED: Class C weeds are noxious weeds that are common throughout most of Washington. The following Class C weeds have been selected by the County Weed Board as priority weeds in King County and control is mandatory.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Conium,maculatum, ,Poison Hemlock ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Conium,maculatum, ,Hemlock,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Biennial. RISK: Serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,8,13”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur, W As, N Af, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Conium,maculatum, ,Hemlock,,,,C. divaricatum,”All Europe,

Asia, N & S America”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Conium,maculatum, ,”hemlock, carrot fern, poison-hemlock,

poison parsley, spotted hemlock”,,,,”poisonous to both humans

& stock, causing death by respiratory paralysis; cattle & pigs

more susceptible than sheep & goats; cattle losses have been recorded

in southern States of Aust & death of a child in

Vic”,”native range is Eur, W Asia & N Afr from where it has

spread to most temp areas of the world, often as an ornamental or

medicinal plant; weed of neglected areas & some perennial crops in

much of its native range; widespd in NAmer, important in S Amer &

NZ”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Conium,maculatum, ,Poison-hemlock ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Conium,maculatum, ,poison hemlock,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Conium,maculatum, ,hemlock,,,,,,Weed Science List

Conium,maculatum, ,”hemlock, wild carrot, wild parsnip, poison

hemlock”,,,,”Conium maculatum inhabits roadsides, stream and

river banks, pastures, woodlots, and waste areas; is a reported as a weed

in N & S Amer, Eur, W Asia, Aust and NZ. It is a weed of nine crops

in 34 countries and is a frequently reported pasture weed. The

“,”Native to Eur, northern Afr and western Asia and was often

introduced to new areas as an ornamental garden plant.”,WORLD WEEDS

Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Conium,maculatum, ,poison hemlock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Conium,maculatum, ,hemlock,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Conium,maculatum,,poison hemlock,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Coriandrum,sativum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Coriandrum,sativum, ,Coriander,,,,,”Mainland Europe, except

Denmark & NE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Coriandrum,sativum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cryptotaenia,japonica, ,”Japanese Parsley,

Mitsuba”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cymopterus,watsonii, ,spring parsley,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Daucus,aurens, ,,,,,,SW Europe in Italy,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Daucus,aurens,Umbelliferae ,,,,,,SW Europe in Italy,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Daucus,carota,,carrot wild ,"WEED OF CONCERN: Control and containment of existing populations of these noxious weeds is strongly encouraged in King County, Washington State.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Daucus,carota,,carrot,XX,NL,SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Daucus,carota, ,Wild carrot,,,,”84% germ in dark with alt.

temps of 20-30C; dormancy due to endosperm covering tip of radicle, once

removed or digested off germ % inc.”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Daucus,carota, ,Wild Carrot,,,,”D. gingidum, D.

communis”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Daucus,carota, ,Wild Carrot,,,,”2,4-D 1957 Canada “,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Daucus,carota, ,Wild Carrot,,,,”2,4-D 1993 USA Cropland,

Roadside “, heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Daucus,carota, ,Queen Anne's Lace ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Daucus,carota, ,queen Anne's lace,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Daucus,carota, ,Carrot *c ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN SOUTH

AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control required in

part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable in part of

the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special program in south-ea”,

,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Daucus,carota, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Daucus,carota, ,”carrot, wild carrot”,,,,”Daucus

carota is a herbaceous plant, identical in nomenclature to the cultivated

vegetable, carrots. It is a reported weed of 16 crops in more than 55

countries, but it is seldom a weed of cultivated

fields.”,cosmopolitan distribution except for the warm tropics and

arctic regions.,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm

et. al.

Daucus,carota, ,wild carrot,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Daucus,carota,,”wild carrot, Queen Anne's

lace”,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species

which seem to principally spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not

readily invading natural areas; also some agronomic

weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Daucus,crinitus, ,,,,,,Spain & Portugal,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Daucus,crinitus,Umbelliferae ,,,,,,Spain & Portugal,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Daucus,pusillus, ,,,,,little or no germ of fresh seed; germ %

inc. with inc. length of dry storage; germ at alt. temp 10-30C or 15-30C

,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Eryngium,campestre,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eryngium,campestre, ,Field Eryngo,,,,E. latifolia,Mainland

Europe & UK except Denmark & NE,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Eryngium,campestre, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eryngium,hookeri, ,Hooker eryngo,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eryngium,maritimum,,sea holly,w,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Eryngium,maritimum, ,sea holly,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eryngium,pandanifolium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eryngium,sanguisorba, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eryngium,sanguisorba, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eryngium,yuccifolium, ,button snakeroot,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Falcaria,vulgaris,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Falcaria,vulgaris, ,Longleaf,,,,”F. rivini, F.

sioides”,”Mainland Europe, UK & S Sweden, less in Uk S

Sweden & NW Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Falcaria,vulgaris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Falcaria,vulgaris, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ferula,communis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ferula,communis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Foeniculum,vulgare,Foeniculum officinale,”fennel, aniseed,

dill, anise, sweet anise”,HXXXXX,NL,Vic; Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Foeniculum,vulgare, ,Fennel ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Foeniculum,vulgare, ,Fennel,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,8,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,W As and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Foeniculum,vulgare, ,,,,,”F. capillaceum, F.

officinale”,”UK, Eire & Mainland Europe except Denmark

& NE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Foeniculum,vulgare, Foeniculum officinale,”fennel, aniseed,

dill, anise, sweet anise”,,,,grows mostly on neglected areas &

doesnt est. in grazed pastures or cult. paddocks; once est. it excludes

almost all other vegetation; grown for human consumption in parts of Eur

& essential oils in Tas,”originated in southern Eur &

western Asia & is regarded as a weed in parts of this range; widely

dist. throughout temp world & now common in N & S Amer, &

NZ”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Foeniculum,vulgare, ,Fennel ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Foeniculum,vulgare, ,fennel,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Foeniculum,vulgare, ,fennel,,,,,,Weed Science List

Foeniculum,vulgare, ,common fennel,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Heracleum,lehmannium, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Heracleum,mantegazzianum,,”giant hogweed, giant parsnip,

cartwheel flower”,XS,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Heracleum,mantegazzianum, ,Giant hogweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Heracleum,mantegazzianum,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Heracleum,mantegazzianum,,hogweed giant,CLASS A WEED: Class A weeds are non-native species with a limited distribution in Washington. Eradication of these species is mandatory in all of Washington State.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Heracleum,mantegazzianum, ,giant hogweed,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Heracleum,mantegazzianum, ,”giant hogweed,

cartwheel-flower”,,P,,”Uses for taxon: Environmental:

ornamental; Vertebrate poisons: mammals; Weed: potential seed

contaminantCAB references suggest it is: -an alien weed species of

riparian ecosystems along the rivers of County Durham, Uk -an escaped

species establish”,”Asia-temperate: Georgia, Russian

Federtion-Ciscaucasiawidely introduced & natuarlised”,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Heracleum,maximum, Heracleum lanatum,,,,,no germ of dry stored

seeds tested within 1 yr of collection; prechilling wasn't

tired,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Heracleum,maximum, ,common cowparsnip,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Heracleum,sphondylium, ,,,,,”some seed germ immediately

after harvest, remainder in 1st spring; seeds placed in unheated

germinator & exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors;90% germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Heracleum,sphondylium, ,Hogweed,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Heracleum,sphondylium,Umbelliferae ,Hogweed,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Heracleum,sphondylium, ,hogweed cowparsnip,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hydrocotyle,americana, ,marsh pennywort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hydrocotyle,bonariensis,,”Pennywort, kurnell

curse”,XXwX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hydrocotyle,bonariensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hydrocotyle,ramiflora, ,,,,, Weed in poor site , Miyagi Oita

,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Hydrocotyle,ranunculoides,,”hydrocotyle, water

pennywort”,Hw,GL,WA; SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hydrocotyle,ranunculoides, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Amers,

Eur; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - unknwon”,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Hydrocotyle,ranunculoides, ,Hydrocotyle,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Hydrocotyle,ranunculoides, ,Hydrocotyl,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Hydrocotyle,ranunculoides, ,Hydrocotyl,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Hydrocotyle,sibthorpioides,”syn Hydrocotyle hirsuta,

Hydrocotyle latisecta, Hydrocotyle punticulata, Hydrocotyle ranunculoides

var. incisa, Hydrocotyle rotundifolia, Hydrocotyle splendens, Hydrocotyle

zollinger”,,,,,”sunny or slightly shaded, damp, fertile

locations along ditchbanks, between stones of pathways; locally abundant,

from 1-1400m alt.; rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor importance, eaten

raw or steamed”,”Asia, Aust, tropical Asia, Afr(?), S Amer;

everywhere in Malesia; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Hydrocotyle,sibthorpioides, ,lawn pennywort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hydrocotyle,umbellata, ,water pennywort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hydrocotyle,verticillata, ,whorled pennywort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hydrocotyle,verticillata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Hydrocotyle ,bonariensis, ,Pennywort,,,,”Dispersal: ?. Life

Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,11”,”S

Am,N Am, In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Leptotaenia,dissecta var. multifida, ,carrotleaf leptotaenia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lomatium,dissectum, var. multifidum ,,,,,fresh seed dormant;

cold stratification at 8C for 11mths highest germ %,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lomatium,grayi, ,,,,,44% germ at 15C in dark,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lomatium,leptocarpum, ,bicolor biscuitroot,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lomatium,nudicaule, ,,,,,no germ under conditions tested; didn't

use prechilling or 15C in dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Melanoselinum,decipiens,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oenanthe,javanica, ,,,,,perennial , Japan,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Oenanthe,pimpinelloides,,water dropwort,Xw,L,SA,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Oenanthe,pimpinelloides, ,,,,,Region of origin - W Medit; Extent

of spread - 300 ha; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Oenanthe,pimpinelloides, ,Water dropwort # n ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies) Roadside control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section

60 applies) Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Oenanthe,sarmentosa, ,,,,,”72% germ in dark with alt. temp

of 20-30C, 56% with alt. light/dark & alt. temp

20-30C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Orlaya,grandiflora, ,,,,,Caucalis grandiflora,”Mainland

Europe, except Denmark & NE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Orlaya,grandiflora,Umbelliferae ,,,,,Caucalis

grandiflora,”Mainland Europe, except Denmark & NE”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Orlaya,kochii, ,,,,,”O. platycarpos, Caucalis

platycarpos”,Southern to Western Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Orlaya,kochii,Umbelliferae ,,,,,”O. platycarpos, Caucalis

platycarpos”,Southern to Western Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Pastinaca,sativa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pastinaca,sativa, ,Wild parsnip,,,,2mth old seed on blotters or

sand in petri dishes at 20C:16hrs to 30C:8hrs with light; 75% germ of

fresh seed with alt. every 2nd day from 30C in dark to 23C ing light

75ft-c;90% germ of dry stored seed & 95% germ of wet stored seed at

5C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Pastinaca,sativa, ,Wild Parsnip,,,,P. opoponax,”All Europe

less in UK, Eire, Scandinavia, Denmark & NE Europe”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Pastinaca,sativa, ,wild parsnip,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Pastinaca,sativa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pastinaca,sativa, ,wild parsnip,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pastinaca,sativa,,parsnip,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Petroselinum,crispum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Petroselinum,crispum, ,Parsley,,,,,Cosmopolitan,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Petroselinum,crispum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Petroselinum,segetum, ,Corn Caraway,,,,,Western Europe &

UK,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Petroselinum,segetum,Umbelliferae ,Corn Caraway,,,,,Western

Europe & UK,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Pimpinella,saxifraga, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st spring; seeds

placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors until germ; 91% germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Ridolfia,segetum, ,,,,,,SW Europe inc Greece & Italy,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Ridolfia,segetum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ridolfia,segetum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sanicula,europaea, ,Sanicle,,,,seeds germ 95% in 1st spring;

seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors until they germ or rotted ,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Scandix,australis, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Scandix,australis,Umbelliferae ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Scandix,pecten-veneris,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Scandix,pecten-veneris, ,Shepherd's Needle,,,,S.

hispanica,”UK, Eire, S Sweden & Mainland Europe except Greece

and NE “,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Scandix,pecten-veneris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Scandix,pecten-veneris, ,shepherds-needle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scandix,stellata, ,,,,,,”Greece, Spain &

Portugal”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Scandix,stellata,Umbelliferae ,,,,,,”Greece, Spain &

Portugal”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Selinum,lineare, ,,,,,100% germ of seed in 1st spring after

collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Selinum,palustre, ,,,,,93% germ of seed in 1st spring after

collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sium,angustifolium, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st & 2nd spring;

seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors until germ or rotted-total germ 96%,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sium,latifolium, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st & 2nd spring; seeds

placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors until germ or rotted-total germ 90%,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sium,suave, ,waterparsnip,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Tordylium,aegyptiacum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tordylium,aegyptiacum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Tordylium,apulum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Tordylium,apulum, ,,,,,Region of origin - Medit; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental?,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Tordylium,apulum, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Tordylium,apulum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tordylium,maximum, ,,,,,,”Central to Souther Europe, less

in NW & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Tordylium,maximum,Umbelliferae ,,,,,,”Central to Souther

Europe, less in NW & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Tordylium,officinale, ,,,,,,Greece & Italy,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Tordylium,officinale,Umbelliferae ,,,,,,Greece & Italy,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Torilis,arvensis,,Spreading Hedge-parsley,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Torilis,arvensis, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eurasia; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Torilis,arvensis,,hedgeparsley ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Torilis,arvensis, ,Spreading Hedge-parsley,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,8”,”Euras, In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Torilis,arvensis, ,Spreading Hedge Parsley,,,,,”Mainland

Europe & UK, except Denmark & NE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Torilis,arvensis, ,Field hedge-parsley ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Torilis,arvensis,,hedge-parsley,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant communities;

may have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance

corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Torilis,japonica, Torilis anthriscus,Japanese

hedgeparsley,,,,seeds germ in 1st & 2nd spring after harvest; seeds

placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ 99%,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Torilis,japonica, ,Japanese hedgeparsley,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Torilis,leptophylla, ,,,,,T. xanthotricha,”Central to

Southern Europe, less in NE regions”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Torilis,leptophylla, ,,,,,T. xanthotricha,”Central to

Southern Europe, less in NE regions”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Torilis,nodosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Torilis,nodosa, ,Knotted Hedge Parsely,,,,,”Central &

Southern Europe, UK & Eire, less in Central North”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Torilis,nodosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Turgenia,latifolia, ,Greater Bur Parsley,,,,Caicalis

latifolia,”Central to Southern Europe, less in UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Turgenia,latifolia,Umbelliferae ,Greater Bur Parsley,,,,Caicalis

latifolia,”Central to Southern Europe, less in UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”


Allamanda,blanchetti,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Allamanda,cathartica,,Golden Trumpet,S,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Allamanda,cathartica, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop S Amer;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Allamanda,cathartica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Alstonia,macrophylla,,devil-tree,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Apocynum,androsaemifolium, ,spreading

dogbane,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Apocynum,cannabinum, ,Hemp dogbone,,,,44% germ in constant

light at 20-25C in Petri dishes for 5-6 days; 72% germ when seed coat

broken,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Apocynum,cannabinum, ,hemp dogbane,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Apocynum,sibiricum, ,prairie dogbane,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cascabela,thevetia,”Thevetia peruviana, T

neriifolia”,yellow oleander,w,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Catharanthus,roseus,,”pink pewriwinkle, vinca”,XXXw,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Catharanthus,roseus, ,Madagascar periwinkle,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Catharanthus,roseus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chonemorpha,fragrans,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lochnera,pusilla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lochnera,pusilla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Mandevilla,laxa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Mandevilla,laxa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nerium,oleander,,oleander,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Nerium,oleander, ,oleander,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Nerium,oleander, ,oleander,,,,”Proposed Declared

Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: rocky and gravelly watercourses in

semi-arid mountain valleysCultivated for: ornament,

screening”,Origin: Europe (Medit),Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Nerium,oleander, ,oleander,,,,”Proposed Declared

Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: rocky and gravelly watercourses in

semi-arid mountain valleysCultivated for: ornament,

screening”,Origin: Europe (Medit),Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Ochrosia,parviflora,,kopsia,,,,”Catergory II - Species

that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species

may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Plumeria,spp.,,frangipani,S,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Rauvolfia,tetraphylla,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tabernaemontana,fuchsiaefolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tabernaemontana,fuchsiaefolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Thevetia,peruviana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vinca,major,,blue periwinkle,HXXXAX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vinca,major, ,Periwinkle ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Vinca,major, ,Blue Periwinkle,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative/Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5,6,8,13”,”Introduced deliberately from: Med and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Vinca,major, ,Blue Periwinkle

,,,,GROUNDCOVERS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John

Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Vinca,major, ,”bigleaf periwinkle, large periwinkle,

vinca”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Vinca,major, ,periwinkle,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vinca,major, ,bigleaf periwinkle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vinca,major,,large periwinkle,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Vinca,major,,periwinkle; vinca ,Mostly near old homesites. Completely dominates understories.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Vinca,minor,,"Common Name(s):Periwinkle, Myrtle","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Excludes other species and prevents regeneration ""Perennial, 30-60 cm high, flowers blue/purple or white, 25-30 mm, leaves 25-40 mm long, elliptic, lanceolate, very short-stemm","Eurasia. Habitat: Moist rich soils, lawns, roadsides, waste places"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Vinca,minor,,periwinkle; vinca ,Mostly near old homesites. Completely dominates understories.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Vinca,minor, ,Lesser periwinkle ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Vinca,minor, ,”common periwinkle, vinca”,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Vinca,minor, ,periwinkle,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Vinca,minor,,common periwinkle,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Aponogeton,abyssinicus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Aponogeton,abyssinicus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Aponogeton,abyssinicus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Aponogeton,distachyos, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aponogeton,distachyos, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Aponogeton,distachyos,,Cape Water-hawthorn,HX,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Aponogeton,distachyos, ,Cape

Water-hawthorn,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Emergent

aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

10”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: Limited

distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Aponogeton,elongatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aponogeton,monostachyon, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aponogeton,monostachyon, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Aponogeton,natans, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Aponogeton,rigidifolius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


Ilex,ambigua, ,Carolina holly,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ilex,aquifolium, ,holly,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ilex,aquifolium, ,holly,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Ilex,aquifolium,,holly,HXXXAS,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ilex,aquifolium,,English holly ,Appears regularly in forest understories.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Ilex,aquifolium, ,English Holly ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Ilex,aquifolium, ,Holly,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 6,7,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur

and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ilex,aquifolium, ,English holly ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Ilex,aquifolium, ,English holy,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Ilex,decidua, ,deciduous yaupon,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ilex,glabra, ,gallberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ilex,opaca, ,American holly,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ilex,vomitoria, ,yaupon,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966


Acornus,calamus, ,sweetflag,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Alocasia,brisbanensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Arisaema,triphyllum, ,,,,,82% germ of 3-4mth old seed planted

late in autumn in glasshouse germ over 34-92 days after planting; Petri

dish 96% germ at 20-25C in either light or dark for 57-63 days ,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Arisarum,vulgare,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Arisarum,vulgare, ssp. vulgare,,,,,Region of origin - Medit;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Arisarum,vulgare, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arum,italicum,,Italian Cuckoo-pint,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Arum,italicum, ,Italian Cuckoo-pint,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Tuberous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Eur and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Arum,italicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arum,neglectum, ,,,,,,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Arum ,maculatum, ,,,,,”1st leaf doesn't appear above soil

surface until the 3rd year after seed germ, & the tuber, once formed,

is pulled deeper intothe ground each season by contractile

roots”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Calla,palustris, ,,,,,”stored seed 5-7mths in water at 1-3C

good germ in diffuse light at room temp greenhouse (18-21Cday,

13-16Cnight); 65% germ within 18 days of dry seed when seed coat cut

open”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Calocasia,esculenta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Colocasia,esculenta,,wild taro,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Colocasia,esculentum, ,”dasheen, elephant' ear, wild taro,

cocc yam”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Epipremnum,pinnatum,cv. Aureum,pothos,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Orontium,aquaticum, ,Goldenclub,,,,92% germ of seed stored in tap

water in dark at 1-3C for 2-5mths then germ in tap water in diffuse light

in greenhouse; seeds stored in tap water in lab germ 86% within

6days,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Orontium,aquaticum, ,goldenclub,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Peltandra,virginica, ,Arrow arum,,,,”5-7mths storage in

water at 1-3C, then germ in jars of tap water in diffuse light on

greenhouse bench”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Peltandra,virginica, ,arrowarum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Phoenix,dactylifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phoenix,reclinata, ,Senegal date palm,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Phoenix,reclinata,,reclining date palm,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Pinellia,ternata, ,crowdipper,,,,”Pinellia ternata is listed

in Japan as X - present as weed (the species is present & behaves as

a aweed, but its rank of importance is unknown)”,”Japan, China,

Korea”,Holm et al 'A Geographical Atlas of World Weeds'

Pinellia,ternata, ,crowdipper,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pinellia,ternata, ,crowdipper,,,,perennial sub-dominance , Upland

Korea Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Pinellia,ternata, ,crowdipper,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Pistia,stratioites, ,Water lettuce,,,,plants grown in plastic

buckets in greenhouse with either soil or a nutrient soln,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Pistia,stratioites, ,waterlettuce,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pistia,stratiotes, ,water lettuce,,,,”, clogging

waterways”,French Polynesia; New Caledonia; Papua New Guinea;

Solomon Islands; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Pistia,stratiotes, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated

by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Pistia,stratiotes,,water lettuce,XH,NL,NSW; Qld; NT; WA; Tas;

ACT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pistia,stratiotes, ,water lettuce,,,,”potentially a very

serious weed of freshwater lakes, rivers & canals, impeding traffic

& interferring with water flow & recreational activities”,”Africa,

southern Asia, southern USA & Caribbean, scattered in S Amer, India

& Netherlands, rare in Pacific Is, present in Hawaii &

NZnaturalised on coastal plains E & SW of Darwin NT; scattered

colonies occursin the Darling Downs & Leichhardt in Qld;

eas”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Pistia,stratiotes, ,water lettuce,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Pistia,stratiotes, ,water lettuce,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject

of herbicide registration. Biocontrol: effective agents

availableHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: dams, pans, slow-moving rivers, in

subtropical regionsCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pistia,stratiotes, ,water lettuce,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject

of herbicide registration. Biocontrol: effective agents

availableHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: dams, pans, slow-moving rivers, in

subtropical regionsCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pistia,stratiotes, ,water lettuce,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pistia,stratiotes,syn ,”water lettuce, tropical

duckweed”,,,,”floating in stagnant or slowly flowing fresh

water, ponds, tidal areas; may become an important constituent of a sudd

(a dense aggregation of a free-floating vegetation); from 0-1000m

alt.;lwoland irrigated & lebak rice fields; Pistia performs best at

pH “,”uncertain, pantropcial,very widely distributed; everywhere

in Indonesia, except Kalimantan & the Lesser Sunda

Is”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Pistia,stratiotes, ,water lettuce,,P,,Newspaper artcile in Elders

Weekly (Aug 98) of Water Lettuce Find at Airport prompoted a member of

the public to phone in and tell us he had sold heaps of the plant from

his shop in 1975! Very popular as it was a good multiplier!!,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Pistia,stratiotes*,,water lettuce,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage caused.*P

=Prohibited by Flo”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species -

Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Symplocarpus,foetidus, ,skunkcabbage,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Syngonium,podophyllum,,”arrowhead plant, goosefoot

plant”,w,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Syngonium,podophyllum,,arrowhead vine,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Typhonium,trilobatum,”syn Typhonium divaricatum, Typhonium

javanicum”,,,,,”sunny to light-shaded, mostly humid places,

roadsides, lawns, fields, gardens, open forests, sometimes common, but

scattered; form 0-1000m alt.; flowering jan-Dec; upland & gogo rancah

rice fields, a weed of minor importance, used as a medicine (with

vine”,”unknown, pantropcial; everywhere in Indonesia, except in

Kalimantan, the Lesser Sunda Is & Irian Jaya”,”Weeds of

Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Xanthosoma,sagittifolium,,”melanga, elephant

ear”,,,,”Catergory II - Species that shown a potential to

disrupt native plant communities. These species may become ranked as

Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated disruption of natural Florida

communities. “,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Xanthosoma,violaceum,,blue taro,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Zantedeschia,aethiopica,Calla aethiopica,”arum lily, calla

lily”,HXXH,NL,WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Zantedeschia,aethiopica, ,White Arum Lily,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal,Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Tuberous geophyte. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,8,9,10,13”,”Introduced deliberately from:

S Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Zantedeschia,aethiopica, Calla aethiopica,”arum lily, calla

lily”,,,,,”native of Africa”“nat. in parts of coastal

NSW, esp. far South Coast in southern-central & SWdist. of Vic, the

mosit valleys of Adelaide Hills in SA, NW Tas; serious weed of lower SW

of WA between Armadale & Margaret River

Dist.”““,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Zantedeschia,aethiopica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Zantedeschia,aethiopica, ,arum lily,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Zantedeschia,aethiopica, ,arum lily,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List


Aralia,spinosa, ,devils-walkingstick,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hedera,helix,,Common Name(s): English Ivy,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive ""Small yellow flowers, leaves alternate, simple ""","Europe. Habitat: Fields, old gardens, urban areas"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Hedera,helix,,English ivy ,Completely overruns forest understories and riparian areas. An immense and expensive problem. Avoid it like the plague (which it is!).,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Hedera,helix,,”ivy, English

ivy”,HXXXAwH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hedera,helix, ,English Ivy ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Hedera,helix, ,Ivy,,,,”Dispersal: Bird, internal,Vegetative.

Life Form: Perennial herbc. RISK: Very serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5,6,7,8,12,13”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Hedera,helix, ,English ivy ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Hedera,helix, ,English ivy,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Hedera,helix, ,ivy,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hedera,helix, ,English ivy,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hedera,helix,,English ivy,,,,”RANK 2. “SIGNIFICANT

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some invasive

characteristics, but have less impact on native plant communities; may

have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance

corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Polycias,tricochleata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polyscias,sambucifolia,,elderberry panax,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Schefflera,actinophylla,,”Queensland umbrella tree,

Australian ivy palm”,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Schefflera,actinophylla, ,Umbrella Tree ,,,,Major

WeedTREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Schefflera,actinophylla, ,”Queensland umbrella tree,

octupus tree”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Schefflera,actinophylla, ,Queensland Umbrella

Tree,,,,Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Schefflera,actinophylla,,schefflera ,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Tetrapanax,papyrifer,,”aralia, ricepaper

plant”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tetrapanax,papyrifer, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Araucaria,heterophylla, ,,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Araucaria,heterophylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Areacastrum,romanzoffianum, = Syagrus romanzoffianum,Cocos or

Queen Palm,,,,Major WeedTREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast

NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Caryota,mitis,,fishtail palm,S,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cocos,nucifera,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cocos,nucifera, ,coconut,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Phoenix,canariensis,,Canary Islands date palm,XX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Phoenix,canariensis, ,,,,,Region of origin - Canary Isands;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Phoenix,canariensis, ,Canary Islands Date Palm,,,,Dispersal:

Water. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,”Introduced

deliberately from: Canary Is and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Phoenix,dactylifera,,date palm,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Phoenix,sylvestris,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sabal,mexicanum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sabal,mexicanum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sabal,minor, ,dwarf palmetto,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sabal,palmetto,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sabal,palmetto, ,cabbage palmetto,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Serenoa,repens, ,saw palmetto,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Syagrus,romanzoffianum,Arecastrum romanzoffianum,”cocos

palm, Queen palm”,w,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Syagrus,romanzoffianum, ,Cocos Palm

,,,,Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Trachycarpus,fortunei,,Chusan fan palm,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Trachycarpus,fortunei, ,,,,,Region of origin - subtrop Asia;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Trachycarpus,fortunei, ,Chusan Fan Palm,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Ch and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Washingtonia,filifera, ,Cotton Palm,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

11”,”Introduced deliberately from: N Am and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Washingtonia,filifera,,cotton palm,XX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Washingtonia,filifera, ,,,,,”Region of origin - SE USA,

Mexico; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Washingtonia,robusta,,Washington fan palm,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Washingtonia,robusta, ,,,,,Region of origin - N Amer; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3


Aristolochia,bracteata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aristolochia,bracteata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Aristolochia,clematis, ,Birthwort,,,,,”Mainland

Europe, UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Aristolochia,clematitis, ,birthwort,,,,,,Weed Science


Aristolochia,clematitis, ,birthwort,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List


pipe,XXS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Aristolochia,elegans, ,Duchman's Pipe ,,,,VINES.,,”Environmental

Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Aristolochia,elegans, ,Duchman's Pipe

,,,,Vines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Aristolochia,elegans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aristolochia,floribunda,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa


flowers,,,,”Catergory II - Species that shown a potential to disrupt

native plant communities. These species may become ranked as Catergory I,

but have not yet demonstrated disruption of natural Florida communities.

“,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest

Plant Council

Aristolochia,longa, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Aristolochia,longa, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Aristolochia,maurorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aristolochia,maurorum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Aristolochia,ringens,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Aristolochia,rotunda, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Aristolochia,rotunda, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”


Ampelamus,albidus, ,honeyvine milkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Araujia,hortorum, ,Mothvine ,,,,VINES.,,”Environmental

Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Araujia,hortorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Araujia,hortourm, ,White

Bladder-flower,,,,”Dispersal: ?Water,Wind. Life Form: Vine. RISK:

Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 6,8,”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Am,

In Victoria: Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Araujia,sericifera,Araujia hortorum,”White

Bladder-flower, moth plant, moth vine”,XXHXw,NL,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Araujia,sericifera, ,moth catcher,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest clearings, woodland, plantations, wasteland, urban

open space, watercourses, wooded kloofs.Cultivated for:

ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Araujia,sericifera, ,moth catcher,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest clearings, woodland, plantations, wasteland, urban

open space, watercourses, wooded kloofs.Cultivated for:

ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Araujia,sericiflora, ,Mothvine

,,,,Vines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Araujia,sericofera, ,Bladderflower ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Asclepias,curassavica,,”redhead cotton bush,

bloodflower milkweed, bloodflower”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Asclepias,curassavica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Asclepias,curassavica, ,”red head cottonbush, blood

flower, redhead, butterfly weed”,,,,”Weed of roadsides,

pastures and waste areas. It is cultivated in gardens in Israel and the

Sudan.”,”tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas,

Australia and Asia, less frequent in Africa”,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Asclepias,curassivica, ,bloodflower

milkweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Asclepias,eriocarpa, ,woollypod milkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Asclepias,fascicularis, ,Mexican whorled

milkweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Asclepias,galioides, ,poison milkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Asclepias,incarnata, ,Swamp milkweed,,,,”recently

harvested seed germ well, air dry seed maintains high viability for 7yrs

when stored in airtight sealed jars at room temp”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Asclepias,incarnata, ,swamp milkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Asclepias,labriformis, ,labriform

milkweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Asclepias,latifolia, ,broadleaf milkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Asclepias,mexicana, ,Mexican milkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Asclepias,ovalifolia, ,dwarf milkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Asclepias,rostrata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Asclepias,rotundifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Asclepias,speciosa, ,Showy milkweed,,,,”95% of seed

sown in field in autumn of same year it was produced, germ next spring

& summer;”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Asclepias,speciosa, ,showy milkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Asclepias,spp., ,,,,,partial seed coat removal required;

germ of fresh seed low,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Asclepias,subverticillata, ,western whorled milkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Asclepias,syriaca,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Asclepias,syriaca, Asclepias cornuti,Common milkweed,,,,”fresh

seed poor germ, must be stored at least 4mths; Holding scarified moist

seed at 10C for 5 days before alternating temps of

20-30C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Asclepias,syriaca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Asclepias,syriaca, ,common milkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Asclepias,syriaca, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Asclepias,tuberosa, ,Butterfly milkweed,,,,90% germ with

cold stratification for 71 days; germ over period of 21 to 49 days after

transfer to greenhouse ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Asclepias,tuberosa, ,butterfly milkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Asclepias,verticillata, ,eastern whorled

milkweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Calotropis,gigantea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Calotropis,procera,,”calotropis, rubber bush, Indian

milkweed, king's crown kapok, rubber tree”,XXHH,NL,NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Calotropis,procera, Calotropis procera,”calotropis,

rubber bush, Indian milkweed, king's crown kapok, rubber

tree”,,,,forms dense thickets on alluvial flats & quickly

spreads to adjacent run down pasture; reduces grazing potential &

hinders mustering; cattle graze calotropis extensively during dry

season,”native of Afro-Asian region, particularly monsoonal dist; occurs

in arc ext. from coast of Senegal & Mauritania in NW Afr, through

Arabian Penisula, Afg & Pak into India; introd to subtrop Amer &

Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Calotropis,procera, ,”calotropis, rubber

bush”,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Calotropis,procera, ,”calotropis, rubber

bush”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cryptostegia,grandiflora, ,rubber vine,,,,Initial list of

Invasive weeds nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List,

Nominated Worst Invasive Weeds”

Cryptostegia,grandiflora,,”rubber vine,

rubbervine”,XHH,L,Qld; NT; WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cryptostegia,grandiflora, ,”rubber vine, rubbervine”,,,,”rubber

vine has an ability to climb over & smother tall trees & to

extend into run down pastures; forms dense thickets, particularly along

watercourses restricting access to water, reduce grazing capacity &

inc. mustering problems; highly toxic to stock”,”native of

south west Madagascar; introd to most trop & subtrop regions by man,

either as potential source of rubber or as an ornamental; now nat. in E

Afr, Morocco, Mauritius, India, SE Asia, Mex & USA, C & S Amer,

West Indies, New Caledonia, Fiji & Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Cryptostegia,grandiflora, ,”rubber vine,

rubbervine”,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Cryptostegia,grandiflora, ,Palay

rubbervine,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cryptostegia,grandiflora, ,”rubber vine,

rubbervine”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cryptostegia,madagascariensis, ,,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Cryptostegia,madagascariensis, ,,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List


vine,,,,”Catergory II - Species that shown a potential to disrupt

native plant communities. These species may become ranked as Catergory I,

but have not yet demonstrated disruption of natural Florida communities.

“,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest

Plant Council

Cynanchum,acutum,syn ,,,,,”moist waste ground, Nile

and canal banks”,”Medit, Eur, W Asia”,”The Weed Flora

of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Cynanchum,compactum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cynanchum,madagascariense, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cynanchum,marnieranum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cynanchum,napiforme, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cynanchum,nigrum, ,black swallowwort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cynanchum,nigrum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cynanchum,nigrum,,"Dog-strangling vine, Black swallowort","Avail nurseries, Usage : Highly Invasive ""Perennial, 5-15 dm high, 5 lobed purple flowers, stems twining, leaves opposite, simple, petioled, 8 cm long Invasive Potential : H ""","Europe. Habitat: Old fields, pastures, fence rows, waste places"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Cynanchum,perrieri, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cynanchum,rossicum, ,European swallow wort,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cynanchum,vincetoxicum, ,white

swallowwort,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gomphocarpus,cancellatus,”Asclepias cancellata,

Asclepias rotundifolia”,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Gomphocarpus,fruticosus,”Asclepias fruticosus,

Asclepias arborescens”,”narrow leaf cotton bush, balloon

cotton, cape cotton, duck bush, milkweed, narrow-leaved cotton-bush, swan

plant, wild cotton”,XXXHX,NL,WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gomphocarpus,fruticosus,syn Asclepias fruticosa,,,,,germ

of seed strongly stimulated by diurnal alt. in temp,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Gomphocarpus,fruticosus,” Asclepias arborescens,

Asclepias fruticosa”,”narrow leaf cotton bush, balloon cotton,

cape cotton, duck bush, milkweed, narrow-leaved cotton-bush, swan plant,

wild cotton”,,,,”grows in dense patches which reduces grazing

capacity; toxic - kills cattle & sheep & pigs, unpalatable when

green, though contamination in dry fodder causes

problems”,”native of S Afr & Ethiopia; introd as garden

plants have become nat. in most of the warmer regions of the world,

including Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Gomphocarpus,fruticosus, ,narrow leaf cotton bush,,,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Gomphocarpus,fruticosus,syn Asclepias fruiticosa,narrow

leaf cotton bush,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


physocarpa,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gomphocarpus,physocarpus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gomphocarpus,physocarpus, ,gomphocarpus,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gonolobus,carolinensis, ,hairy milkvine,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gonolobus,gonocarpos, ,anglepod milkvine,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hoya,serpens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Metaplexis,japonica, ,,,,, Weed in poor site ,,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Orbea,variegata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oxypetalum,coeruleum,Tweedia coerulea,,,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Oxystelma,alpini,syn O. esculentum,,,,,”Nile and

canal banks, on Phragmites australis and other plants”,Arid and

semiarid regions of Afr and Asia,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos,

L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Sarcostemma,cyanchoides, ,climbing

milkweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Stapelia,grandiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stapelia,variegata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tweedia,coerulea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vincetoxicum,nigrum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited



Asparagus,africanus,Protasparagus africanus,”climbing

asparagus, asparagus fern”,XS,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Asparagus,africanus, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent

of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Asparagus,asparagoides,”Myrsiphyllum asparagoides,

Asparagus medeoloides, Dracaena medeoloides, Elachanthera sewelliae,

Luzuriaga sewelliae, Medeola asparagoides”,”bridal creeper,

bridal veil creeper, baby smilax”,HHXHHX,NL,SA; Tas; SA;

NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Asparagus,asparagoides,”Myrsiphyllum asparagoides, syn,

Asparagus medeoloides, Dracaena medeoloides, Elachanthera sewelliae,

Luzuriaga sewelliae, Medeola asparagoides”,”bridal creeper,

bridal veil creeper”,,,,competes with & replaces natural

vegetation,”native of S Afr, introd as ornamental to other parts of

world”“nat. in Vic scattered through much of the State, orchard

& citrus groves along the Murray River, present at minor weed on the

Central Coast & the SW slopes of plains of NSW & SW of WA, is a

pr”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Asparagus,asparagoides,Myrsiphyllum asparagoides,bridal

creeper,,,,,,Weed Science List

Asparagus,asparagoides,Myrsiphyllum asparagoides,bridal

creeper,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Asparagus,declinatum,syn. Myrsiphyllum,,,,,,,Weed Science


Asparagus,declinatus,”Myrsiphyllum declinatum,

Asparagus crispus”,”asparagus fern, bridal

vale”,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Asparagus,densiflorus,”Protasparagus densiflorus, P.

aethiopicus, P. densiflorus, Asparagopsis densiflora, Asparagus

aethiopicus, A. myriocladus, A. sarmentosus, A.

sprengeri”,”asparagus fern, sperengi fern, Protasparagus,

Sprenger's asparagus”,XHXwX,NLP,”NSW, Lord howe

Is.”,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Asparagus,densiflorus, ,asparagus fern,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Asparagus,densiflorus,,asparagus fern,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Asparagus,medeoloides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Asparagus,officinalis, ,Asparagus,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Tuberous geophyte.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,4,8,12,13”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur, W As and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Asparagus,officinalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Asparagus,plumosus,”Protasparagus plumosus,

Asparagopsis setacea, Asparagus setaceus “,asparagus

fern,XXX,NLP,”NSW, Lord Howe Is. “,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Asparagus,scandens,Myrsiphyllum scandens,asparagus

fern,XXH,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Asparagus,scandens,syn. Myrsiphyllum,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Asparagus,setaceus,Protasparagus setaceus,,,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Asparagus,spp.,syn. Myrsiphyllum,Bridal creeper ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies) Roadside control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section

60 applies) M”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Asparagus,virgatus,Protasparagus virgatus,,,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Protasparagus,aethiopicus, = Asparagus,Ground Asparagus

,,,,Major WeedGROUNDCOVERS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast

NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Protasparagus,aethiopicus,” = Asparagus, syn.

Asparagopsis densiflora, Asparagus aethiopicus, Asparagus densiflorus,

Asparagus myriocladus, Asparagus sarmentosus, Asparagus sprengeri,

Protasparagus densiflorus”,”asparagus fern, sprengeris fern,

fern asparagus”,,,,”a prostrate species which forms a dense mat

of rhizomes & string-like roots bearing tubers-competely suppresses

other species; little importance as agric. weed, usually occuring on

abandoned garden sites & in native bushland”,”native of S

Afr, found mainly on coast & adjacent parts of the Cape & Natal

Provinces; introd to many parts of world as a garden plantintrod to Aust

& cultivated extensively as ornamental; occurs as garden escape in

open woodlands close to coastal urban “,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Protasparagus,aethiopicus, = Asparagus,Ground Asparagus

,,,,Major WeedGround Covers.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Protasparagus,aethiopicus, = Asparagus,asparagus

fern,,,,,,Weed Science List

Protasparagus,aethiopicus, = Asparagus,asparagus

fern,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Protasparagus,africanus, = Asparagus,Climbing Asparagus

,,,,Major WeedVINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John

Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Protasparagus,africanus, = Asparagus,Climbing Asparagus ,,,,

Major Threat Vines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Protasparagus,africanus, = Asparagus,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Protasparagus,densiflorus, = Asparagus,Protasparagus,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal. Life Form: Tuberous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially Available,

, In Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Protasparagus,densiflorus, = Asparagus,,,,,,,Weed Science


Protasparagus,plumosus, = Asparagus,Asparagus Fern ,,,,Major

WeedVINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Protasparagus,plumosus,” = Asparagus syn. Asparagopsis

setacea, Asparagus plumosus, Asparagus setaceus “,”ferny

asparagus, climbing asparagus fern”,,,,”climbing plant, needs shelter

& support for max growth; quickly climbs over understorey shrubs into

forest canopy & hangs in long loops from branch to branch; can

smother whole trees”,”native of southern Afr, occurs in an arc

from the SW of Cape Province, through Natal & Transvaal into Zimbabwe

& Tanzania; introd to many countries as an

ornamental”“present in many old established gardens of eastern

Australia, occuring as a weed in Qld, “,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Protasparagus,plumosus, = Asparagus,Asparagus Fern ,,,,

Major Threat Vines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Protasparagus,plumosus, = Asparagus,ferny

asparagus,,,,,,Weed Science List

Protasparagus,plumosus, = Asparagus,ferny

asparagus,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Protasparagus,setaceus, = Asparagus,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Protasparagus,virgatus, = Asparagus,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Asphodelus,fistulosus,Asphodelus tenuifolius,”onion

weed, asphodel, hollow-stemmed asphodel, wild onion”,HXXX,NL,NSW;

Vic; NT; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Asphodelus,sp.,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Kniphofia,uvaria,,red-hot poker,XXS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Kniphofia,uvaria, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamentat,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Trachyandra,divaricata,,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa


Acanthospermum,australe,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Acanthospermum,australe, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acanthospermum,australe, ,Paraguay starbur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acanthospermum,hispidum,,”star burr, goat's head, bristly

star bur, upright star burr”,XX,LP,NT,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Acanthospermum,hispidum, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Acanthospermum,hispidum, ,”star burr, goat's head,

bristly star bur, upright star burr”,,,,”in norther Aust

problem in tobacco, maize, sorghum & pastures; reduces pasture yield

& in dense patches available grazing area; burrs serious contaminant

of wool & injure animals; also cause poisoning, 2.4% of KNO3 on dry

matter basis”,”native of trop. S Amer & now is widely

spread throughout the trop & subtrop; occurs as serious weed of crops

in Bolivia, Brazil, Afr, India, Madagascar, Mauritius, Caribbean, Indo,

PNG, southern USA & Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Acanthospermum,hispidum, ,”star burr, goat's head”,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Acanthospermum,hispidum,syn ,”bristly sandbur, starbur,

upright sandbur”,,,,”on poorer types of grassland & in all

kinds of arable land; in Java & Timor, along roads & in fallow

fields, in areas with a pronounced dry season; up to 1300m alt.; upland

& rainfed rice fields, in Afr increasing its area rapidly & also

becoming noxious “,”S Amer, pantropical; in Indonesia, in E

Java, the Lesser Sundan Is & Irian Jaya, as far as known; in Afr, it

is a fairly recent introd”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Acanthospermum,hispidum, ,”star burr, bristly star bur,

goathead, Texas cockspur, upright starabur”,,,,,”Native to

tropical Amer, but is now widely distributed in tropical &

subtropical areas of the world, occurring in nearly 40 countries &

causing serious control problems in many crops”,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Acanthospermum,hispidum, ,bristly starbur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acanthospermum,hispidum, ,”star burr, goat's

head”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acanthostyles,buniifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acanthostyles,buniifolius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Achillea,distans,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Achillea,distans,,tansyleaf milfoil,S,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Achillea,distans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Achillea,lanulosa, ,Western yarrow,,,,80% germ at room temp

(22-290C) on sterile moist cellucotton in petri dishes,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Achillea,lanulosa, ,western yarrow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Achillea,millefolium,,Yarrow,XAX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Achillea,millefolium, ,Yarrow,,,,”Dispersal: Wind. Life

Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,8,15”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Achillea,millefolium, ,Common yarrow,,,,”80% germ in

darkness in alternating temps of 20-300C, min temp 2-50C, max temp

greater than 400C optimum temp 20-350C”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Achillea,millefolium, ,Yarrow,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Achillea,millefolium, ,yarrow,,,,,,Weed Science List

Achillea,millefolium, ,common yarrow,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Achillea,ptarmica,,”sneezewort, adder's tounge,

wildfire”,w,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Achillea,ptarmica, ,sneezewort,,,,,,Weed Science List

Achillea,tomentosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Achillea,tomentosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acroptilon,repens,”Acroptilon picris, Centaurea picris,

Centaurea repens”,”creeping knapweed, hardheads, hardhead

thistle, blue weed, Russian centaurea, Russian knapweed”,XX,LP,NSW;

Vic; SA; NT; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acroptilon,repens, ,Russian Knapweed ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Acroptilon,repens,” Acroptilon picris, Centaurea picris,

Centaurea repens”,”creeping knapweed, hardheads, hardhead

thistle, blue weed, Russian centaurea, Russian

knapweed”,,,,”one of the most competitive of all weeds &

agric. land in California; dense patches 100-300 shoots/sq.m, virtually

exclude all other sp. & can reduce crop yields by 75-100% resulting

in paddocks abandoned & no longer cropped”,”originated near

Capsian Sea in Asia Minor, Afgh & Mongolia, from where it has spread

to most temp areas of world; imprt. weed in N Amer, widespd in cereal

areas of W Canada & N USA; weed of vineyards & cereal crops in

Arg & S Afr, Iran, Turkey, & S Union”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Acroptilon,repens, ,Creeping knapweed N ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Acroptilon,repens, ,”creeping knapweed, hardheads,

hardhead thistle”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acroptilon,repens, ,”creeping knapweed, hardheads,

hardhead thistle”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Actinea,odorata, ,,,,,29% germ of seed planted straight into

glasshouse 7-8mths after harvest,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ageratina,adenophora, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Ageratina,adenophora,”Eupatorium adenophorum, Eupatorium

glandulosum, Eupatorium pasdadense”,”Crofton weed, catweed,

hemp agrimony, Mexican devil, sticky agrimony, sticky

eupatorium”,HX,NLP,NSW; Qld,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ageratina,adenophora,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Ageratina,adenophora, ,Eupatory ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Ageratina,adenophora,” Eupatorium adenophorum, Eupatorium

glandulosum, Eupatorium pasdadense”,”Crofton weed, catweed,

hemp agrimony, Mexican devil, sticky agrimony, sticky

eupatorium”,,,,”reduces crop yield, affects carrying capacity

of grazing lands & restricts movement of stock & machinery;

cattle find it unpalatable, sheep & goats eat it without ill effect,

but horse die as a result of eating it-Numibah or Tallebudgera horse

disease”,”native of C Amer is now naturalised & widely

estab. as a serious weed in many trop & subtrop areas, esp. NE India

between sea level & 2000m, Nigeria, SE Asia, Pacific Is., NZ &

Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Ageratina,adenophora, ,crofton weed,,,,”Herbaceous

Species Invades: Roadsides, railsides, plantations, mainly around

Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.”,Origin C Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ageratina,adenophora, ,crofton weed,,,,”Herbaceous

Species Invades: Roadsides, railsides, plantations, mainly around

Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.”,Origin C Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ageratina,adenophora, ,crofton weed,,,,”Herbaceous

Species Invades: Roadsides, railsides, plantations, mainly around

Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.”,Origin C Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ageratina,adenophora, ,crofton weed,,,,”Herbaceous

Species Invades: Roadsides, railsides, plantations, mainly around

Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.”,Origin C Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ageratina,adenophora, ,Crofton weed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ageratina,adenophora, ,Crofton weed,,P,,This spp. is a target

of biocontrol efforts in South Africa,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ageratina,altissima,”syn Ageratum altissimum L.,

Eupatorium rugosum Houtt. & Eupatorium ageratoides L. f.”,”

white snakeroot, richweed, snakeroot”,,P,,”Comments: based on

Ageratum altissimum L., non Eupatorium altissimum L..Uses for taxon:

Vertebrate poisons: mammals (fide Kingsbury 1964, as Eupatorium rugosum;

Lampe and McCann 1985; Everist 1981; Marderosian & Liberti 1988 as

Eupatorium rugosum)Sp”,Canada [southeast & south-central];

United States [east & central],Western Australian Prohibited List

Ageratina,riparia, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Ageratina,riparia,”Eupatorium riparium, Eupatorium

cannabinum (misapplied)”,”mistflower, catspaw, creeping Crofton

weed, river eupatorium, small Crofton weed, white weed”,HXX,NLP,NSW;

Qld; NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ageratina,riparia,” Eupatorium riparium, Eupatorium

cannabinum (misapplied)”,”mistflower, catspaw, creeping Crofton

weed, river eupatorium, small Crofton weed, white

weed”,,,,”quickly invades disturbed areas on frost-free slopes

& in Qld abandoned banana plantations; shade tolerant, it often

occurs as a subdom. in assoc. with Crofton weed in gullies & on

streambanks; reduces carrying capacity of pastures, restricts

movement”,”native of C Amer which was introd to many parts of

the world as an ornamental; escaping from cultivation it has become

serious weed Afr, India, Indo, PNG, SE Asia, USA, some Pacific Is, NZ

& Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Ageratina,riparia, ,Mistflower,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ageratina,riparia, ,Mistflower,,P,,This spp. is a target of

biocontrol efforts in Hawaii,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ageratum,conyzoides, ,ageratum,,,,”Africa (tropical

Africa ?), gardens, field crops”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French

Polynesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa;

Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Ageratum,conyzoides,,billygoat weed,,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ageratum,conyzoides, ,Tropic ageratum,,,,45% germ of seed

stored dry for approx. 2wks after harvest,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ageratum,conyzoides, ,invading ageratum,,,,”Herbaceous

Species Invades: forest, woodland, grassland, cultivated lands,

riverbanks, wetlands, coastal dunes.”,Origin: S & C Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ageratum,conyzoides, ,invading ageratum,,,,”Herbaceous

Species Invades: forest, woodland, grassland, cultivated lands,

riverbanks, wetlands, coastal dunes.”,Origin: S & C Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ageratum,conyzoides, ,billygoat weed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ageratum,conyzoides, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Ageratum,conyzoides,syn ,goat weed,,,,”moister areas in

agricultural land, waste places, compounds, roadsides, plantations of all

kinds; up to 3000m alt; flowers all the year round & may produce up

to 40 000 seeds/plant; upland rice fields, may become troublesome in

plantations after grasses h”,”tropical Amer, pantropical, also

in the subtropics; introd to Java before 1860 & has spread throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Ageratum,conyzoides, ,tropic ageratum,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ageratum,conyzoides, ,billygoat weed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Ageratum,houstianum,,bluemink,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ageratum,houstonianum, ,Mexican ageratum,,,,”Herbaceous

Species Invades: forest, woodland, grassland, cultivated lands,

riverbanks, wetlands, coastal dunes.”,Origin: S & C Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ageratum,houstonianum, ,Mexican ageratum,,,,”Herbaceous

Species Invades: forest, woodland, grassland, cultivated lands,

riverbanks, wetlands, coastal dunes.”,Origin: S & C Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ageratum,houstonianum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ageratum ,conyzoides,syn ,Goat weed,,,,”Nile and canal

banks”“Cultivated as garden plant for cut flowers etc. Used as

a remedy for abdominal problems & digestion, & has other

medicinal properties”““,”Introduced from trop. &

subtrop. Amer, naturalised into Old World in many trop. & subtrop

countries”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Agoseris,grandiflora, ,,,,,”85% germ of dry stored seed,

1 yr after harvest at constant temp. 15C or 20C

darkness”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Ambrosia,artemisiifolia,”Ambrosia diversifolia, Ambrosia

elatior, Ambrosia media, Ambrosia monophylla”,”annual ragweed,

bitterweed, common ragweed, hay-feverweed, hog-weed”,XX,L,Qld; SA;

NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ambrosia,artemisiifolia, ,Common ragweed,,,,”prechilling

of moist seed at 1-7C, then germ at alternating light & temps of

20-30C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Ambrosia,artemisiifolia,,"Common Name(s): Ragweed, Wild Tansy, Hog-weed","Avail nurseries, Weed Low Level Invasive ""Annual, 2-3 feet high, flowers with male and female heads, terminal racemes, bushy branched, rough hairy leaves, opposite or alternate, thin, short stalked opposite or alternate, thin, short stalked ""","Native. Habitat: Disturbed habitats, yards, beaches, waste areas"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Ambrosia,artemisiifolia, ,Ragweed,,,,A. elatior,Scattered in

Central Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Ambrosia,artemisiifolia, ,Common Ragweed,,,,atrazine 1976

Canada Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Ambrosia,artemisiifolia,” Ambrosia diversifolia, Ambrosia

elatior, Ambrosia media, Ambrosia monophylla”,”annual ragweed,

bitterweed, common ragweed, hay-feverweed, hog-weed”,,,,”it is

a very serious competitor in cereals, maize, vegetables, sunflowers,

soyabeans & tobacco; cattle eat it esp. in its early growth stage;

host of sclerotina rot of cabbage; allergenic & dermatogenic-most

imprt. hay-fever producing plant in N Amer”,”native of N Amer,

occurs extensively throughout the USA; introd to S Amer, Euro-Asia where

it has become a serious weed in parts of Soviet Union, Japan, NZ &

Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Ambrosia,artemisiifolia, ,Roman wormwood ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Ambrosia,artemisiifolia, ,annual ragweed,,,,,,Weed Science


Ambrosia,artemisiifolia, ,common ragweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ambrosia,bidentata, ,lanceleaf ragweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ambrosia,confertiflora,”Franseria confertiflora,

Franseria strigulosa, Franseria tenuifolia”,”burr ragweed,

slimleaf bursage”,,LP,SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ambrosia,confertiflora,” Franseria confertiflora,

Franseria strigulosa, Franseria tenuifolia”,”burr ragweed,

slimleaf bursage”,,,,”extremely competitive plant readily

suppressing pasture species, its burrs contaminate wool; problem in

orchards, comp. for nutrients & interferring with harvest, both

pollen & burrs cause discomfort to pickers; large amounts of

allergenic pollen produced”,”native of semi-arid plains of

southern USA & Mexico, not well known elsewhere in the

world”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Ambrosia,confertiflora, ,burr ragweed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ambrosia,confertiflora, ,burr ragweed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ambrosia,confertiflora, ,burr ragweed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Ambrosia,grayi, ,”woollyleaf burr ragweed, woolyleaf

bursage”,,P,,Identified as a contaminant of Maize from the

USA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ambrosia,maritima,syn ,Sea ambrosia,,,,”Nile and canal

banks, moist alluvial soils”“Used in folk medicine to expel

kidney stones & to remedy renal troubles, asthma &

bilharzia”““,Medit.,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos,

L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Ambrosia,psilostachya,”Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Ambrosia

coronopifolia, Ambrosia californica”,”perennial ragweed,

western ragweed”,XX,NL,NSW; Vic; Qld; SA; NT,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ambrosia,psilostachya,” Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Ambrosia

coronopifolia, Ambrosia californica”,”perennial ragweed,

western ragweed”,,,,strongly competitive plant often growing densely

to detriment of crop & pasture; not grazed by stock; aerial growth

allelopathic inhibiting germ & early seedling growth of several plant

sp.; allergic inflammation of nose suffered by many people ,”grows

extensively in N Amer, & ex. for an area comprising N Cal, Oregon

& Wash State, its prevelant throughout the western half of USA &

C Canada; introd & serious weed of E Eur, W Asia; occurs inS Amer,

Jap, Mauritius & Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Ambrosia,psilostachya, ,perennial ragweed,,,,,,Weed Science


Ambrosia,psilostachya, ,western ragweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ambrosia,spp.,,ragweeds,,NL,SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ambrosia,spp., ,Perennial ragweed N ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Ambrosia,spp., ,ragweeds,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ambrosia,tenuifolia,”Franseria strigulosa, Franseria

tenuifolia”,lacy ragweed,,NLP,NSW; SA,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ambrosia,tenuifolia,” Franseria strigulosa, Franseria

tenuifolia”,lacy ragweed,,,,”extremely competitive plant

readily suppressing pasture species, its burrs contaminate wool; problem

in orchards, comp. for nutrients & interferring with harvest, both

pollen & burrs cause discomfort to pickers; large amounts of

allergenic pollen produced”,”native of NAmer, does not appear

to have spread widely”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Ambrosia,tenuifolia, ,lacy ragweed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ambrosia,tenuifolia, ,lacy ragweed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Ambrosia,trifida, ,Giant Ragweed ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Ambrosia,trifida, ,Giant ragweed,,,,”dormant at maturity

needs prechilling on moist substrate for 3mths or treatment with GA,

thiourea etc @ 5C, then 21day at alt. temp 20-30C; excised embryos of

after-ripened seeds germ 100% in 12d @ 30C”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ambrosia,trifida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ambrosia,trifida, ,giant ragweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ambrosia,trifida, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ambrosia,var. coronopifolia, ,perennial ragweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ambrosia,var. texana, ,blood ragweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ammobium,alatum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Anacyclus,clavatus, ,,,,,A. tomentosus,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Anacyclus,clavatus,Compositae ,,,,,A. tomentosus,Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Anacyclus,radiatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Anacyclus,radiatus, ,,,,,A. pallescens,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Anacyclus,radiatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Anaphalis,margaritacea, ,Pearly everlasting,,,,germs in

4-12days in constant light at 20-25C ,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Anaphalis,margaritacea, ,pearly everlasting,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Anaphalis,margaritacea, ,Pearly everlasting,,P,,”germs in

4-12days in constant light at 20-25C In the WSSA weed List, the

Germination of Weeds for experimental purposes and Holmes Geog Atlas of

Weeds.”,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Antennaria,neglecta, ,field pussytoes,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Antennaria,neodioica, ,Common pussytoes,,,,”high germ in

glasshouse after 3mths dry storage, 13 -90 days after

planting”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Antennaria,neodioica, ,common pussytoes,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Antennaria,parvifolia, ,,,,,64% germ on filter paper in Petri

dishes at 18C in constant darkness; max germ in 6 days; no dormancy

,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Antennaria,plantaginifolia, ,plantainleaf

pussytoes,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Antennaria,rosea, ,,,,,94% germ on filter paper in Petri

dishes at 18C in constant darkness; max germ in 15 days,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Anthemis,altissima, ,,,,,”A. cota, Cota

altissima”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Anthemis,altissima,Compositae ,,,,,”A. cota, Cota

altissima”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Anthemis,arvensis,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Anthemis,arvensis, ,Corn chamomile,,,,”optimum germ temp

13C, but alternating temps of 10-25C produce same germ

%”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Anthemis,arvensis, ,Corn Chamomile,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Anthemis,arvensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Anthemis,arvensis, ,corn chamomile,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Anthemis,arvensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Anthemis,austriaca, ,Austrian Chamomile,,,,A. cotiformis,SEast

Europe and Italy,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Anthemis,austriaca,Compositae ,Austrian Chamomile,,,,A.

cotiformis,SEast Europe and Italy,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Anthemis,cotula,Maruta cotula,”stinking mayweed,

dillweed, dog's camomile, dog-daisy, dog fennel, mather, mayweed,

stinking chamomile”,X,NL,Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Anthemis,cotula, ,Mayweed,,,,”alternating temps &

light of 68F dark, 86F light best results”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Anthemis,cotula, ,Stinking Mayweed,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Anthemis,cotula, Maruta cotula,”stinking mayweed, dillweed,

dog's camomile, dog-daisy, dog fennel, mather, mayweed, stinking

chamomile”,,,,”long history as a problem weed esp. in cereal

crops in Eur, Arg, NZ & parts of USA & also invades pastures;

taints milk, butter & meat; prolonged contact with flower heads &

fruit is reputed to cause dermatitis & blister the

skin”,”native of Medit region, but now extends throughout Eur

from S Norway, Sweden & Finland south to the Canary Is & the

Atlas Mountains in N Afr, Egypt, & W Asia; introd & common in

Canada, USA, S Afr, NZ & Aust scattered through coastal &

tableland NSW & ext”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Anthemis,cotula, ,stinking mayweed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Anthemis,cotula, ,,,,, , Okayama ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Anthemis,cotula, ,mayweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Anthemis,pseudocotula,syn ,,,,,”fields,

roadsides”“Flower heads used as a bacteriostat, antifungal,

antitumor, & antidiabetic”““,”E. Medit, W

Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Anthemis,ruthenica, ,,,,,A. neilreichii,SE to Eastern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Anthemis,ruthenica,Compositae ,,,,,A. neilreichii,SE to

Eastern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Anthemis,segetalis, ,,,,,”A. brachycentros, A.

pseudocota”,Italy & Greece,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Anthemis,segetalis,Compositae ,,,,,”A. brachycentros, A.

pseudocota”,Italy & Greece,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Anthemis,tinctoria,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Anthemis,tinctoria, ,Yellow chamomile,,,,seeds germ well

immediately after ripening in bright daylight at constant temp of 20-22C

or 30C; 76% germ of seed stored for 1 yr & 40% germ of seed stored

for 4yrs,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Anthemis,tinctoria, ,Yellow Chamomile,,,,Cota

tinctoria,”All Europe, except W France, Spain, Portugal &

Eire”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Anthemis,tinctoria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Anthemis,tinctoria, ,yellow chamomile,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arcotheca,calendula, ,Capeweed,,,,”Dispersal: Wind. Life

Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,3,4,5”,”S Af, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Arctium,lappa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Arctium,lappa, ,Great burdock,,,,”alternating temp (20C,

16hr & 30C, 8hr), thiourea application (0.1% to 0.5%), presoaking (2-24hr),

conc. H2SO4 treatment 10min, & partial removal of seed coat produces

high germ % in light”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Arctium,lappa, ,Greater Burdock,,,,”A. majus, A. chaorum,

Lappa major, L. officinalis”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Arctium,lappa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arctium,lappa, ,great burdock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arctium,minus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Arctium,minus, ,Common burdock,,,,light & alternating temp

20-30C high germ %,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Arctium,minus, ,Lesser Burdock,,,,Lappa minor,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Arctium,minus, ,Common burdock ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Arctium,minus, ,lesser burdock,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Arctium,minus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arctium,minus, ,common burdock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arctium,tomentosum, ,Woolly Burdock,,,,”A. chabertii, A.

leptophyllum, Lappa tomentosa”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Arctium,tomentosum,Compositae ,Woolly Burdock,,,,”A.

chabertii, A. leptophyllum, Lappa tomentosa”,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Arctium,tomentosum, ,cotton burdock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Arctotheca,calendula, ,”Capeweed, As Seed Or Fertile

Plants “,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory

(CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a

database, accessible through the Internet, containing information on

noxious weed control in California. This information will

f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Arctotheca,calendula, ,Capeweed ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in California.

This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Arctotheca,calendula, ,Capeweed ,,,,diquat 1986 Australia

Alfalfa , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Arctotheca,calendula, ,capeweed,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Arctotheca,calendula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arctotheca,populifolia,,Beach Daisy,XXXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Arctotheca,populifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arctotheca,prostrata,,Creeping Bears-ears,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Arctotheca,prostrata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arctotis,stoechadifolia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Arctotis,venusta,,White Arctotis,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Arctotis,venusta, ,White Arctotis,,,,Dispersal: ?Wind. Life

Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare

or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Arctotus,venusta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Argyranthemum,foeniculaceum,Argyranthemum frutescens ssp.

foeniculaceum,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Argyranthemum,frutescens,Argyranthemum frutescens ssp.

foeniculaceum,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Argyranthemum,frutescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arnica,fulgens, ,,,,,40% germ at 20C in darkness on moist

filter paper in Petri dishes; within 1 yr after seed collection

,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Arnica,montana, ,,,,,seed germs immediately after

harvest,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Aroctheca,populifolia, ,Beach Daisy,,,,Dispersal: ?Wind. Life

Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,”S Af, In

Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Aroctheca,prostrata, ,Creeping Bears-ears,,,,Dispersal: ?.

Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a negative

visual impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”S Af, In Victoria:

Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Artemisia,absinthium, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Artemisia,absinthium,,"Common Name(s): Absinth, Wormwood","Avail nurseries, Usage : Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Primarily a species of disturbed sites Perennial, 5-10 dm high, flowers yellow or purple disks, erect stems, leaves in clumps, silky-hoary, 2-3 pinnately parted parted ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Roadsides, waste places, farm yards, pastures"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Artemisia,absinthium,,wormwood absinth ,CLASS C WEED: Class C weeds are noxious weeds that are common throughout most of Washington. The following Class C weeds have been selected by the County Weed Board as priority weeds in King County and control is mandatory.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Artemisia,absinthium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Artemisia,absinthium,,”absinth wormwood, absinth

sagewort, wormwood”,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Artemisia,absinthium, ,Absinth wormwood ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Artemisia,absinthium, ,”wormwood, absinth

sagewort”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Artemisia,absinthium, ,absinth wormwood,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Artemisia,annua, ,,,,,,Eastern Europe less in Central

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Artemisia,annua,Compositae ,,,,,,Eastern Europe less in

Central Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Artemisia,annua, ,annual wormwood,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Artemisia,arborescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Artemisia,arborescens,,Silver Wormwood,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Artemisia,arborescens, ,Silver Wormwood,,,,Dispersal: Wind.

Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,”Introduced deliberately from: S Eur and Commercially Available, ,

In Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Artemisia,arbuscula, ,low sagebrush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Artemisia,biennis, ,biennial wormwood,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Artemisia,californica, ,California sagebrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Artemisia,cana, ,silver sagebrush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Artemisia,canariensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Artemisia,filifolia, ,sand sagebrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Artemisia,frigida, ,fringed sagebrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Artemisia,incompta, ,,,,,alternative moistening & drying

of seed increases germ as c.f. seed kept moist continuously on filter

paper in Petri dishes at 22-29C ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Artemisia,ludoviciana, ,,,,,”Region of origin - W USA,

Mexico; Extent of spread - destoryed ?; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Artemisia,ludoviciana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Artemisia,ludoviciana, ,Louisiana wormwood,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Artemisia,montana, ,,,,, , Hokkaido ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Artemisia,nova, ,black sagebrush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Artemisia,princeps, ,ragweed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Artemisia,princeps, ,,,,,”perennial dominance,

sub-dominance “,Shimane Shizuoka Upland Korea Upland Japan Miyagi

Okayama ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Artemisia,princeps, ,ragweed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Artemisia,scoparia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Artemisia,suksdorfii, ,,,,,54% germ in constant darkness at

alternating temps of 20 & 30C,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Artemisia,tridentata, ,Big sagebrush,,,,light increases germ

with optimum temp of 70F,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Artemisia,tridentata, ,big sagebrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Artemisia,tripartita, ,threetip sagebrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Artemisia,var. gnaphalodes, ,prairie sage,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Artemisia,verlotiorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Artemisia,verlotiorum,,Chinese Wormwood,H,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Artemisia,verlotiorum, ,Chinese Wormwood,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Vegetative,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,5,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur, As, In

Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Artemisia,vulgaris, ,Mugwort,,,,”fresh seed; prechilling

for 10-40 days at 1C, then brief exposure to light & constant temp of

25C ; older seeds lose light requirement; vegetative propagation of

rhizomes also used”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Artemisia,vulgaris, ,Mugwort,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Artemisia,vulgaris,Compositae ,Mugwort,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Artemisia,vulgaris, ,”common wormwood,

mugwort”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Artemisia,vulgaris, ,”motherwort, mugwort, green ginger,

mugweed, sailor's tobacco”,,,,Artemisa vulgaris is found in almost

all farming systems on all continents and most of the island chains. It

is reported in 25 crops in 56 countries.,origin uncertain,WORLD WEEDS

Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Artemisia,vulgaris, ,mugwort,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Artemisia,vulgaris,,mugwort,,,,”RANK 2. “SIGNIFICANT

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some invasive

characteristics, but have less impact on native plant communities; may

have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance

corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Aspilia,africana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aspilia,africana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Aspilia,bupthalmiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aspilia,bupthalmiflora, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Aster,acmellus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Aster,ageratoides, ,,,,, , ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Aster,ericoides, ,heath aster,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aster,exilis, ,slender aster,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aster,linariifolius, ,savoryleaf aster,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aster,novae-angliae, ,New England aster,,,,50% germ with cold

stratification for 71 days; germ over period of 14 to 28 days after

transfer to greenhouse,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Aster,novae-anglicae, ,New England aster,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aster,novi-belgii,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aster,novi-belgii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aster,novi-belgii, ,New York aster,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Aster,occidentalis, ,western aster,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aster,parryi, ,woody aster,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aster,pilosus, ,white heath aster,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aster,puniceus, ,purplestem aster,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aster,scaber, ,,,,, , Miyagi ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Aster,simplex, ,white field aster,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aster,spectabilis, ,showy aster,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aster,spinosus, ,spiny aster,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aster,squamatus,syn Conyza squamata,,,,,”fields,

roadsides, gardens, waste ground, canal banks”“Recently

introduced into Egypt, now completely naturalised & one of most

widespread weeds in country”““,”C & S Amer;

naturalised in S Eur, Afr & many other regions of the

world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Aster,subulatus,,aster-weed,HXXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Aster,subulatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aster,yomena, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Aster ,subulatus, ,Aster-weed,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Biennial. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,9,11,10,11”,”N Am, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Aster ,tripolium, ,,,,,reproduces both vegetatively & by

seed; 90% seed viability,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Asteriscus,spinosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Athroisma,laciniatum,syn Athroisma viscidum,,,,,”in Java,

in areas with pronounced dry seasons, on heavy, periodically soggy or

inundated & subsequently desiccating heavy clay soils, locally often

abundant & flowering so profusely that the fields look grayish white;

up to 100m alt; rainfed & upland rice”,”unknown, in Indonesia,

in the northern plain of Java & the islands of Madura &

Kangean”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Austroeupatorium,inulaefolium,,,"tea, rubber, rosella and other plantation crops; roadsides; environmental weed in secondary forests",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Austroeupatorium,inulaefolium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Austroeupatorium,inulaefolium, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Baccharis,cordifolia,,romerillo (toxic

groundsel),,L,Qld,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Baccharis,cordifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Baccharis,cordifolia,syn Eupatorium montevidense

Spreng.,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Baccharis,douglasii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Baccharis,douglasii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Baccharis,glutinosa, ,seepwillow baccharis,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Baccharis,halimifolia,,”groundsel bush, groundel, groundsel

baccharis, groundsel tree”,HX,NLP,NSW; Qld; NT,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Baccharis,halimifolia, ,”groundsel bush, groundel,

groundsel baccharis, groundsel tree”,,,,”seeds prolifically;

large plants to 2-3m high produce up to a million seeds in a single

season; forms dense impenetrable thickets, restricts stock &

machinery movement, reduces agric. & pastoral potential; pioneer

plant-readily invades”,”native of West Indies & the

Atlantic & Gulf Coasts of N Amer, extending in an arc from

Massachusetts through Florida to Mexico; introd to France & Soviet

Union; imprt. weed along Biscay coast of France & Spain to Black Sea

coast of Abkhazskaya ASSR-Sov.U”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Baccharis,halimifolia, ,groundsel bush,,,,,,Weed Science List

Baccharis,halimifolia, ,eastern baccharis,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Baccharis,halimifolia, ,groundsel bush,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Baccharis,halmifolia, ,Groundsel ,,,,Major

WeedSHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Baccharis,neglecta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Baccharis,neglecta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Baccharis,pilularis,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Baccharis,pilularis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Baccharis,pilularis, ,coyotebrush,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Baccharis,pilularis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Baccharis,ramulosa, ,yerba-de-pasmo,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Baccharis,salicifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Baccharis,salicifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Baccharis,salicina, ,willow baccharis,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Baccharis,sarothroides, ,desert broom,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Baccharis,viminea,? ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Baeria,chrysostoma, = Lasthenia californica,California

goldfields,,,,”seeds germ well at 5,10, &15C”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Baileya,multiradiata, ,desert baileya,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Baltimora,recta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Baltimora,recta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Bellis,annua, ,Annual Daisy,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Bellis,annua,Compositae ,Annual Daisy,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Bellis,perennis,,daisy,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bellis,perennis, ,English daisy,,,,”97% germ, no dormancy

after harvest, at room temp”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Bellis,perennis, ,Daisy,,,,,”All Europe, except Extreme

NE with less in Scandinavia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Bellis,perennis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bellis,perennis, ,English daisy,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Berkheya,rigida,Stobaea riguda,”African thistle, Augusta

thistle, berkheya thistle, Hamelin thistle”,XXX,L,WA;

Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Berkheya,rigida, ,African Thistle,,,,”Dispersal: ?Wind.

Life Form: Small to medium shrubs. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4”,”Af, In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Berkheya,rigida, Stobaea riguda,”African thistle, Augusta

thistle, Berkheya thistle, Hamelin thistle”,,,,”no feed value

because of its spines make it unpalatable to stock; large colonies,

consisting of matted stems, limit pasture growth & available grazing

area”,native of S Afr; not widely distributed elsewhere ex for a

number of small colonies in southern Aust,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Berkheya,rigida, ,African thistle,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Berkheya,rigida, ,African thistle,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Bidens,alba, ,beggar's tick,,,,”tropical Africa,

vegetables, orchards, fields crops”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French

Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; New Caledonia; Papua New Guinea; American

Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds

of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Bidens,alba, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web Address:

,,”Florida Weeds,


Bidens,aurea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Bidens,bipinnata,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bidens,bipinnata, ,Spanish needles,,,,”no dormancy, germ

temp between 10-35C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Bidens,bipinnata, ,,,,,Kernera bipinnata,Scattered in Italian

region,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Bidens,bipinnata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bidens,bipinnata, ,spanishneedles,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bidens,cernua, ,Nodding Burr Marigold,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Bidens,cernua,Compositae ,Nodding Burr Marigold,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Bidens,cernua, ,nodding beggarticks,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bidens,comosa, ,leafybract beggarticks,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bidens,connata, ,purplestem beggarticks,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bidens,frondosa, ,Devils beggarticks,,,,max germ 6% of seeds

prechilled 1wk then 15-25C alternating with alternating

light/dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Bidens,frondosa, ,devils beggarticks,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bidens,pilosa, ,”cobbler's pegs, beggar's

tick”,,,,”Africa, vegetables, orchards, fields crops”,Cook

Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; New Caledonia; Papua New

Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Bidens,pilosa,,cobbler's peg,HXXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Bidens,pilosa, ,Hairy beggarticks,,,,”35% germ of freshly

harvested seed, dormancy occurs rapidly after short term storage; old

seeds (3-5yrs) 80% germ, but fail to produce seedlings

“,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Bidens,pilosa, ,,,,,,Scattered in Spain & Portugal,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Bidens,pilosa, ,Hairy Beggarticks,,,,imazaquin 1993 Brazil

Soybean , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Bidens,pilosa, ,Hairy Beggarticks,,,,paraquat 1991 Kenya

Coffee , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Bidens,pilosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bidens,pilosa, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Bidens,pilosa var. minor,syn Bidens sundaica,”blackjack,

Spanish needles, beggar ticks, cobbler's pegs”,,,,”a very

common weed, perferring moister soils; up to 2300m alt; flowers all year

round; in one week after shedding, 35-60% of the seeds germinate; seeds

stored for 3-5yrs showed 80% germ; there can be up to 4 generations a

year; for germ, light & good aera”,”A afr, pantropical;

before 1835 already naturalised in Java; has spread everywhere, except

Kalimantan & the Moluccas”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Bidens,pilosa var. radiata, ,hairy

beggarticks,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bidens,polylepis, ,”long-bracted beggarticks, bearded

beggarticks”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Bidens,polylepis, ,coreopsis beggarticks,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bidens,subalternans,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bidens,subalternans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bidens,tripartita,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bidens,tripartita, ,,,,,”germ of intact achenes constant

light, alternating temp 22-32C; conc. sulphuric acid helpful in inducing

germ.”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Bidens,tripartita, ,Trifid Burr Marigold,,,,”B. bullata,

B. orientalis”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Bidens,tripartita, ,Bur Beggarticks,,,,triazines 1979 Austria

Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Bidens,tripartita, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bidens,vulgata, ,Tall beggarticks,,,,no germ found in seeds

tested within 1 yr of harvest,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Bidens,vulgata, ,tall beggarticks,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Blumea,lacera,”syn Conyza lacera, Conyza

javanica”,,,,,”in areas with slight to pronounced dry season,

in sunny or lightly shaded, dry or moist (not marshy) places, along

roads, dams, meadows, wastelands, agricultural land, usually on

periodically desiccated areas, sometimes abundant; up to 2000m alt.;

upland “,”Asia, Afr, Asia, Malesia; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Blumea,lanceolaria, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Blumea,tenella,syn Blumea humifusa,,,,,”in areas with a

strong or moderately strong dry period, on heavy, periodically moist

& dehydrated soils; up to 100m alt; flowers mainly from Apr-Oct;

upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”Malesia,

Malesia, througout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Bombycilaena,erecta, ,,,,,Micropus erectus,Mainland Europe

except NW Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Bombycilaena,erecta,Compositae ,,,,,Micropus erectus,Mainland

Europe except NW Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Brickellia,glutinosa,syn. Kuhnia,,,,,”seeds collected in

autumn, no germ 1mth, 3-12mths inc. germ”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Buphthalmum,speciosum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cacalia,tuberosa, ,indianplantain,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Calea,zacatechichi, ,,,P,,Hallucinogen in Mexico,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Calendula,arvensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Calendula,arvensis, ,Field Marigold,,,,”C. malacitana, C

micrantha, C. officinalis”,Southern & Central Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Calendula,arvensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Calendula,arvensis,syn C. aegyptiaca; C. persica; C. gracilis;

C. micrantha,Field marigold,,,,”fields, waste

ground”,”Medit, C Eur, W Asia; introduced and naturalised into

may temp. and warm temp. regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora

of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Calendula,officinalis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Calendula,officinalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Calendula,palaestina,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Calendula,palaestina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Calyptocarpus,vialis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Calyptocarpus,vialis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Campuloclinium,macrocephalum, ,,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: grassland, roadsidesCultivated for:

ornamental”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Campuloclinium,macrocephalum, ,,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: grassland, roadsidesCultivated for:

ornamental”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Carduus,acanthoides,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Carduus,acanthoides, ,Plumeless Thistle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Carduus,acanthoides, ,Giant Plumeless Thistle

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Carduus,acanthoides, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of

spread - destroyed ?; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Carduus,acanthoides, ,Plumeless thistle,,,,”seeds germ at

once or soon after harvest, seeds exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Carduus,acanthoides, ,Welted Thistle,,,,”C. fortior, C.

camporum”,All Europe except Spain & Portugal,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Carduus,acanthoides, ,Acanthus thistle ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Carduus,acanthoides, ,plumeless thistle,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Carduus,acanthoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carduus,acanthoides, ,plumeless thistle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carduus,acanthoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Carduus,acanthoides,, plumeless thistle,"Possible Weed of Forests: High Weed Potential in Agriculture, Grassland, Riparian habitats and Disturbed areas",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Carduus,corymbosus, ,,,,,,Italy & Sicily,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Carduus,corymbosus,Compositae ,,,,,,Italy & Sicily,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Carduus,crispus,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Carduus,crispus, ,Welted thistle,,,,”seeds germ at once

or soon after harvest, seeds exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Carduus,crispus, ,welted thistle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carduus,crispus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Carduus,macrocephalus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carduus,nutans,,”nodding thistle, musk

thistle”,AH,NL,NSW; Vic; Tas; WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Carduus,nutans,,"Common Name(s): Nodding thistle, Musk thistle","Avail nurseries, Weed Potential Invasive Additional Comments: Forms dense stands ""Biennial, 1-1.5 m high, purple disk flowers, 2 cm long, leaves alternate, stem spiky, erect ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Pastures, roadsides, waste places"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Carduus,nutans, ,Musk Thistle ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Carduus,nutans, ,Musk thistle,,,,”high germ % short time

after dissemination, with no special treatments or germ

conditions”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Carduus,nutans, ,Musk Thistle,,,,C. platylepsis,”Western

Europe, UK, S Sweden”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Carduus,nutans, ,Musk Thistle,,,,”2,4-D 1981 New Zealand

Pasture “, heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Carduus,nutans, ,”nodding thistle, musk

thistle”,,,,”grows in dense patches & not readily grazed

due to spiny foliage; reduces carrying capacity of pastures, mature spiny

heads contribute to vegetable fault in wool”,”originated in

Eur, N Afr, Asia Minor & Asia tending to occur most frequently on dry

calcareous soils & has spread to many temp parts ot the world;

import. weed of N Amer, Arg, Soviet Union & British Isles & NZ

where its their 3rd most serious weed”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Carduus,nutans, ,Musk thistle ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Carduus,nutans, ,”musk thistle, nodding

thistle”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Carduus,nutans, ,nodding thistle,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carduus,nutans, ,”nodding thistle, musk

thistle”,,,,Carduus nutans is the most troublesome thistle in

agriculture and it appears as a weed in 18 crops in 32 countries.,,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Carduus,nutans, ,musk thistle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carduus,nutans, ,nodding thistle,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Carduus,platybus, ,,,,,,Spain & Portugal,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Carduus,platybus,Compositae ,,,,,,Spain & Portugal,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Carduus,pycnocephalus,,thistle Italian ,CLASS A WEED: Class A weeds are non-native species with a limited distribution in Washington. Eradication of these species is mandatory in all of Washington State.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Carduus,pychnocephalus, ,Italian thistle ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Carduus,pycnocephalus,,”slender thistle, shore thistle,

Italian thistle, Plymouth thistle, rabbit thistle, slender-flowered

thistle, slender winged thistle”,HXXHH,LP,Vic; Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Carduus,pycnocephalus, ,Italian Thistle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Carduus,pycnocephalus, ,Italian Thistle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Carduus,pycnocephalus, ,Slender Thistle,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5,8,12,13”,”S Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Carduus,pycnocephalus, ,Corsican Thistle,,,,,Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Carduus,pycnocephalus, ,”slender thistle, shore thistle,

Italian thistle, Plymouth thistle, rabbit thistle, slender-flowered

thistle, slender winged thistle”,,,,”weed of pastures, but in

higher rainfall areas of Tas it is also import. comp. with annual crops;

not readily grazed due to spiny nature; estab. most readily in disturbed

areas; heavily grazed pastures favour estab.”,”originated in

southern Eur & N Afr; ext. east through Asia Minor to Pakistan, well

est. throughout temp areas of the world & considered import. weeds in

Aust & NZ, occasionally USA “,”Noxious Weeds of Australia,

P & C”

Carduus,pycnocephalus, ,Italian thistle,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Carduus,pycnocephalus, ,”slender thistles, shore

thistle”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carduus,pycnocephalus, ,”shore thistle, slender thistle,

slender-flowered thistle, Italian thistle, slender- winged

thistle”,,,,Carduus pycnocephalus appears as a weed in eight crops

in 26countries.,,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm

et. al.

Carduus,pycnocephalus, ,Italian thistle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carduus,pycnocephalus, ,”slender thistles, shore

thistle”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Carduus,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Carduus,tenuiflorus,,slenderflower thistle,CLASS A WEED: Class A weeds are non-native species with a limited distribution in Washington. Eradication of these species is mandatory in all of Washington State.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Carduus,tenuiflorus, ,”slender thistles, shore thistle,

sheep thistle”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carduus,tenuiflorus,,”slender thistle, shore thistle,

sheep thistle, winged slender thistle, winged

thistle”,XXXXXH,LP,Vic; SA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Carduus,tenuiflorus, ,Itallian Thistle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Carduus,tenuiflorus, ,Slender Thistle,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,3,4,5,12”,”W Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Carduus,tenuiflorus, ,,,,,,Western Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Carduus,tenuiflorus, ,”slender thistle, shore thistle,

sheep thistle, winged slender thistle, winged thistle”,,,,”weed

of pastures, but in higher rainfall areas of Tas it is also import. comp.

with annual crops; not readily grazed due to spiny nature; estab. most

readily in disturbed areas; heavily grazed pastures favour

estab.”,”originated in southern Eur & N Afr; ext. north to

Scandinavia & British Isles, well est. throughtout temp areas of the

world & considered import. weed of Aust & NZ, occasionally

USA”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Carduus,tenuiflorus, ,Slender thistle * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”, Roadside control cost to be met by

adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies) ,”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Carduus,tenuiflorus, ,slenderflower thistle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carduus,tenuiflorus, ,”slender thistles, shore thistle,

sheep thistle”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Carduus,tenuifolius, ,Slender flowered thistle ,,,,PRELIMINARY

LIST OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Carduus,tenuifolius, ,slenderflower thistle,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Carduus,thoermeri,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Carduus,thoermeri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carduus,thoermeri, ,,,P,,This spp. is probably more widespread

in the USA than is recognised as it closely resembles C. nutans.It is

probably as much of a threat to WA as C. nutans but has not taken off in

the eastern states as C. nutans has.,44~46~52~57,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Carduus ,nutans,,”musk thistle, nodding

thistle”,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE THREAT”Exotic plant species

which possess characteristics of invasive species and spread easily into

native plant communities and displace native vegetation; includes species

which are or could become widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Carlina,involucrata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carlina,involucrata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Carpesium,cernuum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Carpesium,cernuum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carthamus,baeticus, ,Smooth Distaff Thistle

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Carthamus,dentatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Carthamus,dentatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carthamus,flavescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carthamus,flavescens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Carthamus,glaucus,,Glaucous star thistle ,,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Carthamus,glaucus, ,Glaucous star thistle ?,,,,,,Weed Science


Carthamus,glaucus, ,Glaucous star thistle ?,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Carthamus,lanatus,Kentrophyllum lanatum,”saffron thistle,

distaff thistle, false star thistle, woolly safflower, woolly star

thistle”,XXXXXXH,NL,ACT; NSW; Qld; NT; WA; Tas; Vic,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Carthamus,lanatus, ,Woolly Distaff Thistle

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control

in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Carthamus,lanatus, ,Saffron Thistle,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”S Eur, W As, In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Carthamus,lanatus, ,Woolly Safflower,,,,Kentrophyllum

lanatum,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Carthamus,lanatus, Kentrophyllum lanatum,”saffron

thistle, distaff thistle, false star thistle, woolly safflower, woolly

star thistle”,,,,”little fodder value, eaten when very young

& when stems emerge from rosette; seeds rich in oil & protein,

eaten by sheep; forms dense patches restricting stock movement, injure

grazing animals in eyes & mouth, reduce carrying capacity; competes

with crops”,”native of Medit region & W Asia, has spread to

many temp areas of world including USA, Arg, Chile, NZ &

Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Carthamus,lanatus, ,Safflower ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Carthamus,lanatus, ,saffron thistle,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carthamus,lanatus, ,saffron thistle,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Carthamus,leucocaulos,,”glaucous star thistle, whitestem

distaff thistle”,,L,WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Carthamus,leucocaulos, ,Whitestem Distaff Thistle

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Carthamus,leucocaulos, ,,,,,Region of origin - Medit; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Carthamus,leucocaulos, ,”glaucous star thistle, whitestem

distaff thistle”,,,,”little fodder value, forms dense patches,

restricts stock movement, reduce available grazing area & pasture

productivity, presence of seeds, leaf fragments & flower heads in wool

reduces value of clip”,”native of Medit region, particularly

Greece & Crete; not widely spread, small area in California &

Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Carthamus,leucocaulos, ,glaucous star thistle,,,, Declared

spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Carthamus,leucocaulos, ,glaucous star thistle,,P,, Declared

spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Carthamus,oxycantha,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Carthamus,oxyacantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carthamus,oxyacantha, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Carthamus,tinctorius,,safflower,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Carthamus,tinctorius, ,Safflower,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Carthamus,tinctorius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carthumus,spp., ,distaff thistle,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cassinia,arcuata,,”Chinese scrub, sifton bush, Australian

tauhinu, biddy bush, Chinese shrub, drooping cassinia, sifting bush, tear

shrub”,,NLP,NSW; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cassinia,arcuata, ,”Chinese scrub, sifton bush,

Australian tauhinu, biddy bush, Chinese shrub, drooping cassinia, sifting

bush, tear shrub”,,,,”grows well on land cleared for grazing

& can dominate estab. pastures; plants unpalatable to stock, heavily

infested areas reduce carrying capacity, clumps of the weed fire hazard

& provide harbour for pest animals, particularly rabbits”,native

of SE Australia & Western Australia & has probably not spread far

beyond its native range,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cassinia,arcuata, ,”Chinese scrub, sifton

bush”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cassinia,arcuata, ,”Chinese scrub, sifton

bush”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cassinia,leptophylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cassinia,leptophylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Centaurea,acaulis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,acaulis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Centaurea,aspera,C. sp. A in NSW,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Centaurea,aspera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,biebersteinii, ,,,,,C. micranthos,”SE Europe,

except Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Centaurea,biebersteinii,,knapweed spotted ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Centaurea,biebersteinii,Compositae ,,,,,C. micranthos,”SE

Europe, except Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Centaurea,calcitrapa,,”star thistle, purple star thistle,

red starthistle”,HXXH,NLP,ACT; NSW; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Centaurea,calcitrapa, ,Purple Starthistle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Centaurea,calcitrapa, ,Purple Starthistle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Centaurea,calcitrapa, ,Star Thistle,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water. Life Form: Annual/Biennial. RISK: Serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5”,”S&C Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Centaurea,calcitrapa, ,,,,,”C. adulterina, C.

arrectispina, C. macroacantha”,”Southern & Eastern Europe,

less NW Europe & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Centaurea,calcitrapa, ,”star thistle, purple star

thistle, red starthistle”,,,,”competes with crops &

pastures, once heads are formed, spines injure grazing animals in eys

& mouth, deny access to grazing animals to other pasture sp.; seed

short lived, survive in soil for 2-3yrs”,”originated in

southern & western Eur, W Asia & N Afr; widely distributed but

only as a weed in Aust occurs in neglected areas in Eur, Middle East, S

Afr, California & NZ”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Centaurea,calcitrapa, ,star thistle,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,calcitrapa, ,purple starthistle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Centaurea,calcitrapa, ,star thistle,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Centaurea,calcitrapa,syn ,Star thistle,,,,”canal banks,

roadsides, waste ground”“Whole plant is a bitter astringent,

appetizer, & stomachic; flowering summits are febrifuge, the root

& fruits are diuretic; seeds are remedy for renal stones &

pain”““,”Medit, C Eur”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Centaurea,cineraria,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Centaurea,cineraria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,cyanoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,cyanoides, ,,,P,,”This species has a single

listing in the Denmark area but no further collections, dubious it has

established.No specimens in the herbarium”,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Centaurea,cyanus,C. cyanoides in WA,,,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Centaurea,cyanus, ,Corn flower,,,,”2 mth old seed germ

well at high & constant temp, light favoured germ”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Centaurea,cyanus, ,Cornflower,,,,C. cyanocephala,”All

Europe, more to the Balkans & Greece regions”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Centaurea,cyanus, ,cornflower,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Centaurea,cyanus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,cyanus, ,cornflower,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Centaurea,cyanus,,batchelor's button,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Centaurea,depressa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,depressa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Centaurea,diffusa, ,Diffuse Knapweed ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Centaurea,diffusa, ,Diffuse knapweed,,,,”80% or higher

germ in 15C darkness, 20 C darkness, alt. 20-30C darkness, & alt.

20-30 C with alt. light/darkness”,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Centaurea,diffusa, ,Diffuse knapweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Centaurea,diffusa, ,diffuse knapweed,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Centaurea,diffusa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,diffusa,,knapweed diffuse ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Centaurea,macrocephala,,knapweed bighead ,CLASS A WEED: Class A weeds are non-native species with a limited distribution in Washington. Eradication of these species is mandatory in all of Washington State.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Centaurea,diffusa, ,diffuse knapweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Centaurea,diffusa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Centaurea,eriophora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Centaurea,eriophora, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Spain,

Portugal; Extent of spread - eradicated ?; Means of spread -

unknown”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Centaurea,eriophora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,iberica, ,Iberian Starthistle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Centaurea,iberica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,iberica, ,Iberian starthistle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Centaurea,iberica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Centaurea,jacea,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Centaurea,jacea,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Centaurea,jacea, ,Brown knapweed,,,,”seeds germ at once

or soon after harvest, seeds exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Centaurea,jacea, ,Brown knapweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Centaurea,jacea, ,X nigra ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Centaurea,jacea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,jacea, ,brown knapweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Centaurea,jacea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Centaurea,macrocephala, ,Bighead knapweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to

moderately invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Centaurea,maculosa,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Centaurea,maculosa, ,Spotted Knapweed ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Centaurea,maculosa, ,,,,,C. stoebe,Central Europe from Belgium

to Italy,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Centaurea,maculosa, ,Spotted knapweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Centaurea,maculosa,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Centaurea,maculosa,,Common Name(s): Spotted knapweed,"Avail nurseries, Usage : Potential Invasive , Additional Comments : Forms dense stands ""Biennial, 2-3 feet high, hairy purple flowers, leaves alternate, deeply cut into narrow divisions """,Europe. Habitat: Mountain meadows," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Centaurea,maculosa, ,spotted knapweed,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Centaurea,maculosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,maculosa, ,spotted knapweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Centaurea,maculosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Centaurea,maculosa,,spotted knapweed,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Centaurea,melitensis,,Malta thistle,XXXH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Centaurea,melitensis, ,Tacalote ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Centaurea,melitensis, ,Malta Thistle,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

3,4,12”,”S Eur, In Victoria: ?”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Centaurea,melitensis, ,Maltese Centaury,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Centaurea,melitensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,melitensis, ,Malta starthistle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Centaurea,nigra,C. sp. B in NSW,”black knapweed, common

knapweed, knapweed, lesser knapweed, Spanish

buttons”,,NLP,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Centaurea,nigra, ,Black knapweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Centaurea,nigra, ,black knapweed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,nigra, ,black knapweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Centaurea,nigra, ,black knapweed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Centaurea,nigrescens,,,Coastal areas in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Centaurea,nigrescens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Centaurea,nigrescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,paniculata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Centaurea,paniculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,pratensis,,knapweed meadow ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Centaurea,pratensis, ,Meadow knapweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Centaurea,repens, ,Russian Knapweed ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Centaurea,repens, ,Russian knapweed,,,,69% germ with 20-30C

& alt. exposure to light & darkness; germ increases with

storage,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Centaurea,repens, ,Russian knapweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Centaurea,repens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurea,repens, ,Russian knapweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Centaurea,rhenana, ,,,,,C. stoebe,”Central Europe, less

Denmark & S Sweden”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Centaurea,rhenana,Compositae ,,,,,C. stoebe,”Central

Europe, less Denmark & S Sweden”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Centaurea,scabiosa,,Greater Knapweed,,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Centaurea,scabiosa, ,,,,,”seeds germ at once or soon

after harvest, seeds placed in unheated germinator & exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Centaurea,scabiosa, ,Greater Knapweed,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Centaurea,scabiosa,Compositae ,Greater Knapweed,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Centaurea,scabiosa, ,Greater Knapweed,,P,,”Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”Minor weed in all parts of Europe:

N1, C1, S1, W1 “Elsevier's Dictionary of Weeds of Western

Europe”“,All Europe,Western Australian Prohibited List

Centaurea,solstitialis,,”St Barnaby's thistle, golden

star thistle, yellow centaurea, yellow cockspur, yellow

star-thistle”,,NLP,NSW; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Centaurea,solstitialis, ,Yellow Starthistle

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Centaurea,solstitialis, ,Yellow Starthistle

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Centaurea,solstitialis, ,Yellow star thistle,,,,100% germ in

darkness at 20C; 98% germ at 20-30C with alt. light/dark,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Centaurea,solstitialis, ,Yellowe

Starthistle,,,,,”Mainland Europe, less in Central & Northern

region & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Centaurea,solstitialis, ,”St Barnaby's thistle, golden

star thistle, yellow centaurea, yellow cockspur, yellow

star-thistle”,,,,”comp. with pastures & crops for moisture

& nutrients & large rosettes shade useful pasture sp.; forms

dense patches, restricting stock movement, injures grazing animals &

dogs in eyes, mouth & feet, contributes to vegetable fault in wool;

toxic to horses”,”native of the Medit region & W Asia, has

spread to most temp areas of world; well estab. & spreading in USA,

troublesome on cultivated land in S Afr & S Amer, Arg, Chile &

Uruguay; considered weed in most of its native range; minor import. in

NZ”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Centaurea,solstitialis, ,Yellow starthistle ,,,,PRELIMINARY

LIST OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Centaurea,solstitialis, ,yellow star thistle,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Centaurea,solstitialis, ,St Barnaby's thistle,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Centaurea,solstitialis, ,yellow starthistle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Centaurea,solstitialis, ,St Barnaby's thistle,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Centaurea,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated

by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Centaurea,spp., ,knapweeds,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Centaurea,squarrosa, ,Squarrose Knapweed ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Centaurea,squarrosa, ,squarrose knapweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Centaurea,sulphurea, ,Sicilian Thistle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Centaurea,virgata var. squarrosa, , Squarrose knapweed


potential to spread,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Centaurea,vochinensis, ,Vochin knapweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately invasive but

still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant

Council (Weed)

Centaurea ,nigra, ,”black knapweed, common knapweed,

knapweed, lesser knapweed, Spanish buttons”,,,,”not eaten by

grazing animals, reduces pasture carrying capacity; allelopathic

compounds produced, reducing germ & early seedling estab. of some

sp.; invades overgrazed or undeveloped pastures in higher rainfall

areas”,”originated in Eur, now occurs in several temp areas of

world, considered a minor problem in NE NAmer & British Isles, NZ

& NW USA”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Centipeda,minima, ,,,,,annual sub-dominance , Upland Korea

Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Centipeda,minima,”syn Centipeda minuta, Centipeda

orbicularis”,,,,,”moist, sunny to slightly shaded sites,

compounds, riverbanks, in desiccated riverbeds, often rather numerous;

from 0-2600m alt; flowering Mar-Oct (Java); rainfed & upland rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”unknown, tropical & subtropical;

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Centratherum,punctatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cephalonoplos,segetum, ,,,,,biennial sub-dominance , Upland

Korea ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Ceruana,pratensis,syn ,,,,,”Nile and irrigation canal

banks in Upper Egypt, until building of Aswan High Dam. Most populations

have now disappeared, due to unfavourable growing conditionsAncient Egypt

plants were used for making baskets and mummy coffins. Now used for

making broom”,”Egypt, Sudan, trop. NW Afr”,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Chaenactis,douglasii, ,,,,,20% germ at 20C in darkness

,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Chamaemelum,fuscatum, ,,,,,”Anthemis fuscata, A.

praecox”,S West Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chamaemelum,fuscatum,,,,,,”Anthemis fuscata, A.

praecox”,S West Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chamaemelum,mixtum, ,,,,,”Anthemis mixta, Ormesis

mixta”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chamaemelum,mixtum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chamaemelum,mixtum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Chamaemelum,nobile,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chamaemelum,nobile,bas Anthemis nobilis L.

(1753),Chamomile,,,,Anthemis nobilis,”Western Europe UK & Eire,

less in Central Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chamaemelum,nobile,bas Anthemis nobilis L. (1753),,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Chamomilla,aurea, ,,,,,”Matricaria aurea, Perideraca

aurea”,SW Medit Region,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chamomilla,aurea,Compositae ,,,,,”Matricaria aurea,

Perideraca aurea”,SW Medit Region,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Chamomilla,recutita, ,Scented Mayweed,,,,”Matricaria

recutita, M. suaveolensEstablished in SA and NSW”,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Chamomilla,suaveolens, ,Pineapple Weed,,,,”Matricaria

matricarioides, M. suaveolens, M. discoidea”,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Charieis,heterophylla, ,,,,,”33% germ of seeds in

darkness & 19% light; seeds soaked in water overnight, placed on

moist filter paper & germ at 26C”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Chondrilla,juncea,,”skeleton weed, gum succory, naked

weed, rush skeleton weed”,XXXX,L,Vic; SA; WA; Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Chondrilla,juncea, ,Skeletonweed ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Chondrilla,juncea,,skeletonweed rush ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Chromolaena,odorata,,"Siam weed ""Siam weed"" , christmas bush ""christmas bush"" ","pastures, oil palm, rubber, coffee, cashew, fruit, maize, forestry; toxic to livestock; major environmental weed: secondary forests, roadsides, disturbed sites",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Chondrilla,juncea, ,Skeleton Weed,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Vegetative,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Not a

threat (but may have a negative visual impact). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 3,4,”,”Med, C Eur, W As, In Victoria: Limited

distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Chondrilla,juncea, ,Skeletonweed,,,,”C. acantholepis, C.

brevirostiris, C. canascens, C. graminea, C.

latifolia”,”Mainland Europe, W Asia, N Amer &

Aust”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chondrilla,juncea, ,”skeleton weed, gum succory, naked

weed, rush skeleton weed”,,,,,”orig. from southern Soviet Union

& Asia Minor west to Medit region inc. NAfr & Iberian Pen.; it is

of little imprt. as weed excpt. in vine growing areas, fallow, lupin

& cereal crops in Portugal, Spain, Italy Yugo & Lebanon;sprd to C

Eur, N & S Amer & NZ”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Chondrilla,juncea, ,Rush skeletonweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Chondrilla,juncea, ,rush skeleton weed,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Chondrilla,juncea, ,Skeleton weed n ,,,,”PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoi”,”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Chondrilla,juncea, ,skeleton weed,,,,Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Chondrilla,juncea, ,”skeleton weed, chondrilla, rush

skeleton weed”,,,,”Chondrilla juncea is a perennial composite

that is not an important weed in its region of origin of Eurasia. However

introduced into Australia in the early 1900s, it quickly infested

thousands of hectares of pasture, wheat fields, roadsides and waste

area”,originated in Eurasia,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Chondrilla,juncea, ,rusk skeletonweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chondrilla,juncea, ,skeleton weed,,P,,Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Chromolaena,odorata, ,”chromolaena, siam

weed”,,,,”tropical Africa, gardens, natural

vegetation”,Fed. States of Micronesia; Guam; Papua New

Guinea,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Chromolaena,odorata, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Chromolaena,odorata,”Eupatorium conyzoides, Eupatorium

odoratum”,”Siam weed, bitter weed, Christmas bush, devil weed,

hagonoy, triffid weed”,E,LQ,Qld; WA; NT; NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Chromolaena,odorata,,Siam weed,E,L,Qld; WA; NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Chromolaena,odorata, (less weedy form),,,,,Region of origin -

southern Brazil; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - seed

contaminant,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Chromolaena,odorata, (weedy form),,,,,”Region of origin -

W Indies, trop S Amer, Mexico; Extent of spread - locally common; Means

of spread - seed contaminant”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Chromolaena,odorata, ,triffid weed,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, savanna, plantations,wooded kloofs,

watercourses, roadsidesCultivated for: ornament”,”Origin: C

& S Amer, West Indies”,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Chromolaena,odorata, ,triffid weed,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, savanna, plantations,wooded kloofs,

watercourses, roadsidesCultivated for: ornament”,”Origin: C

& S Amer, West Indies”,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Chromolaena,odorata, ,Siam weed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chromolaena,odorata, ,Siam weed,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Chromolaena,ordata,” Eupatorium conyzoides, Eupatorium

odoratum”,”Siam weed, bitter weed, Christmas bush, devil weed,

hagonoy, triffid weed”,,,,”in tropics Siam weed very

competitive with pasture & plantation crops, coconuts, rubber, tea,

oil palm, sugarcane, pineapple & tobacco reducing yields & in

estab. phase, chokes out these crops as well as young forest trees;

competes with dryland rice; cau”,”native of C Amer from Mexico

to Brazil, including West Indies; not a serious weed in its native range

but is a transient coloniser of cleared areas in the Amazon forest;

introd as an ornamental to Calcutta in India, spread through Bengal,

Assam & Burma to”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &



moniliferum,”boneseed, bitou bush, bietou, brother berry, Higgin's

curse, jungle flower, salt bush”,HHHXXHw,NL,”Lord Howe Is.;

Vic; Qld; SA; WA, NSW”,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Chrysanthemoides,monilifera,Osteospermum moniliferum,”boneseed,

bitou bush, bietou, brother berry, Higgin's curse, jungle flower, salt

bush”,HXHXXwX,NL,”Lord Howe Is.; Vic; Qld; SA; WA,

NSW”,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Chrysanthemoides,monilifera, ,Boneseed,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,Water,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Large Small to

medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,3,4,5,6,8,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Chrysanthemoides,monilifera, ,”boneseed, bitou


Plant must be destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. +

Control not required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable

throughout the State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of

Plant, or Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section

54(1) (2) applies) Movement prohibited on roads (Section 52(2)

applies)”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Chrysanthemoides,monilifera, ,”boneseed, bitou

bush”,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Chrysanthemoides,monilifera, ,”boneseed, bitou

bush”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited


Chrysanthemoides,monilifera ssp. rotundata,,Bitou Bush

,,,,Major WeedSHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John

Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Chrysanthemoides,monilifera ssp. rotundata,,Bitou Bush

,,,,Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Chrysanthemoides,monilifera ssp. monilifera, Osteospermum

moniliferum,”boneseed, bitou bush, bietou, brother berry, Higgin's

curse, jungle flower, salt bush”,,,,”establishes in areas of

native vegetation ranging from mallee scrub to wet sclerophyll forests,

whether disturbed or not, & eventually out competes & eliminates

many native sp.; has vigorous growth & has an absence of natural

enemies; regenerates rapidly “,”native of southern &

south-eastern coastal areas of S Afr where there are 6 ssp, only 2

introd. to Aust; occurs in USA (Cal), Sicily, southern France & NZ,

but has become more troublesome in Aust than elsewhere”,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Chrysanthemoides,monilifera ssp. rotundata, ,Bitou

Bush,,,,”Dispersal: Bird, internal,animal (not bird), internal. Life

Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”S Af, In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Chrysanthemoides,monilifera ssp. rotundata, Osteospermum

moniliferum,”boneseed, bitou bush, bietou, brother berry, Higgin's

curse, jungle flower, salt bush”,,,,,”occurs along 60% of the

NSW coast including 12 National Parks & 9 Nature Res, presently

confined to coastal dunes & some forest areas & not extend more

than 20km inland; Lord Howe Is. densely estab.; widespread & densely

estab. in several areas in Vic, in”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Chrysanthemum,cinerariaefolium, ,,,,,”germ % increased

with seed treated conc. sulphuric acid for 5-30 sec, washed in water for

4-5hrs, mixed with soil and sown; germ period 19-23

days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Chrysanthemum,coronarium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chrysanthemum,coronarium, ,Crown Daisy,,,,,”Southern

Europe, more to extreme south”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Chrysanthemum,coronarium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chrysanthemum,leucanthemum, ,Ox eye daisy,,,,seed germ well

after harvest; germ remains high up to 61 wks of storage; high germ % in

light at 20C & light at alt. temp of 20-30C; cold stratification

(moist seed at 1-7C for 1wk) prior reduces light senitivity & seed

able to germ in dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Chrysanthemum,leucanthemum, ,Ox-eye daisy ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Chrysanthemum,leucanthemum, ,”oxeye daisy,

Margarita”,,,,”Chrysanthemum leucanthemum has been declared a

noxious weed in many areas. It is a weed of 13 crops in 40 countries and

is frequently reported a principal weed of pastures. It is common in

overgrazed pastures, waste areas and meadows.”,native of Eur,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Chrysanthemum,leucanthemum, ,oxeye daisy,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chrysanthemum,leucanthemum,,ox-eye daisy,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Chrysanthemum,myconis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chrysanthemum,myconis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Chrysanthemum,parthenium, ,feverfew,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chrysanthemum,segetum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chrysanthemum,segetum, ,,,,,”seeds germ at once or soon

after harvest, seeds placed in unheated germinator & exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors; 75% germ after dry storage at room

temp over winter”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Chrysanthemum,segetum, ,Corn Marigold,,,,,”All Europe, more

in SE Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chrysanthemum,segetum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chrysanthemum,var. pinnatifidum, ,field oxeye

daisy,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chrysothamnus,graveolens, ,greenplume

rabbitbrush,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chrysothamnus,greenei, ,Greene rabbitbrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chrysothamnus,nauseosus, ,rubber rabbitbrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chrysothamnus,parryi, ,Parry rabbitbrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chrysothamnus,pulchellus, ,southwest

rabbitbrush,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chrysothamnus,var. lanceolatus, ,lanceleaf

rabbitbrush,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chrysothamnus,var. stenophyllus, ,small

rabbitbrush,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chrysothamnus,viscidiflorus, ,”green rabbitbrush, douglas

rabbitbrush”,,,,”Weed of Rangelands in Saratoga Wyoming, highly

competitive brush species in conjunction with Ericameria nauseosa (gray

rabbitbrush)”,,”WeedSSA, article proceedings, Vol 51,


Chrysothamnus,viscidiflorus, ,Douglas

rabbitbrush,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cichorium,endivia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cichorium,endivia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cichorium,intybus,,chicory,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Cichorium,intybus,,”chicory, witlof”,XXXXX,L,Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cichorium,intybus, ,Chicory,,,,70% germ with temp alt. of

20-30C & atl. exposure to light/dark,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cichorium,intybus, ,Chicory,,,,,”All Europe, except S

Sweden & NE Europe, less in Sacndinavia, UK & Eire”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Cichorium,intybus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cichorium,intybus, ,”chichory, coffee weed, bachelors

buttons, blue daisy, blue dandelion, blue sailors,

succory”,,,,Cichorium intybus is a troublesome weed in 30 crops in

more than 40 countries and sites on agricultural lands and is serious in

many of them.,”frequent in W Asia, Australia, Eur, & N Amer with

exception of Mexico; less frequent along the equator, or in the Pacific

Islands, or in Afr, with only a few scattered reports in north and south.

It is found in the extreme north of the former Sov. Union a”,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Cichorium,intybus, ,chicory,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cichorium,pumilum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cichorium,pumilum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cichorium ,endivia,syn C. pumilum,Chicory,,,,”fields,

roadsidesGreen leaves eaten as salad; root used as a substitute for

coffee or added to it for a special flavour”,”Medit, S Eur, W

Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Cineraria,lyrata,,” cineraria, African marigold, wild

parsely”,,LP,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cineraria,lyrata, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Cineraria,lyrata, ,” cineraria, African marigold, wild

parsely”,,,,”not regarded as a seroius weed in S Afr, in Aust

it is not a problem in vigorous competitive pastures, occurring mainly

along roadsides, fence lines & in adjacent lightly grazed bushland;

eaten by stock; not knwon to be toxic, but causes gas in cheese &

u”,”native of S Afr is a common grassland plant in the

Transvaal, Orange Free State, Lesotho, Cape Province & less commonly

in Natal; doent appear to have been widely spread outside of

Afr”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cineraria,lyrata, ,cineraria,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cineraria,lyrata, ,cineraria,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cirsium,acarna,,soldier thistle,,LP,Vic,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cirsium,acarna, ,Soldier thistle,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cirsium,acarna, ,Soldier thistle,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cirsium,altissimum, ,tall thistle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cirsium,arvense,,"Common Name(s): Canada thistle, Creeping thistle","Avail nurseries, Weed Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Crowds out native species, allelopathic, introduced 1700's ""Perennial, 4 Feet high, flowers rose-purple, pink or white, numerous heads, stems erect and green , leaves alternate, irregul","Europe. Habitat: Roadsides, prairies, savannas, agricultural areas"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Cirsium,arvense,,thistle Canada ,"WEED OF CONCERN: Control and containment of existing populations of these noxious weeds is strongly encouraged in King County, Washington State.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Cirsium,arvense,Cirsium lanatum,”perennial thistle,

Californian thistle, Canada thistle, corn thistle, creeping thistle,

perennial creeping thistle”,XXX,L,NSW; Vic; SA; WA; Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cirsium,arvense, ,Canada Thistle ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cirsium,arvense, ,Canada Thistle ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cirsium,arvense, ,Canada thistle,,,,”fresh seed needs

pretreatment with cold (1-2C, seed moist) for 7 days, light for 3 days,

germ at constant 20C; 91% germ of 2yr old seed alt. temp of 15C

(16hrs)-30C (8hrs) in dark”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cirsium,arvense, ,Creeping Thistle,,,,”C. argenteum, C

horridum”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Cirsium,arvense, ,Canada thistle,,,,”2,4-D/MCPA 1985

Hungary “, heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Cirsium,arvense, ,Canada thistle,,,,MCPA 1979 Sweden ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Cirsium,arvense, ,Canada thistle ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Cirsium,arvense, ,Canada thistle,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cirsium,arvense, ,Perennial thistle N # ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Cirsium,arvense, ,”perennial thistle, Californian

thistle, Canada thistle”,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science


Cirsium,arvense, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Cirsium,arvense, ,Canada thistle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cirsium,arvense, ,”perennial thistle, Californian

thistle, Canada thistle”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Cirsium,arvense,,Canada thistle,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Cirsium,centaureae, Cirsium americanum,,,,,full seed 50% germ

at 18C in dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Cirsium,flodmani, ,Flodman thistle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cirsium,heterophyllum, ,,,,,”seeds germ in 1st spring

after collection; seeds germ soon after harvest, exposed to temps

similiar to those prevailing outdoors; seeds left in germinator until

germ or rotted; 70% germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Cirsium,hillii, ,,,,,52% germ of seeds planted in greenhouse

in late autumn of year collected; germ over 13-41 days after planting;

seeds planted in soil & kept outdoors for 83 days during autumn &

winter 72% germ within 11-98 days once in greenhouse,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cirsium,horridulum, ,Yellow thistle,,,,poor germ of seeds

collected in early summer & tested in Sept. on moist paper toweling in

a saturated atmosphere at room temp; seed surface sterilized for 2min in

5% sodium hypochlorite & rinsed in sterile water germ better than

unsterilized seed,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Cirsium,horridulum, ,yellow thistle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cirsium,japonicum, ,,,,, , Miyasaki Oita ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Cirsium,japonicum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cirsium,muticum, ,,,,,8% germ of seed planted in greenhouse in

late autumn of year collected; germ over 29-299 days; seeds planted &

kept outdoors for 83 days during late autumn & winter also germ 8%

but germ occurred over 21-42 days afte transfer to

greenhouse,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Cirsium,nipponicum, ,,,,, , Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Cirsium,nipponicum, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Cirsium,ochrocentrum, ,Yellowspine Thistle

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Cirsium,oleraceum, ,,,,,”seeds germ well after harvest,

seeds placed in unheated germinator & exposed to temps similar to

those prevailing outdoors”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Cirsium,pitcheri, ,,,,,48% germ of seeds planted in greenhouse

in late autumn of year collected; germ occurred over 13-69 days; seed

planted in soil & kept outdoors over autumn & winter for 71 days

germ 84% within 7-28 days after transfer to greenhouse,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cirsium,pumilum, ,pasture thistle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cirsium,tanakae, ,,,,, , Miyagi ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Cirsium,undulatum, ,Wavyleaf Thistle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cirsium,undulatum, ,,,,,”76% germ of seeds with alt. temp

of 20-30C, & alt. light/dark”,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cirsium,vulgare,”Carduus lanceolatus, Carduus vulgaris,

Cirsium lanceolatum”,”spear thistle, black thistle, bull

thistle, fuller's thistle, Scotch thistle, swamp thistle”,HHXAHX,L,Vic;

SA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cirsium,vulgare,,thistle bull ,"WEED OF CONCERN: Control and containment of existing populations of these noxious weeds is strongly encouraged in King County, Washington State.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Cirsium,vulgare, ,Bull Thistle ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cirsium,vulgare, Cirsium lanceolatum,Bull thistle,,,,”40%

germ of seeds in dark at 20C, 80% in dark at temp alt. 20-30C & 72%

with alt. light/dark at 20-3-C”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cirsium,vulgare, ,Spear Thistle,,,,”C. lanceolatum, C.

crinitum, C. microcephalum, C. strigosum”,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Cirsium,vulgare, ,Bull thistle ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Cirsium,vulgare, ,”spear thistle, Scotch

thistle”,,,,”Declared WeedHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: grassland,

roadsides, old & degraded lands, vlei & dam margins, riverbanks,

in cool, high rainfall areas.Cultivated for: ornamental”,Origin:

Europe & Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cirsium,vulgare, ,”spear thistle, Scotch

thistle”,,,,”Declared WeedHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: grassland,

roadsides, old & degraded lands, vlei & dam margins, riverbanks,

in cool, high rainfall areas.Cultivated for: ornamental”,Origin: Europe

& Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cirsium,vulgare, ,Spear thistle * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS

IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”, ,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Cirsium,vulgare, ,spear thistle,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cirsium,vulgare, ,”black thistle, bull thistle, scotch

thistle, spear thistle”,,,,”Cirsium vulgare is a robust, spiny,

unpalatable thistle that is the scourage of pastures and rangelands in 20

countries. It is a weed in more than 50 countries and troublesome in 20

crops”,as a weed it is confined to the north and south temperate

zones. ,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Cirsium,vulgare, ,bull thistle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cirsium ,arvense, Cirsium lanatum,”perennial thistle,

Californian thistle, Canada thistle, corn thistle, creeping thistle,

perennial creeping thistle”,,,,”occurs commonly throughout

Gippsland & parts of W. Districts in Vic as weed of pastures, isolated

patches in NSW, widespd in all farming dist. in Tas, no import. in other

States where only isolated patches have occurred & been

eradicated”,”originated in Eur, NAfr, W Asia &as far east

as China & Japan, recognised as import. weed in southern Eur as early

as 16thC; spread to most temp parts of world; prob. & most import.

weed of NAmer, Canada & NZ; consid. most persistent & troublesome

thistle”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cirsium ,vulgare, ,Spear Thistle,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Biennial. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4-9,11-15”,”Eur, As, N Af, In Victoria: Widespread, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cirsium ,vulgare,” Carduus lanceolatus, Carduus vulgaris,

Cirsium lanceolatum”,”spear thistle, black thistle, bull

thistle, fuller's thistle, Scotch thistle, swamp

thistle”,,,,”rosettes cover up to a 1/3 sq.m, reduce carrying

capacity of paddocks with dense infestations, stock dont readily graze

it, comp. with pastures & cereal crops”,”originated in Eur,

W Asia, N Afr, has spread to most temp regions of the world; occurs

commonly in N Amer; import. & widespd weed of pastures &

neglected areas in NZ & S Afr”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia,

P & C”

Cirsium ,vulgare,,bull thistle,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Cnicus,benedictus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cnicus,benedictus, ,Blessed Thistle,,,,,”Southern Europe,

less Eastern Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Cnicus,benedictus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cnicus,benedictus, ,blessed thistle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Coleostephus,myconis, ,,,,,”Chrysanthemum myconis,

Myconia myconis, Leucanthemum myconis”,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Coleostephus,myconis,Compositae ,,,,,”Chrysanthemum

myconis, Myconia myconis, Leucanthemum myconis”,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Conyza,aegyptiaca,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Conyza,aegyptiaca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Conyza,albida,Conyza sumatrensis,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Conyza,bibaoana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Conyza,bilbaoana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Conyza,bonariensis,,,XXXXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Conyza,bonariensis, ,Hairy Fleabane,,,,”C. ambigua,

Erigeron bonariensis, E. crispus”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Conyza,bonariensis, ,Hairy fleabane,,,,”sulfonylureas

1993 Israel Forest, Industrial “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,bonariensis, ,Hairy fleabane,,,,paraquat 1989 Japan

Roadside , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,bonariensis, ,Hairy fleabane,,,,paraquat 1993 Egypt ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,bonariensis, ,Hairy fleabane,,,,simazine 1987 Spain

Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,bonariensis, ,Hairy fleabane,,,,”triazines 1993

Israel Forest, Industrial “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,bonariensis,syn Erigeron bonariense; E. crispus; E.

linifolius; Conyza ambigua; C. linifolia,Fleabane,,,,roadsides and

negelected land both in dry and moist habitats,”Naturalised from

trop. Amer, widely naturalised in Medit, Asia, & many subtrop. &

warm regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Conyza,bonariensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Conyza,canadensis,,”Canadian fleabane, Canadian

horseweed, horseweed”,XXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Conyza,canadensis, ,Canadian Fleabane,,,,Erigeron

canadensis,”All Europe, except Eire”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Conyza,canadensis, ,Horseweed ,,,,linuron 1988 France Orchard

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,canadensis, ,Horseweed ,,,,”sulfonylureas 1993

Israel Forest, Industrial “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,canadensis, ,Horseweed ,,,,paraquat 1980 Japan Orchard

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,canadensis, ,Horseweed ,,,,paraquat 1993 Canada Peach ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,canadensis, ,Horseweed ,,,,”atrazine 1987 Czech

Republic Corn, Nurseries,”,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,canadensis, ,Horseweed ,,,,atrazine 1987 Spain Corn ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,canadensis, ,Horseweed ,,,,”atrazine 1989 Belgium

Corn, Nurseries, “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,canadensis, ,Horseweed ,,,,simazine 1982 United Kingdom

Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,canadensis, ,Horseweed ,,,,triazines 1981 France ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,canadensis, ,Horseweed ,,,,”triazines 1982

Switzerland Corn, Nurseries, “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,canadensis, ,Horseweed ,,,,triazines 1983 Poland

Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,canadensis, ,Horseweed ,,,,”triazines 1993 Israel Forest,

Industrial “, heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,canadensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Conyza,canadensis,syn ,”Canada fleabane, butterweed,

blood-stanch, colt's tail, fireweed, hogweed, horseweed, mare's tail,

pride weed”,,,,Conyza canadensis is a weed in 70 countries and

appears in more than 40 crops,prospers as a weed mainly in the north

temperate zone although it has worldwide distribution.,WORLD WEEDS

Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Conyza,chilensis,C. scabiosifolia? &/or C.

primulifolia,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Conyza,chilensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Conyza,japonica, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Conyza,leucantha,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Conyza,linifolia, ,Horseweed ,,,,diquat 1989 Egypt ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,parva,C. canadensis var. pusilla,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Conyza,parva, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Conyza,primulifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Conyza,scabiosifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Conyza,sumatrensis, ,Sumatran Fleabane,,,,”paraquat 1980

Taiwan Cropland, Roadside, “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,sumatrensis, ,Sumatran Fleabane,,,,”paraquat 1987

Japan Cropland, Roadside “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza,sumatrensis, ,Sumatran Fleabane,,,,paraquat 1990

Malaysia Vegetables ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Conyza ,aegyptiaca,syn ,,,,,Nile and canal banks,”trop.

& subtrop. Afr, Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Conyza ,albida,,Fleabane,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Conyza ,albida, ,Fleabane,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,Water,W. Life Form: Biennial. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2-9,12,13”,”N&S Am, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Coreopsis,grandiflora,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Coreopsis,grandiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Coreopsis,lanceolata,C. grandiflora misapplied in

WA,tickseed,HXw,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Coreopsis,lanceolata, ,,,,,”62% germ over 14-217 days of

seed held in soil outdoors for 112 days during autumn & winter, then

transferred to greenhouse; seeds planted directly into greenhouse germ

90% but over 90-329 days “,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Coreopsis,lanceolata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Coreopsis,tinctoria, ,plains coreopsis,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Coreopsis,verticillata, ,,,,,22% germ in greenhouse in Feb

from seed collected previous summer & dry stored until

planted,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Cosmos,bipinnatus,,”cosmos, garden

cosmos”,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cosmos,bipinnatus, ,Cosmos,,,,Dispersal: ?Wind. Life Form:

Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 6,”Introduced

deliberately from: C Am and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare

or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Cosmos,bipinnatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cosmos,bipinnatus,,cosmos,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Cosmos,capitata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cosmos,capitata, ,,,,,Region of origin - Amer; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Cosmos,caudatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cosmos,caudatus, ,,,,,”85% germ of seeds planted soon

after harvest, in sand sterilized with 2% mercuric

chloride”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Cosmos,caudatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cosmos,sulphureus,,cosmos,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Cotula,abyssinica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cotula,abyssinica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cotula,anthemoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cotula,anthemoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cotula,anthemoides,syn ,,,,,”canal banks, moist

ground”,”trop. & S Afr, W Asia”,”The Weed Flora

of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Cotula,australis,Anacyclus austsralis,”carrot weed,

batchelor's button, common cotula”,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cotula,australis, Anacyclus austsralis,”carrot weed,

batchelor's button, common cotula”,,,,”locally common in

grasslands, but rarely eaten by stock, because of its very strong odour;

more common as a weed of lawns, gardens & playing

fields”,,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cotula,australis, ,carrot weed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cotula,australis, ,southern brassbuttons,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cotula,australis, ,carrot weed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cotula,bipinnata,,Ferny Cotula,HX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cotula,bipinnata, ,Ferny Cotula,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 11”,”S Af, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cotula,bipinnata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cotula,coronopifolia,,water buttons,HX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cotula,coronopifolia, ,Water Buttons,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual/Perennial

herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,9,10,11”,”S Af, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Cotula,coronopifolia, ,,,,,,”Western Europe, UK, Eire

& Norway”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Cotula,coronopifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cotula,turbinata,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cotula,turbinata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crassocephalum,crepidiodes, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland

,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Crassocephalum,crepidioides,,”redflower ragleaf,

thickhead”,X,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Crassocephalum,crepidioides, ,Thickhead,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crassocephalum,crepidioides,syn Gynura crepidioides,thick

head,,,,”arable land, rivers & roadsides, tean & cinchona

plantations, particularly in wet localities; from 250-2500m alt; flowers

all year round; upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance, readily

eaten by livestock & a useful green fodder for

poultry”,”tropical Afr, tropics of Asia; in 1926 first found

near Medan (N Sumatra); deliberately imported to Java where it soon

became naturalised & spread throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of

Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Crassocephalum,crepidioides, ,Thickhead,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Crassocephalum,crepidoides, ,,,,,”tropical America,

plantations, waste land”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; New

Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon

Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Crassocephalum,crepoidiodes, , ,,,,paraquat 1990 Malaysia

Vegetables , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Crepis,biennis, ,Rough hawksbeard,,,,seeds germ soon after

harvested; seeds placed in unheated germinator & exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Crepis,biennis, ,Rough Hawk's Beard,,,,,All Europe except S

Sweden,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Crepis,biennis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crepis,biennis, ,rough hawksbeard,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Crepis,bullosa,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Crepis,bullosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crepis,bullosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Crepis,capillaris,,Smooth Hawksbeard,HX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Crepis,capillaris, ,Smooth Hawksbeard,,,,”Dispersal:

Wind. Life Form: Annual/Biennial. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,6,8,13,14,15”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Crepis,capillaris, ,Smooth hawksbeard,,,,92% germ with alt.

light/dark & alt. temp 20-30C,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Crepis,capillaris, ,Smooth Hawk's Beard,,,,C. virens,”All

Europe except Norway, Finland & N Sweden”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Crepis,capillaris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crepis,capillaris, ,smooth hawksbeard,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Crepis,dioscoridis,(?? is this Crepis setosa in other

States),,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Crepis,foetida,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Crepis,foetida, ,Stinking Hawk's Beard,,,,”Barkhousia

foetide, C. rhoeadifolia, C. striornyi, Rodigia commutata, R.

bulgarica”,Mainland Europe & UK except Denmark ,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Crepis,foetida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crepis,neglecta, ,,,P,,”No records of species presence in

Australia, found as a contaminant in Turf seed from OS.Last up date to

Web site from to this record: 31 July 1998”,”Distribution:

Albania, Bulgaria, Crete, Greece, Italy, Jugoslavia, Sicily,

Turkey.”,Western Australian Prohibited List

Crepis,nicaeenus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crepis,occidentalis, ,Western hawksbeard,,,,”no germ with

temp alt. 20-30C; 8% germ with 15C & alt. light/dark, 20C in dark,

20-30C with alt. light/dark”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Crepis,occidentalis, ,western hawksbeard,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Crepis,pusilla,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Crepis,pusilla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crepis,sancta, ,,,,,”Lagoseris sancta, L. bifida, L.

macrantha, Pterotheca sancta”,”Eastern & Southern Europe,

less in SW Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Crepis,sancta,Compositae ,,,,,”Lagoseris sancta, L.

bifida, L. macrantha, Pterotheca sancta”,”Eastern &

Southern Europe, less in SW Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Crepis,setosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Crepis,setosa, ,Bristly Hawk's Beard,,,,”C. dobrogica,

Barkhousia setosa”,”Central to Southern Europe, less in

North”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Crepis,setosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crepis,tectorum, ,Narrowleaf hawksbeard,,,,”all, or most

seed germ in 1st spring; seeds placed in unheated germinator &

exposed to temps prevailing outdoors until germ; 94 % germ, 77% germ

after 3yrs, 9% germ after 5yrs, &0% germ after 6yrs dry storage in

paper bags at room temp”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Crepis,tectorum, ,,,,,,”All Europe except Greece, Uk

& Eire”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Crepis,tectorum,Compositae ,,,,,,”All Europe except

Greece, Uk & Eire”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Crepis,tectorum, ,narrowleaf hawksbeard,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Crepis,vesicaria,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Crepis,vesicaria, ,Beaked Hawk's Beard,,,,C.

taraxacifolia,”SW Europe, UK & Eire”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Crepis,zacintha, ,,,,,Zacintha verrucosa,”Southern &

Western Europe, found as far East as S Russia”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Crepis,zacintha,Compositae ,,,,,Zacintha

verrucosa,”Southern & Western Europe, found as far East as S Russia”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Crupina,vulgaris,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Crupina,vulgaris, ,Bearded Creeper ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Crupina,vulgaris, ,,,,,C. acuta,Southern to SE Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Crupina,vulgaris, ,Common crupina ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Crupina,vulgaris, ,common crupina,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Crupina,vulgaris,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Crupina,vulgaris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cynara,cardunculus,,”artichoke thistle, wild artichoke,

cardoon, Scotch thistle”,HXX,L,Vic; SA; WA; Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cynara,cardunculus, ,Artichoke Thistle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cynara,cardunculus, ,Artichoke Thistle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cynara,cardunculus, ,Artichoke Thistle,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal,animal external.animal (not bird), internal.Wind. Life

Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,8”,”Med and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cynara,cardunculus, ,”artichoke thistle, wild artichoke,

cardoon, Scotch thistle”,,,,”import. weed of pastures &

occasionally, lucerne; was estab. dominates the vegetation of an area;

large plants with dense foliage shade pasture sp. & draw moisture

& nutrients from the soil; animals will eat leaves & graze on them

only when hungry”,”native of Medit region has now spread to

several temp areas of world; imported to N Amer as edible plant, now a

weed in California; occurs in NZ, is import. weed in Arg, Chile, Brazil

& Uruguay, Spain, & Morocco”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia,

P & C”

Cynara,cardunculus, ,”wild artichoke, artichoke thistle,

cardoon”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Cynara,cardunculus, ,Wild artichoke * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Cynara,cardunculus, ,”artichoke thistle, Cardoon, wild

artichoke”,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Cynara,cardunculus, ,”artichoke thistle, Cardoon, wild

artichoke”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cynara,scolymus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cynara,scolymus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cynara,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Delairea,odorata,Senecio mikanioides,Cape

ivy,HHXXXw,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Delairea,odorata, ,Cape Lvy,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative,?Wind. Life Form: Vine. RISK: Very serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,5,6,7,8,13”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Delairea,odorata, ,Cape Ivy ,,,,Vines.,,”Rainforest

Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Delairea,odorata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dichrocephala,bicolor, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dichrocephala,bicolor, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Dichrocephala,integrifolia,”syn Dichrocephala bicolor,

Dichrocephala latifolia, Cotula latifolia, Grangea

latifolia”,,,,,”sunny or light or rather heavily shaded, always

moist, preferably stony areas; along roads & trails, compounds, along

water courses & borders of cultivated land; usually scattered,

sometimes numerous; in Java form 30-2400m, in Irian Jaya to 3000m alt;

mai”,”tropical Asia, from Asia through Malesia to Aust, the

Pacific & Afr; everywhere in Indonesia except

Kalimantan”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,



Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Dimorphotheca,ecklonis, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent

of spread - localised - spreading; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Dimorphotheca,ecklonis, ,Dimorphotheca,,,,Dispersal: Wind.

Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 5,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Dimorphotheca,pluvialis,,Cape marigold,XXH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Dimorphotheca,pluvialis, ,Cape Marigold,,,,”Dispersal:

?Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Dimorphotheca,pluvialis, ,,,,,54% germ of seed in dark at 26C;

seed soaked overnight in water only those that swelled used,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Dimorphotheca,pluvialis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dimorphotheca,sinuata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dimorphotheca,sinuata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dittrichia,graveolens,Inula graveolens,”stinkwort,

camphor inula, stink-weed”,XXX,L,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dittrichia,graveolens, ,Stinkweed,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,3,4,5”,”Med, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Dittrichia,graveolens, ,,,,,”Inula graveolens, Cupularia

graveolens”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Dittrichia,graveolens, Inula graveolens,”stinkwort,

camphor inula, stink-weed”,,,,”strongest smeling of all weeds

because of its aromatic oil produced by glandular hairs on most parts of

the plant; camphor-like smell, repells grazing animals, eating the plant

only when very young; oil discolours wool, taints meat &

milk”,”native of Medit region, occurs in several temp areas of

the world, it only in S Afr, Aust, & NZ & parts of its native

range that it is regarded as a weed; troublesome in cereal areas of Cape

Province of S Afr & occurs throughout southern Eur & Morocco as

“,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Dittrichia,graveolens, ,stinkwort,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dittrichia,viscosa,,false yellowhead,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Dittrichia,viscosa, ,,,,,”Inula viscosa, Cupularia

viscosa”,,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Dittrichia,viscosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dyssodia,papposa, ,fetid marigold,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Echinacea,paradoxa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Echinops,sphaerocephalus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Echinops,sphaerocephalus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eclipta,alba,syn Verbesina alba; Eclipta prostrata,False

daisy,,,,”canal banks, moist ground; naturalised”“Juice of

plant applied to scalp to promote hair growth, taken internally it

blackens the hair and beard”““,trop. & warm temp.

Amer; naturalised Old World,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Eclipta,alba, ,yerb-de-tago,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Eclipta,alba, ,yerba-de-tago,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eclipta,prostrata, ,,,,,annual , Japan,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Eclipta,prostrata,”syn Eclipta alba, E. erecta var.

prostrata, E. erecta var. erecta, E. erecta var. zippeliana, Verbesina

prostrata”,”false daisy, whiteheads”,,,,”adaptable to

changing evironmental conditions, usually on poorly drained, wet areas

along streams & ditches in marshes, on sunny places; from the

seacoast (endures saline conditions) to 2000m; flowering all year round;

can produce more than 17 000 seeds/p”,”unknown, world-wide,

tropical & subtropical; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of

Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Egletes,prostrata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Egletes,prostrata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Elephantopus,mollis,,”tobacco weed, Elephants

leaf”,,GLP,Qld,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Elephantopus,mollis, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop. Amer;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental ?,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Elephantopus,mollis, ,tobacco weed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Elephantopus,mollis, ,tobacco weed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Elephantopus,mollis (= E. scaber),= E. scaber,”elephant's

foot, tobacco weed”,,,,”Caribbean, vegetables, field crops,

tree crops”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New

Caledonia; Niue; Papua New; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Elephantopus,scaber,,tobacco weed,,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Elephantopus,scaber, ,tobacco weed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Elephantopus,scaber, ,elephantsfoot,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Elephantopus,scaber, ,tobacco weed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Elephantopus,spicatus, ,,,,,”71% germ of dry stored seed

at room temp for several mths, then planted in moist sand”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Elephantopus,tomentosus, ,tobacco weed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Elephantopus,tomentosus, ,tobacco weed,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Eleutheranthera,ruderalis, ,,,,,”Caribbean, “,Cook

Islands; Fiji; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon

Islands; Tokelau; Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Eleutheranthera,ruderalis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eleutheranthera,ruderalis,”syn Eleutheranthera ovata,

Eleutheranthera prostrata”,,,,,”sunny to rather densely shaded,

not too dry areas, in regions with a more or less pronounced dry season;

in fields & compounds, alang-aland & other grass fields, along

roadsides, under hedges & in village tree clumps; locally abundant;

up to 800m alt; upl”,”tropical Amer , in 1888 observed in W

Java for the first time; has now spread throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Elytropappus,rhinocerotis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Elytropappus,rhinocerotis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Emilia,sonchifolia, ,”emilia, red tassel

flower”,,,,”tropical America, “,Cook Islands; Fiji; French

Polynesia; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western

Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture

and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Emilia,sonchifolia,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Emilia,sonchifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Emilia,sonchifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Emilia,sonchifolia, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Emilia,sonchifolia, ,”emilia, purple sow thistle, red

groundsel, red tassel-flower”,,,,”Emilia sonchifolia is an

annual herbaceous plant common in both cultivated and undisturbed areasof

54 countries, often as an early colonizer of disturbed sites. It is a

reported weed of 29 crops in 54 countries ann infests bananas, cassava,

maize, pineapp”,native of the Old World tropics and now occurs in

the tropical and subtropical areas of 54 countries.,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Emilia,sonchifolia, ,red tasselflower,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Encelia,mexicana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Encelia,mexicana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Endrya,sessilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Endrya,sessilis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Enhydra,fluctuans,”syn Enhydra linifolia, Enhydra

longifolia, Enhydra paludosa, Tetractis paludosa”,,,,,”sunny

& marshy cultivated areas in & along ditches & water courses,

& margins of fishponds; up to 1800m alt; usually gregarious; irrigated,

lebak & tidal rice fields, a weed of minor importance; impedes water

flow in streams, a good vegetable, also cultiv”,”Indochina, in

Indonesia: Java, Sumatra & Sulawesi”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Erechtites,glomerata, ,Australian Fireweed ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Erechtites,gomerata, ,Australian fireweed,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Erechtites,hieracifolia, ,American burnweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erechtites,minima, ,Australian Fireweed ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Erechtites,minima, ,Toothed coast burnweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY

LIST OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Erechtites,prenanthoides, ,Australian

burnweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erechtites,valerianifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Erechtites,valerianifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ericameria,nauseosa,syn Chrysothamnus nauseosa,gray rabbitbrush,,,,”Weed

of Rangelands in Saratoga Wyoming, highly competitive brush species in

conjunction with Chrysothamnus viscidflorus (douglas

rabbitbrush)”,,”WeedSSA, article proceedings, Vol 51,


Erigeron,acer, ,Blue Fleabane,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Erigeron,acer,Compositae ,Blue Fleabane,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Erigeron,annuus, ,,,,,Stenactis annua,”Mainland Europe,

except Greece & Russia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Erigeron,annuus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erigeron,annuus, ,,,,, ,Shimane Shizuoka Upland Japan Hokkaido

Miyagi Niigata Oita Okayama Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Erigeron,annuus, ,annual fleabane,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erigeron,annuus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Erigeron,bonariense, ,,,,,68% germ of seeds placed on moist

soil & covered with polyethylene film in light,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Erigeron,canadensis, ,Horseweed,,,,seed begins to germ almost

immediately after harvest; seeds placed in unheated germinator &

exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Erigeron,canadensis, ,,,,,biennial sub-dominance ,Shimane

Upland Korea Upland Japan Hokkaido Miyagi Miyasaki Niigata Okayama ,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Erigeron,canadensis, ,horseweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erigeron,divaricatus, ,dwarf fleabane,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erigeron,karvinskianus,,”Mexican daisy, seaside

daisy”,w,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Erigeron,karvinskianus, (OTHERS?),,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erigeron,linifolius, ,,,,, , Upland Korea ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Erigeron,philadelphicus, ,Philadelphia fleabane,,,,paraquat

1980 Japan Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Erigeron,philadelphicus, ,Philadelphia

fleabane,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erigeron,pulchellus, ,robinsplantain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erigeron,speciosus, ,Oregon fleabane,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erigeron,strigosus, ,rough fleabane,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erigeron,sumatrensis, , ,,,,paraquat 1980 Japan Orchard ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Erigeron,sumatrensis, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,Shimane

Shizuoka Miyasaki Oita Okayama Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Erigeron ,spp., ,,,,,needs light for germ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Eriocephalus,africanus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eriocephalus,africanus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eriocephalus,racemosus,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eriocephalus,racemosus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Eriophyllum,lanatum, ,,,,,”84% germ alt. temps 20-30C in

dark, 80% at 20C constant in dark, 64% germ at 20-30C with alt.

light/dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Erlangea,laxa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erlangea,laxa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ethulia,conyzoides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ethulia,conyzoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euchiton,audax,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eupatorium,adenophorum, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Eupatorium,adenophorum, ,pamakani,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eupatorium,cannabinum, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st & 2nd

spring; seeds placed in unheated germinator & exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors; 94% germ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Eupatorium,cannabinum, ,Hemp Agrimony,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Eupatorium,cannabinum,Compositae ,Hemp Agrimony,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Eupatorium,capillifolium, ,dog fennel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eupatorium,compositifolium, ,yankeeweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eupatorium,glandulosum, ,sticky eupatorium,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eupatorium,japonicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eupatorium,japonicum, ,chinense,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Eupatorium,liatrideum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eupatorium,liatrideum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Eupatorium,macrocephalum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eupatorium,macrocephalum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Eupatorium,maculatum, ,joepyeweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eupatorium,odoratum, ,,,,, Seed Impurities , Thailand ,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Eupatorium,odoratum,”syn Eupatorium odoratum, Chromolaena

ordata”,Siam weed ,,,,”prefers well-drained sites, sunny or

slightly shaded areas (dies under a closed tree canopy), in brushwood,

abandoned land & wastelands; invades clearings rapidly; grows very

quickly & has an enormous seed production; there might be

allelopathic substance”,”C & S Amer, pantropical; introd in

Java via Thailand (hence called ““Siam weed”“), then

spread throughout Indonesia; also in SE Aust, N India, S Afr &

Peru”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Eupatorium,pallescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eupatorium,pallescens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Eupatorium,perfoliatum, ,boneset,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eupatorium,purpureum, ,sweetscented

joepyeweed,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eupatorium,purpureum, ,,,,,30% germ of seed exposed to

freezing & thawing conditions while stored outside over winter once

planted in greenhouse; light may be beneficial,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Eupatorium,purpureum, ,sweetscented joepyeweed,,P,,Listed in

The Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes.No

records for species in Australia.,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eupatorium,riparium, ,river eupatorium,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eupatorium,rotundifolium, ,,,,,”6% germ of seed exposed

to low temp in soil outdoors for 71days, 1% germ of seed planted directly

in greenhouse”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Eupatorium,rugosum, ,white snakeroot,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eupatorium,serotinum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eupatorium,serotinum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eupatorium,serotinum, ,late eupatorium,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eupatorium,spp., ,dog fennel,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”


geelmagriet”,HX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Euryops,abrotanifolius, ,Euryops,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: Af and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Euryops,abrotanifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euryops,chrysanthemoides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Euryops,chrysanthemoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euryops,spathaceus, ,,,,,”50% germ of seeds presoaked

overnight(swollen seed only used), on moist filter paper at 26C in dark

within 2wks”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Evax,multicaulis, ,manystem evax,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Evax,pygmea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Facelis,apiculata, ,facelis,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Facelis,retusa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Facelis,retusa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Felicia,bergeriana, ,,,,,83% germ of seed presoaked overnight

(swollen seed only used); germ at 26C in dark within 2mths,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Felicia,petiolata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Felicia,petiolata, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Felicia,rotundifolia, ,,,,,72% germ of seed presoaked

overnight (swollen seed only used); germ at 26C in dark within

2mths,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Felicia,X Ferobergia, ,X Ferobergia spp.,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Filaginella,uliginosa, ,Marsh Cudweed,,,,Gnaphalium

uliginosum,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Filaginella,uliginosa,Compositae ,Marsh Cudweed,,,,Gnaphalium

uliginosum,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Filago,lutescens, ,Red tipped Cudweed,,,,”F. apiculata,

F. germanica”,”Mainland Europe, UK & S Sweden except Greece

and extreme NE Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Filago,lutescens,Compositae ,Red tipped Cudweed,,,,”F.

apiculata, F. germanica”,”Mainland Europe, UK & S Sweden

except Greece and extreme NE Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Filago,pygmea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Filago,pyramidata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Filago,pyramidata, ,Broad leaved Cudweed,,,,”F.

cossyrensis, F. cuneata, F. germanica, F. spathulata”,”Central,

Southern and Western Europe & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Filago,pyramidata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Filago,vulgaris, ,Cudweed,,,,”F. canescens, F. germanica,

F. eriocephala”,”Mainland Europe, S Sweden & UK except

Portugal & Extreme NE Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Filago,vulgaris,Compositae ,Cudweed,,,,”F. canescens, F.

germanica, F. eriocephala”,”Mainland Europe, S Sweden & UK

except Portugal & Extreme NE Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Flaveria,contrayerba, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Flaveria,contrayerba, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Fleischmannia,microstemon, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fleischmannia,microstemon, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Flourensia,cernua, ,tarbush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Franseria,acanthicarpa, ,,,,,only 4% germ of seed tested

within 1yr of collection at alt. temp of 20-30C in dark,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Franseria,acanthicarpa, ,annual bursage,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Franseria,confertiflora, ,slimleaf bursage,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Franseria,discolor, ,skeletonleaf bursage,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Franseria,tomentosa, ,woollyleaf bursage,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gaillardia,aristata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gaillardia,aristata, ,,,,,84% germ at alt. temp 20-30C &

alt. light/dark on moist blotters in petri dishes,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Gaillardia,aristata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gaillardia,pulchella,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gaillardia,pulchella,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gaillardia,pulchella, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gaillardia,pulchella, ,rosering gaillardia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gaillardia,X grandiflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Galactites,tomentosum, ,Milk Thistle,,,,G. pumila,Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Galactites,tomentosum,Compositae ,Milk Thistle,,,,G.

pumila,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Galinsoga,ciliata, ,Hairy galinsoga,,,,seed collected at

various periods after flwing; viable seed present between 5-6 days after

flwing; germin daylight at 20-30C on towelling moistened with KNO3 soln;

no general dormancy,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Galinsoga,ciliata, ,Shaggy Soldier,,,,”G. aristulata, G.

caracasana, G. quadriradiata”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Galinsoga,ciliata,Compositae ,Shaggy Soldier,,,,”G.

aristulata, G. caracasana, G. quadriradiata”,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Galinsoga,ciliata, ,Hairy Galinsoga,,,,atrazine 1980 Germany

Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Galinsoga,ciliata, ,Hairy Galinsoga,,,,triazines 1991

Switzerland Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Galinsoga,ciliata, ,Hairy Galinsoga,,,,imazethapyr 1996 USA

Soybean , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Galinsoga,ciliata, ,hairy galinsoga,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Galinsoga,parviflora,,”smallflower galinsoga, potato

weed, gallant soldier, yellow weed, joey hooker”,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Galinsoga,parviflora, ,Small flower galinsoga,,,,germ at alt.

temp 5-15C; good germ of recently harvested seed at all temps between

10-35C; germ of seed harvested early or late in summer stimulated by

light,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Galinsoga,parviflora, ,Gallant Soldier,,,,G.

quinquiradiata,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Galinsoga,parviflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Galinsoga,parviflora,syn Wollastona zollingeriana,yellow

weed,,,,”in sunny to rather shady areas; has strong preference for

porous, reasonably to very fertile not too dry soils; in arabale lands,

gardens, roadsides, wastelands, forest margins, in light forests, in

sugarcane, tea, coffee & cinchona plantations; locally

v”,”Peru, tropical, temperate & subtropical regions; found

for the first time in Java before 1890 & has spread throughout

Indonesia, except Kalimantan & the Moluccas”,”Weeds of Rice

in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Galinsoga,parviflora, ,smallflower galinsoga,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Galinsoga,spp., ,quickweeds,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Gamochaeta,americana,Gnaphalium americanum,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gamochaeta,antillarum,Gnaphalium antillarum,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gamochaeta,calviceps,Gnaphalium calviceps,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa


pennsylvanicum,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gamochaeta,purpurea,”Gamochaeta spicata, Gnaphalium

spicatum, Gnaphalium purpureum”,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gamochaeta,subfalcata,??now Gamochaeta

calviceps,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gamolepis,chrysanthemoid, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Gamolepis,chrysanthemoides,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Gazania,linearis,,Gazania,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gazania,linearis, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Gazania,linearis, ,Gazania,,,,”Dispersal: Water,?Wind.

Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Gazania,linearis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gazania,rigens,,coastal gazania,XXHw,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gnaphalium,americanum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gnaphalium,calviceps, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gnaphalium,calviceps, ,linearleaf cudweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gnaphalium,chilense, ,,,,,0% germ over a number of different

germ technqiues; tests conducted within 1yr after collection,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Gnaphalium,japonicum, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Gnaphalium,luteo-album, ,,,,,germ well at constant temp 21C or

lower,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Gnaphalium,luteo-album, ,Jersy Cudweed,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Gnaphalium,luteo-album,Compositae ,Jersy Cudweed,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Gnaphalium,luteo-album,syn ,Cudweed,,,,”Nile and canal

banks, moist ground”,Widespread in temp. to subtrop. regions of the

world,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi,


Gnaphalium,macounii, ,clammy cudweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gnaphalium,microcephalum, ,,,,,92% germ with alt. light/dark

at constant 15C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Gnaphalium,multiceps, ,,,,,biennial sub-dominance , Upland

Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Gnaphalium,obtusifolium, var. praecox Gnaphalium

polychephalum,Fragrant everlasting,,,,52% germ at 20-25C with diffuse

light in 5-24 days; 35% germ in darrk at 20-25C in 5-36 days,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Gnaphalium,obtusifolium, ,fragrant cudweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gnaphalium,pensylvanicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gnaphalium,peregrinum, ,wandering cudweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gnaphalium,polycaulon,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gnaphalium,pulvinatum,syn ,,,,,”Nile and canal banks,

moist ground”,”Egypt, Sudan, Arabia”,”The Weed Flora

of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Gnaphalium,purpureum,,Purple Cudweed,HX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gnaphalium,purpureum, ,Purple Cudweed,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal external,Wind. Life Form: Annual/Biennial. RISK: Serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,13”,”N Am, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Gnaphalium,purpureum, ,Purple cudweed,,,,germ well at constant

temp of 21C or lower,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Gnaphalium,purpureum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gnaphalium,purpureum, ,purple cudweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gnaphalium,subfalcatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gnaphalium,uliginosum, ,Low cudweed,,,,optimum temp for germ

35C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Gnaphalium,uliginosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gnaphalium,uliginosum, ,low cudweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gnaphalium,uliginosum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Gnaphalium,undulatum, ,,,,,germ well only at constant temp of

21C or lower,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Gorteria,personata,”Gorteria calendulacea, Gorteria

diffusa var. calendulacea”,,,L,WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gorteria,personata,” Gorteria calendulacea, Gorteria

diffusa var. calendulacea”,”WA-P1,P2, whole

State”,,,,,recorded in WA for 1st time in 1964 on roadside between

Moora & Miling; has since spread N & S along the western edge of

the WA wheatbelt & now scattered over an area from 28º-32ºS lat;

doesnt occur in any other State,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Gorteria,personata, ,gorteria,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Gorteria,personata, ,gorteria,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Grangea,maderaspatana,syn Cotula

maderaspatana,marcella,,,,”in desiccated pools, ditches, waste

places, teak forests; often gregarious; prefers heavy soils; from 4-800m

alt.; rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor importance, leaves are used

against spasms in hysterics & against irregular

menses”,”India, tropical Asia; in Indonesia: Java, Sumatra

& the Lesser Sunda Islands”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Grindelia,camporum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Grindelia,camporum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Grindelia,nana, ,,,,,64% germ with alt. 20-30C & alt.

exposure to light with prechilling at with alt. temps of 15-25C with alt.

exposure to light for 4wks.,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Grindelia,squarrosa, ,Gumweed,,,,8% germ at 15C with alt.

light/dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Grindelia,squarrosa, var. quasiperennis Grindelia

perennis,,,,,planted seeds in field in the autumn of year of collection;

seeds exhibited high degree of dormancy & seedlings continued to

emerge from original planting during all 5yrs of study,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Grindelia,squarrosa, ,gumweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Guizotia,abyssinica,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Guizotia,abyssinica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Guizotia,villosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Guizotia,villosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Gutierrezia,dracunculoides, ,common broomweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gutierrezia,microcephala, ,threadleaf

snakeweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gutierrezia,sarothrae, ,broom snakeweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gutierrezia,texana, ,Texas broomweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gymnocoronis,spilanthoides,,”Senegal tea plant, temple

plant”,E,LP,Qld; NSW; Tas; SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gymnocoronis,spilanthoides, ,,,,,Region of origin - C AMer;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - Aquaria,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Gymnocoronis,spilanthoides, ,”Senegal tea plant, temple

plant”,,,,”extremely hardy plant with a growth rate exceeding

15cm a week in fertile situations; long branching stems produce a tangled

web of vegetative material that quickly covers the water surface; impedes

water flow, navigation & recreation”,”native of trop &

subtrop Amer from Mexico to Arg., which has been introd, mainly as an

aquarium plant to other countries”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia,

P & C”

Gymnocoronis,spilanthoides, ,Senegal tea plant ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies)

Movement prohibited on roads (Section 52(2) applies) Roadside control

cost to be”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Gymnocoronis,spilanthoides, ,”Senegal tea plant, temple

plant”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gymnocoronis,spilanthoides, ,”Senegal tea plant, temple

plant”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Haplopappus,arborescens, ,fleece goldenweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Haplopappus,bloomeri, ,rabbitbrush goldenweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Haplopappus,coronopifolius, Halopappus

glutinosus,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Haplopappus,laricifolius, ,turpentinebrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Haplopappus,plurifolius, ,jimmyweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Haplopappus,tenuisectus, ,burroweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hedypnois,cretica,= Hedypnois rhagodioloides var cretica

(APNI),,,,,”H. globulifera, H. polymorpha, H. rhagaioloides, H.

tubiformis”,Southern & SE Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Hedypnois,cretica,= Hedypnois rhagodioloides var cretica

(APNI),,,,,”H. globulifera, H. polymorpha, H. rhagaioloides, H.

tubiformis”,Southern & SE Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Hedypnois,rhagadioloides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hedypnois,rhagodioloides,”Hedypnois rhagadioloides,

Hedypnois cretica”,cretan weed,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hedyponis,cretica,,Cretan Hedypnois,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hedyponis,cretica, ,Cretan Hedypnois,,,,”Dispersal: Wind.

Life Form: Annual. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a negative visual

impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,4,5”,”S Eur,SW As, In

Victoria: Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Helenium,amarum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Helenium,amarum, ,Bitter sneezeweed,,,,no dormancy; freshly

harvested seeds germ within 3-4days when planted in

greenhouse,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Helenium,amarum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Helenium,amarum, ,bitter sneezeweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Helenium,autumnale, ,Common sneezeweed,,,,”19% germ in

diffuse light at 20-25C within 12-61 days, no germ in dark within 243

days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Helenium,autumnale, ,common sneezeweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Helenium,autumnale, ,,,P,,Prohibited entry by

AQIS,,”Prohibited List, from AQIS”

Helenium,elliptica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Helenium,hoopesii, ,western sneezeweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Helenium,hoopesii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Helenium,nudiflorum, ,purplehead sneezeweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Helenium,spp.,,Sneezeweeds,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Helenium,spp., ,Sneezeweeds,,,,,,Weed Science List

Helenium,spp., ,Sneezeweeds,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Helenium,var. parviflorum, ,smallflower

sneezeweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Helianthus,angustifolius, ,,,,,”seeds planted in flats &

exposed to outdoor low temps for 71days then transferred to greenhouse;

germ 32% over 21-42days, seeds planted directly into greenhouse 24% germ

over 64-106days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Helianthus,annus, ,Sunflower,,,,52% germ with alt. light/dark

at alt. temps of 20-30C; prechilling at 3C for 4wks,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Helianthus,annuus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Helianthus,annuus, ,,,,,,Scattered Southern & Eastern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Helianthus,annuus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Helianthus,annuus, ,sunflower,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Helianthus,argophylllus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Helianthus,argophyllus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Helianthus,aridus, ,,,,,seeds planted in field in late autumn

of year collected germ following spring; a few seeds germ each year for

5yrs after initial planting,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Helianthus,californicus, ,California

sunflower,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Helianthus,ciliaris,,Texas blueweed,,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Helianthus,ciliaris, ,Blueweed ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Helianthus,ciliaris, ,Texas blueweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Helianthus,ciliaris, ,Texas blueweed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Helianthus,ciliaris, ,Texas blueweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Helianthus,ciliaris, ,Texas blueweed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Helianthus,debilis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Helianthus,debilis, ,,,,,Region of origin - S USA; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Helianthus,debilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Helianthus,grosseserratus, ,sawtooth

sunflower,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Helianthus,maximiliani, ,Maximilian sunflower,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Helianthus,petiolaris, ,Prairie sunflower,,,,52% germ with

alt. light/dark at alt. temps of 20-30C; prechilling at 3C for

4wks,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Helianthus,petiolaris, ,prairie sunflower,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Helianthus,tuberosus,,Jerusalem artichoke,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Helianthus,tuberosus, ,Jerusalem Artichoke,,,,Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Tuberous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,”Introduced deliberately from: N AM and Commercially Available, ,

In Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Helianthus,tuberosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Helianthus,tuberosus, ,Jerusalem artichoke,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Helichrysum,petiolare, ,N/A ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Helminthotheca,echioides,Picris echioides,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hemisteptia,lyrata, , ,,,,paraquat 1991 Korea Cropland ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Hemisteptia,lyrata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hemizonia,congesta, ,common tarweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hemizonia,pungens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Hemizonia,pungens, ,Common spikeweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Hemizonia,pungens, ,common spikeweed,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Hemizonia,pungens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heterotheca,grandiflora,,telegraph weed,w,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Heterotheca,grandiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heterotheca,grandiflora, ,telegraphplant,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Heterotheca,subaxillaris, ,camphorweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hieracium,atratum,,hawkweed polar ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Hieracium,aurantiacum,, orange hawkweed,High Weed Potential in Forests and Disturbed areas,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Hieracium,aurantiacum,,hawkweed orange ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Hieracium,aurantiacum,syn. Pilosella aurantiaca,”fox and

cubs, orange hawkweed”,E,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Hieracium,aurantiacum, ,Orange hawkweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to

moderately invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Hieracium,aurantiacum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hieracium,aurantiacum, ,orange hawkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hieracium,aurantiacum, syn. Pilosella aurantiaca,Fox and

cubs,,P,,Proposed spp. for surveillance and IDplants seen for sale at

garden week in Guilford 1996none seen since,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Hieracium,caespitosum, , ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT SPECIES

OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately invasive but

still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant

Council (Weed)

Hieracium,caespitosum,,hawkweed yellow ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Hieracium,florentinum, ,kingdevil hawkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hieracium,floribundum, ,yellowdevil hawkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hieracium,floribundum,, kingdevil hawkweeds, High Weed Potential in Forests and Disturbed areas,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Hieracium,floribundum,,hawkweed yellow devil,CLASS A WEED: Class A weeds are non-native species with a limited distribution in Washington. Eradication of these species is mandatory in all of Washington State.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Hieracium,laevigatum,,hawkweed smooth ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Hieracium,pilosella,,hawkweed mouseear,CLASS A WEED: Class A weeds are non-native species with a limited distribution in Washington. Eradication of these species is mandatory in all of Washington State.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Hieracium,pilosella,,mouseear hawkweed,E,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hieracium,pilosella, ,Mouse ear hawkweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to

spread,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Hieracium,pilosella, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hieracium,pilosella, ,mouseear hawkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hieracium,pilosella, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Hieracium,piloselloides,, (yellow- flowered hawkweed complex), High Weed Potential in Forests and Disturbed areas,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Hieracium,praealtum var. decipiens, ,tall kingdevil

hawkweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hieracium,pratense,, meadow yellowdevil,High Weed Potential in Forests and Disturbed areas,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Hieracium,pratense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hieracium,pratense, ,yellow hawkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hieracium,pratense, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Hieracium,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated

by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Hieracium,umbellatum, ,,,,,”some seed germ immediately

after harvest, remainder in 1st spring; seeds placed in unheated

germinator & exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors;

93% germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Hieracium,vulgatum, ,Common hawkweed,,,,”some seed germ

immediately after harvest, remainder in 1st spring; seeds placed in

unheated germinator & exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors; 94% germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Hieracium,vulgatum, ,common hawkweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hymenoclea,monogyra, ,burrobrush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hymenoxys,odorata, ,bitter rubberweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hymenoxys,richardsoni var. floribunda,

,pingue,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hypocaeris,radicata, ,,,,, Weed in poor site ,,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Hypochaeris,glabra,Hypochoeris glabra,”flatweed, smooth

catsear”,HXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hypochaeris,glabra, ,Smooth Cat's Ear,,,,H.

salzmanniana,”All Europe, W Asia & N Africa”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Hypochaeris,glabra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hypochaeris,microcephala,Hypochoeris microcephala var. microcephala,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hypochaeris,microcephala,Hypochoeris microcephala var.

albiflora,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hypochaeris,microcephala, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hypochaeris,radicata,Hypochoeris radicata,”Flatweed,

cat's ear”,HXXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hypochaeris,radicata, ,Common Cat's Ear,,,,,”Mainland

Europe, Sweden and Norway”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Hypochaeris,radicata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hypochaeris,radicata, ,Spotted cat's ear ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Hypochoeris,glabra, ,Annual Flatweed,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,3,4,5,12”,”Eur,As,Af, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Hypochoeris,glabra, ,Smooth cats ear,,,,”some seed germ

immediately after harvest, remainder in 1st spring; seeds placed in water

unheated germinator & exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors; 85% germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Hypochoeris,glabra, ,smooth catsear,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hypochoeris,radicata, ,Flatweed,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4-9,11-15”,”Eur,As,Af, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Hypochoeris,radicata, ,Spotted cats ear,,,,96% germ of seed in

dark with alt. temp 20-30C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Hypochoeris,radicata, ,spotted catsear,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Inula,conyza,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Inula,conyza, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Inula,conyza, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Inula,crithmoides, ,Golden Samphire,,,,,”Southern &

western Europe, UK & Eire”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Inula,crithmoides,Compositae ,Golden

Samphire,,,,,”Southern & western Europe, UK &

Eire”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Inula,helenium, ,elecampane,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Inula,indica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Inula,indica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Iva,axillaris,,”Poverty weed, death weed, devil's weed,

mouse ear poverty weed, poverty sumpweed”,,LP,Vic,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Iva,axillaris, ,Poverty Weed ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Iva,axillaris, ,”Poverty weed, death weed, devil's weed,

mouse ear poverty weed, poverty sumpweed”,,,,”produces large

amounts of seed; prefers alkaline or saline soils in N Amer, but not

confined to these conditions in Aust; extensive roots system & dense

aerial growth, competes strongly with other plants, particularly cereal

crops; has strong smell & tast”,”native of western N Amer

where it has become an imprt. weed on the Canadian Prairies & in NW USA

extending as far south as California & New Mexico; imprt in cereal

crops, overgrazed pastures, rangeland, irrigated crops, roadsides &

neglected areas, mostly”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Iva,axillaris, ,poverty weed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Iva,axillaris, ,povertyweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Iva,axillaris, ,poverty weed,,P,,The South Australian plants

have been eradicated by Landholder,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Iva,ciliata, ,rough sumpweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Iva,xanthifolia, ,marshelder,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Iva ,axillaris, ,Poverty weed,,,,”43% germ of seed held

screen bags in irrigation canal for 7mths, no germ previous or after

10mths; other methods of stratification not successful”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Iva ,xanthifolia, Cyclachaena xanthifolia,Marsh elder,,,,32%

germ at 15C with alt. light/dark,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ixeris,dentata, ,,,,,perennial sub-dominance , Upland Korea

Miyagi Miyasaki Niigata Oita Okayama Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Ixeris,stolonifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ixeris,stolonifera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Krigia,virginica, ,Virginia dwarfdandelion,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lactuca,biennis, ,Biennial lettuce,,,,”100% germ of seed

at 20-30C with alt. light/dark, 90% germ at alt. 20-30C in dark & no

germ at 20C ind dark tested within 1yr of harvest”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lactuca,biennis, ,biennial lettuce,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lactuca,canadensis, ,tall lettuce,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lactuca,capensis, ,,,,,good germ of fresh seed at all temps

between 10-35C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Lactuca,capensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lactuca,capensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Lactuca,dregeana, ,,,,,”fresh seed germ % high, strongly

stimulated by light; good germ in dark at 15C”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lactuca,indica, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Lactuca,ludoviciana, ,,,,,”24-day-old seed presoaked in

water at 3-10C for 2+ hrs, then exposed to sunlight for 5 min inc germ %

of seed at 20-30C; longer the soaking 5-77hrs the higher the

germ%”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Lactuca,muralis, ,Wall lettuce,,,,”some seed germ

immediately after harvest, remainder in 1st spring; seeds placed in water

unheated germinator & exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors; 96% germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Lactuca,muralis, ,Wall lettuce ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Lactuca,muralis, ,wall lettuce,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lactuca,perennis, ,,,,,,Mainland Europe except Denmark and NE

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lactuca,perennis,Compositae ,,,,,,Mainland Europe except

Denmark and NE Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lactuca,pulchella, ,blue lettuce,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966syn. Lactuca tatarica var. pulchella”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lactuca,pulchella, ,,,P,,Prohibited entry by AQIS,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Lactuca,saligna,,willow lettuce,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lactuca,saligna, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lactuca,saligna, ,willowleaf lettuce,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lactuca,sativa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lactuca,scariola, Lactuca serriola,Prickly lettuce,,,,fresh

seed dormant; dry storage for 8-12mths; 92% germ at 20C in

dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lactuca,scariola, ,prickly lettuce,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lactuca,serriola,,”prickly lettuce, wild

lettuce”,XXH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lactuca,serriola, ,Prickly Lettuce,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water, Wind. Life Form: Biennial. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,8,9,11,12”,”Eur,C&W As,N Af, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lactuca,serriola, ,Prickly Lettuce,,,,L.

scariola,”Mainland Europe, UK & S Sweden”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Lactuca,serriola, ,Prickly lettuce,,,,chlorsulfuron 1987 USA

Wheat , heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lactuca,serriola, ,Prickly lettuce,,,,triasulfuron 1994

Australia Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lactuca,serriola, ,Prickly lettuce ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Lactuca,serriola, ,prickly lettuce,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Lactuca,serriola,syn L. scariola,”Oil lettuce, Prickly

lettuce”,,,,”roadsides, waste groundSeeds yield the edible

lettuce oil; in folk medicine plant is used as an antipoison for scorpion

& snake bites”,”Medit, Eur, Asia”,”The Weed Flora

of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Lactuca,serriola, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lactuca,stolonifera, ,,,,,perennial sub-dominance , Upland

Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Lactuca,taraxacifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lactuca,taraxacifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Lactuca,virosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lagascea,mollis, ,,,,, Seed Impurities , Thailand ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Lagascea,mollis, ,acuate,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Lapsana,apogonoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lapsana,apogonoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Lapsana,communis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lapsana,communis, Lampsana communis,Nipple wort,,,,88% germ in

dark with alt. temp of 20-30C; alt. light/dark germ 68%; fresh seed germ

best in light with alt. temps of 10-30C,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lapsana,communis, ,Nipplewort,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lapsana,communis, ,nipplewort,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lasiospermum,bipinnatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lasiospermum,bipinnatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Launaea,asplenifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Launaea,asplenifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Launaea,sarmentosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Leontodon,autumnalis,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Leontodon,autumnalis, ,Fall hawkbit,,,,”99% germ in 1st

spring after harvest, seeds placed in germinator & exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors “,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Leontodon,autumnalis, ,Autumn Hawkbit,,,,,”All Europe, W

Asia & N Amer”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Leontodon,autumnalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leontodon,autumnalis, ,fall hawkbit,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Leontodon,autumnalis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Leontodon,hirtus, ,rough hawkbit,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Leontodon,nudicaulis, ,Rough hawkbit,,,,”88% germ with

alt. temp 20-30C in dark, 84% germ with alt. temp 20-30C & alt.

light/dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Leontodon,nudicaulis, ,rough hawkbit,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Leontodon,saxatilis,= L. taraxacoides,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leontodon,taraxacoides,L. saxatilis,Hairy

Hawkbit,HX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Leontodon,taraxacoides, ,Hairy Hawkbit,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,2,3,4,6,8,9”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Leucanthemum,maximum,,Shasta Daisy,H,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Leucanthemum,maximum, ,Shasta Daisy,,,,”Dispersal: ?.

Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,6,7,8,15”,”Introduced deliberately from: Pyrenees and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Leucanthemum,maximum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leucanthemum,myconis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leucanthemum,myconis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Leucanthemum,vulgare,,daisy oxeye ,"WEED OF CONCERN: Control and containment of existing populations of these noxious weeds is strongly encouraged in King County, Washington State.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Matricaria,maritima,, scentless chamomile,Possible Weed Potential in Grassland and Riparian habitats: High Weed Potential in Agriculture and Disturbed areas,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Leucanthemum,vulgare,Chrysantemum leucanthemum,”ox-eye

daisy, dog daisy, margriet, marguerite daisy, moon daisy, white daisy,

yellow daisy”,XXA,L,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Leucanthemum,vulgare, ,Ox-eye Daisy ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Leucanthemum,vulgare, ,Ox-eye Daisy,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,6,8,15”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,As, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Leucanthemum,vulgare, ,Ox eye Daisy,,,,Chrysanthemum

leucanthemum,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Leucanthemum,vulgare, Chrysantemum leucanthemum,”ox-eye

daisy, dog daisy, margriet, marguerite daisy, moon daisy, white daisy,

yellow daisy”,,,,”grows extremely densely that it excludes

almost all other vegetation; not readily grazed by stock, it reduces

carrying capacity of infested areas; imparts a disagreeable taste to

milk”,”native to Eur & parts of Asia, occurring commonly in

grasslands of the British Isles & elsewhere in Eur; spread to several

temp ares of the world, often as a weed of neglected areas, degraded

pastures & turf; common on west coast of N Amer & some of the

n”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Leucanthemum,vulgare, ,ox eye daisy,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Leucanthemum,vulgare,see Chrysanthemum leucanthemum,ox-eye

daisy,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leucanthumum,vulgare, , ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT SPECIES

OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest

Plant Council (Weed)

Leuzea,conifera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Liatris,punctata, ,,,,,”47% germ of seed planted 4mths

after collection; 74% germ after 2.5yr dry storage, 53% after 3.5yrs dry

storage, failed to germ after 4.5yrs”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ligularia,fischeri, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ligularia,sibirica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ligularia,stenocephala, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Logfia,arvensis, ,Least Cudweed,,,,”Filago arvensis, F.

montana”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Logfia,arvensis,Compositae ,Least Cudweed,,,,”Filago

arvensis, F. montana”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Logfia,gallica,Filago gallica,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Logfia,gallica, ,Narrowleaved Cudweed,,,,”Filago gallica,

Logfia subulata, L. tenuifolia”,Southern & Western Europe &

UK,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Logfia,gallica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Logfia,minima, ,Small Cudweed,,,,Filago minima,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Logfia,minima,Compositae ,Small Cudweed,,,,Filago minima,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lygodesmia,juncea, ,skeletonweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Machaeranthera,canescens,Aster canescens,,,,,”80% germ at

15C with light, 72% at 20C in dark on moist blotters in petri

dishes”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Madia,elegans, ,showy tarweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Madia,exigua, ,,,,,88% germ at 15C in dark,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Madia,glomerata, ,Cluster tarweed,,,,no germ under various

temps & condition; stratification techniques not

reported,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Madia,glomerata, ,cluster tarweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Madia,sativa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Madia,sativa, ,Chilean tarweed,,,,44% germ at 15C in dark;

seeds with initial germ of 98% germ 45% after 5yrs storage in

lab,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Madia,sativa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Madia,sativa var. congesta, ,Chilean tarweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Mantisalca,salmantica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Mantisalca,salmantica, ,,,,,”Centaurea salamantica,

Microlonchus salamanticus and 10 others”,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Mantisalca,salmantica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Matricaria,chamomilla, ,”wild chamomile, scented

mayweed”,,,,”Matricaria chamomilla is an annual herb, and is a

very versatile weed and appears in 24 crops in more than 50

countries.”,”Found in E Aust, NZ and the several countries of S

Amer in the south temperate zone and behaves as a weed in most

agricultural areas of the north temperate zone.”,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Matricaria,chamomilla ,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Matricaria,chamomilla , ,,,P,,Most serious weed reported of

the Genus. Mentioned in Holme's Atlas in numerous Meditterarnean

countries,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Matricaria,maritima, var. agrestis ,False chamomile,,,,fresh

& stored seed germ well in bright daylight; optimum germ temp 20C

,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Matricaria,maritima ,syn Tripleurospermum maritimum (L.)

W.D.J. Koch,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Matricaria,maritima var. agrestis, ,false

chamomile,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Matricaria,matricariodes,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Matricaria,matricarioides, ,Pineapple weed ,,,,PRELIMINARY

LIST OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Matricaria,matricarioides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Matricaria,matricarioides, ,pineappleweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Matricaria,matricarioidesPineapple-weed, , ,,,,simazine 1989

United Kingdom Orchard ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Matricaria,perforata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Matricaria,perforata, ,Scentless Mayweed,,,,”Matricaria

inodora, Tripleurospermum inodorum, Chamaemelum inodorum, Matricaria

maritima ssp inodora”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Matricaria,perforata, ,Sentless Chamomile,,,,”2,4-D 1975

France Cereals “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Matricaria,perforata, ,Sentless Chamomile,,,,”2,4-D 1975

United Kingdom Cereals “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Matricaria,perforata, , ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT SPECIES

OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Matricaria,perforata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Matricaria,recutita,,”chamomile, German

chamomile”,w,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Matricaria,recutita, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Matricaria,recutita,syn M. chamomilla; Chamomilla

recutita,Wild chamomile,,,,”fields, waste ground; naturalised &

often cultivated as a medicinal herb”“Plant used in cosmetics,

also a medicinal herb used as a stomachic, febrifuge, bronchitis

treatment etc.”““,”Medit, Eur, W Asia”,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Matricaria,spp., ,Chamomile,,,,,,Weed Science List

Matricaria,tricophylla, ,,,,,”Tripleurospermum tenuifolium,

Chamaemelum trichophyllum”,SE Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Matricaria,tricophylla,Compositae ,,,,,”Tripleurospermum

tenuifolium, Chamaemelum trichophyllum”,SE Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Melampodium,arvense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Melampodium,arvense, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Melampodium,divaricatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Melampodium,divaricatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Melampodium ,paludosum,” Melampodium divaricatum,

Melampodium leucanthum “,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Melanthera,scandens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Melanthera,scandens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Microseris,troximoides, ,,,,,no germ with 5 different

conditions tried; no prechilling reported,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Mikania,cordata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mikania,cordata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Mikania,cordata,,,"rubber, coffee, banana, cocoa and oil palm plantations, pastures; potential environmental weed",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Mikania,cordata,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Mikania,micrantha,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Mikania,micrantha,,mile-a-minute,"cocoa, coconut, orchards, rubber, oil palm, sugarcane, vegetables, upland rice, pastures; serious environmental weed",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Mikania,micrantha, ,mile-a-minute weed ,,,,”, gardens,

plantations, fruit trees”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia;

Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western

Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Mikania,micrantha, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Mikania,micrantha,,”bittervine, mile-a-minute weed,

mile-a-minute”,E,GLPQ,Qld,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Mikania,micrantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mikania,micrantha,syn ,mile-a-minute,,,,”humid, sunny or

shaded habitats; noxious weed in young plantation crops, which can be

completely blanketed by it; also in pastures; from 0-2000m alt; flowering

during the dry season; upland rice fields, detrimental to growth of young

rubber plants because”,”S Amer, the Botanic Garden of Bogor

received this species from Paraguay in 1949; in 1956 it was used as a

soil cover in rubber & has now spread throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Mikania,micrantha, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Mikania,scandens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mikania,scandens, ,climbing hempweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Mikania,scandens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Mikania,spp.,,mikania vine,E,LPQ,Qld,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Montanoa,bipinnatifida,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Montanoa,bipinnatifida,syn Uhdea bipinnatifida,,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Montanoa,hibiscifolia,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Montanoa,hibiscifolia, ,tree daisy,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest, woodland, bush clumps, roadsides, riverbanks,

disturbed sitesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: C Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Montanoa,hibiscifolia, ,tree daisy,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest, woodland, bush clumps, roadsides, riverbanks,

disturbed sitesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: C Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Montanoa,hibiscifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Montanoa,hibiscifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Notobasis,syriaca,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Oldenburgia,arbuscula, ,,,,,”83% germ of seed presoaked

overnight & only swollen seed used, at 26C in dark & 74% in

light”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Oncosiphon,grandiflorum , ,Pentzia

Pincushion,,P,,”ferny,aromatic small YELLOW spheric.buttons to

60cm.Weed of Finland, Sweden, England, Czech, Soviet Union, and a pioneer

Weed in South Africa (Namaqualand) CABI article”,9 an,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Oncosiphon,piluliferum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oncosiphon,suffruticosum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Onopordum,acanthium,,”Scotch thistle, cotton thistle,

heraldic thistle, silver thistle, woolly thistle”,H,NLP,ACT; NSW;

Vic; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Onopordum,acanthium,, Scotch thistle,"High Weed Potential in Agriculture, Grassland, Forests, Riparian and Disturbed areas",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Onopordum,acanthium,,thistle Scotch ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Onopordum,acanthium, ,”Scotch thistle, cotton thistle,

heraldic thistle, Giant thistle”,,,,,”Mainland Europe,less UK

& S Sweden”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Onopordum,acanthium, ,”Scotch thistle, cotton thistle,

heraldic thistle, silver thistle, woolly thistle”,,,,,”native

of Eur, W&C Asia & Asia minor; distributed throughout most temp

areas, considered as import. weed in only a few places including Canada,

USA, Arg & Aust; NZ minor weed; regarded as weedy on grazing lands

& fallows in British Isles, Spain, Tur &USSR”,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Onopordum,acanthium, ,Scotch thistle ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Onopordum,acanthium, ,Scotch cottonthisle,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Onopordum,acanthium, ,”Scotch thistle, cotton thistle,

heraldic thistle, Giant thistle”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Onopordum,acanthium, ,”Scotch thistle, cotton thistle,

heraldic thistle, Giant thistle”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Onopordum,acaulon,,”stemless thistle, horse thistle,

stemless onopordum”,HXA,L,NSW; Vic; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Onopordum,acaulon, ,Stemless Thistle,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

3,4”,”Spain,S France, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Onopordum,acaulon, ,”stemless thistle, horse thistle,

stemless onopordum”,,,,”rarely eaten by stock ex when it is

wilting, reduces carrying capacity of heavily infested paddocks; seeds

survive in soil for several years - eradication

difficult”,”originated in western Medit region, has not estab.

in many parts of the world”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Onopordum,acaulon, ,stemless thistle,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Onopordum,acaulon, ,stemless thistle,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Onopordum,illyricum,,Illyrian thistle,SH,LP,ACT; NSW; Vic;

Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Onopordum,illyricum, ,Illyrian thistle,,,,”competetive in

pastures in better rainfall areas & not grazed by stock, favours

fertile soil & likely to be troublesome in anual clover pastures;

contribute to vegetable fault in wool & dense patches pose a physical

barrier to humans & animals”,”originates in Medit region

& Asia Minor, not widely spread; small patch in California, Aust only

country where the plant has estab.”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Onopordum,illyricum, ,Illyrian thistle,,,,,,Weed Science List

Onopordum,illyricum, ,Illyrian thistle,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Onopordum,nervosum,,cotton thistle,E,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Onopordum,nervosum, Onopordum arabicum,,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Onopordum,spp, ,Onopordum Thistles ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Onopordum,tauricum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Osteospermum,calendulaceum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Osteospermum,calendulaceum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Osteospermum,clandestinum, ,Osteospermum,,,,Dispersal: Vegetative.

Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”S Af, In Victoria:

Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Osteospermum,clandestinum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Osteospermum,ecklonis,Dimorphotheca ecklonis,,,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Osteospermum,fruticosum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Osteospermum,fruticosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Osteospermum,muricatum,??need to check ID - no

voucher?,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Osterospermum,fruitcosum, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental ?,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Oxytenia,acerosa, ,copperweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Palafoxia,linearis, ,,,,,”fair germ of seeds without any

special treatment at temps of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, &

30C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Palafoxia,rosea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pallenis,spinosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pallenis,spinosa, ,,,,,”P. croatica, Asteriscus

spinosus”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Pallenis,spinosa,Compositae ,,,,,”P. croatica, Asteriscus

spinosus”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Parthenium,argentatum, ,,,,,soaking achenes for 6hrs or more

in a 1000 ppm soln of GA germ seed covered in soil,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Parthenium,hysterophorum, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Parthenium,hysterophorus, ,parthenium,,,,”, “,French

Polynesia; New Caledonia; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Parthenium,hysterophorus,,”parthenium weed, bitter weed,

carrot grass, congress grass, false ragweed, ragweed parthenium,

whitetop”,HH,L,NSW; Vic; Qld;SA; NT; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Parthenium,hysterophorus, ,Ragweed parthenium,,,,paraquat 1989

Kenya , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Parthenium,hysterophorus, ,”parthenium weed, bitter weed,

carrot grass, congress grass, false ragweed, ragweed parthenium,

whitetop”,,,,,”native of Caribbean region, now occurs

throughout southern USA, Mex, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica,

Caribbean Is. & Venezuela, extending south to Bolivia, Brazil & N

Arg; introd to many trop & subtrop countries including S Afr, Israel,

Kenya, Va”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Parthenium,hysterophorus, ,Parthenium weed N # ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies) Roadside control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section

60 applies) Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Parthenium,hysterophorus, ,parthenium weed,,,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Parthenium,hysterophorus, ,ragweed parthenium,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Parthenium,hysterophorus, ,parthenium weed,,P,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pectis,papposa, ,cinchweed fetidmarigold,,,,good germ of seed

after leaching for more than 24hrs in running water; germ at 25-30C but

not at lower temps,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Pentzia,globifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pentzia,incana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pentzia,incana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pentzia,suffruticosa,”Matricaria multiflora, Matricaria

suffruticosa, Tanacetum suffruticosum”,”calomba daisy,

chamomile, matricaria, mayweed, stinking weed, yellow top, yellow

weed”,H,LP,SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pentzia,suffruticosa,” Matricaria multiflora, Matricaria

suffruticosa, Tanacetum suffruticosum”,”calomba daisy,

chamomile, matricaria, mayweed, stinking weed, yellow top, yellow

weed”,,,,”strongly aromatic, unpalatable plant with no food

value, that competes with more valuable pasture sp. for water. light

& nutrientss; dense stands reduce grazing area & significantly

reduce yields of cereal crops”,native of S Afr is not widely

spread,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Pentzia,suffruticosa, ,Calomba daisy n ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Pentzia,suffruticosa, ,calomba daisy,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pentzia,suffruticosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pentzia,suffruticosa, ,calomba daisy,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Perymenium,subsquarrosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Perymenium,subsquarrosum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Petasites,fragrans,,winter heliotrope,XS,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Petasites,fragrans, ,Winter Heliotrope,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

6,7”,”Introduced deliberately from: W Med and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Petasites,fragrans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Petasites,japonicus, ,,,,, , Miyagi Niigata ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Phaenocoma,prolifera,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Phaenocoma,prolifera, ,,,P,,”Monotypic Genus, SW

Cape”,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Picnomon,acarna,”Carduus acarna, Cirsium

acarna”,”soldier thistle, yellow-plumed thistle”,X,LP,Vic;

SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Picnomon,acarna,” Carduus acarna, Cirsium

acarna”,”soldier thistle, yellow-plumed

thistle”,,,,”competes with cereal crops & can choke

harvesting machinery; sharp spines injure sheep & dogs, reduces

available grazing area in infested pastures as it is avoided by stock”,”originates

in Medit region, hasn't become widely distributed throughout world;

import. weed in Lebanon & of lesser import. elsewhere in its native

range”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Picnomon,acarna, ,Soldier thistle * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies)”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Picnomon,acarna, ,soldier thistle,,,,,,Weed Science List

Picnomon,acarna, ,soldier thistle,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Picnomon,arcana, ,,,,,Cisium acarna,Southern & Eastern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Picridium,vulgare, ,picridium,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Picris,echioides,,Ox-tongue,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Picris,echioides, ,Ox-tongue,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual/Biennial. RISK: Serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,8,9,12”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Picris,echioides, ,Bristly Ox tounge,,,,Helmintia

echioides,”Central & Southern Europe, UK & Eire, less in

Northen areas”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Picris,echioides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Picris,echioides, ,bristly oxtongue,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Picris,hieracioides,,Hawkweed Picris,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Picris,hieracioides, ,Hawkweed Picris,,,,Dispersal: Wind. Life

Form: Biennial. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 15,”Eur, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Picris,hieracioides, ,Hawkweed ox tongue,,,,seeds germ at once

or soon after collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ; 93% germ,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Picris,hieracioides, ,Hawkweed Ox tounge,,,,,”All Europe,

W Asia, N Amer, Aust & NZ”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Picris,hieracioides, , ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT SPECIES

OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Picris,hieracioides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Picris,hieracioides, ,,,,,annual dominant weed barley &

wheat crops , Okayama ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Picris,hieracioides, ,hawkweed oxtongue,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pluchea,dioscoridis,syn Baccharis dioscoridis; Conyza

dioscoridis; Baccharis aegyptiaca,Ploughman's spikenard,,,,”Nile and

canal banks, moist and waste groundPlant used in popular medicine for

rheumatic pains”,”E & S Afr, W Asia”,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Pluchea,lanceolata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pluchea,lanceolata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pluchea,odorata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pluchea,odorata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pluchea,sagittalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pluchea,sagittalis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pluchea,sericea, ,Arrow wood,,,,”62% germ immediately

after harvest, & 44% after 1 yr storage, on moist filter

paper”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Pluchea,sericea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pluchea,sericea, ,arrowwood,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pluchea,sericea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pluchea,symphytifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pluchea,symphytifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Podospermum,resedifolium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Podospermum,resedifolium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Porophyllum,ruderale,syn Porophyllum

ellipticum,,,,,”pasture land, humid soil, sunny or slightly shaded

locations; prefers fertile soils; lowland ruderal; upland rice fields,

very common in dry agricultural lands; might become a serious weed,

“,”C & S Amer, S & C Amer; in 1945 found near Bogor (W

Java); since then has been rapidly spreading”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Praxelis,clematidea,,praxelis,XS,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Praxelis,clematidea, ,,,,,”Region of origin - S Brazil,

Bolivia, Paraguay, N Argentina; Extent of spread - locally common; Means

of spread - seed contaminant”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Pseudelephantopus,spicatus, ,false elephant's foot,,,,”,

plantations, lawn”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New

Caledonia; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Pseudelephantopus,spicatus,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Pseudelephantopus,spicatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pseudelephantopus,spicatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Pseudognaphalium,luteoalbum,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Psiadia,arabica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Psiadia,arabica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Psilothonna,speciosa, ,,,,,”seed soaked in water

overnight, swollen seeds only used; germ on moist filter paper in petri

dishes at 26C, 51% in dark & 46% in light”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Pterocaulon,rugosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pterocaulon,rugosum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pulchea,indica, ,”Indian pulchea, Indian

fleabane”,,,,”, low saline areas”,French Polynesia; Guam;

American Samoa; Western Samoa; Tuvalu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture

and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Pulicaria,arabica ,syn Inula arabica,,,,,”canal banks,

moist ground”,E Medit to Afghanistan,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Pulicaria,crispa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pulicaria,crispa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pulicaria,vulgaris, ,Lesser Fleabane,,,,P.

prostrata,”Mainland Europe, S UK & S Sweden”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Pulicaria,vulgaris,Compositae ,Lesser Fleabane,,,,P.

prostrata,”Mainland Europe, S UK & S Sweden”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Pyrrhopappus,carolinianus, ,Carolina

falsedandelion,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ratibida,columnaris, Lepachys columnifera,,,,,”seed kept

in moist sand outdoors germ 72%, seed planted in greenhouse germ 26%

within 16days; 30% germ on moist sand in dark at

68-70F”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Ratibida,columnifera, ,prairie coneflower,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ratibida,pinnata, ,pinnate coneflower,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Reichardia,tingitana,,False Sow-thistle,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Reichardia,tingitana, ,False Sow-thistle,,,,”Dispersal:

Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a negative visual

impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 3,4”,”Med, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Rhagadiolus,cathartica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rhagadiolus,cathartica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Roldana,petasitis,Senecio petasitis,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rudbeckia,amplexicaulis, ,clasping coneflower,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rudbeckia,hirta, ,Hairy coneflower,,,,56% germ in diffuse

light at 20-25C in 5days & 52% germ in dark in 12days,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Rudbeckia,hirta, ,hairy coneflower,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rudbeckia,occidentalis, ,niggerhead,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rudbeckia,serotina, ,blackeyedsusan,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rudbeckia,triloba, ,browneyedsusan,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rugelia,repens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rugelia,repens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Schkuhria,pinnata,,Dwarf Marigold,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Schkuhria,pinnata, ,Dwarf Marigold,,,,,,Weed Science List

Schkuhria,pinnata, ,Dwarf Marigold,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Sclerocarpus,coffeaecola, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sclerocarpus,coffeaecola, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Scolymus,hispanicus,,”golden thistle, Spanish oyster

plant, Spanish salsify”,,LP,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Scolymus,hispanicus, ,Golden Thistle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Scolymus,hispanicus, ,Golden Thistle,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Scolymus,hispanicus, ,”golden thistle, Spanish oyster

plant, Spanish salsify”,,,,plant cultivated in some parts of world

as a vege; rosette leaves rarely eaten by stock & aerial growth is

never grazed because of the stout spines on the rigid leaves; dense

infestations impenetrable to grazing animals ; reduces carrying cap. of

pasture,”originates in Medit region, hasn't become widely estab.

throughout world; regarded as weedy in dryland pastures, vineyards &

orchards in parts of its native range particularly Syria, Tunisia,

Lebanon, Morocco & Spain; weed in Arg & Chile, patches in

Cal.”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Scolymus,hispanicus, ,golden thistle,,,,,,Weed Science List

Scolymus,hispanicus, ,golden thistle,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Scolymus,maculatus,,”spotted golden thistle, spotted

thistle”,,LP,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Scolymus,maculatus, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Scolymus,maculatus, ,”spotted golden thistle, spotted

thistle”,,,,”due to spininess, dense patches become

impenetrable to stock, reduce available grazing & harbour vermin;

root edible”,”native of Medit region, but is known to have been

grown as an ornamental in England during 17thC, not widesprd in other

countries”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Scolymus,maculatus, ,spotted golden thistle,,,,,,Weed Science


Scolymus,maculatus, ,spotted golden thistle,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Scorzonera,lacinata,,Scorzonera,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Scorzonera,laciniata,, self salsify, Weed Status Uncertain - current information is inadequate to assess risk. Further analysis may be warranted.,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Scorzonera,lacinata,,Scorzonera,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Scorzonera,lacinata, ,,,,,”Podospermum laciniatum, P.

calcitrapifolium, P. willkommii, Scorzonera resedifolia”,Mainland

Europe except Denmark,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Scorzonera,laciniata,,Scorzonera,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Scorzonera,laciniata, ,Scorzonera,,,,”Dispersal: Wind.

Life Form: Biennial. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,9,11”,”S Eur,W As, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Scorzonera,laciniata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,aegyptius,syn ,,,,,”until 1960's, common on banks

of Nile & irrigation canals; since construction of Aswan High Dam,

species has become less common, except in southern areas of Upper

Egypt”,Endemic to Egypt,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Senecio,angulatus,,climbing groundsel,HXS,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Senecio,angulatus, ,Climbing Groundsel,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Vine. RISK: Very serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5,11”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Senecio,angustifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,angustifolius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,anteuphorbium, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,aquaticus, ,,,,,seeds germ soon after harvest &

continued for several mths; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ

56%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Senecio,articulatus,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Senecio,articulatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,aureus, ,Golden ragwort,,,,high germ of seeds planted

in greenhouse in autumn of year of collection; seeds held in soil at low

temps outdoors for 83days also germ well after transfer to

greenhouse,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Senecio,aureus, ,golden ragwort,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Senecio,bupleuroides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,bupleuroides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,burchellii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,burchellii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,canadensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,citriformis,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Senecio,citriformis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,consanguineus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,consanguineus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,cotyledonis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,crassiflorus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Senecio,crassiflorus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,crassissimus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,decaryi, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,deltoideus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,deltoideus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,diaschides,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Senecio,elegans,,purple groundsel,HXXXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Senecio,elegans, ,Purple Groundsel,,,,Dispersal: Wind. Life

Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Senecio,elegans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,fulgens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,gallicus, ,,,,,”S. alboranicus, S.

coronopifolius, S. desfontainei”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Senecio,gallicus,Compositae ,,,,,”S. alboranicus, S.

coronopifolius, S. desfontainei”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Senecio,glabellus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,glabellus, ,cressleaf groundsel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Senecio,glabellus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Senecio,glastifolius, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Senecio,glastifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,glastifolius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,glaucus subsp. coronopifolius,syn S. coronopifolius;

S. laxiflorus; S. desfontainei; S. gallicus subsp.

coronopifolius,,,,,”fields, roadsides, canal banks; often forming

attractive yellow carpets if growing in dense, pure

stands”,”Medit, Sahara, Eur, W Asis”,”The Weed Flora

of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Senecio,globsus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,gramineus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,gramineus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,grandiflorus, ,,,,,”83% germ at 26C in dark &

82% in light; seeds soaked in water overnight before testing, only

swollen seed used”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Senecio,grantii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,hallianus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,herreianus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,hieracifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,hieracifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,inaequidens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,inaequidens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,inornatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,inornatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,iosensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,isatideus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,isatideus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,jacobaea,,”ragwort, St James wort, tansy

ragwort”,XX,NL,NSW; Vic; SA; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Senecio,jacobaea,,ragwort tansy ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Senecio,jacobaea, ,Tansy Ragwort ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Senecio,jacobaea, ,Tansy Ragwort ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Senecio,jacobaea, ,Ragwort,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,animal (not bird), internal,Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial

herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,6,7,8,9”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Senecio,jacobaea, ,Tansy ragwort,,,,50-86% germ of freshly

harvested seed at 15C constant with alt. light/dark,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Senecio,jacobaea, ,”ragwort, St James wort, tansy

ragwort”,,,,,”originated in Eur & now occurs from Scotland

& Norway in the north to N Afr in the south & Siberia in the

east; considered to be a weed in much of its native range; most abundant

& widesprd weed in British Isles; spread to many temp parts of the

world, be”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Senecio,jacobaea, ,Tansy ragwort ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Senecio,jacobaea, ,Ragwort N # ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN

SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Senecio,jacobaea, ,ragwort,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed

Science List

Senecio,jacobaea, ,tansy ragwort,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Senecio,jacobaea, ,ragwort,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,jacobsenianus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,junceus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,juniperinus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,juniperinus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,kleinia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,latifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,latifolius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,leucanthemifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,leucanthemifolius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Senecio,longiflorus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,longilobus, ,threadleaf groundsel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Senecio,madagascariensis,,fireweed,XX,LP,NSW; Qld,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Senecio,madagascariensis, ,fireweed,,,,”1st recorded in

lower Hunter Valley in 1918, since spread all along the NSW coast, into

parts of the Northern Tablelands & Western Slopes & into SE Qld;

now inc. importance in County of Cumberland & along the south coast

of NSW; does not occur elsewhere i”,native of S Afr ,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Senecio,madagascariensis, ,fireweed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,madagascariensis, ,fireweed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Senecio,mandraliscae, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,mikanioides, ,German Ivy ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Senecio,mikanioides, ,Cape Ivy ,,,,VINES.,,”Environmental

Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Senecio,mikanioides, ,German ivy,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Senecio,moorei, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,moorei, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,mutabilis, ,,,,,no dormancy in seeds tested in dark at

18C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Senecio,oligophyllus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,oligophyllus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,oxyriaefolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,oxyriaefolius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Senecio,pauperculus, var. balsamitae ,,,,,high germ of seeds

planted in greenhouse in autumn of year of collection; seeds held in soil

at low temps outdoors for 83days also germ well after transfer to

greenhouse,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Senecio,pterophorus,,”African daisy, South African daisy,

winged groundsel”,XH,LP,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Senecio,pterophorus, ,African Daisy,,,,”Dispersal: Wind.

Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,5”,”S

Af, In Victoria: ?Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Senecio,pterophorus, ,”African daisy, South African

daisy, winged groundsel”,,,,” a pioneer plant which quickly

invades lands disturbed by burning or clearing; competes aggressively

with developing pastures & crops; animals rarely eat the plant,

becomes dominate & renders heavily infested lands unproductive; toxic

to animalsintrod to”,native of moderate to high rainfall

(500-1500mm) districts of S Afr,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Senecio,pterophorus, ,African daisy,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,pterophorus, ,African daisy,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Senecio,retrorsus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,retrorsus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,riddellii, ,Riddell groundsel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Senecio,rowleyanus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,scandens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Senecio,serpens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,squalidus, ,Oxford Ragwort ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Senecio,sylvaticus, ,Woodland groundsel,,,,99% germ of seed

soon after collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar

to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Senecio,sylvaticus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,sylvaticus, ,woodland groundsel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Senecio,sylvaticus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senecio,tamoides,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Senecio,triangularis, ,arrowleaf groundsel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Senecio,vernalis, ,Spring Groundsel,,,,S.

euxinus,”Eastern Europe, less to Central Europe &

Scandinavia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Senecio,vernalis,Compositae ,Spring Groundsel,,,,S.

euxinus,”Eastern Europe, less to Central Europe &

Scandinavia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Senecio,viscosus, ,Sticky Groundsel,,,,,”Mainland Europe,

except extreme NE Europe, less in Scandinavia, UK & Eire”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Senecio,viscosus,Compositae ,Sticky

Groundsel,,,,,”Mainland Europe, except extreme NE Europe, less in

Scandinavia, UK & Eire”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Senecio,viscosus, ,sticky groundsel,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Senecio,vulgaris,,”groundsel, sticky groundsel, stinking

groundsel, wood groundsel”,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Senecio,vulgaris, ,Common groundsel,,,,good germ with alt.

temp of 10-25C; prechilling or soaking 2hrs in 1% soln of

hypochlorite,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Senecio,vulgaris, ,Groundsel,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Senecio,vulgaris, ,Common groundsel,,,,bromoxynil 1995 USA

Mint , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Senecio,vulgaris, ,Common groundsel,,,,linuron 1987

Switzerland Vegetables ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Senecio,vulgaris, ,Common groundsel,,,,atrazine 1980 Germany

Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Senecio,vulgaris, ,Common groundsel,,,,”atrazine 1988

Czech Republic Orchard, Railway”,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Senecio,vulgaris, ,Common groundsel,,,,simazine 1970 USA

Nurseries , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Senecio,vulgaris, ,Common groundsel,,,,simazine 1977 United

Kingdom Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Senecio,vulgaris, ,Common groundsel,,,,”simazine 1982

Belgium Corn, Nurseries, Fruit”,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Senecio,vulgaris, ,Common groundsel,,,,simazine 1982 The

Netherlands Orchard ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Senecio,vulgaris, ,Common groundsel,,,,simazine 1995 Chile ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Senecio,vulgaris, ,Common groundsel,,,,simazine 1996 Norway

Nurseries , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Senecio,vulgaris, ,Common groundsel,,,,triazines 1982 France ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Senecio,vulgaris, ,Common groundsel,,,,triazines 1982

Switzerland Vineyard ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Senecio,vulgaris,syn ,Common groundsel,,,,”Nile and canal

banks, fields”“Flowering branches are used as a

vasoconstrictor, vermifuge, and mild

laxative”““,”Medit, Eur, W Asia”,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Senecio,vulgaris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senecio,vulgaris, ,,,,,”perennial dominance,

sub-dominance “, Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Senecio,vulgaris, ,”groundsel, common groundsel,

staggerwort, stinking Willie”,,,,”Senecio vulgaris is a slender

annual herb, often called groundsel, found primarily in unstable

environments. This species is a weed of more than 40 crops in 65

countries. It behaves as a weed from Mongolia and Iceland in the north to

NZ on the far side “,”very widely distributed in all regions of

the world, except in the warmest regions.”,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Senecio,vulgaris, ,common groundsel,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Senecio,vulgaris,,ragwort,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Serratula,tinctoria, ,,,,,88% germ of seed in 1st spring after

collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sigesbeckia,orientalis, ,St. Paulswort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sigesbeckia,orientalis,,Indian weed,XH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sigesbeckia,orientalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sigesbeckia,pubescens, ,,,,, , ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Silphium,perfoliatum, ,cupplant,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Silybum,marianum, ,Blessed milkthistle ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Silybum,marianum,,milk thistle ,CLASS A WEED: Class A weeds are non-native species with a limited distribution in Washington. Eradication of these species is mandatory in all of Washington State.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Tanacetum,vulgare,,"Common Name(s): Bitter buttons, Hind-head, Parsley fern","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive ""Perennial, 3-9 dm high, numerous yellow disk flowers in clusters, stems erect in dense colonies, leaves alternate, 1-3 pinnately divided pinnately divided ""","Europe. Habitat: Roadsides, waste places, fields"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Silybum,marianum,Carduus marianus,”variegated thistle,

blessed milk thistle, cabbage thistle, Gundagai thistle, gundy, holy

thistle, lady's thistle, milk thistle, spotted thistle, St Mary's

thistle”,HXXAX,L,Vic; SA; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Silybum,marianum, ,Variegated Thistle,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,Med,N Af, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Silybum,marianum, ,St Mary's Thistle,,,,,”Mainland

Europe, less in N Europe & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Silybum,marianum, Carduus marianus,”variegated thistle,

blessed milk thistle, cabbage thistle, Gundagai thistle, gundy, holy

thistle, lady's thistle, milk thistle, spotted thistle, St Mary's

thistle”,,,,”very competitive with pastures & cereal crops,

once estab. eliminates most other plants, incl. other thistle sp.;

readily eaten after being cut & dried; can be toxic to cattle when

grown on high nitrogen soils-due to high nitrate content at certain

times”,”originated in Medit region, Asia Minor & Soviet

Union; sprd to most temp areas of world & consid. imprt. weed in many

of them; common in W USA in pastures & neglected areas & on

channel banks; weed of sheep areas in NZ & regarded as weedy in S Af

& S Amer”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Silybum,marianum, ,Variegated thistle * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Move”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Silybum,marianum, ,variegated thistle,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Silybum,marianum, ,”bull thistle, milk thistle, Saint

Mary's thistle, spotted thistle, variegated thistle, blessed thistle,

hardon Marie, lady's thistle, Marian thistle, holy thistle”,,,,”Silybum

marianum is one of the hundreds of thistles found across the world and it

is sometimes called milk thistle. It is found on all of the continents,

but is noteworthy that it does not behave as an important problem in

three large agricultural areas”,appears on all continents,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Silybum,marianum, ,milk thistle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Silybum,marianum, ,variegated thistle,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Silybum,marianum,syn Carduus marianus,St. Mary's

thistle,,,,”canal banks, moist ground”“Young shoots are

eaten as a raw salad. Plant grazed by camels and donkeys & used in

folk medicine for liver disorders, gallstones, coughs &

bronchitis”““,”Medit, Eur, W Asia; introduced &

naturalised into A. Amer”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Silybum,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Simsia,amplexicaulis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Simsia,amplexicaulis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Sinacalia,tangutica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Solidago,altissima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solidago,bicolor, ,,,,,intact seeds germ 8% within 26days in

light & 16% within 17days in dark; seeds with seed coat cut germ 28%

in light within 26days & 8% in dark in 12days at 20-25C,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Solidago,canadensis,S. altissima,Canada

goldenrod,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Solidago,canadensis, ,Canadian Golden Rod,,,,,”UK, Eire,

Norway & most of Mainland Europe, except Italy, Greece and Russia

“,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Solidago,canadensis, ,golden rod,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solidago,canadensis, ,Canada goldenrod,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solidago,chilensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solidago,chilensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Solidago,cutleri, ,,,,,”seed planted in soil flats &

placed either directly into greenhouse germ 33% in 20-167days, those kept

outdoors exposed to winter weather in cold frame for 83days then

transferred to greenhouse germ 75% in 11-70days “,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Solidago,gigantea, ,,,,,S. serotina,”UK, Eire, Norway

& most of Mainland Europe, except Italy, Greece and Russia

“,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Solidago,gigantea,Compositae ,,,,,S. serotina,”UK, Eire,

Norway & most of Mainland Europe, except Italy, Greece and Russia

“,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Solidago,gigantea, ,giant goldenrod,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solidago,graminifolia var. nuttallii, ,narrowleaf

goldenrod,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solidago,marcrophylla, ,,,,,”seed planted in soil flats &

placed either directly into greenhouse germ 39% in 13-167days, those kept

outdoors exposed to winter weather in cold frame for 83days then

transferred to greenhouse germ 50% in 11-21days “,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Solidago,microglossa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solidago,microglossa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Solidago,missouriensis, ,Missouri goldenrod,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solidago,nemoralis, ,Gray goldenrod,,,,intact seeds germ 64%

in light & 0% within 109days in dark; seeds with seed coat cut germ

20% in diffuse light within 26days & 8% in dark in 12days at

20-25C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Solidago,nemoralis, ,gray goldenrod,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solidago,occidentalis, ,western goldenrod,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solidago,odora, ,,,,,”seed planted in soil flats &

placed either directly into greenhouse germ 4% in 20-97days, those kept

outdoors exposed to winter weather in cold frame for 83days then

transferred to greenhouse germ 25% in 21-70days “,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Solidago,rigida, ,Rigid goldenrod,,,,”seed collected in

Oct & planted 2wks later in box of sand under greenhouse bench, no

seeds germ & test conducted for extended period of

time”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Solidago,rigida, ,rigid goldenrod,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solidago,rugosa, ,Rough goldenrod,,,,52% germ in 91days in

light at 20-25C & no germ within 109days in dark,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Solidago,rugosa, ,rough goldenrod,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solidago,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated

by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Solidago,virgaurea, ,,,,,seeds germ at once after harvest

& remainder in 1st spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total

germ 93%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Soliva,anthemifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Soliva,anthemifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Soliva,pterosperma,” Gymnostyles pterosperma, Soliva

sessilis”,”onehunga, jo-jo, lawn burrweed”,,,,”is a

weed of lawns & playing fields, but also occurs sporadically in

moister pastures; rarely eaten by stock because of its spines but is a

nuisance in recreation areas for same reason”,”native of the

Americasoccurs throughout southern Aust, as high as Qld, not present in

Tas & NT”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Soliva,pterosperma, ,”onehunga, jo-jo”,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Soliva,pterosperma, ,”onehunga, jo-jo”,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Soliva,sessilis,”S. pterosperma, Gymnostyles

pterosperma”,”onehunga, jo-jo, lawn

burrweed”,XXXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Soliva,sessilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Soliva,stolonifera,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Soliva,stolonifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sonchus,arvensis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sonchus,arvensis, ,Perennial Sowthistle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Sonchus,arvensis, ,Perennial sowthistle,,,,100% germ in alt.

20-30C with alt. light/dark & 96% in dark; seed retain viability for

no more than 5yr in dry storage,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Sonchus,arvensis, ,,,,,,Cosmopolitan,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Sonchus,arvensis, ,ssp. arvensis Perennial sowthistle


lesser invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Sonchus,arvensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sonchus,arvensis, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Sonchus,arvensis,syn ,corn sow thistle,,,,”in rather wet

climates, sunny or very shaded, rather moist sites on arable land; swampy

grassland, along watercourses, roads, ravines & terrace banks, in

plantations; usually scattered; from 50-2200m alt; upland rice fields, a

weed of minor importance, a “,”Eur, C Asia, world-wide; introd

in Indonesia long ago; has spread throughout Indonesia except the

Moluccas & Irian Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Sonchus,arvensis, ,”perennial sowthistle, corn

sowthistle, field milk thistle”,,,,Sonchus arvensis is a perennial

herbaceous plant found throughout the temperate regions of the world. The

species is adapted to a wide range of edaphic conditions and its

extensive horizontal and vertical root system make it very difficult to

control.S,”native of Eur, found throughout the temperate regions of

world”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et.


Sonchus,arvensis, ,perennial sowthistle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sonchus,asper,,rough or prickly sow

thistle,HXXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sonchus,asper,,Rough Sow-thistle,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Sonchus,asper, ,Rough Sow-thistle,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1-9,11,L12,13,14”,”temp N Hem, In Victoria: Widespread, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Sonchus,asper, ,Spiny sowthistle,,,,65% germ at 10-25C alt;

optimum germ temp 35C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Sonchus,asper, ,Prickly Sowthistle,,,,2 subspp. asper &

glaucescens,Cosmopolitan,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Sonchus,asper, ,Spiny sowthistle,,,,triazines 1980 France ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Sonchus,asper,syn ,,,,,fields and waste grounds,”widespread

in the Old World, intoduced to New World”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Sonchus,asper, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sonchus,asper, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Sonchus,asper, ,”rough sowthistle, prickly sowthistle,

sowthistle, spiny sowthistle”,,,,”Sonchus asper is a common

annual plant, found in a wide variety of habitats. It is a pioneer

species and management is difficult because seeds germinate irregularly and

over prolonged time and plants develop and mature rapidly and produce

many easily disp”,”native to Eur, but now distributed around

the world”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm

et. al.

Sonchus,asper, ,spiny sowthistle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sonchus,cornutus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sonchus,cornutus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sonchus,exauriculatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sonchus,exauriculatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Sonchus,macrocarpus,syn ,,,,,fields and waste

grounds,,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi,


Sonchus,oleraceus, ,sow thistle,,,,”, vegetables, field

crops”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; New

Caledonia; Papua New Guinea; Western Samoa; Tonga; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Sonchus,oleraceus,,milk thistle,HXXXXXH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sonchus,oleraceus, ,Milk Thistle,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1-9,11,12,13”,”Eur,SW As, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Sonchus,oleraceus, ,Annual sowthistle,,,,”78% germ at

10-25C alt. with alt. light/dark; seed germ in soil surface, 77% with 3

temp alt. of 20C:8hrs to 30C:8hrs to 8C:6hrs”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sonchus,oleraceus, ,Smooth Sowthislte,,,,,Cosmopolitan,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Sonchus,oleraceus, ,Sowthistle ,,,,chlorsulfuron 1990

Australia Wheat , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Sonchus,oleraceus,syn ,Sow-thistle,,,,”fields, gardens,

roadsides, waste groundFresh plants eaten as a

salad”,”cosmopolitan weed, less abundant in the trop. than in

cool & temp. regions; originally native to Old World, introduced into

New World”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Sonchus,oleraceus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sonchus,oleraceus, ,,,,, , Upland Japan Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Sonchus,oleraceus, ,annual sowthistle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sonchus,tenerrimus,,sow thistle,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Sonchus,tenerrimus, ,,,,,S. dianae,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Sonchus,tenerrimus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sonchus,uliginosus,” Sonchus arvensis var. glabrescens,

Sonchus arvensis var. uliginosus”,,,,,”91% germ at alt. 68-90F

in 4-7days, germ at constant 90F was more rapid but only 50% germ

obtained; 2yr old seed germ at alt. 15C:16hrs to 30C:8hrs germ 55% within

13days; vegetative propagation by cuttings of roots”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sphaeranthus,africanus,syn Sphaeranthus

microcephalus,,,,,”in areas with a weakly to strongly pronounced dry

season; on heavy & lighter soils, margins of ditches, dried-out pools

& dtiches; locally often gregarious; from 0-700m alt (Java); flowers

Mar-Oct (Java); rainfed, upland & lebak rice fields, a weed of

min”,”Afr, throughout Indonesia, except

Kalimantan”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Sphaeranthus,bullatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sphaeranthus,bullatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Sphaeranthus,indicus, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Sphaeranthus,indicus,syn Sphaeranthus hirtus,East Indian globe

thistle,,,,”usually on heavy soils; from0-1200m alt. Flowering

May-Feb (Java); rainfed & upland rice fields , a weed of minor

importance, the herb is a tonic & a laxative”,”India,

tropical Asia; throughout Indonesia, except Kalimantan, the Moluccas

& Irian Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Spilanthes,iabadicensis,syn Spilanthes acmella,,,,,”on

humid or dry sites; on shallow ditches, on sand & gravel bars in

rivers, in moist gardens, in marshy meadows; scattered or gregarious,

never vegetation-forming; up to 3100m alt.; rainfed & upland rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”unknown, througout

Indonesia, except Irian Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Spilanthes,paniculata,”syn Spilanthes ocimicolia,

Spilanthes pseudo-acmella”,,,,,”grows in drier places than does

S. iabadicnesis; in fields & meadows, waste places, road & water

sides, between stones, badly-drained pastures, swamp edges; up to 2200m

alt; upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance, the heads are

pungent-tasting & r”,”tropical Amer, SE Asia, also in the

Pacific; throughout Indonesia, but not very common in Irian

Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Steirodiscus,chrysanthemoides,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Stevia,eupatoria,,”stevia, Kempton's

weed”,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Stevia,eupatoria, ,”stevia, Kempton's

weed”,,,,”unpalatable, useless as feed & rarely grazed by

stock ex by accident; dense infestations limit grazing & pasture

production”,native of Mexico & is not well known outside the

Americas,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Stevia,eupatoria, ,stevia,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stevia,eupatoria, ,stevia,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Stoebe,plumosa, Stoebe cinera,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Syncarpha,vestita,” Xeranthemum vestitum, Helichrysum

vestitum”““,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Synedrella,nodiflora, ,”syndrella, node

weed”,,,,”, plantations, lawns”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French

Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea;

American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands ;Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu;

Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Synedrella,nodiflora,,nodeweed,w,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Synedrella,nodiflora, ,Synedrella,,,,27% germ of seeds planted

in moist sand a few wks after collection,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Synedrella,nodiflora,syn ,,,,,”lightly shaded, or more

rarely, sunny, not inundated land; in open forest, in village groves,

hedges, plantations (coffee, coconut), along roads & dikes, on

wastelands, in gardens, on meadows; often gregarious; from 0-1200m alt;

upland rice fields, a weed”,”tropical Amer, found in Java for

the first time in 1888 & since then has spread throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Synedrella,nodiflora, ,”porter bush, fatten barrow,

synedrella”,,,,”Synedrella nodiflora is an annual herb; which

has an interesting characteristic in that it has dimorphic seed

production, being produced in the ray and disc florets. Each seed type is

so distinct that they appear to represent separate species. This weed

i”,”native to tropical America; now widely distributed in

nearly 50 countries. It occurs not only in the Americas where it

originated, but also in China, Aust, the Caribbean, India, Indonesia and

the Philippines, and in several African countries.”,WORLD WEEDS

Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Synedrella,nodiflora, ,synedrella,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Synedrellopsis,grisebachii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Tagetes,minuta,,”wild marigold, stinking roger, Mexican

marigold, muster John Henry”,XXXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tagetes,minuta, ,Wild Marigold ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Tagetes,minuta, ,Wild marigold,,,,”63% germ of 1-12wk old

seed planted on surface of soil in greenhouse, pretreated seed sown in

soil poor germ; light required for germ”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Tagetes,minuta, ,stinking Roger,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tagetes,minuta, ,”stinking Roger, Mexican marigold, wild

marigold, stinkweed”,,,,”Tagetes minuta is a herbaceous weed

prevalent in over 35 countries and is well known for the strong odor that

arises from oil glands on its leaves. The oil has been studied for its

pharmaceutical, nematicidal and insecticidal properties. It is found in

m”,”native to S Amer, tropical and subtropical”,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Tagetes,minuta, ,wild marigold,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tanacetum,boreale,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Tanacetum,boreale, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tanacetum,haradjanii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Tanacetum,huronense, ,,,,,”seeds planted in soil flats

& exposed to winter weather for 71days, germ 59% within 7-42days

after transfer to greenhouse; 12% within 64-92days of those directly

planted in greenhouse”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Tanacetum,parthenium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tanacetum,parthenium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tanacetum,vulgare,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tanacetum,vulgare,,tansy common ,"WEED OF CONCERN: Control and containment of existing populations of these noxious weeds is strongly encouraged in King County, Washington State.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Tanacetum,vulgare, ,Tansy ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Tanacetum,vulgare, ,Tansy,,,,80% germ in dark at 20-30C alt.

& 48% in alt. light/dark; at 20-25C 96% germ in light in 3-23days

& 68% in 5-8days in dark; germ markedly affected by

light,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Tanacetum,vulgare, ,Tansy,,,,”Crysanthemum vulgare,

Chrysanthemum tanacetum”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Tanacetum,vulgare, ,Common tansy ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Tanacetum,vulgare, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tanacetum,vulgare, ,tansy,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Taraxacum,erythrospermum, ,Smooth dandelion,,,,”92% germ

or more with 4 conditions tested; 15C alt. light/dark, 20C in dark &

20-30C alt. in either dark or in alt. light/dark”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Taraxacum,erythrospermum, ,dandelion,,,,,,Weed Science List

Taraxacum,erythrospermum, ,smooth dandelion,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Taraxacum,kok-saghyz,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Taraxacum,kok-saghyz, ,,,,,”soaking seed for 3days in 1

molar soln of dextrose, KNO3 or KH2PO4, rinsing, drying & planting in

soil; untreated seed germ 48% in 8days, treated 76, 70 & 60%

respectively for dextrose, KNO3 or KH2PO4; 88% germ of untreated seed at

20-30C alt. in dark “,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Taraxacum,magalorhizon, ,,,,,15-20C optimum for seed germ;

recently harvested seed did not germ to any extent if held at 30C or at

0-1C & failed to germ when transferred to optimum temps,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Taraxacum,officinale,,English dandelion,XXXXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Taraxacum,officinale, Taraxacum vulgare,Danelion,,,,”95%

germ at 18C in dark within 7days; inc. germ with inc. length of storage;

light beneficial at low temps, at 15C germ 4% in dark & 96% in light,

at 20-30C alt. 72% in dark & 92% in alt.

light/dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Taraxacum,officinale, ,Dandelion,,,,,”All Europe, N Asia

& N Amer”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Taraxacum,officinale, ,dandelion,,,,,,Weed Science List

Taraxacum,officinale, ,,,,, , Hokkaido ,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Taraxacum,officinale, ,dandelion,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Taraxacum,platycarpum, ,,,,,prechilling dec. germ % of seeds

& inc. time required for completion of germ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Taraxacum,pseudocalocephalum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Taraxacum,vulgare, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Taraxacum,vulgare, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Taraxacum ,officinale, ,”dandelion, common

dandelion”,,,,”Taraxacum officinale is an almost stemless,

lactiferous, deeply rooted perennial herb, which is especially adapted to

pastures, lawns, orchards, hay fields, roadsides and other areas of

permanent vegetation with occasional disturbance.T. officinale is

“,originated in Eur; now widely distributed in almost every

temperate and subtropical region of the world.,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Taraxacum ,Sects Hamata &

Vulgaria,,Dandelion,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Taraxacum ,Sects Hamata & Vulgaria,

,Dandelion,,,,”Dispersal: animal external,Water,Wind. Life Form:

Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,5,6,7,8,9,15”,”Introduced deliberately from: Euras, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Taraxacum Sect.,Erythrosperma,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Taraxacum Sect.,Hamata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Taraxacum Sect.,Ruderalia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tarchonanthus,camphoratus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tarchonanthus,camphoratus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Telekia,speciosa, Buphthalmum speciosum,,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Tetradymia,canescens, ,spineless horsebrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tetradymia,glabrata, ,littleleaf horsebrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Thymophylla,tenuiloba,” syn. Dyssodia tenuiloba,

Hymenatherum tenuilobum”,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Tithonia,diversifolia,,Japanese sunflower,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tithonia,diversifolia, ,Mexican sunflower,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: savanna, grassland, roadsides, riverbanks, at low

altitudesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: C. Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Tithonia,diversifolia, ,Mexican sunflower,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: savanna, grassland, roadsides, riverbanks, at low

altitudesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: C. Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Tithonia,diversifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tithonia,diversifolia, ,tree marigold,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tithonia,rotundifolia,,Mexican sunflower,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tithonia,rotundifolia, ,red sunflower,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: wasteland, roadsides, at moderate altitudes (+/-

600-1400m)Cultivated for: ornament”,Origin: C. Amer,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Tithonia,rotundifolia, ,red sunflower,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: wasteland, roadsides, at moderate altitudes (+/-

600-1400m)Cultivated for: ornament”,Origin: C. Amer,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Tithonia,rotundifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tolpis,barbata,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Tolpis,barbata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tolpis,umbellata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tragopogan,pratensis, ,Meadow salsify ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Tragopogon,dubius,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Tragopogon,dubius, ,Western salsify ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Tragopogon,dubius, ,yellow salsify,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Tragopogon,dubius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tragopogon,dubius,,yellow goats-beard,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Tragopogon,hybridus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tragopogon,hybridus, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Eur; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Tragopogon,hybridus, ,,,,,,Medit Region,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Tragopogon,hybridus,Compositae ,,,,,,Medit Region,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Tragopogon,major, Tragopogon dubius,Western salsify,,,,seeds

planted in field in late autumn of year of collection 30% germ in

following season,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Tragopogon,major, ,western salsify,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tragopogon,porrifolius,,salsify,XXXXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Tragopogon,porrifolius, ,Salsify,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual/Biennial. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,8,11,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: Med and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Tragopogon,porrifolius, ,Common salsify,,,,96% germ in alt

light/dark at alt. 20-30C & 76% in dark; at 20C in dark 72% & 15C

in alt. light/dark 56%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Tragopogon,porrifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tragopogon,porrifolius, ,common salsify,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tragopogon,pratensis, ,Meadow salsify,,,,seeds germ in 1st

spring after harvest; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar

to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ100%; 92%

germ at 20-25C within 7days in light & 88% in 8days in

dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Tragopogon,pratensis, ,Goat's Beard,,,,,All Europe & W

Asia,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Tragopogon,pratensis,Compositae ,Goat's Beard,,,,,All Europe

& W Asia,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Tragopogon,pratensis, ,meadow salsify,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tridax,procumbens, ,”tridax, coat

buttons”,,,,”, vegetables, roadsides”,Fiji; French

Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; New Caledonia; Papua New Guinea; American

Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds

of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Tridax,procumbens,,tridax daisy,XH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Tridax,procumbens, ,Tridax daisy,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tridax,procumbens,syn ,,,,,”Especially in drier areas;

sunny or lightly shaded, dry or slightly wet substrata; along roads,

dikes, railroads, riverbanks, cultivated land, meadows, dunes; often

gregarious; from 0-1500m alt; rainfed & upland rice fields, a weed of

minor importance, so”,”tropical Amer, India & SE Asia;

found in Java for the first time in 1875 & since then has spread

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Tridax,procumbens,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Tridax,procumbens, ,,,,,”Tridax procumbens is generally

considered a perennial but some refer to it as an annual or short-lived

perennial. It adapts to many environments and is frequently foun in

annual crops, roadsides, pastures, fallow land and waste areas, and

occaasionally in”,native to the tropical Americas but now found in

nearly 60 countries.,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution -

Holm et. al.

Tripleurospermum,inodorum,T. maritimum ssp. inodorum,scentless

mayweed,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tripleurospermum,maritimum,= Matricaria

maritima,mayweed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tripleurospermum,maritimum,= Matricaria

maritima,mayweed,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Tussilago,farfara,,"Common Name(s): Cough-wort, Ginger-root, Clay-weed, Dove-dock, Horse-hoof","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive ""Habitat : Moist clay banks, ditches, pastures and fields Description : Perennial, many disk and ray flowers, 2-3 cm, yellow, stems woolly, leaves basal, simple, palmately veined yellow, stems woolly, l",Europe. Habitat: ," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Tussilago,farfara, ,Coltsfoot,,,,”75% germ of seed placed

in germinator after harvest & exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors; 94% germ immediately after harvest, 57%, 41% &

3% after 1, 2, & 4mths of air-dry storage at

18-23C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Tussilago,farfara, ,Coltsfoot,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Tussilago,farfara,Compositae ,Coltsfoot,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Tussilago,farfara, ,coltsfoot,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tussilago,farfara,,coltsfoot,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant communities;

may have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance

corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Urospermum,dalechampii,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Urospermum,picroides,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Urospermum,picroides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urospermum,picroides,syn Tragopogon

picroides,,,,,”fields, gardens, roadsides, waste

ground”,”Medit, S Eur, W Asia”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Ursinia,anethoides, ,,,,,”seeds soaked in water

overnight, only swollen seeds tested at 26C, 63% in 15days in dark &

59% in 70days in light”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Ursinia,anthemoides,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ursinia,anthemoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ursinia,chrysanthemoides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ursinia,chrysanthemoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ursinia,speciosa,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ursinia,speciosa, ,,,,,”seeds soaked in water overnight,

only swollen seeds tested at 26C, 67% in 15days in dark & 36% in

70days in light”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Ursinia,speciosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vellereophyton,dealbatum,,White Cudweed,HH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vellereophyton,dealbatum, ,White Cudweed,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,29,11”,”S Af, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Vellereophyton,dealbatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vemonia,cinerea, ,”vemonia, iron weed”,,,,”,

sweet potato, banana”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam;

Kiribati; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon

Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Verbesina,encelioides,Ximenesia exauriculata,”crown

beard, American dogweed, golden crownbeard, gold

weed”,XXX,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Verbesina,encelioides, Ximenesia exauriculata,”crown

beard, American dogweed, golden crownbeard, gold weed, South African

daisy, wild sunflower”,,,,”introd to NSW in 1st decade of this

century, & 1st recorded at Wisemans Ferry in 1908; since sprd over

the whole of C & N Coast areas & into the N & C Western

Slopes & Western Plains; occurs in S & C Qld, at Waikerie in SA

& a few patches have been found “,”native of Mexico &

southern USA, where it is a common weed of field borders from Cal. to

Kansas; introd to several other countries, inc. SW Arabian Peninsula,

Arg, Pacific Is., & Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Verbesina,encelioides, ,crown beard,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbesina,encelioides, ,crown beard,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Verbesina,encelioides var. exauriculata,

,crownbeard,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Verbesina,persicifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbesina,persicifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Vernonia,altissima, ,tall ironweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vernonia,baldwini, ,western ironweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vernonia,baldwinii, ,Western ironweed,,,,seeds germ in lab

conditions readily; rhizomes with buds vegetative

reproduction,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Vernonia,cinerea,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Vernonia,cinerea,”syn Vernonia abbreviata, Vernonia

laxiflora, Vernonia leptophylla, Vernonia linifolia, Vernonia parviflora,

Vernonia zollingeriana”,,,,,”sunny or lightly shaded, not wet,

often grassy sites (alang-alang & other grasses), along roadsides, in

rubber & tea plantations, dunes; often gregarious; from 0-1400m alt

(java); flowers all year round; upland rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, Ver”,”unknown, tropical; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Vernonia,cinerea, ,”vernonia, little ironweed,

ironweed”,,,,”Vernonia cinerea is an annual, erect herb, which

is prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions and occurs in nearly 50

countries and is common in gardens, field and plantation crops, pastures,

roadsides and waste areas.V. cinerea is a reported weed o”,widely

distributed in tropical and subtropical regions.,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Vernonia,cinerea, ,little ironweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vernonia,noveboracensis, ,,,,,”seed planted in soil

flats, exposed to winter weather outdoors for 83days 78% germ within

11-21days after transfer to greenhouse; 57% within 34-90days of seed

immediately planted in greenhouse”,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Vernonia,patula, ,,,,,45% germ of seed planted in moist sand

2wks after collection,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Vernonia,polyanthes, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vernonia,polyanthes, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Viguiera,annua, ,annual goldeneye,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Viguiera,dentata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Viguiera,dentata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Viguiera,stenoloba, ,shrubby goldeneye,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Wedelia,glauca,,Pascalia weed,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Wedelia,glauca, ,Pascalia weed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Wedelia,glauca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Wedelia,glauca, ,Pascalia weed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Wedelia,trilobata, ,wedelia,,,,”, vegetables”,French

Polynesia; American Samoa; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Wedelia,trilobata,Silphum trilobatum,Singapore

daisy,Xw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Wedelia,trilobata, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Amer; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Wedelia,trilobata,,wedelia,,,,”Catergory II - Species

that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species

may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Wyethia,amplexicaulis, ,mulesears,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Xanthium,ambrosioides,,,,L,NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Xanthium,californicum,Part of X. strumarium,noogoora burr

complex,,L,SA; NT; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Xanthium,californicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Xanthium,canavillesii,Part of X. strumarium,noogoora burr

complex,,LP,SA; NT; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Xanthium,cavanillesii,= X. strumarium,S. American burr,,,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Xanthium,cavanillesii, ,”S. American burr, X.

strumarium”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Xanthium,chinense, ,oriental cocklebur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Xanthium,echinatum, ,beach cocklebur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Xanthium,italicum,Part of X. strumarium,noogoora burr

complex,,LP,SA; NT; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Xanthium,italicum,= X. strumarium,Hunter burr,,,, Declared

spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Xanthium,italicum, ,Italian cocklebur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Xanthium,italicum, ,”Hunter burr, X.

strumarium”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Xanthium,occidentale,”Part of X. strumarium, Xanthium

pungens, Xanthium strumarium, Xanthium chinense”,”noogoora

burr, beach cocklebur, burweed, clotbur, cocklebur, European cockle bur.

Italian cockle bur, rough cockle bur, sheepbur, noogoora burr

complex”,XAHH,L,NSW; Vic; Qld; NT; WA; SA,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Xanthium,occidentale,= X. strumarium,Noogoora burr,,,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Xanthium,occidentale, ,”Noogoora burr, X.

strumarium”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Xanthium,orientale,”Part of X. strumarium, Xanthium

californicum”,”Californian burr, beach cocklebur, burweed,

clotbur, cocklebur, European cockle bur. Italian cockle bur, rough cockle

bur, sheepbur”“ noogoora burr complex”,,L,NSW; Vic; SA;

NT; WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Xanthium,orientale, Xanthium californicum,”Californian

burr, beach cocklebur, burweed, clotbur, cocklebur, European cockle bur.

Italian cockle bur, rough cockle bur, sheepbur”,,,,,”originates

in N Amer, & only occurs in California & Aust”,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Xanthium,orientale,= X. strumarium,Californian burr,,,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Xanthium,orientale, ,”Californian burr, X.

strumarium”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Xanthium,pensylvanicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Xanthium,pensylvanicum, ,common cocklebur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Xanthium,pensylvanicum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Xanthium,pungens, ,noogoora burr,,,,”, vegetables, pasture”,Cook

Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Papua New Guinea ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Xanthium,speciosum, ,showy cocklebur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Xanthium,spinosum,,”Bathust burr, burweed, prickly

burrweed, spiny cocklebur, spiny clotbur “,HXXXHH,L,ACT; NSW; Vic;

Qld; SA; NT; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Xanthium,spinosum, ,Bathhurst Burr,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,8,9,12”,”trop Am, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Xanthium,spinosum, ,Spiny Cockleburr,,,,,”Mainland

Europe, except Denmark”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Xanthium,spinosum, ,”Bathust burr, burweed, prickly

burrweed, spiny cocklebur, spiny clotbur “,,,,”; listed as a

weed in 39 countries & is a serious competitor with such crops as

cotton, maize, peas, potatoes, sorghum, sugarcane & grapes”,;

Tas-Nox & Prohib (as Xanthium spp.),”Noxious Weeds of Australia,

P & C”

Xanthium,spinosum, ,Spiny cocklebur ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Xanthium,spinosum, ,spiny cocklebur,,,,”Declared

WeedHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: ploughed lands, old lands,

riverbanks”,Origin: uncertain probably S Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Xanthium,spinosum, ,spiny cocklebur,,,,”Declared

WeedHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: ploughed lands, old lands,

riverbanks”,Origin: uncertain probably S Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Xanthium,spinosum, ,Bathurst burr ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS

IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Xanthium,spinosum,syn ,,,,,”roadsides, fields, moist

ground; naturalised”,native of S Amer; introduced into many regions

of the Old World,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Xanthium,spinosum, ,Bathurst burr,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Xanthium,spinosum, ,spiny cocklebur,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Xanthium,spinosum, ,Bathurst burr,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Xanthium,spinosum,,spiny cocklebur,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Xanthium,spp., ,Cocklebur,,,,burr contains 2 types of seed

differing in time of germ; upper burr germ at 32-34C with seed coat

removed or increased oxygen pressure that breaks down metabolic

inhibitors,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Xanthium,spp., ,,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Xanthium,strumarium, ,,,,,Lots,”Mainland Europe, except

Denmark”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Xanthium,strumarium, ,Common cocklebur,,,,MSMA/DSMA 1985 USA

Cotton , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Xanthium,strumarium, ,Common cocklebur,,,,imidazolinones 1989

USA Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Xanthium,strumarium, ,large cocklebur,,,,”Declared

WeedHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: ploughed lands, old lands,

riverbanks”,Origin: uncertain probably C & S Amer,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Xanthium,strumarium, ,large cocklebur,,,,”Declared

WeedHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: ploughed lands, old lands,

riverbanks”,Origin: uncertain probably C & S Amer,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Xanthium,strumarium,syn X. brasilicum,,,,,”fields, Nile and

canal banks, moist ground”,naturalised in many regions of the Old

World,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi,


Xanthium,strumarium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Xanthium,strumarium,,common cocklebur,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Xanthium,strumarium spp. agg., ,Noogoora burr complex N


be destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies) Roadside control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section

60 applies) Move”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Xanthium ,occidentale,” Xanthium pungens, Xanthium

strumarium, Xanthium chinense”,”Noogoora burr, beach cocklebur,

burweed, clotbur, cocklebur, European cockle bur. Italian cockle bur,

rough cockle bur, sheepbur”,,,,,”originate in N Amer & is

now sprd throughout the temp & subtrop regions of the world 7

considered imprt. weed in 28 countries inc. India, Thai, Philip, China,

Japan, Korea, Taiwan, S Afr, W Asia, several Medit countries & the

USA (inc. Hawaii)”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Youngia,japonica, ,Asiatic hawksbeard,,,,paraquat 1980 Japan

Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Youngia,japonica, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland , Shizuoka

Upland Japan Miyasaki Okayama Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Youngia,japonica, ,oriental hawkbeard,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Zinnia,elegans,,wild zinnia,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Zinnia,oligantha, ,,,,,100% germ of seeds with intact coats

(but removed from fruit walls) within 3days at 26-27C with 12hrs

light:12hrs dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Zinnia,peruviana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Zinnia,peruviana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erigeron,sumatrensis,”syn Erigeron linifolius, Conyza

ambigua”,fleabane,,,,”sunny to lightly shaded dry or moist (but

not marshy) regions with weak or pronounced dry season; on steep

embarkments, alang-alang & othe rgrass vegetation, along dikes &

roads, wastelands & agricultuaral land; in young secondary scrub, in

rubber & tea p”,”tropical Amer, pantropical; found for the

first time in Java before 1860 & spread throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,



Diplazium,esculentus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Azolla,caroliniana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Azolla,caroliniana, ,Atlantic azolla,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Azolla,caroliniana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Azolla,filiculoides, ,Pacific azolla,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Azolla,filliculoides, ,red water fern,,,,”Proposed

Declared WeedHerbaceous Species Invades: dams, rivers, vleis, mainly in

temperate regions.Cultivated for: ornamental”,”Origin: N, C

& S Amer”,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Azolla,filliculoides, ,red water fern,,,,”Proposed

Declared WeedHerbaceous Species Invades: dams, rivers, vleis, mainly in

temperate regions.Cultivated for: ornamental”,”Origin: N, C

& S Amer”,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Azolla,imbricata, ,Azolla,,,,” Aquatic weed,

free-floating “, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Azolla,japonica, ,,,,, , Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Azolla,pinnata,,,aquatic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Azolla,pinnata,syn ,azolla,,,,”borders of stagnant or

slow moving water; due to its rapid growth it may cover the entire water

sufrace (in combination with Lemna spp.); sometimes stranded on mud

banks; from 0-2200m; lowland, lebak & tidal rice fields, it is either

considered an undersi”,”tropical Asia, Pantropical; throughout

Indonesia, except the Lesser Sunda Islands, the Moluccas & Irian

Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Azolla,pinnata, ,”ferny azolla, mosquito fern, water

velvet”,,,,”It is found in tropical regions and in lakes,

marshes, ponds, paddy fields, ditches and rivers of warm temperature.

Azolla pinnata is a weed in 30 countries including Aust, Bangladesh,

China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. It is a

seri”,”Found in nearly all the Asian countries, in most of

tropical Afr, NZ, and Aust.”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.


Impatiens,balsamina, ,Garden balsm,,,,”fresh seed

dormant; 4-6mths dry storage at room temp, then germ at 25C; fresh seed

prechill at 5C for 2wks; 90% germ after 6yrs lab

storage”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Impatiens,balsamina, ,garden balsam,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Impatiens,capensis, ,spotted snapweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Impatiens,glandulifera,,Common Name(s): Himalayan balsam,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive ""1-2 m high, flowers in clusters, red-pink to white with yellow spots, 3-4 cm long, stem hairless, leaves 6-20 cm long, toothed, opposite or whorled, lanceolate, fruit club shaped, 3 cm long long, tooth","Europe. Habitat: Bushy places, grazing grounds"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Impatiens,nolitangere, ,,,,,”some seed germ immediately

after harvest, remainder in 1st spring; seeds placed in water unheated

germinator & exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors;

84% germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Impatiens,pallida, ,pale snapweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Impatiens,parviflora, ,,,,,seeds placed in water unheated

germinator & exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors

98% germ; needs prechilling at 5C or less for 2wks,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Impatiens,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Impatiens,spp., ,Balsams

,,,,GROUNDCOVERS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John

Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Impatiens,walleriana,Impatiens balsamina,”busy lizzie,

balsam”,XXS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Impatiens,walleriana, ,Balsam ,,,,Ground

Covers.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Impatiens,walleriana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Anredera,baselloides, ,”bridal wreath, Madeira

vine”,,,,”Succulent SpeciesInvades: woodland, urban open

spaceCultivated for: ornament, and its edible tubers”,Origin: S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Anredera,baselloides, ,”bridal wreath, Madeira

vine”,,,,”Succulent SpeciesInvades: woodland, urban open

spaceCultivated for: ornament, and its edible tubers”,Origin: S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Anredera,cordifolia,,Maderia Vine,HXHXXSX,NL,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Anredera,cordifolia, ,Maderia Vine,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Vine. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,6,8,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Am, In Victoria:

Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Anredera,cordifolia, ,Madeira Vine ,,,,Major

WeedVINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Anredera,cordifolia, ,Madeira Vine ,,,,Major Threat

Vines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Anredera,cordifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Basella,alba,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Basella,alba, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Afr, SE Asia;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - agriculture -

edible”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3


Berberis,aristata,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Berberis,aristata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Berberis,canadensis, ,American barberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Berberis,darwinii,,berberis,XS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Berberis,darwinii, ,Berberis,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal. Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

6”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Am and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Berberis,darwinii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Berberis,fendleri, ,Colorado barberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Berberis,thunbergii, ,Japanese

barberry,,,,”alternating temps 10-22C, 5-22C, 5-15C & 15-32C all

effective; germ at constant temp (10, 15,18C) improved if seeds held at

5C on moist blotters for 32 days before”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Berberis,thunbergii,,Japanese barberry,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive , Additional Comments : Spread by birds, introduced 1806 ""4-6 feet high, flowers yellow in drooping clusters, many stemmed, green or red leaves, 2 inches long, fruits oblong and bright red""",Asia. Habitat: Areas prone to browsing by deer," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Berberis,thunbergii, ,Japanese barberry,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Berberis,thunbergii, ,Japanese barberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Berberis,thunbergii,,Japanese barberry,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Berberis,vulgaris,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Berberis,vulgaris, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Eur, Asia;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental”,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Berberis,vulgaris, ,European barberry,,,,”alternating

temps 10-22C, 5-22C, 5-15C & 15-32C all effective; germ at constant

temp (10, 15,18C) improved if seeds held at 5C on moist blotters for 32

days before”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Berberis,vulgaris, ,European barberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bongardia,chrysogonum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bongardia,chrysogonum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Leontice,leontopetalum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leontice,leontopetalum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Mahonia,aquifolium,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Mahonia,aquifolium, ,oregongrape,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Mahonia,haematocarpa, ,red mahonia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mahonia,leschenaultii, ,,,,,”Region of origin - India,

E Asia; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Mahonia,leschenaultii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mahonia,pinnata,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Mahonia,trifoliolata, ,agarito,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Nandina,domestica, ,,,,,Region of origin -

India to Japan; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread -

ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Nandina,domestica, ,”heavenly bamboo,

nandina, sacred bamboo”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell

and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US

National Parks, weed”

Nandina,domestica,,”nadina, heavenly

bamboo”,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are invading and

disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This definition does not

rely on the economic severity or geographical range of the problem, but

on the documented ecological damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council


Alnus,cordata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Alnus,crispa, ,American green alder,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Alnus,glutinosa,,”alder, common alder, European

alder”,SH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Alnus,glutinosa,,"European alder, Black alder","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive , Additional Comments : Spread by river, spreads vegetatively ""20 m high, flowers as pollen producing catkins, leaves obovate, rounded, broadly pyramidal with several trunks, hanging cones, 1-2 cm long ","Europe. Habitat: Creek valleys, wetlands"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Alnus,glutinosa, ,,,,,Region of origin - NW Eur to W Asia;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Alnus,glutinosa, ,European alder,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Alnus,glutinosa,,sticky alder,,,,WATCH LISTMay be a problem

elsewhere; more information needed.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Alnus,rhombifolia, ,white alder,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Alnus,rubra,,red alder,E,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Alnus,rubra, ,red alder,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Alnus,rugosa, ,speckled alder,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Alnus,serrulata, ,hazel alder,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Alnus,sinuata, ,Sitka alder,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Betula,nigra,,red birch,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Betula,nigra, ,,,,,Region of origin - N Amer; Extent of spread

- localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Betula,pendula,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Betula,pendula,,"Silver birch, European white birch","Avail nurseries, Landscaping, Ornamental Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Displaces native flora, overshades ""15 m high, flowers in long slender catkins, leaves 3-7 cm long, triangular or ovate, hairless, double-toothed, cones 2-4 cm long ","Europe. Habitat: Disturbed quarries and bogs, wetlands"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Betula,pubescens,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Betula,pubescens, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur to Siberia;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3


Adenocalymna,alliaceum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Adenocalymna,alliaceum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Bignonia,capreolata,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bignonia,capreolata, ,crossvine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bignonia,capreolata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Campsis,radicans,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Campsis,radicans, ,,,,,Region of origin - E USA; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Campsis,radicans, ,trumpetcreeper,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Catalpa,bignonioides, ,southern catalpa,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Catalpa,speciosa, ,northern catalpa,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Clytostoma,binatum,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Clytostoma,binatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Crescentia,cujete, ,calabash tree,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Jacaranda,mimosifolia,,”jacaranda tree, black poui”,XX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Jacaranda,mimosifolia, ,Jacaranda

,,,,TREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Jacaranda,mimosifolia, ,jacaranda,,,,” Proposed Declared

Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: savanna, wooded kloofs,

riverbanksCultivated for: ornament, shade, timber”,Origin: S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Jacaranda,mimosifolia, ,jacaranda,,,,” Proposed

Declared Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: savanna, wooded kloofs,

riverbanksCultivated for: ornament, shade, timber”,Origin: S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Macfadyena,unguis-cati,,Cat's claw

creeper,XXS,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Macfadyena,unguis-cati, ,Cat's-Claw Creeper ,,,,Major

WeedVINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Macfadyena,unguis-cati, ,catclaw vine,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Macfadyena,unguis-cati, ,cat's claw creeper,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: woodland, plantations, roadsides, urban open

spaceCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: C & S Amer,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Macfadyena,unguis-cati, ,cat's claw creeper,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: woodland, plantations, roadsides, urban open

spaceCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: C & S Amer,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Macfadyena,unguis-cati, ,Cat's-claw Vine ,,,, Major Threat

Vines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Macfadyena,unguis-cati, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Macfadyena,unguis-cati,,claw vine,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Parmentiera,aculeata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Parmentiera,cerifera,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Parmentiera,edulis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pithecoctenium,cyanchoides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Pithecoctenium,cyanchoides, ,,,,,Region of origin - Brazil

to Argentina; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Pyrostegia,ignea, ,Golden Shower Vine

,,,,VINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Pyrostegia,venusta,,”flame vine, flame

thrower”,w,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pyrostegia,venusta, ,Golden Shower

Vine,,,,Vines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Pyrostegia,venusta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Saritaea,magnifica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Spathodea,campanulata, ,African tulip tree,,,,”,

pastures, roadsides”,Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; American Samoa;

Western Samoa; Tonga ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Spathodea,campanulata,,”African tulip tree, flame

tree”,XXw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Spathodea,campanulata, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop Afr;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Spathodea,campanulata, ssp. rotundata,African Tulip

Tree,,,,TREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Tanaecium,exitiosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tanaecium,exitiosum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Tecoma,alata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Tecoma,capensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Tecoma,capensis, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Tecoma,capensis,syn. Tecomeria,Fire Flower

,,,,SHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Tecoma,stans, ,yellow elder,,,,”, “,Cook Islands;

Fiji; French Polynesia; New Caledonia; American Samoa; Solomon Islands;

Tonga ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Tecoma,stans,Tecomaria stans,yellow bells,XE,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tecoma,stans, ,yellow bells,,,,”Proposed Declared

Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: roadsides, urban open spacesCultivated

for: ornament”,Origin: tropical Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Tecoma,stans, ,yellow bells,,,,”Proposed Declared

Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: roadsides, urban open spacesCultivated

for: ornament”,Origin: tropical Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Tecoma,stans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tecoma,stans, ,trumpetflower,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Bixa,orellana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bixa,orellana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Amsinckia,calycina,,Hairy Fiddle-neck,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Amsinckia,calycina, ,Hairy Fiddle-neck,,,,Dispersal: animal

external. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a negative

visual impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”S Am, sthern N Am,

In Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Amsinckia,calycina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amsinckia,douglasiana, ,Douglas fiddleneck,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amsinckia,intermedia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Amsinckia,intermedia, ,Coast fiddleneck,,,,100% germ at 20C

in darkness on moist filter paper in petri dishes,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Amsinckia,intermedia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amsinckia,intermedia, ,coast fiddleneck,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amsinckia,lycopsoides,,Bugloss Fiddle-neck,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Amsinckia,lycopsoides, ,Bugloss Fiddle-neck,,,,Dispersal:

animal external. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a

negative visual impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 41,”eastern

N Am, In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Amsinckia,lycopsoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amsinckia,lycopsoides, ,tarweed fiddleneck,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amsinckia,menziesii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Amsinckia,menziesii, ,,,,,Region of origin - W USA; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Amsinckia,spp.,,”yellow burrweed, amsinckia, buckthorn,

fiddleneck, tar weed, yellow gromwell”,,L,WA; SA; Vic,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Amsinckia,spp., ,”yellow burrweed, amsinckia,

buckthorn, fiddleneck, tar weed, yellow

gromwell”,,,,,”important weed generally throughout the cereal

belt of NSW; it infests Vic cereal crops in Wimmera, southern Mallee

& Ballart area; many outbreaks in SA cereal areas particularly in

upper south east & Mallee with smaller infestations in northern areas

& i”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Amsinckia,spp., ,Yellow burrweed * n ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS

IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Amsinckia,spp., ,”yellow burrweed, amsinckia”,,,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Amsinckia,spp., ,”yellow burrweed, amsinckia”,,P,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Amsinckia,tessellata, ,western fiddleneck,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Anchusa,arvensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Anchusa,arvensis, ,Bugloss,,,,Lycopsis arvensis,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Anchusa,arvensis, ,Small bugloss ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Anchusa,arvensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Anchusa,arvensis,, small bugloss,"Possible Weed of Agriculture, grassland and Forest: High Weed Potential in Disturbed areas",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Anchusa,arvensis,,bugloss annual ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Anchusa,azurea,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Anchusa,azurea, ,Large Blue Alkanet,,,,A.

italica,”Mainland Europe except: Northern Germany , less in Germany

and France.”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Anchusa,azurea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Anchusa,capensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Anchusa,capensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Anchusa,italica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Anchusa,italica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Anchusa,officinalis, ,Alkanet,,,,,”All Europe except:

Spain, Portugal, UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Anchusa,officinalis, ,Common bugloss ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Anchusa,officinalis,, common bugloss,"Possible Weed of Agriculture, grassland and Forest: High Weed Potential in Disturbed areas",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Anchusa,officinalis,,bugloss common ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Echium,vulgare,, blueweed,"Possible Weed of Agriculture, grassland and Forest: High Weed Potential in Disturbed areas",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Anchusa,officinalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Anchusa,officinalis, ,common bugloss,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Asperugo,procumbens, ,Madwort,,,,,”Mainland Europe,

Scandinavia (less in West)”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Borago,officinalis,,borage,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Borago,officinalis, ,Borage,,,,,”Mainland Europe, UK,

Sweden (Less in Northern Europe)”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Borago,officinalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bothriospermum,tenellum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bothriospermum,tenellum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Bothriospermum,tenellum, ,,,,,biennial sub-dominance ,

Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Bothriospermum,tenellum, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in


Bourreria,acimoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bourreria,acimoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Buglossoides,arvensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Buglossoides,arvensis,,corn gromwell,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Buglossoides,arvensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Buglossoides,arvensis,syn Lithospermum arvense,”Field

Gromwell, Corn gromwell”,,,,Lithospermum arvense ,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Cerinthe,major, ,,,,,,”S West Europe, inc Italy and

Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Cerinthe,major, ,,,,,,”S West Europe, inc Italy and

Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Cerinthe,minor, ,,,,,,Central to S East Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Cerinthe,minor, ,,,,,,Central to S East Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Cordia,boissieri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cordia,boissieri, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cordia,curassavica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cordia,curassavica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cordia,cylindristachya, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cordia,cylindristachya, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cordia,sebestena, ,geiger tree,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cordia,subcordata, ,cordia,,,,”tropical America, forest

thickets, sandy shores”,French Polynesia; Kiribati; Marshall

Islands; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Tuvalu; Wallis &

Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Cryptantha,torreyana, ,,,,,”prechilling of moist seed

at 3C for 4wks, then alt. temp 20-30C with alt.

light/dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Cynoglossum,clandestinum, ,,,,,,W Medit Region,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Cynoglossum,clandestinum, ,,,,,,W Medit Region,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Cynoglossum,coeruleum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cynoglossum,coeruleum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cynoglossum,creticum, ,,,,,,Medit Region,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Cynoglossum,creticum, ,,,,,,Medit Region,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Cynoglossum,lanceolatum, ,,,,,”seeds planted 1-12wks

after harvest in greenhouse; 8% germ with prechilling & conc.

sulfuric acid treatment, no germ untreated seeds “,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cynoglossum,officinale, ,Hounds tounge,,,,”4% germ at

20C in dark, & at alt. 20-30C with alt. ligth/dark”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cynoglossum,officinale, ,Hound's Tounge,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Cynoglossum,officinale, ,Hound's Tounge,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Cynoglossum,officinale, ,Houndstongue ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Cynoglossum,officinale, ,houndstongue,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cynoglossum,officinale, ,houndstongue,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cynoglossum,virginianum, ,,,,,planted seeds in greenhouse

approx. 3wks after harvest no germ,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cynoglosum,creticum,,,E,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cynoglosum,creticum, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Eur; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Echium,brevirame, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Echium,candicans,,,,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Echium,fastuosum,,”pride of Madeira,

beeshead”,X,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Echium,italicum,,,,LP,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Echium,italicum, ,Italian bugloss,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echium,italicum, ,Italian bugloss,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Echium,lycopsis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echium,pininana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Echium,plantagineum,Echium lycopsis,”Paterson's curse,

salvation Jane, blue weed, Lady Campbell weed, purple bugloss, purple

echium, purple viper's bugloss, Riverina bluebell, viper's

bugloss”,HXXXXAXXH,L,ACT; NSW; Vic; SA; NT; WA; Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Echium,plantagineum, ,Patersons Curse,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 3,4,5,8”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Med, Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Echium,plantagineum, ,Paterson's Curse,,,,”E. lycopsis,

E. violaceum, E. maritimum”,”Southern and Western Europe,

Uk”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Echium,plantagineum, Echium lycopsis,”Paterson's curse,

salvation Jane, blue weed, Lady Campbell weed, purple bugloss, purple

echium, purple viper's bugloss, Riverina bluebell, viper's

bugloss”,,,,”prolific seeder & over 30 000 seeds/sq.m in

dense patches; emergence & estab. favoured by early break in season, its

high early growth rate allows it to out-compete other seedlings &

better equips it to survive moisture stress after a false break;

seedlin”,”originated in Medit region & W Eur; now spread to

most temp areas of the world, but imprt. weed in Aust only; common &

widesprd in S Afr, S Amer & occurs but not common in N Amer & NZ;

occasionally weedy on arable land in parts of its native range ie.

Spa”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Echium,plantagineum, ,Patterson's curse,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: cultivated lands, pastures, roadsidesCultivated for:

ornament”,Origin: Europe & Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Echium,plantagineum, ,Patterson's curse,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: cultivated lands, pastures, roadsidesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin:

Europe & Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Echium,plantagineum, ,Salvation Jane * n ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies) Roadside control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section

60 applies) Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Echium,plantagineum, ,”Paterson's curse, salvation

Jane”,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Echium,plantagineum, ,”Paterson's curse, salvation

Jane”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited


Echium,rauwolfii,syn ,,,,,”waste ground, roadsides,

especially in Upper Egypt; also encountered in some desert

regions.”,”Arid Saharan belt of Afr, Arabia”,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Echium,simplex,,,,L,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Echium,simplex, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echium,vulgare,,”viper's bugloss, blue thistle,

blueweed”,XAH,NLP,NSW; Vic; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Echium,vulgare,,blueweed ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Echium,vulgare, ,Vipers Bugloss,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,C

As, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Echium,vulgare, ,Blue thistle,,,,”91% germ within 7

days in diffuse light at 20-25C, no germ within 158days in

dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Echium,vulgare, ,Viper's Bugloss,,,,”E. argenteum, E.

granatense, E. hispanicum”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Echium,vulgare, ,”viper's bugloss, blue thistle,

blueweed”,,,,less palatable & competitive than E.

plantagineum,”originated from Eur & Asia Minor; now spread

through the temp areas of the world & is a weed of some imprt. in the

USA, particularly in pastures in the States of Washington & Virginia,

& also imprt. in cereal crops in the British Isles; occurs in Canada,

“,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Echium,vulgare, ,Blueweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT SPECIES

OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately invasive but

still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant

Council (Weed)

Echium,vulgare, ,blue echium,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: cultivated lands, pastures, roadsidesCultivated for:

ornament”,Origin: Europe & Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Echium,vulgare, ,blue echium,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: cultivated lands, pastures, roadsidesCultivated for:

ornament”,Origin: Europe & Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Echium,vulgare, ,viper's bugloss,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echium,vulgare, ,blue thistle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Echium,vulgare, ,viper's bugloss,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Echium,vulgare,,viper's bugloss,,,,WATCH LISTMay be a

problem elsewhere; more information needed.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants

in Tennessee

Hackelia,floribunda, ,western stickseed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hackelia,floribunda, ,manyflower


Australian Prohibited List

Harpagonella,palmeri, var. palmeri Gray ,Palmer's

grapplinghook,,P,,”Palmer's grapplinghookOne of the

““super hitchhikers”“ of southern California, Baja

California Norte, and the offshore California islands is alow-growing

annual called ““stick-tight”“ (Harpagonella palmeri).

In the official WAYNE'S WORD Top 17 Hitchhikers, “,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Heliotropium,amplexicaule,”Cochranea anchusaefolia,

Heliotropium anchusaefolium, Tournefortia

heliotropioides”,”blue heliotrope, clasping heliotrope,

purpletop, turnsole, wild heliotrope, wild verbena, verveine

sauvage”,XX,NLP,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Heliotropium,amplexicaule,” Cochranea anchusaefolia,

Heliotropium anchusaefolium, Tournefortia

heliotropioides”,”blue heliotrope, clasping heliotrope,

purpletop, turnsole, wild heliotrope, wild verbena, verveine

sauvage”,,,,”coloniser of roadsides, old cultivation areas

& pastures where, because of its gregarius nature & the ground

cover provided by its many prostrate stems, its commonly found in clumps

free of other sp., reducing pasture productivity; aggressive on deep red

“,native of S Amer,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Heliotropium,amplexicaule, ,blue heliotrope,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Heliotropium,amplexicaule, ,clasping

heliotrope,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Heliotropium,amplexicaule, ,blue heliotrope,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Heliotropium,anomalum, ,silvery heliotrope,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Heliotropium,bovei, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heliotropium,bovei, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Heliotropium,curassavicum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Heliotropium,curassavicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heliotropium,curassavicum, ,seaside

heliotrope,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Heliotropium,europaeum,,”common heliotrope, Barooga

weed, caterpillar weed, European heliotrope, potato weed, Wanderie

curse”,XXX,L,WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Heliotropium,europaeum, ,Common

Heliotrope,,,,”Dispersal: ?. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,9,11”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Heliotropium,europaeum, ,Heliotrope,,,,,South and Central

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Heliotropium,europaeum, ,”common heliotrope, Barooga

weed, caterpillar weed, European heliotrope, potato weed, Wanderie

curse”,,,,”most prominent in areas of abundant winter rainfall,

300-500mm isohytes, depends on summer rains for development; once estab.

acts as an ephemeral plant ripening seed about 6-8wks after germ &

producing several generations in the one season; not an

aggres”,”native to S & C Eur, W Asia & N

Afr”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Heliotropium,europaeum, ,common heliotrope,,,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Heliotropium,europaeum, ,common heliotrope,,P,, Declared

spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Heliotropium,indicum,,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Heliotropium,indicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heliotropium,indicum,”syn Heliophytum indicum,

Tiaridium indicum”,heliotrope,,,,”on sunny, periodically moist,

or marshy & desiccating sites; waste places, ditch borders, dried up

pools & ditches, on spread mud, along roads; often very common; in

Java from 0-800m alt. esp. above 400m; flowering season extended, the

first-formed seeds “,”Asia, throughout Indonesia, except Irian

Jaya & the Moluccas”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani

et al, 1987”

Heliotropium,indicum, ,Indian heliotrope,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Heliotropium,sudanicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heliotropium,sudanicum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Heliotropium,supinum,,Creeping Heliotrope,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Heliotropium,supinum, ,Creeping Heliotrope,,,,”Dispersal:

Water. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,9”,”Med, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Heliotropium,supinum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heliotropium ,lasiocarpum,syn H. europaeum var. tenuiflorum;

H. ellipticum var. lasiocarpum ,,,,,”Fields, roadsides, especially

in sandy and loamy soils.”,”E Medit, SW and C

Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Heliotropium ,supinum,syn ,,,,,Nile and canal

banks,”Medit, C Eur, W Asia extending eastward to India, N & E

Afr.”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Lappula,echinata, ,European sticktight,,,,seeds dormant at

harvest; soaking seeds for 24hrs in 500/1000 ppm soln of the K salts of

GA & germ seed on soln moistened filter paper at 21C in dark inc.

germ of fresh & 6mth stored seed,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lappula,echinata, ,European sticktight,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lappula,occidentalis, ,western sticktight,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lappula,squarrosa, ,,,,,L. echinata,”Mainland Europe,

Scandinavia (less in North)”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Lithospermum,arvense, ,Corn gromwell,,,,18% germ with alt.

temps of 20-30C in dark & 16% in light; best germ with alt. temps of

10-18C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Lithospermum,arvense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lithospermum,arvense, ,corn gromwell,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lithospermum,officinale,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lithospermum,officinale, ,gromwell,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lithospermum,ruderale, ,Western gormwell,,,,”36% germ

of seed prechilled on moist blotters at 3C for 4wks, with constant 20C in

dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Lithospermum,ruderale, ,western gromwell,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lycopsis,arvensis, ,small bugloss,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Mertensia,fusiformis, ,,,,,”5% germ of cold stratified

seed at 8C for 11mths, at 18C in dark; germ not improved after 18mths

cold stratification or by special treatments including nicking seed coat,

embryo excision or sulfuric acid treatment”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Mertensia,maritima, ,,,,,60-100% germ of cold stratified (2C

for 33days) seed on moist filter paper in petri dishes in daylight at

room temps fluctuating about a mean of 17C,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Myosotis,alpestris, ,,,,,50% germ of seed sown in autumn

& spring in warm glasshouse in3wks after sowing,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Myosotis,arvensis,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Myosotis,arvensis, ,,,,,100& germ immediately or soon

after harvest; seed placed in warm germinator exposed to temps similar to

those prevailing outdoors; germ favoured by light & alt. temp of

10-30C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Myosotis,arvensis, ,Field forget me not,,,,M. intermedia,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Myosotis,caespitosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Myosotis,discolor,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Myosotis,discolor, ,Changing forget me not,,,,”M.

versicolor, M. collina”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Myosotis,discolor, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Myosotis,laxa,,Water Forget-me-not,H,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Myosotis,laxa, ,Water Forget-me-not,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal external,Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 8,9,14”,”Introduced deliberately from: Euras,N Af, In

Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Myosotis,laxa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Myosotis,ramosissima, ,Early forget me not,,,,”M.

hispida, M. collina, M. gracillima”,,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Myosotis,ramosissima, ,Early forget me not,,,,”M.

hispida, M. collina, M. gracillima”,,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Myosotis,scorpioides,,common forget-me-not,Can dominate forest understories.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Myosotis,scorpioides,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Myosotis,stricta, ,,,,,”only 4% germ at 15C with alt.

light/dark; no germ at 20C in dark, 20-30C in dark or 20-30C with alt.

light/dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Myosotis,stricta, ,Upright forget me not,,,,M. micrantha,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Myosotis,stricta, ,Upright forget me not,,,,M. micrantha,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Myosotis,sylvatica,,wood forget-me-not,HXs,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Myosotis,sylvatica, ,Wood Forget-me-not,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,?Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 6,7,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,N As and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Myosotis,sylvatica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Neatostema,apulum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Neatostema,apulum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nonea,lutea,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Nonea,pulla, ,,,,,N. rossica,”Eastern Europe, less

France, Finland”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Nonea,pulla, ,,,,,N. rossica,”Eastern Europe, less

France, Finland”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Nonea,vesicaria, ,,,,,,SW Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Nonea,vesicaria, ,,,,,,SW Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Pentaglottis,sempervirens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Plagiobothrys,canescens,,Valley popcorn

flower,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Symphytum,asperum, ,Rough Comfrey ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Symphytum,asperum, ,prickly comfrey,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Symphytum,bulbosum, ,,,,,S. zeyheri,”S East Europe, inc

Italy”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Symphytum,bulbosum, ,,,,,S. zeyheri,”S East Europe, inc

Italy”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Symphytum,officinale,,”common comfrey,

blackwort”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Symphytum,officinale, ,Common comfrey,,,,”seeds capable

of germ in water, even though species is not considered

aquatic”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Symphytum,officinale, ,Comfrey,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Symphytum,officinale, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Symphytum,officinale, ,common comfrey,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Symphytum,X uplandicum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tournefortia (=Messerschmidia),argentea, ,tree

heliotrope,,,,”, coconut, pandanus”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French

Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; New Caledonia; American Samoa; Western Samoa;

Solomon Islands; Tokelau; Tuvalu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds

of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Trachystemon,orientalis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trachystemon,orientalis, ,,,,,Region of origin - E Eur;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Trichodesma,zeylanicum, ,,,,,”only 2% germ of seed

treated with conc. sulfuric acid for 30min, held on wet filter paper

& alt. daily from 32C:9hrs to 4C:5hrs for 15days, before planting in

5-10mm of soil; 1yr old seed no germ under any conditions

tried”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Trigonotis,peduncularis, ,,,,,biennial dominant weed barley

& wheat crops , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia


Alliaria,officinalis, ,garlic mustard,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Alliaria,petiolaris,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Alliaria,petiolaris, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Alliaria,petiolata,,"Common Name(s): Garlic mustard, Hedge garlic","Avail nurseries, Weed Highly Invasive , Additional Comments : Out competes native species, introduced 1879 ""Biennial, 1 m high, flowering stalk with terminal cluster of white flowers, ""","Europe. Habitat: Roadsides, open woods, near habitations"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Alliaria,petiolata,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Alliaria,petiolata, ,garlic mustard,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Alliaria,petiolata,,garlic mustard,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess characteristics of

invasive species and spread easily into native plant communities and

displace native vegetation; includes species which are or could become

widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Alyssum,alyssoides,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Alyssum,alyssoides, ,Samll Alison,,,,”A. calycinum, A.

conglobatum”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Alyssum,alyssoides,Cruciferae ,Samll Alison,,,,”A.

calycinum, A. conglobatum”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Alyssum,linifolium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Alyssum,linifolium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arabidopsis,thaliana,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Arabidopsis,thaliana, ,Mouse ear cress,,,,”freshly

harvested seed induce germ by keeping moist for 2 days at 5C, then germ

at alternating temps 10hrs at 22C & 14hrs at 5C for 6-8 days; or on

filter paper saturated with 0.0001% soln of GA”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Arabidopsis,thaliana, ,Thale Cress,,,,Sisymbrium

thalianum,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Arabidopsis,thaliana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arabidopsis,thaliana, ,mouseearcress,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arabis,glabra, ,,,,,”fresh seeds require 1-2wks

prechilling at 5C, then 20C for 16hrs & 30C for 8hrs (light could be

benefical), for 14 days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Arabis,hirsuta, ,,,,,fresh seed can germ almost immediately

at room temp,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Arabis,holboellii, ,,,,,dry stored seed 44% germ at 15C in

darkness on filter paper in Petri dishes,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Arabis,stricta, ,,,,,”1 yr old dry stored seed sown in

soil gave 60-90% germ at room temp, as did freshly harvested seed, but

4-7mth old seed not as good. “,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Armoracia,rusticana, ,Horse Radish,,,,”A. lapathifolia,

Cochlearia armorica”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Barbarea,intermedia,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Barbarea,intermedia, ,,,,,,”Western Europe, less in

North, UK & Eire”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Barbarea,intermedia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Barbarea,orthoceras, ,,,,,”70% germ with prechilling

moist seed at 3C for 2-4wks, then constant darkness with alternating

temps of 20-30C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Barbarea,spp., ,field mustard,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Barbarea,verna,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Barbarea,verna, ,Early wintercress,,,,”germ on paper

towelling moisten with 0.2% soln of potassium nitrate, then alternating

20-35C in constant darkness”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Barbarea,verna, ,,,,,,”Western Europe, less in North,

UK & Eire”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Barbarea,verna, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Barbarea,verna, ,early wintercress,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Barbarea,vulgaris, ,Yellow rocket,,,,”alternating temp

20-30C, in constant light”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Barbarea,vulgaris, ,Winter Cress,,,,”B. iberica, B.

lyrata”,”All Europe, Asia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Barbarea,vulgaris,Cruciferae ,Winter Cress,,,,”B.

iberica, B. lyrata”,”All Europe, Asia”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Barbarea,vulgaris, ,yellow rocket,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Berteroa,incana, ,Hoary alyssum,,,,constant temp 20C with

seeds in Petri dishes on blotter moistened with 0.2% potassium nitrate

soln,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Berteroa,incana, ,Hoary Alison,,,,”B. stricta, A.

incanum, Farsetia incarna”,”All Europe except Eire, Spain

Portugal & SW France, less in Western Europe &

Scandinavia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Berteroa,incana,,Common Name(s): Hoary-alyssum,"Avail nurseries, Usage : Low Level Invasive ""Perennial, 3-7 dm high, white flowers with notched petals, pods with star-shaped hairs, leaves pale green, alternate, simple, lanceolate simple, lanceolate ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Fields, waste places, pastures, meadows"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Berteroa,incana,Cruciferae ,Hoary Alison,,,,”B.

stricta, A. incanum, Farsetia incarna”,”All Europe except Eire,

Spain Portugal & SW France, less in Western Europe &

Scandinavia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Berteroa,incana, ,hoary alyssum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Biscutella,auriculata, ,,,,,Jondraba auriculata,SW Europe

inc Italy,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Biscutella,auriculata,Cruciferae ,,,,,Jondraba auriculata,SW

Europe inc Italy,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Biscutella,didyma,var. columnae,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Biscutella,didyma, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Biscutella,laevigata, ,,,,,,Central Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Biscutella,laevigata,Cruciferae ,,,,,,Central Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Brassica,barrelieri,B. oxyrrhina,,,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Brassica,barrelieri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brassica,campestris, ,”bird rape, wild

turnip”,,,,Brassica campestris is a weed of many crops in both

northern and southern temperate regions.,northern temperate zone and also

in southwestern and central Asia.,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Brassica,campestris, ,Wild turnip,,,,”dormancy about

1mth, germ on blotters moistened with 0.2% soln potassium nitrate &

temp alternation 20-30C in constant dark”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Brassica,campestris, ,Birdsrape Mustard,,,,atrazine 1977

Canada Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Brassica,campestris, ,wild turnip,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Brassica,chinensis,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Brassica,elongata,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Brassica,elongata, ,,,,,,”Eastern Europe, less Central

and Italy”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Brassica,elongata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brassica,fruticulosa,,twiggy turnip,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Brassica,fruticulosa, ,Twiggy Turnip,,,,”Dispersal: ?.

Life Form: Biennial/Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,8,12”,”S Eur, N Af, In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Brassica,fruticulosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brassica,hirta, ,white mustard,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Brassica,incana, ,shortpod mustard,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Brassica,juncea,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Brassica,juncea, ,Indian mustard,,,,no special

treatment,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Brassica,juncea, ,Indian Mustard,,,,,”Northern Mainland

Europe, scattered”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Brassica,juncea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brassica,juncea, ,Indian mustard,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Brassica,kaber,” var. pinnatifida Brassica arvensis,

Brassica sinapistrum, Sinapis arvensis”,Wild

mustard,,,,”dormant seed prechilled 5 days at 2-10C, then

alternating temps of 15-30C; or treat with conc. sulphuric acid for

2-4min, to break seed coat”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Brassica,kaber,syn var. pinnatifida,”charlock, wild

mustard”,,,,”Brassica kaber is reported as a weed of 30 crops

in 52 countries and is frequently reported as a serious weed of cereal,

sugar beets and maize. It is a serious or principal weed of cereals in

Argentina, Australia, England, Germany, Hungary, Jordan,

Norway”,”originated in Eurasia, but now prevalent in temperate

regions of Eur, N Amer, and the former Soviet Union.”,WORLD WEEDS

Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Brassica,kaber var. pinnatifida, ,wild

mustard,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Brassica,napus,,rape,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Brassica,napus, ,Rape,,,,,Cosmopolitan,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Brassica,napus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brassica,nigra,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Brassica,nigra, ,Black Mustard ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Brassica,nigra, ,Black mustard,,,,”dormancy of 6-9mths

after harvest; germ on moistened blotters with 0.2% potassium nitrate

soln, temp alternation of 20-30C “,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Brassica,nigra, ,Black Mustard,,,,,Cosmopolitan,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Brassica,nigra, ,black mustard,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Brassica,nigra,syn Sinapis nigra,Black nustard,,,,winter

weed in fieldsPlant often used as cut green in flower shops. Mustard

produced from the seeds. Folk medicine uses plant as a stomach diuretic

& stimulant.,”Medit, Eur; also naturalised in many regions of

the world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Brassica,nigra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brassica,nigra, ,black mustard,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Brassica,oleracea,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Brassica,oleracea, ,Wild Cabbage,,,,,Numerous horticultural

varieties,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Brassica,oleracea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brassica,rapa,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Brassica,rapa,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Brassica,rapa,,Chinese mustard,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Brassica,rapa, ,,,,,”B. campestris, B.

asperifolia”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Brassica,rapa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brassica,rapa, ,birdsrape mustard,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Brassica,tournefortii,,”Mediterranean turnip, wild

turnip”,HHHH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Brassica,tournefortii, ,Moroccan Mustard

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Brassica,tournefortii, ,Mediterranean

Turnip,,,,”Dispersal: ?Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 3,4”,”As , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Brassica,tournefortii, ,Wild turnip,,,,chlorsulfuron 1992

Australia Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Brassica,tournefortii, ,”wild turnip, Asian mustard,

Moroccan mustard”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and

John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US

National Parks, weed”

Brassica,tournefortii,syn ,,,,,”sandy and loamy fields,

gardens, orchards”,”Medit, W Asia”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Brassica,tournefortii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brassica,x juncea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Brassica,x napus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bunias,erucago, ,Crested Bunias,,,,,”Central &

Western Europe & UK, less in NE areas”,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Bunias,erucago,Cruciferae ,Crested Bunias,,,,,”Central

& Western Europe & UK, less in NE areas”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Bunias,orientalis, ,Warty Cabbage,,,,,”Central &

Northern Europe, UK & Scandinavia, less in Western areas, UK &

Scandinavia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Bunias,orientalis,Cruciferae ,Warty

Cabbage,,,,,”Central & Northern Europe, UK & Scandinavia,

less in Western areas, UK & Scandinavia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Cakile,edentula,,American sea rocket,XXXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cakile,edentula, ,American Sea Rocket,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a

negative visual impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1”,”N

Am, In Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cakile,edentula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cakile,maritima,,sea rocket,XXH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cakile,maritima, ,Sea Rocket,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Wind.

Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a negative

visual impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded: “,”Eur, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cakile,maritima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Calepina,irregularis,”C. corvini, Myagrum

irregulare”,white ball mustard,w,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Calepina,irregularis, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of

spread - ~1500 ha; Means of spread - contaminant probably,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Calepina,irregularis, ,White Ball Mustard,,,,C.

corvini,”Southern Europe, sometimes as far North as UK, Belgium

& Holland “,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Camelina,alyssum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Camelina,alyssum, ,,,,,”C. dentata, C. foetida, C.

linicola, C. pinnatifida”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Camelina,alyssum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Camelina,dentata, ,Flatseed false flax,,,,95% of seed

planted in field in autumn of year of collection germinated early the

next spring,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Camelina,dentata, ,flatseed falseflax,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Camelina,macrocarpa, ,,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Camelina,macrocarpa,Cruciferae ,,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Camelina,microcarpa, ,,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Camelina,microcarpa,Cruciferae ,,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Camelina,microcarpa, ,smallseed falseflax,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Camelina,rumelica, ,,,,,,”Spain, Portugal, Italy &

Eastern Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Camelina,rumelica,Cruciferae ,,,,,,”Spain, Portugal,

Italy & Eastern Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Camelina,sativa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Camelina,sativa, ,Large seed false flax,,,,”95% seed

planted in field in autumn of year of collection, germ early next

spring”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Camelina,sativa, ,Gold of Pleasure,,,,”C. glabrata, C.

pilosa”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Camelina,sativa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Camelina,sativa, ,largeseed falseflax,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Camelina ,microcarpa, ,Small seed false flax,,,,92% germ at

15C in constant darkness with alternating temps of 20-30C; light inhibits

germ; ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Capsella,bursa pastoris, ,,,,, Weed in rich site annual

sub-dominance , Upland Korea Upland Japan Hokkaido Okayama ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia


purse,XXXXXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Capsella,bursa-pastoris, ,Shepherd's purse,,,,”freshly

harvested seed germ poor; 2yr storage germ good on blotters moisten with

0.2% soln of potassium nitrate, alternating temp 20-30C in darkness;

rupturing seed coat increases germ to 100%; prechilling 2wks at 5C in

KNO3 soln”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Capsella,bursa-pastoris, ,Shepherd's

Purse,,,,,Cosmopolitan,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Capsella,bursa-pastoris, ,Shepherd's-purse ,,,,simazine 1984

Poland Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Capsella,bursa-pastoris,syn Thlaspi

bursa-pastoris,Shepherd's purse,,,,”widespread winter weed, in

gardens, fields, orchards, lawns, waste ground, roadsides,

etc.”“Plant used in folk medicine as an astringent, hemostatic,

& vasoconstrictor”““,”cosmopolitan, especially in

temp. regions”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Capsella,bursa-pastoris, ,shepherds purse,,,,,,Weed Science


Capsella,bursa-pastoris, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in


Capsella,bursa-pastoris, ,shepherdspurse,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Capsella,bursapastoris, ,Shepherds Purse,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,?Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Not a threat (but may

have a negative visual impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”N Hem, In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Capsella,rubella, ,Pink Shepherd's Purse,,,,,”Southern

Europe, sometimes further North”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Capsella,rubella,Cruciferae ,Pink Shepherd's

Purse,,,,,”Southern Europe, sometimes further North”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Cardamine,corymbosa,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cardamine,flexuosa,,common bittercress,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cardamine,flexuosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cardamine,flexuosa, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Cardamine,hirsuta,,common bitter-cress,XXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cardamine,hirsuta, ,Common Bitter-cress,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,?Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

6,13,14”,”N Hem and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Cardamine,hirsuta, ,Hairy Bitter Cress,,,,C. multicaulis,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Cardamine,hirsuta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cardamine,hirsuta, ,hairy bittercress,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cardamine,paucijuga, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cardamine,pensylvanica, ,Pennsylvania

bittercress,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cardamine,pratensis, ,cuckoo bittercress,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cardaminopsis,arenosa, ,Sand Rock Cress,,,,Arabis

arenosa,”All Europe except UK, Eire, Spain & Portugal”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Cardaminopsis,arenosa,Cruciferae ,Sand Rock Cress,,,,Arabis

arenosa,”All Europe except UK, Eire, Spain & Portugal”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Cardaria,alliodora, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cardaria,chalapense, ,Lens-podded White-top

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Cardaria,chalepensis, ,Lens-podded Hoarycress

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cardaria,draba,”Cochlearia draba, Lepidium draba,

Nasturtium draba”,”hoary cress, white weed, heart-podded hoary

cress, hoary cardaria, hoary pepperwort, thanet cress, white top, whitlow

pepperwort”,Xw,NL,NSW; Vic; SA; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cardaria,draba, ,Heart-podded Hoarycress

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Cardaria,draba, ,”White-top, Hoary Cress

“,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory

(CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a

database, accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious

weed control in California. This information will f”,,Californian

Noxious Weed

Cardaria,draba, Lepidium draba,Hoary cress,,,,”temps of

20-35C favourable for germ, exposure to light increased germ %; 0.005%

soln GA stimulated germ, by soaking seeds 24hrs in soln or germ on soln

moistened filter paper “,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Cardaria,draba, ,Hoary Cress,,,,Lepidium draba,”All

Europe, less in NW areas”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Cardaria,draba,” Cochlearia draba, Lepidium draba,

Nasturtium draba”,”hoary cress, white weed, heart-podded hoary

cress, hoary cardaria, hoary pepperwort, thanet cress, white top, whitlow

pepperwort”,,,,”considered one of the worst weeds of arable

areas in several parts of the world because of its serious effect on crop

yields; it is essentially a weed of dryland crops grown in monoculture;

as well as competing with cereal crops, it interfers with

harves”,”originated in the area from the E Medit through Asia

Minor to S & C Asia; now has spread to all continents &

particularly common in many parats of N Amer, occurring as a weed in

cereal crops, lucerne & veges; considered most imprt. weed of grain

crops in “,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cardaria,draba, ,Hoary cress ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Cardaria,draba, ,”white top, hoary cress”,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cardaria,draba, ,Hoary cress N ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS

IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Cardaria,draba, ,”hoary cress, white weed”,,,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Cardaria,draba, ,”hoary cress, hoary pepperwort, thanet

cress, whiteweed, lepidium, perennial peppergrass,

whitetop”,,,,,”temperate regions with sparse distribution in

the warm regions of C Amer, N Afr, the Arabian Peninsula, and C

India.”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et.


Cardaria,draba, ,hoary cress,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cardaria,draba, ,”hoary cress, white weed”,,P,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cardaria,pubescens, ,Globe-podded Hoarycress

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Cardaria,pubescens, ,Hairy whitetop,,,,91% germ alternating

temp of 20-30C & light/dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Cardaria,pubescens, ,Hairy whitetop ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Cardaria,pubescens var. elongata, ,hairy

whitetop,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cardaria,spp., ,cardaria,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Carrichtera,annua,,Wards weed,HXXXH,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Carrichtera,annua, ,Wards Weed,,,,”Dispersal: ?Wind.

Life Form: Annual. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

3,4”,”Med, In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Carrichtera,annua, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cheiranthus,cheiri,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cheiranthus,cheiri, ,,,,,Region of origin - C & S Eur;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Chorispora,tenella,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chorispora,tenella, ,Purple Mustard ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Chorispora,tenella, ,Blue mustard,,,,”28% germ at 20C

in darkness, 24% at 15C with alt. light/dark, 12% with temp alt. of

20-30C & alt. light/dark; no germ with 20-30C in

dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Chorispora,tenella, ,Blue mustard ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Chorispora,tenella, ,blue mustard,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cochlearia,danica, ,,,,,97% germ soon after harvest; seeds

placed in germinator & exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Conringia,orientalis,,Treacle mustard,,GP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Conringia,orientalis, ,Haresear mustard,,,,germ at 13C

constant or alt. temp of 10-25C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Conringia,orientalis, ,Hare's Ear Cabbage,,,,,”All

Europe except Eire & Norway, less in Western & Northern

regions”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Conringia,orientalis, ,Treacle mustard,,,,,,Weed Science


Conringia,orientalis, ,haresear mustard,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Conringia,orientalis, ,Treacle mustard,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Coronopus,didymus,,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Coronopus,didymus, ,Lesser Swine Cress,,,,Senebiera

didyma,”Central & Western Europe, UK & Eire,

scattered”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Coronopus,didymus,syn Lepidium didymum; Senebiera

didyma,,,,,”fields, lawns, gardens, roadsides”,probably S Amer;

naturalised in many temp. & trop. regions of the world,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Coronopus,didymus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Coronopus,didymus, ,”bittercress, carrot weed, hog's

cress, land cress, lesser swinecress, twin cress”,,,,”Coronopus

didymus is a foul-smelling plant with creeping shoots radiating from the

crown of a tap root to form a round mat. It is a spoiler of milk and is

now present in many dairying countries. It imparts a strong, tainted off

flavour which is intensifie”,on all continents and tends to be

concentrated in the temperate zone and subtropics.,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Coronopus,didymus, ,swinecress,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Coronopus,integrifolius,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Coronopus,integrifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Coronopus,niloticus,syn ,,,,,”confined to the silty

Nile and canal banks. Since construction of Aswan High Dam, natural

habitat been destroyed & species has become increasingly less

common”,E Afr,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Coronopus,procumbens, ,creeping watercress,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Coronopus,squamatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Coronopus,squamatus, ,Swinecress ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Coronopus,squamatus, ,Swine Cress,,,,”C. procumbens, C.

ruelli, Senebiera coronopus”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Coronopus,squamatus,syn Lepidium squamatum; Senebiera

coronopus,Water cress,,,,”moist ground, along canalsLeaves are eaten

as green salad & roots are cooked & eaten”,”Medit, W

& C Eur, W Asia; introduced into Aust, N & S Amer”,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Coronopus,squamatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crambe,abyssinica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Descurainia,longipedicellata, ,slimstem

tansymustard,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Descurainia,pinnata, ,Tansy mustard,,,,”80% germ in

dark at 15C, or alt. 20-30C”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Descurainia,pinnata, ,tansymustard,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Descurainia,richardsoni, ,Richardson

tansymustard,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Descurainia,sophia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Descurainia,sophia, Sophia multifida,Flix

weed,,,,”seeds germ better shortly after harvest than stored for

1yr; germ with alt. temps of 23C inlight & 30C in dark, seed switched

to these temps every 2nd day”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Descurainia,sophia, ,Flixweed,,,,Sisymbrium sophia,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Descurainia,sophia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Descurainia,sophia, ,flixweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Descurainia,sophia, ,”Flixweed, Tansy Mustard

“,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory

(CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a

database, accessible through the Internet, containing information on

noxious weed control in California. This information will

f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Descurainia,sophia, ,Flixweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Descurainia,var. brachycarpa, ,green

tansymustard,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Diplotaxis,catholica, ,,,,,,Iberian Peninsula,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Diplotaxis,catholica,Cruciferae ,,,,,,Iberian Peninsula,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Diplotaxis,erucoides, ,White Rocket,,,,D. valentina,”SE

Europe, inc Italy”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Diplotaxis,erucoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Diplotaxis,erucoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Diplotaxis,muralis,, sand rocket, Weed Status Uncertain - current information is inadequate to assess risk. Further analysis may be warranted.,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Diplotaxis,muralis,,”stinking wallrocket, stinking

wallrocket, stinkweed, wallmustard, sandrocket”,XX,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Diplotaxis,muralis, ,Annual Wall Rocket,,,,,”Central

& Southern Europe, less in Northern areas”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Diplotaxis,muralis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Diplotaxis,muralis, ,stinking wallrocket,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Diplotaxis,tenuifolia,”Brassica tenuifolia, Sisymbrium

tenuifolia”,”sand rocket, sand mustard, Lincoln weed, large

sandrocket, perennial rocket, perennial wall rocket, slimleaf wall

rocket, wall rocket”,XX,GLP,SA; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Diplotaxis,tenuifolia, ,Wall Rocket,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,4,8,12”,”WS&C Eur, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Diplotaxis,tenuifolia, ,Perennial Wall Rocket,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Diplotaxis,tenuifolia,” Brassica tenuifolia, Sisymbrium

tenuifolia”,”sand rocket, sand mustard, Lincoln weed, large

sandrocket, perennial rocket, perennial wall rocket, slimleaf wall

rocket, wall rocket”,,,,”introd to Aust between 1890-1900,

possibly in ship's ballast; well estab. in the Bacchus Marsh, Geelong

& Warrnambool areas in Vic, occurring mainly on roadsides, along

railway easements & occasionally in pastures; common on the Eyre &

York Peninsula, the”,”native of S & C Eur & Asia Minor;

spread to many temp parts of the world & considered to be a weed of

some imprt. throughout Eur inc. the British Isles, W USA, Arg, NZ &

Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Diplotaxis,tenuifolia, ,Lincoln weed * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Diplotaxis,tenuifolia, ,”sand rocket, sand mustard,

Lincoln weed”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Diplotaxis,tenuifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Diplotaxis,tenuifolia, ,slimleaf wallrocket,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Diplotaxis,tenuifolia, ,”sand rocket, sand mustard,

Lincoln weed”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Diplotaxis,viminea, ,,,,,,”Central & Southern

Europe, less in Northern areas”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Diplotaxis,viminea,Cruciferae ,,,,,,”Central &

Southern Europe, less in Northern areas”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Diplotaxis,virgata, ,,,,,,Iberian Peninsula,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Diplotaxis,virgata,Cruciferae ,,,,,,Iberian Peninsula,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Draba,muralis, ,,,,,95% germ after 2mths dry storage at

temps of 15-25C in light,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Draba,nemorosa,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Draba,nemorosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Draba,verna, ,whitlowwort,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Enarthrocarpus,lyratus,syn Raphanus lyratus,,,,,”edges

of cultivations, waste ground”,”E Medit, Arabia”,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Erophila,verna,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Erophila,verna,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Erophila,verna, ,Whitlow Grass,,,,”E. vulgaris, Draba

verna”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Erophila,verna, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eruca,sativa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eruca,sativa, ,garden rocket,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eruca,vesicalia, ,ssp. salvia Garden rocket ,,,,PRELIMINARY

LIST OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Eruca,vesicaria,E. sativa,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Eruca,vesicaria, ,,,,,E. sativa,”All Europe except

Eire, Sweden & Finland, Less in Central North and UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Eruca,vesicaria,Cruciferae ,,,,,E. sativa,”All Europe

except Eire, Sweden & Finland, Less in Central North and

UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Erucaria,aleppica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erucaria,aleppica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Erucaria,hispanica, ,,,,,”E. myagroides, E. tenuifolia,

E. aleppica”,”Greece, less in Italy, Spain &

Portugal”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Erucaria,hispanica,Cruciferae ,,,,,”E. myagroides, E.

tenuifolia, E. aleppica”,”Greece, less in Italy, Spain &

Portugal”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Erucastrum,gallicum, ,Dog mustard,,,,seeds planted in field

in autumn of year collected germ in following spring,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Erucastrum,gallicum, ,Hairy Rocket,,,,,”Central &

Western Europe, UK, Sweden & Norway, less in North &

East”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Erucastrum,gallicum,Cruciferae ,Hairy

Rocket,,,,,”Central & Western Europe, UK, Sweden & Norway,

less in North & East”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Erucastrum,gallicum, ,dog mustard,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erucastrum,nasturtiifolium, ,,,,,,”Central &

Southern Europe & UK, less in North & UK”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Erucastrum,nasturtiifolium,Cruciferae ,,,,,,”Central

& Southern Europe & UK, less in North & UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Erysimum,asperum, ,Western wallflower,,,,40% germ of 5yr old

seed on moist sand in dark at 68 -70F,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Erysimum,asperum, ,western wallflower,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erysimum,capitatum, ,,,,,62% germ alt. temp 20-30C &

alt. light/dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Erysimum,cheiranthoides,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Erysimum,cheiranthoides, ,Wormseed mustard,,,,47% germ with

constant temp of 35C; moistening substratum with 0.2% KNO3 inc. germ;

needs low light & brief exposure enough,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Erysimum,cheiranthoides, ,Treacle Mustard,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Erysimum,cheiranthoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erysimum,cheiranthoides, ,wormseed mustard,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erysimum,cheiranthoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Erysimum,repandrum, ,,,,,E. patens,Central East and Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Erysimum,repandum,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Erysimum,repandum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euclidium,syriacum,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Euclidium,syriacum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eugena,(=Syzygium), ,jambos,,,,Initial list of Invasive

weeds nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated

Worst Invasive Weeds”

Farsetia,stenoptera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Farsetia,stenoptera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Heliophila,pusilla,,heliophila,H,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Heliophila,pusilla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hesperis,matronalis, ,Dames violet,,,,”prechilling

with0.2% KNO3 soln for 1-2wks, then germ on soln moistened filter paper

in petri dishes with alt. temps (20C:16hrs, 30C:8hr)”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Hesperis,matronalis, ,Dame's Violet,,,,,”All Europe

except Eire, less in Northern Half”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Hesperis,matronalis,Cruciferae ,Dame's Violet,,,,,”All

Europe except Eire, less in Northern Half”,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Hesperis,matronalis, ,Dame's rocket,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Hesperis,matronalis, ,damesviolet,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Hesperis,matronalis,,"Common Name(s): Dame's rocket, Dame's violet","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Frequently added to wildflower mixes ""Perennial, 40-90 cm high, flowers violet or white, stem hairy, leaves simple, oblong, ovate, hairy ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Roadsides, thickets, open woods"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Hesperis,matronalis,,dame's rocket,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Hirschfeldia,incana,”Brassica adpressa, Brassica

geniculata, Brassica incana, Hirschfeldia adpressa”,”Buchan

weed, hairy brassica, hairy mustard, hoary mustard, shortpod

mustard”,,LP,SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hirschfeldia,incana, ,Mediterranean Mustard

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Hirschfeldia,incana, ,Hoary Mustard,,,,”Sinapis incana,

Brassica adpressa, H. adpressa”,”Central & Southern Europe

& UK, less in North & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Hirschfeldia,incana,” Brassica adpressa, Brassica

geniculata, Brassica incana, Hirschfeldia adpressa”,”Buchan

weed, hairy brassica, hairy mustard, hoary mustard, shortpod

mustard”,,,,”nat. at Bathurst in 1903; since spread throughout

the Tablelands,Western Slopes & Plains & along the C & S

Coasts; in Vic it occurs mainly in the eastern districts, the NE,

Gippsland & central regions; in SA it is common in the SE extending

northwards to “,”native of Medit region & the Channel Is.;

introd to N Amer, particularly Califorina & Mexico, S Afr, NZ &

Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Hirschfeldia,incana, ,Buchan weed * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”, Roadside control cost to be met by

adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies),”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Hirschfeldia,incana, ,Buchan weed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hirschfeldia,incana, ,hairy mustard,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hirschfeldia,incana, ,Buchan weed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Hornungia,petraea, ,”Hutchinsia, rock

hutchinsia”,,,,100% germ of 2-3mth dry stored seed at 15-20C in

light in 10days,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Hymenolobus,procumbens,Hutchinsia procumbens,oval

purse,H,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hymenolobus,procumbens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Iberis,amara, ,Wild Candytuft,,,,I. pinetorum,”Western

Europe & UK, less in Eastern Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Iberis,amara,Cruciferae ,Wild Candytuft,,,,I. pinetorum,”Western

Europe & UK, less in Eastern Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Iberis,crenata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Iberis,crenata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Iberis,pinnata, ,,,,,,”Southern Europe, sometimes

further North”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Iberis,pinnata,Cruciferae ,,,,,,”Southern Europe,

sometimes further North”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Iberis,semperflorens, ,,,,,,”Often found in rockeries,

cultivated.”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Iberis,semperflorens,Cruciferae ,,,,,,”Often found in

rockeries, cultivated.”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Iberis,sempervivens, ,,,,,,”Often found in rockeries,

cultivated.”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Iberis,sempervivens,Cruciferae ,,,,,,”Often found in

rockeries, cultivated.”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Iondraba,auriculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Iondraba,auriculata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Isatis,tinctoria, ,Dyer's Woad ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Isatis,tinctoria, ,Dyers Woad ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Isatis,tinctoria, ,Woad,,,,”I. canescens, I. litoralis,

I. taurica”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Isatis,tinctoria, ,Dyer's woad ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Isatis,tinctoria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Isatis,tinctoria, ,dyers woad,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Isatis,tinctoria, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Lepidium,africanum,,common pepper-cress,XX,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lepidium,africanum, ,Common Pepper-cress,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external. Life Form: Annual/Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,4,5,8,9,12”,”S Af, In Victoria: Widespread, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lepidium,africanum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lepidium,bipinnatifidum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lepidium,bipinnatifidum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


pepperweed,XXX,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lepidium,bonariense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lepidium,campestre,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lepidium,campestre, ,Field pepperweed,,,,”fresh seed

dormant; 11 wk dry storage, then germ on filter paper moistened with 0.2%

soln of KNO3, at constant temp of 15C or alt. temp of 15-30C with light

exposure”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Lepidium,campestre, ,Field Pepperwort,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Lepidium,campestre, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lepidium,campestre, ,field pepperweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lepidium,chalepense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lepidium,chalepense, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Lepidium,densiflorum, Lepidium apetalum,Greenflower

pepperweed,,,,seed stored at 4C for 4mths after harvest germ 50% at 15C

in dark; dry storage at 14C maintains viability throughout winter &

spring,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Lepidium,densiflorum, ,,,,,,”Scattered throughout

Europe, except Eire, SW & SE Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Lepidium,densiflorum,Cruciferae ,,,,,,”Scattered

throughout Europe, except Eire, SW & SE Europe”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Lepidium,densiflorum, ,greenflower

pepperweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lepidium,graminifolium, ,,,,,,”All Europe, except Eire,

Scandinavia & NW Europe, less in UK, Denmark, Holland &

Belgium”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lepidium,graminifolium,Cruciferae ,,,,,,”All Europe,

except Eire, Scandinavia & NW Europe, less in UK, Denmark, Holland

& Belgium”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lepidium,heterophyllum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lepidium,heterophyllum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lepidium,lasiocarpum, ,,,,,fresh seed germ with alt. temp

10C:16hrs to 30C:8hrs; dry stored seed germ at 25C constant,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lepidium,latifolium,,,,GP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lepidium,latifolium, ,Perennial Peppercress

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Lepidium,latifolium, ,Perennial Pepperweed

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Lepidium,latifolium, ,Perennial pepperweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY

LIST OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to

spread,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Lepidium,latifolium, ,perennial pepperweed,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Lepidium,latifolium,, perennial pepperweed," Possible Weed of Grassland, Forest and Wetlands: High Weed Potential in Agriculture, Riparian and Disturbed areas",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Lepidium,latifolium,,pepperweed perennial ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Lepidium,latifolium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lepidium,latifolium, ,perennial pepperweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lepidium,latifolium, ,,,P,,”Nevada's waterways are

being destroyed by tall whitetop, aka perennial pepperweed. We think TWT

came over from Europe in the 1930's. It has a wide range across the US,

but it has invaded Northern Nevada at a rate that is similar to that of

California'“,” Substantial comments on this spp. from Dr. Sue

Donaldson below email to Nevada Cooperative ExtensionPO

Box 11130Reno, NV 89520 “,Western Australian Prohibited List

Lepidium,neglectum, ,,,,,,Scattered throughout Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Lepidium,neglectum,Cruciferae ,,,,,,Scattered throughout

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lepidium,nitidum, ,tongue pepperweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lepidium,perfoliatum,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lepidium,perfoliatum, ,Yellowflower pepperweed,,,,”92%

germ of seed at 15C in dark, 90% at 20C in dark, 52% at 20-30C in dark

& 52% at 20-30C with alt. exposure to light”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lepidium,perfoliatum, ,,,,,,”All Europe except Finland

& Eire, less in W half & Scandinavia”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Lepidium,perfoliatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lepidium,perfoliatum, ,yellowflower pepperweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lepidium,pubescens,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lepidium,pubescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lepidium,repens, ,lens pepperweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lepidium,ruderale, ,,,,,”germ stimulated by diurnal

alt. in temps, at constant temp, germ at 21C; seeds begin to germ at once

or soon after harvest, placed in unheated germinator exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors; 100% germ “,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lepidium,ruderale, ,Narrow Leaved Pepperwort,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lepidium,ruderale,Cruciferae ,Narrow Leaved

Pepperwort,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lepidium,sativum,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lepidium,sativum, ,Garden Cress,,,,,”All Europe,

scattered”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lepidium,sativum,syn ,Garden cress,,,,”fields,

roadsides; naturalised”“Seedlings eatenas green salad, &

plant is grazed by animals. Folk medicine uses seeds as an active

expectorant & pulmonary stimulant & also as a tonic &

aphrodisiac”““,E Medit to India; cultivated &

naturalised in many temp. regions of the world,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Lepidium,sativum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lepidium,schinzii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lepidium,schinzii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Lepidium,virginicum,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lepidium,virginicum, ,Virginia pepperweed,,,,germ on

blotters moistened with 0.2% soln of KNO3 at alt. temp of 20-30C in

light,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lepidium,virginicum, ,,,,,,”All Europe,

scattered”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lepidium,virginicum, ,Virginia Pepperweed,,,,paraquat 1993

Canada Peach , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lepidium,virginicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lepidium,virginicum, ,Virginia pepperweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lesquerella,gordoni, ,Gordon bladderpod,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lesquerella,gordonii, ,Gordon bladderpod,,,,8% germ only

under various conditions & various periods of dry storage; seed coat

may prevent germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Lobularia,maritima,,sweet alyssum,XX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lobularia,maritima, ,Sweet Alison,,,,,”Central &

Western Europe, UK & Norway, less in Northern half”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Lobularia,maritima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lunaria,annua,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lunaria,annua, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lunaria,annua,,"Common Name(s): Silver dollar, Honesty","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive ""Biennial, 30-100 cm high, flowers 3 cm, reddish-purple, scentless, stiff hairy stems, leaves cordate, coarsely toothed, many fruits, oblong to circular coarsely toothed, many fruits, oblong to circular",Europe. Habitat: Moist shady woods," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Malcolmia,africana,, malcolm stock, Possible Weed of Agriculture and Grassland: High Weed Potential in Disturbed areas,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Malcolmia,africana,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Malcolmia,africana, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Eur; Extent of

spread - 1 ha; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Malcolmia,africana, ,,,,,,”SW & SE Europe, inc

Italy”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Malcolmia,africana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Malcolmia,africana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Matthiola,incana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Matthiola,incana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Matthiola,longipetala, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Moricandia,arvensis, ,,,,,,”Spain, Portugal, Italy

& Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Moricandia,arvensis,Cruciferae ,,,,,,”Spain, Portugal,

Italy & Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Myagrum,perfoliatum,,”musk weed,

mitre-cress”,,GLP,Vic; SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Myagrum,perfoliatum, ,”musk weed,

mitre-cress”,,,,”in early days of estab. musk weed was so

competitive with cereal crops of the Vic, Wimmera region that by 1930s a

Musk Weed Area was declared north of Horsham from which movement of wheat

was Controled to prevent further spread; in addition to its

compet”,”native of Eur & W Asia, is regarded a weed only in

Aust, Italy, Lebanon, Turkey & parts of USA-Oregon &

Texas”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Myagrum,perfoliatum, ,,,,,,”All Europe, except Eire

& NW mainland Europe, less in Central and Northern areas”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Myagrum,perfoliatum, ,musk weed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Myagrum,perfoliatum, ,musk weed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Nasturtium,aquaticum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Nasturtium,indicum, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Nasturtium,microphyllum, ,,,,,92-100% germ of seed when sown

on moist filter paper 3-4wks after harvest in light,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Nasturtium,officinale, Nasturtium aquaticum,Water

cress,,,,vegetative reproduction by creeping stems; seeds germ 67% within

7days sown immediately after harvest on moist filter paper at room

temp;seeds remain viable for 5yrs when dry stored in lab,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Nasturtium,officinale, ,watercress,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Nasturtium,officinale,,watercress,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Nasturtium,palustre, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Neslia,paniculata, ,Ball mustard,,,,”no germ of freshly

harvested seeds; 8% after 6mths dry storage at 3C, then 21C in dark on

moist filter paper; 67% germ after 1yr at 2-5C in dark on moist filter

paper; GA treatments failed to inc. germ”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Neslia,paniculata, ,Ball Mustard,,,,Vogelia

paniculata,”All Europe except Eire, less in NW Europe”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Neslia,paniculata, ,Ball mustard,,,,,,Weed Science List

Neslia,paniculata, ,ball mustard,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Neslia,paniculata, ,Ball mustard,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Neslia,paniculuta,,Ball mustard,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Pachyphragma,macrophyllum, ,,,,,”no germ on filter

paper in petri dishes at 20-25C in dark with/without GA treatment, rarely

naturalised as a garden escape “,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Pilosella,aurantiaca, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Raphanus,maritimus,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Raphanus,maritimus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Raphanus,raphanistrum, ,wild radish,,,,,,Weed Science List

Raphanus,raphanistrum,,wild radish,XX,NL,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Raphanus,raphanistrum, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Raphanus,raphanistrum, ,Wild radish,,,,germ on blotters

moistened with 0.2% soln KNO3 at alt. temp of 20C:16hrs to 30C:8hrs;

prechilling on 0.2% KNO3 moistened blotters at 2-5C for 1-2wks inc.

germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Raphanus,raphanistrum, ,”wild radish, jointed charlock,

runch, charlock”,,,,”Raphanus raphanistrum, widely known as

wild radish, is a close relative of the common vegetable radish, Raphanus

sativus. The weed does not have the thickened root of the garden radish, and

may behave as an annual, winter annual ro bieannial. It is a

weed”,,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et.


Raphanus,raphanistrum, ,”wild radish, jointed charlock,

runch, white charlock, wild charlock, wild kale, wild

turnip”,,,,”serious competitor for space, water &

nutrients, reducing crop & pasture yield & contaminating

harvested grain & pasture seed; it taints meat & dairy products

& sometimes results in stock poisoning; prolific seeder, ripening up

to 17 000 seed/sq. m, even “,”native of Medit region, spread

northwards through Eur in the pre-Christian era as a companion sp. in the

cultivation of cereal rye & was introd to the British Isles during

the Roman occupation; introd to most of the temp world & now is a

common of cultiva”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Raphanus,raphanistrum, ,Wild Radish,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Raphanus,raphanistrum, ,Wild Radish,,,,ssp.

microcarpa,Iberian Peninsula,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Raphanus,raphanistrum, ,wild radish,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Raphanus,raphanistrum , ,Wild Radish,,,,ssp. landra,Medit

Region,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Raphanus,sativus,,”jointed charlock, runch, white

charlock, wild charlock, wild kale, wild turnip”,,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Raphanus,sativus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rapistrum,rugosum,Myagrum rugosum,”turnip weed, wild

turnip”,,NL,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rapistrum,rugosum, Myagrum rugosum,”turnip weed, wild

turnip”,,,,principally a weed of winter cereals & over grazed

winter pastures in Aust; taints dairy products & meat & can

reduce crop yield significantly; readily Controled by regular cultivation

before seeding or chemically before flowering commences,present in all

States ex NT,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Rapistrum,rugosum, ,Barstard Cabbage,,,,”R. orientale,

R. hispanicum”,”Mainland Europe & UK, less in Northern

half”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Rapistrum,rugosum, ,”Rapistrum, turnip

weed”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rhynchosinapis,cheiranthos, ,Wall Flower Cabbage,,,,”Brassicella

erucastrum, B. cheiranthos, R. erucastrum”,”Central &

Western Europe, Eire & UK, less in NE, Eire & UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Rhynchosinapis,cheiranthos,Cruciferae ,Wall Flower

Cabbage,,,,”Brassicella erucastrum, B. cheiranthos, R.

erucastrum”,”Central & Western Europe, Eire & UK, less

in NE, Eire & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Rorippa,amphibia(islandica),,"Common Name(s): Marsh cress, Yellow water cress"," Wetland Potential Invasive ""Perennial, 1 m high, small golden yellow flowers, branched stem, variable leaf shape ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Wetlands, poorly drained fields, meadows and pastures"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Rorippa,amphibia, Nasturtium amphibium,,,,,seeds germ in 1st

& 2nd spring after harvest; seeds placed in germinator exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; total germ 98%,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Rorippa,austriaca, ,Austrian Fieldcress ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Rorippa,austriaca, ,Australian fieldcress ,,,,PRELIMINARY

LIST OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to

moderately invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Rorippa,austriaca, ,Austrian field cress,,,,,,Weed Science


Rorippa,austriaca, ,Austrian fieldcress,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rorippa,austriaca, ,Austrian field cress,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Rorippa,indica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rorippa,indica,”syn Rorippa atrovirens, Rorippa

sinapsis, Nasturtium indicum”,,,,,”on moist arable land; along

water & roadsides; usually scattered; from 0-2000m alt; flowers all

year round; rainfed & upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

as the plants are superficially rooted & are thinly scattered,

differs from the common Ro”,”Asia, Asia, Afr; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Rorippa,indica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rorippa,islandica, ,Marsh cress,,,,”30% germ in diffuse

light at 20-25C within 8-76days, no germ in dark within

233days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Rorippa,islandica, ,Marsh Yellow Cress,,,,”Rorippa

palustris, Nasturtium palustre, R. terrestris”,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Rorippa,islandica,Cruciferae ,Marsh Yellow

Cress,,,,”Rorippa palustris, Nasturtium palustre, R.

terrestris”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Rorippa,islandica, ,marshcress,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rorippa,microphylla,,one-row watercress,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa


watercress,HXXH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rorippa,nasturtium-aquaticum, ,watercress,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: rivers, riverbanks, wetlandsCultivated for: food i.e

salads and garnishing”,Origin: Europe,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)


,watercress,,,,”Herbaceous SpeciesInvades: rivers, riverbanks,

wetlandsCultivated for: food i.e salads and garnishing”,Origin:

Europe,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Rorippa,nasturtiumaquaticam, ,Two-row

Watercress,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal external,Water. Life Form:

Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,9,10,13,14”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,N Af,W As and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Rorippa,palustris,,marsh cress,H,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Rorippa,palustris, ,Marsh Cress,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,9,10,13,14”,”Eur,N Am, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Rorippa,sylvestris,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Rorippa,sylvestris, ,Creeping Yellow Cress,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Rorippa,sylvestris,Cruciferae ,Creeping Yellow Cress,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Rorippa,sylvestris, ,Yellow fieldcress ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Rorippa,sylvestris, ,yellow fieldcress,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rorripa,microphylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rorripa,nasturium-aquaticum, , ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Rorripa,nasturtiumaquaticum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rorripa,palustris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sibara,virginica, ,sibara,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Sinapis,alba,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sinapis,alba, ,White Mustard,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Sinapis,alba, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sinapis,allionii,syn Raphanus turgidus,,,,,”cultiveated

ground, especially flax fields”,endemic to Egypt,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Sinapis,arvensis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sinapis,arvensis,syn ,”Charlock, Wild mustard, Corn

mustard”,,,,”fields, gardens, roadsides”,”Medit, Eur,

Caucasus to C Asia; naturalised in other temp. regions”,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Sinapis,arvensis, ,Charlock,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Sinapis,arvensis, ,Wild Mustard,,,,chlorsulfuron 1992 Canada

Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Sinapis,arvensis, ,Wild Mustard,,,,”dicamba/2,4-D/ 1991

Canada Cropland “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds.

Ian Heap

Sinapis,arvensis, ,Wild Mustard,,,,metribuzin 1994 Canada

Lentils , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Sinapis,arvensis, ,Charlock,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sisymbrium,altissimum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sisymbrium,altissimum, ,Tumble mustard,,,,100% germ at both

20C & 20-30C alt. in dark; prechilling treatments & moistening

substratum with 0.2% KNO soln inc. germ in freshly harvested

seed,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sisymbrium,altissimum, ,Tall Rocket,,,,”S. pannonicum,

S. sinapistrum”,”All Europe except Eire, SW France, Spain &

Portugal. Less in Western & Northen areas “,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Sisymbrium,altissimum, ,Tumble mustard ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Sisymbrium,altissimum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sisymbrium,altissimum, ,tumble mustard,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sisymbrium,erysimoides,,smooth mustard,XHX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sisymbrium,erysimoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sisymbrium,irio,,London rocket,XXXHX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sisymbrium,irio,syn ,London rocket,,,,”fields, gardens,

orchards, irrigation canals, roadsides, waste ground”,”Medit,

Eur, W Asia to Afghanistan; introduced into trop. Afr, A Amer &

Aust”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Sisymbrium,irio, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sisymbrium,irio, ,London rocket,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sisymbrium,loeselii, ,Tall hedge mustard,,,,seeds germ soon

after harvest & continued for several mths; seeds placed in

germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors until

germ or rotted-total germ100%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Sisymbrium,loeselii, ,tall hedge mustard,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sisymbrium,officinale,,hedge mustard,XXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sisymbrium,officinale, ,Hedge mustard,,,,”2mth old seed

germ best at alt. temp 15-30C with exposure to light, germ on blotters

moistened with 0.2% KNO3 soln, fresh & old seed prechilling; dormancy

upto 28wks, 75% germ at 15C in dark, 20C in dark, 20-30C in dark & alt.

exp. to light”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Sisymbrium,officinale, ,Hedge Mustard,,,,,”All Europe,

Asia, NW Africa”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Sisymbrium,officinale, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sisymbrium,officinale, ,hedge mustard,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sisymbrium,orientale,,Indian hedge

mustard,XXXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sisymbrium,orientale, ,Eastern Rocket,,,,S.

columnae,”All Europe, less in Northern Half”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Sisymbrium,orientale, ,Indian Hedge Mustard ,,,,triasulfuron

1990 Australia Cropland ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Sisymbrium,orientale, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sisymbrium,polyceratium, ,,,,,,SW Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Sisymbrium,polyceratium,Cruciferae ,,,,,,SW Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Sisymbrium,runcinatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sisymbrium,runcinatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sisymbrium,thellungii,,African turnip weed,,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sisymbrium,thellungii, ,African turnip weed,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Sisymbrium,thellungii, ,African turnip weed,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Stanleya,pinnata, ,desert princesplume,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Streptanthus,arizonicus, ,,,,,”seeds planted in

greenhouse after 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, & 26 of air dry storage

germwas respectively 0, 2, 3, 37, 47, 0, 33, & 51%, no apparent

reason for germ failure after 12mths”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Subularia,aquatica, ,,,,,”no vegetative means of

propagation, but seed germ is readily brought about”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Succowia,balaerica,,,HS,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Succowia,balaerica, ,,,,,Region of origin - Medit; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - botancical gardens,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Teesdalia,nudicaulis, ,,,,,”13 wk old seed 60-80% germ

on filter paper in petri dishes in dark at 10-15C; at 5C or 6-15C alt.

germ above 60%, but in 14days; seed placed in germinator, exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total

germ 65%”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Teesdalia,nudicaulis,,”shepherd's cress, barestem

teesdalia”,H,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Teesdalia,nudicaulis, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Teesdalia,nudicaulis, ,Shepherd's Cress,,,,,”Central

& W Europe, UK, Eire, Sweden & Norway”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Teesdalia,nudicaulis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Thlaspi,alliaceum, ,,,,,,Central and SW Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Thlaspi,alliaceum,Cruciferae ,,,,,,Central and SW

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Thlaspi,arvense,,pennycress,X,NL,WA,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Thlaspi,arvense, ,Field pennycress,,,,”94% on blotters

moistened with 0.2% KNO3 & 96% on soil at alt. 20-30C in light;

scarification to break seed coat & GA inc. germ; 97, 74, 11, & 6%

germ after 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5yrs storage”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Thlaspi,arvense, ,”bastardcress, fanweed, field

pennycress, stinkweed”,,,,”Thlaspi arvense is a very old

companion of humankind's food-gathering efforts, having been found at

sites of human habitation reaching back to the time of the Stone Age more

than one million years ago. It is a very strong competitor because of its

prolifi”,temperate regions of the world,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Thlaspi,arvense, ,Field Penny Cress,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Thlaspi,arvense, ,Penny cress,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Thlaspi,arvense, ,field pennycress,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Thlaspi,arvense, ,Penny cress,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Thlaspi,perfoliatum, ,Perfoliate Penny

Cress,,,,,”Mainland Europe, S Sweden & UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Thlaspi,perfoliatum,Cruciferae ,Perfoliate Penny

Cress,,,,,”Mainland Europe, S Sweden & UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Thlaspi,perfoliatum, ,thoroughwort

pennycress,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Turritis,glabra,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Turritis,glabra, ,,,,,seeds germ soon after harvest &

continue for several mths; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ

99%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Turritis,glabra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Ananas,comosus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ananas,microstachys, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ananas,microstachys, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Puya,alpestris,syn Pitcairnia coerulea,,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Puya,chilensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Puya,coerulea,” Pitcairnia coerulea, Puya

alpestris”,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Puya,venusta, Pitcairnia venusta,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


Buddleja,asiatica,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Buddleja,asiatica, ,,,,,Region of origin - E Indies; Extent

of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Buddleja,australis,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Buddleja,davidii, ,Butterfly bush ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Buddleja,davidii,,”butterfly bush, summer

lilac”,HXw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Buddleja,davidii, ,Butterfly Bush,,,,”Dispersal:

?Water,Wind. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 10”,”Introduced deliberately from: Ch and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Buddleja,davidii, ,butterfly bush,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Buddleja,dysophylla,Chilianthus dysophyllus,,,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Buddleja,dysophylla, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent

of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Buddleja,lindleyana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Buddleja,madagascariensis, ,Buddleja Bush

,,,,SHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Buddleja,madagascariensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Butomus,umbellatus, ,,,,,”seed stored in tap water in

darkness at 1-3C for 7mths, 64% germ within 15 days at room temp in

greenhouse (18-21C day, 13-16C night)”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Butomus,umbellatus,, flowering rush,"Possible Weed of Agriculture: High Weed Potential in Riparian, Wetland and Disturbed areas",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Butomus,umbellatus,,Common Name(s): Flowering Rush,"Avail nurseries, Wetland Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Reproduces by seed production and vegetative, no control methods spread, introduced 1897 ""Perennial, flowers reddish, white or pink, at top of stalk, short rhizome, leaves 1 m long, ","Eurasia. Habitat: Shores, inlands, waterways, ditches"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"


Pachysandra,terminalis, ,”Japanese pachysandra,

spurge”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”


Cabomba,australis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cabomba,carolianiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cabomba,caroliniana,,fanwort ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Cabomba,caroliniana,,”cabomba, fanwort, Carolina

watershield, fish grass, Washington grass, watershield”,XXXX,NL,Qld;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cabomba,caroliniana, ,,,,,Region of origin - Amer; Extent of

spread - widespread in rivers; Means of spread - aquaria,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Cabomba,caroliniana, ,Fanwort,,,,Dispersal: Water. Life Form:

Small to medium shruba(Perennial herb). RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,”Am and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Cabomba,caroliniana, ,”cabomba, fanwort, Carolina

watershield, fish grass, Washington grass,

watershield”,,,,”popular & decorative aquarium plant which

provides fish with food & oxygen; however in N Amer it clogs channels

& drains, seriously restricting water flow & recreational

activies & gives indication of causing similar problems in Qld,

particularly in nutri”,”native of the USA, extending from Texas

to Florida & north to Virginia & Illinois; common aquarium plant

both in N Amer & overseas but does not seem to have become widely

naturaliedit is estab. in Aust it is estab. in farm dams of N NSW &

in coastal rive”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cabomba,caroliniana, , ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT SPECIES

OF CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Cabomba,caroliniana, ,”cabomba, fanwort”,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Cabomba,caroliniana, ,cabomba,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Cabomba,caroliniana, ,”cabomba, fanwort”,,P,,

Height 30-80 cm Width 5-8 cm Light requirements very high Temperature

18-26oCHardness tolerance average-hard pH tolerance neutral-basic

Easiness average Cabomba caroliniana is one of the oldest and most

popular aquarium plants. The plant has the ,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cabomba,gigantea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cabomba,spp.,,cabomba,,NL,Qld,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Acanthocereus,pentagonus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Acanthocereus,pentagonus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acanthocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acanthocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Anisocereus,spp., ,syn. Escontria spp.,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Anisocereus,x Aporoheliocereus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Anisocereus,, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aporoselenicereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aporoselenicereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Armatocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Armatocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Austrocylindropuntia,, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Austrocylindropuntia,, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Bergerocactus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bergerocactus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Binghamia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Binghamia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Bolivicereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bolivicereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Borzicactella,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Borzicactella,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Borzicactus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Borzicactus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Brachycereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Brachycerus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brasiliopuntia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brasiliopuntia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cactodendron,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Calymmanthium,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Calymmanthium,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Castellanosia,caineana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Castellanosia,caineana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cephalocereus,spp.,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cephalocereus,spp.,”syn. Numerous synonyms, correct spp.

name needed”,,,P,,” This Genus is a synonym of numerous other

Genera, correct Identification needed for entry. Any ID of Cephalocereus

spp. is insufficient and hence Prohibited.”,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cephalocleistocactus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cephalocleistocactus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cereus,hildmannianus,syn. C. peruvianus,,,P,, C. peruvianus is

misapplied to this spp.,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cereus,jamacaru, ,”queen of the night,

nagblom”,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject to herbicide registration

& biocontrol investigationSucculent SpeciesInvades: savanna, rocky

ridgesCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin: S Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cereus,jamacaru, ,”queen of the night,

nagblom”,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject to herbicide registration

& biocontrol investigationSucculent SpeciesInvades: savanna, rocky

ridgesCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin: S Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cereus,spp.,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cereus,undatus,,night-scented glorybower,,,,”Catergory II

- Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities.

These species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet

demonstrated disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of

Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Chaffeyopuntia,spp.,= Opuntia,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Chamaelobivia,spp.,= Echinopsis,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cipocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cipocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cleistocactus,spp.,Winteria,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cleistocactus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cleistocactus,spp.,syn Winteria,,,P,, Note Exception: C.

strausii,Note import conditions exceptions,Western Australian Prohibited


Clistanthocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Clistanthocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Coleocephalocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Coleocephalocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Consolea,spp.,see Opuntia,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Consolea,spp., ,see Opuntia,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Corryocactus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Corryocactus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Corynopuntia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Corynopuntia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Coryphantha,spp., ,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Coryphantha,spp., ,,,P,,, Exceptions Noted in Comments on Taxa

section,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cylindropuntia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cylindropuntia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Deamia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Deamia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Demnosa,spp.,= Cleistocactus,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Dendrocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dendrocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Diploperianthium,spp.,= Calymmanthium,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Disocactus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Disocactus,x Heliochia, ,,,P,, Suspect Genera in the cross no

valid listing of name x Heliochia,,”Prohibited List, Query


Disocactus,x Helioselenius, ,,,P,, Suspect Genera in the cross no

valid listing of name x Helioselenius,,”Prohibited List, Query


Disocactus,x Heliphyllum, ,,,P,, Suspect Genera in the cross no

valid listing of name x Heliphyllum,,”Prohibited List, Query


Echinocactus,texensis,syn Homalocephala texensis,horse

crippler,,P,,(..) & (.) refer to Cites Appendix I Taxa species in the

Cites checklist. Argentina AR Galapagos Is. EC-GAL Panama PABahamas BS El

Salvador SV ,”US, MX”,Western Australian Prohibited List

Echinopsis,spachiana, ,torch cactus,,,,”Proposed Declared

Weed. Succulent SpeciesInvades: dry savanna, karooCultivated for:

ornament, hedging”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Echinopsis,spachiana, ,torch cactus,,,,”Proposed Declared

Weed. Succulent SpeciesInvades: dry savanna, karooCultivated for:

ornament, hedging”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Encephalocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Encephalocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Epiphyllum,phyllanthus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Epiphyllum,phyllanthus, var. hookeri,,,,,”Region of origin

- S Mexico, Guatemala to Panama; Extent of spread - localised; Means of

spread - ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Epiphyllum,phyllanthus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eradisia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eradisia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eriocereus,martinii,” Cereus martinii, Harrisia

martinii”,”Harrisia cactus, moonlight cactus, snake

cactus”,,,,” a typical arid land succulent, major infestations

of this shade tolerant plant are largely confined to fertile crackling

clays under brigalow scrub in areas with ann. rainfall of at least 500mm;

has the ability to form dense tangled thickets 1-2m high,

i”,”native of S Amer, mainly Arg &

Paraguay”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Eriocereus,martinii, ,Harrisia cactus,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Eriocereus,martinii,= Harrisia martinii,Harrisia cactus,,P,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eriocereus,spp.,,harrisia cactus,,L,Qld,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eriocereus,spp., ,,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science


Eriocereus,tortuosus,,”Harrisia cactus, moonlight cactus,

snake cactus”,,L,NSW; Qld,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eriocereus,tortuosus, ,”Harrisia cactus, moonlight cactus,

snake cactus”,,,,” a typical arid land succulent, major

infestations of this shade tolerant plant are largely confined to fertile

crackling clays under brigalow scrub in areas with ann. rainfall of at

least 500mm; has the ability to form dense tangled thickets 1-2m high,

i”,”native of S Amer, mainly Arg &

Paraguay”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Eriocereus,tortuosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Escontria,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Escontria,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Espostoa,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Espostoopsis,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Espostoopsis,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eulychnia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eulychnia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Facheiroa,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Facheriroa,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ficindica,spp.,= Opuntia,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Floresia,spp.,= Haageocereus,Florestina?,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Grusonia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Grusonia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Gymnanthocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gymnanthocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Gymnocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gymnocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Haageocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Haageocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Haagocactus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Harrisia,bonplandii,Eriocereus bonplandii,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Harrisia,martinii,Eriocereus martinii,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Harrisia,martinii, ,moon cactus,,,,Declared Weed. Subject of

biocontrol investigationSucculent SpeciesInvades: savannaCultivated for:

ornament,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Harrisia,martinii, ,moon cactus,,,,Declared Weed. Subject of

biocontrol investigationSucculent SpeciesInvades: savannaCultivated for:

ornament,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Harrisia,spp.,Eriocereus,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Harrisia,spp.,see Eriocereus,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Harrisia,spp., ,Eriocereus,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Harrisia,tortuosus,Eriocereus tortuosus,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Harrisia ,martinii,”Cereus martinii, Eriocereus

martinii”,”Harrisia cactus, moonlight cactus, snake

cactus”,X,L,NSW; Qld; NT; WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Heliabravoa,sp.,x Heliaporus,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heliabravoa,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heliabravoa,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Heliabravoa,spp. x Heliaporus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Heliocactus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Heliocereus,sp.,X Heliochia,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heliocereus,sp.,X Helioselenius,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heliocereus,sp.,X Heliphyllum,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heliocereus,spp.,Nopalxochia,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Heliocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heliocereus,spp.,syn Nopalxochia,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Heliocereus,x Heliochia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Heliocereus,x Helioselenius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Heliocereus,x Heliphyllum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Helioselenius X ,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Hertrichocereus,spp.,= Stenocereus ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Hildewintera,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hildewintera,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Hylocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hylocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,Note import conditions

exceptions,Western Australian Prohibited List

Hylocereus,undatus,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hylocereus,undatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hylocereus,undatus, ,Night Flowering Cactus

,,,,VINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Hylocereus,undatus, ,Night Flowering Cactus,,,,Vines.,,”Rainforest

Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Isolatocereus,spp.,= Stenocereus,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Jasminocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Jasminocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Lasiocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lasiocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Lemaireocereus,spp.,= Pachycereus,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Leocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Leptocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leptocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Lermaireocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lermaireocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Leuchtenbergia,spp.,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Leuchtenbergia,spp., ,,,P,,”Monotypic Genus, supposedly.

Any others spp. in these Genus treat with care”,Note import

conditions exceptions,Western Australian Prohibited List

Lohocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lohocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Lophocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Lophophora,williamsii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lophophora,williamsii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Loxanthocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Loxanthocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Machaeocereus,spp.,syn. ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Machaeocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Maihuenia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Maihuenia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Maihuenopsis,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Maihuenopsis,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Mammillaria,vivipara, ,purple mamillaria,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Marenopuntia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Marenopuntia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Marginatocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Marginatocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Maritimocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Maritimocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Marshallocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Marshallocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Mediocactus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mediocactus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Micropuntia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Micropuntia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Monvillea,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Monvillea,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Morangaya,spp.,see Echinocereus,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Morangaya,spp., ,Echinocereus,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Morawetzia,spp.,see Oreocereus,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Morawetzia,spp., ,Oreocereus,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Murtillo,cactus,spp. ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Murtillo,cactus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Myrtillocactus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Myrtillocactus,x Heliaporus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Neoabbottia,syn., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Neoabbottia,syn., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Neoevansia,spp.,= Peneocereus,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Neohickenia,spp.,= Parodia,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Neoporteria,, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nopalea,syn., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nopalea,syn., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Normanbokea,spp.,= Neolloydia,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Nyctocereus,serpentinus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nyctocereus,syn., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nyctocereus,syn., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Opuntia,aurantiaca,,”tiger pear, jointed cactus”,HX,GLP,NSW;

Qld,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,aurantiaca, ,Tiger Pear,,,,”Dispersal: Vegetative.

Life Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Introduced deliberately from: Uruguay, In Victoria: Limited

distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Opuntia,aurantiaca,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Opuntia,aurantiaca, ,”tiger pear, jointed

cactus”,,,,”Opuntia spp. are drought resistant, are not usually

grazed by stock, & grow densely forming an impenetrable barrier,

hence their use as live fences in some areas; hosts for fruit fly &

harbour for pest animals”,”native of Arg & Uruguay; introd

to S Afr, & now considered one of the country's worst weeds,

spreading rapidly 0.9million ha covered in 1978; grows in areas with

rainfall as low as 150mm to 800mm, broad rainfall band

“,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Opuntia,aurantiaca, ,jointed cactus,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration. Biocontrol: effective agents

availableSucculent SpeciesInvades: savanna, karoo, pastoral

landCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Opuntia,aurantiaca, ,jointed cactus,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration. Biocontrol: effective agents

availableSucculent SpeciesInvades: savanna, karoo, pastoral

landCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Opuntia,aurantiaca, ,tiger pear,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,aurantiaca, ,tiger pear,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Opuntia,bergeriana,,prickly pear,,L,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,bergeriana, ,,,,,Region of origin - Americas; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Opuntia,bigelovii, ,jumping cholla ,,P,,”Certainly one of

the most painful hitchhiking plants in the southwestern United States is

jumping cholla (Opuntia bigelovii). The spines are exceedingly difficult

to pull out of rubber soles and elastic human skin. Like other kinds of

cholla cactus, the c”,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Opuntia,brasiliensis, ,Brazilian pricklypear,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Opuntia,compressa,Opuntia humifusa,prickly pear,,L,NSW; Qld;

SA; NT; WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,cylindrica,Austrocylindropuntia cylindrica,prickly

pear,,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT; WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Opuntia,cylindrica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,dejecta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,dillenii, ,,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science


Opuntia,dillenii, ,,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Opuntia,elatior,,prickly pear,Xw,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,elatior, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,engelmannii, ,Engelmann pricklypear,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Opuntia,erinacea,,prickly pear,,L,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,erinacea, ,,,,,Region of origin - SW USA; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Opuntia,erinacea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,exaltata, ,,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science


Opuntia,exaltata, ,,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Opuntia,ficus-indica,,Indian fig,X,NL,NSW; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,ficus-indica, ,Prickly-pear,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 5”,”Introduced deliberately from: ?Mex, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Opuntia,ficus-indica, ,tuna cactus,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Opuntia,ficus-indica, ,sweet prickly pear,,,,”Declared

Weed. Subject of herbicide registration. Biocontrol: effective agents

availableSucculent SpeciesInvades: many habitats but mainly dry and rocky

places in savanna & karooCultivated for: edible fruits, animal

fodder, security hedging”,Origin: C Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Opuntia,ficus-indica, ,sweet prickly pear,,,,”Declared

Weed. Subject of herbicide registration. Biocontrol: effective agents

availableSucculent SpeciesInvades: many habitats but mainly dry and rocky

places in savanna & karooCultivated for: edible fruits, animal

fodder, security hedging”,Origin: C Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Opuntia,ficus-indica, ,Indian fig,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,ficus-indica, ,Indian fig,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Opuntia,fulgida, ,jumping cholla,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Opuntia,humifusa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,humifusa, ,spreading pricklypear,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Opuntia,imbricata,Cylindropuntia imbricata,Devils

Rope,XXXw,L,NSW; Qld; SA; NT; WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Opuntia,imbricata, ,Devils Rope,,,,”Dispersal: ?Bird,

internal,?animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Succulent

herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4”,”Introduced

deliberately from: S USA,Mex, In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Opuntia,imbricata, ,imbricate prickly pear,,,,Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration. Biocontrol: effective agents

availableSucculent SpeciesInvades: dry savanna & karooCultivated for:

ornament,Origin: N & C Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Opuntia,imbricata, ,imbricate prickly pear,,,,Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration. Biocontrol: effective agents

availableSucculent SpeciesInvades: dry savanna & karooCultivated for:

ornament,Origin: N & C Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Opuntia,imbricata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,imbricata, ,Devil's rope cactus,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,imbricata, ,walkingstick cholla,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Opuntia,imbricata, ,Devil's rope cactus,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Opuntia,leptocaulis,,prickly pear,,L,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,leptocaulis, ,tasajillo,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966Pictured in White Sands National Park, USA”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Opuntia,leucotricha,,prickly pear,,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,leucotricha, ,,,,,Region of origin - Mexico; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Opuntia,leucotricha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,lindheimeri,,prickly pear,E,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,lindheimeri,,prickly pear,E,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,lindheimeri, ,,,,,Region of origin - NE Mexico &

adjacent USA; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Opuntia,lindheimeri, ,small round-leaved prickly

pear,,,,Declared Weed. Biocontrol: effective agents availableSucculent

SpeciesInvades: savanna Cultivated for: ornament,Origin: N & C

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Opuntia,lindheimeri, ,small round-leaved prickly

pear,,,,Declared Weed. Biocontrol: effective agents availableSucculent

SpeciesInvades: savanna Cultivated for: ornament,Origin: N & C

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Opuntia,lindheimeri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,lindheimeri, ,Lindheimer pricklypear,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Opuntia,lubrica,,prickly pear,,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,megacantha, ,mission pricklypear,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Opuntia,microdasys,,prickly pear,,L,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,microdasys, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,pachypus, ,,,,,Region of origin - Peru; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Opuntia,pachypus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,paraguayensis,,prickly pear,,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,paraguayensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,phaeacantha,,prickly pear,,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,phaeacantha, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Mexico, SW

USA; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Opuntia,phaeacantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,polyacantha, ,plains pricklypear,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Opuntia,puberula,O. tenuispina in Harden 1990,prickly

pear,,L,NSW; Qld; SA; NT; WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,robusta,,”wheel cactus, wheel

pear”,HX,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT; WA; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,robusta, ,Wheel Pear,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 4”,”Introduced deliberately from: C Am, In

Victoria: Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Opuntia,robusta, ,”wheel cactus, wheel

pear”,,,,”Opuntia spp. are drought resistant, are not usually

grazed by stock, & grow densely forming an impenetrable barrier,

hence their use as live fences in some areas; hosts for fruit fly &

harbour for pest animals”,”originated in Mexico & although

introd as an ornamental or botanical curiosity to many places, it appears

to have become a weed only in Victoria”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Opuntia,robusta, ,wheel cactus,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,robusta, ,wheel cactus,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Opuntia,rosea, ,rosea cactus,,,,Declared Weed. Subject of

herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationSucculent

SpeciesInvades: dry savanna Cultivated for: ornament,Origin: C Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Opuntia,rosea, ,rosea cactus,,,,Declared Weed. Subject of

herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationSucculent

SpeciesInvades: dry savanna Cultivated for: ornament,Origin: C Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Opuntia,rosea, ,,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science


Opuntia,rosea, ,,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Opuntia,schickendantzii,,prickly pear,,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,schickendantzii, ,,,,,Region of origin - N Argentina;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Opuntia,schumannii, ,,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science


Opuntia,schumannii, ,,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Opuntia,spinosior, ,spiny cholla,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Opuntia,spinulifera, ,,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed

Science List

Opuntia,spinulifera, ,,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Opuntia,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Opuntia,spp.,Tephrocactus spp. & Cumulopuntia spp.,prickly

pear,XXXXXX,NP,Qld; WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,spp., ,,,,,”seeds germ most readily when fresh,

dried seed require stratification”,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Opuntia,spp., ,prickly pears,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,spp., syn. Tephrocactus spp. & Cumulopuntiaspp.,

prickly pears,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Opuntia,spp. except O. ficus-indica, ,Prickly pear ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies)

Roadside control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60

applies) Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Opuntia,streptacantha,,prickly pear,,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,streptacantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,stricta,,”erect prickly pear, common prickly pear,

Araluen pear, common pest pear, Gayndah pear, spiny pest

pear”,,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT; WA; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,stricta,,”erect prickly pear, common prickly pear,

Araluen pear, common pest pear, Gayndah pear, spiny pest

pear”,,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT; WA; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,stricta,,”erect prickly pear, common prickly pear,

Araluen pear, common pest pear, Gayndah pear, spiny pest

pear”,,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT; WA; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,stricta,”Cactus strictus, Opuntia inermis, Opuntia

stricta var. stricta”,”erect prickly pear, common prickly pear,

Araluen pear, common pest pear, Gayndah pear, spiny pest

pear”,HXXX,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT; WA; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,stricta, ,Common Prickly-pear,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Succulent

herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,”,”Introduced deliberately from: E N Am,C Am, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Opuntia,stricta,” Cactus stricta, Opuntia inermis, Opuntia

stricta var. stricta”,”erect prickly pear, common prickly pear,

Araluen pear, common pest pear, Gayndah pear, spiny pest pear”,,,,”Opuntia

spp. are drought resistant, are not usually grazed by stock, & grow

densely forming an impenetrable barrier, hence their use as live fences

in some areas; hosts for fruit fly & harbour for pest

animals”,”originating in southern N Amer, Central & trop

Amer, erect prickly pear now occurs in several parts of the world but it

became more imprt. as a weed in Aust than elsewhere”,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Opuntia,stricta, ,Australian pest pear,,,,Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationSucculent

SpeciesInvades: dry savanna Cultivated for: ornament,Origin: N & C

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Opuntia,stricta, ,Australian pest pear,,,,Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationSucculent

SpeciesInvades: dry savanna Cultivated for: ornament,Origin: N & C

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Opuntia,stricta, ,”erect prickly pear, common prickly

pear”,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,stricta, ,”erect prickly pear, common prickly

pear”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited


Opuntia,subulata,,prickly pear,,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,subulata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,sulphurea,,prickly pear,,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,sulphurea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,tomentosa,,prickly pear,XX,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,tomentosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,tunicata,,prickly pear,,GL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,tunicata, ,,,,,Region of origin - Ecuador to Chile;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Opuntia,tunicata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,versicolor, ,staghorn cholla,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Opuntia,vulgaris,”Cactus monacanthos, Opuntia

monacantha”,”drooping prickly pear, barbary fig, drooping tree

pear, smooth tree pear, spiny prickly pear, spreading prickly pear,

tuna”,HX,NL,NSW; Qld; SA; NT; WA; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Opuntia,vulgaris, ,Drooping Prickly-pear,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal,animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative. Life Form:

Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: E S Am, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Opuntia,vulgaris,” Cactus monacanthus, Opuntia

monacanthus”,”drooping prickly pear, barbary fig, drooping tree

pear, smooth tree pear, spiny prickly pear, spreading prickly pear,

tuna”,,,,”All Opuntia spp. (in some cases with the ex. of O.

ficus-indica) are proclaimed in NSW, Qld, SA, NT & WA. O. vulgaris is

proclaimed as a separate species for the whole of Vic ex the Melb. metro

area”,”originated in S Amer centred mainly on Arg, Brazil,

Paraguay & Uruguay; it has spread to many parts of the world & is

now considered a weed in Aust, S Afr, India, Sri Lanka, NZ & several

Pacific Is.”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Opuntia,vulgaris, ,drooping prickly pear,,,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Opuntia,vulgaris, ,drooping prickly pear,,P,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pachycereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Parviopuntia,spp.,= Opuntia,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


serpentinus,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Peniocereus,spp.,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Peniocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Peniocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pereskia,aculeata,Pereskia pereskia,”Barbados gooseberry,

Barbados shrub”,E,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pereskia,aculeata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pereskia,aculeata, ,Barbados gooseberry,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationSucculent

SpeciesInvades: forest margins and gaps, plantationsCultivated for:

ornament, security hedging”,Origin: S & C Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pereskia,aculeata, ,Barbados gooseberry,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationSucculent

SpeciesInvades: forest margins and gaps, plantationsCultivated for:

ornament, security hedging”,Origin: S & C Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pereskia,aculeata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pereskia,aculeata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pereskia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pereskia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pereskiopsis,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pereskiopsis,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Peruvocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Peruvocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Philippicereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Philippicereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Phyllocereus,spp.,= Epiphyllum,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Pilosocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pilosocereus,spp., ,syn. Pilocereus,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Piptanthocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Platyopuntia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Platyopuntia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Polaskia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polaskia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pseudocanthocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pseudocanthocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Pseudoechinocereus,spp.,= Cleistocactus,,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Pseudopilocereus,spp.,= Pilosocereus,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Pseudotephrocactus,spp.,= Opuntia,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Pterocactus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pterocactus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Quiabentia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Quiabentia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rathbunia,syn., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rathbunia,syn., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rauhocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rauhocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rhipsalidopsius,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rhipsalidopsius,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Rhodocactus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rhodocactus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rittereocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rittereocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Roseocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Roseocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Salmiopuntia,spp.,= Opuntia,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Samaipaticereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Selenicereus,macdonaldiae,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Selenicereus,spp.,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Selenicereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Selenicereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Seleniphyllum,sp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Seleniphyllum,sp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Seticereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Seticereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Seticleistocactus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Seticleistocactus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Soehrensia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Stenocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stenocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Stetsonia,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stetsonia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Subpilocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Subpilocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Tacinga,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tacinga,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Tephrocactus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Thelocactus,spp.,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Thelocactus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Thelocactus,spp., ,,,P,,” Some spp. in this Genus are

synonyms of other spp. in prohibited Genera, Correct Identification is

essential”,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Trichocereus,spp.,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trichocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trichocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Trichoechinopsis X ,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Tunas,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Weberbauerocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Weberbauerocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Weberocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Weberocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Winteria,spp.,= Cleistocactus,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Winteria,spp.,= Cleistocactus,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Winterocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Winterocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Worckleocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

X Heliochia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

X Heliphyllum,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Yungasocereus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Yungasocereus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Zehntnerella,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Zehntnerella,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List


Caesalpinia,bonduc, ,yellow nickers,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


whoa-back”,XX,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Caesalpinia,decapetala, ,Mauritius

thorn,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of herbicide registration.Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins and gaps, plantations, roadsides,

watercoursesCultivated for: security hedging, ornament”,Origin:

Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Caesalpinia,decapetala, ,Mauritius thorn,,,,”Declared

Weed. Subject of herbicide registration.Woody SpeciesInvades: forest

margins and gaps, plantations, roadsides, watercoursesCultivated for:

security hedging, ornament”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Caesalpinia,decapetala, ,Thorny Poinciana

,,,,Vines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Caesalpinia,decapetala, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Caesalpinia,decapetala, ,Thorny Poinciana

,,,,VINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Caesalpinia,gilliesii,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Caesalpinia,gilliesii, ,bird-of-paradise shrub,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Caesalpinia,gilliesii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Caesalpinia,gilliesii, ,bird-of-paradise,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Caesalpinia,pulcherrima, ,flowerfence,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Caesalpinia,sepiaria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Caesalpinia,sepiaria, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cassia,alata,bas Senna alata,”candle bush, ringworm

shrub, yellowtop weed”,,,,”develops readily on disturbed

pastures, the shrubby growth forming dense thickets, reducing available

grazing area & sometimes, access to water; it is particularly

aggressive in areas of very high rainfall where the water table comes

close to the surface,”,”native of tropical Amer was introd to

Eur as a stove ornamental in the late 17thC; subsquently carried to the

Old World tropics during the period of colonial expansion, in now occurs

as a weed in Afr, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, PNG, & several Pacific

isl”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cassia,alata,bas Senna alata,candle bush,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Cassia,auriculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cassia,auriculata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cassia,barclayana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cassia,bauhinioides, ,twoleaf desert

senna,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cassia,coluteoides, ,Winter Senna ,,,,Major

WeedSHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Cassia,coluteoides,,”climbing cassia, Christmas

cassia, Christmas senna”,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are

invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This

definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical range

of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Cassia,didymobotrya, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cassia,fasciculata, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Cassia,fasciculata, Cassia chamaecrista,Partridge

pea,,,,18% germ in 15-148 days from seeds planted in greenhouse in autumn

after collection; exposing to cold outdoor temps for 71 days no

difference,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Cassia,fasciculata, ,partridgepea,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cassia,fistula,,”golden shower, Indian

laburnum”,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cassia,fistula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cassia,floribunda, ,Smooth Cassia

,,,,SHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Cassia,grandis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cassia,leptocarpa, ,slimpod senna,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cassia,marilandica, ,Wild senna,,,,”breaking seed

coat increases germ, temp 20-25C on moist filter paper”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cassia,marilandica, ,wild senna,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cassia,nictitans, ,sensitive

partridgepea,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cassia,obtusifolia, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Cassia,obtusifolia, Cassia tora,Sicklepod,,,,freshly

harvested seed need seed coat made permeable to water; treat for 15 min

in conc. sulphuric acid imbibed water; germ in light; use mechanical

scarification,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Cassia,obtusifolia, Senna obtusifolia,”sicklepod,

Java bean”,,,,,”native of the Caribbean region, has become

widespread throughout the tropics; it is a troublesome weed of row crops

in the southern US & causes problems in India, Malaysia, Java, the

Philippines & some Pacific islands, yet is an imprt. dietary aid in

part”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cassia,obtusifolia, ,sicklepod,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cassia,obtusifolia, ,sicklepod,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cassia,obtusifolia, ,sicklepod,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cassia,occidentalis, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Cassia,occidentalis, ,Coffee senna,,,,mechanical

scarification needed,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Cassia,occidentalis, Senna occidentalis,”coffee

senna, ant bush”,,,,”can be a serious competitor in crops &

pastures; in Aust competition in pastures & its potential toxicity,

appear to be the major problems, although rarely eaten it is regarded as

toxic to cattle in the US”,”native of trop & subtrop Amer,

is now widespread throughout the tropics; a serious weed of cotton &

soybeans in the southern US”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Cassia,occidentalis, ,”coffee senna, stinking weed,

wild senna, wild coffee”,,,,Cassia occidentalis is a weed of 23

crops in 66 countries and frequents pastures and plantation

crops.,”Native to tropical S Amer, but know common throughout

tropical and subtropical regions of the world”,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Cassia,occidentalis, ,coffee senna,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cassia,occidentalis, ,coffee senna,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Cassia,siamea,,cassod tree,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cassia,surattensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cassia,tora,syn ,”Java bean, foetid cassia,

sicklepod”,,,,”Cassia tora is a weed of 26 crops in 67

countries and is more prevalent in soybeans, pastures, peanuts, cotton

and sugarcane.”,”Native to tropical S Amer, but know common

throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world”,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Cassia,tora, ,,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List

of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceratonia,siliqua, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Piliostigma,thonningii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Piliostigma,thonningii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


Callitriche,fallax, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Callitriche,fallax, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Callitriche,hamulata,,Water Starwort,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Callitriche,hamulata, ,Water Starwort,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal external,Water. Life Form: Annual/Perennial herb. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 9,10”,”Eur, Greenland, In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Callitriche,stagnalis,,Water Starwort,XHw,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Callitriche,stagnalis, ,Water

Starwort,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal external,Bird, internal,?animal (not

bird), internal,W. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK:

Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 8,9,10,13,14,”,”Eur, N Af, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Callitriche,stagnalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Callitriche,verna, ,waterstarwort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Campanula,rapunculoides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Campanula,rapunculoides, ,Creeping bellflower,,,,optimum

temp for germ 2-5C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Campanula,rapunculoides,,Common Name(s): Creeping bellflower,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive ""Perennial, 5-10 dm high, blue flowers, 5 lobed, bell-shaped, 2-3 cm long, stems erect, slender, leaves alternate, simple, unevenly toothed, fruit a 3-celled capsule simple, unevenly toothed, fru","Eurasia. Habitat: Meadows, old fields, roadsides"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Campanula,rapunculoides, ,Creeping Bellflower,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Campanula,rapunculoides, ,creeping

bellflower,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Campanula,rotundifolia, ,,,,,”seeds germ immediately

after harvest at temps of those prevailing outdoors; older seed exposed

to outdoor conditions for 71 days, then transferred to greenhouse &

germ within 14-21 days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Hippobroma,longiflora,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Isotoma,longiflora,Laurentia longiflora,,,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Isotoma,longiflora, ,shrubharebell,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Isotoma,longiflora, Laurentia longiflora,,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Jasione,montana, ,,,,,”some seed germ immediately

after harvest, remainder in 1st spring; seeds placed in water unheated

germinator & exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors;

93% germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Jasione,montana, ,Sheep's Bit,,,,J. adpressifolia,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Jasione,montana, ,Sheep's Bit,,,,J. adpressifolia,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Legousia,hybrida, ,Venus's looking Glass,,,,Specularia

hybrida,”Central and Southern Europe, UK”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Legousia,hybrida, ,Venus's looking Glass,,,,Specularia

hybrida,”Central and Southern Europe, UK”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Legousia,speculum-veneris, ,Greater Venus's Looking

Glass,,,,Specularia speculum-veneris,Central and Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Legousia,speculum-veneris, ,Greater Venus's Looking

Glass,,,,Specularia speculum-veneris,Central and Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Lobelia,cardinalis, ,Cardinal flower,,,,95% germ in 12days

in diffuse light at 20-25C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Lobelia,cardinalis, ,cardinalflower,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lobelia,chinensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lobelia,chinensis, ,,,,,perennial sub-dominance ,

Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Lobelia,chinensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Lobelia,cliffortiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lobelia,cliffortiana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Lobelia,dortmanna, ,,,,,seeds stored in tap water at 1-3C

for 2-7mths in difffuse light in greenhouse inc. germ%,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lobelia,erinus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lobelia,erinus, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Lobelia,erinus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lobelia,inflata, ,Indian tobacco,,,,seeds require light for

germ; germ on moist soil in clay pots or in water; dry stored seed viable

for at least 5yrs,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Lobelia,inflata, ,indiantobacco,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lobelia,laxiflora,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lobelia,radicans, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Lobelia,siphilitica, ,Great lobelia,,,,seed collected in

autumn & sown 1mth after collection no germ; 2% germ of seed sown

6wks after collection; seeds need light to germ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lobelia,siphilitica, ,great lobelia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Specularia,perfoliata, ,Venus lookingglass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Specularia,speculum-veneris, Legouzia

speculum-veneris,,,,,”high germ % at optimum temp of 7C constant

& alt. 5-15C, 10-18C & 10-25C”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Trachelium,caeruleum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Triodanis,biflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Triodanis,biflora, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Triodanis,perfoliata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Triodanis,perfoliata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Wahlenbergia,capensis,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Wahlenbergia,capensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Cannabis,ruderalis, ,,,,,34% germ of seeds on filter paper

moistened with 0.03% soln of GA at 20-25C in constant

darkness,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Cannabis,sativa,,”Indian Hemp, marijuana, dacha, grass,

pot, redroot, Russian hemp, Mary-Jane, marry-joanna”,H,GLP,ACT;

Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cannabis,sativa, ,Hemp,,,,”90% or more germ, 2mths after

harvest, temp alternation of 20-30C with seeds between blotters or on top

of sand”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Cannabis,sativa, ,”Indian Hemp, marijuana, dacha, grass,

pot, redroot, Russian Hemp”,,,,”tolerates a wide temp range

& once estab, survives on very little water; not usually competetive

with crops, but in India, sometimes significantly reduces maize

yield”,”native of C Asia, has been cultivated in Asia & Eur

as a food, fibre & medicinal crop for thousands of years; introd to S

& N Amer; occurs as a weed in the north central & eastern coastal

areas of the USA; still grown in Eur for cordage, esp. in the

Sovie”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cannabis,sativa, ,”Indian hemp,

marijuana”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cannabis,sativa, ,”Indian hemp,

marijuana”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cannabis,sativa, ,hemp,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Cannabis,sativas, ,Hemp,,,,C. ruderalis,Mainland Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Cannabis,spp.,,,,GP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cannabis,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Humulus,japonica, ,Japanese hop,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Humulus,lupulus,,hops,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Humulus,lupulus, ,Hop,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Vegetative.

Life Form: Vine. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 6,7,8”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or

localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Humulus,lupulus, ,hops,,,,,,Weed Science List


Canna,incana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Canna,indica,,”canna, Indian shot”,HX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Canna,indica, ,Canna Lily ,,,,SHRUBS.,,”Environmental

Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Canna,indica, ,Canna Lily ,,,,Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest

Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Canna,indica, ,Indian canna,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Canna,sp.,X generalis,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Canna,sp.,X orchiodes,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Canna,x generalis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Canna,x orchiodes,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious



Cleome,aculeata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cleome,aculeata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cleome,burmanni, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cleome,burmanni, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cleome,gynandra,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cleome,gynandra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cleome,gynandra, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cleome,hassleriana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cleome,hassleriana,syn C. spinosa,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cleome,monophylla,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cleome,monophylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cleome,rutidosperma, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cleome,rutidosperma, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cleome,rutidosperma,,spiderflower,"crops including vegetables, bananas, maize, tobacco, watermelons, cocoa, pineapples and coconuts; weed of disturbed ground and immature plantations",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Cleome,serrulata, Peritoma serrulata,Rocky Mountain bee

plant,,,,seeds sown in late autumn of year of collection germ in

following spring & 2nd spring,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cleome,serrulata, ,Rocky Mountain beeplant,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cleome,spinosa,= C. hassleriana,spiny

spiderflower,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cleome,viscosa, ,,,,,rupturing seed coat improves

germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Capparis,sandwichiana, ,smooth caperbush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cleome,chelidonii,”syn Polanisia angulata, Polanisia

chelidonii”,,,,,”in dry ditches & on spread mud, in

sugarcane fields, on heavy clays & marls, on soils that become

desiccated periodically during the pronounced dry season; of ten so abundant

that the area looks red-purple; below 100m alt (Java); flowers throughout

the ye”,”India, Burma, perhaps also Java, India, Burma, C &

E Java”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cleome,gynandra, ,spider flower,,,,”Cleome gynandra is

a tropical and subtropical species and is often found in cultivated or

fallowed fields, along roadsides, in fence rows, and along irrigation

canals and ditches. It is a weed of 19 crops in over 40

countries.”,”native to Afr; occurs in Asia, Latin Amer, and

Aust. “,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et.


Cleome,rutidosperma,syn Cleome ciliata,,,,,”lowland

ruderal; rainfed & upland rice fields, so far only a weed of minor

importance, but might become troublesome, “,”W. trop Afr from

Guinea to Angola, introd in the Caribean area; first recorded in 1920

near Medan ( N Sumatra); Singapore in 1946; Java (near Jakarta in harbour

yard) in 1958; in 1946 found in Thailand, Burma in 1948; spreading

quickly throughout Indonesi”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cleome,viscosa,”syn Cleome icosandra, Polanisia

icosandra, Polanisia viscosa”,,,,,”a tolerant ruderal plant on

arable land; along roadsides, refuse heaps, coconut grooves; often in

great quantities; prefers sunny, lighter soil, both under seasonally dry

& under ever wet sonditions; sometimes on sandy or calcareous soils;

in E Java it is”,”Old World, from trop Afr & S Arabia to

trop Aust; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani

et al, 1987”

Gynandropsis,gynandra, ,African

spiderflower,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polanisia,graveolens, ,clammyweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polanisia,trachysperma, ,Western clammy weed,,,,”seeds

sown 2mths after collection & dry storage into greenhouse germ 2% in

9days, 6mths after only 6% germ in 13days; seeds exposed to freezing

& thawing outdoors over winter failed to germ “,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Polanisia,trachysperma, ,western

clammyweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Wislizenia,refracta, ,jackassclover,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Diervilla,lonicera, ,bush honeysuckle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


honeysuckle,HXXAS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Leycesteria,formosa, ,Himalayan

Honeysuckle,,,,”Dispersal: Bird, internal. Life Form: Large Small to

medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

6,7,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Himalaya and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Leycesteria,formosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lonicera,fragrantissima,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lonicera,fragrantissima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lonicera,fragrantissima,,January jasmine,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Lonicera,hirsuta, ,hairy honeysuckle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


honeysuckle,HXXwH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lonicera,japonica, ,Japanese Honeysuckle,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal,Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Vine. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 2,6,7,8,13”,”Introduced deliberately from: E As and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lonicera,japonica, ,Japanese Honeysuckle

,,,,VINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Lonicera,japonica, ,Japanese honeysuckles,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Lonicera,japonica, ,Honeysuckle Vine

,,,,Vines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Lonicera,japonica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lonicera,japonica, ,,,,,annual sub-dominance , Miyasaki

,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Lonicera,japonica, ,Japanese honeysuckle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lonicera,japonica,,Japanese honeysuckle,,,,”Catergory

I - Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Lonicera,japonica,,Japanese honeysuckle,,,,RANK 1.

“SEVERE THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess

characteristics of invasive species and spread easily into native plant

communities and displace native vegetation; includes species which are or

could become widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Lonicera,japonica,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Lonicera,japonica,,Japanese honeysuckle,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental , Additional Comments : Leaves remain in winter Low Level Invasive ""3 m high, flowers in pairs, yellow or white, tubular, leaves hairy, opposite, simple, entire, purplish-black berries Invasive Potential : L ""","Asia. Habitat: Open woods, thickets, roadsides, old gardens"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Lonicera,japonica,,Japanese honeysuckle,"Nature: Shade-tolerant, climbing and trailing semiwoody vine with evergreenleaves that spreads by stolons and seeds. This is the only exotic of 7species of Lonicera in SE. Uses: Valued as deer browse in Piedmont and erosion control.Herbicide control: Foli",Origin: Introduced from Japan.Range: Eastern U.S.,"EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANTS IN SOUTHEASTERN FORESTS, James H. Miller, Southern Research Station USDA Forest Service Auburn University, AL, weed"

Lonicera,maackii,,Amur bush honeysuckle,,,,RANK 1.

“SEVERE THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess

characteristics of invasive species and spread easily into native plant

communities and displace native vegetation; includes species which are or

could become widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Lonicera,morrowii,,, Coastal and Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Lonicera,morrowii,,Morrow's bush honeysuckle,,,,RANK 1.

“SEVERE THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess

characteristics of invasive species and spread easily into native plant

communities and displace native vegetation; includes species which are or

could become widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Lonicera,periclymenum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lonicera,periclymenum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lonicera,sempervirens, ,trumpet

honeysuckle,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lonicera,spp., ,exotic bush honeysuckles,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Lonicera,standishii,,, Coastal and Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Lonicera,tatarica,,Tartarian honeysuckle,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Displaces native understorey and ground flora ""3 m high, numerous flowers, pink or white on stalks, leaves opposite, simple, deciduous, blades 2-6 cm long, thin, fruits in","Asia. Habitat: Open woods, thickets, lake shores, roadsides, wasteland"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Lonicera,subspicata, ,moronel honeysuckle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lonicera,tatarica, ,Tatarian honeysuckle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lonicera,x americana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Symphoricarpos,albus, Symphoricarpos racemosus,Common

snowberry,,,,”seeds soaked in conc. sulfuric acid for 75min, then stored

in moist peat moss at 25C for several wks, then stored at 5C for

6mths”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Symphoricarpos,albus, ,common snowberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Symphoricarpos,occidentalis, ,western

snowberry,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Symphoricarpos,orbiculatus, ,Buck

brush,,,,”disintegrate seed coat & after ripen embryo to induce

germ; soak seed in conc. sulfuric acid for 30-40min, hold seed in moist

peat moss at 25C for 2-4wks, plant in soil flats & hold for 5mths at

10C, transfer flats to greenhouse & allow to germ”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Symphoricarpos,orbiculatus, ,buckbrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Viburnum,acerifolium, ,mapleleaf viburnum,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Viburnum,alnifolium, ,hobblebush viburnum,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Viburnum,dentatum, ,arrowwood viburnum,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Viburnum,lantana,,Common Name(s): Wayfaring tree,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive ""2 m high, 13 cm flowers, umbrella-shaped, white, leaves olive green, opposite, simple, deciduous in pairs, clusters of black fruit """,Europe. Habitat: Moist forests," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Viburnum,lentago, ,sweet viburnum,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Viburnum,opulus,,"Guelder rose, European highbush cranberry","Avail nurseries, Ornamental , Additional Comments : Shunned by wildlife, unpleasant taste Low Level Invasive ""5 m high, yellow or white flowers, leaves opposite, 3 lobed, bright red berries""","Eurasia. Habitat: Swamps and bogs, along streams, open woods, thickets"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Viburnum,opulus, var. opulus,”guelder rose, cranberry

bush, viburnum”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Viburnum,prunifolium, ,blackhaw,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Viburnum,rafinesquianum, ,Rafinesque

viburnum,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Viburnum,rufidulum, ,rusty blackhaw,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Viburnum,suspensum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Viburnum,tinus,,laurustinus,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Viburnum,tinus, ,Laurustinus,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 5,6,7”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Eur and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Viburnum,tinus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Weigela,hortensis, ,,,,, , Niigata ,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia


Carica,papaya, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carica,papaya,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Carica,papaya, ,papaya,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”


Agrostemma,githago,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Agrostemma,githago, ,Corn cockle,,,,”seeds germ

immediately or soon after harvest; min temp 2-5C, max greater than 30C,

germ well in all ranges”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Agrostemma,githago, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Agrostemma,githago, ,corn cockle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Agrostemma,githargo, ,Corn Cockle,,,,Lychnis githago,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Arenaria,groenlandica, ,,,,,”prechilling 2-7C for 71

days, then autumn sowing in glasshouse; germs in 14-35

days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Arenaria,leptoclados,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


sandwort,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Arenaria,serpyllifolia, ,Thymeleaf sandwort,,,,92% germ

at 15C in alternating light ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Arenaria,serpyllifolia, ,Thyme leaved Sandwort,,,,,,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Arenaria,serpyllifolia, ,Thymeleaf Sandwort,,,,triazines

1980 France , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Arenaria,serpyllifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arenaria,serpyllifolia, ,thymeleaf

sandwort,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cerastium,arvense,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cerastium,arvense, ,Field Mouse ear,,,,,”Mainland

Europe, UK, Eire, N Scandinavia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Cerastium,arvense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cerastium,arvense, ,field chickweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cerastium,arvense, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cerastium,balearicum,C. semidecandrum

misapplied,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cerastium,brachypetalum, ,Grey Mouse

ear,,,,,”Mainland Europe, Norway, Sweden”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Cerastium,brachypetalum, ,Grey Mouse

ear,,,,,”Mainland Europe, Norway, Sweden”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Cerastium,brachypetalum, ,Grey Mouse

ear,,P,,,”Mainland Europe, Norway, Sweden”,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cerastium,comatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cerastium,diffusum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cerastium,diffusum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cerastium,fontanum,,Mouse-ear Chickweed,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cerastium,fontanum, ,Mouse-ear

Chickweed,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal external,?Water,animal (not bird),

internal,?Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,12,14,15”,”Eur,

In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cerastium,fontanum, ,Common Mouse ear,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Cerastium,fontanum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


chickweed,HXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cerastium,glomeratum, ,Mouse-ear

Chickweed,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal external,?Water,animal (not bird),

internal,?Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4-6,8,9,12-15”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cerastium,glomeratum, ,,,,,”seeds germ at once or

soon after harvest, seeds placed in unheated germinator & exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cerastium,glomeratum, ,Sticky Mouse ear,,,,C.

viscosum,”Mainland Europe, Norway, Sweden”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Cerastium,glomeratum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cerastium,glomeratum, ,,,,,annual sub-dominance , Upland

Japan Miyagi Miyasaki ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Cerastium,indicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cerastium,indicum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cerastium,pumilum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cerastium,semidecandrum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cerastium,semidecandrum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cerastium,siculum, ,,,,,40% germ at 20C in

darkness,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Cerastium,strigosum, ,,,,,”seeds germ at once or

soon after harvest, seeds placed in unheated germinator & exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cerastium,viscosum, ,sticky chickweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cerastium,vulgare,C. fontanum ssp.

trivalve,,x,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cerastium,vulgatum, ,Mouse ear

chickweed,,,,”prechilling of fresh seed at 5C & moistened with

KNO3 soln for 1 wk, then germ on blotters moistened with 0.2% KNO3 soln

with temp alt of 20-30C; 10 mth old seed 90% germ with alt. temp, or KNO3

soln”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Cerastium,vulgatum, ,,,,, ,Shimane Shizuoka ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Cerastium,vulgatum, ,mouseear chickweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Corrigiola,litoralis, ,,,,,”all, or most seed germ

in 1st spring; seeds placed in unheated germinator & exposed to temps

prevailing outdoors until germ; germ at temp 3-20C takes up to 6wks;

testa exposed100% in 14 days-seed coat impermeable”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Corrigiola,litoralis, ,Strapwort,,,,,”Mainland

Europe except NE , UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Corrigola,litoralis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dianthus,armeria,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dianthus,armeria, ,Deptford pink,,,,germ at 20-25C in

light,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Dianthus,armeria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dianthus,armeria, ,Deptford pink,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Dianthus,barbatus, ,Sweet William,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dianthus,plumarius,,”feathered pink, wild pink,

cottage pink”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Dianthus,plumarius, ,,,,,Region of origin - C Eur; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental ,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Dianthus,superbus, ,,,,,seed begins to germ almost

immediately after harvest; seeds placed in unheated germinator &

exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors 100%

germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Drymaria,arenarioides,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Drymaria,arenarioides, ,”sandwort drymary, Lightning

weed”,,P,,”Another potential rangeland weed problem is

Lightning weed(Drymaria arenarioides). Lightning weed is a

short-livedperennial rangeland weed that is extremely toxic to

cattle,sheep, and goats. It invades rangeland areas that may bestressed

from drough”,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Drymaria,cordata, ,”tropical chickweed, chickweed,

West Indian chickweed”,,,,”Drymaria cordata is seldom a weed of

cultivated areas, it invades plantation crops such as tea and coffee, as

well as pastures, lawns, gardens, riverbanks, ditches, and even sandbars

in rivers. It is a weed of 31 crops in more than 45 countries and is

fre”,”native of tropical Amer, and occurs in many tropical and

subtropical countries.”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Drymaria,cordata, ,heartleaf drymary,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Drymaria,pachyphylla, ,inkweed drymary,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Drymaria,villosa,syn Drymaria hirsuta,dew

herb,,,,”along rivers in rather moist climates in tea, cinchona, coffee

& higher sugarcane plantations; arable land, road & watersides,

road banks, gardens; can withstand deep shade; often found gregarious in

association with Drymaria cordata; from 10/300-1600m al”,”S

Amer, pantropical; introd to Java before 1910; has spread to the rest of

Indonesia except Kalimantan & the Moluccas as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Gypsophila,muralis, ,Wall Gypsophila,,,,,”Mainland

Europe, S Denmark, Finland”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Gypsophila,muralis, ,Wall Gypsophila,,,,,”Mainland

Europe, S Denmark, Finland”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Gypsophila,paniculata, ,Baby's Breath

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Gypsophila,paniculata,, babys- breath," Possible Weed of Agriculture, Grassland, Forest and Riparian habitats: High Weed Potential in Disturbed areas",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Gypsophila,paniculata, ,Baby's breath ,,,,PRELIMINARY

LIST OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to

spread,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Gypsophila,paniculata, ,baby's breath,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Gypsophila,tubulosa,”G. paniculata misapplied?, G.

australis”,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gypsophila,tubulosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gypsophila,vaccaria, ,,,,,”some seed germ

immediately after harvest, remainder in 1st spring; seeds placed in

unheated germinator & exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors; 48% germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Heerniaria,hirsuta, ,Herniaria,,,,Dispersal: ?. Life

Form: Annual. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a negative visual impact).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”Eur, In Victoria: Limited

distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Herniaria,cinerea,H. hirsuta,,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Herniaria,glabra, ,Smooth Rupture wort,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Herniaria,glabra, ,Smooth Rupture wort,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Herniaria,hirsuta, ,,,,,,”Central & Southern Europe,

less UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Herniaria,hirsuta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Holosteum,umbellatum, ,Jagged

Chickweed,,,,,”Mainland Europe, UK, S Denmark”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Holosteum,umbellatum, ,Jagged

Chickweed,,,,,”Mainland Europe, UK, S Denmark”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Illecebrum,verticillatum, ,Coral

Necklace,,,,,”Central & Western Europe, UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Illecebrum,verticillatum, ,Coral

Necklace,,,,,”Central & Western Europe, UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Lepyrodiclis,holstedoides, , ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Lychnis,alba, Melandrium album,White cockle,,,,germ on

blotters moistened by 0.2% soln of KNO3 at alt. temp of 20-30C; good germ

at 20C constant without soln; high germ after 10mths dry

storage,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Lychnis,alba, ,white cockle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lychnis,chalcedonica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lychnis,coronaria,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lychnis,coronaria, ,,,,,”80% germ at 20C in dark, at

alt. 20-30C in dark, & at alt. 20-30C with alt.

light/dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Lychnis,coronaria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lychnis,dioica, ,red campion,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lychnis,floscuculi, ,Meadow campion,,,,seeds germ at once

after harvested remainder in following spring; seeds placed in germinator

exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ; 100%

germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lychnis,floscuculi, ,meadow campion,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lychnis,viscaria, Viscaria viscosa,,,,,seeds germ at once

after harvested remainder in following spring; seeds placed in germinator

exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ; 100%

germ; seeds dry stored viability up to 8yrs,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lynchis,chalcedonica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Minuartia,hybrida, ,Fine leaved sand

wort,,,,,”Central and Western Europe, UK, Eire”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Minuartia,hybrida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Minuartia,mediterranea,M. hybrida,,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Moenchia,erecta,,Erect Chickweed,XXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Moenchia,erecta, ,Erect Chickweed,,,,Dispersal: ?. Life

Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”Eur, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Moenchia,erecta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Myosoton,aquaticum, ,Water Chickweed,,,,”Malachium

aquaticum, Stellaria aquaticum, Cerastium aquaticum”,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Myosoton,aquaticum, ,Water Chickweed,,,,”Malachium

aquaticum, Stellaria aquaticum, Cerastium aquaticum”,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Paronychia,argentea,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Paronychia,argentea, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Paronychia,argentea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paronychia,brasiliana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Paronychia,brasiliana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paronychia,echinulata, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Paronychia,echinulata, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Paronychia,franciscana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Paronychia,franciscana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Petrorhagia,nanteuilii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Petrorhagia,nanteuilli,P. prolifera,proliterous

pink,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Petrorhagia,prolifera, ,Proliterous

Pink,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal external,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 4,5”,”Med, In Victoria: Widespread, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Petrorhagia,prolifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Petrorhagia,velutina,,velvet or hairy

pink,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Petrorhagia,velutina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polycarpon,indicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polycarpon,indicum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Polycarpon,tetraphyllum,,Four-leafed Allseed,XXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Polycarpon,tetraphyllum, ,Four-leafed

Allseed,,,,”Dispersal: Windind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,4,8,11,12”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Polycarpon,tetraphyllum, ,Four leaved

allseed,,,,,”South and West Europe, S West UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Polycarpon,tetraphyllum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sagina,apetala,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sagina,apetala, ,Dwarf pearl wort,,,,seeds germ at once

after harvest or following spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; total germ82%,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sagina,apetala, ,Annual Pearlwort,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Sagina,apetala, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sagina,apetala, ,dwarf pearlwort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sagina,japonica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sagina,japonica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Sagina,maritima,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sagina,maritima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sagina,maxima, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Sagina,nodosa, ,Knotted Pearlwort,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Sagina,nodosa, ,Knotted Pearlwort,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Sagina,procumbens,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sagina,procumbens, ,Procumbent Pearlwort,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Sagina,procumbens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sagina,procumbens, ,birdseye pearlwort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sagina,subulata, ,Heath Pearlwort,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Sagina,subulata, ,Heath Pearlwort,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Saponaria,calabrica,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Saponaria,calabrica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


bouncingbet”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Saponaria,officinalis, ,Bouncing bet,,,,”prechilling

with 0.2% soln of KNO3 as moistening agent at 5C for 1wk, then germ at

20C:16hrs to 30C:8hrs germ 99% for 7days, 97% for 300days & 82% for

1095days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Saponaria,officinalis, ,Soapwort,,,,,”All Europe,

less in UK, Eire & Scandinavia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Saponaria,officinalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Saponaria,officinalis, ,bouncingbet,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Saponaria,vaccaria, ,Cow cockle,,,,68% germ in dark at

both 15C & 20C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Saponaria,vaccaria, ,cow cockle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scleranthus,annuus,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Scleranthus,annuus, ,Annual Knawel,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Scleranthus,annuus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Scleranthus,annuus, ,knawel,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scleranthus ,annuus, ,Knawel,,,,”seed germ not

exceeding 30% at various constant or alt. temps from 2-5 to 35C; at

20-30C alt. 32% in dark & 24% with alt. light/dark; 77% germ of seed

stored after 1 winter's storage in lab, germ 18% after 5yrs dry storage

in lab”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Silene,acaulis, ,,,,,95% germ & 99% germ with

prechilling on moist filter paper in lab; seeds sown outdoors 28% germ in

the autumn of year collected & 49% the following spring,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Silene,alba, ,White Campion,,,,Melandrium album,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Silene,alba, ,White Campion,,,,Melandrium album,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Silene,antirrhina, ,sleepy catchfly,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Silene,apetala,,Sand Catchfly,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Silene,apetala, ,Sand Catchfly,,,,”Dispersal: Wind.

Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 3,4”,”S Eur, In

Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Silene,apetala, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Silene,armeria,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Silene,atocioides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Silene,caroliniana, var. pensylvanica Silene

pensylvanica,,,,,”seeds planted directly into greenhouse failed to

germ; seeds planted in soil flats & kept outdoors for 71days, 28%

germ within 14-21days on transferral to greenhouse”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Silene,conica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Silene,conica, ,Sand Catchfly,,,,,”Mainland Europe,

except Scandinavia & Russia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Silene,conica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Silene,conoidea, ,,,,,seeds germ soon after harvest &

remainder following spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted-total germ84%;

92% in dark with alt. 20-30C after 1yr storage,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Silene,conoidea, ,,,,,,Limited Dist in Western Medit

region,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Silene,conoidea, ,,,,,,Limited Dist in Western Medit

region,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Silene,conoidea,syn ,Conoid catchfly,,,,”cultivated

land, mainly in fields”,”Medit, W Asia to W

Himalayas”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Silene,cretica, ,,,,,,”Southern Europe, less in

Central E”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Silene,cretica, ,,,,,,”Southern Europe, less in

Central E”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Silene,cserei, ,Biennial campion,,,,100% germ at 15C constant

with light; 92% germ 1yr after collection at 20-30C alt. with alt.

light/dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Silene,cserei, ,biennial campion,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Silene,cucubalus,” Silene inflata, Silene latifolia,

Silene vulgaris”,Bladder campion,,,,92% germ at 20-25C in diffuse

light & 88% in dark; viable for up to 14yrs,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Silene,cucubalus, ,bladder campion,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Silene,dichotoma,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Silene,dichotoma, ,Hairy catchfly,,,,99% germ of seeds

immediately after harvest,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Silene,dichotoma, ,Forked Catchfly,,,,,”Eastern

Europe, less in Central E”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Silene,dichotoma, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Silene,dichotoma, ,hairy catchfly,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Silene,diocia, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Eur, Medit;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental”,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Silene,dioica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Silene,dioica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Silene,gallica,,French Catchfly,XXXXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Silene,gallica,,French Catchfly,HXXXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Silene,gallica, ,Small Flowered Catchfly,,,,”S.

liophila, S. anglica”,”All Europe, except Scandinavia &

Russia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Silene,gallica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Silene,gallica, ,English catchfly,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Silene,gallica var. gallica, ,French

Catchfly,,,,”Dispersal: Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,5,12”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Silene,gallica var. quinquevulnera, ,French

Catchfly,,,,Dispersal: Wind. Life Form: Annual/Biennial. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,”Eur, In Victoria: ?”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Silene,latifolia,”S. pratensis, S.

alba”,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Silene,latifolius, ,ssp. alba White campion


lesser invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Silene,linicola, ,,,,,,From Belgium through to Italy,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Silene,linicola, ,,,,,,From Belgium through to Italy,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Silene,longicaulis,,Portuguese Catchfly,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Silene,longicaulis, ,Portuguese

Catchfly,,,,”Dispersal: Wind. Life Form: Annual/Biennial. RISK: Not

a threat (but may have a negative visual impact). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 3,4”,”Spain,Portugal, In Victoria: Limited

distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Silene,longicaulis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Silene,maritima, ,,,,,seeds germ soon after harvest &

remainder following spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted-total germ

98%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Silene,muscipula, ,,,,,S. arvensis,,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Silene,muscipula, ,,,,,S. arvensis,,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Silene,noctiflora, Melandrium noctiflorum,Night flowering

catchfly,,,,90% germ alt. temp 20C:16hrs to 30C:8hrs in light; germ inc.

with dry storage 100% germ after 12wks storage,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Silene,noctiflora, ,Night Flowering

Catchfly,,,,Melandrium noctiflorum,”All Europe, except Greece &

Finland”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Silene,noctiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Silene,noctiflora, ,nightflowering

catchfly,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Silene,nocturna,,Mediterranean Catchfly,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Silene,nocturna, ,Mediterranean

Catchfly,,,,”Dispersal: Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,4,5”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Silene,nocturna,syn ,Night-flowering

catchfly,,,,”cultivated land, mainly fields”,Mainly Medit;

introduced elsewhere,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., &

Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Silene,nutans, ,,,,,90% germ of 1mth old seed on moist

blotters in light; vegetative propagation by using cuttings of stems

which root at nodes if covered in soil,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Silene,pendula,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Silene,pratensis,?should be S.

latifolia?,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Silene,pratensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Silene,pseudoatocion,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Silene,rubella,syn ,,,,,”fields, irrigation canals,

gardens”,”Medit, extending eastward to Iraq”,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Silene,rubella, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Silene,rubella, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Silene,schafta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Silene,tridentata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Silene,tridentata, ,,,,,Region of origin - Algeria;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Silene,uniflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Silene,vulgaria, ,Bladder Campion,,,,”S. cucubalus,

S. inflata, S. latifolia”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Silene,vulgaris,”Behen vulgaris, Cucubalus behen, Cucubalus

inflatus, Silene cucubalus, Silene inflata, Silene

latifolia”,”bladder campion, blue root,

rattlebox”,XXX,NL,SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Silene,vulgaris,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Silene,vulgaris,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Silene,vulgaris, ,Bladder Campion,,,,Dispersal: Wind.

Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,”Eur,Med.W

As, In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Silene,vulgaris,” Behen vulgaris, Cucubalus behen,

Cucubalus inflatus, Silene cucubalus, Silene inflata, Silene

latifolia”,”bladder campion, blue root,

rattlebox”,,,,”pioneer plant, invades open spaces in pastures

& fallowed arable land, forms dense patches which reduce available

grazing area & pasture yield & can interfere with cultivation;

contaminates pasture seed; obligate long day plant, growing continuously

& flo”,”Euro-Asian origin, found from Medit region

northwards through Scandinavia to 70º N lat & eastwards through

Siberia to Japan; introd to N Amer, Afr, Indonesia, NZ, & Aust,

growing at all levels to 2500m”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Silene,vulgaris, ,Bladder campion ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Silene,vulgaris, ,bladdercampion,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spergula,arvensis,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Spergula,arvensis, ,Corn spurry,,,,germ at constant

20-25C in dark or alt. light/dark; soaking seeds in 1-2% soln of thiourea

for 24hrs to break dormancy,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Spergula,arvensis, ,Corn Spurrey,,,,”S. vulgaris, S.

sativa, S. maxima, S. linicola”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Spergula,arvensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spergula,arvensis, ,corn spurry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spergula,pentandra,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Spergula,pentandra, ,,,,,,Central and Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Spergula,pentandra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spergularia,bocconii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Spergularia,diandra,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Spergularia,diandra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spergularia,levis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Spergularia,levis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spergularia,marina,,salt sand-spurrey,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Spergularia,marina, ,Salt

Sand-spurrey,,,,”Dispersal: Water,?Wind. Life Form: Annual/Perennial

herb. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a negative visual impact).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 11”,”temp N Hem, In Victoria: Widespread,

small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Spergularia,marina,syn Arenaria rubra var. marina; A

marina; Spergularia salina,Sand spurrey,,,,muddy and moist saline

soils,”Widespread in temp. coastal regions of the Northern

Hemisphere, also in Australasia where it might be

introduced”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Spergularia,marina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spergularia,media,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Spergularia,media, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spergularia,purpurea, ,,,,,S. longipes,Iberian

Peninsula,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Spergularia,purpurea, ,,,,,S. longipes,Iberian

Peninsula,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Spergularia,rubra,,Red Sand-spurrey,XH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Spergularia,rubra, ,Red Sand-spurrey,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,?Wind. Life Form: Annual/Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,8,9,12”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Spergularia,rubra, Lepigonum rubrum,Red sandspurry,,,,52%

germ at alt. 20-30C with alt. light/dark & 4% in dark,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Spergularia,rubra, ,Sand Spurrey,,,,S. campestris,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Spergularia,rubra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spergularia,rubra, ,red sandspurry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spergularia,segetalis, ,,,,,”Delia segetalis, Alsine

segetalis”,Western and Northern Mainland Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Spergularia,segetalis, ,,,,,”Delia segetalis, Alsine

segetalis”,Western and Northern Mainland Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Spergularia,sp. 2,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Stellaria,alsine, Stellaria uliginosa,,,,,seeds germ soon

after harvest & continued for several mths; seeds placed in

germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors until

germ or rotted; total germ 100%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Stellaria,alsion, ,,,,,biennial dominant weed barley

& wheat crops , Shizuoka Upland Korea ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Stellaria,aquatica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stellaria,aquatica, ,,,,, , Shizuoka Upland Japan ,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Stellaria,aquatica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Stellaria,graminea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Stellaria,graminea, ,Little starwort,,,,alt. light/dark

& alt. 10-30C temp best germ %; viability remains high during more

than 3 yrs dry indoor storage,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Stellaria,graminea, ,Lesser Stitchwort,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Stellaria,graminea, ,”stitchwort, grasslike

stitchwort”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Stellaria,graminea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stellaria,graminea, ,little starwort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Stellaria,holostea, ,,,,,seeds germ soon after harvest

& continued for several mths; seeds placed in germinator exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total

germ 90%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental



Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Stellaria,media, ,Chickweed,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1-5,6,8,12,13”,”Eur,As, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Stellaria,media, ,Common chickweed,,,,94% germ of 1mth

old seed at alt. 20-30C in petri dishes on blotters moistened with 0.2%

KNO3 & 93% germ of 10mth old seed,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Stellaria,media, ,Chickweed,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Stellaria,media, ,Common Chickweed,,,,chlorsulfuron 1991

Denmark Barley , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Stellaria,media, ,Common Chickweed,,,,chlorsulfuron 1992

Canada , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Stellaria,media, ,Common Chickweed,,,,chlorsulfuron 1995

New Zealand , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Stellaria,media, ,Common Chickweed,,,,mecoprop 1985

United Kingdom Cereals ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Stellaria,media, ,Common Chickweed,,,,atrazine 1978

Germany Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Stellaria,media, ,chickweed,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Stellaria,media, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stellaria,media, ,,,,,biennial dominant weed barley &

wheat crops Weed in rich site , Upland Korea Upland Japan Hokkaido Miyagi

Okayama Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Stellaria,media, ,chickweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Stellaria,pallida,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Stellaria,pallida,syn Alsine pallida

,Chickweed,,,,”shaded, moist, cultivated ground, especially in

gardens and orchards”,”Medit, Eur, NW Asia”,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Stellaria,pallida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stellaria,palustris,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Stellaria,uliginosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stellaria,uliginosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Vaccaria,hispanica,V. pyramidata,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vaccaria,hispanica,syn Saponaria hispanica; Vaccaria

pyramidata; Saponaria vaccaria; Vaccaria parviflora; V.

segetalis,Cow-herb,,,,”cultivated fields, especially with winter

cropsUsed as a cut green in flower shops and as a medicinal herb. Root is

vulnerary and galactogogue (increasess the secretion of

milk)”,”Widespread in Medit, C Eur, Asia; introduced into other

warm temp. regions of N Amer, Aust. and NZ”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Vaccaria,hispanica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vaccaria,pyramidata, Vaccaria vulgaris,,,,,”5000

seed sown in field in lated autumn, 45% produced seedlings in following

spring, a few seeds from original planting produced seedlings in 2nd

season; 1 seedling in 3rd season out of original 5000”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Vaccaria,pyramidata, ,,,,,”V. vulgaris, V.

segetalis, V. perfola, V. parviflora, Saponaria

vaccaria”,”Mainland Europe, except Italy &

Denmark”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vaccaria,pyramidata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Casuarina,cunninghamiana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Casuarina,cunninghamiana, ,beefwood,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: coastal dunes, sandy sea-shores, riverbedsCultivated for:

ornament, dune stabilization, shelter”,Origin: Australia ,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Casuarina,cunninghamiana, ,beefwood,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: coastal dunes, sandy sea-shores, riverbedsCultivated for:

ornament, dune stabilization, shelter”,Origin: Australia ,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Casuarina,cunninghamiana*,,”melanga, elephant

ear”,,,,”Catergory II - Species that shown a potential to

disrupt native plant communities. These species may become ranked as

Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated disruption of natural Florida

communities. *P =Prohibited by Florida Department “,,List of

Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Casuarina,equisetifolia, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive

weeds nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated

Worst Invasive Weeds”

Casuarina,equisetifolia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Casuarina,equisetifolia, ,”Australian pine,

casuarina”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks,


Casuarina,equisetifolia, ,horsetail tree,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: coastal dunes, sandy sea-shores, riverbedsCultivated for:

ornament, dune stabilization, shelter”,Origin: pantropical ,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Casuarina,equisetifolia, ,horsetail tree,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: coastal dunes, sandy sea-shores, riverbedsCultivated for:

ornament, dune stabilization, shelter”,Origin: pantropical ,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)


pine,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are invading and disrupting

native plant communities in Florida. This definition does not rely on the

economic severity or geographical range of the problem, but on the

documented ecological damage caused.*P =Prohibited by Flo”,,List of

Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Casuarina,glauca,,swamp oak,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Casuarina,glauca, ,”Australian pine, suckering

casuarina”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Casuarina,glauca*,,suckering Australian

pine,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are invading and disrupting

native plant communities in Florida. This definition does not rely on the

economic severity or geographical range of the problem, but on the

documented ecological damage caused.*P =Prohibited by Flo”,,List of

Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council


Celastrus,orbiculatus, ,”oriental bittersweet, Asian

bittersweet”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Celastrus,orbiculatus,,"Asiatic bittersweet, Oriental bittersweet","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Highly Invasive , Additional Comments : Spread by birds 7 m high, flowers in small greenish yellow clusters, leaves alternate, simple, deciduous, rounded, fruits small orange-yellow ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Woods, thickets, roadsides, fence rows"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Celastrus,orbiculatus,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Celastrus,orbiculatus,,Asian bittersweet,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Euonymus,alata, ,”winged euonymus, burning

bush”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Euonymus,atropurpureus, ,eastern wahoo,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euonymus,sp.,,spindle tree,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Euonymus,sp., ,,,,,Region of origin - Japan?; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Euonymus,sp., ,Spindle Tree,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 9”,”Introduced deliberately from: ?Japan and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Evonymus,alata,,burning bush,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Evonymus,fortunei,,wintercreeper,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess characteristics of

invasive species and spread easily into native plant communities and

displace native vegetation; includes species which are or could become

widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee


Torreya,californica, ,California nutmeg

yew,,,,”Torreya californica is listed in the USA as X - present as

weed (the species is present & behaves as a aweed, but its rank of

importance is unknown)”,California,Holm et al. 'A Geographical Atlas

of World Weeds'


Ceratophyllum,demersum,,”hornwort, common coontail,

hornweed”,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ceratophyllum,demersum, ,Common coontail,,,,”seed

germ well after 5-7mth storage in water at 1-3C, good germ if stored in

water for 3 mths at 1-3C if a slit was cut in the pericarp before

testing; vegetative propagation also “,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ceratophyllum,demersum, ,”hornwort, common

coontail, hornweed”,,,,”native to Aust, occurring in all States

ex Tas; it grows but is not common, all along the east coast,

occassionally reaching pest proportions in parts of SE Qld; in inland NSW

it is recorded at several locatities along the Murray River & in the

Lachlan Ri”,”cosmopolitan, having existed in ponds since the

Pilocene epoch; occurs in many oceanic islands, as well as on all

continents of the world other than Antarctica”,”Noxious Weeds

of Australia, P & C”

Ceratophyllum,demersum, ,hornwort,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ceratophyllum,demersum, ,common

coontail,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceratophyllum,echinatum, ,prickly

coontail,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceratophyllum,spp.,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ceratophyllum,spp., ,,,P,,,Note import conditions

exceptions,Western Australian Prohibited List



,floatingfern,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Chara,braunii, ,,,,, , Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Chara,globularis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chara,globularis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Chara,spp. (aquatic), ,chara,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chara,zeylanica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chara,zeylanica, ,chara,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Chara,zeylanica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Nitella,hyalina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nitella,hyalina, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List


Atriplex,argentea, ,silverscale saltbush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Atriplex,canescens, ,fourwing saltbush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Atriplex,confertifolia, ,shadscale,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Atriplex,eadleyae,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Atriplex,elegans, ,wheelscale saltbush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Atriplex,hastata, ,Spear leaved Orache,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Atriplex,hastata, ,Spear leaved Orache,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Atriplex,heterosperma,, weedy orache, Weed Status Uncertain - current information is inadequate to assess risk. Further analysis may be warranted.,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Atriplex,holocarpa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Atriplex,hortensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Atriplex,hortensis, ,Garden orach,,,,58% germ of seed in

constant darkness at 20C; could have two distinct seed types,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Atriplex,hortensis, ,Garden Orache,,,,,”Mainland

Europe, except Denmark”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Atriplex,hortensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Atriplex,hortensis, ,garden orach,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Atriplex,leptocarpa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Atriplex,leptocarpa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Atriplex,lindleyi , ssp. inflata,sponge-fuit

saltbush,,,,”Herbaceous Species Invades: roadsides, degraded land,

sandy riverbeds, coastal dunes, pans, low-lying areas, mainly in

semi-arid regions.”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Atriplex,lindleyi , ssp. inflata,sponge-fuit

saltbush,,,,”Herbaceous Species Invades: roadsides, degraded land,

sandy riverbeds, coastal dunes, pans, low-lying areas, mainly in

semi-arid regions.”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Atriplex,nummularia, ssp. nummularia,old man

saltbush,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: sandy riverbeds, coastal dunes,

edges of pans, roadsides, in semi-arid regions.Cultivated for:

fodder”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Atriplex,nummularia, ssp. nummularia,old man

saltbush,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: sandy riverbeds, coastal dunes,

edges of pans, roadsides, in semi-arid regions.Cultivated for:

fodder”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Atriplex,patula,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Atriplex,patula, var. hastata Atriplex hastata,Halberdleaf

orach,,,,”two distinct seed types; one type no dormancy, the other

strongly dormant; dormancy can be broken by 15 min treatment with conc.

H2SO4 “,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Atriplex,patula, ,Common Orache,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Atriplex,patula, ,Spreading Orach,,,,atrazine 1980 Germany

Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Atriplex,patula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Atriplex,patula, ,spreading orach,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Atriplex,prostrata,,hastate orache,HX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Atriplex,prostrata, ,Hastate Orache,,,,”Dispersal:

Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,8,9,11”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Atriplex,pseudocampanulata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Atriplex,pumilio,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Atriplex,rosea, ,Red orach,,,,”two distinct seed

types; one no dormancy germ at 20C with light, the other strongly

dormant, needs light at 20C”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Atriplex,rosea, ,red orach,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Atriplex,semibaccata, ,Austtallian Saltbush

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Atriplex,semibaccata, ,Australian

saltbush,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Atriplex,spinibractea,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Atriplex,tatarica, ,,,,,”A. laciniata, A.

tornabenii”,”Central Europe, inc Italy Greece”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Atriplex,tatarica, ,,,,,”A. laciniata, A.

tornabenii”,”Central Europe, inc Italy Greece”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Atriplex,var. hastata, ,halberdleaf orach,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Atriplex,wrightii, ,Wright saltbush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Axyris,amaranthoides, ,Russian pigweed,,,,”two

distinct seed types, one germs immediately at 18-22C; the other needs to

have seed coat broken, germ high 100% in 3 days”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Axyris,amaranthoides, ,Russian pigweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bassia,hyssopifolia,Salsola hyssopifolia,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bassia,hyssopifolia, ,Bassia ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Bassia,hyssopifolia, ,Firehook bassia ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Bassia,hyssopifolia, ,five hook bassia,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Bassia,hyssopifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bassia,hyssopifolia, ,fivehook bassia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bassia,indica,syn. Kochia,,,,,germ rapidly in shallow

water; seed dry stored over calcium chloride in desiccators at room temp

remain viable for more than 6yrs,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Bassia,laniflora,syn. Kochia,,,,,K. arenaria,Mainland

Europe except Denmark,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Bassia,laniflora,syn. Kochia,,,,,K. arenaria,Mainland

Europe except Denmark,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Bassia,scoparia,Kochia scoparia,kochia,HXE,L,Qld; WA; SA;

NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bassia,scoparia,Kochia scoparia,kochiaornamental

form,,NL,Qld; WA; NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bassia,scoparia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bassia,scoparia,syn Kochia scoparia,,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Bassia,scoparia,syn. Kochia,Kochia,,,,94% germ at 20C in

dark on top of sand or blotters in petri dishes; germ inc. with GA

treatment,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Bassia,scoparia,syn. Kochia,Mock

Cypress,,,,,”Mainland Europe, except Greece, more in

Russia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Bassia,scoparia,syn. Kochia,Kochia ,,,,chlorsulfuron 1988

Canada Industrial , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Bassia,scoparia,syn. Kochia,Kochia ,,,,chlorsulfuron/met

1987 USA Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Bassia,scoparia,syn. Kochia,Kochia ,,,,atrazine 1982 USA

Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Bassia,scoparia,syn. Kochia,Kochia ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Bassia,scoparia,syn. Kochia,summer cypress,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Bassia,scoparia,syn. Kochia,Kochia,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Bassia,scoparia,syn. Kochia,kochia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bassia,scoparia,syn. Kochia,Kochia,,P,,Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Bassia,scoparia,syn. Kochia,Kochia + ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” *** Note: Does not apply to var.

trichophylla Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South

Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Movement prohibited on roads

(Secti”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Bassia,scoparia var. scoparia,syn. Kochia,,,,,Region of

origin - Eurasia; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - soil

conservation,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Beta,vulgaris,,Silver Beet,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Beta,vulgaris, ,Silver Beet,,,,”Dispersal: Water.

Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a negative

visual impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,8,11”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Beta,vulgaris, ,Sea Beet,,,,,”Southern Europe, S

Sweden, UK, Eire and NW Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Beta,vulgaris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Beta ,vulgaris,syn B. maritima; B. vulgaris var.

maritima,Sea beet,,,,”fields, roadsides”“Beta vulgaris is

the origin of some cultivated varieties of beetroot, sugar beet, and

mangold”““,”Medit, Eur, W Asia”,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Chenopodium,album,,”fat hen, common lambsquarters,

lambsquarters”,XXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Chenopodium,album, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Chenopodium,album, ,Fat Hen,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,atrazine 1973 Canada

Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,atrazine 1979 New

Zealand Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,atrazine 1979 USA

Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,”atrazine 1980

Belgium Corn, Roadsides “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,atrazine 1980

Germany Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,atrazine 1980 The

NetherlandsCorn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,”atrazine 1986

Czech Republic Corn, Sugarbeet”,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,atrazine 1987 Spain

Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,atrazine 1991 Poland

Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,atrazine 1995 Chile

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,atrazine 1995 Italy

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,atrazine 1996

Slovenia Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,metribuzin 1994

Norway Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,metribuzin 1989

Bulgaria Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,simazine 1989 United

Kingdom , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,triazines 1977

Switzerland Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,Lambsquarters ,,,,triazines 1978

France , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,album, ,lambsquaters,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Chenopodium,album,syn ,”White goosefoot, Common

lambsquarters”,,,,”fields, gardens, roadsides, waste placesThis

species was formerly cultivated as a bread plant because of its highly

nutritive seeds. High vit. C content & used as a salad plant & in

medicine”,Widespread weed of the Old World; introduced and

naturalised into the New World,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Chenopodium,album, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chenopodium,album, ,,,,,annual dominant weed barley &

wheat crops Weed in rich site , Upland Korea Upland Japan Hokkaido

Okayama ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Chenopodium,album, ,common lambsquarters,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chenopodium,ambrosioides,var. ambrosiodes to var.

anthelminicum (& intermediates),,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chenopodium,ambrosioides, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems

Web Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Chenopodium,ambrosioides,syn ,Wormseed,,,,”Nile and

canal banks, moist ground”“Used medicinally as a vermifuge,

antiasthmatic, diuretic, etc. Leaves are also used as a

condiment.”““,Naturalised from S Amer,”The Weed Flora

of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Chenopodium,ambrosioides, ,wormseed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chenopodium,ambrosioides, ,”Mexican tea, Indian

goosefoot, bitterweed, wormseed”,,,,Chenopodium ambrosioides is a

common annual (occasionally perennial) weed and infests 25 crops in over

65 countries.,originated in C & S Amer and is now found in over 60

temperate and tropical countries,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Chenopodium,ambrosioides, ,mexicantea,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chenopodium,berlandieri, ,,,,,”fresh seed dormant;

storage 3-5mths at 3C in moist sand/peat, or dry at room temp increased

germ; germ at 30C “,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Chenopodium,bontei, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chenopodium,bontei, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Chenopodium,bonus-henricus, ,Perennial goosefoot,,,,17% of

fresh seed; storing 3-5mths at 3C in moist peat gives high germ %; germ

at 30C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Chenopodium,bonus-henricus, ,perennial

goosefoot,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chenopodium,botrys, ,Jerusalemoak goosefoot,,,,poor germ

of fresh seed; storage 3-5mths in moist peat/sand at 3C gives high germ

%; dry storage only good germ % if stored over 2yrs; germ at constant 30C

with long photoperiods,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Chenopodium,botrys, ,Jerusalem Goosefoot,,,,,”Mainland

Europe, except, Denmark & Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Chenopodium,botrys, ,Jerusalem

Goosefoot,,,,,”Mainland Europe, except, Denmark &

Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chenopodium,botrys, ,jerusalemoak

goosefoot,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chenopodium,capitatum, ,blite goosefoot,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chenopodium,cristatum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Chenopodium,detestans,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chenopodium,detestans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chenopodium,fasciculosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chenopodium,fasciculosum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Chenopodium,ficifolium, ,,,,,”require high temps to

germ, 35-40C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Chenopodium,ficifolium, ,Fig leaved Goosefoot,,,,C.

serotinum,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chenopodium,ficifolium, ,Figleaved goosefoot,,,,atrazine

1980 Germany Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,ficifolium, ,Figleaved goosefoot,,,,triazines

1986 Switzerland Vegetables , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,ficifolium,syn ,,,,,”cultivated fields,

waste ground”,”Eur, Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Chenopodium,ficifolium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chenopodium,ficifolium, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Chenopodium,gigantospermum, ,,,,,35% germ alt. exposure to

light & alt. temp of 15-25C; seed stored on moist blotters at 3C for

1wk & germ in constant darkness at alt. temps of 20-30C gave 31%

germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Chenopodium,glaucum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chenopodium,glaucum, ,Oak leaf goosefoot,,,,75% of freshly

harvested seed; germ remained high in seed stored dry for 3-5mths at room

temp or 3C; germ at 30C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Chenopodium,glaucum, ,Oak leaved goosefoot,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chenopodium,glaucum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chenopodium,glaucum, ,oakleaf goosefoot,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chenopodium,hircinum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chenopodium,hircinum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Chenopodium,hybridum, ,Maple leaf goosefoot,,,,”poor

germ of fresh seed; 41% germ at 30C, when stored in moist peat/sand for

3-5mths at 3C for 1wk “,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Chenopodium,hybridum, ,Maple leaved Goosefoot,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chenopodium,hybridum, ,Maple leaved Goosefoot,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chenopodium,hybridum, ,mapleleaf

goosefoot,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chenopodium,leptophyllum, ,slimleaf

lambsquarters,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chenopodium,macrospermum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chenopodium,macrospermum, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Amer;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Chenopodium,macrospermum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chenopodium,melanocarpum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Chenopodium,multifidum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Chenopodium,multifidum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chenopodium,murale,,”sowbane, nettle-leaf goosefoot,

green fat hen”,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Chenopodium,murale, ,Nettle leaf goosefoot,,,,19% germ of

fresh seed; seed stored dry for 5mths-2yrs increases germ the longer

stored,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Chenopodium,murale, ,Nettle leaved Goosefoot,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chenopodium,murale,syn ,Nettle-leaved

goosefoot,,,,”fields, gardens, orchards, roadsides, irrigation

canals, waste ground.Plant leaves used as salad herb”,Widespread

cosmopolitan weed,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Chenopodium,murale, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chenopodium,murale, ,”nettleleaf goosefoot, nettle

leaved fathen “,,,,Chenopodium murale is a common annual herbaceous

weed of 25 crops in 57 countries and is frequently reported a principal

weed in wheat. It occurs over a wide range of latitudes (NZ to Sweden)

and altitudes (the coast of Lebanon to the Bolivian Andes). I,originated

in Eurasia ,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et.


Chenopodium,murale, ,nettleleaf goosefoot,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chenopodium,nitrariaceum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Chenopodium,opulifolium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Chenopodium,opulifolium, ,Grey Goosefoot,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chenopodium,paganum, ,Pigweed goosefoot,,,,fresh seed

dormant; storage 3-5mths in moist sand/peat at 3C; or dry storage for

over 2yrs high germ %; germ at 30C,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Chenopodium,paganum, ,pigweed goosefoot,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chenopodium,paniculatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chenopodium,paniculatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Chenopodium,polyspermum, ,Many seeded goosefoot,,,,fresh

seed dormant; storage 3-5mths in moist sand/peat at 3C or dry storage for

over 2yrs increased germ % at 30C,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Chenopodium,polyspermum, ,Many seeded Goosefoot,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chenopodium,polyspermum, ,Many seeded Goosefoot,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chenopodium,polyspermum, ,Manyseeded goosefoot,,,,atrazine

1988 Germany Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,polyspermum, ,Manyseeded

goosefoot,,,,triazines 1980 France ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,polyspermum, ,Manyseeded

goosefoot,,,,triazines 1982 Switzerland Corn ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,polyspermum, ,manyseeded goosefoot,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chenopodium,pratericola, ,narrowleaf

goosefoot,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chenopodium,pumilio,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chenopodium,rubrum, ,Red goosefoot,,,,”29% germ of

fresh seed; dry storage at room temp for 5mth 100% germ, at 30C

“,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Chenopodium,rubrum, ,Red Goosefoot,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Chenopodium,rubrum, ,Red Goosefoot,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Chenopodium,rubrum, ,red goosefoot,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chenopodium,schraderanum, Chenopodium foetidum,,,,,light

exposure increases germ %; germ % increased as proportion of red light

increased,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Chenopodium,strictum, ,,,,,28% germ of fresh seed; dry

storage for 5mths at 3C or room temp increases germ %; but higher germ %

in seed stored in moist peat at 3C for 3-5mths; dry stored for over 2yrs

high germ %; germ at 30C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Chenopodium,strictum, ,Late Flowering Goosefoot

,,,,glaucophyllum , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,strictum, ,Late Flowering Goosefoot

,,,,atrazine 1976 Canada Cropland ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,strictum, ,Late Flowering Goosefoot

,,,,”atrazine 1989 Czech Republic Corn, Sugarbeet”,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Chenopodium,suecicum, ,,,,,C. viride,”North &

Eastern Europe inc Scandinavia, UK, Eire”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Chenopodium,suecicum, ,,,,,C. viride,”North &

Eastern Europe inc Scandinavia, UK, Eire”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Chenopodium,urbicum, ,City goosefoot,,,,33% germ of fresh

seed; dry stored seed at room temp for 2yrs germ 97% at 30C,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Chenopodium,urbicum, ,Upright Goosefoot,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chenopodium,urbicum, ,Upright Goosefoot,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chenopodium,urbicum, ,city goosefoot,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chenopodium,vulvaria,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chenopodium,vulvaria, ,Stinking Goosefoot,,,,,”All

Europe, except, Eire, Norway & Northern Sweden”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Chenopodium,vulvaria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chenopodium ,album, ,Common lambs quarters,,,,”very

long dormancy period- more than 3yrs; broken by KNO3 treatment, washing,

sulphuric acid treatment, or breaking seed coat; will germ under wide

range of conditions once dormancy broken”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Chenopodium ,ambrosioides, ,Mexican tea,,,,”storing

seed in moist sand/peat at 3C for 3,4,or 5 mths increases germ; dry

storage at room temp for 5mths -2yrs, longer the higher the

germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Chenopodium ,aristatum, ,,,,,92% germ of seed in darkness

at 24.5C with 8hr light,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Cnenopodium,mruale, ,Sowbane,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,4,8,9,12”,”Eur, Am, In Victoria: Widespread, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Corispermum,hyssopifolium, ,Hyssop leaf

tickseed,,,,”prechilling of moist seed at 3C for 1-3wks, then alt.

temp 20-30C in dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Corispermum,hyssopifolium, ,hyssopleaf

tickseed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Corispermum,marginale, ,,,,,”seeds, planted in field

in late autumn of year collected, germ from mid-spring”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Corispermum,marschallii, ,,,,,,Eastern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Corispermum,marschallii, ,,,,,,Eastern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Corispermum,nitidum, ,,,,,,Eastern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Corispermum,nitidum, ,,,,,,Eastern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Corispermum,villosum, ,,,,,germ % increased by exposing

moist seeds to winter temps,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Cycloloma,atriplicifolium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cycloloma,atriplicifolium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cycloloma,atriplicifolium, ,winged

pigweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Grayia,spinosa, ,,,,,58% germ with alt. temp of 20-30C in

dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Halogeton,glomeratus, ,Halogeton ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Halogeton,glomeratus, ,Halogeton ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Halogeton,glomeratus, ,Halogeton,,,,”2 kinds of seed;

brown seed produced 1st, black seed; 95-99% germ of black seed on moist

filter paper, within 9-10hrs; brown seed dormant, but excised embryos

germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Halogeton,glomeratus, ,Halogeton ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Halogeton,glomeratus, ,halogeton,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Halogeton,glomeratus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Kochia,scoparia,,kochia ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Monolepis,nuttalliana, ,Monolepis,,,,”seeds planted

in field in the autumn of year of collection; 4% germ in following

season, most germ by spring, but some germ occurred throughout the

growing season; seeds of original planting continued to germ throughout

the 5yrs of study”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Monolepis,nuttalliana, ,monolepis,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Monolepis,spathulata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Monolepis,spathulata, ,,,,,Region of origin - N Amer;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Monolepis,spathulata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polycnemum,arvense, ,,,,,,”Mainland Europe, except

Denmark”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polycnemum,arvense, ,,,,,,”Mainland Europe, except

Denmark”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polycnemum,majus, ,,,,,,”Mainland Europe, except

Denmark”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polycnemum,majus, ,,,,,,”Mainland Europe, except

Denmark”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Rhagodia,spinescens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Salsola,australis, ,Common Russianthistle

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Salsola,collina, ,spineless Russian thistle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Salsola,iberica, ,Russian Thistle,,,,chlorsulfuron 1987

USA Wheat , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Salsola,iberica, ,Russian thistle ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Salsola,iberica, ,Russian thistle,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Salsola,kali,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Salsola,kali,” var. tenuifolia Salsola kali, Salsola

pestifer”,Russian thistle,,,,”seed tested within 1yr of harvest

44% germ with alt. light/dark at alt. 20-30C & 34% in dark, 15C with

alt. light/dark gern 12%, 20C in dark 10% germ; no germ of fresh seed but

with embryo excised, germ within 3days”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Salsola,kali, ,Prickly Saltwort,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Salsola,kali, ,Russian tumbleweed,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, disturbed sites, riverbanks, riverbeds, in dry

or somewhat saline areas”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Salsola,kali, ,Russian tumbleweed,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, disturbed sites, riverbanks, riverbeds, in dry

or somewhat saline areas”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Salsola,kali, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salsola,kali, ,”buckbush, prickly saltwort, soft

roly-poly, Russian thistle, Russian tumbleweed, saltwort, Russian cactus,

tartor thistle”,,,,”Salsola kali, with the oft-used name

tumbleweed, or Russian thistle, is one of our most interesting weeds.

When mature, it may roll and tumble for hours as it spreads seeds in its

path over flat or hilly country. It is a weed of more than 30 crops in 40

“,”Eur, Mediterranean Sea, C Asia, N & C Amer, Canada,

Soviet Union, Australia, Afghanistan, Argentina, S Afr,

Mexico”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et.


Salsola,kali, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Salsola,kali var. tenuifolia, ,Russian

thistle,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salsola,paulsenii, ,Barbwire Russianthistle

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Salsola,soda, ,Glasswort ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in California.

This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Salsola,soda, ,,,,,,Southern & Eastern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Salsola,soda, ,,,,,,Southern & Eastern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Salsola,vermiculata,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Salsola,vermiculata, ,Wormleaf Salsola

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Sarcobatus,vermiculatus, ,greasewood,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sclerolaena,bicornis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sclerolaena,birchii,”Anisacantha birchii, Bassia

birchii”,”galvanised burr, blue burr, galvanised roly poly,

Hermidale lucerne, Woolerino burr”,,LP,NSW; SA,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Sclerolaena,birchii,” Anisacantha birchii, Bassia

birchii”,”galvanised burr, blue burr, galvanised roly poly,

Hermidale lucerne, Woolerino burr”,,,,”competes with useful

pasture species & because of its spines, discourages grazing &

hinders stock movement; as a pioneer plant it performs a useful function,

preventing complete denudation & soil erosion of over grazed areas,

acts as a colonising agent, t”,”native of semi-arid poplar box

& cypress pine, shrub woodlands of Qld & NSW, fluctuate widely

under the influence of seasonal conditions & land

use”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Sclerolaena,birchii, ,Galvanised burr + N ,,,,”


* Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,,”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Sclerolaena,birchii, ,galvanised burr,,,,,,Weed Science


Sclerolaena,birchii, ,galvanised burr,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Sclerolaena,calcarata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sclerolaena,muricata,”Anisacantha muricata, Bassia

quinquecuspis”,”five-spined saltbush, black roly poly, electric

burr, five-spined bassia, prickly roly poly, spiny roly

poly”,,LP,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sclerolaena,muricata,” Anisacantha muricata, Bassia

quinquecuspis”,”five-spined saltbush, black roly poly, electric

burr, five-spined bassia, prickly roly poly, spiny roly poly”,,,,has

spread rapidly forming dense patches due to overgrazing of the semi-arid

areas of Aust; its now considered a weed because it occupies pasture

space & is grazed by sheep only when plants are very young; may be

toxic to grazing animals due to high level,”native to semi-arid

eastern Aust, it replaces more palatable plants when areas are overgrazed

or weakened by drought, flooding or trampling”,”Noxious Weeds

of Australia, P & C”

Sclerolaena,muricata, ,five-spined saltbush,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Sclerolaena,muricata, ,five-spined saltbush,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Spinacia,oleracea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Suaeda,aegyptiaca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Suaeda,aegyptyaca,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Suaeda,baccifera,,Annual Seablite,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Suaeda,baccifera, ,Annual Seablite,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

11”,”Euras, In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Suaeda,baccifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Suaeda,fruticosa, ,Alkali seepweed,,,,”vegetative

propagation by branches covered with shingle; low germ of seed, after

1mth 25% germ in water & 8% in 0.5% NaCl soln”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Suaeda,fruticosa, ,alkali seepweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Suaeda,linifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Suaeda,maritima,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Suaeda,maritima, Chenopodina maritima,,,,,viability is low

& dec. with high conc. of NaCl; after 1mth only 8% germ in tap water

& 0% in higher salinities; no germ of seeds even with testa broken

after 12wks in water; 87% germ when placed in germinator & exposed to

temps prevailing outdoors,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Suckleya,suckleyana, ,poison suckleya,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Caulerpa,taxifolia,,algae,,,,Initial list of

Invasive weeds nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List,

Nominated Worst Invasive Weeds”


PlantThis invasive clone was apparently introduced into the Mediterranean

Seafrom the Monaco Aquarium in 1984. It covered roughly one square yard

in1984, spread to over 2 acres by 1989, and now covers over 10,000

acresextending from the shore to”, Exceptions Noted in Comments on

Taxa sectionMediterranean Sea,Western Australian Prohibited List



Australian Prohibited List

Cladophora,spp. ,algae,cladophora,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of

Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS

14: 1966

Pithophora ,pithophora,

,algae,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Hydrodictyon,reticulatum,,algae,,,, ,

Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia


,algae,hydrodictyon,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of

Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS

14: 1966


Aphanocapsa,spp. , ,a blue green

algae,,,,vegetative propagation of terminal sections,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes


Microcystis,toxica,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Microcystis,toxica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Microcystis,toxica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited



Arnoseris,minima, ,Lamb's Succory,,,,,”All Europe, N

Amer, Aust & NZ”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Arnoseris,minima,Compositae ,Lamb's Succory,,,,,”All

Europe, N Amer, Aust & NZ”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Cichorium,endivia, ,Endive,,,,,Medit Region,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Lapsana,communis, ,Nipplewort,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Reichardia,intermedia, ,,,,,Picridium intermedium,Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Reichardia,intermedia,Compositae ,,,,,Picridium

intermedium,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Reichardia,picroides, ,,,,,”Picridium vulgare, R.

macrophylla”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Reichardia,picroides,Compositae ,,,,,”Picridium

vulgare, R. macrophylla”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Reichardia,tingitana, ,,,,,Picridium tingitanum,”Spain,

Portugal, Italy & Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Rhagadiolus,stellatus, ,,,,,R. edulis,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Rhagadiolus,stellatus,Compositae ,,,,,R. edulis,Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Urospermum,dalechampii, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Urospermum,dalechampii,Compositae ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Urospermum,picroides, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”


Cistus,ladanifer, ,Gum Citrus ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cistus,psilosepalus,,Rock Rose,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cistus,psilosepalus, ,Rock Rose,,,,”Dispersal: Water. Life

Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: SW Eur and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cistus,psilosepalus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cistus,sp.,,Rock Rose,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cistus,sp., ,Rock Rose,,,,Dispersal: ?. Life Form: Small to

medium shrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”Introduced

deliberately from: Med and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or

localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Tuberaria,guttata,Helianthemum guttatum,,,,,”seed germ on

moist sand in closed dishes in lab, some germ within few days of sowing

& other hard seeds germ long after sowing; hard seeds scarified with

fine sandpaper germ inc. after sowing”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes


Gyandropsis,gynandra,syn Cleome gynandra; Gyandropsis

pentaphylla,Spider flower,,,,”fields, orchards, gardens, waste

groundLeaves are edible as a green vegetable”,”Afr, Asia;

introduced into New World”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa


Hypericum,androsaemum,,”tutsan, sweet

amber”,HAX,NLP,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hypericum,androsaemum, ,Tutsan,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,animal external,.Water. Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK:

Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 6,7,8,13,14”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur,N Af,W As, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Hypericum,androsaemum, ,”tutsan, sweet

amber”,,,,”introd as an ornamental sp. because of its

attractive reddish foliage & bright yellow flowers; in Vic it grows

densely in the Otway Ranges, the South Gippsland Hills, Dandenong Ranges

& in the NE, particularly near Mansfield; in Tas, there are odd

patches”,”native to W & E Eur, Asia Minor, & N Afr, not

widely estab. throughout the world & is considered weedy only in Vic,

NSW, & in NZ it grows on both islands & is viewed as a weed on

relatively poor pasture country in several areas”,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Hypericum,androsaemum, ,Tutsan,,,,,,Weed Science List


,Tutsan,,P,,”IDENTIFICATIONEvergreen/semi-evergreen shrub or

subshrub to 1.5 m tall. Oval leaves, usually opposite, without a stalk,

to 10 cm. Terminalflower bunches, pale yellow, Nov-Feb. Round fruit, to 1

cm, red becoming black. IMPACT TO BIOTA AND

ECOSYSTEMSCap”,”HABITATSRocky and open streams, coastal areas

and inshore islands, shrublands, rocklands, gumlands, steepland forest

and mobileslopes, coastal forest in light gaps, roadsides, gravel pits,

exotic plantations, rough pasture. Fairly common on

roadsides,b”,Western Australian Prohibited List

Hypericum,calycinum,,Large-fl. St Johns Wort,H,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hypericum,calycinum, ,Large-fl. St Johns

Wort,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal external,?Water,?Wind. Life Form: Small

to medium shrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: ?”,”Introduced

deliberately from: SE Eur,W As and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Hypericum,erectum, ,,,,,46% germ at 23C with 18 reps of 10 000

lux . lmin irradiations at 6hr intervals but a single irradiation of more

than 2days required to obtain same germ,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Hypericum,grandifolium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hypericum,grandifolium, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Madeira,

Canary Is.; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Hypericum,humifusum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hypericum,humifusum, ,,,,,,”UK, Eire, S Sweden, Central

& Western Europe “,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Hypericum,humifusum,Guttiferae ,,,,,,”UK, Eire, S Sweden,

Central & Western Europe “,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Hypericum,japonicum,”syn Hypericum chinense, Hypericum

mutilum, Sarothra japonica”,,,,,”wet or marshy sites; ditches,

stream banks to dry places, roadsides & roadbanks, terrace banks,

sunny places; 0-3400m alt; sometimes abundant; upland rice fields, a weed

of minor importance, as the plants are very weak & have superficial

roots, “,”Asia, from Japan, S Korea & SE China to Ceylon;

Aust, NZ, Hawaii; throughout Malesia & Indonesia, except the Moluccas

& Lesser Sunda Islands, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Hypericum,linarifolium, ,,,,,seeds germ readily in lab in

6-8days; under lab conditions remain viable for 2yrs,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Hypericum,perforatum, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Hypericum,perforatum,,"Common Name(s): St. John's Wort, Rosin rose, Tipton-weed","Avail nurseries, Usage : Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : May poison livestock, introduced 1793 ""Perennial, 3-8 dm high, flowers numerous, yellow with black dots on margin, very leafy, opposite, simple, broad, less than 1 cm long leaves, r","Europe. Habitat: Meadows, forest openings, agricultural areas"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Hypericum,perforatum,,St. Johnswort common ,CLASS C WEED: Class C weeds are noxious weeds that are common throughout most of Washington. The following Class C weeds have been selected by the County Weed Board as priority weeds in King County and control is mandatory.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Hypericum,perforatum,var. angustifolium and probably other

varieties,”St John's wort, goatweed, klamath weed, perfoliate St

John's wort”,HXAXH,NL,WA; Vic; ACT; Tas; NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hypericum,perforatum, ,Klamathweed ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Hypericum,perforatum, ,St Johns Wort,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,W As, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Hypericum,perforatum, ,St. John's wort,,,,92% at 18-20C or

alt. 20-30C in light on distilled water moistened filter paper after

7days,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Hypericum,perforatum, ,Perforate St. John's Wort,,,,”H.

noeanum, H. veronense”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Hypericum,perforatum, ,”St John's wort, goatweed, Klamath

weed, perfoliate St John's wort”,,,,,”has been recorded in all

States except NT, only occurrence in Qld, on the E Darling Downs is

believed to have been eradicated; most heavily infested areas now are on

the C & S Tablelands & Slopes of NSW & in NE Vic; it is

estimated to infest over 188 000h”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia,

P & C”

Hypericum,perforatum, ,St. John's wort ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Hypericum,perforatum, ,common St. John's wort,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Hypericum,perforatum, ,St John's wort,,,,”Declared Weed.

Biocontrol: effective agents available Woody SpeciesInvades: mountain and

lowland fynbos, old lands, orchardsCultivated for: “,”Origin:

Europe, Asia & N Afr”,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Hypericum,perforatum, ,St John's wort,,,,”Declared Weed.

Biocontrol: effective agents available Woody SpeciesInvades: mountain and

lowland fynbos, old lands, orchardsCultivated for: “,”Origin:

Europe, Asia & N Afr”,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Hypericum,perforatum, ,St John's wort,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Hypericum,perforatum, ,St. Johnswort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hypericum,perforatum, ,”St John's wort, Klamathweed,

goatweed”,,P,,”Declared spp. under ARRPAUses for

taxon:Materials: essential oils, lipids (for cosmetics fide Ency CNatIn)

Medicines: folklore, potential as antiviral or antidepressive

(fidePhytomedicine 2:67-71. 1995; Ency CNatIn) Vertebrate poisons:

mamm”,”Algeria [north]; Tunisia; Morocco; widely introd. &

natzd.; Spain [incl.Baleares, Canary Islands]; Portugal [incl. Azores,

Madeira]; Greece[incl. Crete]; Italy [incl. Sardinia, Sicily]; France

[incl. Corsica]; Switzerland; Austria; Hungary; Yugoslavia;

N”,Western Australian Prohibited List

Hypericum,punctatum, ,spotted St. Johnswort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hypericum,quadrangulum, ,,,,,seeds placed in germinator soon

after harvest exposed to temps similiar to those prevailing outdoors; 00%

germ ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Hypericum,tetrapterum,,”St Peter's wort, square stemmed

hypericum, square stemmed St John's wort, winged St John's

wort”,X,LP,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hypericum,tetrapterum, ,Sq.-stem St Johns Wort,,,,Dispersal:

animal external.Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 8,”Eur,W As,N Af, In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Hypericum,tetrapterum, ,”St Peter's wort, square stemmed

hypericum, square stemmed St John's wort, winged St John's

wort”,,,,”1st recorded in Vic in 1920, but its potential as a

weed was not recognised until 1965; it occured along the Woori Yallock

Creek in the Dandenong Ranges to the E of Melbourne, but in now known to

exist along several other creeks in the area; generally

con”,”native of Eur, W Asia, & N Afr, does not occur as a

weed anywhere ex Vic & NZ, in both cases it is restricted to swampy

areas & low-lying pastures”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Hypericum,tetrapterum, ,St Peter's wort,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hypericum,tetrapterum, ,St Peter's wort,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Hypericum,triquetrifolium,Hypericum crispum,”tangled

hypericum, curled-leafed St John's wort, wavyleaf St John's wort”,X,LP,Vic,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hypericum,triquetrifolium, Hypericum crispum,”tangled

hypericum, curled-leafed St John's wort, wavyleaf St John's

wort”,,,,possibly poisonous to stock & may cause

photosensitisation similar to St. John's wort; very competitive &

where estab. in Vic it has eliminated most other

vegetation,”originated in E Eur & the Medit region & is

considered a weed of orchards, vineyards & field crops in part of

this range, in Tunisia, Lebanon, Turkey & Greece; apart from these

countries it is regarded as weedy only in Vicoccurs as a single patch of

abou”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Hypericum,triquetrifolium, ,tangled hypericum,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Hypericum,triquetrifolium, ,tangled hypericum,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Hypericum,x inodorum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hypericum,x inodorum,= H. androsaemum x H.

hircinum,Tutsan,,P,,”Upright bushy shrub, deciduous or evergreen”,North

west Spain to North west Italy and Corsicawidely naturalised including

North Island New Zealand,Western Australian Prohibited List

Hypericum,X moserianum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hypericum ,perforatum,,”goatweed, St John's

wort”,,,,WATCH LISTMay be a problem elsewhere; more information

needed.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee


Cobaea,scandens,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious



Baeometra,uniflora,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Baeometra,uniflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gloriosa,superba,,”glory lily, climbing

lily”,HXw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gloriosa,superba, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Afr, Asia;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental”,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Gloriosa,superba, ,Glory Lily ,,,,Major

WeedVINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Gloriosa,superba, ,Glory Lily ,,,,Major WeedGround

Covers.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,



Combretum,apiculatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Combretum,apiculatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Combretum,hereroense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Combretum,hereroense, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Combretum,paniculatum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Quisqualis,indica,,Rangoon creeper,S,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Quisqualis,indica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Terminalia,catappa, ,India almond,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Terminalia,catappa,,tropical almond,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council


Aneilema,japonica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aneilema,japonica, ,,,,,annual dominance ,,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Aneilema,japonica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Aneilema,keisak, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aneilema,keisak, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Callisia,fragrans,,fragrant inch plant,S,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Callisia,fragrans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Callisia,fragrans,,”inch plant,

spironema”,,,,”Catergory II - Species that shown a potential to

disrupt native plant communities. These species may become ranked as

Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated disruption of natural Florida

communities. “,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Callisia,repens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Commelina,africana,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Commelina,africana, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent

of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Commelina,africana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Commelina,africana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Commelina,benghalensis,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Commelina,benghalensis, ,”dayflower, hairy wandering

jew”,,,,”Malaysia-Indonesia, vegetables, field crops”,

Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Papua New Guinea; American

Samoa Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Commelina,benghalensis,,”dayflower, hairy wandering

jew, jio”,X,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Commelina,benghalensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Commelina,benghalensis,syn ,,,,,”in places less moist

than those preferred by Commelina diffusa, in sunny or lightly shaded

waste places, roadsides, between stones, always in fertile soils rich in

humus; it can persist also in sandy or rocky soils & will grow

rapidly when the rains start”,”trop Asia, pantropical &

subtropical”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Commelina,benghalensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Commelina,coelestis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Commelina,communis, ,Day flower,,,,increased germ % with

low temp treatment,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Commelina,communis, ,,,,,annual sub-dominance ,Shimane

Upland Korea Upland Japan Miyagi ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Commelina,communis, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Commelina,communis, ,dayflower,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Commelina,diffusa, ,”spreading dayflower,

commelina”,,,,”tropical America, vegetables, fruit

trees”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Niue; Papua New

Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga,”“Weeds

of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Commelina,diffusa, ,Spreading Dayflower,,,,”2,4-D 1957

USA Sugarcane “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds.

Ian Heap

Commelina,diffusa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Commelina,diffusa,syn Commelina nudiflora,,,,,”is more

common than Commelina benghalensis; humic or clayey soils, continuously

damp for at least part of the year; principal weed in banana plantations

in C Amer; there seems to be a relationship between soil pH &

distribution; in sunny or lightly shade”,”Asia, pantropical,

also subtropical”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Commelina,diffusa, ,spreading dayflower,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Commelina,diffusa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Commelina,elegans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Commelina,elegans, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Commelina,gerrardii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Commelina,gerrardii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Commelina,kotschyi, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Commelina,kotschyi, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Commelina,latifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Commelina,latifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Commelina,longicaulis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Commelina,longicaulis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Commelina,salicifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Commelina,salicifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Commelina,subulata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Commelina,subulata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cyanotis,axillaris, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Cyanotis,axillaris,syn ,,,,,”humid meadows, shallow

ditches & borders, humid parts of teak forest, old brickwalls; more

common in areas with a longer dry season; occurs from 10-250m alt;

flowers from Jul-Dec in Java; flowers open only once for a few hours; gogo

rancah rice fields, a “,”Asia, pantropical”,”Weeds of

Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyanotis,cristata,syn ,,,,,”prefers a long dry spell,

but occurs also in areas with a weak dry season; usually on stony or

hard, rather shaded places, like roadsides, old walls, rocks, terrace

walls, lawns, gardens & tree boles; occurs from 10-250m alt. but in

Java from 0-1000m alt;”,”Asia, pantropical”,”Weeds of

Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyanotis,papilionaceae, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyanotis,papilionaceae, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cyanotis,villosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyanotis,villosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Dichorisandra,thyrsiflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Dichorisandra,thyrsiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Floscopa,palustris, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Murdannia,blumei,”syn Aneilema blumei, Aneilema

hamiltonianum”,,,,,”humid & marshy sites, in ditches &

shallow pools; from 0-750m alt; flowers open only for a few hours, then

wilt; rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

Commelinaceae”,”SE Asia, Java”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Murdannia,keisak,,, Peidmont and mountains & valleys in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Murdannia,keisak,,Asian spiderwort,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Murdannia,nudiflora,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Murdannia,nudiflora, ,,,,, , ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Murdannia,spirata,syn Aneilema spiratum,,,,,”along

water edges, along & in shallow drains, lawns & other wet sunny

sites; locally abundant; in W & C Java 15-1370m alt; flowers open

during late forenoon & early afternoon; rainfed & upland rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, inW Java consumed as “,”SE

Asia, India, W Malesia, Java”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Rhoeo,spathacea,= Tradescantia spathacea,”boat lily,

oyster plant”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Rhoeo,spathacea, = Tradescantia spathacea,oyster

plant,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are invading and disrupting

native plant communities in Florida. This definition does not rely on the

economic severity or geographical range of the problem, but on the

documented ecological damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Tradescantia,albiflora,T. fluminensis,wandering

jew,HXHXXXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tradescantia,albiflora, ,Wandering Jew,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative/Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5,6,7,8,13,14”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Am and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Tradescantia,albiflora, ,Wandering Creeper ,,,,Major

WeedGROUNDCOVERS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John

Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Tradescantia,albiflora, ,Wandering Creeper ,,,,Major

WeedGround Covers.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Tradescantia,albiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tradescantia,crassifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tradescantia,crassifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Tradescantia,fluminensis, ,white flowered wandering

jew,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Tradescantia,fluminensis,,white-flowered wandering

jew,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are invading and disrupting

native plant communities in Florida. This definition does not rely on the

economic severity or geographical range of the problem, but on the

documented ecological damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Tradescantia,spathacea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tradescantia,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Tradescantia,zebrina,Zebrina pendula,”inch plant,

wandering jew”,w,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tradescantia,zebrina, ,Striped Wandering Creeper,,,,Ground

Covers.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Zebrina,pendula, ,Striped Wandering Creeper

,,,,GROUNDCOVERS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John

Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Zebrina,pendula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Polygonatum,biflorum, ,,,,,32% germ in dark at 20-25C

during period of 9-14days & 13% in diffuse light during 9-146

days,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes


Argyreia,nervosa,,elephant creeper,E,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Argyreia,nervosa, ,elephant creeper,,P,,”dispersed by

bower birds, pers comm, Waterhouse, B”,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Calonyction,muricatum, ,small moonflower,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Calystegia,hederacea, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Calystegia,japonica, ,,,,,perennial sub-dominance , Upland

Korea Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Calystegia,sepium, ,Hedge Bindweed,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Calystegia,silvatica,,greater bindweed,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Calystegia,silvatica, ,Greater

Bindweed,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Vine. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 6,8,9,”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Eur,

In Victoria: Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Calystegia,silvatica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Convolvulus,aegyptius, ,hairy

morningglory,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Convolvulus,althaeoides, ,Mallow Leaved

Bindweed,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Convolvulus,althaeoides, ,Mallow Leaved Bindweed,,,,,Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Convolvulus,althaeoides,syn ,,,,,”widespread weed

within coastal Medit. region in barley fields, olive & fig orchards,

& along roadsides.”,Medit.,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos,

L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Convolvulus,arvensis,,bindweed field ,"WEED OF CONCERN: Control and containment of existing populations of these noxious weeds is strongly encouraged in King County, Washington State.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Convolvulus,arvense, ,Field bindweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Convolvulus,arvensis,,”field bindweed, bindweed,

cornbine, European bindweed, field morning glory, lesser bindweed,

morning glory, small-flowered morning glory, wild morning

glory”,XXXX,NL,Vic; SA; WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Convolvulus,arvensis, ,Field Bindweed ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Convolvulus,arvensis, ,Field bindweed,,,,”germ on

moistened filter paper in petri dishes at 20 (16hrs)-30C(8hrs); seeds

hard at end of 5 day period, placed in conc. sulfuric acid 1 hr, rinsed

30min in running water then return to filter paper at 20-30C for

7days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Convolvulus,arvensis, ,Field Bindweed,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Convolvulus,arvensis, ,Field bindweed,,,,”2,4-D 1964

USA “, heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Convolvulus,arvensis, ,”field bindweed, bindweed,

cornbine, European bindweed, field morning glory, lesser bindweed,

morning glory, small-flowered morning glory, wild morning

glory”,,,,”occurs in all Aust States except the NT; it is well

estab. throughout NSW, causing problems in summer crops on the C & N

Western Slopes; it is of very local imprt in Vic & in SA occurs

mainly in town areas, vineyards, orchards & horticultural crops;

wides”,”native of Eur, Asia & N Afr, has spread to most

temp areas & is regarded as one of the most imprt weeds of the world;

considered a significant weed of 32 crops in 44 countries, including some

within its native range; introd to N Amer, now a major weed of

“,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Convolvulus,arvensis, ,bindweed,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Convolvulus,arvensis, ,Field bindweed * ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies) Roadside control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section

60 applies) Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Convolvulus,arvensis,syn ,Lesser bindweed,,,,”one of

the most widespread and persistent weeds in fields, gardens, roadsides,

hedges, orchards, waste grounds etc.In folk medicine the plant is used as

a febrifuge & is one of the best purgatives. Leaves used externally

as a vulnerary”,”cosmopolitan, especially in subtrop. to temp.

regions”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Convolvulus,arvensis, ,”field bindweed,

bindweed”,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Convolvulus,arvensis, ,field bindweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Convolvulus,arvensis, ,”field bindweed,

bindweed”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Convolvulus,sepium, ,Hedge bindweed,,,,”germ on

moistened filter paper in petri dishes at 20 (16hrs)-30C(8hrs); seeds

hard at end of 5 day period, placed in conc. sulfuric acid 1 hr, rinsed

30min in running water then return to filter paper at 20-30C for

7days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Convolvulus,sepium, ,hedge bindweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Convolvulus,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Convolvulus,tricolor,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Convolvulus,tricolor, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Convolvulus,tricolor, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Convolvulus,tricolor, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cuscuta,americana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,americana, ,,,P,,All Cuscuta spp. are banned by

AQIS except C. campestris and C. australis,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cuscuta,approximata, var. ureolata ,,,,,”prechilling

of moist seed at 3C for 2-3wks, then treat with conc. sulfuric acid

5-15min; germ at 60F”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Cuscuta,approximata, ,Clustered dodder ,,,,PRELIMINARY

LIST OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Cuscuta,approximata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,approximata, ,,,P,,All Cuscuta spp. are banned by

AQIS except C. campestris and C. australis,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cuscuta,campestris, ,Golden Dodder,,,,Dispersal: Water.

Life Form: Perennial herba(Annual). RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,”Am, In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cuscuta,campestris,,golden dodder,XX,L,WA;

NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cuscuta,campestris, ,Field dodder,,,,”65% within 4

days with treat of conc. sulfuric acid 80min, then germ at 60

F”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cuscuta,campestris, ,Field dodder,,,,sulfonylureas 1994

Israel Forest , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Cuscuta,campestris, ,common dodder,,,,”Declared

WeedHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: a wide range of habitats, particularly

riverbanks and other moist sites.”,Origin: N & S Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cuscuta,campestris, ,common dodder,,,,”Declared

WeedHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: a wide range of habitats, particularly

riverbanks and other moist sites.”,Origin: N & S Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cuscuta,campestris, ,Golden dodder N ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Cuscuta,campestris, ,Golden dodder,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,campestris, ,”dodder, field dodder, angel's

hair, common dodder, strangle vine”,,,,Cuscuta campestris is one of

the most widely distributed in man's crops and is one of the most

troublesome. ,Chile and Argentina to Canada in the Americas and from the

Cape of Good Hope almost to the Arctic in the Old World.,WORLD WEEDS

Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Cuscuta,campestris, ,field dodder,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cuscuta,campestris, ,Golden dodder,,P,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cuscuta,cephalanthi, ,,,,,seed dry stored 3-4mths or

13mths treated with conc. sulfuric acid 15-75min good germ,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cuscuta,coryli, ,hazel dodder,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cuscuta,epilinum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,epilinum, ,flax dodder,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cuscuta,epilinum, ,,,P,,All Cuscuta spp. are banned by

AQIS except C. campestris and C. australis,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cuscuta,epithymum,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cuscuta,epithymum, ,Clover dodder ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Cuscuta,epithymum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,epithymum, ,”cuscuta, European dodder, clover

dodder, “,,,,Cuscuta epithymum is one of the most widely distributed

weeds in man's crops.,Chile and Argentina to Canada in the Americas and

from the Cape of Good Hope almost to the Arctic in the Old World.,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Cuscuta,epithymum, ,,,,,,,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories

& Distribution - Holm et. al.

Cuscuta,epithymum, ,clover dodder,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cuscuta,europaea, ,,,,,seeds germ readily at 27C after

being stored immediately after harvest for 3mths in moist peat at

0C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cuscuta,glomerata, ,composite dodder,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cuscuta,gronovii, ,Swamp dodder,,,,”good germ of seed

dry stored at room temp for 2-4yrs, then treated with conc. sulfuric acid

for 30min”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Cuscuta,gronovii, ,swamp dodder,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cuscuta,indecora, ,Large seed dodder,,,,”treat 30min

with conc. sulfuric acid, then germ at 60F, untreated seed no

germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Cuscuta,indecora, ,Large seeded dodder N # ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”, Roadside control cost to be

met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies) Movement prohibited on

roads (Section 52(2) applies) Entry into South Australia prohibited

(Sectio,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Cuscuta,indecora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,indecora, ,largeseed dodder,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cuscuta,indecora, ,,,P,,All Cuscuta spp. are banned by

AQIS except C. campestris and C. australis,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cuscuta,lupuliformis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,lupuliformis, ,,,P,,All Cuscuta spp. are banned by

AQIS except C. campestris and C. australis,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cuscuta,maroccana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,maroccana, ,,,P,,All Cuscuta spp. are banned by

AQIS except C. campestris and C. australis,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cuscuta,monogyna, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,monogyna, ,,,P,,All Cuscuta spp. are banned by

AQIS except C. campestris and C. australis,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cuscuta,occidentalis, Cuscuta californica,,,,,60% germ of

49 yr old seed after treating for 10min with conc. sulfuric acid

,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cuscuta,palaestina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,palaestina, ,,,P,,All Cuscuta spp. are banned by

AQIS except C. campestris and C. australis,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cuscuta,pedicellata,syn C. arabica,Clover

dodder,,,,”fields, roadsides; a well-known parasite on clover &

other spontaneous plants”,”Medit, Eur, W Asia”,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Cuscuta,pentagona, Cuscuta arvensis,,,,,20% germ of 51 yr

old seed after treating with conc. sulfuric acid for 50min; light has

benefical effect on germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Cuscuta,pentagona, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,pentagona, ,,,P,,All Cuscuta spp. are banned by

AQIS except C. campestris and C. australis,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cuscuta,planiflora,,Dodder,Xw,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cuscuta,planiflora, ,,,,,Region of origin - Medit; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - seed contaminant probably,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Cuscuta,planiflora, ,Dodder,,,,”Dispersal: ?. Life

Form: Perennial herba(Annual). RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,9,11”,”Med, In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cuscuta,planiflora, ,Red dodder N ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Cuscuta,planiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,planiflora, ,smallseed dodder,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cuscuta,polygonorum, ,polygonum dodder,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cuscuta,racemosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cuscuta,racemosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,racemosa var. chiliana, ,Chilean

dodder,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cuscuta,reflexa, ,Giant Dodder ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cuscuta,reflexa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,reflexa, ,,,P,,All Cuscuta spp. are banned by AQIS

except C. campestris and C. australis,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cuscuta,sandwichiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,sandwichiana, ,Sandwich dodder,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cuscuta,sandwichiana, ,,,P,,All Cuscuta spp. are banned by

AQIS except C. campestris and C. australis,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cuscuta,spp, ,Dodder ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cuscuta,spp.,,”dodder, beggar vine, love vine,

strangleweed”,,L,Vic; SA; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cuscuta,spp., ,”dodder, beggar vine, love vine,

strangleweed”,,,,”dodders have a wide range of host plants

including a number of weeds; in Aust C.campestris has been recorded on

more than 80 hosts, the most common of which are smartweeds, Polygonum

sp, & burrs, Xanthium spp; of commerical crops it has been noted on

luce”,”although some species of dodder are native to Afr, Aust,

NZ, Asia & Eur most originate in the Americas from Canada to Arg; C.

campestris is native of both the E & W coasts of the USA, the West

Indies & S Amer; of all dodders, C. campestris is probably

the”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cuscuta,spp., ,,,P,,All Cuscuta spp. are banned by AQIS

except C. campestris and C. australis,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cuscuta,suaveolens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cuscuta,suaveolens, ,,,,,30yr old seed germ by treating

with conc. sulfuric acid for 60-100min,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cuscuta,suaveolens, ,lucerne dodder,,,,”Proposed

Declared WeedHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: a wide range of habitats,

particularly riverbanks and other moist sites.”,Origin: N & S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cuscuta,suaveolens, ,lucerne dodder,,,,”Proposed

Declared WeedHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: a wide range of habitats,

particularly riverbanks and other moist sites.”,Origin: N & S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cuscuta,suaveolens, ,Chilean dodder N ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies) Roadside control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section

60 applies) Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Cuscuta,suaveolens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuscuta,umbellata, ,umbrella dodder,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cuscuta,spp.,,,parasitic other than native or widely distributed species,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Dichondra,micrantha,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dichondra,repens var. carolinensis,

,dichondra,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Evolvulus,nummularis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ipomoea,alba,,moon flower,Xw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ipomoea,alba, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop Amer; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Ipomoea,alba, ,Moon Flower ,,,,VINES.,,”Environmental

Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Ipomoea,alba, ,moonflower,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

forest, woodland, wasteland, riverbanks, wetlands, coastal

dunesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: tropical Amer,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ipomoea,alba, ,moonflower,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

forest, woodland, wasteland, riverbanks, wetlands, coastal

dunesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: tropical Amer,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ipomoea,alba, ,White Morning

Glory,,,,Vines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Ipomoea,alba, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,aquatica,,,aquatic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Ipomoea,aquatica, ,”swamp morning glory, water

spinach, kangkong”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and

John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US

National Parks, weed”

Ipomoea,aquatica, ,swamp morning glory,,,, , Thailand

,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Ipomoea,aquatica, ,”pink convolvulus, potato-vine,

creeping swamp, morningglory, swamp morningglory”,,,,”Ipomoea

aquatica is a marginal, creeping, perennial aquatic weed that may spread

over the surface of a pond or of an irrigation or drainage ditch. It

interferes with fisheries, impedes water flow and is a troublesome weed

of rice and other crops. It is “,Distribution: extends from the

tropics well into the warm temperate zone.,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories

& Distribution - Holm et. al.

Ipomoea,aquatica, ,swamp morningglory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,aquatica*,,water spinach,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage caused.*P

=Prohibited by Flo”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species -

Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Ipomoea,barbigera, ,southern morningglory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,batatas,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ipomoea,batatas, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,blepharosepala, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,blepharosepala, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Ipomoea,cairica,,”coastal or five leaf morning glory,

mile a minute”,XHXXX,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ipomoea,cairica, ,Five-Leaved Morning

Glory,,,,Vines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Ipomoea,cairica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,cairica, ,Cairo morningglory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,calobra, ,weir vine,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Ipomoea,carica, ,Five-leaved Morning Glory ,,,,Major

WeedVINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Ipomoea,carnea,(no ssp. in SA),,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ipomoea,carnea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,coccinea, ,scarlet morningglory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,congesta, ,morning glory,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: woodland, wasteland, arable land, roadsides, riverbanks,

coastal dunesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: tropical Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ipomoea,congesta, ,morning glory,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: woodland, wasteland, arable land, roadsides, riverbanks,

coastal dunesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: tropical Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ipomoea,congesta, ,blue morningglory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,cordofana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,cordofana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Ipomoea,cynanchifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,cynanchifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Ipomoea,fistulosa, ,tree morningglory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,hardwickii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,hardwickii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Ipomoea,hederacea,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ipomoea,hederacea, ,Ivy leaf morning glory,,,,fresh seed

germs 48% in light at 23C; on a powered charcoal substrate 100% germ in

dark at 23C & 70% in light; 2yr old seed germ % high,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ipomoea,hederacea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,hederacea, ,ivyleaf morningglory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,hederacea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Ipomoea,hederifolia,,Red convolvulus,,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ipomoea,hederifolia, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Ipomoea,hederifolia, ,Red convolvulus,,,,,,Weed Science


Ipomoea,hederifolia, ,Red convolvulus,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Ipomoea,hirsutula, ,woolly morningglory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,indica,,purple or blue

morning-glory,HHXX,GL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ipomoea,indica, ,Purple Morning-glory,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Vine. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,5,8,9”,”Introduced deliberately from: pantropical, In

Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ipomoea,indica, ,Blue Morning Glory ,,,,Major

WeedVINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Ipomoea,indica, ,Blue Morning Glory,,,,Major

WeedVines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Ipomoea,indica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,lacunosa, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Ipomoea,macrantha, ,,,,,”, sweet potato, coconut

seedlings”,French Polynesia; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; American

Samoa; Western Samoa Tokelau; Tuvalu,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Ipomoea,mauritiana,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ipomoea,mauritiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,mauritiana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Ipomoea,nil,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ipomoea,nil, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,obscura, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,obscura, ,small white

morningglory,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,ochracea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ipomoea,pandurata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ipomoea,pandurata, ,bigroot morningglory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,pes-caprae, ,beach morningglory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,pes-tigridis,,,HH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ipomoea,pes-tigridis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,purpurea,,common morning

glory,XXX,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ipomoea,purpurea, ,Common Morning Glory ,,,,Major

WeedVINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Ipomoea,purpurea, ,morning glory,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: woodland, wasteland, arable land, roadsides, riverbanks,

coastal dunesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: tropical Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ipomoea,purpurea, ,morning glory,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: woodland, wasteland, arable land, roadsides, riverbanks,

coastal dunesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: tropical Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ipomoea,purpurea, ,Common morning glory,,,,,,Weed Science


Ipomoea,purpurea, ,tall morningglory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,purpurea, ,Common morning glory,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Ipomoea,quamoclit,,Cupid's flower,HHw,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ipomoea,quamoclit, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Ipomoea,quamoclit, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,quamoclit, ,cypressvine

morningglory,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,sp., Ipomoea calobra (misapplied),weir

vine,,,,”is confined to a small area of red soils in S Qld, esp. in

the Maranoa Dist. between Roma & St George”,native to

Qld,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Ipomoea,sp., (I. calobra),weir vine,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,spp.,Ipomoea calobra (misapplied),weir

vine,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ipomoea,spp., ,,,,, Seed Impurities , Thailand ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Ipomoea,stolonifera, ,seafoam

morningglory,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,trichocarpa, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Ipomoea,trichocarpa var. torreyana, ,cotton

morningglory,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,tricolor, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,tricolor,syn I. rubro-caerulea,,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Ipomoea,trifida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,trifida, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Ipomoea,triloba,,pink convolvulus,HH,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ipomoea,triloba, ,Three lobe morning glory,,,,52% germ of

seed planted in moist sand 2wks after collection,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ipomoea,triloba, ,Pink convolvulus,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipomoea,triloba, ,,,,,perennial sub-dominance , ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Ipomoea,triloba,syn ,,,,,”in sunny sites in bushes,

thickets, hedges, grasslands, waste places, occasionally on the

foreshore; from 0-1000m alt; flowers throughout the year; upland rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, the flowers close before

noon”,”tropical Amer, pantropical; throughout Indonesia, except

Kalimantan, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Ipomoea,triloba,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Ipomoea,triloba, ,”pink convolvulus, potato-vine,

three-lobed morningglory”,,,,Ipomoea triloba is a fast-growing

herbaceous plant which is troublesome in a more than 40 of man's crops

and is a weed in more than 40 countries.,”native to tropical Amer,

but is now widespread in the tropical areas of the world.”,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Ipomoea,triloba, ,threelobe morningglory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ipomoea,triloba, ,Pink convolvulus,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Ipomoea,violacea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Jacquemontia,sandwicensis, ,beach jacquemontia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Jacquemontia,tamnifolia, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems

Web Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Jacquemontia,tamnifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Jacquemontia,tamnifolia, ,smallflower

morningglory,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Jacquemontia,tamnifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Merremia,aegyptia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Merremia,dissecta,,noyau vine,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Merremia,dissecta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Merremia,hederacea, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Merremia,quinquefolia,,”Merremia, merremia

vine”,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Merremia,quinquefolia, ,”Merremia, merremia

vine”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Merremia,quinquefolia, ,”Merremia, merremia

vine”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Merremia,tuberosa,,wood rose,E,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Merremia,tuberosa, ,wood rose,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Merremia,tuberosa,,wood-rose,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Rivea,corymbosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rivea,corymbosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Stichocardia,tiliifolia, ,,,,,”, “,French

Polynesia; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Turbina,corymbosa,,turbina,XS,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Calystegia,japonica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Calystegia,japonica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Merremia,peltata, ,,,,,”, gardens, plantations,

pasture, foresty”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Fed. States

of Micronesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; American Samoa; Western Samoa;

Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”


Cornus,capitata,,evergreen dogwood,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cornus,capitata, ,,,,,Region of origin - Himalayas; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Cornus,capitata, ,Evergreen Dogwood,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 6”,”Introduced deliberately from: Himalaya and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cornus,drummondii, ,roughleaf dogwood,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cornus,florida, ,flowering dogwood,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cornus,nuttalii, ,Pacific dogwood,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cornus,racemosa, ,gray dogwood,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cornus,rugosa, ,roundleaf dogwood,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cornus,stolonifera, ,redosier dogwood,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cornus,torreyi, ,western dogwood,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Garrya,elliptica, ,tree silktassel,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Garrya,flavescens var. buxifolia, ,boxleaf

silktassel,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Garrya,fremontii, ,Fremont silktassel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Nyssa,aquatica, ,water tupelo,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Nyssa,sylvatica, ,blackgum,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Nyssa,var. biflora, ,swamp tupelo,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Betula,alleghaniensis, ,yellow birch,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Betula,lenta, ,sweet birch,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Betula,nigra, ,river birch,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Betula,occidentalis, ,water birch,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Betula,papyrifera, ,paper birch,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Betula,populifolia, ,gray birch,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carpinus,caroliniana, ,American hornbeam,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Corylus,americana, ,American hazel,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Corylus,cornuta, ,beaked hazel,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Corylus,var. californica, ,California hazel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ostrya,virginiana, ,eastern hophornbeam,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Corynocarpus,laevigatus, ,karaka nut,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”



list of Invasive weeds nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens

List, Nominated Worst Invasive Weeds”


Aeonium,arboreum,,”tree aenium,

“,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Aeonium,arboreum, ,,,,,Region of origin - Canary Islands;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Aeonium,castello-paivae,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aeonium,haworthii,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aeonium,haworthii, ,,,,,Region of origin - Teneriffe; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Bryophyllum,beauverdii,,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Bryophyllum,beauverdii, ,,,,,Region of origin - Madagascar;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Bryophyllum,daigremontianum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Bryophyllum,daigremontianum,x B.

tubiflorum,,,L,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bryophyllum,delagoense,B. tubiflorum,mother of

millions,H,L,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bryophyllum,delagoense, ,Mother of

Millions,,,,Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Bryophyllum,diagremontianum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bryophyllum,fedtschenkoi,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Bryophyllum,fedtschenkoi, ,,,,,Region of origin -

Madagascar; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread -

ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Bryophyllum,pinnatum,Kalanchoe pinnatum,”live plant,

live leaf”,XX,L,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bryophyllum,pinnatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bryophyllum,proliferum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bryophyllum,proliferum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bryophyllum,tubiflora, ,Mother of Millions

,,,,GROUNDCOVERS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John

Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Bryophyllum,tubiflorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cotyledon,orbiculata,,”cotyledon, pig's

ear”,HX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cotyledon,orbiculata,,”cotyledon, pig's

ear”,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cotyledon,orbiculata, ,Cotyledon,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative,Wind. Life Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 4,5,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af

and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cotyledon,orbiculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crassula,alata,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Crassula,alata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crassula,ciliata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crassula,ciliata, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Crassula,decumbens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crassula,ericoides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crassula,ericoides, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Crassula,glomerata,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crassula,glomerata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crassula,multicava,,Crassula,XS,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Crassula,multicava, ,Crassula,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,5,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Crassula,multicava, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crassula,muscosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crassula,natans,,Crassula,XH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crassula,natans, ,Crassula,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal,Water. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 9,11”,”S Af, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Crassula,natans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crassula,sarmentosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crassula,sarmentosa, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Crassula,spathulata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crassula,spathulata, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Crassula,tetragona,,Crassula,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Crassula,tetragons, ,Crassula,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,4,5,12,”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Crassula,thunbergiana,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crassula,thunbergiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Graptopetalum,paraguayense,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Kalanchoe,lateritia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Kalanchoe,longiflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Kalanchoe,longiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Kalanchoe,pinnata, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Kalanchoe,pinnata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Kalanchoe,spp., ,kalanchoe,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Penthorum,sedoides, ,ditch stonecrop,,,,52% germ of seed in

18days in diffuse light at 20-25C,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sedum,acre,,stonecrop,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sedum,acre, ,stonecrop,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sedum,acre, ,mossy stonecrop,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sedum,caespitosum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sedum,dendroideum,,Sedum,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sedum,dendroideum, ,Sedum,,,,”Dispersal: Vegetative.

Life Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Potential threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: Mex and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Sedum,fosterianum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sedum,fosterianum, ,,,,,Region of origin - W Eur; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Sedum,praealtem,S. dendroideum ssp.

praealtum,sedum,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sedum,praealtum, ,Sedum,,,,”Dispersal: Vegetative. Life

Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5,8,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: Mex and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Sedum,purpureum, ,liveforever,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Sedum,reflexum,,yellow stonecrop,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sedum,reflexum, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental ,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Sedum,sediforme,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sedum,sexangulare,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sedum,sp.,,Stonecrop,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sedum,sp., ,Stonecrop,,,,”Dispersal: Water. Life Form:

Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8”,”Introduced deliberately from: ? and Commercially Available,

, In Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Sedum,telephium, ,,,,,95% germ of seed in 1st spring after

collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sedum,telephium, ,Orphine,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Sedum,telephium, ,Orphine,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”


Acanthosicyos,naudinianus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Benincasa,hispida,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bryonia,alba, ,White bryonia ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Bryonia,alba,, white bryony," Possible Weed of Forest, Riparian and Disturbed Habitats.",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Citrullus,lanatus, ,Wild Melon,,,,Dispersal: Wind. Life

Form: Annual. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a negative visual impact).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”trop & S Af, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Citrullus,colocynthis,”Colocynthis vulgaris, Cucumis

colocynthis”,”colocynth, bitter apple, wild

watermelon”,XHX,NL,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Citrullus,colocynthis, ,Colocynth,,,,Dispersal: Wind. Life

Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a negative visual

impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”N Af. SW As, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Citrullus,colocynthis, ,,,,,removal of testa necessary;

germ at 28C in dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Citrullus,colocynthis,” Colocynthis vulgaris, Cucumis

colocynthis”,”colocynth, bitter apple, wild

watermelon”,,,,”it is claimed to be poisonous to stock &

deaths have been attributed to it in Aust, but not confirmed; fruit

yields a drastic purgative, probably a glycoside, colocynthis; it has

large taproots allowing it to survive long periods of drought & once

estab. “,”native of northern Afr to W Asia, it has spread to

& become weedy in India, Pakistan, the Soviet Union & Aust;occurs

in all mainland States of Aust, mainly on floodplains or disturbed soils

of the drier inland & usually occurs as scattered plants more

th”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Citrullus,colocynthis, ,colocynth,,,,,,Weed Science List

Citrullus,lanatus,”Citrullus vulgaris, Colocynthis

citrullus, Cucurbita citrullus”,”wild melon, bitter melon,

afghan melon, bastard melon, bitter apple, camel melon, mickey melon, pie

melon”,XXXX,L,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Citrullus,lanatus, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Citrullus,lanatus,” Citrullus vulgaris, Colocynthis

citrullus, Cucurbita citrullus”,”wild melon, bitter melon,

afghan melon, bastard melon, bitter apple, camel melon, mickey melon, pie

melon”,,,,”grows in dense stands & would be assumed to

deplete the soil of considerable water & nutrients; in some areas it

competes strongly with pastures; the plant emits an unpleasant odour when

crushed, is rarely consumeb by stock although the fruit, in spite

of”,”native of trop & southern Afr, it has estab. in the

semi-arid areas of several countries including Asia, N & S Amer, NZ

& Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Citrullus,lanatus, ,”wild melon, bitter

melon”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Coccinia,grandis,,ivy gourd,X,L,WA,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Coccinia,grandis, ,Ivy gourd,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed

Science List

Coccinia,grandis, ,Ivy gourd,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Coccinia,grandis, ,”Ivy gourd, scarlet-fruited

gourd”,,,,”tropical America, roadsides”, Fiji; Guam;

Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty

in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Coccinia,grandis, ,ivy gourd,,,,Initial list of Invasive

weeds nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated

Worst Invasive Weeds”

Cucumis,anguria,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cucumis,anguria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cucumis,dipsaceus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cucumis,dipsaceus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cucumis,dipsaceus, ,wild spiny cucumber,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cucumis,maxima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


melon”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cucumis,melo, ,var. dudaim Dudaim Melon

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Cucumis,melo, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cucumis,metuliferus,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cucumis,metuliferus, ,African horned cucumber,,,,Only

considered a serious weed in Australia,,Weed Science List

Cucumis,metuliferus, ,Only considered a serious weed in

Australia,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cucumis,myriocarpus,,”paddy melon, prickly paddy

melon, gooseberry cucumber”,XXXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cucumis,myriocarpus, ,Paddy Melon ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cucumis,myriocarpus, ,Paddy Melon,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,4,9”,”Sn Af, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cucumis,myriocarpus, ,”paddy melon, prickly paddy

melon, gooseberry cucumber”,,,,”is a summer growing annual

herb; fruit is bitter & acts as an emetic, it is claimed to be

poisonous to stock but losses are rare, although reported from NSW more

frequently than elsewhere”,native of southern Afr,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cucumis,myriocarpus, ,”paddy melon, prickly paddy

melon”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cucumis,pepo, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cucumis,zeyheri,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cucurbita,digitata, ,fingerleaf gourd,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cucurbita,foetidissima, ,buffalo gourd,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cucurbita,maxima,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cucurbita,pepo,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ecballium,elaterium,Momordica elaterium,”squirting

cucumber, spitting cucumber”,X,NL,Tas,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ecballium,elaterium, ,squirting cucumber,,,,,,Weed Science


Ecballium ,elaterium, Momordica elaterium,”squirting

cucumber, spitting cucumber”,,,,”it is not grazed by stock, but

it is suspected of blinding horses if the ejected fluid from the fruit

enters the eye; the plant, particularly the fluid within the almost ripe

fruit, contains terpene compound,. elaterin, sometimes known as

cucubitacin E, e”,”native of southern Eur, now occurs in

several temp areas of the world & is considered an imptrt weed in

Israel, Jordon, Tunisia, Lebanon & Morocco”,”Noxious Weeds

of Australia, P & C”

Echinocystis,lobata, ,Wild cucumber,,,,seed dormant when

shed; prechilling in moist peat at 5-10C inc. germ%; after-ripening &

germ varied 2wks-6mths,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Echinocystis,lobata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echinocystis,lobata, ,wild cucumber,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Echinocystis,lobata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Echinocystis,oregona, ,western wild

cucumber,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lagenaria,siceraria,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lagenaria,siceraria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Momordica,balsamina, ,balsamapple,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Momordica,charantia, ,”bitter gourd, balsam

pear”,,,,”, field crops, low vegetation”,Cook Islands;

Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Marshall Islands; New Caledonia; Niue;

Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Tonga; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Momordica,charantia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Momordica,charantia, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Momordica,charantia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Momordica,charantia, ,”balsam pear, balsam apple”,,,,”Momordica

charantia is an annual creeping or climbing, herbaceous vine with a

strong, foul odor. It is a weed in 22 crops in over 50 countries and is

frequently reported in sugarcane, and other plantation crops.

“,”native to the old world tropics, but is now a weed in the

tropical and subtropical regions in most of Latin America, all of Asia

and parts of Afr. “,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution

- Holm et. al.

Momordica,tuberosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Momordica,tuberosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Sechium,edule,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sechium,edule, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sicyos,angulatus, ,Burcucumber,,,,”plants grown in

greenhouse, seeds germ in sand, seedlings transferred to potting

soil”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Sicyos,angulatus, ,burcucumber,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966


Callistris,columellaris,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Callistris,robusta,C. gracilis,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Callitris,endlicheri,,black cypress pine,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Callitris,endlicheri, ,Black Cypress Pine,,,,Dispersal:

Wind. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”Introduced

deliberately from: Vic,NSW,Qld and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Rare or localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Callitris,glaucophylla,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Callitris,hugelii, ,blue cypress pine,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Callitris,rhomboidea,,Oyster Bay pine,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Callitris,rhomboidea, ,Oyster Bay Pine,,,,”Dispersal:

Wind. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: Vic,NSW,Qld,SA,Tas and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Callitris,verrucosa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chamaecyparis,lawsoniana, ,Port Orford

cedar,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cupressus,glabra,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cupressus,glabra, ,,,,,Region of origin - Arizona; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Cupressus,lusitanica,,Arizona cypress,XS,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cupressus,lusitanica, ,Arizona Cypress,,,,”Dispersal:

?Water,Wind. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8”,”Introduced deliberately from: N Am and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cupressus,macrocarpa,,Monterey cypress,HXS,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cupressus,macrocarpa, ,,,,,Region of origin - California;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Cupressus,macrocarpa, ,Montery Cypress,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: Cal and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cupressus,macrocarpa, ,Monterey cypress,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cupressus,sempervirens,,Italian cypress,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cupressus,sempervirens, ,Italian Cypress,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a negative

visual impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Eur, W As and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Juniperus,ashei, ,Ashe juniper,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juniperus,communis, ,common juniper,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juniperus,deppeana, ,alligator juniper,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juniperus,horizontalis, ,creeping juniper,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juniperus,monosperma, ,oneseed juniper,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juniperus,occidentalis, ,western juniper,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juniperus,osteosperma, ,Utah juniper,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juniperus,pinchotii, ,redberry juniper,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juniperus,scopulorum, ,Rocky Mountain

juniper,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juniperus,silicicola, ,southern redcedar,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juniperus,sp.,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Juniperus,spp., ,,,,,”seeds dry stored; viability tested

by soaking seeds 48hrs in several changes of water, then planting 5-10cm

deep in soil in flats in greenhouse; seedlings recorded up to 9mths after

planting; 54% for 45yr old J. osteosperma”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Juniperus,virginiana,,eastern redcedar ,Birds eat berries and spread seeds.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Juniperus,virginiana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Juniperus,virginiana, ,,,,,Region of origin - eastern N Eur;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Juniperus,virginiana, ,red or pencil cedar,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: grasslands, riverbanks, rocky outcropsCultivated for:

ornament, shelter, shade”,Origin: N Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Juniperus,virginiana, ,red or pencil cedar,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: grasslands, riverbanks, rocky outcropsCultivated for:

ornament, shelter, shade”,Origin: N Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Juniperus,virginiana, ,eastern redcedar,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Libocedrus,decurrens, ,incense cedar,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Thuja,occidentalis, ,northern white cedar,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Thuja,orientalis, ,oriental arborvitae,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Thuja,plicata, ,western redcedar,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Cyathea,cooperi, ,Cooper's cyathea,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cyathea,cooperi, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sphaeropteris,cooperi,Cyathea cooperi,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa


Cycas,spp.,,”zamia, tree zamia, zamia palm, cycads, nut

palm, dwarf sago”,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cycas,spp., ,”zamia, tree zamia, zamia palm”,,,,raw

seeds are acutely poisonous & young leaves can be quite

toxic,”Asia, the Pacific Is. PNG, & northern

Aust”“broad band through moderate rainfall belt in central

& northern Qld, NT & northern WA”““,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”


Bulbostylis,barbata,syn ,,,,,”open,dry & sandy

palces, often near the sea, dunes, fields, savannahs, on any dry

cultivated land; from 0-1000m alt, usually below 500m; the whole plant

turns reddish on drying; upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”unknown, pantropical, also in the southern USA; throughout

Indonesia, except Kalimantan & Sulawesi, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Bulbostylis,puberula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bulbostylis,puberula, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Bulbostylis,striatella,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bulbostylis,striatella, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent

of spread - localised - spreading; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Bulbpstylis,puberula,”syn Fimbristylis puberula, Scirpus

puberulus, Stenophyllus puberulus”,,,,,”sandy, open places at

low altitudes, often near the sea; locally abundant; upland rice fields,

a weed of minor importance, pubescene of the stem is

variable”,”unknown, tropical Asia & afr, rarely in W

Malesia; in Indonesia: Sumatra, Java, Madura & Kalimantan, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Carex,albo-nigra, ,,,,,”dormant at harvest, broken by

scarification of achenes on basal end”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Carex,albula,,New Zealand hair sedge,X,NL,Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Carex,aquatilis, ,water sedge,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carex,arenaria,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Carex,arenaria, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of spread

- localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report

# 3

Carex,atherodes, ,sugargrass sedge,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carex,buchananii, ,New Zealand sedge,,,,at least 3 species

have been planted on Tasmanian roadsides & parklands & at least 1

is now naturalised in clearings of a eucalypt forest in the south

east,native of NZ occurring on both main islands from mountain areas to

coast,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Carex,buchananii, ,New Zealand sedge,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carex,buchananii, ,New Zealand sedge,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Carex,buxbaumii,,New Zealand sedge,,L,Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Carex,comans,Carex albula ,New Zealand

sedge,,LP,Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Carex,comans, Carex albula ,New Zealand sedge,,,,,native of NZ

occurring on both main islands from mountain areas to coastat least 3

species have been planted on Tasmanian roadsides & parklands & at

least 1 is now naturalised in clearings of a eucalypt forest in the south

east,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Carex,comans, ,New Zealand sedge,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carex,comans, ,New Zealand sedge,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Carex,demissa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Carex,disticha,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Carex,divisa,,divided sedge,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Carex,divisa, ,New Zealand sedge,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carex,divulsa,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Carex,ebenea, ,,,,,dormant at harvest; fluorescent or red

light effective in breaking dormancy,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Carex,eurycarpa, ,widefruit sedge,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carex,flacca,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Carex,flacca, ,,,,,”vegetative reproduction via rhizomes;

dormancy of 9-12 mths but remain viable for 5yrs; germ on damp filter

paper in petri dish in cool greenhouse, germ slow 6-8wks before seed coat

burst & germ occurs”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Carex,flagellifera,,New Zealand sedge,,LP,Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Carex,flagellifera, ,New Zealand sedge,,,,,native of NZ

occurring on both main islands from mountain areas to coastat least 3

species have been planted on Tasmanian roadsides & parklands & at

least 1 is now naturalised in clearings of a eucalypt forest in the south

east,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Carex,flagellifera, ,New Zealand sedge,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carex,flagellifera, ,New Zealand sedge,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Carex,kobomugi,,, Coastal in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Carex,kobomugi, ,Asiatic sand sedge,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Carex,lacustris, ,ripgut sedge,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carex,lanceolata, ,,,,, , Miyagi ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Carex,lasiocarpa var. latifolia, ,bull sedge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carex,lepidocarpa,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Carex,lepidocarpa, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Carex,lupulina, ,hop sedge,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carex,muricata,”syn Carex stellulata auct. non

Goodenough, Carex pairaei F.W. Schultz”,rough sedge,,P,,”Infra

specific taxa in the C. muricata group. (Source Tropicos 3)C. muricata V.

Krecz. (sensu) C. muricata var. americana L.H. Bailey, 1886C. muricata

var. angustata (J. Carey in A. Gray) Gleason, 1952 C. muricata subsp. cephalantha

(L.H. Bailey) R.”,”Origin Ecuador (see map in Flora of North

America listing)also found in Ontario, Massachusetts and Utah (see

Tropicos 3 record for map of Utah)”,Western Australian Prohibited


Carex,nebraskensis, ,Nebraska sedge,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carex,nervata, ,,,,,annual sub-dominance , Miyagi Oita ,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Carex,nubigera, ,,,,, , Niigata ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Carex,ovalis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Carex,pilulifera,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Carex,pilulifera, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Carex,punctata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Carex,punctata, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of spread

- localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report

# 3

Carex,scoparia,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Carex,scoparia, ,,,,,Region of origin - N Amer; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Carex,senta, ,rough sedge,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Carex,spp., ,,,,,”seeds germ at once or soon after

harvest, seeds exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Carex,spp., ,New Zealand sedges,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carex,testacea,,New Zealand sedge,X,LP,Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Carex,testacea, ,,,,,Region of origin - NZ; Extent of spread -

localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Carex,testacea, ,New Zealand sedge,,,,,native of NZ occurring

on both main islands from mountain areas to coastat least 3 species have

been planted on Tasmanian roadsides & parklands & at least 1 is

now naturalised in clearings of a eucalypt forest in the south

east,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Carex,testacea, ,New Zealand sedge,,,,,,Weed Science List

Carex,testacea, ,New Zealand sedge,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cladium,jamaicense, ,sawgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cladium,mariscoides, ,smooth sawgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cladium,mariscus, ,,,,,vegetative propagation,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cladium,procerum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Courtoisina,cyperoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Courtoisina,cyperoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cyperus,aggregatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,albostriatus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,albostriatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,alopecuroides,syn Juncellus alopecuroides,Foxtail

sedge,,,,”Nile and canal banks, drains, swamps, ditches, rice

fields, standing water reservoirs”“Cultivated in some regions

of the Nile Delta, in Fayoun cultivated in limited areas for making mats

& chairs”““,”trop. Afr, SE Asia, West Indies”,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Cyperus,alternifolius, ,Umbrella flatsedge,,,,”97% germ

with temp & light alt. (20C in dark for 16hrs, 30-35C in light for

8hrs) 2 mths after harvest”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cyperus,alternifolius, ,umbrella flatsedge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cyperus,alternifolius,,umbrella plant,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Cyperus,amabilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,amabilis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cyperus,arenarius,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cyperus,arenarius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,armuricus, ,,,,,annual dominant weed in crops , Upland

Korea ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Cyperus,aromaticus,”Cyperus melanospermus, Kyllinga

elata, Kyllinga monocephala, Kyllinga monophyllya, Kyllinga

polyphlla”,Navua sedge,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cyperus,aromaticus, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop Afr; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Cyperus,aromaticus,” Cyperus melanospermus, Kyllinga

elata, Kyllinga monocephala, Kyllinga monophyllya, Kyllinga

polyphlla”,Navua sedge,,,,”extremely aggressive &

unpalatable plant, capable of smothering many trop. pasture species;

usually confined to wetter low lying pastures & waste places;

produces an abundance of seed”,”native to trop Afr, Madagascar,

Mauritius & Seychelles; introd Sri Lanka, the Malay Peninsula & a

number of SW Pacific Is. includ Fiji, Vanuatu, Samoa, Solomons & Tahiti”“introd

to northern Qld, now found in several parts of Hambledon, Mulgrave &

Babinda “,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cyperus,aromaticus, ,Navua sedge,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,aromaticus, ,Navua sedge,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cyperus,articulatus,syn ,,,,,”canal banks, drains, lakes,

marshesPlant is locally used in Egypt formaking mats; rhizomes are used

as incense & retain their fragrant smell for a long

time.”,”trop. & subtrop. Afr, Asia N & S

Amer”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Cyperus,articulatus, ,jointed flatsedge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cyperus,babakan,”syn Cyperus babakensis; Cyperus pilosus

var. babakansis, Cyperus pilosus babakensis”,,,,,”swamps, open

forests; up to 100m alt; lowland-irrigated & lebak rice fields, a

weed of minor importance, “,”unknown, from India& Assam to

Indochina, Malesia;throughout Indonesia except the Lesser Sunda Islands

& the Moluccas, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,brevifolius,,Mullumbimbi couch,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,brevifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,brevifolius, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Cyperus,brevifolius,syn Kyllinga brevifolia,,,,,”sunny or

partly shaded wetlands, along roads, grasslands, damp forest clearings,

riverbanks, plantations, up to 1500(-3000)m alt; most troublesome from

750-2000m; rainfed, gogo rancah & rims of lebak rice fields,

sometimes troublesome, sometimes used as f”,”Asia, pantropical

& subtropical; widely distributed in Malesia; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,brevifolius, ,mullum bimby couch,,,,Cyperus

brevifolius is most often found in around lowland rice fields. It is a

reported weed of 17 crops in 43 countries.,tropical and subtropical

regions around the world.,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Cyperus,cephalotes,syn ,,,,,”in floating islands of

Pistia, Salvinia etc, in ponds or rivers, up to 100m alt; lebak rice

fields; the corky tissue acts as a floater, a weed of minor importance,

“,”Asia, from India to China & tropical Aust; rare in

Malesia; in Indonesia: Java, Kalimantan & Irian Jaya, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,compactus,”syn Cyperus dilutus, Mariscus compactus,

Mariscus dilutus, Mariscus microcephalus”,,,,,”wet sites,

swamps, soggy grasslands, pools, coastal marshes, ditches, riverbanks; up

to 500m alt. (rarely up to 1000m); often gregarious & conspicuous

because of the reddish brown inflorescences; rainfed & tidal rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”Asia, India to S China

& Taiwan, throughout Malesia, mostly common; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Cyperus,compressus,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,compressus, ,,,,,seeds dormant at harvest; prechilling

at 10C between layers of moist cotton; germ alt. temp of 20C in dark

& room temp in light; seed dry stored for over 7mths 71% germ &

95% after 26mths storage,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Cyperus,compressus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,compressus, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Cyperus,compressus,syn ,,,,,”common weed of open

grasslands, waste places, roadsides, premises, seashores; lowlands,

rarely up to 1000m alt; rainfed & upland rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, African specimens sometimes have conspicuously purple-spotted

glumes, as in Cyperus s”,”Asia, pantropical; common in Malesia;

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Cyperus,concinnus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cyperus,congestus,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,congestus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,cyperoides,”syn Cyperus sieberianus, Cyperus

umbellatus, Mariscus cyperoides, Mariscus sieberianus, Mariscus

umbellatus, Scirpus cyperoides”,,,,,”open to lightly shaded

grasslands, old clearings, secondary forests, roadsides, thickets; often

a common weed in gardens; up to 2000m alt; upland rice fields,

troublesome weed at higher altitudes, “,”old world tropics,

tropics & subtropics of Afr, Asia, Pacific & Aust; intro in the

West Indies; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,diandrus, ,low flatsedge,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cyperus,difformis, ,Smallflower Umbrella Sedge ,,,,bensulfuron

1993 USA Rice , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Cyperus,difformis, ,Smallflower Umbrella Sedge ,,,,bensulfuron

1994 Australia Rice ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Cyperus,difformis,syn ,,,,,”a characteristic weed in rice

fields, also along canal banks & ditches”,”Medit, trop.

& subtrop. Afr & Asia; introduced into N Amer”,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Cyperus,difformis, ,rice flatsedge,,,,annual dominance ,

Thailand Taiwan Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Cyperus,difformis,syn ,,,,,”flooded or very wet soils;

open soggy grasslands, pools, riverbanks, often associated with C.

halpan, C. iria & C. sanguinolentus; usually scattered, but often

becoming dominant; prefers fertile soils, but can also grow in poor,

sandy or clayey soils; can”,”tropics of the Old World, tropics

& subtropics of the Old World, from S Eur to Japan; from India to the

Pacific, Aust, & Malesia; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of

Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,difformis, ,smallflower umbrellaplant,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cyperus,digitatus,syn Mariscus sieberianus var.

evolutior,,,,,”open. wet places, swamps, riverbanks; up to 800m alt;

rainfed & lebak rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”Asia?, pantropical, rare in tropical Afr; Malesia;

throughout Indonesia, except the Lesser Sunda Islands”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,distans,syn ,,,,,”moist or wet sites; swamps,

along water courses, grassy roadsides, pastures,open places in secondary

forest; up to 1800m alt; scattered or in groups; lowland-irrigated,

rainfed, & upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance, found in

the lowlands (0-30”,”unknown, pantropical & subtropical;

common in Malesia; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,dubius,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cyperus,dubius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,elatus,syn ,,,,,”a weed of minor importance,

“,”Asia, India to Malesia; in Indonesia but not found in the

Moluccas & Irian Jaya as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,eragrostis,,”umbrella sedge, umbrella grass,

drain flat-sedge”,HXH,L,WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cyperus,eragrostis, ,Drain Flat-sedge,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,?Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 8,9,10,13”,”N&S Am, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Cyperus,eragrostis, ,”umbrella sedge, umbrella grass,

drain flat-sedge”,,,,”it blocks channels & drains &

competes with pasture in low-lying, moist areas & with rice in some

districts; very persistent once established; stock graze it only

sparingly & its presence reduces carrying capacity”,”native

of N & S Amer & has become a widespread weed in temp. areas of

Eur, S Afr, NZ & Austintrod to Aust & is widespread throughout

all temp areas”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cyperus,eragrostis, ,”umbrella sedge, umbrella

grass”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,eragrostis, ,tall umbrellaplant,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cyperus,eragrostis, ,”umbrella sedge, umbrella

grass”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cyperus,erythrorhizos, ,Redroot flatsedge,,,,seed dormant at

harvest; prechilling moist seeds at 10C for periods ranging 12-32wks;

germ at alt. temp of 20C in dark & room temp in light; dry stored

seed max germ of 72% after 1 yr storage,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cyperus,erythrorhizos, ,redroot flatsedge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cyperus,esculenta, ,Yellow nutsedge ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Cyperus,esculentus,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,esculentus,,nutsedge yellow ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Fimbristylis,umbellaris,,globular fimbristylis,"rice, pastures; swamps",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Cyperus,esculentus, ,,,,,Serious tropical weed,,Behrendt &

Hanf “Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Cyperus,esculentus, ,Yellow Nutsedge ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cyperus,esculentus, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Cyperus,esculentus, ,Yellow nutsedge,,,,”vegetative

propagation of tubers; seed dormant for up to 1mth, dry storage for

several mths or moist at 10C broke dormancy; germ 16hrs dark at 20C &

8hrs light at 35C, moistening with 0.2% soln of KNO3 or treating with

conc. sulfuric acid inc. germ”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cyperus,esculentus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,esculentus, ,yellow nutsedge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cyperus,esculentus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cyperus,f. humilis, ,dwarf white kyllinga,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cyperus,flavescens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,flavescens, ,,,,,”freshly harvested seed dormant;

prechilling moist seed at 10C for 15wks; germ at alt. temp of 20C in dark

& room temp in light; dry stored seed for 5mths germ 31%, 80% for

27mths storage”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Cyperus,flavescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,flavidus,”syn Cyperus flavescens, Cyperus

globosus, Cyperus junghuhnii, Pycreus globosus, Pycerus globosus var.

nilagiricus”,,,,,”open, wet sites; swamps, grassy lands,

watesides, etc; rare in the lowlands, goes up to 2100m (in Irian Jaya up

to 2800m); irrigated rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”tropical Afr or Asia, from tropical Afr to the Medit region,

through C & S Asia to Aust; rather common in Malesia, but so far not

known from the Malay Peninusla & Kalimantan”,”Weeds of Rice

in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,flavus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,fuscus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,fuscus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cyperus,gymnocaulos,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cyperus,hakonensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,hakonensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cyperus,halpan,syn Cyperus haspan,,,,,”open, very wet

places, lowland & up to 1900m alt; found at the top of Mount Agung,

Bali at 3150m alt; lowland-irrgated, rainfed, lebak, & tidal rice

fields, although it is common, this weed is of minor importance, a

subspecies Cyperus halpan subsp. juncoi”,”unknown, tropics

& subtropics of the whole world; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,hamulosus,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,hamulosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,haspan, ,sheathed cyperus,,,,Cyperus haspan is most

often found in around lowland rice fields. It is a reported weed of 12

crops in 39 countries.,tropical and subtropical regions around the

world.,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Cyperus,hermaphroditus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,hermaphroditus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cyperus,imbricatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,imbricatus, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Cyperus,imbricatus,syn Cyperus radiatus,,,,,”open, wet

places, swamps, river banks; at low altitudes, rarely up to 900m; lebak

rice fields, a weed of minor importance, in the Philippines the outer

stem parts are stripped off & used for making mats”,”Asia,

pantropical, widely distributed in Malesia; in Indonesia, not yet

recorded from the Moluccas”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,imbricatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cyperus,involucratus,,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,involucratus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,iria,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,iria, ,Rice flatsedge,,,,”freshly harvested seed

dormant; prechilling moist seed at 10C or dry storage at room temp for

2.5mths or longer germ 38%; supplying light, moistening withKNO3 soln

& alt. temp of 20-30 inc. germ”,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cyperus,iria, ,,,,,”annual dominance, sub-dominance

“, Upland Korea Upland Japan Thailand Japan,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Cyperus,iria,syn ,grasshopper's sedge,,,,”open, wet

places; waste grounds, ditches, river banks; up to 700m alt. (rarely up

to 1200m); all kinds of rice fields, but not a problem in upland rice

fields, one of the three most important weeds of rice inCeylon, India

& the Philippines; a principal we”,”Asia, widely

distributed in tropical & subtropical Asia from Iran, Afghanistan,

China & Japan to the S Pacific & Aust, W & E Afr; introd in

the USA & W Indies; common in Malesia; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Cyperus,iria, ,rice flatsedge,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cyperus,kyllingia,”syn Cyperus monocephalus, Kyllinga

monocephalus”,,,,,”slightly shaded or not too sunny & not

too dry sites, wastelands, roadsides, grasslands, gardens, coffee estate,

secondary forest; at low & medium altitudes, rarely up to 1700m;

upland & rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor importance, a cattle

fodder in “,”Asia, tropics & subtropics of Asia, less

common in tropical Afr & Aust, rare in tropical Amer; widely distributed

in Malesia; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,kyllingia, ,white kyllinga,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cyperus,kyllingia, ,white kyllinga,,P,,”Weed of turf, not

known to be in WAIn: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published by

WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 19666 refs in CAB extracts, see file in

“Climate” folder”,Northern and the extreme SE corner of

QLD,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cyperus,laevigatus,syn Juncellus laevigatus,Tawny

sedge,,,,”canal banks, around wells & springs, moist saline

soils”,”Afr, including the oases of the Sahara, N Medit, many

trop. & subtrop. regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Cyperus,longus,syn ,Rough cyperus,,,,”Nile and canal

banks, moist groundRhizomes are aromatic & are used for scenting.

Their decoction is diuretic & is used in the treatment of

rheumatism”,”Medit, W & C Eur, trop. Afr, W & C

Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Cyperus,longus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,longus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cyperus,luzulae, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,luzulae, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cyperus,malaccensis,”syn Cyperus tegetiformis, Cyperus

tegetum”,,,,,”moist places; muddy river estuaries, sandy

foreshores; often forming a dense fringe vegetation; often in brackish

water; subcoastal; tidal rice fields, a weed of minor importance, stems

are used for making mats & baskets; in Philippines stems are used

for”,”Asia, from Mesopotamia through India to S China, N Aust

& Polynesia; common in Malesia; thoroughout Indonesia, except the

Lesser Sunda Islands & the Moluccas”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,maritimus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,maritimus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cyperus,metzii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cyperus,microiria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,microiria, ,,,,, , Upland Japan Japan,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Cyperus,microiria, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cyperus,obtusiflorus, ,,,,,seeds dormant at harvest;

prechilling at 10C for 3 days; germ seeds by planting on soil

surface,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Cyperus,odoratus, ,,,,,seeds dormant at harvest; prechilling

moist seed at 10C for 10wks; germat alt. temp of 20C in dark & room

temp in light; dry stored seed germ % inc. with time,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cyperus,odoratus,”syn Cyperus ferox, Mariscus ferox,

Torulinum ferox”,,,,,”wet sites, marshes, riverbanks, usually

at low altitudes, 6-200m; a few records from 1900-2100m (Lombok Island);

lowland irrigated rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”unknown, warmer regions of the whole world; throughout

Malesia, but nowhere common; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of

Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,ovularis, ,,,,,seeds dormant at harvest; prechilling

moist seed at 10C for 10-33wks; germ at alt. temp at 20C in dark &

room temp in light; dry stored seed still needs prechilling at 10C for

8-32wks,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Cyperus,papyrus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cyperus,papyrus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,pilosus,syn ,,,,,”open wet sites, swamps,

grasslands, border of water courses; up to 1500m alt; lowland-irrigated,

lebak & tidal rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”Asia, from C Asia to Japan & tropical Aust; rare in tropical

W Afr; common & often abundant all over Malesia; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Cyperus,platystylis,syn ,,,,,”very wet sites; swamps,

swinging bogs; usually below 500m alt, rarely up to 1000m alt; lowland-irrigated

& tidal rice fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”SE

Asia, fromIndia to Taiwan, Malesia, Qld, NSW; rare in Malesia, not in the

Philippines; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,polystachyos,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,polystachyos, var. texensis ,,,,,”seeds dormant

at harvest; prechilling moist seed at 10C for 10-28wks; germ at alt. temp

at 20C in dark & room temp in light; dry stored seed 46% germ after

14mths, & 18% 24 mths after harvest”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cyperus,polystachyos, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,polystachyos, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Cyperus,polystachyos,”syn Cyperus odoratus, Pycreus

polystachyos, Rycreus odoratus”,,,,,”wet places, moist

grasslands, borders of water courses, roadsides, also on salty mud along

the sea; up to 1800m alt; lowland-irrigated rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, very variable in size & density of the inflorescence; the

ones with very lax in”,”Asia, Asia, Aust, Malesia; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Cyperus,procerus, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Cyperus,procerus,syn Cyperus ornatus,,,,,”open, very

moist or wet sites; swamps, pools, often near the sea in brackish water;

lowland, up to 250m alt; lowland-irrigated & rainfed rice fields, a

weed of minor importance, the Malesian form represents Cyperus procerus

var. lasiorrachis which has sca”,”unknown, from India to

Indochina & E China, Taiwan, southwards to Qld; in Malesia rather

rare; in Indonesia: Java, Kalimantan & the Lesser Sunda Islands”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,prolifer,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cyperus,prolifer, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,prolifer,,dwarf papyrus,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Cyperus,pulcherrimus,syn ,,,,,”Open, moist or wet areas;

swamps, pool; up to 750m alt; lowland-irrigated, lebak & tidal rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”SE Asia, from India,

Thailand, Indochina; up to 750m alt; lowland-irrigated, lebak & tidal

rice fields”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Cyperus,pulcherrrimum, ,,,,, , Upland Korea Upland Japan

Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Cyperus,pumilus,”syn Cyperus nitens, Pycreus nitens,

Pycreus pumilus”,,,,,”open, moist to rather dry sites; fields,

moist pastures, sugar-cane plantations, often on sand; up to 600m alt;

lowland-irrigated & rainfed rice fields; not common, a weed of minor

importance, “,”Asia, Indochina, S China, Taiwan, Qld, scattered

in Malesia; varieties in Amer & Afr; throughout Indonesia except

Irian Jaya, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,pygmaeus,syn Juncellus pygmaeus,,,,,”desiccated

pools & ditches, muddy riverbanks; up to 700m alt; rainfed rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”Asia, Medit area; E Afr,

from the Middle East through S & SE Asia to Aust, very rare in

Malesia, a few localities in the Philippines, in Indonesia: Java,

Suamtra, Sulawesi & Irian Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,reflexus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cyperus,reflexus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,rigens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cyperus,rigens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,rigidifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,rigidifolius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cyperus,rotundus, ,”nutgrass, nutsedge, purple

nutsedge”,,,,”tropical America, gardens, field crops”,Cook

Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Fed. States of Micronesia; Guam;

Kiribati; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western

Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Wallis &

Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Cyperus,rotundus,,”nutgrass, nut sedge, purple nutgrass,

purple nutsedge, red grass, red nutgrass, water grass”,XXH,NLP,Vic;

SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,rotundus, ,,,,,Serious tropical weed,,Behrendt &

Hanf “Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Cyperus,rotundus, ,Purple Nutsedge ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cyperus,rotundus, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web Address:

,,”Florida Weeds,


Cyperus,rotundus, ,Purple nutsedge,,,,vegetative propagation

of tuber; seeds dormant at maturity up to 7-8yrs; dormancy broken by

heating seed to 40C on moist substratum for 3-6wks; germ alt. temp 20C in

dark 30C in light,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Cyperus,rotundus, ,”nutgrass, nut sedge, purple nutgrass,

purple nutsedge, red grass, red nutgrass, water grass”,,,,invasive

& aggressive competitor with agric. crops; densities of over 500

plts/sq.m recorded; smothers virtually all other plants as well as

removing large amounts of moisture & nutrients,”originated in

India & northern & eastern Australia; worlds worst weed;

troublesome in 52 crops in 92 countries; present throughout Asia, Pacific

Is, Afr, S Amer & Middle East, NAmer, & Mex”“occurs in

all Aust states ex. Tas, only serious weed of Qld &

nor”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”


CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Cyperus,rotundus, ,Nutgrass * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN

SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Movement

prohibited on roads (Section 52(2) applies)”,”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Cyperus,rotundus,syn ,”Nut-grass, Purple

nutsedge”,,,,”fields, gardens, lawns, moist

ground”“Tubers are used in folk medicine as a sedative,

diuretic, carminative, stimulant, tonic, aphrodisiac &

stomachic”““,”Medit, W & C Eur, trop. Afr,

widespread in many torp. & subtrop. regions of the

world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Cyperus,rotundus, ,nutgrass,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,rotundus, ,purple nutsedge,,,,perennial sub-dominance

, ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Cyperus,rotundus,syn ,”nutgrass, purple nutsedge,

nutsedge”,,,,”sunny to lightly shaded localities, in gardens,

lawns, along roads, waste places; can hardly stand salt; at low &

medium altitudes, up to 1800m; gogo rancah & upland rice fields,

Cyperus rotundus is one of the world's worst weeds; when the rice fields

run”,”India, warmer parts of the whole world, widely

distributed; very common in Malesia; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Cyperus,rotundus, ,purple nutsedge,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cyperus,rotundus, ,nutgrass,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cyperus,sanguinolentus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,sanguinolentus,”syn Cyperus eragrostis, Pycreus

eragrostis, Pycreus snaguinolentus”,,,,,”wet, open palces,

swamps, soggy grasslands; up to 3000m alt; locally abundant;

lowland-irrigated, rainfed & tidal rice fields, important weed in

rice, apart from the typical one (subsp. sanguinolentus) with 3 stamens,

three other subsp. have been recogniz”,”Eastern hemishpere,

warmer parts of the eastern hemisphere, tropical Afr, from the Black Sea

through C & E Asia to Japan & Aust; often common in Malesia;

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Cyperus,serotinus, ,,,,,”perennial dominance,

sub-dominance “, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Cyperus,sesquiflorus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,sesquiflorus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,sphacelatus,syn ,,,,,”grasslands, often a weed on

airstrips; low altitudes; upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

but might become noxious; spreads fast, resembles Cyperus tenuiculmis,

but the latter is a perennial with remote (not imbricate) glumes, linear

anthers, “,”tropical Afr or Amer, tropical Afr & tropical

Amer; introd in S India, Aust, Tahiti, Malesia, New Britian; first

collected in N Sumatra in 1922; spread throughout Indonesia except

Sulawesi & the Lesser Sunda Islands, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,strigosus, ,False nutsedge,,,,seeds dormant at

harvest; prechilling at 10C for 10-25 wks; germ 20C in dark & room

temp in light; 90% germ after dry storage at room temp for

7mths,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Cyperus,strigosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,strigosus, ,false nutsedge,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cyperus,strigosus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cyperus,tegetum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,tegetum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cyperus,tenellus,,Tiny Flat-sedge,XH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,tenellus, ,Tiny Flat-sedge,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,?Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,9”,”S Af, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cyperus,tenellus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,tenuiflorus,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cyperus,tenuiflorus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,tenuispica,syn Cyperus flavidus,,,,,”very wet

open places; up to 500m alt; lowland- irrigated & tidal rice fields,

a weed of minor importance, “,”E Asia, warm regions of the

eastern hemisphere; tropical Afr, from India to S China & S Japan,

from Malesia to tropical Aust; scattered in Malesia; throughout

Indonesia, except Kalimantan & Irian Jaya, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cyperus,tuberosus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cyperus,tuberosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyperus,var. gracilis, ,slender umbrella

flatsedge,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cyperus,virens, Cyperus pseudovegetus,,,,,seeds dormant at

harvest; prechilling at 2C for 10-29wks; germ alt. temp of 20C in dark

& room temp in light; dry stored seed 95% germ after

8.5mths,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Cyperus,vorsteri,,cyperus,S,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cyperus,vorsteri, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Eleocharis,acicularis, ,,,,,”perennial dominance,

sub-dominance “, Taiwan Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Eleocharis,acicularis,syn Scirpus acicularis,,,,,”open,

damp or wet places on very wet, sandy soils at 900m alt; in Luzon in rice

fields at 1450m; lowland-irrigated & rainfed rice fields, a weed of

minor importance, the Malesian plants belong to E. acicularis var.

longiseta, with 3-4 bristles distinctly “,”northern hemisphere,

widely distributed in N Amer, throughout Eur & northern Asia, Japan,

Korea, extending south to the Ryukyu Islands, Yunnan, Annam, Taiwan, a

northern element in Malesia & the Philippines; in Indonesia: so far

found around Lake Toba in “,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Eleocharis,acicularis, ,slender spikerush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eleocharis,acutangula,”syn Eleocharis fistulosa, Scripus

acutangulus”,,,,,”open, wet places, swamps; at low altitudes,

up to 800m;lowland-irrigated & rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, “,”SE Asia, widely distributed, but nowhere common

in the Old & New World & the Afr tropics, Taiwan, Japan &

tropical Aust; scattered in Malesia; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Eleocharis,afflata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleocharis,afflata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eleocharis,atropurpurea,syn Scirpus

atrronpurpureus,,,,,”wet, soggy grassland; in W Java form 90-250m

alt; Lowland-irrigated rice fields, a weed of minor importance, resembles

E. geniculata, but of smaller stature, with more delicate, white,

glossy-transparent bristles & more prominent glume-keels, which give

t”,”tropical Asia, tropics of the Old & New World, also in

the USA; in Eur: Italy & Switzerland, in tropical Aust, very rare in

Malesia; in Indonesia: Java, Sumatra & Irian Jaya, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Eleocharis,calva, ,,,,,”6% germ of seed stored in water

at 1-3C for 7mths, then 40 days in germinator(2-quart jars of tap water

placed in diffuse light on a greenhouse bench)”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Eleocharis,cellulosa, ,gulfcoast spikerush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eleocharis,chaetaria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleocharis,chaetaria, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Eleocharis,congesta,”syn Eleocharis afflata, Eleocharis

japonica, Eleocharis pellucida; Scirpus afflatus”,,,,,”shallow

water, inundated & marshy places, ditches; up to 2800m alt; more

common in W than in E Java; lowland-irrigated & tidal rice fields, a

weed of minor importance, in the axil of the lower glumes a plantule can

be formed, which becomes free-floating o”,”E Asia, SE Asia, E

Asia, from India to China & Japan; throughout Indonesia, except the

Moluccas & Irian Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Eleocharis,dulcis, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Eleocharis,dulcis,”syn Eleocharis equisetina, Eleocharis

indica, Eleocharis plantaginea, Eleocharis plantaginoidea, Eleocharis

tuberosa”,Chinese water chestnut,,,,”open, wet places, brackish

& fresh water, swamps; sometimes forming pure stands;up to 1350m alt;

lowland-irrigated, lebak & tidal rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, sometimes troublesome in tidal rice fields, wild tubers,

usually made into chips (em”,”SE Asia, tropical W Afr,

Madagascar, SE Asia, from India to China, Taiwan, Japan, N Aust, Pacific,

Malesia, throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Eleocharis,erecta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleocharis,erecta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eleocharis,geniculata, ,,,,,”central America, rice, moist

areas”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Kiribati; Marshall

Islands; Niue; American Samoa; Solomon Islands ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Eleocharis,geniculata,”syn Eleocharis capitata,

Eleocharis caribaea, Scirpus geniculatus”,,,,,”open sites,

marshes, soggy grasslands, sometimes on brackish clay, rare, but locally

sometimes abundant; in Java up to 900m alt; rainfed & tidal rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”Asia, the most widely

distributed Eleocharis in the warmer parts of the Old & New World; in

Malesia scattered, throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Eleocharis,interstincta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleocharis,interstincta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Eleocharis,kuroguwai, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleocharis,kuroguwai, ,,,,,”perennial dominance,

sub-dominance “, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Eleocharis,kuroguwai, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eleocharis,minuta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eleocharis,minuta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleocharis,mutata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleocharis,mutata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eleocharis,nodulosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleocharis,nodulosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Eleocharis,obtusa, ,blunt spikerush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eleocharis,ochreata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleocharis,ochreata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Eleocharis,ochrostachys,”syn Eleocharis subulata,

Eleocharis variegata, Scripus ochrostachys”,,,,,”open wet

places, swamps, lake borders, floating islands; at low & medium

altitudes, up to 1400m; sometimes dominant; rainfed & lebak rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”Asia, from India to

Indonesia, Taiwan, Pacific, scattered in Malesia, often very local; in

Java only in the western part, in the Moluccas only recorded from

Halmahera; not yet recorded from the Lesser Sunda

Islands”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Eleocharis,pachycarpa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eleocharis,pachycarpa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleocharis,pallens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eleocharis,palustris, ,Creeping spikerush,,,,”80-90% of

fruit samples placed on moist filter paper in petri dishes in autumn

& left for 6mths, germ progresses rapidly after this; rhizomes most

common form of propagation”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Eleocharis,palustris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleocharis,palustris, ,creeping spikerush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eleocharis,palustris, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Eleocharis,parodii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eleocharis,parodii, ,,,,,Region of origin - Argentina; Extent

of spread - localised; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Eleocharis,parvula, ,dwarf spikerush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eleocharis,philippinensis,syn ,,,,,”almost always in open

marshy sites; up to 400m alt; rainfed & tidal rice fields, a weed of

minor importance, resembles E. ochrostachys, but the latter has

cylindrical to obscurely angular stems, shorter spikelets with appressed

glumes & a differently-shap”,”Malesia, Thailand, Malesia,

tropical Aust, New Caledonia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Eleocharis,plantaginoidea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleocharis,plantaginoidea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Eleocharis,quadrangulata, ,squarestem

spikerush,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eleocharis,retroflexa,”syn Eleocharis chaetaria,

Chaetocyperus setaceus”,,,,,”wet, muddy places, along streams,

moist road sides, shallow pools; up to 1600m alt; lebak & tidal rice

fields, a weed of minor importance; sometimes troublesome in tidal rice

fields, “,”AS Asia, or Amer, tropics of Amer, Asia, Aust;

common in Malesia, throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Eleocharis,tuberosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleocharis,tuberosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Eleocharis,uniglumis, ,,,,,20% of fruit samples placed on

moist filter paper in petri dishes in autumn & left for 6mths;

rhizomes most common form of propagation,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Eleocharis ,acicularis, ,”slender spikerush, needle

spikerush”,,,,”Eleocharis acicularis is ranked among the five

most serious weeds in rice and is one of the most troublesome weeds in

man's wet fields. It is one of the most widely distributed hydrophytes in

the world, and is generally troublesome in all continents.

It”,,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Eleocharis ,dulcis,syn ,”water chestnut, Chinese

waterchestnut, ground chestnut, waternut”,,,,”Eleocharis

dulcis, the water chestnut, behaves as a weed in much of Asia and down

throught the Pacific Islands, into Australia and is a weed of more than

45 countries and is another of the sedges that may be as harmful to

agriculture for its interference”,widely distributed,WORLD WEEDS

Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Eleocharis ,palustris, ,”common spike rush, creeping

spikerush, wiregrass”,,,,”Eleocharis palustris is a weed in 40

countries in crops only near the Tropic of Cancer and in the North

Temperate Zone, with the exception of general distribution over S Amer

and an area in S Afr. It is a troublesome weed of aquatic sites and waterways.”,”widely

distributed in the subtropics and the temperate zone north of the

equator, and in S Amer, “,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Eriophorum,angustifolium, ,,,,,”vegetative propagation by

rhizomes; seeds have dormant period, prechilling at 4C for 1wk induces

germ “,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Fimbristylis,acuminata,syn ,,,,,”open, wet or muddy

places, swamps, river banks at low altitudes; up to 350m alt; rainfed rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, grows well in water with a low pH (up

to 5) but questionably aslo in water with at high pH (up to 10), while it

is scarce in “,”S Asia, SE Asia, from Ceylon & India to S

China & tropical Aust; scattered in Malesia, in Indonesia: Sumatra,

Java, Madura, Kalimantan & Irian Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Fimbristylis,aestivalis,syn Scirpus

aestivalis,,,,,”soggy, open places, fields, swamps; up to 1800m alt;

lowland-irrigated & rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

three varieties are known: F. aestivalis var. trichopoda with densely

hairy inflorescence rays; var. macrostachya a much more robust

“,”Asia, from India through Thailand, Indochina to China,

Taiwan, Japan & tropical Aust, scattered in Malesia; in Indonesia:

Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi & Irian Jaya, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Fimbristylis,albovirides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Fimbristylis,alboviridis,syn ,,,,,”dry grass fields,

roadsides; at low altitudes; rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, “,”SE Asia, SE Asia, from India to west Malesia,

Philippines; in Indonesia: so far collected only in Java”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Fimbristylis,annua,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Fimbristylis,aphylla,”syn Fimbristylis globulosa var.

aphylla, Fimbristylis quinquangularis “,,,,,”open, wet places,

swamps; up to 500m alt; lowland-irrigated, rainfed & lebak rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, resembles Fimbristylis miliacea, the

latter an annual with fibrous roots, angular spikelets & apiculates,

distinctly keeled glumes”,”SA Asia, from India to Indochina; in

western Malesia & in the Philippines, in Indonesia: Sumatra &

Java, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Fimbristylis,autumnalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fimbristylis,autumnalis, ,slender

fimbristylis,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Fimbristylis,autumnalis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Fimbristylis,bisumbellata,syn Scripus

bisumbellatus,,,,,”Nile and canal banks, rice

fields”,widespread in subtrop. & warm temp. regions of the

world,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi,


Fimbristylis,bisumbellata,syn Scirpus

bisumbellatus,,,,,”along rivers, sandy river bars; in India a common

weed of rice fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”unknown,

from the Medit tothe tropics of the SE Asia to Aust; rare in Malesia, in

Indonesia: with certainty only recorded from Java &

Kalimantan”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Fimbristylis,cymosa (=F. atollensis), ,,,,,”tropical

America, sweet potato, taro”,French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; Papua

New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Tuvalu,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”,

D.F Waterhouse”

Fimbristylis,dichotoma, ,,,,,”, sugarcane, lawns,

wetlands”,Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; New Caledonia;

Niue; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu;

Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Fimbristylis,dichotoma, ,,,,,annual sub-dominance Weeds of

sown grassland , Upland Korea Thailand Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in


Fimbristylis,dichotoma,”syn Fimbristylis annua,

Fimbristylis diphylla, Fimbristylis longispica, Fimbristylis squarrosa,

Scirpus dichotomus”,,,,,”open waste places, grassy roadsides,

Imperata grasslands, tea plantations, teak forests, more rarely in

swamps; sometimes abundant; up to 1500(-2500)m alt. (in PNG); flowers

throughout the year; uplant rice fields, a serious weed in Fiji, Hawaii,

Indochin”,”SE Asia, warmer parts of the world; one of the most

widely distributed species; very common in Malesia, throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Fimbristylis,diphylla, ,twoleaf fimbristylis,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Fimbristylis,floribunda, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Fimbristylis,globulosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fimbristylis,globulosa,”syn Fimbristylis efoliata,

Fimbristylis umbellaria, Scirpus globulosus”,,,,,”wet, open

places, swamps, grass fields; usually at low altitudes, rarely up to

1000m; lowland-irrigated, rainfed, lebak & tidal rice fields, a weed

of minor importance, the form with 2 stigmas is sometimes considered a

different species, F. torresiana; th”,”SE Asia, from India

through China to Micronesia & Polynesia; scattered in Malesia,

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Fimbristylis,globulosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Fimbristylis,griffifhii,syn Fimbristylis aestivalis,,,,,”wet

or swampy sites, riverbanks, lake borders, roadsides; at low altitudes,

up to 700m; rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor importance, often

confused with F. aestivalis, which is smaller, weaker, hairy plant,

without tubular leaf sheaths surrounding the”,”unknown, Bengal,

Burma, Thailand, Indochina, scattered in Malesia, throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Fimbristylis,littoralis, ,,,,, , ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Fimbristylis,miliacea, ,”grass-like fimbristylis, lesser

fimbristylis”,,,,”, rice, moist places”,Fiji; French

Polynesia; Guam; Western Samoa; Tuvalu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture

and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Fimbristylis,miliacea, ,,,,,64% germ of seeds buried in ground

for 6mths & planted in moist sand,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Fimbristylis,miliacea, ,Globe fringerush,,,,”2,4-D 1989

Malaysia Rice “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Fimbristylis,miliacea, ,,,,,annual sub-dominance , Thailand

Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Fimbristylis,miliacea,syn Fimbristylis littoralis,,,,,”damp

waste places,ditches; prolific seed-producer; up to 10 000 seeds/plant;

from 0-1000m alt; in all kinds of rice fields, a troublesome weed in 21

countries; one of the three most serious weeds in rice; although it

occurs mainly in rice fields, it was a”,”tropical Amer,

pantropical; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Fimbristylis,ovata,”syn Fimbristylis monostachyos,

Abildgaardia compressa, Carex ovata”,,,,,”sunny to lightly

shaded, not too wet grasslands, grassy roadsides, planted teak forests

(Java); up to 900(-1200) m alt; ofen abundant; upland rice fields, a weed

of minor importance, “,”unknown, pantropical; everywhere in

Malesia, rarer in the Malay Peninsula, throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Fimbristylis,quinquangularis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fimbristylis,quinquangularis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Fimbristylis,schoenoides,”syn Fimbristylis bispicata,

Scirpus schoenoides”,,,,,”open grasslands, esp. on less

permeable soils, Imperata lands; at low altitudes, up to 400m; rainfed

& upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance, the species could

also represent F. caesia, which only differs by its more slender habit

& the emarginat”,”SE Asia, SE Asia, India, S China, from

Taiwan to tropical Aust; introd but still rare in Amer, scattered in

Malesia, throughout Indonesia, except Sulawesi, the Moluccas & Irian

Jaya, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Fimbristylis,tomentosa,”syn Fimbristylis podocarpa,

Fimbristylis schoenoides”,,,,,”open or lightly shaded moist

sites, grasslands, grassy roadsides, forest clearings; usually below 200m

alt; up to 1200m; lowland-irrigated & rainfed rice fields, a weed of

minor importance, “,”SE Asia, tropical Afr, Madagascar,

Mauritius, from India to S China, Micronesia & tropical Aust, more

widely distributed than F. dichotoma in Malesia”,”Weeds of Rice

in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Fuirena,ciliaris, ,,,,,annual sub-dominance , Thailand ,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Fuirena,ciliaris,syn Fuirena glomerata,,,,,”open wet

sites, swampy grasslands, riverbanks at low altitudes, usually below

1000m; usually scattered , sometimes abundant; lowland-irrigated,

rainfed& tidal rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”unknown, tropics of Asia & Afr, also in Aust; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Fuirena,glomerata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fuirena,glomerata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Fuirena,umbellata,syn Fuirena quinquangularis,,,,,”open,

wet sites, swamps, pools, ditches, marshy lake shores, swampy grasslands,

secondary forests; up to 1800m alt.; less common than Fuirena ciliaris;

lowland-irrigated, lebak & tidal rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, “,”unknown, pantropical; throughout Indonesia,

except the Lesser Sunda Islands & the Moluccas, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Isolepis,hystrix,,Awned Club-rush,XH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Isolepis,hystrix, ,Awned Club-rush,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,9”,”S Af, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Isolepis,hystrix, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Isolepis,marginata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Isolepis,prolifera,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Isolepis,prolifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Isolepis,sepulcralis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Isolepis,setacea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Isolepis,stellata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Kyllinga,brevifolia, ,,,,,”, “,Cook Islands; Fiji;

French Polynesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American

Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tokelau; Tonga; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Kyllinga,brevifolia, ,green kyllinga,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Kyllinga,nemoralis, ,,,,,”, pasture, lawns,

plantations”,Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; American Samoa; Western

Samoa; Tonga ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in

the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Kyllinga,polyphylla, ,navua sedge,,,,”, pasture,

agricultural land”,Fiji; French Polynesia; Niue; Western Samoa;

Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Lipocarpha,chinensis,”syn Lipocarpa argentea, Lipocarpha

laevigata, Cyperus lipocarpha, Scirpus chinensis, Scirpus

senegalensis”,,,,,”open marshy sites, swamps, marshes, along

lakes & pools, river banks, soggy grasslands, forest clearings; up to

1800m alt. (2800m in Irian Jaya); rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, “,”tropical Asia, tropical & S Afr, S & SE

Asia, tropical Aust, widely distributed in Malesia; throughout Indonesia,

except the Lesser Sunda Islands, as far as known”,”Weeds of

Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Mariscus,longibracteatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mariscus,longibracteatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Mariscus,rufus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mariscus,rufus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Mariscus,umbellatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mariscus,umbellatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Mariscus,ustulatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mariscus,ustulatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pycreus,lanceolatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pycreus,lanceolatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Pycreus,mundtii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pycreus,mundtii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pycreus,tremulus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pycreus,tremulus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rhynchospora,corymbosa,”syn Rhynchospora aurea, Scirpus

corymbosus”,,,,,”open sunny, swampy places, riverbanks; up to

1300m alt., mostly low altitudes; often dominant; tidal rice fields, a

weed of minor importance, in the Philippines used for making mats,

sandals etc; the inflorescences are sometimes much deformed by fungus,

C”,”unknown, tropics & subtropics of the world; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Schoenoplectus,californicus,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Schoenoplectus,californicus, ,,,,,”Region of origin - N

Amer, C Amer, S Amer; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

unknown”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Schoenoplectus,erectus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Schoenoplectus,erectus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Schoenoplectus,juncoides,,,"rice, freshwater and tidal swamps",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Schoenoplectus,lineolatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Schoenoplectus,lineolatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Schoenoplectus,spp.,,,,NPQ,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Schoenoplectus,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Scirpus,acutus, ,hardstem bulrush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scirpus,americanus, ,American bulrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scirpus,articulatus, ,bulrush,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Scirpus,articulatus,syn ,,,,,”open swamps or inundated

places, shallow pools; rare, but locally sometimes abundant; in areas

with a pronounced dry season; usually at low altitudes, up to 450m; lowland-irrigated

& lebak rice fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”Asia or

Afr, fromthe Medit through Afr& S Asia to N Aust; in Indonesia: Java,

the Lesser Sunda Islands, Sulawesi & Irian Jaya, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Scirpus,atrovirens, ,green bulrush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scirpus,californicus, ,California bulrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scirpus,cubensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Scirpus,cubensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Scirpus,cyperinus, ,woolgrass bulrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scirpus,fluviatilis, ,river bulrush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scirpus,grossus, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Scirpus,grossus,syn ,,,,,”in swampy or inundated places,

pools, ditches, marshes; locally abundant esp. in the lowlands; up to

850m alt.; lowland-irrigated, lebak & tidal rice fields, a weed of

minor importance, stems, after removal of one of the ribs, flattening

& drying, are use”,”SE Asia, India,m SE Asia, S China,

Malesia, tropical Aust; throughout Indonesia, except the Moluccas &

the Lesser Sunda Islands, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Scirpus,hotarui, ,,,,,”annual dominance, sub-dominance

“, ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Scirpus,juncoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Scirpus,juncoides, ,,,,,perennial , Taiwan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Scirpus,juncoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Scirpus,lateriflorus,”syn Scirpus oryzetorum, Scirpus

supinus, Isolepis juncoides”,,,,,”open, wet areas, edges of

swamps; often very abundant; up to 300(-1300)m alt; lowland-irrigated,

rainfed, lebak & tidal rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”SE Asia, SE Asia, from India to S China & Taiwan, Aust,

western part of Malesia, Philippines (Luzon); in Indonesia: Java & the

Lesser Sunda Islands, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Scirpus,maritimus,,sea club rush,,NQ,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Scirpus,maritimus,,"rice, freshwater and tidal swamps",,,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Scirpus,maritimus, ,,,,,Sig weed of rice,,Behrendt & Hanf

“Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Scirpus,maritimus, ,,,,,”perennial dominance,

sub-dominance “, ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Scirpus,mucronatus,syn Scirpus sundanus,,,,,”in open, wet

places, marshes;f rom behind the seashore to 2100m alt; often dominant or

co-dominant with Leersia hexandra; lowland-irrigated, lebak & tidal

rice fields, a weed of minor importance, cultivated in W Sumatra; dried

& flattened stems are used f”,”Asia, warmer parts of the

Old World, from S Eur to Japan & through S & SE Asia to Aust;

rare in tropical Afr; throughout Indonesia, except the Moluccas, as far

as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Scirpus,mucronatus, ,roughseed bulrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scirpus,pendulus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Scirpus,pendulus, ,,,,,Region of origin - N Amer; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Scirpus,pendulus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Scirpus,spp., ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Scirpus,validus, ,softstem bulrush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scirpus,wallichii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Scirpus,wallichii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Scirpus ,juncoides,syn Scirpus erectus,,,,,”open wet

places, swamps, low riverbanks; in Java, in everwet areas & those

with a pronounced dry season; 0-1200m alt, rarely up to 2000m;

lowland-irrigated & tidal rice fields, S. juncoides is an annual

weed, typical of lowland rice; its seeds require bur”,”Asia,

from India, China & Japan to Hawaii, SE Asia to tropical Aust; in

Malesia more common in the western part; throughout Indonesia, except the

Moluccas, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Scleria,barteri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Scleria,barteri, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Scleria,melaleuca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Scleria,melaleuca, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Scripus,acutus, ,Hardstem bulrush,,,,good germ of seeds stratified

in moist peat moss at 2-4C for 6mths then germ in water at 30-32C in

light; seed stored in glass cloth bags 40-45cm deep in natural pool of

water for 8mths germ 53% & stored in pool for 8mths then dried for

1mth 42% germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Scripus,americanus, ,American bulrush,,,,”stratification

in moist peat moss at 2-4C for 6-12mths, then germ in water at 30-32C in

strong continuous light”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Scripus,atrovirens, ,Green bulrush,,,,”seeds stored 3mths

at 2-4C in water, sphagnum, peat or sand germ well in tap water at room

temp in diffuse light; after 6 mths storage germ

80-100%”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Scripus,cespitosus, ,,,,,good germ in tap water at room temp

in diffuse light with seeds stored 12-18mths in water or sphagnum at

2-4C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Scripus,cyperinus, ,Wool grass bulrush,,,,”good germ in

water at room temp in diffuse light, after storage in water at 2-4C for

6-12mths”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Scripus,fluviatilis, ,River bulrush,,,,”60-70% germ of

seed stored at 2-4C in water or peat moss for more than 1yr, then tested

in water at 30-32C in strong continuous light”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Scripus,juncoides, ,,,,,”annual dominance, sub-dominance

“, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Scripus,lineatus, ,,,,,82% germ of seed tested in tap water at

room temp in diffuse light after storage in water at 2-4C for

3mths,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Scripus,litoralis,syn Schoenoplectus

litoralis,,,,,”marshes, ditches, moist ground”,”Medit, C

Eur, W & C Asia, N Aust”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos,

L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Scripus,maritimus, ,,,,,98% germ of seed in 1st spring after

collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Scripus,maritimus, ,”sea club-rush, saltmarsh

bulrush”,,,,”Scripus maritimus is a perennial, often tufted,

spreading extensively by horizontal creeping rhizomes and stolons. It is

found as a weed of agriculture and waterways on all continents and is a

problem and often a serious weed in rice growing

areas.”,”circumpolar, with general distribution over Asia, Eur,

and N Amer; sparsely found in Afr, and S Amer”,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Scripus,mucronatus, ,”roughseed club-rush, sea scripus,

roughseed bulrush”,,,,”Scripus mucronatus is a perennial, tall,

stout, tufted sedge with short rhizomes. It is found as a weed of

agriculture and waterways on all continents and is a problem in rice

growing areas”,”circumpolar, with general distribution over

Asia, Eur, and N Amer; sparsely found in Afr, and S Amer”,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Scripus,paludosus, ,,,,,”good germ of seed stored at 2-4C

in water or peat moss for more than 6mths, then tested in water at 30-32C

in strong continuous light”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Scripus,pedicellatus, ,,,,,”good germ of seed stored at

2-4C in peat moss for more than 6mths, then tested in water at 30-32C in

strong continuous light”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Scripus,planiculmis, ,,,,, , Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in


Scripus,robustus, ,,,,,”good germ of seed stored at 2-4C

in peat moss for more than 6mths, then tested in water at 30-32C in

strong continuous light”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Scripus,rubricosus, Scripus eriophorum,,,,,”90% germ of

seed stored dry for 18mths at room temp or at 2-4C, in tap water at

30-32C in strong continuous light”,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Scripus,smithii, ,,,,,”good germ of seed stored at 2-4C

in water for 12-18mths, then tested in water at 30-32C in strong

continuous light”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Scripus,subterminalis, ,,,,,”good germ of seed stored at

2-4C in water for 12-18mths, then tested in water at 30-32C in strong

continuous light”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Scripus,sylvaticus, ,,,,,100% germ of seed in 1st spring after

collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Scripus,tuberosus,syn ,Sea club-rush,,,,”canals, rice

fields, marshes, drains, moist ground”,”Medit, W & C Asia;

introduced into N Amer”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Scripus,validus, ,Softstem bulrush,,,,”no germ of seed

stored at 2-4C in water for 12-18mths, then tested in water at 30-32C in

strong continuous light; seed stored in glass cloth bags 40-45cm deep in

natural pool of water for 8mths germ 60%, stored the same then dried for

1mth germ 44%”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Trianoptiles,solitaria,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trianoptiles,solitaria, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Ulva,spp. (aquatic), ,ulva,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Uncinia,sinclairii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Cliftonia,monophylla, ,titi,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Hypolepis,dicksonioides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Hypolepis,rugosula,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pteridium,aquilinum, var. esculentum

,Bracken,,,,vegetative reproduction by transferring pieces of 20-25cm

with a growing rhizome apex,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Pteridium,aquilinum, ,,,,, , Miyagi Niigata Oita Kagawa

,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Pteridium,aquilinum, ,bracken,,,,”The genus

Pteridium is monotypic; it is on all continents including Antarctica, and

may be one of the most widely distributed vascular plants on earth. Is is

not found in extremely cold or dry areas. It is a very ancient plant that

has become a very succe”,distributed over most of the world,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Pteridium,aquilinum var. latiusculum, ,eastern

bracken,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pteridium,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Pteridium,var. pubescens, ,western

bracken,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Dichapetalum,cymosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dichapetalum,cymosum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


Dioscorea,alata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dioscorea,alata, ,”white yam, water yam”,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Dioscorea,alata,,winged yam,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Dioscorea,batatas,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Dioscorea,batatas,,air-potato,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Dioscorea,bulbifera,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dioscorea,bulbifera, ,”air potato, air

yam”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Dioscorea,bulbifera,,air-potato,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Dioscorea,japonica, ,,,,,annual dominant weed in crops ,

Shizuoka Miyasaki ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Dioscorea,villosa, ,,,,,cutting seed coat; 4% germ in light

& 16% dark at 20-25C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Tamus,communis, ,,,,,”seeds placed in porous cups standing

in water in a pan covered with glass & exposed to winter temps of

50F, during winter germ well following autumn; “,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes


Cephalaria,syriaca, ,,,,,,Scattered in Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Cephalaria,syriaca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cephalaria,syriaca, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Dipsacus,fullonum,”D. sativus in SA, Dipsacus

sylvestris”,”wild teasel, card thistle, Fuller's

teasel”,XXA,NLP,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Dipsacus,fullonum, ,Wild Teasel,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external. Life Form: Biennial. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,11”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Dipsacus,fullonum,,Common Name(s): Teasel,"Avail nurseries, Usage : Low Level Invasive ""Biennial, 2-6 feet high, flowers pink on egg-shaped pincushion, spiny stem, leaves opposite, 3-6 cm long, narrow ""","Europe. Habitat: Pastures, old fields, waste places"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Dipsacus,fullonum, ,teasel,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dipsacus,fullonum, ,teasel,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Dipsacus,fullonum,,Fuller's teasel,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Dipsacus,fullonum ssp. fullonum, Dipsacus

sylvestris,”wild teasel, card thistle, fuller's

teasel”,,,,” invades degraded pastures; odd plants have occured

in the Adelaide Hills, in SA; it does not occur in other Statesmainly

occurs in Vic, at Condah Swamp in the Western Districts, on the Moorabool

River at Meredith near Geelong, at Ballarat & several

plac”,”originated in S & E Eur, & although estab. in

many temp areas of the world, is rarely considered an imprt weed; it has

been declared noxious in S Afr, but does not appear to be troublesome;

there are scattered patches in NZ , northern USA, E Canada,

Chile”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Dipsacus,laciniatus, ,cut leaved teasel,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Dipsacus,laciniatus, ,”air potato, air yam”,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Dipsacus,laciniatus, ,cutleaf teasel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Dipsacus,sativa, ,,,,,sativa or sativus?,,Weed Science List

Dipsacus,sylvestris, ,teasel,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Knautia,arvensis,, bluebuttons,"Possible Weed of Agriculture, Grassland and Forest: High Weed Potential in Disturbed areas",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Knautia,arvensis, Scabiosa arvensis,Field

scabious,,,,”some seed germ immediately after harvest, remainder in

1st spring; seeds placed in water unheated germinator & exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; 83% germ”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Knautia,arvensis, ,Field Scabious,,,,”K. borderei, K.

cattalaunica, K. purpurea”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Knautia,arvensis, ,Field Scabious,,,,”K. borderei, K.

cattalaunica, K. purpurea”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Knautia,arvensis, ,field scabious,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scabiosa,atropurpurea,,scabious,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Scabiosa,atropurpurea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Scabiosa,suaveolens, ,,,,,85% germ at once or soon after

harvest; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Succisa,australis, ,devilsbit,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Succisa,pratensis, Scabiosa succisa,,,,,”78% germ in 1st

spring; seeds placed in germinator, exposed continuously to temps similar

to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; 75% germ on moist

blotters in 10-20days at 4-12C”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes


Cyrtomium,falcatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyrtomium,falcatum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tectaria,incisa, ,incised halberd fern,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Tectaria,incisa,,incised halberd fern,,,,”Catergory

I - Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council


Diospyros,texana, ,Texas persimmon,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Diospyros,virginiana, ,persimmon,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euclea,divinorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euclea,divinorum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Royena,sericea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Royena,sericea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List


Elaeagnus,angustifolia, ,Russian Olive ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Elaeagnus,angustifolia,, Russian olive, Limited Weed potential in Riparian and Wetland habitats.,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Elaeagnus,angustifolia,,"Russian olive, Trebizond date, Oleaster","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive , Additional Comments : Tolerant to sandy soils ""25 feet high, flowers yellow inside, silver outside, in small fragrant clusters, leaves narrowly oblong, 4-8 cm long, dull green, alternate, simple, frui","Eurasia. Habitat: Fence rows, urban areas"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Elaeagnus,angustifolia, ,Russian-olive ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to

spread,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Elaeagnus,angustifolia, ,Russian olive,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Elaeagnus,commutata, ,Silverberry,,,,removal of seeds from

their endocarps premitted complete germ of fresh seed & seed stored

for 1yr; germ on moist filter paper at 20C in dark,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Elaeagnus,commutata, ,silverberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Elaeagnus,pungens,,Russian olive,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant communities;

may have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance

corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Elaeagnus,umbellata,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Elaeagnus,umbellata,,Autumn olive,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Highly Invasive , Additional Comments : Spread by birds ""10-12 feet, flowers yellow to white, small fragrant clusters, leaves oval, pointed, silver underneath, 4-6 cm long, fruits olive like, silvery then red fruits olive",Eurasia. Habitat: Woodlands," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Elaeagnus,umbellata, ,autumn olive,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Elaeagnus,umbellata,,autumn olive,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess characteristics of

invasive species and spread easily into native plant communities and

displace native vegetation; includes species which are or could become

widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Shepherdia,argentea, ,silver buffaloberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Shepherdia,canadensis, ,russet buffaloberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Bergia,ammannioides, ,,,,, , ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Bergia,ammannioides,”syn Bergia oryzetorum, Elatine

ammannioides”,,,,,”in areas with a pronounced dry season; from

0-100m alt (in Java); in periodically inundated sites, which desiccate;

also along roadsides, railroad embarkments; often numerous;

lowland-irrigated & rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

often conf”,”tropcial Afr or tropical Asia, tropical Afr,

Afghanistan, Iran, tropical Asia, China, Taiwan, Aust, Malesia, Philippines;

in Indonesia: Java, Madura, Sumba dan Timor, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Bergia,capensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bergia,capensis,”syn Bergia repens, Bergia verticillata,

Elatine verticillata”,,,,,”swampy sites, wet grasslands, in

pools, on riverbanks; mostly in areas with a pronounced dry season;

flowers in Java from Feb-Jun; occurs (not commonly) in C & E Java

from 0-600m alt; lowland-irrigated & rainfed rice fields, a weed of

minor importance, “,”S India, India, Ceylon; Indonesia:

Java”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Bergia,capensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Elatine,americana, ,American waterwort,,,,store 4-6mths in

water at 1-3C; germ in water in diffuse light in greenhouse at 18-21C day

& 13-16C night temps.,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Elatine,americana, ,American waterwort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Elatine,minima, ,small waterwort,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Elatine,orientalis, ,,,P,,Prohibited by AQIS, ,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Elatine,triandra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Elatine,triandra, ,,,,,annual , Taiwan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Elatine,triandra,syn ,.,,,,”forms dense patches on the

bottom of shallow lakes with clear water; locally numerous; from

500-2000m alt in Java; flowers all year round; lowland-irrigated rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, inJava the submerged flowers do not

open”,”Eur, N Amer, Eur, India to Aust, NZ & Malesia;

Indonesia: Java & Sumatra”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Elatine,triandra, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List


Ephedra,torreyana, ,Torrey ephedra,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ephedra,trifurca, ,longleaf ephedra,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Equisetum,arvense,,”common horsetail, field horsetail,

scouring rush”,E,NL,NSW; SA; WA; Qld; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Equisetum,arvense, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Afr, Eur, N

Amer; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Equisetum,arvense, ,”common horsetail, field horsetail,

scouring rush”,,,,”weed of many crops, pastures & fruit

growing areas; moister areas where water table close to surface &

drainage poornaturalised only near Sydney; imported & sold in

nurseries in some states”,”Northern hemisphere extending N to

Alaska & Ellesmere Island at 83º N in N Amer & to 71º N in

Norway, Sweden, Finland & USSR & S to Texas, India & Iran;

occurs in Arg, Brazil,Chile, Madagascar, some Indian Ocean islands,

Indonesia, NZ & Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Equisetum,arvense, ,common horsetail,,,,,,Weed Science List

Equisetum,arvense, ,,,,,annual dominant weed in crops Weed

in poor site , Upland Japan Miyagi ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Equisetum,arvense, ,field horsetail,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Equisetum,arvense, ,common horsetail,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Equisetum,fluviatile, ,water horsetail,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Equisetum,hiemale, ,,,,,Region of origin - N Amer; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Equisetum,hyemale,Equisetum hyaemale,”common horsetail,

field horsetail, scouring rush”,HHE,NL,Qld; WA; Tas;

NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Equisetum,hyemale, ,scouringrush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Equisetum,palustre, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Equisetum,palustre, ,marsh horsetail,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Equisetum,palustre, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Equisetum,ramosissimum,,branched scouringrush,E,LQ,Qld; WA;

NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Equisetum,ramosissimum, E. ramosissimum subsp. debile ,,(Vaucher) Hauke,,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Equisetum,ramosissimum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Equisetum,ramosissimum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Equisetum,spp.,,”common horsetail, field horsetail,

scouring rush”,E,NLQ,WA; NSW; Qld; SA,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Equisetum,spp., ,Horsetail N # ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS

IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Equisetum,spp., ,,,P,,In line with South Australias complete

prohibition of the Genus.,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Equisetum,sylvaticum, ,sylvan horsetail,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Equisetum,telmateia, ,giant horsetail,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Arbutus,menziesii, ,Pacific madrone,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arbutus,unedo,,Strawberry Tree,XXS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Arbutus,unedo, ,Strawberry Tree,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5,6,7,”,”Introduced deliberately from: Med, S Eur and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Arbutus,unedo, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arctostaphylos,canescens, ,hoary manzanita,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arctostaphylos,columbiana, ,hairy manzanita,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arctostaphylos,glandulosa, ,Eastwood manzanita,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arctostaphylos,glauca, ,bigberry manzanita,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arctostaphylos,hispidula, ,Howell manzanita,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arctostaphylos,manzanita, ,big manzanita,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arctostaphylos,nevadensis, ,pinemat manzanita,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arctostaphylos,parryana var. pinetorum , ,pine

manzanita,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arctostaphylos,patula, ,greenleaf manzanita,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arctostaphylos,pungens, ,pointleaf manzanita,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arctostaphylos,uva-ursi, ,bearberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arctostaphylos,viscida, ,whiteleaf manzanita,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Calluna,vulgaris,,”heather, ling”,E,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Chamaedaphne,calyculata, ,leatherleaf,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erica,andromedaeflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Erica,arborea,,tree heath,HHXw,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Erica,arborea, ,Tree Heath,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Wind. Life

Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Med,SW Eur, In Victoria: Rare

or localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Erica,arborea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erica,baccans,,berry-flower heath,HS,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Erica,baccans, ,Berry-flower Heath,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Wind.

Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Erica,baccans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erica,caffra,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Erica,caffra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erica,lusitanica,,Spanish heath,HHXX,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Erica,lusitanica, ,Heath ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible through

the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Erica,lusitanica, ,Spanish Heath,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: SW Eur and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Erica,lusitanica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erica,lusitanica, ,Spanish Heath,,P,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: SW Eur and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Western Australian Prohibited List

Erica,melanthera,,erica,XS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Erica,melanthera, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Erica,melanthera, ,Erica,,,,Dispersal: ?. Life Form: Small to

medium shrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare

or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Erica,quadrangularis,,erica,HS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Erica,quadrangularis, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Erica,quadrangularis, ,Erica,,,,Dispersal: ?Water. Life Form:

Small to medium shrub. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare

or localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Erica,scoparia,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Erica,scoparia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erica,scorparia, ,,,,,Region of origin - S France; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Erica,X willmorei,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Gaultheria,shallon, ,salal,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Gaylussacia,frondosa, ,dangleberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Kalmia,angustifolia, ,sheep laurel,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Kalmia,latifolia, ,mountain laurel,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Kalmia,polifolia, ,pale laurel,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ledum,groenlandicum, ,Labrador tea,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oxydendrum,arboreum, ,sourwood,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pieris,mariana, ,,,,,”thimbleful of seed sown in soil

flats in late autumn of year collected, 208 germ in flats kept outdoors

for 83days within 21days after transfer to greenhouse, only 48 germ of

those kept in greenhouse within 48-111days”,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Rhododendron,canadense, ,Canadian rhododendron,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhododendron,canescens, ,piedmont azalea,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhododendron,macrophyllum, ,Pacific

rhododendron,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhododendron,maximum, ,rosebay rhododendron,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhododendron,occidentale, ,western azalea,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhododendron,ponticum, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Vaccinium,angustifolium, ,lowbush blueberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vaccinium,arboreum, ,tree huckleberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vaccinium,ovalifolium, ,ovalleaf blueberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vaccinium,ovatum, ,box blueberry,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Vaccinium,oxycoccus, ,small cranberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vaccinium,parvifolium, ,tall red huckleberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vaccinium,stamineum, ,common deerberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vaccinium,vitis-idaea var. minus, ,mountain

cranberry,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Eriocaulon,heterolepis var. nigricans,syn ,,,,,”a weed

of minor importance, “,”tropical Asia, very rare; in W & E

Java, in Kangean Island (north of Java), also in Sumatra &

Sulawesi”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Eriocaulon,longifolium,syn ,,,,,”soggy places; 0-700m

alt; rainfed & lebak rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”tropical Asia, Indonesia: Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi &

Irian Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Eriocaulon,luzulaefolium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eriocaulon,luzulaefolium, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Eriocaulon,septangulare, ,,,,,”high % germ of seeds

stored in water at 1-3C for 5-7mths; seeds stored in water at room temp,

need prechilling for 30 days”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Eriocaulon,sieboldtianum, ,,,,,annual sub-dominance ,

Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Eriocaulon,truncatum,,,"rice, wetlands, river banks and floodplains",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Eriocaulon,truncatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eriocaulon,truncatum,syn ,,,,,”soggy grasslands,

borders of water courses, on stones in rivers; often gregarious &

often mixed with E. cinereum; from 15-1300m alt; flowers all year

round;lowland-irrigated & rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”Asia, throughout Indonesia, except Kalimantan & the

Lesser Sunda Islands”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Eriocaulon,truncatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Eriocaulon ,cinereum,syn ,,,,,”oftenfound with E

truncatum; from 0(-15)-1400m alt; flowers all year round;

lowland-irrigated rainfed, & tidal rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, “,”tropical Asia, in Indonesia: Sumatra, Java,

Kalimantan & Sulawesi”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”


Erythroxylon,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erythroxylum,coca,”Erythroxylum bolivianum,

Erythroxylum peruvianum”,”coca leaf, coca, Peru

coca”,H,NLP,ACT; NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Erythroxylum,coca,” Erythroxylum bolivianum,

Erythroxylum peruvianum”,”coca leaf, coca, Peru

coca”,,,,the leaves of the plant are chewed as a stimulant by the S

Amer Indians & are a source of the pyridine-based alkaloid cocaine; growth

of the shrubs is markedly affected by the environment. particularly temp;

in Aust coca leaf is not a weed in the conventi,”native of upland S

Amer, particularly in the Boliv0-Peruvian Andes; now cultivated in

several trop countries, including Afr, Sri Lanka, Indonesia & Taiwan,

as a commercial alkaloid source; does not occur in

Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Erythroxylum,coca, ,coca leaf,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erythroxylum,coca, ,coca leaf,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


Escallonia,bifida,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Escallonia,bifida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Acalypha,alopecuroides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acalypha,alopecuroides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Acalypha,australis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Acalypha,australis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acalypha,australis, ,,,,,annual dominant weed in crops

,Shimane Shizuoka Upland Korea Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Acalypha,ciliata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acalypha,ciliata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acalypha,fallax, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acalypha,fallax, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acalypha,neomexicana, ,New Mexico

copperleaf,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acalypha,ostryaefolia, ,hophornbeam

copperleaf,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acalypha,rhomboidea, ,rhombic copperleaf,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acalypha,segetalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acalypha,segetalis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acalypha,virginica, ,Virginia copperleaf,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Alchornea,cordifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Alchornea,cordifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Aleurites,fordii, ,tung-oil tree,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Aleurites,fordii,,tung oil tree,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Aleurites,moluccana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bertya,rosmarinifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bischofia,javanica, ,”bishopweed,

Javawood”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Bischofia,javonica,,bischofia,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Caperonia,castanaefolia, ,mexicanweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cecropia,peltata, ,,,,,”tropical America,

“,French Polynesia ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Chamaesyce,australis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chamaesyce,drummondii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chamaesyce,hirta,Euphorbia hirta,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa


hyssopifolia,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Chamaesyce,nutans,Euphorbia nutans,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Chamaesyce,prostrata,”Euphorbia chamaesyce, E. prostrata”,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Chamaesyce,supina,”Euphorbia maculata, Euphorbia

thymifolia previously in Q?”,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chamaesyce (= Euphorbia),hirta, ,”garden spurge,

asthma plant”,,,,”tropical America, vegetables,

bananas”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Fed. States of

Micronesia; Guam; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua

New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tokelau;

Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Chrozophora,plicata,syn Croton plicatum,,,,,”waste

ground, roadsides”,trop. & subtrop. Afr & Asia,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Chrozophora,plicata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chrozophora,plicata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Chrozophora,tinctoria,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chrozophora,tinctoria, ,Dyer's Litmus,,,,,Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chrozophora,tinctoria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chrozophora,tinctoria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chrozophora,tinctoria, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cnidoscolus,stimulosus, ,bullnettle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cnidoscolus,texanus, ,Texas bullnettle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Codiaeum,variegatum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Croton,capitatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Croton,capitatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Croton,capitatus, ,woolly croton,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Croton,cilio-glanduliferus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Croton,cilio-glanduliferus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Croton,glandulosus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Croton,glandulosus, ,tropic croton,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Croton,hirtus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Croton,hirtus,,,"rubber plantations; crops including mung beans, peanuts, soybeans, papaya, vegetables and tobacco",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Croton,hirtus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Croton,hirtuts,syn Croton glandulosus var.

hirtus,,,,,”sunny to lightly shaded sites, along roads, railroad

tracks & fields, gardens, low tea plantations; often abundant; 0-700m

alt; upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance, as it roots

superficially & never forms a dense vegetation, “,”tropical

Amer, introd before 1900 in W Java, area from Jakarta to Bogor &

Pelabuhanratu, & spread throughout Indonesia, except Kalimantan,

Sulawesi & the Lesser Sunda Islands”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Croton,lindheimeri, ,Lindheimer croton,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Croton,lobatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Croton,lobatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Croton,monanthogynus, ,prairietea,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Croton,texensis, ,Texas croton,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Croton,thirtus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Croton,tinctorius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Croton,tinctorius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Eremocarpus,setigerus,”Croton setigerus, Piscaria

setigera”,”doveweed, turkey mullein, woolly-white drought

weed”,,L,WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eremocarpus,setigerus,” Croton setigerus, Piscaria

setigera”,”doveweed, turkey mullein, woolly-white drought

weed”,,,,”when crushed doveweed has a strong sweet but

unpleasant odour, which makes it unattractive to stock; sheep avoid areas

in which it occurs, reducing pasture productivity; does not compete

directly with cereal crops, but may interfere with harvest; plant

si”,”Monotypic genus is a native of the Pacific coast of N

Amer; it is widespread on the alluvial plains of the Sacramento & San

Joaquin Valley of California, mostly below 750m1st recorded at Koojan, WA

in 1925; imprt. in WA, where large colonies occur on

the”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Eremocarpus,setigerus, ,doveweed,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Eremocarpus,setigerus, ,turkey mullein,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eremocarpus,setigerus, ,doveweed,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Euphorbia,acalyphoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,acalyphoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,aegyptiaca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,aegyptiaca, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Euphorbia,albomarginata, ,whitemargin

spurge,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,aleppica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,aleppica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Euphorbia,arguta,syn ,,,,,”fields, gardens”,E

Medit,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi,


Euphorbia,canariensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,chamaesyce, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,chamaesyce, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,chamaesyce, ,groundfig spurge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,characias ssp. wulfenii ,”syn Euphorbia

wulfenii, E. veneta”,Wilczomlecz,,P,,lin.-ob.to13x1cm. YELLOW-GREEN

capsule to 7x6mm. 60-90cm.,7 pe. Origin E. Mediterranean region,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Euphorbia,characius,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,characius,ssp wulfenii,,,,,”Region of origin

- Eur, Balkans, Turkey; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Euphorbia,corollata,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,corollata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,corollata, ,flowering spurge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,corollata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Euphorbia,cotinifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,cyathophora,,painted spurge,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,cyathophora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,cyparissias,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,cyparissias, ,Cypress spurge,,,,rupturing seed

coat inc. germ at 18-22C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Euphorbia,cyparissias, ,Cypress Spurge,,,,,”Mainland

Europe, except Denmark & Ex NW Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Euphorbia,cyparissias, ,Cypress Spurge,,,,,”Mainland

Europe, except Denmark & Ex NW Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Euphorbia,cyparissias, ,cypress spurge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,davidii,E. dentata,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,dendroides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,dendroides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,dentata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,depauperata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,depauperata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,didiereoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,dracunculoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,dracunculoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,esula, ,Leafy spurge ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Euphorbia,esula, ,Leafy Spurge ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Euphorbia,esula,,"Common Name(s): Leafy spurge, Wolf's milk, Faitour's Grass","Status : Weed Highly Invasive , Additional Comments : Poisonous to livestock, reproduces vegetatively, introduced 1800's ""Perennial, 2-6 feet, flowers greenish yellow, grouped or scattered, leaves spirally arranged, 1-3 inches long ""","Europe. Habitat: Fields, pastures, roadsides"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Euphorbia,esula,,spurge leafy ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Euphorbia,esula, Euphorbia virgata,Leafy

spurge,,,,vegetative propagation by transplanting pieces of root; seed

germ on filter paper moistened with 0.2% KNO3 soln than at alt. temp of

20C for 16hrs-30C for 8hrs with 1st 10days at 30C with light,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Euphorbia,esula, ,Leafy Spurge,,,,”E. gmelinii, E.

zhiguliensis”,”Mainland Europe, except Denmark & Ex NW

Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,esula, ,Leafy Spurge,,,,”E. gmelinii, E.

zhiguliensis”,”Mainland Europe, except Denmark & Ex NW

Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,esula, ,leafy spurge,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,esula, ,”leafy spurge, Hungarian

spurge”,,P,,” One of the world's weed villains, _Euphorbia

esula_ (leafy spurge,or Hungarian spurge) exhibits several negative

traits: its latexcauses severe dermatitis in humans and grazing animals,

and is unpal-atable and toxic to cattle and horses. _E. esula

has”,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Euphorbia,exigua,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Euphorbia,exigua, ,,,,,”54% germ of seeds treated with

4% soln of boric acid for 24hrs, alt. temp of 20C-8hrs & 2.5C-6hrs

“,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Euphorbia,exigua, ,Dwarf Spurge,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,exigua, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,falcata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,falcata, ,Sickle Spurge,,,,E. acuminata,Mainland

Europe except extreme NE Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Euphorbia,falcata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,ferox, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Euphorbia,fimbriata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Euphorbia,forsskalii,syn E. aegyptiaca; E.

thymifolia,,,,,”fields, roadsides, waste ground”,”trop.

Afr, Arabia, E Medit”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Euphorbia,gaillardoti, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,gaillardoti, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,glomerifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,glomerifera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,granulata,syn ,,,,,”fields bordering desert

regions, in sandy soils”,”N Afr, Sahara, E Afr, E Medit,

Arabia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Euphorbia,handiensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Euphorbia,hedyotoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,helioscopia,,sun spurge,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,helioscopia, ,Sun spurge,,,,optimum temp for germ

20C constant,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Euphorbia,helioscopia, ,Sun Spurge,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,helioscopia,syn ,Sun spurge,,,,”fields,

gardens, orchards”,”Medit, Eur, Afr, W & C Asia; introduced

into many temp. regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Euphorbia,helioscopia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,helioscopia, ,”sun spurge, sun

euphorbia”,,,,”Euphorbia helioscopia is an annual monoecious

herb with milky sap. It is a reported weed of 23 crops in nearly 50

countries and is most often reported in cereals, vegetables and

vineyards. Seeds of E. helioscopia may contaminate harvested grain, while

oc”,native to the temperate regions of Eurasia but has adapted to

subtropical conditions.,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution

- Holm et. al.

Euphorbia,helioscopia, ,sun spurge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,heterophylla,”Euphorbia geniculata,

Euphorbia prunifolia, Poinsettia geniculata, Poinsettia

heterophylla”,”milkweed, desert spurge, Mexican fire plant,

wild poinsettia, yellow spurge”,X,LP,Qld,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,heterophylla, ,Wild Pointsettia,,,,”linuron

1990 Equador Corn, Soybean “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Euphorbia,heterophylla, ,Wild Pointsettia,,,,imidazolinones

1992 Brazil Soybean ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Euphorbia,heterophylla,” Euphorbia geniculata,

Euphorbia prunifolia, Poinsettia geniculata, Poinsettia

heterophylla”,”milkweed, desert spurge, Mexican fire plant,

wild poinsettia, yellow spurge”,,,,”overseas milkweed is

recorded as a major weed of crops such as cocoa, coffee, cowpeas, maize,

paw paw, peanuts, sorghum, soybeans, sugarcane, tea & upland rice,

the green stems of mature plants often clogging harvesting machinery

& preventing harvest com”,”native of trop & subtrop

Amer, it has spread to most of the trop world & some of the warmer

temp regions; it now occurs in at least 65 countries & is a major

weed in Fiji, Ghana, Mexico, Philippines, Indonesia & Thailand; it is

an imprt. weed in a further”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Euphorbia,heterophylla,syn ,,,,,”summer weed in

fields, gardens, orchards”,native to C Amer; naturalised in many

trop. & subtrop regions of the world,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Euphorbia,heterophylla, ,milkweed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,heterophylla, ,”painted spurge, fire plant,

wild poinsettia, various leaved euphorbia”,,,,”Euphorbia

heterophylla is very widespread, its use an ornamental plant helped it

spread into the US and Colombia. It is a reported weed of 31 crops in 56

countries and is frequently reported a weed of soybeans, maize, sugarcane

and other plantation crops.”,”originated in tropical Amer, it

now occurs in much of Afr and Asia.”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Euphorbia,heterophylla, ,milkweed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,heterophylla (=E. geniculata), ,painted

spurge,,,,”tropical Asia (SE Asia?), field crops,

roadside”,Cook Islands; Fiji; Guam; Kiribati; New Caledonia; Niue;

Papua New Guinea; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Euphorbia,hirta,,asthma plant,XH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,hirta,syn E. pilulifera,,,,,”fields,

especially in Upper Egypt; introduced around 1930 &

naturalised”,native of S USA & C Amer; naturalised in many trop.

& subtrop. regions of the Old World,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Euphorbia,hirta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,hirta,”syn Euphorbia pilulifera, Chamaesyce

hirta”,”asthma herb, milkweed, hairy

spurge”,,,,”sunny to lightly shaded, not too moist, grassy

sites, along roads, premises, often between stones; locally common;

flowers all year round, up to 3000 seeds/plant; a high percentage of seed

germination; early colonizer of bare land; upland & gogo rancah

r”,”tropical Amer, pantropical, partly subtropical; introd into

Indonesia a long time ago; has since spread throughout”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Euphorbia,hirta, ,garden spurge,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,horomboensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,humifosa, ,,,,,”E. polygonysperma,

Chamaesyce humifusa”,Central Europe into Italy,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,humifosa, ,,,,,”E. polygonysperma,

Chamaesyce humifusa”,Central Europe into Italy,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,humistrata,,spreading spurge,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Euphorbia,hypericifolia,”syn Euphorbia parviflora,

Euphorbia reniformis”,milkweed,,,,”especially in heavier soils,

on sunny, grassy sites, lawns; 1-1200m alt; locally very common, but

usually scattered; upland & gogo rancah rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, “,”tropical Amer, lower montane zone in

Java”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Euphorbia,hyssopifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,hyssopifolia, ,hyssop spurge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,indica,syn ,,,,,”fields, gardens, orchards;

more abundant in Upper Egypt than in the Nile Delta; introduced &

naturalised”,,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Euphorbia,lathyrus,Tithymalus lathyris,”caper, Cape

spurge”,HXX,NLP,Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,lathyrus, ,Caper Spurge,,,,”Dispersal:

Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,13”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited

distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Euphorbia,lathyrus, ,,,,,dormant at harvest; removal of

seed coat 100% germ at 20C in darkness within 5-6days,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Euphorbia,lathyrus, ,caper spurge,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,lathyrus, ,caper spurge,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,liatrideum, ,????,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,liatrideum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Euphorbia,lucida, ,shining spurge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,maculata,,spotted spurge,w,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,maculata, ,,,,,,Scattered in Central & SW

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,maculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,maculata, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Euphorbia,maculata, ,spotted spurge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,marginata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


,Snow-on-the-mountain,,,,”prechilling seed at 3-5C for 50days,

moistening substratum with 0.2%KNO3 soln at alt. temp 20-30C gave

complete germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Euphorbia,marginata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,marginata, ,snow-on-the-mountain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,micromera, ,littleleaf spurge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,microphylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,microphylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,milii,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,nutans, ,,,,,”E. preslii, Chamaesyce

nutans”,Southern Europe except S Greece,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Euphorbia,nutans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,oblongata, ,Oblong Spurge ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Euphorbia,oerstediana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,oerstediana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,pachypodioides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,paralias,,sea spurge,HXXH,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,paralias, ,Sea Spurge,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1”,”Med,Euras, In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Euphorbia,paralias, ,Sea spurge,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,paralias, ,Sea spurge,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,peplus,,petty spurge,XXH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,peplus, ,Petty spurge,,,,good germ with alt. temp

of 10-18C ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Euphorbia,peplus, ,Petty Spurge,,,,,”SE & SW

Europe, UK & Eire”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,peplus,syn ,Petty spurge,,,,”winter weed in

fields, gardens, orchards”,”Medit, Eur, W & C Asia;

introduced into many regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Euphorbia,peplus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,peplus, ,petty spurge,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,platyphyllos,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,platyphyllos, ,Broad leaved

Spurge,,,,,”Mainland Europe & UK, except Denmark & Ex NW

Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,platyphyllos, ,Broad leaved

Spurge,,,,,”Mainland Europe & UK, except Denmark & Ex NW

Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,prostrata,syn ,,,,,”lawns, gardens, fields;

introduced & naturalised”,native of trop. Amer; naturalised in

various parts of the Old World,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Euphorbia,prostrata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,prunifolia,syn Euphorbia

geniculata,,,,,”roadsides, waste places & fields, boundaries of

coffee plantations; often locally common; sunny to lightly shaded;

0-1500m; upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance, but sometimes

troublesome because it may become very abundant locally, in Java a

br”,”tropical S Amer, throughout Indonesia, except Kalimantan

& Sulawesi”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Euphorbia,prunifolia,syn ,”spurge, wild spurge,

painted euphorbia”,,,,”Euphorbia prunifolia is an annual weed

found in cultivated fields, plantation crops, gardens and noncropped

areas. It is a reported weed of27 crops in nearly 30 countries and

frequently infests plantation crops, cotton and maize.”,”native

to the tropical Americas, but is widespread in eastern Afr and

Asia.”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et.


Euphorbia,segetalis,,shortstem carnation

weed,X,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,segetalis, ,Meadow Spurge,,,,E.

tetraceras,Central & Southern Europe except S Greece,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,segetalis, ,Shortstem carnation weed,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Euphorbia,segetalis, ,Shortstem carnation

weed,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Euphorbia,serpens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,serpens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Euphorbia,serrata, ,Serrate Spurge ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Euphorbia,serrata, ,,,,,,SW Europe inc Italy,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,serrata, ,,,,,,SW Europe inc Italy,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,serrata, ,toothed spurge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,serrula, ,sawtooth spurge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Euphorbia,stellata,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,stellata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Euphorbia,stevenii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,sulcata, ,,,,,,SW Europe inc Italy,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,sulcata, ,,,,,,SW Europe inc Italy,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Euphorbia,supina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,supina, ,prostrate spurge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,supina, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Euphorbia,terracina,,”false caper, Geraldton carnation

weed, terracina spurge”,XH,L,SA; WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,terracina, ,”false caper, Geraldton

carnation weed, terracina spurge”,,,,,native of the Medit region

does not apperar to have become widespread outside its native

habitat,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Euphorbia,terracina, ,FALSE caper ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Euphorbia,terracina, ,”false caper, Geraldton

carnation weed”,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,terracina, ,”false caper, Geraldton

carnation weed”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,thymifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Euphorbia,tirucalli,,”naked lady, pencil

tree”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,tirucalli, ,,,,,Region of origin - Afr; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Euphorbia,variegata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Euphorbia,veneta,Euphorbia characias sub sp.

wulfenii,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Euphorbia,veneta,= Euphorbia characias sub sp.

wulfenii,,,P,,,Origin E. Mediterranean region,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Euphorbia,vermiculata, ,hairy spurge,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Euphorbia,viguieri, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Euphorbia ,cyparissias, ,cypress spurge,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Euphorbia ,esula, ,leafy spurge,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Euphorbia ,lathyrus, Tithymalus lathyris,caper

spurge,,,,the milky sap is acrid & the fruits are purgative &

toxic,”native of southern Eur & W Asia; introd to the USA, Afr,

NZ & Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Flueggea,virosa,,flueggea,,,,”Catergory II - Species

that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species

may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Hevea,brasiliensis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Hevea,spp.,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Hevea,spp., ,,,P,,,Note import conditions

exceptions,Western Australian Prohibited List

Hura,crepitans, ,,,,,”Region of origin - W Indes, Costa

Rica, S Amer; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread -

forestry”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Hura,crepitans,,sand-box tree,S,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Hura,crepitans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hura,crepitans, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Jatropha,curcas,Adenoropium gossypifolium,”physic nut,

Barbados nut, curcas bean, purge nut, purging

nut”,HHw,LP,NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Jatropha,curcas, ,”physic nut, Barbados nut, curcas

bean, purge nut, purging nut”,,,,”fresh seeds are highly

toxic,anything form 3-50 seeds may cause problems; no reports of stock

poisoning in Aust; toxic principles includes a purgative oil & the

toxalbumin-curcin”,”native of the Caribbean region, has been

introd as a hedge & ornamental plant to many countries including Eur,

Afr, India, Indonesia, Philippines, & some Pacific Is. &

Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Jatropha,curcas, ,physic nut,,,,,,Weed Science List

Jatropha,curcas, ,physic nut,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Jatropha,gossypifolia, ,cotton-leaved physic nut,,,,”,

Poisonous Plant Toxicity Bibliography: D authorsDas, B.; Banerji, J.

(1988) Arylnaphthalene lignan from Jatrophagossypifolia. Phytochemistry

27(11):3684-3686”,French Polynesia; New Caledonia ,”“Weeds

of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Jatropha,gossypifolia,,”bellyache bush, cotton-leaf

physic nut”,XHH,L,”NT,WA”,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Jatropha,gossypifolia, ,”bellyache bush, cotton-leaf

physic nut”,,,,,”native of the Caribbean region, has been

introd as an ornamental to a number of countries including Afr,

Madagascar, India, Indonesia & PNG”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Jatropha,gossypifolia, ,bellyache bush,,,,Subordinate taxa:

Jatropha gossypiifolia var. staphysagrifolia Uses for taxon: Medicines:

folklore (contains irritants fide Hecker 1987) Vertebrate poisons:

mammals (fide Everist 1981; Kingsbury 1964; Moldenke 1951; Lampe &

McCann 1985) ,Brazil; Peru; Mexico; Antigua and Barbuda; Guadeloupe;

Dominica; St. Lucia; St. Kitts and Nevis: Grin TaxonFrench Polynesia; New

Caledonia (DF Waterhouse),Weed Science List

Jatropha,gossypifolia, ,”bellyache bush, cotton-leaf

physic-nut “,,P,,Subordinate taxa: Jatropha gossypiifolia var.

staphysagrifolia Uses for taxon: Medicines: folklore (contains irritants

fide Hecker 1987) Vertebrate poisons: mammals (fide Everist 1981;

Kingsbury 1964; Moldenke 1951; Lampe & McCann 1985) ,Brazil; Peru;

Mexico; Antigua and Barbuda; Guadeloupe; Dominica; St. Lucia; St. Kitts

and Nevis GRIN TaxonFrench Polynesia; New Caledonia (DF

Waterhouse),Western Australian Prohibited List

Jatropha,podagrica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Macaranga,harveyana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Macaranga,harveyana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Macaranga,triloba, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Macaranga,triloba, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Mallotus,japonicus, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Manihot,esculenta,,tapioca,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Manihot,esculenta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Manihot,esculenta, ,tapioca,,P,,Banned by AQIS,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Manihot,flabellifolium, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop Amer;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Manihot,glaziovii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Manihot,grahamii,M. flabellifolia misapplied in

NSW,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Manniophyton,fulvum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Manniophyton,fulvum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Mareya,aristata,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Mercuralis,annua, ,Annual Mercury,,,,M. ambigua,”All

Europe except Ext NW Europe, less in Eire & Scandinavia”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Mercurialis,annua,,Mercury weed,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mercurialis,annua, ,,,,,optimum temp for germ is constant

20 or 25C; germ didn't exceed 19% even at optimum temps,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Mercurialis,annua, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Micrococca,mercurialis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Micrococca,mercurialis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Monadenium,schubei, ,,,P,,,Note import conditions

exceptions,Western Australian Prohibited List

Monadenium,yattanum, ,,,P,,,Note import conditions

exceptions,Western Australian Prohibited List

Omalanthus,populifolius,,”bleeding heart, native

poplar”,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pedilanthus,tithymaloides,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Phyllanthus,amarus, ,,,,,”, field crops,

roadsides”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; New

Caledonia; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tokelau;

Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty

in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Phyllanthus,amarus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Phyllanthus,corcovadensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phyllanthus,corcovadensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Phyllanthus,debilis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Phyllanthus,debilis,syn Phyllanthus niruri,lagoon

spurge,,,,”in sunny or somewhat shaded, moist, preferably fertile

soils in gardens & fields, along roads, & in grasslands; 0-2000m

alt; locally abundant, but not forming vegetation; upland & gogo

rancah rice fields, a weed of minor importance as it roots

superficial”,”tropcial Asia, tropics of Asia; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Phyllanthus,diffusus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phyllanthus,diffusus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Phyllanthus,emblica,,”Indian gooseberry,

myrobalan”,S,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Phyllanthus,niruri, ,”phyllanthus, lagoom spurge,

carry me seed, quinine weed, seed underleaf”,,,,”Phyllanthus

niruri is an erect, slender, branched annual herb whichemerges with the

first rains and competes with a wide range of annual and perennial crops.

It is particularly troublesome in Asia. It is reported as a weed of 32

crops in 59 countries, and”,”originated in West Indies; now

tropical, subtropical andpantropical”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories

& Distribution - Holm et. al.

Phyllanthus,niruri, ,niruri,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Phyllanthus,tenellus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Phyllanthus,tenellus, ,,,,,”Newly reported in WA, see

Hnatiuk record 6018”,,Weed Science List

Phyllanthus,urinaria,syn ,,,,,”in Java from 0-1500m

alt.; grows together with Phyllanthus debilis, a weed of minor

importance, it contains the better phyllantin, poisonous inlarge

quantities; it contains much potassium, which produces diuretic effects;

it is used against fever, dysente”,”tropical Asia, Asia;

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Phyllanthus,virgatus,syn Phyllanthus simplex,,,,,”in

regions with a pronounced dry season; arable lands, grassy spots; 0750m

alt; upland & gogo rancah rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”tropical Asia, tropics of Asia; throughout Indonesia, except

Kalimantan”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Ricinus,communis, ,”castor oil plant, castor

bean”,,,,”, vegetables, roadsides, waste places”,Cook

Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; New Caledonia; Niue;

Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga;

Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Ricinus,communis,,”castor oil plant, castor bean,

palma christi”,XXXXHXX,NL,NSW; NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ricinus,communis, ,Castor Bean ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Ricinus,communis, ,Castor Oil Plant,,,,Dispersal: Water.

Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,”Introduced deliberately from: Af and Commercially Available, , In

Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ricinus,communis, ,Castor Oil Plant

,,,,TREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Ricinus,communis, ,”castor oil plant, castor bean,

palma christi”,,,,”nauseating odour when leaves are crushed,

the plant is unpalatable & rarely, if ever, eaten by stock; seed

contains highly toxic phytotoxin ricin, a glycoprotein & small

amounts of the less toxic alkaloid ricinine; ricin is extremely toxic if

injected the”,”native of Afr & Eur-Asia which has been

introd to most countries of the world; it si cultivated extensively in France,

Italy, Spain & the West Indies, & the southern

USA”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Ricinus,communis, ,castor bean,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Ricinus,communis, ,castor-oil plant,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: riverbanks, riverbeds, roadsides, wastelandCultivated

for: ornament, castor-oil”,Origin: tropical Afr,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ricinus,communis, ,castor-oil plant,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: riverbanks, riverbeds, roadsides, wastelandCultivated

for: ornament, castor-oil”,Origin: tropical Afr,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ricinus,communis, ,castor oil plant,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ricinus,communis, ,castorbean,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sapium,sebiferum,,Chinese tallow,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sapium,sebiferum, ,Chinese Tallow ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Sapium,sebiferum, ,Chines tallow tree,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Sapium,sebiferum, ,tallowtree,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sapium,sebiferum,,"tallowtree, popcorn tree","Nature: Shade-tolerant, small trees growing to 40 ft that spreads bybird-dispersed seeds (Jones and McLeod 1989). Uses: Waxy seeds traditionally used to make candles. Honey plant forbeekeeping. Ornamental.Herbicide control: No control research reports fou",Origin: Introduced from China to the U.S. gulf coast in early 1900's .Range: Coastal plain from NC south to FL to TX with severe infestations onwet forest sites and coastal prairies in east TX to FL. Occurs as ornamentalin OK and AR.,"EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANTS IN SOUTHEASTERN FORESTS, James H. Miller, Southern Research Station USDA Forest Service Auburn University, AL, weed"

Sapium,sebiferum,,”popcorn tree, Chinese tallow

tree”,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are invading and

disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This definition does not

rely on the economic severity or geographical range of the problem, but

on the documented ecological damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Sebestiania,spp., ,Mexican jumping beans,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Stillingia,sylvatica, ,queensdelight,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Synadenium,grantii,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Synadenium,grantii, ,,,,,Region of origin - Uganda to

Zimbabwe; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Tragia,benthami, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tragia,benthami, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Vernicia,fordii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Vernicia,fordii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Abrus,precatorius,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Abrus,precatorius, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web Address:

,,”Florida Weeds,


Abrus,precatorius, ,”crab's eyes, rosary pea”,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Abrus,precatorius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Abrus,precatorius, ,precatory bean,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Abrus,precatorius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Abrus,precatoruis,,rosary pea,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Acacia,abyssinica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,abyssinica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,acatalensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,adansonii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,adansonii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,adenocalyx, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,adenocalyx, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,adhaerens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,adhaerens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,aemula, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,alata,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,alata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,albida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,albida, ,syn.Faidherbia albida,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Acacia,alocophylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,amazonica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,amazonica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,amythethophylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,amythethophylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acacia,ancistroclada, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,ancistroclada, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,ancistrophylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acacia,andamanica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,andamanica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,andongensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,andongensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,angustissima,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,ankokib, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,ankokib, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,antunesii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,antunesii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,arabica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,arabica, ,syn. A. nilotica,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Acacia,arenaria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,arenaria, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,articulata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,articulata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,asak, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,asak, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,assimilis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,ataxacantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,ataxacantha, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,ataxiphylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,atramentaria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,atramentaria, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,auriculiformis, ,earleaf acacia,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Acacia,auriculiformis,,earleaf acacia,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Acacia,bahiensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,bahiensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,baileyana,,Cootamundra Wattle,HXXXXH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,baileyana, ,Cootamundra Wattle,,,,”Dispersal: Ant.

Life Form: Tree. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,5,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: NSW and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Acacia,baileyana, ,Bailey's wattle,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: grassland, fynbos, roadsides, urban open spaces,

water-coursesCultivated for: ornament, shade”,Origin: Australia,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,baileyana, ,Bailey's wattle,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: grassland, fynbos, roadsides, urban open spaces,

water-coursesCultivated for: ornament, shade”,Origin:

Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,baileyana X A. decurrens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,baileyana X A. leucoclada,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,barbinervis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,baueri,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,baueri, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,bavazzanoi, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,bavazzanoi, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,berlandieri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,berlandieri, ,guajillo,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acacia,berlandieri, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,bidwillii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,blakei, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,blakelyi,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,boliviana,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,bonariensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,bonariensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,borleae, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,borleae, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,brachyphylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,brevispica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,brevispica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,bricchetiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,bricchetiana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,browniana,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,browniana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,brunioides,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,brunioides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,bullockii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,bullockii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,burkei, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,burkei, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,burttii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,burttii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,buruei, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,buruei, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,bussei, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,bussei, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,caesia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,caesia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,caffra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,caffra, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,callicoma, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,callicoma, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,campylacantha, (see Acacia catechu),,,,,,,Weed Science


Acacia,caraniana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,caraniana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,catechu,Mimosa catechu,cutch tree,E,LP,NT,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,catechu, Mimosa catechu,cutch tree,,,,”even in dry

areas it readily invades degraded pastures; when cut it coppices readily

& because of its spines, dense patches impede stock movement &

access to other pasture plants; regular burning & heavy grazing

favour its development & spread”,”native to the

Indo-Malaysian region, it is widely distributed throughout the Indian

subcontinent, extending into Assam & upper & lower Burma; it also

occurs in Indonesia where it has apparently been planted as an ornamental

from time to time”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Acacia,catechu, ,cutch tree,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,catechu, ,”syn. A. campylacantha, cutch

tree”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,caven, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,caven, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,cavenia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,cavenia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,chapmanii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,chariessa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,chariessa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,cheilanthifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,cheilanthifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acacia,chiapensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,chiapensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,ciliolata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,ciliolata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,cliftoniana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,cochliacantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,cochliacantha, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,cochlocarpa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,concinna, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,concinna, ,syn. A. hocperana,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Acacia,condyloclada, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,condyloclada, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,constricta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,constricta, ,whitethorn,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acacia,constricta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,cornigera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,cornigera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,coulteri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,coulteri, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,crassa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,crassifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,crassifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,cultriformis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Acacia,curvifructa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,curvifructa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,cyanophylla, ,,,,,”96% germ when seed coat nicked,

90% germ when soaked in conc. H2SO4 for 90 min, untreated only 6% germ;

seed 3 mths old”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Acacia,cyclops,,western coastal wattle,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,cyclops, ,,,,,”92% germ when seed coat nicked, 88%

with conc. H2SO4 for 240min”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Acacia,cyclops, ,red eye,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of

herbicide registration. Biocontrol: Seed attackers under

investigation.Woody SpeciesInvades: fynbos, forest gaps, dunes,

roadsides, watercourses.Cultivated for: dune reclamation, shelter;

provides firewood”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,cyclops, ,red eye,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of

herbicide registration. Biocontrol: Seed attackers under

investigation.Woody SpeciesInvades: fynbos, forest gaps, dunes,

roadsides, watercourses.Cultivated for: dune reclamation, shelter;

provides firewood”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,davyi, N.E.,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,davyi, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,dealbata,,silver wattle,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,dealbata, ,silver wattle,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject

of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody SpeciesInvades:

grassland, roadsides, watercoursesCultivated for: shelter, shade;

provides firewood”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,dealbata, ,silver wattle,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject

of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: grassland, roadsides, watercoursesCultivated for:

shelter, shade; provides firewood”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,deanei,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,deanei, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,decurrens,,Early Black Wattle,HXXXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,decurrens, ,Early Black Wattle,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal and/or Ant. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Very serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,5,6,8,”,”Introduced deliberately from: NSW and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Acacia,decurrens, ,green wattle,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject

of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: grassland, roadsides, water-coursesCultivated for: shade,

shelter, ornament”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,decurrens, ,green wattle,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject

of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: grassland, roadsides, water-coursesCultivated for: shade,

shelter, ornament”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,deltoidea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,desertorum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,dissona, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,dodonaeifolia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Acacia,dolichocephala, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,dolichocephala, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acacia,dolichostachya, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,dolichostachya, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acacia,drepanocarpa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,drepanolobium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,drepanolobium, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,drewiana,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,drewiana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,dudgeoni, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,dudgeoni, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,eburnea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,eburnea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,edgeworthii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,edgeworthii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,ehrenbergiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,ehrenbergiana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,elata,,Cedar Wattle,HXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,elata, ,Cedar Wattle,,,,”Dispersal: Bird, internal

and/or Ant. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Very serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,5,6,7”,”Introduced deliberately from: NSW and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Acacia,elata , ,peppertree wattle,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

forest clearings, fynbos, moist sites, roadsides, urban open

spacesCultivated for: ornament, shade, shelter”,Origin:

Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,elata , ,peppertree wattle,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

forest clearings, fynbos, moist sites, roadsides, urban open

spacesCultivated for: ornament, shade, shelter”,Origin:

Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,elatior, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,elatior, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,emoryana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,emoryana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,eremophila, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,eriocarpa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,eriocarpa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,erioloba, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,erioloba, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,erubescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,erubescens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,erythrocalyx, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,erythrocalyx, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,erythrophloea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,erythrophloea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,etbaica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,etbaica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,etilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,etilis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,excelsa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,exuvialis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,exuvialis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,farnesiana, ,mimosa bush,,,,”tropical America,

pastures, forests”,Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; New

Caledonia; Niue; Solomon Islands; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Acacia,farnesiana,,”perfumed wattle, cassie flower, sponge

flower”,XH,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,farnesiana, ,sweet acacia,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Acacia,farnesiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,farnesiana, ,huisache,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acacia,farnesiana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,fischeri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,fischeri, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,flavipila, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,fleckii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,fleckii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,floribunda,,White Sallow Wattle,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,floribunda, ,White Sallow Wattle,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal and/or Ant. Life Form: Large Small to medium

shrubhrub/Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,4,5”,”Introduced

deliberately from: NSW, Qld, Vic and Commercially Available, , In

Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Acacia,furcatispina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,furcatispina, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,galioides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,galpinii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,galpinii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,gaumeri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,gaumeri, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,gerrardii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,gerrardii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,giraffae,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,giraffae, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,giraffae, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,glandulifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,glandulifera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,globulifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,globulifera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,glomerosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,glomerosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,goetzei, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,goetzei, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,gourmaensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,gourmaensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,grandicornuta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,grandicornuta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,grandistipula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,grandistipula, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,greggii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,greggii, ,catclaw acacia,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acacia,greggii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,gummifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,gummifera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,haematoxylon, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,haematoxylon, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,hamulosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,hamulosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,harmandiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,harmandiana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,hebeclada, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,hebeclada, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,hebecladoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,hebecladoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,hecatophylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,hecatophylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,hereroensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,hereroensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,heteracantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,heteracantha, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,heteroclita, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,heteroneura, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,hockii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,hockii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,hooperana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,hooperana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,horrida,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,horrida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,horrida, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,hystrix, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,inopinata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,inopinata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,insolita,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,insolita, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,instia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,instia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,irrorata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,isoneura, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,iteaphylla,,Flinders Ranges Wattle,XX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,iteaphylla, ,Flinders Ranges Wattle,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal and/or Ant. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub.

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately

from: SA and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised,

small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Acacia,jacquemontii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,jacquemontii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,julerifera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,julifera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,karoo,,karroo thorn,E,NLP,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,karroo, ,karroo thorn,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,karroo, ,karroo thorn,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acacia,kelloggiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,kelloggiana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,kirkii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,kirkii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,kirkii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,klugii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,klugii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,kraussiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,kraussiana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,lacerans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,lacerans, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,laeta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,laeta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,laevigata,syn. Prosopsis laevigata,,,,,,,Weed Science


Acacia,lahai, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,lahai, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,langsdorffii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,langsdorffii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,laricina,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,laricina, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,lasiocalyx,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,lasiopetala, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,lasiopetala, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,latipes, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,latistipulata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,latistipulata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,latronum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,latronum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,leiocalyx, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,lenticularis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,lenticularis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,leptospermoides,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Acacia,leptospermoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acacia,leucoclada,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,leucoclada, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,leucophloea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,leucophloea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,lineolata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,longifolia,,Sydney golden wattle,HXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,longifolia,A. sophorae,Sallow Wattle,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,longifolia, ,Sallow Wattle,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal and/or Ant. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub/Tree.

RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5,6”,”Introduced deliberately

from: Vic, NSW, Qld and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Acacia,longifolia, ,long-leaved wattle,,,,”Declared

Invader. Subject of herbicide registration. Biocontrol: effective agents

availableWoody SpeciesInvades: fynbos, woodlands, water-coursesCultivated

for: dune reclamation, ornament, shade”,Origin: Australia,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,longifolia, ,long-leaved wattle,,,,”Declared

Invader. Subject of herbicide registration. Biocontrol: effective agents

availableWoody SpeciesInvades: fynbos, woodlands, water-coursesCultivated

for: dune reclamation, ornament, shade”,Origin: Australia,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,longispicata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,luederitzii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,luederitzii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,lujae, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,lujae, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,macalusoi, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,macalusoi, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,macdonnelliensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acacia,macilenta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,macilenta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,macracantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,macracantha, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,macracanthoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,macracanthoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acacia,macrostachya, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,macrostachya, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,macrothyrsa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,macrothyrsa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,manubensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,manubensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,martii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,martii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,mauroceana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,mauroceana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,mbuluensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,mbuluensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,mearnsii, ,black wattle,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Acacia,mearnsii, ,black wattle,,,,”Declared Invader.

Subject of herbicide registration. Biocontrol: seed attackers under

investigationWoody SpeciesInvades: grassland, forest gaps, roadsides,

water coursesCultivated for: shelter, tanbark, shade; provides

firewood”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Acacia,mearnsii, ,black wattle,,,,”Declared Invader.

Subject of herbicide registration. Biocontrol: seed attackers under

investigationWoody SpeciesInvades: grassland, forest gaps, roadsides,

water coursesCultivated for: shelter, tanbark, shade; provides

firewood”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Acacia,megalaena, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,megalaena, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,melanoxylon, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Acacia,melanoxylon,,blackwood,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,melanoxylon, ,blackwood,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Acacia,melanoxylon, ,Australian blackwood,,,,”Declared Invader.

Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: forest edges or gaps, wooded kloofs, grassland,

watercourses.Cultivated for: timber, shelter, ornament”,Origin:

Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,melanoxylon, ,Australian blackwood,,,,”Declared

Invader. Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol

investigationWoody SpeciesInvades: forest edges or gaps, wooded kloofs,

grassland, watercourses.Cultivated for: timber, shelter, ornament”,Origin:

Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,mellifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,mellifera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,microbotrya,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,miersii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,miersii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,mikanii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,mikanii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,millefolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,millefolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,mimica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,modesta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,modesta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,moirii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,monacantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,monacantha, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,montigena, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,montigena, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,montis-usti, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,montis-usti, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,mucronata,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,mucronata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,mutabilis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,nebrownii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,nebrownii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,negrii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,negrii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,neurophylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,nigrescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,nigrescens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,nigripilosa,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Acacia,nigripilosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,nigripilosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,nilotica, ,prickly acacia,,,,”old world tropics,

“,New Caledonia; Wallis and Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture

and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Acacia,nilotica, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated

by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Worst Invasive Weeds”

Acacia,nilotica,”Acacia arabica, Acacia indica, Mimosa

nilotica”,”prickly acacia, blackthorn, gum-arabic tree”,XXH,L,Qld;

NT; WA; NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,nilotica,” Acacia arabica, Acacia indica, Mimosa

nilotica”,”prickly acacia, blackthorn, gum-arabic

tree”,,,,”rapid growth in favourable seasons & the presence

of long spines or prickles, dense thickets are impenetrable to stock,

develop quickly; many of these thickets exceed 1000ha in area & occur

along thousands of kilometres of bore drains & prevent access to

“,”is indigenous to arid & semi-arid regions of Afr & W

Asia; it is found throughout E Afr from Natal in S Afr, northward to

Egypt, the Irano-Arabian region, Pakistan & India; considered a very

serious weed of the E Afr rangelands”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Acacia,nilotica, ,prickly acacia,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,nilotica, ,prickly acacia,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Acacia,nubica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,nubica,x A. paolii,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,nubica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,nubica x paolii, ,Benth. x A. paolii Chiov.,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,nyssophylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,nyssophylla, ,syn. A. colletoides var.

nyssophylla,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,ogadensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,ogadensis, ,syn. Albizia ogadensis,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,oliveri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,oliveri, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,oncinophylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,orfota, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,orfota, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,ornithophora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,ornithophora, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,paniculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,paniculata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,paolii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,paolii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,paradoxa,,Kangaroo thorn,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,paradoxa, ,Kangaroothorn ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Acacia,paradoxa, ,”prickly acacia, acacia

hedge”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,pedicellata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,pedicellata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,pennata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,pennata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,pennatula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,pennatula, ,syn. A. brevispica,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Acacia,penninervis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,pentagona, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,pentagona, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,permixta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,permixta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,persiciflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,persiciflora, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,phlebopetala, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,piauhiensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,piauhiensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,pilispina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,pilispina, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,pinguiculosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,pinguifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,pinguifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,planifrons, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,planifrons, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,plectocarpa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,plumosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,plumosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,pluriglandulosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,pluriglandulosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acacia,podalyriifolia,,Mount Morgan Wattle,XXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,podalyriifolia, ,Mount Morgan Wattle,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal and/or Ant. Life Form: Large Small to medium

shrubhrub/Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 5”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Qld and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or

localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Acacia,podalyriifolia, ,pearl acacia,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, urban open space, watercoursesCultivated for:

ornament, shade”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,podalyriifolia, ,pearl acacia,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, urban open space, watercoursesCultivated for:

ornament, shade”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,polyacantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,polyacantha, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,polyphylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,polyphylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,pravissima,,Ovens Wattle,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,pravissima, ,Ovens Wattle,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal and/or Ant. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub/Tree.

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,5”,”Introduced deliberately

from: Vic, NSW and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or

localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Acacia,prominens,,Golden Rain Wattle,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,prominens, ,Golden Rain Wattle,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal and/or Ant. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub/Tree.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately

from: NSW and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Acacia,pseudo-arabica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,pseudo-arabica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acacia,pseudofistula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,pseudofistula, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,pseudointsia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,pseudointsia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,pulchella,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,pycnantha,,”golden wattle, Australian golden

wattle”,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,pycnantha, ,golden wattle,,,,”Proposed Declared

Invader. Subject of herbicide registration Woody SpeciesInvades: coastal

and mountain fynbos, roadsidesCultivated for: dune reclamation, ornament,

tanbark”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Acacia,pycnantha, ,golden wattle,,,,”Proposed Declared

Invader. Subject of herbicide registration Woody SpeciesInvades: coastal

and mountain fynbos, roadsidesCultivated for: dune reclamation, ornament,

tanbark”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Acacia,quintanilhae, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,quintanilhae, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,recurva, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,recurva, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,redacta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,redacta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,reficiens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,reficiens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,rehmanniana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,rehmanniana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,retinodes,,Wirilda,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Acacia,retinodes, ,Wirilda,,,,”Dispersal: Bird, internal

and/or Ant. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub/Tree. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 2,4,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Vic,

SA, Tas and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution,

small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Acacia,retivenea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,rigidula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,rigidula, ,blackbrush acacia,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acacia,rigidula, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,riparia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,riparia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,robusta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,robusta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,robynsiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,robynsiana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,roemeriana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,roemeriana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,rovemae, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,rovemae, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,rugata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,rugata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,saligna,,Golden Wreath Wattle,HXH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,saligna, ,Golden Wreath Wattle,,,,”Dispersal: ?Bird,

internal,Ant. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub/Tree. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: WA

and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Acacia,saligna, ,Port Jackson willow,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: fynbos, woodland, coastal dunes, roadsides,

watercoursesCultivated for: dune reclamation, shelter, tanbark; provides

fodder”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,saligna, ,Port Jackson willow,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: fynbos, woodland, coastal dunes, roadsides,

watercoursesCultivated for: dune reclamation, shelter, tanbark; provides

fodder”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Acacia,sarcophylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,sarcophylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,schinoides,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,schlechteri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,schlechteri, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,schweinfurthii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,schweinfurthii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acacia,sclerophylla,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Acacia,sclerophylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,sclerosperma,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Acacia,sclerosperma, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,scorpioides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,scorpioides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,sedifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,senegal,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,senegal, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,senegal, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,sentis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,sentis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,serra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,serra, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,seyal, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,seyal, ,”var. seyal,var. fistula”,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,sieberiana,,paperbark thorn,E,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,sieberiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,sieberiana, ,”vars. sieberiana, villosa,

woodii”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,sinuata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,smallii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,smallii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,somalensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,somalensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,sophorae,,Coast Wattle,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,sophorae, ,Coast Wattle,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,Ant. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5,”,”Introduced deliberately from:

Vic, NSW, Qld, Tas and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Acacia,spadicigera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,spadicigera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,sphacelata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,sphaerocephala, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,sphaerocephala, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acacia,spirocarpa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,spirocarpa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,spirorbis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Acacia,spp. (non indigenous spp.),,wattles,X,NL,Qld,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia,stereophylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,stipuligera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,stuhlmannii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,stuhlmannii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,subflexuosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,sulcata,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,sulcata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,suma, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,suma, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,sundra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,sundra, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,swazica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,swazica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,tanganyikensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,tanganyikensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Acacia,taylorii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,taylorii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,tenuifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,tenuifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,tenuispina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,tenuispina, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,tephrodermis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,tephrodermis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,thomasii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,thomasii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,toerrei, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,toerrei, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,tomentosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,tomentosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,torrei, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,tortilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,tortilis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,tortuosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,tortuosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,turnbulliana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,turnbulliana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,uncinella, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,var. vernicosa, ,Chihuahua whitethorn,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Acacia,varia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,velutina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,velutina, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,venosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,venosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,verticillata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,vestita,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acacia,walwalensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,walwalensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,welwitschii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,welwitschii, ,”inc. ssp. welwitschii, ssp.

delagoensis”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,wightii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,wightii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,woodii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,woodii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,wrightii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,wrightii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,xanthophloea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,xanthophloea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,xerophila, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,zanzibarica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,zanzibarica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia,zizphyispina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acacia,zizphyispina, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acacia ,catechu, ,,,,,Region of origin - India; Extent of spread

- localised ; Means of spread - botanic gardens,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Acacia ,karoo, ,,,,,Region of origin - Afr; Extent of spread -

localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report

# 3

Acacia ,paradoxa,,”prickly acacia, acacia hedge, hedge

acacia, hedge wattle, kangaroo acacia, kangaroo

thorn”,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acacia ,paradoxa, Acacia armata,”prickly acacia, acacia

hedge, hedge acacia, hedge wattle, kangaroo acacia, kangaroo

thorn”,,,,”because of its spiny nature & bushy growth,

prickly acacia has been utilised in most States as a hedge plant &

for roadside plantings; clumps of bushy plants also provide harbour for

pest animals, particularly rabbits, it tolerates adverse conditions,

suc”,”native to all Aust mainland States ex the NT; introd to

Tas, NZ & the USA (mainly coastal California) but does not occur in

other countries”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Adenanthera,pavonina,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Adenanthera,pavonina,,red sandlewood,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Aeschynomene,americana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aeschynomene,americana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aeschynomene,americana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aeschynomene,aspera,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aeschynomene,aspera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aeschynomene,aspera, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Aeschynomene,brasiliana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aeschynomene,brevifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aeschynomene,indica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Aeschynomene,indica, ,Indian jointvetch,,,,annual dominant weed

in crops , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Aeschynomene,indica, ,”Indian jointvetch, sensitive

vetch”,,,,,Found throughout the tropics & subtropics of the

world & is particularly abundant in Asia,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Aeschynomene,indica, ,Indian jointvetch,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aeschynomene,micranthos,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aeschynomene,rudis, ,Rough Jointvetch ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Aeschynomene,rudis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aeschynomene,villosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aeschynomene,villosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aeschynomene,virginica, ,northern jointvetch,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966 (NOTE: This Aeschynomene virginica entry, of a federally endangered US species, is apparently an erroneous reference to Aeschynomene villosa or A. rudis.)

Albizia,julibrissin, ,mimosa,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Albizia,julibrissin, ,silktree albizzia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Albizia,julibrissin,,mimosa,,,,”Catergory II - Species that

shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species may

become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated disruption of

natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most Invasive

Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Albizia,julibrissin,,silktree or mimosa,"Nature: Leguminous, small trees growing 30 to 40 ft that reproduce by seedand root sprouts. Uses: A traditional ornamental with infestations originating from oldhomesite plantings.Herbicide control: Only control recommendations of A. pigra are available,w",Origin: Native to Tropic America.Range: Along roadsides and forest borders from MS to FL and north to KY andVA.,"EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANTS IN SOUTHEASTERN FORESTS, James H. Miller, Southern Research Station USDA Forest Service Auburn University, AL, weed"

Albizia,julibrissin,,mimosa,,,,”RANK 2. “SIGNIFICANT

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some invasive

characteristics, but have less impact on native plant communities; may

have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance

corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Albizia,lebbeck,,”Indian siris, Siris Tree, Indian

albizia”,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Albizia,lebbeck, ,lebbeck,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Albizia,lebbeck, ,lebbeck tree,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

subtropical coastal bushCultivated for: ornament, shade”,Origin:

tropical Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Albizia,lebbeck, ,lebbeck tree,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

subtropical coastal bushCultivated for: ornament, shade”,Origin:

tropical Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Albizia,lebbeck, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Albizia,lebbeck,,woman's tongue,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Albizia,ogadensis, ,,,P,,(see Acacia ogadensis),,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Albizia,tanganyicensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Albizia,tanganyicensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Alhagi,camelorum, ,camelthorn,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Alhagi,graecorum,syn A. maurorum; A. mannifera,Camel

thorn,,,,”waste places, Nile and canal banks, roadsides, saline

soils, lake bordersPlant grazed by camels & goats. Dry plants used as

a laxative & vermifuge & as a treatment for rheumatic pains &

bilharziasis”,”N Afr, SE Eur, E Medit, W Asia”,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Alhagi,maurorum,”Alhagi camelorum, Alhagi persarum, Alhagi

pseudalhagi”,”camelthorn, camel thorn bush “,X,L,NSW; Vic;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Alhagi,maurorum, ,Camelthorn ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Alhagi,maurorum,” Alhagi camelorum, Alhagi persarum, Alhagi

pseudalhagi”,”camelthorn, camel thorn bush NSW-Shire of Wakool

& City of Broken Hill; Vic-whole State ex Melb.metro area; WA-P1,P2,

whole State”,,,,”it has a very vigorous root system, making it

a troublesome weed overseas in cereal & horticultural crops where

repeated cultivation aids its spread; it is strongly competitive with

other plants & can eliminate most other vegetation; grazed by cattle,

hor”,”introd to Aust & nat in 1919 at Rutherglen in NE Vic,

discovered later in SA & WA where at one time a patch of over 100ha

occurred at Kalgoorlie, now reduced to about 10ha; few isolated

occurrences in NSW, notably Broken Hill, Wakool & Henty; it is

confin”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Alhagi,maurorum, ,camelthorn bush,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration. Woody SpeciesInvades: dry savanna,

karoo, ploughed lands, riverbanks; prefers deep soilsCultivated for:

“,Origin: Europe,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Alhagi,maurorum, ,camelthorn bush,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration. Woody SpeciesInvades: dry savanna,

karoo, ploughed lands, riverbanks; prefers deep soilsCultivated for:

“,Origin: Europe,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Alhagi,maurorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Alhagi,maurorum,syn. A. pseudalhagi,camelthorn,,,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Alhagi,maurorum, ,”A. pseudalhagi, camelthorn”,,P,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Alhagi,pseudalhagi, ,Camel Thorn ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Alhagi,pseudalhagi, ,Camelthorn ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Alysicarpus,vaginalis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Alysicarpus,vaginalis, ,,,,, Pasture grasses and legumes ,

Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Alysicarpus,vaginalis, ,oneleaf clover,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Amorpha,fruticosa, ,”indigobush, false indigo, bastard

indigo”,,P,,CAB references suggest it is: -a weed infesting the

waters and banks of canals of drainage systems in the Gornja Posavina

region of Yugoslavia. -an invasive native species along the Columbia and

Snake rivers in Oregon and Washington. -an ,”N Amer: Canada

(southeast & south-central), Mexico (north), USA (east, central &

south)”,Western Australian Prohibited List

Anagyris,foetida,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Anagyris,foetida, ,,,,,”Region of origin - S Eur, Middle

East; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Andira,humilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Andira,humilis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Anthyllis,barba-jovis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Apios,americana, ,American potatobean,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arachis,hypogaea,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Arachis,hypogaea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aspalthium,bituminosum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Astragalus,?prolixus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Astragalus,allochrous, ,halfmoon loco,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Astragalus,bisulcatus, ,twogrooved milkvetch,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Astragalus,cicer, ,,,,,,”Mainland Europe except, Greece, S

Italy, SW Spain & Portugal”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Astragalus,cicer,Leguminosae ,,,,,,”Mainland Europe except,

Greece, S Italy, SW Spain & Portugal”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Astragalus,diphysus, ,blue loco,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Astragalus,earlei, ,bigbend loco,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Astragalus,garbancillo, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Astragalus,garbancillo, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Astragalus,hamosus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Astragalus,lentiginosus, ,spotted loco,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Astragalus,mollisimus, ,woolly loco,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Astragalus,pectinatus, ,narrowleaf milkvetch,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Astragalus,sesameus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Astragalus,wootoni, ,Wooton loco,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Astralagus,hamosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Astralagus,sesameus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Baptisia,tinctoria, ,wild indigo,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bauhinia,monandra,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bauhinia,variegata, ,orchid tree,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Bauhinia,variegata,,orchid tree,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Bituminaria,bituminosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Brachystegia,spiceaeformis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brachystegia,spiciformis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cajanus,cajan,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cajanus,cajan, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Calicotome,spinosa,,spiny broom,,L,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Calicotome ,spinosa,”Cytisus spinosus, Calycotome

spinosa”,spiny broom,H,GLP,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Calliandra,spp.,,powderpuff,S,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Calliandra,surinamensis,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Callistachys,lanceolata,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Calopogonium,mucunoides,,calopo,Hw,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Calopogonium,mucunoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Calycotome,spinosa, ,Spiny Broom,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external. Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5”,”Med, In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Calycotome,spinosa, ,spiny broom,,,,,,Weed Science List

Calycotome,spinosa, ,spiny broom,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Calycotome ,spinosa, Cytisus spinosus,spiny broom,,,,”forms

an effective hegde because of the dense growth of spiny branches; animals

graze young shoots, they find established plants unacceptable because of

the spines; dense patches reduce grazing, limit access to watering points

& provide a harbour for pest”,originated in the Medit region,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Canavalia,ensiformis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Canavalia,ensiformis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Canavalia,rosea, ,,,,,”India, sandy and rocky

beaches”,Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; New Caledonia;

American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Vanuatu; Wallis &

Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Caragana,arborescens,,Common Name(s): Siberian peashrub, Ornamental Potential Invasive ,Europe. Habitat: Habitat :," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Caragana,arborescens, ,Siberian peashrub,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Caragana,brevispina, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cassia,occidentalis, ,coffee senna,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centrosema,brazilianum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centrosema,pascuorum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Centrosema,plumieri,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Centrosema,pubescens,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Centrosema,pubescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ceratonia,siliqua,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cercidium,floridum, ,blue paloverde,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cercidium,macrum, ,border paloverde,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cercidium,microphyllum, ,paloverde,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cercis,canadensis, ,eastern redbud,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cercis,occidentalis, ,western redbud,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cercis,siliquastrum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cercis,var. texensis, ,Texas redbud,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chamaecrista,nigricans,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chamaecrista,rotundifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chamaecytisus,palmensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cicer,arietinum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cladrastis,lutea, ,American yellowwood,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Clitoria,laurifolia,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Clitoria,ternatea,,”butterfly pea, Asian

pigeonwings”,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Clitoria,ternatea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Colophospermum,mopane, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Coronilla,scorpioides, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Coronilla,scorpioides, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Coronilla,varia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Coronilla,varia, ,Crown Vetch,,,,,”Mainland Europe, except

Denmark & NE “,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Coronilla,varia,, trailing crownvetch," Possible Weed of Agriculture, Grassland, Forest and Riparian habitats: High Weed Potential in Disturbed areas",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Coronilla,varia,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Coronilla,varia,,Common Name(s): Crown vetch,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive ""Perennial, 20-120 cm high, flowers 10-15 mm, white, purple, or pink, 7-12 leaflets in pairs, oblong, fruit bean-like, 20-60 mm long, slender 20-60 mm long, slender """,Eurasia. Habitat: Semi-natural areas," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Coronilla,varia, ,crown vetch,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Coronilla,varia, ,crown vetch,,,,,,Weed Science List

Coronilla,varia, ,trailing crownvetch,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Coronilla,varia,,crown vetch,,,,”RANK 2. “SIGNIFICANT

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some invasive

characteristics, but have less impact on native plant communities; may

have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance

corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Crotalaria,aculeata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,aculeata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Crotalaria,agatiflora,,Queensland birdflower,XX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Crotalaria,agatiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,alata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Crotalaria,distans,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Crotalaria,distans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,fulva, ,tawny crotalaria,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Crotalaria,goreensis,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crotalaria,goreensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,grahamiana,,bushy rattlepod,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Crotalaria,grahamiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,incana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Crotalaria,incana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Crotalaria,incana, ,,,,,”no emergence from 3-5yrs seed

planted in soil in greenhouse, no special treatments, other than soaking

in water for 1 hour”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Crotalaria,incana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,juncea,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Crotalaria,juncea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,laburnifolia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crotalaria,lanata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,lanceolata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crotalaria,lanceolata, ,,,,,”Weed in Colombia, Holmes

AtlasPyrrolizidine alkaloids from Crotalaria lanceolata. Thomson-GM;

Robins-DJDepartment of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ,

UK.Fitoterapia. 1990, 61: 5, 472; 5 ref.1990Crotalaria species are

reported in the”,”Found in the USA, Colombia probably

throughout Central America and Southern USA and China.Grows down the east

coast of Australia.Evaluation of allelopathy in Crotalaria by using a

seed pack growth pouch.Ohdan-H; Daimon-H; Mimoto-HCollege of

Agricultur”,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,lanceolata,syn C. mossambicensis,,,P,,”Weed in

Colombia, Holmes AtlasPyrrolizidine alkaloids from Crotalaria lanceolata.

Thomson-GM; Robins-DJDepartment of Chemistry, University of Glasgow,

Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK.Fitoterapia. 1990, 61: 5, 472; 5 ref.1990Crotalaria

species are reported in the”,”Typus: South Africa: Natal, between

the rivers Umzimkulu (Omsamculo) and Umkomaas (Omcomas). Found in the

USA, Colombia probably throughout Central America and Southern USA and

China. Africa: Range according to GRIN: Ethiopia [south]; Kenya;

Madagascar; M”,Western Australian Prohibited List

Crotalaria,longirostrata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,longirostrata, ,longbeak crotalaria,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Crotalaria,longirostrata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Crotalaria,lunata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Crotalaria,medicaginea, ,,,,,”100% germ of seed treated

with conc. sulfuric acid for 50min, however treating longer than 30min

adversely affected the seedlins produced”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Crotalaria,micans,C. anagyroides,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Crotalaria,ochrolecua,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crotalaria,ochroleuca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,pallida,,streaked rattlepod,XH,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Crotalaria,pallida, ,Streaked rattlepod,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,pallida, ,Streaked rattlepod,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Crotalaria,retusa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Crotalaria,sagittalis, ,rattlebox,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Crotalaria,semperflorens,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crotalaria,semperflorens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,senagalensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crotalaria,senegalensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,spectabilis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crotalaria,spectabilis, ,Showy crotalaria,,,,”soak seed in

water for 10 days, use only hard seeds, puncture seed coat or treat with

conc. sulfuric acid for 40 min”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Crotalaria,spectabilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,spectabilis, ,showy crotalaria,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Crotalaria,spp., ,,,,,”98% germ of seed treated with conc.

sulfuric acid for 15min, 30% germ of untreated seed 1-12 wk old seeds

planted in greenhouse”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Crotalaria,striata, ,striped crotalaria,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Crotalaria,virgulata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crotalaria,virgulata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crotalaria,virgulata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotalaria,zanzibarica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crotalaria,zanzibarica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crotolaria,pallida, ,”smooth rattlepod, striped

crotolaria”,,,,”subtropical Asia or Africa, pasture, roadsides,

wastes land”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New

Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon

Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Crotolaria,retusa, ,,,,,”Africa, “,French Polynesia;

Kiribati; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Cullen,americana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cullen,corylifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cyamopsis,tetragonoloba, ,Guar,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cyclocarpa,stellaris,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cytisus,monspessulans,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cytisus,monspessulans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cytisus,monspessulans, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cytisus,monspessulanus, ,French Broom ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cytisus,monspessulanus, ,French broom ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Cytisus,monspessulanus, ,Montpellier broom,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: fynbos, grasslandCultivated for: ornament”,Origin:

Europe (Medit),Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cytisus,monspessulanus, ,Montpellier broom,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: fynbos, grasslandCultivated for: ornament”,Origin:

Europe (Medit),Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cytisus,multiflorus,,white Spanish broom,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cytisus,multiflorus, ,White Spanish Broom,,,,Dispersal: ?. Life

Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5,”Introduced deliberately from: Spain, Portugal and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cytisus,multiflorus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cytisus,palmensis,”Chamaecytisus palmensis, C.

proliferus”,”Tagasaste, tree lucerne”,HXSX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cytisus,palmensis, ,Tagasaste,,,,”Dispersal: Water. Life

Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub/Tree. RISK: Very serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Canary Is and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cytisus,palmensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cytisus,proliferus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cytisus,scoparius, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated

by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Cytisus,scoparius,,broom Scotch ,"WEED OF CONCERN: Control and containment of existing populations of these noxious weeds is strongly encouraged in King County, Washington State.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Cytisus,scoparius,,Common Name(s): Scotch broom,"Avail nurseries, Usage : Potential Invasive ""Perennial, 1-3 m high, flowers bright yellow, solitary or in pairs, much branched, 3 small leaflets, alternate ""","Europe. Habitat: Sandy roadsides, barrens, open woods"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Cytisus,scoparius,,Scot's broom ,"Serious riparian problem up the Willamette, at coast, clearcuts, everywhere! Avoid use of all brooms.",,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Galega,officinalis,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Cytisus,scoparius,”Sarothamnus scoparius, Sapartium

scoparium”,”English broom, Scotch broom, broom, common broom,

Scottish broom, Spanish broom”,HXXXAw,NLP,NSW; Vic; SA;

Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cytisus,scoparius, ,Scotch Broom ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cytisus,scoparius, ,Scotch Broom ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cytisus,scoparius, ,English Broom,,,,”Dispersal: ?. Life

Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,5,6,7,8,15”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cytisus,scoparius,” Sarothamnus scoparius, Sapartium

scoparium”,”English broom, Scotch broom, broom, common broom,

Scottish broom, Spanish broom”,,,,”it seeds freely &

seedlings establish readily on disturbed sites; undisturbed bushland is

rarely invaded but once there has been some disturbance, then it becomes

a very invasive weed; once established it fixes nitrogen in the soil

& dominates the vegetat”,”originated in W & C Eur &

has now spread to many temp areas of the world; introd to N Amer as a

garden ornamental, where it occurs thickly in parts of California, Oregon

& Washington, now thousands of hectares are now covered & it has

crowded out native s”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Cytisus,scoparius, ,Scotch or Scot's broom ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Cytisus,scoparius, ,Scotch broom,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cytisus,scoparius, ,Scotch broom,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

grassland, forest margins, roadsidesCultivated for: ornament,

shelter”,Origin: Europe ,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cytisus,scoparius, ,Scotch broom,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

grassland, forest margins, roadsidesCultivated for: ornament, shelter”,Origin:

Europe ,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cytisus,scoparius, ,English/Scotch broom * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Movement

prohibited on roads (Section 52(2) applies)”,”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Cytisus,scoparius, ,”English broom, Scotch broom,

broom”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cytisus,scoparius, ,Scotch broom,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cytisus,scoparius, ,”English broom, Scotch broom,

broom”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cytisus,striatus, ,Portuguese Broom ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed


CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Cytisus,striatus, ,Portugese broom,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cytisus,x dallimorei (C. multiflorus x C. scoparius), cv.

'Lena',,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Dalbergia,sisso, ,dalbergia,,,,,”originating in northern

India, Pakistan & Afghanistan, it has been widely planted throughout

India & Afr for its wood & as a shade tree”,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Dalbergia,sissoo,,”dalbergia, sisham, skuva, sissu,

tali”,S,NLP,NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Dalbergia,sissoo, ,”sisham, skuva, sissu, tali

(Indian)”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dalbergia,sissoo, ,”sisham, skuva, sissu, tali

(Indian)”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Dalbergia,sissoo,,”Indian dalbergia,

sissoo”,,,,”Catergory II - Species that shown a potential to

disrupt native plant communities. These species may become ranked as

Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated disruption of natural Florida

communities. “,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Dalea,occidentale,”syn. Petalostemum oligophyllum, P.

occidentale”,,,,,27% germ of seed collected in summer & germ

following summer in some moist sand outdoors ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Daubentonia,texana, ,coffeeweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Delonix,regia,,poinciana,HS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Delonix,regia, ,,,,,Region of origin - Madagascar; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Delonix,regia, ,royal poinciana,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Delonix,regia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Derris,elliptica,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Derris,elliptica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Derris,elliptica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Derris,indica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Derris,indica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Desmanthus,virgatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Desmanthus,virgatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Desmodium,canadense, ,hoary tickclover,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Desmodium,cuspidatum,syn Hedysarum cuspidatum Muhl. ex Willd.,”Stick-tights,

beggar's-ticks”,,P,,Species citations: McGregor et al. (The Great

Plains Flora Association). 1986. Flora of the Great Plains. (F GPlains)

H. A. Gleason & A. Cronquist. 1963. Manual of vascular plants of

northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. (Glea Cr,”Ontario,

Canada [south]; United States [east]”,Western Australian Prohibited


Desmodium,diffusum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Desmodium,diffusum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Desmodium,heterophyllum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Desmodium,incanum, ,Spanish clover,,,,”tropical America,

lawns,roadsides”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam;

American Samoa; Western Samoa; Tonga; Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Desmodium,incanum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Desmodium,intortum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Desmodium,intortum, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - agriculture - pasture,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Desmodium,intortum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Desmodium,penduliflorum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Desmodium,procumbens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Desmodium,procumbens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Desmodium,scorpiurus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Desmodium,strigillosum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Desmodium,thunbergii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Desmodium,tortuosum,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Desmodium,tortuosum, ,Florida beggar weed,,,,germ at 30C

constant or 20-30C diurnal alt. temps; hard seed treated with conc.

sulfuric acid 5-30 min inc. germ %,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Desmodium,tortuosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Desmodium,tortuosum, ,Florida beggarweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Desmodium,triflorum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Desmodium,triflorum, ,threeflower beggarweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Desmodium,uncinatum,,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Desmodium,uncinatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Desmodium,uncinatum, ,Spanish tickclover,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Dichrostachys,cinerea,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dichrostachys,cinerea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dichrostachys,cinerea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Dichrostachys,nutans, ,marabu,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Dipogon,lignosus,,”dipogon, okie bean, Australian

pea”,HXXXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Dipogon,lignosus, ,Dipogon,,,,”Dispersal: ?Ant. Life Form:

Vine. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,5,8,13”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Dipogon,lignosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echinospartum,barnadesii, syn. Genista barnadesii,,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Enterolobium,contortisliquum,,ear-pod tree,,,,”Catergory II

- Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities.

These species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet

demonstrated disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of

Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Erythrina,acanthocarpa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Erythrina,acanthocarpa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erythrina,crista, ,gali Indian Coral Tree,,,,Major

WeedTREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Erythrina,crista-galli, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Amer; Extent

of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Erythrina,crista-galli, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erythrina,crista-galli, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Erythrina,herbacea, ,eastern coralbean,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erythrina,herbaceae, ,”cardinal spear, cherokee bean, coral

bean”,,,,”Erythrina herbaceae is listed in the USA as X -

present as weed (the species is present & behaves as a aweed, but its

rank of importance is unknown)”,”SE USA, Mexico”,Holm et

al 'A Geographical Atlas of World Weeds'

Erythrina,x, ,sykesii Coral Tree ,,,,TREES.,,”Environmental

Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Erythrina,x, ,sykesii Coral Tree,,,,Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest

Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Erythrina,x sykesii,,coral tree,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Flemingia,macrophylla,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Galega,officinalis, ,goatsrue,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gastrolobium,grandiflorum,,”desert poison bush, heart-leaf

poison, wallflower poison”,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gastrolobium,grandiflorum, ,”desert poison bush, heart-leaf

poison, wallflower poison”,,,,,native to tropical Aust,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Gastrolobium,grandiflorum, ,desert poison bush,,,,,,Weed Science


Genista,canariensis,,canarybroom,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Genista,canariensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Genista,horrida,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Genista,horrida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Genista,linifolia,”Cytisus linifolius, Teline

linifolia”,”flax-leaved broom, flax broom, flaxleaf

broom”,HHXw,GL,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Genista,linifolia, ,Flax-leaf Broom,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,Water. Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,2,4,5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Med and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Genista,linifolia,” Cytisus linifolius, Teline

linifolia”,”flax-leaved broom, flax broom, flaxleaf

broom”,,,,forms dense clumps which reduce grazing & provide

harbour for pest animals; it is thought to be toxic but little is grazed

& not regarded as a problem; seedlings do not establish in improved

pastures but grow readily on disturbed areas such as graded

road,”originated in the Medit regionintrod to Aust as an ornamental;

it now occurs as a weed of roadsides, drains & fence lines from which

it encroaches on to grazing lands; it is common on the Mornington

Peninsula & adjoining areas as well as on the

Bellarine”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Genista,linifolia, ,flax-leaved broom,,,,,,Weed Science List

Genista,maderensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Genista,monosperma,,white weeping broom,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Genista,monspessulana,,broom ,Serious problem in CA and OR south coast;now appearing in Eugene. Avoid all brooms.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Genista,monspessulana,”Cytisus canariensis, Cytisus monspessulanus,

Teline monspessulana”,”cape broom, canary broom, Montpellier

broom, common broom, soft broom, French broom”,HHXXAwH,GGLP,Vic;

Tas; SA; NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Genista,monspessulana, ,French Broom ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Genista,monspessulana, ,French Broom ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Genista,monspessulana, ,Montpellier Broom,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal external,Water. Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5,6,8,12”,”Med and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Genista,monspessulana,” Cytisus canariensis, Cytisus

monspessulanus, Teline monspessulana”,”cape broom, canary

broom, Montpellier broom, common broom, soft broom, French

broom”,,,,”forms an effective hedge & windbreak because of

the dense foliage encouraged by regular trimming; however it is considered

weedy when if forms dense thickets which exclude most other vegetation

& thus affects carrying capacity, the utilisation of land &

a”,”originated in the Medit region; it now occurs in many temp

areas of the world; it is a well established weed on the west coast of N

Amer, Hawaii, the higher rainfall areas of NZ, Chile & forest areas

of S Afr”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Genista,monspessulana, ,French broom,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Genista,monspessulana, ,Cape broom * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Movement

prohibited on roads (Section 52(2) applies)”,”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Genista,monspessulana, ,”cape broom, canary broom,

Montpellier broom”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Genista,monspessulana, ,”cape broom, canary broom,

Montpellier broom”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Genista,sp., G. monspessulana x G. sp.,,,,,Region of origin -

Nursery trade; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread -

ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Genista,spp.,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Genista,spp.,syn. Teline,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Genista,stenopetala,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Genista,tinctoria,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Genista,tinctoria, ssp. depressa,,,,,Region of origin - Eur;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Genista,tinctoria, ,dyers greenweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gleditsia,triacanthos, ,,,,,Significant weed in Queensland,,Weed

Science List

Gleditsia,triacanthos, ,honeylocust,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gleditsia,tricanthos,,honey locust,XH,NL,Qld,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gliricidia,sepium,,”madre de cacao, mother of

cacao”,w,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gliricidia,sepium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gliricidia,sepium, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Glycine,max,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Glycine,max, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Glycyrrhiza,echinata, ,,,,,”G. frearitis, G. inermis, G.

macedonica”,SE Europe into Balkans & S Russia,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Glycyrrhiza,echinata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Glycyrrhiza,echinata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Glycyrrhiza,glabra,,licorice,w,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Glycyrrhiza,glabra, ,liquorice,,,,,,Weed Science List

Glycyrrhiza,lepidota, ,wild licorice,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gymnocladus,dioicus, ,Kentucky coffeetree,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Haematoxylum,campechianum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Halimodendron,halodendron, ,Russian Salttree

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Hardenbergia,comptoniana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hedysarum,coronarium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hedysarum,coronarium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hoffmanseggia,densiflora, ,hogpotato,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Indeigophera,suffruitcosa, ,indigo,,,,”, field crops,

roadsides, waste land”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam;

American Samoa; Western Samoa Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Indigofera,circinella,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Indigofera,decora,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Indigofera,decora, ,,,,,Region of origin - Japan to C China;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Indigofera,decora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Indigofera,glandulosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Indigofera,hirsuta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Indigofera,oblongifolia,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Indigofera,oblongifolia, ,,,,,Region of origin - India; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - agriculture - pasture,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Indigofera,spicata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Indigofera,spicata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Indigofera,suffruticosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Indigofera,suffruticosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Indigofera,tinctoria,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Kennedia,nigricans,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Kennedia,rubicunda,,dusky coral pea,XX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Kennedia,rubicunda, ,Dusky Coral-pea,,,,”Dispersal: Ant.

Life Form: Vine. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,4,5”,”Introduced

deliberately from: E Vic,NSW,Qld and Commercially Available, , In

Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Kennedia,spp., ,,,,,”62-96% germ of 4 species at 10-15C in

sand maintained at 60% water holding capacity, for

33days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Kummerowia,stipulacea,,Korean clover,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Kummerowia,striata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Kummerowia,striata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Kummerowia,striata, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Kummerowia,striata,,Japanese clover,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Lablab,purpureus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lablab,purpureus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lathyrus,angulatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lathyrus,angulatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lathyrus,aphaca,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lathyrus,aphaca, ,Yellow Vetchling,,,,,”NW & Southern

Europe & UK, less in North & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Lathyrus,aphaca,syn ,Yellow vetching,,,,”fields, gardens,

orchards”,”Medit, Eur, W & C Asia”,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Lathyrus,aphaca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lathyrus,aphaca, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Lathyrus,cicera, ,Red Vetchling,,,,L. aegaeus,Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lathyrus,cicera,Leguminosae ,Red Vetchling,,,,L.

aegaeus,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lathyrus,clymenum, ,Spanish Vetchling,,,,L. tuntasii,Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lathyrus,clymenum,Leguminosae ,Spanish Vetchling,,,,L.

tuntasii,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lathyrus,hirsutus, ,Hairy Vetchling,,,,,Mainland Europe except

Denmark & NE,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lathyrus,hirsutus,Leguminosae ,Hairy Vetchling,,,,,Mainland

Europe except Denmark & NE,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lathyrus,hirsutus,syn ,Rough-podded vetching,,,,”fields,

gardens, orchards”,”Medit, Eur, E & C Asia; naturalised in

the USA”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Lathyrus,japonicus, ,,,,,”green, unripe seed 57% germ

within 7-14 days after sowing; 85-100% germ of ripe seed if seed coat

cut/chipped”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Lathyrus,latifolius,L. sylvestris,perennial pea,XXXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lathyrus,latifolius,,"Common Name(s): Perennial sweet pea, Everlasting pea","Avail nurseries, Usage : Potential Invasive ""Perennial, 1-3 feet high, flowers purple-pink to white, winged stems, pea-like fruits ""","Europe. Habitat: Fields, roadsides"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Lathyrus,latifolius, ,Perennial Pea,,,,”Dispersal: ?. Life

Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lathyrus,latifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lathyrus,nissolia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lathyrus,nissolia, ,Grass Vetchling,,,,,UK & Mainland Europe

except Denmark & NE,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lathyrus,nissolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lathyrus,ochrus, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Lathyrus,ochrus,Leguminosae ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Lathyrus,odoratus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lathyrus,odoratus, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Crete, Italy,

Sicily; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Lathyrus,palustris, ,marsh peavine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lathyrus,pratensis, ,meadow peavine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lathyrus,sativus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lathyrus,sativus, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of spread

- died out?; Means of spread - agriculture - prob. fodder,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Lathyrus,sativus, ,Chickpea,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Lathyrus,sativus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lathyrus,sphaericus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lathyrus,sphaericus, ,,,,,”some seed germ immediately after

harvest, remainder in 1st spring; seeds placed in unheated germinator

& exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; 93%

germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Lathyrus,sphaericus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lathyrus,sylvestris, ,Flat peavine,,,,”46% germ of

scarified seed, followed by cold stratification for 3wks at

0-5C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Lathyrus,sylvestris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lathyrus,sylvestris, ,flat peavine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lathyrus,tingitanus,,Tangier pea,HXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lathyrus,tingitanus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lathyrus,tuberosus,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lathyrus,tuberosus, ,Tuberous Vetchling,,,,,”UK, S Sweden

& Mainland Europe except NE, less Denmark, UK & Sweden”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Lathyrus,tuberosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lathyrus,tuberosus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Lespedeza,bicolor,,bicolor lespedeza,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Lespedeza,bicolor,,bicolor lespedeza,"Nature: Shade-tolerant, leguminous shrub up to 10 ft tall that spreads bybird- and animal-dispersed seeds. Uses: Wildlife food for birds and soil stabilization.Herbicide control: No control research reported.",Origin: Introduced from Japan.Range: Piedmont and coastal plains in SE.,"EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANTS IN SOUTHEASTERN FORESTS, James H. Miller, Southern Research Station USDA Forest Service Auburn University, AL, weed"

Lespedeza,cuneata,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Lespedeza,cuneata, ,”Chinese lespedeza, sericea

lespedeza”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Lespedeza,cuneata, ,sericea lespedeza,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lespedeza,cuneata,,sericea lespedeza,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess characteristics of

invasive species and spread easily into native plant communities and

displace native vegetation; includes species which are or could become

widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Lespedeza,grandis, see Lespedeza thunbergii ,,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Lespedeza,stipulacea, ,Korean lespedeza,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lespedeza,striata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lespedeza,striata, ,common lespedeza,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lespedeza,thunbergii,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lespedeza,thunbergii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Lespedeza,violacea, ,violet lespedeza,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Leucaena,glauca, ,Lead tree,,,,86% germ of seeds planted in

moist sand after collection,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Leucaena,glauca, ,leadtree,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Leucaena,leucocephala, ,”wild tamarind,

leucaena”,,,,”, pasture, roadsides, waste lands”,Cook

Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; New

Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon

Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Leucaena,leucocephala, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Leucaena,leucocephala,L. glauca,leucaena,XHHwX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Leucaena,leucocephala,,,XXHX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Leucaena,leucocephala, ,”white leadtree, haole

koa”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Leucaena,leucocephala, ,leucaena,,,,”Biocontrol: seed

attackers under investigationWoody SpeciesInvades: forest margins,

roadsides, wasteland, riverbanksCultivated for: fodder, firewood,

construction poles, ornament, sand binding”,Origin: tropical

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Leucaena,leucocephala, ,leucaena,,,,”Biocontrol: seed

attackers under investigationWoody SpeciesInvades: forest margins,

roadsides, wasteland, riverbanksCultivated for: fodder, firewood,

construction poles, ornament, sand binding”,Origin: tropical

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Leucaena,leucocephala, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leucaena,leucocephala,,lead tree,,,,”Catergory II - Species

that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species

may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Lotononis,bainesii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lotononis,bainesii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lotus,angustissimus,,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lotus,angustissimus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lotus,arabicus,syn ,,,,,”Nile and canal banks,

fieldsPoisonous to livestock”,”Egypt, trop. Afr, Arabia,

Baluchistan”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Lotus,corniculatus,,bird's foot trefoil,w,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lotus,corniculatus,,,w,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lotus,corniculatus,,birds -foot trefoil,HXw,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lotus,corniculatus, ,Birds -foot Trefoil,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,2,4,6,8,9,15”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lotus,corniculatus, ,Birdsfoot trefoil ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Lotus,corniculatus, ,bird's foot trefoil,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Lotus,corniculatus,syn ,Bird's-foot trefoil,,,,”canal

banks, moist ground, occasionally forming colorful lawns in pure stands

or mixed with other plants”,”E Medit, E Afr, Eur; introduced

into many temp. regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Lotus,corniculatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lotus,corniculatus, ,birdsfoot trefoil,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lotus,creticus,,Cretan Trefoil,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lotus,creticus, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Medit, Portugal;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - soil

conservation”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Lotus,creticus, ,Cretan Trefoil,,,,”Dispersal: Water,animal

(not bird), internal. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1”,”Introduced deliberately from: Med,Portugal, In Victoria:

Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Lotus,hispidus [illegal name],= Lotus parviflorus

Desf.,,,,,”Name missappplied to Australian material, L. hispidus not

known to be in Australia”,,Weed Science List

Lotus,pedunculatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lotus,preslii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lotus,purpureus, syn. Tetragonolobus,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Lotus,scoparius, ,broom deervetch,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Lotus,suaveolens,,”hairy bird's-foot trefoil, Boyd's

clover”,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lotus,suaveolens,= L. subbiflorus,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lotus,subbiflorus,,Hairy Birds-foot Trefoil,H,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lotus,subbiflorus, ,Hairy Birds-foot Trefoil,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,8,9”,”Eur,N Af, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lotus,subbiflorus,syn L. hispidus,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lotus,tenuis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lotus,tenuis, ,narrow birdsfoot trefoil,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lotus,tetragonolobus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lotus,uliginosus,,Greater Birds-foot Trefoil,HAX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lotus,uliginosus, ,Greater Birds-foot

Trefoil,,,,”Dispersal: ?Ant. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 6,7,8,9,14”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Lotus,uliginosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lupinus,albus,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lupinus,albus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lupinus,albus, ,White lupin,,P,,NOTE: These species are

restricted entry for disease and insect pest reasons.Consult with

quarantine officers for more details.,,Western Australian Prohibited List

for Disease reasons

Lupinus,angustifolius,,New Zealand blue lupin,X,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lupinus,angustifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lupinus,angustifolius, ,,,P,,NOTE: These species are restricted

entry for disease and insect pest reasons.Consult with quarantine

officers for more details.,,Western Australian Prohibited List for

Disease reasons

Lupinus,arboreus,,”tree lupin, bush

lupin”,HXw,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lupinus,arboreus, ,Bush Lupine ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Lupinus,arboreus, ,Tree Lupin,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Small to medium shrub.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,15”,”Introduced deliberately

from: Cal and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited

distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Lupinus,arboreus, ,Tree lupine ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Lupinus,arboreus, ,bush lupine,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Lupinus,arboreus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lupinus,argenteus, ,silvery lupine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lupinus,caudatus, ,tailcup lupine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lupinus,cosentinii,,”WA blue lupin, sand plain

lupin”,H,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lupinus,cosentinii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lupinus,cosentinii, ,Sandplain lupin,,P,,NOTE: These species are

restricted entry for disease and insect pest reasons.Consult with quarantine

officers for more details.,,Western Australian Prohibited List for

Disease reasons

Lupinus,hybrid,”L. polyphyllus, L. incana in

NSW”,lupins,A,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lupinus,kingii, ,kings lupine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lupinus,laxiflorus, ,grassland lupine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lupinus,leucophyllus, ,velvet lupine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lupinus,luteus,,yellow lupin,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lupinus,luteus, ,Yellow Lupin,,,,,”Central & SW Europe

inc Italy, less in central regions”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Lupinus,luteus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lupinus,luteus, ,Yellow lupin,,P,,NOTE: These species are

restricted entry for disease and insect pest reasons.Consult with

quarantine officers for more details.,,Western Australian Prohibited List

for Disease reasons

Lupinus,mutabilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lupinus,perennis, ,Perennial lupine,,,,”41% germ for both

seed planted directly into greenhouse germ over 15-106days or held

outdoors in low temps, for 71 days germ over 7-63days”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lupinus,perennis, ,perennial lupine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lupinus,pilosus,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lupinus,pilosus, ,,,P,,NOTE: These species are restricted entry

for disease and insect pest reasons.Consult with quarantine officers for

more details.,,Western Australian Prohibited List for Disease reasons

Lupinus,polyphyllus,,Russell lupin,Xw,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lupinus,polyphyllus, ,,,,,Region of origin - E USA & E

Canada; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Lupinus,polyphyllus, ,Russell Lupin,,,,Dispersal: ?animal

externalWater. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

15,”Introduced deliberately from: N Am and Commercially Available, ,

In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lupinus,polyphyllus, ,,,P,,NOTE: These species are restricted

entry for disease and insect pest reasons.Consult with quarantine

officers for more details.,,Western Australian Prohibited List for

Disease Reasons

Lupinus,pusillus, ,low lupine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lupinus,rivularis, ,stream lupine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lupinus,sericeus, ,silky lupine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lupinus,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Lupinus,spp., ,,,P,,NOTE: These species are restricted entry for

disease and insect pest reasons.Consult with quarantine officers for more

details.,,Western Australian Prohibited List for Disease Reasons

Lygos,monosperma,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious



Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Macroptilium,lathyroides, ,”cowpea, phasey

bean”,,,,”, vegetables, field crops”,Fiji; French Polynesia;

Guam; New Caledonia; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands;

Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty

in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Macroptilium,lathyroides,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Macroptilum,atropurpureum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Macroptilum,lathyroides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Macrotyloma,axillare,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Macrotyloma,axillare, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,arabica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Medicago,arabica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,arabica, ,spotted burclover,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Medicago,arborea,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Medicago,arborea, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Eur; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Medicago,arborea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,ciliaris,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Medicago,ciliaris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,ciliaris, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Medicago,dentatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,dentatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Medicago,falcata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Medicago,falcata, ,,,,,seeds germ at once after harvested

remainder in following spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ; 96%

germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Medicago,falcata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,intertexta,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Medicago,intertexta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,intertexta var. ciliaris,syn M. ciliaris,,,,,abundant

weedy species in fields & gardens,”Medit, Eur, Asia; introduced

into many temp. regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Medicago,italica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Medicago,laciniata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Medicago,laciniata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,littoralis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Medicago,littoralis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,lupulina,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Medicago,lupulina, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web Address:

,,”Florida Weeds,


Medicago,lupulina, ,Black medic,,,,good germ of scarified

seed,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Medicago,lupulina, ,Black Medic,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Medicago,lupulina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,lupulina, ,black medic,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Medicago,minima,,Little Medic,HXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Medicago,minima, ,Little Medic,,,,”Dispersal: animal external,animal

(not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,3,4”,”Eur,Med,N Af,W As and Commercially Available, , In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Medicago,minima, ,Bur medic,,,,,”UK, S Sweden &

Mainland Europe except NE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Medicago,minima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,minima, ,little burclover,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Medicago,orbicularis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Medicago,orbicularis, ,,,,,M. cuneata,Southern & Eastern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Medicago,orbicularis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,polymorpha,,Burr Medic,HXXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Medicago,polymorpha, ,Burr Medic,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Wind.

Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5,8,11,12”,”Eur,Med, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Medicago,polymorpha, ,Toothed Medic,,,,”M. polycarpa, M.

denticulata, M. hispida, M. lappacea, M. pentacycla, M. nigra, M.

reticulata”,”UK, S Sweden & Mainland Europe except Denamrk

& NE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Medicago,polymorpha,syn M. hispida,Toothed

medik,,,,”fields, gardens, orchards, canal banks, waste ground

roadsides”,”Medit, Eur, Asia; introduced into many temp.

regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Medicago,polymorpha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,polymorpha var. vulgaris, ,California

burclover,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Medicago,praecox,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Medicago,praecox, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,rugosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Medicago,sativa,,Common Name(s): Alfalfa,"Avail nurseries, Forage crop Potential Invasive ""Annual, 90 cm high, flowers yellow, blue or violet, short, stout, 4-11 mm, leaves 30 mm long, obovate, toothed, long-cuneate long-cuneate ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Fields, gardens, lawns, waste places"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Medicago,sativa,,medic,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Medicago,sativa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Medicago,sativa, ,Lucerne,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Medicago,sativa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,sativa, ,alfalfa,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Medicago,scutellata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Medicago,scutellata, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Medicago,scutellata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,tornata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Medicago,tornata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Medicago,truncatula,,Barrel Medic,XXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Medicago,truncatula, ,Barrel Medic,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a

negative visual impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Introduced deliberately from: Med, In Victoria: Rare or

localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Medicago,truncatula, ,,,,,,Medit region,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Medicago,truncatula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Melilotus,alba, ,White Melilot,,,,,”All Europe, W Asia, N

Amer & Aust”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Melilotus,alba, ,White sweetclover ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Melilotus,alba, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Melilotus,alba, ,white sweetclover,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Melilotus,alba,,white sweet clover,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Melilotus,alba,,"Common Name(s): White sweet clover, Honey clover","Avail nurseries, Forage crop Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Primarily species of disturbed sites ""Biennial, 1-2 m high, white flowers on spike like racemes, leaves laternate, trifoliate ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Prairies, roadsides, meadows, agricultural lands"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Melilotus,albus,Melilotus alba,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Melilotus,altissima, ,tall yellow sweetclover,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Melilotus,indica, ,Sweet Melilotus,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,?Water,?animal (not bird), internal,?Wind. Life Form: Annual.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,4,5,8,9,11,12”,”Med - India,

In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Melilotus,indica, ,Small Melilot,,,,M. parviflora,”NW &

Southern Europe & UK, less in NW & UK”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Melilotus,indica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Melilotus,indica, ,annual yellow sweetclover,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Melilotus,indicus,Melilotus indica,Sweet

Melilotus,HXXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Melilotus,indicus ,syn Trifolium melilotus-indica; Melilotus

parviflorus,Indian melilot,,,,”fields, gardens, orchards, neglected

ground, canal banks”,”Medit, W & C Asia; introduced into

many war regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos,

L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Melilotus,infesta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Melilotus,messanensis,,Mediterranean Melilotus,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Melilotus,messanensis, ,Mediterranean Melilotus,,,,Dispersal:

Water. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 11,”Med, In

Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Melilotus,messanensis,syn M. sicula,,,,,”fields, gardens,

moist ground, canal banks”,”Medit, W & C Asia; introduced

into many war regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Melilotus,messanensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Melilotus,officinalis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Melilotus,officinalis, ,Ribbed Melilot,,,,M. arvensis,”All

Europe except NE, less in Northern regions, UK & Eire”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Melilotus,officinalis,,Common Name(s): Yellow sweet clover,"Avail nurseries, Forage crop Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Primarily species of disturbed sites ""Biennial, 1-2 m high, yellow flowers on spike like racemes, leaves laternate, trifoliate ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Prairies, roadsides, meadows, agricultural lands"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Melilotus,officinalis, ,Yellow sweetclover ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Melilotus,officinalis, ,yellow sweet clover,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Melilotus,officinalis, ,ribbed melilot,,,,,,Weed Science List

Melilotus,officinalis, ,yellow sweetclover,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Melilotus,officinalis,,yellow sweet clover,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Melilotus,segetalis, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Melilotus,segetalis,Leguminosae ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Melilotus,sulcata, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Melilotus,sulcata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mimosa,biuncifera, ,waitaminutebush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Mimosa,diplotricha var. diplotricha, M. invisa,creeping

sensitive plant,,,,”, gardens, growing lands, plantations”,Cook

Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Fed. States of Micronesia; Guam; New

Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon

Islands; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty

in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Mimosa,diplotricha var. diplotricha,M. invisa,giant sensitive

plant,HH,LP,Qld; NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mimosa,diplotricha var. diplotricha, M. invisa,giant sensitive

plant,,,,”aggressive plant can be a serious weed of coconuts, maize,

rubber, tea & esp. sugarcane & tropical pastures; grows faster

than sugarcane, sending out long spiny stems which quickly smother the

crop, reducing yield & fouling machinery; unpalatable to

stock”,”native of Brazil has become widely spread throughout

the wet tropics, now occurring in Afr, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, India, SE

Asia including Taiwan & the Philippines, PNG, Aust & the Pacific

Is; introd to Indonesia as a cover crop to reduce erosion in

rubbe”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Mimosa,diplotricha var. diplotricha,syn M. invisa,,,,,”on

lighter & heavy moist, often poor soils, in sunny to lightly shaded

sites; along drains & water courses, in ravines, roadsides, coconut

plantations; from 0-2000m alt; flowers throughout theyear; seeds have a

long dormancy; dies off after long dry spell”,”Brazil,

pantropical; in 1900 recorded for the first time in C Java, on the Lawu

volcano; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani

et al, 1987”

Mimosa,diplotricha var. diplotricha, M. invisa,giant

sensitiveplant,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Mimosa,diplotricha var. diplotricha,syn M. invisa,giant

sensitive plant,,P,,” Declared Plant: P1, P2 Whole of

State”,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Mimosa,dulcis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Mimosa,invisa,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Mimosa,invisa,= M. diplotricha var. diplotricha,giant sensitive

plant,,P,,” Declared Plant: P1, P2 Whole of State”,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Mimosa,invisa diplotricha var. diplotricha, M. invisa,giant

sensitive plant,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mimosa,pigra,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Mimosa,pigra, ,giant sensitive plant,,,,”, pasture,

riverbanks”,Papua New Guinea ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Mimosa,pigra, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive Weeds”

Mimosa,pigra,,”mimosa, giant sensitive plant, giant

sensitive tree, catclaw mimosa”,H,NL,Qld; WA; NT,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mimosa,pigra, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web Address:

,,”Florida Weeds,


Mimosa,pigra, ,”mimosa, giant sensitive plant, giant

sensitive tree, catclaw mimosa, giant mimosa, thorny sensitive

plant”,,,,”aggressive prickly shrub forms impenetrable thickets

4-5m high, making infested areas inaccessible to man & animals; it

grows in damp stiuations along riverbanks, & billabongs & it

interfers with stock watering, irrigation projects, & recreactional

use of”,”native of trop Amer where it occurs in a wide belt

extending from Mexico through C Amer, the Antilles, Colombia, Peru &

Brazil to northern Arg; introd to other areas as an ornamental or as a

cover crop, it is now widespread as a serious weed in Afr,

India”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Mimosa,pigra, ,”catclaw mimosa, giant sensitive

plant”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Mimosa,pigra, ,”mimosa, giant sensitive plant, sensitive

tree”,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Mimosa,pigra, ,”mimosa, giant sensitive plant, sensitive

tree”,,P,,” Declared Plant: P1, P2 Whole of

State”,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Mimosa,pigra*,,catclaw mimosa,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage caused.*P

=Prohibited by Flo”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species -

Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Mimosa,pudica, ,sensitive plant,,,,”, field crops,

lawns”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Fed. States of

Micronesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa;

Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu; Wallis &

Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Mimosa,pudica,,common sensitive plant,HHX,NL,NT; WA,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mimosa,pudica,,common sensitive plant,,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mimosa,pudica,,common sensitive plant,,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mimosa,pudica,,common sensitive plant,,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mimosa,pudica, ,,,,,82% germ of seeds planted in moist sand 2wks

after collection; germ in lab at alt. temps of 20-30C between moist

blotters; pretreatment with conc. sulfuric acid for 20-30 min inc. germ

%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Mimosa,pudica, ,common sensitive plant,,,,”is regarded more

a nuisance than a serious weed in Qld, is considered very troublesome in

several crops, including maize, sugarcane, rubber, tea, sorghum, soybeans

& upland rice in Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, PNG, &

parts of the South Pacific; i”,”native of tropical Amer which

has become widespread throughout the tropics of the world; now considered

to be a serious weed in S Amer, the Cribbean, parts of W Afr, Mauritius,

Sri Lanka, India, & SE Asia, including Indonsesia, & the

Philippines as well a”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Mimosa,pudica, ,common sensitive tree,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Mimosa,pudica,syn ,,,,,”a weed of pastures, roadsides,

coconut plantations,scrub; in fiesces on river banks, in sunny to rather

heavily shaded, usually moist places; from 0-1000m alt; flowers

throughout the year; seeds germinate within 2 weeks (scarification helps);

after 19 yea”,”tropical Armer, pantropical; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Mimosa,pudica, ,sensitiveplant,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Mimosa,pudica, ,common sensitive tree,,P,,” Declared Plant:

P1, P2 Whole of State”,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Mimosa,spp., ,,,,, Cover crops , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Mucuna,coriacea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mucuna,coriacea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Mucuna,pruriens,,”cowhage, velvet bean, cow itch, Bengal

bean”,w,NPQ,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mucuna,pruriens, ssp. pruriens var. utilis,,,,,Region of origin

- Asia; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - silage/green

manure crop,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Mucuna,pruriens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mucuna,pruriens,,"velvet bean , cow itch",weed of pastures and a wide range of dryland crops; smothering habit and ability to climb to tree tops makes a significant potential environmental weed; irritant hairs can kill livestock if ingested and cause severe skin reaction if touched,,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Mucuna,pruriens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Neonotonia,wightii,,glycine,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Neonotonia,wightii, ,perennial soybean,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Neonotonia,wightii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Neptunia,natans, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Onobrychis,viciifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ononis,alopecuroides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ononis,repens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ononis,spinosa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Onybrychis,viciifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ormocarpum,trichocarpum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ormocarpum,trichocarpum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Ornithopus,compressus,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ornithopus,compressus, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Ornithopus,compressus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ornithopus,perpusillus,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ornithopus,perpusillus, ,Bird's Foot,,,,,”UK, Eire, S

Sweden, Central & Western Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Ornithopus,pinnatus,,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ornithopus,pinnatus, ,,,,,”O. ebracteatus, O.

extipulatus”,”SW Europe, inc Greece & UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Ornithopus,pinnatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ornithopus,sativus,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ornithopus,sativus, ,Serradella,,,,,”Portugal, Spain &

SW France, less in NW & Northen Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Ornithopus,sativus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Otholobium,decumbens, Psoralea decumbens,,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Oxylobium,lanceolatum,,oxylobium,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Oxylobium,lanceolatum, ,Oxylobium,,,,Dispersal: Ant. Life Form:

Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,”Introduced deliberately from: WA and Commercially Available, , In

Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Oxytropis,lambertii, ,Lambert crazyweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oxytropis,macounii, ,spike crazyweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oxytropis,saximontana, ,Rocky Mountain

crazyweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oxytropis,splendens, ,showy crazyweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pachyrhizus,erosus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Paraserianthes,lophantha,Albizia lophantha,”Cape wattle,

crested wattle”,HXXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Paraserianthes,lophantha, ,Cape Wattle,,,,”Dispersal:

?Bird, internal,Water,Wind. Life Form: Large Small to medium

shrubhrub/Tree. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: WA and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Paraserianthes,lophantha, ,stink bean,,,,”Declared Weed.

Biocontrol: seed attackers under investigationWoody SpeciesInvades:

forest margins, riverbanks, moist slopes, wooded kloofsCultivated for:

ornament”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Paraserianthes,lophantha, ,stink bean,,,,”Declared Weed.

Biocontrol: seed attackers under investigationWoody SpeciesInvades:

forest margins, riverbanks, moist slopes, wooded kloofsCultivated for:

ornament”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Parkinsonia,aculeata,,”Parkinsonia, horse-bean, retama,

Jerusalem thorn”,XXXHH,NL,Qld; SA; NT; WA; NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Parkinsonia,aculeata, ,”Parkinsonia, horse-bean, retama,

Jerusalem thorn”,,,,”extremely hardy shrub & thrives in a

wide range of climates, varying from the moist Qld coasts to the

semi-arid interior, where it is sometimes found as a low, creeping shrub.

it may form dense thickets, esp. along creeks & rivers, reducing the

grazing ar”,”native of southern US, the Caribbean, Mexico &

northern S Amer”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Parkinsonia,aculeata, ,Parkinsonia N # ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Parkinsonia,aculeata, ,parkinsonia,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Parkinsonia,aculeata, ,retama,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Parkinsonia,aculeata, ,parkinsonia,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Peltophorum,africanum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Peltophorum,africanum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Peltophorum,pterocarpum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Phaseolus,lunatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Phaseolus,lunatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phaseolus,trilobus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phaseolus,trilobus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Piptadenia,peregrina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Piptadenia,peregrina, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pisum,sativum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pisum,sativum, ,Pea,,,,”P. arvense, P.

elatius”,Southern & Western Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Pisum,sativum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pisum,sativum ssp elatius, ,,,,,P. elatius,Southern &

Western Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Pisum,sativum ssp sativum, ,,,,,P. arvense,Southern &

Western Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Pithecellobium,”ichekele”, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Pithecellobium,dulce,Mimosa dulcis,Madras thorn,E,LP,Qld,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pithecellobium,dulce, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pithecellobium,dulce, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Podalyria,sericea,,silver podalyria,XXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Podalyria,sericea, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Podalyria,sericea, ,Silver Podalyria,,,,Dispersal: ?. Life Form:

Small to medium shrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 5,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare

or localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Poinciana,gilliesii,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Polygala,virgata, ,Polygala,,,,Dispersal: ?. Life Form: Small to

medium shrub. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”Af, In Victoria: Rare

or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Prosopis,alapataco,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,alba, ,,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science


Prosopis,alba, ,,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Prosopis,argentina,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,articulata,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,burkartii,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,caldenia,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,calingastana,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,castellanosii,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,campestris,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,chilensis, ,,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed

Science List

Prosopis,chilensis, ,,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Prosopis,cineraria, ,,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed

Science List

Prosopis,cineraria, ,,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Prosopis,denudans,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,elata,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,farcta,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,ferox,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,fiebrigii,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,flexuosa,,Quilpie mesquite,X,L,NSW; Vic; Qld; WA;

NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Prosopis,flexuosa, ,Quilpie mesquite,,,,”Prosopis spp. are

aggressive invaders & competitors; the major sp. P. glandulosa, P.

juliflora & P. velutina, now occupy over 38 million ha of the US,

& are probably the most serious weeds of th SW rangelands of that

country; also important weeds of grazi”,”native of southern

USA, C Amer, & northern S Amer; introd to Hawaii, S Afr, Pakistan,

& India as a food & shelter plant & to combat erosion, it

spread rapidly & now has become a serious weed in US, Mex, Peru,

Jamaica, India, Pakistan, S Afr, & Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Prosopis,flexuosa, ,Quilpie mesquite,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Prosopis,flexuosa, ,Quilpie mesquite,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Prosopis,gladulosa x velutina,,mesquite,X,L,WA; NT;

Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Prosopis,glandulosa,Prosopis juliflora var. glandulosa,honey

mesquite,XX,L,NSW; Vic; Qld; WA; NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Prosopis,glandulosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prosopis,glandulosa,”var. glandulosa, Synonym: P. juliflora

var. glandulosa”,Honey mesquite,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed

Science List

Prosopis,glandulosa, ,”syn. P. juliflora var. glandulosa,

Honey mesquite”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Prosopis,glandulosa var. glandulosa, Prosopis juliflora var.

glandulosa,honey mequite,,,,”Prosopis spp. are aggressive invaders

& competitors; the major sp. P. glandulosa, P. juliflora & P.

velutina, now occupy over 38 million ha of the US, & are probably the

most serious weeds of th SW rangelands of that country; also important

weeds of grazi”,”native of southern USA, C Amer, & northern

S Amer; introd to Hawaii, S Afr, Pakistan, & India as a food &

shelter plant & to combat erosion, it spread rapidly & now has

become a serious weed in US, Mex, Peru, Jamaica, India, Pakistan, S Afr, &

Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Prosopis,hassleri,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,humilis,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,juliflora,”Mimosa juliflora, Neltuma

juliflora”,mesquite,X,L,NSW; Vic; Qld; WA; NT,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Prosopis,juliflora, var. glandulosa ,Honey

mesquite,,,,”seeds soaked 10min in conc. sulfuric acid or removal of

pointed ends, germ readily on moist filter paper at

34C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Prosopis,juliflora, var. velutina Prosopis velutina,Velvet

mesquite,,,,seeds from green pods or from pods that were beginning to dry

germ 100% without treatment; ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Prosopis,juliflora,” Mimosa juliflora, Neltuma

juliflora”,mesquite,,,,”Prosopis spp. are aggressive invaders

& competitors; the major sp. P. glandulosa, P. juliflora & P.

velutina, now occupy over 38 million ha of the US, & are probably the

most serious weeds of th SW rangelands of that country; also important

weeds of grazi”,”native of southern USA, C Amer, & northern

S Amer; introd to Hawaii, S Afr, Pakistan, & India as a food &

shelter plant & to combat erosion, it spread rapidly & now has

become a serious weed in US, Mex, Peru, Jamaica, India, Pakistan, S Afr,

& Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Prosopis,juliflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prosopis,juliflora,x P. velutina,,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Prosopis,juliflora, ,mesquite,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Prosopis,juliflora, ,”syn. Mimosa juliflora, Neltuma

juliflora, mesquite”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Prosopis,juliflora x P. velutina,,mesquite,X,L,NSW; Vic; Qld;

WA; NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Prosopis,juliflora x P. velutina, ,,,,,”Prosopis spp. are

aggressive invaders & competitors; the major sp. P. glandulosa, P.

juliflora & P. velutina, now occupy over 38 million ha of the US,

& are probably the most serious weeds of th SW rangelands of that

country; also important weeds of grazi”,”native of southern

USA, C Amer, & northern S Amer; introd to Hawaii, S Afr, Pakistan,

& India as a food & shelter plant & to combat erosion, it

spread rapidly & now has become a serious weed in US, Mex, Peru,

Jamaica, India, Pakistan, S Afr, & Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Prosopis,juliflora x velutina, ,,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Prosopis,”juliflora,”,”Synonyms: Mimosa

juliflora, Neltuma juliflora”,mesquite,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Prosopis,kuntzei,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,laevigata, ,smooth mesquite,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Prosopis,laevigata, ,smooth mesquite,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Prosopis,limensis,,algaroba,XH,L,NT; WA; Vic,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Prosopis,nigra, ,,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science


Prosopis,nigra, ,,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Prosopis,pallida,Prosopis limensis,algaroba,XHX,L,NSW; Vic; Qld;

WA; NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Prosopis,pallida, Prosopis limensis,algaroba,,,,”Prosopis

spp. are aggressive invaders & competitors; the major sp. P.

glandulosa, P. juliflora & P. velutina, now occupy over 38 million ha

of the US, & are probably the most serious weeds of th SW rangelands

of that country; also important weeds of grazi”,”native of

southern USA, C Amer, & northern S Amer; introd to Hawaii, S Afr,

Pakistan, & India as a food & shelter plant & to combat

erosion, it spread rapidly & now has become a serious weed in US,

Mex, Peru, Jamaica, India, Pakistan, S Afr, & Aust”,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Prosopis,pallida,= limensis,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prosopis,pallida, ,”syn. P. limensis, algaroba”,,P,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Prosopis,”pallida,”,Synonym: P. limensis,algaroba,,,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Prosopis,pallida,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,palmeri,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,pubescens, ,screwbean mesquite,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Prosopis,reptans,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,rojasiana,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,ruizlealii,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,ruscifolia,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,ruscifolia, ,,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed

Science List

Prosopis,ruscifolia, ,,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Prosopis,sericantha,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Prosopis,spp.,,mesquites,XXw,NLP,Qld; WA; SA; NT;

Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Prosopis,spp., ,Mesquite N # ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN

SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Move”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Prosopis,spp., ,mesquites,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed

Science List

Prosopis,spp., ,mesquites,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Prosopis,stephaniana, ,,,,,filing seed coat or treating with

conc. sulfuric acid for 30-60min inc. germ at temps between

27-30C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Prosopis,stephaniana, ,,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed

Science List

Prosopis,stephaniana, ,,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Prosopis,strombulifera, ,Creeping Mesquite ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Prosopis,tamarugo, ,velvet mesquite,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Prosopis,strombulifera,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,var. glandulosa, ,honey mesquite,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Prosopis,torquata,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Prosopis,var. torreyana, ,western honey

mesquite,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Prosopis,var. velutina, ,velvet mesquite ,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Prosopis,velutina,”Prosopis juliflora var. velutina, P.

flexuosa misapplied”,velvet mesquite,X,L,NSW; Vic; Qld; WA;

NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Prosopis,velutina, Prosopis juliflora var. velutina,velvet

mesquite,,,,”Prosopis spp. are aggressive invaders &

competitors; the major sp. P. glandulosa, P. juliflora & P. velutina,

now occupy over 38 million ha of the US, & are probably the most

serious weeds of th SW rangelands of that country; also important weeds

of grazi”,”native of southern USA, C Amer, & northern S

Amer; introd to Hawaii, S Afr, Pakistan, & India as a food &

shelter plant & to combat erosion, it spread rapidly & now has

become a serious weed in US, Mex, Peru, Jamaica, India, Pakistan, S Afr,

& Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Prosopis,velutina, ,velvet mesquite,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Prosopis,velutina, ,velvet mesquite,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Prosopis ,glandulosa, var. torreyana,honey

mesquite,,,,”Declared Invader. Subject of herbicide registration.

Biocontrol: seed attackers under investigationWoody SpeciesInvades:

riverbeds, riverbanks, drainage lines, in semi -arid to arid

regionsCultivated for: fodder, shade, fuel; provides honey”,Origin:

N & C Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Prosopis ,glandulosa, var. torreyana,honey mesquite,,,,”Declared

Invader. Subject of herbicide registration. Biocontrol: seed attackers

under investigationWoody SpeciesInvades: riverbeds, riverbanks, drainage

lines, in semi -arid to arid regionsCultivated for: fodder, shade, fuel;

provides honey”,Origin: N & C Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Prosopis ,laevigata, ,syn. Acacia laevigata,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Prosopis ,velutina, ,velet mesquite,,,,”Declared Invader.

Biocontrol: seed attackers under investigationWoody SpeciesInvades:

riverbanks, riverbeds, drainage lines, dry stony soils, in semi-arid to

arid regionsCultivated for: fodder, shade, fuel; provides

honey”,Origin: N & C Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Prosopis ,velutina, ,velet mesquite,,,,”Declared Invader.

Biocontrol: seed attackers under investigationWoody SpeciesInvades:

riverbanks, riverbeds, drainage lines, dry stony soils, in semi-arid to

arid regionsCultivated for: fodder, shade, fuel; provides honey”,Origin:

N & C Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Psoralea,americana, ,,,P,,,Note import conditions

exceptions,Western Australian Prohibited List

Psoralea,bituminosa, ,,,P,,,Note import conditions

exceptions,Western Australian Prohibited List

Psoralea,corylifolia, ,,,P,,,Note import conditions

exceptions,Western Australian Prohibited List

Psoralea,decumbens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Psoralea,floribunda, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Psoralea,lanceolata, ,,,P,,,Note import conditions

exceptions,Western Australian Prohibited List

Psoralea,obtusifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Psoralea,pinnata,,”blue psoralea, African scurf

pea”,HXHXS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Psoralea,pinnata, ,Blue Psoralea,,,,”Dispersal: Water. Life

Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5”,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Psoralea,pinnata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Psoralea,tenuiflora, ,,,P,,,Note import conditions

exceptions,Western Australian Prohibited List

Psoralidium,batesii, syn. Psoralidium tenuiflorum,,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Psoralidium,lanceolatum, syn. Psoralidium spp. Psoralea spp.

Lotodes spp. ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Psoralidium,tenuiflorum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Pueraria,lobata, ,kudzu,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Pueraria,lobata,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Pueraria,montana, = Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi ,kudzu,"Nature: Leguminous, trailing or climbing, semi-woody vine that spreads byvine growth, rhizomes, and seeds (Miller 1996). Uses: Erosion control, livestock feed, and folk art.Herbicide control: Foliar sprays of picloram (Tordon), picloram plus 2,4-D,or tebu","Origin: Introduced from Japan with the home range in China into MS, AL, GA,and SC.Range: Roadsides, fields, and forests throughout the Southeast and scatterednorth to OH to CT.","EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANTS IN SOUTHEASTERN FORESTS, James H. Miller, Southern Research Station USDA Forest Service Auburn University, AL, weed"

Pueraria,lobata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pueraria,lobata, ,kudzu vine,,,,”Proposed Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration Woody SpeciesInvades: forest margins

and gaps Cultivated for: ornament, shade, soil-binding, edible

roots”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pueraria,lobata, ,kudzu vine,,,,”Proposed Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration Woody SpeciesInvades: forest margins

and gaps Cultivated for: ornament, shade, soil-binding, edible

roots”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pueraria,lobata, ,,,,, , ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Pueraria,lobata, ,kudzu,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Pueraria,lobata,,kudzu,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess characteristics of

invasive species and spread easily into native plant communities and

displace native vegetation; includes species which are or could become

widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Pueraria,montana,,kudzu,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are

invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This

definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical range

of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Pueraria,montana , var. lobata,kudzu,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Pueraria,phaseoloides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pueraria,triloba, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pueraria,triloba, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Retama,monosperma, ,Bridal Broom ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Retama,raetam,,white weeping broom,Xw,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Retama,raetam, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Robinia,hispida, ,bristly locust,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Robinia,pseudoacacia, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Robinia,pseudoacacia,,"Black locust, False acacia","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Forms sterile stands ""25 m high, white fragrant flowers in loose drooping clusters, leaves deciduous, alternate, pinnately compound, 7-19 leaflets, oval, 3-5 cm long, flat bean-l","Appalachian. Habitat: Fence rows, roadsides, pastures, moist woodlands"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Robinia,pseudoacacia,,black locust, Can form woodland monocultures (example in SE Portland). Now appearing in Lane County woods.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Robinia,pseudoacacia,,black locust,HXXXH,NL,ACT,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Robinia,pseudoacacia, ,Black Locust ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Robinia,pseudoacacia, ,Black Locust,,,,”Dispersal: ?Water.

Life Form: Tree. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,8”,”Introduced

deliberately from: N AM and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare

or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Robinia,pseudoacacia, ,Black locust ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Robinia,pseudoacacia, ,black locust,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Robinia,pseudoacacia, ,black locust,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

riverbanks, dongas, roadsidesCultivated for: timber, fuel, fodder,

ornament, shade, donga reclamation; provides honey”,Origin: N

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Robinia,pseudoacacia, ,black locust,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: riverbanks, dongas, roadsidesCultivated for: timber,

fuel, fodder, ornament, shade, donga reclamation; provides

honey”,Origin: N Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Robinia,pseudoacacia, ,Black locust,,,,,,Weed Science List

Robinia,pseudoacacia, ,black locust,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Samanea,saman,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Schotia,brachypetala,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Schrankia,leptocarpa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Schrankia,leptocarpa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Schrankia,microphylla, ,littleleaf

sensitivebrier,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Schrankia,nuttalii, ,catclaw sensitivebrier,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scorpiurus,muricatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Scorpiurus,muricatus, ,,,,,”S. echinatus, S. subvillosus,

S. sulcatus”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Scorpiurus,muricatus,syn ,Scorpiontail,,,,”fields, gardens,

orchards”,”Medit, W Asia to Iran”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Scorpiurus,vermiculatus, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Scorpiurus,vermiculatus,Leguminosae ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Securigera,securidaca, ,,,,,Bonaveria securidaca,”Southern

Europe, Except Spian & Portugal”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Securigera,securidaca,Leguminosae ,,,,,Bonaveria

securidaca,”Southern Europe, Except Spian & Portugal”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Senna,alata,Cassia alata,”candle bush, emperor's

candlesticks, ringwormshrub , ringwormbush, ringworm senna,

empress-candle-plant, Christmas-candle, seven-golden-candlesticks,

candlestick senna”,XHHw,NLP,NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Senna,alata,syn Cassia alata,candle bush,,P,,”candle bush,

emperor's candlesticks, ringwormshrub , ringwormbush, ringworm senna,

empress-candle-plant, Christmas-candle, seven-golden-candlesticks,

candlestick sennaEnvironmental: erosion control, ornamental (fide Leg

WorldEc; F Viti; P. Hanelt, pe”,Southern America: Brazil; Colombia;

French Guiana; Guyana; Suriname; Venezuelanatzd. throughout neotrop.

& paleotrop.,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senna,barclayana,,pepperleaf senna,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Senna,corymbosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Senna,corymbosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senna,didymobotrya,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Senna,didymobotrya, ,peanut butter cassia,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: grassland, coastal scrub, woodland, roadsides,

riverbanks, wastelandCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin:

tropical Afr,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Senna,didymobotrya, ,peanut butter cassia,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: grassland, coastal scrub, woodland, roadsides,

riverbanks, wastelandCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin:

tropical Afr,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Senna,hirsuta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Senna,multiglandulosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Senna,multiglandulosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senna,obtusifolia,Cassia obtusifolia,”sicklepod, Java

bean”,XHX,L,Qld; NT; WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Senna,obtusifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senna,obtusifolia,” Sicklepod, Javabean”,,,P,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Senna,obtusifolia,,sicklepod senna,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Senna,occidentalis,Cassia occidentalis,”coffee senna, ant

bush”,HH,L,NT; WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Senna,occidentalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senna,occidentalis,,coffee senna,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Senna,pendula,Cassia bicapsularis,easter

cassia,HXS,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Senna,pendula, var. glabra,”climbing cassia, christmas

senna”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Senna,pendula, var. glabrata,Eastern Cassia ,,,, Major Threat

Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Senna,pendula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senna,siamea,Cassia siamea,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Senna,sp.,X floribunda,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senna,surattensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Senna,tora,syn Cassia tora,”Chinese Senna, Jue-ming-zi,

Foetid cassia, Java bean”,,,,”, “,Cook Islands; Fiji;

French Polynesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American

Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu; Wallis &

Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Senna,tora,,”Chinese Senna, Jue-ming-zi, Foetid cassia,

Java bean”,,L,Qld; WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Senna,tora,syn Cassia tora,”Chinese Senna, Jue-ming-zi,

Foetid cassia, Java bean”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Senna,tora,syn Cassia tora,”Chinese Senna, Jue-ming-zi,

Foetid cassia, Java bean”,,P,,” Declared Weed: P1, P2 Whole of

State”,Northern Territory and North Queensland,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Senna,x floribunda,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Senna,x floribunda, ,Smooth

Cassia,,,,Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Senna ,occidentalis, ,coffee senna,,,,”, field crops,

pastures, roadsides”,Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; New

Caledonia; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon

Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Sesbania,bispinosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sesbania,bispinosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sesbania,cannabina, ,,,,,35% germ of seeds planted in moist sand

a few wks after collection,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Sesbania,drummondii, ,Drummond rattlebox,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sesbania,exaltata, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web Address:

,,”Florida Weeds,


Sesbania,exaltata, ,hemp sesbania,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sesbania,grandiflora, ,agati,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Sesbania,macrocarpa, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida Weeds,


Sesbania,punicea,,red sesbania,E,LP,Qld,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Sesbania,punicea, ,purple rattlebox,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Sesbania,punicea, ,red sesbania,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject

of herbicide registration. Biocontrol: effective agents available.Woody

SpeciesInvades: riverbanks, riverbeds, wetlands; wasteland, roadsides and

ditches in high rainfall areasCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Sesbania,punicea, ,red sesbania,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject

of herbicide registration. Biocontrol: effective agents available.Woody

SpeciesInvades: riverbanks, riverbeds, wetlands; wasteland, roadsides and

ditches in high rainfall areasCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Sesbania,punicea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sesbania,punicea, ,purple sesbania,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sesbania,punicea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sesbania,sesban,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sesbania,vesicaria, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web Address:

,,”Florida Weeds,


Sesbania,vesicaria, ,bagpod sesbania,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sindora,supa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sophora,flavescens, ,,,,, ,Shimane ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Sophora,pachycarpa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sophora,pachycarpa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sophora,secundiflora, ,mescalbean,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sophora,sericea, ,silky sophora,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spartium,junceum,,Spanish broom,XXH,GL,ACT,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Spartium,junceum,,broom Spanish,CLASS A WEED: Class A weeds are non-native species with a limited distribution in Washington. Eradication of these species is mandatory in all of Washington State.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Spartium,junceum,,Spanish broom ,"More a problem to the south of us, but is now established near top of Skinner's Butte on City park land.",,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Ulex,europaeus,,gorse ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Spartium,junceum, ,Spanish Broom ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Spartium,junceum, ,Spanish Broom,,,,”Dispersal: ?. Life

Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: Med and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Spartium,junceum, ,Spanish broom ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Spartium,junceum, ,Spanish broom,,,,”Proposed Declared

Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: fynbos, roadsides, urban open space,

wastelandCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin: Europe

(Medit),Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Spartium,junceum, ,Spanish broom,,,,”Proposed Declared

Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: fynbos, roadsides, urban open space,

wastelandCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin: Europe

(Medit),Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Spartium,junceum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spartium,junceum, ,Spanish broom,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sphaerophysa,salsula, ,Austrian Peaweed ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Sphaerophysa,salsula, ,Swainsonpea ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Stizolobium,pruritum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stizolobium,pruritum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Stylosanthes,guianeensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stylosanthes,guianensis,same as next

record?,stylo,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Stylosanthes,guianensis,,stylo,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Stylosanthes,guianensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stylosanthes,hamata,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Stylosanthes,hamata, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Amer; Extent of

spread - localised ?; Means of spread - agriculture - pasture,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Stylosanthes,humilis,,,XXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Stylosanthes,humilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stylosanthes,mucronata,correct name??,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Stylosanthes,mucronata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stylosanthes,scabra,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Stylosanthes,scabra, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop S Amer; Extent

of spread - localised ?; Means of spread - agriculture - pasture,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Stylosanthes,scabra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stylosanthes,viscosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Stylosanthes,viscosa, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop S Amer;

Extent of spread - localised ?; Means of spread - agriculture -

pasture,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Stylosanthes,viscosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sutherlandia,frutescens,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sutherlandia,frutescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Swainsona,salsula, Sphaerophysa salsula,Swainson pea,,,,”scarified

seed germ 84% over 98days, very low germ of unscarified

seed”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Swainsona,salsula, ,swainsonpea,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tamarindus,indica,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Tamarindus,indica, ,tamarind,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Tamarindus,indica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tephrosia,candida,,white hoarypea,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Tephrosia,candida, ,white hoarypea,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tephrosia,candida, ,white hoarypea,,P,,Weed Risk Assessment

score of 11 REJECT spp.,45~52~55~57,Western Australian Prohibited List

Tephrosia,elegans,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Tephrosia,glomeruliflora,,pink tephrosia,XS,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tephrosia,glomeruliflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tephrosia,grandiflora,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tephrosia,grandiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tephrosia,inandensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tephrosia,inandensis, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Tephrosia,inandensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tephrosia,nana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tephrosia,noctiflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tephrosia,noctiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tephrosia,purpurea, ,tephrosia,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tephrosia,tinctoria,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Tephrosia,tinctoria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tephrosia,vogelii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Tephrosia,vogelii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Teramnus,labialis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Tetragonolobus,maritimus, ,,,,,”Lotus siliquosus, T.

scandalida, T. siliquosus”,”S Sweden, UK, Mainland Europe

except Greece & NE, less UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Tetragonolobus,maritimus,Leguminosae ,,,,,”Lotus

siliquosus, T. scandalida, T. siliquosus”,”S Sweden, UK, Mainland

Europe except Greece & NE, less UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Tetragonolobus,pupureus, ,,,,,”Lotus tetragonolobus, T.

psuedopurpureus”,Very Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Tetragonolobus,purpureus,Leguminosae ,,,,,”Lotus

tetragonolobus, T. psuedopurpureus”,Very Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Thermopsis,caroliniana, Thermopsis caroliana,,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Thermopsis,lanceolata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Thermopsis,montana, Thermopsis rhombifolia,,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Thermopsis,rhombifolia, ,prairie goldenpea,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tipuana,tipu,,rosewood,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tirfolium,vesiculosum, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Eur; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - agriculture - pasture,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Trifolium,agrarium, ,hop clover,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Trifolium,alexandrinum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,alexandrinum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,alexandrium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,ambiguum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Trifolium,ambiguum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,angustifolium,,Narrow-leaf Clover,HX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,angustifolium, ,Narrow-leaf Clover,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5,9,12”,”Eur and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Trifolium,angustifolium, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Trifolium,angustifolium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,argutum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,arvense,,Hares-foot clover,HXH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,arvense, ,Hares-foot clover,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5,12”,”Eur,W As, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Trifolium,arvense, ,Hare's Foot Clover,,,,,”All Europe, N

& W Asia, & N Africa”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Trifolium,arvense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,arvense, ,rabbitfoot clover,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Trifolium,burchellianum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,campestre,,Hop clover,HXXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,campestre, ,Hop clover,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

(not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,3,4,5,9”,”Eur,N Af,W As, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Trifolium,campestre, ,Hop Trefoil,,,,,”All Europe, W Asia,

N Africa, N Amer”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Trifolium,campestre, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,campestre, ,large hop clover,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Trifolium,cernuum,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Trifolium,cernuum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,cherleri,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Trifolium,cherleri, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Trifolium,cherleri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,dubium,,Suckling Clover,HXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,dubium, ,Suckling Clover,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1-5,9,12,15”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Trifolium,dubium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,dubium, ,small hop clover,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Trifolium,fragiferum,,strawberry clover,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,fragiferum,,Strawberry Clover,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,fragiferum, ,Strawberry Clover,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,?animal (not bird), internal,?Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb.

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,9,11”,”Introduced deliberately

from: Eur,W as,N Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Trifolium,fragiferum, ,Strawberry Clover,,,,,”All Europe, W

Asia, N Africa”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Trifolium,fragiferum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,globosum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Trifolium,globosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,glomeratum,,Cluster Clover,HXXXH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,glomeratum, ,Cluster Clover,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal external,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,3,4,5,9”,”SW Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Trifolium,glomeratum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,hirtum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Trifolium,hirtum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,hybridum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Trifolium,hybridum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,hybridum, ,alsike clover,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Trifolium,incarnatum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,incarnatum, ,Crimson Clover,,,,T. molineri,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Trifolium,incarnatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,incarnatum var. elatius, ,crimson

clover,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Trifolium,lappaceum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,lappaceum, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Trifolium,lappaceum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,ligusticum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,ligusticum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,medium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Trifolium,medium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,medium, ,zigzag clover,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Trifolium,michelianum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,michelianum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,micranthum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,micranthum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,ornithopodiodes,syn Trigonella

ornithopodiodes,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,ornithopodioides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,pilulare,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Trifolium,pilulare, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,pratense,,red clover,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,pratense, ,Red Clover,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal (not

bird), internal. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,15”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,W As,N Af and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Trifolium,pratense, ,red clover,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,pratense, ,red clover,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Trifolium,procumbens, ,low hop clover,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Trifolium,repens,,white clover,HXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,repens, ,White Clover,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Perennial herb.

RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,4-9,13-15”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur,As and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Trifolium,repens, ,White Clover,,,,,”All Europe, N, W &

E Asia, N & S Amer”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Trifolium,repens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,repens, ,white clover,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Trifolium,resupinatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,resupinatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,resupinatum, ,Reversed Clover,,,,,,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Trifolium,resupinatum,syn ,Reversed clover,,,,”fields,

gardens, lawns, orchards, canal banks, moist groundPlant often used as

fodder for livestock & also as a lawn plant”,”Medit, C Eur,

W & C Asia; introduced into many temp. regions of the

world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Trifolium,resupinatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,resupinatum, ,Persian clover,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Trifolium,rubens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Trifolium,scabrum,,Rough Clover,HX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,scabrum, ,Rough Clover,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 4,9”,”Eur,W As, In Victoria:

?”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Trifolium,scabrum, ,Rough Clover,,,,,SW Europe & UK,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Trifolium,scabrum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,spumosum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Trifolium,spumosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,squamosum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Trifolium,squamosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,stellatum,,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,stellatum, ,Starry Clover,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Trifolium,stellatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,striatum,,Knotted Clover,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,striatum, ,Knotted Clover,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 4,9”,”Eur,W As,N Af, In Victoria: Limited

distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Trifolium,striatum, ,Knotted Clover,,,,,”W Europe, Medit

regions & N Africa”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Trifolium,striatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,subterraneum,,Subterranean Clover,HH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,subterraneum, ,Subterranean Clover,,,,”Dispersal:

animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5,9,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Trifolium,subterraneum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,suffocatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,suffocatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,tomentosum,,Woolly Clover,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,tomentosum, ,Woolly Clover,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

(not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Med, In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Trifolium,tomentosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,uniflorum,,oneflower clover,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Trifolium,uniflorum, ,,,,,”Region of origin - S Eur,

Turkey; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - agriculture -

pasture?”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Trifolium,uniflorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trifolium,vesiculosum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trigonella,caerulea, ,,,,,,”All Europe, more in

SE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Trigonella,caerulea,Leguminosae ,,,,,,”All Europe, more in

SE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Trigonella,corniculata, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Trigonella,corniculata,Leguminosae ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Trigonella,foenum-graecum, ,Fenugreek,,,,,Mainland Europe except

Denmark & NE,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Trigonella,hamosa,syn ,Egyptian fenugreek,,,,”fields,

gardens”,”E Medit to C Asia, trop. & S Afr”,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Trigonella,laciniata,syn ,Jagged fenugreek,,,,”fields,

gardens, orchards”,”Egypt, N Sudan, Arabia”,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Trigonella,monspeliaca,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Trigonella,monspeliaca,= Medicago monspeliaca,,,,,,Central and

SW Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Trigonella,monspeliaca,= Medicago mospeliaca,,,,,,Central and SW

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Trigonella,polycerata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trigonella,polycerata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Ulex,europaeus, ,gorse,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Ulex,europaeus,,”furze, gorse, whin”,HHXXAXH,NL,NSW;

Vic; SA; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ulex,europaeus, ,Gorse ,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control

Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Ulex,europaeus, ,Gorse ,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control

Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Ulex,europaeus, ,Gorse,,,,”Dispersal: Bird, internal,Water.

Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5,6,8,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: W Eur, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ulex,europaeus, ,”furze, gorse, whin”,,,,”it

makes an effective, rapidly growing shelter & hedge plant & is

still plantded for this purpose on exposed sites in the British Isles,

particularly in northern Scotland & Cornwall; grows well on all soil

types, being a legume, its growth is not dependen”,”native of C

&W Eur, now occurs in most temp areas of the world & is considered

to be an imprt weed in many, particularly N Amer & NZ; in NZ furze is

probably the most serious weed affecting primary production, it is

considered to be a dominant or subdomin”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”


CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately invasive but

still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant

Council (Weed)

Ulex,europaeus, ,gorse,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Ulex,europaeus, ,European gorse,,,,”Proposed Declared

Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: grassland, vleis, valleys, in moist

mountain regionsCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin:

Europe,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ulex,europaeus, ,European gorse,,,,”Proposed Declared

Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: grassland, vleis, valleys, in moist

mountain regionsCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin: Europe,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ulex,europaeus, ,Gorse/Furze ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN

SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies) Mov”,”South

Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Ulex,europaeus, ,”furze, gorse”,,,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Ulex,europaeus, ,”furze, gorse, whin, common

gorse”,,,,”Ulex europaeus, widely known as gorse, is a dense, spiny,

woody, nitrogen-fixing legume plant that can successfully compete with

pasture because of its growth habit and its prolific production of seeds,

some of which are very hard and may persist in the s”,”all

continents; NZ, Aust, western coasts of N & S Amer, Denmark, Germany,

W Britian, France, Spain, Wales, PNG, Sri Lanka, Trinidad.”,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Ulex,europaeus, ,gorse,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List

of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Ulex,europaeus, ,”furze, gorse”,,P,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Uraria,lagopodioides,syn (L.)Desv. ex DC.,Uraria

lagopoides,,,,”in sunny places, especially on grass plains, grass

borders of roads, in teak forests & waste places, & on cultivated

lands; from 0-300m alt; upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”Asia, SE Asia; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of

Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Vicia,angustifolia, ,narrowleaf vetch,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vicia,articulata, ,One Flower Tare,,,,V. monanthos,”Central

& Southern Europe, less in North”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Vicia,articulata,Leguminosae ,One Flower Tare,,,,V.

monanthos,”Central & Southern Europe, less in North”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,bengalensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Vicia,benghalensis, ,,,,,V. atropurpurea,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,benghalensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vicia,bithynica, ,Bithynian Vetch,,,,,”Southern & W

Europe, UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,bithynica,Leguminosae ,Bithynian Vetch,,,,,”Southern

& W Europe, UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,cracca,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vicia,cracca, ,Tufted Vetch,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Vicia,cracca, ,Bird vetch ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT SPECIES

OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Vicia,cracca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vicia,cracca, ,bird vetch,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Vicia,disperma,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vicia,disperma, ,,,,,,”Southern & NW Europe, less in

NW”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,disperma, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vicia,ervilia, ,,,,,,”Southern & NW Europe, less in

NW”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,ervilia,Leguminosae ,,,,,,”Southern & NW Europe,

less in NW”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,grandiflora, ,,,,,V. sordida,”Central & SE

Europe, less in Central”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,grandiflora,Leguminosae ,,,,,V. sordida,”Central

& SE Europe, less in Central”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Vicia,hirsuta,,Tiny Vetch,XXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Vicia,hirsuta, ,Tiny Vetch,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal (not

bird), internal. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5,8”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Vicia,hirsuta, ,Hairy Tare,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Vicia,hirsuta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vicia,hirsuta, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Vicia,lathyroides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Vicia,lathyroides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vicia,lutea, ,,,,,V. hirta,”Central & Southern Europe

& UK, less in North”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,lutea,Leguminosae ,,,,,V. hirta,”Central &

Southern Europe & UK, less in North”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Vicia,monantha,,spurred vetch,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Vicia,monantha,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vicia,monantha,syn ,Syrian vetch,,,,”fields, gardens,

orchards”,”Medit, W Eur, W & C Asia; introduced into some

temp. & warm regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Vicia,monantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vicia,narbonensis, ,French Vetch,,,,V.

serratifolia,”Central & Southern Europe, less in

North”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,narbonensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vicia,narbonensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Vicia,pannonnica, ,,,,,,”Central and SE Europe inc Spain,

less in NW region”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,pannonnica,Leguminosae ,,,,,,”Central and SE Europe

inc Spain, less in NW region”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Vicia,peregrina, ,Yellow Vetch,,,,V. megalosperma,Southern to SE

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,peregrina,Leguminosae ,Yellow Vetch,,,,V.

megalosperma,Southern to SE Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Vicia,sativa,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vicia,sativa,V. sativa ssp. angustifolia,Narrow-leaf Vetch,HXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vicia,sativa,,Common Vetch,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Vicia,sativa, ,Common Vetch,,,,”V. communis, V.

maculata”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,sativa,syn ,Common vetch,,,,”fields, gardens,

orchards, canal banksPlant often cultivated as fodder for livestock.

Infusion is used for rheumatic pains in folk medicine”,”Medit,

Eur, Asia; naturalised in many temp. & warm regions of the

world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Vicia,sativa, ,vetch,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vicia,sativa, ,common vetch,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Vicia,sativa spp. nigra, ,Narrow-leaf Vetch,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,4,5,68,12”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Vicia,sativa ssp. sativa, ,Common Vetch,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,4,5,6,8”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Vicia,sepium, ,Bush Vetch,,,,,”All Europe, W & Central

Asia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,sepium,Leguminosae ,Bush Vetch,,,,,”All Europe, W

& Central Asia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,spp., ,,,,,”seed coat broken by scarification inc.

germ, intact seed germ very poor”,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Vicia,tenuissima, ,Slender Tare,,,,V. gracilis,Southern &

West Europe & UK,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,tenuissima,Leguminosae ,Slender Tare,,,,V.

gracilis,Southern & West Europe & UK,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Vicia,tetrasperma,,Slender Vetch,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Vicia,tetrasperma, ,Slender Vetch,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Vicia,tetrasperma, ,Smooth Tare,,,,V. gemella,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,tetrasperma, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vicia,tetrasperma, ,fourseed vetch,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vicia,villosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vicia,villosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vicia,villosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vicia,villosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vicia,villosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vicia,villosa, ,Fodder Vetch,,,,,”All Europe except Eire,

less in Northern half”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Vicia,villosa, ,Hairy vetch ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Vicia,villosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vicia,villosa, ,hairy vetch,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Vigna,adenantha,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Vigna,hosei,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vigna,marina, ,dune bean,,,,”, young coconut and

pandanus”,Fiji; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; American Samoa; Western

Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Wallis &

Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Vigna,mungo,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vigna,radiata,,mung bean,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Vigna,radiata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vigna,trilobata,,,HE,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Vigna,umbellata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Vigna,unguiculata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Vigna,unguiculata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Vigna,unguiculata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Vigna,unguiculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vigna,vexillata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Wisteria,floribunda, ,”Japanese wisteria,

wisteria”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Wisteria,floribunda,,wisteria,,,,”RANK 2. “SIGNIFICANT

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some invasive

characteristics, but have less impact on native plant communities; may

have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance

corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Wisteria,sinensis,,Chinese wisteria,"Nature: Leguminous semiwoody vine (or shrub) that spreads by vine growth andseeds. One of four species in SE with one other being exotic but rare, W.floribunda (Willd.) DC. (Japanese wisteria), while the native or naturalizedW. frutescens (L.) Poiret is t",Origin: Introduced from Asia.Range: Piedmont and coastal plains from VA to LA and north to AR and TN.,"EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANTS IN SOUTHEASTERN FORESTS, James H. Miller, Southern Research Station USDA Forest Service Auburn University, AL, weed"

Wisteria,sinensis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Wisteria,sinensis, ,”Chinese wisteria,

wisteria”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Wisteria,sinensis,,Chinese wisteria,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Wisteria,sinensis,,Chinese wisteria,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee


Castanea,alnifolia, ,trailing chinquapin,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Castanea,dentata, ,American chestnut,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Castanea,pumila, ,Allegheny chinquapin,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Castanopsis,chrysophylla, ,golden chinquapin,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Castanopsis,sempervirens, ,California chinquapin,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Fagus,grandifolia, ,American beech,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lithocarpus,densiflorus, ,tanoak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lithocarpus,var. echinoides, ,scrub tanoak,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,agrifolia, ,California live oak,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,alba, ,white oak,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,arizonica, ,Arizona white oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,bicolor, ,swamp white oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,canariensis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Quercus,canariensis, ,,,,,”Region of origin - N Afr,

Iberian Peninsula; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Quercus,chrysolepis, ,canyon live oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,coccinea, ,scarlet oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,douglasii, ,blue oak,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,dumosa, ,California scrub oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,durandii var. breviloba, ,bigleaf shin

oak,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published by

WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,durata, ,leather oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,ellipsoidalis, ,northern pin oak,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,emoryi, ,Emory oak,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,falcata, ,southern red oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,gambelii, ,Gambel oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,garryana, ,Oregon white oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,havardii, ,sand shinnery oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,hypoleucoides, ,silverleaf oak,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,ilex,,”holly oak, holm oak, bellotas, ballota,

evergreen oak”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Quercus,ilicifolia, ,bear oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,imbricaria, ,shingle oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,incana, ,bluejack oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,kelloggii, ,California black oak,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,laevis, ,turkey oak,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,laurifolia, ,laurel oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,lobata, ,California white oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,lyrata, ,overcup oak,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,macrocarpa, ,bur oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,marilandica, ,blackjack oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,michauxii, ,swamp chestnut oak,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,muehlenbergii, ,chinquapin oak,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,myrtifolia, ,myrtle oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,nigra, ,water oak,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,oblongifolia, ,Mexican blue oak,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,palustris, ,pin oak,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,phellos, ,willow oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,prinoides, ,dwarf chinquapin oak,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,prinus, ,chestnut oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,pungens, ,sandpaper oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,robur, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Quercus,robur,,”English oak, pendunculate oak, common

oak”,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Quercus,robur, ,English oak,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Quercus,robur, ,English oak,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

forest margins, woodland, riverbanks, roadsidesCultivated for: ornament,

shade”,”Origin: Europe, Asia & N Afr”,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Quercus,robur, ,English oak,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

forest margins, woodland, riverbanks, roadsidesCultivated for: ornament,

shade”,”Origin: Europe, Asia & N Afr”,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Quercus,rubra, ,northern red oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,shumardii, ,Shumard red oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,stellata, ,post oak,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,suber,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Quercus,suber, ,,,,,”Region of origin - N Afr, S Eur;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental”,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Quercus,turbinella, ,shrub live oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,vaccinifolia, ,huckleberry oak,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,var. fusiformis, ,plateau oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,var. margaretta, ,sand post oak,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,var. maritima, ,sand live oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,var. pagodaefolia, ,cherrybark oak,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,var. texana, ,Spanish oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,var. vaseyana, ,Vasey shin oak,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,velutina, ,black oak,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,virginiana, ,live oak,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Quercus,wislizenii, ,interior live oak,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Dovyalis,caffra,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dovyalis,caffra, ,,,,,Region of origin - Afr; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental - hedging,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Dovyalis,caffra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Flacourtia,indica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Flacourtia,indica, ,governor's plum,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Flacourtia,indica,,governor's plum,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Flacourtia,jangomas,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Flacourtia,jangomas, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Frankenia,pulverulenta,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Frankenia,pulverulenta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Corydalis,lutea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fumaria,agraria, ,Field Fumitory,,,,,”Spain, Portugal,

Italy & W Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Fumaria,bastardii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Fumaria,bastardii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fumaria,capreolata,,Ramping Fumitory,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Fumaria,capreolata, ,Ramping Fumitory,,,,Dispersal: Water.

Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,”Med,C&W Eur, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Fumaria,capreolata, ,White Ramping Fumitory,,,,,”SW

Europe, UK & Eire, less in Belgium, Denmark, Sweden &

Norway”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Fumaria,capreolata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fumaria,densiflora,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Fumaria,densiflora, ,,,,,F. micrantha,”SW Europe, UK

& Eire, less in Belgium, Denmark, Sweden & Norway”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Fumaria,densiflora,syn ,Dense-flowered

fumitory,,,,”fields, gardens, orchards”,”Medit, W Eur, W

Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Fumaria,densiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fumaria,indica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Fumaria,indica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fumaria,muralis,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Fumaria,muralis,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Fumaria,muralis, ,Common Ramping Fumitory,,,,,”Western

Europe, Norway, UK & Eire”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Fumaria,muralis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fumaria,officinalis,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Fumaria,officinalis,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Fumaria,officinalis, ,Fumitory,,,,seed dormacy broken by

stratification at 4C for 60 or more days then germ at 7C,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Fumaria,officinalis, ,Common Fumitory,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Fumaria,officinalis, ,fumitory,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fumaria,officinalis, ,”common fumitory, red flowering

fumitory, fumitory”,,,,”Fumaria officinalis is a weed of almost

all agricultural regions in the large countries of Aust, Canada, China,

the former Soviet Union, and the US. It is also a weed in 45 countries,

where it is found in 33 crops, often favoring cereals, vegetable

crops,”,principally found as a weed in the temperate zones,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Fumaria,officinalis, ,fumitory,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Fumaria,parviflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Fumaria,parviflora, ,Fine Leaved Fumitory,,,,F.

caespitosa,Central and Southern Europe & UK,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Fumaria,parviflora,syn ,Small-flowered

fumitory,,,,”fields, gardens, orchards, waste

ground”“Plant used in folk medicine as an astringent, sedative,

depurative, laxative, & diuretic; also keeps children's

vitality”““,”Medit, Eur, W Asia; introduced into N

Amer & other temp. regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Fumaria,parviflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fumaria,rostellata, ,,,,,,Eastern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Fumaria,rostellata, ,,,,,,Eastern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Fumaria,schleicheri, ,,,,,,”Mainland Europe, less in

Denmark”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Fumaria,schleicheri, ,,,,,,”Mainland Europe, less in

Denmark”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Fumaria,vaillantii, ,Few Flowered Fumitory,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Fumaria,vaillantii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hypecoum,pendulum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hypecoum,pendulum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Platycapnos,spicata, ,,,,,Fumaria spicata,”S France,

Spain, Portugal & Italy”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Platycapnos,spicata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Platycapons,spicata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pseudofumaria,alba,Corydalis lutea,,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa


Canscora,decussata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Canscora,decussata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List


Blackstonia,perfoliata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Blackstonia,perfoliata, ,Yellow wort,,,,Chlora

perfoliata,”UK, Eire, Mainland Europe except Denmark & NE

“,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Blackstonia,perfoliata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurium,erythraea,,common centaury,HH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Centaurium,erythraea, ,Common Centaury,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal external,?Water. Life Form: Annual/Biennial. RISK: Serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,2,4-6,8,9,12,13”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Centaurium,erythraea, ,Common Centaury,,,,”C.

capitatum, C. minus, Erythraea centaurium”,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Centaurium,erythraea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurium,maritimum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Centaurium,maritimum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Centaurium,pulchellum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Centaurium,pulchellum, ,Lesser Centaury,,,,”Erythraea

pulchella, C. meyeri”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Centaurium,pulchellum, ,Lesser Centaury,,,,”Erythraea

pulchella, C. meyeri”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Centaurium,spicatum,,centaury,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Centaurium,spicatum, ,Centaury,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,?Water. Life Form: Annual/Biennial. RISK: Potential threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,9,11”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Centaurium,spicatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Centaurium,tenuiflorum, ,Centaury,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal external,?Water. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5,9,10,11”,”S&W Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Centaurium,tenuiflorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cicendia,filiformis,,slender cicendia,XX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cicendia,filiformis, ,Slender Cicendia,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal external,?Water. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,9”,”S&W Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cicendia,filiformis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cicendia,quadrangularis,,Square Cicendia,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cicendia,quadrangularis, ,Square

Cicendia,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal external,?Water. Life Form: Annual.

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,9”,”N Am, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Cicendia,quadrangularis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gentiana,andrewsii, ,,,,,”80% germ in diffuse light at

20-25C within 14-30days; seeds planted in flats & exposed to outdoor

low temps for 83days then transferred to greenhouse, of 200 seeds sown 98

germ over 21-84days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Gentiana,crinita, ,,,,,”seeds planted in flats &

exposed to outdoor low temps for 83days then transferred to greenhouse,

of 200 seeds sown 98 germ over 21-84days”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Gentiana,pneumonanthe, ,,,,,low germ%; of hundreds of seeds

tested only 8 germ after freezing seed for 1wk ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Gentiana,verna, ,,,,,vegetative reproduction by stolons;

frosting needed to induce seed to germ & large amounts of light over

several mths; extremely low germ% obtained,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes


Erodium,angustilobum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Erodium,aureum,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Erodium,aureum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erodium,botrys,,Big Herons-bill,HX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Erodium,botrys, ,Big Herons-bill,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Med , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Erodium,botrys, ,Broadleaf filaree,,,,”long dormant

period of 1-2yrs; 39% of 1yr old seed germ within 10day period, & 91%

of 2yr old seed in 7days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Erodium,botrys, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erodium,botrys, ,broadleaf filaree,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erodium,brachycarpum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Erodium,brachycarpum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erodium,castellanum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Erodium,ciconium, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Erodium,ciconium, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Erodium,cicutarium,,common heron's-bill,HXH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Erodium,cicutarium, ,Common Herons-bill,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,?animal externalWind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 3,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Erodium,cicutarium, ,Common Storksbill,,,,E. viscosum,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Erodium,cicutarium, ,Redstem filaree ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Erodium,cicutarium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erodium,cicutarium, ,redstem filaree,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erodium,malacoides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Erodium,malacoides, ,,,,,”E. subtrilobum, E.

aragonense”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Erodium,malacoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erodium,manescavii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Erodium,moschatum,,musky crowsfoot,XXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Erodium,moschatum, ,Musk Storksbill,,,,,Western Europe &

UK,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Erodium,moschatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Erodium,moschatum, ,whitestem filaree,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Erodium,reichardii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Erodium,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated

by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Erodium,trifolium, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Geranium,carolinianum, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Geranium,carolinianum, ,Carolina geranium,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Geranium,columbinum, ,Long Stalked Cranesbill,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Geranium,columbinum, ,Long Stalked Cranesbill,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Geranium,columbinum, ,longstalk geranium,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Geranium,dissectum,,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Geranium,dissectum, ,Cutleaf geranium,,,,”high germ% of

1-3mth old seed & dry stored seed; germ good at all constant temps

ranging from 2-5C to 35C; temp alt. of 10-25C better than constant temps;

69% germ after 5yes, 52% germ after 10yrs dry storage”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Geranium,dissectum, ,Cut Leaved

Cranesbill,,,,,Cosmopolitan,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Geranium,dissectum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Geranium,dissectum, ,cutleaf geranium,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Geranium,lucidum,,shining crane's-bill ,Dominates forestunderstories south of Eugene.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Geranium,maculatum, ,spotted geranium,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Geranium,molle,,doves-foot,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Geranium,molle, ,Doves-foot,,,,”Dispersal: ?Wind. Life

Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2”,”Eur, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Geranium,molle, ,Dovefoot geranium,,,,”99% germ of fresh

seed, 98% dry stored for 1yr, 90% dry stored 2yrs & 5% after 4yrs”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Geranium,molle, ,Dove's Foot Cranesbill,,,,G. stipulare,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Geranium,molle, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Geranium,molle, ,dovefoot geranium,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Geranium,palmatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Geranium,palmatum, ,,,,,Region of origin - Madeira; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Geranium,pilosum, ,travelers geranium,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Geranium,pratense, ,Meadow geranium,,,,100% germ of fresh

seed; seeds placed in unheated germinator & exposed to temps similar

to those prevailing outdoors,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Geranium,pratense, ,small geranium,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Geranium,purpureum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Geranium,purpureum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Geranium,pusillum, ,Small geranium,,,,”50% germ of fresh

seed at 7C; 99% germ of dry stored seed at room temp over winter, 92%

germ after 5yrs dry storage at room temp & 16% after

10yrs”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Geranium,pusillum, ,Small Flowered Cranesbill,,,,G.

delicatulum,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Geranium,pusillum, ,Small Flowered Cranesbill,,,,G.

delicatulum,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Geranium,pusillum, ,small geranium,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Geranium,pyrenaicum, ,Hedgerow Cranesbill,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Geranium,pyrenaicum, ,Hedgerow Cranesbill,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Geranium,robertianum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Geranium,robertianum, ,Herb Robert,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Geranium,robertianum, ,Herb Robert,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Geranium,robertianum,,herb Robert (stinky Bob) ,"Dominates forest understories all over Portland and in Hendrick's Park, Eugene.",,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Geranium,robertianum,,herb-Robert ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Geranium,robertianum, ,Herb robert ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Geranium,rotundifolium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Geranium,rotundifolium, ,Round Leaved

Cranesbill,,,,,”UK, Eire, Mainland Europe except Denmark & NE

“,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Geranium,rubescens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Geranium,rubescens, ,,,,,Region of origin - Madeira; Extent

of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Geranium,sanguineum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Geranium,sibiricum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Geranium,sinense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Geranium,sinense, ,,,P,,Banned by AQIS,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Geranium,thunbergii, ,,,,, Weed in poor site ,Shimane

Shizuoka Miyagi ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Geranium,tuberosum,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Geranium,tuberosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Geranium,tuberosum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Geranium,viscosissimum, ,,,,,100% germ of seed on moist

cellucotton in petri dishes at room temp (22-29C); seed stored in air

tight bottles at room temp for up to 18mths prior testing,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Pelargonium,alchillemoides,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Pelargonium,alchillenoides, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pelargonium,capitatum, ,Pelargonium,,,,Dispersal: Wind. Life

Form: Small to medium shrubs. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: ?Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Pelargonium,capitatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pelargonium,fragrans,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pelargonium,fragrans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Geranium,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pelargonium,quercifolium, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Pelargonium,quercifolium, ,Oak-leaved

Geranium,,,,”Dispersal: Vegetative,Wind. Life Form: Small to medium

shrubs. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2”,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare

or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Pelargonium,sp.,,pelargonium,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pelargonium,sp., ,Pelargonium,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative,Wind. Life Form: Small to medium shrubs. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,2”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Pelargonium,sp.,X asperum,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pelargonium,sp.,X domesticum,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pelargonium,x asperum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pelargonium,x domesticum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa


Hebenstretia,dentata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hebenstretia,dentata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Selago,corymbosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Selago,thunbergii,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Goodenia,koningsbergeri,syn Selliera

koningsbergeri,,,,,”in areas with a pronounced dry season; heavy

soils, often containing limestone concretions; on moist or marshy sites,

on spreadout mud from ditches; often in large quantities;occurs in Java

from Indramayu to C & E Java; from 0-900m alt; flowering from Dec”,”unknown,

Indonesia: Java, Madura, Kangean Island & Timor”,”Weeds of

Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Scaevola,taccada,syn. S. sericea,beach naupaka,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Scaevola,taccada,syn. S. sericea,”scaevola,

half-flower, beach naupaka”,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are

invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This

definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical range

of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Scaveola,sericea (=S. taccada), ,scaveola,,,,”,

coconut, pandanus”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam;

Kiribati; New Caledonia; Niue; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Tokelau;

Tuvalu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F



Ribes,americanum, ,American black

currant,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,binominatum, ,Siskiyou gooseberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,bracteosum, ,stink currant,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,californicum, ,California

gooseberry,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,californicum, ,California

gooseberry,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,cereum, ,wax currant,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,cynosbati, ,pasture gooseberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,glandulosum, ,skunk currant,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,glutinosum, ,nutmeg currant,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,hirtellum, ,hairystem gooseberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,inerme, ,whitestem gooseberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,lacustre, ,swamp black currant,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,laxiflorum, ,trailing black

currant,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,lobbii, ,Lobbs gooseberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,marshallii, ,Hupa gooseberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,menziesii, ,Menzies gooseberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,missouriense, ,Missouri gooseberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,montigenum, ,mountain gooseberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,nevadense, ,Sierra currant,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,oxyacanthoides, ,northern gooseberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,petiolare, ,western black currant,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,roezlii, ,Sierra gooseberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Ribes,sanguineum,,pink flowering

currant,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ribes,sanguineum, ,,,,,Region of origin - western N Amer;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Ribes,sanguineum, ,redflowered currant,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,speciosum, ,fuchsia gooseberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,triste, ,swamp red currant,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,tularense, ,Tulare gooseberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,uva-crispa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ribes,uva-crispa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ribes,velutinum, ,desert gooseberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ribes,viscosissimum, ,sticky currant,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Calophyllum,antillanum, ,”beauty leaf,

Santa-Maria”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Calophyllum,antillanum,,”santa maria (names 'mast wood',

Alexandrian laurel' used in cultivation)”,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council


Haemodorum,corymbosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lachnanthes,tinctoria, ,redroot,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Wachendorfia,paniculata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Wachendorfia,paniculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Wachendorfia,thyrsiflora,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa


Haloragis,micrantha, ,,,,, , Niigata ,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Myriophyllum,alterniflorum, ,,,,,”seeds germ readily in

water both in dark or in bright diffuse light in greenhouse, after 12mths

dry storage”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Myriophyllum,alternifolium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Myriophyllum,alternifolium, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Myriophyllum,aquaticum,,parrotfeather ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Myriophyllum,aquaticum,”Enydria aquatica, Myriophyllum

brasiliense, Myriophyllum proserpinacoides”,”parrot's feather,

Brazilian water milfoil, parrotfeather, thread-of-life”,HXXH,NL,WA;

Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Myriophyllum,aquaticum, ,Parrot's Feather

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Myriophyllum,aquaticum, ,Parrots Feather,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 9,10”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Am and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Myriophyllum,aquaticum,” Enydria aquatica, Myriophyllum

brasiliense, Myriophyllum proserpinacoides”,”parrot's feather,

Brazilian water milfoil, parrotfeather,

thread-of-life”,,,,”densely interwoven stems can impede water

movement, the stems are fragile & readily break during storms,

forming floating mats which can block hydro-electric intakes, irrigation

pumps & metering devices, as well as shallow streams, causing

flooding; it al”,”native of S Amer has become widespread

throughout the world as an escape from the aquarium trade; it is nat in

rivers & streams of SW France, Afr, Japan, Java, the US, NZ &

eastern Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Myriophyllum,aquaticum, ,parrot's feather,,,,”Declared

Weed. Subject of biocontrol investigation.Herbaceous SpeciesInvades:

still or slow-moving water on the banks of rivers, lakes and

pondsCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Myriophyllum,aquaticum, ,parrot's feather,,,,”Declared

Weed. Subject of biocontrol investigation.Herbaceous SpeciesInvades:

still or slow-moving water on the banks of rivers, lakes and pondsCultivated

for: ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Myriophyllum,aquaticum, ,”parrot's feather, Brazilian

water milfoil”,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Myriophyllum,aquaticum,syn Myriophyllum brasiliense,parrot

feather,,,,”in fresh water, up to 1.5m deep, or persisting in

water-saturated mud & gravel, in ditches; locally abundant; from

450-1400m alt; lowland-irrigated & lebak rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, but it may obstruct waterways, it is cultivate as a cover

“,”S Amer, cosmopolitan, rare in Afr; Indonesia: Java &

Sumatra”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Myriophyllum,aquaticum, ,”parrot's feather, Brazilian

water milfoil”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


watermilfoil”,,,,”RANK 2. “SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic

plant species which possess some invasive characteristics, but have less

impact on native plant communities; may have the capacity to invade

natural communities along disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands

in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Myriophyllum,brasiliense, ,Parrot feather,,,,vegetative

propagation,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Myriophyllum,brasiliense, ,”Brasilian milfoil, parrot

feather”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Myriophyllum,brasiliense, ,Parrotfeather,,,,” Aquatic

weed, emerged “, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Myriophyllum,brasiliense, ,parrotfeather,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Myriophyllum,crispatum,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Myriophyllum,elatinoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Myriophyllum,exalbescens, ,northern watermilfoil,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Myriophyllum,heterophyllum, ,broadleaf

watermilfoil,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Myriophyllum,indicum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Myriophyllum,propinquum ,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Myriophyllum,propinquum , ,,,P,,”Canberra Botanic gardens

and recorded in QLD, TAS and NSW


Australian Prohibited List

Myriophyllum,scandens, ,Myrisphyllum,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal. Life Form: Tuberous geophyte. RISK: Very serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 2,5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Myriophyllum,spicatum,,,,NPQ,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Myriophyllum,spicatum, ,Eurasian Watermilfoil

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Myriophyllum,spicatum, ,Eurasian watermilfoil,,,,”seeds

germ readily in water both in dark or in bright diffuse light in

greenhouse, after 18mths dry storage; 3 effective treatments were

freezing achenes in tap water for 2-3wks; freezing in tap water 2wk

-drying 1wk; drying 2wks -freezing 1wk”,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Myriophyllum,spicatum,,"Common Name(s): Eurasian water milfoil, Spiked water milfoil","Avail nurseries, Wetland Highly Invasive , Additional Comments : Spreads vegetatively, displaces all other species, introduced 1960 ""Perennial, 5 cm high, flowers in whorls of 4, leaves in whorls of 4 ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Ponds and streams, stagnant and running water"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Myriophyllum,spicatum,,Eurasian watermilfoil,"serious weed of lakes, water-storages, canals and rivers; affects fish and shellfish production and recreational use of water bodies",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Myriophyllum,spicatum,,watermilfoil Eurasian ,"WEED OF CONCERN: Control and containment of existing populations of these noxious weeds is strongly encouraged in King County, Washington State.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Myriophyllum,spicatum, ,Spiked water-milfoil ,,,,PRELIMINARY

LIST OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to

moderately invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Myriophyllum,spicatum, ,Eurasian watermilfoil,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Myriophyllum,spicatum, ,spiked

water-milfoil,,,,”Proposed Declared Weed.Herbaceous SpeciesInvades:

woodland, wasteland, arable land, roadsides, riverbanks, coastal

dunesCultivated for: ornament”,”Origin: N Amer, Europe, Asia

& Africa”,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Myriophyllum,spicatum, ,spiked

water-milfoil,,,,”Proposed Declared Weed.Herbaceous SpeciesInvades:

woodland, wasteland, arable land, roadsides, riverbanks, coastal

dunesCultivated for: ornament”,”Origin: N Amer, Europe, Asia &

Africa”,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Myriophyllum,spicatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Myriophyllum,spicatum, ,”Eurasianwatermilfoil, spiked

watermilfoil”,,,,”Myriophyllum spicatum, an aggressive invader,

has become one of the dreaded, submersed, halophyte weeds of the Northern

Hemisphere and around the world. It is a problem in more than 50

countries, and long distance dispersal is believed to be due to the

aq”,”Northern Hemisphere, westwards in a band from Japan

through Asia, northward through N Afr to all of Eur, including the

western part of the former Soviet Union. It is present over much of

Canada and the US; troublesome in Indonesia and the south of

Afr.”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et.


Myriophyllum,spicatum, ,eurasian

watermilfoil,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Myriophyllum,spicatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Myriophyllum,spicatum,,Eurasian watermilfoil,,,,RANK 1.

“SEVERE THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess

characteristics of invasive species and spread easily into native plant

communities and displace native vegetation; includes species which are or

could become widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in



water-milfoil,,,,”Catergory II - Species that shown a potential to

disrupt native plant communities. These species may become ranked as Catergory

I, but have not yet demonstrated disruption of natural Florida

communities. *P =Prohibited by Florida Department “,,List of

Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Myriophyllum,spp.,," parrot's feather, etc. Includes water-milfoils. ","Myriophyllum aquaticum (brasiliense; parrot's feather) is the major offender, and M. spicatum (Eurasian milfoil) also is to be shunned.",,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Myriophyllum,verrucosum,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Myriophyllum,verrucosum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Myriophyllum,indicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Hamamelis,macrophylla, ,southern

witchhazel,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hamamelis,virginiana, ,witchhazel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Liquidambar,styraciflua, ,sweetgum,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Heliotropium,europaeum, ,”barooga weed, bishop's

beard, caterpillar weed, heliotrope, potato weed, European

heliotrope”,,,,”Heliotropium europaeum infests 26 crops in 39

countries. It is a serious weed of pastures in Aust and Italy, and of

cotton in Iran. “,”subtropics and temperate zones, although

some of the weedy species thrive in tropical agricultural zones as

well”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et.




Euriccia,Crystalwort,,P,,”Size: Variable, An aquatic moss? This

plant hovers atop the surface of the water. It is composed of a mass of

green stringy material & is related to liverworts. Prefers a pH

between 6.3 and 6.9.”,From: Many Geographical Regions,Western

Australian Prohibited List


Ricciocarpus,natans, ,Ricciocarpus,,,,” Aquatic weed,

free-floating “, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia


Aesculus,arguta, ,Texas buckeye,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aesculus,californica, ,California

buckeye,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aesculus,glabra, ,Ohio buckeye,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aesculus,hippocastanum,,Horse chestnut,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive , Additional Comments : Tolerates clay soils ""20 m high, flowers showy, 20-30 mm long, bell-shaped, white or cream with red and yellow spots, 5-9 leaflets, 10-25 cm long, pointed, stalkless, thorny, fru",Europe. Habitat: Urban and semi-natural areas," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Aesculus,hippocastanum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Aesculus,octandra, ,yellow buckeye,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aesculus,pavia, ,red buckeye,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aesculus,sylvatica, ,painted buckeye,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Hosta,montana, ,,,,, , Miyagi ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia


Albucca,canadensis,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hyacinthoides,hispanica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Hyacinthoides,hispanica, ,,,,,”Region of origin - SE

Eur, A AFr; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Hyacinthoides,non-scripta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Hyacinthoides,non-scripta, ,,,,,Region of origin - W Eur;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Hyacinthoides,non-scriptus,syn. Endymion,,,,,”83% germ

of moistened seed prechilled for 10wks at 4C; seeds must be kept under

constant moist conditions, don't not allow to dry out”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lachenalia,aloides,,”lachenalia, Cape cowslip”,XXS,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lachenalia,bulbifera, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent

of spread - throughout Perth; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lachenalia,mutabilis, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Lachenalia,reflexa,,”Cape cowslip,

lachenalia”,HS,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Muscari,armeniacum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Muscari,armeniacum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Muscari,atlanticum,,grape hyacinth,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Muscari,botryoides, ,common grapehyacinth,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Muscari,botryoides,,grape hyacinth,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Muscari,comosum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Muscari,comosum, ,,,,,,,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass

Weeds In World Agriculture”

Muscari,comosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Muscari,comosus,,,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Muscari,neglectum, ,,,,,,,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass

Weeds In World Agriculture”

Muscari,racemosum, ,,,,,,,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass

Weeds In World Agriculture”

Muscari,racemosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Muscari,racemosum, ,starch grapehyacinth,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Muscari,racemosum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Ornithogalum,arabicum,,Star of Bethlehem,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ornithogalum,arabicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ornithogalum,caudatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ornithogalum,longibracteatu, ,,,,,”Region of origin -

S Afr, trop E Afr; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Ornithogalum,longibracteatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ornithogalum,nutans, ,,,,,,,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass

Weeds In World Agriculture”

Ornithogalum,pyramidale,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ornithogalum,pyramidale, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ornithogalum,pyrenaicum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ornithogalum,pyrenaicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ornithogalum,thyrsoides,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ornithogalum,thyrsoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ornithogalum,umbellatum,,”cape lily, sleepydick,

star-of-Bethlehem”,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ornithogalum,umbellatum, ,,,,,,,Behrendt & Hanf

“Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Ornithogalum,umbellatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


,star-of-Bethlehem,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of

Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS

14: 1966

Ornithogalum,umbellatum,,star of Bethlehem,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in



Blyxa,japonica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Blyxa,japonica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Blyxa ,aubertii var. echinosperma,”syn Hydrotrophus

echinospermus, Blyxa echinosperma”,,,,,”in stagnant or slow

-flowing water; in pools, ditches & marshes, in sunny or shaded

places; from 0-1300m alt; flowering all year round; seeds germinte

immediately after release; lowland rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, although often abundant, roo”,”tropical Asia, SE

USA, S & E Asia, S Afr, India, Ceylon, Burma, Indochina, China,

Japan, Korea, throughout Malesia to tropical Aust, Pacific Islands;

Indonesia: so far known from Sumatra, Java, the Moluccas & Irian

Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Egeria,densa,”Anacharis densa, Elodea densa, Elodea

canadensis var. gigantea”,”leafy elodea, dense waterweed,

egeria, anacharis, Brazilian elodea”,HX,L,SA; NT; WA;

Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Egeria,densa,,elodea Brazilian ,"WEED OF CONCERN: Control and containment of existing populations of these noxious weeds is strongly encouraged in King County, Washington State.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Egeria,densa, ,Brazilian Waterweed ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Egeria,densa, ,Dense Waterweed,,,,Dispersal: Vegetative.

Life Form: Small to medium shruba(Perennial herb). RISK: Serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 10,”Introduced deliberately from: S Am and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Egeria,densa,” Anacharis densa, Elodea

densa”,Egeria,,,,vegetative propagation with daylight intensities of

10ft-c,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Egeria,densa,” Anacharis densa, Elodea densa,

Elodea canadensis var. gigantea”,”leafy elodea, dense

waterweed, egeria, anacharis, Brazilian elodea”,,,,”dense

growth below water surface, seriously retard water flow, interfering with

irrigation, hydro electric output & urban water

supplies”,”native of eastern S Amer (Arg, Brz, Uruguay), but is

naturalised, in Chile, Mex, USA, Eng, NZ & Aust, because of aquarium

trade”“introd to Aust, aquarium plant; nat in Lake Annand,

Darling Downs & in Ekibin Creek near Brisbane Qld, at North Rocks,

Sydney”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Egeria,densa, ,giant waterweed,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Egeria,densa, ,Leafy elodea N # ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Egeria,densa, ,”leafy elodea, dense waterweed,

egeria”,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Egeria,densa, ,Elodea,,,,” Aquatic weed, submerged

“, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Egeria,densa, ,egeria,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Egeria,densa, ,”leafy elodea, dense waterweed,

egeria”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Egeria,densa,,Brazilian elodea,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Elodea,(Egeria), ,densa Waterweed ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Elodea,canadensis, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Elodea,canadensis,Anacharis canadensis,”elodea,

Canadian pondweed, American elodea, oxygen weed,

waterweed”,HX,NL,SA; NT; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Elodea,canadensis, ,Canadian Pondweed,,,,Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Small to medium shruba(Perennial herb). RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 10,”Introduced deliberately from: N AM and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: ?Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Elodea,canadensis, ,Elodea,,,,uniforms cultures obtained

by excising shoots from a single clone; basal portions of shoots placed

in soil in small clay pots & submerged in water,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Elodea,canadensis, Anacharis canadensis,”elodea,

Canadian pondweed, American elodea, oxygen weed,

waterweed”,,,,”most important submerged aquatic weeds blocking

irrigation channels in south-eastern Aust; dense infestations reduce

water flow by 60-80%, alter aquatic environ-light, pH, O2 content &

temp red. -alters the sol. of dissolved salts, nuts & hence fish”,”native

of temp N Amer, colonised European waterways in late 19thC & now

occurs in most temp countries of world; introd NZ”“introd to

Tasmania, occurs in Derwent, Macquarie & Jordan Rivers & Brumby's

Creek as well as in dams & pools; dominant weed of

Murra”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Elodea,canadensis, ,Elodea N ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Elodea,canadensis, ,”elodea, Canadian

pondweed”,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Elodea,canadensis, ,elodea,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Elodea,canadensis, ,”elodea, Canadian

pondweed”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Elodea,canadesis,syn ,”elodea, Canadian pondweed,

blackweed, oxygenweed, riverweed, yankee-weed, American

elodea”,,,,”Elodea canadensis has become weedy in 45 countries.

It behaves as a weed mainly in the north temperate zone but is also a

weed in the thermal tropical zone in Mexico, Argentina, Egypt, Mauritius,

Thailand and from north to south in India. In southeast

Aus”,”very widely distributed, found from the north coast of

the Gulf of Bothnia, which is 1º from the Arctic Circle (66º 30'N), to

lat 40º to 45ºS in Tasmania and New Zealand.”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories

& Distribution - Holm et. al.

Elodea,densa, ,,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Hydrilla,verticillata, ,water thyme,,,,”,

“,Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New Caledonia ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Hydrilla,verticillata, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive

weeds nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated

Worst Invasive Weeds”

Hydrilla,verticillata,”Hottonia serrata, Hydrilla

angustifolia, Hydrilla dentata, Hydrilla ovalifolia, Hydrilla wightii,

Leptanthes verticillatus, Serpicula verticillata, Vallisneria

verticillata”,”hydrilla, Florida elodea, water

thyme”,,NLP,Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hydrilla,verticillata, ,Hydrilla ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Hydrilla,verticillata, ,Hydrilla ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Hydrilla,verticillata, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems

Web Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Hydrilla,verticillata,,, Peidmont and mountains & valleys in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Hydrilla,verticillata,,,aquatic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Hydrilla,verticillata,,hydrilla ,California and Washington have costly control programs underway. Never empty aquarium plants or animals into a waterway!,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Hydrilla,verticillata,,hydrilla ,CLASS A WEED: Class A weeds are non-native species with a limited distribution in Washington. Eradication of these species is mandatory in all of Washington State.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Hydrilla,verticillata,” Hottonia serrata, Hydrilla

angustifolia, Hydrilla dentata, Hydrilla ovalifolia, Hydrilla wightii,

Leptanthes verticillatus, Serpicula verticillata, Vallisneria

verticillata”,”hydrilla, Florida elodea, water

thyme”,,,,”this native not problem in Aust & is

ecologically beneficial; but restricts water movement, interfers with

hydro-electric output, irrigation projects, river traffic &

recreational pursuits in the USA; spread can be quite

rapid”,”endemic in parts of Eur, Afr, India, SE Asia &

Aust; spread to & nat. in Fiji, Panama, NZ &

USA”“occurs in broad bands along northern & eastern coasts,

Murray-Darling River system, & near Perth

WA”““,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Hydrilla,verticillata, ,Hydrilla ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Hydrilla,verticillata, ,”hydrilla, water

thyme”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Hydrilla,verticillata, ,hydrilla,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hydrilla,verticillata, ,Hydrilla,,,,” Aquatic weed,

submerged “, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Hydrilla,verticillata,”syn Serpicula verticillata,

Hydrilla lithuanica”,,,,,”in ditches, pools, ponds, marshes,

shallow, muddy rivers; often abundant; also in tidal waters; ti can go

down to 6-7m, in which case, it will not reach the surface; in turbulent

waters the plant remains bottom-bound; from 0-2000m alt;

lowland-irrigated, “,”Asia?, from S & E Eur, Afr, S&E

Asia, Aust, very common in W Malesia; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Hydrilla,verticillata, ,”hydrilla, water thyme,

water weed”,,,,Hydrilla verticillata is ranked by Soerjani (1986.

Environmental considerations in the novel approach of aquatic vegetation

management. pp. 33-49. In:Weeds and the environment in the tropics. Proc.

10th Asian-Pacific Weed Sci. Soc. Conf.) as one of the

th,”Distribution: There is a common but incorrect belief that

Hydrilla is a tropcial species. It persists above 50ºN in Ireland, in the

former Soviet Union and it has extended its range significantly to the

north in the US. In theSouthern Hemisphere, the weed”,WORLD WEEDS

Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Hydrilla,verticillata, ,hydrilla,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Hydrilla,verticillata,,hydrilla,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess characteristics of

invasive species and spread easily into native plant communities and

displace native vegetation; includes species which are or could become

widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Hydrilla,verticillata,,hydrilla,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.*P =Prohibited by Flo”,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Hydrocharis,dubia, ,Frogbit,,,,” Aquatic weed,

floating-leaves “, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Hydrocharis,morsus-ranae,,Common Name(s): European frog-bit,"Status : Wetland Highly Invasive , Additional Comments : Reproduces vegetatively, displaces native flora, introduced 1932 ""5 cm high, flowers white, 3 petaled, single, leaves 4 cm in diameter, round, heart-shaped ""","Europe. Habitat: Ponds, ditches, canals"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Hydrocleys,nymphoides, ,Water Poppy,,,,Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 10,”Introduced deliberately from: S AM, In Victoria: Rare

or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Lagarosiphon,major,,,aquatic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Ottelia,alismoides,,,aquatic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Lagarasiphon,spp., ,Lagarasiphon,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Lagarosiphon,major, ,,,,,Region of origin - southern

Afr; Extent of spread - eradicated?; Means of spread - Aquaria,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Lagarosiphon,major,Elodea crispa,”lagarosiphon,

oxygen weed”,E,NL,NSW; Vic; Qld; SA; NT; WA; Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lagarosiphon,major, Elodea crispa,”lagarosiphon,

oxygen weed”,,,,”an aggressive freshwater weed which has the

ability to grow as submersed, free-floating masses in deep cold water

reservoirs at depths between 20cm & 5m, extending to

7m”,”native of southern Afr, widespd throughout world; nat. in

Eng, Channel Is. northern France, Italy & NZ”“recorded in

aquaria in Sydney, found in farm dam near Melb, from which it has been

removed; not known to be nat. in Aust”““,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Lagarosiphon,major, ,Lagarosiphon N # ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies) Roadside control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section

60 applies) Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Lagarosiphon,major, ,lagarosiphon ,,,,,,Weed Science


Lagarosiphon,major, ,lagarosiphon ,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Lagarosiphon,roxburghii, ,,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Lagarosiphon,roxburghii, ,,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Limnobium,spongia, ,frogbit,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ottelia,alismoides, ,Waterplantain,,,,” Aquatic

weed, submerged “, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Ottelia,alismoides,”syn Ottelia javanica,

Stratiotes alismoides”,,,,,”in slow-moving or stagnant water

with muddy bottom, in pools & ditches; in Java from 0-1000m alt;

oftne gregarious; lowland-irrigated & lebak rice fields, a weed of

minor importance, Petioles & leaves are eaten as a vegetable; leaf

decoction is used again”,”Asia, SE USA, NE Afr, in SE Asia from

Middle East to India, China & Japan, throughout Malesia; tropical

Aust, Solomon Islands; introd in Italian rice fields; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Ottelia,spp.,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ottelia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Stratiotes,aloides,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Stratiotes,aloides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stratiotes,aloides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Vallisneria,americana,V. gigantea,,,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vallisneria,americana, Vallisneria

spiralis,Vallisneria,,,,”71% germ of seed stored in water at room

temp in 2mths, seed stored in water at 1-3C 72-87% after 2, 5, &

7mths of storage; seed dry stored at room temp or 1-3C failed to germ;

germ in water in difuse light on greenhouse bench; vegetative

propagation-buds”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Vallisneria,americana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vallisneria,americana, ,vallisneria,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vallisneria,spiralis, ,”eelweed, ribbon weed, tape

grass”,,,,”Vallisneria spiralis, commonly called eelgrass, is a

rooted, submerged annual or perennial, which can reprodce by seed, winter

bud, or sturdy creeping stolons. It is found in some lowland crops and

its ubiquitous presence in irrigation canals and large an”,widely

distributed on all continents,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Vallisneria,spp.,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Vallisneria,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited



Ellisia,nyctelea, ,nyctelea,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eriodictyon,angustifolium, ,narrowleaf

yerbasanta,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eriodictyon,californicum, ,California

yerbasanta,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eriodictyon,crassifolium var. niveum, ,woolly

yerbasanta,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hydrolea,glabra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hydrolea,glabra, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Hydrolea,graminifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hydrolea,graminifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Hydrolea,spinosa,syn ,,,,,”sunny or lightly shaded,

permanently or periodically wet or swampy sites, pools, irrigation

channels, fallow rice fields; usually in groups, locally often abundant;

0-200m alt; rainfed & tidal rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

the plant is intensiv”,”tropical Amer; introd near Jakarta a

long time ago; W Java, northern part of W Java”,”Weeds of Rice

in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Hydrolea,uniflora, ,oneflower hydrolea,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hydrolea,zeylanica,”syn Hydrolea inermis, Hydrolea

javanica, Beloanthera oppositifolia”,,,,,”in permanently or

periodically swampy or inundated sites; in areas with or without a

pronounceddey season; pools, riverbanks; often occurring gregariously;

from 0-1000m alt; lowland-irrigated rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, young shoots are eaten”,”India, India, W Malesia, Philippines;

throughout Indonesia, except the Moluccas & Irian Jaya, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Hydrophyllum,capitatum, ,,,,,less than 3% germ of seeds

after cold stratification for 11mths; germ at 18C in dark; all other

methods tried unsuccessful in promoting germ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Phacelia,campanularia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Phacelia,heterophylla, ,,,,,64% germ at 20C in dark &

60% at 15C; 52% germ alt. temp of 20-30C in dark & 28% in alt.

light/dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Phacelia,leucophylla, ,,,,,76% at 15 &20C in dark

& 72% at 20-30C; 52% germ at 20-30C alt. in dark & 28% in alt.

light/dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Phacelia,linearis, ,,,,,44% high germ at 20-30C alt. in

dark; prechilling detrimental to germ,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Phacelia,purshii, ,Pursh phacelia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Phacelia,tanacetifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Phacelia,tanacetifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phacelia,tanacetifolia, ,tansy phacelia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Wigandia,caracasana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Wigandia,caracasana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Wigandia,urens,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Vesicularia,dubyana , var. abbreviata var. cochlearifolia ,Java

Moss,,P,,Height 5- -> cm Width 5- -> cm Light requirements low-high

Temperature 15-28 C Hardness tolerance soft-hard pH tolerance

acid-basicEasiness easyVesicularia dubyana - the Java Moss - inhabits the

amphibious zone of forest streams in South East Asi,South-East

Asia,Western Australian Prohibited List


Icacina,senegalensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Icacina,senegalensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited



Anomatheca,laxa,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Anomatheca,laxa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aristea,ecklonii, ,Aristea,,,,”Dispersal: Water. Life

Form: Rhizomatous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: Rare or

localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Aristea,ecklonii,,Aristea,XS,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aristea,ecklonii, ,,,,,Region of origin - S atrop W Afr; Extent

of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Babiana,angustifolia,”Babiana stricta, B.

disticha”,”baboon flower, babiana”,XXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Babiana,disticha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Babiana,nana,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Babiana,nana,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Babiana,stricta, ,Baboon flower,,,,”Dispersal: Vegetative.

Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Babiana,stricta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Babiana,tubulosa,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Babiana,tubulosa, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Barnardiella,spiralis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Chasmanthe,bicolor,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chasmanthe,bicolor, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Chasmanthe,floribunda,Chasmanthe aethiopica,African corn-flag,HHXHS,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Chasmanthe,floribunda, ,African Corn-flag,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Vegetative,Wind. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af (garden

origin) and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Chasmanthe,floribunda, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crocosmia,crocosmiiflora, ,Monbretia

,,,,GROUNDCOVERS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John

Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Crocosmia,crocosmiifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crocosmia,sp.,X crocosmiifolia,,,,,,,Weed Science List


crocosmiiflora,,montbretia,HHXXS,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crocosmia,x crocosmiiflora, ,Montbretia,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Very serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,4,5,6,7,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Dierama,pendulum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Dierama,pendulum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dierama,pulcherrimum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dierema,pulcherrimum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Dietes,bicolor,,fortnight lily,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Dietes,iridioides,,Dietes,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dietes,robinsoniana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Dietes,robinsoniana, ,,,,,Region of origin - Lord Howe Is.;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Ferraria,crispa,,black fig,XX,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ferraria,crispa, ,Black Fig,,,,Dispersal: Vegetative. Life

Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Ferraria,crispa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Freesia,hybrid,F. alba X F. leichtlinii,”freesia, common

freesia, wild freesia”,XHXXXH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Freesia,leichtlinii,,Freesia,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Freesia,leichtlinii, ,Freesia,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative,Wind. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Very serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Freesia,leichtlinii,X refracta,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Galaxia,fugacissima,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Galaxia,fugacissima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gladiolus,alatus,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Gladiolus,alatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gladiolus,angustus,,long tubed painted lady,X,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gladiolus,angustus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gladiolus,cardinalis,,waterfall gladiolus,X,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gladiolus,cardinalis, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Gladiolus,cardinalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gladiolus,carneus,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Gladiolus,carneus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gladiolus,caryophyllaceus,,”wild gladiolus,

Sandveldlelie”,H,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gladiolus,caryophyllaceus, ,wild gladiolus,,,,,,Weed Science


Gladiolus,communis,,byzantine gladiolus,XX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gladiolus,communis, ,Byzantine Gladiolus,,,,Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,”Introduced deliberately from: S&SW Eur,NW Af, In Victoria:

Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Gladiolus,communis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gladiolus,floribundus,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gladiolus,floribundus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gladiolus,gueinzii,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gladiolus,gueinzii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gladiolus,natalensis,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gladiolus,natalensis, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Gladiolus,segetum, ,,,,,,,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds

In World Agriculture”

Gladiolus,segetum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gladiolus,segetum, syn. Acidanthera,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Gladiolus,sp.,,gladioulus,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gladiolus,sp., ,Gladioulus,,,,”Dispersal: Vegetative. Life

Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: Rare or

localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Gladiolus,sp.,X cardinalis,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gladiolus,sp.,X gandavensis,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gladiolus,tristis,,evening-flower gladiolus,HX,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gladiolus,tristis, ,Evening-flower Gladiolus,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,8,9”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Gladiolus,tristis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


“,HHH,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gladiolus,undulatus, ,Gladiolus,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Very serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,8,9”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Gladiolus,undulatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gladiolus,x gandavensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gynandriris,setifolia,,thread Iris,HXH,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gynandriris,setifolia, ,Thread Iris,,,,”Dispersal:

?Water,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 4,9,11”,”Introduced deliberately from: S

Af, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Gynandriris,setifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Herbertia,lahue,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Herbertia,lahue, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hesperantha,falcata,,hesperantha,H,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Hesperantha,falcata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hexaglottis,lewisiae,,yellow hexaglottis,HH,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hexaglottis,lewisiae, ,Yellow Hexaglottis,,,,Dispersal: ?Wind.

Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”S AF, In

Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Hexaglottis,lewisiae, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Homeria,collina,,,,GL,NSW; SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Homeria,flaccida,”Homeria breyniana, Homeria

collina”,one-leaf cape tulip,HHXH,GL,NSW; Vic; SA; WA;

Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Homeria,flaccida, ,One-leaf Cape Tulip,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative,Wind. Life

Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5,9”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Homeria,flaccida,” Homeria breyniana, Homeria

collina”,one-leaf cape tulip,,,,”poisonous to stock, all parts

of plant being toxic whether green or dry; carrying capacity decreased

& pasture plants replaced”,”originated in southern Afr;

introd Aust & NZ”“introd as ornamental plant, important

weed & widely distributed in WA & SA, NS W&Vic only scattered

areas remain now & small infestations in Tas

“““,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Homeria,flaccida, ,one-leaf cape tulip,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Homeria,flaccida, ,one-leaf cape tulip,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Homeria,miniata,,”two-leaf cape tulip,

rootulup”,HHH,NL,NSW; Vic; SA; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Homeria,miniata, ,Two-leaf Cape Tulip,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative,Wind. Life

Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

?”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: Limited

distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Homeria,miniata, ,”two-leaf cape tulip,

rootulup”,,,,”poisonous to stock, all parts of plant being

toxic whether green or dry; carrying capacity decreased & pasture

plants replaced”,”originated in southern Afr; introd Aust &

NZ”“introd as ornamental plant, important weed & widely

distributed in WA & SA, NS W&Vic only scattered areas remain now

& small infestations in Tas “““,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Homeria,miniata, ,two-leaf cape tulip,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Homeria,miniata, ,two-leaf cape tulip,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Homeria,ochroleuca,,yellow flowered cape tulip,XXX,G,NSW;

SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Homeria,ochroleuca, ,Cape Tulip,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative,Wind. Life Form:

Cormous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: ?”,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: ?”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Homeria,ochroleuca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Homeria,spp., ,cape tulips,,P,,Prohibited entry by

AQIS,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Homeria,spp., ,Cape tulips ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN

SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“



Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Homoglossum,watsonium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Iris,douglasiana, ,Douglas Iris ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Iris,foetidissima,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Iris,foetidissima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Iris,germanica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Iris,”germanica,x germanica”,,”German iris,

orris(root)”,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Iris,missouriensis, ,Western Blue Flag ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Iris,missouriensis, ,Rocky Mountain iris,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Iris,orientalis,,yellowband iris,S,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Iris,orientalis, ,,,,,”Region of origin - W Turkey, E

Aegean Is.; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Iris,orientalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Iris,prismatica, ,,,,,seeds planted in soil flats held outdoors

for 83days germ 45% with 21-35days after transfer to greenhouse; seed

planted directly into greenhouse no germ,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Iris,pseudacorus,,”yellow water Iris, yellow flag

iris”,Hw,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Iris,pseudacorus,, yellowflag iris," High Weed Potential in Riparian, Wetland and Disturbed areas",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Iris,pseudacorus,,Common Name(s): Yellow flag,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive ""Perennial, 0.5-1 m high, large yellow flowers, thick branches rhizome, sword-shpaed leaves, 2 cm broad ""","Origin :. Habitat: Wetlands, ditches, marshes"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Iris,pseudacorus,,yellow flag iris ,"Forms monocultures in wetlands. Has established itself in Bertelsen Slough, Amazon Creek, and along the Willamette River (even present near the caretaker's house in the Arboretum!)",,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Iris,pseudacorus, ,,,,,Region of origin - E Medit; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Iris,pseudacorus, ,Yellow flag iris,,,,”removal of cap

covering embryo inc. germ % after soaking 24hrs in water, at 28-33C in

sterilized sand”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Iris,pseudacorus, ,Yellowflag iris ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Iris,pseudacorus, ,yellowflag iris,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Iris,pseudocorus, ,”pale-yellow iris, European yellow

iris”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Iris,psuedacorus, ,Yellow Water Iris,,,,”Dispersal: Water.

Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,10”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,W As,N Af and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Iris,sibirica, ,,,,,”removal of cap covering embryo inc.

germ % after soaking 24hrs in water, at 28-33C in sterilized

sand”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Iris,spuria,,”seashore iris, butterfly

Iris”,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Iris,spuria, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Eur, Asia; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Iris,spuria, ,Iris,,,,Dispersal: ?Wind. Life Form: Rhizomatous

geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur,W As,N Af and Commercially Available, , In

Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Iris,unguicularis,,winter flowering iris,,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Iris,unguicularis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Iris,versicolor, ,Blue flag iris,,,,seeds planted directly into

greenhouse germ 5% in 106-265 days; seeds planted in soil flats held

outdoors for 71days germ 26% in 21-42days after transfer to

greenhouse,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Iris,versicolor, ,blueflag iris,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Iris,xiphium,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Iris,xiphium, ,,,,,Region of origin - SW Eur; Extent of spread

- localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Ixia,flexuosa,,Ixia,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ixia,flexuosa, ,Ixia,,,,”Dispersal: Vegetative,?Wind. Life

Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ixia,flexuosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ixia,hybrid/cultivar,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ixia,hybrida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ixia,longituba,,ixia,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ixia,longituba, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of spread

- localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Ixia,maculata,,yellow ixia,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ixia,maculata, ,Yellow Ixia,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,45”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially Available,

, In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ixia,maculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ixia,paniculata,,Ixia,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ixia,paniculata, ,Ixia,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Vegetative.

Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ixia,paniculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ixia,polystachya,,Variable Ixia,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ixia,polystachya, ,Variable Ixia,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ixia,polystachya, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ixia,viridiflora,,green ixia,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ixia,viridiflora, ,,,,,Region of origin - southern Afr; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Ixia,viridiflora, ,Green Ixia,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ixia,viridiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Moraea,aristata,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Moraea,aristata, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Moraea,aristata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Moraea,bellendenii,,moraea,H,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Moraea,bellendenii, ,Moraea,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative,?Wind. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: Rare or

localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Moraea,bellendenii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Moraea,fugax,,peacock lily,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Moraea,fugax, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Moraea,pavonia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Moraea,pavonis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Moraea,vegeta,,moraea,HX,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Moraea,vegeta, ,Moraea,,,,”Dispersal: Vegetative,?Wind.

Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: Rare or

localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Moraea,vegeta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Romulea,bulbocodium, ,Romulea,,,,”Dispersal: ?. Life Form:

Cormous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,9”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Med,E Eur and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare

or localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Romulea,flava,,”frutang, yellow-flowered

onion-grass”,H,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Romulea,flava, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Romulea,minutiflora,,small onion-grass,HXX,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Romulea,minutiflora, ,Small Onion-grass,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Cormous geophyte.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,5”,”S Af, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Romulea,minutiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Romulea,obscura,,romulea,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Romulea,obscura, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Romulea,rosea,,”common onion-grass, guilford

grass”,HH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Romulea,rosea,,common onion-grass,HH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Romulea,rosea,,common onion-grass,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Romulea,rosea, var. reflexa,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Romulea,rosea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Romulea,rosea var. australis, ,Common

Onion-grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal external,animal (not bird),

internal. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Very serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5,9”,”S Af, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Romulea,rosea var. reflexa, ,Common

Onion-grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal external,animal (not bird),

internal. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Very serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,8,9”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Schizostylis,coccinea,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sisyrinchium,bermudiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sisyrinchium,exile, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sisyrinchium,iridifolium,,”striped rush-leaf, blue

pigroot”,XXX,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sisyrinchium,iridifolium, ,Striped

Rush-leaf,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal external,Water. Life Form:

Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,8,9”,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Am, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Sisyrinchium,iridifolium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sisyrinchium,micranthum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sisyrinchium,sp.,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sisyrinchium,sp., ,,,,,Region of origin - N or S Amer; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Sisyrinchium,sp. A,S. exile in WA?,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sparaxis,bulbifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sparaxis,grandiflora,,sparaxis,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Sparaxis,pillansii,S. tricolor,”harlequin flower,

wandflower, tricolor harleqin-flower”,HHX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sparaxis,tricolor, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sparaxis ,bulbifera, ,Harlequin-flower,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative,Wind. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Very serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Sparaxis ,tricolor, ,Tricolor

Harleqin-flower,,,,”Dispersal: Vegetative,?Wind. Life Form: Cormous

geophyte. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,4,5”,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Synnotia,villosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Synnotia,villosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Thereianthus,minutus, Watsonia minuta,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Tritonia,crocata,,orange tritonia,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Tritonia,crocata, ,Orang Tritonia,,,,”Dispersal:

?Vegetative. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Tritonia,crocata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tritonia,crocosmaeflora, ,crocus tritonia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tritonia,lineata,,lined tritonia,XXX,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tritonia,lineata, ,Lined Tritonia,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: Rare

or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Tritonia,lineata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Kalkoentjie”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tritonia,squalida, ,Tritonia,,,,Dispersal: Vegetative. Life

Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: ?,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Tritonia,squalida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Watsonia,aletroides,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Watsonia,aletroides, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Watsonia,aletroides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Watsonia,borbonica,,cape buglelily,H,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Watsonia,bulbillifera,Watsonia meriana (misapplied),”wild

watsonia, bulbil watsonia, bugle lily, Merian's bugle lily,

watsonia”,XHXXH,GL,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Watsonia,bulbillifera, Watsonia meriana (misapplied),”wild

watsonia, bulbil watsonia, bugle lily, Merian's bugle lily,

watsonia”,,,,”does not invade improved pastures or cultivated

land, is of little agric. importance; poisonous to stock; plant favours

moist conditions & withstands flooding for several weeks, also grows

well on higher well drained sites”,”originated in southern Afr,

has been widely spread & considered weedy only in southern Aust &

NZ”“introd as garden plant; appears in all states ex NT;

confined to coastal areas of NSW, widespd Vic, SA & WA along

roadsides, railways & neglected moister par”,”Noxious Weeds

of Australia, P & C”

Watsonia,bulbillifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Watsonia,bulbillifera, ,”wild watsonia, bulbil

watsonia”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Watsonia,bulbillifera, ,”wild watsonia, bulbil

watsonia”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Watsonia,leipoldtii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Watsonia,marginata,,fairy watsonia,XH,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Watsonia,marginata, ,Watsonia,,,,Dispersal: Vegetative. Life

Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 5,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare

or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Watsonia,marginata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Watsonia,meriana, ,Watsoonia,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Wind.

Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: Rare or localised,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Watsonia,meriana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Watsonia,meriana ,,bulbil watsonia,XHXX,GL,SA; Vic,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Watsonia,meriana cv Bulbillifera, ,Bulbil

Watsonia,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Cormous

geophyte. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5,6,8,9”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Watsonia,meriana subsp. bulbillifera, ,Bulbil watsonia *


be destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies) Movement prohibited on roads (Section 52(2)

applies)”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Watsonia,pyramidata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Watsonia,spp.,,watsonia,XXXXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Watsonia,versfeldii,,watsonia,HX,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Watsonia,versfeldii, ,Watsonia,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Vegetative,Wind. Life Form: Cormous geophyte. RISK: Serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: ?”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Watsonia,versfeldii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Watsonia,wordsworthiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966 


Carya,aquatica, ,water hickory,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carya,cordiformis, ,bitternut hickory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carya,floridana, ,scrub hickory,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Carya,glabra, ,pignut hickory,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carya,illinoensis, ,pecan,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carya,laciniosa, ,shellbark hickory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carya,leiodermis, ,swamp hickory,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carya,ovata, ,shagbark hickory,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carya,pallida, ,sand hickory,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carya,texana, ,black hickory,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carya,tomentosa, ,mockernut hickory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Carya,X lecontei, ,bitter pecan,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juglans,cinerea, ,butternut,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juglans,microcarpa, ,river walnut,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juglans,nigra, ,black walnut,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juglans,regia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Juglans,regia, ,,,,,Region of origin - SE Eur to China;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - agriculture - nuts,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3


Juncus,acuminatus,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Juncus,acuminatus, ,,,,,Region of origin - N & S Amer;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Juncus,acuminatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,acutiflorus,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Juncus,acutus,,”spiny rush, sharp rush, sharp-pointed

rush”,HXH,L,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Juncus,acutus, ,,,,,86% germ of seed on moist filter paper at

20C with 125 foot-candles continuous light within 5days completed within

10days ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Juncus,acutus, ,”spiny rush, sharp rush, sharp-pointed

rush”,,,,not readily eaten by grazing animals; once est. completely

covers area & eliminates all other vegetation & area becomes

impenetrable to stock & humans because of sharp spines,”wide

native range including Medit region, W Eur, W N Amer, S Amer &

souther Afr & NZ; some evidence may be native to Aust, but not

confirmed”“common in NSW, Vic, SA particularly on low fertility

disturbed areas mine dumps, coastal flats & moist low lying

“,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Juncus,acutus, ,spiny rush,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,acutus*, ,Sharp Rush,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,8,9,11”,”Med,Eur,S Af,Am, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Juncus,amabilis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Juncus,aridicola,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Juncus,articulatus,,Jointed Rush,HXAX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Juncus,articulatus, ,Jointed Rush,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb).

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,9,10,15”,”N Hem, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Juncus,articulatus, ,,,,,”96% germ of seed stored in dark

at 1-3C in tap water for 5-7mths, germ in jars of tap water in diffuse

light in greenhouse”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Juncus,articulatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,balticus, ,Baltic rush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juncus,bufonis, ,,,,,,,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In

World Agriculture”

Juncus,bufonius,,toad rush,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Juncus,bufonius, ,Toad rush,,,,optimum germ temp

2-5C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Juncus,bufonius,syn ,Toad rush,,,,”Nile and canal banks,

lake margins, moist ground around wells & springs”,”almost

cosmopolitan, absent from extremely hot & polar

regions”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi,


Juncus,bufonius, ,toad rush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juncus,bulbosus,,Bulbous Rush,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Juncus,bulbosus, ,Bulbous Rush,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb).

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,9,10”,”Eur,N Af, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Juncus,bulbosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,canadensis,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Juncus,canadensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,capensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Juncus,capensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,capillaceus,,Rush,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Juncus,capillaceus, ,Rush,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,9”,”temp S Am, In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Juncus,capillaceus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,capitatus,,Capitate Rush,XXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Juncus,capitatus, ,Capitate Rush,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,5,6,9”,”Euras,Af,NZ, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Juncus,capitatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,cognatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Juncus,cognatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,compressus, ,,,,,99% germ in 1st spring after harvest;

seeds place in germinator soon afer harvest exposed to temps similar to

those prevailing outdoors until germ,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Juncus,conglomeratus,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Juncus,conglomeratus, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Eur ot NE Asia,

N Afr; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

unknown”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Juncus,conglomeratus, ,,,,,vegetative reproduction & seeds;

fruit ripened in summer & germ in autumn,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Juncus,effusus,,soft rush,HA,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Juncus,effusus, ,Soft Rush,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,?Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,9,15”,”temp N Hem, In Victoria: Limited

distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Juncus,effusus, Juncus communis,Soft rush,,,,”vegetative

reproduction by rhizomes; seed germ in water or soil, darkness has

repressive effect, but once light introduced germ inc.

rapidly”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Juncus,effusus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,effusus, ,,,,, , ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Juncus,effusus, ,soft rush,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Juncus,filiformis, ,,,,,”vegetative reproduction by

rhizome buds; seeds sown on moist filter paper in lab, germ only in

light; seeds dry stored viable for 2yrs”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Juncus,fontanesii,,Rush,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Juncus,fontanesii, ssp. fontanesii,,,,,”Region of origin -

S Eur, Turkey, northern Afr; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of

spread - unknown”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Juncus,fontanesii, ,Rush,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: ?”,”S Eur,Turkey,NA, In Victoria: Rare or localised,

small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Juncus,fontanesii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,fontanesii subsp. pyramidatus,syn J. pyramidatus

,,,,,”Moist ground, marshes, around springs & wells, canal

banks, ditchesd, lake borders”,”Medit, E Asia to

Iraq”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Juncus,gerardi, ,saltmeadow rush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juncus,gerardii,,Rush,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Juncus,gerardii, ,Rush,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: ?”,”Euras,N Af,N Am, In Victoria: Rare or localised,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Juncus,glomeratus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Juncus,hybridus,syn ,Hybrid rush,,,,”Nile and canal banks,

lake margins, moist ground around springs & wells”,”Medit,

W Eur, W Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Juncus,imbricatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Juncus,imbricatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,indescriptus,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Juncus,indescriptus, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Juncus,inflexus,,hard rush,Xw,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Juncus,inflexus, ,,,,,”Region of origin - A Afr, India,

Eurasia; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

unknown”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Juncus,inflexus, ,Rush,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Euras,N Af.India, In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Juncus,inflexus, Juncus glaucus,,,,,vegetative reproduction by

buds at base of shoots & rhizome tips; seeds only germ in light;

prechilling unnecessary,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Juncus,lampocarpus, ,,,,,,,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass

Weeds In World Agriculture”


CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Juncus,marginatus, ,shore rush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juncus,maritimus, var. arabicus ,,,,,”60-75% germ of dry

stored seed for 6-23 mths, on moistened filter paper at 15, 20, 26 or 30C

in continuous light”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Juncus,microcephalus,,Rush,HX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Juncus,microcephalus, ,Rush,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,2,4,5,6,8,9”,”S Am, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Juncus,microcephalus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,nodosus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Juncus,nodosus, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Eur, Asia; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown”,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Juncus,oxycarpus,,Rush,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Juncus,oxycarpus, ,Rush,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8”,”S Af, In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Juncus,oxycarpus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,phaeocephalus, ,brownhead rush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juncus,polyanthemos,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Juncus,prismatocarpus,syn ,,,,,”in pools, marshy plains,

swampy riverbanks; locally common; between 1000 & 3000m alt;

lowland& rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor importance, some

varieties differ in habit & the multi-or unitubular stems”,”SE

Asia, Ceylon, SE to E Asia, Aust, NZ; in Indonesia: Sumatra, Java, Irian

Jaya, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Juncus,roemerianus, ,needle rush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juncus,squarrosus,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Juncus,squarrosus, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Eur, Iceland,

Greenland, Morocco; Extent of spread - locally abundant; Means of spread

- unknown”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Juncus,subnodulosus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Juncus,subnodulosus, ,,,,,vegetative reproduction by rhizomes;

seed germ % high on filter paper in light,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Juncus,subnodulosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,tenuis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Juncus,tenuis, Juncus macer,Slender rush,,,,seeds germ only in

light on moist filter paper under lab conditions; dry stored seed viable

for at least 2yrs,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Juncus,tenuis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Juncus,tenuis, ,slender rush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Juncus,usitatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Luzula,albida, ,,,,,”99% germ of seeds in 1st spring,

seeds placed in germinator soon after harvest & exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Luzula,campestris,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Luzula,campestris, ,,,,,”95% germ of seeds soon after

harvest, seeds placed in germinator soon after harvest & exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Luzula,congesta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Luzula,multiflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Luzula,multiflora, ,,,,,”99% germ of seeds soon after

harvest, seeds placed in germinator soon after harvest & exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Luzula,multiflora, ,,,,, , Oita ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia


Lilaea,scilloides,,Lilaea,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lilaea,scilloides, ,Lilaea,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Annual). RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 9”,”N&S Am, In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lilaea,scilloides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lilaea,scilloides,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Triglochin,maritima, ,Seaside arrowgrass,,,,seeds germ in

1st spring after harvest; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ

98%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Triglochin,maritima, ,seaside arrowgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Triglochin,maritimum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Triglochin,maritimum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Triglochin,palustris, ,Marsh arrowgrass,,,,seeds germ in

1st spring after harvest; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ

89%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Triglochin,palustris, ,marsh arrowgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Triglochin,procera,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Triglochin,procera,= T. procerum,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


Canotia,holacantha, ,canotia,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Koeberlinia,spinosa, ,allthorn,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Krameria,grayi, ,,,P,,”white ratanyKrameria is a small,

purple-floweredshrub of the Colorado Desert region of southeastern

California. Theamazing hitchhiker fruits are like miniature versions of

thelegendary Uncarina of Madagascar. The fruit is covered withradiating

spines”,,Western Australian Prohibited List


Acinos,arvensis, ,Basil Thyme,,,,”Calaminthos acinos,

Satureja acinos”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Acinos,arvensis,,Mother-of-thyme,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potentially invasive ""Annual, 10-20 cm tall, purple flowers with white markings, 7-10 mm wide, leaves 5-15 mm long, ovate to elliptical, petiolate""","Eurasia. Habitat: Roadsides, old fields, waste places"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Acinos,arvensis,Labiatae ,Basil Thyme,,,,”Calaminthos

acinos, Satureja acinos”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Agastache,urticifolia, ,,,,,low germ %; optimal- constant temp

of 15C with alternating light & dark,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ajuga,chamaepitys, ,,,,,optimum temp range 30-35C ,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ajuga,chamaepitys, ,Ground Pine,,,,,”UK, Mainland Europe

except Denmark & NE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Ajuga,chamaepitys,Labiatae ,Ground Pine,,,,,”UK, Mainland

Europe except Denmark & NE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Ajuga,iva,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ajuga,iva, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ajuga,reptans,,common bugle,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ajuga,reptans,,"Common Name(s): Bugle, Bugleweed","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive ""Perennial, 10-30 cm high, flowers 10-18 cm, blue-purple, stems hairy, leaves basal forming a rosette, 4-7 cm long, obovate or oblong long, obovate or oblong ""","Europe. Habitat: Woods, damp meadows and pastures"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Ajuga,reptans, ,,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Ajuga,reptans, ,,,,,Labiatae,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Ajuga ,reptans, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of spread -

localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Amethystea,caerulea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ballota,nigra,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ballota,nigra, ,black horehound,,,,,,Weed Science List

Basilicum,polystachyon,”syn Moschosma polystachyon, Ocymum

polystachyon”,,,,,”especially in areas with a pronounced dry

season; alongside ditches & watercourses, wet grasslands;scattered,

but often abundant; usually in settle ment areas; in Java from 0-600m

alt; flowers all year round; the branches wither quickly when the plant

is “,”SE Asia, tropics of Afr, SE Asia, throughout Malesia;

Aust & the Solomon Islands; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of

Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Calamintha,nepeta,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Calamintha,nepeta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cedronella,canariensis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Clinopodium,vulgare,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Coleus,spicatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dracocephalum,moldavica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dracocephalum,moldavica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dracocephalum,parviflorum, Moldavica parviflora,American

dragonhead,,,,4% germ after 2-18mths dry storage at 21C in dark in petri

dishes; other methods unsuccessful,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Dracocephalum,parviflorum, ,American

dragonhead,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Elsholtzia,ciliata, Elsholtzia patrinii,,,,,low temps decreased

germ % & prolonged period of germ,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Elsholtzia,ciliata, ,,,,,”E. patrini, E.

cristata”,Scattered in Eastern Europe and S Sweden,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Elsholtzia,ciliata,Labiatae ,,,,,”E. patrini, E.

cristata”,Scattered in Eastern Europe and S Sweden,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Elsholtzia,ciliata, ,,,,, Weed in rich site ,,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Elsholtzia,patrini, ,,,,,”perennial dominance,

sub-dominance “, Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Galeopsis,angustifolia, ,Narrow Leaved Hemp Nettle,,,,”G.

orophila, G. ladanum subsp. angustifolia”,”UK, Eire, Mainland

Europe, except NE,less in S Sweden”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Galeopsis,angustifolia,Labiatae ,Narrow Leaved Hemp

Nettle,,,,”G. orophila, G. ladanum subsp.

angustifolia”,”UK, Eire, Mainland Europe, except NE,less in S

Sweden”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Galeopsis,bifida, ,Hemp Nettle,,,,G. tetrahit subsp.

bifida,”All Europe, except Greece, Portugal, Spain & SW

France”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Galeopsis,bifida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Galeopsis,bifida, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Galeopsis,ladanum, ,Red Hemp Nettle,,,,G. intermedia,”All

Europe, except Greece, UK & eire”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Galeopsis,ladanum,Labiatae ,Red Hemp Nettle,,,,G.

intermedia,”All Europe, except Greece, UK & eire”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Galeopsis,pubescens, ,Downy Hemp Nettle,,,,G. tetrahit var

pubescens,Central Europe inc Italy,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Galeopsis,pubescens,Labiatae ,Downy Hemp Nettle,,,,G. tetrahit

var pubescens,Central Europe inc Italy,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Galeopsis,segetum, ,Yellow Hemp Nettle,,,,”G. dubia, G.

ochroleuca, G. grandiflora”,”Central & Western Europe &

UK, less in Central”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Galeopsis,segetum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Galeopsis,segetum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Galeopsis,speciosa,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Galeopsis,speciosa, ,Large Flowered Hemp Nettle,,,,”G.

sulfurea, G. versicolor”,”All Europe, except Greece, Eire,

Portugal, Spain & SW France”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Galeopsis,speciosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Galeopsis,speciosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Galeopsis,tetrahit,,Hemp nettle,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Galeopsis,tetrahit, ,Hemp nettle,,,,”44% germ,10wk old

seed soaked for 24hrs in 1000 ppm aqueous soln of K salt of GA; germ at

alt. temp of 5-15C in dark”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Galeopsis,tetrahit, ,Common Hemp Nettle,,,,”G. praecox, G.

reichenbachii”,Widespread in Europe & Asia,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Galeopsis,tetrahit, ,Common Hempnettle,,,,AlS inhibitors 1995

Canada Cereals , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Galeopsis,tetrahit, ,Hemp nettle,,,,,,Weed Science List

Galeopsis,tetrahit, ,hempnettle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Galeopsis,tetrahit, ,Hemp nettle,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Glechoma,hederacea,”Nepeta hederacea, N.

glechoma”,ground ivy,w,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Glechoma,hederacea,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Glechoma,hederacea, Nepeta glechoma,Ground ivy,,,,”seeds

collected in autumn, some stored at room temp, some outdoors in sacks

& sunk in a box in ground; both planted in spring in greenhouse -0%

germ; 23% germ of seeds collected in Oct & sown in Nov over period of

10-79days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Glechoma,hederacea, ,Gorund Ivy,,,,G. hindenburgiana,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Glechoma,hederacea,Labiatae ,Gorund Ivy,,,,G.

hindenburgiana,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Glechoma,hederacea, ,”ground ivy,

gill-over-the-ground”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell

and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US

National Parks, weed”

Glechoma,hederacea, ,ground ivy,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Glechoma,hederacea,”syn Nepeta glechoma, N.

hederacea”,ground ivy,,P,,”Source: “USA Composite List of

Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966In Holmes Geog Atlas

of Weeds, Weed in Canada, Finland, Germany, Japan, Soviet Union, and USA.

Present in New Zealand and Poland FlorasNominated as a potential weed of

t”,”Present in Europe, USA, and NZ. One record from Tasmania,

unconfirmed from S. Aust.”,Western Australian Prohibited List

Hedeoma,pulegioides, ,American pennyroyal,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hyptis,brevipes,,lesser roundweed,"plantation crops, orchards, vegetables rice; secondary forest, and disturbed sites in areas of high rainfall",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Hyptis,brevipes, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hyptis,brevipes, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Hyptis,brevipes,syn ,,,,,”mainly under everwet climatic

conditions, rarer in seasonally dry areas; from 0-1200m alt; flowers all

year round; rainfed & upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

once found in Bali at 3100m alt. near a fumarole”,”Mexico,

pantropical, along time ago natuaralized in Indonesia; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Hyptis,capitata,,knobweed,,LP,NT,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Hyptis,capitata, ,knobweed,,,,,”native of C Amer from

southern Mexico to Panama, it has spread to most of the tropical world,

principally as a result of man's commercial

activities”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Hyptis,capitata, ,knobweed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hyptis,capitata, ,knobweed,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Hyptis,capitata,syn ,,,,,”sunny or lightly shaded places;

along ditches, in moist scrub & moist parts of teak forests in Java;

in some places very common, in other areas scattered; from 0-1300m alt;

flowers all year round; upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”tropical Amer, pantropical, introd in Java in about 1880;

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Hyptis,lanceolata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hyptis,lanceolata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Hyptis,pectinata, ,comb hyptus,,,,”, pastures”,Fiji;

French Polynesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; American Samoa; Western

Samoa; Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Hyptis,pectinata,,comb hyptis,w,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Hyptis,pectinata, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop Amer; Extent of

spread - localised - spreading; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Hyptis,pectinata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hyptis,pectinata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List


horehound”,XHH,LP,NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hyptis,suaveolens, ,”hyptis,

horehound”,,,,”because of its aromatic oils, it is not

palatable to stock & becomes a problem in improved pastures; heavy

grazing of the more palatable sp reduces their vigour & encourages

its development, it becomes dominant, forming dense thickets rendering

infested a”,”native of tropical Amer which has spread to most

of the world's tropical regions; it occurs as a weed in Afr, India,

Indonesia, PNG, the Pacific Is & Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Hyptis,suaveolens, ,hyptis,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hyptis,suaveolens, ,wild spikenard,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hyptis,suaveolens, ,hyptis,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Lamium,amplexicaule,syn ,Henbit nettle,,,,”fields,

gardens, orchards, often in shaded habitats”,”Medit, Eur,

Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Lamium,amplexicaule,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lamium,amplexicaule, ,Henbit,,,,fresh seed dormant; dormancy

due to water soluble inhibitor which decreases during dry storage; red

light treatment overcome inhibition,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lamium,amplexicaule, ,Henbit Dead Nettle,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Lamium,amplexicaule, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lamium,amplexicaule, ,,,,,biennial sub-dominance , Upland Korea

Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Lamium,amplexicaule, ,”dead nettle, henbit, henbit dead

nettle, bee nettle, blind nettle”,,,,”Lamium amplexicaule is an

annual or biennial herb, and is at home in more than 50 crops and

countries and the contiguous ditch banks, roads, and headlands that are

necessary to agriculture. It may be toxic to farm animals under certain

conditions.”,”generally distributed throughout the major

agricultural regions of the temperate zones, and is notably absent, with

few exceptions, along the equator. Found in Afr, NZ, Aust, Great Britian,

Eur”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Lamium,amplexicaule, ,henbit,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lamium,galeobdolon,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lamium,galeobdolon, forma argentatum,,,,,Region of origin - Eur

to W Asia; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Lamium,hybridum, ,Cut Leaved Dead Nettle,,,,”L. incisum,

L. hybridum subsp. dissectum”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Lamium,hybridum,,deadnettle hybrid ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Lamium,hybridum,Labiatae ,Cut Leaved Dead Nettle,,,,”L.

incisum, L. hybridum subsp. dissectum”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Lamium,maculatum, ,spotted deadnettle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lamium,molucellifolium, ,Northern Dead Nettle,,,,L. intermedium

= L. purpureum x L. amplexicaule,”NE Europe, UK, Eire &

Scandinavia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lamium,molucellifolium,Labiatae ,Northern Dead Nettle,,,,L.

intermedium = L. purpureum x L. amplexicaule,”NE Europe, UK, Eire

& Scandinavia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Lamium,purpureum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lamium,purpureum, ,Red dead nettle,,,,16% germ only with temp

range of 7-35C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Lamium,purpureum, ,Red Dead Nettle,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Lamium,purpureum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lamium,purpureum, ,red deadnettle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lavandula,angustifolia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lavandula,angustifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lavandula,dentata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lavandula,dentata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lavandula,multifida,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lavandula,stoechas,,”topped lavender, bush lavender,

French lavender, Italian lavender, Spanish

lavender”,HHXw,NL,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lavandula,stoechas, ,Topped Lavender,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,Water,Wind. Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: Med and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lavandula,stoechas, ,”topped lavender, bush lavender,

French lavender, Italian lavender, Spanish

lavender”,,,,,”native of the Medit region, has been widely

distributed throughout the world as an ornamental sp; rarely becomes nat.

but is established as a weed in parts of Vic & SA”,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Lavandula,stoechas, ,topped lavender,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leonotis,leonurus,,lion's tail,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Leonotis,leonurus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leonotis,mollissima, ,,,,,seed germs readily; prechilling on

moistened filter paper in plastic bags at 35F for 3days prior planting

inc. germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Leonotis,nepetifolia,Phlomis nepetaefolia,”lion's tail,

lion's ear”,XHHw,NL,NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Leonotis,nepetifolia, Phlomis nepetaefolia,”lion's tail,

lion's ear”,,,,”in its native S Amer, it is often a serious

weed of rice & sugarcane; although not yet an aggressive weed in Qld,

it has the potential to develop dense colonies & in some areas, could

become a problem in sugarcane; it is more aggressive in the NT where,

b”,native of tropical S Amer has been introd to most areas of the

tropics,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Leonotis,nepetifolia, ,lion's tail,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leonurus,cardiaca, ,Motherwort,,,,some seed germ in 1st &

2nd spring after harvest; seeds placed in unheated germinator &

exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; 68%

germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Leonurus,cardiaca, ,common motherwort,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Leonurus,cardiaca, ,motherwort,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Leonurus,indicus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Leonurus,sibiricus,,honeyweed,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Leonurus,sibiricus, ,honeyweed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leonurus,sibiricus, ,honeyweed,,P,,”Species range: Hebei,

China; Nei Monggol, China; Shaanxi, China; Shanxi, China;Mongolia; Altay,

Russian Federation; Eastern Siberia, Russian Federation[Dauria]WRA score

of 9: REJECT spp.Species citations: V. L. Komarov et al., eds. 1934-1964.

Flora S”,”Species range: Hebei, China; Nei Monggol, China;

Shaanxi, China; Shanxi, China;Mongolia; Altay, Russian Federation;

Eastern Siberia, Russian Federation[Dauria] also, USA (Florida),

Paraguay, Peru, Venezuala, Puerto Rico and Queensland from Cape York

“,Western Australian Prohibited List

Leucas,cephalotes,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Leucas,decemdentata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Leucas,glabrata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leucas,glabrata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Leucas,lavandulaefolia,syn Leucas linifolia,,,,,”in areas

with a pronounced dry season, & also in areas with a short dry

period; on grassy sites, roadsides, fallow & neglected arable lands;

often very numerous; in Java form 0-1500m alt; flowers all year round;

upland rice fields, a weed of minor importa”,”continental Asia,

from India to China, throughout Malesia; throughout Indonesia, except

Kalimantan & Sulawesi, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Leucas,linifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Leucas,martinicensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Leucas,martinicensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leucas,urticaefolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leucas,urticaefolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Leucas,zeylanica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lycopus,americanus, ,American bugleweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lycopus,asper, ,rough bugleweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lycopus,europaeus, ,European bugleweed,,,,seeds germ in 1st

spring after harvest; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar

to those prevailing outdoors until germ; 91% germ for one lot & 37%

germ for another,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Lycopus,europaeus, ,European bugleweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lycopus,uniflorus, ,oneflower bugleweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Marrubium,vulgare,,”horehound, white

horehound”,HHXXAX,NL,NSW; Vic; SA; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Marrubium,vulgare, ,Horehound,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK:

Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 13,4,12”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Marrubium,vulgare, ,White horehound,,,,100% germ with alt. temp

20-30C & alt. light/dark; 92% germ with alt. temp 20-30C in

dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Marrubium,vulgare, ,”horehound, white

horehound”,,,,because of its bitter taste it is not palatable to

stock & is therefore encouraged by heavy grazing which reduces the

number & vigour of competing plants; it taints the meat of animals

that eat it & takes 7 days grazing on clean pasture for animals to

los,”originated in S &W Eur, C & W Asia & N Afr; it is

now spread throughout the temperate world & is regarded as a weed in

most areas; it is widespread in N Amer & is very common on the west

coast over a wide range of situations from arid hillsides to moist

c”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Marrubium,vulgare, ,horehound,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Marrubium,vulgare, ,Horehound * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN

SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Marrubium,vulgare, ,Horehound,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Marrubium,vulgare, ,white horehound,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Marrubium,vulgare, ,Horehound,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Melissa,officinalis,,lemon balm,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Melissa,officinalis,, lemon balm ,Widespread weed.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Melissa,officinalis, ,Lemon Balm,,,,”Dispersal: Water.

Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 6,8”,”Introduced

deliberately from: E Med and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Melissa,officinalis, ,lemon balm,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mentha,aquatica,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Mentha,aquatica, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st spring after harvest;

seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors until germ; 95% germ ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Mentha,aquatica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mentha,arvensis,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Mentha,arvensis, ,Corn Mint,,,,”M. agrestis, M. palustris,

M. canadensis”,”All Europe, N Amer, Asia”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Mentha,arvensis,Labiatae ,Corn Mint,,,,”M. agrestis, M.

palustris, M. canadensis”,”All Europe, N Amer, Asia”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Mentha,arvensis, ,field mint,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Mentha,arvensis, ,,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Mentha,gentilis, ,red mint,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Mentha,longifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Mentha,longifolia, ,Horse mint,,,,”M. sylvestris, M.

incana, M. mollissima”,Mainland Europe & S Sweden,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Mentha,longifolia,Labiatae ,Horse mint,,,,”M. sylvestris,

M. incana, M. mollissima”,Mainland Europe & S Sweden,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Mentha,longifolia subsp. typhoides,syn ,,,,,”Nile and

canal banks”“In rural Egypt, plant is added to water of hot

bath; it is useful for skin diseases. Infusion of leaves & flowering

summits is carminative”““,”E Medit, W

Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Mentha,piperita, ,peppermint,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Mentha,pulegium,Pulegium vulgare,”pennyroyal, European

pennyroyal, pennyroyal mint”,HX,NL,WA,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Mentha,pulegium, ,Pennyroyal ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Mentha,pulegium, ,Pennyroyal,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,8,9”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur-W As and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Mentha,pulegium, ,Penny Royal Mint,,,,Pulegium vulgare,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Mentha,pulegium, Pulegium vulgare,”pennyroyal, European

pennyroyal, pennyroyal mint”,,,,”introd to Aust as an

ornamental or culinary herb; it has since spread to all southern States

but does not occur in Qld or the NT; it occurs in NSW as small scattered

patches on the C & S Coast, parts of the Tablelands, the C & S

Western Slopes & the SW Pl”,”native to Eur & W Asia is

most abundant in the Medit region; it has been introd to many parts of

the world including Aust, Chile, India, NZ, Uruguay & the

US”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Mentha,pulegium, ,penny royal,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Mentha,pulegium, ,pennyroyal,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Mentha,pulegium, ,pennyroyal,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Mentha,spicata,,spearmint,HXw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Mentha,spicata, ,Spearmint,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

6,7,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: S&C Eur and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Mentha,spicata, ,Spear Mint,,,,”M. virides, M. sylvestris,

M. crispa, M. crispata”,”UK, Erie, Mainland Europe except

NE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Mentha,spicata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mentha,spicata, ,spearmint,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Mentha,spicata,,spearmint,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Mentha,suaveolens, ,Round Leaved mint,,,,”M. rotundifolia,

M. macrostachya, M. insularis”,”UK, Erie,S Sweden, Mainland

Europe except NE. Less in Eire and Eastern regions”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Mentha,suaveolens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mentha,viridis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Mentha,x piperata,,peppermint,HXw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Mentha,x piperata, ,Peppermint,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Vegetative.

Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Eur and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Mentha,x piperita,,peppermint,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Mentha,x piperita,,peppermint,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Mentha,x piperita,,peppermint,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Mentha,x rotundifolia,M. x suaveolens in WA,,,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mentha,x spicata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Moluccella,laevis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Molucella,laevis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Monarda,citriodora, ,lemon beebalm,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Monarda,fistulosa, ,Wild bergamot,,,,”42% germ of seed sown

2mths after collection over 10-57days, 18% germ 3mths after & 14%

germ 5mths after”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Monarda,fistulosa, ,wild bergamot,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Monarda,punctata, ,spotted beebalm,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Mosla,dianthera, , ,,,,paraquat 1990 Korea Cropland ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Mosla,dianthera, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Mosla,dianthera,,miniature beefsteak,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Mosla,japonica, ,,,,, , Miyasaki ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Nepeta,cataria,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Nepeta,cataria, ,Catnip,,,,4% germ with alt. 20-30C in dark

& 10% germ with 20-30C & alt. exposure to light,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Nepeta,cataria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nepeta,cataria, ,catnip,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Nicandra,physodes, ,apple-of-Peru,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ocimum,americanim,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ocimum,basilicum,,”sweet basil,

basil”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ocimum,gratissimum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ocimum,gratissimum, ,wild basil,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Ocimum,gratissiumum, ,wild basil,,,,”, pasture, disturbed

places”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New Caledonia;

American Samoa; Western Samoa; Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Ocimum,tenuiflorum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ocimum,X citriodorum,O. menthifolium?,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ocmium,basilicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ocmium,sanctum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Origanum,vulgare,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Origanum,vulgare,,"Common Name(s): Wild marjoram, Wintersweet, Organdy","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive ""Perennial, 2-6 dm high, flowers in spiky clusters with large purplish bracts, stems erect or ascending, branched above above ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Roadsides, old fields, open woods"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Origanum,vulgare, ,wild marjoram,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Platystoma,africanum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Platystoma,africanum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Plectranthus,amboinicus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Plectranthus,caninus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Plectranthus,ciliatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Plectranthus,ciliatus, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Plectranthus,ciliatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Plectranthus,ecklonii,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Plectranthus,ecklonii, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Plectranthus,neochilus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Plectranthus,ornatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Plectranthus,verticillatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pogostemon,auricularia,”syn Dysophylla auricularia, Mentha

auricularia”,,,,,”sunny, permanently or periodically wet sites,

border of ditches, grassy wastelands; from 0-2000m alt; flowers all year

round (Java); upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance, used for

stomach ailments of children; recorded as a potential cure for

ca”,”SE Asia, throughout SE Asia to S China & throughout

Malesia; throughout Indonesia, except the Lesser Sunda Islands, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Prunella,grandiflora,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Prunella,grandiflora, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Prunella,hyssopifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Prunella,laciniata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Prunella,laciniata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunella,vulgaris,,self heal,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Prunella,vulgaris, Brunella vulgaris,Healall,,,,”41% germ

at 20C of recently harvested seeds in light & 2% in dark; 68% germ in

20C dark, 88% at 20-30C in dark, & 72% at 20-30C in light within 1yr

of collection; 95% germ on moist sand after 4yrs dry

storage”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Prunella,vulgaris, ,Self Heal,,,,Brunella vulgaris,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Prunella,vulgaris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunella,vulgaris, ,healall,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rosmarinus,officinalis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Rosmarinus,officinalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salvia,aethiopis,,Mediterranean sage,,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Salvia,aethiopis, ,Mediterranean Sage ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Salvia,aethiopis, ,Mediterranean Sage ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Salvia,aethiopis, ,Mediterranean sage,,,,”seed tested

within 1 yr of harvest, at 20C in dark 44%, at 20-30C alt. with alt.

light/dark 36% & 44% in dark”,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Salvia,aethiopis, ,Mediterranean sage ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Salvia,aethiopis,,sage Mediterranean ,CLASS A WEED: Class A weeds are non-native species with a limited distribution in Washington. Eradication of these species is mandatory in all of Washington State.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Salvia,aethiopis, ,Mediterranean sage,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salvia,aethiopis, ,Mediterranean sage,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salvia,aethiopis, ,Mediterranean sage,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Salvia,apiana, ,white sage,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Salvia,aurea,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Salvia,aurea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salvia,coccinea,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Salvia,coccinea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salvia,coccinea, ,crimson sage,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salvia,leucantha,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Salvia,leucantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salvia,leucophylla, ,whiteleaf sage,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salvia,mellifera, ,black sage,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salvia,misella,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Salvia,plebeia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salvia,pratensis,,clary meadow,CLASS A WEED: Class A weeds are non-native species with a limited distribution in Washington. Eradication of these species is mandatory in all of Washington State.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Salvia,reflexa,Salvia lanceolata,”mintweed, lanceleaf

sage, narrow-leaf sage, wild mint”,,L,NSW; WA,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Salvia,reflexa, Salvia lanceolata,”mintweed, lanceleaf

sage, narrow-leaf sage, wild mint”,,,,”mintweed is a rapid

coloniser of disturbed soils, invading & replacing pastures weakened

by overgrazing, as well as competing with & reducing yields of winter

cereals, sorghum, maize & cotton; in Aust it is not usually a serious

weed of wheat unless crops”,”native of N & S Amer, it is

prevalent along the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains & in the

Western Great Plains of the US & parts of Canada; it is a serious

weed of cotton in west Texas, poses a threat to tomato fields in parts of

Ontario, & is imprt”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Salvia,reflexa, ,mintweed,,,, Was a prohibited spp. under old

seeds act with a limit of 50 seed per Kilo,,Weed Science List

Salvia,riparia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salvia,sclarea,,sage clary ,CLASS A WEED: Class A weeds are non-native species with a limited distribution in Washington. Eradication of these species is mandatory in all of Washington State.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Salvia,sonomensis, ,Sonoma sage,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salvia,verbenaca,,wild sage,HXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Salvia,verbenaca, ,,,,,S. clandestina,”UK, Eire, Southern

& Western Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Salvia,verbenaca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salvia,verbenaca, ,Wild Sage,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,Med, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Salvia,verticillata, ,,,,,”seed germ at various constant

temps from 7-35C, optimum 25C with 52% germ; alt. temps less effective;

seeds tested on filter paper moistened with water or 0.0001% GA did not

germ, only 1-2% germ with 0.005% & 0.03% soln of

GA”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Salvia,virgata, ,var sonarae Meadow Sage ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Salvia,viridis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Satureja,hortensis, ,Summer Savoury,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Satureja,pseudosimensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Satureja,pseudosimensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Satureja,vulgare, ,wild basil,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scutellaria,altissima, ,,,,,only 1.5% germ with 0.03% soln of

GA on filter paper in dark at 20-25C,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Scutellaria,galericulata, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st spring after

collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ75%,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Scutellaria,lateriflora, ,,,,,”88% germ at 20-25C in

diffuse light in 11days, no germ in dark within 21days”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Scutellaria,racemosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Scutellaria,racemosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sideritis,montana, ,,,,,,”Mainland Europe less in NW, not

Denmark”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Sideritis,montana,Labiatae ,,,,,,”Mainland Europe less in

NW, not Denmark”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Sideritis,romana, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Sideritis,romana,Labiatae ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Stachys,annua, ,Annual Woundwort,,,,S. neglecta,”Mainland

Europe, scattered in Scandinavia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Stachys,annua, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stachys,annua, ,hedgenettle betony,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Stachys,annua, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Stachys,arvensis,,stagger weed,XXXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Stachys,arvensis, ,Field Woundwort,,,,,”UK, Eire, central

and Western Europe, S Sweden”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Stachys,arvensis, ,stagger weed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stachys,arvensis, ,fieldnettle betony,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Stachys,byzantina,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Stachys,byzantina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stachys,floridana, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web Address:

,,”Florida Weeds,


Stachys,floridana, ,Florida betony,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Stachys,floridana,,hedge nettle,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Stachys,germanica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Stachys,palustris,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Stachys,palustris, ,March Woundwort,,,,”S. maeotica, S.

wolgensis”,”All Europe, Northen Hemisphere”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Stachys,palustris, ,marsh betony,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Stachys,sieboldii, ,artichoke betony,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Stachys ,sylvatica, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st & 2nd spring

after harvest; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to

those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ

97%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Teucrium,botrys, ,Cut Leaved Germander,,,,,”UK, Mainland

Europe except Greece & NE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Teucrium,botrys,Labiatae ,Cut Leaved Germander,,,,,”UK,

Mainland Europe except Greece & NE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Teucrium,canadense, ,,,,,”seed stored outdoors in sacks

buried in sand, germ in greenhouse following spring 12% in 22days, seed

stored indoors germ 6% in 23days”,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Teucrium,scordium,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Teucrium,scordium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Teucrium,scordium, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Teucrium,scorodonia,,”curled woodsage, woodsage, woodland

germander”,H,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Teucrium,scorodonia, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Teucrium,scorodonia , ,”curled woodsage, woodsage,

woodland germander”,,P,,”Become a significant weed in Tasmania,

AWC 34 Minutes, Sept 97Tasmanian DPI have released pamphlets on the weed

problems this spp. has shown in forests and plantationsis very tolerant

to hebicides.Weed Risk Assessment Score of 19: REJECT

spp.Speci”,”Species range: Austria; Belgium; United Kingdom;

Czechoslovakia; Germany;France [incl. Corsica]; Ireland; Switzerland;

Spain; Netherlands;Hungary; Italy [incl. Sardinia, Sicily]; Yugoslavia

[west]; Norway[south]; Poland [west]; Portugal [incl.

Madeira,”,Western Australian Prohibited List

Thymus,pulegioides, Thymus pulegioides ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st

spring after harvest; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar

to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ

88%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Thymus,serpyllum, ,creeping thyme,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Thymus,vulgaris,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Thymus,vulgaris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trichostema,dichotomum, ,bluecurls,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Akebia,quinata, ,”chocolate vine, Akebia

vine”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”


Cassytha,filiformis, ,dodder,,,,”tropical America, coconut

and pandanus seedlings, field crops, hedges”,Cook Islands; Fiji;

French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; New Caledonia; Papua

New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands;Tokelau;

Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna ,”“Weeds of Agriculture

and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Cassytha,filiformis, ,?,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cassytha,filiformis, ,?,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cinnamomum,camphor,,camphor-tree,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Cinnamomum,camphora,,camphor laurel,HXXS,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cinnamomum,camphora, ,Camphor Laurel

,,,,TREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Cinnamomum,camphora, ,camphor tree,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cinnamomum,camphora, ,camphor tree,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, coastal bush, riverbanksCultivated for:

ornament, shade, timber”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Cinnamomum,camphora, ,camphor tree,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, coastal bush, riverbanksCultivated for:

ornament, shade, timber”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Cinnamomum,camphora, ,Camphor Laurel ,,,,Major

WeedTrees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Cinnamomum,camphora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cinnamomum,camphora, ,camphor laural,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cinnamomum,camphora, ,camphor laural,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Laurus,nobilis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lindera,benzoin, ,common spicebush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Litsea,glutinosa, ,Indian laurel,,,,Proposed Declared Invader.

Woody SpeciesInvades: disturbed forest and forest marginsCultivated for:

ornament,Origin: tropical Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Litsea,glutinosa, ,Indian laurel,,,,Proposed Declared Invader.

Woody SpeciesInvades: disturbed forest and forest marginsCultivated for:

ornament,Origin: tropical Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Litsea,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Persea,americana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Persea,americana, ,avocado,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Persea,borbonia, ,redbay,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Sassafras,albidum, ,sassafras,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Umbellularia,californica, ,California laurel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Lemma,minor, ,,,,,”perennial dominance, sub-dominance

“, ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Lemma,polyrhiza, ,,,,,”perennial dominance, sub-dominance

“, ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Lemna,gibba, ,,,,,”some seed germ immediately after

harvest, remainder in 1st spring; seeds placed in water unheated

germinator & exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors;

76% germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Lemna,minor,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lemna,minor, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lemna,minor, ,”common duckweed, duckweed, lesser duckweed,

water lentil”,,,,”Lemna minor is an annual herb that occurs

either as single floating plants or as colonies of up to 5 or more

connected fronds. It is found on still or slightly moving water and

thrives in stagnant ponds, sloughs, lakes, canals, and roadside ditches

rich i”,It is a cosmopolitan plant of world-wide distribution,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Lemna,minor, ,common duckweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lemna,paucicostata, ,Duckweed,,,,” Aquatic weed,

free-floating “, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Lemna,perpusilla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lemna,perpusilla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Lemna,trisulca, ,star duckweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lemna ,minor, ,Common duckweed,,,,”species grown by

floating fronds in 1L aquaria, containing 500g of soil & 750ml tap

water; optimum growth at 30C & 1000 ft-c of light; vegetative

propagation”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Spirodela,polyrhiza, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spirodela,polyrhiza, ,Duckweed giant,,,,” Aquatic weed,

free-floating “, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Spirodela,polyrhiza, ,”large duckweed, giant

duckweed”,,,,”Spirodela polyrhiza is in the family of the

world's smallest seed bearing plants, the Lemnaceae, often called

duckweeds. This species is a weed problem in the world's leading

rice-producing countries and a troublesome problem in the world's

waterways. Bec”,general distribution over much of the area inhabited

by man,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Spirodela,polyrhiza, ,giant duckweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spirodela,polyrhiza, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Wolffia,columbiana, ,watermeal,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Wolffia,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List


Utricularia,aurea, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Utricularia,aurea,”syn Utricularia blumei,

Utricularia flexuosa, Utricularia reclinata”,,,,,”deep to

shallow, stagnant or sluggishly flowing fresh water in ditches, pool,

fishponds, lakes; from0-1500m alt; flowers all year round; irrigated-lowland,

lebak & tidal rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”Asia, from India to China & from Japan to Aust;

throughout Malesia & Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Utricularia,biflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Utricularia,foliosa, ,leafy bladderwort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Utricularia,gibba,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Utricularia,inflata, ,floating bladderwort

a,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published by

WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Utricularia,purpurea, ,purple

bladderwort,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Utricularia,vulgaris, ,Common bladder

wort,,,,”seeds germ in 1st & 2nd spring after harvest; seeds

placed in germinator, exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ 97%”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Utricularia,vulgaris, ,common

bladderwort,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Agapanthus,praecox, ssp. orientalis,,,,,Region of origin - S

Afr; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Agapanthus,praecox, ssp. praecox,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Agapanthus,praecox, ,Agapanthus,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Wind.

Life Form: Bulbous geophyte. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4-6,8,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Agapanthus,praecox, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Albuca,canadensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amaryllis,belladonna, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Asparagus,asparagoides, ,Bridal Creeper,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Tuberous geophyte. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,12,13”,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Asphodelus,fistulosus, ,Onion-weed,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Succulent herb, subshrub or shrub. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,3,4,12,”,”Med- N India, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Asphodelus,fistulosus,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Asphodelus,fistulosus, Asphodelus tenuifolius,”onion weed,

asphodel, hollow-stemmed asphodel, wild onion”,,,,”it

establishes most readily in disturbed situations, where there is very

little competition & has a preference for sandy alkaline soils; once

est. quite drought hardy; reduces carrying capacity of

area”,”native range extends from the Medit region through Asia

Minor to western Asia & northern India; spread to N Amer, NZ &

Aust only appears to be weedy in Aust”“occurs in all states,

mainly on roadsides, railway lines, neglected areas & poorer pastures

in se”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Asphodelus,fistulosus, ,onion weed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Asphodelus,ramosus,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Asphodelus,ramosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Asphodelus,ramosus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Asphodelus,tenuifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Asphodelus,tenuifolius, ,asphodelus,,,,”Asphodelus

tenuifolius is a serious weed in the India-Pakistan area and a close

relative, A. fistulosus, is a serious weed in areas of

Australia.”,,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm

et. al.

Asphodelus,tenuifolius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Bulbinella,floribunda, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bulbinella,robusta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chlorogalum,pomeridianum, ,soapplant,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chlorophytum,comosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chlorophytum,cormosum, ,Spider Lily

,,,,GROUNDCOVERS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John

Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Colchicum,autumnale,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Convallaria,majalis, ,Lily-of-the-valley,,,,”stratify seed

in moist peat 3 mths at 5C, then plant seed in soil in greenhouse &

leave for 2mths, transfer to 5C storage for 3-5mths, & transfer again

to greenhouse”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Convallaria,majalis,,Common Name(s): Lily-of-the-valley,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Spreads vegetatively, poisonous when eaten ""Perennial, 5-20 cm high, perianth bell-shaped, white, small, nodding, leaves 2-3 basal , oblong, dark green, heart-shaped, pale red ber","Eurasia. Habitat: Roadsides, abandoned yards, meadows"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Convallaria,majalis, ,lily-of-the-valley,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cyanella,hyacinthoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dasylirion,texanum, ,Texas sotol,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Dasylirion,wheeleri, ,Wheeler sotol,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gloriosa,superba, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hemerocallis,fulva,,Common Name(s): Orange daylily,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive ""Perennial, 1-1.5 m high, several orange flowers, 6 fused segments, leaves long, linear, keeled ""","Europe. Habitat: Roadsides, meadows, banks, waste places"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Hemerocallis,fulva, ,common daylily,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Hemerocallis,fulva, ,tawny daylily,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hymenocallis,caribaea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ipheion,uniflorum, ,Spring Star-flower,,,,”Dispersal: ?.

Life Form: Bulbous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: Arg and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ipheion,uniflorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lachenalia,aloides, ,Lachenalia,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative,Wind. Life Form: Bulbous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lachenalia,aloides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lachenalia,bulbifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lachenalia,reflexa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leucojum,aestivum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lilium,formosanum,,Taiwan Lily,XXXSX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lilium,formosanum, ,Taiwan Lily,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Wind.

Life Form: Bulbous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

6”,”Introduced deliberately from: Taiwan and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lilium,formosanum, ,Formosan Lily

,,,,GROUNDCOVERS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John

Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Lilium,formosanum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lilium,lancefolium,,lilium,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lilium,maximowiczii, ,,,,, , ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Lilium,tigrinum,,Tiger lily,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lilium,tigrinum, ,Tiger Lily,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative,?Wind. Life Form: Bulbous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

6”,”Introduced deliberately from: Ch,Jap and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lilium ,lancefolium, ,,,,,”Region of origin - E China,

Japan, Korea; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Maianthemum,racemosa,syn. Smilacina racemosa,feathery false

Solomon's seal,,,,30% germ in 264days of seeds planted in soil flats

& exposed to winter weather outdoors for 112days & only 2% of

those directly planted in greenhouse in 376days; seeds germ on blotters

at 20-25C in diffuse light/dark ,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Maianthemum,stellata,syn. SmilacinaSmilacina,starry false

Solomon's seal,,,,50% germ in194-500days of seeds planted in soil flats

& exposed to winter weather outdoors for 71days & only 7% of

those directly planted in greenhouse in 148-265days; seeds germ on

blotters at 20-25C in diffuse light/dark ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Nolina,microcarpa, ,sacahuista,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Nolina,texana, ,Texas sacahuista,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ruscus,accleatus, ,”butcher's broom, box holly, jew's

myrtle”,,,,”Ruscus acculeatus is listed inTurkey as X - present

as weed (the species is present & behaves as a aweed, but its rank of

importance is unknown)”,”Medit & Black Sea north to GB,

west to Azores.”,Holm et al 'A Geographical Atlas of World Weeds'

Scilla,hyacinthoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Scilla,hyancinthoides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Scilla,peruviana,,”Peruvian lily, Peruvian

jacinth”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Scilla,peruviana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Smilax,bona-nox, ,saw greenbrier,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Smilax,china, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland , Miyasaki Okayama

Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Smilax,glauca, ,cat greenbrier,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Smilax,laurifolia, ,laurel greenbrier,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Smilax,rotundifolia, ,common greenbrier,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Smilax,walteri, ,redbead greenbrier,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spiloxene,capensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sternbergia,lutea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trachyandra,divaricata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tulbaghia,violacea,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Veratrum,californicum, ,western false

hellebore,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Veratrum,lobelianum, ,,,,,studies of seed germ reported in

Russian,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Veratrum,lobelianum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Veratrum,lobelianum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Veratrum,viride, ,white hellebore,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Xerophyllum,tenax, ,beargrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Yucca,torreyi, ,Torrey yucca,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Zephyranthes,candida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Zephyranthes,grandiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Zigadenus,elegans, ,mountain deathcamas,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Zigadenus,fremontii, ,chaparral deathcamas,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Zigadenus,gramineus, ,grassy deathcamas,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Zigadenus,paniculatus, ,foothill deathcamas,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Zigadenus,spp, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Zigadenus,venenosus, ,meadow deathcamas,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Hydrocleys,bleheri, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Hydrocleys,nymphoides, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop.

Amer; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Hydrocleys,nymphoides,,water poppy,X,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hydrocleys,nymphoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Limnocharis,flava,,yellow burr-head,,L,Qld,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Limnocharis,flava,,"yellow bur-head ""yellow bur-head"" ""bur-head, yellow"" , yellow sawah lettuce ""yellow sawah lettuce"" ""lettuce, yellow sawah"" ",serious weed of rice and wetlands; used as a green vegetable,,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Limnocharis,flava, , ,,,,”2,4-D 1995 Indonesia Rice

“, heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Limnocharis,flava, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Limnocharis,flava,syn ,yellow sawah lettuce,,,,”in

freshwater pools & ditches, esp. moister regions; sometimes

gregrarious; from 0-2000m alt; flowers all year round; lowland-irrigated,

rainfed, lebak, & tidal rice fields, a weed of minor importance, but

may become noxious by overgrowingthe area, indica”,”tropical

Amer, SE Asia; found for the first time near Jakarta in 1870, but

probably introd much earlier, & has spread throughout Indonesia

except the Moluccas & Irian Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Limnocharis,flava, ,,,P,,AQIS Banned Spp.,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Limnocharis,humboldtii, ,,,P,,AQIS Banned Spp., ,Western

Australian Prohibited List


Linum,bienne,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Linum,bienne, ,,,,,”Region of origin - W Eur, Medit; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown”,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Linum,catharticum,,”purging flax, fairy flax, white

flax”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Linum,neomexicanum, ,New Mexico flax,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Linum,strictum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Linum,strictum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Linum,trigynum,,French flax,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Linum,trigynum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Linum,usitatissimum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Linum,usitatissimum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Linum,usitatissimum, ,common flax,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Grammatotheca,bergiana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Laurentia,longiflora,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Laurentia,longiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Laurentia,longiflora, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Monopsis,debilis,M. simplex,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Monopsis,simplex, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Buddleja,alternifolia,,fountain butterfly bush ,"Forming riparian monocultures along Salmon Cr. (Oakridge), and in Lake Oswego area.",,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Buddleja,davidii,,butterfly bush ,"Forming riparian monocultures along Salmon Cr. (Oakridge), and in Lake Oswego area. Displaces native willows which are essential for native butterflies.",,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Gelsemium,sempervirens,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gelsemium,sempervirens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gelsemium,sempervirens, ,yellow jessamine,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Nicodemia,madagascariensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polypremum,procumbens, ,polypremen,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Spigelia,anthelmia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spigelia,anthelmia,syn ,worm grass,,,,”weed of sandy

seashores, riverbanks, arable lands, gardens, roadsides, waste places; up

to 600m alt; locally someties abundant, but on the whole rare; flowers

all year round; upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance, flowers

opening from 2-5 o'clock”,”tropical Amer, tropical W Afr,

Malesia; inadvertently imported into Java in 1845 & spread throughout

Sumatra, Java & the Lesser Sunda Islands”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Spigelia,anthelmia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Strychnos,nux-vomica,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Strychnos,nux-vomica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Strychnos,nux-vomica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Strychnos,spinosa, ,”napal orange, spiny monkey

orange”,,P,,”Fruit REPORTED to be TOXIC,Msonthi, J. D.;

Galeffi, C.; Nicoletti, M.; Messana, I.; MariniBettolo, G.B. (1985)

Kingiside aglucone, a natural secoiridoid from unripe fruits ofStrychnos

spinosa. Phytochemistry 24(4):771-772This species is found

through”,”South Africa, see Coates Palgrave”,Western

Australian Prohibited List


Ammannia,microcarpa,syn ,,,,,”in wet sites; from 0-1400m

alt; lowland-irrigated rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”tropical Asia, tropical Asia; in Indonesia: Sumatra, Java

& the Lesser Sunda Islands, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice

in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Ammania,auriculata, ,redstem,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ammania,baccifera, ,,,,, , Thailand Taiwan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Ammania,coccinea, ,purple ammania,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ammannia,auriculata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ammannia,baccifera,syn ,,,,,”in inundated or very wet

sites; 0-1200m alt; lowland rice fields, may become very harmful in rice

fields, especially when fields run dry due to lack of water, in India,

leaves are used to reduce the sexual libido in animals”,”Asia,

tropical Amer & Asia; throughout Indonesia; except Kalimantan, as far

as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Ammannia,coccinea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ammannia,coccinea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ammannia,octandra,syn ,,,,,”in wet sites; usually rare,

but locally abundant; low altitudes; lowland-irrigated rice fields, a

weed of minor importance, but often becomes gregarious & may become

noxious, “,”tropical Asia, tropical Asia; in Indonesia: so far

only found in Java”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Ammannia,peploides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ammannia,peploides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ammannia,prieuriana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ammannia,prieuriana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cuphea,carthagenenis, ,Tarweed Cuphea,,,,paraquat 1984 Fiji

Taro , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Cuphea,carthagenensis, ,tarweed,,,,”tropical America,

“,Fiji; French Polynesia; New Caledonia; Niue; American Samoa;

Western Samoa; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Cuphea,carthagenensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cuphea,carthagenensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuphea,carthagenensis, ,tarweed cuphea,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cuphea,hyssopifolia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cuphea,petiolata, ,clammy cuphea,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cuphea,wrightii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cuphea,wrightii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Decodon,verticillatus, ,swamp loosestrife,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Heimia,salicifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lagerstroemia,indica, ,crapemyrtle,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Lythrum,hyssopifolia,,lesser loosestife,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lythrum,hyssopifolia, ,Grass Roly Poly,,,,,”All Europe, N

& S Amer, NZ & Aust”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Lythrum,hyssopifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lythrum,hyssopifolia, ,hyssop lythrum,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lythrum,junceum,,Mediterranean Loosestrife,H,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lythrum,junceum, ,Mediterranean

Loosestrife,,,,”Dispersal: animal external,Water. Life Form:

Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 9”,”Med, In

Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lythrum,junceum, ,,,,,”L. graefferi, L. acutangulum, L.

flexuosum”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Lythrum,junceum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lythrum,salicaria, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Lythrum,salicaria,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lythrum,salicaria,,"Common Name(s): Purple loosestrife, Swamp loosestrife","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Highly Invasive , Additional Comments : No safe form, easily transported seed, introduced 1800's ""Perennial, 5-12 dm high, many purple flowers on terminal spike, leaves opposite, 3-10 cm long ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Wetlands, disturbed areas, ditches, gardens"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Lythrum,salicaria,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Lythrum,salicaria,,loosestrife purple ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Lythrum,salicaria,,purple loosestrife ,Forms monocultures in wetlands. Has been found in Amazon Creek and Willamette River.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Lythrum,salicaria, ,Purple Loosestrife ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Lythrum,salicaria, ,Purple Loosestrife ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Lythrum,salicaria, ,Spiked loose strife,,,,84% germ of dry

stored seed of 1yr in diffuse light within 10days at 20-25C; seeds placed

in germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; germ

94%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lythrum,salicaria, ,Purple Loose Strife,,,,L.

intermedium,”All Europe, Central Asia, parts of N Amer”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Lythrum,salicaria, ,Purple Loose Strife,,,,L.

intermedium,”All Europe, Central Asia, parts of N Amer”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Lythrum,salicaria, ,Purple loosestrife ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Lythrum,salicaria, ,purple loosestrife,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Lythrum,salicaria, ,spiked loosestrife,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lythrum,salicaria,all var. & cultivars,purple

loosestrife,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE THREAT”Exotic plant species

which possess characteristics of invasive species and spread easily into

native plant communities and displace native vegetation; includes species

which are or could become widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Lythrum,virgatum,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Lythrum,virgatum,,loosestrife wand ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Lythrum,virgatum, ,,,,,,SE Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Lythrum,virgatum, ,,,,,,SE Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”


CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Rotala,indica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rotala,indica, ,,,,,annual dominance , Thailand Taiwan

Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Rotala,indica,,toothcup,"rice fields, river banks, ditches and moist environments",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Rotala,indica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rotala,mexicana,syn ,,,,,”soggy fields; from 0-1200m alt;

rather rare; lowland-irrigated & rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, “,”C Amer, Indonesia: Java & Iraina

Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Rotala,ramosior, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rotala,ramosior,”syn Rotala catholica, Ammannia

chatholica var. philippinensis; Ammannia humilis”,,,,,”usually

found in annually inundated areas; sometimes in shallow permanent water

in ponds, streams & occasionally in mud of marshes; flowering &

fruiting occur when the site dries out; from 20-200m alt; rainfed rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, it i”,”C Amer, probably

Mexico, introd a long time ago into the Philippines, where it is

naturalized; also common in rice fields of the USA & Northern Italy;

in Indonesia: Java & Sulawesi”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Rotala,ramosior, ,toothcup,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rotala,ramosior, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rotala,rosea ,”syn Rotala leptopetala, Ammannia

leptopetala, Ammannia pentandra”,,,,,”soggy fields, margins of

drainages; from 0-1100m alt; flowers all year round; tidal & rainfed

rice fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”Asia, throughout

Indonesia, except the Lesser Sunda Islands & the Moluccas, as far as

known; predominant in W Java, less frequent in C & E

Java”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Rotala,rotundifolia,,rotala,E,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Rotala,rotundifolia, ,,,,,Region of origin - India to Japan;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Rotala,rotundifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rotala,rotundifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Rotala,uliginosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rotala,uliginosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rotala ,indica,syn Ameletia actidens,,,,,”in rice fields,

river banks, ditches, very wet fields; locally often very numerous, but

on the whole rather rare; from 0-1000m alt; flowers in Java from Apr-Oct;

lowland-irrigated & rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”tropical Amer, pantropical; throughout Indonesia, except

Sulawesi & Irian Jaya, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”


Liriodendron,tulipifera, ,tuliptree,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Magnolia,acuminata, ,cucumbertree,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Magnolia,macrophylla, ,bigleaf magnolia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Magnolia,virginiana, ,sweetbay magnolia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Aruncus,dioicus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious



Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cotoneaster,divaricatus, ,,,,,Region of origin - China; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental - hedging,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Cotoneaster,franchetii,,orange cotoneaster,HH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cotoneaster,franchetii, ,,,,,Region of origin - China; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa


cotoneaster,XHSH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cotoneaster,horizontalis, ,,,,,Region of origin - China; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Cotoneaster,lacteus,,cotoneaster,HH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cotoneaster,lacteus, ,Cotoneaster ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cotoneaster,lacteus, ,,,,,Region of origin - China; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3


cotoneaster,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cotoneaster,microphyllus, ,,,,,Region of origin - Himalayas;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Cotoneaster,microphyllus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cotoneaster,pannosus,,”silver-leafed cotoneaster,

silverleaf cotoneaster”,HHH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cotoneaster,pannosus, ,Cotoneaster ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cotoneaster,pannosus, ,,,,,Region of origin - China; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Cotoneaster,pannosus, ,show-berry bushes,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, riverbanks, grassland, kloofs, rocky

outcropsCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin: Asia,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cotoneaster,pannosus, ,show-berry bushes,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, riverbanks, grassland, kloofs, rocky

outcropsCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin: Asia,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cotoneaster,pannosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cotoneaster,rotundifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cotoneaster,simonsii,,Simons' cotoneaster,XXH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cotoneaster,simonsii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cotoneaster,spp., ,cotoneaster,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Crataegus,azarolus,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Crataegus,crus-galli, ,cockspur hawthorn,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Crataegus,douglasii, ,black hawthorn,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Crataegus,laevigata,Crataegus oxyacanthoides,”hawthorn,

may, azzarola”,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Crataegus,laevigata, Crataegus oxyacanthoides,”hawthorn,

may, azzarola”,,,,”introd to Aust as a garden or hedge plant;

it is now well established to the east of Melb, in the NE & the NC

regions; it is particularly popular as a hedge plant in Tas; it is not a

problem in other States although it is naturalised on the southern Darli”,”Hawthorn

is highly regarded as a hedge plant because it forms an impenetrable

barrier resistant to grazing & is of particular value in coastal

areas where it tolerates salt-laden winds; when climate & soil are

suitable it spreads away from hedges, forming”,”Noxious Weeds

of Australia, P & C”

Crataegus,laevigata, ,may,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crataegus,laevigata, ,may,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Crataegus,marshallii, ,parsley hawthorn,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Crataegus,monogyna,,English hawthorn ,Dominates wetland and upland prairies. Becoming a serious problem in Portland area.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Crataegus,monogyna, ,Hawthorn ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Crataegus,monogyna,Mespilus monogyna,”hawthorn, may,

azzarola, whitethorn”,HHXAH,NLP,SA; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Crataegus,monogyna, ,Hawthorn,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,animal external?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Large

Small to medium shrubhrub/Tree. RISK: Very serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Crataegus,monogyna, Mespilus monogyna,”hawthorn, may,

azzarola, whitethorn”,,,,”introd to Aust as a garden or hedge

plant; it is now well established to the east of Melb, in the NE &

the NC regions; it is particularly popular as a hedge plant in Tas, it

also occurs in the Adelaide Hills of SA & appears to be spreading; it

is not a pr”,”Hawthorn has a wide native range from W Eur to

the Medit region, Asia Minor & Afghanistan; it has been distributed

throughout much of the temperate world but is considered weedy in only a

few places, including NE US & SE Aust; it occurs in NZ & is

increas”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Crataegus,monogyna, ,English hawthorne ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Crataegus,monogyna, ,singleseed hawthorne,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Crataegus,monogyna, ,May * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN SOUTH

AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control required in

part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable in part of

the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special program in

south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in

South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Movement prohibited on roads

(Section 52(2) applies)”,”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Crataegus,monogyna, ,hawthorn,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crataegus,monogyna, ,hawthorn,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Crataegus,oxyacantha, ,English hawthorne,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Crataegus,oxyacantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crataegus,rivularis, ,river hawthorn,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Crataegus,saligna, ,willow hawthorn,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Crataegus,sinaica,Crataegus azarolus,”hawthorn, may,

azzarola, azarola thorn, Neapolitan medlar”,H,LP,SA,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Crataegus,sinaica, Crataegus azarolus,”hawthorn, may,

azzarola, azarola thorn, Neapolitan medlar,”,,,,”introd to Aust

as a garden or hedge plant; it is now well established to the east of

Melb, in the NE & the NC regions; it is particularly popular as a hedge

plant in Tas, it also occurs in the Adelaide Hills of SA & appears to

be spreading; at this stage “,”Hawthorn is highly regarded as a

hedge plant because it forms an impenetrable barrier resistant to grazing

& is of particular value in coastal areas where it tolerates

salt-laden winds; when climate & soil are suitable it spreads away

from hedges, forming”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Crataegus,sinaica, ,Azzarola* ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN

SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Movement

prohibited on roads (Section 52(2) applies)”,”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Crataegus,sinaica, ,azzarola,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crataegus,sinaica, ,azzarola,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Crataegus,spp.,,hawthorns,w,GLP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Crataegus,succulenta, ,fleshy hawthorn,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Crataegus,x sinaica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eriobotrya,japonica,,”loquat, Japanese

plum”,XXw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eriobotrya,japonica, ,Loquat ,,,,TREES.,,”Environmental

Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Eriobotrya,japonica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Photinia,glabra,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Photinia,serratifolia,,Chinese hawthorn,w,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Photinia,serratifolia, ,,,,,Region of origin - China; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Pyracantha,angustifolia,,”orange firethorn,

firethorn”,HXASH,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pyracantha,crenulata,,Nepal firethorn,HH,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pyracantha,fortuneana,,”Chinese firethorn,

firethorn”,XH,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pyracantha,koidzumii,,”Formosa firethorn,

firethorn”,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pyracantha,koidzumii, ,,,,,Region of origin - Taiwan; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Pyracantha,koidzumii, ,,,P,,Region of origin - Taiwan; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamentalWeed in the ACT.listed

in CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3,,Western Australian Prohibited


Pyracantha,rogersiana,,firethorn,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Pyracantha,spp.,,firethorns,XXAH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Rhaphiolepis,indica,,”cherry laurel, Indian

hawthorn”,XXS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sorbus,americana, ,American mountainash,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sorbus,aucuparia,,”European mountainash, mountainash, rowan”,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sorbus,aucuparia,,European mountain ash,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Spread by birds ""5 m high, white flowers, leaves compound, 11-17 leaflets, fruits bright scarlet to orange-red berries """,Eurasia. Habitat: Urban areas," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Sorbus,aucuparia, ,European mountain ash ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Sorbus,aucuparia, ,European mountain ash,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Sorbus,domestica,,service tree,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Sorbus,domestica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Mascagnia,concinna, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mascagnia,concinna, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Mascagnia,pubiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mascagnia,pubiflora, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Bunchosia,glandulifera,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hiptage,benghalensis,,hiptage,S,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Hiptage,benghalensis,,hyptage,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Hiptage,madablota,,hiptage,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Hiptage,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated

by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive



Abelmoschus,manihot,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Abelmoschus,manihot,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Abelmoschus,manihot, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Abelmoschus,moschatus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Abelmoschus,moschatus,var. haenkeanus ,,,,, 38% germ of seeds

stored dry for 2wks after collection; seeds lightly covered with

sterilized moist sand,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Abutilon,grandifolium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Abutilon,grandifolium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Abutilon,molle, ,hairy abutilon,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Abutilon,theophrasti,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Abutilon,theophrasti,, velvetleaf,"Possible Weed of Agriculture, grassland and Forest: High Weed Potential in Disturbed areas",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Abutilon,theophrasti,” Abutilon abutilon, Abutilon

avicennae”,Velvetleaf,,,,”Lab germ: petri dish with moisten

paper for 2 days at 2-5oC, then 35oC for 5d; hard seeds placed in

boilingH2O 1min or in conc. H2SO4 15min, rinsed in water 30min, return

to35c for 2 d: Field- seed placed in conc. H2SO4 15min, rinsed 30min,

dried & sown”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Abutilon,theophrasti, ,,,,,A. avicennae,SE Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Abutilon,theophrasti, ,Velvetleaf ,,,,atrazine 1984 USA

Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Abutilon,theophrasti, ,”velvetleaf, Indian mallow,

butterprint veletleaf”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell

and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US

National Parks, weed”

Abutilon,theophrasti, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Abutilon,theophrasti, ,velvetleaf,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Abutilon,theophrastii, ,Velvetleaf ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Alcea,pallida, ,,,,,Althaea pallida,SE Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Alcea,pallida, ,,,,,Althaea pallida,SE Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Alcea,rosea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Althaea,cannabina, ,,,,,A. kotschyi,Southern & Eastern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Althaea,cannabina, ,,,,,A. kotschyi,Southern & Eastern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Althaea,hirsuta, ,Rough Marsh Mallow,,,,,Mainland Europe except

Denmark & NE,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Althaea,hirsuta, ,Rough Marsh Mallow,,,,,Mainland Europe except

Denmark & NE,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Anoda,cristata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Anoda,cristata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Anoda,cristata, ,spurred anoda,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gossypium,barbadense,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gossypium,hirsutum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gossypium,hirsutum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gossypium,thurberi,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gossypium,tomentosum, ,Hawaiian cotton,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hibiscus,cannabinus, ,Kenaf,,P,,Banned by AQIS,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Hibiscus,diversifolius,,swamp hibiscus,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hibiscus,diversifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hibiscus,lasiocarpus, ,woolly rosemallow,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hibiscus,mutabilis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hibiscus,mutabilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hibiscus,obtusilobus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hibiscus,obtusilobus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Hibiscus,palustris, ,swamp rosemallow,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hibiscus,rosasinensis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hibiscus,sabdariffa,,”rosella, Jamaica

sorrel”,HH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hibiscus,sabdariffa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hibiscus,syriacus,,rose of Sharon,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Hibiscus,tiliaceus, ,sea hibiscus,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Hibiscus,tiliaceus,,mahoe,,,,”Catergory II - Species that

shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species may

become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated disruption of

natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most Invasive

Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Hibiscus,trionum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Hibiscus,trionum, ,Venice mallow,,,,”63% germ of fresh

seed with seed coat removed; 90% germ after 2mths storage, pretreated

with conc. sulfuric acid for 20min & rinsed thoroughly in running

water; germ on moist blotters/sand at alt. temp

20C:16hrs-30C;8hrs”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Hibiscus,trionum, ,,,,,,”Central & Southern Europe,

more in SE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Hibiscus,trionum, ,Venice mallow ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Hibiscus,trionum, ,Venice mallow,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Hibiscus,trionum,syn ,”Bladder hibiscus,

Flower-of-an-hour”,,,,”summer weed, especially in cotton

fields, orchards & canal banks; more frequent in Upper

Egypt”,trop. regions of Afr & Asia,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Hibiscus,trionum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hibiscus,trionum, ,”bladder ketmia, flower of an hour,

bladder hibiscus, venice mallow”,,,,”Hibiscus trionum is often

troublesome in maize and other grains, in arable crops of several kinds,

but is seldom a weed of pastures and perennial plantation crops. The weed

is adaptable and frequents fallow land, roadsides, and waste places.”,distributed

mainly in the tropics and subtropics,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Hibiscus,trionum, ,Venice mallow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Kosteletzkya,virginica, ,seashore mallow,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lagunaria,patersonii,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lavatera,arborea,,tree mallow,XXH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lavatera,arborea, ,Tree Mallow,,,,Dispersal: ?Wind. Life Form:

Small to medium shrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur, In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lavatera,arborea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lavatera,assurgentifflora,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lavatera,assurgentiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lavatera,cretica,,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lavatera,cretica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lavatera,mauritanica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lavatera,trimestris,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lavatera,trimestris, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Lavatera,trimestris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Malachra,capitata,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Malachra,capitata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Malachra,capitata, ,malachra,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Malachra,capitata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Malachra,fasciata,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Malachra,fasciata, ,Malachra,,,,,,Weed Science List

Malachra,fasciata, ,Malachra,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Malva,hispanica, ,Spanish Mallow,,,,,Spain & Portugal,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Malva,hispanica, ,Spanish Mallow,,,,,Spain & Portugal,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Malva,moschata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Malva,moschata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Malva,moschata, ,musk mallow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Malva,neglecta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Malva,neglecta, ,Dwarf Mallow,,,,”M. rotundifolia auct., M

vulgaris”,”All Europe, W Asia & N africa”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Malva,neglecta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Malva,neglecta, ,common mallow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Malva,nicaeensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Malva,nicaeensis, ,,,,,M. montana,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Malva,nicaeensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Malva,nicaeensis, ,bull mallow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Malva,parviflora,,,HX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Malva,parviflora, ,,,,,M. microcarpa,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Malva,parviflora,syn ,Small-flowered mallow,,,,”fields,

gardens, orchards, roadsides, waste ground, Nile and canal banksFlowering

& fruiting branches are used as a gargle for their astringent

properties & also as a bechic & emollient in folk

medicine”,”Medit, Eur, W Asia”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Malva,parviflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Malva,parviflora, ,little mallow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Malva,pusilla, ,Small Mallow,,,,”M. rotundifolia L., M

borealis”,”All Europe except Eire, Portugal, Spain & SW

France, less in UK & SW Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Malva,pusilla, ,Small Mallow,,,,”M. rotundifolia L., M

borealis”,”All Europe except Eire, Portugal, Spain & SW

France, less in UK & SW Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Malva,rotundifolia, ,Dwarf mallow,,,,47% with alt. temp 20-30C

in light on blotters; germ on soil 55% at 20-30C in light,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Malva,rotundifolia, ,dwarf mallow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Malva,sylvestris,M. sylvestris var. mauritiana & var.

sylvestris,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Malva,sylvestris, ,,,,,seeds germ at once after harvested &

continued for several mths; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ; 95% germ,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Malva,sylvestris, ,Common Mallow,,,,”M. ambigua, M.

mauritiana”,All Europe & N Africa,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Malva,sylvestris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Malva,verticillata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Malvastrum,americanicum,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Malvastrum,americanum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Malvastrum,coromandelianum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Malvastrum,peruvianum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Malvastrum,peruvianum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Malvella,leprosa,”Malva leprosa, Sida hederacea, Sida

leprosa”,”alkali sida, ivy-leaf sida, alkali

mallow”,,LP,Vic; SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Malvella,leprosa, ,Alkali Mallow ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Malvella,leprosa,” Malva leprosa, Sida hederacea, Sida

leprosa”,”alkali sida, ivy-leaf sida, alkali

mallow”,,,,”a deep-rooted perennial, competes strongly with

pasture sp, particularly on alkaline soils; it is encouraged by

irrigation but has not been recorded in irrigated crops in Aust; it is

not readily eaten by animals, heavy grazing encourages the weed by

remov”,”originated in western N Amer, has not become

established in any foreign country other than Aust; it is of some imprt

as a weed in its native range, ie in California & Utah, it competes

occasionally with grain, cotton & orchards particularly on soils

which”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Malvella,leprosa, ,Alkali sida N # ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS

IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Malvella,leprosa, (was Sida leprosa),”alkali sida,

ivy-leaf sida”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Malvella,leprosa, ,”(was Sida leprosa) alkali sida,

ivy-leaf sida”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Modiola,caroliniana,,Carolina Mallow,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Modiola,caroliniana, ,Carolina Mallow,,,,”Dispersal:

Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,8”,”S Am, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Modiola,caroliniana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Modiola,caroliniana, ,bristly mallow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pavonia,coccinea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pavonia,hastata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pavonia,hastata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pavonia,lasiopetala, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pavonia,wrightii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sida,acuta, ,spinyhead sida,,,,”, pasture”,Cook

Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New

Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Sida,acuta,,”spinyhead sida, sida, broomweed, cheeseweed,

southern sida, spiny-headed sida”,XHX,L,NT; WA,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sida,acuta, ,Southern sida,,,,54% germ of seeds planted in moist

sand a few wks after collection,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Sida,acuta, ,”spinyhead sida, sida, broomweed, cheeseweed,

southern sida, spiny-headed sida”,,,,”this deep-rooted plant

competes strongly with crops & pastures for light & nutrients; it

is a serious weed of several crops, ranging from onions & beans in

Brazil to coffee in Colombia, coconuts in Trinidad, rubber in Malaysia,

pastures in the Markham Val”,”native of C Amer; it is now

widespread throughout the tropics & subtropics of the world,

including the SW Pacific islands & Aust; it grows between sea level

& 1500m altitude in Indonesia, is found in the foothills of the

Peruvian Andes & at medium & highe”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Sida,acuta, ,”spinyhead sida, sida”,,,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Sida,acuta, ,southern sida,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Sida,acuta, ,”spinyhead sida, sida”,,P,, Declared

spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sida,alba,syn S. spinosa,Prickly sida,,,,”fields,

roadsides, canal banks; especially frequent during summer in Upper

Egypt”,”trop. & S Afar, Amer”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Sida,angustifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sida,angustifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sida,cordifolia, ,flannel weed,,,,”, “,French

Polynesia; Guam; Papua New Guinea; Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Sida,cordifolia,,”flannel weed, sida, flannel sida,

heartleaf sida”,XH,L,NT; WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sida,cordifolia, ,”flannel weed, sida, flannel sida,

heartleaf sida”,,,,”Flannel weed is a serious weed in a wide

range of tropical & subtropical crops, ranging from rice in Brazil to

pineapples in S Afr, pastures in PNG & cotton, pastures, sugarcane

& tobacco in Aust, often reducing yields significantly; in the NT it

occasion”,”India is listed as the natural habitat of this

pan-tropical plant, it is probably native to all tropical regions,

including Austa common weed of disturbed soils throughout coastal Qld

& up to 650km inland, extending southward to the N Coast of NSW; it

is”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Sida,cordifolia, ,”flannel weed, sida”,,,, Declared

spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Sida,cordifolia, ,heartleaf sida,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sida,cordifolia, ,”flannel weed, sida”,,P,, Declared

spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sida,fallax, ,,,,,”, young coconut”,French Polynesia;

Kiribati; Tuvalu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty

in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Sida,hederacea, ,alkali sida,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sida,leprosa,,ivy-leaved sida,,L,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Sida,leprosa, ,Alkali Mallow ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Sida,physocalyx, ,tuberous sida,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sida,retusa, ,,,,,72% germ of seeds planted in moist sand a few

wks after collection,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Sida,rhombifolia, ,,,,,”, “,Cook Islands; Fiji;

French Polynesia; Guam; Marshall Islands; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New

Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga Tuvalu;

Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Sida,rhombifolia,”Sida retusa, Sida

rohlenae”,”paddy's lucerne, arrowleaf sida, broomstick, common

sida, jellyleaf, shrub sida”,XXH,NLP,NT,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Sida,rhombifolia,” Sida retusa, Sida

rohlenae”,”paddy's lucerne, arrowleaf sida, broomstick, common

sida, jellyleaf, Queensland hemp, shrub sida, sida

retusa”,,,,”this common weed of the warmer regions is a serious

competitor for light & nutrients in both crops & pastures; it is

becoming a problem in soyabeans & vegetable crops in Brazil, cotton

in the US & peanuts, tobacco & pastures in Aust; it is a common

compon”,”endemic throughout the tropics, including Austit is

common along the whole of the eastern & northern coasts of the

continent & also occurs sporadically inland; it is present in the

Kerang-Swan Hill region of Vic, the Western Plains of NSW, to the north

“,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Sida,rhombifolia, ,paddy's lucerne,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sida,rhombifolia,syn Sida retusa,,,,,”sunny or lightly

shaded, not too moist sites; preferably grasslands, also roadsides,

lawns, coconut groves; less common than Sida retusa; from 0-2100m alt; in

seasonal or non-seasonal regions (Java); upland & gogo rancah rice

fields, sometimes a useful pl”,”Asia, pantropical, also in the

subtropics; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Sida,rhombifolia, ,”common sida, paddy's lucerne, sida,

arrowleaf sida, broom weed”,,,,”Sida rhombifolia is a

persistent, semiwoody weed common in pastures, roadsides, waste areas and

short and long-season crops throughtout tropical and subtropical regions

and is described as a pantropical species. It is one of the most

widespread Sida spec”,”tropical, and subtropical

regions”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et.


Sida,rhombifolia, ,arrowleaf sida,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Sida,rhombifolia, ,paddy's lucerne,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Sida,spinosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sida,spinosa, ,Prickly Sida,,,,imazaquin 1995 USA ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Sida,spinosa, ,prickly sida,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sida,stipulata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sida,stipulata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Thespesia,populnea, ,”portia tree, seaside

mahoe”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Thespesia,populnea,,seaside mahoe,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Urena,lobata, ,”hibiscus burr, urena burr”,,,,”,

pasture, roadsides”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam;

Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands;

Tonga; Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Urena,lobata,,”urena weed, pink flowered Chinese

burr”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Urena,lobata, ,Cadillo,,,,81% germ of seeds planted in moist

sand 2wks after collection,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Urena,lobata, ,cadillo,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Urena,lobata,,Caesar's weed,,,,”Catergory II - Species

that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species

may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council


Haumania,danckelmaniana, ,,,P,,3 spp. from tropical

Africa,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Thaumastochloa,danielii,,sweet prayer plant,S,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa


Marsilea,aegyptiaca,syn ,Nardoo,,,,”canals, ditches,

rice fields, moist ground”,”Egypt, Tunisia, E Afr, SW Afr,

Madagascar”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Marsilea,crenata, ,water clover,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Marsilea,crenata,syn ,,,,,”wet or fallow fields,

shallow ditches & pools; locally abundant; occurs up to 900m alt;

irrigated, rainfed & lebak rice fields, vegetative growth &

reproduction is very fast, by creeping runners; the species also grows

under water, which makes control by “,”unknown, pantropical;

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Marsilea,mucronata, ,pepperwort,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Marsilea,mutica,,nardoo,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Marsilea,quadrifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Marsilea,quadrifolia, ,,,,,perennial sub-dominance , Taiwan

Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Marsilea,quadrifolia, ,”European pepperwort,

pepperwort”,,,,”Marsilea quadrifolia is an herbaceous,

heterosporous, perennial, widely distributed aquatic fern and a major

weed of paddy fields and a troublemaker in ponds, lakes and irrigation

systems in more than 40 countries. It is a serious weed of rice in

Banglad”,”circumpolar distribution; it is found over much of

Eur but is most troublesome in the west, southeast,a nd the northern

Medit area.”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm

et. al.

Marsilea,quadrifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Regnellidium,diphyllum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Regnellidium,diphyllum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


Ibicella,lutea,”Martynia lutea, Proboscidea lutea”,”yellowflower

devil's claw, elephant-tusks, goat head, unicorn plant”,,LP,NSW;

Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ibicella,lutea,” Martynia lutea, Proboscidea

lutea”,”yellowflower devil's claw, elephant-tusks, goat head,

unicorn plant”,,,,”originated throughout the Americas & has

become of some imprt as a weed in its native range, eg. in the western US

it occurs densely on grazing lands in some years & a weed of

cultivation following summer rains; is a weed of some imprt in the Transvaal

Pr”,,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Ibicella,lutea, ,yellowflower devil's claw,,,,,,Weed Science


Ibicella,lutea, ,yellowflower devil's claw,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Martynia,annua,Martynia diandra,”devil's claw,

smallfruit devil's claw, small-fruited devil's claw, tiger's claw, ice

plant”,XH,LP,NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Martynia,annua, Martynia diandra,”devil's claw,

smallfruit devil's claw, small-fruited devil's claw, tiger's claw, ice

plant”,,,,”native to Mexico has been introd as an ornamental to

most of the warmer parts of the world; it is now a common weed of the

West Indies & India & occurs frequently in Mauritius, the Seychelles

& Sri Lanka”,,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Martynia,annua, ,”devil's claw, small fruit devil's

claw”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Martynia,annua, ,”devil's claw, small fruit devil's

claw”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Proboscidea,fragrans,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Proboscidea,louisianica,”Martynia louisiana, Martynia

proboscidea, Proboscidea jussieui”,”purpleflower devil's claw,

elephant-tusks, goat head, unicorn plant”,,LP,NSW; Vic,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Proboscidea,louisianica,” Martynia louisiana, Martynia

proboscidea, Proboscidea jussieui”,”purpleflower devil's claw,

elephant-tusks, goat head, unicorn plant”,,,,”occurs in all

mainland States ex the NT, in isolated patches on roadsides, neglected

areas & occasionally on fallows & in annual pastures, but broad

area infestations area rare; it is more troublesome in NSW than other

States”,”originated throughout the Americas & has become of

some imprt as a weed in its native range, eg. in the western US it occurs

densely on grazing lands in some years & a weed of cultivation

following summer rains & is becoming a problem in vegetable crops

i”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Proboscidea,louisianica, ,Devil's claw ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to

spread,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Proboscidea,louisianica, ,purple flower devil's

claw,,,,”Common Name: Unicorn Flower, Ram's Horn Family:

Martyniaceae Stapf ( ~Pedaliaceae Stapf) Description: Annual, clammy, low

and spreading, to 3 feet across, branches in pairs; leaves nearly

orbicular to ovate-cordate, to 1 foot acros”,,Weed Science List

Proboscidea,louisianica, ,devilsclaw,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Proboscidea,louisianica,”syn P. jussieui, P.

louisiana”,”purple flower devil's claw,

unicorn-plant”,,P,,See also subordinate taxa: Proboscidea

louisianica ssp. fragrans Proboscidea louisianica ssp. louisianica W. C.

Martin & C. R. Hutchins. 1980. A flora of New Mexico. (F NewMex) J.

T. Kartesz. 1994. A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora

,”Mexico [north & central]; United States [south-central, but

widely natzd. elsewhere]; introd. & natzd. elsewhere”,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Proboscoidea,louisianica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Clidemia,hirta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Clidemia,hirta, ,curse,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Clidemia,hirta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Clidemia,hirta,,"Kosterís curse, soap bush","cocoa, tea, coconut, oil palm and rubber plantations, cultivated areas, pastures, secondary forest and woodlands; other disturbed sites",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Clidemia,hirta, ,Koster's curse,,,,”South America,

pasture, native vegetation”, Fiji; Niue; American Samoa; Western

Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Clidemia,hirta, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Clidemia,hirta,,Koster's curse,,L,Qld,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Clidemia,hirta, ,”soapbush, Koster's

cure”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Melastoma,affine,”syn Melastoma malabathricum,

Melastoma,malabathricum,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Melastoma polyanthum”,,,,,”in Imperata fields & other

grassy areas, secondary forests, brushwoods; sunny, wet to very dry

sites, also in bamboo groves, in some places forming pure stands; also in

tea & cinchona plantations; from 0 up to 2100m alt; upland& tidal

rice fields, a weed “,”Asia, tropical Asia; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Melastoma,malabathricum, ,Banks

melastoma,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Melastoma,malabathricum, ,Banks

melastoma,,,,”Melastoma malabathricum is a perennial shrub, and

ranks as an important world weed because it is so widespread and

competitive in the agriculture of tropical and subtropical Asia, particularly

in all kinds of perennial plantations and orchards and also

in”,tropical and subtropical climates,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories

& Distribution - Holm et. al.

Melastoma,sanguineum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Melastoma,sanguineum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Miconia,calvescens, ,,,,,”, “,French Polynesia;

New Caledonia; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Miconia,calvescens, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Miconia,calvescens, ,velvet tree,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Miconia,spp.,,miconia,E,L,Qld,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ossaea,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Tibouchina,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Tristemma,mauritianum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa


Azadirachta,indica,”Melia azadirachta, Antelaea

azadirachta”,neem,w,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cedrela,odorata,,Spanish cedar,E,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Chukrasia,velutina,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Khaya,senegalensis,,”African mahogany, Senegal

mahogany”,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Melia,azedarach,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Melia,azedarach, ,Chinaberry tree,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Melia,azedarach,,chinaberry,Nature: Medium tree growing to about 50 ft that spreads by prolific seeding. Uses: Traditional ornamental and potential uses of extracts as pesticides.Herbicide control: No control research reports found.,Origin: Introduced from Asia and traditionally planted at home sites in theSoutheast.Range: Forest borders and disturbed habitat throughout the Southeast butrare at high elevations.,"EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANTS IN SOUTHEASTERN FORESTS, James H. Miller, Southern Research Station USDA Forest Service Auburn University, AL, weed"

Melia,azedarach, ,”syringa, Persian

lilac”,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader. Subject of herbicide

registration Woody SpeciesInvades: savanna, roadsides, urban open space,

wasteland, riverbanksCultivated for: ornament, shade”,Origin: Asia

(Indian cultivar),Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Melia,azedarach, ,”syringa, Persian

lilac”,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader. Subject of herbicide

registration Woody SpeciesInvades: savanna, roadsides, urban open space,

wasteland, riverbanksCultivated for: ornament, shade”,Origin: Asia

(Indian cultivar),Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Melia,azedarach, ,chinaberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Melia,azedarach,,Chinaberry,,,,”Catergory I - Species that

are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This

definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical range

of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Melia,azedarach,,Chinaberry,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Toona,ciliata, ,”toon tree, toonboom”,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest gaps, plantations, riverbanks, roadsidesCultivated

for: timber, ornament, shade”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Toona,ciliata, ,”toon tree, toonboom”,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest gaps, plantations, riverbanks, roadsidesCultivated

for: timber, ornament, shade”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)



honeyflower,XXX,NLP,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Melianthus,comosus, ,tufted honeyflower,,,,”although

all parts are toxic, the objectionable odour deters grazing animals &

the plant is rarely eaten; flowers are attractive to bees & a dark

possibly poisonous honey is produced; very dense clumps restrict animal

movement & reduce pasture production;”,”originated in

southern Afr & has acquired some status as a garden plant throughout

the worldintrod to Aust as a garden plant, still grown in Vic gardens;

has become nat. in several areas particularly near Benalla in the NE, the

Grampians & near Geelong, “,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Melianthus,comosus, ,tufted honeyflower,,,,,,Weed Science


Melianthus,comosus, ,tufted honeyflower,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Melianthus,major,,Cape honey flower,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Melianthus,major, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Calycocarpum,lyoni, ,cupseed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cissampelos,pareira,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cissampelos,pareira, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cissampelos,pareira, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cocculus,carolinus, ,redberry moonseed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Menispermum,canadense, ,common moonseed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Menyanthes,trifoliata, ,Common bogbean,,,,”vegetative

reproduction more important than seed; seeds have hard coat,placed in

water viable after 15mths; 80% germ in 10-14days of allowing water access

to embryo by removal of seed coat in light”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Menyanthes,trifoliata, ,common bogbean,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Nymphoides,indica,syn Limnanthemum indicum,,,,,”in

shallow, stagnant or slow-flowing water, usually in pools & ditches

& margins of lakes; 0-1900m; lowland-irrigated & lebak rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, seed set occurs only when long &

short styled plants are crossed”,”tropical Amer, Mexico, C

Amer, W Indies, tropical Asia, Aust, Polynesia, everywhere in Indonesia,

except Kalimantan”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Nymphoides,humboldtianum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nymphoides,humboldtianum, ,syn. Limnanthemum

spp.,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Nymphoides,peltatum,,"Common Name(s): Floating heart, Yellow floating heart"," Wetland Potential Invasive ""5 cm high, flowers yellow, 3 cm across, leaves round to oval, 13 cm long, brown on underside ""","Europe. Habitat: Wetlands, fresh water"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"


Galenia,pubescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Galenia,secunda, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Glinus,lotoides,syn ,Hairy glinus,,,,muddy Nile and canal

banks,”trop., subtrop. & warm temp. regions of the Old World;

introduced into Amer”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Glinus,lotoides,”syn Mollugo hirta, Molluga lotoides,

Tryphera prostrata”,,,,,”in cultivated areas, on soggy &

periodically desiccated soils, on usually heavy soils but also lighter

soils; in desiccated pools & ditches; often gregarious; in everwet

& seasonal regions; from 0-800m alt; flowers profusely in Java from

Aug-Dec; flowers “,”Africa or Asia, southern Eur, N &

tropical Afr, S & SE Asia (from Malesia to Aust), Amer; in Indonesia:

Sumatra, Java, the Lesser Sunda Islands & Sulawesi, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Glinus,oppositifolius,”syn Mollugo oppositifolia,

Mollugo spergula”,,,,,”in cultivated areas, often in regions

with a pronounced dry season, on periodically soggy & subsequently

desiccating lighter soils, but also on heavy soils, desiccated pools

& ditches; up to 100(-400)m alt; Less common than Glinus lotoides;

upland rice fi”,”Asia or Afr, tropical Afr & Asia, Malesia

to Aust; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Mollugo,nudicaulis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mollugo,nudicaulis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Mollugo,pentaphylla,syn ,,,,,”in cultivated areas, in

regions with or without a pronounced dry season, in sunny or somewhat

shaded, often sandy or stony sites; in fields, gardens, premises,

railroads banks, teak forests; up to 1200m alt; locally often abundant,

especially in the wet s”,”SE Asia, tropics & subtropics of

the Old World, Malesia, rare in Aust, also in New Britian, Micronesia,

New Caledonia, & Afr; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice

in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”


Broussonetia,papyrifera, ,paper mulberry,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Broussonetia,papyrifera, ,paper mulberry,,,,”tropical

America, natural forest, roadsides”,French Polynesia; American

Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu; Wallis &

Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Broussonetia,papyrifera, ,papermulberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Broussonetia,papyrifera,,paper mulberry,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Broussonetia,papyrifera,,paper mulberry,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Castilla,elastica,,”Panama rubber tree, castilla rubber

tree”,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Fatoua,villosa,,hairy crabweed,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Ficus,altissima,,false banyan,,,,”Catergory II - Species

that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species

may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Ficus,benghalensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ficus,benjamina,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ficus,benjamina,,weeping fig,,,,”Catergory II - Species

that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species

may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Ficus,carica,,common fig,XH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ficus,carica, ,edible fig,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Ficus,carica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ficus,carica, ,Edible Fig ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Ficus,elastica, ,Rubber Tree ,,,,TREES.,,”Environmental

Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Ficus,microcarpa,,laurel fig,,,,”Catergory I - Species that

are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This

definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical range

of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Ficus,pumila,,”climbingfig, creeping rubber

plant”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ficus,pumila, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ficus,religiosa,,bo tree,,,,”Catergory II - Species that

shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species may

become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated disruption of

natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most Invasive

Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Ficus,spp., ,ornamental figs,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Maclura,baccata, ,osage orange,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Maclura,pomifera,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Maclura,pomifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Maclura,pomifera, ,osageorange,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Morus,alba,,white mulberry,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Morus,alba, ,Mulberry ,,,,TREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of

North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”


CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Morus,alba, ,white mulberry,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Morus,alba, ,white mulberry,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader.

Woody SpeciesInvades: savanna, grassland, roadsides, riverbanks, urban

open spaceCultivated for: edible fruit”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Morus,alba,,White mulberry,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Spread by birds, hybridizes with rare native Red Mulberry 25 m high, small greenish flowers, leaves wedge-shaped, hairless, sharply toothed, fruit 10-20 mm long, white, red, or bl","Eurasia. Habitat: Waste areas, fence rows, forest edges"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Morus,alba, ,white mulberry,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader.

Woody SpeciesInvades: savanna, grassland, roadsides, riverbanks, urban

open spaceCultivated for: edible fruit”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Morus,alba, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Morus,alba, ,white mulberry,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Morus,nigra, ,black mulberry,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Morus,nigra, ,black mulberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Morus,rubra, ,red mulberry,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966


Moringa,oleifera, ,horseradish tree,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Moringa,pterygosperma,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Moringa,pterygosperma, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Heliconia,psittacorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heliconia,psittacorum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Musa,acuminata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Musa,acuminata X M. balbisiana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa


Myoporum,laetum, ,Myoporum ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Myoporum,laetum, ,”myoporum, ngaio tree”,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Myoporum,tenuifolium, ssp. montanum,Chinnock,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: coastal fynbos, riverbanks, valleys, coastal

dunesCultivated for: ornament, shade, shelter”,Origin:

Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Myoporum,tenuifolium, ssp. montanum,Chinnock,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: coastal fynbos, riverbanks, valleys, coastal

dunesCultivated for: ornament, shade, shelter”,Origin:

Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)


Comptonia,peregrina, ,sweetfern,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Myrica,californica, ,Pacific waxmyrtle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Myrica,cerifera, ,southern waxmyrtle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Myrica,faya,Morella faya,fayatree,E,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Myrica,faya, ,”fire tree, faya tree”,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Myrica,faya, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Myrica,faya, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Myrica,pensylvanica, ,northern bayberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Ardisia,crenata,,coral berry,XS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ardisia,crenata, ,,,,,Region of origin - Japan to N India;

Extent of spread - localised - 3 plants; Means of spread -

ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Ardisia,crenata, ,Coral Berry

,,,,SHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Ardisia,crenata, ,”coral ardisia, hen's

eyes”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Ardisia,crenata, ,Coral Berry

,,,,Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Ardisia,crenata,,coral ardisia,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage caused.”,,List

of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Ardisia,crispa,,coral ardisia,S,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ardisia,crispa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ardisia,elliptica, ,shoebutton ardisia,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Ardisia,elliptica,,shoe button ardisia,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Ardisia,solanacea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ardisia,solanacea, ,shoebutton ardisia,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Ardisia,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated

by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive



Agonis,flexuosa,,WA Willow-myrtle,XX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Agonis,flexuosa, ,WA Willow-myrtle,,,,”Dispersal:

?Water,?Wind. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4”,”Introduced deliberately from: WA and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Angophora,costata,,Smooth Angophora,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Angophora,costata, ,apple jack,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Wind.

Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,4”,”Introduced

deliberately from: NSW,Ald and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Baeckea,virgata,,tall baeckea,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Baeckea,virgata, ,Tall Baeckea,,,,Dispersal: Water. Life Form:

Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”Introduced

deliberately from: Vic, NSW, Qld, NT and Commercially Available, , In

Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Callistemon,rigidus,,stiff-leaved bottlebrush,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Callistemon,rigidus, ,Bottlebrush,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 2,5,8,9”,”Introduced deliberately from: NSW,Qld and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Callistemon,rugulosus,,Bottlebrush,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Callistemon,rugulosus, ,Bottlebrush,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 9”,”Introduced deliberately from: Vic,SA and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Calothamnus,quadrifidus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Calothamnus,validus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Chamelaucium,uncinatum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eucalyptus,botryoides,,southern mahogany,HX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eucalyptus,botryoides, ,Southern Mahogany,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: Vic, NSW and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Eucalyptus,calophylla,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eucalyptus,camaldulensis,,red river gum,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eucalyptus,camaldulensis, ,longbeak eucalyptus,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Eucalyptus,camaldulensis, ,red river gum,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: perennial, seasonal an dintermittent

watercoursesCultivated for: shelter, timber, firewood, ornament; provides

honey”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Eucalyptus,camaldulensis, ,red river gum,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: perennial, seasonal an dintermittent

watercoursesCultivated for: shelter, timber, firewood, ornament; provides

honey”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Eucalyptus,citriodora,,lemon gum,XH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Eucalyptus,cladocalyx,,sugar gum,HXH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eucalyptus,cladocalyx, ,Sugar Gum,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Wind.

Life Form: Tree. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,8,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: SA and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Eucalyptus,cladocalyx, ,sugar gum,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: fynbos, forest gaps, plantations, watercoursesCultivated

for: shelter, timber, firewood, ornament; provides honey, indispensable

for the bee-keeping industry”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Eucalyptus,cladocalyx, ,sugar gum,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: fynbos, forest gaps, plantations, watercoursesCultivated

for: shelter, timber, firewood, ornament; provides honey, indispensable

for the bee-keeping industry”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Eucalyptus,conferruminata,,Bald Island Marlock,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eucalyptus,conferruminata, ,Bald Island Marlock,,,,Dispersal:

Wind. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,”Introduced

deliberately from: WA and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or

localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Eucalyptus,diversicolor, ,karri,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

fynbos, forest gaps, roadsides, watercoursesCultivated for: timber,

shelter, ornament; provides honey”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Eucalyptus,diversicolor, ,karri,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

fynbos, forest gaps, roadsides, watercoursesCultivated for: timber,

shelter, ornament; provides honey”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Eucalyptus,globulus,,”blue gum, Tasmanium blue

gum”,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eucalyptus,globulus, ,Tasmanian Blue Gum ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Eucalyptus,globulus, ,Tasmania blue gum eucalyptus,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Eucalyptus,gomphocephala,,tuart,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Eucalyptus,gomphocephala, ,Tuart,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Introduced deliberately from: WA and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Eucalyptus,grandis, ,saligna gum,,,,”Subject of herbicide

registration.Woody SpeciesInvades: forest gaps, plantations,

watercoursesCultivated for: timber, shelter, shade, firewood; provides

honey”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Eucalyptus,grandis, ,saligna gum,,,,”Subject of herbicide

registration.Woody SpeciesInvades: forest gaps, plantations,

watercoursesCultivated for: timber, shelter, shade, firewood; provides

honey”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Eucalyptus,lehmannii,,bushy yate,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Eucalyptus,lehmannii, ,Bushy Yate,,,,”Dispersal: Wind.

Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,4”,”Introduced

deliberately from: WA and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Eucalyptus,lehmannii, ,spider gum,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: coastal fynbos, coastal dunesCultivated for: timber,

shelter, sandbinding; provides honey”,Origin: Australia,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Eucalyptus,lehmannii, ,spider gum,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

coastal fynbos, coastal dunesCultivated for: timber, shelter,

sandbinding; provides honey”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Eucalyptus,leucoxylon,,yellow gum,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Eucalyptus,leucoxylon, ,Yellow Gum,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a negative

visual impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,4”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Vic,NSW,SA and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Eucalyptus,maculata,,spotted gum,HH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Eucalyptus,maculata, ,Spotted Gum,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Wind.

Life Form: Tree. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,5”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Vic,NSW,Qld and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Eucalyptus,muelleriana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eucalyptus,polyanthemos,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eucalyptus,polyanthemos, ,redbox gum,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Eucalyptus,saligna,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eucalyptus,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated

by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Eucalyptus,tereticornis, ,horncap eucalyptus,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Eugenia,jambolana, ,Java plum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eugenia,jambos, ,roseapple,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Eugenia,myrtoides, ,boxleaf eugenia,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eugenia,uniflora,,”red Brazil cherry, Suriname

cherry”,S,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eugenia,uniflora, ,suriname cherry,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Eugenia,uniflora, ,Brazilian Cherry

,,,,Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Eugenia,uniflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eugenia,uniflora,,Surinam cherry,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Leptospermum,laevigatum,,”coastal tea-tree, Victorian

tea-tree”,HH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Leptospermum,laevigatum, ,Coast Tea-tree,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub/Tree. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from:

Vic,NSW,Tas and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Leptospermum,laevigatum, ,Australian myrtle,,,,”Declared

Invader; Proposed Declared Weed. Subject of herbicide registration &

biocontrol investigation.Woody SpeciesInvades: forest clearings, mountain

and lowland fynbos, on sandy soilsCultivated for: shelter, hedging,

ornament”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Leptospermum,laevigatum, ,Australian myrtle,,,,”Declared

Invader; Proposed Declared Weed. Subject of herbicide registration &

biocontrol investigation.Woody SpeciesInvades: forest clearings, mountain

and lowland fynbos, on sandy soilsCultivated for: shelter, hedging,

ornament”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.



tea-tree,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Leptospermum,petersonii, ,Lemon-scented Tea-tree,,,,Dispersal:

?Wind. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub/Tree. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,”Introduced deliberately from: NSW,Qld and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lophostemon,confertus,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lophostemon,confertus, ,vinegartree,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Melaleuca,armillaris,,Giant Honey-Myrtle,HX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Melaleuca,armillaris, ,Giant Honey-Myrtle,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub/Tree. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from:

Vic,NSW,Qld,Tas and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Melaleuca,decussata,,totem-poles,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Melaleuca,decussata, ,Totem-poles,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: Vic,SA and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Melaleuca,diosmifolia,,green honey-myrtle,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Melaleuca,diosmifolia, ,Green Honey-Myrtle,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 2,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: WA and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Melaleuca,hypericifolia,,red honey-myrtle,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Melaleuca,hypericifolia, ,Red Honey-Myrtle,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: NSW and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Melaleuca,lanceolata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Melaleuca,nesophila,,mauve honey-myrtle,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Melaleuca,nesophila, ,Mauve Honey-Myrtle,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 2,4”,”Introduced deliberately from: WA and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Melaleuca,parvistaminea,,Rough Paperbark,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Melaleuca,parvistaminea, ,Rough Paperbark,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 2,4”,”Introduced deliberately from: Vic,NSW and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Melaleuca,pentagona,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Melaleuca,quinquenervia,,,aquatic/terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Melaleuca,quinquenervia, ,broad-leaved paperbark,,,,”,

“,French Polynesia; New Caledonia ,”“Weeds of Agriculture

and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Melaleuca,quinquenervia, ,”melaleuca, paperbark tree”,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Melaleuca,quinquenervia*,,”melaleuca, broad-leaf paper

bark”,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are invading and disrupting

native plant communities in Florida. This definition does not rely on the

economic severity or geographical range of the problem, but on the

documented ecological damage caused.*P =Prohibited by Flo”,,List of

Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Melaleuca,quinqueneveria, ,”Paperbark, Punk Tree

“,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory

(CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a

database, accessible through the Internet, containing information on

noxious weed control in California. This information will

f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Melaleuca,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated

by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive Weeds”

Metrosideros,excelsa, ,New Zealand bottlebrush,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: coastal fynbos on moist, peaty soilsCultivated for:

ornament, shade, shelter”,Origin: New Zealand,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Metrosideros,excelsa, ,New Zealand bottlebrush,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: coastal fynbos on moist, peaty soilsCultivated for:

ornament, shade, shelter”,Origin: New Zealand,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Myrtus,communis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Psidium,catleianum, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Psidium,catteianum, ,Red Cherry Guava

,,,,SHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Psidium,cattelianum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Psidium,cattleianum, ,strawberry guava,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Psidium,cattleianum, ,strawberry guava,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Psidium,cattleianum,,strawberry guava,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Psidium,cattleyanum,P. littorale,strawberry

guava,XwX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Psidium,guajava, ,guava,,,,”, pasture, foresty, waste

land”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Fed. States of

Micronesia; Guam; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua

New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga;

Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Psidium,guajava, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated

by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Psidium,guajava,,”common guava, yellow

guava”,XXwX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Psidium,guajava, ,Guava ,,,,SHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds

Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Psidium,guajava, ,common guava,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Psidium,guajava, ,guava,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader.

Subject of herbicide registration Woody SpeciesInvades: forest margins,

subtropical savanna, roadsides, watercoursesCultivated for: edible fruit,

shade”,Origin: tropical Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Psidium,guajava, ,guava,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader.

Subject of herbicide registration Woody SpeciesInvades: forest margins,

subtropical savanna, roadsides, watercoursesCultivated for: edible fruit,

shade”,Origin: tropical Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Psidium,guajava, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Psidium,guajava, ,guava,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Psidium,guajava,,guava,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are

invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This

definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical range

of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Psidium,guineense,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Psidium,guineense, ,Brazilian guava,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, wasteland, in vicinity of DurbanCultivated

for: ornament”,Origin: tropical Amer ,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Psidium,guineense, ,Brazilian guava,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, wasteland, in vicinity of DurbanCultivated

for: ornament”,Origin: tropical Amer ,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Psidium,guineense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Psidium,littorale, var. longipes,”strawberry guava, cherry

guava”,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: subtropical savanna, forest

marginsCultivated for: edible fruits, ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Psidium,littorale, var. longipes,”strawberry guava, cherry

guava”,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: subtropical savanna, forest

marginsCultivated for: edible fruits, ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Psidium,x durbanensis, ,Durban guava,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, wasteland, in vicinity of DurbanCultivated

for: ornament”,Origin: S Afr,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Psidium,x durbanensis, ,Durban guava,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, wasteland, in vicinity of DurbanCultivated

for: ornament”,Origin: S Afr,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Rhodomyrtus,tomentosa,,”hill cherry, Ceylon hill

cherry”,,NPQ,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rhodomyrtus,tomentosa,,downy rose myrtle,"environmental weed; pastures, rangelands and untended areas",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Rhodomyrtus,tomentosa, ,downy rose myrtle,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Rhodomyrtus,tomentosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rhodomyrtus,tomentosa, ,downy rosemyrtle,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhodomyrtus,tomentosa, ,Ceylon hill cherry,,P,,NAQS Target

Weeds,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rhodomyrtus,tomentosa,,downy rose-myrtle,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Syzygium,cumini,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Syzygium,cumini, ,Java plum,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Syzygium,cumini, ,jambolan,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

coastal bushCultivated for: ornament, edible fruits “,Origin:

Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Syzygium,cumini, ,jambolan,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

coastal bushCultivated for: ornament, edible fruits “,Origin:

Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Syzygium,cumini,,”jambolan, Java

plum”,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are invading and

disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This definition does not

rely on the economic severity or geographical range of the problem, but

on the documented ecological damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Syzygium,jambos,,rose apples,E,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Syzygium,jambos, ,rose apple,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

coastal bushCultivated for: ornament, edible fruits”,Origin:

Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Syzygium,jambos, ,rose apple,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

coastal bushCultivated for: ornament, edible fruits”,Origin:

Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Syzygium,jambos,,rose-apple,,,,”Catergory II - Species

that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species

may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Thryptomeme,calycina,,Grampians thryptomeme,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Thryptomeme,calycina, ,Grampians Thryptomeme,,,,Dispersal: ?.

Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5,”Introduced deliberately from: Vic and Commercially Available, ,

In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Verticordia,monodelpha,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Najas,flexilis, ,slender naiad,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Najas,guadalupensis, ,Southern naiad,,,,basal portions of

4-6inch apical cutting placed in plastic pots filled with sandy loam

soil; pots placed in glass jars filled with tap water; jars held at 80F

under 60-80ft-c of light for 10hrs; plants grew vigorously in

3wks,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Najas,guadalupensis, ,southern naiad,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Najas,guadelupensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Najas,guadelupensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Najas,malesiana,”syn Najas falciculata, Najas

graminea”,,,,,”in streams forests & pools, often in (swamp)

forests, in ditches, fish ponds; at low & medium altitudes, once

found (Sumatra) at 1000m; flowering all year round; lowland irrigated

& tidal rice fields, a weed of minor importance, although it can be a

nuisa”,”Asia, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Indochina,

Malesia, usually rare; in Indonesia so far known in: Sumatra, Java,

Kalimantan & Sulawesi”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Najas,marina, ,Hollyleaf naiad,,,,seeds stored 1mth in tap

water in dark at 1-3C germ a few at a time over 6mth; seeds stored under

same conditions for 7mths germ poorly & irregularly; dried seeds

didn't germ; seeds may have been immature at testing,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Najas,marina, ,hollyleaf naiad,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Najas,minor, ,,,,,seeds stored 1mth in tap water in dark at

1-3C germ a few at a time over 6mth; seeds stored under same conditions

for 7mths germ 1-2%; no germ of dry stored seed; seeds may have been

immature at testing,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Najas,minor, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Najas,minor, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Najas,pectinata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Najas,pectinata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Najas,spp., ,Naiad,,,,” Aquatic weed, submerged “,

Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Najas ,flexilis, ,Slender naiad,,,,seeds stored 1mth in tap

water in dark at 1-3C germ a few at a time over 6mth; seeds stored under

same conditions for 7mths germ 87% within 6days,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Najas ,graminea, ,,,,,”Najas graminea is a submerged

herbaceous, monoecious aquatic plant. It causes problems in about 40

countries, as it chokes streams and canals, and expands into great

tangled masses of plant material which hinders fishing, fish culture, the

movement of ba”,temperate and tropical regions,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Najas ,marina, ,”hollyleaf naiad, bushy pondweed,

hollyleaf naiad, marine naiad, spiny naiad, water

nymph”,,,,”Najas marina is a submerged herbaceous, dioecious

aquatic plant. It causes problems in about 40 countries, as it chokes

streams and canals, and expands into great tangled masses of plant

material which hinders fishing, fish culture, the movement of

baots”,temperate and tropical regions,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories

& Distribution - Holm et. al.


Nelumbo,lutea,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Nelumbo,lutea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nelumbo,lutea, ,American lotus,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Nelumbo,lutea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Nelumbo,nucifera, ,Lotus,,,,” Aquatic weed, emerged

“, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia


Nephrolepis,cordifolia,,”narrow swordfern, erect

sword fern, ladder fern, tuberous sword fern”,XX,NL,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Nephrolepis,cordifolia, ,Fishbone Fern ,,,,Major

WeedGROUNDCOVERS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John

Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Nephrolepis,cordifolia, ,tuber sword fern,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Nephrolepis,cordifolia, ,Fishbone Fern ,,,,Major

WeedGround Covers.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Nephrolepis,cordifolia,,sword fern,,,,”Catergory I

- Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Nephrolepis,hirsutula, ,,,,,”, coconuts”,Cook

Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; American Samoa;

Western Samoa; Solomon Islands ;Tokelau; Tonga; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Nephrolepis,multiflora,,Asian sword

fern,,,,”Catergory II - Species that shown a potential to disrupt

native plant communities. These species may become ranked as Catergory I,

but have not yet demonstrated disruption of natural Florida communities.

“,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest

Plant Council

Nephrolepis,rivularis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nephrolepis,rivularis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


Allionia,incarnata, ,trailing four-o'clock,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Boerhaavia,coccinea, ,red spiderling,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Boerhaavia,coulteri, ,Coulter spiderling,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Boerhaavia,erecta, ,erect spiderling,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Boerhaavia,repens, ,creeping spiderling,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Boerhavia,coccinea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Boerhavia,diffusa, ,”tar vine, spreading hogweed, sow

weed, creeping spiderling”,,,,,Widely distributed weed in tropical

and subtropical regions of the world.,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Boerhavia,erecta,,,"peanuts, sorghum, rice and other annual crops; weed of cultivated land, pastures and coastal environments",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Boerhavia,erecta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Boerhavia,erecta, ,,,,, Seed Impurities , Thailand ,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Boerhavia,erecta,syn ,,,,,”open, sunny places; in

disturbed forests, foreshores, grasslands, pastures, roadsides,

cultivated lands; from 0-2100m alt; upland rice fields, may become a

serious weed in annual crops, the anthocarp is not sticky when dry, but

becomes so when wet because”,”tropical & subtropical Amer,

pantropical, not in Aust; throughout Indonesia, except Kalimantan &

the Lesser Sunda Islands, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Boerhavia,erecta, ,”erect spiderling,

spindlepod”,,,,,Widely distributed weed in tropical and subtropical

regions of the world.,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution -

Holm et. al.

Boerhavia,erecta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Boerhavia,schomburgkiana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Bougainvillea,glabra,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Mirabilis,hirsuta, ,hairy four-o'clock,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Mirabilis,jalapa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Mirabilis,jalapa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mirabilis,jalapa, ,prairie four-o'clock,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Mirabilis,linearis, ,narrowleaf

four-o'clock,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Mirabilis,nyctaginea, ,Four o'clock ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Mirabilis,nyctaginea, ,wild four-o'clock,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Brasenia,schreberi, ,watershield,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hydrostemma,kunstleri, ,syn. Barclaya,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Hydrostemma,motleyi, ,syn. Barclaya,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Nuphar,advena, ,spatterdock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Nuphar,lutea, ,,,,,”vegetative reproduction by rhizome

buds;20% germ of seed collected in autumn & sown on a layer of sand

in glass jars containing 3-4inches of water, kept in unheated greenhouse,

germ at irregular intervals up to mid winter”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Nuphar,pumila, ,,,,,”vegetative reproduciton by rhizome

buds; seeds are set annually, but conditions for germ are

unknown”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Nuphar,spp.,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Nuphar,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Nuphar,variegatum, Nymphozanthus variegatus,,,,,43% germ of

seed stored in tap water in dark at 1-3C for 7mths; seeds dry stored or

in water at room temp failed to germ even after chilling or puncturing

seed coats,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Nymphaea,alba,,”water lily, white water

lily”,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Nymphaea,alba, ,Water Lily,,,,Dispersal: Vegetative. Life

Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

10,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur (garden origin) and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Nymphaea,alba, ,,,,,”vegetative reproduction by rhizome

buds; 80% germ of seed kept in 7.5-10cm of water in unheated greenhouse

during winter then sown in shallow pans of sand in 10-30cm of water, both

in light & in dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Nymphaea,alba, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nymphaea,amazonum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nymphaea,amazonum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Nymphaea,caerulea,N. capensis,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Nymphaea,capensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nymphaea,coerulea, ,sky blue water lily,,,,,,Weed Science


Nymphaea,coerulea,”syn N. stellata, N. zenkeri (subspp.

of N. coerulea)”,sky blue water lily,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Nymphaea,gigantea,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Nymphaea,mexicana,,”yellow water lily, banana

waterlily”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Nymphaea,mexicana, ,Banana Waterlily ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Nymphaea,mexicana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nymphaea,mexicana, ,banana waterlily,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Nymphaea,odorata,,”waterlily, fragrant waterlily,

American white waterlily”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Nymphaea,odorata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nymphaea,odorata, ,fragrant waterlily,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Nymphaea,polysepela,,water lily ,"Not yet a problem here, but has established elsewhere.",,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Nymphaea,stellata, ,,,,,”This spp. is considered

naturalised in the Eastern states, (SWL Jacobs, Telopea (5) 703-703,

1994)and is considered a synonym of N. nouchali”,,Weed Science List

Nymphaea,stellata,= N. nouchali,,,P,,, Exceptions Noted in

Comments on Taxa section,Western Australian Prohibited List

Nymphaea,tuberosa, ,White waterlily,,,,”good germ after

2-7mths of storage in tap water in dark at 1-3C, then germ in jars of tap

water in diffuse light on greenhouse bench”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Nymphaea,tuberosa, ,white waterlily,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Nymphaea,zenkeri,= sub spp. of N. coerulea,sky blue water

lily,,P,,Nymphaea lotus (zenkeri) - or the Tiger Lotus - is recognised to

be among the most graceful aquarium plants. It is a quite variable

species and the leaf colour may vary from bright green over red-brown to

red-violet. It is without comparison the most ,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


Ochna,natalitia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ochna,natalitia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ochna,pulchra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ochna,pulchra, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ochna,serrulata,,”ochna, mickey mouse

plant”,HXSX,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ochna,serrulata, ,Ochna ,,,,Major

WeedSHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Ochna,serrulata, ,Ochna ,,,,Major

WeedTrees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Ochna,serrulata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Forestiera,acuminata, ,swamp privet,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Forestiera,neomexicana, ,New Mexico forestiera,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Forestiera,pubescens, ,elbowbush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Fraxinus,americana, ,white ash,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Fraxinus,angustifolia,,desert ash,XA,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Fraxinus,caroliniana, ,Carolina ash,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Fraxinus,latifolia, ,Oregon ash,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Fraxinus,nigra, ,black ash,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Fraxinus,ornus,,flowering ash,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Fraxinus,ornus, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Medit, S Eur,

Turkey; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Fraxinus,ornus, ,Flowering Ash,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Wind.

Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Med,SC Eur,Turkey and Commercially Available, , In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Fraxinus,pennsylvanica, ,green ash,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Fraxinus,quadrangulata, ,blue ash,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Fraxinus,rotundifolia,,Desert Ash,HX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Fraxinus,rotundifolia, ,Desert Ash,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Very serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,8”,”Med,SW As and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare

or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Fraxinus,tomentosa, ,pumpkin ash,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Fraxinus,uhdei, ,shamel ash,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Fraxinus,velutina, ,velvet ash,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Jasminum,dichotomum,,Gold Coast jasmine,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Jasminum,fluminese,,jasmine,,,,”Catergory I - Species that

are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This

definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical range

of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Jasminum,mesneyi,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Jasminum,polyanthum,,winter jasmine,S,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Jasminum,sambac,,Arabian jasmine,,,,”Catergory II - Species

that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species

may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Jasminum,sp., ,Jasmine ,,,,VINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of

North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Jasminum,spp., ,”Gold Coast jasmine, azores

jasmine”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Ligustrum,japonicum, ,Japanese wax-leaved privet,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest, woodland, riverbanksCultivated for: ornament,

hedging”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ligustrum,japonicum,,Japanese privet,"Nature: Shade-tolerant, tall shrub or small tree growing to about 35 ft,with evergreen leaves, that spreads by bird-dispersed seeds and by rhizomes. Uses: Ornamental and wildlife food and habitat.Herbicide control: Glyphosate (Accord and Roundup) has demo",Origin: Introduced from Japan and Korea.Range: NC and SC to GA west to TX.,"EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANTS IN SOUTHEASTERN FORESTS, James H. Miller, Southern Research Station USDA Forest Service Auburn University, AL, weed"

Ligustrum,japonicum, ,Japanese wax-leaved privet,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest, woodland, riverbanksCultivated for: ornament,

hedging”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ligustrum,japonicum,,Japanese privet,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Ligustrum,lucidum,,large-leaf privet,XXXwH,NLP,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ligustrum,lucidum, ,Glossy Privet ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Ligustrum,lucidum, ,Large-leaf Privet,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub/Tree. RISK:

Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 4,5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: E

As and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ligustrum,lucidum, ,Large-leaved Privet ,,,,Major

WeedTREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Ligustrum,lucidum, ,Large-leaved Privet ,,,, Major Threat

Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Ligustrum,lucidum, ,broad-leaved privet,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ligustrum,lucidum, ,broad-leaved privet,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Ligustrum,lucidum,,glossy privet,,,,”Catergory II - Species

that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species

may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Ligustrum,ludicum, ,Chinese wax-leaved privet,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest, woodland, wasteland, riverbanks, wetlands,

coastal dunesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ligustrum,ludicum, ,Chinese wax-leaved privet,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest, woodland, wasteland, riverbanks, wetlands,

coastal dunesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ligustrum,ovalifolium, ,Californian pivet,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest, woodland, riverbanksCultivated for: ornament,

hedging”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ligustrum,ovalifolium, ,Californian pivet,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest, woodland, riverbanksCultivated for: ornament,

hedging”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ligustrum,sinense,,Chinese privet,XHXwH,NLP,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ligustrum,sinense,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Ligustrum,sinense,,Chinese privet,"Nature: Shade-tolerant, tall shrub or small tree growing to about 30 ft,with evergreen leaves, that spreads by bird-dispersed seeds and by rhizomes. Uses: Ornamental and wildlife food and habitat.Herbicide control: No control research reports found.","Origin: Introduced from China.Range: Scattered throughout MS north to TN and KY and east to AL, GA, SC,and NC.","EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANTS IN SOUTHEASTERN FORESTS, James H. Miller, Southern Research Station USDA Forest Service Auburn University, AL, weed"

Ligustrum,sinense, ,Chinese Privet,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Potential threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 8”,”Introduced deliberately from: E As and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ligustrum,sinense, ,Small-leaved Privet ,,,,Major

WeedTREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Ligustrum,sinense, ,Chinese pivet,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

forest, woodland, riverbanksCultivated for: ornament,

hedging”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ligustrum,sinense, ,Chinese pivet,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

forest, woodland, riverbanksCultivated for: ornament,

hedging”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ligustrum,sinense, ,Small-leaved Privet ,,,,Major

WeedTrees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Ligustrum,sinense, ,small-leaved privet,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ligustrum,sinense, ,small-leaved privet,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Ligustrum,sinense,,”Chinese privet, hedge

privet”,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are invading and

disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This definition does not

rely on the economic severity or geographical range of the problem, but

on the documented ecological damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Ligustrum,sinense,,privet,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess characteristics of

invasive species and spread easily into native plant communities and

displace native vegetation; includes species which are or could become

widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Ligustrum,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Ligustrum,spp.,,privets,XXXXwX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ligustrum,spp., ,privets,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Ligustrum,vulgare,,Common privet,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potentially Invasive ""White flowers in clusters, leaves opposite, simple, berry like fruits Invasive Potential : P """,Origin :. Habitat: Habitat :," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Ligustrum,vulgare,,European privet,HXw,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ligustrum,vulgare, ,European Privet,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,8,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,N Af and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ligustrum,vulgare, ,common pivet,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

forest, woodland, riverbanksCultivated for: ornament,

hedging”,Origin: Medit,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ligustrum,vulgare, ,common pivet,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

forest, woodland, riverbanksCultivated for: ornament,

hedging”,Origin: Medit,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ligustrum,vulgare, ,privet,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ligustrum,vulgare,,common privet,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess characteristics of

invasive species and spread easily into native plant communities and

displace native vegetation; includes species which are or could become

widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Olea,europaea,,European olive,XHXXHSX,NL,SA,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Olea,europaea,Olea africana,African olive,HHS,NL,SA; NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Olea,europaea,,European olive,HHXXHSX,NL,SA,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Olea,europaea, ,Olive,,,,”Dispersal: Bird, internal,animal

(not bird), internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,8,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: Med and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Olea,europaea, ,olive,,,,”the olive apart from its valuable

oil production can become a major invading sp. of parklands; many

seedlings appear under old established trees & develop rapidly where

grazing is limited or absent, as a result the olive is spreading rapidly

in parkland a”,”endemic throughout the Medit region but, as it

has been cultivated in the whole of that area for some thousands of

years, it cannot be categorically stated that it is indigenous to the

region; it is now grown in most warm-termperate regions of the

world”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Olea,europaea, ,olive,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Olea,europaea, ssp. africana,African Olive

,,,,Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Olea,europaea, ,olive,,,,,,Weed Science List

Olea,europaea (excluding cultivated trees), ,Olive * ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”, Roadside control cost to be

met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies),”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Olea,europea, ,ssp. africanus Common

Olive,,,,TREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John

Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Phillyrea,latifolia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Syringa,vulgaris,,Lilac,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive ""5 m high, flowers purple, pink or white in clusters, fragrant, leaves deciduous, simple, opposite, 5-12 cm long, heart-shaped, pointed, smooth """,Europe. Habitat: Old homesteads," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Syringa,vulgaris,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Syringa,vulgaris, ,common lilac,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Circaea,alpina, ,,,,,”prechilling required; seeds kept

outdoors for 83 days, germ 47% in greenhouse over 28-98 days; seeds

planted directly in greenhouse didn't germ”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Epilobium,adenocaulon, ,American willowherb,,,,paraquat 1982

Belgium Pear , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Epilobium,adenocaulon, ,American willowherb,,,,paraquat 1989

United Kingdom Hops ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Epilobium,adenocaulon, ,American willowherb,,,,atrazine 1995

Poland Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Epilobium,adenocaulon, ,American willowherb,,,,”simazine

1980 Belgium Nurseries, Orchards, “,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Epilobium,adenocaulon, ,American willowherb,,,,simazine 1981

United Kingdom Orchard ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Epilobium,adnatum, , ,,,,triazines 1981 France ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Epilobium,angustifolium, ,Fireweed,,,,seeds planted in

greenhouse in late autumn of year collected germ within 13days

readily,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Epilobium,angustifolium, ,Rose Bay Willow

Herb,,,,”Chamaenerion angustifolium, E. spicatum”,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Epilobium,angustifolium,Onagraceae ,Rose Bay Willow

Herb,,,,”Chamaenerion angustifolium, E. spicatum”,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Epilobium,angustifolium, ,fireweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Epilobium,ciliatum,,Glandular Willow-herb,XAX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Epilobium,ciliatum, ,Glandular Willow-herb,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

7,8,9,14,15”,”N Am, In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Epilobium,ciliatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Epilobium,collinum, ,,,,,,,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Epilobium,collinum,Onagraceae ,,,,,,,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Epilobium,halleanum, ,,,,,”scarification by shaving off

one edge of seed, or excising embryos permitted germ at 18C in dark on

moist filter paper”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Epilobium,hirsutum,,”willow-herb, codlins and

cream”,X,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Epilobium,hirsutum, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Eurasia, N

Afr; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental

?”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Epilobium,hirsutum, ,Willow-herb,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,9,”,”Eur, tem As, N&S Af, In Victoria: Rare or localised,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Epilobium,hirsutum,syn ,Large-flowered

willow-herb,,,,”canal banks, ditches, moist waste

ground”,”Medit, Eur, Asia, Afr; introduced & naturalised in

many other parts of the world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos,

L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Epilobium,hirsutum, ,hairy willowweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Epilobium,hirsutum, L. ,codlins and cream,,P,,” Native of

Eurasia, N Afr. First recorded as naturalised in Vic in 1990 (G. Carr

m.). Not listed in Hnatiuk (1990). Introduced as an ornamental.

Notes: Naturalised in Vic on the edge of the Barwon River at Chilwell and

at Point Henry near Geelong”,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Epilobium,montanum, ,,,,,seed begins to germ almost

immediately after harvest; seeds placed in unheated germinator &

exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; 97%

germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Epilobium,nerterioides, ,,,,,”100% germ of fresh seed

after10-14days on moist filter paper in petri dishes; 100% from seeds

stored for 6mths, no germ after 17mths storage”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Epilobium,obscurum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Epilobium,palustre, ,,,,,seed begins to germ almost

immediately after harvest; seeds placed in unheated germinator &

exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; 97%

germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Epilobium,paniculatum, ,panicle willowweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Epilobium,pubescens, ,,,,,seed begins to germ almost

immediately after harvest; seeds placed in unheated germinator &

exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; 99%

germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Epilobium,rotundifolium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Epilobium,tetragonum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Epilobium,tetragonum, ,Square Stalked Willow Herb,,,,E.

adnatum,,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Epilobium,tetragonum, , ,,,,atrazine 1988 Germany Corn ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Epilobium,tetragonum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fuchsia,magellanica,,”fuchsia, hardy

fuschia”,XXXXw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Fuchsia,magellanica, ,Fuchsia,,,,”Dispersal: ?Bird,

internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Potential threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 6,7,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: temp S Am and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Fuchsia,magellanica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gaura,biennis, ,biennial gaura,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gaura,coccinea, ,Scarlet Gaura ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Gaura,coccinea, ,scarlet gaura,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gaura,drummondii, ,Scented Gaura ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Gaura,lindheimeri,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gaura,odorata, ,scented gaura,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gaura,parviflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Gaura,parviflora, ,smallflower gaura,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gaura,sinuata, ,Wavyleaf Gaura ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Gaura,sinuata, ,wavyleaf gaura,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gaura,spp.,,Clockweeds,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gaura,spp., ,Clockweeds,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gaura,spp., ,Clockweeds,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Gaura,villosa, ,hairy gaura,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Guara,lindheimeri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Guara,parviflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Jussiaea,californica, ,California

waterprimrose,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Jussiaea,decurrens, ,winged waterprimrose,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lopezia,mexicana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lopezia,mexicana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ludwigia,adscendens,syn Jussiaea adscendens; Jussiaea

fluviatilis,water primrose,,,,”in rather dry to very dry climates;

in pools ditches; flowering all year round; from 0-1600m alt;

lowland-irrigated, rainfed & lebak rice fields, a weed of minor

importance; it can obstruct the free surface of waters, dangerous to cattle;

inducing gastroe”,”tropical Asia, tropical continental SE Asia;

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Ludwigia,adscendens, ,”water primrose, creeping

waterprimrose, red ludwigia”,,,,”Ludwigia adscendens is a weed

on all continents, being found in 58 countries and quite generally

distributed in fresh water over many of the world's

waterways.”,”present on all continents, tending to shun the

cooler parts of the North Temperate Zone, but, in the Southern Hemisphere,

it is in many places in S Amer, Afr, and Aust.”,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Ludwigia,erecta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ludwigia,erecta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ludwigia,hyssopifolia,”syn Ludwigia micrantha, Jussiaea

linifolia”,,,,,”in everwet regions & in those with a

pronounced dry season; in shallow freshwater ditches & pools, edges

of water courses, excavated drains, mud, moist garden soils, on inundated

soils (where they form pseudo-aerophores); in Java up to 1000m alt;

lowland-”,”Amer, pantropical; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Ludwigia,leptocarpa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ludwigia,leptocarpa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Ludwigia,leptocarpa,syn. Jussiaea,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ludwigia,leptocarpa,syn. Jussiaea,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Ludwigia,linifolia,syn. Jussiaea ,water primrose,,,, ,

Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Ludwigia,linifolia,syn. Jussiaea,,,,,81% germ of seeds on

moist sand; seeds dry stored at room temp several mths before

planting,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Ludwigia,longifolia,,longleaf primrosewillow,E,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ludwigia,longifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ludwigia,longifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Ludwigia,lonifolia, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Amer; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Ludwigia,michauxiana,syn. Jussiaea,perennial

waterprimrose,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ludwigia,octovalvis,”syn Ludwigia pubescens, Jussiaea

angustifolia, Jussiaea blumeana, Jussiaea junghuhniana, Jussiaea

suffruticosa”,,,,,”in everwet regions & in those with a

pronounced dry season; on damp fields & grasslands, along

water-courses; locally often abundant; in Java up to 1450m alt; flowers

throughout the year; lowland-irrigated, rainfed & lebak rice fields,

can become a nuisan”,”S Amer, pantropical; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Ludwigia,octovalvis, ,”willow primrose, false primrose,

yellow willow herb, primrose willow, water

primrose”,,,,”Ludwigia octovalvis is a weed on many Pacific

islands, in south and central Asia, Aust, over much of Afr, and in the

warm areas of the Americas. It frequents a very wide range of humid, wet

places and is found in marshes, fresh water lakes and streams,

di”,”present on all continents, tending to shun the cooler

parts of the North Temperate Zone, but, in the Southern Hemisphere, it is

in many places in S Amer, Afr, and Aust.”,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Ludwigia,octovalvis,syn. Jussiaea suffruticosa,primrose

willow,,,,”, vegetables, taro, wetlands”,Cook Islands; Fiji;

French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea;

American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tokelau; Tonga Tuvalu;

Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Ludwigia,palustris,,”marsh ludwigia, false loosestrife,

water purslane”,Xw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ludwigia,palustris, ,Marsh Ludwigia,,,,Dispersal: ?. Life

Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

10,”N&C Am,Euras,N Af, In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ludwigia,palustris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ludwigia,palustris, ,waterpurslane,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ludwigia,parviflora, ,,,,, , ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Ludwigia,peploides,,water primrose,X,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ludwigia,peploides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ludwigia,peploides,ssp. montevidensis,Water primrose,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Ludwigia,peploides ssp. montevidensis, ,Water

primrose,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ludwigia,perennis,”syn Ludwigia gracilis, Ludwigia

leucorrhiza, Ludwigia lythroides, Ludwigia

parviflora”,,,,,”especially in the hot lowlands on moist sunny

sites, along ditches; up to 550m alt; flowers throughout the year;

lowland-irrigated an rainfed rice fields, a seed of minor importance ,

very variable”,”unknown, Indonesia as far as known, in Sumatra,

Java & Sulawesi”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Ludwigia,peruviana,”Jussiaea peruviana, J.

grandiflora”,”ludwigia, Peruvian primrose bush, water

primrose”,Xw,LP,Qld; NSW; SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ludwigia,peruviana, ,,,,,Region of origin - N & S Amer;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Ludwigia,peruviana,Jussiaea peruviana,”ludwigia, Peruvian

primrose bush, water primrose”,,,,”Ludwigia often fills slowly

flowing watercourses, dominating all other water plants; this reduces the

rate of flow considerably & limits the use of streams for

recreational & navigational purposes as well as for stock watering;

unless checked ludwigia has”,”native of S Amer has been used

with other species of the genus as a wetland ornamental in several

areasintrod to Aust as a garden ornamental in ponds; it is now well

established in a creek near Botany, NSW, & has spread to streams

north & south of Sydney”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Ludwigia,peruviana, ,ludwigia,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ludwigia,peruviana,”syn. Jussiaea hirta, Jussiaea

peruviana, Jussiaea speciosa”,,,,,”along rivers &

watercourses, on soggy sites; sometimes abundant; conspicuous by its

large yellow flowers; 0-1400m alt; lebak rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, “,”tropical Amer, pantropical; introd into Java a

long time ago & has now spread throughout Java &

Sumatra”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Ludwigia,peruviana, ,ludwigia,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Ludwigia,prostrata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ludwigia,prostrata, ,,,,,annual dominance , Japan,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Ludwigia,prostrata, ,,,,,perennial sub-dominance ,,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Ludwigia,prostrata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ludwigia,repens,syn. Jussiaea ,creeping water primrose,,,, ,

Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Ludwigia,repens,syn. Jussiaea,Creeping waterprimrose,,,,”canals,

canal banks, moist ground near water bodies, ditches, swamps,

ponds”,”Afr, E Medit, India, SE USA, C Amer,

Aust”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Ludwigia,repens var. glabrescens,syn. Jussiaea,creeping waterprimrose,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ludwigia,stenorraphe, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ludwigia,stenorraphe, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Ludwigia,uruguayensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ludwigia,uruguayensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Ludwigia,uruguayensis,,hairy water-primrose,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Oenothera,acaulis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oenothera,acaulis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oenothera,affinis,,Long-flower Evening

Primrose,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Oenothera,affinis, ,Long-flower Evening Primrose,,,,Dispersal:

Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,”Introduced deliberately from: temp S Am, In Victoria: Rare or

localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Oenothera,affinis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oenothera,albicaulis, ,prairie

eveningprimrose,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oenothera,biennis, ,Common evening primrose,,,,species very

unpredictable & germs irradically refer to references; 72% germ of

seed at 20-25C in dark in 11days & 60% in 15days; ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Oenothera,biennis, var. hirsutissima Oenothera

strigosa,,,,,1000 seeds planted in field in late autumn of year

collected; 60 seedlings emerged following spring; a few seedlings emerged

of original seeding each year during 5year study,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Oenothera,biennis, ,Evening Primrose,,,,Onagra

biennis,”All Europe, orig N Amer”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Oenothera,biennis, ,common eveningprimrose,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oenothera,curvifolia, ,,,,,germ study presented in

German,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Oenothera,drummondii,,,XH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oenothera,drummondii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oenothera,glazioviana,,Evening Primrose,HX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Oenothera,glazioviana, ,Evening Primrose,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 4,5,8”,”Introduced deliberately from:

garden origin and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Oenothera,glazioviana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oenothera,grandiflora, Oenothera lamarkiana,,,,,”seeds

irradiated for 6hrs at 2000 lux from standard fluorescent lamps germ

well; 2 days optimum length of dark imbibition before light exposure at

35C, 3days at 30C or 3.5days at 23C; 23C best for germ”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Oenothera,indecora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oenothera,indecora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oenothera,indecora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oenothera,laciniata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Oenothera,laciniata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oenothera,laciniata, ,cutleaf eveningprimrose,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oenothera,linifolia, ,flaxleaf

eveningprimrose,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oenothera,longiflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oenothera,longiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oenothera,mollissima,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oenothera,mollissima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oenothera,pallida, ,pale eveningprimrose,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oenothera,parviflora, ,,,,, , Hokkaido ,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Oenothera,parvifolius, ,,,,, Weed in poor site ,,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Oenothera,perennis, ,perennial sundrops,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oenothera,rosea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Oenothera,rosea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oenothera,speciosa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oenothera,speciosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oenothera,speciosa, ,white eveningprimrose,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oenothera,stricta,,Common Evening Primrose,HXwX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Oenothera,stricta, ,Common Evening

Primrose,,,,”Dispersal: ?W,Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,4”,”Introduced deliberately

from: Am, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Oenothera,stricta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oenothera,strigosa, ,,,,,1000 seeds planted in field in late

autumn of year collected; 60 seedlings emerged following spring; a few

seedlings emerged of original seeding each year during 5year study,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Oenothera,tetraptera,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oenothera,tetraptera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oenothera,triloba,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Oenothera,triloba, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oenothera,var. canescens, ,western yellow

eveningprimrose,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Epidendrum,sp.,X obrienianum,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Epidendrum,x obrienianum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Monadenia,bracteata,,,XHS,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Monadenia,bracteata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oeceoclades,maculata,,ground orchid,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Spiranthes,sinensis, ,,,,, Weed in poor site ,,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia


Oxalis,articulata,,”wood-sorrel, jointed woodsorrel,

shamrock oxalis”,XX,GL,Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Oxalis,articulata, ,Wood-sorrel,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Rhizomatous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Am, In Victoria: Rare or

localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Oxalis,articulata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,barrelieri,syn Oxalis sepium var.

picta,,,,,”aound gardens, along roads, in hedges, fields, village

groves, along rivers, grassy shaded places; from 0-1500m alt; upland rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, heterostyly is present , but

apparently non-functional; the sour leaves are used for

flavo”,”tropical S Amer, cultivated & naturalized in many

tropical countries; in Indonesia: found near Bogor (W.Java) in 1888,

occurs nowadays in Sumatra, Java & Irian Jaya”,”Weeds of

Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Oxalis,bifurca,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Oxalis,bifurca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,bowiei,,David Bowie Wood-sorrel,XX,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Oxalis,bowiei, ,David Bowie Wood-sorrel,,,,Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Bulbous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

?,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: ?Rare or

localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Oxalis,bowiei, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,brasiliensis,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oxalis,brasiliensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,caprina,,oxalis,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oxalis,caprina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,compressa,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oxalis,compressa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,corniculata, ,yellow wood sorrel,,,,”,

vegetables, lawns”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam;

American Samoa; Western Samoa; Tonga; Vanuatu; Wallis &

Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Oxalis,corniculata,,”yellow wood sorrel, creeping

oxalis”,XXXX,GL,Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Oxalis,corniculata, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Oxalis,corniculata, ,Creeping woodsorrel,,,,seeds germ well

at constant temps of 21C or lower,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Oxalis,corniculata, ,Procumbent Yellow Sorrel,,,,O.

repens,”All Europe, less in Northern half”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Oxalis,corniculata,syn ,Yellow sorrel,,,,”orchards,

gardens, lawns, canal banks, moist and shaded ground”,widespread in

many warm regions of the world,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Oxalis,corniculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,corniculata, ,,,,,perennial sub-dominance Weeds of

sown grassland ,Shimane Shizuoka Upland Korea Upland Japan ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Oxalis,corniculata,”syn Oxalis javanica, Oxalis repens,

Xanthoxalis corniculata”,,,,,”in all kinds of disturbed soils,

in sunny or lightly shaded, not too dry, but not soggy sites in fields

& gardens, hedges, base of walls, roadsides; from 0-3000m alt; in the

tropics it flowers all the year round; in the evening the leaflets fold

up; produ”,”unknown, cosmopolitan in the tropics &

subtropics; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Oxalis,corniculata, ,creeping woodsorrel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oxalis,corymbosa, ,,,,,O. martiana,”W Medit regions, S

American native, widespread in tropical regions”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Oxalis,corymbosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,debilis,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Oxalis,depressa,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Oxalis,europaea, ,Upright Yellow Sorrel,,,,”O.

corniculata sensu, O. stricta, O. fontana”,”All Europe,

scattered”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Oxalis,europaea, ,Upright Yellow Sorrel,,,,”O.

corniculata sensu, O. stricta, O. fontana”,”All Europe,

scattered”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Oxalis,europaea, ,European woodsorrel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oxalis,flava,,yellow oxalis,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Oxalis,flava, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,florida, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web Address:

,,”Florida Weeds,


Oxalis,florida, ,yellow woodsorrel,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oxalis,glabra,,finger-leaf oxalis,X,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Oxalis,glabra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,hirta,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Oxalis,hirta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,incarnata,,pale wood-sorrel,HXX,GL,Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Oxalis,incarnata, ,Pale Wood-sorrel,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Bulbous geophyte. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria:

Widespread, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Oxalis,incarnata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,lactea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,latifolia,O. violacea,”oxalis, fishtail oxalis,

pink shamrock, large-ear wood sorrel”,H,LP,Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Oxalis,latifolia, ,Large-lear Wood Sorrel,,,,Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Bulbous geophyte. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5,”Introduced deliberately from: S Am, In Victoria: Limited

distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Oxalis,latifolia, ,,,,,bulbs used to reproduce,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Oxalis,latifolia, ,,,,,,Scattered in Western Europe &

UK,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Oxalis,latifolia, ,”oxalis, fishtail oxalis, pink

shamrock”,,,,”oxalis is mainly a weed of home gardens and

lawns, this aggressive plant can also be a troublesome weed of crops; it

has become a problem in peanuts & other crops in E Afr, seriously

reduces growth rate of tea & apples in India, & affects sugarcane

in Mau”,”is a showy native of Mexico which, like many other sp.

of this genus when introd to other countries as an ornamental, has become

a troublesome weed; it occurs in the UK & other parts of Eur,

principally as a garden weed, but in Spain it is also a serious

“,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Oxalis,latifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,latifolia, ,”oxalis, fishtail

oxalis”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,latifolia, ,”purple-flowered oxalis, shamrock,

red garden sorrel”,,,,”Oxalis latifolia is a unique perennial

weed, particularly because it is highly unusual to encounter

dicotyledonous plants with bulbs. Its prolific production of bulb and

bulbils makes it very difficult to control. It is common in gardens,

orchards, planta”,”native to the Americas, it is now widely

distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions around the world and also

occurs in several European countries with temperate climates.”,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Oxalis,latifolia, ,”oxalis, fishtail

oxalis”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Oxalis,martiana, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Oxalis,martiana, ,pink woodsorrel,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oxalis,obtusa,,suring,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oxalis,obtusa, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Oxalis,obtusa, ,Suring,,,,”Dispersal: Vegetative. Life

Form: Bulbous geophyte. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: Rare or

localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Oxalis,perdicaria,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Oxalis,perdicaria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,pes-caprae,Oxalis cernua,”soursob, Bermuda

buttercup, buttercup oxalis, cape cowslip, oxalis, sorrel, sourgrass,

yellow-flowered oxalis, yellow sorrel”,HHX,GL,Vic; SA;

Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Oxalis,pes-caprae, ,Soursob,,,,”Dispersal: Vegetative.

Life Form: Bulbous geophyte. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5,8,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Oxalis,pes-caprae, ,”Buttercup Oxalis, Soursob”,,,,O.

cernua,”Scattered in SW Europe, Italy, Greece & UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Oxalis,pes-caprae, Oxalis cernua,”soursob, Bermuda

buttercup, buttercup oxalis, cape cowslip, oxalis, sorrel, sourgrass,

yellow-flowered oxalis, yellow sorrel”,,,,”infestations of 3000

plants per sq metre are not uncommon, at such densities it is strongly

competitive with cereal crops & has been measured in WA to reduce the

yield of wheat by 75% & oats by 87%; although primarily a weed

affecting cultivated areas, it”,”originated in southern Afr

& with several other sp. of Oxalis, was taken to Eur in the 18thC for

promotion as an ornamental plant; it soon became established as a weed in

S Eur, & is now troublesome in orchards, orange groves, vineyards

& cereal crops, pa”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Oxalis,pes-caprae, ,Soursob * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN

SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies)”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Oxalis,pes-caprae, ,soursob,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,pes-caprae, ,Bermuda buttercup,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oxalis,polyphylla,,oxalis,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Oxalis,polyphylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


wood-sorrel,HXXX,NL,Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Oxalis,purpurea, ,Large-flower

Wood-sorrel,,,,”Dispersal: Vegetative. Life Form: Bulbous geophyte.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5”,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Oxalis,rubra, ,rose woodsorrel,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oxalis,semiloba, ,,,,,All Oxalis spp. banned under Schedule 5

Plant Diseases Act,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,semiloba, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Oxalis,spp., ,,,P,,Species in this Genus are significant

weeds both environmental and Agricultural.,Note import conditions

exceptions,Western Australian Prohibited List

Oxalis,spp. ,,oxalis,XXXXX,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Oxalis,stricta, ,Common yellow woodsorrel,,,,seeds germ in

1st spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors until germ; 94% germ,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Oxalis,stricta, ,,,,,”O. dillenii, O.

navieri”,,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Oxalis,stricta, ,,,,,All Oxalis spp. banned under Schedule 5

Plant Diseases Act,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,stricta, ,common yellow woodsorrel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oxalis,stricta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Oxalis,tetraphylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxalis,violacea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Argemone,glauca, ,smooth pricklepoppy,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Argemone,intermedia, ,bluestem pricklepoppy,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Argemone,mexicana, ,,,,,”tropical Africa, “,New

Caledonia; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Argemone,mexicana, ,,,,,”it was accidentally introd to

Aust, possibly as an impurity in wheat seed in NSW, it now occurs on all

mainland States; it is widespread both in Qld & NSW, mainly as a weed

of cereals & sugarcane, but is most prevalent in the pastoral &

cereal growing are”,”native of Mexico is nat. in most warm countries

of the world, occurring as a serious weed of various crops in Arg, Aust,

India, Madagascar, Mauritius, Morocco, Nicaragua, Pakistan, the

Philippines, Puerto Rico, S Afr & Tanzania; it is prevalent in

subhumi”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Argemone,mexicana,syn ,”Mexican poppy, Prickly

poppy”,,,,”Nile and canal banks, especially in Upper

Egypt”,”C. Amer, SW USA,; introduced & naturalised in most

trop. & subtrop. regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Argemone,mexicana, ,Mexican poppy,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Argemone,mexicana, ,Mexican pricklepoppy,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Argemone,mexicana, ,Mexican poppy,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Argemone,ochroleuca,A. mexicana,”Mexican poppy, devil's

fig, Mexican pricklepoppy, Mexican thistle, prickly poppy”,HX,NL,WA;

NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Argemone,ochroleuca, ,”Mexican poppy, devil's fig,

golden thistle of Peru, Mexican pricklepoppy, Mexican thistle, prickly

poppy, white thistle, yellow poppy”,,,,” it was accidentally

introd to Aust, possibly as an impurity in wheat seed in NSW, it now

occurs on all mainland States; it is widespread both in Qld & NSW,

mainly as a weed of cereals & sugarcane, but is most prevalent in the

pastoral & cereal growing ar”,”native of Mexico is nat. in

most warm countries of the world, occurring as a serious weed of various

crops in Arg, Aust, India, Madagascar, Mauritius, Morocco, Nicaragua,

Pakistan, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, S Afr & Tanzania; it is

prevalent in subhumi”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Argemone,ochroleuca, ,Mexican poppy,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Argemone,ochroleuca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Argemone,ochroleuca, ,Mexican poppy,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Argemone,platyceras, ,crested pricklepoppy,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Argemone,subfusiformis,A. mexicana,”Mexican poppy, devil's

fig, Mexican pricklepoppy, Mexican thistle, prickly

poppy”,XXX,NL,WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Argemone,subfusiformis, ,”Mexican poppy, devil's fig,

golden thistle of Peru, Mexican pricklepoppy, Mexican thistle, prickly

poppy, white thistle, yellow poppy”,,,,,”it was accidentally

introd to Aust, possibly as an impurity in wheat seed in NSW, it now

occurs on all mainland States; it is widespread both in Qld & NSW,

mainly as a weed of cereals & sugarcane, but is most prevalent in the

pastoral & cereal growing are”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia,

P & C”

Argemone,subfusiformis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Argemone ,mexicana, ,Mexican prickle poppy,,,,dormancy

approx 14 mths; alternating temp 19hrs at 32C & 5hrs at 4C for 24

days or keeping seed moist at high temps for 24 days gave 82%

germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Chelidonium,japonicum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Chelidonium,majus, ,Greater Celandine,,,,,”All Europe,

N Amer”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chelidonium,majus, ,Greater Celandine,,,,,”All Europe,

N Amer”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chelidonium,majus, ,celandine,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Chelidonium,majus,,"Common Name(s): Celandine, Swallow wort, Wartweed","Avail nurseries, Usage : Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Mainly urban ""Biennial, 10 dm high, flowers yellow, 4 petaled, stems erect, branched, hairy, leaves alternate, 3-5 cm long """,Eurasia. Habitat: Rich damp soils in vicinity of towns," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Chelidonium,majus, ,greater celandine,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Corydalis,aurea, ,golden corydalis,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eschscholtzia,californica, ,California

poppy,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eschscholtzia,californica,,California poppy,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in



poppy,XAXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eschscholzia,californica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fumaria,agraria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fumaria,agraria, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Glaucium,corniculatum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Glaucium,corniculatum, ,Horned Poppy,,,,G. grandiflorum,”Mainland

Europe & UK, less in Northern & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Glaucium,corniculatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Glaucium,flavum,,”horned poppy, yellow

hornpoppy”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Glaucium,flavum, ,Horned Poppy,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1”,”Introduced deliberately from: E Med,SW As, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Glaucium,flavum, ,,,,,unripe seed germ readily on moist

filter paper in dark at 17C; ripe seed have hard brittle testa that

prevents imbibition & hence germ; gentle & prolonged abrasion

with fine Analar sand & water in a Tower's Extra Rapid shaker for

8-9hrs; germ 50%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Glaucium,flavum, ,Yellow Horned Poppy,,,,,”Central to

SW Europe, Norway, UK & Eire. Less in Central regions”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Glaucium,flavum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hypecoum,grandiflorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hypecoum,grandiflorum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Hypecoum,pendulum, ,,,,,,More southerly in Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Hypecoum,procumbens, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Hypecoum,procumbens, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Macleaya,cordata,,”plume-poppy, tree

celandine”,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant

species which seem to principally spread and remain in disturbed

corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also some agronomic

weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Papaver,aculeatum,,bristle poppy,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Papaver,aculeatum, ,Iranian poppy,,,,,,Weed Science List

Papaver,apulum, ,,,,,plants grown by sowing seed in field

plots in spring,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Papaver,argemome,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Papaver,argemone, ,,,,,plants grown by sowing seed in field

plots in spring,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Papaver,argemone, ,Prickly Poppy,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Papaver,argemone, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Papaver,bracteatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Papaver,dubium, ,Field poppy,,,,”seeds germ in 1st or

2nd spring after collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ; 89% germ of seed after

storage in lab for 3yrs, 75% after 5yrs”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Papaver,dubium, ,Long Headed Poppy,,,,”P. obtusifolium,

P. modestum, P. nothum”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Papaver,dubium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Papaver,dubium, ,field poppy,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Papaver,dubium,,poppy,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Papaver,dudium,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Papaver,hybridum,,rough poppy,XXX,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Papaver,hybridum, ,Rough Poppy,,,,P. hispidum,”All

Europe, Central Asia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Papaver,hybridum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Papaver,lecoqii, ,,,,,seeds collected from natural popln

seeded in field plots following spring; seedlings emerged in

3wks,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Papaver,lecoqii, ,Yellow Juiced Poppy,,,,,SW Europe inc

Greece & UK,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Papaver,lecoqii, ,Yellow Juiced Poppy,,,,,SW Europe inc

Greece & UK,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Papaver,pinnatifidum, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Papaver,pinnatifidum, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Papaver,rhoeas,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Papaver,rhoeas, ,Corn poppy,,,,”germ good at all

constant temps from 2-5C to 25C, also with alt. temps 5-15C, 10-18C &

10-25C; 56% germ after 1yr of dry storage in lab, 79% after 5yrs, &

3% after 10yrs”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Papaver,rhoeas, ,Corn Poppy,,,,,”All Europe, Asia &

N Africa”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Papaver,rhoeas, ,Corn Poppy,,,,”2,4-D 1993 Spain Wheat

“, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Papaver,rhoeas, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Papaver,rhoeas, ,”field poppy, common poppy, corn

poppy”,,,,”Papaver rhoeas is a winter annual or annual plant

closely related to the opium poppy, P. somniferum, which also provides

the poppy seeds used in baking. It is found in annual crops (especially

winter cereals), gardens, meadows, nurseries, roadsides,

wast”,originated in Eur; occurs in every continent but is most

abundant in Eur,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm

et. al.

Papaver,rhoeas, ,corn poppy,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Papaver,setigerum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Papaver,somniferum,,opium poppy,XH,NLP,ACT; NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Papaver,somniferum,somniferum ssp.

setigerum,,,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Papaver,somniferum, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st spring; seeds

placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors until germ; 92% germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Papaver,somniferum, ,opium poppy,,,,,,Weed Science List

Papaver,somniferum, ,opium poppy,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Papaver,somniferum ssp. setigerum, ,,,,,”introd to SE

Aust during the Gold Rush era, they have since spread to other areas,

principally as weeds of crops & disturbed waste places; they are now

prevalent in a broad band extending from inland SE Qld through the

Western Slopes & Plains of NSW, the “,native to

Euro-Asia,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Papaver,somniferum ssp. somniferum, native to

Euro-Asia,,,,,”introd to SE Aust during the Gold Rush era, they have

since spread to other areas, principally as weeds of crops &

disturbed waste places; ssp. somniferum occurs as a minor component of

mixed opium poppy communities on the Central Coast, the Southern

Tabl”,,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Papaver,spp., ,,,,,”review of five species of Papaver,

see references”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Roemeria,hybrida,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Roemeria,hybrida, ,Violet Horned Poppy,,,,,Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Roemeria,hybrida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Roemeria,refracta, ,Roemer poppy,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Romneya,coulteri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Romneya,trichocalyx,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Romneya,trichocalyx, ,,,,,Region of origin - California;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Romneya,trichocalyx, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Aeschynomene,aspera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Aeschynomene,rudis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Aeschynomene ,indica,syn Aeshcynomene aspera,,,,,”on

soggy or moist, sunny sites along the borders of ditches & pools

(even when almost desiccated), wet cultivated land; in regions with or

without a pronounced dry season; from 0-1000m alt. Lebak rice fields, a

weed of minor importance, it is reported to “,”India,

pantropical, also in the subtropics; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Hedysarum,coronarium, ,,,,,,”Southern Europe except

Portugal, more in Spain & Italy”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Lupinus,angustifolius, ,Blue lupin,,,,”L.

leucospermus, L. reticulatus”,”Central & Southern Europe,

less in NE regions”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Medicago,aculeata, ,,,,,,Medit region,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Medicago,aculeata,Leguminosae ,,,,,,Medit region,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Medicago,arabica, ,Spotted Medic,,,,M. maculata,”UK,

Eire, S Sweden & Mainland Europe except Denmark & NE, less in

Eire & Sweden”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Medicago,ciliaris, ,,,,,,Medit region,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Ononis,reclinata, ,Small Restharrow,,,,,SW Europe &

UK,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Ononis,reclinata,Leguminosae ,Small Restharrow,,,,,SW

Europe & UK,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Ononis,repens, ,Restharrow,,,,”O. spinosa, O.

procurrens”,”All Europe, W Asia, N Africa”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”


Ceratopteris,thalictroides,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ceratopteris,thalictroides,syn Acrostichum

thalictroides,,,,,”in shallow fresh or brackish water; pools, marshy

sites, along drains; often abundant & often gregarious; up to 800m

alt (Java); lowland-irrigated, lebak & tidal rice fields, a weed of

minor importance, Edible; in Japan cultivated as a spring

vegetable”,”Asia, pantropical & temperate regions;

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”



passion-flower,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Passiflora,caerulea, ,Braszilian

Passion-flower,,,,”Dispersal: Bird, internal. Life Form: Vine. RISK:

Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 8,13”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Am

and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Passiflora,caerulea, ,blue passion flower,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, bush clumps, roadsides, riverbanksCultivated

for: ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Passiflora,caerulea, ,blue passion flower,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, bush clumps, roadsides,

riverbanksCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Passiflora,caerulea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


passion-flower,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Passiflora,cinnabarina, ,Red

Passion-flower,,,,”Dispersal: ?Bird, internal. Life Form: Vine.

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 5”,”Introduced deliberately

from: Vic,NSW,Tas and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or

localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Passiflora,edulis, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Passiflora,edulis, ,Black Passionfruit

,,,,VINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Passiflora,edulis, ,purple granadilla,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Passiflora,edulis, ,”purple granadilla, passion

fruit”,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: forest margins, plantations,

riverbanksCultivated for: edible fruit, ornament”,Origin: S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Passiflora,edulis, ,”purple granadilla, passion

fruit”,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: forest margins, plantations,

riverbanksCultivated for: edible fruit, ornament”,Origin: S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Passiflora,edulis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Passiflora,filamentosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Passiflora,filamentosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Passiflora,foetida, ,stinking passionfruit,,,,”,

pasture, low vegetation”,”Cook Islands; Fiji; French

Polynesia;Fed, States of Micronesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New

Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu;

Wallis & Futuna”,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Passiflora,foetida,,,XXHH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Passiflora,foetida,,,XXXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Passiflora,foetida,,,XXXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Passiflora,foetida, ,Stinking Passionfruit ,,,,VINES.,,”Environmental

Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Passiflora,foetida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Passiflora,foetida, ,,,,, Ornamental , Thailand ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Passiflora,foetida,syn ,,,,,”in wet areas or in areas

with a pronounced dry season; in hedges, in scrubs, wastelands,

roadsides, plantation margins; in Java from 0-1000m alt; flowers all year

round; upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance, sometimes cultivated

as a soil cover(“,”tropical Amer, pantropical; introd into Java

along time ago, & has since spread throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Passiflora,foetida, ,”stinking passion flower, love

in a mist, mossy passion flower, scarlet fruited passion flower, wild

passion fruit, “,,,,”Passiflora foetida is a foul smelling,

climbing or scambling perennial weed that is kin to the pleasant passion

fruit of commerce. The weed is largely confined to the tropics and

subtropics. The plant contains glycosides that yield HCN on hydrolysis

and”,tropcis and subtropics,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Passiflora,foetida, ,redfruit

passionflower,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


passion-flower,,,,”Catergory II - Species that shown a potential to

disrupt native plant communities. These species may become ranked as

Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated disruption of natural Florida

communities. “,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Passiflora,incarnata, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Passiflora,incarnata, ,maypop

passionflower,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Passiflora,laurifolia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Passiflora,maliformis, ,,,,,”, “,French

Polynesia; American Samoa; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”


passionfruit,HXS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Passiflora,mollissima, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Passiflora,mollissima, ,Banana

Passionfruit,,,,”Dispersal: Bird, internal,?animal (not bird),

internal. Life Form: Vine. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 6,7,8,13”,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Am and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Passiflora,mollissima, ,banana poka,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Passiflora,mollissima, ,”banana poka,

bananaadilla”,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: forest margins in cool,

moist regions Cultivated for: ornament, edible fruit”,Origin: S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Passiflora,mollissima, ,”banana poka,

bananaadilla”,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: forest margins in cool,

moist regions Cultivated for: ornament, edible fruit”,Origin: S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Passiflora,mollissima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Passiflora,morifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Passiflora,morifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Passiflora,pulchella, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Passiflora,pulchella, ,wingleaf

passionflower,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Passiflora,pulchella, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Passiflora,quadrangularis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Passiflora,quadrangularis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Passiflora,sanguinolenta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Passiflora,suberosa,,passion fruit

vine,XXX,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Passiflora,suberosa, ,Pointed-leaf Passionfruit ,,,,Major

WeedVINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Passiflora,suberosa, ,corkystem passionflower,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Passiflora,suberosa, ,”devil's pumpkin, indigo

berry”,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: forest, woodland, riverbanks,

bush clumps, roadsides, coastal dunesCultivated for:

ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Passiflora,suberosa, ,”devil's pumpkin, indigo

berry”,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: forest, woodland, riverbanks,

bush clumps, roadsides, coastal dunesCultivated for:

ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Passiflora,suberosa, ,Corky Passionfruit ,,,,Major

WeedVines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Passiflora,suberosa, ,Passion fruit vine,,,,,,Weed Science


Passiflora,suberosa, ,Passion fruit vine,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List


passionfruit,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Passiflora,subpeltata, ,White Passionfruit

,,,,VINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Passiflora,subpeltata, ,granadina,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: woodland, , bush clumps, roadsides, riverbanks Cultivated

for: ornament”,Origin: C & S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Passiflora,subpeltata, ,granadina,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: woodland, , bush clumps, roadsides, riverbanks Cultivated

for: ornament”,Origin: C & S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Passiflora,subpeltata, ,White Passionfruit ,,,,Vines.,,”Rainforest

Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Passiflora,subpeltata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Passiflora,violacea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Harpagophytum,procumbens ,syn Uncaria procumbens

Burch.,”Devil's Claw, grapple plant, grapple thorn, quick thorn,

sandbur, veldspider and woolspider”,,P,,”7cm.pinn,hairy und.

bignonia-like,RED-PURPLE,-6cm. dehisc.7cm.capsules to 1.5m,trails10 pe.

Common names, Devil's Claw, grapple plant, grapple thorn, quick thorn,

sandbur, veldspider and woolspiderFirst record of spp. in Australia, a

fruit was confiscat”,” Transvaal, South Africa; Botswana;

Namibia; Zimbabwe; Orange FreeState, South Africa; Cape Province, South

Africa, , Madagascar”,Western Australian Prohibited List

Proboscidea,parviflora, ,doubleclaw,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Proboscoidea,fragrans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sesamum,indicum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sesamum,indicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trapella,sinensis, ,,,,,”receptacles removed from seeds

& germ in water at 22-23C in both light & dark, good germ after

6mths; prechilling for 7days in dark at 5C inc. germ & light very

important for good germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Uncarina,grandidieri,syn Harpagophytum grandidieri Baill.

,,,P,,”When the WAYNE'S WORD staff began compiling a list of

hitchhikers that are difficult to remove from socks and underwear,we felt

confident that our list included the most tenacious species. That is,

until horticulturist John Trager of the marvelousHuntin”,”Type

- protologue Madagascar, Grandidier 72 ((holo-, P)) “,Western Australian

Prohibited List


Carpophyllum,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


Phytolacca,americana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phytolacca,octandra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gisekia,africana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gisekia,africana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Phytolacca,americana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Phytolacca,americana, Phytolacca decandra,Poke

weed,,,,”72% germ in diffuse light at 20-25C within 36days;

pretreating with conc. sulfuric acid 5-7min, washed thoroughly, then

soaked in water for 10 or more hours help inc. germ”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Phytolacca,americana, ,Pokeweed,,,,P. decandra,Scattered

Central & Western Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Phytolacca,americana, ,pokeweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Phytolacca,dioica,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Phytolacca,dodecandra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phytolacca,dodecandra, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Phytolacca,octandra,,Red Ink-weed,HXXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Phytolacca,octandra, ,Red Ink-weed,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal. Life Form: Small to medium shrubs. RISK: Serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,4,5,8,12”,”trop Am, In Victoria: Widespread, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Phytolacca,octandra, ,eightstamen

pokeweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rivina,humilis, ,Coral Berry ,,,,Major

WeedSHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Rivina,humilis, ,Coral Berry ,,,,Ground

Covers.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Rivina,humilis,,”coral berry, baby pepper,

bloodberry, rouge plant”,XXw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Abies,balsamea, ,balsam fir,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Abies,concolor, ,white fir,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Abies,fraseri, ,Fraser fir,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Abies,grandis, ,grand fir,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Abies,lasiocarpa, ,subalpine fir,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Abies,sp.,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Abies,sp., ,,,,,Region of origin - ?; Extent of spread -

localised ; Means of spread - ornamental and timber,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Larix,decidua, ,European larch,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Larix,laricina, ,tamarack,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Larix,occidentalis, ,western larch,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Picea,abies, ,Norway spruce,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Picea,abies,,Norway spruce,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive , Additional Comments : Forms dense evergreen storey ""40 m high, needles straight, stiff, sharp, dark green, cones cylindrical, 10-18 cm long """,Eurasia. Habitat: Moist deciduous woods," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Picea,glauca, ,white spruce,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Picea,mariana, ,black spruce,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Picea,pungens, ,blue spruce,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Picea,rubens, ,red spruce,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Picea,sitchensis, ,Sitka spruce,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Picea,sp.,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Picea,sp., ,,,,,Region of origin - ?; Extent of spread -

localised ; Means of spread - ornamental and timber,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Pinus,attenuata, ,knobcone pine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,banksiana, ,jack pine,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,brutia,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pinus,canariensis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pinus,canariensis, ,,,,,Region of origin - Canary Islands;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental and

timber,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Pinus,canariensis, ,Canary pine,,,,”Proposed Declared

Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: fynbos, usually on dry mountain

slopesCultivated for: timber”,Origin: Canary Isles ,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pinus,canariensis, ,Canary pine,,,,”Proposed Declared

Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: fynbos, usually on dry mountain

slopesCultivated for: timber”,Origin: Canary Isles ,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pinus,caribaea,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pinus,clausa, ,sand pine,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,contorta,,lodge pole pine,A,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Pinus,contorta, ,,,,,Region of origin - NW Amer; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - timber,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Pinus,contorta, ,lodgepole pine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,echinata, ,shortleaf pine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,edulis, ,pinyon pine,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,elliotii, ,,,,,”Region of origin - SE USA, C Amer, W

Indies; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

timber”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Pinus,elliotii, ,slash pine,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader.

Woody SpeciesInvades: forest margins, grasslandCultivated for:

timber”,Origin: N Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pinus,elliotii, ,slash pine,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader.

Woody SpeciesInvades: forest margins, grasslandCultivated for:

timber”,Origin: N Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pinus,elliottii,,slash pine,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pinus,elliottii, ,slash pine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,halepensis,,aleppo pine,XS,NL,SA,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Pinus,halepensis, ,Aleppo pine * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN

SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”, Roadside control cost to be met by adjoining

Landholder (Section 60 applies),”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Pinus,halepensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pinus,halpensis, ,Aleppo pine,,,,”Proposed Declared

Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: grassland, fynbos, particularly on dry

soilsCultivated for: shelter, firewood, poles”,Origin: Europe

(Medit),Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pinus,halpensis, ,Aleppo pine,,,,”Proposed Declared

Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: grassland, fynbos, particularly on dry

soilsCultivated for: shelter, firewood, poles”,Origin: Europe

(Medit),Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pinus,jeffreyi, ,Jeffrey pine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,lambertiana, ,sugar pine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,monticola, ,western white pine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,nigra,,Corsican pine,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pinus,nigra, ,Corsican Pine,,,,Dispersal: Wind. Life Form: Tree.

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 5,”Introduced deliberately from: Med,

In Victoria: Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Pinus,nigra, ,Austrian pine,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Pinus,nigra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pinus,palustris, ,longleaf pine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,patula,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pinus,patula, ,,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and

John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Pinus,patula, ,patula pine,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of

herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: moist grassland, forest margins and gaps, road

cuttingsCultivated for: timber”,Origin: C Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pinus,patula, ,patula pine,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of

herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: moist grassland, forest margins and gaps, road

cuttingsCultivated for: timber”,Origin: C Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pinus,pinaster,,”Cluster pine, maritime

pine”,HXHw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pinus,pinaster, ,Cluster Pine,,,,Dispersal: Wind. Life Form:

Tree. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,”Introduced

deliberately from: Med, In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Pinus,pinaster, ,cluster pine,,,,Declared Invader. Subject of

herbicide registration Woody SpeciesInvades: mountain and lowland

fynbosCultivated for: timber,Origin: Europe (Medit),Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pinus,pinaster, ,cluster pine,,,,Declared Invader. Subject of

herbicide registration Woody SpeciesInvades: mountain and lowland

fynbosCultivated for: timber,Origin: Europe (Medit),Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pinus,pinaster, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pinus,pinea,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pinus,pinea, ,,,,,Region of origin - Medit; Extent of spread -

localised ; Means of spread - ornamental and timber,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Pinus,pinea, ,Italian stone pine,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Pinus,pinea, ,umbrella pine,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader.

Woody SpeciesInvades: grassland, mountain fynbosCultivated for: ornament,

shade”,Origin: Europe (Medit),Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Pinus,pinea, ,umbrella pine,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader.

Woody SpeciesInvades: grassland, mountain fynbosCultivated for: ornament,

shade”,Origin: Europe (Medit),Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Pinus,ponderosa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pinus,ponderosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pinus,ponderosa, ,ponderosa pine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,radiata,,Monterey pine,HHXXXAHX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pinus,radiata, ,Monterey Pine ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Pinus,radiata, ,Monterey Pine,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Wind.

Life Form: Tree. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Cal and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Pinus,radiata, ,radiata pine,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader.

Woody SpeciesInvades: fynbos, forest gaps, usually on moist mountain

slopes Cultivated for: timber, shelter”,Origin: N Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pinus,radiata, ,radiata pine,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader.

Woody SpeciesInvades: fynbos, forest gaps, usually on moist mountain

slopes Cultivated for: timber, shelter”,Origin: N Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pinus,radiata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pinus,resinosa, ,red pine,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,rigida, ,pitch pine,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,sabiniana,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pinus,sabiniana, ,digger pine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,serotina, ,eastern white pine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Pinus,spp.,,pines,XXXXXAXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pinus,sylvestris, ,Scott's pine,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Pinus,sylvestris, ,Scotch pine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,sylvestris,,"Scots pine, Scotch pine","Avail nurseries, Landscaping, Ornamental Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Useless for most purposes ""30 m high, needles evergreen, bundles of 2, 4-8 cm long, blue-green, cones conical to ovoid, 2.5-7 cm long ""","Europe. Habitat: Old fields, roadsides, open bogs, open woods"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Pinus,taeda,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pinus,taeda, ,loblolly pine,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Pinus,virginiana, ,Virginia pine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pseudotsuga,menziesii,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pseudotsuga,menziesii, ,,,,,”Region of origin - W USA, W

Canada; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

timber”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Pseudotsuga,menziesii, ,Douglas fir,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Taxodium,distichum, ,baldcypress,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tsuga,canadensis, ,Eastern hemlock,,,,”Tsuga canadensis is

listed in the USA as X - present as weed (the species is present &

behaves as a aweed, but its rank of importance is unknown)”,N

Amer,Holm et al. 'A Geographical Atlas of World Weeds'

Tsuga,canadensis, ,eastern hemlock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Tsuga,heterophylla, ,Western hemlock,,,,”Tsuga heterophylla

is listed in the USA as X - present as weed (the species is present &

behaves as a aweed, but its rank of importance is unknown)”,S Alaska

to N California,Holm et al. 'A Geographical Atlas of World Weeds'

Tsuga,heterophylla, ,western hemlock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tsuga,mertensiana, ,mountain hemlock,,,,”Tsuga mertensiana

is listed in the USA as X - present as weed (the species is present &

behaves as a aweed, but its rank of importance is unknown)”,S Alaska

to Oregon & W. Montana,Holm et al. 'A Geographical Atlas of World


Tsuga,mertensiana, ,mountain hemlock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Peperomia,pellucida,Piper pellucidum,man to

man,w,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Peperomia,pellucida, ,,,,,”Region of origin - trop Afr,

Amer; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - nursery seed

contaminant”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Piper,aduncum,,,"weed of grazing lands and secondary forest, roadsides; environmental weed",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Piper,aduncum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Piper,aduncum, ,spiked pepper,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Piper,aduncum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Piper,tuberculatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Piper,tuberculatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Piperomia,pellucida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List



Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pittosporum,crassifolium, ,,,,,Region of origin - NZ;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Pittosporum,crassifolium, ,Pittosporum,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1”,”Introduced deliberately from: NZ and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pittosporum,eugenioides, ,,,,,Region of origin - NZ;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Pittosporum,eugenioides, ,Pittosporum,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5,6”,”Introduced deliberately from: NZ and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Pittosporum,pentandrum,,pittosporum,,,,”Catergory II

- Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities.

These species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet

demonstrated disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of

Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pittosporum,tenuifolium, ,,,,,Region of origin - NZ;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Pittosporum,tenuifolium, ,Kohuhu,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

7”,”Introduced deliberately from: NZ and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria


pittosporum,,,,”Catergory II - Species that shown a potential to

disrupt native plant communities. These species may become ranked as

Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated disruption of natural Florida

communities. “,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Pittosporum,undulatum,,”Sweet Pittosporum, Australian

cheesewood, Victorian Box , New Zealand

daphne”,HHHXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pittosporum,undulatum,hybrid between P. undulatum & P.

bicolor,sweet pittosporum,XXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pittosporum,undulatum, ,Sweet

Pittosporum,,,,”Dispersal: Bird, internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5,6,7,8”,”Introduced deliberately

from: E Vic,NSW,Qld and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Pittosporum,undulatum, ,Australian

cheesewood,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: woodland, disturbed foret,

riverbanks, plantationsCultivated for: ornament, hedging,

shelter”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Pittosporum,undulatum, ,Australian

cheesewood,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: woodland, disturbed foret,

riverbanks, plantationsCultivated for: ornament, hedging,

shelter”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Sollya,heterophylla,,bluebell creeper,HXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sollya,heterophylla, ,Bluebell Creeper,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal. Life Form: Vine. RISK: Very serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: WA and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Plagiobothrys,canescens, ,Valley popcorn flower,,,,,,Weed

Science List


Plagiobothrys,canescens, ,Valley popcorn

flower,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Plantago,afra, ,,,,,P. psyllium,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Plantago,afra, ,,,,,P. psyllium,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Plantago,albicans,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Plantago,albicans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Plantago,amplexicaulis, ,,,,,”seed dry stored for

several years germ induced by soaking in water for 24hrs, dissecting the

embryos, growing the embryos on moist filter paper, transplanting

seedlings to soil”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Plantago,arenaria,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Plantago,arenaria, ,,,,,”Region of origin - S, C

& E Eur; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

unknown”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Plantago,arenaria, ,,,,,”P. indica, P. ramosa, P.

psyllium”,”Mainland Europe, except Denmark, less in Extreme

NW”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Plantago,arenaria, ,,,,,”P. indica, P. ramosa, P.

psyllium”,”Mainland Europe, except Denmark, less in Extreme

NW”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Plantago,aristata, ,Bracted plantain,,,,”high germ %

by daily alt. of 20C:16hrs in dark to 30C:8hrs in 100ft-c of light of

8mth air dry stored seed; germ in dark inc. if 0.2% soln of KNO3 used as

moistening agent; 10-1000ppm soln of GA inc. germ at 20C, 30C & alt.

20-30C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Plantago,aristata, ,bracted plantain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Plantago,asiatica, ,,,,, ,Shimane Shizuoka Hokkaido

Niigata Oita Okayama Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Plantago,australis,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Plantago,australis,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Plantago,australis, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Amer; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Plantago,australis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Plantago,bellardii,,Hairy Plantain,H,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Plantago,bellardii, ,Hairy Plantain,,,,”Dispersal:

?Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,5”,”Med, In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Plantago,bellardii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Plantago,coronopus,,bucks-horn Plantain,HX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Plantago,coronopus,,bucks-horn Plantain,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Plantago,coronopus, ,Bucks-horn

Plantain,,,,”Dispersal: animal external,Water,animal (not bird),

internal. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5,8,9,11”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,W As, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Plantago,coronopus, ,,,,,seeds germ soon after harvest;

seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors until germ; only 27% germ,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Plantago,coronopus, ,Buck's Horn Plantain,,,,,”All

Europe, intro worldwide”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Plantago,coronopus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Plantago,cretica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Plantago,cretica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Plantago,fastigiata, ,,,,,27% germ of seed stored 9mths on

moist filter paper at 20C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Plantago,indica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Plantago,indica, ,whorled plantain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Plantago,lagopus, ,,,,,P. lusitanica,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Plantago,lagopus, ,,,,,P. lusitanica,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Plantago,lagopus, ,Plantain ,,,,”triazines 1992

Israel Orchard, Roadside “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Plantago,lanceolata, ,Ribwort,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Perennial herb.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,12”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur,N Af,As, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Plantago,lanceolata, ,Buckhorn

plantain,,,,”prechilling seed on moist blotters in petri dishes at

1-7C for 12wks; 98% germ of seed on filter paper moistened with 0.03% GA

in dark at 20-25C; 86% of brown plump seed, 72% with light to dark brown

shriveled seeds, 42% dark brown shriveled seed”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Plantago,lanceolata, ,Ribwort Plantain,,,,”P.

glabriflora, P. lanuginosa”,”All Europe, N & Central

Asia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Plantago,lanceolata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Plantago,lanceolata, ,,,,, Weed in poor site ,Shimane

Hokkaido Niigata Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Plantago,lanceolata, ,buckhorn plantain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Plantago,major,,greater plantain,XXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Plantago,major, ,Greater Plantain,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Perennial

herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,6,7,8,9,15”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Euras, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Plantago,major, ,Broadleaf plantain,,,,”96% germ of

seed dry stored for 1yr after harvest, fresh seed 1-2wks moist

prechilling at 5C, germ at 20C:16hrs to 30C:8hrs with light using 0.2%

KNO3 soln as moistening agent”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Plantago,major, ,Greater Plantain,,,,,Cosmopolitan,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Plantago,major, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Plantago,major, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Plantago,major, ,broadleaf plantain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Plantago,media, ,Hoary plantain,,,,seeds germ in 1st spring;

seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors until germ; 85% germ; prechilling moist seed at 5C for 3-4days

then germ at 20-25C; ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Plantago,media, ,Hoary Plantain,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Plantago,media, ,Hoary Plantain,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Plantago,media, ,hoary plantain,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Plantago,myosuros,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Plantago,myosuros, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Plantago,purshii, ,Wooly plantain,,,,”98% seed stored

in moist sand outdoors; 96% germ at 15C with alt. light/dark 80% at 20C

in dark, 90% at 20-30C alt. with alt. light/dark”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Plantago,purshii, ,woolly plantain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Plantago,pusilla, ,slender plantain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Plantago,rugelii, ,Blackseed plantain,,,,”dormant at

harvest, dry storage for several mths, or prechilling moist at 5C for

1-2wks; germ at 20C:16hrs alt. 30C:8hrs light with 0.2% KNO3 soln as

moistening agent; breaking seed coat inc. germ”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Plantago,rugelii, ,blackseed plantain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Plantago,scabra,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Plantago,scabra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Plantago,serraria, ,,,,,,”Spain, Portugal, Italy

& Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Plantago,serraria, ,,,,,,”Spain, Portugal, Italy

& Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Plantago,stepposa, ,,,,,75% germ at 20-25C on filter paper

moistened with GA soln in dark after 45days,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Plantago,turrifera,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Plantago,tweedyi, ,,,,,”80% germ of moist seed at

room temp (22-29C) with light exposure; 98% germ of seeds moistened on

filter paper allowed to dry out for 12days, then remoistened for 1day

& allowed to dry out again for 4days, then remoistened for

3days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Plantago,virginica, ,Paleseed plantain,,,,”100% germ

at 80F with 8hr photoperiod, 92% with 16hr photoperiod & 16% in dark;

100% germ at 60F with dark/light, 92% in dark”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Plantago,virginica, ,paleseed plantain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Plantago ,lagopus,syn ,Round-headed

plantain,,,,”fields, canal banks”,”Medit, W

Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Plantago ,major,syn ,Broad-leaved plantain,,,,”canal

banks, moist ground”,”Medit, Eur, W Asia; naturalised elsewhere

in the temp. regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”


Platanus,hybrida,,plane tree,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Platanus,hybrida, ,Plane Tree,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Wind.

Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8”,”Introduced

deliberately from: garden origin and Commercially Available, , In

Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Platanus,occidentalis, ,American sycamore,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Platanus,x acerifolia,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Platanus,x acerifolia, ,,,,,Region of origin - Nursery;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3


Limonium,binervosum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Limonium,binervosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Limonium,companyonis, ,Sea-lavender,,,,Dispersal: Water.

Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 11,”France, In

Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Limonium,companyonis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Limonium,hyblaeum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Limonium,lobatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Limonium,lobatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Limonium,myrianthum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Limonium,otolepis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Limonium,otolepis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Limonium,ramosissima, ,N/A ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Limonium,sinuatum,,”sea lavender, statice, wavyleaf

sealavender”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Limonium,sinuatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Limonium,thouinii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Plumbago,auriculata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa


Achnatherum,brachychaetum,Stipa brachychaeta,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Achnatherum,brachychaetum, ,Punagrass ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Achnatherum,caudatum,Stipa caudata,,,L,Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acroceras,zizanioides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acroceras,zizanioides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Aegilops,cylindrica, ,Jointed Goatgrass ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Aegilops,cylindrica,, jointed goatgrass,Possible Weed of Agriculture and grassland: High Weed Potential in Disturbed areas,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Aegilops,cylindrica, ,Jointed goatgrass,,,,alternation of temp of

10 -30C for good germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Aegilops,cylindrica, ,Jointed goatgrass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Aegilops,cylindrica, ,Goatgrass,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aegilops,cylindrica, ,jointed goatgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aegilops,cylindrica, ,Goatgrass,,P,,”Weed of Significant

concern in the USAGenetically very similiar to wheat, can hybridise with

wheat, and now concern has been raised that it may accept the herbicide

resistant genes from HR wheat and develop a hybrid HR weed that cannot be

Controled at “,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Aegilops,kotschyi, ,,,,,seeds of recently matured spikelets 70 %

germ at 5C; naked caryopses 97% at 5C,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Aegilops,ovata, ,Ovate Goatgrass ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Aegilops,spp., (other than A. cylindrica),Goatgrasses,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Aegilops,spp., ,Goatgrass,,P,,Whole genus prohibited entry by

AQIS,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Aegilops,triuncialis, ,Barb Goatgrass ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Aegilops,triuncialis, ,Barbed Goatgrass ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Aegilops,triuncialis, ,Barb goatgrass,,,,”dormancy in fresh

seed, needs period of storage min 6wks, longer better”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Aegilops,triuncialis, ,barb goatgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Agropogon x,littoralis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Agropyron,caninum,” Roegneria canina, Agriopyrum caninum,

Triticum caninum”,Bearded Couch Grass,,,,Not usually an arable

weed,”Eur, Asia, NAmer”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds

In World Agriculture”

Agropyron,intermedium,” Agriopyrum glaucum, Triticum

glaucum”,Chiendent glauque,,,,Serious grass weed of central and

northern Europe arable areas,South & Central Eur,Behrendt & Hanf

“Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Agropyron,littoralis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Agropyron,pectiniforme,,Common Name(s): Crested Wheatgrass," Grass Potential Invasive , Additional Comments : Introduced in 1915, crowds out the endangered species Slender mouse-ear-cress (Halimolobos virgata) 1-2 m high ","Europe. Habitat: Fields, waste places"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Agropyron,repens, ,Quackgrass,,,,”freshly harvested

seed& seed dry stored, but not heated overwinter, very temp.

sensitive during germ. alternating temps 19-26C & 10-30C gave very

high germ results. Seeds overwintered outdoors in pots 92% seedlig

emergence “,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Agropyron,repens,” Elytrigia repens, Agropyrum repens,

Agriopyrum repens, Triticum repens”,”Couch grass, Quack

grass”,,,,Serious grass weed of southern European/medit arable

areas,”Eur, NAf, NAmer, sSAmer, Aust”,Behrendt & Hanf

“Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Agropyron,repens, ,Quackgrass ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Agropyron,repens, ,Quack grass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Agropyron,repens,syn. Elymus repens,Twitch grass,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Agropyron,repens, ,quackgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Agropyron,semicostatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Agropyron,semicostatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Agropyron,smithii, ,western wheatgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Agropyron,tsukushiense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Agropyron,tsukushiense, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Agrostis,alba, ,,,,, Weed in poor site , Hokkaido Miyagi Miyasaki

Niigata Oita ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Agrostis,alba, ,redtop,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List

of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Agrostis,capillaris,,Brown-top Bent,A,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Agrostis,capillaris,,Brown-top Bent,A,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Agrostis,capillaris,,Brown-top Bent,HXA,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Agrostis,capillaris, ,Brown-top Bent,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Vegetative,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,2,4-6,8,9,15”,”Introduced deliberately from: N hem,

In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Agrostis,capillaris, ,(A. tenuis) Colonial bentgrass


regional (highly to moderately invasive but still with a potential to

spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Agrostis,capillaris, ,colonial bentgrass,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Agrostis,capillaris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Agrostis,clavata, ,,,,, , Miyagi Miyasaki Oita ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Agrostis,geniculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Agrostis,gigantea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Agrostis,gigantea, A. alba,”Black bent, Red top”,,,,”Tenacious

nox weed in maize, beet, veg crops, vineyards and

orchards”,”Eur, E Asia, n Amer, Aust, NZ”,Behrendt &

Hanf “Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Agrostis,gigantea, ,redtop,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Agrostis,hiemalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Agrostis,scabra, ,rough bentgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Agrostis,spicaventi, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Agrostis,spicaventi, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Agrostis,stolonifera,,Creeping Bent,HX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Agrostis,stolonifera, A. alba,Creeping bent,,,,”Weed in

maize, beet, veg crops, vineyards and orchards. Prefers wet

locations”,”Eur, Asia & N Amer”,Behrendt & Hanf

“Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Agrostis,stolonifera, ,Creeping Bent,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Vegetative,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 8,9”,”Introduced deliberately from: N Hem and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Agrostis,stolonifera, ,Creeping bentgrass,,,,amitrole 1986

Belgium Pear , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Agrostis,stolonifera, ,(A. alba) Creeping bentgrass


regional (highly to moderately invasive but still with a potential to

spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Agrostis,stolonifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Agrostis,tenuis, A. vulgaris,”Common bent grass, brown top,

Sand couch”,,,,”Ocass in crops, vineyards, all kinds of

permanent grasslands”,”Eur, N Asia, N Amer,

Algiers”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Aira,caryophyllea,,Sliver Hair-Grass,HXH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Aira,caryophyllea, ,Sliver Hair-Grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5,8,9,12”,”Eur, As, Af, In Victoria: Widespread, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Aira,caryophyllea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aira,caryophyllea, ,silver hairgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aira,cupaniana,,Hair-Grass,XXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Aira,cupaniana,bas Aira capillaris,Hair-Grass,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5,6”,”Eur, As, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Aira,cupaniana,bas Aira capillaris,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aira,elegans,Aira elegantissima,Hair-Grass,HX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Aira,elegantissima,= Aira elegans,Hair-Grass,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,9,12”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Aira,elegantissima,= Aira elegans,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aira,praecox,,Early Hair-Grass,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Aira,praecox, ,Early Hair-Grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5,”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Aira,praecox, ,,,,,poor germ of freshly harvested seed; best germ

in darkness with alternating temps 10-20C after 10 wks dry

storage,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Aira,praecox, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aira,provincialis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Aira,provincialis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Alopecurus,aequalis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Alopecurus,aequalis, ,,,,,”dormancy 4mths in dry stored seed

at room temp, broken by holding moist conditions at 1-5C for 1-2wks; 40%

germ after treatment at 20C for 10days”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Alopecurus,aequalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Alopecurus,aequalis, ,,,,,annual dominant weed barley & wheat

crops , Upland Korea Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Alopecurus,aequalis, ,”short-awned foxtail,

orange-foxtail”,,,,,An annual grassy weed found in lowland areas of

several temperate regions.,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Alopecurus,geniculatus,,Marsh Fox-tail,HX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Alopecurus,geniculatus, ,Marsh Fox-tail,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

9,10”,”N Hem, In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Alopecurus,geniculatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Alopecurus,geniculatus, ,water foxtail,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Alopecurus,japoniens, , ,,,,chlortoluron 1990 China Cereals ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Alopecurus,myosuroides,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Alopecurus,myosuroides, A. agrestis,”Slender fox-tail, Black

Grass”,,,,”Serious weed in winter cereals, rape seed, beans,

root crops and present in other crops.Mentioned in Lazarides

“Weeds” Book”,”Orig native Medit, Central west &

north Eur, W Asia, N Amer, NZ”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds

In World Agriculture”

Alopecurus,myosuroides, ,Blackgrass ,,,,chlortoluron 1982 United

Kingdom Cereals , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Alopecurus,myosuroides, ,Blackgrass ,,,,chlortoluron 1989 The

Netherlands Wheat , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Alopecurus,myosuroides, ,Blackgrass ,,,,chlortoluron 1991 Spain

Wheat , heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Alopecurus,myosuroides, ,Blackgrass ,,,,”isoproturon 1983

Germany Wheat, Sugarbeet “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Alopecurus,myosuroides, ,Blackgrass ,,,,isoproturon 1996 Belgium

Wheat , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Alopecurus,myosuroides, ,Blackgrass ,,,,diclofop 1982 United

Kingdom Cereals , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Alopecurus,myosuroides, ,Blackgrass ,,,,fenoxaprop 1996 Belgium

Wheat , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Alopecurus,myosuroides, ,Blackgrass ,,,,sulfonylureas 1984 United

Kingdom Wheat , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Alopecurus,myosuroides, ,Blackgrass ,,,,dinitroanilines 1987

United Kingdom Wheat ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Alopecurus,myosuroides, ,Blackgrass ,,,,triazines 1979 Israel

Roadside , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Alopecurus,myosuroides, ,Black twitch ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Alopecurus,myosuroides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Alopecurus,myosuroides, ,”slender foxtail, blackgrass, mousetail

grass”,,,,”one of the most serious grass weeds in cereal fields

of W Eur. Its winter annual growth habit is ideally adapted to winter

cereal production and interestingly, it is most abundant and serious in

its center of origin.”,”Native to Eur & the Medit

region,”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et.


Alopecurus,myosuroides, ,”short-awned foxtail,

orange-foxtail”,,,,”one of the most serious grass weeds in

cereal fields of W Eur. Its winter annual growth habit is ideally adapted

to winter cereal production and interestingly, it is most abundant and

serious in its center of origin.”,”Native to Eur & the

Medit region,”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution -

Holm et. al.

Alopecurus,pratensis,,Meadow Fox-tail,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Alopecurus,pratensis, ,Meadow Fox-tail,,,,Dispersal: animal

external. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 9,”Euras,

In Victoria: Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Alopecurus,pratensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Alopecurus,pratensis, ,meadow foxtail,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ammophila,arenaria,,Marram Grass,HXXX,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ammophila,arenaria, ,European Beach Grass ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Ammophila,arenaria, ,Marram Grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ammophila,arenaria, ,European beachgrass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Ammophila,arenaria, ,European beach grass,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Ammophila,arenaria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ammophila,arenaria, ,European beachgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ammophila,arenaria,,European beachgrass ,"Stabilizes naturally shifting sand dunes at the coast, ruining habitat for rare plants and birds as it does so. An awesome problem.",,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Ammophila,arenaria, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ammophila,breviligulata, ,American beachgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ammophila,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive Weeds”

Andropogon,barbinodis, ,cane bluestem,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Andropogon,bicornis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Andropogon,bicornis, ,West Indian foxtailgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Andropogon,bicornis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Andropogon,condensatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Andropogon,condensatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Andropogon,distachyos,,gamba grass,Xw,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Andropogon,distachyos, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Andropogon,gayanus,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Andropogon,gerardi, ,big bluestem,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Andropogon,glomeratus, ,bushy beardgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Andropogon,lateralis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Andropogon,lateralis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Andropogon,saccharoides, ,silver beardgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Andropogon,scoparius, ,little bluestem,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Andropogon,ternarius, ,splitbeard bluestem,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Andropogon,virginicus,,”whisky grass,

broomsedge”,XX,GP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Andropogon,virginicus, ,”whisky grass,

broomsedge”,,,,”is of little fodder value, large dense

infestations reduce useful grazing area & pasture

productivity”,”native of the Americas, is common throughout the

eastern half of US & California, extending to West Indies & trop

S Amer; now spread to many of Old World tropics &

Aust”“eastern areas of Aust, particularly coast of northern NSW

& southern Qld”““,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Andropogon,virginicus, ,whisky grass broomsedge,,,,,,Weed Science


Andropogon,virginicus, ,broomsedge,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Andropogon,virginicus, ,whisky grass broomsedge,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Anthephora,pubescens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Anthoxanthum,aristatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Anthoxanthum,artistatum, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Eur; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Anthoxanthum,odoratum, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Anthoxanthum,odoratum,,scented or sweet

Vernal-grass,HXAHw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Anthoxanthum,odoratum, ,Sweet Vernal-grass,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,2,4-6,8,9,14,15,”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Anthoxanthum,odoratum, ,Sweet vernalgrass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Anthoxanthum,odoratum, ,sweet vernal grass,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Anthoxanthum,odoratum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Anthoxanthum,odoratum, ,,,,, , Miyagi ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Anthoxanthum,odoratum, ,sweet vernalgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Anthoxanthum,puelii, A. aristatum,Annual Vernal

grass,,,,”Nox grass in winter cereals, occas root crops. Similiar A.

odoratum is perennial, not signif arable weed.”,”Medit north to

Western France, S and W England. Widely intro'd to NW Germany, rare south

and absent central Germany.”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds

In World Agriculture”

Apera,interrupta, ,Dense Silky bent,,,,”Rarer than A.

spica-venti, thives in dry sandy soils”,”Sporadic in SW

Germany, rare & casual in N, W & S Eur”,Behrendt & Hanf

“Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Apera,interrupta, ,(Agrostis interrupta) Interrupted apera


regional (highly to moderately invasive but still with a potential to

spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Apera,interrupta, ,dense silky bent,,P,,”Rarer than A.

spica-venti, thives in dry sandy soils”,”Sporadic in SW

Germany, rare & casual in N, W & S Eur”,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Apera,spica-venti, Agrostis spica-venti,Loose Silky bent,,,,Nox

weed predom in winter cereals,”W, Central, N Eur”,Behrendt

& Hanf “Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Apera,spica-venti, Agrostis spica-venti,,,,,”optimum temp

for germ is alternation of 2-5C to 25C, with weak daylight; in darkness

best germ obtained with alternating temps of 5-22C”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Apera,spica-venti, ,Wind Bentgrass,,,,isoproturon 1994

Switzerland Wheat , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Apera,spica-venti, (L),,,,,,,Weed Science List

Apera,spica-venti, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Aristida,benthamii,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Aristida,congesta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aristida,congesta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Aristida,dichotoma, ,churchmouse threeawn,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aristida,junciformis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aristida,junciformis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Aristida,longiseta, ,red threeawn,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aristida,oligantha, ,prairie threeawn,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aristida,purpurascens, ,arrowfeather threeawn,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arrhenatherum,elatius, ,Tall oatgrass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Arrhenatherum,elatius, ,Tall oatgrass,,,,seed germs immediately

after harvest with adequate moisture supply; dry stored seed retain

viability for several years; bulbous variety can be vegetatively

propageted by transplanting bulbs,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Arrhenatherum,elatius,,”False Oat-grass, tall oat

grass”,Xw,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Arrhenatherum,elatius,,False Oat-grass,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Arrhenatherum,elatius,,False Oat-grass,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Arrhenatherum,elatius, ,False Oat-grass,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur, N Af, W As, In

Victoria: Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Arrhenatherum,elatius, ,tall oatgrass,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Arrhenatherum,elatius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arrhenatherum,elatius, ,tall oatgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arrhenatherum,elatius ssp. bulbosum, syn. Avena

elatior,”Tall or False Oat grass, Onion couch”,,,,The small

bulbils can lead to spp becoming troublesome in crops,”Eur, N

Africa, W Asia, N Amer, Aust”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds

In World Agriculture”

Arthraxon,hispidus,,hairy jointgrass,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess characteristics of

invasive species and spread easily into native plant communities and

displace native vegetation; includes species which are or could become

widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Arundinaria,pygmaea, ,,,,, , Miyasaki ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Arundinaria,spp., ,Bamboo ,,,,Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest

Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Arundinaria,tecta, ,switch cane,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Arundinella,bengalensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arundinella,bengalensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Arundinella,hirta, ,,,,, , Miyagi Miyasaki Oita Kagawa ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Arundinella,leptochloa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arundinella,leptochloa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Arundo,donax, ,giant reed,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Arundo,donax,,Giant Danube Reed,XXX,NL,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Arundo,donax,,, Peidmont and mountains & valleys in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Avena,sterilis,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Arundo,donax, ,Giant Reed ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Arundo,donax, ,Giant Danube Reed,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,?Vegetative. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Eur, As and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Arundo,donax, ,”giant reed, wild cane”,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Arundo,donax, ,giant reed,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades:watercourses; unlike inigenous reeds often occurs on

roadsides and other sites away from water.Cultivated for: ornament,

screening”,Origin: Europe,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Arundo,donax, ,giant reed,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades:watercourses; unlike inigenous reeds often occurs on

roadsides and other sites away from water.Cultivated for: ornament,

screening”,Origin: Europe,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Arundo,donax, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Arundo,donax, ,giant reed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Arundo,donax,,”giant reed, elephant

grass”,,,,”RANK 2. “SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant

species which possess some invasive characteristics, but have less impact

on native plant communities; may have the capacity to invade natural

communities along disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in

d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Avellinia,michelii,,Avellinia,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Avellinia,michelii, ,Avellinia,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

3,4”,”Med, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Avena,abyssinica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Avena,barbata, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Avena,barbata,,Bearded Oat,HX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Avena,barbata, ,Bearded Oat,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,4,8,9,12”,”Med, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Avena,barbata, ,Slender oat,,,,freshly harvested seed has a

dormancy period of 3-5mths,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Avena,barbata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Avena,barbata, ,slender oat,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Avena,barbata subsp. wiestsii,syn ,,,,,”fields, gardens,

orchards”,”Medit, Afr, Eur, Asia; introduced into N & S

Amer”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Avena,byzantina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Avena,fatua,,wild oats,HXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Avena,fatua,,Wild Oat,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Avena,fatua, ,Spring or Common wild oat,,,,Sig weed of cereals

crops,”Eur, N Afr, Central Asia, N Amer, S Afr, Aust”,Behrendt

& Hanf “Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Avena,fatua, ,Wild Oat,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,4,8,12”,”Med, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Avena,fatua, ,Wild oat,,,,”fresh seed needs 4-7mths dry

storage to break dormancy; increase germ of seed by removing lemma &

palea,pricking/breaking seed coat, reputuring seed coat by exposing seeds

to ethylene gas, soaking seeds for 12-24hrs in 1-2% potassium nitrate

soln”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Avena,fatua, ,Wild oat,,,,pronamide 1990 USA ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Avena,fatua, ,Wild oat,,,,triallate 1992 Canada Cereals ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Avena,fatua, ,Wild oat,,,,triallate 1993 USA Cereals ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Avena,fatua, ,Wild oat,,,,diclofop 1985 Australia Wheat ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Avena,fatua, ,Wild oat,,,,diclofop 1986 South Africa Wheat ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Avena,fatua, ,Wild oat,,,,diclofop 1990 Canada Wheat ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Avena,fatua, ,Wild oat,,,,diclofop 1990 USA Cropland ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Avena,fatua, ,Wild oat,,,,diclofop 1995 Chile ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Avena,fatua, ,Wild oat,,,,imazamethabenz 1994 Canada Cropland ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Avena,fatua,syn ,Wild oat,,,,”fields, gardens,

orchards”,”Medit, Afr, Eur, Asia; introduced into N & S

Amer”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Avena,fatua, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Avena,fatua,X sativa,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Avena,fatua, ,,,,,biennial sub-dominance , Upland Korea ,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Avena,fatua, ,wild oat,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List

of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Avena,ludoviciana, A. sterilis var. ludoviciana,Winter Wild

Oat,,,,Occurs almost exclusively in Winter cereals due to low temp

conditions needed for germination.,”S & Central Eur, Native

Medit”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Avena,sativa,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Avena,sativa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Avena,sterilis,,Sterile Oat,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Avena,sterilis,,Sterile Oat,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Avena,sterilis, ,Wild oat,,,,”diclofop 1989 Australia Wheat,

Clover “, heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Avena,sterilis, ,Wild oat,,,,fenoxaprop 1993 United Kingdom

Cereals , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Avena,sterilis,syn ,,,,,”fields, gardens,

orchards”,”Medit, Afr, Eur, Asia; introduced into N & S

Amer”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Avena,sterilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Avena,strigosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Avena,strigosa, ,Bristle or Small Oat,,,,”Rare on poor

soils, Similiar spp to A. fatua”,”Intro N & Central Eur,

Amer”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Avena,strigosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Avena ,sterilis, ,Sterile Oat,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 4,12,”,”Eur, In Victoria: ?Limited

distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Axonopus,affinis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Axonopus,affinis, ,carpetgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Axonopus,compressus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Axonopus,compressus, ,,,,,Very similiar to Cynodon dactylon,Common

in tropical areas,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Axonopus,compressus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Axonopus,compressus, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Axonopus,compressus,”syn Anastrophus compressus, Panicum

platycaulon, Paspalum compressum, Paspalum

platycaulon”,”blanket grass, carpet grass, savannah

grass”,,,,”both everwet areas & in areas with a pronounced

dry season; in sunny to shaded, somewhat moist sites (not desiccating in

the dry season), but not in soggy places; in lawns, grassy roadsides,

rubber & tea plantations; usually gregarious & forming a dense

m”,”tropical Amer, pantropical, also subtropical, in the New

World from the southern USA to Argentina; throughout Indonesia, so far

not found in the Lesser Sunda Islands & the

Moluccas”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Axonopus,fissifolius,A. affinis,carpet grass,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bambusa,arundinacea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bambusa,balcooa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bambusa,spp.,,bamboo,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bambusa,spp., ,clumping bamboo,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Bambusa,vulgaris,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Beckmannia,syzigachne, ,American Sloughgrass,,,,chlortoluron 1993

China Cereals , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Bothriochloa,biloba,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bothriochloa,bladhii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bothriochloa,insculpta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bothriochloa,macra,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bothriochloa,pertusa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bouteloua,aristidoides, ,sixweeks needle grama,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bouteloua,barbata, ,sixweeks grama,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Brachiaria,advena,Urochloa advena,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Brachiaria,brizantha,Urochloa brizantha,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Brachiaria,brizantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brachiaria,ciliatissima, ,fringed signalgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Brachiaria,decumbens,Urochloa decumbens,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Brachiaria,deflexa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brachiaria,deflexa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Brachiaria,eruciformis,syn Panicum eruciforme,Signal

grass,,,,”gardens, orchards; summer weed in fields of cotton &

other summer crops”,”E Medit, S Eur, W Asia, trop. E Afr;

introduced into N Amer”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Brachiaria,eruciformis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Brachiaria,eruciformis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brachiaria,eruciformis,”syn Panicum eruciformis, Panicum

isachne, Brachiaria isachne”,,,,,”areas witha pronounced dry

season; in swampy, periodically desiccating sites,also along roadsides;

usually on heavy soils; up to 250m alt; locally sometimes common, but not

forming a closed stand of vegetation; rainfed & upland rice fields, a

weed of mino”,”unknown, in Indonesia: so far only in Java &

Madura”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Brachiaria,fasciculata,Urochloa fasciculata var.

reticulata,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Brachiaria,fasciculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brachiaria,humidicola,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Brachiaria,humidicola, ,,,,,Region of origin - Afr; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - agriculture - pasture,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Brachiaria,mutica, ,”para grass, buffalo

grass”,,,,”southern Asia, vegetables, wetlands”,Cook

Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New

Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu;

Wallis and Futuna ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Brachiaria,mutica,Urochloa mutica,,XXHH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Brachiaria,mutica, = Panicum purpurescens,,,,,Similiar to but

denser hairs than B. platyphylla,,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds

In World Agriculture”

Brachiaria,mutica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brachiaria,mutica, ,,,,, Pasture grasses and legumes , Thailand

,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Brachiaria,mutica,”syn Panicum muticum, Panicum

purpurascens, Brachiaria purpurascens”,”para grass, Mauritius

grass, buffalo grass”,,,,”moist to marshy, sunny to lightly

shaded sites, in pools & swamps, in & along ditches & drains,

most kinds of agricultural land, plantations, etc; under wet conditions

it can form pure stands of 1m thick stolon-mats; tolerates brackish

water; up to 1500m “,”tropical Afr, pantropical; throughout

Indonesia, so far not found in the Moluccas & Irian

Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Brachiaria,mutica,,par grass,,,,”Catergory I - Species that

are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This

definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical range

of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Brachiaria,paspaloides,,"common brachiaria ""common brachiaria"" ""brachiaria, common"" , Thurston grass ""Thurston grass"" orchards, tea, coffee, rice, lawns, roadsides, disturbed sites",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds",

Brachiaria,paspaloides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brachiaria,paspaloides,”syn Brachiaria ambigua, Panicum

ambiguum”,,,,,”in not too dry, but also not wet, sunny to

lightly shaded sites; grassy roadsides, lawns, plantations;sometimes

abundant; in Malaysia mostly near the sea; in Java up to 1200m alt;

upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance, sometimes cultivated as a

f”,”unknown, Sri Lanka, India, Burma, Thailand, Malesia; throughout

Indonesia, except Kalimantan, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice

in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Brachiaria,paspaloides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Brachiaria,plantaginea, ,,,,,Similiar to B. platyphylla,,Behrendt

& Hanf “Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Brachiaria,plantaginea, ,Alexandergrass ,,,,ACCase 1997 Brazil

Soybean , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Brachiaria,plantaginea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brachiaria,plantaginea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Brachiaria,platyphylla, B. extensa,Broadleaf signal grass,,,,on

sandy soils,USA southern states,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In

World Agriculture”

Brachiaria,platyphylla, ,Broadleaf signal grass,,,,no special

treatment necessary,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Brachiaria,platyphylla, ,broadleaf signalgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Brachiaria,ramosa,Urochloa ramosa,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Brachiaria,reptans, ,running grass,,,,”old world tropics,

vegetables, roadsides”,Fiji; French Polynesia; New Caledonia; Papua

New Guinea; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu; Wallis &

Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Brachiaria,reptans,”syn Brachiaria prostrata, Panicum

reptans, Urochloa reptans”,,,,,”rather moist to rather dry

soils of fields (it disappears after flooding), along roadsides, etc; in

Java up to 1200m alt; locally abundant; gogo rancah & upland rice

fields, a weed of minor importance; it is a good fodder grass,

“,”Afr, tropics of the Old & New World, from Polynesia to

northern Aust; throughout Indonesia, except Kalimantan, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Brachiaria,subquadripara,”Urochloa subquadripara, B.

miliiformis”,Green Summergrass,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Brachiaria,subquadripara, ,Green Summergrass,,,,,,Weed Science


Brachiaria,subquadripara,syn B. miliiformis,Green

Summergrass,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Brachiaria,subquadriparia,syn B. milliiformis,green summer

grass,,,,”South America, vegetables, lawn, roadside”,Cook

Islands; Fiji; Guam; New Caledonia; American Samoa; Western Samoa;

Solomon Islands; Tokelau; Tonga; Vanuatu; Wallis &

Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Brachiaria,texana,Urochloa texana,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Brachyachne,convergens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Brachypodium,distachyon, ,Mediterranean Annual Grass

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Brachypodium,distachyon,,False Brome,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Brachypodium,distachyon, ,False Brome,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,12”,”Eur,As, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Brachypodium,distachyon, ,FALSE brome,,,,triazines 1975 Israel

Roadside , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Brachypodium,distachyon, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Brachypodium,pinnatum, ,”Chalk False brome, Tor

grass”,,,,Prefers moist calcareous soils,”Most of Eur, Asia and

NW Africa”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Brachypodium,sylvaticum, ,False-brome ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Briza,maxima,,Large Quaking -grass,HXXXH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Briza,maxima, ,Large Quaking -grass,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,2,3,4,5,8,12,”,”Introduced deliberately

from: Med and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Briza,maxima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Briza,media, ,perennial quakinggrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Briza,minor,,Lesser Quaking-grass,XXXXXH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Briza,minor, ,Lesser Quaking-grass,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5,8,9”,”Introduced deliberately from:

Eur and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Briza,minor, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Briza,minor, ,little quakinggrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Briza,subaristata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Briza,subaristata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Briza ,media, ,Perennial quaking grass,,,,seed germ immediately

after harvest on their own at room temp,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Bromus,alopecuros,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bromus,alopecuros, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,arenarius,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bromus,arenarius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,arenarius, ,Australian chess,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bromus,arvensis, ,field brome,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bromus,brevis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bromus,brevis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,brizaeformis, ,Rattlesnake chess,,,,”fresh seed germ

at 10-15C in dark; 1 yr old seed germ at 10, 20, or 30C

“,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Bromus,brizaeformis, ,Rattlegrass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately invasive

but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest

Plant Council (Weed)

Bromus,brizaeformis, ,rattlesnake chess,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bromus,catharticus,,Prairie Grass,HXXXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bromus,catharticus, ,Prairie Grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5,8,12”,”S Am, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Bromus,catharticus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,catharticus,,bromegrass,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Bromus,cebadilla,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bromus,cebadilla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,coloratus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,commutatus, ,Hairy chess,,,,1yr old seed germs in 5.5 days

at 30C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Bromus,commutatus, ,hairy chess,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bromus,commutatus, ,Hairy chess,,P,,Prohibited entry to Australia

by AQIS,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Bromus,commutatus,,bromegrass,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Bromus,diandrus,,Great Brome,HXXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Bromus,diandrus, ,Great Brome,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,11,12”,”Med, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Bromus,diandrus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,fonkii,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bromus,hordeaceus,,Soft Brome,HXXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Bromus,hordeaceus, ,Soft Brome,,,,”Dispersal: animal external,?animal

(not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4?”,”Eur, As, N Am, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Bromus,hordeaceus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,hordeaceus,,bromegrass,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Bromus,inermis,B. coloratus recorded but not naturalised in

WA,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bromus,inermis, ,Smooth brome ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Bromus,inermis,,Common Name(s): Smooth brome grass,"Avail nurseries, Grass Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Invades prairies and native grasslands, introduced 1800 ""Perennial, 2 feet high, flowers in spikelets with 3-7 florets, large tufts ""","Europe. Habitat: Prairies, meadows, roadsides, agricultural areas"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Bromus,inermis, ,”smooth brome grass, Hungarian brome

grass”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Bromus,inermis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,inermis, ,smooth brome,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bromus,inermis,,Hungarina bromegrass,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance

corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Bromus,japonicus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bromus,japonicus, ,Japanese brome,,,,new seed germ at 10-15C; 1yr

old seed germ well at all temps form 10-30C,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Bromus,japonicus, ,Japanese brome ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Bromus,japonicus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,japonicus, ,Japanese brome,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bromus,japonicus,,Japanese bromegrass,,,,”RANK 2. “SIGNIFICANT

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some invasive

characteristics, but have less impact on native plant communities; may

have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance

corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Bromus,lanceolatus,,Mediterranean Brome,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bromus,lanceolatus, ,Mediterranean Brome,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual.

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,4,”,”S Eur, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Bromus,lanceolatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,lithobius,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bromus,madritensis,,Compact Brome,HXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Bromus,madritensis, ,ssp rubens Red Brome ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Bromus,madritensis, ,Compact Brome,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,3,4,5,12”,”S Eur, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Bromus,madritensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,molliformis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bromus,mollis, ,Soft chess,,,,dormancy about 1mth; germs well

after dry storage,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Bromus,mollis, ,soft chess,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Bromus,pseudothominii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,racemosus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bromus,racemosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,racemosus, ,upright brome,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bromus,rigidis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,rigidus,,rip gut,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bromus,rigidus, ,Ripgut brome,,,,”low germ of fresh seed,

dormancy broken by seed dry storage of several mths, 1yr old germs well

at between 10-30C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Bromus,rigidus, ,ripgut brome,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bromus,rubens,,Red Brome,HH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bromus,rubens, ,Red Brome,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 6”,”S Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Bromus,rubens, ,Red brome,,,,”no germ of fresh seed, 2mths

dry storage needed to break dormancy”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Bromus,rubens, ,foxtail brome,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Bromus,rubens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,rubens, ,red brome,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Bromus,secalinus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bromus,secalinus, ,Cheat,,,,”1day old seed germ well at 15C;

prechilling of moistened seed at 5C for 1 wk, then 20C or with

alternating 20-30C temp; 96% germ of 1mth old seed under the same

conditions”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Bromus,secalinus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,secalinus, ,cheat,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Bromus,secalinus,,bromegrass,,,,”RANK 2. “SIGNIFICANT

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some invasive

characteristics, but have less impact on native plant communities; may

have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance corridors,

or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Bromus,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Bromus,squarrosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,stamineus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,sterilis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bromus,sterilis, ,Poverty brome ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Bromus,sterilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,sterilis, ,poverty brome,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bromus,sterilis,,bromegrass,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Bromus,tectorum, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Bromus,tectorum,,drooping brome,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Bromus,tectorum, ,Cheat Grass ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Bromus,tectorum, ,Downy brome,,,,1wk old seed germ at 15C;

prechilling at 5C for 1 wk good germ at 20C & 20-30C alternating; 2

mth old seed 96% germ any temp above,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Bromus,tectorum, ,Downy brome,,,,chlortoluron 1990 Spain Wheat ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Bromus,tectorum, ,Downy brome,,,,simazine 1990 Spain Orchard ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Bromus,tectorum, ,Downy brome,,,,triazines 1981 France ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Bromus,tectorum, ,Cheatgrass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Bromus,tectorum, ,cheat grass,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Bromus,tectorum, ,drooping brome,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bromus,tectorum, ,downy brome,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bromus,tectorum, ,drooping brome,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Bromus,tectorum,,thatch bromegrass,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Bromus,willdenowii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Bromus,willdenowii, ,rescuegrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bromus,x pseudoothominii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bromus ,arvensis, ,Field Brome,,,,,”Europe, Temp Asia, N

Amer”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Bromus ,commutatus, ,Meadow Brome,,,,”Scattered to rare, esp

in S to Central Germany”,”Eur, N Africa, West Asia, N

Amer”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Bromus ,erectus, B. agrestis,Upright Brome,,,,Prefers chalk

soils,”S & central Eur, N Africa, Near East (intro to S Afr

& Amer)”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Bromus ,japonicus, B. patulus,Japanese Brome,,,,Uncommon species

on cultivated and waste land,”Central and southern Europe, Near east

to India, Intro to Asia, S Africa & USA”,Behrendt & Hanf

“Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Bromus ,mollis, B. hordeaceus ssp. thominii,”Soft Brome, Lop

grass”,,,,”Nox weed in grass seed production, neglected meadows

and pastures on dry to moist ground: Similiar to B.

racemosus”,”Eur, Near East, Japan, n Africa, Intro to N & S

Amer”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Bromus ,racemosus, ,,,,,Common on moist cultivated fertile

land,”Eur, intro USA”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In

World Agriculture”

Bromus ,rigidus, ,Ripgut,,,,Important weed in pastures in

USA,”Medit Region, N Amer, Aust”,Behrendt & Hanf

“Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Bromus ,rubens, ,Red Brome,,,,,”Medit Region,

Aust”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Bromus ,secalinus, ,”Rye brome, Cheat grass”,,,,”Unimportant

arable weed, commonon waste ground”,”Eur, W Asia, n Africa, N

Amer”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Bromus ,squarrosus, ,,,,,”On all soils, mostly waste ground,

perennial crops, rare in arable land”,”S Eur, temp Asia, Medit

Reg, USA”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Bromus ,sterilis, ,”Barren Brome, Poverty

Brome”,,,,”Pefers moist well drained soils in Hort situations,

not common in cereal crops”,”Central & S Eur, S Scandin,

UK, SW Asia, intro to N Amer”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds

In World Agriculture”

Bromus ,tectorum, ,Drooping Brome,,,,”Important weed in

cereals on dry, warm mostly alkaline sandy to loamy

soils”,”Most Eur, Near East, N Amer. Native Medit

region”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Buchloe,dactyloides, ,buffalograss,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Calamagrostis,canadensis, ,bluejoint reedgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Calamagrostis,epigejos,,”chee reedgrass, bush grass, wood

smallreed”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Calamagrostis,epigejos, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Eur, Asia,

Afr; Extent of spread - eradicated ?; Means of spread -

unknown”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Calamagrostis,epigejos, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Calamagrostis,hakonensis, ,,,,, , Miyagi ,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Capillipedium,spicigerum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Catapodium,marinum,Desmazeria marina,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Catapodium,rigidum,Desmazeria rigida,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cenchrus,biflorus,,,HX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cenchrus,biflorus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cenchrus,brownii,,”slimbristle sandbur, burr

grass”,H,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cenchrus,brownii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cenchrus,brownii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cenchrus,caliculatus, ,hillside burrgrass,,P,,”Established

in QLD and NSW, CSIRO Handbook of Australian WeedsBurrs a problem in

wool”,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cenchrus,ciliaris,,buffel grass,XXHH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cenchrus,ciliaris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cenchrus,echinatus, ,sand burr,,,,”tropical Asia,

vegetables, coconut”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam;

Kiribati; Marshall Islands; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea;

American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu;

Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Cenchrus,echinatus,”Cenchrus brevisetus, Cenchrus pungens,

Cenchrus quinquevlvis, Cenchrus viridis”,”Mossman River grass,

burrgrass, burweed, sandbur, southern sandbur”,XHX,L,NT,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cenchrus,echinatus, ,Mossman river grass,,,,Nox weed in tropical

regions,”Tropical regions, S USA ocassionally intro to Eur,

Aust”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Cenchrus,echinatus, ,Southern Sandbur ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cenchrus,echinatus, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web Address:

,,”Florida Weeds,


Cenchrus,echinatus,” Cenchrus brevisetus, Cenchrus pungens,

Cenchrus quinquevlvis, Cenchrus viridis”,”Mossman River grass,

burrgrass, burweed, sandbur, southern sandbur”,,,,”serious weed

of maize, sugarcane, cotton, peanuts, pastures & sometimes orchards,

vineyards, vegetable crops & soyabeans; grows rapidly in moist

conditions & competes for light, moisture & nutrients; burrs

contaminate & injure”,”native of trop Amer extending from

the southern US through the Caribbean region & C Amer to Colombia,

Brazil, Arg & Chile; introd & prevalent in trop Afr, Madagascar,

India, Israel & all countries bordering the Western Pacific

Ocean”“introd to Qld; presen”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Cenchrus,echinatus, ,Mossman River grass,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cenchrus,echinatus, ,southern sandbur,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cenchrus,echinatus, ,Mossman River grass,,P,, May need to be

revised as this spp. is not declared under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Cenchrus,gracillimus, ,,,P,,Prohibited entry to Australia by

AQIS,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cenchrus,incertus,,”spiny burr-grass, innocent weed,

American burr grass, burgrass, coast sandbur, field burr, field sandbur,

gentle annie, hedgehog grass, longspine sandbur, sandbur”,,L,NSW;

Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cenchrus,incertus, ,Coast Sandbur ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cenchrus,incertus, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web Address:

,,”Florida Weeds,


Cenchrus,incertus,” Cenchrus pauciflorus, Cenchrus incertus,

Cenchrus tribuloides. Cenchrus longispinus, Cenchrus

incertus”,”spiny burr-grass, innocent weed, American burr

grass, burgrass, coast sandbur, field burr, field sandbur, gentle annie,

hedgehog grass, longspine sandbur, sandbur”,,,,”occupies open

dry sandy stituations, & is a pioneer plant of disturbed sandy soils,

also grows under irrigation; it is a weed because of its objectionable

burrs; without these it would be a rather insignificant annual grass with

some pasture value”,”originate in N & C Amer; estab as weed

in S Afr, S Amer & some Medit countries”“common in NSW, SA,

Vic & Qld small patches in NT & WA from Perth to Geraldton”““,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cenchrus,incertus, ,Innocent weed (n),,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS

IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Moveme”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Cenchrus,incertus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cenchrus,incertus, ,,,P,, May need to be revised as this spp. is

not declared under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cenchrus,longispinus,,”spiny burr-grass, innocent weed,

American burr grass, burgrass, coast sandbur, field burr, field sandbur,

gentle annie, hedgehog grass, longspine sandbur, sandbur”,XX,LP,NSW;

Vic; Tas; SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cenchrus,longispinus, ,Mat Sandbur ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cenchrus,longispinus,” Cenchrus pauciflorus, Cenchrus

incertus, Cenchrus tribuloides. Cenchrus longispinus, Cenchrus

incertus”,”spiny burr-grass, innocent weed, American burr

grass, burgrass, coast sandbur, field burr, field sandbur, gentle annie,

hedgehog grass, longspine sandbur, sandbur”,,,,”occupies open

dry sandy stituations, & is a pioneer plant of disturbed sandy soils,

also grows under irrigation; it is a weed because of its objectionable

burrs; without these it would be a rather insignificant annual grass with

some pasture value”,”originate in N & C Amer; estab as weed

in S Afr, S Amer & some Medit countries”“common in NSW, SA,

Vic & Qld small patches in NT & WA from Perth to

Geraldton”““,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Cenchrus,longispinus, ,Longspine sandbur ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Cenchrus,longispinus, ,Innocent weed n,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Cenchrus,longispinus, ,”spiny burr-grass, innocent

weed”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cenchrus,longispinus, ,longspine sandbur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cenchrus,longispinus, ,”spiny burr-grass, innocent

weed”,,P,, May need to be revised as this spp. is not declared under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cenchrus,pauciflorus, C. longispinus,Spiny Burr grass,,,,A weed

of significant inconvieniece due to it's sticking burdocks,Tropical &

Subtroppical crops in the Americas,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds

In World Agriculture”

Cenchrus,pauciflorus, ,field sandbur,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cenchrus,pennisetiformis,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cenchrus,setiger,C. setigerus in SA,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cenchrus,setiger, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cenchrus,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cenchrus,spp., , (Buffel and Birdwood Grasses),,P,,Species from

this genus are banned if not Identified as a permitted spp. AQIS

prohibits all spiny species.,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cenchrus,tribuloides, ,,,,,”97% germ in 24 hrs & 99% in

10 days of lower burr; upper burr 57% in 24hrs & 89% in 10 days in a

germinator, (upper & lower refer to positon in the

burr)”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Cenchrus ,biflorus,syn C. barbatus,,,,,”recently introduced;

rapidly invading newly reclaimed sandy soils adjacent desert, east of

Nile Delta & in some parts of Upper Egypt.”,trop. & subtrop.

Afr; introduced into some warm regions of Asia & Amer,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Chionochloa,beddiei, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Chionochloa,flavicans, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Chionochloa,rubra, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Chionochloa,spiralis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Chloris,barbata, ,swollen fingergrass,,,,”old world tropics

(Africa?), pasture, roadsides”,Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New

Caledonia; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Chloris,chloridea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chloris,chloridea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Chloris,ciliata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Chloris,ciliata, ,,,,,16% germ of intact seed in darkness &

76% germ in light at 33-34C; dehulled seeds germ 95% in darkness &

96% in light at 33-34C; intact seed germ well in darkness alt. temp of

2hrs at 33-34C then 22hrs at 19-20C or 8hrs at 33-34C then 16hrs at

19-20C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Chloris,ciliata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chloris,divaricata, ,Australian stargrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chloris,gayana,,Rhodes Grass,XHXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Chloris,gayana, ,Rhodes Grass,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,Vegetative,?Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4”,”Introduced deliberately from: Af, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Chloris,gayana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chloris,gayana, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Chloris,gayana, ,rhodesgrass,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Chloris,halophila, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chloris,halophila, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Chloris,inflata,Chloris barbata,,XXHX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Chloris,inflata, ,Swollen fingergrass,,,,”diuron 1987 USA

Sugarcane, Roadsides “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Chloris,inflata, ,Swollen fingergrass,,,,”ametryn 1987 USA

Sugarcane, Roadsides “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Chloris,inflata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chloris,inflata, ,swollen fingergrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chloris,pilosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Chloris,radiata, ,radiate fingergrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chloris,verticillata, ,tumble windmillgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chloris,virgata,,,XH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Chloris,virgata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chloris,virgata, ,feather fingergrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chrysopogon,aciculatus,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Coix,aquatica,,"Jobís tears ""Jobís tears"" ","serious weed of waterways, rice",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Coix,aquatica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Coix,aquatica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Coix,gigantea,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Coix,gigantea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Coix,gigantea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Coix,lacryma-jobi,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Coix,lacryma-jobi, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cortaderia,jubata, ,pampas grass,,,,Initial list of Invasive

weeds nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated

Worst Invasive Weeds”

Cortaderia,jubata,Cortaderia atacamensis,”(NZ variety)

cortaderia, pink pampas grass, pampas grass, purple pampas

grass”,HH,LP,NSW; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cortaderia,jubata, ,”Andean Pampas Grass, Jubatagrass

“,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory

(CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a

database, accessible through the Internet, containing information on

noxious weed control in California. This information will

f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cortaderia,jubata, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Amer; Extent of spread

- localised - spreading; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Cortaderia,jubata, ,Pink Pampas Grass,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5,8,9”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Am and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cortaderia,jubata, Cortaderia atacamensis,”(NZ variety)

cortaderia, pink pampas grass, pampas grass, purple pampas

grass”,,,,recently introd to Tas as an ornamental & being highly

invasive is already replacing native species & becoming potentially a

greater problem than Cortaderia selloana; occurs on the mainland in Vic

,”mountain plant native to Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador & Peru,

growing mainly at heights between 2800 & 3400m above sea level;

introd & nat. in S Afr, USA & NZ, more aggressive than Cortaderia

selloana”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cortaderia,jubata, ,”Andean pampas grass, jubata

grass”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Cortaderia,jubata, ,Pampas grass,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: grassland, roadsides, rivers, wastelandCultivated for:

ornamental, mine dump stabilization”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cortaderia,jubata, ,Pampas grass,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: grassland, roadsides, rivers, wastelandCultivated for:

ornamental, mine dump stabilization”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cortaderia,jubata, ,Pink pampas grass N # ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Cortaderia,jubata, ,”cortaderia, pink pampas grass, pampas

grass (New Zealand variety)”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cortaderia,jubata, ,”cortaderia, pink pampas grass, pampas

grass (New Zealand variety)”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Cortaderia,richardii,Arundo fulvida,”cortaderia, toe

toe”,XX,LP,Tas; NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cortaderia,richardii, Arundo fulvida,”cortaderia, toe

toe”,,,,”introd to Tas, as the only NZ species of Cortaderia to

become nat. outside its native area; now nat. in south west of Tas, where

its a threat to World Heritage Area; not on Aust mainland

“,”native to South Is of NZ, growing on open plains & lower

mountain slopes & is planted as an ornamental in North

Is.”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Cortaderia,richardii, ,Toetoe N # ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN

SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Cortaderia,richardii, ,”cortaderia, toe toe”,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Cortaderia,richardii, ,”cortaderia, toe

toe”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cortaderia,selloana, ,pampas grass,,,,Initial list of Invasive

weeds nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated

Worst Invasive Weeds”

Cortaderia,selloana,”Arundo selloana, Cortaderia argentea,

Gynerium argenteum”,”pampas grass, common pampas grass,

silvergrass”,HXXXXHwH,NLP,NSW; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cortaderia,selloana, ,Pampas Grass ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cortaderia,selloana, ,Pampas Grass,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5,6,8,9,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Am and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cortaderia,selloana, ,Pampas Grass

,,,,SHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Cortaderia,selloana,” Arundo selloana, Cortaderia argentea,

Gynerium argenteum”,”pampas grass, common pampas grass,

silvergrass”,,,,”introd to Aust as ornamental & grown in

gardens, windbreak or as fodder; inc. problem in bushlands, wet

sclerophyll forests & pine plantations of NSW central coast & in

SA; most widely occuring of the pampas spp. in Aust”,”native to

Brazil, Arg, Uruguay & Chile, idely cultivated in USA & Eur; nat.

in British Isles, France, Spain, the Azores, USA & S Afr; very

serious weed of North Is of NZ”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Cortaderia,selloana, ,pampas grass,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cortaderia,selloana, ,Pampas grass,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: seasonally wet habitatsCultivated for: ornamental, mine

dump stabilization”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Cortaderia,selloana, ,Pampas grass,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: seasonally wet habitatsCultivated for: ornamental, mine

dump stabilization”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Cortaderia,selloana, ,”pampas grass, common pampas

grass”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cortaderia,selloana, ,”pampas grass, common pampas

grass”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cortaderia,spp.,,pampas grass,XXXXXXwX,N,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Critesion,hystrix,,Med. Barley-grass,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Critesion,hystrix, ,Med. Barley-grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,9,11”,”Med, In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Critesion,hystrix, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Critesion,marinum,,Sea Barley-grass,HXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Critesion,marinum, ,Sea Barley-grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,9,11”,”Med, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Critesion,marinum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Critesion,marinum ,,Blue Barley-grass,HXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Critesion,marinum ssp. glaucum, ,Blue Barley-grass,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 3,4”,”Med, SW Eur, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Critesion,murinum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Critesion,secalinum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Crypsis,schoenoides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Crypsis,schoenoides, , ,,,,triazines 1995 Israel Forest ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Cymbopogon,citratus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cymbopogon,citratus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cymbopogon,martinii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cymbopogon,proximus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cymbopogon,proximus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cymbopogon,refractus, ,barbwiregrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cynodon,aethiopicus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cynodon,aethiopicus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cynodon,dactylon, ,”couch, bermuda

grass”,,,,”tropical America, vegetables, field crops”,Cook

Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; New Caledonia; Niue;

Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands;

Tokelau; Tonga; Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Cynodon,dactylon,,couch,HHXHH,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cynodon,dactylon, ,”Bermuda grass, Dog's tooth

grass”,,,,Very adaptable and common nox weed,Common in tropical and

subtropical areas,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Cynodon,dactylon, ,Couch,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,2,4,5,8,9”,”Introduced deliberately from:

cosmopolitan and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Cynodon,dactylon, ,Bermudagrass,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cynodon,dactylon,syn Panicum dactylon,Bermuda grass,,,,”fields,

gardens, orchards, canal banks, lawns etc.”“Folk medicine used

as a diuretic & emollinet as well as for cough, renal, & urinary

troubles”““,”trop., subtrop. & warm temp. regions

of the world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Cynodon,dactylon, ,,,,, Pasture grasses and legumes , Thailand

,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Cynodon,dactylon,”syn Cynodon arcuatus, Cynodon parviglumis,

Capriola dactylon”,”Bermuda grass, carpet grass, couch

grass”,,,,”sunny to lightly shaded, dry or moist (not marshy)

sites, also on hard soils; on fallow lands, along roadsides, grasslands;

up to 2100m alt; prefers medium to heavy soils, grows on alkaline &

acidic soils, survives floods & droughts; gogo rancah & lebakr

“,”Asia or Afr, pantropical & subtropical; throughout

Indonesia, except Sulawesi & Irian Jaya, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Cynodon,dactylon, ,bermudagrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cynodon,incompletus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cynodon,incompletus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cynodon,nlemfuensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cynodon,nlemfuensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cynodon,nlemfuensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cynodon,radiatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cynodon,spp, ,Bermudagrass ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Cynodon,transvaalensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cynodon,transvaalensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cynosurus,cristatus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cynosurus,cristatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cynosurus,cristatus, ,crested dogtailgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cynosurus,echinatus,,Rough Dogs-tail,HXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cynosurus,echinatus, ,Rough Dog's tail,,,,Ocassional weed of Cult

land,”Eur, N & S Amer, Aust”,Behrendt & Hanf

“Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Cynosurus,echinatus, ,Rough Dogs-tail,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5,6,7,8”,”Eur, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Cynosurus,echinatus, ,bristly dogstail grass,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cynosurus,echinatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyrtococcum,deltoideum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cyrtococcum,patens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cyrtococcum,patens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Dactylis,glomerata,,”cocksfoot, catsgrass”,HXA,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Dactylis,glomerata, ,Cocksfoot,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,?Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,15”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur, N

Af,Temp As and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Dactylis,glomerata, ,Orchard grass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Dactylis,glomerata, ,orchard grass,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Dactylis,glomerata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dactylis,glomerata, ,orchardgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Dactyloctenium,aegyptium,syn Cynosurus aegyptius,Egyptian finger

grass,,,,”fields, gardens, orchards, waste & moist

ground”“Folk medicine, a decoction from seeds used for kidney

inflammations, nervous diseases; roots used for amenorrhea”““,widely

distributed in trop. & subtrop. regions of the Old World; introduced

into the New World,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Dactyloctenium,aegyptium, ,”crowfoot grass, beach

wiregrass”,,,,”old world tropics (Africa?), disturbed

places”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati;

Marshall Islands; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga;

Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Dactyloctenium,aegyptium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dactyloctenium,aegyptium, Eleusine aegyptica,,,,,Similiar to

Eleusine indica in appearance,Asia,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds

In World Agriculture”

Dactyloctenium,aegyptium, ,Crowsfoot grass,,,,72% germ of seed in

moist sand after several mths dry storage; (% germ of 19yr old

seed,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Dactyloctenium,aegyptium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dactyloctenium,aegyptium,”syn Dactyloctenium aegypatiacum,

Eleusine aegyptia”,beach wiregrass,,,,”arable lands & waste

places near the sea; prefers light sandy soils in open sunny places, dry

or somewhat moist; locally often abundant; up to 1000m alt (Java); one

plant can produce up to 66 000 seeds which, after 19 yrs still showed a

germination of 5%;”,”tropics of the Old World, pantropical,

some extensions in the subtropics; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Dactyloctenium,aegyptium, ,crowfootgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Dactyloctenium,australe,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dactyloctenium,australe, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dactyloctenium,giganteum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dactyloctenium,giganteum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Danthonia,decumbens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Danthonia,spicata, ,Poverty oatgrass,,,,prechilling moist seed at

3C for 63 days or treating with 71% sulfuric acid for 30-45min inc. germ

% as did 0.2% KNO3 soln on substratum; germ alt. temp of 10-25C or from

room temp -35C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Danthonia,spicata, ,poverty oatgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Deschampsia,caespitosa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Desmazeria,rigida,,Rigid Fescue,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Desmazeria,rigida, ,Rigid Fescue,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,8,11,12”,”Eur, N Af, W As, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Desmazeria,rigida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Desmostachya,bipinnata,”syn Briza bipinnata, Eragrostis

bipinnata”,Halfa grass,,,,”Nile and canal banks, drains,

ditches, roadsides, waste ground”“Plant used in rural Egypt for

making ropes, baskets & mats; may be used as fodder in absence of

more palatabe plants; also a good sand binder”““,”N

Afr, Sahara, E Afr, SE Medit, Arabia, Iraq to India &

China”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Desmostachya,bipinnata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Desmostachya,bipinnata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Dichanthium,annulatum,syn Andropogon annulatus,,,,,”waste

ground, roadsides, canal banksGood fodder plant”,”N Afr,

Sahara, E Medit, Arabia, Iraq to N India”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Dichanthium,annulatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dichanthium,aristatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dichanthium,aristatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dichanthium,caricosum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dichanthium,caricosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dichanthium,sericeum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Digitaria,abyssinica, = D. scalarum,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Digitaria,adscendens, ,,,,,Annual species,Tropical

regions,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Digitaria,adscendens, ,,,,,annual dominant weed in crops Weeds of

sown grassland ,Shimane Shizuoka Upland Korea Upland Japan Okayama ,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Digitaria,aequiglumis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Digitaria,aequiglumis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,ciliaris, ,”fingergrass, tropical crabgrass,

common summergrass”,,,,”central America, pasture, field crops,

roadsides”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New

Caledonia; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Digitaria,ciliaris,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Digitaria,ciliaris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,ciliaris,”syn Digitaria adscendens, D. adscendens

var. fimbriata, D. fimbriata, D. henryi, D. marginata var. ciliaris, D.

marginata var. fimbriata, D. sanguinalis var. ciliaris, D. sanguinalis,

Panicum adscendens, Panicum ciliare, Paspalum ciliare, Syntherisma

cil”,”crab grass, summer grass”,,,,”waste places,

often on sand also along beaches, on dunes, in lawns, pastures,

plantations, disturbed lands; up to 2000m (PNG); upland rice fields, an

important weed, as it competes agressively by spreading & crowding;

it can tolerate defoliation; a worldw”,”Taiwan, tropics &

subtropics, rare in Afr; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice

in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Digitaria,debilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,debilis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Digitaria,decumbens, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Digitaria,didactyla,,,XXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Digitaria,didactyla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,eriantha,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Digitaria,eriantha,D. decumbens,pangola grass,w,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Digitaria,eriantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,eriantha (=D.decumbens), ,woolly finger

grass,,,,”tropical America, “,Fiji; French Polynesia; New

Caledonia; Niue; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Digitaria,filiformis, ,slender crabgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Digitaria,fuscescens,,"common crabgrass ""common crabgrass"" ""crabgrass, common"" tobacco, vegetables, rubber, rice; pastures, disturbed sites, roadsides, coastal dunes, dry forests",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds",

Digitaria,fuscescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,fuscescens,”syn Paspalum fuscescens, Syntherisma

fuscescens, Digitaria pseudoischaemum”,,,,,”pioneer on

humid,sandy to rocky soil in disturbed places,dunes fields, roads; up to

1350m alt (Sumatra); upland & tidal rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, but sometimes becoming noxious, sometimes planted as a

protection against erosion”,”unknown, perhaps Java, continental

tropical Afr, Madagascar, from India to S China, Malesia (not yet found

in Aust); throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Digitaria,fuscescens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Digitaria,henryi, ,Henry crabgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Digitaria,heterantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,horizontalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,horizontalis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Digitaria,insularis,,,"pineapples; unpalatable weed of pastures, headlands, roadsides",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Digitaria,insularis, ,sour grass,,,,”Africa, pasture, waste

places”, Fiji; Guam; Papua New Guinea; Solomon Islands; Wallis &

Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Digitaria,insularis,,,,Q,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Digitaria,ischaemum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Digitaria,ischaemum,” Panicum distichum, P. glabrum, P.

ischaemum”,”Smooth finger grass, red

millet”,,,,”Sporadic nox weed in maize, beet, vege crops,

orchards, vineyards native in tropical, subtropical zones where it occurs

in numerous crops”,Cosmopolitan,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass

Weeds In World Agriculture”

Digitaria,ischaemum, ,Smooth crabgrass,,,,”seeds freshly

harvested , prechilling moist seed at 2-5C for 8wks; germ at 20-35C;

treat with conc. sulfuric acid for 30 sec-1min inc. germ; prechilling

time dec. with age of dry stored seed; 1yr old seed no pretreatment, germ

at 20-35C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Digitaria,ischaemum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,ischaemum, ,smooth crabgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Digitaria,ischaenum, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Digitaria,longiflora,syn Digitaria propinqua,,,,,”a pioneer

on humid, sandy to rocky soils, open grasslnds, open forests, prefers

ratherlight of dry soils; a roadside ruderal; not resistant to very dry

or prolonged wet periods; up to 1500m alt (Sumatra); upland & tidal

rice fields, a weed of minor import”,”India, tropics &

subtropics of the Old World; introd in Amer; throughout Indonesia, except

the Lesser Sunda Islands & Irian Jaya, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Digitaria,longiflora, ,lesser crabgrass,,,,”Digitaria

longiflora is a reported weed of 19 crops of 37 countries and often

infest rice, tea and rubber plantations”,”found in C & s

Afr, most of Asia, C & E Aust and several of the Pacific

lslands”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et.


Digitaria,longifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,longifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Digitaria,microbachne, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,microbachne, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Digitaria,milanjiana,see swazilandensis,,,,,See comments in

Hnatiuk Record,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,nuda,”syn Digitaria borbonica, D. digitata, D.

sanguinalis, Panicum sanguinale var. digitatum, Paspalum

digitatum”,,,,,”weed of waste places, preferring sandy soil; up

to 900m alt; locally abundant; upland rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, “,”Afr (?), pantropical, mostly common in Afr;

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Digitaria,pruriens, ,slim crabgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Digitaria,sanguinalis,,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Digitaria,sanguinalis,” Dactylon sanguinale, Digitaria

fimbriata, D. marginata, D. velutina, Panicum adscendens, P. sanguinale,

Syntherisma sanguinalis”,”Hairy finger grass,

Crabgrass”,,,,”Nox weed common in maize, beet, vege crops,

orchards, vineyards and many othercrops (soy bean and groundnuts) of

tropical, subtropical zones”,Cosmopolitan,Behrendt & Hanf

“Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Digitaria,sanguinalis, Panicum sanguinalis,Large

crabgrass,,,,germ of fresh seed started after 28days in germinator; germ

at 20-30C with some light; prechilling of fresh & old seed for 2-4wks

inc. germ at 20-35C; treatment with conc. sulfuric acid for 30sec -1min

& other scarification methods inc. germ % ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Digitaria,sanguinalis, ,Large Crabgrass,,,,fluazifop 1992 USA

Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Digitaria,sanguinalis, ,Large Crabgrass,,,,fluazifop 1993

Australia Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Digitaria,sanguinalis, ,Large Crabgrass,,,,atrazine 1995 Poland

Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Digitaria,sanguinalis, ,Large Crabgrass,,,,triazines 1983 France

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Digitaria,sanguinalis,syn Panicum sanguinale,Crab

grass,,,,”fields, gardens, lawns, roadsides”“Grazed by

horses, cattle & sheep”““,warm & temp. regions of

the world,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Digitaria,sanguinalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,sanguinalis, ,large crabgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Digitaria,scalarum, ,,,,,Perennial species,”Tropical, found

mainly in Africa”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Digitaria,scalarum, ,,,,,poor germ of fresh seed; dry storage for

6-18mths inc. germ; germ on moist sand in petri dishes at alt. temp of

68F & 84F,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Digitaria,scalarum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,scalarum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Digitaria,sericea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,sericea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Digitaria,setigera, ,itchy crabgrass,,,,”tropical America,

pasture, roadsides”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New

Caledonia; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tokelau;

Tonga; Tuvalu; ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty

in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Digitaria,setigera,”syn Digitaria consanguinea, D. marginata

var pruriens, D. microbachne, D. pruriens, D. sanguinalis, Panicum

corymbosum, P. microbachne, P. pruriens, Paspalum sanguinale var.

pruriens, Syntherisma corymbosa, Syntherisma

microbachne”,,,,,”a weed of waste places, roadsides,

plantations & to a certain extent, pastures, where it invades bare

patches after heavy grazing & prevents recovery of the more useful

plants; up to 3000m alt; upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

the most comm”,”tropical Asia, tropical Asia from India to the

Pacific & northern Aust, introd in C & northern S Amer & the

W Indies; throughout Indonesia,except Sulawesi & the Moluccas, as far

as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Digitaria,sp., ,,,,, , ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Digitaria,spp., ,,,,,”63% germ of seed moistened with 1000

ppm soln of gibberellin, on filter paper in 2wks; 3.6 fold inc. in number

of seedlings emerging after soln applied to soil; long dormant

period”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Digitaria,ternata,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Digitaria,ternata, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Asia, Afr;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - agricultural -

pasture”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Digitaria,ternata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,ternata,”syn Digitaria argyrostachya, D.

ropalotricha, Cynodon ternatus, Paspalum ternatum, Syntherisma

ternata”,crab grass,,,,”in sunny or slightly shaded, not too

infertile & not too dry sites; roadsides, fallow fields, Imperata

grasslands, plantation; up to 2000m alt; often abundant, sometimes

solitary; not permanent; upland rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”tropical Asia, tropics & subtropics of the Old World;

introd to Aust & S Amer; in Indonesia: Sumatra, Java, the Lesser

Sunda Islands & Sulawesi, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice

in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Digitaria,timorensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,timorensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Digitaria,velutina,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Digitaria,velutina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,velutina, ,velvet finger grass,,,,”Digitaria

velutina is a reported weed of 15 crops of 14 countries and often infest

coffee, cotton and maize.”,”found in C & s Afr, most of

Asia, C & E Aust and several of the Pacific lslands”,WORLD WEEDS

Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Digitaria,velutina, ,,,,,”Digitaria velutina is a reported

weed of 15 crops of 14 countries and often infest coffee, cotton and

maize.”,”found in C & s Afr, most of Asia, C & E Aust

and several of the Pacific lslands”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories

& Distribution - Holm et. al.

Digitaria,velutina, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Digitaria,violascens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Digitaria,violascens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitaria,violascens,”syn Digitaria caespitosa, D.

chinensis, D. chinensis, D. digitata, D. pertenuis; Paspalum chinense,

Paspalum longiflorum; Syntherisma chinensis”,,,,,”waste place;

in Irian Jaya up to 2400m alt; upland rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, “,”tropical Asia, pantropical, except in Afr (?);

throughout Indonesia, except the Lesser Sunda Islands, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Digitaria,violascens, ,violet crabgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Dinebra,retroflexa,,Dinebra,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Dinebra,retroflexa,syn Cynosurus retroflexus,,,,,”summer

weed, especially in sugarcane & cotton fields”“When soft

and flowering, grazed by buffaloes “““,”E Medit,

trop. & S Afr, Arabia to W India”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Dinebra,retroflexa, ,Dinebra,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dinebra,retroflexa, ,Dinebra,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Diplachne,uninervia, ,,,,,Region of origin - Amer; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Diplachne,uninervia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Diplachne,uninervia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Distichlis,spicata, ,seashore saltgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Distichlis,stricta, ,desert saltgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Echinochloa,acaicularis, ,,,,,perennial , Taiwan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Echinochloa,colona, ,”jungle rice, awnless barnyard

grass”,,,,”Indo-Malaysia, rice, wet soils, disturbed

areas”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New Caledonia;

Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga;

Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Echinochloa,colona,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Echinochloa,colona, ,Junglerice ,,,,propanil 1987 Costa Rica Rice

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Echinochloa,colona, ,Junglerice ,,,,propanil 1988 Colombia Rice ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Echinochloa,colona, ,Junglerice ,,,,fenoxaprop 1994 Costa Rica

Rice , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Echinochloa,colona,syn Panicum colonum,Deccan

grass,,,,”irrigation canals, moist ground, gardens, orchards; mainly

a summer weedSummer fodder in Egypt”,trop. & subrop. & warm

temp. regions of the world; most probably native of trop. Afr & Asia

& later introduced into Amer,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos,

L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Echinochloa,colona, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echinochloa,colona, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Echinochloa,colonum, Panicum colonum,”Little barnyard grass,

Awnless Barnyard grass, Swampgrass”,,,,”Highly polymorphic

genera, “,”Warmer regions, intro to USA”,Behrendt &

Hanf “Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Echinochloa,colonum, ,Jungle rice,,,,seeds dormant at harvest;

2mth dry storage at room temp with continuous light inc. germ

%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Echinochloa,colonum, ,jungle rice,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Echinochloa,colonum,syn Echinochloa crus-galli ssp. colonum;

Oplismenus colonum; Panicum colonum,jungle rice,,,,”in sunny or

lightly shaded places, moist or soggy but not long-inundated soils, along

drains; when the soil desiccates, it persists in moister places; often

abundant; up to 3000m alt; all kinds of rice fields, E. colonum is an

annual weed of lowland rice “,”India, Afr, India, Burma,

Malesia; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Echinochloa,colonum, ,junglerice,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Echinochloa,crus-galli, ,”barnyard grass,

watergrass”,,,,”central America, “,Fiji; French Polynesia;

New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands;

Tuvalu; Wallis & Futuna ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Echinochloa,crus-galli,,,XXXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Echinochloa,crus-galli, Panicum cruss-galli,”Lockspur,

cockspur grass”,,,,”Nox weed in rice, maize, beet, vege crops,

orchards, vineyards and many othercrops of tropical, subtropical and

temperate zones. Prefers wet warm rich soils.”,Cosmopolitan,Behrendt

& Hanf “Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Echinochloa,crus-galli, ,Barnyardgrass ,,,,butachlor 1993 China

Rice , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Echinochloa,crus-galli, ,Barnyardgrass ,,,,thiobencarb 1993 China

Rice , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Echinochloa,crus-galli, ,Barnyardgrass ,,,,propanil 1986 Greece

Rice , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Echinochloa,crus-galli, ,Barnyardgrass ,,,,propanil 1991 USA Rice

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Echinochloa,crus-galli, ,Barnyardgrass ,,,,atrazine 1978 USA

Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Echinochloa,crus-galli, ,Barnyardgrass ,,,,atrazine 1981 Canada

Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Echinochloa,crus-galli, ,Barnyardgrass ,,,,atrazine 1992 Spain

Corn , heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Echinochloa,crus-galli, ,Barnyardgrass ,,,,atrazine 1995 Poland

Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Echinochloa,crus-galli, ,Barnyardgrass ,,,,triazines 1982 France

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Echinochloa,crus-galli, ,barnyard grass,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Echinochloa,crus-galli, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echinochloa,crus-galli, ,barnyard grass,,,,annual dominance Weed

in rich site , Upland Japan Thailand Hokkaido Niigata Taiwan Japan,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Echinochloa,crus-galli,”syn Echinochloa hispidula, Panicum

crus-galli”,”cockspur, barnyard grass”,,,,”it prefers

open sunny places along water edges, marshy or swampy grasslands;

restricted to wet soils; no germination in water deeper than 12cm; in

Java u to 1200m alt; lowland-irrigated, rainfed, lebak & tidal rice

fields; the first tillers in the field a”,”Eur, India,

pantropical & subtropical; throughout Indonesia, except the Moluccas,

as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Echinochloa,crus-pavonis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Echinochloa,crus-pavonis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echinochloa,crusgalli, Panicum crusgalli,Barnyard grass,,,,alt.

temp of 20-30C in light best germ%; removing seed coat 50% germ; dry

storage 1yr 55% germ at 23C in light,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Echinochloa,crusgalli, ,barnyardgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Echinochloa,crusgalli ,syn Panicum crusgalli,Cockspur

grass,,,,”characteristic summer weed of rice fields, also along irrigation

canals, ditches & in moist groundPlant is cultivated in some regions

of the Nile Delta as summer fodder grass; has been introduced into many

countries as valuable fodder grass”,warm & temp. regions of the

Northern Hemisphere. less frequent in the tropics.,”The Weed Flora

of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Echinochloa,esculenta,E. utilis,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Echinochloa,frumentacea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Echinochloa,frumentacea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echinochloa,glabrescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echinochloa,glabrescens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Echinochloa,glabrescens,,"barnyard grass ""barnyard grass"" ","rice, maize",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Echinochloa,holubii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echinochloa,holubii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Echinochloa,muricata,E. microstachya,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Echinochloa,muricata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echinochloa,oryzicola, ,,,,,annual , Japan,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Echinochloa,oryzoides,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Echinochloa,oryzoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echinochloa,phyllopogon, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echinochloa,phyllopogon, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Echinochloa,polystachya,”Pseudechinolaena polystachya,

Oplismenus polystachyus”,”Alemangrass, creeping rivergrass,

carib grass”,XHw,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Echinochloa,polystachya, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop Amer;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - agriculture -

pasture,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Echinochloa,polystachya, ,”Alemangrass, creeping

rivergrass”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Echinochloa,praestans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echinochloa,pungens, ,prickly barnyardgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Echinochloa,pyramidalis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Echinochloa,pyramidalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echinochloa,spp., ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Echinochloa,stagnina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Echinochloa,stagnina,,"barnyard grass ""barnyard grass""","rice; lakes, rivers, wetlands; roadsides, open places; potential major environmental weed",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Echinochloa,stagnina,”syn Panicum stagninum, Panicum

crus-galli”,,,,,”marshes, pools, riverbanks, soggy grasslands;

from 0-500m alt; lebak & tidal rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, in Afr, renowned as a fodder grass because it is locally

abundant & has a high sugar content; in Afr, it is a famine

grain”,”Afr, tropical Afr & Asia; in Indonesia: Java,

Kalimantan & Sulawesi, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Echinochloa,stagnina, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Echinochloa,telmatophila,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Echinochloa,utilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ehrharta,brevifolia,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ehrharta,brevifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ehrharta,calycina,,Perennial Veldt Grass,HHXH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ehrharta,calycina, ,Veldt Grass ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Ehrharta,calycina, ,Perennial Veldt Grass,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Perennial

herb. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,4”,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Ehrharta,calycina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ehrharta,erecta,,Panic Veldt Grass,HXHX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ehrharta,erecta, ,Panic Veldt Grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb.

RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,4,5,8,12”,”S Af, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Ehrharta,erecta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ehrharta,longiflora,,Annual Veldt Grass,HXXH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ehrharta,longiflora, ,Annual Veldt Grass,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual.

RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5,8,12”,”D, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Ehrharta,longiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ehrharta,longiflorus, ,N/A ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Ehrharta,pusilla,,pyp grass,XXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ehrharta,pusilla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ehrharta,villosa,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ehrharta,villosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ehrhata,erecta, ,N/A ,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control

Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Eleusine,africana, D,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleusine,africana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eleusine,compressa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleusine,compressa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eleusine,coracana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleusine,indica,syn Cynosurus indicus,Wire grass,,,,”summer

weed in fields, gardens, orchards, lawns; naturalised”“Very

nutritious grass, good for grazing and hay as well as for binding river

banks, dams, & loose earth”““,”tropics &

subtrop., especially frequent in trop. Afr; introduced into many warm

& temp. regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Eleusine,indica, ,”crowsfoot grass, wiregrass,

goosegrass”,,,,”north Africa, vegetables, field crops,

lawns”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Fed. States of

Micronesia; Guam; Kiribati; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea;

American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu;

Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Eleusine,indica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eleusine,indica, ,Goose grass,,,,”6mths old seed held in

cold storage, treated with 0.2% soln of KNO3 to moisten substratum; 90%

germ in light with alt. temp of 20-30C & alt. temp of 20-35C in light

or darkness”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Eleusine,indica, ,Goosegrass ,,,,fluazifop 1990 Malaysia Cropland

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Eleusine,indica, ,Goosegrass ,,,,imazapyr 1989 Costa Rica

Industrial Site, heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Eleusine,indica, ,Goosegrass ,,,,paraquat 1990 Malaysia

Vegetables , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Eleusine,indica, ,Goosegrass ,,,,trifluralin 1973 USA Cotton ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Eleusine,indica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleusine,indica, ,,,,,annual dominant weed in crops , Upland

Korea Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Eleusine,indica,syn ,”wire grass, crawfoot grass, goose

grass”,,,,”on sunny of somewhat shaded, not too dry sites; most

vigorous along irriagion field borders & canals; grows also on solid

trampled soils, along roadsides, in gardens, arable lands & among

many crops; it is a plant with a broad ecological amplitude; from

b”,”India, pantropical, here & there subtropical, mainly in

S Asia & the Pacific, E & S Afr & tropical N Amer; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Eleusine,indica, ,goosegrass,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Eleusine,tristachya,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eleusine,tristachya, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eleusine,tristachya, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eleusine ,indica, ,”Yard grass, Silver crab grass, Rapogagrass,

Wire grass, Indian goose grass, Bull grass”,,,,Important weed in

cultivated tropical areas,”Tropical Americas, Asia &

Africa”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Elymus,arenarius, ,,,,,51% germ during period of 13-69days after

planting in greenhouse in autumn of year collected; 78% germ of seeds

exposed to cold outdoors in soil for 83days during period of 11-28days

after transfer; vegetative reproduction by rhizome buds occurs

readily,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Elymus,caput-medusae, ,,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List

of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Elymus,elongatus,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Elymus,elongatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Elymus,farctus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Elymus,repens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Elymus,triticoides, ,beardless wildrye,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Elytrigia,pungens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Elytrigia,pungens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Elytrigia,repens,Agropyron repens,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Elytrigia,repens, ,Quackgrass ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Elytrigia,repens, ,creeping quackgrass,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Elytrigia,repens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Enneapogon,avenaceus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eragrostis,aethiopica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,aethiopica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eragrostis,airoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,airoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eragrostis,amabilis, ,feather lovegrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eragrostis,atrovirens,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eragrostis,atrovirens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,atrovirens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eragrostis,bahiensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eragrostis,bahiensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,barrelieri,,,HH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eragrostis,barrelieri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,barrelieri, ,Mediterranean lovegrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eragrostis,cilianensis,syn Poa cilianensis; Eragrostis major; E.

megastachya,Stink grass,,,,”fields, gardens,

orchards”,”Medit, W & C Europe, trop. Afr, Asia; introduced

into many subtrop. & temp. regions of the world”,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Eragrostis,cilianensis,,,XHX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eragrostis,cilianensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,cilianensis, ,stinkgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eragrostis,curvula,Poa curvula,”African lovegrass, Boer

lovegrass, weeping lovegrass”,HAHwH,L,NSW; Vic; SA; Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eragrostis,curvula, ,African Love-grass,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 2,4,9”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Eragrostis,curvula, Poa curvula,”African lovegrass, Boer

lovegrass, weeping lovegrass”,,,,”highly persistent, summer

growing tussock grass, unpalatable weed; produces copious quantites of

seed enable rapid spread & dominance of sparse overgrazed pastures;

survives relatively low & erratic rainfall”,”native of

southern Afr; introd to several countries, Arg & USA used as hay

& forage”“introd to Aust by accident prior to 1900; 4

agronomic forms have become nat. on acidic light to med textured soils

within 400-700mm rainfall zone in mainland States;

wide”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Eragrostis,curvula, ,African lovegrass ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Does not apply to cv. Consol

Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia

(Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside control cost t”,”South

Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Eragrostis,curvula, ,African lovegrass,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,diarrhena, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,diarrhena, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eragrostis,ferruginea, ,,,,,dry stored seed for 6-12mths need

sequence of dark-followed-by-light treatments; affter 16mths germ % inc.

regardless of light treatments,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Eragrostis,ferruginea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,ferruginea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eragrostis,frankii, ,sandbar lovegrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eragrostis,infecunda,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eragrostis,leptostachya,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eragrostis,lugens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,lugens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eragrostis,malayana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,malayana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eragrostis,megastachya,” E. major, E.

cilianensis”,”Lovegrass, Stinkgrass”,,,,”Rare on

sandy arable lands, in vineyards, gardens, maize and sugar

beet”,”Warm regions in both hemispheres, intro to USA from

Europe”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Eragrostis,mexicana,E. mexicana ssp. mexicana & ssp.

virescens,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eragrostis,mexicana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,mexicana, ,Mexican lovegrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eragrostis,minor,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eragrostis,minor, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,neomexicana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,neomexicana, ,New Mexican lovegrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eragrostis,niwahokori, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Eragrostis,paniciformis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eragrostis,pectinacea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,pectinacea, ,tufted lovegrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eragrostis,pilosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eragrostis,pilosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,pilosa, ,”soft lovegrass, indian lovegrass, India

lovegrass, pilose eragrostis, small tufted lovegrass, spear

grass”,,,,”Eragrostis pilosa, an annual grass, is a heavy seed

producer and is found in quite varied habitats in the crops fields of 55

countries of the world. This weed is found in more than 30 crops of

almost every type grown by man in more than 50 countries.

“,”prefer warmer climates, but is some areas extend well into

the temperate zones.”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Eragrostis,pilosa, ,India lovegrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eragrostis,poaeoides, ,little lovegrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eragrostis,subsecunda,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eragrostis,superba,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eragrostis,superba, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,tef,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eragrostis,tef, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,tenella, ,”feathery eragrostis,

lovegrass”,,,,”tropical America, field crops, disturbed

areas”, Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Kiribati; American Samoa;

Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Eragrostis,tenella,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eragrostis,tenella, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Eragrostis,tenella,”syn Eragrostis amabilis, Eragrostis

plumosa”,Japanese lovegrass,,,,”waste places, hard trampled

grounds, between stones, on old walls, also on beach dikes; usually in

areas (Java) with a pronounced dry season; sometimes becoming very

abundant; on permeable & impermeable soils; up to 900m alt (Java);

upland rice fields, a “,”tropics of the Old World, pantropical;

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Eragrostis,tenuifolia,,elastic grass,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Eragrostis,tenuifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,tenuifolia, ,elastic

grass,,P,,,43~44~45~49~52~53~54~55~57~59~60~Y,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Eragrostis,tremula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,tremula, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eragrostis,unioloides,”syn Eragrostis amabilis, Poa

unioloides”,,,,,”sunny or somewhat shaded, moist to soggy

sites; along drains, wet grasslands, soggy roadsides; locally common;

from 0-1800m alt; upland &lebak rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, “,”SE Asia, tropical Afr & Asia; throughout

Indonesia, except the Lesser Sunda Islands & Irian Jaya, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Eragrostis,virescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,viscosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,viscosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eragrostis,xylanica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eragrostis,xylanica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eremochloa,ophiuroides, ,,,,,dormancy of over 1yr; prtreat by

soaking for 16hrs in100 (light germ)-1000(dark germ) ppm aqueous soln of

K salt of GA; germ at alt. temp of 20-30C ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Eremopyrum,triticeum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eriochloa,gracilis, ,southwestern cupgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eriochloa,meyeriana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Eriochloa,meyeriana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eriochloa,polystachya,,"Carib grass ""Carib grass"" ","rice, riverbanks, swamps, drains and ditches; suppresses other vegetation",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Eriochloa,polystachya, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eriochloa,polystachya,syn Eriochloa subglabra,carib

grass,,,,”in areas with a strong to medium dry season, sunny to

lightly shaded, permanently or periodically marshy or wet sites,

especially on heavier soils in marshes & pools, riverbanks, in &

along drains & ditches; from behind the beach to 500m alt; usually

scat”,”tropical Amer, W Indies, pantropical; imported in Java

long ago & so far, only found in Java & Tanimbar

Island”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Eriochloa,polystachya, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eustachys,distichophylla,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Eustachys,distichophylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Festuca,arundenacea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Festuca,arundinacea,F. elatior ssp. arundinacea,Tall

Fescue,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Festuca,arundinacea, ,Tall Fescue ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Festuca,arundinacea, ,Tall fescue ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Festuca,arundinacea, ,Tall Fescue,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external.Water,?animal (not bird), internal,?Wind. Life Form: Perennial

herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,4,8,9,11”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur,As and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Festuca,arundincea, ,Japanese knotweed,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Festuca,elatior,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Festuca,gigantea, ,,,,,seed begins to germ almost immediately

after harvest; seeds placed in unheated germinator & exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Festuca,litorea, ,,,,,seed begins to germ almost immediately

after harvest; seeds placed in unheated germinator & exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Festuca,longifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Festuca,megalura, ,,,,,98% germ of seed planted 3mths after

harvest,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Festuca,megalura, ,foxtail fescue,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Festuca,myuros, ,rattail fescue,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Festuca,nigrescens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Festuca,octoflora, ,Six weeks fescue,,,,”prechilling of

fresh seed; seed dry stored for several mths, no prechilling; germ at 20C

constant or alt. 15-25C; 0.2% KNO3 as moistening agent inc.

germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Festuca,octoflora, ,sixweeks fescue,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Festuca,ovina, ,sheep fescue,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Festuca,pratensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Festuca,pratensis, ,,,,,seed begins to germ almost immediately

after harvest; seeds placed in unheated germinator & exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors; 97% germ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Festuca,pratensis, ,Meadow fescue ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Festuca,pratensis, ,ryegrass,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Festuca,pratensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Festuca,pratensis,,tall fescue,,,,”RANK 2. “SIGNIFICANT

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some invasive characteristics,

but have less impact on native plant communities; may have the capacity

to invade natural communities along disturbance corridors, or to spread

from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Festuca,rubra,,Red Fescue,Xw,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Festuca,rubra, ,Red Fescue,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?Water,?Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 15”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,As,N Am and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Festuca,rubra, ,red fescue,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Festuca,rubra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Festuca,sulcata, ,,,,,alt. temp 10-25C,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Gastridium,phleoides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Gastridium,phleoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gastridium,ventricosum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gastridium,ventricosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gastridium,ventricosum, ,nitgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gaudinia,fragilis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Glyceria,declinata,,sweet-grass,X,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Glyceria,declinata, ,Sweet-grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,?Vegetative. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb).

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,9,10”,”Eur, In Victoria:

?Widespread, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Glyceria,declinata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Glyceria,declinata, ,”Sweet grass, waxy

mannagrass”,,P,,”Weed of Freshwater habitats, seasonal and

permanent. Environmental weed in Victoria, and a threat to a number of

habitats there.”,34~61~64~69~84~85~87~89~97,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Glyceria,fluitans,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Glyceria,fluitans, ,Water mannagrass,,,,”some seed germ

immediately after harvest, remainder in 1st spring; seeds placed in

unheated germinator & exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors; 80% germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Glyceria,fluitans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Glyceria,fluitans, ,water mannagrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Glyceria,maxima,,Common Name(s): Great manna grass,"Avail nurseries, Grass Potential Invasive ""Perennial, 2 m high, flowers on large spike with 5-8 flowers, light green or brown, """,Origin :. Habitat: Wetlands," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Glyceria,maxima,”Glyceria aquatica, Poa

aquatica”,”glyceria, reed sweet grass, reed, reed-grass, reed

meadow grass, water meadowgrass”,HXH,L,Tas,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Glyceria,maxima, ,Reed Sweet-grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,?Vegetative. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb).

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 9,10”,”Introduced deliberately

from: Eur,As, In Victoria: Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Glyceria,maxima, ,,,,,”reproduces vegetatively by rhizomes;

caryopses ripened within 3-4wks after flwing & shed soon after

ripening; some caryopses able to germ immediately, but most required

maturation period of 6mths; germ at 18-25C on damp filter paper or under

40cmwater”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Glyceria,maxima,” Glyceria aquatica, Poa

aquatica”,”glyceria, reed sweet grass, reed, reed-grass, reed

meadow grass, water meadowgrass”,,,,,”native of Eur, & temp

Asia is common in wetland areas; prominent in lowlands of British Isles;

introd to N Amer, NZ & Aust”“scattered through Tablelands

of S W Slopes of Great Dividing Range & irrigation districts of

southern NSW; Gippsland in Vic, SA, & l”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Glyceria,maxima, ,”glyceria, reed sweet

grass”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Glyceria,plicata,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Glyceria,plicata, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Eur, W Asia, NW

Afr; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - unknown”,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Glyceria,spp.,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Glyceria,spp., ,,,P,,,Note import conditions exceptions,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Glyceria,striata, ,,,,,6-8mths storage in water with diffuse

light on greenhouse bench; inc. germ %,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Hackelochloa,granularis,syn Manisuris granularis,pitscale

grass,,,,”in sunny to moderately shaded, neither too dry nor too wet

sites, especially onlighter soils; arable lands, gardens, lawns, Imperata

grasslnds; sometimes locally abundant, but not common; up to 2150m alt;

upland rice fields, a weed ofminor importance,

bec”,”pantropics, pantropical; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Hainardia,cylindrica,,Common Barb-grass,XH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hainardia,cylindrica, ,Common Barb-grass,,,,”Dispersal: ?.

Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 11,”,”Med, M East,

In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Hainardia,cylindrica, Monerma cylindrica,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heliochloa,schoenioides, ,swamp timothy,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Heteropogon,contortus, ,Tanglehead ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Hierochloe,odorata, ,sweetgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Holcus,lanatus, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Holcus,lanatus,,Yorkshire fog,HXXAH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Holcus,lanatus, ,Yorkshire Fog,,,,”Grows in many situations,

occas in cultivated land”,”Eur, Asia, n Africa, intro into N

Amerand other temp areas”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In

World Agriculture”

Holcus,lanatus, ,Yorkshire Fog,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Perennial

herb. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4-9,13-15”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur, As, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Holcus,lanatus, ,Common velvetgrass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Holcus,lanatus, ,velvetgrass,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Holcus,lanatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Holcus,lanatus, ,,,,, , Oita ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Holcus,lanatus, ,velvetgrass,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Holcus,mollis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Holcus,mollis, ,”Creeping Soft grass, Creeping

Fog”,,,,”Freq in arable soils on fertile, acid, poorly drained

sands and loamy sands and high lying marsh”,”Most Eur, intro to

Near East”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Holcus,mollis, ,German velvet grass,,,,vegetative reproduction by

rhizomes; less than 5% under all conditions investigated,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Holcus,mollis, ,Creeping velvet-grass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Holcus,mollis, ,creeping velvetgrass,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Holcus,mollis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Holcus,mollis, ,German velvetgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Holcus,setiger,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Holcus,setiger, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Holcus,setosus,,Annual Fog,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Holcus,setosus, ,Annual Fog,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5,9”,”S Eur, In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Holcus,setosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Holcus ,lanatus, ,Velvet grass,,,,”germ readily on filter

paper in a Copenhagen tank over water cold/warm, or in sterilized soil in

boxes in greenhouse; vegetative propagation minor

importance”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Hordeum,brachyantherum, ,meadow barley,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hordeum,bulbosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hordeum,glaucum,Critesion murinum ssp. glaucum,,H,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hordeum,glaucum, ,Barley grass,,,,paraquat 1982 Australia Alfalfa

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Hordeum,hystrix,”Critesion hystrix = H. marinum ssp.

gussoneanum, H. geniculatum”,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hordeum,hystrix, ,Mediterranean barley,,,,20% emergence of fresh

seed sown immediately after harvest; 98% germ of stored seed for

4-5mths,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Hordeum,hystrix, ,Mediterranean barley,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hordeum,jubatum, ,Foxtail barley,,,,44% germ of seeds within 3

wks of being planted in moist sand in greenhouse,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Hordeum,jubatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hordeum,jubatum, ,foxtail barley,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hordeum,jubatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Hordeum,leporinum,Critesion murinum ssp.

leporinum,,L,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hordeum,leporinum, ,Wild barley,,,,”2% germ of seed planted

within 5days of collection; 78% 1mth, 100% 2mths, 100% 3mths within

collection of planted seed”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Hordeum,leporinum, ,Barley grass,,,,paraquat 1988 Australia

Alfalfa , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Hordeum,leporinum, ,wild barley,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hordeum,marinum,Critesion marinum = H. marinum ssp.

marinum,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hordeum,murinum,Critesion murinum = H. murinum ssp.

murinum,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hordeum,murinum, ,”Wall Barley, Mouse Barley”,,,,Very

similiar to H. leporinum. Not considered a major arable weed,”Eur,

Medit region, S AMer”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Hordeum,murinum, ,”wall barley, wild barley, barley grass,

mouse barley”,,,,”Hordeum murinum is an annual weed of

disturbed, open habitats, pastures, cereals, roadsides, railways, and

wastelands. It is a reported weed of 11 crops in over 40 countries and is

frequently reported a weed of pastures, cereals and

wastelands.”,”native to the Medit, but occurs throughout Eur,

in both Americas, Aust, and in NZ”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories

& Distribution - Holm et. al.

Hordeum,murinum, ,wall barley,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hordeum,pusillum, ,little barley,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hordeum,secalinum,Critesion secalinum,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hordeum,spp., ,barley,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell

and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US

National Parks, weed”

Hordeum,stebbinsii, ,,,,,”2% germ of seed planted within

5days of collection;32% 1mth, 62% 2mths, 94% 3mths within collection of

planted seed”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Hordeum,vulgare,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Hordeum,vulgare,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hordeum,vulgare, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hydrochloa,caroliniensis, ,southern watergrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hymenachne,acutigluma,”syn Hymenachne amplexicaulis, H.

myceros, H. pseudointerrupta, Panicum acutiguluma, Panicum

amplexicaule”,,,,,”sunny, swampy sites, preferably inundated in

water up to 1-2m deep; in pools swamps, along drains & watercourses;

often abundant, but never covering vast areas; in Java up to 1200m alt;

lebak rice fields, a weed of minor importance; in mechanically

cultiv”,”India, India, Burma, Thailand; throughout Indonesia,

except the Lesser Sunda Islands,as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice

in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Hymenachne,amplexicaule,,olive hymenache,XHw,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hymenachne,amplexicaule, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop Amer;

Extent of spread - localised - serious; Means of spread - agriculture -

pasture,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Hymenachne,amplexicaulis, ,”water star grass, West Indian

grass”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Hymenachne,amplexicaulis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hymenachne,amplexicaulis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Hymenachne,amplexicaulis,,West Indian marsh

grass,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are invading and disrupting

native plant communities in Florida. This definition does not rely on the

economic severity or geographical range of the problem, but on the

documented ecological damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive

Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Hymenachne,pseudointerrupta, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Hyparrhenia,gazensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hyparrhenia,gazensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Hyparrhenia,hirta,,tambookie or coolati grass,H,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hyparrhenia,hirta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hyparrhenia,quarrei, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hyparrhenia,rufa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Hyparrhenia,rufa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Hyparrhenia,rufa, ,jaraguagrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Imperata,brasiliensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Imperata,brasiliensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Imperata,brasiliensis,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Imperata,brevifolia, ,Satintail ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Imperata,conferta (=I. cylindrica), ,blady grass,,,,”,

vegetables, field crops”, Fiji; Fed. States of Micronesia; New

Caledonia; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon

Islands; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty

in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Imperata,cylindrica,,, Coastal in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Imperata,cylindrica,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Imperata,cylindrica,,cogongrass,"Nature: Dense, erect perennial grass that spreads by prolific seed(short-lived) production and rhizome movement in fill-dirt. A South Americanspecies, I. brasiliensis, is less invasive. Both species invade new forestsand prevent establishment of planted s","Origin: Native to Southeast Asia and listed as the world's seventh worstweed (Holm et al. 1977).Range: All MS, lower AL, and isolated infestations in SW GA and SC (Brysonand Carter 1993). State-wide eradication program in LA apparentlysuccessful.","EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANTS IN SOUTHEASTERN FORESTS, James H. Miller, Southern Research Station USDA Forest Service Auburn University, AL, weed"

Imperata,cylindrica, ,”Sword grass, Alang-Alang

Grass”,,,,”Nox persistant weed in numerous crops especially

perennial crops (sugar cane, rubber, oil palm)”,”Tropical Asia,

Africa & S Amer”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Imperata,cylindrica, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web Address:

,,”Florida Weeds,


Imperata,cylindrica, ,cogon grass,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Imperata,cylindrica,syn Lagurus cylindricus; Imperata

arundinacea,Cogon grass,,,,”roadsides, waste ground, orchards, canal

banks”“Plant used for making ropes, baskets, & mats in

ancient Egypt. Succulent young shoots are relished by livestock; entire

grass used in wind breaks for other crops”““,”Medit,

W & S Eur, Sahara W & C Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Imperata,cylindrica, ,,,,,perennial sub-dominance , Upland Korea

Upland Japan Miyasaki ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Imperata,cylindrica, ,cogongrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Imperata,cylindrica var. major,syn Imperata arundinacea,Cogon

grass,,,,”frequent in anthropogenic grasslands, often dominant a

colonizer of disturbed land; sunny to lightly shaded, dry to slightly

moist sites; prefers rather fertile soils, but can grow in unfertile

ones; can stand up to 50% shading, but then hardly grows; up

“,”tropical Asia, pantropical; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Imperata,cylindrica*,,cogon grass,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage caused.*N

=Noxious weed as l”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species -

Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Isachne,globosa,”syn Isachne australis, Isachne

dispar”,,,,,”widespread & common in wet ground in open

places, soggy & superficially inundated marshes & pools, along

drains, often forming large cushions, sometimes dominant; in Java up to

2800m alt; lowland-irrigated & rainfed rice fields, sometimes

culitvated as a “,”S Asia, S Asia; throughout Indonesia, except

the Moluccas, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Isachne,kunthiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Isachne,kunthiana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Isachne,pulchella,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Isachne,pulchella, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Isachne,pulchella,syn Isachne miliacea,,,,,”widespread &

common in wet ground in open places, soggy & superficially inundated

marshes & pools, along drains, often forming large cushions,

sometimes dominant; in Java up to 2800m alt; lowland-irrigated &

rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor importance”,”unknown, S

Asia & Malesia; throughout Indonesia, except the Lesser Sunda

Islands, Moluccas, & Irian Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Ischaemum,afrum,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ischaemum,afrum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ischaemum,afrum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ischaemum,aristatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ischaemum,aristatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ischaemum,barbatun, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Ischaemum,rugosum, ,Wrinklegrass,,,,”Ubiquitous in tropics,

nox weed in rice, sugar and other warm tropical crops”,”Asia

and Africa, intro to America”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds

In World Agriculture”

Ischaemum,rugosum,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Ischaemum,rugosum, ,Saramollagrass ,,,,”paraquat 1989

Malaysia Rubber, Vegetables “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Ischaemum,rugosum, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Ischaemum,rugosum,syn Ischaemum alkoense,wrinkled

grass,,,,”periodically wet or soggy sites, especially on inundated

or fallow fields; often abundant, sometimes on non-irrigated rice fields;

up to 2400m alt (Philippines); lowland-irrigated, rainfed & tidal

rice fields, a noxious weed, especially in rice fields, wh”,”SE

Asia, tropcial Asia, tropical Amer & W Afr (introd), Pacific Islands;

throughout Indonesia, except Sulawesi, the Moluccas & Irian Jaya, as

far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Ischaemum,rugosum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ischaemum,spp., ,,,,,”, all crops”,Fiji; French

Polynesia; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Vanuatu;

Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Ischaemum,timorense,,"centipede grass ""centipede grass"" ","cloves, cocoa, rubber, coconut, oil palm, sugarcane and rice plantations; weed of roadsides, ditches, forest margins",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Ischaemum,timorense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ischaemum,timorense,syn ,,,,,”sunny or partly shaded, not

too dry, but also not too marshy sites, on heavy & light soils;

grassy roadsides, banks of terraces, along ditches, along forests

margins; often abundant; up to 2000m alt (Java); rainfed & upland

rice fields, a weed of minor im”,”tropical Asia, Malesia;

throughout Indonesia, except Kalimantan & Irian Jaya, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Ischaemum,timorense, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Ixophorus,unisetum, ,Pasto Honduras,,,,imazapyr 1988 Costa Rica

Roadside , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Jarava,plumosa,Stipa papposa,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Koeleria,cristata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Koeleria,macrantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lagurus,ovatus,,Hare's-tail grass,HXH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lagurus,ovatus, ,Hares-tail,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,4,11”,”Introduced deliberately from: Med

, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lagurus,ovatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lamarckia,aurea,,Golden-top,XH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lamarckia,aurea, ,Golden-top,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a

negative visual impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Med, In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lamarckia,aurea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lamarckia,aurea, ,goldentop,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Leersia,hexandra, ,southern cutgrass,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Leersia,hexandra,”syn Leersia abyssinica, Leersia capensis”,rice

grass,,,,”permanently moist sites; swamps, pools, soggy grasslands,

borders of ditches; when floating it may have branches several meters

long; in Malesia it does not set fruit, but when it is attacked by the

fungus Testicularia leersiae the ovary swells & looks

li”,”tropical Amer, pantropical & sometimes subtropical;

was still rare in Java in 1860, but now common & has spread

throughout Indonesia, except the Moluccas, as fa as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Leersia,hexandra, ,southern cutgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Leersia,japonica, ,Ashikaki,,,,” Aquatic weed, emerged

“, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Leersia,oryzoides,,Cut-grass,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Leersia,oryzoides, ,Cut-grass,,,,”Dispersal: Water. Life

Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Very serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,8,10”,”Eur,temp As,N Am, In Victoria: Rare or localised,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Leersia,oryzoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leersia,oryzoides, ,rice cutgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Leersia,sayanuka, ,Cutgrass,,,,” Aquatic weed, emerged

“, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Leptochloa,chinensis,,"red sprangletop ""red sprangletop"" ""sprangletop, red"" , feathergrass ""feathergrass"" ","rice, cotton, soybean, maize, sugarcane, pineapple, sweet potato, vegetables, peanuts, tea, bananas",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Leptochloa,chinensis,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Leptochloa,chinensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leptochloa,chinensis, ,,,,,perennial sub-dominance , Thailand

Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Leptochloa,chinensis,syn ,,,,,”on heavy or light soils,

swampy or inundated sites; especially in & along soggy grasslands,

along drains; often abundant; in regions with or without a pronounced dry

season; in Java up to 900m alt; all kinds of rice fields, an important

weed because, afte”,”tropical Asia, S & SE Asia northeast

& southeast to Japan, & Aust; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Leptochloa,chinensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Leptochloa,coerulescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leptochloa,coerulescens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Leptochloa,dubia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Leptochloa,fascicularis, ,bearded sprangletop,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Leptochloa,fasicularis, Diplachne fasicularis,”Salt meadow

grass, Bearded sprangletop”,,,,In swampy marshlands,”USA

coasts, tropical regions of Americas”,Behrendt & Hanf

“Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Leptochloa,filiformis, L. apnicea,Red

Sprangletop,,,,”Gardens and arable land, similiar to L.

chinensis”,Widely occurring grass weed in tropical and subtropical

regions,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Leptochloa,filiformis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leptochloa,filiformis, ,red sprangletop,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Leptochloa,fusca,syn Festuca fusca; Diplachne fusca; Bromus

polystachios,,,,,”canal banks, ditches, rice fields”,”SE

Medit, trop. Afr & Asia; introduced but not widely distributed in SW

Eur & S Amer”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., &

Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Leptochloa,fusca ,”Leptochloa uninervia var. uninervia,

Leptochloa uninervia, Diplachne

uninervia”,diplachne,E,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Leptochloa,mucronata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Leptochloa,panicea,,"sprangletop ""sprangletop"" ","rice, cotton, soybeans, peas, sugarcane, maize, peanuts, pastures",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Leptochloa,panicea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leptochloa,panicea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Leptochloa,scabra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leptochloa,scabra, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Leptochloa,uninervia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Leptochloa,uninervia, ,Mexican sprangletop,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Leptochloa,uninervia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Leymus,multicaulis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lolium,loliaceum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lolium,loliaceum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lolium,multiflorum,,Italian Ryegrass,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lolium,multiflorum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lolium,multiflorum, ,Italian Ryegrass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form:

Annual/Biennial. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,9”,”Eur,SW As,NW

Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: ?Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lolium,multiflorum, ,Italian Ryegrass,,,,diclofop 1987 USA Wheat

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,multiflorum, ,Italian Ryegrass,,,,diclofop 1990 United

Kingdom Cereals , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,multiflorum, ,Italian Ryegrass,,,,diclofop 1993 South

Africa Wheat , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,multiflorum, ,Italian ryegrass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Lolium,multiflorum,syn ,Italian rye grass,,,,”fields,

gardens, lawns, orchards, roadsides, irrigation

canals”“Valuable fodder grass, cultivated in temp. countries

for pasture & hay; highly palatable & nutritious, grows rapidly

& gives a high yield of fodder”““,”Medit, Eur, W

Asia; introduced into many temp. regions of the world”,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Lolium,multiflorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lolium,multiflorum, ,Italian ryegrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lolium,perenne,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lolium,perenne,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lolium,perenne,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lolium,perenne,,perennial ryegrass,HX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lolium,perenne, ,Perennial Ryegrass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Perennial

herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,8,9,15”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur,temp AS,N Af and Commercially Available, , In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lolium,perenne, ,Perennial ryegrass,,,,sulfmeturon 1989 USA ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,perenne, ,Perennial ryegrass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Lolium,perenne,syn ,Perennial rye grass,,,,”fields, gardens,

orchards, canal banks, roadsides”“Plant contains several

alkaloids, mainly perlolidine & perloline; perloline is used as a

treatment for rheumatism”““,frequently cultivated as a

lawn grass in Egypt.,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., &

Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Lolium,perenne, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lolium,perenne,X rigidum,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lolium,remotum, Lolium linicolum,Hardy rye grass,,,,”Only

occurs sporadically, due to improved seed cleaning “,”Eur, West

Asia, Amer”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Lolium,remotum, Lolium linicola,,,,,”94% germ of recently

harvested seeds, seeds placed in germinator soon after harvest &

exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; germ over large

range of temps 7-35C, alt. or constant”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lolium,remotum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lolium,rigidum,,Wimmera Ryegrass,HXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lolium,rigidum, ,”Wymmera (Wimmera) rye grass, rye

grass”,,,,Rare arable weed in Europe,”Native Medit region,

Occas Central and north Eur, Aust, parts of USA”,Behrendt & Hanf

“Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Lolium,rigidum, ,Wimmera Ryegrass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 4,9,11”,”Med and Commercially Available, ,

In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lolium,rigidum, ,,,,,”seeds sown in field in late autumn of

year of collection, most germ early next spring”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Lolium,rigidum, ,Rigid ryegrass,,,,Metalochlor 1984 Australia ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,rigidum, ,Rigid ryegrass,,,,chlortoluron 1992 Spain Wheat

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,rigidum, ,Rigid ryegrass,,,,diclofop 1982 Australia Wheat

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,rigidum, ,Rigid ryegrass,,,,diclofop 1992 Spain Wheat ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,rigidum, ,Rigid ryegrass,,,,diclofop 1995 Chile ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,rigidum, ,Rigid ryegrass,,,,sulfonylureas 1984 Australia ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,rigidum, ,Rigid ryegrass,,,,trifluralin 1984 Australia ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,rigidum, ,Rigid ryegrass,,,,glyphosate 1996 Australia ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,rigidum, ,Rigid ryegrass,,,,amitrole 1988 Australia ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,rigidum, ,Rigid ryegrass,,,,simazine 1988 Australia ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,rigidum, ,Rigid ryegrass,,,,simazine 1992 Spain Orchard ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,rigidum, ,Rigid ryegrass,,,,”triazines 1979 Israel

Orchard, Roadside “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Lolium,rigidum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lolium,sp.,X hubbardii,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lolium,sp.,X hybridum,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lolium,temulentum,,bearded ryegrass,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lolium,temulentum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lolium,temulentum,,bearded ryegrass,HH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lolium,temulentum, ,Darnel,,,,”Seed toxic, not as common due

to improved seed cleaning techniques.”,”Scattered to rare- Eur,

Afr, Asia, Amer, Aust.”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In

World Agriculture”

Lolium,temulentum, ,Bearded Ryegrass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,4,8,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: W

As and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Lolium,temulentum, ,Darnel,,,,”100% germ at all constant

temps from 2-5C to 35C, & all alt. temp combinations; 97% germ of

mature seed within 7days at 20-30C on moist toweling in petri

dishes”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Lolium,temulentum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lolium,temulentum, ,darnel,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Lolium,temulentum ,syn ,Bearded rye grass,,,,”winter weed,

mainly in wheat fieldsThe grain is toxic to livestock & even fatal;

young plants are used as fodder”,”Medit, Eur, Asia, E & S

Afr; introduced into N & S Amer & Aust”,”The Weed Flora

of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Lolium,temulentum forma macrochaeton,syn ,,,,,”winter weed,

mainly in wheat fieldslemma of flower very turgid at maturity & awned

forma macrochaeton”,”Medit, Eur, Asia, E & S Afr;

introduced into N & S Amer & Aust”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Lolium,temulentum forma arvense,syn ,,,,,”winter weed,

mainly in wheat fieldsawnless or short-awned lemmas forma

arvense”,”Medit, Eur, Asia, E & S Afr; introduced into N &

S Amer & Aust”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., &

Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Lolium,temulentum forma leptochaeton,syn ,,,,,”winter weed,

mainly in wheat fieldslemma of flower very turgid at maturity &

awnless forma leptochaeton”,”Medit, Eur, Asia, E & S Afr;

introduced into N & S Amer & Aust”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Lolium,temulentum forma temulentum,syn ,,,,,long awned lemmas

forma temulentum,,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Lolium,x hubbardii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lolium,x hybridum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Lophopyrum,elongatum,”Thinopyrum elongatum, Agropyron

elongatum, Elymus elongatus”,Tall Wheat-grass,H,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lophopyrum,elongatum, ,Tall Wheat-grass,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,?Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

11”,”Introduced deliberately from: S&SE Eur and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Luziola,spruceana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Luziola,spruceana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Melica,ciliata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Melinis,minutiflora, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Melinis,minutiflora,,molasses grass,XH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Melinis,minutiflora, ,molassesgrass,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Melinis,minutiflora,,molasses grass,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Melinis,repens,Rhynchelytrum repens,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Melinus,minutiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mibora,minima,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mibora,minima, ,”Early sand grass, Sand

bent”,,,,Uncommon weed of cereals,”W Europe, Medit region,

intro to Aust and N America”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds

In World Agriculture”

Mibora,minima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Microstegium,nudum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Microstegium,vimineum,,"Japanese grass, stiltgrass, Nepalmicrostegium","Nature: Dense, mat-forming annual grass that roots at nodes and is shadetolerant and occupies various habitats including creek banks, floodplains,forest roadsides and trails, damp fields, and swamps (Barden 1987). Uses: NoneControl: Glyphosate (Accord) an","Origin: Native to temperate and tropical Asia, it was introduced nearKnoxville, Tennessee around 1919 (Fairbrothers and Gray 1972).Range: MS to FL north to AR, KY, OH, NY and CT.","EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANTS IN SOUTHEASTERN FORESTS, James H. Miller, Southern Research Station USDA Forest Service Auburn University, AL, weed"

Microstegium,vimineum,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Microstegium,vimineum, ,Japanese stilt grass,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Microstegium,vimineum,,”Nepalgrass, Japanese

grass”,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE THREAT”Exotic plant species

which possess characteristics of invasive species and spread easily into

native plant communities and displace native vegetation; includes species

which are or could become widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Milium,effusum, ,,,,,seeds germ at once after harvested remainder

in following spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar

to those prevailing outdoors until germ; 100% germ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Miscanthus,floridulus, ,,,,,”, “,Fiji; French

Polynesia; Guam; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Miscanthus,japonicus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Miscanthus,japonicus, ,Japanese silvergrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Miscanthus,japonicus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Miscanthus,sinensis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Miscanthus,sinensis,,"Common Name(s):Eulalia grass, Chinese silver grass","Avail nurseries, Grass Potential Invasive Note: This species is sometimes called ""Pampus grass"" in error. Pampus grass is Cortaderia selloana, a CDZ Zone 7-8 plant that is sold in the nursery trade but is not winter hardy. ""4-6 feet high, flower stalks",Asia. Habitat: Habitat :," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Miscanthus,sinensis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Miscanthus,sinensis, ,”eulalia grass, Chinese silver grass,

zebra grass”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Miscanthus,sinensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Miscanthus,sinensis, ,,,,, , Miyasaki Niigata Oita Kagawa ,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Miscanthus,sinensis,,zebra grass,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Molineriella,minuta,Periballia minuta,Small

Hair-grass,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Molineriella,minuta, ,Small Hair-grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 4”,”Eur, In Victoria: Limited distribution,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Molineriella,minuta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Muhlenbergia,asperifolia, ,alkali muhly,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Muhlenbergia,frondosa, ,wirestem muhly,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Muhlenbergia,mexicana, ,Mexican muhly,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Muhlenbergia,schreberi, ,Nimblewill ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Muhlenbergia,schreberi, ,nimblewill,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Nardus,stricta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Nardus,stricta, ,,,,,seeds germ at once after harvested remainder

in following spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar

to those prevailing outdoors until germ; 72% germ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Nardus,stricta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nassella,charruana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Nassella,charruana, ,,,,,Region of origin - Paraguay; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Nassella,hyalina,,Spear-grass,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Nassella,hyalina, ,Spear-grass,,,,Dispersal: animal external.

Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”S Am, In

Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Nassella,leucotricha,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Nassella,megapotamia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Nassella,neesiana,Stipa neesiana,Chilean

spear-grass,HH,LP,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Nassella,neesiana, ,Chilean Spear-grass,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,12”,”S Am, In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Nassella,neesiana, ,”Chilean needle grass, spear grass”,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Nassella,neesiana, ,”Chilean needle grass, spear

grass”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Nassella,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Nassella,trichotoma,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Nassella,trichotoma, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nassella,trichotoma,Stipa trichotoma ,”serrated tussock,

nassella tussock, Yass River tussock”,HAH,LP,ACT; NSW; Vic; SA;

Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Nassella,trichotoma, ,Serrated Tussock,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Perennial

herb. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,4,5,12”,”S Am, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Nassella,trichotoma, Stipa trichotoma ,”serrated tussock,

nassella tussock, Yass River tussock”,,,,”accounts for a

greater reduction in pasture carrying capacity than any other weed in

Aust; eaten by sheep & cattle only if nothing else is availabe, v.

high fibre 86% & low protein 4%, animals unable to digest plant,

causes fibre-balls & death”,”native of Arg, Chile, Peru

& Uruguay & is one of the few S Amer plants to become weedy in

Aust;introd to S Afr, NZ, Aust &occasionally in

Eur”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Nassella,trichotoma, ,Serrated tussock N # ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Movement

prohibited on roads (Section 52(2) applies) Roadside control cost to be

m”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Nassella,trichotoma, ,serrated tussock,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nassella,trichotoma, ,serrated tussock,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Nassella ,tenuissima, ,white tussock,,,,Declared Weed.Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: mountain grassland,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Nassella ,tenuissima, ,white tussock,,,,Declared Weed.Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: mountain grassland,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Nassella ,trichotoma, ,nassella tussock,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registrationHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: mountain grassland,

old and degraded landsCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Nassella ,trichotoma, ,nassella tussock,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registrationHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: mountain

grassland, old and degraded landsCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Neyraudia,reynaudiana, ,Burma reed,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Neyraudia,reynaudiana,,”Burma reed, cane

grass”,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are invading and

disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This definition does not

rely on the economic severity or geographical range of the problem, but

on the documented ecological damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Oryza,barthii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oryza,barthii,syn ,”wild rice, red rice”,,,,”Wild

rice is a weed in over 50 countries, reducing the yields and quality of

crop rice and the added expense required to mill red rice to the point

where the coloured aleurone layer has been removed. Countries that

consider wild rice a serious or principl”,evolved from Asia and

Afr,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Oryza,barthii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Oryza,longistaminata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oryza,longistaminata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Oryza,longistaminata,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Oryza,officinalis, ,”wild rice, red rice”,,,,”Wild

rice is a weed in over 50 countries, reducing the yields and quality of

crop rice and the added expense required to mill red rice to the point

where the coloured aleurone layer has been removed. Countries that

consider wild rice a serious or principl”,evolved from Asia and

Afr,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Oryza,punctata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oryza,punctata, ,”wild rice, red rice”,,,,”Wild

rice is a weed in over 50 countries, reducing the yields and quality of

crop rice and the added expense required to mill red rice to the point

where the coloured aleurone layer has been removed. Countries that

consider wild rice a serious or principl”,evolved from Asia and

Afr,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Oryza,punctata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Oryza,punctata,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Oryza,ridleyi, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Oryza,rufipogon,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Oryza,rufipogon,O. meriodionalis,Red rice,,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Oryza,rufipogon, ,Red Rice ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Oryza,rufipogon,= O. meriodionalis,Red rice,,,,,,Weed Science


Oryza,rufipogon, ,”wild rice, red rice”,,,,”Wild

rice is a weed in over 50 countries, reducing the yields and quality of

crop rice and the added expense required to mill red rice to the point

where the coloured aleurone layer has been removed. Countries that

consider wild rice a serious or principl”,evolved from Asia and

Afr,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Oryza,rufipogon, ,”O. meriodionalis, Red

rice”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Oryza,sativa,,”red rice, paddy rice,

rice”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Oryza,sativa, ,Red rice,,,,wide variation in seed dormancy; treat

with 14% HCl for 15min at 15C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Oryza,sativa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oryza,sativa, ,”wild rice, red rice”,,,,”Wild rice

is a weed in over 50 countries, reducing the yields and quality of crop

rice and the added expense required to mill red rice to the point where

the coloured aleurone layer has been removed. Countries that consider

wild rice a serious or principl”,evolved from Asia and Afr,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Oryza,sativa, ,rice (including red rice),,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Oryza ,rufipogon,”syn Oryza fatua, O fatua var.

longe-aristata, O. sativa forma spontanea”,red rice,,,,”pools

ditches & other sites with stagnant or slow-running water; sometimes

abundant & becoming dominant, but usually rare; from 0-1000m alt;

lowland-irrigated & lebak rice fields, a minor weed in Indonesia,

except in deepwater rice; in Amer considered a s”,”Asia, India,

Burma, Thailand & tropical Afr & Amer; throughout Indonesia,

except the Lesser Sunda Islands, Sualwesi & the Moluccas, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Oryzopsis,hymenoides, ,Indian ricegrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Panicum,amarum, ,beach grass ,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Panicum,amplexicaule, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,amplexicaule, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Panicum,antidotale,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Panicum,antidotale, ,,,,,,”Rare, in central and N

America”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Panicum,antidotale, ,Blue Panicgrass ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Panicum,antidotale, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,arizonicum, ,Arizona panicum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Panicum,austroasiaticum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,austroasiaticum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Panicum,bergii, ,Berg's panicgrass,,P,,Found a suspected sample

of P. bergii in some Lucerne seed imported from S. AustraliaCould not

rule out the possibilty of spp. being P. bergii and this would be a first

record for the spp. in Australia.Advised WAQIS to prevent

importation.This ID was l,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Panicum,bisulcatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Panicum,bisulcatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,buncei,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Panicum,cambogiense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,cambogiense, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Panicum,cambogiense, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Panicum,capillare,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Panicum,capillare,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Panicum,capillare,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Panicum,capillare,,Witch-grass,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Panicum,capillare, ,Witchgrass,,,,Nox weed,”Native to N

Amer, found in warmer climates, intro to Europe”,Behrendt & Hanf

“Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Panicum,capillare, ,Witch-grass,,,,Dispersal: Wind. Life Form:

Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”N Am, In Victoria: ?Limited

distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Panicum,capillare, ,Witchgrass,,,,91% germ on blotters at alt.

20C:18hrs to 30C:6hrs; 87% germ on blotters/soil at alt. of 20C:10hrs to

30C:8hrs to 8C:6hrs,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Panicum,capillare, ,Witchgrass ,,,,atrazine 1981 Canada Cropland

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Panicum,capillare, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,capillare, ,witchgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Panicum,chloroticum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,chloroticum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Panicum,ciliatifolium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Panicum,ciliatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,ciliatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Panicum,coloratum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Panicum,coloratum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Panicum,coloratum,,Coolah Grass,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Panicum,coloratum, ,Coolah Grass,,,,Dispersal: Wind. Life Form:

Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,”trop Af, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Panicum,coloratum,syn ,,,,,”fields, gardens, lawns, hedges,

canal banks”,”Egypt, trop. & subtrop. Afr”,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Panicum,coloratum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,dichotomiflorum, ,Smooth Witchgrass,,,,Grass weed on

arable land especially maize crops. Also in damp places,”Medit

region, N & S Amer”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In

World Agriculture”

Panicum,dichotomiflorum, ,full panic grass ,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Panicum,dichotomiflorum, ,fall panicum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Panicum,erectum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,erectum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Panicum,fasciculatum, ,,,,,”Freq on arable land, prefers

moist soil”,Central America,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In

World Agriculture”

Panicum,fasciculatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,fasciculatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Panicum,fasciculatum var. reticulatum, ,browntop

panicum,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Panicum,flavidum, ,,,,,78% germ of seed planted in moist sand

2wks after collection,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Panicum,gattingeri, ,Gattinger panicum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Panicum,gilvum,,,SX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Panicum,gilvum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,gouini, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,gouini, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Panicum,hillmanii,,Witch panic,XH,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Panicum,hillmanii, ,Witch Panic,,,,Dispersal: Wind. Life Form:

Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”N Am, In Victoria:

?”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Panicum,hillmanii, ,Hillman's panicgrass,,P,,”Seed found in

a batch of Certified Cimmaron Lucerne seed due for shipment to WA from

South AustraliaSpecies is established in SA, Vic & TasNative of

Southern states of USA.See file on Panicum hillmanii”,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Panicum,hygrocharis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,hygrocharis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Panicum,laxum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,laxum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Panicum,luzonense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,maximum, ,guinea grass,,,,”, gardens,

roadsides”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New

Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon

Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture

and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Panicum,maximum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Panicum,maximum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Panicum,maximum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Panicum,maximum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Panicum,maximum,Urochloa maximum in WA,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Panicum,maximum, ,Guinea grass,,,,In arable and uncultivated land

especially perennial crops. Freq cult as fodder grass,Tropical regions

both hemispheres,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Panicum,maximum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,maximum, ,guineagrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Panicum,miliaceum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Panicum,miliaceum, ,,,,,Important cultivated grass in

Africa,”Africa, intro into America”,Behrendt & Hanf

“Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Panicum,miliaceum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,miliaceum, ,proso millet,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Panicum,novemnerve,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Panicum,novemnerve, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,obseptum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Panicum,obtusum, ,vine mesquite,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Panicum,paludosum,”syn Panicum proliferum, Panicum

proliferum var. paludosun”,,,,,”prefers inundated lands; in

pools & drains; scattered, sometimes gregarious; not common ; in Java

up to 1650m alt; lebak rice fields, a weed of minor importance, of

moderate value as a fodder grass”,”India, W Malesia, India, Sri

Lanka; throughout Indonesia, except the Lesser Sunda Islands & the

Moluccas, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Panicum,phyllopogon, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,phyllopogon, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Panicum,psilopodium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,psilopodium, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Panicum,purpurascens, ,paragrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Panicum,racemosum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Panicum,racemosum, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Amer; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Panicum,repens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Panicum,repens, ,,,,,,”Medit region, Africa, intro to

America”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Panicum,repens, ,torpedo grass ,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Panicum,repens,syn ,,,,,”fields, ditches, gardens, canal

banksGood forage plant & a useful binder for canal

banks”,”Medit, W & S Eur, warm regions of Asia & Afr, S

USA; probably native of the Old World”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Panicum,repens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,repens, ,torpedograss,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Panicum,repens,,torpedo grass,,,,”Catergory I - Species that

are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This

definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical range

of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Panicum,sabulorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,sabulorum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Panicum,schinzii,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Panicum,schinzii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,texanum, ,,,,,on open ground,Central America,Behrendt

& Hanf “Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Panicum,texanum, ,Texas panicum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Panicum,trichocladum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Panicum,trichocladum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Panicum,trichoides, ,,,,,”Weak, far creeping”,,Behrendt

& Hanf “Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Panicum,virgatum, P. coloratum,Switch grass,,,,moist ground,North

America,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Panicum,virgatum, ,switchgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Panicum ,repens,syn ,torpedo grass,,,,”primarily a weed of

moist, coastal, sandy soils it also grows in heavy upland soils & can

tolerate drought; it cannot withstand permanent flooding but tolerates

temporary flooding; in gardens, fields, plantations; often abundant; from

0-2000m alt; sometim”,”Asia, pantropical & subtropical;

introd in Java ca. 1850; throughout Indonesia, except the Moluccas”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Parapholis,incurva,,Coast Barb-grass,HX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Parapholis,incurva, ,Coast Barb-grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,8,11”,”Eur,N Af,As, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Parapholis,incurva, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Parapholis,strigosa,,Slender Barb-grass,H,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Parapholis,strigosa, ,Slender Barb-grass,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,8,11”,”W Eur, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Parapholis,strigosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalidium,geminatum,syn ,,,,,”irrigation canals, ditches,

Nile banks, often floating on shallow water in moist ground close to

springs & wells”,”trop. & subtrop. Afr, Asia &

Amer”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Paspalidium,geminatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalidium,geminatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Paspalum,atratum, ,atra paspalum,,P,,see report on

File,G.R.I.N.,Western Australian Prohibited List

Paspalum,cartilagineum,syn Paspalum scrobiculatum,,,,,”not

in very wet places; up to 1500m alt; upland rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, “,”India, Sri Lanka, India, Throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Paspalum,ciliatifolium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Paspalum,ciliatifolium, ,fringeleaf paspalum,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Paspalum,commersonii,”syn Paspalum scrobiculatum var.

commersonii, P. scrobiculatum p.p. sensu”,koda grass,,,,”wet,

open, cultivated areas; up to 1800m alt; upland, lebak & tidal rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, only occasionally a nuisance, a very

variable species”,”Afr, pantropical; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Paspalum,conjugatum, ,sour paspalum,,,,”, lawns, roadsides,

disturbed places”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New

Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon

Islands; Tokelau; Tonga; Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds

of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Paspalum,conjugatum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Paspalum,conjugatum, ,hilograss,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Paspalum,conjugatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalum,conjugatum, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Paspalum,conjugatum,syn ,”buffalo grass, hilo grass, sour

grass, thruston grass”,,,,”on not too dry, slightly to rather

deeply shaded sites (but also in sunny places) in everwet regions; on

roadsides, lawns, under hedges, on permises, in secondary forests,

plantations; often abundant & forming dense masses, which suppress

seddlings of oth”,”tropical Amer, pantropical; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Paspalum,conjugatum, ,sour paspalum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Paspalum,dasypleurum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalum,dilatatum, ,paspalum,,,,”, “,Cook Islands;

Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea;

American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Paspalum,dilatatum,,Paspalum,HXXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Paspalum,dilatatum, ,Paspalum,,,,”Valuable pasture grass.

Similiar species P. conjugatum, P. distichum and P. virgatum”,Native

of S America. In most warm countries,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass

Weeds In World Agriculture”

Paspalum,dilatatum, ,Paspalum,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Perennial

herb. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5,6,8,9”,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Am, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Paspalum,dilatatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalum,dilatatum, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Paspalum,dilatatum, ,dallisgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Paspalum,distichum,,Water Couch,HH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Paspalum,distichum, ,Water Couch,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb).

RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 8,9,10”,”cosmopolitan, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Paspalum,distichum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalum,distichum, ,Knotgrass,,,,”perennial Aquatic weed,

emerged”, Taiwan Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Paspalum,distichum,syn Paspalum paspaloides,knot

grass,,,,”humid to wet, open to lightly shaded sites, often along

polluted waters in villages, sometimes aquatic; from 0-1500m alt; upland,

lebak & tidal rice fields, a serious weed in direct-seeded rice; can

grow vigorously under favourable conditions, “,”unknown,

tropical & subtropical; recently recorded from Java &

Sumatra”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Paspalum,distichum, ,”water couch, knotgrass, mercer grass,

couch paspalum”,,,,”Paspalum distichum is a perennial grass,

which often invades cropland from irrigation canals and ditch banks. It

is most troublesome in Asia and Latin America and is a weed in 20 crops

in 61countries and frequently reported a weed of lowland rice,

irrigat”,native to S Amer; thrives in wet areas of the tropical and

subtropical regions ,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution -

Holm et. al.

Paspalum,distichum, ,knotgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Paspalum,exaltatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Paspalum,exaltatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalum,fasciculatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalum,fimbriatum, ,Panama paspalum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Paspalum,fluitans, ,water paspalum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Paspalum,laeve, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalum,laeve, ,field paspalum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Paspalum,laeve, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Paspalum,longifolium,”syn Paspalum platycoleum, Paspalum

scrobiculatum”,,,,,”sunny or partially shaded, humid to marshy

soil at water edges; in Java up to 1800m alt; upland rice fields, a weed

of minor importance, “,”India, India, Burma, Thailand, Malesia,

Aust: throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Paspalum,maculosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalum,maculosum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Paspalum,millegrana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalum,millegrana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Paspalum,nicorae,,Brunswickgrass,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Paspalum,nicorae, ,Brunswickgrass,,P,,see report on File,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Paspalum,notatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Paspalum,notatum, ,bahiagrass,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell

and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US

National Parks, weed”

Paspalum,notatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalum,notatum, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Paspalum,orbiculare, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Paspalum,orbiculare, ,ricegrass paspalum,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Paspalum,paniculatum, ,Russell river grass,,,,”, taro,

pasture, waste places”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam;

New Caledonia; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon

Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture

and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Paspalum,paniculatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Paspalum,paniculatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalum,paspalodes,syn Digitaria paspalodes; Paspalum distichum,Knotgrass,,,,”rice

fields, ditches, moist ground, canal banks, shallow waterGood

pasturage”,”W & S Eur, E Medit, E Asia, Amer; originally

native of Amer, naturalised in the Old World”,”The Weed Flora

of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Paspalum,plicatulum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Paspalum,plicatulum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalum,pumilum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalum,pumilum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Paspalum,quadrifarium,,tussock paspalum,,L,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Paspalum,quadrifarium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalum,regnellii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Paspalum,scorbiculatum, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Paspalum,scrobiculatum,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Paspalum,scrobiculatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Paspalum,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Paspalum,thunbergii, , ,,,,paraquat 1990 Korea Cropland ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Paspalum,thunbergii, ,,,,, , Oita ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Paspalum,urvillei,,,XXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Paspalum,urvillei, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paspalum,urvillei, ,vaseygrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Paspalum,vaginatum, ,saltwater couch,,,,”, “,French

Polynesia; Kiribati; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Tuvalu; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Paspalum,vaginatum,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Paspalum,vaginatum,syn Paspalum distichum ,”water couch

grass, saltwater couch “,,,,”saline mud flats in ocastal areas,

sometimes inland near salty pools, on wet, soggy inundated clays, often

in open places in & around mangroves, around artificial brackish

water; coastal fishponds, lagoons; sometimes forming a closed stand;

rarely on sand”,”unknown, pantropical & subtropical;

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Paspalum,virgatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Paspalum,virgatum, ,,,,,Region of origin - Amer; Extent of spread

- localised ; Means of spread - agriculture ? - Pasture ?,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Paspalum,wettsteinii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Paspalum,wettsteinii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pennisetum,alopecuroides,”Panicum alopercuroides, Panicum

americanum and Pennisetum typhoideum”,Swamp

Foxtail-grass,HXw,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pennisetum,alopecuroides,”syn Panicum alopercuroides,

Panicum americanum and Pennisetum typhoideum”,Swamp

Foxtail-grass,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal external,?Water,Wind. Life

Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,5Basionym:

Panicum alopecuroideum L. “,”Introduced deliberately from:

As,Pacific and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited

distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Pennisetum,alopecuroides,”syn Panicum alopercuroides,

Panicum americanum and Pennisetum typhoideum”,,,,,,,Weed Science


Pennisetum,alopecuroides,”syn Panicum alopercuroides,

Panicum americanum and Pennisetum typhoideum”,,,,, , Miyagi Oita

,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Pennisetum,clandestinum, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Pennisetum,clandestinum,,Kikuyu,HHXXHX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Pennisetum,clandestinum,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Pennisetum,clandestinum, ,Kikuyu grass,,,,Nox weed in all warm

regions in perennial crops,”Native to E Africa, intro to

Amer,”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Pennisetum,clandestinum, ,Kikuyugrass ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Pennisetum,clandestinum, ,Kikuyu Grass ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Pennisetum,clandestinum, ,Kikuyu,,,,”Dispersal:

?Water,Vegetative,?Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,2,4,5,8”,”E Af and Commercially Available, , In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Pennisetum,clandestinum, ,Kikuyu grass,,,,transferring 10cm plugs

from established turf to pots in greenhouse,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Pennisetum,clandestinum, ,Kikuyu grass,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, urban open spaces, on rich, moist soils in

high rainfall areasCultivated for: sandbinding, fodder, lawn

grass”,Origin: tropical Afr,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Pennisetum,clandestinum, ,Kikuyu grass,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, urban open spaces, on rich, moist soils in

high rainfall areasCultivated for: sandbinding, fodder, lawn

grass”,Origin: tropical Afr,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Pennisetum,clandestinum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pennisetum,clandestinum, ,kikuyugrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pennisetum,glaucum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pennisetum,glaucum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pennisetum,japonicum, ,,,,,”80% germ at constant temp of

25-30C but much less at 15, 20, or 35C”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Pennisetum,japonicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pennisetum,japonicum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pennisetum,macrourum,,”African feather grass,

beddingrass”,HXHw,L,Vic; SA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pennisetum,macrourum, ,African Feather-grass,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,8,9”,”S Af, In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Pennisetum,macrourum, ,”African feather grass,

beddingrass”,,,,”coarse leaves of mature plants are of low

palatability & not grazed by stock ex. when there is shortage of

feed; infestations are small & dont spread readily, dense clumps of

rhizomes are formed which virtually eliminate all other

plants”,native to SAfr spread to Aust & est. in NZ; occurs in

all southern Aust States; ,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Pennisetum,macrourum,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Pennisetum,macrourum, ,African feathergrass ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Pennisetum,macrourum, ,African feather grass,,,,,,Weed Science


Pennisetum,macrourum, ,African feather grass,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Pennisetum,pedicellatum,,deenanth grass,HH,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pennisetum,pedicellatum,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Pennisetum,pedicellatum,,,HX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pennisetum,pedicellatum, ,Pennisetum,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pennisetum,pedicellatum, ,,,,, Pasture grasses and legumes ,

Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Pennisetum,pedicellatum, ,Pennisetum,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Pennisetum,polystachion,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Pennisetum,polystachion, ,”feathery pennisetum, mission

frass”,,,,”, field crops, pastures”,Fiji; French

Polynesia; Fed. States of Micronesia; Guam; Solomon Islands

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Pennisetum,polystachion,Panicum polystachion ,mission

grass,HHw,LP,NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pennisetum,polystachion, Panicum polystachion ,mission

grass,,,,”aggressive grass, quickly invades cultivated fields &

wastelands; important roadside weed of coastal Qld & NT; its

spreading rapidly to become a problem weed in crops & conservation areas

“,”native of the Old World tropics; troublesome weed of

plantation crops in Afr, India, upland SE Asia, Indonesia &

Philippines; carried as an ornamental to Sri Lanka & Pacific

Is”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Pennisetum,polystachion, ,mission grass,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pennisetum,polystachion, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pennisetum,polystachion, ,mission grass,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Pennisetum,polystachyon, ,,,,, Pasture grasses and legumes ,

Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Pennisetum,polystachyon,”syn Pennisetum triticoides, P.

setosum, Panicum longisetum. Panicum polystachyon”,”elephant

grass, mission grass”,,,,”common in wastelands, up to 900m alt;

occasionally in upland rice fields, a noxious, spreading weed in rubber

in Java; becoming a troublesome weed, as they take over waste - &

cultivated lands, considered a first-class fodder grass when young; it

can be “,”tropical Afr, tropics of Afr & Asia; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Pennisetum,purpureum, ,elephant grass,,,,”,

roadsides”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Marshall

Islands; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western

Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tokelau; Vanuatu; Wallis &

Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Pennisetum,purpureum, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Pennisetum,purpureum,,Elephant or Napier grass,XXw,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pennisetum,purpureum, ,elephant grass,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, riverbanks, valley floors, in

sub-tropical regionsCultivated for: screening, ornament,

fodder”,Origin: tropical Afr,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Pennisetum,purpureum, ,elephant grass,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, riverbanks, valley floors, in

sub-tropical regionsCultivated for: screening, ornament,

fodder”,Origin: tropical Afr,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Pennisetum,purpureum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pennisetum,purpureum, ,napiergrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pennisetum,purpureum,,Napier grass,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Pennisetum,ruppellii, ,fountaingrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pennisetum,setaceum, ,fountaingrass,,,,Initial list of Invasive

weeds nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated

Worst Invasive Weeds”

Pennisetum,setaceum,,fountain grass,XXw,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pennisetum,setaceum, ,Fountain Grass ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Pennisetum,setaceum, ,fountain grass,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Pennisetum,setaceum, ,fountian grass,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, disturbed sites; P. setaceum is

widespreadCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: N Afr,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pennisetum,setaceum, ,fountian grass,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, disturbed sites; P. setaceum is

widespreadCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: N Afr,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pennisetum,setaceum,”syn Pennisetum ruppelii, Phalaris

setacea”,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pennisetum,setosum, ,West Indies pennisetum,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pennisetum,thunbergii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pennisetum,thunbergii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pennisetum,villosum,”Cenchrus villosus, Pennisetum

longistylum”,”longstyle feather grass, feathertop, feather

grass, long-styled feather grass, white foxtail”,X,L,NSW;

Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pennisetum,villosum, ,Feathertop,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

?”,”Af,India, In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Pennisetum,villosum,” Cenchrus villosus, Pennisetum

longistylum”,”longstyle feather grass, feathertop, feather

grass, long-styled feather grass, white foxtail”,,,,long serrated

leaves of mature plants unpalatabe & rarely grazed by stock; strong

rhizome growth produces large dense clumps which dominate infested

pastures & reduce grazing area; prolific seeder,”native of N Afr

& the Arabian Peninusla;nat. in many warmer parts of world, Burma,

India, Pakistan, S Afr, Sri Lanka & USA; major weed of pineapples in

Mysore State India”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Pennisetum,villosum, ,feathertop,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, disturbed sites; P. villosum prefers cold and

wet areasCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: N Afr,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pennisetum,villosum, ,feathertop,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, disturbed sites; P. villosum prefers cold and

wet areasCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: N Afr,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pennisetum,villosum, ,”longstyle feather grass,

feathertop”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pennisetum,spp.,, fountain grass ,"Not yet a problem here, but they are elsewhere. Let's not give them a chance.",,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Pentaschistis,airoides,,False Hair-grass,HH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pentaschistis,airoides, ,False Hair-grass,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,?Water,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form:

Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 3,4,5”,”S Af, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Pentaschistis,airoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pentaschistis,pallida,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pentaschistis,thunbergii,,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pentaschistis,thunbergii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Peptochaetium,montevidense, ,Piptochaetium,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK:

Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 4”,”S Am, In Victoria: Rare or localised,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Periballia,minuta,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Phalaris,angusta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Phalaris,angusta, ,,,,,,S Amer,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass

Weeds In World Agriculture”

Phalaris,angusta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phalaris,aquatica,,Toowoomba Canary-grass,HHXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Phalaris,aquatica, ,Harding Grass ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Phalaris,aquatica, ,Toowoomba Canary-grass,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form:

Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5,6,8,9”,”Med

and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Phalaris,aquatica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phalaris,aquatica,X arundinacea,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phalaris,aquatica X P. arundinacea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Phalaris,aquaticum, ,Harding grass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Phalaris,arundinacea,syn. Digraphis,,,,,seed begins to germ

almost immediately after harvest; seeds placed in unheated germinator

& exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; 95% germ,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Phalaris,arundinacea,,Common Name(s): Reed canary grass,"Avail nurseries, Grass Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Displaces natives, forms sterile mats, common in seed mixtures ""Perennial, 0.5-2 m high, plae green to reddish flowers on a large tufted spike, creeping underground rhizomes, leaves 20","Europe. Habitat: Wetlands, ditches, streams, ponds, lakes"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Phalaris,arundinacea,,canarygrass reed ,"WEED OF CONCERN: Control and containment of existing populations of these noxious weeds is strongly encouraged in King County, Washington State.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Phalaris,arundinacea,,reed canary grass,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Phalaris,arundinacea,,reed canary-grass,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Phalaris,arundinacea, ,,,,,Forms dense patches on river &

canal banks to 3 m tall,Medit,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In

World Agriculture”

Phalaris,arundinacea, ,reed canary grass,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Phalaris,arundinacea, ,Reed Canary-grass,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal external,Water,?animal (not bird), internal,?Wind. Life Form:

Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Very serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,9,10”,”Introduced deliberately from: N Hem,S Af, In Victoria:

Rare or localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Phalaris,arundinacea, ,Reed canary grass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Phalaris,arundinacea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phalaris,arundinacea, ,reed canarygrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Phalaris,arundinacea,,canary grass,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE THREAT”Exotic

plant species which possess characteristics of invasive species and

spread easily into native plant communities and displace native

vegetation; includes species which are or could become widespread in

Tennessee.A native sp,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Phalaris,arundinacea, ,,,,, Weed in rich site ,,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Phalaris,brachystachys, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phalaris,brachystachys, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Phalaris,canariensis,,canary grass,XXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Phalaris,canariensis, ,Canary grass,,,,Grown as food for cage

birds,Native medit and Canary Isl,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds

In World Agriculture”

Phalaris,canariensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phalaris,canariensis, ,canarygrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Phalaris,canariensis,,canary grass,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Phalaris,coerulescens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Phalaris,coerulescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phalaris,lemmonii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Phalaris,lemonii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phalaris,minor,,Lesser Carnary-grass,HXH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Phalaris,minor, ,,,,,Tall grass to 1 m,”Native medit, intro

to central and N Eur”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Phalaris,minor, ,Lesser Carnary-grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,4,5,8,9,12”,”Med, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Phalaris,minor, ,Little seed canary grass ,,,,isoproturon 1991

India Wheat , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Phalaris,minor, ,Little seed canary grass ,,,,fenoxaprop 1993

Israel Wheat , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Phalaris,minor, ,Little seed canary grass ,,,,fenoxaprop 1996

Mexico Wheat , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Phalaris,minor,syn ,Lesser canary grass,,,,”fields, gardens,

orchards, roadsidesGrain often used as a bird feed; plant useful forage

grass”,”Medit, Eur, Asia; introduced into trop. & S Afr,

Trop. Amer & Aust”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Phalaris,minor, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phalaris,minor, ,littleseed canarygrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Phalaris,paradoxa,,”Annual Canary-grass, pradoxa

grass”,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Phalaris,paradoxa, ,Annual Canary-grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual.

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,8,9”,”Med, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Phalaris,paradoxa, ,Hood canarygrass,,,,fenoxaprop 1996 Mexico

Wheat , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Phalaris,paradoxa, ,Hood canarygrass,,,,”triazines 1979

Israel Roadside, Railway “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Phalaris,paradoxa,syn ,,,,,”fields, gardens, orchards,

roadsidesGrain often used as a bird feed; plant useful forage

grass”,”Medit, Eur, Asia; introduced into trop. & S Afr,

Trop. Amer & Aust”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Phalaris,paradoxa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phalaris,paradoza, ,hood canarygrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Phalaris,spp.,,reed canarygrass ,Phalaris arundinacea is a massive problem in wetlands; forms huge monocultures. P. aquatica is expanding rapidly.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Phleum,arenarium,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Phleum,pratense,,Timothy grass,HXAXw,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Phleum,pratense, ,”Timothy, Cat's tail

grass”,,,,Extensively grown for Grazing and hay,”wide spread in

Eur, Asia & NAmer.”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In

World Agriculture”

Phleum,pratense, ,Timothy Grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 15”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Phleum,pratense, ,Timothy ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT SPECIES

OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Phleum,pratense, ,timothy,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Phleum,pratense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phleum,pratense, ,timothy,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Phleum,subulatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Phleum,subulatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pholiurus,pannonics,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pholiurus,pannonicus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phragmites,australis,,common reed,X,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Phragmites,australis,,, Peidmont and mountains & valleys in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Phragmites,australis, ,common reed,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Phragmites,australis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Phragmites,australis,,common reed,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess characteristics of

invasive species and spread easily into native plant communities and

displace native vegetation; includes species which are or could become

widespread in Tennessee.A native sp,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Phragmites,communis,,"Common Name(s): Common reed, Reed grass","Avail nurseries, Grass Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Forms sterile mats ""Perennial, 1-4 m high, tufted spike with white flowers, leaves attached by loose sheath ""","Europe. Habitat: Marshes, ditches, ponds"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Phragmites,communis, P. australis,”Common reed, giant

reed”,,,,Prefs damp soils to stagnant or flowing

water,Cosmopolitan,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Phragmites,communis, ,Common reed,,,,”50% germ of dry stored

seed at room temp for 7mths, then placed outdoors in late autumn in

stoppered glass vials half filled with water”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Phragmites,communis, ,Reed,,,,” Weed in poor site Aquatic

weed, emerged”, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Phragmites,communis, ,common reed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Phragmites ,australis,syn Arundo australis; Phragmites

communis,”Common reed, Ditch reed”,,,,”lakes, springs,

ditches, irrigation canals, drains, Nile banks, wet ground, tolerant of

saline soils”“Plant used for thatching & making baskets,

sleeping mats etc., especially in rural parts of the country; rhizomes

are used in popular medicine for their “,”widespread in temp. regions

of the world, with extensions into the tropics”,”The Weed Flora

of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Phyllostachys,aurea,,,X,L,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Phyllostachys,aurea, ,,,,,Region of origin - China; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Phyllostachys,aurea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phyllostachys,bambusoides,,,,L,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Phyllostachys,mitis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phyllostachys,mitis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Phyllostachys,nigra,,black bamboo,S,NL,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Phyllostachys,nigra, ,Black Bamboo

,,,,SHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Phyllostachys,nigra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phyllostachys,spp.,,black bamboo,SX,NL,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Phyllostachys,spp., ,Japanese bamboo,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Piptatherum,miliaceum,,Rice Millet,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Piptatherum,miliaceum, ,Smilo Grass ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Piptatherum,miliaceum, ,Rice Millet,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5,8,12”,”Med, In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Piptatherum,miliaceum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Piptochaetium,montevidense,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Piptochaetium,montevidense, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Amer;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Plagiochloa,uniolae, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pleioblastus,linealis, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Pleioblastus,spp., ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Poa,annua,,annual meadow grass,XXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Poa,annua, ,”Annual meadow grass, Annual Blue

grass”,,,,”Cereal, maize, vege, rape, beet, vines, orchards

& nurseries”,Cosmopolitan,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds

In World Agriculture”

Poa,annua, ,Annual bluegrass,,,,germ good at constant temps

ranging from 7-35C & at alt. temps of 10-18C &

10-25C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Poa,annua, ,Annual Bluegrass,,,,ethofumesate 1994 USA Grass Seed

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Poa,annua, ,Annual Bluegrass,,,,diuron 1994 USA Grass Seed ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Poa,annua, ,Annual Bluegrass,,,,paraquat 1981 United Kingdom Hops

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Poa,annua, ,Annual Bluegrass,,,,paraquat 1993 Belgium Hops ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Poa,annua, ,Annual Bluegrass,,,,amitrole 1983 Belgium Orchard ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Poa,annua, ,Annual Bluegrass,,,,atrazine 1980 Germany Orchard ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Poa,annua, ,Annual Bluegrass,,,,”atrazine 1988 Czech Republic

Orchard, Railway”,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Poa,annua, ,Annual Bluegrass,,,,atrazine 1994 USA Grass Seed ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Poa,annua, ,Annual Bluegrass,,,,”simazine 1981 Belgium

Nurseries, Orchards, “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Poa,annua, ,Annual Bluegrass,,,,simazine 1981 The

NetherlandsOrchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Poa,annua, ,Annual Bluegrass,,,,simazine 1981 United Kingdom

Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Poa,annua, ,Annual Bluegrass,,,,simazine 1982 Japan Golfcourse ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Poa,annua, ,Annual Bluegrass,,,,simazine 1996 Norway Nurseries ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Poa,annua, ,Annual Bluegrass,,,,triazines 1978 France ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Poa,annua,syn ,Annual medaow grass,,,,”winter weed in

fields, gardens, lawns, moist ground near wells, springs, &

irrigation canals”“Good lawn grass, often grazed by

livestock”““,”Medit, Eur, Asia”,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Poa,annua, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Poa,annua, ,,,,, Weed in rich site , Shizuoka Upland Japan

Hokkaido Okayama ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Poa,annua, ,”annual bluegrass, annual poa, goose grass,

winter grass, annual meadowgrass, poa annua”,,,,”Poa annua is one

of the smallest species of secondary weeds and yet one of the most

studied, probably due to its extensive distribution, its adaptation ot

numerous habitats and to the presence of both annual and perennial types

within the species. It is a”,nativeof Eur; found around the world in

temperate and alpine climates,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Poa,annua, ,annual bluegrass,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Poa,bulbosa,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Poa,bulbosa,,Bulbous Meadow-grass,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Poa,bulbosa, ,Bulbous Meadow-grass,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb.

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,12”,”Med,W Eur, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Poa,bulbosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Poa,bulbosa, ,bulbous bluegrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Poa,compressa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Poa,compressa, ,Canada bluegrass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Poa,compressa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Poa,compressa,,Common Name(s): Canada blue grass,"Avail nurseries, Grass Potential Invasive ""Habitat : Dry soils, sand dunes Description : Perennial, 15-40 cm high, flowers dense, spike like, 5-12 cm long, stems erect, runners 5-12 cm long, stems erect, runners ""","Eurasia. Habitat: NT, PEI"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Poa,compressa, ,Canada bluegrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Poa,infirma,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Poa,infirma, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Poa,pratensis,,English Meadow-grass,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Poa,pratensis,,Common Name(s): Kentucky blue grass,"Avail nurseries, Grass Potential Invasive ""Perennial, 30-100 cm high, 3-5 flowered spikelets, 3-6 mm long, tufted, stems erect, blades lfat or folded, 2-4 mm wide wide ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Moist to dry soils, open woods, meadows"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Poa,pratensis, ,English Meadow-grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,?animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative,Wind. Life Form:

Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,8,9,”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur,Temp As and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Poa,pratensis, ,Kentucky bluegrass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Poa,pratensis, ,Kentucky bluegrass,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Poa,pratensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Poa,pratensis, ,Kentucky bluegrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Poa,sphondylodes, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Poa,sphondylodes, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Poa,trivialis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Poa,trivialis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Poa,trivialis, ,Rough meadow grass,,,,Frequent nox weed

throughout dist. Esp winter cereals & patchy lucerne and clover crops

on damp to moist loamy soils,”Eur, temp Asia, N

Africa”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Poa,trivialis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polypogon,chilensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Polypogon,chilensis, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Chile,

Argentina, Uruguay & S Brazil; Extent of spread - localised ; Means

of spread - unknown”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Polypogon,interruptus, ,ditch polypogon,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polypogon,littoralis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Polypogon,maritimus,,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Polypogon,maritimus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polypogon,monspeliensis,,Annual Beard-grass,HXH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Polypogon,monspeliensis, ,Annual Beard-grass,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form:

Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,9,10,11”,”Euras,N Af , In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Polypogon,monspeliensis, ,Rabbit foot grass,,,,83-95% germ of

seed at 7 alt. temps (ranging between 10-25C & 20-35C) when

substratum moistened with 0.2% soln of KNO3,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Polypogon,monspeliensis, ,Rabbitfoot polypogon,,,,triazines 1979

Israel Roadside , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Polypogon,monspeliensis,syn Alopecurus monspeliensis; Phalaris

cristata,Annual beard grass,,,,”irrigation canals, ditches, moist

ground around springs & wells”,”Medit, W & S Eur, Asia,

trop. & subtrop. Afr; introduced into many warm regions of the

world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Polypogon,monspeliensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polypogon,monspeliensis, ,rabbitfootgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polypogon,viridis,Agrostis viridis,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Polypogon,viridis,syn Agrostis viridis; Phalaris semiverticillata;

Agrostis verticillata; A. semiverticillata; Polypogon

semiverticillatus,Water bent grass,,,,”canal banks, ditches, moist

ground in fields, around springs & wells”,”Medit, E & C

Asia, E Afr; introduced into many temp. regions of the

world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Polypogon,viridis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polytrias,amaura,”syn Polytrias praemorsa, Andropogon

amaurus, Eulalia amaura, Eulalia praemorsa”,,,,,”sunny to

lightly shaded, dry, grassy sites, on light or heavy, usually infertile

soils; along roads, in lawns; oftnen so abundant that the area has a

brown-red glow during flowering; up to 1600m alt (Java); upland rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”India, India, Burma, Malesia,

China; throughout Indonesia, except the Moluccas, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Pseudosassa,japonica, ,running bamboo,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Psilurus,incurvus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Psilurus,incurvus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Puccinellia,airoides, ,Nuttall alkaligrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Puccinellia,ciliata,,puccinellia,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Puccinellia,ciliata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Puccinellia,distans,,,x,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Puccinellia,distans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Puccinellia,distans, ,weeping alkaligrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Saltmarsh-grass,HX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Puccinellia,fasciculata, ,Borrers

Saltmarsh-grass,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal external,Water,?animal (not

bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

11”,”Eur,temp Af,As,N A, In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Puccinellia,fasciculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Puccinellia,lemmoni, ,Lemmon alkaligrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhynchelytrum,repens, ,rose natal grass,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Rhynchelytrum,repens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rhynchelytrum,repens, ,natalgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhynchelytrum,repens,,Natal grass,,,,”Catergory II - Species

that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species

may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated disruption

of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most Invasive

Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Rostraria,cristata,”Lophochloa cristata, Trisetaria

cristata”,annual cat's tail,XH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Rostraria,cristata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rostraria,pumila,Lophochloa pumila,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Rostraria,pumila, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rostraria,smyrnacea,syn. Lophochloa,Catstail ,,,,triazines 1979

Israel Roadside , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Rottboellia,cochinchinensis, ,itch grass,,,,”, gardens,

crops, roadsides, sugarcane”,Fiji; Papua New Guinea; Solomon Islands

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Rottboellia,cochinchinensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Rottboellia,exaltata, = R. cochinchinensis,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Rottboellia,exaltata, ,”Kokoma grass, Guinea fowl

grass”,,,,”Nox weed especially in perennial crops and in annual

tropical crops, still spreading”,”Tropical Asia, now common in

central Americas, Africa and Aust”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass

Weeds In World Agriculture”

Rottboellia,exaltata,syn ,itchy grass,,,,”weed of pastures

& of several cultivated crops; usually in open, well-drained places;

in S Afr, however, it occurs in wet places & may even grow in shallow

water; it requires sunny to moderately shaded places, occurs in Imperata

& other grasslands, dry cu”,”India, pantropical; throughout

Indonesia, except Kalimantan, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice

in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Saccharum,benghalense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Saccharum,benghalense, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Saccharum,officinarum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Saccharum,officinarum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Saccharum,spontaneum,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Saccharum,spontaneum, ,serio grass,,,,”Saccharum spontaneum

is a tropical grass species believed to have played a key role in the

evolution of the noble cane, S. offinarum. Today S. spontaneum is

utilized in several sugarcane breeding programs. It is found in waste

areas, fallow fields, marsh”,”native to India, and is also a

serious weed of India; tropical and subtropical, common in C SE

Asia.”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et.


Sacciolepis,indica,”syn Sacciolepis angusta, Hymenachne

indica”,,,,,”not too dry, not too heavy, preferably fertile

soils, but also on rather poor soils on fallow lands & dryland

fields, in Imperata grasslands & drained swamplands; locally often

abundant; up to 1800m alt, especially above 400m; rainfed, upland &

tidal rice”,”India, Asia, Aust, Polynesia & Afr; throughout

Indonesia, except the Moluccas, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice

in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Sacciolepis,interrupta,,,"rice, irrigation channels, wetlands; potential environmental weed",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Sacciolepis,interrupta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sacciolepis,interrupta,”syn Hymenachne interrupta, Panicum

interruptum”,,,,,”grows invariably inswamps or stagnant water,

in pools, along ditches & drains; gregarious & abundant; up to

700m alt (Java); often mixed with Hymenachne acutigluma, from which it

can be distinguished by its hallow stem, short inflorescence &

branches & th”,”unknown, from W Afr to S China; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Sacciolepis,interrupta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Sacciolepis,myosuroides,syn Panicum myosuroides,,,,,”not too

dry, not too heavy, preferably fertile soils, but also on rather poor

soils on fallow lands & dryland fields, in Imperata grasslands &

drained swamplands; locally often abundant; up to 1800m alt, especially

above 400m; rainfed, upland & tidal rice”,”unknown, India,

Aust;throughout Indonesia, except the Moluccas, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Sasa,ramosa, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Schedonnardus,paniculatus, ,tumblegrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Schismus,arabicus,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Schismus,arabicus, ,Mediterranean Grass ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Schismus,arabicus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Schismus,barbatus,,Arabian Grass,XH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Schismus,barbatus, ,Mediterranean Grass ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Schismus,barbatus, ,Arabian Grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a

negative visual impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Af,Med,India, In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Schismus,barbatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Schismus,barbatus, ,mediterraneangrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Schizachyrium,brevifolium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Schizachyrium,brevifolium, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Schizachyrium,paniculatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Schizachyrium,paniculatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Sclerochloa,dura,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sclerochloa,dura, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Scleropoa,rigida, ,hardgrass,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Secale,cerale, ,Cultivated rye ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Secale,cereale,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Secale,cereale, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,acromelaena, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,acromelaena, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Setaria,adhaerens, , ,,,,atrazine 1992 Spain Corn ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,aequalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,aequalis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Setaria,barbata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Setaria,barbata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,decipiens, ,Foxtail,,,,”Weed of maize, beet,

vegetables, orchards, vineyards and other

crops”,Cosmopolitan,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Setaria,dielsii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,faberi, ,Giant Foxtail ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Setaria,faberi, ,Giant Foxtail,,,,fluazifop 1991 USA Cropland ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,faberi, ,Giant Foxtail,,,,”nicosulfuron 1996 USA

Corn, Soybean “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,faberi, ,Giant Foxtail,,,,atrazine 1984 USA Cropland ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,faberi, ,Giant Foxtail,,,,atrazine 1987 Spain Corn ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,faberi, ,Giant foxtail,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,faberi, ,Giant foxtail,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Setaria,faberi,,nodding foxtail-grass,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Setaria,faberii, ,Giant Foxtail,,,,Nox weed in maize in

USA,”Asia, intro to USA”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds

In World Agriculture”

Setaria,faberii, ,Giant foxtail,,,,”90% germ of prechilled

seed on moist filter paper for 2wks at 2-4C, with temps between 15-30C,

with light having little effect; seeds with brown/black lemmas &

paleas were 1st & only seed to germ”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Setaria,faberii, ,giant foxtail,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Setaria,geniculata, ,,,,,”Perennial species, with

rhizomes”,”Native to N Amer, become estab throughout the

world”,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Setaria,geniculata, ,”slender pigeon grass, knotroot

foxtail, bristlegrass, knotroot”,,,,”Setaria geniculata is a

slender, loosely tufted, erect perennial grass. It is principally a weed

in the Americas and Asia, and is conspicuous by its absence in Afr. It is

found in perennial and annual crops, pastures, roadsides, gardens,

orchids, ditch ba”,”native to the tropical Americas and grows

from sea level to well over 3000m in this region, also in subtropical

regions”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et.


Setaria,geniculata, ,knotroot foxtail,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Setaria,glauca,” S. lutescens, S. pumila”,”Yellow

Bristle grass, Pale Pigeon grass”,,,,”Weed of maize, beet, vegetables,

orchards, vineyards and other crops”,Cosmopolitan,Behrendt &

Hanf “Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Setaria,glauca, Setaria lutescens,Yellow foxtail,,,,”90%

germ of caryopses from dry stored seed of 4mnths, at alt. 20-30C in

light; pretreatments of low temps & high moisture, or 30min conc.

sulfuric acid, soaking for 15.5hrs in 0.5-1% soln of KNO3 of seed

scarified with sand paper all inc. germ “,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Setaria,glauca, ,Yellow Foxtail,,,,atrazine 1981 Canada Cropland

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,glauca, ,Yellow Foxtail,,,,atrazine 1984 USA Cropland ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,glauca, ,Yellow Foxtail,,,,atrazine 1987 Spain Corn ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,glauca, ,Yellow Foxtail,,,,triazines 1981 France ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,glauca,syn ,”pale pigeon grass, yellow foxtail,

yellow bristle grass, mongoose tail”,,,,”Setaria glauca is a

widely distributed annual grass found in diverse habitats. It is a weed

of cereals, vegetables, root crops, pastures, roadsides and waste areas.

It is the most widely distributed Setaria in the US but is conspicuously

absent in most o”,”originated in Eur; now spread throughout N

Amer, the Andean countries of S Amer, Aust and Asia”,WORLD WEEDS

Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Setaria,glauca, ,yellow foxtail,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Setaria,gracilis,,,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Setaria,gracilis,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Setaria,gracilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,homonyma, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,homonyma, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Setaria,incrassata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Setaria,incrassata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,italica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Setaria,italica, ,,,,,”A derivative of S. viridis, widely

cultivated for bird seed”,Temperate localities,Behrendt & Hanf

“Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Setaria,italica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,italica, ,foxtail millet,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Setaria,italica,,foxtail-millet,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Setaria,luetescens, ,Yellow Foxtail,,,,imazapyr 1997 USA Soybean

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,pallide-fusca,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Setaria,pallide-fusca,syn ,,,,,”sunny to moderately shaded,

neither too dry nor too swampy, light to heavy soils; fallow fields,

gardens, compunds, roadsides, Imperata & other grasslands; locally

abundant & then conspicuous because of the glaucous leaves &

purplish red bristles of the y”,”unknown, tropics of Afr, Asia

to Polynesia & Aust; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice

in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Setaria,pallide-fusca, ,”Queensland pigeon grass, cat's tail

grass, millet sauvage”,,,,”Setaria pallide-fusca is an annual

weed often found in its native Africa and parts of Asia and Australia. It

infests dryland crops, roadsides, waste areas, ditches and occasionally

grasslands. It is adapted to a wide range of soils and climates and is

e”,native to Afr ; found in Asia and Aust,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Setaria,palmifolia,,palm grass,XXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Setaria,palmifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,parviflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Setaria,poiretiana,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Setaria,poiretiana, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop Amer; Extent of

spread - localised - spreading; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Setaria,poiretiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,poiretiana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Setaria,pumila,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Setaria,pumila,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Setaria,pumila,syn Panicum pumilum; Setaria glauca; S.

lutescens,Yellow bristle grass,,,,”fields, gardens, orchards,

roadsides, waste ground, irrigation canals”,”N Afr, Eru, Asia;

introduced into many warm & temp. regions of the world”,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Setaria,pumila, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,pumila,,smooth millet,,,,”RANK 2. “SIGNIFICANT

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some invasive

characteristics, but have less impact on native plant communities; may

have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance

corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Setaria,sphacelata,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Setaria,sphacelata,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Setaria,sphacelata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,verticillata,,whorled pigeon grass,,L,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Setaria,verticillata, Panicum verticillatum,Bur or Rough Bristle

grass,,,,”Weed of maize, beet, vegetables, orchards, vineyards,

cotton and other crops”,Cosmopolitan,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass

Weeds In World Agriculture”

Setaria,verticillata, ,Bristly foxtail,,,,”only 24% germ at

constant temps 25, 30 &35C, alt. temps of 5-15C, 10-18C & 10-25C

gave poorer results”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Setaria,verticillata, ,Bristly Foxtail,,,,atrazine 1992 Spain

Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,verticillata,syn Panicum verticillatum,Rough bristle

grass,,,,”fields, gardens, orchards, moist shaded ground, ditches,

irrigation canals”,”N Afr, Eur, Asia; introduced elsewhere into

warm & temp. regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Setaria,verticillata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,verticillata, ,bristly foxtail,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Setaria,viridis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Setaria,viridis,” Chaetochloa viridis, Panicum laevigatum,

Panicum purpurascens”,”Green Bristle grass, Green Pigeon grass,

Bottle grass”,,,,”Weed of maize, beet, vegetables, vineyards

and neglected gardens”,Cosmopolitan,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass

Weeds In World Agriculture”

Setaria,viridis, ,Green foxtail,,,,”germ of seeds with coats

entirely or partially removed ranged from 40-86% at 25C, 64-90% at 30C

& 68-74% at 35C, germ of intact seed ranged from 14-53% at 25C,

20-55% at 30C & 34-58% at 35C; 98% germ of seed sown in field in

autumn following collection “,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Setaria,viridis, ,Green Foxtail,,,,diclofop 1992 Canada Cropland

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,viridis, ,Green Foxtail,,,,trifluralin 1988 Canada

Cropland , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,viridis, ,Green Foxtail,,,,”trifluralin 1989 USA

Wheat, sunflower “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,viridis, ,Green Foxtail,,,,atrazine 1987 Spain Corn ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,viridis, ,Green Foxtail,,,,triazines 1982 France ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,viridis,syn Panicum viride,Green bristle

grass,,,,”fields, gardens orchardsGood fodder for cattle when

young”,”N Afr, Eur, Asia; introduced into N & S Amer &

Aust”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Setaria,viridis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Setaria,viridis, ,,,,,annual sub-dominance , Upland Korea ,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Setaria,viridis, ,green foxtail,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Setaria,viridis,,green millet,,,,”RANK 2. “SIGNIFICANT

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some invasive

characteristics, but have less impact on native plant communities; may

have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance corridors,

or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Setaria,viridis var. major, ,Giant Green Foxtail,,,,triazines

1982 France , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,viridis var. robusta-alba, ,Robust white

foxtail,,,,”nicosulfuron 1996 USA Corn, Soybean “,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Setaria,viridus, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Sieglingia,decumbens,Danthonia decumbens,Heath

Grass,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sieglingia,decumbens, ,Heath Grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,9”,”Eur,W As,N Af, In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Sitanion,hystrix, ,squirreltail,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Snowdenia,polystachya, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Snowdenia,polystachya, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sorghastrum,nutans,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sorghum,almum, ,sorghum almum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sorghum,arundinaceum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sorghum,arundinaceum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sorghum,arundinaceum (=S. verticilliflorum), ,wild

sorghum,,,,”, vegetables”,Cook Islands Fiji French Polynesia

New Caledonia Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands Vanuatu ,”“Weeds

of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Sorghum,bicolor,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sorghum,bicolor,S. sudanense,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sorghum,bicolor,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sorghum,bicolor, Sorghum vulgare,Wild cane,,,,”seed tested

3days after harvest germ 2-92%; at 5mth, 39-99%; & at 21mths 55-100%

at alt. 20-30C; pricking seed coat induced germ”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sorghum,bicolor, ,Shattercane ,,,,AlS inhibitors 1994 USA Corn ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Sorghum,bicolor, ,”shattercane, broom corn”,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Sorghum,bicolor, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sorghum,bicolor, ,wild cane,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Sorghum,brevicarinatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sorghum,brevicarinatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sorghum,cv. hybrid Silk, ,silk forage sorghum,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Sorghum,halepense,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Sorghum,halepense,,johnsongrass,"Nature: Dense, erect perennial grass that reproduces by seed and rhizomes.Invading new forest plantations. Uses: Livestock pasture.Control: Sulfometuron (Oust) plus imazapyr (Arsenal AC) applied in April-Mayfor suppression to establish loblolly pine (Doug","Origin: Introduced from Mediterranean region of Africa.Range: Throughout the Eastern and Midwest U.S. and lower NM, AR, and CA.","EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANTS IN SOUTHEASTERN FORESTS, James H. Miller, Southern Research Station USDA Forest Service Auburn University, AL, weed"

Sorghum,halepense, ,Johnson grass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Sorghum,halepense, ,Johnson grass,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Sorghum,halepense, ,Johnson grass,,,,”, disturbed areas,

roadsides”,Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; Marshall Islands; New

Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu;

Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Sorghum,halepense,”Andropogon halepensis, Holcus halepensis,

Sorghum bicolor ssp. halepense”,”Johnson grass, evergreen

millet”,XX,LP,NSW; NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sorghum,halepense, ,Johnson grass,,,,”Dangerous weed of

crops in warmer zones (soy beans, cotton, sugar cane)”,Medit region

and SE Europe,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Sorghum,halepense, ,Johnsongrass ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Sorghum,halepense, ,Johnson grass,,,,removal of hull & naked

kernal treated with conc. sulfuric acid for 2min washed with sodium

bicarbonate soln & water-germ at 25-40C alt. normal seedlings

produced at any constant temp up to 35C; vegetative propagation by

rhizomes cut into pieces,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Sorghum,halepense, ,Johnsongrass ,,,,fluazifop 1991 USA Soybean ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Sorghum,halepense, ,Johnsongrass ,,,,dinitroanilines 1992 USA ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Sorghum,halepense,” Andropogon halepensis, Holcus

halepensis, Sorghum bicolor ssp. halepense”,”Johnson grass,

evergreen millet”,,,,”one of the 10 worst weeds in the world;

causes severe crop losses as result of direct competition, allelopathic action

& by acting as an altenate host to crop pests &

diseases”,”native of subtropical Indo-European region; southern

India to western Pakistan; widely distributed Near East, N Afr, &

southern Eur; introd & nat. in N & S Amer, Hawaii, NZ & Aust

& nearby islands”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Sorghum,halepense, ,Johnson grass,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sorghum,halepense, ,johnsongrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sorghum,halepense, ,Johnson grass,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Sorghum,halepense,,Johnson grass,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess characteristics of

invasive species and spread easily into native plant communities and

displace native vegetation; includes species which are or could become

widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Sorghum,miliaceum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sorghum,miliaceum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sorghum,sp.,x almum,Columbus grass,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sorghum,spp.,cv. hybrid Silk,silk forage sorghum,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Sorghum,spp. hybrid cv. silk,,Silk forage

sorghum,,LP,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sorghum,spp. hybrid cv. silk, ,Silk forage sorghum,,,,,”Silk

forage sorghum is a selection from the progeny of a cross between the

hybrid, Sorghum halepense X S. roxburghii & Sorghum arundinaceum,

developed & submitted for registration as a forage

grass”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Sorghum,stipodeum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sorghum,sudanense, ,Sudan grass,,,,”, disturbed areas,

roadsides”,French Polynesia; Guam; American Samoa; Western Samoa;

Tonga ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Sorghum,sudanense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sorghum,sudanense, ,sudangrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sorghum,sudanese, S. halepense var. sudanese,,,,,Similiar to S.

halapense but an annual,”S USA, Africa, Medit region”,Behrendt

& Hanf “Grass Weeds In World Agriculture”

Sorghum,verticilliflorum, ,,,,,Similiar to S. halepense but

without rhizomes,Africa,Behrendt & Hanf “Grass Weeds In World


Sorghum,verticilliflorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sorghum,virgatum,syn ,Tunis grass,,,,”fields, Nile and canal

banksUsed as a forage plant”,trop. & subtrop. Afr; introduced

elsewhere into warmer regions of the world,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Sorghum,x almum,,”Columbus grass, almum grass, sorghum

almum”,,LP,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sorghum,x almum, ,”Columbus grass, almum grass, sorghum

almum”,,,,”not an invasive plant in the same sense as Johnson

grass; seedlings readily establish on disturbed soils & once est. has

potential to harbour diseases & insect pests of sorghum, maize &

sugarcane”,”Columbus grass is derived from a natural cross

between an unknown cultivated var. of Sorghum bicolor & subtropical

weed Johnson grass originated in Arg; introd as forage crop in USA,

Algeria, Nigeria, S Afr, India, NZ & Aust”,”Noxious Weeds

of Australia, P & C”

Sorghum,x almum, ,Columbus grass,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Spartina,alterniflora, ,Atlantic Cordgrass ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Spartina,alterniflora, ,Smooth cordgrass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Spartina,alterniflora,,cordgrass smooth ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Spartina,alterniflora, ,smooth cordgrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spartina,angelica, ,Cordgrass ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Spartina,anglica,,Cord-grass,HXX,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Spartina,anglica,,cordgrass common ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Spartina,anglica, ,Cord Grass ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Spartina,anglica, ,Cord-grass,,,,Dispersal: Water/Vegetative.

Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Very serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

11,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur, In Victoria: Limited

distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Spartina,anglica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spartina,anglica, ,Cord-grass,,P,,Dispersal: Water/Vegetative.

Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Very serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

11,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur, In Victoria: Limited

distribution, medium to large populations”,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Spartina,bakeri, ,Florida cordgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spartina,cynosuroides, ,big cordgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spartina,densiflora, ,Dense-flowered Cord Grass

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Spartina,maritima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spartina,patens, ,Salt-meadow Cord Grass ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed


CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Spartina,patens, ,saltmeadow cordgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spartina,sp.,X townsendii,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spartina,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Spartina,spp.,,”spartina, cordgrass”,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Spartina,x townsendii,,Townsends cord-grass,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Spartina,x townsendii, ,Townsends Cord-grass,,,,Dispersal:

Water/Vegetative. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 11,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur (hybrid),

In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Sphenopus,divaricatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spinifex,sericeus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Spodiopogon,sibiricus, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Sporobolus,africanus,”Agrostis africana, Agrostis capensis,

Agrostis spicata, Sporobolus capensis, Sporobolus indicus, Vilfa

capensis”,”Parramatta grass, African dropseed grass, rat's tail

grass, tussock grass”,,LP,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sporobolus,africanus,” Agrostis africana, Agrostis capensis,

Agrostis spicata, Sporobolus capensis, Sporobolus indicus, Vilfa

capensis”,”Parramatta grass, African dropseed grass, rat's tail

grass, tussock grass”,,,,”tough unpalatable & less

digestable; serious weed of NSW north coast pastures; aggressive in wet &

swampy soils, competing readily with paspalum-white clover pastures,

often becoming dominant & reduces pasture

production”,”native of S Afr; introd to N&S Amer, southern

Asia, Indonesia, Hawaii, South Pacific Is., NZ &

Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Sporobolus,africanus, S. indicus,Parramatta grass,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Sporobolus,africanus, ,”syn. S. indicus, Parramatta

grass”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sporobolus,airoides, ,alkali sacaton,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sporobolus,capensis, ,rattail dropseed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sporobolus,coromandelianus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sporobolus,cryptandrus, ,sand dropseed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sporobolus,diander, ,Indian dropseed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sporobolus,heterolepis, ,prairie dropseed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sporobolus,indicus,,,HX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sporobolus,indicus,Sporobolus africanus,Rat-tail

Grass,HXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sporobolus,indicus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sporobolus,inidcus, ,Rat-tail Grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,?animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Perennial

herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5,8,-12”,”S Af, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Sporobolus,jacquemontii,Sporobolus pyramidalis var.

jacquemontii,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sporobolus,jacquemontii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sporobolus,natalensis,,giant rat's tail grass,,L,Qld,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sporobolus,neglectus, ,annual dropseed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sporobolus,poiretii, ,smutgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sporobolus,pyramidalis,Sporobolus pyramidalis var.

pyramidalis,giant rat's tail grass,,LP,Qld; NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Sporobolus,pyramidalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sporobolus,pyramidalis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Sporobolus,scabridus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sporobolus,tremulus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sporobolus,tremulus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sporobolus,vaginiflorus, ,poverty dropseed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Stenotaphrum,secundatum,,Buffalo Grass,HXXHX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Stenotaphrum,secundatum, ,Buffalo Grass,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: Af,N Am, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Stenotaphrum,secundatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stenotaphrum,secundatum, ,St Augustinegrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Stipa,avenacea, ,blackseed needlegrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Stipa,brachychaeta,,espartillo,,LP,Tas,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Stipa,brachychaeta, ,espartillo,,,,,”native to S Amer sprd

to USA, Afr, & Aust as contaminant of seed”,”Noxious Weeds

of Australia, P & C”

Stipa,brachychaeta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stipa,brachychaeta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Stipa,caudata, ,espartillo,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stipa,caudata, ,espartillo,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Stipa,cernua, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stipa,cernua, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Stipa,comata, ,needleandthread,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Stipa,hyalina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stipa,leucotricha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stipa,megapotamia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stipa,neesiana,see Nasella,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stipa,spartea, ,porcupinegrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Stipa,viridula, ,green needlegrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Stipa ,caudata,,espartillo,,L,Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Stipa ,caudata, ,espartillo,,,,”problem weed in lucerne,

both in Arg & California, reducing yield & interferring with

mowing; palatable when young but mature leaves are tough & not

grazed”,”native to S Amer sprd to USA, Afr, & Aust as

contaminant of seed”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Stipa ,neesiana,,Chilean needle grass,H,L,ACT,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Taeniatherum,asperum, Elymus caput-medusae,Medusa

head,,,,”92% germ of seed dry stored seed at room temp for 4mths

after collection, 6% after 2wks & 4% after 1mth”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Taeniatherum,asperum, ,medusahead,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Taeniatherum,caput-medusa, ,Medusa-head ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Taeniatherum,caput-medusae,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Taeniatherum,caput-medusae, ,Medusahead ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Taeniatherum,caput-medusae, ,Medusahead ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Taeniatherum,caput-medusae, ,medusa head,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Taeniatherum,caput-medusae, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Taeniatherum,caput-medusae, ,,,P,,Prohibited List entry by

AQIS,37,Western Australian Prohibited List

Themeda,arguens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Themeda,gigantea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Themeda,gigantea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Themeda,quadrivalis, ,grader grass,,,,”, “,Fiji; New

Caledonia; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Themeda,quadrivalvis,Andropogon quadrivalvis,grader

grass,XH,LP,NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Themeda,quadrivalvis, Andropogon quadrivalvis,”grader grass,

habana grass, oatgrass”,,,,”readily eaten by stock before the

panicle appears, but flowering plants are rarely grazed; matures rapidly

then dies, spreads quickly an is a serious threat to the productivity of

pastures & natiave grasslands”,”originated in natural

grasslands of those parts of India receiving between 200-375mm annual

rainfall, but thrives in 500-875mm districts of India”,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Themeda,quadrivalvis, ,grader grass,,,,,,Weed Science List

Themeda,quadrivalvis, ,grader grass,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Thinopyrum,distichum,Agropyron distichum,,H,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Thinopyrum,distichum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Thinopyrum,elongatum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Thinopyrum,junceiforme,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Thinopyrum,junceiforme, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Thinopyrum,junceum,,Sea Wheat-grass,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Thinopyrum,junceum, ,Sea Wheat-grass,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Very serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,11”,”W&N eur, In Victoria: ?Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Tribolium,acutiflorum,,tribolium,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Tribolium,acutiflorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tribolium,acutiflorum,,Tribolium,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Tribolium,acutiflorum, ,Tribolium,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal

external,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,9”,”S Af, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Tribolium,echinatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Tribolium,echinatum, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Tribolium,echinatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tribolium,uniolae,Plagiochloa uniolae,,HS,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tribolium,uniolae, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trichachne,insularis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trichachne,insularis, ,sourgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Trichachne,insularis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Tricholaena (see Rhynchelytrum),, ,,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tripsacum,dactyloides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trisetum,flavescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trisetum,spicatum, ,,,,,99% germ of seed selected with filled

caryopses at 18C in dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Triticum,aestivum,,wheat,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Triticum,aestivum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Uniola,paniculata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Urochloa,advena, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urochloa,brizantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urochloa,decumbens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urochloa,maxima,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Urochloa,maxima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urochloa,mosambicensis,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Urochloa,mosambicensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urochloa,mutica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urochloa,oligotricha,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Urochloa,oligotricha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urochloa,panicoides,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Urochloa,panicoides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Urochloa,panicoides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Urochloa,panicoides, ,Liverseed grass,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urochloa,pullulans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urochloa,ramosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urochloa,rhodesiensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urochloa,texana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vulpia,bromoides,,Squirrel-tail Fescue,HH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vulpia,bromoides, ,Squirrel-tail Fescue,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual.

RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1-5,8,9,12,15”,”Eur,W As,Af, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Vulpia,bromoides, ,Silvergrass ,,,,paraquat 1990 Australia

Alfalfa , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Vulpia,bromoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vulpia,ciliata,,Fringed Fescue,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Vulpia,ciliata, ,Fringed Fescue,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1”,”Med, In Victoria: ?”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Vulpia,ciliata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vulpia,fasciculata,,Dune Fescue,XXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Vulpia,fasciculata, ,Dune Fescue,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,11”,”W Eur,Med, In Victoria: ?Rare or

localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Vulpia,fasciculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vulpia,membranacea,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Vulpia,muralis,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vulpia,muralis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vulpia,myorus, ,(Festuca myorus) Rat-tailed fescue


lesser invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Vulpia,myuros,V. megalura,Fox-tail fesuce or Rat's tail

fescue,HXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vulpia,myuros,,Rats-tail Fescue,HX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Vulpia,myuros, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vulpia,myuros forma megalura, ,Fox-tail

Fesuce,,,,”Dispersal: animal external,animal (not bird),

internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Med,W Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Vulpia,myuros forma myuros, ,Rats-tail Fescue,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Annual.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,4,5,11”,”Eur,Med,SW As, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Zea,mays,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Zea,mays, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Zea,mexicana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Zizania,aquatica, ,Annual wildrice,,,,”seeds stored in water

at 1-3C immediately after harvest, germ 91% after 7mths cold-wet storage

& 84% after 5mths; seeds stored more than 7mths in water at 1-3C

began to germ in storage; germ well at temps ranging from 15-30C”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Zizania,aquatica, ,annual wildrice,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Zizania,latifolia, ,Wildrice,,,,” Aquatic weed, emerged

“, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Zizaniopsis,miliacea, ,giant cutgrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Zoysia,japonica, ,,,,, , ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Zoysia,tenuifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trichachne,insularis,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Cobaea,scandens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Collomia,grandiflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Collomia,grandiflora, ,,,,,C. coccinea,”Scattered in

Central Europe, mostly Germany. N Amer native”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Collomia,grandiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Collomia,linearis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Gilia,tricolor,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Gilia (See Navarretia),, ,,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Navarretia,intertexta, ,woolly gilia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Navarretia,squarrosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Navarretia,squarrosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Navarretia,squarrosa, ,skunkweed gilia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polemonium,caeruleum, ,,,,,90-100% germ of seed collected

in natural habitats by following spring; germ in heated greenhouse 8-14C

by night & 12-26C by day,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Polemonium,cashmerianum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Polemonium,delicatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Polemonium,liniflorum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Polemonium,pauciflorum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Polemonium,pulcherrimum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Polemonium,yezoense, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited



Muraltia,heisteria,,furze muraltia,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Muraltia,heisteria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygala,chinensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Polygala,duartena,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Polygala,duartena, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygala,japonica, ,,,,, , Miyasaki ,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Polygala,monspeliaca,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Polygala,monspeliaca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


milkwort,HHHXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Polygala,myrtifolia, ,Myrtle-leaf

Milkwort,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Ant. Life Form: Small to medium shrub.

RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,3,4,5,8,12”,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Polygala,myrtifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygala,paniculata,,,w,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Polygala,paniculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygala,paniculata, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Polygala,paniculata,syn Polygala variabilis,,,,,”in wet

& not too dry areas, in sunny or slightly to heavily shaded sites;

grassy fields, roadsides, borders of estates, in tea plantations, fallow

fields; up to 2000m alt; flowers all year round; upland rice fields, a

weed of minor importance; sometimes l”,”Brazil, pantropical;

inadvertently introd into Java in 1845, has now spread throughout

Sumatra, Kalimantan & Irian Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Polygala,virgata,,”polygala, purple

broom”,HXXXXS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Polygala,virgata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygala,vulgaris,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Acetosa,sagittata,Rumex sagittatus,climbing

sorrel,HXX,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acetosa,sagittata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acetosa,sagittatus, ,Turkey Rhubarb ,,,,GROUNDCOVERS.,,”Environmental

Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Acetosa,vesicaria,Rumex vesicarius,,H,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acetosa,vesicaria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Acetosella,vulgaris,Rumex acetosella,,A,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Antigonon,leptopus, ,”mountain rose, Mexican

creeper”,,,,”tropical Asia, fruit trees, roadsides”,French

Polynesia; Guam; American Samoa; Western Samoa ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Antigonon,leptopus,,”coral vine, Mexican

rose”,w,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Antigonon,leptopus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Antigonon,leptopus,,coral vine,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Brunnichia,cirrhosa, ,redvine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Coccoloba,acapulcensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Coccoloba,acapulcensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Coccoloba,schiedeana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Coccoloba,schiedeana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Coccoloba,uvifera, ,seagrape,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Emex,australis,,”spiny emex, three corned jack,

doublegee, bull head, cape spinach, cat's head, devil's thorn, goat head,

prickly jacks”,HXXXX,L,NSW; Vic; Qld; SA; NT; WA; Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Emex,australis, ,”spiny emex, three corned jack,

doublegee, bull head, cape spinach, cat's head, devil's thorn, goat head,

prickly jacks”,,,,first record of its entry is that English settlers

collected the spinach-like vegetable in the Cape Colony & introd it

to WA; it is now common in the agric. areas of all mainland States &

is particularly imprt in the N & C wheatbelt of WA where over 1

mil,”native of S Afr where it is widespread & regarded as a weed

of cereal crops & vineyards; it is of minor imprt in western US

(including Hawaii), Taiwan, Trinidad & NZ but it is in Aust where it

has gained most significance as a weed”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Emex,australis, ,Three corner jack ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Emex,australis, ,”doublegee, spiny emex, three corner

jack”,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Emex,australis, ,emex,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Emex,australis, ,”doublegee, spiny emex, three corner

jack”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited


Emex,australis,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Emex,spinosa,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Emex,spinosa,,”Lesser Jack, Doublegee”,,L,WA,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Emex,spinosa,syn Rumex spinosus,Prickly

dock,,,,”fields, orchards, gardens, waste ground, canal

banks”,”Medit, Sahara, W Asia”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Emex,spinosa, ,”Lesser Jack, Doublegee”,,,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Emex,spinosa, ,spiny emex,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Emex,spinosa, ,”Lesser Jack, Doublegee”,,P,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Emex ,australis, ,Spiny Emex,,,,Dispersal: animal external.

Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”S Af, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Eriogonum,compositum, ,,,,,12% germ at 20C in

dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Eriogonum,deflexum, ,skeletonweed eriogonum,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eriogonum,elatum, ,,,,,16% germ alt. temp 20-30C in

dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Eriogonum,stellatum, ,,,,,16% germ alt. temp 20-30C in

dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Fagopyron,tataricum, ,,,,,,Scattered Central & Northern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Fagopyrum,esculentum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Fagopyrum,esculentum, ,Buckwheat,,,,,,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Fagopyrum,esculentum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fagopyrum,tataricum, ,Tartary buckwheat,,,,”seeds

dormant at maturity; dried at 25C for 60-70days before testing; 100% germ

within 2-3days, on moist paper towels at 20C in dark”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Fagopyrum,tataricum, ,,,,,,Scattered Central & Northern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Fagopyrum,tataricum, ,Tartary buckwheat,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Fallopia,convolvulus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Fallopia,convolvulus, ,Climbing Buckwheat,,,,chlorsulfuron

1993 Australia Wheat , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Fallopia,convolvulus, ,Climbing Buckwheat,,,,atrazine 1988

Germany Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Fallopia,convolvulus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fallopia,japonica, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Fallopia,japonica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Fallopia,japonica, ,,,,,Region of origin - E Asia; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Fallopia,japonica, ,Japanese knotweed,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Muehlenbeckia,complexa,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Muehlenbeckia,complexa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Muehlenbeckia,complexa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Muehlenbeckia,ephedrioides,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Muehlenbeckia,ephedrioides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Muehlenbeckia,ephendrioides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxygonum,atriplicifolium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxygonum,atriplicifolium, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Oxygonum,sinuatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oxygonum,sinuatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited



Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Persicacria,maculosa, ,Persciaria,,,,Dispersal: Water. Life

Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,”Eur, In

Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Persicaria,blumei, ,,,,,annual sub-dominance , Upland Korea

,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia


capitatum,persicaria,X,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Persicaria,capitata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Persicaria,hydropiper, ,,,,,annual dominant weed barley

& wheat crops , Upland Korea ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Persicaria,lapathifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Persicaria,maculosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Persicaria,maculosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Persicaria,orientalis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Persicaria,orientalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Persicaria,strigosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,acre, ,Bitter smartweed,,,,75% germ on moist

cotton in petri dishes at 20C after 32days,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,acre, ,bitter smartweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,aequale, ,,,,, Weed in rich site ,,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Polygonum,amphibian, ,Amphibious Bistort,,,,Persicaria

amphibia,All Europe except UK & Eire,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Polygonum,amphibian, ,Amphibious Bistort,,,,Persicaria

amphibia,All Europe except UK & Eire,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Polygonum,amphibium, ,Water smartweed,,,,”85% germ of

surface sterilized seed in 5% formalin for 8min then washed in distilled

water; seed coats broken with sterilized instruments, germ in sterilized

distilled water at 29C; seeds stored in water at 2C for 23-30wks germ 73%

after 30wks wet storage”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,amphibium, ,water smartweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,arenastrum,,Knotweed,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Polygonum,arenastrum, ,Knotweed,,,,Dispersal: animal

external. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 9,”Eur, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Polygonum,arenastrum, ,,,,,” = P. aequale, P. aviculare

(until recently)”,Insufficient info,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Polygonum,arenastrum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,argyrocoleon, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,argyrocoleon, ,silversheath

knotweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,aubertii, ,,,,,”27% germ of seed stored in

soil flats outdoors over winter, then transferred into greenhouse

“,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Polygonum,aviculare,,wire weed,XXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Polygonum,aviculare, Polygonum neglectum,Prostrate

knotweed,,,,100% germ on moist cotton in petri dishes at room temps after

seeds stored in water at 3C for 150days; 93% germ after 15wks storage in

water at 2-4C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Polygonum,aviculare, ,Knotgrass,,,,,All Europe & Temp

zones,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,aviculare, ,Prostrate knotweed,,,,amitrole 1984

Belgium Apple , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Polygonum,aviculare, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,aviculare, ,,,,, Weed in rich site , Upland Japan

,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Polygonum,aviculare, ,”knotweed, hogweed, wireweed,

ironweed, knotgrass”,,,,”Polygonum aviculare is an ubiquitous

species, it commonly forms mats in areas of heavy foot traffic where

other species have been eliminated but is also a frequent weed in

cropland. It is a weed of 37 crops in 67 countries and is frequently

reported as “,native of Eur and Asia; found in most temperate and

subtropical countries,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution -

Holm et. al.

Polygonum,aviculare, ,prostrate knotweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,barbatum,syn ,”knot grass,

smartweed”,,,,”in pools, marshy grasslands, borders of ditches

& irrigation ditches; rather common in many areas; from 0-1200m

(2000m in PNG); flowers all year round; lowland-irrigated & lebak rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, used in W. Java as a fish poison

(ex”,”Asia or Afr, Afr, Asia to Aust; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Polygonum,bellardii,”syn P. neglectum , P. provincale ,

P. rurivagum , P.aviculare var. angustissimum , P.novoascanicum , P.

kitaibelianum “,narrow-leaf knotweed,,P,,Previously indentified as

P. patulum in Australia,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Polygonum,bistortoides, ,American bistort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,blumei, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland Weed in rich

site ,Shimane Shizuoka Upland Japan Hokkaido Miyagi Niigata ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Polygonum,cespitosum,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Polygonum,caespitosum, var. laxiflorum Polygonum

yokusaianum,,,,,30% only germ with alt. 25-45C,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,caespitosum,,bunchy knotweed,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Polygonum,calcatum, ,,,,,P. aviculare (until

recently),Insufficient info,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,calcatum, ,,,,,P. aviculare (until

recently),Insufficient info,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,chinense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,chinense, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Polygonum,cilinode, ,Blackfringe knotweed,,,,removal of

pericarp seeds germ after 8-22wks of stratification (seeds between layers

of moist cotton at 2-4C); ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,cilinode, ,blackfringe knotweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,coccineum, ,Kelp ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Polygonum,coccineum, Polygonum muhlenbergii,Swamp

smartweed,,,,”propagated vegetatively by transplanting

rhizomes;store seed in water at 4C for 4wks, germ at 20-30C alt.

“,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Polygonum,coccineum, ,swamp smartweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,convolvulus, Bilderdykia convolvulus,Wild

buckwheat,,,,”seed dry stored in lab germ 34% in 6days, prechilling

moist seed at 6C for 20days, then germ at 20C constant 90% germ, 89%

within 6days at 20-30C; removal of pericarp inc. germ

%”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Polygonum,convolvulus, ,Black Bindweed,,,,”Bilderdykia

convolvulus, Fallopia convolvulus, Fagopyrum convolvulus, Tiniaria

convolvulus”,All Europe & Temp zones,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Polygonum,convolvulus, ,Black Bindweed,,,,”Bilderdykia

convolvulus, Fallopia convolvulus, Fagopyrum convolvulus, Tiniaria

convolvulus”,All Europe & Temp zones,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Polygonum,convolvulus, ,Field bindweed,,,,atrazine 1980

Austria Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Polygonum,convolvulus, ,wild buckwheat,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,coriarium, ,,,,,report in Russian,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,cuspidatum, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Polygonum,cuspidatum,, Japanese knotweed,Possible Weed of Agriculture: High Weed Potential in Riparian and Disturbed areas,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Polygonum,cuspidatum,,"Common Name(s): Japanese knotweed, Mexican bamboo","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Highly Invasive ""Perennial, 1-3 m high, flowers greenish white, leaves ovate, petiolate, 5-15 cm long, 5-12 cm broad ","Asia. Habitat: Waste places, poor gardens"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Polygonum,cuspidatum,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Polygonum,cuspidatum,,Japanese knotweed, Forms riparian monocultures. Avoid all the large knotweeds.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Polygonum,cuspidatum,,knotweed Japanese ,"WEED OF CONCERN: Control and containment of existing populations of these noxious weeds is strongly encouraged in King County, Washington State.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Polygonum,cuspidatum, ,Japanese Knotweed

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Polygonum,cuspidatum, ,Japanese knotweed,,,,”5mths dry

storage at room temp or 3mths at 2-4C in water, moist peat or between

layers of moist cotton broke dormancy”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,cuspidatum, ,(syn. ?) Japanese knotweed


potential to spread,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Polygonum,cuspidatum, ,Japanese knotweed,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Polygonum,cuspidatum, ,,,,, , Miyagi Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Polygonum,cuspidatum, ,Japanese knotweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,cuspidatum,,”Japanese knotweed, Japanese

grass”,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE THREAT”Exotic plant species

which possess characteristics of invasive species and spread easily into

native plant communities and displace native vegetation; includes species

which are or could become widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Polygonum,douglassi, ,,,,,little or no germ obtained in

study conducted,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,dumetorum, ,,,,,prechilling moist seed at 2-4C up

to 5mths after harvest inc. germ; removal of pericarp decreased

stratification and after ripening time; 5min acid treatment remove

pericarp,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Polygonum,equisetiforme,syn ,Horsetail

knotgrass,,,,”waste ground, roadsides, field borders, canal

banksEaten by goats”,”Medit, W Asia”,”The Weed Flora

of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Polygonum,erectum, ,Erect knotweed,,,,cold stratification at

2-4C for 3-4mths of moist seed; low germ % obtained when seed chilled in

water ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Polygonum,erectum, ,erect knotweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,glabrum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Polygonum,heterophyllum, ,,,,,P. aviculare (until

recently),Insufficient info,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,heterophyllum, ,,,,,P. aviculare (until

recently),Insufficient info,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,higegaweri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,higegaweri, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Polygonum,hydropiper, ,Marsh pepper smartweed,,,,50% germ

when prechilled at 2C in water immediately after harvest ,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,hydropiper, ,Waterpepper,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,hydropiper, ,Waterpepper,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,hydropiper, ,Marshpepper Smartweed,,,,triazines

1989 France , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Polygonum,hydropiper, ,,,,,annual dominance ,,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Polygonum,hydropiper, ,”water pepper, marshpepper

smartweed, smartweed, red shank”,,,,”Polygonum hydropiper, an

annual plant is commonly encountered in shallow marshes, poorly drained

fields, canal and ditch banks, and other areas of wet soil. It is a weed

of 25 crops in nearly 52 countries and is frequently reported a weed of

lowland ric”,native to Eurasia,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Polygonum,hydropiper, ,marshpepper

smartweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,hydropiperoides, ,Mild smartweed,,,,”cold

stratification at 2-4C or 10C between layes of moist cotton; germ at

20-30C after 4, 14, & 21 wks of stratification; treatment for 10min

with conc. sulfuric acid decreases stratification period & inc.

germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Polygonum,hydropiperoides, ,mild smartweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,lapathifolium,” Polygonum tomentosum,

Persicaria lapathifolium”,Pale smartweed,,,,”prechilling at

2-4C in water for 1-4wks inc. germ; 0.2% soln of KNO3 instead of water

reduced length of cold treatment; germ on quartz sand kept moist in petri

dishes at alt. 2-10C to 35C for 10days, then 20-30C thereafter; optimum

temp 40C; 79% after 3yr”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,lapathifolium, ,Pale Persicaria,,,,”P.

nodosum, P. scabrum, P. linicola, Persicaria lapathifolia”,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,lapathifolium, ,Pale Persicaria,,,,”P.

nodosum, P. scabrum, P. linicola, Persicaria lapathifolia”,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,lapathifolium, ,Pale Smartweed,,,,atrazine 1982

Czech Republic Railway ,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Polygonum,lapathifolium, ,Pale Smartweed,,,,atrazine 1988

Germany Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Polygonum,lapathifolium, ,Pale Smartweed,,,,atrazine 1991

Spain Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Polygonum,lapathifolium, ,Pale Smartweed,,,,triazines 1979

France , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Polygonum,lapathifolium, ,,,,,”Similiar weed risk as

Polygonum persicaria but much better “Climate” fit to South

West, Great Southern regions.”,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,lapathifolium, ,”pale knotweed, pale

smartweed, pale persicaire, willow weed, pale willow

weed”,,,,”Polygonum lapathifolium is an annual, common in

cultivated land, roadsides, and waste areas, especially along streams,

ditch banks and in other wet poorly drained areas.It is a weed of 31

crops in 54 countries and is frequently reported as a weed of

whe”,native to Eur; now widespread through the temperate

regions,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Polygonum,lapathifolium, ,pale smartweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,lapathifolium, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Polygonum,longisetum, Persicaria blumei,,,,,97% germ with

alt. temps of 5-25C in 10days; germ % inc. significantly with cold

stratification,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Polygonum,longisetum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,longisetum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Polygonum,minus, ,Small Waterpepper,,,,Persicaria

hydropiper,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,minus, ,Small Waterpepper,,,,Persicaria

hydropiper,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,mite, ,Tasteless Waterpepper,,,,,All Europe except

NE & Scandinavia,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,mite, ,Tasteless Waterpepper,,,,,All Europe except

NE & Scandinavia,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,monspeliense, ,,,,,P. aviculare (until

recently),Insufficient info,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,monspeliense, ,,,,,P. aviculare (until

recently),Insufficient info,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,nepalense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,nepalense, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Polygonum,nodosum, Polygonum petecticale,,,,,”has long

after ripening period, strong inhibition of pericarp, must remove; 60%

germ of 1yr old dry stored nuts “,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,nodosum, ,,,,, Weed in rich site , Upland Japan

Hokkaido Okayama ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Polygonum,nodosum, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Polygonum,orientale, ,Princes feather,,,,prechilling at 2-4C

for 4wks on moist cotton inc. germ %,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,orientale, ,princesfeather,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,orientale,,Prince's feather,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Polygonum,paronychia, ,,,,,99% germ of seed after

stratification between layers of moist cotton at 2-4C for 6wks,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,patulum,,Tree hogweed,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Polygonum,patulum,= P. bellardii in Australia,Tree

hogweed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,patulum,= P. bellardii in Australia,Tree

hogweed,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,patulum, ,Tree hogweed,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Polygonum,pensylvanicum, ,Pennsylvania

smartweed,,,,”storing seed in water at 2-4C for 4wks or longer, good

germ by placing water at alt. temp from 2C:16hrs to 35C:8hrs for 21 days

then placed on quartz sand & kept moist in petri dish & germ at

alt. 10-35C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,pensylvanicum, ,Pennsylvania smartweed,,,,atrazine

1990 USA Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Polygonum,pensylvanicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,pensylvanicum, ,Pennsylvania

smartweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,pensylvanicum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Polygonum,perfoliatum, ,”mile-a-minute weed, devil's

tail tearthumb”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Polygonum,perfoliatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Polygonum,perfoliatum,,,"Mile-a-minute is an annual plant easily recognized by its viney stems and light green-blue, triangular leaves (1-2.5 inches across). Other identifying features include numerous sharp, downward curving spines on the stem, petiole, and main leaf veins, a sa","Mile-a-minute, Polygonum perfoliatum L., is an introduced weed from eastern Asia that is rapidly colonizing non-crop areas in Pennsylvania and surrounding states. Since its introduction into the United States, in south-central Pennsylvania, in the 1930s (","MILE-A-MINUTE WEED IN THE NORTHEAST, Larry H. McCormick and C. Fagan Johnson, Jr. Pennsylvania State University "

Polygonum,perfoliatum,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Polygonum,persicaria, ,Ladys thumb,,,,”conc. sulfuric

acid 15min, rinse half hr in running water, prechill between blotters in

petri dishes, using 0.2% KNO3 as moistening agent at 5C for 1 wk, then

germ at 20C:16hrs to 20C:8hrs”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,persicaria, ,Redshank,,,,Persicaria vulgaris,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,persicaria, ,Ladysthumb ,,,,atrazine 1980 New

Zealand Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Polygonum,persicaria, ,Ladysthumb ,,,,atrazine 1989 Czech

Republic Railway , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Polygonum,persicaria, ,Ladysthumb ,,,,triazines 1980 France

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Polygonum,persicaria, ,”persicaria, lady's thumb,

spotted lady's thumb, redshank, willow weed, ladysthumb

smartweed”,,,,”Polygonum persicaria is an annual herb, adapted

to many edaphic and environmental conditions and is most common in moist

soils, disturbed sites, waste areas and cereal and vegetable crops. It

grows so densely as to completely crowd out other plants.It

i”,native to Eur; now widespread through the world,WORLD WEEDS

Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Polygonum,persicaria, ,ladysthumb,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,persicaria,,lady' thumb,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally

spread and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural

areas; also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Polygonum,plebeium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Polygonum,plebeium,syn ,,,,,Nile and canal banks,”E

Asia & Aust; most probably introduced into Egypt, Sudan, & E.

Afr”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Polygonum,polystachyum, ,Himalayan Knotweed

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Polygonum,polystachyum,,Possible Weed of Agriculture: High Weed Potential in Riparian and Disturbed areas,,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Polygonum,sachalinense,, sakhalin knotweed,Possible Weed of Agriculture: High Weed Potential in Riparian and Disturbed areas,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Polygonum,polystachyum, ,(syn. ?) ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Polygonum,punctatum,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Polygonum,punctatum, ,Dotted smartweed,,,,80-92% germ after

prechilling at 4C between moist paper towels for 10-18wks,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,punctatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,punctatum, ,dotted smartweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,punctatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Polygonum,robustius, ,,,,,”68% germ after prechilling

at 2-4C between layers of moist cotton for 18wks; seeds dry stored for

5mths germ 95%, after 12wks storage in water at 2-4C with pericarps

removed”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Polygonum,sachalenese, ,(syn. ?) Sakhalian knotweed


potential to spread,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Polygonum,sachalinense, ,Giant Knotweed ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Polygonum,sachalinense, ,Sakhalin knotweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,sachalinense,,,,,,”RANK 2. “SIGNIFICANT

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some invasive

characteristics, but have less impact on native plant communities; may

have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance corridors,

or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Polygonum,sagittatum, ,,,,,”prechilling moist seeds at

2-4C for 4-12wks; seed dry stored for 4mths, germ well after 7wk chilling

period”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Polygonum,salicifolium,syn ,Willow-leaved

knotweed,,,,”Nile and canal banks, in shallow water”,trop.

& subtrop. regions of the world,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos,

L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Polygonum,scabrum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,scabrum, ,green smartweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,scabrum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Polygonum,scandens, Bilderdykia scandens,Hedge

smartweed,,,,”seeds dry stored at room temp for several mths,

required less time to after-ripen, when chilled at 2-4C; removal of

pericarp inc. germ %”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,scandens, ,hedge smartweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,segetum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,segetum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Polygonum,senegalense,syn ,,,,,”Nile and major canal

banks, often with thick growth”,”Egypt, trop. & S Afr,

Madagascar”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Polygonum,senticosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,senticosum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Polygonum,setaceum, ,bristly smartweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polygonum,soo, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Polygonum,tenuiflorum, Persicaria tenuiflora,,,,,soaking

seed for 24hrs in 1-2% soln of thiourea effective in breaking dormancy,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Polygonum,thunbergii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polygonum,thunbergii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Polygonum,tomentosum, ,,,,,P. pallidum,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,tomentosum, ,,,,,P. pallidum,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Polygonum,virginianum, ,,,,,88% germ after seed stored for

91days at 3C on cotton saturated with water; germ at room temp 20C on

moist cotton in petri dishes,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Reynoutria,japonica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Reynoutria,japonica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Reynoutria,sachalinensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Rumex,abyssinicus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,abyssinicus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Rumex,acetosa,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rumex,acetosa, ,Sorrel,,,,”92% germ 2mths after harvest

in light at 20C & 91% in dark; 30C germ 0% in dark & 27% in

light, at 20C:16hrs & 30C:8hrs germ was 85% in dark & 83% in

light”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Rumex,acetosa, ,Common Sorrel,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Rumex,acetosa, ,sorrel,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Rumex,acetosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rumex,acetosella,,Sheep Sorrel,HAX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rumex,acetosella, ,Sheep Sorrel,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Perennial

herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,2,4,5,9,12,15”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur,Med, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Rumex,acetosella, ,Red sorrel,,,,”inc. length of time

of dry storage, inc. germ% & germ time dec; max germ with alt.

20C:16hrs to 30C:8hrs, but constant 20 or 30C were slightly less

effective”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Rumex,acetosella, ,Sheep's Sorrel,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Rumex,acetosella, ,Red sorrel ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT SPECIES

OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest

Plant Council (Weed)

Rumex,acetosella, ,Sorrel,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,acetosella, ,,,,, Weed in poor site ,Shimane Upland

Japan Hokkaido Miyagi Niigata Oita ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Rumex,acetosella, ,”sorrel, sheep's sorrel, red sorrel,

small sorrel”,,,,”Rumex acetosella, often called sheep or red

sorrel, is a perennial plant that reproduces by seed and by aerial shoots

arising from adventitious root buds.It is now a weed of 45 crops in 70

countries and a serious weed of cereals, carrots and pastures

in”,” It is in most agricultural land north of the equator, is

troublesome in Aust, and NZ, and is found on islands in the Arctic and

Sub-antarctic regions. It is generally distributed as a weed of

agriculture in Eur; N, C & S Amer; and Asia with the

exceptio”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm

et. al.

Rumex,acetosella, ,red sorrel,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rumex,acutus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,acutus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rumex,altissimus, ,Pale dock,,,,2mth old seed 90% germ on

moist blotters at alt. 20-30C in light or dark; 81% germ at 30C in light

& 0% in dark; 20C germ 8% light & 0% dark; 2yr old seed 94% germ

at alt. 20-30C in light/dark; seeds germ 94% after 4yrs air tight

storage,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Rumex,altissimus, ,pale dock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rumex,bequaerti, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,bequaerti, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rumex,brownii,,”swamp dock, brown dock, hooked dock,

slender dock”,XXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rumex,brownii, ,”swamp dock, brown dock, hooked dock,

slender dock”,,,,”several of the docks accumulate oxalate in

their stems & leaves & this can be toxic, most poisoning

occurring when starving animals are exposed to an abundance of the

plants; agric. docks are extremely troublesome in arable, hort. & pastoral

lands, also m”,”native to Aust & has been introd to

Britain, NZ, Hawaii & a number of other Pacific

islands”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Rumex,brownil, ,swamp dock,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,bucephalophorus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Rumex,bucephalophorus, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Rumex,bucephalophorus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,conglomeratus,,”clustered dock, sharp dock”,HX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rumex,conglomeratus, ,Clustered Dock,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form:

Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,8,9,11,13”,”cosmopolitan, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Rumex,conglomeratus, ,”clustered dock, sharp

dock”,,,,”although many docks accumulate oxalates,

unpalatability & a digestibility of only 60% limit gastric problems,

though suspected of poisoning sheep in NSW; agriculturally they are

extremely troublesome in arable, hort. & pastoral lands, in

recreational area”,”this almost cosmopolitan species is a

native of the Euro-Asian region; introd into N & S Amer, Afr, NZ

& a number of Pacific islands & Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Rumex,conglomeratus, ,clustered dock,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,conglomeratus, ,cluster dock,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rumex,crispus,,curled dock,HX,NL,Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rumex,crispus, ,Curled Dock,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,animal (not bird), internal,Wind. Life Form: Perennial

herb. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,8,9,11,14”,”Eur, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Rumex,crispus, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web Address:

,,”Florida Weeds,


Rumex,crispus, ,Curly dock,,,,”2mth old seed 94% germ

in light at alt. 20C:16hrs to 30C:8hrs & 24% in dark, at 20C 2% dark

& 87% light; 2yr old seed 100% germ in light at 20C & 0% in dark;

conc. sulfuric acid for 5-10 min or abrading with fine sandpaper inc germ

in dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Rumex,crispus, ,Curled Dock,,,,,”All Europe,

Cosmopolitan”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Rumex,crispus, ,curled dock,,,,”although many docks

accumulate oxalates, unpalatability & a digestibility of only 60%

limit gastric problems; agric. they are extremely troublesome in arable,

hort. & pastoral lands, in recreational areas such as playing fields

& in urban gardens; they de”,”Eur-Asian origin, occurring

throughout the Eur subcontinent from the Medit region northwards to the

Artic Circle & beyond in Scandinavia & the Soviet Union &

eastwards through montane Asia to Japan; introd to N & S Amer, Afr,

Indonesia, PNG, NZ & Aust, cu”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia,

P & C”

Rumex,crispus, ,Curly dock ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Rumex,crispus, ,curled dock,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,crispus, ,curly dock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rumex,dentatus,syn ,Dentated dock,,,,”fields, canal

banks, moist ground”,”Medit, Eur, Asia, extending to some

subtrop. & trop. regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Rumex,domesticus, ,,,,,seeds germ at once after harvest or

following spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to

those prevailing outdoors; total germ100%,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Rumex,domesticus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,domesticus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rumex,frutescens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Rumex,frutescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,hastatalus, ,heartwing sorrel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rumex,hastatulus, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Rumex,hydrolapathum, ,,,,,seeds germ at once after harvest

or following spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar

to those prevailing outdoors; total germ86%,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Rumex,hymenosepalus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,hymenosepalus, ,canaigre,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rumex,japonicus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,japonicus, ,,,,,perennial sub-dominance , Upland Korea

,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Rumex,japonicus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rumex,longifolius, ,Northern Dock,,,,R.

domesticus,”North to West Europe, Scandinavia & UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Rumex,longifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,longifolius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Rumex,maritimus, ,,,,,”seeds germ at once after harvest

or following spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar

to those prevailing outdoors; total germ99%;1yr old seed 89% at alt.

20-30C with alt. light/dark, 80% with alt. 20-30C in

dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Rumex,mexicanus, ,Mexican dock,,,,2mth old seed 95% germ on

moistened blotters in petri dishes at 20-30C alt. in light; 2yr old seed

germ 95% at alt. 20-30C in light; 3yr old seed 86% germ at alt. 20-30C in

light,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Rumex,mexicanus, ,Mexican dock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rumex,obtusifolius,,broadleaf dock,X,NL,Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rumex,obtusifolius, ,Broadleaf dock,,,,”2mth old seed

98% germ on moistened blotters in petri dishes at alt. 20Cin light &

1% in dark; alt. 20-30C in light 97% germ & 18% dark; 2yr old seed at

20C in light 95% & 7% in dark, 100% germ with alt. 20-30C in dark

& 97% in light;65% for 9yr old seed”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Rumex,obtusifolius, ,Broad Leaved Dock,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Rumex,obtusifolius, ,broadleaf dock,,,,”although many

docks accumulate oxalates, unpalatability & a digestibility of only

60% limit gastric problems; agric. they are extremely troublesome in

arable, hort. & pastoral lands, in recreational areas such as playing

fields & in urban gardens; they de”,”Eur-Asian origin,

occurring throughout the Eur subcontinent from the Medit region

northwards to the Artic Circle & beyond in Scandinavia & the

Soviet Union & eastwards through montane Asia to Japan; introd to N

& S Amer, Afr, Indonesia, PNG, NZ & Aust, br”,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Rumex,obtusifolius, ,broadleaf dock,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,obtusifolius, ,,,,,Weed in rich site ,Shimane Shizuoka

Hokkaido Miyagi Niigata Oita Okayama Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Rumex,obtusifolius, ,broadleaf dock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rumex,occidentalis, ,western dock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rumex,orbiculatus, ,,,,,2mth old seed 92% germ with alt.

20-30C in light & 73% in dark; 2yr old seed 92% in light & 90% in

dark with alt. 20-30C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Rumex,patientia, ,patience dock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rumex,pulcher,,”fiddle dock, fiddleleaf dock, red

dock”,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rumex,pulcher,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rumex,pulcher,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rumex,pulcher,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rumex,pulcher, ,Fiddle Dock,,,,,”Except NE Europe

Norway, Finland & N Sweden- All Europe less in Eire, Denmark & S

Sweden”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Rumex,pulcher, ,”fiddle dock, fiddleleaf dock, red

dock”,,,,”although many docks accumulate oxalates,

unpalatability & a digestibility of only 60% limit gastric problems;

agric. they are extremely troublesome in arable, hort. & pastoral

lands, in recreational areas such as playing fields & in urban

gardens; they de”,”is a native of the Medit region & has

been introd to N Amer, where it has become widely spread in the southern

US & California & also to S Amer, S Afr, NZ &

Aust”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Rumex,pulcher, ,fiddle dock,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,pulcher, ,fiddleleaf dock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rumex,sachalinensis, ,,,,,germ % inc. by low temp

stratification,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Rumex,sagittatus,,climbing dock,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rumex,sagittatus, ,Climbing Dock,,,,”Dispersal: Wind.

Life Form: Vine. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5,6,8,13”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Rumex,sagittatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,salicifolia, ,willow dock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rumex,salicifolius, ,Willow dock,,,,good germ with alt.

20-30C on moistened blotters,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Rumex,sanguineus, Rumex nemorosus,,,,,seeds germ at once

after harvest or following spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; total germ51%,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Rumex,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Rumex,stenophyllus, ,,,,,,”Central to Eastern Europe,

less Denmark, S Sweden & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Rumex,stenophyllus, ,,,,,,”Central to Eastern Europe,

less Denmark, S Sweden & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Rumex,tenax, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,thyrsiflorus, ,compact dock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rumex,venosus, ,Veiny dock,,,,seed dry stored at room temp

for 3mths then planted directly into greenhouse only 20% germ or in moist

sand outdoors exposed to prevailing winter weather germ 87% within

1mth,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Rumex,venosus, ,veiny dock,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rumex,verticillatus, ,,,,,2mth old seed germ 91% in light

with alt. 20-30C & 87% in dark; 2yr old seed germ 91% in light &

88% in dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Rumex,vesicarius,,Bladder Dock,HHH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rumex,vesicarius, ,Bladder Dock,,,,Dispersal: Wind. Life

Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”Introduced

deliberately from: W As,N Af, In Victoria: ?Rare or localised, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Rumex,vesicarius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rumex,x pratensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Triplaris,spp.,,ant tree,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Athyrium,thelypteroides, ,silvery

spleenwort,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Dennstaedtia,punctilobula, ,hayscented

fern,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Diplazium,japonicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Diplazium,japonicum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Onoclea,sensibilis, ,sensitive fern,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Osmunda,cinnamomea, ,cinnamon fern,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Polystichum,munitum, ,western swordfern,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Woodwardia,areolata, ,netvein chainfern,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Eichhorina,crassipes, ,Water hyacinth,,,,”vegetative

propagation in water at temps of 21-27C; seeds germ in water at 21-27C

during day & 21C night, seeds stored in water in lab for 2mths prior

germ; removal of cap at pointed end of seed inc. germ”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Eichhornia,azurea,,anchored water

hyacinth,X,L,Qld,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eichhornia,azurea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eichhornia,azurea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Eichhornia,azurea,,,aquatic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Eichhornia,crassipes,,water hyacinth ,Our warmer waters are susceptible. Areas in the south have huge infestations.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Eichhornia,crassipes, ,water hyacinth,,,,”tropical

America, lakes, rivers, waterways”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French

Polynesia; Fed. States of Micronesia; Guam; Marshall Islands; New

Caledonia; Papua New Guinea; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands;

Vanuatu,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Eichhornia,crassipes, ,water hyacinth,,,,Initial list of

Invasive weeds nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List,

Nominated Worst Invasive Weeds”

Eichhornia,crassipes,”Eichhornia speciosa, Pontederia

crassipes”,water hyacinth,XXXHHH,NL,NSW; Vic; Qld; SA; NT; WA;

Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Eichhornia,crassipes, ,Water Hyacinth ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Eichhornia,crassipes, ,Water Hyacinth,,,,Dispersal:

Vegetative. Life Form: Floating aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 10,”Introduced deliberately from: D and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Eichhornia,crassipes,” Eichhornia speciosa,

Pontederia crassipes”,water hyacinth,,,,”is regarded as one of

the most serious weeds of the world; reproduces at more than 1 tonne of

dry matter/day/ha, making waterways impassable, fouls hydro-electric

generators & chokes irrigation systems, cause a large waste of water

by transpiration “,”plant of the New World originating in the

Amazon River basin of S Amer; spread to all trop & subtrop countries;

introd to USA, S Afr, Aust & NZ, dominates in India, Pak, Bangladesh,

Burma, Indo, Maly, Thai, PNG, Philip, Jap, & several Afr

states”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Eichhornia,crassipes, ,water hyacinth,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Eichhornia,crassipes, ,water hyacinth,,,,”Declared

Weed. Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol

investigation.Herbaceous SpeciesInvades: dams, slow-flowing

riversCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: Europe & Asia,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Eichhornia,crassipes, ,water hyacinth,,,,”Declared

Weed. Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol

investigation.Herbaceous SpeciesInvades: dams, slow-flowing

riversCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: Europe & Asia,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Eichhornia,crassipes, ,Water hyacinth N # ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies) Roadside control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section

60 applies) Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Eichhornia,crassipes, ,water hyacinth,,,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Eichhornia,crassipes, ,,,,,” Aquatic weed,

free-floating Ornamental “,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Eichhornia,crassipes,”syn Eichhornia speciosa,

Pontederia crassipes”,water hyacinth,,,,”on stagnant or

slow-moving shallow water of ponds, lagoons, watercourses, rivers,

fishponds; persisting on water-saturated soils; often floating down the

rivers in large mats, dying in salt water; flowering intermittently,

often gregariously; in Java from”,”Brazil, pantropical, also in

the subtropics; imported in 1894 by the Botanical Gardens of Bogor, Java

as an ornamental & fishpond cover; has spread out to Sumatra,

Kalimantan & Irian Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Eichhornia,crassipes, ,waterhyacinth,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Eichhornia,crassipes, ,water hyacinth,,P,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Eichhornia,crassipes*,,water hyacinth,,,,”Catergory I

- Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.*P =Prohibited by Flo”,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Eichhornia,natans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Eichhornia,natans, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Eichnornia,crassipes, ,Waterhyacinth,,,, , Japan

Thailand,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Heteranthera,dubia, ,Water stargrass,,,,86% germ cold

stored seed in water for 7mths; prechilled for 30days prior to germ in

greenhouse in tap water in diffuse light; vegetative propagation by

imbeddeding basipetal ends of stem in soil in an aquaria filled with tap

water,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Heteranthera,dubia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Heteranthera,dubia, ,waterstargrass,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Heteranthera,dubia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Heteranthera,limosa, ,ducksalad,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Heteranthera,reniformis, ,mudplantain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Heteranthera,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Hydrothrix,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Monochoria,hastata,,,aquatic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Monochoria,hastata, ,,,,,”, “, Fiji

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Monochoria,hastata,syn Pontederia hastata,,,,,”in

areas with a pronounced dry season, but also in wetter ones; in marshy or

inundated, sunny sites; in & along ditches, dies when the fields are

dry, but develops again from seed; in Java 0-700m alt; lebak rice fields,

less common than Monochoria vaginal”,”E Asia, tropical S &

SE Asia, Malesia, N Aust; thoughout Indonesia, except the Lesser Sunda

Islands & the Moluccas”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Monochoria,korsakoii, ,Mizuaoi ,,,,sulfonylureas 1994

Japan Rice , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Monochoria,vaginalis,,,aquatic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Monochoria,vaginalis, ,,,,,annual dominance , Thailand

Taiwan Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Monochoria,vaginalis,”syn Monochoria africana,

Monochoria brevipetiolata, Monochoria linearis, Monochoria plantaginea,

Pontederia vaginalis”,,,,,”in areas with a pronounced dry

season, but also in wetter ones; in marshy or inundated, sunny sites; in

& along ditches, dies when the fields are dry, but develops again

from seed; in Java from 0-1550m alt; flowers all year round; in all kinds

of rice fie”,”Asia, SE Asia to China & Japan, Malesia;

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Pontederia,cordata,,pickerel weed,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pontederia,cordata, ,Pickerel Weed,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Vegetative. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK:

Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 10”,”Introduced deliberately from: E N Am

and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Pontederia,cordata, ,Pickerel weed,,,,”good germ

obtained after 5-7mths storage in tap water at 1-3C; 51-71% germ of dry

stored seed at room temp for 5-7mths; pretreat in tap water at 1-3C for

30days, then germ in tap water in diffuse light on greenhouse

bench”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Pontederia,cordata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pontederia,cordata, ,pickerelweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pontederia,rotundifolia,,tropical pickerel

Weed,,L,Qld,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Pontederia,rotundifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pontederia,rotundifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Zosterella,dubia, ,syn. Heteranthera dubia,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List


Calandrinia,caulescens var. menziesii, ,redmaids

rockpurslane,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Calandrinia,menziesii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Calandrinia,menziesii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Claytonia,perfoliata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Claytonia,perfoliata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Montia,fontana, ,Blinks,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Montia,perfoliata, ,minerslettuce,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Montia,perfoliata, ,Winter Purslane,,,,Claytonia

perfoliata,Scattered Western Europe & UK,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Montia,perfoliata, ,Winter Purslane,,,,Claytonia

perfoliata,Scattered Western Europe & UK,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Montia,perfoliata, ,Winter Purslane,,P,,Claytonia

perfoliata,Scattered Western Europe & UK,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Portulaca,formosana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Portulaca,formosana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Portulaca,grandiflora,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Portulaca,grandiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Portulaca,oleracea, ,”pigweed,

purslane”,,,,”, vegetables”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French

Polynesia; FEd. States of Micronesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua

New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands ; Tonga; Tuvalu;

Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and

Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Portulaca,oleracea,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Portulaca,oleracea, ,Common purslane,,,,”germ at 20-30C

alt. in diffuse light; germ capacity inc. during dry storage; conc.

sulfuric acid treatment for 1min of 1wk old seed inc. germ %; soaking

1-2% thiourea soln inc. germ; 72-82% germ with prechilling at 3-5C for

1mth, then 20-30C alt.”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Portulaca,oleracea, ,Purslane,,,,,Mainland Europe & UK

except Denmark,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Portulaca,oleracea, ,Common Purslane,,,,linuron 1991 USA

Carrot , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Portulaca,oleracea,syn ,Purslane,,,,”gardens,

orchards, fields, waste ground”“Plant used as a vegetable &

salad. Folk medicine, the cataplasm of fresh leaves used for maturing

abscesses. Whole plant is an emollient, calmative, diuretic, vermifuge,

& refreshing agent”““,”cosmopolitan weed,

especially in warm temp. regions”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Portulaca,oleracea, ,,,,,annual dominant weed in crops ,

Upland Korea Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Portulaca,oleracea,syn Portulaca

sativa,purslane,,,,”anthropomorphous, in open places, prefers moist

fertile soils, sunny or slightly shaded, not marshy sites; near human

dwellings, arable lands, roadsides, old walls, refuse heaps in yound

plantations; from 0-2700m alt; flowers all year round; flowers open

“,”India or N Afr, pantropic & in the subtropics; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Portulaca,oleracea, ,common purslane,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Portulaca,pilosa,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Portulaca,pilosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Portulaca,quadrifida,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Portulaca,quadrifida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Portulaca,quadrifida, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Talinum,paniculatum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Talinum,paniculatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Potamogeton,acutifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Potamogeton,amplifolius, ,largeleaf

pondweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,crispus,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Potamogeton,crispus,,Common Name(s): Curly pondweed,"Avail nurseries, Wetland Potential Invasive ""Short spikes with few flowers, thin branched rhizome, 4 angled stem, linear oblong leaves """,Europe. Habitat: Wetlands," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Potamogeton,crispus, ,”curly pondweed, curled

pondweed, curlyleaf pondweed”,,,,”Potamogeton crispus is a

monocotyledon, submerged perennial herb, and is a serious weed of general

waterways, including the mains and canals of irrigation systems and small

and large lakes, sloughs and jheels. It is also a weed of impoundments

but it al”,widespread through the world,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Potamogeton,crispus, ,curlyleaf pondweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,crispus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Potamogeton,crispus,,curly pondweed,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Potamogeton,crisupus, ,Crisp Leaved Pondweed

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Potamogeton,distinctus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Potamogeton,distinctus, ,,,,,”perennial dominance,

sub-dominance “, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Potamogeton,distinctus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Potamogeton,diversifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Potamogeton,diversifolius, ,waterthread

pondweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,diversifolius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Potamogeton,epihydrus, ,ribbonleaf

pondweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,filiformis, ,fineleaf

pondweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,foliosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Potamogeton,foliosus, ,leafy pondweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,foliosus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Potamogeton,gayii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Potamogeton,illinoensis, ,Illinois

pondweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,natans,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Potamogeton,natans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Potamogeton,natans, ,”broad-leaved pondweed,

floatingleaf pondweed”,,,,”Potamogeton natans is a

monocotyledon, submerged perennial herb, and is a serious weed of general

waterways, including the mains and canals of irrigation systems and small

and large lakes, sloughs and jheels. It is also a weed of impoundments

but it als”,widespread through the world,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Potamogeton,natans, ,floatingleaf

pondweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,natans, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Potamogeton,nodosus, Potamogeton

americanus,,,,,”vegetative propagation of winter buds; stored in

water at 1-5C for several mths; seeds germ in tap water in diffuse light

on greenhouse bench, good germ after several mths to 1yr storage in water

at 1-3C; dry stored seed 19% germ after seed coat cut”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Potamogeton,nodosus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Potamogeton,nodosus, ,American pondweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,nodosus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Potamogeton,ochreatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Potamogeton,pectinatus,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Potamogeton,pectinatus, ,Sago

pondweed,,,,”vegetative propagation of tubers; seeds stored in water

1-3C for 7mths then germ in tap water in diffuse light on greenhouse

bench; seeds dry stored for 5mths germ 21% when seed coat cut; 53% germ

in 2days with seed coat broken, in water at 29C”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Potamogeton,pectinatus, ,”fennel pondweed, sago

pondweed, fennel-leaved pondweed, bushy

pondweed”,,,,”Potamogeton pectinatus is a monocotyledon, submerged

perennial herb, and is a serious weed of general waterways, including the

mains and canals of irrigation systems and small and large lakes, sloughs

and jheels. It is also a weed of impoundments but it”,widespread

through the world,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm

et. al.

Potamogeton,pectinatus, ,sago pondweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,pectinatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Potamogeton,praelongus, ,whitestem

pondweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,pusillus, ,small pondweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,richardsonii, ,Richardson

pondweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,robbinsii, ,flatleaf

pondweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,spp., ,,,,,store in water at 1-3C for

2-6mths prior germ in tap water in diffuse light on greenhouse

bench,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Potamogeton,spp., ,Pondweed,,,,” Aquatic weed,

submerged “, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Potamogeton,strictifolius, ,narrowleaf

pondweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,tricarinatus,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Potamogeton,tricarinatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Potamogeton,vaginatus, ,giant pondweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potamogeton,zosterifolius, ,flatstem

pondweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Anagallis,arvensis,,Pimpernel,HXH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Anagallis,arvensis, ,Pimpernel,,,,”Dispersal: ?. Life

Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1-5,8,9,12,13,”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Anagallis,arvensis, ,Scarlet pimpernel,,,,optimum temp range

for germ 7-20C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Anagallis,arvensis, ,Scarlet Pimpernel,,,,”A. phoenicea,

A. latifolia, A. platyphylla, A. parviflora”,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Anagallis,arvensis,syn ,Pimpernel,,,,”fields, gardens,

orchards”,”Medit, Eru, W Asia; introduced into many temp.

regions of the world”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L.,

& Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Anagallis,arvensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Anagallis,arvensis, ,scarlet pimpernel,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Anagallis,caerulea, ,,,,,optimum temp range for germ

13-20C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Anagallis,foemina, ,Blue Pimpernel,,,,”A. caerulea, A.

arvensis subsp. foemina, A. arvensis subsp. caerulea”,Central to

Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Anagallis,foemina, ,Blue Pimpernel,,,,”A. caerulea, A.

arvensis subsp. foemina, A. arvensis subsp. caerulea”,Central to

Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Anagallis,minima,,Chaffweed,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Anagallis,minima, ,Chaffweed,,,,”Dispersal: ?. Life

Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,4,5”,”Eur, In

Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Anagallis,minima, ,Chaffweed,,,,Centunculus minimus,Medit

regions,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Anagallis,minima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Anagallis,parviflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Anagallis,pumila,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Anagallis,pumila, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Androsace,diffusa, ,,,,,dry stored seed germs at room temp

(22-29C) on moist filterpaper in Petri dishes,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Androsace,elongata, ,,,,,,”Mainland Europe except Italy,

Denmark & Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Androsace,elongata, ,,,,,,”Mainland Europe except Italy,

Denmark & Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Androsace,maxima, ,,,,,A. turczaninowii,Mainland Europe

except Greece & Denmark,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Androsace,maxima, ,,,,,A. turczaninowii,Mainland Europe

except Greece & Denmark,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Androsace,septentrionalis, subsp. puberulenta ,Northern

rockjasmine,,,,”complete germ of fresh seeds treated with conc.

H2SO4 for 20min, then germ at 18C in constant dark; dormancy up to

18mths, then may germ with no treatment “,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Androsace,septentrionalis, ,,,,,,”Central & Northern

Europe, inc Italy & Scandinavia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Androsace,septentrionalis, ,,,,,,”Central & Northern

Europe, inc Italy & Scandinavia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Androsace,septentrionalis, ,northern

rockjasmine,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Asterolinon,linum-stellatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Asterolinon,linum-stellatum, ,,,,,A. stellatum,Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Asterolinon,linum-stellatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Glaux ,maritima, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st spring after harvest;

seeds placed in unheated germinator & exposed to temps similar to

those prevailing outdoors;95% germ,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Hottonia,palustris, ,water violet,,,,”some seed germ

immediately after harvest, remainder in 1st spring; seeds placed in water

unheated germinator & exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Lysimachia,clethroides, ,,,,,annual dominance , Miyagi

Niigata ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Lysimachia,japonica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lysimachia,japonica, ,,,,, ,Shimane Niigata Kagawa ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Lysimachia,nummularia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lysimachia,nummularia, ,”moneywort, creeping

jenny”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Lysimachia,nummularia, ,moneywort,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lysimachia,nummularia,,moneywort,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Lysimachia,nummularia,,"Common Name(s): Moneywort, Creeping charlie, Yellow myrtle","Avail nurseries, Weed Low Level Invasive ""Perennial, flowers solitary, 2-3 cm, yellow, leaves opposite, simple, 13 cm in diameter ""","Europe. Habitat: Wetlands, ditches, low fields"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Lysimachia,thyrsiflora, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st spring after harvest;

seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors until germ; 96% germ ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Lysimachia,vulgaris,,loosestrife garden ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Lysimachia,vulgaris,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lysimachia,vulgaris,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lysimachia,vulgaris, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st & 2nd spring

after harvest; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to

those prevailing outdoors until germ; 71% germ; seed coat ruptured 60%

germ within 6days,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Lysimachia,vulgaris, ,Garden loosestrife ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Lysimachia,vulgaris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Primula,scotica, ,,,,,optimum conditions of germ are provided

by mineral soil with high water-table & rich in CaCO3,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Primula,veris,Primula officinalis,,,,,seeds germ in 1st

spring after collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps

similar to those prevailing outdoors; germ 98%,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Samolus,osiris, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Samolus,valerandi,,brookweed,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Samolus,valerandi, ,,,,,seeds germ at once after harvest or

following spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to

those prevailing outdoors; total germ 100%,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Samolus,valerandi, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Banksia,caleyi,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Dryandra,formosa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Grevillea,arenaira,,Grey Grevillea,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Grevillea,arenaira, ,Grey Grevillea,,,,Dispersal: ?Ant. Life

Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 5,”Introduced

deliberately from: NSW and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or

localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Grevillea,banksii, ,kahili flower,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Grevillea,floribunda,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Grevillea,hybrids,,Grevillea Hybrids,H,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Grevillea,hybrids, ,Grevillea Hybrids,,,,”Dispersal:

?Ant. Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,”,”Introduced deliberately from: garden origin and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Grevillea,robusta,,silky oak,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Grevillea,robusta, ,silkyoak,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Grevillea,robusta, ,Australian silky oak,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, moist savanna, riverbanksCultivated for:

ornament, shade, timber, shelter”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Grevillea,robusta, ,Australian silky oak,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, moist savanna, riverbanksCultivated for:

ornament, shade, timber, shelter”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)


grevillea,HXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Grevillea,rosmarinifolia, ,Rosemary

Grevillea,,,,”Dispersal: Ant. Life Form: Small to medium shrub.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately

from: Vic,NSW and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited

distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Hakea,costata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Hakea,drupacea,part of Hakea suaveolens,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hakea,drupacea, ,sweet hakea,,,,”Declared Weed. Woody

SpeciesInvades: mountain and lowland fynbosCultivated for: shelter, dune

reclamation, ornament”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Hakea,drupacea, ,sweet hakea,,,,”Declared Weed. Woody

SpeciesInvades: mountain and lowland fynbosCultivated for: shelter, dune

reclamation, ornament”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Hakea,elliptica,,Bronzy Hakea,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Hakea,elliptica, ,Bronzy Hakea,,,,Dispersal: Wind. Life Form:

Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,”Introduced deliberately from: WA and Commercially Available, , In

Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Hakea,francisiana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hakea,gibbosa, ,rock hakea,,,,Declared Weed. Subject of

herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: moutain fynbosCultivated for: hedging; provides

firewood,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Hakea,gibbosa, ,rock hakea,,,,Declared Weed. Subject of

herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: moutain fynbosCultivated for: hedging; provides

firewood,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Hakea,laurina,,pin-cushion hakea,HX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hakea,laurina, ,Pin-cushion Hakea,,,,”Dispersal: Wind.

Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: WA and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Hakea,pycnoneura,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Hakea,salicifolia,,willow-leaf hakea,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hakea,salicifolia, ,Willow-leaf Hakea,,,,”Dispersal:

Wind. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 2,4,5,6”,”Introduced deliberately from: NSW,Qld and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Hakea,sericea,,needle hakea,HX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Hakea,sericea, ,Needle Hakea,,,,”Dispersal: Wind. Life

Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,5”,”Introduced deliberately from: Vic,NSW,Tas and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Hakea,sericea, ,silky hakea,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of

herbicide registration. Biocontrol: effective agents availableWoody

SpeciesInvades: mountain fynbosCultivated for: hedging, dune reclamation,

ornament”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Hakea,sericea, ,silky hakea,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of

herbicide registration. Biocontrol: effective agents availableWoody

SpeciesInvades: mountain fynbosCultivated for: hedging, dune reclamation,

ornament”,Origin: Australia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Hakea,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Hakea,suaveolens,now H. drupacea?,sweet

hakea,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hakea,suaveolens, ,Sweet Hakea,,,,”Dispersal: Wind. Life

Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4”,”Introduced deliberately from: WA and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria


Pteris,ensiformis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pteris,semipinnata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pteris,tremula,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pteris,vittata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious



Punica,granatum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Punica,granatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Aconitum,carmichaelii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Aconitum,ferox, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Aconitum,napellus, ,,,,,”3 wks moist prechilling at

2-4C, then 21 C for 10 days”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Actaea,alba, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Actaea,rubra, ,red baneberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Actaea,rubra, ,red baneberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Actaea,rubra, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Actaea,spicata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Adonis,aestivalis, ,Summer Pheasant's Eye,,,,,Mainland

Europe except Denmark,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Adonis,aestivalis, ,Summer Pheasant's Eye,,,,,Mainland

Europe except Denmark,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Adonis,annua, ,Pheasant's Eye,,,,A.

autumnalis,”Mainland Europe & UK except NE, less in Northern

half & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Adonis,annua, ,Pheasant's Eye,,,,A.

autumnalis,”Mainland Europe & UK except NE, less in Northern

half & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Adonis,annua, ,pheasants-eye,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Adonis,flammea, ,Burning Pheasant's Eye,,,,,Mainland Europe

except Denmark & Ext NE,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Adonis,flammea, ,Burning Pheasant's Eye,,,,,Mainland Europe

except Denmark & Ext NE,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Adonis,microcarpa,”Adonis aestivalis, Adonis

cupanioides, Adonis dentata ssp. intermedius, Adonis dentata ssp.

microcarpus”,”small fruited pheasant's eye, pheasant's eye, red

chamomile”,X,NL,SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Adonis,microcarpa, ,,,,,”A. cupaniana, A.

dentata”,”Portugal, Spain, Italy & Greece”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Adonis,microcarpa,” Adonis aestivalis, Adonis

cupanioides, Adonis dentata ssp. intermedius, Adonis dentata ssp.

microcarpus”,”small fruited pheasant's eye, pheasant's eye, red

chamomile”,,,,”this serious weed competes with medic pastures

for water, light & space, reducing the area available for grazing; in

addition, being toxic, it presents a potential threat to stock, it has

killed horses, sheep & pigs; the poisonous principle is the adonidi”,”native

to the Medit region; because of its attractive flower, it was dispersed

throughout Eur as an ornamental & subsequently, to N & S Amer

& many other countries”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Adonis,microcarpa, ,Pheasants eye n * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Adonis,microcarpa, ,small fruited pheasant's eye,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Anemone,canadensis, ,,,,,14% germ from dry stored seeds

planted in greenhouse 3mths after collection; germ occured throughout

period of 64 -78 days after planting,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Anemone,cylindrica, ,,,,,”dry stored seed at room temp

for 3mths, germ occured throughout period of 90-330 days after

sowing”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Anemone,multifida, ,,,,,dry stored seed at room temp for

3mths; germ occured throughout period of 27 - 90 days after

sowing,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Anemone,virginiana, ,,,,,66% germ in constant light at

20-25 C in Petri dishes; 29-75 days for complete germ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Aquilegia,vulgaris,,Columbine,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Aquilegia,vulgaris, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Aquilegia,vulgaris, ,Columbine,,,,Dispersal: ?. Life Form:

Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 6,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur

and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Batrachium,trichophyllum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Batrachium,trichophyllum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Caltha,palustris, ,marshmarigold,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceratocephalus,falcatus, ,,,,,Ranunculus

falcatus,”Mainland Europe except Denmark, less in Central to

NW”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Ceratocephalus,falcatus, ,,,,,Ranunculus

falcatus,”Mainland Europe except Denmark, less in Central to

NW”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Clematis,flammula,,clematis,S,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Clematis,flammula, ,,,,,”Region of origin - S Eur, N

Afr, Syria, Iran, Turkey; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Clematis,ligusticifolia, ,western clematis,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Clematis,terniflora,,leatherleaf clematis,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Clematis,virginiana, ,Virginia clematis,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Clematis,vitalba, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Clematis,vitalba,,”travellers Joy, old man's

beard”,XXw,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Clematis,vitalba, ,Travellers Joy,,,,”Dispersal: Wind.

Life Form: Vine. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,4”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur, In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Clematis,vitalba, ,Traveller's joy ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Clematis,vitalba, ,Travellers Joy,,P,,”Dispersal:

Wind. Life Form: Vine. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur, In Victoria: Limited

distribution, small populations”,Western Australian Prohibited List

Consolida,ambigua,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Consolida,ambigua, ,Larkspur,,,,”C. ajacis, Delphinium

ajacis”,”Central & Southern Europe, less in Northern

Half”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Consolida,ambigua, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Consolida,orientalis, ,,,,,Delphinium hispanicum,”NW

& Southern Europe, less in central to NW & UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Consolida,orientalis, ,,,,,Delphinium hispanicum,”NW

& Southern Europe, less in central to NW & UK”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Consolida,regalis, ,Forking Larkspur,,,,Delphinium

consolida,Mainland Europe & Scandinavia,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Consolida,regalis, ,Forking Larkspur,,,,Delphinium

consolida,Mainland Europe & Scandinavia,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Delphinium,barbeyi, ,Tall larkspur,,,,max. germ of 2% only

in study of several germ conditions,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Delphinium,barbeyi, ,tall larkspur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Delphinium,bicolor, ,little larkspur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Delphinium,geyeri, ,Geyer larkspur,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Delphinium,glaucum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Delphinium,glaucum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Delphinium,halteratum, ,,,,,D. longpipes,Sw Europe inc

Italy,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Delphinium,halteratum, ,,,,,D. longpipes,Sw Europe inc

Italy,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Delphinium,megacarpum, ,sagebrush larkspur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Delphinium,nelsonii, ,low larkspur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Delphinium,occidentale, ,duncecap larkspur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Delphinium,scaposum, ,barestem larkspur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Delphinium,scopulorum, ,tall mountain

larkspur,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Delphinium,tricorne, ,dwarf larkspur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Delphinium,var. wootoni, ,Wooton plains

larkspur,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Delphinium,virescens, ,plains larkspur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Delphinium ,consolida, ,,,,,germ at alt. temp of 5-15C in

dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ficaria,verna,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ficaria,verna, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Myosurus,minima, ,Mouse Tail,,,,,”All Europe, less in

ext N & S, native of N Africa, Africa & Asia Minor, nat in N

Amer”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Myosurus,minima, ,Mouse Tail,,,,,”All Europe, less in

ext N & S, native of N Africa, Africa & Asia Minor, nat in N

Amer”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Myosurus,minimus,,,XH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Myosurus,minimus, ,,,,,seeds germ better in light than

dark,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Nigella,arvensis, ,Field Nigella,,,,,Mainland Europe except

Denmark,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Nigella,arvensis, ,,,,,”Common weed in Portugal,

Spain. Weedy in Morroco and Poland”,,Weed Science List

Nigella,arvensis, ,”Common weed in Portugal, Spain.

Weedy in Morroco and Poland”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Nigella,damascena,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Nigella,damascena, ,Love in a Mist,,,,,”Mainland

Europe except NE & Denmark, less in Northen Half”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Nigella,damascena, ,,,,,Common weed in Portugal. Weedy in

Morroco and Poland,,Weed Science List

Nigella,hispanica,,Common weed in Portugal and Morroco

,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Nigella,hispanica, ,,,,,,Spain & Portugal,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Nigella,hispanica, ,Common weed in Portugal and Morroco

,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Nigella,sativa, ,,,,,,Native to West & Central

Asia,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Ranunculus,abortivus, ,smallflower

buttercup,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ranunculus,acris,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ranunculus,acris, Ranunculus acer,Tall

buttercup,,,,”seeds placed to germ soon after collection, exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors germ 96% in 1st spring after

collection”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Ranunculus,acris, ,Tall Buttercup,,,,MCPA 1988 New Zealand

Pasture , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Ranunculus,acris, ,buttercup,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ranunculus,acris, ,tall buttercup,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ranunculus,acris, ,buttercup,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Ranunculus,alismaefolius, ,plantainleaf

buttercup,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ranunculus,arvensis,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ranunculus,arvensis, ,Corn buttercup,,,,”optimum temp

range 2-13C; high germ at 3 temp alt. 5-15C, 10-18C &

10-25C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Ranunculus,arvensis, ,Corn Buttercup,,,,,”All Europe,

temp Asia & N Afriaca”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Ranunculus,arvensis, ,buttercup,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ranunculus,arvensis, ,corn buttercup,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ranunculus,bulbosus, ,Bulbosus

buttercup,,,,”vegetative propagation; seeds germ poorly in lab, germ

inc. with inc. in dry storage;96% germ 12wks after

harvest”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Ranunculus,bulbosus, ,bulbous buttercup,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ranunculus,calthaefolius,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ranunculus,calthaefolius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Ranunculus,ficaria, ,”lesser celandine, fig

buttercup”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Ranunculus,ficaria,,, Peidmont and mountains & valleys in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Ranunculus,ficaria, ,buttercup,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ranunculus,flabellaris, ,yellow

waterbuttercup,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ranunculus,flammmula,,lesser spearwort,HX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ranunculus,flammula, ,Lesser Spearwort,,,,”Dispersal:

Water. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 8,9,10”,”Eur, In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ranunculus,fluitans, ,,,,,seeds germ at harvest or

following spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similiar to

those prevailing outdoors; germ 88%,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ranunculus,hederaceus, ,,,,,100% germ in water in diffuse

daylight 1mth after harvest,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Ranunculus,muricatus,,”sharp buttercup, buttercup,

roughseed buttercup, spinyfruit buttercup”,XX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ranunculus,muricatus, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Ranunculus,muricatus, ,buttercup,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ranunculus,muricatus, ,roughseed buttercup,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ranunculus,ophioglossifolius,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ranunculus,parviflorus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ranunculus,parviflorus, ,Small Flowered Buttercup,,,,,”Southern

& Western Europe, UK & Eire”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Ranunculus,parviflorus, ,buttercup,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ranunculus,pumilio,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ranunculus,repens,,creeping buttercup,HXAX,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ranunculus,repens, ,Creeping Buttercup,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal external,Water. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious threat

to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 8,9,10,14,15”,”Introduced deliberately from: Euras, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Ranunculus,repens, ,Creeping buttercup,,,,seed germ in field

in late spring; seed stored in unheated granary 100% germ,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ranunculus,repens, ,Creeping Buttercup,,,,,”All

Europe, near East, Siberia & N Africa”,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Ranunculus,repens, ,Creeping buttercup,,,,,,Weed Science


Ranunculus,repens, ,creeping buttercup,,,,”Ranunculus

repens is a creeping, low growing perennial herb with fibrous roots,

common in pastures, fields and other areas with wet soils in temperate

climates. It is found in 40 countries, most in and near its continent of

origin, Europe. R. repens is “,originated in Eur,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Ranunculus,repens, ,creeping buttercup,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ranunculus,repens, ,Creeping buttercup,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Ranunculus,sardous,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ranunculus,sardous, ,Hairy Buttercup,,,,,”All Europe,

N Africa & W Asia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Ranunculus,sardous, ,Hairy Buttercup,,,,,”All Europe,

N Africa & W Asia”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Ranunculus,sceleratus,,”celery buttercup , poison

buttercup”,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ranunculus,sceleratus, ,Celeryleaf buttercup,,,,”seed

germ soon after harvest & continue to germ for several mths; seeds

placed to germ after harvest, exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors; germ 100%”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ranunculus,sceleratus, ,”celery buttercup , poison


1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control required in part of the State

only. + Control not required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N

Notifiable throughout the State. c Special program in south-ea”,

Just about to be added to List.,”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Ranunculus,sceleratus,syn ,Marsh crowfoot,,,,”canals,

ditches, swamps, moist ground”“A tincture from fresh plants is

used in the treatment of skin conditions eg. herpes, eczema, pruritus,

& rheumatic conditions such as sciatica, arthritis &

rhinitis”““,”Medit, Eur, W Asia”,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Ranunculus,sceleratus, ,buttercup,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ranunculus,sceleratus, ,celeryleaf

buttercup,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ranunculus,sceleratus, ,”celery buttercup , poison

buttercup”,,P,, Declared spp. in South Australia,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Ranunculus,scleratus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ranunculus,septentrionalis, ,,,,,”seeds planted

directly into greenhouse germ 17% within 55-90days, seeds placed outdoors

for 83days, germ 43% within 21-49days after transfer to

greenhouse”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Ranunculus,testiculatus, ,testiculate

buttercup,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ranunculus,trichophyllus, Ranunculus aquatilis,White water

buttercup,,,,seeds germ in water & light beneficial; dry storage does

not impair capacity of seed to germ,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ranunculus,trichophyllus, ,white

waterbuttercup,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ranunculus,trilobus,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ranunculus,trilobus, ,buttercup,,,,,,Weed Science List

Thalictrum,foetidum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Thalictrum,minus, ,,,,,seeds germ at once after harvest

& continued for several mths; seeds placed in germinator exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total

germ 96%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Thalictrum,morisonii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Thalictrum,simplex, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Thalictrum,sparsiflorum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Thalictrum,squarrosum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


Reseda,alba,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Reseda,alba, ,White Mignonette,,,,”R. fruticulosa, R.

suffruticulosa”,”UK, Mainland Europe except NE & Denmark,

less in central to North & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Reseda,alba, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Reseda,alba, ,white mignonette,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Reseda,lutea,,”cut-leaf mignonette, wild mignonette,

yellow mignonette”,X,NL,SA; Tas; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Reseda,lutea, ,Wild Mignonette,,,,”R. ramosissima, R.

gracilis, R. reyeri”,”UK, Eire & Mainland Europe less in

Northern half of Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Reseda,lutea, ,”cut-leaf mignonette, wild mignonette,

yellow mignonette”,,,,”it competes with pastures & crops

for light & nutrients; since it is mainly a weed of roadsides &

waste spaces, this competition is not imprt agric. except where it

encroaches onto regenerating pastures & crops, particularly

vegetables, often reducing yie”,”native of the limestone or

chalk soils of Eur, has become widespread in the temperate regions of the

world; it occurs throughout Eur south of Denmark & southern Sweden,

extending into Asia as far as western Siberia; its main growth area,

however is the Me”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Reseda,lutea, ,Cutleaf mignonette n ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Reseda,lutea, ,cut-leaf mignonette,,,,,,Weed Science List

Reseda,lutea, ,yellow mignonette,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Reseda,luteola,,”wild mignonette, dyer's rocket, dyer's

weed, weld, yellow weed”,XX,NL,Vic; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Reseda,luteola, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st & 2nd spring after

harvest; seeds placed to germ exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors; total germ 93%,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Reseda,luteola, ,Weld,,,,,”S Sweden, UK, Eire, Mainland

Europe except NE, less in central to NE”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Reseda,luteola, ,”wild mignonette, dyer's rocket, dyer's

weed, weld, yellow weed”,,,,”although it is suspected, but not

confirmed, of poisoning stock, it is viewed as reasonable sheep feed in

poorer pastures of NZ; once established it competes with pastures &

crops but is rarely considered an imprt weed”,”originated in

central Eur, the Medit region & eastward to Afghanistan; it is nwo

widely spread throughout the temperate world but is rarely regarded as an

imprt weed except occasionally in Spain, Morocco & in carrot crops in

the British Isles”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Reseda,luteola, ,wild mignonette,,,,,,Weed Science List

Reseda,odorata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Reseda,phyteuma,,rampion mignonette,,GL,SA,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Reseda,phyteuma, ,,,,,”Region of origin - N Afr, S Eur;

Extent of spread - <200 ha in SA; Means of spread - seed

contaminant”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Reseda,phyteuma, ,Rampion Mignonette,,,,”R. aragonensis,

R. litigiosa”,”UK, Mainland Europe except NE & Denmark,

less in central to North & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Reseda,phyteuma, ,Rampion Mignonette,,,,”R. aragonensis,

R. litigiosa”,”UK, Mainland Europe except NE & Denmark,

less in central to North & UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Reseda,phyteuma, ,Rampion mignonette N # ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“



Berchemia,scandens, ,Alabama supplejack,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceanothus,cordulatus, ,mountain whitehorn,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceanothus,cuneatus, ,wedgeleaf ceanothus,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceanothus,cyaneus, ,San Diego ceanothus,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceanothus,integerrimus, ,deerbrush ceanothus,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceanothus,lemmoni, ,Lemmons ceanothus,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceanothus,leucodermis, ,chaparral whitethorn,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceanothus,megacarpus, ,bigpod ceanothus,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceanothus,prostratus, ,squawcarpet ceanothus,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceanothus,sanguineus, ,redstem ceanothus,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceanothus,sorediatus, ,jimbrush ceanothus,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceanothus,spinosus, ,spiny ceanothus,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceanothus,thyrsiflorus, ,blueblossom

ceanothus,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceanothus,var. laevigatus, ,varnishleaf

ceanothus,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ceanothus,velutinus, ,snowbrush ceanothus,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Colubrina,asiatica, ,”Asiatic colubrina,

latherleaf”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Colubrina,asiatica,,lather leaf,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Colubrina,texensis, ,Texas colubrina,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Condalia,obovata, ,bluewood condalia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Condalia,obtusifolia, ,lotebush condalia,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hovenia,dulcis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Hovenia,dulcis, ,,,,,”Region of origin - China, Korea,

Japan; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - agriculture -

edible fruit”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Hovenia,dulcis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Karwimskia,humboldtiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Karwimskia,humboldtiana, ,coyotillo,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Karwinskia,humboldtiana, ,coyotillo,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Noltea,africana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rhamnus,alaternus,,Italian buckthorn,HHH,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rhamnus,alaternus, ,Italian Buckthorn,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Large Small to medium

shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Rhamnus,alaternus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rhamnus,californica var. ursina, ,California

buckthorn,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhamnus,caroliniana, ,Carolina buckthorn,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhamnus,cathartica,, European buckthorn," Limited Weed Potential - the species is not expected to affect extensive areas of the Blackfoot drainage in the near future but could become a localized weed under certain conditions in: Agriculture, Forest, Riparian and Disturbed areas",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Rhamnus,cathartica,,"European buckthorn, Common buckthorn","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Highly Invasive , Additional Comments : Excludes all native seedlings, spread by birds, introduced before 1913 ""6-15 feet high, small green flowers, grouped or solitary, thorny, leaves 1-2 inches long, opposite, fruits gre","Europe. Habitat: Open woods, pastures, fence rows"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Rhamnus,cathartica, ,European buckthorn,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhamnus,crocea var. ilicifolia, ,hollyleaf

buckthorn,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhamnus,frangula, ,alder buckthorn,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhamnus,frangula,,Glossy buckthorn,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Highly Invasive , Additional Comments : Displaces native species, introduced before 1913 ""15 feet high, small white flowers, dense hairy winter buds, spineless entire leaves, black fruits ""","Europe. Habitat: Wetlands and bogs, shaded ravines, mixed woods"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Rhamnus,frangula,,alder buckthorn,,,,WATCH LISTMay be a

problem elsewhere; more information needed.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants

in Tennessee

Rhamnus,purshiana, ,cascara buckthorn,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhamnus ,cathartica, ,common buckthorn,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Rhamnus ,frangula, ,glossy buckthorn,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Ziziphus,mauritiana,Ziziphus jujuba,”Chinee apple, Indian

jujube, Chinese date”,XX,NL,Qld; NT; WA,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ziziphus,mauritiana, Ziziphus jujuba,”Chinee apple, Indian

jujube, Chinese date”,,,,”despite the fact that it is

cultivated for its fruit in many parts of Asia, particularly India, it is

still regarded as a serious weed in some areas of these countries;

rapidly growing groups of plants form dense, impenetrable thickets which

reduce availa”,”native of E Afr, the Indian Ocean islands &

S Asia; it occurs naturally & is cultivated throughout the Indian

subcontinent & Sri Lanka, extending eastwards through Burma into

China”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Ziziphus,mauritiana, Z. jujuba,”jujube, Chinee apple,

Indian jujube, Chinese date”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Ziziphus,mauritiana, ,”Chinese apple, Indian

jujube”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ziziphus,mauritiana,”syn Rhamnus jujuba L. Ziziphus

jujuba (L.) Gaertn., nom. illeg.”,”Chinese apple, Indian jujube

see more below”,,P,,”Common names: Indian jujube (Source: AH

505) cottony jujube (Source: Dict Gard) ber (Source: F Iran, Mabberley)

Chinese-date (Source: Firewood Cr) Indian-cherry (Source: Firewood Cr)

jujubier (Source: Firewood Cr) beri (Source: Firewood Cr)

nabbak-el-”,Species range: India [possibly native]; Myanmar [possibly

native]; cult. & natzd. throughout tropics,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Ziziphus,mucronata,,,E,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ziziphus,mucronata, ,buffalo thorn,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ziziphus,mucronata, ,buffalo thorn,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Ziziphus,nummularia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ziziphus,nummularia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Ziziphus,spina-christi,,Christ Thorn,,NLP,Qld,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Ziziphus,spina-christi, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ziziphus,spina-christi, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited



Rhizophora,mangle, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rhizophora,mangle, ,American mangrove,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rhizophora,mangle, ,,,P,,Banned by AQIS,,Western

Australian Prohibited List


Acaena,agnipila,(includes A. ovina),sheep's

burr,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Acaena,anserinifolia, ,Biddy Biddy ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Acaena,caesiiglauca, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acaena,echinata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Acaena,fissistipula, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acaena,magellanica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acaena,novae-zelandiae,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Acaena,novae-zelandiae, ,Bidy-bidy ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Acaena,novae-zelandie, ,Biddy Biddy ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Acaena,ovalifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acaena,pallida, ,Biddy Biddy ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Acaena,pinnatifida, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acaena,saccaticupula, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Acaena,sanguisorbae, ,piripiri,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Adenostoma,fasciculatum, ,chamise,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Adenostoma,fasciculatum, ,chamise,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Adenostoma,sparsifolium, ,redshank chamise,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Adenostoma,sparsifolium, ,redshank chamise,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Agrimonia,eupatoria,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Agrimonia,eupatoria, ,Agrimony,,,,”A. grandis, A.

asiatica”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Agrimonia,eupatoria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Agrimonia,gryposepala, ,agrimony,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Agrimonia,striata, ,roadside agrimony,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Alchemilla,arvensis, ,,,,,”max germ temp above 25C, min

less than 2-5C optimum 2-7C”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Alchemilla,gracilipes, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Alchemilla,gracilipes, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Alchemilla,xanthochlora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Alchemilla,xanthochlora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Amelanchier,alnifolia, ,Saskatoon serviceberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amelanchier,arborea, ,downy serviceberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amelanchier,canadensis, ,thicket serviceberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amelanchier,florida, ,Pacific serviceberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amelanchier,laevis, ,Allegheny serviceberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Amelanchier,sanguinea, ,roundleaf serviceberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aphanes,arvensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Aphanes,arvensis, ,Parsley Piert,,,,Alchemilla arvensis,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Aphanes,arvensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aphanes,microcarpa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Aphanes,microcarpa, ,Slender Piert,,,,Alchemilla microcarpa,SW

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Aphanes,microcarpa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Aruncus,dioicus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cercocarpus,betuloides, ,birchleaf mountainmahogany,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cercocarpus,ledifolius, ,curlleaf

mountainmahogany,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cercocarpus,montanus, ,mountainmahogany,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Chamaebatia,foliolosa, ,bearmat,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Coleogyne,ramosissima, ,blackbush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Contoneaster,divaricata, ,Cotoneaster,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Large Small to medium

shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 5,6,7,8”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Ch and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Contoneaster,glaucophyllus, ,Cotoneaster,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Large Small to medium

shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2,4,5,6,7,8,9,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: Ch and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Contoneaster,horizontalis, ,Cotoneaster,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Small to medium

shrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 12,15”,”Introduced deliberately

from: Ch and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised,

small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Contoneaster,pannosus, ,Cotoneaster,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Large Small to medium

shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,6,8,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: E As and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Contoneaster,sp., ,Cotoneaster,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Small to medium shrub.

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 12,15”,”Introduced deliberately

from: ? and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised,

small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cotoneaster,franchetii, ,cotoneasters,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, riverbanks, grassland, kloofs, rocky

outcropsCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin: Asia,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cotoneaster,franchetii, ,cotoneasters,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, riverbanks, grassland, kloofs, rocky

outcropsCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin: Asia,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cotoneaster,glaucophyllus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cotoneaster,spp.,,cotoneaster ,"Occurring in native prairies andwoodland edges. (Cotoneaster franchetti, C. horizontalis, C. parneyi,etc. Best to avoid all cotoneasters.)",,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Cydonia,oblonga,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Cydonia,oblonga, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Duchesnea,chrysantha, ,,,,, , Shizuoka Okayama ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Duchesnea,indica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Duchesnea,indica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Duchesnea,indica, ,India mockstrawberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Fragaria,var. Americana, ,American strawberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Fragaria,vesca, ,European strawberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Fragaria,virginiana, ,Virginia strawberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Geum,aleppicum, var. strictum ,Yellow avens,,,,”of 300 seed

planted in flats & exposed to low temps outdoors for 83 days, then

transferred to greenhouse, 211 germ over period of 11-35days c.f. of 300

seeds planted directly into greenhouse, 152 germ over period of 13-41

days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Geum,aleppicum var. strictum, ,yellow avens,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Geum,macrophyllum, ,largeleaf avens,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Geum,peckii, ,,,,,”of 300 seed planted in flats &

exposed to low temps outdoors for 83 days, then transferred to

greenhouse, 22 germ over period of 11-42days c.f. of 300 seeds planted

directly into greenhouse, 14 germ over period of 34-83

days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Geum,rivale, ,,,,,”of 300 seed planted in flats &

exposed to low temps outdoors for 83 days, then transferred to greenhouse,

70 germ over period of 14-35days c.f. of 300 seeds planted directly into

greenhouse,83 germ over period of 20-90 days”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Geum,urbanum, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st spring after harvest; seeds

placed in unheated germinator & exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors; 99% germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Malus,domestica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Malus,domestica, ,Fuji apple,,P,,Prohibited for Disease

reasons,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Malus,floribunda, ,Japanese flowering crabapple,,P,,Prohibited

for Disease Reasons,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Malus,fusca, ,crab apple,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Malus,ioensis,,Flowering Crab Apple,,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Malus,ioensis, ,Flowering Crab Apple,,P,,Prohibited for Disease

reasons,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Malus,prunifolia, ,Chinese apple,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Malus,prunifolia, ,Crab Apple Stock,,P,,Prohibited for Disease

reasons,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Malus,sylvestris,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Malus,sylvestris, ,apple,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Malus,sylvestris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Malus,x domestica,,Apple,XX,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Malus ,x domestica, ,Apple,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Not a

threat (but may have a negative visual impact). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 2,5,8,15”,”Introduced deliberately from: SE Eur,SW As

and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Malus ,,(See Pyrus),,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List

of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Photinia,arbutifolia, ,christmasberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potentilla,anglica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Potentilla,anserina,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Potentilla,anserina, ,Silverweed cinquefoil,,,,”seeds germ

in 1st spring after collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; germ 90%; 4 storage

conditions tested, dry at room temp, dry at 3C, in moist sand at 3C,

& in moist peat at 3C, no-low germ “,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Potentilla,anserina, ,Silverweed,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Potentilla,anserina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Potentilla,anserina, ,silverweed cinquefoil,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potentilla,argentea, ,Silvery cinquefoil,,,,seeds stored in moist

peat at 3C germ best after 6mths storage; seeds germ in 1st spring after

collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors; germ 93%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Potentilla,argentea, ,silvery cinquefoil,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potentilla,arguta, ,White cinquefoil,,,,”seeds tested

before storage & stored dry -no germ; seeds stored moist in peat or

sand for 6mths, then germ at 20-25C in diffuse light 52% germ in 3-12days

& in dark 9% in 8-88days”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Potentilla,arguta, ,white cinquefoil,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potentilla,canadensis, ,Common cinquefoil,,,,seeds stored in

moist sand or peat or dry stored at 3C germ best after 6mths

storage,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Potentilla,canadensis, ,common cinquefoil,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potentilla,crantzii, ,,,,,extensive studies of the mechanisms

involved in reproduction by seeds have been done,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Potentilla,diversifolia, ,blueleaf cinquefoil,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potentilla,flabelliformis, ,,,,,”52% germ of seed within

1yr of collection at 15C in dark; prechilling at 3C for 1-4wks inc. germ

% at 20, 20-30C alt. & 20-30C alt. with alt.

light/dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Potentilla,freyniana, ,,,,,annual dominant weed in crops ,

Miyagi Niigata Oita Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Potentilla,fruticosa, ,Shrubby cinquefoil,,,,seeds stored moist

in peat at 3C for 6mths germ best,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Potentilla,fruticosa, ,shrubby cinquefoil,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potentilla,glandulosa, ,,,,,”prechilling on moist blotters

in petri dishes at 3C for 1-4wks, then germ at 20-30C alt. with alt.

light/dark 54% germ; after 3-4wks prechilling seeds germ 34-72% at 20-30C

in dark, 20C in dark & 15C in dark”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Potentilla,intermedia, ,Downy cinquefoil,,,,seeds stored in

moist sand or peat at 3C for 1-6mths prior testing best germ,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Potentilla,intermedia, ,downy cinquefoil,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potentilla,kleiniana, ,,,,, ,Shimane ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Potentilla,millegrana, ,,,,,”32% germ highest at 15C in dark,

8% at 20-30C alt. with alt. light/dark; prechilling at 3C only slightly

inc. germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Potentilla,norvegica, ,Rough cinquefoil,,,,”seeds dry

stored or stored moist in sand or peat at 3C for 1-6mths germ best, but

germ % low”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Potentilla,norvegica, ,rough cinquefoil,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potentilla,palustris, ,,,,,no germ of seeds under various

conditions & temps,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Potentilla,recta,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Potentilla,recta, ,Sulphur cinquefoil,,,,”seed stored moist

sand at 3C for 1-6mths germ best, but low; 89% germ after 3yrs storage

under lab conditions & 60% after 5yrs”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Potentilla,recta, ,Sulfur cinquefoil ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Potentilla,recta,,cinquefoil sulfur ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Potentilla,recta, ,sulfur cinquefoil,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Potentilla,recta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Potentilla,recta, ,sulphur cinquefoil,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potentilla,reptans,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Potentilla,reptans, ,Creeping Cinquefoil,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Potentilla,reptans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Potentilla,reptans, ,creeping cinquefoil,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potentilla,simplex, ,oldfield cinquefoil,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Potentilla,supina, ,,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Potentilla,supina,syn ,Cinquefoil,,,,Nile and canal

banks,”Medit, Nile basin, Eur”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt

Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Potentilla,supina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Potentilla,tabernaemontani, ,,,,,report on studies on the

mechanism of reproduction by seed,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Potentilla,tridentata, ,,,,,seeds stored moist in sand or peat

at 3C for 1-6mths germ best; seeds planted in soil flats in greenhouse

germ 12% in 78-148days & left outdoors for 71days germ 73% over 7-14

days after transfer to greenhouse,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Poterium,polygamum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,americana, ,American plum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Prunus,angustifolia, ,chickasaw plum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Prunus,armeniaca,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Prunus,armeniaca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,avium,, sweet cherry ,Appears very commonly in forest understories.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Prunus,avium, ,Bird Cherry ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT SPECIES

OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Prunus,avium, ,”sweet cherry, bird cherry”,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Prunus,avium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,avium, ,sweet cherry,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Prunus,cerasifera,,Thundercloud cherry ,Green form and purple form. Appears occasionally in forest understories.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Prunus,cerasifera, ,Cherry-plum,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,Water,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 4,5,6,7,8”,”Introduced deliberately from:

Euras and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Prunus,cerasifera, ,cherry plum,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,cerasifera, ,cherry plum,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Prunus,cerasifera 'Nigra', ,Purple-leaf

Cherry-plum,,,,”Dispersal: Bird, internal,animal (not bird),

internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: garden origin and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Prunus,cerasus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Prunus,cerasus, ,Sour cherry ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Prunus,cerasus, ,sour cherry,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas,

US National Parks, weed”

Prunus,cerasus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,cerasus, ,sour cherry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Prunus,domestica,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Prunus,domestica,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Prunus,domestica, ,garden plum,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Prunus,domestica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,dulcis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Prunus,dulcis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,emarginata, ,bitter cherry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Prunus,grisea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,laurocerasus,,cherry Laurel,HXS,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Prunus,laurocerasus, ,Cherry Laurel,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 6,7,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: E Eur,W As and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Prunus,laurocerasus,,English laurel ,Appears regularly in forest understories.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Prunus,laurocerasus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,laurocerasus, ,Cherry laurel ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Prunus,lusitanica,,Portugal laurel,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Prunus,lusitanica,,Portugal laurel ,Appears regularly in forest understories.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Prunus,lusitanica, ,,,,,Region of origin - SE Eur; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Prunus,lusitanica, ,Portugal Laurel,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Spain,Por,Canary Is and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Prunus,lusitanica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,mahaleb,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Prunus,mahaleb, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of spread -

localised ; Means of spread - agriculture,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Prunus,mahaleb, ,Mahaleb cherry ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Prunus,mahaleb, ,mahaleb cherry,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Prunus,mahaleb, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,munsoniana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Prunus,munsoniana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,nigra, ,Canada plum,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Prunus,padus, ,European bird cherry,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Prunus,pensylvanica, ,pin cherry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Prunus,perisca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,persica,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Prunus,persica,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Prunus,persica, ,peach,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Prunus,salicina,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Prunus,salicina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,serotina,,wild cherry,wX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Prunus,serotina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,serotina, ,black cherry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Prunus,spinosa,,sloe,XH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Prunus,spinosa, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Eur, W Asia;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - hedging plant”,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Prunus,spinosa, ,Sloe,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,Water,animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Large

Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,8,12”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Med,Euras, In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Prunus,spinosa, ,sloe,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Prunus,spinosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,turneriana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Prunus,umbellata, ,flatwoods plum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Prunus,var. demissa, ,western chokecherry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Prunus,var. melanocarpa, ,black chokecherry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Prunus,var. watsonii, ,sand plum,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Prunus,virginiana, ,common chokecherry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Purshia,tridentata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Purshia,tridentata, ,bitterbrush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Purshia,tridentata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Pyracantha,angustifolia, ,Orange Firethorn,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very

serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 4,5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Ch

and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Pyracantha,angustifolia, ,yellow firethorn,,,,”Proposed

Declared Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: high altitude grassland, erosion

channels, rocky ridgesCultivated for: ornament, security hedging, screens

on highways”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pyracantha,angustifolia, ,yellow firethorn,,,,”Proposed

Declared Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: high altitude grassland, erosion

channels, rocky ridgesCultivated for: ornament, security hedging, screens

on highways”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pyracantha,angustifolia, ,fire thorn,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pyracantha,angustifolia, ,fire thorn,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Pyracantha,crenulata, ,Nepal Firethorn,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Himalaya and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Pyracantha,crenulata, ,Himalayan firethorn,,,,”Proposed

Declared Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: high altitude grassaland, rocky

ridgesCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pyracantha,crenulata, ,Himalayan firethorn,,,,”Proposed

Declared Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: high altitude grassaland, rocky

ridgesCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders

of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Pyracantha,crenulata, ,fire thorn,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pyracantha,crenulata, ,fire thorn,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Pyracantha,fortuneana, ,fire thorn,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pyracantha,fortuneana, ,fire thorn,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Pyracantha,koidzomii, ,fire thorn,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pyracantha,rogersiana, ,fire thorn,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pyrus,angustifolia, ,southern crabapple,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pyrus,arbutifolia, ,red chokeberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pyrus,calleyerana,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pyrus,communis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Pyrus,communis, ,common pear,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Pyrus,communis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pyrus,coronaria, ,sweet crabapple,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pyrus,ioensis, ,prairie crabapple,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pyrus,malus, ,apple,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of

Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS

14: 1966

Pyrus,melanocarpa, ,black chokeberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pyrus,ussuriensis,,Manchurian pear,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Rhaphiolepis,indica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rosa,arkansana, ,Arkansas rose,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Rosa,bracteata,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rosa,bracteata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rosa,bracteata, ,Macartney rose,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rosa,californica, ,California rose,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rosa,canina,,dog rose,H,NLP,SA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Rosa,canina, ,dog rose,,,,”dog rose is scattered in parts

of the Central Western Slopes & SW Plains of NSW & also in the

Grampians of Vic; in SA it occurs on the Adelaide Plains, the Mount Lofty

Ranges, the Mid-Murray dist & in the lower SE; it is also scattered

through the settled”,”native of Euro-Asia, commonly growing in

hedges across Eur, has become established in most of the temperate world;

it has been & still is widely used in Eur as a rootstock for budding

of ornamental roses & was probably introd to most other countries for

t”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”


CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Rosa,canina, ,dog rose,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rosa,canina, ,dog rose,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rosa,chinensis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rosa,chinensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rosa,chinensis,X moschata,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rosa,chinensis,X multiflora,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rosa,eglanteria, ,Sweetbriar ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Rosa,eglanteria, ,”eglantine,

sweetbriar”,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader. Woody

SpeciesInvades: high altitude grassalandCultivated for: ornament,

hedging; fruits harvested for extraction of juice”,Origin: Europe

& Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Rosa,eglanteria,,"Sweetbriar, Eglantine, Sweetleaf rose","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive ""Perennial, 1 m high, sweet scented, 5 lobed pink flowers, Prickles, leaves alternate, pinnate, resinous on lower surface, fruit yellow to red fleshy rose hip surface,""","Europe. Habitat: Fields, old gardens"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Rosa,eglanteria,,sweet-briar ,Invades native prairies.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Rosa,multiflora,,,Mountain and Valleys,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Rosa,eglanteria, ,”eglantine,

sweetbriar”,,,,”Proposed Declared Invader. Woody

SpeciesInvades: high altitude grassalandCultivated for: ornament,

hedging; fruits harvested for extraction of juice”,Origin: Europe

& Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Rosa,eglanteria, ,sweetbrier rose,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rosa,gallica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rosa,gymnocarpa, ,baldhip rose,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rosa,laevigata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rosa,laevigata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rosa,laevigata, ,Cherokee rose,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rosa,multiflora, ,multiflora rose,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Rosa,multiflora,,multiflora rose,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess characteristics of

invasive species and spread easily into native plant communities and

displace native vegetation; includes species which are or could become

widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Rosa,nutkana, ,Nootka rose,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Rosa,multiflora,,multiflora rose,"Nature: Erect shrub up to 10 ft tall with arching stems that forms densethickets, that spreads by bird-dispersed seeds. Uses: Wildlife food and cover, and livestock fences.Herbicide control: Foliar sprays of metsulfuron (Escort) and metsulfuron anddicamba","Origin: Introduced from Japan and Korea in 1860's and widely promoted in the1930's by conservation agencies for cover, wildlife food, and ""living fence.Range: Fence rows, pastures, and thin woodlands, ME to MN south to FL andwest to TX.","EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANTS IN SOUTHEASTERN FORESTS, James H. Miller, Southern Research Station USDA Forest Service Auburn University, AL, weed"

Rosa,multiflora,,multiflowered rose ,"Nationwide problem escapee. Unfortunately, our Oregon Department of Transportation plants it widely.",,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Rosa,multiflora,,Multiflowered rose,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Displaces native species, spread by birds ""Perennial, 1 m high, 5 lobed flowers, pink, red, yellow or white, prickles, leaves alternate, pinnate, compound, deciduous, fruit yello","Eurasia. Habitat: Woodlands, old gardens"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Rosa,palustris, ,swamp rose,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Rosa,pratincola, ,,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of

Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS

14: 1966

Rosa,roxburghii,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rosa,rubiginosa,Rosa eglanteria,”sweet briar, eglantine,

sweet briar, sweet briar rose”,XHXXAH,NL,ACT; NSW; Vic; SA;

Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rosa,rubiginosa, Rosa eglanteria,”sweet briar, eglantine,

sweet brier, sweet brier rose”,,,,”it is most likely to

establish in well drained areas of moderate to high fertility where there

is little competition & light grazing; it tolerates a wide range of

conditions but does not do well on poorly drained soils, nor does it pose

a problem in well “,”originated in Eur & W Asia to northern

India, is considered weedy in part of this native range, eg, in England,

Scotland & Turkey; it has been introd to most temperate areas of the

world, often as a garden plant & is regarded as a weed in many; it is

trou”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Rosa,rubiginosa, ,Sweet briar * ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN

SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Movement

prohibited on roads (Section 52(2) applies)”,”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Rosa,rubiginosa, ,sweet briar,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rosa,rugosa, ,rugosa rose,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Rosa,rugosa,,"Japanese rose, Wrinkled rose","Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Introduced 1845 ""Perennial, 2.5 m high, flowers dark red or white, 5 petals, 5-9 large leaflets, hairy underneath, thorny, large orange scarlet rose hip fruit""","Eurasia. Habitat: Fields, old gardens"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Rosa,sp.,,Rose,XXXXA,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rosa,sp., ,Rose,,,,”Dispersal: Bird, internal. Life Form:

Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

9”,”Introduced deliberately from: ?garden origin, In Victoria:

Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Rosa,spp., ,,,,,seed dormant -impermeable seed coat; seed only

germ after prolonged stratification at 5C; soaking for 1-2hrs in conc.

sulfuric acid followed by stratification for 60-120 days at

5C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Rosa,var. suffulta, ,sunshine rose,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rosa,wichuraiana, ,,,,, , Miyasaki Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Rosa,woodsii, ,Woods rose,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Rosa,x odorata,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rosa ,canina, ,Dog rose ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN SOUTH

AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control required in

part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable in part of

the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special program in

south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in

South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside control cost to be

met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies) Mo”,”South

Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Rosa ,rubiginosa, ,Sweet Briar,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,Water,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Large Small to

medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,9,10,13,4,5,6,8,12,14”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium

to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Rubus,?polyanthemus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rubus,aff. mucronulatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Rubus,affinis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,affinis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rubus,alceaefolius,,giant bramble,,LP,Qld; Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,alceaefolius, ,giant bramble,,,,”normally found on

road shoulders & the edges of rainforest, it invades developing

pastures, particularly on newly cleared lands; because of the rate of

vegetative growth & its barbed canes, it forms impenetrable thickets

which reduce pasture productivity “,is a native of SE

Asia,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Rubus,alceaefolius, ,giant bramble,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,alceaefolius, ,giant bramble,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Rubus,alceifolius,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rubus,allegheniensis, ,Allegheny blackberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rubus,apetalus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,apetalus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rubus,argutus,,Florida blackberry,,L,Qld,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,argutus, ,sawtooth blackberry,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Rubus,argutus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,argutus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rubus,armeniacus,”Rubus discolor, Rubus

procerus”,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,bellobatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rubus,bellobatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,caesius, ,Dewberry,,,,,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds

of the World”

Rubus,caesius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,caesius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rubus,chloocladus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rubus,chloocladus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,cissburiensis,,Blackberry,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,cissburiensis, ,Blackberry,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Large Small

to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

6,7,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Rubus,cissburiensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,cuneifolius, ,American bramble,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: grasslands, forest edges, plantationsCultivated for:

edible fruit”,Origin: N Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Rubus,cuneifolius, ,bramble,,,,”Declared Weed &

Proposed Declared Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: grassland, fynbos,

forest margins, plantationsCultivated for: edible fruit”,Origin: N

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Rubus,cuneifolius, ,American bramble,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: grasslands, forest edges, plantationsCultivated for:

edible fruit”,Origin: N Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Rubus,cuneifolius, ,bramble,,,,”Declared Weed &

Proposed Declared Invader. Woody SpeciesInvades: grassland, fynbos,

forest margins, plantationsCultivated for: edible fruit”,Origin: N

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Rubus,cuneifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,cuneifolius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rubus,discolor, ,balckberries,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Rubus,discolor,,Blackberry,HAH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Rubus,discolor,,Himalaya blackberry ,"Has wildlife value, but is way out of control and incredibly invasive. Expensive control measures are being widely implemented.",,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Rubus,discolor,,Himalayan blackberry," Ornamental , Additional Comments : Forms dense thickets Potentially Invasive ""Perennial, 1-1.5 m, loose, delicate white flowers, long canes, prickly stem, fruits aggregation of drupes, black Invasive Potential : P ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Old woods, shady areas"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Rubus,discolor, ,Himalayaberry ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Rubus,discolor, ,Blackberry,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Large Small

to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,5,6,7,8,9”,”Eur,

In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Rubus,discolor, ,Himalayan blackberry ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Rubus,discolor, ,Himalayan blackberry,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Rubus,discolor, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,ellipticus,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rubus,ellipticus, ,yellow Himalayan blackberry,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Rubus,ellipticus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,erythrops,Rubus rosaceus,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,flagellaris, ,bramble,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

grassland, fynbos, forest margins, plantationsCultivated for: edible

fruit”,Origin: Europe,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Rubus,flagellaris, ,bramble,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

grassland, fynbos, forest margins, plantationsCultivated for: edible

fruit”,Origin: Europe,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Rubus,flagellaris, ,northern dewberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rubus,fraxinifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,fruticosus,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Rubus,fruiticosus, ,”blackberry, bramble, European

blackberry”,,,,it is an imprt weed because it is invasive &

covers large areas with a dense conopy excluding light from the soil

surface; few other plants can compete & blackberry completely

dominates the vegetation of an area in a very short time; the plant's

prickly n,all species referred to in this aggregate are European in

origin & have become established in many temperate parts of the

world; the European blackberry is an imprt weed on the east & west

coasts of the N Amer & in the NW of the US in particular; it

occur,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Rubus,fruiticosus Agg.,,”blackberry, bramble, European

blackberry”,XXXXXHH,L,NSW; Vic; Qld; SA; WA; Tas,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,fruticosus, ,European blackberry,,,,”Proposed

Declared Invader. Subject of biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: fynbos, forest edges, plantationsCultivated for: edible

fruit”,Origin: Europe,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Rubus,fruticosus, ,European blackberry,,,,”Proposed

Declared Invader. Subject of biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: fynbos, forest edges, plantationsCultivated for: edible

fruit”,Origin: Europe,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Rubus,fruticosus, ,blackberry,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Rubus,fruticosus, ,European blackberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rubus,fruticosus, ,blackberry,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rubus,fruticosus sp. agg., Fruit may be sold,Blackberry* Fruit


Plant must be destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. +

Control not required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable

throughout the State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of

Plant, or Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section

54(1) (2) applies) Roadside control cost to be met by adjoining

Landholder (Section 60 applies) Mo”,”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Rubus,grayanus, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland ,,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Rubus,idaeus,Rubus loganobaccus?,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,idaeus, ,raspberry,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,idaeus, ,red raspberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rubus,koehleri,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,koehleri, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,laciniatus,,,,L,Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Rubus,laciniatus,Rubus selmeri,cut-leaf

blackberry,H,L,Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,laciniatus, ,Cut-leaf Blackberry,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Large Small

to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 6,7,8,14”,”Eur, In

Victoria: Widespread, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Rubus,laciniatus, ,Evergreen blackberry ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Rubus,laciniatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,laciniatus, ,evergreen blackberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rubus,leightonii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rubus,leightonii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,leucodermis, ,whitebark raspberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rubus,loganobaccus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,longepedicellatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,longepedicellatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Rubus,moluccanus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rubus,moluccanus,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Rubus,moluccanus,Rubus hillii,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,mucronulatus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rubus,niveus, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Rubus,niveus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,niveus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rubus,occidentalis, ,black raspberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rubus,parviflorus, ,western thimbleberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rubus,parvifolius,,”western thimbleberry,

thimbleberry”,A,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,parvifolius, ,,,,, Weed in poor site , Hokkaido ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Rubus,pheonicolasius,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Rubus,phoenicolasius,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Rubus,phoenicolasius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,phoenicolasius,,wineberry,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Rubus,pinnatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,pinnatus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rubus,polyanthemos, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,polyanthemus,,Blackberry,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,polyanthemus, ,Blackberry,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Large Small

to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

6,7,8,13”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Rubus,procerus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,procerus, ,Himalaya blackberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rubus,pyramidalis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rubus,pyramidalis, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of spread

- localised ; Means of spread - agriculture - fruit,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Rubus,pyramidalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,radula,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,radula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,rigidus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,rigidus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rubus,roribaccus,,dewberry,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Rubus,roribaccus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,rosaceus,,Blackberry,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Rubus,rosaceus, ,Blackberry,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Large Small

to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 6,7,8”,”Eur,

In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Rubus,rosaceus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,rosifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,selmeri,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,spectabilis, ,salmonberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rubus,spp., ,balckberries,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Rubus,trivialis, ,southern dewberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rubus,ulmifolius,,Blackberry,HHHX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,ulmifolius,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Rubus,ulmifolius, ,Blackberry,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Large Small

to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

5,6,7,8,9”,”Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria


CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Rubus,ulmifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,ursinus,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,ursinus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,var. strigosus, ,American red raspberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rubus,velox, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,vestitus,,Blackberry,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Rubus,vestitus, ,Blackberry,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,animal (not bird), internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Large Small

to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

6,7,8”,”Eur, In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Rubus,vestitus, ,European blackberry ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Rubus,vestitus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,vitifolius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubus,vitifolius, ,grapeleaf blackberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Rubus,vitifolius, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Rubus,x loganobaccus,R. ursinus in NSW,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Rubus,x proteus, ,bramble,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

grassland, fynbos, forest margins, plantationsCultivated for: edible

fruit”,Origin: S Afr,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Rubus,x proteus, ,bramble,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

grassland, fynbos, forest margins, plantationsCultivated for: edible

fruit”,Origin: S Afr,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Sanguisorba,canadensis, ,Canadian burnet,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sanguisorba,minor,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Sanguisorba,minor, ,Salad Burnet,,,,Poterium sanguisorba,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Sanguisorba,minor, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sanguisorba,minor, ,small burnet,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sanguisorba,occidentalis, ,,,,,”seed tested within 1yr of

collection; 64% germ at alt. 20-30C with alt. light/dark & 60% in

dark; 64% at 20C constant in dark, 64% with alt. light/dark at 15C &

32% in dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Sanguisorba,officinalis, ,Garden burnet,,,,”seed tested

within 1 yr of collection; at 15C, germ in dark 0% & 8% with alt.

light/dark; at 20C in dark 0% & alt. light/dark 4%; at alt. 20-30C in

dark 4% & alt. light/dark 28%”,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sanguisorba,officinalis, ,,,,,”perennial dominance,

sub-dominance “, Oita ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Sanguisorba,officinalis, ,garden burnet,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spiraea,alba, ,narrowleaf meadowsweet,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spiraea,cantonensis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Spiraea,cantonesis, ,,,,,”Region of origin - China, Japan;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental”,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Spiraea,douglasii, ,Douglas spirea,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spiraea,japonica, ,Japanese spirea,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Spiraea,japonica, ,Japanese spirea,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spiraea,japonica,,, Coastal and Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Spiraea,japonica,,Japanese spiraea,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Spiraea,latifolia, ,meadowsweet,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spiraea,prunifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spiraea,tomentosa, ,hardhack,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Anotis,spermacoce, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Anotis,spermacoce, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Anthocephalus,chinensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Anthocephalus,chinensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Asperula,arvensis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Asperula,arvensis, ,Blue Woodruff,,,,,”Mainland Europe

except NE, less in Denmark, Sweden & Norway”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Asperula,arvensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Asperula,odorata,,Common Name(s): Sweet woodriff,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Potential Invasive ""Perennial, 15-45 cm high, flowers 6 mm, white 4-lobed, stems hairy, leaves in whorls, lanceolate or elliptical """,Europe. Habitat: Woods," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Borreria,alata,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Borreria,alata,”syn Borreria latifolia, Borreria

scaberrima”,,,,,”in regions with a short or with a pronounced

dry season, on sunny or lightly shaded fallow fields or those with a

second crop, along roads, steep riverbanks, tea & cinchona

plantations; up to 1600m alt; often abundant on washed-out soils &

then conspicuou”,”tropical Amer, Indonesia: Sumatra, Java &

Kalimantan, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Borreria,alata, ,,,,,Borreria alata is a weed of 27 crops in 30

countries. Initially it was a problem in plantation crops but it is now a

major weed in many cultivated crops.,,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Borreria,distans,syn ,,,,,”roadsides & near

watercourses, locally common in regions witha pronounced dry season; at

low latitude; from 0-120m alt; flowering throughout the year; upland rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”tropical Amer, in Dec 1924

found for the first time near the railway station of Yogyakarta (C.

Java), where it was already abundant”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Borreria,laevis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Borreria,laevis,syn ,,,,,”in areas witha short or pornounced

dry season, on sunny or lightly shaded grassy sites, especially on hard

soils, along roadsides, on lawns; locally abundant; up to 1200m alt;

flowers throughout the year; upland rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, “,”tropical Amer, introd in Java long ago; almost

pantropic; throughout Indonesia, except Kalimantan, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Borreria,laevis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Borreria,ocymoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Borreria,ocymoides, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Borreria,poaya, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Borreria,poaya, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Borreria,princeae, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Borreria,princeae, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Borreria,repens,syn ,,,,,”grassy roadsides, under bamboo,

in village grooves, particularly in damp shaded sites, nowhere

widespread; up to 1000m alt (Java); flowers throughout the year; upland

& tidal rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”tropical Amer, pantropical; throughout Indonesia, except

Sulawesi & the Moluccas, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Borreria,verticillata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Borreria,verticillata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Canthium,hispidum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Canthium,hispidum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Cephalanthus,occidentalis, ,common buttonbush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cinchona,succirubra, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Coffea,arabica,,coffee,XXS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Coffea,arabica, ,,,,,Region of origin - trop Afr; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - Agriculture - crop,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Coffea,arabica, ,Coffee ,,,,TREES.,,”Environmental Weeds

Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Coffea,arabica, ,Coffee ,,,,Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest

Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Coffea,arabica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Coffea,”spp. (C. arabica, C. liberica, C.

robusta)”,,coffee,XXS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Coprosma,repens,,”New Zealand mirror-bush, mirror

plant”,HHXS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Coprosma,repens, ,New Zealand Mirror-bush,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Large Small to

medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,5,6,7,9,10,12,13”,”Introduced deliberately from: NZ and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Coprosma,repens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Coprosma,robusta,,Karamu,HH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Coprosma,robusta, ,Karamu,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Large Small to medium

shrubhrub/Tree. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 6,7”,”Introduced

deliberately from: NZ and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or

localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria

Crucianella,angustifolia, ,,,,,C. oxyloba,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Crucianella,angustifolia, ,,,,,C. oxyloba,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Dentella,repens,syn Oldenlandia repens,,,,,”in everwet

regions or in regions with a pronounced dry season, on light to very

heavy soils, fallow fields, in sugarcane fields, dry riverbeds,

wastelands, especially on heavy soils; locally abundant; rainfed, gogo

rancah & upland rice fields, a weed of m”,”tropical Asia,

Asia; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Diodia,sarmentosa,,,"coffee, tea, leucaena, Stevia sp. plantations",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Diodia,teres,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Diodia,teres, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Diodia,teres, ,poorjoe,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Diodia,virginiana, ,Virginia buttonweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Galium,aparine,,”cleavers, goosegrass, catchweed,

bedstraw, velcro plant, stickywilly”,HX,NL,WA,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Galium,aparine, ,Cleavers,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Very serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,5,6,8,12,13”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Galium,aparine, ,Bedstraw,,,,”fresh seed high germ%; germ

in dark on moistened soil, or soak seeds & allow to swell in KNO3

soln”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Galium,aparine, ,,,,,G. spurium subsp. tenerum,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Galium,aparine, ,”cleavers, goosegrass”,,,, Declared

spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Galium,aparine, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Galium,aparine, ,catchweed bedstraw,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Galium,aparine, ,”cleavers, goosegrass”,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Galium,asprellum, ,rough bedstraw,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Galium,bifolium, ,,,,,”dormancy broken by 27min treatment

with conc. sulfuric acid, germ at 8C; untreated 16mth old seed planted in

soil in autumn germ 100%, this probably due to fungi action on seed coat

over winter & not effect of low temps”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Galium,boreale, ,Northern bedstraw,,,,64% germ of alt. temp

20-30C & alt. light/dark on moist blotters in petri dishes;

prechilling at 3C for 3-4wks inc. germ,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Galium,boreale, ,northern bedstraw,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Galium,divaricatum,,,XH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Galium,divaricatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Galium,mollugo, ,Smooth bedstraw,,,,high germ % of freshly harvested

seed as well dry stored seed; germ well under constant or alt. temps of

various ranges & alt. light/dark,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Galium,mollugo,,"Common Name(s): White bedstraw, Cleavers, Wild madder","Avail nurseries, Grass Potential Invasive ""Perennial, 4-10 dm high, white terminal flowers, stem erect, branched, 8 leaves in a whorl on stem ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Fields and roadsides, meadows, waste places"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Galium,mollugo, ,smooth bedstraw,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Galium,murale,,Small Bedstraw,XH,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Galium,murale, ,Small Bedstraw,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

3,4,5”,”Med,S Eur, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Galium,murale, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Galium,palustre,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Galium,parisiense, ,,,,,”G. anglicum, G.

aparinella”,Central and Western Europe & UK,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Galium,parisiense, ,,,,,”G. anglicum, G.

aparinella”,Central and Western Europe & UK,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Galium,spurium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Galium,spurium, ,,,,,”G. vaillantii, G. aparine subsp.

spurium”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Galium,spurium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Galium,spurium, ,,,,,biennial sub-dominance , Upland Korea

,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Galium,spurium, ,,,P,,,33~34~35~36~37~39,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Galium,tenerum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Galium,tricorne, ,,,,,low temp requirements for germ; optimum

7-13C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Galium,tricornutum,,bedstraw,,L,WA & a weed in

Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Galium,tricornutum, ,,,,,G. ticorne,”Mainland Europe,

Norway & Sweden”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Galium,tricornutum, ,bedstraw,,,,,,Weed Science List

Galium,tricornutum, ,bedstraw,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Galium,verrucosum, ,,,,,”G. valantia, G.

saccharatum”,”Central & Southern Europe, less in

North”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Galium,verrucosum, ,,,,,”G. valantia, G.

saccharatum”,”Central & Southern Europe, less in

North”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Galium,verum, ,yellow bedstraw,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Galium ,palustre, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of spread

- localised; Means of spread - unknown,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report

# 3

Geophila,repens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Geophilla,repens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Guettarda,speciosa, ,,,,,”, coconut”,Cook Islands;

French Polynesia; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; New Caledonia; Niue;

American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tokelau,”“Weeds

of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Hedyotis,auricularia,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hedyotis,auricularia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hedyotis,auricularia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Hedyotis,corymbosa,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hedyotis,corymbosa,”syn Hedyotis ramosa, Oldenlandia

corymbosa; Oldenlandia ramosa”,,,,,”in sunny, not too wet

sites, especially on hard or stony soil on roadsides, base of walls,

gardens, premises, lawns, fallow fields; often abundant; up to 1500m alt;

flowers throughout the year; rainfed, upland & lebak rice fields, a

weed of minor importan”,”unknown, Asia; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Hedyotis,diffusa,”syn Hedyotis herbacea; Oldenlandia

diffusa, Oldenlandia brachypoda”,,,,,”in marshy or fallow

fields, dry riverbeds, along watercourses; up to 1500m alt; rainfed,

upland & tidal rice fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”unknown,

Asia; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Mitracarpum,scabrum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mitracarpum,scabrum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Mitracarpus,hirtus,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Mitracarpus,hirtus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mitracarpus,villosus,syn Mitracarpus scaber,,,,,”regions

with a pronounced dry season; on fallow & planted rice fields, along

roads; up to 1300m alt; locally common; upland rice fields, might become

a serious weed, due to its fast growth & dominance in various crops;

a serious weed in Nigeria, “,”NW Afr (Senegal), along the Nile,

has been observed in W Java in the Karawang area, NE of Jakarta”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Oldendlandia,capensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oldendlandia,capensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Oldendlandia,lancifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Oldendlandia,lancifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Oldenlandia,corymbosa,Hedyotis corymbosa var.

corymbosa,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Oldenlandia,corymbosa,Hedyotis corymbosa var.

caespitosa,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Paederia,craddasiana,,”sewer vine, onion

vine”,,,,”Catergory II - Species that shown a potential to

disrupt native plant communities. These species may become ranked as

Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated disruption of natural Florida

communities. “,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Paederia,foetida, ,skunk vine,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Paederia,foetida,,"lesser Malayan stinkwort ""lesser Malayan stinkwort"" "" stinkwort, lesser Malayan"" ","sugarcane, secondary forest; climbs over shrubs and treesópotential environmental weed",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Paederia,foetida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paederia,foetida, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Paederia,foetida,,skunk vine,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Paederia,scandens, ,,,,, , Miyasaki Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Psychotria,ruelliaefolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Psychotria,ruelliaefolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Richardia,brasiliensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Richardia,brasiliensis, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Richardia,brasiliensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Richardia,brasiliensis,syn Richardsonia

brasiliensis,,,,,”in areas with a rather strong or no dry season, on

sunny or lightly shaded, not too dry sites, especially on pervious soils,

fields, gardens, premises, in tea & cinchona plantations; up to 2000m

alt; locally abundant' flowers throughout the year; upland

r”,”S tropical Amer, introd into Java before 1900; in

Indonesia: Sumatra, Java & Kalimantan, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Richardia,brasiliensis, ,Brazil callalily,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Richardia,humistrata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Richardia,scabra,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Richardia,scabra, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web Address:

,,”Florida Weeds,


Richardia,scabra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Richardia,scabra, ,Florida purslane,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Richardia,stellaris,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Richardia,stellaris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rubia,peregrina, ,Wild Madder,,,,,”SW Europe, UK &

Eire inc Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Rubia,peregrina, ,Wild Madder,,,,,”SW Europe, UK &

Eire inc Greece”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Rubia,tinctorum, ,Madder,,,,,”Central & Southern

Europe, less in Central & Western regions”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Rubia,tinctorum, ,Madder,,,,,”Central & Southern

Europe, less in Central & Western regions”,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Sherardia,arvensis,,field madder,XXXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Sherardia,arvensis, ,Field Madder,,,,”Dispersal: ?. Life

Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,4,5,12”,”Eur,NW

As, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Sherardia,arvensis, ,Field matter,,,,95% germ at optimum temp

of 13C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Sherardia,arvensis, ,Field madder,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Sherardia,arvensis, ,Field madder,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sherardia,arvensis, ,Field madder,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spermacoce,articulatis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Spermacoce,assurgens,,,"rice, maize, coconuts, sugarcane, bananas, pasture, gardens, forest clearings",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Spermacoce,laevis, ,buttonplant,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Spermacoce,mauritiana,,,"invades tracks in primary rainforest; rice, sugarcane, gardens, lawns",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"


Ruppia,maritima,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Ruppia,maritima, var. rostrata Ruppia rostellata,Widgeon

grass,,,,seeds germ at once after harvest or following spring; seeds

placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors; total germ 44%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Ruppia,maritima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Aegle,marmelos,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Agathosma,crenulata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Casimiroa,edulis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Choisya,ternata,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Citrus,aurantifolia, ,lime,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Citrus,aurantium, ,sour orange,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Citrus,lemonica, ,Rough Lemon ,,,,Major

WeedTREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Citrus,limon,,bush lemon,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Citrus,limonia, ,Rough Lemon ,,,,Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest

Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Citrus,limonia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Citrus,medica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Citrus,sinensis, ,sweet orange,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Citrus,X limonia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Coleonema,album,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Coleonema,album, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Coleonema,pulchellum,,Diosma,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Coleonema,pulchellum, ,Diosma,,,,”Dispersal: Water,?Ant.

Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

2”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Coleonema,pulchrum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Coleonema,pulchrum, ,,,,,Region of origin - S Afr; Extent of

spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Murraya,exotica,,orange jessamine,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Murraya,exotica, ,Murraya ,,,,SHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds

Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Murraya,koenigii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Murraya,paniculata,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Murraya,paniculata, ,,,,,”Region of origin - India,

Malesia; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Murraya,paniculata, ,Murraya ,,,,Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest

Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Murraya,paniculata,,orange-jasmine,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Poncirus,trifoliata, ,”trifoliate orange, hardy

orange”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Ptelea,trifoliata, ,hoptree,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Ruta,graveolens,,rue,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ruta,graveolens, ,,,,,”Region of origin - SE Eur, Balkans

Peninsula; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Ruta,graveolens, ,Rue,,,,Dispersal: ?Ant. Life Form: Small to

medium shrub. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 5,”Introduced

deliberately from: SE Eur,SW As and Commercially Available, , In

Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Severina,buxifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Triphasia,trifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Triphasia,trifoliata,,lime berry,,,,”Catergory II - Species

that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species

may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Zanthoxylum,americanum, ,pricklyash,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Zanthoxylum,clava-herculis, ,herculesclub,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Zanthoxylum,fagara, ,Arum lily,,,,,,Weed Science List

Zanthoxylum,fagara, ,colima,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Zanthoxylum,fagara, ,Arum lily,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List


Populus,alba,,”white poplar, silver-leafed poplar,

abele”,XXXXwH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Populus,alba,,White poplar,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Spreads vegetatively, hybridizes with native species ""30 m high, flowering catkins producing pollen, pre formed rhomboidal leaves, 3-5 lobed, blue-green ""","Europe. Habitat: Beach habitats, urban areas"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Populus,alba, ,White Poplar,,,,Dispersal: Vegetative. Life

Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur,W As,N Af and Commercially Available, , In

Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Populus,alba, ,White poplar ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to moderately

invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Populus,alba, ,white populus,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Populus,alba, ,white poplar,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

riverbanks, vleis, dongasCultivated for: timber, shelter,

ornament”,Origin: Europe & Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Populus,alba, ,white poplar,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades:

riverbanks, vleis, dongasCultivated for: timber, shelter,

ornament”,Origin: Europe & Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Populus,alba, ,poplar,,,,,,Weed Science List

Populus,alba, ,white poplar,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Populus,alba,,white poplar,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Populus,balsamifera, ,balsam poplar,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Populus,canescens,,poplar,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Populus,canescens, ,poplar,,,,,,Weed Science List

Populus,canescens, ,poplar,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Populus,deltoides, ,eastern cottonwood,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Populus,fremontii, ,Fremont cottonwood,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Populus,grandidentata, ,bigtooth aspen,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Populus,heterophylla, ,swamp cottonwood,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Populus,nigra,,”Lombardy poplar, black

cherry”,XXwH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Populus,nigra, ,Lombardy Poplar,,,,Dispersal: Water. Life

Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,”Introduced

deliberately from: C As and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare

or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Populus,nigra, ,black poplar,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Populus,nigra, ,poplar,,,,,,Weed Science List

Populus,nigra var.italica,,Lombardy poplar,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive ""15 m high, leaves alternate, smooth margined, triangular, 5-10 cm long, bright green, fruits red, green or black""","Europe. Habitat: Woodlands, urban areas"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Populus,nigra var. italica, ,Lombardy poplar,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Populus,sargentii, ,plains cottonwood,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Populus,spp., ,poplar,,,,,,Weed Science List

Populus,tremula,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Populus,tremula, ,,,,,”Region of origin - Eur, Medit,

Asia, Japan; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Populus,tremuloides, ,trembling aspen,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Populus,trichocarpa, ,black cottonwood,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Populus,var. wislizenii, ,Rio Grande

cottonwood,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Populus,x canadensis, ,Carolina poplar,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Populus,x canescens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Populus,x canescens, ,gray poplar,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Populus,x canescens, ,grey poplar,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: riverbanks, vleis, dongasCultivated for: timber, shelter,

ornament, donga reclamation”,Origin: Europe & Asia,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Populus,x canescens, ,grey poplar,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: riverbanks, vleis, dongasCultivated for: timber, shelter,

ornament, donga reclamation”,Origin: Europe & Asia,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Populus,x jackii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Populus,x jackii, ,,,,,Region of origin - C & E N Amer;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental ,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Salix,alba,,white willow,HH,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,alba,,White Willow,,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,alba,,White Willow,,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Salix,alba,,White Willow,,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,alba,,white willow,X,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,alba, x S. matsudana,,,,,Region of origin - Nursery;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Salix,alba, var. vitellina,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Salix,alba, ,White Willow,,,,”Dispersal:

Water/Vegetative. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,9,10”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,N Af,W As and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: ?”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Salix,alba, ,white willow,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Salix,alba, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salix,alba,X fragilis,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salix,alba, ,white willow,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Salix,amygdaloides, ,peachleaf willow,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salix,atrocinerea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salix,babylonica,,weeping willow,HXXXH,NL,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,babylonica, ,Weeping Willow,,,,”Dispersal:

Water/Vegetative. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,9,10”,”Introduced deliberately from: Ch and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Salix,babylonica, ,weeping willow,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Salix,babylonica, ,weeping willow,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: watercoursesCultivated for: shade, ornament, fodder,

erosion control; provides honey”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Salix,babylonica, ,weeping willow,,,,”Declared Weed.

Subject of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: watercoursesCultivated for: shade, ornament, fodder,

erosion control; provides honey”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Salix,babylonica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salix,bebbiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salix,bebbiana, ,Bebb willow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salix,bebbiana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Salix,caprea,,,,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Salix,caprea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salix,caroliniana, ,ward willow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salix,caudata, ,whiplash willow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salix,cinerea,,grey sallow,A,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,cinerea,,grey sallow,A,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,cinerea,,grey sallow,HA,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,cinerea, ,Grey Sallow,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Vegetative,Wind. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub/Tree.

RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,9,10,15”,”Introduced

deliberately from: Eur,W As,N Af and Commercially Available, , In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Salix,cinerea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salix,discolor,,,,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Salix,exigua, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salix,exigua, ,sandbar willow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salix,exigua, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Salix,fragilis,,crack willow,XXA,NL,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,fragilis,,crack willow,XXA,NL,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,fragilis,,crack willow,XXA,NL,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,fragilis,,crack willow,XXA,NL,NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,fragilis, var. fragilis x S. nigra,,,,,Region of origin

- Natural' hybrid; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Salix,fragilis, var. furcata,,,,,Region of origin - Eur;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Salix,fragilis, ,crack willow,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Salix,fragilis, ,”crack willow, brittle

willow”,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: watercoursesCultivated for:

shade, ornament”,Origin: W. Europe,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Salix,fragilis, ,”crack willow, brittle

willow”,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: watercoursesCultivated for:

shade, ornament”,Origin: W. Europe,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Salix,fragilis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salix,humboltiana,,,,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Salix,humboltiana, var. pyramidalis,,,,,Region of origin -

Amer; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Salix,interior, ,ditchbank willow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salix,laevigata, ,red willow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salix,lasiandra, ,Pacific willow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salix,lutea, ,yellow willow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salix,matsudana,,,,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Salix,matsudana,,,,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Salix,matsudana,” cv. ““Tortuosa”““,,,,,Region

of origin - China ; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Salix,matsudana, x chrysochroma,,,,,Region of origin -

garden?; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Salix,nigra,,black willow,A,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,nigra, ,,,,,Region of origin - USA; Extent of spread -

localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Salix,nigra, ,black willow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salix,petiolaris, ,meadow willow,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salix,purpurea,,,,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Salix,purpurea, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur to Japan; Extent

of spread - localised ; Means of spread - soil stabilisation,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3


CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Salix,sp.,X rubens,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salix,spp., ,willows,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Salix,spp.,,willows,HXXXXw,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,spp., ,Willows ,,,,TREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of

North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Salix,triandra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salix,viminalis,,,,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Salix,viminalis, ,basket willow,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Salix,viminalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salix,X chrysocoma,,willow,X,L,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,X pendulina,,,,L,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Salix,x pendulina, ,,,,,Region of origin - garden; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Salix,X reichardtii,,,,L,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Salix,x reichardtii, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur hybrid;

Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for

Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Salix,X rubens,,crack willow,H,L,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Salix,x rubens, ,Crack Willow,,,,”Dispersal:

Water/Vegetative. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Very serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,9,10,13,14”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Salix,X rubra,,,,L,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Salix,x rubra, ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur hybrid; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - soil stabilisation,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Salix,X sepulcralis,,,,L,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Salix,X sepulcralis,,,,L,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Salix,x sepulcralis, var. sepulcralis,,,,,Region of origin -

garden; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Salix,x sepulcralis, var. chrysocoma,,,,,Region of origin -

garden; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3


Salvinia,biloba,,,aquatic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Salvinia,cucullata,,"Salvinia ""Salvinia"" ","rice, waterways, wetlands",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Salvinia,herzogii,,,aquatic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Salvinia,molesta,,,aquatic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Salvinia,molesta, ,”Kariba weed,

salvinia”,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of herbicide registration.

Biocontrol: effective agents availableHerbaceous SpeciesInvades:

slow-moving water in rivers & dams, in frost-free regionsCultivated

for: ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Salvinia,molesta, ,”Kariba weed,

salvinia”,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of herbicide registration.

Biocontrol: effective agents availableHerbaceous SpeciesInvades:

slow-moving water in rivers & dams, in frost-free regionsCultivated

for: ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa.


Salvinia,molesta, ,Salvinia N ,,,,” PROCLAIMED PLANTS IN

SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. * Control

required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n Notifiable

in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c Special

program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods etc.

Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Salvinia,molesta, ,salvinia,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Salvinia,molesta,syn Salvinia auriculata,salvinia,,,,”on

stagnant or slow-flowing shallow water; ponds, lakes, watercourses,

fishponds; up to 1800 alt in W Java; sometimes very abundant &

covering the whole water surface (when the water is stagnant or

slow-moving); lowland-irrigated rice fields, a weed of mi”,”S

Amer, pantropic; in Indonesia: so far found in Sumatra, Java &

Kalimantan”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Salvinia,molesta, ,salvinia,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Salvinia,natans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salvinia,natans, ,Salvinia,,,,”annual sub-dominance

Aquatic weed, free-floating”, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Salvinia,natans,,Salvinia,"rice, waterways wetlands",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Salvinia,natans,syn ,,,,,”irrigated fields, ditches

& shallow pools; up to 1600m alt; locally often abundant, a weed of

minor importance, “,”temperate zone of the northern half of the

Old World, SE Asia; from S Afr to C Eur; in Indonesia: so far found in

Java & Sulawesi”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Salvinia,natans, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Salvinia,nymphellula, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salvinia,nymphellula, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Salvinia,rotundifolia, ,Salvinia,,,,vegetative

propagation,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Salvinia,rotundifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salvinia,auriculata, ,Salvinia ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Salvinia,cucullata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Salvinia,cucullata,syn ,small rat's ear,,,,”in sunny

open waters; up to 700m alt; lowland-irrigated rice fields, a weed of

minor importance, “,”temperate zone of the northern half of the

Old World, SE Asia; from India to W Aust; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Salvinia,cucullata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Salvinia,molesta, ,salvinia,,,,”, “,Cook Islands;

Fiji; French Polynesia; New Caledonia; Papua New Guinea

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Salvinia,molesta, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Salvinia,molesta,Salvinia auriculata

(misapplied),”salvinia, karibaweed”,XXXHHH,NL,”NSW; Vic;

Qld; SA; NT; WA; Tas, ACT”,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Salvinia,rotundifolia, ,salvinia,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salvinia,rotundifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited



Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Salvinia,spp., ,,,P,,All Salvinia spp. are prohibited by

AQIS except S. molesta (which is Declared in W.A.),,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Salvinia,molesta, Salvinia auriculata

(misapplied),”salvinia, karibaweed”,,,,”spread throughout

world as aquarium plant escape; serious weed of rivers, streams, lakes,

storage dams, & even rice fields, “,”native to S Amer,

mainly along east coast of Aust from Ulladulla in southern NSW to

Julatten in northern Qld; Alligator River system in Darwin; upper reaches

of Mitchell River on Cape York Peninsula; Melbourne Vic; Adelaide &

Wikerie SA; Perth area & D”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”


Sambucus,callicarpa, ,Pacific red elder,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sambucus,canadensis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sambucus,canadensis, ,American elder,,,,”seeds planted

in greenhouse after collection germ 5% within 55-330days, those in

planted in soil flats & exposed to winter weather outdoors for 83days

germ 57% within 25-70days after transfer to greenhouse”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sambucus,canadensis, ,American elder,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sambucus,gaudichaudiana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sambucus,glauca, ,blueberry elder,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sambucus,nigra,,elderberry,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Sambucus,nigra, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Thesium,humile, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Thesium,humile, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List


Alectryon,tomentosus,,woolly rambutan,X,G,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa


balloonvine,HX,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cardiospermum,grandiflorum, ,Balloon Vine ,,,,Major

WeedVINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Cardiospermum,grandiflorum, ,balloon vine,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, watercourses, urban open spaces, in

subtropical regions.Cultivated for: ornament”,Origin: tropical

America,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cardiospermum,grandiflorum, ,balloon vine,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, watercourses, urban open spaces, in

subtropical regions.Cultivated for: ornament”,Origin: tropical

America,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cardiospermum,grandiflorum, ,Balloon Vine ,,,,Major

WeedVines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Cardiospermum,grandiflorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cardiospermum,halicacabum, ,balloon vine,,,,”Africa,

hilly slopes”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Niue; Solomon

Islands; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty

in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Cardiospermum,halicacabum,,”love in a puff, balloon

vine”,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cardiospermum,halicacabum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Cardiospermum,halicacabum, ,heart pea or balloon

vine,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: forest margins, woodland, grassland,

riverbanks, kloofs, floodplains, rocky sites.Cultivated for:

ornament”,Origin: N & tropical America,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cardiospermum,halicacabum, ,heart pea or balloon

vine,,,,”Woody SpeciesInvades: forest margins, woodland, grassland,

riverbanks, kloofs, floodplains, rocky sites.Cultivated for:

ornament”,Origin: N & tropical America,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cardiospermum,halicacabum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cardiospermum,halicacabum, ,balloonvine,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cardiospermum,halicacabum,,balloonvine,,,,”RANK 3.

“LESSER THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread

and remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas;

also some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Cupaniopsis,anacardioides, ,carrotwood,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cupaniopsis,anacardioides,,carrotwood,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Dodonaea,viscosa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Koelreuteria,elegans,K. paniculata,”Chinese rain tree,

flame gold, golden rain tree”,XS,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Koelreuteria,elegans,,golden shower tree,,,,”Catergory

II - Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities.

These species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet

demonstrated disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of

Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Melicoccus,bijugatus, ,Spanish lime,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Serjania,exarata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious



Bumelia,lanuginosa, ,gum bumelia,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bumelia,lycioides, ,buckthorn bumelia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Manilkara,zapota, ,sapodilla,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Pouteria,campechiana, ,”canistel, yellow sapote”,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Pouteria,dominigensis, ,dominican pouteria,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”


Anemopsis,californica, ,yerba mansa,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Houttuynia,cordata, ,,,,,annual sub-dominance , Shizuoka

Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Houttuynia,cordata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Saururus,cernuus, ,lizardtail,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Heuchera,americana, ,,,,,47% germ at 20-25C in diffuse

light in 15-38days,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Hydrangea,arborescens, ,smooth hydrangea,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hydrangea,quercifolia, ,oakleaf hydrangea,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Parnassia,palustris, ,northern grass of Parnassus,,,,seeds

germ in 1st spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar

to those prevailing outdoors until germ; 86% germ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Saxifraga,granulata, ,,,,,98% germ at once or soon after

harvest; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Saxifraga,oppositifolia, ,,,,,vegetative propagation by

adventitious roots; seedlings not observed in nature in Britian; seeds

tested on filter paper in lab very low & poor germ,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Saxifraga,rhomboidea, ,,,,,”fresh seed highly dormant;

18mths air-dry storage at 18C, 21% germ in dark at 18C; various

treatments & combinations of treatments failed to hasten the breaking

of dormancy”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Saxifraga,spp., ,,,,,”a detailed account of taxonomy,

biology & ecology of 4 mossy species Saxifraga cespitosa, S. hartii,

S. hypnoides & S. rosacea”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Saxifraga,tridactylites, ,Rue Leaved Saxifrage,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Saxifraga,tridactylites, ,Rue Leaved Saxifrage,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”


Lygodium,japonicum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lygodium,japonicum, ,Japanese climbing fern,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Lygodium,japonicum,,Japanese climbing fern,"Nature: Rhizomatous delicate vine, climbing and twining to form clumps thatcan cover shrubs and trees. One of three species of climbing fern (the others--L. palmatum in the Blue Ridge and L. microphyllum in FL-are native.) Uses: OrnamentalHerbicide control","Origin: Introduced from JapanRange: Lower halves of SC, GA, AL, MS, and LA, and central FL.","EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANTS IN SOUTHEASTERN FORESTS, James H. Miller, Southern Research Station USDA Forest Service Auburn University, AL, weed"

Lygodium,japonicum,,Japanese climbing

fern,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are invading and disrupting

native plant communities in Florida. This definition does not rely on the

economic severity or geographical range of the problem, but on the

documented ecological damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Lygodium,microphyllum, ,old world climbing fern,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Lygodium,microphyllum,,Old World climbing

fern,,,,”Catergory I - Species that are invading and disrupting

native plant communities in Florida. This definition does not rely on the

economic severity or geographical range of the problem, but on the

documented ecological damage caused.”,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Lygodium,scandens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lygodium,scandens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited



Aeginetia,spp.,,,parasitic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Alectra,spp.,,,parasitic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Angelonia,salicariifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Antirrhinum,orontium, ,,,,,fresh seed starts germ

immediately at room temp; no dormancy,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Antirrhinum,orontium,syn Misopates

orontium,”Snapdragon, Calf's snout”,,,,”gardens, orchards,

fields”,”Medit, Eru, W & C Asia”,”The Weed Flora

of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Artanema,longifolium,”syn Artanema longiflorum, A.

sesamoides, Diceros longifolius, Sesamum javanicum”,,,,,”on

soggy grassland, along watercourses, on field dikes; from 0-250m

alt;flowers in Java from May-Dec; rainfed, lebak & tidal rice fields,

a weed of minor importance, “,”Amer or subtropical Afr,

throughout Indonesia, except the Lesser Sunda Islands & the Moluccas,

as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Bacopa,amplexicaulis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bacopa,caroliniana, ,,,,,Region of origin - SE USA;

Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds

Tech Series Report # 3

Bacopa,caroliniana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bacopa,caroliniana, ,Carolina

waterhyssop,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bacopa,crenata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bacopa,crenata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Bacopa,eisenii, ,Eisen waterhyssop,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Bacopa,erecta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Bacopa,erecta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Bacopa,monnieri,”syn Herpestis monnieria, Herpestis

spathulata”,,,,,”moist or soggy sites, especially on saline or

akaline soils, often near the sea, soggy grasslands, in pools; often

abundant; from 0-300m alt; flowers throughout the year; lowland-irrigated

& rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”tropical Asia, in Indonesia: so far found in Java, Kangean

Island & Lombok”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Bacopa,procumbens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Bacopa,procumbens,”syn Bacopa chamaedryoides;

Erinus procumbens, Herpestis chamaedryoides”,,,,,”soggy sites

& borders of drains, disturbed lands & heavily grazed grasslands;

up to 1900m alt; flowers throughout the year; rainfed rice fields, a weed

of minor importance, “,”tropical Amer, spreading slowly; was

found for the first time in 1907 near Bogor (W.Java); also found in Irian

Jaya”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Bacopa,rotundifolia,syn ,,,,,”in shallow water or

floating in mats; in & near lakes, ponds, pools, marshes, ditches;

rooting in the mud; up to 700m alt; lowland-irrigated & rainfed rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”southeastern USA, in

Indonesia: Java & Sulawesi, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice

in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Bacopa ,floribunda,”syn Herpestis floribunda, Mella

floribunda”,,,,,”in soggy or moist sites, but also in

desiccated fallow fields; often abundant; rarely in dry riverbeds &

in & along pools; from 0-1300m alt; lowland-irrigated & rainfed

rice fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”tropical Asia,

throughout Indonesia, except Kalimantan, the Moluccas & Irian Jaya,

as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Bartsia,trixago,Bellardia trixago,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Bellardia,trixago, ,Bellardia ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Bellardia,trixago, ,Bellardia,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal external,?Wind. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,”,”Med, In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Bellardia,trixago, ,,,,,Bartsia trixago,Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Bellardia,trixago, ,”bellardia, Mediterranean

lineseed”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Bellardia,trixago, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Calceolaria,tripartita,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Calceolaria,tripartita, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Castilleja,coccinea, ,Indian paintbrush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Castilleja,exserta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Castilleja,sessiliflora, ,downy

paintbrush,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Castilleja,spp., ,Paint brush,,,,little or no germ of

seeds obtained in 2 studies,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Casuarina,cristata, ,scalybark casuarina,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Celsia,cretica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Chaenorhinum,minus, ,Small Toadflax,,,,Linaria minus,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chaenorhinum,minus,, dwarf snapdragon,"Possible Weed of Agriculture, Grassland and Forest: High Weed Potential in Disturbed areas",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Chaenorhinum,minus, ,Small Toadflax,,,,Linaria minus,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Chaenorhinum,minus, ,Dwarf snapdragon ,,,,PRELIMINARY

LIST OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Chaenorhinum,minus, ,dwarf snapdragon,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cymbalaria,muralis,,”ivy leafed toadflax,

Kenilworth ivy”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cymbalaria,muralis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cymbalaria,muralis, ,Kenilworth ivy,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Digitalis,lanata, ,,,,,treat conc. sulfuric acid 10-40

sec; germ in soil,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Digitalis,purpurea, ,Foxglove ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Digitalis,purpurea, ,Foxglove,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal external,?Wind,?Water. Life Form: Biennial. RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 6,7,8,13,15”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, small populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Digitalis,purpurea, ,Common foxglove,,,,74% germ at

20-30C with alt. light/dark; treat with conc. sulfuric acid 20 sec for

fresh seed,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Digitalis,purpurea,,foxglove ,"Beautiful, and widely escaped. Forms large stands.",,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Digitalis,purpurea, ,Foxglove ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Digitalis,purpurea, ,common foxglove,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Digitalis,purpurea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Digitalis,purpurea, ,common foxglove,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Dischisma,arenarium,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Dischisma,arenarium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dischisma,capitatum,D. capitata in WA,,H,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Dischisma,capitatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dopatrium,junceum, ,,,,, , Japan,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Dopatrium,junceum,”syn Ilygethos sphaerocarpus,

Lindernia sphaerocarpa, Vandellia sphaerocarpa”,,,,,”soggy or

wet fields; usually scattered; from 0-1000m alt; lowland-irrigated &

rainfed rice fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”Asia, Asia;

in Indonesia: Java, Sulawesi, as far as known”,”Weeds of Rice

in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Gratiola,japonica, ,,,,, , Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Gratiola,juncea, ,,,,,annual sub-dominance , ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Hebe,elliptica,,hebe,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Hebe,parviflora,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Hebe,speciosa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Kickxia,commutata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Kickxia,commutata, ,,,,,Linaria commutata,Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Kickxia,commutata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Kickxia,elatine,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Kickxia,elatine,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Kickxia,elatine, ,Sharp leaved Fluellen,,,,Linaria

elatine,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Kickxia,elatine, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Kickxia,elatine, ,sharppoint fluvellin,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Kickxia,lanigera, ,,,,,”Linaria lanigera, L

racemigera”,Spain & Portugal,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Kickxia,lanigera, ,,,,,”Linaria lanigera, L

racemigera”,Spain & Portugal,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Kickxia,spuria,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Kickxia,spuria, ,Round leaved Fluellen,,,,Linaria

spuria,Mainland Europe & UK except NE & Denmark,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Kickxia,spuria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Limnophila,conferta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Limnophila,conferta, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Limnophila,erecta,syn ,,,,,”soggy sites, especially

inundated fields; from 0-1500m alt (Irian Jaya); flowers throughout the

year; lowland-irrigated, lebak & tidal rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, eaten as a potherb in W Java, because of its

fragrance”,”tropical Asia, tropical Asia; throughout Indonesia,

except the Lesser Sunda Islands, the Moluccas & Irian Jaya, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Limnophila,heterophylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Limnophila,heterophylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Limnophila,micrantha, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Limnophila,micrantha, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Limnophila,sessiliflora,,,aquatic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Limnophila,sessiliflora, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems

Web Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Limnophila,sessiliflora, ,Limnophila,,,,” Aquatic

weed, emerged Part of the world South-East Asia Height 15-40 cm Width 4-7

cm Light requirements average-high Temperature 22-26oC Hardness tolerance

soft-hard pH tolerance acid-neutral Easiness easy Limnophila sessiliflora

is”, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Limnophila,villosa,syn Limnophila

javanica,,,,,”soggy sites, especially rice fields; from 0-1250m alt

(Irian Jaya); lowland-irrigated & lebak rice fields, a weed of minor

importance, “,”tropical Asia, throughout Indonesia, except the

Lesser Sunda Islands, the Moluccas & Irian Jaya, as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Linaria,angustissima, ,,,,,L. italica,Central to

Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,angustissima, ,,,,,L. italica,Central to

Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,arvensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Linaria,arvensis, ,Corn Toadflax,,,,,Mainland Europe

except NE & Denmark,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,arvensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Linaria,canadensis, ,oldfield toadflax,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Linaria,chalepensis, ,,,,,,SE Europe in Italy,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,chalepensis, ,,,,,,SE Europe in Italy,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,dalmatica,= L. genistifolia ssp

dalmatica,Dalmatian toadflax,,,,”40% germ of seed prechilled at 3C

for 1-2wks, then germ at 20C or 20-30C in dark”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Linaria,dalmatica,”= L. genistifolia ssp

dalmaticasyn. Antirrhinum dalmaticum, Linaria

grandiflora”,”Dalmatian toadflax, broad-leaved

toadflax”,,,,Dalmatian toadflax has no value agriculturally or as a

forage plant; it is a serious weed because it is poisonous to livestock

& once established spreads & crowds out more useful pasture

species; in some cases it reduces carrying capacity to nilthe

entry,”native to the E Medit region, extending in an arc from the

Dalmatian coast of Yugoslavia through the Balkans, Turkey, N Syria &

N Iraq into Iran; there are two varieties: var. macedonica, which is of

limited range & found only in Macedonia, Albania,

Thess”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Linaria,dalmatica, ,dalmatian toadflax,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Linaria,dalmatica,= L. genistifolia ssp

dalmatica,Dalmatian toadflax,,,,,,Weed Science List

Linaria,dalmatica,= L. genistifolia ssp

dalmatica,Dalmatian toadflax,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of

Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS

14: 1966

Linaria,dalmatica ssp.dalmatica,,toadflax Dalmatian ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Linaria,vulgaris,,toadflax yellow,CLASS C WEED: Class C weeds are noxious weeds that are common throughout most of Washington. The following Class C weeds have been selected by the County Weed Board as priority weeds in King County and control is mandatory.,,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Linaria,dalmatica,= L. genistifolia ssp

dalmatica,Dalmatian toadflax,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Linaria,genistifolia,”L. dalmatica, Antirrhinum

dalmaticum, Linaria grandiflora”,”Dalmatian toadflax,

broad-leaved toadflax”,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Linaria,genistifolia, ,spp Dalmatian Toadflax dalmatica

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Linaria,genistifolia, ,subsp. dalmatica Dalmatian


- widespread ,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Linaria,genistifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Linaria,hirta, ,,,,,,Spain & Portugal,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,hirta, ,,,,,,Spain & Portugal,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,incarnata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Linaria,incarnata, ,,,,,L. bipartita,Spain &

Portugal,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,incarnata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Linaria,latifolia, ,,,,,,Spain & Portugal,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,latifolia, ,,,,,,Spain & Portugal,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,maroccana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Linaria,maroccana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Linaria,micrantha, ,,,,,,Portugal,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Linaria,micrantha, ,,,,,,Portugal,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Linaria,minor, ,Small toadflax,,,,”seed begin to

germ at once or soon after harvest, seeds placed in germinator &

exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; 96%

germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Linaria,minor, ,small toadflax,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Linaria,pelisseriana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Linaria,pelisseriana, ,Jersy Toadflax,,,,,Southern &

Western Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,pelisseriana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Linaria,reflexa, ,,,,,,Italy & Greece,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,reflexa, ,,,,,,Italy & Greece,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,repens, ,Pale Toadflax,,,,”L. striata, L.

blanca, L. mospessulana”,”Central & Northern to Western

Europe, less in UK, Eire, Scandinavia & Northen Europe”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,repens, ,Pale Toadflax,,,,”L. striata, L.

blanca, L. mospessulana”,”Central & Northern to Western

Europe, less in UK, Eire, Scandinavia & Northen Europe”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,ricardoi, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,ricardoi, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,sp.,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Linaria,sp., ,,,,,Region of origin - Eur; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Linaria,spartea, ,,,,,,Western Europe less in NW

regions,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,spartea, ,,,,,,Western Europe less in NW

regions,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,supina,”syn Antirrhinum supinum L., Linaria

ambigua E. Huet, Linaria multicaulis (L.) Mill., Linaria masedae Merino,

Linaria maritima DC., Linaria pyrenaica DC., Linaria haenseleri sensu

Merino, non Boiss. & Reut.”,,,,,,SW Europe in Italy,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,supina,”syn Antirrhinum supinum L., Linaria

ambigua E. Huet, Linaria multicaulis (L.) Mill., Linaria masedae Merino,

Linaria maritima DC., Linaria pyrenaica DC., Linaria haenseleri sensu

Merino, non Boiss. & Reut.”,,,,,,SW Europe in Italy,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,supina,”syn Antirrhinum supinum L., Linaria

ambigua E. Huet, Linaria multicaulis (L.) Mill., Linaria masedae Merino,

Linaria maritima DC., Linaria pyrenaica DC., Linaria haenseleri sensu

Merino, non Boiss. & Reut.”,,,,,”Species citations: D. A.

Sutton. 1988. A revision of the tribe Antirrhineae. (Rev Antirrh) 363. T.

G. Tutin et al., eds. 1964-1980. Flora europaea. (F Eur) Check other

databases for Linaria supina: Flora Eu”,SW Europe in Italy Species

range: France; Switzerland; Spain; Italy; Portugal,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Linaria,triphylla, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,triphylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Linaria,triphylla, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Linaria,vulgaris,,”common toadflax, yellow

toadflax”,w,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Linaria,vulgaris, ,Yellow toadflax,,,,20% germ in dark

with alt. temps of 20-30C; seeds placed in germinator & exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; 91-94% germ,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Linaria,vulgaris, ,Common Toadflax,,,,L. acutiloba,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Linaria,vulgaris, ,Yellow toadflax ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Linaria,vulgaris, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Linaria,vulgaris, ,yellow toadflax,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lindernia,anagallis, ,,,,,”perennial dominance,

sub-dominance “, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Lindernia,anagallis,”syn Lindernia angustifolia,

Lindernia cordiflora”,,,,,”marshy sites, both in savannahs

& high forests, riversides, swamps; from 0-1900m alt;

lowland-irrigated, rainfed, lebak & tidal rice fields, a weed of

minor importance, “,”Asia, Asia; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Lindernia,angustifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lindernia,angustifolia, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control

in Asia

Lindernia,angustifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Lindernia,antipoda,”syn Ilysanthes antipoda,

Ruellia antipoda”,,,,,”shaded or sunny, moist or swampy sites;

open forests, village grooves, on cultivated lands & borders of

ditches; up to 1800m alt; flowers throughout the year; lowland-irrigated,

rainfed & lebak rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”SE Asia, tropical & subtropical Asia, from India to

northern Aust & Polynesia; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of

Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Lindernia,ciliata,”syn Bonnaya brachiata, Gratiola

ciliata, Ilysanthes ciliata, Ilysanthes serrata”,,,,,”on sunny

or lightly shaded, often grassy sites, roadsides, fallow fields, on

lighter soils; often abundant; up to 700m alt; rainfed rice fields, a

weed of minor importance, “,”Asia, SE Asia from India to

northern Aust; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Lindernia,cordifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lindernia,cordifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Lindernia,crustacea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lindernia,crustacea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lindernia,crustaceae,”syn Lindernia minuta, Mimulus

javanicus, Torenia crustacea, Torenia minuta, Vandellia crustacea,

Vandellia minuta”,,,,,”wet sites, fields & gardens, along

roads, old walls, dikes, often on compact hard soils; may form a dense

truf on bare ground, if not disturbed; up to 3000m alt (mostly to 1500m);

flowers throughout the year; all kinds of rice fields, except gogo

rancah, “,”tropical Asia, tropics of Asia; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Lindernia,hyssopioides,”syn Bonnaya hyssopioides,

Gratiola hyssopioides, Ilysanthes hyssopioides”,,,,,”low

riversides, marshy areas; up to 900m alt; rainfed & tidal rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”India, India, Sri Lanka,

China, Malesia; Indonesia: so far found in Java &

Sumatra”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Lindernia,procumbens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lindernia,procumbens, ,,,,,annual sub-dominance ,

Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Lindernia,procumbens,”syn Lindernia nervosus,

Lindernia pyxidaria, Ilygethos nervosus, Vandellia erecta, Vandellia

nervosa”,,,,,”moist garden soils, water borders, fallow fields

previously planted with second crops, field dikes; up to 600m alt

(-2000m); lowland-irrigated, rainfed & gogo rancah rice fields, a

weed of minor importance, one of the most widespread of the species

centre”,”tropical Asia, Eur, India, Thailand, China, Japan, Malesia;

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Lindernia,procumbens, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Lindernia,pyxidaria, ,,,,,annual , Taiwan ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia


barclaiana,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lophospermum,erubescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


barclaiana,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Maurandya,barclaiana,syn Asarina barclaiana,,,,,Region

of origin - S Mexico; Extent of spread - localised; Means of spread -

ornamentalFound spreading into Acacia scrub on Garden Island WA. Uses for

taxon:Environmental: ornamental (fide Dict Gard as Asarina

barclaiana)Species citations: E. E. T,”Chihuahua, Mexico; Coahuila,

Mexico; Guanajuato, Mexico; Guerrero,Mexico; Mexico, Mexico; Nuevo Leon,

Mexico; Oaxaca, Mexico; San LuisPotosi, Mexico; Veracruz,

Mexico”,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Mazus,miquelii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mazus,miquelii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Mazus,pumilus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mazus,pumilus, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Mazus,stolonifer, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Mecardonia,dianthera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mecardonia,dianthera, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Melampyrum,arvense, ,Field Cow Pea,,,,M. argyrocomum,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Melampyrum,arvense, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Melampyrum,arvense, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Melampyrum,barbatum, ,,,,,,Central & SE Europe inc

Italy,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Melampyrum,barbatum, ,,,,,,Central & SE Europe inc

Italy,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Melampyrum,cristatum, ,,,,,94% germ soon after harvest

when exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Melampyrum,lineare, ,,,,,”84-95% germ of freshly

harvested & 2wk old seed, on filter paper moistened with either

distilled water, 0.2% soln of KNO3 or 0.01% GA at 12.5C; 6mth old seed

64% with 0.01% GA soln, 62% with KNO3 soln & 25% distilled water at

10C”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Mimulus,cardinalis, ,,,,,2 strains tested in petri

dishes & probably exposed to light; germ occurred within range of

16-33C in one strain & 12-34C in the other,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Mimulus,guttatus,M. luteus misapplied,,,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mimulus,guttatus, ,,,,,”86% germ with alt. temp

20-30C in dark, 84% with alt. light/dark & 58% at 20C constant in

dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Mimulus,guttatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mimulus,lewisii, ,,,,,2 strains tested in petri dishes 7

probably exposed to light; germ occurred within range of 12-34C in one

strain & 14-34C in the other,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Mimulus,moschatus,,musk monkey-flower,XA,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Mimulus,moschatus, ,Musk

Monkey-flower,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal external,Water,?animal (not

bird), internal. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8,9,13,15”,”Introduced deliberately from: N Am, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Mimulus,moschatus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mimulus,orbicularis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mimulus,orbicularis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Mimulus,ringens, ,,,,,99-100% germ of seed allowed to

imbibe water & kept in dark for 6mths after being transferred to

bright sunlight; germ at 20-25C ,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes


orontium,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Misopates,orontium, ,Lesser SnapDragon,,,,Antirrhinum

orontium,”Mainland Europe, S Sweden, UK & Eire, less in Northen

regions “,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Misopates,orontium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Mitracarpaea,minima,”syn Mitracarpaea alterniflora,

Mitracarpaea muscosa”,,,,,”soggy fields, along watercourses;

sometimes abundant; up to 600m alt; flowers throughout the year;

lowland-irrigated & tidal rice fields, a weed of minor importance,

“,”tropical Asia, Asia; in Indonesia: so far known from

Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani

et al, 1987”

Nemesia,strumosa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Nuttallanthus,canadensis,Linaria canadensis var.

canadensis,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Odontites,serotina, Odontites rubra,,,,,seeds germ in

1st or 2nd spring after collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to

temps similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ; 99%

germ,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Odontites,verna, ,Red Bartsia,,,,O. rubra,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Odontites,verna, ,Red Bartsia,,,,O. rubra,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Orobanche,aegyptiaca,syn ,Egyptian

broomrape,,,,”fields, gardens, orchards; parasite on different

plants”,”Egypt, SW Asia: Crimea & Caucasus to Transcaspia

& Himalayas”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., &

Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Orobanche,aegyptiaca,syn ,,,,,”fields, gardens,

orchards; parasite mainly on Solanaceae plants ie. tomatoes, potatoes,

eggplants,peppers, petunia”,”Medit, C Eur, W

Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Orobanche,aegyptica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Orobanche,aegyptica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Orobanche,cernua, ,,,,,”root of tobacco plant

needed to stimulate germ; root placed on blotter paper & seed

scattered over, 2 glass slides pressed seed & root together,

transferred to pot covered with soil; 10-15days slides removed & root

severed from tobacco, seed germ observed”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Orobanche,crenata,syn ,Scalloped

broomrape,,,,”fields, gardens, orchards; parasite on different

plants, esp. leguminous crops”,”Medit, WAsia”,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Orobanche,crenata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Orobanche,crenata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Orobanche,elatior, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Orobanche,elatior, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Orobanche,hederae, ,,,,,seed germ reported in

French,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Orobanche,lorcata,”(possible name, species with W.

Barker at AD)”,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Orobanche,ludoviciana, ,var Cooperi Cooper's Broomrape

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Orobanche,ludoviciana, ,Louisiana broomrape,,,,47% germ

with 20ppm of GA at room temp in dark on 2% sterilized agar in petri

dishes,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Orobanche,ludoviciana, ,Louisiana

broomrape,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Orobanche,lutea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Orobanche,lutea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Orobanche,minor,,Lesser Broomrape,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Orobanche,minor, ,Lesser Broomrape,,,,Dispersal: Wind.

Life Form: Annual. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a negative visual

impact). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,”S&W Eur,W As,N Af, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Orobanche,minor, ,Clover broomrape,,,,seeds held moist

at 25C for 21days or more & then induced germ with extracts of Zea

mays roots,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Orobanche,minor, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Orobanche,minor, ,”hemp broomrape, branched

broomrape “,,,,Orobanche minor is a herbaceous annual or perennial

root parasite without chlorophyll. It is a weed of 14 crops in 45

countries.,”Medit, Near East, and C Asia”,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Orobanche,minor, ,clover broomrape,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Orobanche,ramosa,,branched broomrape,w,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Orobanche,ramosa, ,Branched Broomrape

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Orobanche,ramosa, ,Hemp broomrape,,,,17% germ with

100ppm of GA at room temp in dark on 2% sterilized agar in petri

dishes,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Orobanche,ramosa,syn ,Branched

broomrape,,,,”fields, gardens, orchards; parasite mainly on

Solanaceae plants ie. tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants,peppers,

petunia”,”Medit, C Eur, W Asia”,”The Weed Flora of

Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Orobanche,ramosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Orobanche,ramosa, ,blue broom rape,,,,,,Weed Science


Orobanche,ramosa, ,”common broomrape, orobanche,

clover broomrape”,,,,Orobanche ramosa is a herbaceous annual or

perennial root parasite without chlorophyll. It is a weed of 25 crops in

45 countries.,”Medit, Near East, and C Asia”,WORLD WEEDS

Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Orobanche,ramosa, ,hemp broomrape,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Orobanche,ramosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Orobanche,speciosa, Orobanche crenata,,,,,”host

plant Vicia faba used to induce germ in soil in specially built boxes;

seed germ & parasitism on roots of host plant observed; Vicia began

to secrete a germ-stimulating substance from roots 1wk before flwring,

Orobanche seed germ 1wk after being stim”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Orobanche,spp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Orobanche,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Orobanche,spp.,,,parasitic other than native or widely distributed species,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Orobanche,spp. ***, ,Broomrape N ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” ***except O. australiana Sale of

Plant, or Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section

54(1) (2) applies) Movement prohibited”,”South Australian

““Proclaimed Plants”“ (Weed)”

Orthocarpus,barbatus, ,Cotton,,,,”50% germ at 20C

in dark or at alt. 20-30C with alt. light/dark, after 4wk prechilling at

3C “,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Orthocarpus,tenuifolius, ,,,,,”50% germ at 20C in

dark or at alt. 20-30C with alt. light/dark, after 4wk prechilling at 3C

“,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Parentucellia,latifolia,,Red Bartsia,XH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Parentucellia,latifolia, ,Red

Bartsia,,,,”Dispersal: ?animal external. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,4,5”,”Med, In Victoria: Widespread,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Parentucellia,latifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Parentucellia,XXH,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Parentucellia,viscosa, ,N/A ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Parentucellia,viscosa, ,Sticky

Parentucellia,,,,”Dispersal: animal external,Water. Life Form: Annual.

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,6,7,8,9”,”Med, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Parentucellia,viscosa, ,Yellow Bartsia,,,,Bartsia

viscosa = Lasiopera viscosa,”Western & Southern Europe, UK &

Eire, less in NW regions”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Parentucellia,viscosa, ,Parentucellia ,,,,PRELIMINARY

LIST OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Parentucellia,viscosa, ,yellow glandweed,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Parentucellia,viscosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Paulownia,tomentosa,,”Chinese empress tree,

powton”,w,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Paulownia,tomentosa, ,”princess tree, empress

tree”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Paulownia,tomentosa, ,royal paulownia,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966My sources have reported Paulownia spp. to be invasive in

the following states:Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, NorthCarolina,

Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia,and West Virgini”,,WSSA WEEDS 14:


Paulownia,tomentosa,,princess tree,,,,RANK 1.

“SEVERE THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess

characteristics of invasive species and spread easily into native plant

communities and displace native vegetation; includes species which are or

could become widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in


Pedicularis,canadensis, ,,,,,”seeds planted in soil

flats in late autumn, some directly in greenhouse, others exposed to

winter conditions outdoors for 112days; only 2 seeds germ within 35-44days

after transfer to greenhouse; no germ of seed directly planted in

greenhouse”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Pedicularis,comptoniaefolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Pedicularis,confertiflora, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Pedicularis,spp., ,,,,,no germ obtained with four

routine conditions tried; prechilling treatments tried only on some

species,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Penstemon,angustifolius, ,,,,,”91% germ of seeds

sown in moist sand in bottles & stored outdoors, germ complete by

late spring, early summer”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Penstemon,digitalis, ,Digitalis penstemon,,,,32% germ at

20-25C in diffuse light in 14days,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Penstemon,digitalis, ,digitalis

penstemon,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Penstemon,gracilis, ,slender penstemon,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Penstemon,procerus, ,,,,,”72% germ with all 4

conditions including 15C with alt. light/dark, 20C in dark, 20-30C alt.

in dark, 20-30C alt. with alt. light/dark”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Penstemon,rydbergii, ,Rydberg penstemon,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Penstemon,speciosus, ,,,,,”68% germ after 4wks

prechilling at 3C, then in dark with alt. 20-30C”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Penstemon,wilcoxii, ,,,,,”no germ obtained with 5

conditions, no prechilling treatment reported”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes


caudata),,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Polycarena,heterophylla,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Polycarena,heterophylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Polycarena,leipoldtii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Polycarena,leipoldtii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pygmea,ciliolata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Rehmannia,glutinosa, , ,,,,paraquat 1992 Korea Cropland

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Rhinanthus,alectorolophus, ,,,,,”Alectorolophus

hirsutus, R. patulus, R. ellipticus”,Central & Eastern Europe

inc Italy,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Rhinanthus,alectorolophus, ,,,,,”Alectorolophus

hirsutus, R. patulus, R. ellipticus”,Central & Eastern Europe

inc Italy,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Rhinanthus,crista-galli, ,Cockscomb

rattleweed,,,,”95% germ of seed exposed immediately after harvest to

moist cold 2C treatment for 17wks; seed dry stored for 5wks, then held

moist at 2C, some germ after 84days moist storage; 60% or higher when

germ at 15C after70-84days at 2C”,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Rhinanthus,crista-galli, ,cockscomb

rattleweed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Russelia,equisetiformis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Scoparia,dulcis,,”sweet broom,

goatweed”,X,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Scoparia,dulcis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Scoparia,dulcis,syn ,,,,,”fallow fields, roads, old

walls, in everwet regions or not too dry regions with a prolonged dry

season; on all kinds of soils; from 0-1600m alt;flowers throughout the

year; can produce 800-1000 seeds/plant; upland & lebak rice fields, a

weed of minor impo”,”tropical Amer, introd into Java before

1860; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Scoparia,dulcis, ,”sweet broom,

goatweed”,,P,,uses for taxon: Medicines: folklore; Weed: potential

seed contaminant; it is a weed of irrigated crops & dryland crops

with & without irrigation; disturbed (or ruderal) situations in which

no crops or pasture are grown; & improved pastures; it has been

re,widely distributed in the tropics & subtropics,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Scrophularia,auriculata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Scrophularia,lanceolata, Scrophularia

leporella,Lanceleaf figwort,,,,”prechilling moist seed at 3C for

1-4wks then germ at 20-30C alt. with alt. light/dark; 44% germ after

prechilling at 20-25C in diffuse light within 19-28days, no germ in dark

“,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Scrophularia,lanceolata, ,lanceleaf figwort,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scrophularia,marilandica, ,Maryland

figwort,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Scrophularia,nodosa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Scrophularia,nodosa, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st spring after

collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ 95%,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Scrophularia,nodosa, ,figwort,,,,,,Weed Science List

Scrophularia,peregrina, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Scrophularia,peregrina, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Selago,corymbosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Striga,angustifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Striga,angustifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Striga,angustifolia,,"witchweed ""witchweed"" ","root parasite on rice, sorghum, sugarcane",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Striga,asiatica,,witchweed,"serious root parasite on rice, maize, sorghum, sugarcane, millet; also on some broadleaf crops including sunflower, tomatoes, some legumes",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Striga,asiatica,”syn Striga hirsuta, Striga lutea,

Striga,spp.,,,parasitic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Buchnera asiatica”,witchweed,,,,”not in very wet areas, on

sunny grassy, Imperata & other grasslands, grassy roadsides, fallow

fields & dikes;scattered, usually in groups, often gregarious; it

frequents light sandy soils, but can also grow on heavy soils, peat &

muck; from 0-2000m alt; f”,”Asia, tropics of Asia & Afr; in

the 1950s introd into N Amer; throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of

Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Striga,asiatica,syn S. lutea,Asiatic

witchweed,,P,,Banned by AQIS,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Striga,densiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Striga,densiflora, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Striga,forbesii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Striga,forbesii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Striga,hermonthica, ,,,,,”obligate parasite; germ

in lab seeds must be non-dormant, preconditioned & supplied with

stimulant; storing air-dry seeds in closed bottles in lab 24wks breaks

dormancy; “,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Striga,hermonthica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Striga,hermonthica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Striga,lutea, ,Wichweed ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Striga,lutea,= Striga asiatica,Witch

weed,,,,”obligate parasite; germ in lab seeds must be non-dormant,

preconditioned & supplied with stimulant; storing air-dry seeds in

closed bottles in lab 24wks breaks dormancy; “,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Striga,lutea, ,witchweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Striga,spp., ,Witchweeds,,,,,,Weed Science List

Striga,spp., ,Witchweeds,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Torenia,violacea,”syn Torenia edenata, Torenia

peduncularis”,,,,,”in rather moist sites, especially on hard

soils, along roads, in open forest, on old walls; locally often abundant;

from 0-1200m alt; flowers throughout the year; upland rice fields , a

weed of minor importance, “,”Asia, Asia; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Triphysaria,pusilla,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Vandellia,angallis, ,,,,,annual , Taiwan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Vandellia,angustifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vandellia,angustifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Vandellia,crustacea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Vandellia,crustacea, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Vandellia,pedunculata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Vandellia,pedunculata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbascum,barnadesii, ,,,,,Celsia barnadesii,Iberian

Peninsular,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Verbascum,barnadesii, ,,,,,Celsia barnadesii,Iberian Peninsular,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Verbascum,blattaria,,moth mullein,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Verbascum,blattaria, ,Moth Mullein,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,Wind. Life Form: Biennial. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8”,”Eur,WC As,N Af, In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Verbascum,blattaria, ,Moth mullein,,,,59% germ in

2-73days in light & 34% in 4-56days in dark at 20-25C; at 20-30C alt.

germ 76% in light & 84% in dark,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Verbascum,blattaria, ,Moth Mullein,,,,”V.

rhinanthifolium, V. carduifolium”,”Mainland Europe except

Denmark, less in UK”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Verbascum,blattaria, ,Moth mullein ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Verbascum,blattaria, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbascum,blattaria, ,moth mullein,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Verbascum,creticum,,Cretan Mullein,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Verbascum,creticum, ,Cretan Mullein,,,,”Dispersal:

Water,?Wind. Life Form: Biennial. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4”,”Introduced deliberately from: W Med and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Rare or localised, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Verbascum,creticum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbascum,lychnitis, ,white mullein,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Verbascum,nigrum, ,Dark Mullein,,,,V. minutiflorum,All

Europe & Central Asia,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Verbascum,nigrum, ,Dark Mullein,,,,V. minutiflorum,All

Europe & Central Asia,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Verbascum,phlomoides, ,,,,,”V. belasitzae, V.

formanekii, V. pangaeum”,Mainland Europe less in NW & UK,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Verbascum,phlomoides, ,,,,,”V. belasitzae, V.

formanekii, V. pangaeum”,Mainland Europe less in NW & UK,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Verbascum,phlomoides, ,clasping mullein,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Verbascum,sinuatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Verbascum,sinuatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbascum,thapsiforme, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st spring

after harvest; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to

those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ

99%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Verbascum,thapsus,,”great mullein, Aaron's rod,

blanket weed, candlewick, common mullein, flannel leaf, Jacob's staff,

shepherd's club, velvet dock”,HXAX,NL,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Verbascum,thapsus, ,Wooly Mullein ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Verbascum,thapsus, ,Great Mullein,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Biennial. RISK: Serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,8,12,15”,”Introduced deliberately from: Euras and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Verbascum,thapsus, ,Common mullein,,,,”light very

important for germ; only by germ seed in solns of acids, bases, &

salts of monovalent, bivalent & trivalent ions in dark at conc. of

0.00001N to 1N gave 80-100% germ & replaced light

effects”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Verbascum,thapsus,,"Common Name(s): Mullein, Velvet dock, Jacobs-staff","Avail nurseries, Weed Low Level Invasive ""Biennial, 5-25 dm high, yellow spiky flowers, stem erect, simple, wooll, forms a rosette at base ""","Eurasia. Habitat: Pastures, meadows, old fields, waste places"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Verbascum,thapsus, ,”great mullein, Aaron's rod,

blanket weed, candlewick, common mullein, flannel leaf, Jacob's staff,

shepherd's club, velvet dock”,,,,”great mullein colonises sites

of low fertility, particularly abandoned cultivation areas, & does

not persist when fertility is raised; the rosettes, which cover a large

area, are rarely eaten by livestock & therefore replace a

considerable amount of pastu”,”a native of Eur & W & C

Asia, it now occurs on neglected sites & degraded pastures in most

temparate areas of the world; it is common in the British Isles, parts of

the Soviet Union, India, Chile, NZ & throughout N Amer, particularly

in the Sierra Nevada “,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Verbascum,thapsus, ,Mullein ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - widespread ,,Pacific Northwest

Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Verbascum,thapsus, ,common mullein,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Verbascum,thapsus, ,great mullein,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbascum,thapsus, ,common mullein,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Verbascum,thapsus,,common mullein,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant communities;

may have the capacity to invade natural communities along disturbance

corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive Exotic Pest

Plants in Tennessee

Verbascum,virgatum,,Twiggy Mullein,HXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Verbascum,virgatum, ,Twiggy Mullein,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Biennial. RISK: Serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

4,5,8,12,13,15”,”Introduced deliberately from: W Eur, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Verbascum,virgatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Veronica,acinifolia, ,,,,,V. perpusilla,Central to

Southern Europe except Portugal,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Veronica,acinifolia, ,,,,,V. perpusilla,Central to

Southern Europe except Portugal,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Veronica,agrestis, ,Field speedwell,,,,”100% germ

of seed at once or soon after harvest; seed placed in germinator, exposed

to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors; 85% germ in lab at alt.

10-25C & 50% germ at optimum 20C constant”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Veronica,agrestis, ,Green Field Speedwell,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,agrestis, ,Green Field Speedwell,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,agrestis, ,field speedwell,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Veronica,americana, ,,,,,”seeds stored in moist

sand at 3C germ 0%, 14%, 71% & 86% after 1, 2, 4 & 6mths storage

at 28-29C:8hrs 10-20C:16hrs for 6wks”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Veronica,anagallis-aquatica,,Blue Water

Speedwell,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Veronica,anagallis-aquatica, ,Blue Water Speedwell,,,,Dispersal:

Water. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Potential

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 8,”Euras,Af,,N&S Am, In Victoria: Rare or localised,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Veronica,anagallis-aquatica, Veronica

anagallis,,,,,”96% germ of seed at once or soon after harvest; seed

placed in germinator, exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors; seed stored in water at 1-3C or 2, 4, & 7mths germ 0, 71

& & 77% respectively & dry stored seed germ 19, 46 & 78%

“,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Veronica,anagallis-aquatica,syn ,”Long-leaved water

speedwell, Water pimpernel”,,,,”canal banks, moist ground near

wells and springs”,widespread in temp. & cold regions of the

world,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi,


Veronica,anagallis-aquatica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Veronica,anagalloides, ,,,,,”V. poljensis, V.

anagallis-aquatica subsp. anagalloides, V. bianoris, V.

pusilla”,Mainland Europe except Denmark,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Veronica,anagalloides, ,,,,,”V. poljensis, V.

anagallis-aquatica subsp. anagalloides, V. bianoris, V.

pusilla”,Mainland Europe except Denmark,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Veronica,arvensis, ,Corn speedwell,,,,seeds germ in 1st

spring after harvest & remainder in following spring ; seeds placed

in germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors until

germ or rotted; total germ 97%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Veronica,arvensis, ,Wall Speedwell,,,,”V. demissa,

V. racemifoliata”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Veronica,arvensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Veronica,arvensis, ,,,,, ,Shimane Upland Japan Miyagi

Okayama ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Veronica,arvensis, ,”corn speedwell, wall

speedwell, speedwell”,,,,”Veronica arvensis, a winter annual,

found in gardens, lawns, cultivated fields, roadsides and waste areas. It

is widely distributed in Europe and N America.V. arvensis is a reported

weed in of 17 crops in 43 countries and is a frequently reported weed

o”,”native to Eurasia, but common in temperate and mild-climate

regions around the world”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution

- Holm et. al.

Veronica,arvensis, ,corn speedwell,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Veronica,beccabunga, ,,,,,seeds germ in 1st spring after

harvest & remainder in following spring ; seeds placed in germinator

exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ or

rotted; total germ 96%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Veronica,catenata,,Pink Water Speedwell,X,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Veronica,catenata, ,Pink Water

Speedwell,,,,”Dispersal: animal external,Water. Life Form: Emergent

aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

9,10”,”Eur,Af,As,N Am, In Victoria: Limited distribution,

medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Veronica,catenata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Veronica,chamaedrys, ,Germander speedwell,,,,”dry

stored seed no germ; seed stored at 1-3C in moist sand or peat no germ

after 1, 2 or 4mths of storage; after 6mths of moist storage at 3C, 14%

germ in sand & 8% in peat”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Veronica,chamaedrys, ,germander

speedwell,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Veronica,chamaepithyoides, ,,,,,V. digitata,Western

Medit Regions,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,chamaepithyoides, ,,,,,V. digitata,Western

Medit Regions,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,cymbalaria, ,,,,,”V. cuneata, V.

glandulifera”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Veronica,cymbalaria, ,,,,,”V. cuneata, V.

glandulifera”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Veronica,filiformis, ,Creeping speedwell,,,,no seed

production; vegetative propagation,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Veronica,filiformis, ,Slender

Speedwell,,,,,”Scattered UK, Eire, Central Europe to S

Sweden”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,filiformis, ,Slender

Speedwell,,,,,”Scattered UK, Eire, Central Europe to S

Sweden”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,filiformis, ,creeping

speedwell,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Veronica,glauca, ,,,,,”V. chaubardii, V.

peloponnesiaca”,Greece,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,glauca, ,,,,,”V. chaubardii, V.

peloponnesiaca”,Greece,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,hederaefolia, ,Ivyleaf speedwell,,,,seeds germ

in 1st spring after harvest & remainder in following spring ; seeds

placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those prevailing

outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ 90%; 59% germ at optimum

constant temp 2-5C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Veronica,hederaefolia, ,ivyleaf

speedwell,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Veronica,hederifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Veronica,hederifolia, ,Ivy Leaved Speedwell,,,,V.

lappago,All Europe & Near East,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Veronica,hederifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Veronica,longifolia, ,,,,,”germ before storage 24%;

germ after storage for 1, 2, 4, or 6mths for dry at 3C-0, 22, 42, &

23%; dry at room temp-0, 23,46 & 23%; moist sand at 3C-0, 72, 63

& 42%; moist peat at 3C-0, 79, 54 & 68%”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Veronica,officinalis,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Veronica,officinalis, ,Common speedwell,,,,”germ

after storage for 1, 2, 4, or 6mths for dry at 3C & dry at room

temp-little or no germ; moist sand at 3C-0, 0, 54, 87%; moist peat at

3C-0, 22, 29 & 77%; seed placed in germinator, exposed to temps

similar to those pervailing outdoors; germ 100%”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Veronica,officinalis, ,common speedwell,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Veronica,opaca, ,,,,,,”Mainland Europe &

Scandinavia, except SW France Spain & Portugal”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,opaca, ,,,,,,”Mainland Europe &

Scandinavia, except SW France Spain & Portugal”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,peregrina,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Veronica,peregrina, ,Purslane speedwell,,,,”germ

after storage for 1, 2, 4, or 6mths for dry at 3C-0, 16, 88, 23% &

dry at room temp-4, 95, 22, & 6%; moist sand at 3C-18, 77, 18 &

10%; moist peat at 3C-6, 60, 32 & 11% at 28-29C:8hrs, 10-20C:16hrs

for 6wks”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Veronica,peregrina, ,American

Speedwell,,,,,”Scattered UK, Eire, Norway & Sweden, Central to

Western Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,peregrina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Veronica,peregrina, ,purslane speedwell,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Veronica,persica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Veronica,persica, ,Birdseye speedwell,,,,”germ

after storage for 1, 2, 4, or 6mths for dry at 3C-0, 13, 22, 22% &

dry at room temp-0, 12, 13, & 19%; moist sand at 3C-0, 3, 33 &

41%; moist peat at 3C-0, 6, 31 & 59% at 28-29C:8hrs, 10-20C:16hrs for

6wks”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Veronica,persica, ,Common Field Speedwell,,,,”V.

tounefortii, V. buxbaumii, V. byzantina”,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,persica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Veronica,persica, ,,,,, , Upland Japan ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Veronica,persica, ,”Persian speedwell, common field

speedwell, scrambling speedwell”,,,,”Veronica persica, a winter

annual, found in gardens, lawns, cultivated fields, roadsides and waste

areas. It is widely distributed in Europe and N America.V. persica is a

reported weed in of 27 crops in 45 countries and is a frequently reported

weed of”,”native to Eurasia, but common in temperate and

mild-climate regions around the world”,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories

& Distribution - Holm et. al.

Veronica,persica, ,birdseye speedwell,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Veronica,phyllostachya, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Veronica,polita, ,Grey Speedwell,,,,V. didyma,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,polita, ,Grey Speedwell,,,,V. didyma,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,polita, ,wayside speedwell,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Veronica,praecox, ,Breckland Speedwell,,,,,Mainland

Europe & S Sweden except NE,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Veronica,praecox, ,Breckland Speedwell,,,,,Mainland

Europe & S Sweden except NE,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Veronica,scutellata,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Veronica,scutellata, ,,,,,”Region of origin - N

Amer, Eur, Asia; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread - unknown”,,CRC

for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Veronica,scutellata, ,,,,,”seeds dry stored for

6mths at 3C germ 10%, dry stored at room temp 10%, stored in moist sand

at 3C -40% & stored in moist peat at 3C-28% at 28-29C:8hrs,

10-20C:16hrs for 6wks; seed stored 1, 2, & 4 mths poor germ under

above conditions”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Veronica,serphyllifolia, ,Thymeleaf

speedwell,,,,”germ before storage 30%; germ after storage for 1, 2,

4, or 6mths for dry at 3C-33,40,88,& 1%; dry at room temp-14,37,43

& 5%; moist sand at 3C-17,48,29 & 24%; moist peat at

3C-53,31,41,& 8% at 28-29C:8hrs, 10-20C:16hrs in

6wks”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Veronica,serpyllifolia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Veronica,serpyllifolia, ,thymeleaf

speedwell,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Veronica,spicata, ,,,,,”germ before storage 20%;

germ after storage for 1, 2, 4, or 6mths for dry at 3C-0,8,8,& 16%;

dry at room temp-0,4,12& 4%; moist sand at 3C-20,84,56 & 63%;

moist peat at 3C-4,48,20& 52% at 28-29C:8hrs, 10-20C:16hrs in

6wks”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Veronica,sublobata, ,,,,,Subspp. of V. hederifolia,,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,sublobata, ,,,,,Subspp. of V. hederifolia,,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,triloba, ,,,,,Subspp. of V. hederifolia,,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,triloba, ,,,,,Subspp. of V. hederifolia,,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,triphyllos, ,,,,,56% germ at alt. 10-25C &

no germ at any constant temps from 2-5 to 40C,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Veronica,triphyllos, ,Fingered Speedwell,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,triphyllos, ,Fingered Speedwell,,,,,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,verna, ,Spring Speedwell,,,,V. brevistyla,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,verna, ,Spring Speedwell,,,,V. brevistyla,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Veronica,virginica, ,,,,,44% germ in 28days at 20-25C in

diffuse light & 32% in 48 days in dark,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes


Night-phlox,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Zaluzianskya,divaricata, ,Spreading

Night-phlox,,,,Dispersal: ?animal external. Life Form: Annual. RISK:

Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 3,”S Af, In Victoria: Rare or localised, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Zaluzianskya,divaricata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Selaginella,kraussiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


selaginella,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Selaginella,kraussiana, ,Garden

Selaginella,,,,”Dispersal: Water,?Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb.

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 6,8”,”Introduced deliberately

from: S Af and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited

distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Selaginella,plana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Selaginella,umbrosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Selaginella,vogellii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Selaginella,willdenovii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ailanthus,altissima,”Ailanthus glandulosa,

Toxicodendron altissimum”,”tree of heaven, copal tree, varnish

tree”,XHXXXH,NL,NSW; Vic,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious



Ailanthus,altissima, ,Tree Of Heaven ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Ailanthus,altissima,,,Mountain and Valleys Coastal & Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Ailanthus,altissima,,Tree-of-heaven,"Avail nurseries, Ornamental Low Level Invasive , Additional Comments : Allelopathic, unpleasant odour, fast growing ""25 m high, yellowish green flower clusters at tip of shoot, leaves deciduous, alternate, pinnately compound, 11-41 leaflets, I seed i",Asia. Habitat: Urban areas," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Ailanthus,altissima,,tree-of-heaven,Hellishly invasive.,,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Ailanthus,altissima,” Ailanthus glandulosa,

Toxicodendron altissimum”,”tree of heaven, copal tree, varnish

tree”,,,,”it is well equipped to survive in harsh urban

environments & is seen growing in many of the world's citites in

niches in broken brickwork, in dirt filled gutters & on any miniscule

pockets of soil left in inner city areas; its large leaves carry out

photo”,native of E Asia; introd to France & England as an

ornamental & to Philadelphia in the US in 1784 & promoted by the

nursery trade for growing in cities because of its ability to thrive on

poor soils & tolerate smoke & grime; also planted in parts of N

Ame,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Ailanthus,altissima, ,Tree of heaven ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Most invasive - regional (highly to

moderately invasive but still with a potential to spread),,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Ailanthus,altissima, ,tree-of-heaven,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Ailanthus,altissima, ,hemelboom,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, roadsides, rivers, in cool, moist

regionsCultivated for: ornament, shelter”,Origin: Asia,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ailanthus,altissima, ,hemelboom,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, roadsides, rivers, in cool, moist

regionsCultivated for: ornament, shelter”,Origin: Asia,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Ailanthus,altissima, ,Tree of heaven,,,,,,Weed Science List

Ailanthus,altissima, ,tree-of-heaven,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ailanthus,altissima,,tree of heaven,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess characteristics of

invasive species and spread easily into native plant communities and

displace native vegetation; includes species which are or could become

widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Ailanthus,altissima , ,Tree-of-heaven,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal,Water,Wind. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one

or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 5,8

“,”Introduced deliberately from: Ch, In Victoria: Rare or

localised, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions

In Victoria


Atropa,acuminata, ,,,,,”dormancy broken with 40sec H2SO4

treatment, 4-5hrs washing in running water; take up to 39 days to germ

after treatment”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Atropa,belladonna, ,,,,,”75 sec H2SO4 treatment; up to 41

days to germ; 80% germ in pots with 18hrs in 50ppm soln of GA, then

dusted with fungicide before sowing, germ in about

3wks”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Browallia,americana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Brugmansia,X candida,(Datura candida),,,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Calibrachoa,parviflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Capsicum,annuum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Capsicum,annuum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Capsicum,frutescens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Capsicum,frutescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cestrum,aurantiacum,,orange flowering

jassamine,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cestrum,aurantiacum, ,yellow or orange

cestrum,,,,”Declared Weed. Woody SpeciesInvades: forest margins,

savanna, plantations, wooded kloofsCultivated for: ornament,

hedging”,Origin: C Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cestrum,aurantiacum, ,yellow or orange

cestrum,,,,”Declared Weed. Woody SpeciesInvades: forest margins,

savanna, plantations, wooded kloofsCultivated for: ornament,

hedging”,Origin: C Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cestrum,aurantiacum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cestrum,diurnum,,day jasmine,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Cestrum,diurnum, ,day jassamine,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cestrum,diurnum, ,dayblooming jessamine,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cestrum,elegans,,cestrum,HS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Cestrum,elegans, ,Cestrum,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,?Water. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 6,7,8,”,”Introduced deliberately from: Mex

and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: ?Rare or localised, medium to

large populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Cestrum,elegans, ,Red Cestrum ,,,,Major

WeedTREES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Cestrum,laevigatum, ,inkberry,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject

of herbicide registration.Woody SpeciesInvades: forests, savanna,

grassland, plantations, rivers, coastal dunesCultivated for: ornament,

hedging”,Origin: C Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cestrum,laevigatum, ,inkberry,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject

of herbicide registration.Woody SpeciesInvades: forests, savanna,

grassland, plantations, rivers, coastal dunesCultivated for: ornament,

hedging”,Origin: C Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Cestrum,nocturnum,,night flowering

jassamine,XX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cestrum,nocturnum, ,,,,,Region of origin - C Amer; Extent of

spread - localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech

Series Report # 3

Cestrum,parqui,,”green cestrum, Chilean cestrum, green

poison-berry, willow-leaved jessamine”,HXw,NLP,NSW; Vic;

Qld,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Cestrum,parqui, ,”green cestrum, Chilean cestrum, green

poison-berry, willow-leaved jessamine”,,,,”it is no doubt an

attractive garden plant but grows vigorously when neglected & is

toxic to animals including cattle, sheep, horses, pigs & poultry; two

alkaloids, parquine & solasonine, have been isolated & it is thought,

but not confirmed, that these ac”,”originated in Chile &

Peru & is one of the few S Amer plants to become a weed in Aust; it

is an attractive ornamental which was introduced to several countries as

a garden species, but it has become weedy in a few including S Afr, NZ,

the US & Aust; it is”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Cestrum,parqui, ,”green cestrum, Chilean

cestrum”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Cestrum,parqui, ,willowleaf jessamine,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cestrum,parqui, ,”green cestrum, Chilean

cestrum”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Chamaesaracha,coronopus, ,small groundcherry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cyphomandra,betacea,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Datura,arborea,,angel's trumpet,,NLP,NT,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Datura,arborea, ,angel's trumpet,,,,,,Weed Science List

Datura,arborea, ,angel's trumpet,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Datura,candida,,angel's trumpet,,NLP,NT,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Datura,candida, ,angel's trumpet,,,,,,Weed Science List

Datura,candida, ,angel's trumpet,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Datura,cornigera,,thorn apple,,NLP,NT,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Datura,cornigera, ,thorn apple,,,,,,Weed Science List

Datura,cornigera, ,thorn apple,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Datura,discolor, ,desert thornapple,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Datura,ferox,,fierce or longspine thornapple,,NL,Vic; Qld; NT;

WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Datura,ferox, ,fierce or longspine

thornapple,,,,”thornapples are widespread throughout Aust, occurring

in all States but are of most imprt in NSW & Qld where they compete

with many crops, they occur throughout NSW particularly in the north,

through Qld mostly in the south east & central highlands & in

V”,originated in China,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Datura,ferox, ,fierce or longspine thornapple,,,, Declared

spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Datura,ferox, ,fierce or longspine thornapple,,P,, Declared

spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Datura,inoxia,syn ,Downy thorn apple,,,,cultivated and waste

groundPlant is poisonous,”SW USA, Mexico; introduced into the Old

World”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Datura,inoxia,,downy thornapple,XX,L,Vic; NT; WA,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Datura,inoxia, ,downy thornapple,,,,”thornapples are

widespread throughout Aust, occurring in all States but are of most imprt

in NSW & Qld where they compete with many crops, they occur

throughout NSW particularly in the north, through Qld mostly in the south

east & central highlands & in V”,”native of Mexico, the

West Indies & S Amer “,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Datura,inoxia, ,downy thornapple,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Datura,inoxia, ,downy thornapple,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Datura,leichhardtii,,native thornapple,H,L,Vic; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Datura,leichhardtii, ,native thornapple,,,,”thornapples

are widespread throughout Aust, occurring in all States but are of most

imprt in NSW & Qld where they compete with many crops, they occur

throughout NSW particularly in the north, through Qld mostly in the south

east & central highlands & in V”,is believed to be native to

the dry parts of Aust,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Datura,leichhardtii, ,native thornapple,,,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Datura,leichhardtii, ,native thornapple,,P,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Datura,metel,,hoary or Hindu thornapple,,NL,Vic; NT;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Datura,metel, ,hoary or Hindu thornapple,,,,”thornapples

are widespread throughout Aust, occurring in all States but are of most

imprt in NSW & Qld where they compete with many crops, they occur

throughout NSW particularly in the north, through Qld mostly in the south

east & central highlands & in V”,native from Asia,”Noxious

Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Datura,metel, ,hoary or Hindu thornapple,,,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Datura,metel, ,Hindu datura,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Datura,metel, ,hoary or Hindu thornapple,,P,, Declared spp.

under ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Datura,meteloides,, thornapple,,L,Qld; NT,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Datura,meteloides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Datura,meteloides, ,sacred datura,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Datura,spp., ,thornapple,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed

Science List

Datura,stramonium,,common thornapple,XX,NL,Vic; Qld; NT; WA;

Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Datura,stramonium, ,Common Thorn-apple,,,,”Dispersal:

?animal external,Water. Life Form: Annual. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8”,”Am, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Datura,stramonium, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Datura,stramonium, ,Jimson weed,,,,”germ depends on age

of seed; 90% germ at alt. temp of 20-30C in dark, 86% with alt.

light/dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Datura,stramonium, ,Thorn Apple,,,,”D. tatula, D.

bertolonii”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Datura,stramonium, ,Jimsonweed ,,,,atrazine 1992 USA Cropland

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Datura,stramonium, ,Jimsonweed ,,,,atrazine 1995 Chile ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Datura,stramonium, ,common thornapple,,,,”all parts of

the plant, particularly seeds, are poisonous & several children are

known to have died in the early days of Aust settlement after eating

seeds of D. stramonium; adult fatalities are not known in Aust; the toxic

principles are several alkaloid”,”of uncertain origin but is

possibly from the tropical regions of Central & South Amer;

thornapples now occur in most temperate, subtropical, & tropical

countries of the world & are major weeds in many summer crops,

particularly cotton, soybeans, peanuts, “,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Datura,stramonium,syn ,”Jimson weed, Common thorn

apple”,,,,”waste ground, roadsides, orchards, fieldsPlant is

toxic. Tincture of leaves is prescribed for spasmodic coughs &

asthma; leaves used in fumigations & in cigarettes to ease asthma

attacks”,N Amer; widely naturalised throughout the world,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Datura,stramonium, ,common thornapple,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Datura,stramonium, var. chalybaea,”thorn apple,

jimsonweed, purple thorn apple”,,,,”Datura stramonium is a

tall, erect, rank-smelling annual herb. The species is becoming increasingly

troublesome as a weed. It is in more than 40 crops and is now a weed in

almost 100 countries, making it more widespread than Cyperus rotundus,

the world's “,very widely distributed the temperate and tropical

areas.,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Datura,stramonium, ,jimsonweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Datura,stramonium, ,common thornapple,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Datura,tatula,, thornapple,,L,Qld; NT,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Datura,wrightii,,hairy thornapple,,L,Vic; NT; WA,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Datura,wrightii, ,hairy thornapple,,,,”thornapples are

widespread throughout Aust, occurring in all States but are of most imprt

in NSW & Qld where they compete with many crops, they occur

throughout NSW particularly in the north, through Qld mostly in the south

east & central highlands & in V”,originated in Mexico &

the southern US,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Datura,wrightii, ,hairy thornapple,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Datura,wrightii, ,hairy thornapple,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Datura ,ferox, ,large thorn apple,,,,”Declared

WeedHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: wasteland, cultivated lands, roadsides,

riverbanks, riverbeds”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Datura ,ferox, ,large thorn apple,,,,”Declared

WeedHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: wasteland, cultivated lands, roadsides,

riverbanks, riverbeds”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Datura ,inoxa, ,downy thorn apple,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, riverbeds, edges of damsCultivated for:

ornamental”,”Origin: C & S Amer, W Indies”,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Datura ,inoxa, ,downy thorn apple,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: roadsides, riverbeds, edges of damsCultivated for:

ornamental”,”Origin: C & S Amer, W Indies”,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Datura ,stramonium, ,common thorn apple,,,,”Declared

WeedHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: wasteland, cultivated lands, roadsides,

riverbanks, riverbeds”,”Origin: uncertain, probably tropical C

& S Amer”,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Datura ,stramonium, ,common thorn apple,,,,”Declared

WeedHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: wasteland, cultivated lands, roadsides,

riverbanks, riverbeds”,”Origin: uncertain, probably tropical C

& S Amer”,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Hyoscyamus,agrestis, ,,,,,”presoak for 2days in 0.03%

soln of GA, then germ on moistened filter paper; germ at 20-25C in

dark”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Hyoscyamus,albus,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Hyoscyamus,albus, ,White Henbane,,,,”H. aureus, H.

varians”,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Hyoscyamus,albus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hyoscyamus,muticus, ,,,,,reported in French on seed

dormancy,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental



CONCERN: Need more information on invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic

Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Hyoscyamus,niger,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Hyoscyamus,niger, ,Black Henbane ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Hyoscyamus,niger, ,Black henbane,,,,”pretreat with conc.

sulfuric acid for 75 sec, wash in running water 4-5hrs; germ in

43days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Hyoscyamus,niger, ,Henbane,,,,”H. bohemicus, H.

auriculatus, H. pallidus”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Hyoscyamus,niger, ,henbane,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hyoscyamus,niger, ,black henbane,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Jaborosa,runcinata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Jaborosa,runcinata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Latua,pubiflora, ,,,,,”Latua pubiflora is listed in the

USA as X - present as weed (the species is present & behaves as a

aweed, but its rank of importance is unknown)”,,Holm et al 'A

Geographical Atlas of World Weeds'

Lycianthes,asarifolia, ,,,P,,”This plant was sent to me

from Houston Texas - As a weed that home owners want to kill because it

is so aggressive. They said, ““What is thisweed? and How do we

get rid of it?”“. It grows trailing on the ground on a stem

rooting at the nodes (like a sto”,,Western Australian Prohibited


Lycium,afrum,,Kaffir boxthorn,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Lycium,barbarum,,Chinese boxthorn,XX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lycium,barbarum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lycium,ferocissimum,,”African boxthorn, boxthorn”,HHXXXXHX,NL,NSW;

Vic; Qld; SA; NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lycium,ferocissimum,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Lycium,ferocissimum, ,African Box-thorn,,,,”Dispersal:

?Bird, internal,?Water,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Large

Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK: Very serious threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,8,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Lycium,ferocissimum, ,”African boxthorn,

boxthorn”,,,,”it makes an effective hedge plant, producing a

dense thicket armed with sharp spines which forms an impenetrable barrier

to farm animals including poultry; it also provides an effective

windbreak; when clipped it is still capable of producing flowers &

se”,is a native to the southern coast of Afr; it has not been widely

distributed throughout the world & is considered troublesome only in

Aust & NZ,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Lycium,ferocissimum, ,African boxthorn ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mov”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Lycium,ferocissimum, ,”African boxthorn,

boxthorn”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lycium,ferocissimum, ,”African boxthorn,

boxthorn”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Lycium,halimifolium, ,matrimonyvine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lycopersicon,esculentum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Nicandra,physalodes,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Nicandra,physalodes, ,Apple-of-Peru,,,,”55% germ of seed

pretreated with conc. sulfuric acid for 15min, then sown in

greenhouse”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Nicandra,physalodes, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nicandra,physalodes, ,”apple of Peru, Peru apple, Chinese

lantern, wild gooseberry”,,,,”Nicandra physalodes is an erect,

branched annual which can grow to 2m and is mainly a weed of arable land,

is in 35 crops of 35 countries.”,world wide,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Nicotiana,glauca,,tree tobacco,HXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Nicotiana,glauca, ,Tree Tabacco ,,,,”California Noxious

Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Nicotiana,glauca, ,Tree Tobacco,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub. RISK:

Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation

Formations Invaded: 1,3,4,12”,”Introduced deliberately from:

Arg, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Nicotiana,glauca, ,tree tobacco,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Nicotiana,glauca, ,wild tobacco,,,,”Proposed Declared

Weed. Woody SpeciesInvades: roadsides, road cuttings, wastelands,

riverbanks, riverbedsCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Nicotiana,glauca, ,wild tobacco,,,,”Proposed Declared

Weed. Woody SpeciesInvades: roadsides, road cuttings, wastelands,

riverbanks, riverbedsCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant

Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Nicotiana,glauca, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nicotiana,glauca, ,tree tobacco,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Nicotiana,tabacum,,tobacco,,NL,Vic,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Nicotiana,tabacum, ,tobacco,,,,”tobacco seed is normally

sown in beds in August, the seedlings planted out in November, & the

crop harvested in February; if mature plants were allowed to survive

through winter, or if seedlings survived through summer, they could carry

diseases from one “,,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Nicotiana,tabacum, ,tobacco,,,,,,Weed Science List

Nicotiana,trigonophylla, ,desert tobacco,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Nierembergia,hippomanica,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Nierembergia,hippomanica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Petunia,axillaris,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Petunia,parviflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Physalis,alkekengi,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Physalis,alkekengi, ,Chinese lantern plant,,,,seeds germ in

1st spring; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to those

prevailing outdoors until germ; 92% germ,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Physalis,alkekengi, ,Chinese lanternplant,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Physalis,angulata, ,wild cape gooseberry,,,,”, pasture,

roadsides”,Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Papua New

Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Physalis,angulata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Physalis,angulata, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Physalis,angulata,syn Physalis peruviana,,,,,”sunny to

somewhat shaded, not toodry fertile spots in fields, gardens, wastelands,

dunes, fallow fields, along roads, in open forests, forest margins; from

0-1500m alt; flowers all the year round; upland rice fields, a weed of

minor importance, “,”S Amer, pantropical; throughout

Indonesia,except Sulawesi & Irian Jaya,as far as

known”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Physalis,angulata, ,”annual groundcherry, wild cape

gooseberry, wild gooseberry, wild physalis, cutleaf

groundcherry”,,,,”Physalis angulata is a weed of 29 tropical

and subtropical crops in 63 countries and is frequently reported as a

weed of summer annual and perennial plantation crops. It infests

primarily annual crops but also occurs in orchard, nurseries, fallow

land, r”,native to tropical America;widely distributed tropical and

subtropical weed,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm

et. al.

Physalis,heterophylla, ,clammy groundcherry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Physalis,ixocarpa,,Ground cherry,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Physalis,ixocarpa, ,Ground cherry,,,,,,Weed Science List

Physalis,ixocarpa, ,tomatillo groundcherry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Physalis,ixocarpa, ,Ground cherry,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Physalis,lanceifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Physalis,lanceifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Physalis,lobata, ,purpleflower groundcherry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Physalis,longifolia, ,Longleaf groundcherry,,,,”fresh

berry has inhibitor, removed by separating seed from berry & washing;

91% germ on 0.2% soln of KNO3 moistened soil & exposed to daylight,

after 6wks dry storage in lab”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Physalis,longifolia, ,longleaf groundcherry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Physalis,minima,,”pygmy groundcherry, native

gooseberry”,HX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Physalis,peruviana,,Cape gooseberry,HXXH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Physalis,peruviana, ,Cape Gooseberry,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,Water,?animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Perennial herb.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 6,8,13”,”Introduced deliberately

from: S Am and Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited

distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Physalis,peruviana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Physalis,peruviana, ,Peruvian groundcherry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Physalis,philadelphica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Physalis,philadelphica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Physalis,pubescens,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Physalis,pubescens, ,Downy groundcherry,,,,germ on 2

thicknesses of blotter moistened with 0.2% soln of KNO3 with alt. temp of

20C:16hrs to 30C:8hrs,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Physalis,pubescens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Physalis,pubescens, ,downy groundcherry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Physalis,subglabrata, ,Smooth groundcherry,,,,96% germ at alt.

temp 20-30C in dark & 76% with alt. light/dark,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Physalis,subglabrata, ,smooth groundcherry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Physalis,virginiana,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Physalis,virginiana, ,Smooth Groundcherry ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Physalis,virginiana, ,,,,,germ on 2 thicknesses of blotter

moistened with 0.2% soln of KNO3 with alt. temp of 20C:16hrs to

30C:8hrs,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Physalis,virginiana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Physalis,viscosa,Physalis lanceolata,”ground cherry,

tomato weed, sticky cape gooseberry, stricky ground cherry, sticky

physalis, prairies ground cherry”,,LP,Vic; NSW,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Physalis,viscosa, ,Grape Groundcherry ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Physalis,viscosa, Physalis lanceolata,”praire ground

cherry, tomato weed, sticky cape gooseberry, sticky gooseberry, stricky

ground cherry, sticky physalis, wild gooseberry, wild

tomato”,,,,”prairie ground cherry, as with several other

members of the Physalis (cape gooseberry) genus, produce a fruit valued

for jam making & in cooking; the weed has been used for this purpose

in Vic & it is believed that commerical plantings were made in SA at

“, & Uruguay,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Physalis,viscosa, ,”prairie ground cherry, tomato

weed”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Physalis,viscosa, ,”prairie ground cherry, tomato

weed”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Physalis,wrightii, ,Wright groundcherry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Salpichroa,origanifolia,”Atropa origanifolia, Atropa

rhomboidea, Physalis origanifolia, Salpichroa rhomboidea, Withania

origanifolia”,”pampas lily-of-the-valley, lily-of-the-valley

vine”,H,L,Vic; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Salpichroa,origanifolia, ,Pampas

Lily-of-the-Valley,,,,”Dispersal: Bird, internal,?animal (not bird),

internal,Vegetative. Life Form: Rhizomatous geophyte. RISK: Very serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 1,2,4,5,6,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Am, In

Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Salpichroa,origanifolia,” Atropa origanifolia, Atropa

rhomboidea, Physalis origanifolia, Salpichroa rhomboidea, Withania

origanifolia”,”pampas lily-of-the-valley, lily-of-the-valley

vine”,,,,”it occurs in all Aust States except the NT; it occurs

but is not imprt in NSW, it is established in SA in gardens &

neglected areas of Adelaide & country towns & also occurs in some

orange groves along the Murray River; it was originally planted commercia”,”originates

in the temperate areas of S Amer & is considered to be a weed in

Argentina, Brazil & Uruguay; it has spread to several other countries

& whilst not becoming a major agricultural weed, is troublesome in

urban areas where it competes with more de”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Salpichroa,origanifolia, ,pampas lily-of-the-valley,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Schwenkia,americana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Schwenkia,americana, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Sessea,brasiliensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sessea,brasiliensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Solanum,abutiloides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Solanum,abutiloides, ,,,,,”Region of origin - NW

Argentina, S Bolivia; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

botanic garden”,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Solanum,abutiloides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,aculeatissimum, ,soda-apple nightshade,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solanum,alatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,alatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Solanum,americanum,,Glossy Nightshade,XXH,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Solanum,americanum, ,Glossy Nightshade,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Perennial herb.

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,4,5,6,8”,”cosmopolitan, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Solanum,americanum, ,American black nightshade ,,,,paraquat

1985 USA Tomatoes , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Solanum,americanum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,americanum (=S. nigrum), ,”black nightshade,

glossy nightshade”,,,,”, vegetables”,Cook Islands; Fiji;

French Polynesia;Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American

Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds

of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”,

D.F Waterhouse”

Solanum,aviculare,,Kangaroo apple,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Solanum,aviculare, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,betaceum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Solanum,capsicoides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Solanum,capsicoides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,cardiophyllum, ,Heartleaf Nightshade

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Solanum,carolinense, ,Carolina Horsenttle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Solanum,carolinense, ,,,,,Weed of aquatic ecosystems Web

Address: ,,”Florida

Weeds, FAIRS.”

Solanum,carolinense, ,Horse nettle,,,,87% germ at alt. 20-35C

& 84% at alt. 20-30C; 0.2% soln of KNO3 as substratum inc. germ;

vegetative propagation by root cuttings,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Solanum,carolinense, ,horsenettle,,,,syn. of Solanum

dimidiatum,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solanum,carolinense, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Solanum,chenopodiodes, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,chenopodioides,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Solanum,chrysocarpum,syn S. hispidum,,,,,syn. of Solanum

hispidumNot naturalised in W.A.,52,Weed

Solanum,chrysocarpum, ,”syn. S. hispidum, giant devils

fig”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Solanum,cinereum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Solanum,cyananthum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Solanum,dimidiatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Solanum,dimidiatum, ,Torrey's Nightshade ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Solanum,dimidiatum, ,,,,,Syn. Solanum carolinense,,Weed

Science List

Solanum,diphyllum,,twinleaf nightshade,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Solanum,douglasii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Solanum,dubium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,dubium, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Solanum,dulcamara,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Solanum,dulcamara,,nightshade bitter ,"WEED OF CONCERN: Control and containment of existing populations of these noxious weeds is strongly encouraged in King County, Washington State.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Solanum,dulcamara, ,Bitter nightshade,,,,96% germ in 13days in

dark at alt. 20-30C & 92% in 5days in diffuse light; 0.03% &

0.005% GA used as substratum 93 & 85% respectively in

33days,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Solanum,dulcamara, ,Woody Nightshade,,,,”S. littorale, S.

depilatum”,All Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Solanum,dulcamara, ,Bittersweet nightshade ,,,,PRELIMINARY

LIST OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Solanum,dulcamara, ,bittersweet,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,dulcamara, ,bitter nightshade,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solanum,dulcamara,,bittersweet,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Solanum,elaeagnifolium,,”silverleaf nightshade, white

horsenettle, bitter apple, silver leaf, silverleaf bitter apple,

silver-leaf nettle, tomato weed”,Xx,L,NSW; Vic; SA; WA;

Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Solanum,elaeagnifolium, ,White Horsenettle ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Solanum,elaeagnifolium, ,”silverleaf nightshade, white

horsenettle, bitter apple, silver leaf, silverleaf bitter apple,

silver-leaf nettle, tomato weed”,,,,”it competes directly with

summer-growing crops & pastures, & reduces production of winter

crops such as cereals because of the depletion of nutrients &

moisture from the soil in the previous summer; also allelopathic effects

have been demonstrated in cott”,”the native range of silverleaf

nightshade is from central & south-western N Amer to temperate S

Amer; it has been introd to many temperate areas of the world & is

considered a weed in several; it is particularly troublesome in parts of

its native range, e”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Solanum,elaeagnifolium, ,silver-leaf bitter

apple,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of biocontrol

investigationsHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: ploughed lands, grazing camps,

roadsides, water furrows”,”Origin: N, C & S

Amer”,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Solanum,elaeagnifolium, ,silver-leaf bitter

apple,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of biocontrol

investigationsHerbaceous SpeciesInvades: ploughed lands, grazing camps,

roadsides, water furrows”,”Origin: N, C & S

Amer”,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Solanum,elaeagnifolium, ,Silverleaf nightshade N ,,,,”


destroyed. * Control required in part of the State only. + Control not

required. n Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the

State. c Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or

Produce, Goods etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2)

applies) Movement prohibited on roads (Section 52(2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be “,”South Australian ““Proclaimed

Plants”“ (Weed)”

Solanum,elaeagnifolium, ,”silverlead nightshade, white

horsenettle”,,,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Solanum,elaeagnifolium, ,silverleaf

nightshade,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solanum,elaeagnifolium, ,”silverlead nightshade, white

horsenettle”,,P,, Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Solanum,eleagnifolium, ,Silverleaf nightshade ,,,,PRELIMINARY

LIST OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Need more information on

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Solanum,erianthum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Solanum,erianthum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,ferox, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,furcatum,,Nightshade,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Solanum,furcatum, ,Nightshade,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Small to medium shrubs.

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1”,”S Am, In Victoria: Limited

distribution, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Solanum,glaucum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,glaucum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Solanum,gracile, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,gracile, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Solanum,grossedentatum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,grossedentatum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Solanum,hermannii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,hispidum,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Solanum,hispidum, ,,,,,syn. of Solanum chrysocarpum,,Weed

Science List

Solanum,hoplopetalum,,”Afghan thistle, porcupine solanum,

prickly potato weed”,,L,WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Solanum,hoplopetalum, ,”Afghan thistle, porcupine

solanum, prickly potato weed”,,,,”spring-summer growing plant

usually not a significant weed of winter cereals & pastures but have

a nuisance value because of their prickly habit; occasionally, individual

dense patches may interfere with crop harvest & reduce grazing

area”,occurs in WA & SA,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Solanum,hoplopetalum, ,Afghan thistle,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,hystrix,,”Afghan thistle, porcupine solanum,

prickly potato weed”,X,L,WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Solanum,hystrix, ,”Afghan thistle, porcupine solanum,

prickly potato weed”,,,,”spring-summer growing plant usually

not a significant weed of winter cereals & pastures but have a

nuisance value because of their prickly habit; occasionally, individual

dense patches may interfere with crop harvest & reduce grazing

area”,occurs in WA & SA,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Solanum,hystrix, ,Afghan thistle,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,hystrix, ,Afghan thistle,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Solanum,jamaicense,,Jamiaca nightshade,,,,”Catergory II -

Species that shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These

species may become ranked as Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated

disruption of natural Florida communities. “,,List of Florida's Most

Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Solanum,jasminioides, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,jasminoides,,”jasmine nightshade, potato

vine”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa


aviculare?,Poroporo,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Solanum,lanceolatum, ,Lanceleaf Nightshade ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Solanum,linnaeanum,”Solanum hermanii, Solanum

sodomeum”,”apple of Sodom, bitter apple, poison

apple”,XXXH,L,Vic; WA; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Solanum,linnaeanum, ,Apple of Sodom,,,,”Dispersal: Wind.

Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Serious threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,4,12”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Af,Med, In Victoria:

Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Solanum,linnaeanum,” Solanum hermanii, Solanum

sodomeum”,”apple of Sodom, bitter apple, poison

apple”,,,,”the fruit is poisonous due to the presence of

glycoalkaloids including solasonine, solasodine, & solasodamine but

has not been a problem in Aust because it is not consumed by animals or

humans; the foliage is not eaten by stock because of its prickly

natu”,”originated in the Medit region & southern Afr &

although distributed to several temperate areas of the world, it has

become weedy in only a few; it occurs on roadsides & in bushland in S

Afr, is listed as a weed in Morocco & is troublesome in Hawaii; it

o”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Solanum,linnaeanum,syn. S. hermannii,Afghan thistle,,,,

Declared spp. under ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Solanum,luteum, ,,,,,,”All Europe except Eire &

Finland, less in Northern Europe & Scandinavia”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Solanum,luteum, ,,,,,,”All Europe except Eire &

Finland, less in Northern Europe & Scandinavia”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”


nightshade,,LP,Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Solanum,marginatum, ,White-magined Nightshade

,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A

combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database,

accessible through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed

control in California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious


Solanum,marginatum, ,white-edged nightshade,,,,”the fruit

is not particularly attractive to birds or other animals; spread occurs

mainly as movement of the fruit in water flowing over the soil surface,

or when soil contaminated with seeds is moved during garden development

or in roadmaking; from time t”,”This native of north east Afr

has spread, as an ornamental to most countries of the warmer regionsin

Aust it is naturalised but not common in the south-central district &

near Colac in Vic, near Morphett Vale & Nuriootpa in SA & ont the

north & east coas”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Solanum,marginatum, ,white-edged nightshade,,,,,,Weed Science


Solanum,marginatum, ,white-edged nightshade,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Solanum,mauritianum, ,wild tobacco tree,,,,”, “,Cook

Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; New Caledonia; Solomon Islands; Tonga

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Solanum,mauritianum,,Tobacco Nightshade,HXXXX,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Solanum,mauritianum, ,Tobacco Nightshade,,,,”Dispersal:

Bird, internal,Water. Life Form: Large Small to medium shrubhrub/Tree.

RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,4,6,7”,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Am, In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Solanum,mauritianum, ,Tobacco Bush ,,,,Major

WeedSHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Solanum,mauritianum, ,bugweed,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject

of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigation.Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, plantations, wooded kloofs, roadsides,

wasteland, watercourses, urban open spaceCultivated for:

ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Solanum,mauritianum, ,bugweed,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject

of herbicide registration & biocontrol investigation.Woody

SpeciesInvades: forest margins, plantations, wooded kloofs, roadsides,

wasteland, watercourses, urban open spaceCultivated for:

ornament”,Origin: S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Solanum,mauritianum, ,Tobacco Bush ,,,,Major

WeedTrees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Solanum,mauritianum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,nigrum,,black nightshade,HXXXH,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Solanum,nigrum, ,Black Nightshade,,,,”Dispersal: Bird,

internal,Water,animal (not bird), internal. Life Form: Perennial herb.

RISK: Serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1-9,12,13”,”Introduced

deliberately from: cosmopolitan, In Victoria: Widespread, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Solanum,nigrum, ,Black nightshade,,,,seeds germ in 1st spring

after collection; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar to

those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ 99%; seeds

viable for up to 9yrs if stored dry at room temp,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Solanum,nigrum, ,Black Nightshade,,,,,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Solanum,nigrum, ,Black Nightshade,,,,paraquat 1990 Malaysia

Vegetables , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Solanum,nigrum, ,Black Nightshade,,,,atrazine 1980 Germany

Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Solanum,nigrum, ,Black Nightshade,,,,”atrazine 1981

Belgium Corn, Roadsides “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Solanum,nigrum, ,Black Nightshade,,,,atrazine 1981 The

NetherlandsCorn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Solanum,nigrum, ,Black Nightshade,,,,atrazine 1987 Spain Corn

, heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Solanum,nigrum, ,Black Nightshade,,,,atrazine 1995 Italy ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Solanum,nigrum, ,Black Nightshade,,,,atrazine 1995 Poland

Orchard , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Solanum,nigrum, ,Black Nightshade,,,,simazine 1983 United

Kingdom Corn , heapian@

1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Solanum,nigrum, ,Black Nightshade,,,,triazines 1979 France ,

heapian@ 1997,International

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds. Ian Heap

Solanum,nigrum, ,Black Nightshade,,,,”triazines 1983

Switzerland Cropland, Pasture “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Solanum,nigrum,syn ,Black nightshade,,,,”fields,

orchards, gardens, canal banks, waste ground”“Fruit is

poisonous if eaten by children, especially when unripe, foilage is also

harmful if grazed by livestock. “““,cosmopolitan,”The

Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Solanum,nigrum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,nigrum, ,black nightshade,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solanum,palitans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,photeinocarpum, ,,,,, Weeds of sown grassland annual

sub-dominance , Hokkaido ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Solanum,physalifolium,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Solanum,pseudocapsicum,,Madeira winter

cherry,HX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Solanum,pseudocapsicum, ,Madeira Winter

Cherry,,,,”Dispersal: Bird, internal,Water,?animal (not bird),

internal. Life Form: Small to medium shrub. RISK: Very serious threat to

one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

6,8,13”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Am and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Solanum,pseudocapsicum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,radicans,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Solanum,retroflexum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Solanum,retroflexum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,rostratum,Solanum cornutum,”buffalo burr, beaked

nightshade, bitterapple, buffalo bitter apple, pincushion nightshade,

prickly nightshade, sandbur”,,L,NSW; Vic; WA,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Solanum,rostratum, ,Buffalo bur,,,,germ seed on filter paper

moistened with 0.03% GA in petri dishes at 20-25C in dark,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Solanum,rostratum, Solanum cornutum,”buffalo burr, beaked

nightshade, bitterapple, buffalo bitter apple, pincushion nightshade,

prickly nightshade, sandbur”,,,,”buffalo burr is poisonous

& overseas, there have been fatalities in children after eating the

fruit; stock losses are rare becasue the plant's prickly nature deters

grazing animals but there are records of pig deaths after eating the

fruit; the plant caus”,”the native range of buffalo burr

includes Mexico & the southern US; it is somewhat weedy on neglected

sites & in pastures & agricultural crops, including cotton, in

part of this range & in adjoining areas including the west coast of

the US & the States of”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Solanum,rostratum, ,buffalo burr,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,rostratum, ,buffalobur,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solanum,sarrachoides, ,Green Nightshade,,,,S.

nitidibaccatum,Scattered UK & NW Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of

the World”

Solanum,sarrachoides, ,,,,,NOTE: Most Australian finds of this

species are likely to be S. physalifolium Rusby var nitidibaccatum,,Weed

Science List

Solanum,seaforthianum,,Brazilian nightshade,XX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Solanum,seaforthianum, ,Climbing Nightshade

,,,,VINES.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Solanum,seaforthianum, ,potato creeper,,,,”Proposed

Declared Weed.Woody SpeciesInvades: woodland, bush clumps. Cultivated

for: ornament”,Origin: tropical Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Solanum,seaforthianum, ,potato creeper,,,,”Proposed

Declared Weed.Woody SpeciesInvades: woodland, bush clumps. Cultivated

for: ornament”,Origin: tropical Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Solanum,seaforthianum, ,Climbing Nightshade

,,,,Vines.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening Australia,


Solanum,seaforthianum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,sisymbriifolium,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Solanum,sisymbriifolium, ,dense-thorned bitter

apple,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of herbicide registration &

biocontrol investigation.Woody SpeciesInvades: grassland, fynbos, forest

margins, plantationsCultivated for: edible fruit”,Origin: S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Solanum,sisymbriifolium, ,dense-thorned bitter

apple,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of biocontrol investigation.Woody

SpeciesInvades: wasteland, roadsides, tramped-out veldCultivated for:

“,Origin: tropical Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Solanum,sisymbriifolium, ,dense-thorned bitter

apple,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of herbicide registration &

biocontrol investigation.Woody SpeciesInvades: grassland, fynbos, forest

margins, plantationsCultivated for: edible fruit”,Origin: S

Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Solanum,sisymbriifolium, ,dense-thorned bitter apple,,,,”Declared

Weed. Subject of biocontrol investigation.Woody SpeciesInvades:

wasteland, roadsides, tramped-out veldCultivated for: “,Origin:

tropical Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Solanum,sisymbriifolium, ,,,,,Note Comments in Keighery List

entry.,,Weed Science List

Solanum,sodomaeum,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Solanum,sodomeum, ,apple-of-sodom nightshade,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solanum,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated by

Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Solanum,superficiens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,tampicense, ,”aquatic soda apple,

nightshade”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Solanum,tampicense, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Solanum,tampicense,,aquatic soda apple,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Solanum,tervum, ,terongan,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Solanum,torvum, ,”prickly solanum, devil's

fig”,,,,”, plantations, pastures, roadsides”,Fiji; French

Polynesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa;

Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture

and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Solanum,torvum,,Devil's fig,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Solanum,torvum,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Solanum,torvum, ,turkey berry,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Solanum,torvum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,torvum*,,turkey berry,,,,”Catergory I - Species

that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida.

This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical

range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage caused.*N

=Noxious weed as l”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species -

Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Solanum,triflorum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Solanum,triflorum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,triflorum, ,cutleaf nightshade,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solanum,tuberosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,viarum, ,”tropical soda apple, tropical

nightshade”,,,,From lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John

Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National

Parks, weed”

Solanum,viarum,,,terrestrial,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Solanum,viarum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Solanum,viarum,,tropical soda apple,,,,RANK 1. “SEVERE

THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess characteristics of

invasive species and spread easily into native plant communities and

displace native vegetation; includes species which are or could become

widespread in Tennessee.,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Solanum,viarum*,,tropical soda apple,,,,”Catergory I -

Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in

Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or

geographical range of the problem, but on the documented ecological

damage caused.*N =Noxious weed as “,,List of Florida's Most Invasive

Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Solanum,villosum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Solanum,villosum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,villosum, ,hairy nightshade,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Solanum,xanthocarpum,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Solanum,xanthocarpum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Solanum,xanthocarpum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Solanum ,triflorum, ,Cutleaf nightshade,,,,”4% germ at

20C in dark & none with 15C with alt. light/dark; 1000 seeds sown in

field in late autumn, over 500 germ next spring; some seed from original

planting persisted in soil & produced seedlings for up to

5yrs”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Withania,somnifera,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Withania,somnifera,syn Physalis somnifera,Clustered

withania,,,,”waste ground”“Plant is a narcotic &

anti-epileptic. Used for stomachaces, ulcers, & colds; roots are

calmative & used in treatments of rheumatic pains; leaves &

fruits are febrifuge, diuretic; seeds are toxic, emetic & anesthetic”““,”Medit,

W Asia to India, trop. & subtrop. regions of the Old

World”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Withania,somnifera, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Sparganium,americanum, ,Three square burreed,,,,”only

6-9% germ of seeds stored in water at 1-3C for 5-7mths, then germ in

water in diffuse light on greenhouse bench; no germ after 2,5,&7mths

of dry stored seeds; seeds with pericarp removed after 6mths dry storage

40% germ; 80-90% for 5yr old seed”,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sparganium,americanum, ,threesquare

burreed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sparganium,angustifolium, ,Narrowleaf burreed,,,,”no germ

of seeds stored in water at 1-3C for 5-7mths, then germ in water in

diffuse light on greenhouse bench; no germ after 2,5,&7mths of dry

stored seeds; seeds with pericarp removed not reported”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sparganium,angustifolium, ,narrowleaf

burreed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sparganium,chlorocarpum, ,Greenfruit burreed,,,,”no

germ of seeds stored in water at 1-3C for 5-7mths, then germ in water in

diffuse light on greenhouse bench; no germ after 2,5,&7mths of dry

stored seeds; seeds with pericarp removed not reported; 80-90% for 5yr

old seed stored in water at 1-3C”,,Germination & Establishment

of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sparganium,chlorocarpum, ,greenfruit

burreed,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sparganium,erectum,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sparganium,erectum,,,aquatic,,"Federal Noxious Weeds List, USA"

Sparganium,erectum, Sparganium ramosum,,,,,spread by

detached corms in winter & rhizomes in summer; seeds germ best if

pericarp removed & germ in water,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sparganium,erectum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sparganium,erectum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Sparganium,eurycarpum, ,Giant burreed,,,,”no germ of

seeds stored in water at 1-3C for 5-7mths, then germ in water in diffuse

light on greenhouse bench; no germ after 2,5,&7mths of dry storage;

seeds with pericarp removed after 6mths dry storage decayed; 80-90% for

5yr old seed in water at 1-3C”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sparganium,eurycarpum, ,giant burreed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sparganium,fluctuans, ,Water burreed,,,,”no germ of

seeds stored in water at 1-3C for 5-7mths, then germ in water in diffuse

light on greenhouse bench; no germ after 2,5,&7mths of dry stored

seeds; seeds with pericarp removed not reported”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Sparganium,fluctuans, ,water burreed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Sphenoclea,zeylandica, ,Gooseweed ,,,,”2,4-D 1983

Phillipines Rice “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Sphenoclea,zeylandica, ,Gooseweed ,,,,”2,4-D 1995

Malaysia Rice “,

heapian@ 1997,International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant

Weeds. Ian Heap

Sphenoclea,zeylanica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Sphenoclea,zeylanica, ,goose weed,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds

and Weed Control in Asia

Sphenoclea,zeylanica,syn ,,,,,”in almost any kind of

moist soil; on low riverbanks, along ditches, marshes, dry riverbeds,

ponds; up to 300m alt; flowers throughout the year; lowland irrigated

& rainfedrice fields; gregarious in the Philippines, a rice crop weed

in 17 countries; not kn”,”tropical Afr, tropical Amer; from

Iran to Turkistan, India, Taiwan, Malesia; in Indonesia: so far found in

Sumatra, Java, Bali, SW Sulawesi, Timor”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Sphenoclea,zeylanica, ,gooseweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Sphenoclea,zeylanica, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List



Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Dombeya,rotundifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Dombeya,rotundifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Firmiana,simplex, ,Chinese parasoltree,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Guazuma,ulmifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Guazuma,ulmifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Melochia,concatenata, ,,,,,45% germ of seeds planted in

moist sand 2wks after collection,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Melochia,corchorifolia, ,redwood,,,,perennial sub-dominance

, Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Melochia,corchorifolia,syn ,,,,,”sunny or lightly

shaded moist sites, along watercourses, on fallow fields, pastures; from

0-700m alt; flowering throughout the year; rainfed & upland rice

fields, a weed of minor importance, “,”Malesia, Malesia;

throughout Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Melochia,corchorifolia, ,redweed,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Melochia,pyramidata,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Melochia,pyramidata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Pentapetes,phoenicea, ,flor impia,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and

Weed Control in Asia

Waltheria,americana, ,Florida waltheria,,,,1% germ of seeds

stored in glass vials in lab for 19 or more years,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Waltheria,americana, ,Florida waltheria,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Tamarix,?pentaphylla,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tamarix,aphylla,”Tamarix articulata, Thuja aphylla,

Tamarix orientalis”,”tamarisk, athel pine, athel tree,

flowering cypress”,HHHw,NLP,NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tamarix,aphylla, ,Athel ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Tamarix,aphylla,” Tamarix articulata, Thuja

aphylla”,”tamarisk, athel pine, athel tree, flowering

cypress”,,,,”this fast-growing small tree thrives in the open

sun, tolerating both alkaline & saline soils; it grows best where

there is abundant water but develops satisfactorily even in areas of low

& erratic rainfall; the deeply penetrating roots often lower the

wa”,”native of northern Afr, the Arabian Peninsula, Iran &

India, tamarisk is commonly associated with oases, their surrounds &

ephemeral streams; it was introd to Arizona, USA for use as windbreaks

& woodlots in semi-arid areas; since then its use has spread

“,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Tamarix,aphylla, ,”tamarisk, athel pine”,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Tamarix,aphylla, ,athel tamarisk,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tamarix,aphylla, ,”tamarisk, athel

pine”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Tamarix,gallica, ,French tamarisk,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tamarix,indica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Tamarix,pentandra, Tamarix gallica,Salt cedar,,,,”87%

germ at temps from 66-110F on wet filter paper within 1wk; light no

beneficial effect; seed dry stored with silica gel desiccant for

9mths& held at 38, 48 or 60F, germ 80% “,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Tamarix,pentandra, ,Tamarisk ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Tamarix,pentandra, ,saltcedar,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tamarix,ramosissima, ,,,,,”Region of origin - E Eur to

C & E Asia; Extent of spread - localised ; Means of spread -

ornamental Tamarix ramosissima is reported as naturalised in the

““Spence Bridge Education Area, Barmah Forest”“

Victoria and 5 km east of Burraboi (near”,”Tamarix ramosissima

is naturalised in the SA Riverland at the Cobdogla Irrigation Area.

PhilReddy, one of the Riverland APCB's officers, collected a voucher

specimen in December1997 while control work was being carried out as part

of a Landcare project”,CRC for Weeds Tech Series Report # 3

Tamarix,ramosissima, ,pink tamarisk,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: sandy riverbanks and riverbedsCultivated for: ornament,

shade, erosion control; provides honey”,Origin: Europe &

Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Tamarix,ramosissima, ,pink tamarisk,,,,”Woody

SpeciesInvades: sandy riverbanks and riverbedsCultivated for: ornament,

shade, erosion control; provides honey”,Origin: Europe &

Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Tamarix,spp, ,”Tamarisk, Salt Cedar

“,,,,”California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory

(CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit effort to establish a

database, accessible through the Internet, containing information on

noxious weed control in California. This information will

f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Tamarix,spp., ,tamarisk,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”

Tamarix,sp.,,saltcedar ,"CLASS B WEED: Class B weeds are non-native species that are presently limited in distribution in King County, Washington State, and pose a serious threat to our resources. Control of these weeds is mandatory in King County.",,Noxious Weeds in Washington State

Tamarix,spp., ,”salt cedar, tamarisk”,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”


Taxus,brevifolia, ,Pacific yew,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Taxus,cuspidata, ,Japanese yew,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Taxus,floridana, ,Florida yew,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Torreya,californica, ,California nutmeg,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Sequoia,sempervirens,,,,G,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Sequoia,sempervirens, ,redwood,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Cyanella,hyacinthoides,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa


Camellia,sinensis,,tea,S,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa


Oreopteris,thelypteris,Syn. Lastrea,,,,, , ,Weeds and Weed

Control in Asia

Sphaerostephanos,invisus, ,,,,,”, “,French

Polynesia ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Sphaerostephanos,unitus, ,,,,,”, “,Western

Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture

and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F



Daphne,laureola, ,Spurge laurel ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Daphne,laureola,,spurge laurel ,"Becoming a problem in woodlands around Eugene, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver B.C.",,Noxious Invasive Vegetation of the Willamette Valley: Native Plant Society of Oregon. weed

Dirca,palustris, ,leatherwood,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Gnidia,squarrosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Thymelaea,passerina,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Thymelaea,passerina, ,,,,,”Lygia passerina, Passerina

annua”,”Mainland Europe, more in Northern Regions”,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Thymelaea,passerina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Wikstroemia,spp., ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst

Invasive Weeds”


Corchorus,aestuans, Corchorus acutangulus,,,,,”11% germ in

dark on moistened filter paper in petri dishes at room temp; light,

wetting/drying the seeds, or mechanical scarification failed to increase

germ %”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Corchorus,aestuans, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Corchorus,olitorius,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Corchorus,olitorius, ,,,,,54% germ of seed planted in moist

sand several months after collection; cracking seed coat increased germ

%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Corchorus,olitorius,syn ,”Malta jute, Jew's

mallow”,,,,”fields, roadsides, often escape from

cultivation”“Popular pot herb in Egypt, especially during

summertime. Important source of jute fiber in some

countries”““,trop. & subtrop. regions of the Old

World,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi,


Corchorus,olitorius, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Corchorus,olitorius, ,”Jew's mallow, tossa jute, wild

jute”,,,,”Corchorus olitorius are widely grown as pot-herbs in

the warm regions, and it is biotypes of these plants that have escaped to

become weeds in 28 crops in 50 countries.”,”principally of the

Old World , S Asia, the Middle East, N Afri; it is found either as a crop

or weed, over most of Afr, and in a broad arc from the eastern half of

the Medit area through southern Russia, Iran, India, Thailand, Indonesia,

the Philippines, “,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution

- Holm et. al.

Grewia,asiatica,,grewia,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Grewia,caffra,,”climbing raisin, climbing

grewia”,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa


Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Muntingia,calabura, ,Jamaica cherry,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Muntingia,calabura, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Muntingia,calabura, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Tilia,americana, ,American basswood,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tilia,heterophylla, ,white basswood,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Triumfetta,bartramia, ,Sacramento bur,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Triumfetta,cordifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Triumfetta,cordifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Triumfetta,pentandra,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Triumfetta,pilosa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Triumfetta,rhomboidea, ,”Chinese burr, burr

bush”,,,,”, pasture, plantations, roadsides”,Cook Islands;

Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea;

American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Vanuatu

,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern

and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Triumfetta,rhomboidea,,Chinese burr,,P,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Triumfetta,rhomboidea, ,Chinese burr,,,,,,Weed Science List

Triumfetta,rhomboidea, ,Chinese burr,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Triumfetta,semitriloba,,sacramento burr,,L,Qld,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tragopogon,Tragopogon,spp., ,,,,,germ between blotters at constant

15C,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes


Trapa,bicornis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trapa,bicornis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Trapa,bispinosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trapa,bispinosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Trapa,japonica, ,Waterchestnut,,,,” Aquatic weed,

free-floating “, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Trapa,maximowiezii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trapa,maximowiezii, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Trapa,natans, ,waterchestnut,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Trapa,natans,,water caltrope,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Trapa,natans, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Trapa,natans, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Trapa,natans, ,Water chestnut,,,,”germ in tap water with

diffuse light on greenhouse bench; seeds stored in water at 1-3C germ 0,

17 & 92% after 2, 5, & 7mths storage; seed stored in water at

1-3C for greater than 10mths began to germ while still in cold storage”,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Trapa,spp.,,water caltrope,,NLP,Qld,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Trapa,spp., ,,,P,,Whole genus Prohibited Entry by AQIS,,Western

Australian Prohibited List


Tropaeolum,majus,hybrid between T. ferreyrae & Tminor

(native of Ecuador & Peru),nasturtium,XXXXX,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Tropaeolum,majus, ,Nasturtium,,,,”Dispersal: ?. Life

Form: Annual. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation formations

(Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded: 1,6,8”,”Introduced

deliberately from: S Am and Commercially Available, , In Victoria:

Widespread, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Tropaeolum,majus, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Turnera,ulmifolia,,,,P,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Turnera,ulmifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List


Typha,angustifolia, ,”bulrush,

cumbungi”,,,,”Typha angustifolia is a slender perennial and is

a widespread and troublesome emergent, aquatic, freshwater weed found

throughout the world. It interferes with the use and maintenance of

drainage and irrigation canals, and impedes water transport,

fishing”,widespread,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution

- Holm et. al.

Typha,angustifolia, ,narrowleaf cattail,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Typha,domingensis, ,narrow leaf cumbungi,,,,”native sp. of

cumbungi important natural components of wetlands; minor weeds of

irrigation channels & ditches; inc. in spread of narrow leaf cumbungi

in irrigation areas, grows vigorously in shallow water, seed production

high, tolerates wide soil range”,”native to Aust, range extends

through warmer parts of the world”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia,

P & C”

Typha,domingensis, ,southern cattail,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Typha,glauca, ,blue cattail,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Typha,latifolia,,”cumbungi, great

reedmace”,H,L,Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Typha,latifolia, ,Great Reedmace,,,,”Dispersal: animal

external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Emergent aquatic(Perennial herb). RISK:

Very serious threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 8,9,10”,”tem.N Hem,Af,SAm, In

Victoria: Limited distribution, medium to large

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Typha,latifolia, ,Common cattail,,,,”89% germ in 2days

when seed coat ruptured, no germ of intact seeds at 29C in sterile water

in dark for 2days then in diffuse light; seed dry stored for 4.5 &

5.5yrs germ 78% & 96% after seed coat broken at alt. 15-20C in water;

no germ after 12yrs”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Typha,latifolia, ,cumbungi,,,,”native sp. of cumbungi

important natural components of wetlands; minor weeds of irrigation

channels & ditches; inc. in spread of narrow leaf cumbungi in

irrigation areas, grows vigorously in shallow water, seed production

high, tolerates wide soil range”,”native of Euro-Asia, N Afr

& N Amer regions”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Typha,latifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Typha,latifolia, ,Cattail,,,,” Aquatic weed, emerged

“, Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Typha,latifolia, ,common cattail,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Typha,orientalis,”Typha angustifolia var. muelleri, Typha

muelleri”,broad leaf cumbungi,H,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Typha,orientalis,” Typha angustifolia var. muelleri, Typha

muelleri”,broad leaf cumbungi,,,,”native sp. of cumbungi

important natural components of wetlands; minor weeds of irrigation

channels & ditches; inc. in spread of narrow leaf cumbungi in

irrigation areas, grows vigorously in shallow water, seed production

high, tolerates wide soil range”,”native to Aust & limited

to subtrop & trop distribution being confined to Indo, Malay, Philip,

PNG, Aust, NZ & Norfolk Is”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Typha,spp.,,cumbungis,XX,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Typha,spp., ,cumbungis,,,,,,Weed Science List

Typha,spp., ,cumbungis,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Typha ,latifolia, ,”bulrush, great reedmace, common

cattail”,,,,”Typha latifolia s an erect, rhizomatous perennial

and is a widespread and troublesome emergent, aquatic, freshwater weed

found throughout the world. It interferes with the use and maintenance of

drainage and irrigation canals, and impedes water

transport,”,widespread,WORLD WEEDS Natural Histories &

Distribution - Holm et. al.

Typha ,muelleri, ,,,,,”seed stored wet for 3-4mths germ

63, 66, 60, 91, 95, 87, 93 & 68% at respective alt. temps of 10-20,

10-24, 10-29, 15-20, 15-24, 15-29, 20-24, 20-29 & 24-29C within

7days”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental



Celtis,australis,,European hackberry,XX,NP,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Celtis,australis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Celtis,australis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Celtis,laevigata, ,sugarberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


sugarberry”,w,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Celtis,occidentalis, ,Chinese Elm ,,,,Major

WeedTrees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Celtis,occidentalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Celtis,occidentalis, ,western hackberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Celtis,occidentalis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Celtis,pallida, ,granjeno,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Celtis,reticulata, ,netleaf hackberry,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Celtis,sinensis,,”celtis, Chinese

elm”,HXw,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Celtis,sinensis, ,Chinese Elm ,,,,TREES.,,”Environmental

Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Celtis,sinensis, ,Chinese celtis,,,,,,Weed Science List

Celtis,sinensis, ,Chinese celtis,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Celtis,spinosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Celtis,spinosa, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Planera,aquatica, ,planetree,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Trema,micrantha, ,Florida trema,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ulmus,alata, ,Winged elm,,,,”90% germ or higher at various

temps ranging from 10-33C, optimum 20or 30Cin light/dark; dry stored seed

at room temp germ 80% or more for 2-18wks, then declined rapidly; seed

dry stored at 4C germ 90% over 2-56wks”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Ulmus,alata, ,winged elm,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Ulmus,americana, ,American elm,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ulmus,crassifolia, ,cedar elm,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ulmus,parvifolia, ,Chinese elm,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ulmus,procera,,Dutch elm,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Ulmus,procera, ,,,,,Region of origin - England; Extent of spread

- localised ; Means of spread - ornamental,,CRC for Weeds Tech Series

Report # 3

Ulmus,procera, ,English elm,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Ulmus,pumila, ,Siberian elm ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF PLANT

SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Ulmus,pumila,,,Peidmont in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Ulmus,pumila,,Siberian elm,"Avail nurseries, Hedge Potential Invasive ""10 m high, leaves narrow, 2-7 cm long, single toothed, dark green, hairless, smooth, fruits 10 mm long, round ""","Asia. Habitat: Urban areas, open woods"," INVASIVE PLANTS OF CANADA, Melinda Thompson Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, August 1997, weed"

Ulmus,pumila, ,Siberian elm,,,,From lists and sources by Faith

Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and Natural

Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Ulmus,pumila, ,Siberian elm,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Ulmus,pumila,,dwarf elm,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Ulmus,rubra, ,slippery elm,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Ulmus,serotina, ,red elm,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Ulmus,thomasi, ,rock elm,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Ulmus,x hollandica,,Dutch Elm,XXX,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Ulmus,x hollandica, ,Dutch Elm,,,,”Dispersal:

Vegetative,?Wind. Life Form: Tree. RISK: Potential threat to one or

vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur and Commercially

Available, , In Victoria: Widespread, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria


Australina,acuminata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Australina,acuminata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Boehmeria,nivea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Fleurya,ovalifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fleurya,ovalifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Hesperocnide,sandwicensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hesperocnide,sandwicensis, ,stinging weed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Hesperocnide,sandwicensis, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Parietaria,floridana, ,Florida pellitory,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Parietaria,judaica,Parietaria diffusa,”pellitory, wall

pellitory”,XXXXw,GL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Parietaria,judaica, Parietaria diffusa,”pellitory, wall

pellitory”,,,,”being somewhat drought resistant, it competes

strongly with other species; in the Sydney area it replaces ivy-leafed

toadflax & the sickle fern to form dense, monspecific stands; the

whole is aesthetically displeasing while its pollen causes allergenic

rh”,”it is now present inall southern States except Tas; while

mainly found in & around the major urban areas, it occasionally occurs

as a roadside weed elsewhere; it is widespread in inner Sydney, the North

Shore suburbs & west to Mount Druitt; it is most

not”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Parietaria,judaica, ,pellitory,,,,,,Weed Science List

Parietaria,officinalis,,”pellitory, wall

pellitory”,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Parietaria,officinalis, ,”pellitory, wall

pellitory”,,,,”being somewhat drought resistant, it competes

strongly with other species; in the Sydney area it replaces ivy-leafed

toadflax & the sickle fern to form dense, monspecific stands; the

whole is aesthetically displeasing while its pollen causes allergenic

rh”,”it is now present inall southern States except Tas; while

mainly found in & around the major urban areas, it occasionally

occurs as a roadside weed elsewhere; it is widespread in inner Sydney,

the North Shore suburbs & west to Mount Druitt; it is most

not”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Parietaria,officinalis, ,pellitory,,,,,,Weed Science List

Parietaria,officinalis, ,pellitory,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Parietaria,pensylvanica, ,Pennsylvania

pellitory,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Pilea,microphylla,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Pilea,microphylla, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Soleirolia,soleirolii,,artillery plant,H,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Soleirolia,solerolii, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urtica,dioica,,stinging nettle,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Urtica,dioica, ,Stinging nettle,,,,”seeds germ in 1st

spring after harvest; seeds placed in germinator, exposed to temps similar

to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ 81%; germ

greatest with light exposure”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Urtica,dioica, ,Stinging Nettle,,,,,”All Europe, Eurasia

& N Amer”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Urtica,dioica, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urtica,dioica, ,stinging nettle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Urtica,dioica,,stinging nettle,,,,”RANK 3. “LESSER

THREAT”Exotic plant species which seem to principally spread and

remain in disturbed corridors, not readily invading natural areas; also

some agronomic weeds.”,,Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Urtica,gracilis, ,slender nettle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Urtica,incisa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urtica,lyallii, ,Lyall nettle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Urtica,procera, ,tall nettle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Urtica,urens,,small nettle,XXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Urtica,urens, ,Small Nettle,,,,Dispersal: ?. Life Form:

Annual. RISK: Not a threat (but may have a negative visual impact).

Vegetation Formations Invaded: 4,”N Af,Euras, In Victoria:

Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental Weed

Invasions In Victoria

Urtica,urens, ,Burning nettle,,,,44% germ at 25C constant;

alt. 10-25C germ slightly lower,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Urtica,urens,syn ,Small nettle,,,,”waste ground,

roadsides, especially in Lower (northern) Egypt”“Fresh plants

used as an effective but painful rub to treat rheumatisim. Infusion of

entire plant is antihemorrhagic & galactogogue, of leaves is diuretic.

Extract of fresh leaves stops nosebl”,”Medit, Eur,

Asia”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Urtica,urens, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Urtica,urens, ,”annual nettle, small nettle, burning

nettle, nettle”,,,,”Urtica urens is an annual monecious herb

occurring in horticultural crops, gardens, pastures, waste areas and

roadsides in over 50 temperate-climate or high-altitude countries.U.

urens is a reported weed in of 27 crops in 50 countries and is a

frequentl”,”native to Eur, but is now cosmopolitan”,WORLD

WEEDS Natural Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Urtica,urens, ,burning nettle,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Urtica,var. holosericea, ,California slender

nettle,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Urticaeae,Urtica,urens, ,Small Nettle,,,,,Cosmopolitan,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”


Centranthus,macrosiphon,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Centranthus,ruber,,”Jupiter's beard, red

valerian”,XXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Centranthus,ruber, ,Red valerian ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser invasiveness,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Centranthus,ruber, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Fedia,cornucopiae, ,,,,,F. graciliflora,Very Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Fedia,cornucopiae, ,,,,,F. graciliflora,Very Southern

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Fedia,graciliflora,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Fedia,graciliflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Valeriana,officinalis, ,,,,,”seeds germ soon after

harvest & remainder in following spring; seeds placed in germinator,

exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors until germ or

rotted; total germ 97%”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds

for Experimental Purposes

Valeriana,officinalis, ,gardern heliotrope,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Valerianella,carinata, ,Keel Fruited Corn

Salad,,,,,Mainland Europe Uk & Eire,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Valerianella,carinata, ,Keel Fruited Corn

Salad,,,,,Mainland Europe Uk & Eire,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Valerianella,coronata, ,,,,,V. lasiocephala,Central to

Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Valerianella,coronata, ,,,,,V. lasiocephala,Central to

Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Valerianella,dentata, ,,,,,”germ good at optimum

constant temp 20C & at 3 alt. temps 5-15, 10-18,

10-25”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Valerianella,dentata, ,Narrow Fruited Corn Salad,,,,V.

morisonii,All Europe except Portugal & Sacndinavia,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Valerianella,dentata, ,Narrow Fruited Corn Salad,,,,V.

morisonii,All Europe except Portugal & Sacndinavia,Hanf “Arable

Weeds of the World”

Valerianella,discoidea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Valerianella,discoidea, ,,,,,V. coronata subsp.

discoidea,Southern Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Valerianella,discoidea, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Valerianella,echinata, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Valerianella,echinata, ,,,,,,Southern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Valerianella,eriocarpa, ,Hairy Fruited Corn Salad,,,,V.

fusiformis,”Mainland Europe, UK & Eire except Denmark & NE

Europe”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Valerianella,eriocarpa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Valerianella,eroicarpa,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Valerianella,locusta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Valerianella,locusta, ,Common Corn Salad,,,,V. olitoria,All

Europe,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Valerianella,locusta, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Valerianella,muricata,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Valerianella,olitoria, Valerianella locusta,European

cornsalad,,,,”seeds germ soon after harvest & remainder in

following spring; seeds placed in germinator, exposed to temps similar to

those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ 79%; optimum

temp range 7-13C constant & at alt. 5-15C”,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Valerianella,olitoria, ,European cornsalad,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Valerianella,pumila, ,,,,,”V. tridentata, V.

membranacea, V. multifida”,Southern to Eastern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Valerianella,pumila, ,,,,,”V. tridentata, V.

membranacea, V. multifida”,Southern to Eastern Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Valerianella,rimosa,,,X,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Valerianella,rimosa, Varlerianella auricula,,,,,”seeds

germ soon after harvest & continued for several mths; seeds placed in

germinator, exposed to temps similar to those prevailing outdoors until

germ or rotted; total germ 96%”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Valerianella,rimosa, ,Broad Fruited Corn Salad,,,,,Mainland

Europe Uk & Eire,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Valerianella,rimosa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Vaucheria,spp. (aquatic), ,vaucheria,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Viscum,album, ,European Mistletoe ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible through

the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed


Aloysia,lycioides, ,whitebrush,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Aloysia,triphylla,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Avicennia,nitida, ,black mangrove,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Callicarpa,americana, ,American beautyberry,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Citharexylum,fruticosum,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Clerodendrum,chinense,,,E,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Clerodendrum,chinense (=C.philippinensis),

,”clerodendrum, Honolulu rose”,,,,”tropical America

(Brazil?), field crops, roadsides, natural vegetation”,Cook Islands;

Fiji; French Polynesia; Fed. States of Micronesia; Niue; Papua New

Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa ,”“Weeds of Agriculture

and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Clerodendrum,fragrans, ,fragrant clerodendron,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Clerodendrum,grandiflorum,,,S,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Clerodendrum,heterophyllum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Clerodendrum,paniculatum,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Clerodendrum,philippinum,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Clerodendrum,philippinum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Clerodendrum,philippinum, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Clerodendrum,schweimfurthii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Clerodendrum,thompsoniae,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Duranta,erecta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Duranta,repens, ,Duranta ,,,,SHRUBS.,,”Environmental

Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle, Greening Australia, 1995”

Duranta,repens, ,golden-dewdrop,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Gmelina,arborea,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Gmelina,asiatica,”Gmelina coromandelina, Gmelina

integrifolia, Gmelina parvifolia, Gmelina tomentosa”,”badhara

bush, Asiatic beechberry, oval-leafed gmelina”,,LP,Qld,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Gmelina,asiatica,” Gmelina coromandelina, Gmelina

integrifolia, Gmelina parvifolia, Gmelina tomentosa”,”badhara

bush, Asiatic beechberry, oval-leafed gmelina”,,,,”this

aggressive thorny shrub tends to form dense thickets impenetable to stock

& shades out useful pasture speciesfirst found near Rockhampton where

a large Military Hospital was sited during WWII, it is thought to have

been introd accidentally by troops”,”Badhara bush is widely

distributed throughout Asia; it occurs naturally from India through

Bangladesh, Burma, the Malay Archipelago, Indo-China, Thailand,

Indonesia, & into China, Micronesia & Melanesia as far south as

New Caledonia & Fiji; it also extend”,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Gmelina,asiatica, ,badhara bush,,,,,,Weed Science List

Gmelina,asiatica, ,badhara bush,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Gmelina,elliptica,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Lantana,camara, ,lantana,,,,”, pasture, gardens, waste

lands”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Fed. States of Micronesia;

Guam; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; New Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea;

American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu;

Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Lantana,camara, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds nominated

by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Lantana,camara,”Camara vulgaris, Lantana

scabrida”,”common lantana, largeleaf lantana, red-flowered

sage, wild sage, white sage”,HXHHX,NL,NSW; NT,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lantana,camara,” Camara vulgaris, Lantana

scabrida”,”common lantana, largeleaf lantana, red-flowered

sage, wild sage, white sage”,,,,”the lantana complex can be

divided into two major groups, the one is more or less thornless &

the other thorny; in Aust the major ornamental biotypes are almost

without thorns & produce few if any seeds, whereas the weedy biotypes

produce long, rambling t”,”this native of Central Amer was

introd to Eur as an ornamental during the 17thC, from there it was

carried to other parts of the world as various colonial empires were

developed; it now occurs in 47 countries, from the US to Turkey in the

north, throught “,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Lantana,camara, ,”lantana, shrub verbena”,,,,From

lists and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant

Invaders of Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Lantana,camara, ,lantana,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of

herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: forest and plantation margins, savanna, watercourses,

roadsides, degraded landCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin: C

& S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Lantana,camara, ,lantana,,,,”Declared Weed. Subject of

herbicide registration & biocontrol investigationWoody

SpeciesInvades: forest and plantation margins, savanna, watercourses,

roadsides, degraded landCultivated for: ornament, hedging”,Origin: C

& S Amer,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Lantana,camara, ,Lantana ,,,,Major

WeedTrees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Lantana,camara, ,common lantana,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lantana,camara, ,lantana,,,,”Source: “USA Composite

List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA

WEEDS 14: 1966

Lantana,camara,,lantana,,,,”Catergory I - Species that

are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This

definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographical range

of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage

caused.”,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic

Pest Plant Council

Lantana,camera, ,Lantana ,,,,Major

WeedSHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Lantana,montevidensis,Lantana sellowiana,”creeping

lantana, purple lantana, small lantana, trailing lantana, weeping

lantana”,XX,NL,NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lantana,montevidensis, Lantana sellowiana,”creeping

lantana, purple lantana, small lantana, trailing lantana, weeping

lantana”,,,,”the presence of creeping lantana thickets reduces

the available grazing area & hence pasture productivity; it is an

extremely efficient pioneer species, quickly encroaching on pasture areas

weakened by prolonged drought; at the same time the plant is

sus”,this native of Uruguay & southern Brazil has been introd to

most other tropical & subtropical regions as a ground-covering

ornamental; it is considered a weed only in Aust,”Noxious Weeds of

Australia, P & C”

Lantana,montevidensis, ,creeping lantana,,,,,,Weed Science


Lantana,montevidensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lantana,spp., ,,,P,,,Note import conditions

exceptions,Western Australian Prohibited List

Lantana,spp. except: L camara & L.

montividensis,,,,NP,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lantana,tiliifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Lippia,alba,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Lippia,cuneifolia, ,wedgeleaf fogfruit,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Lippia,nodiflora, ,mat lippia,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Phyla,canescens,,lippia,,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Phyla,nodiflora,,”carpet weed, lippia, condamine couch,

no-mow”,XH,NL,NSW,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Phyla,nodiflora, ,Lippia ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Phyla,nodiflora,”syn Lippia nodiflora, Verbena

nodiflora”,”Matgrass, Creeping vervain”,,,,”canal

banks, moist ground, lawns in gardensPlant often cultivated mixed with

lawn grasses”,”Medit, W & trop. Asia”,”The Weed

Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi, M”

Phyla,nodiflora, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Phyla,nodiflora,syn Lippia nodiflora,,,,,”moderately to

very dry areas, especially on heavier, also saline soils, aslo in sandy

places, wet places, gardens, irrigated lands; from 0-1000m alt; locally

numerous; flowers all year round; rainfed & upland rice fields, a

weed of minor importance, the p”,”Asia, pantropical;

throughoutIndonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et

al, 1987”

Premna,obtusifolia (=P. serratifolia), ,,,,,”, coconut,

pandanus”,Kiribati ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Stachytarpheta,angustifolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stachytarpheta,angustifolia, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Stachytarpheta,australis,,,H,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Stachytarpheta,cayennensis, ,snakeweed,,,,”,

“,French Polynesia; New Caledonia; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands;

Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Stachytarpheta,cayennensis,,”cayenne snakeweed, blue

snakeweed, rough-leaved false vervain”,H,L,NT,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Stachytarpheta,cayennensis, ,”Cayenne snakeweed, blue

snakeweed, rough-leaved false vervain”,,,,”snakeweed readily

invades disturbed areas, esp. newly sown pastures, crops & tree

plantations; in Aust Cayenne, light blue & esp. dark blue snakeweed

can be serious weeds of sown pastures often forming dense thickets in

high rainfall dist; pink snakeweed “,”native of tropical &

subtropical Amer; many have been introd, either accidentally or

intentionally to the remaining tropical & subtropical areas of the

world; some seven or eight species have become weeds, the four occuring

in Aust are also troublesome in”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P

& C”

Stachytarpheta,cayennensis, ,”cayenne snakeweed, blue

snakeweed, rough leaved false vervain”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stachytarpheta,dichotoma, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stachytarpheta,indica, Stachytarpheta jamaicensis,Nettleleaf

vervain,,,,78% germ of seeds planted in moist sand a few mths after

collection,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Stachytarpheta,indica,syn Stachytarpheta

bogoriensis,,,,,”sunny to lightly shaded, preferably not too heavy

soils in regions with a strong dry season; along roads , fields, coconut

plantations & mango groves, fallow & waste lands; often

gregarious; from 0-1500m alt; flowes all year round; upland rice fields,

a w”,”tropical Amer, pantropical; throughout

Indonesia”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al,


Stachytarpheta,indica, ,nettleleaf vervain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Stachytarpheta,jamaicensis, ,Jamaican snakeweed,,,,”,

pasture”,Cook Islands; Fiji; Guam; Kiribati; New Caledonia; Niue;

Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga;

Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the

Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Stachytarpheta,jamaicensis,,”light blue snakeweed,

bastard vervain, Brazil tea, Jamaica vervain”,H,LP,NT,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Stachytarpheta,jamaicensis, ,”light blue snakeweed,

bastard vervain, Brazil tea, Jamaica vervain”,,,,”snakeweed

readily invades disturbed areas, esp. newly sown pastures, crops &

tree plantations; in Aust Cayenne, light blue & esp. dark blue

snakeweed can be serious weeds of sown pastures often forming dense

thickets in high rainfall dist; pink snakeweed “,”native of

tropical & subtropical Amer; many have been introd, either

accidentally or intentionally to the remaining tropical & subtropical

areas of the world; some seven or eight species have become weeds, the

four occuring in Aust are also troublesome in”,”Noxious Weeds

of Australia, P & C”

Stachytarpheta,jamaicensis, ,”light blue snakeweed,

bastard vervain, Brazil tea, Jamaica vervain (USA)”,,,,,,Weed

Science List

Stachytarpheta,jamaicensis,syn ,,,,,”sunny or slightly

shaded, not too dry places; waysides, scrub, secondary forest, fences

along streamlets; often numerous, a weed of minor importance in rice

fields, but may beocme a serious weed in pasture land, where it cannot be

removed by mowing, “,”tropical Amer, in Java especially in the

western part, up to 500m alt”,”Weeds of Rice in Indonesia,

Soerjani et al, 1987”

Stachytarpheta,jamaicensis, ,”Jamaican snakeweed, light

blue snakeweed, vervain, Jamaican vervain”,,,,Stachytarpheta

jamaicensis is the most widespread of the four species of Stachytarpheta

that have become weedy in tropical and subtropical agriculture. The

infestations are centered in two regions on opposite sides of the earth.

The largest area is bounde,native to tropical Amer,WORLD WEEDS Natural

Histories & Distribution - Holm et. al.

Stachytarpheta,jamaicensis, ,”light blue snakeweed,

bastard vervain, Brazil tea, Jamaica vervain (USA)”,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Stachytarpheta,mutabilis,,pink snakeweed,,LP,NT,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Stachytarpheta,mutabilis, ,pink snakeweed,,,,”snakeweed

readily invades disturbed areas, esp. newly sown pastures, crops &

tree plantations; in Aust Cayenne, light blue & esp. dark blue

snakeweed can be serious weeds of sown pastures often forming dense

thickets in high rainfall dist; pink snakeweed “,”native of

tropical & subtropical Amer; many have been introd, either

accidentally or intentionally to the remaining tropical & subtropical

areas of the world; some seven or eight species have become weeds, the

four occuring in Aust are also troublesome in”,”Noxious Weeds

of Australia, P & C”

Stachytarpheta,mutabilis, ,pink snakeweed,,,,,,Weed Science


Stachytarpheta,mutabilis,X jamaicensis,,,,,,,Weed Science


Stachytarpheta,mutabilis,X urticifolia,,,,,,,Weed Science


Stachytarpheta,mutabilis, ,pink snakeweed,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Stachytarpheta,urticifolia, ,”blue rat's tail, dark-blue

snakeweed”,,,,”, pasture, newly cleared areas,

roadsides”,Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Guam; New

Caledonia; Niue; Papua New Guinea; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon

Islands; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu ,”“Weeds of

Agriculture and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western

Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Stachytarpheta,urticifolia,,”dark blue snakeweed,

nettleleaf vervain”,XX,LP,NT,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Stachytarpheta,urticifolia, ,”dark blue snakeweed,

nettleleaf vervain”,,,,”snakeweed readily invades disturbed

areas, esp. newly sown pastures, crops & tree plantations; in Aust

Cayenne, light blue & esp. dark blue snakeweed can be serious weeds

of sown pastures often forming dense thickets in high rainfall dist; pink

snakeweed “,”native of tropical & subtropical Amer; many

have been introd, either accidentally or intentionally to the remaining

tropical & subtropical areas of the world; some seven or eight

species have become weeds, the four occuring in Aust are also troublesome

in”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Stachytarpheta,urticifolia, ,”dark blue snakeweed,

nettleleaf vervain”,,,,,,Weed Science List

Stachytarpheta,urticifolia, ,”dark blue snakeweed,

nettleleaf vervain”,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Stachytarpheta,X adulterina,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Stachytarpheta,X trimenii,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Verbena,aristigera,V. tenuisecta,,,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Verbena,bipinnatifida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbena,bonariensis,”numerous other spp. includedV.

caracsasna, V. litoralis, V. quadrangularis”,purple-top

verbena,XXXXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Verbena,bonariensis, ,Purple-top Verbena,,,,”Dispersal:

animal external,Water,Wind. Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Serious

threat to one or vegetation formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations

Invaded: 4,8,13”,”Introduced deliberately from: S Am, In

Victoria: Widespread, medium to large populations”,Environmental

Weed Invasions In Victoria

Verbena,bonariensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbena,bonariensis, ,tall vervain,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Verbena,bracteata, ,prostrate vervain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Verbena,brasiliensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbena,caracasana,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Verbena,ciliata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbena,ciliata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Verbena,hastata, ,Blue vervain,,,,”seeds stored wet or

dry at 5C over winter, 2% germ of seed stored wet seed & 0% germ of

seed stored dry; 25% germ of wet stored at 14C; intact seeds 0% germ in

dark & 18% in 15days in light; seed coat cut 40% in dark in 5days

& 32% in light at 20-25C “,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Verbena,hastata, ,blue vervain,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Verbena,hispida,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Verbena,hispida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbena,incompta,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Verbena,litoralis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Verbena,litoralis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbena,littoralis, ,seashore vervain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Verbena,officinalis,,common verbena,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Verbena,officinalis, ,European vervain,,,,seeds germ in 1st

spring after harvest; seeds placed in germinator exposed to temps similar

to those prevailing outdoors until germ or rotted; total germ

18%,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Verbena,officinalis, ,Vervain,,,,,Mainland Europe except

Denmark,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Verbena,officinalis,syn ,”Vervain, Pigeon's grass, Holy

herb”,,,,”moist ground, canal banks, damp roadsides, fallow

fields”“Leaves used as a febrifuge, diuretic, stimulant &

antidiarrheic”““,”subcosmopolitan, except very cold

regions”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil el-Hadidi,


Verbena,officinalis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbena,officinalis, ,European vervain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Verbena,rigida,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Verbena,rigida, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbena,stricta, ,Hoary vervain,,,,54% germ of seed planted

in soil flat kept outdoors for 71days then transferred to greenhouse in

14-63days; seed immediately planted into greenhouse 0% germ,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Verbena,stricta, ,hoary vervain,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Verbena,supina,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Verbena,supina,syn ,,,,,”alluvial moist ground, Nile and

canal banks”,”Medit, C Eur, temp. Asia, NE trop.

Afr”,”The Weed Flora of Egypt Boulos, L., & Nabil

el-Hadidi, M”

Verbena,supina, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbena,tenuisecta, ,Mayne's pest,,,,,,Weed Science List

Verbena,tenuisecta, ,Mayne's pest,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Verbena,urticifolia, ,White vervain,,,,intact seed 17% germ

within 16-97days in light at 20-25C; nipped seed coat 24% germ in 5days

in light & 56% in 5days in dark at 20-25C,,Germination &

Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Verbena,urticifolia, ,white vervain,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Verbena,X quadrangularis,V. X brasiliensis,,,,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Vitex,angus-castus, ,chaste tree,,,,From lists and sources by

Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Vitex,trifolia, ,beach vitex,,,,”, sandy

areas”,Fiji; Guam; American Samoa; Western Samoa; Solomon Islands;

Vanuatu; Wallis & Futuna,”“Weeds of Agriculture and Plantation

Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F Waterhouse”

Vitex,trifolia,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious



Hybanthus,attenuatus,,,"rice, a wide diversity of annual crops, pastures, waste places",,"Northern Australian Quarantine Service, Target Weeds"

Hybanthus,attenuatus,syn ,,,,,”in all kinds of annual

crops, from 0-ca. 400m alt, a potentially significant weed, locally

dominant & fast growing; in C Amer a common weed in crops, humid

pastures & waste places, “,”S Amer, in Indonesia, has so

far been found only in C. Java (1978)”,”Weeds of Rice in

Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”

Viola,arvensis,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Viola,arvensis, ,Field Pansy,,,,V. banatica,All Europe,Hanf

“Arable Weeds of the World”

Viola,arvensis, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Viola,arvensis, ,field violet,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Viola,grypoceras, ,,,,, , Kagawa ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Viola,kitaibeliana var. rafinesquii, ,johnnyjumpup

violet,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds” published

by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Viola,mandshurica, ,,,,, , Miyagi ,Weeds and Weed Control in


Viola,odorata,,common violet,XXXXX,N,,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Viola,odorata, ,Common Violet,,,,”Dispersal: Water,Ant.

Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

1,2,4,5,6,7,8”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,N Af,M East and

Commercially Available, , In Victoria: Limited distribution, small

populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In Victoria

Viola,odorata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Viola,riviniana,,common dog-violet,X,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Viola,riviniana, ,Common Dog-viole,,,,”Dispersal: ?Ant.

Life Form: Perennial herb. RISK: Potential threat to one or vegetation

formations (Victoria). Vegetation Formations Invaded:

6,7”,”Introduced deliberately from: Eur,N Af, In Victoria: Rare

or localised, small populations”,Environmental Weed Invasions In


Viola,riviniana, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Viola,spp., ,,,,,”82% germ at alt 5-15C; seeds germ in

spring following harvest; seeds placed in germinator, exposed to temps

prevailing outdoors; 62% germ”,,Germination & Establishment of

Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Viola,tricolor, ,Wild Pansy,,,,,,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Viola,tricolor, ,Wild Pansy,,,,,,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Viola,tricolor, ,wild violet,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Viola,verecunda, ,,,,, ,Shimane ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia


Ampelopsis,arborea, ,peppervine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Ampelopsis,brevipedunculata,,,Peidmont and mountains & valleys in Virginia,,"Alien Invasive plants in Virginia: Virginia Native Plant Society, Weed"

Ampelopsis,brevipedunculata, ,porcelainberry,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Cissus,incisa, ,ivy treebine,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Cissus,rotundifolia,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Parthenocissus,japonicus, ,Boston ivy,,,,From lists and sources

by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks and

Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Parthenocissus,quinquefolia,,”Virginia creeper, Boston ivy,

Japanese ivy”,XS,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Parthenocissus,quinquefolia, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Parthenocissus,quinquefolia, ,Virginia creeper,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vitis,aestivalis, ,summer grape,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vitis,candicans, ,mustang grape,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vitis,rotundifolia, ,muscadine grape,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vitis,rupestris, ,sand grape,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Vitis,vulpina, ,riverbank grape,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Xyris,indica, ,,,,, , Thailand ,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Xyris,indica, ,,,,, ,,Weeds and Weed Control in Asia

Xyris,indica var. indica,syn ,,,,,”usually restricted to

inundated fields; only in lighter red clay & loam soils,sometimes on

sand; in everwet & in seasonal regions; from 0-600m alt; flowering

throughout the year (inJava mostly Mar-June); flowers ephemeral. dropping

in the afternoon; rainf”,”Asia, from India, Indonesia, S China

to Aust, Malesia; in Indonesia: Sumatra, Java, islands of Madura &

Kangean, Kalimantan & Irian Jaya, as far as known”,”Weeds

of Rice in Indonesia, Soerjani et al, 1987”


Lepilaena,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited



Curcuma,longa,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious


Curcuma,longa, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hedychium,coccineum, ,red ginger lily,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: forests, plantations, riverbanks, moist, shaded

sitesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of

Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Hedychium,coccineum, ,red ginger lily,,,,”Herbaceous

SpeciesInvades: forests, plantations, riverbanks, moist, shaded

sitesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin: Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern

Africa. (Weeds)

Hedychium,coronarium,,white ginger,w,N,,,,Australian

Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hedychium,coronarium, ,white gingerlily,,,,From lists and

sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of Parks

and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Hedychium,coronarium, ,white ginger

lily,,,,”Herbaceous SpeciesInvades: forests, plantations,

riverbanks, moist, shaded sitesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin:

Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Hedychium,coronarium, ,white ginger

lily,,,,”Herbaceous SpeciesInvades: forests, plantations,

riverbanks, moist, shaded sitesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin:

Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Hedychium,coronarium, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Hedychium,flavescens, ,yellow ginger

lily,,,,”Herbaceous SpeciesInvades: forests, plantations,

riverbanks, moist, shaded sitesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin:

Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Hedychium,flavescens, ,yellow ginger

lily,,,,”Herbaceous SpeciesInvades: forests, plantations,

riverbanks, moist, shaded sitesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin:

Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Hedychium,gardneranum, ,Ginger Lily

,,,,SHRUBS.,,”Environmental Weeds Of North Coast NSW, John Nagle,

Greening Australia, 1995”

Hedychium,gardnerianum, ,,,,,Initial list of Invasive weeds

nominated by Aliens list members,,”Aliens List, Nominated Worst Invasive


Hedychium,gardnerianum,,”Kahila gingerlily, yellow

yinger lily”,X,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Hedychium,gardnerianum, ,Kahila gingerlily,,,,From lists

and sources by Faith Campbell and John Randall,,”Plant Invaders of

Parks and Natural Areas, US National Parks, weed”

Hedychium,gardnerianum, ,kahill ginger

lily,,,,”Herbaceous SpeciesInvades: forests, plantations,

riverbanks, moist, shaded sitesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin:

Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Hedychium,gardnerianum, ,kahill ginger

lily,,,,”Herbaceous SpeciesInvades: forests, plantations,

riverbanks, moist, shaded sitesCultivated for: ornament”,Origin:

Asia,Plant Invaders of Southern Africa. (Weeds)

Hedychium,gardnerianum, ,Ginger Lily

,,,,Trees/Shrubs.,,”Rainforest Weeds, John Nagle, Greening

Australia, 1995”

Hedychium,gardnerianum, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Kaempferia,sp., ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Zingiber,officinale,,,,N,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Zingiber,officinale, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Zingiber,zerumbet,,,,,,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Zingiber,zerumbet, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List


Ruppia,maritima, ,widgeongrass,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Zannichellia,palustris, ,Horned pondweed,,,,”fruit germ

in year of growth, germ freely in water after 4.5mths

drying”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental


Zannichellia,palustris, ,horned pondweed,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Zostera,marina, ,,,,,”this species is the best known,

most widespread & probably most important of the few marine

angiosperms - refer to citations & references

listed”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for Experimental



Spirogyra,arcla, ,,,,, , Japan,Weeds and Weed Control in


Spirogyra,spp., ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Spirogyra,spp. (aquatic), ,spirogyra,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


Tribulus ,terrestris, ,Puncture Vine,,,,,All Europe except

NW region,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the World”

Tribulus,terrestris,, puncturevine,"Possible Weed of Agriculture, grassland and Forest: High Weed Potential in Disturbed areas",,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Kallstroemia,californica, ,California

caltrop,,,,”Source: “USA Composite List of Weeds”

published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Kallstroemia,grandiflora, ,orange caltrop,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Kallstroemia,hirsutissima, ,hairy caltrop,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Kallstroemia,maxima, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Kallstroemia,maxima, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Larrea,divaricata, ,,,,,,,Weed Science List

Larrea,divaricata, ,,,P,,,,Western Australian Prohibited


Larrea,tridentata, ,Creosote bush,,,,germ best following

an after ripening period; Optimum germ temp 35C in dark,,Germination

& Establishment of Weeds for Experimental Purposes

Larrea,tridentata, ,creosotebush,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Peganum,harmala,,”African rue, harmel”,XX,L,SA;

WA,,,Australian Naturalised and/or Noxious Taxa

Peganum,harmala, ,Harmel ,,,,”California Noxious Weed

Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined government/private/non-profit

effort to establish a database, accessible through the Internet,

containing information on noxious weed control in California. This

information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Peganum,harmala, ,”African rue,

harmel”,,,,”it occurs only in isolated patches & is

confined to NSW & SA; it was first naturalised in NSW on the heavy

soils at Wirruna Station near Young in 1933 & at Savernake in 1937

& is still growing in these areas; in SA it occurs in patches at

Tintinara, Taylo”,”is indigenous to the Medit region & the

Middle East, extending into Tibet, Pakistan, north west India & the

Soviet Union north of the Caspian Sea; introd to the US in 1928 & to

Aust a little later”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P &


Peganum,harmala, ,African rue ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST OF

PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to spread,,Pacific

Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Peganum,harmala, ,African rue n ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Peganum,harmala, ,African rue,,,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Weed Science List

Peganum,harmala, ,African rue,,,,”Source: “USA

Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14: 347-386,

1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Peganum,harmala, ,African rue,,P,, Declared spp. under

ARRPA,,Western Australian Prohibited List

Porlieria,angustifolia, ,guayacan,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tribulus,cistoides, ,,,,,”, “,Fiji; French

Polynesia; Kiribati; Papua New Guinea ,”“Weeds of Agriculture

and Plantation Foresty in the Southern and Western Pacific”, D.F


Tribulus,cistoides,,caltrop,,L,NT,,,Australian Naturalised

and/or Noxious Taxa

Tribulus,cistoides, ,Jamaica feverplant,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tribulus,cistoides,,”puncture vine,

burnut”,,,,”Catergory II - Species that shown a potential to

disrupt native plant communities. These species may become ranked as

Catergory I, but have not yet demonstrated disruption of natural Florida

communities. “,,List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida

Exotic Pest Plant Council

Tribulus,micrococcus, ,Yellow vine,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tribulus,micrococcus, ,Yellow vine,,P,,,,Western

Australian Prohibited List

Tribulus,terrestris,,”caltrop, bindii, cat-head,

catshead, goat head, Malta cross, puncture vine, yellow

vine”,XXXHX,L,Vic; SA; NT; Tas,,,Australian Naturalised and/or

Noxious Taxa

Tribulus,terrestris, ,Puncturevine ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Tribulus,terrestris, ,Puncture vine,,,,”1-12wk old

& 3-5yr old seed tested in greenhouse in soil; seed stored in polyethylene

bag in closed draw for 16mths, untreated seed 10% germ in 3wks, 22% in

8wks; various treatments used, sulfuric acid for 30min, imbiding on wet

filter paper-low germ”,,Germination & Establishment of Weeds for

Experimental Purposes

Tribulus,terrestris, ,”caltrop, bindii, cat-head,

catshead, goat head, Malta cross, puncture vine, yellow

vine”,,,,”spines on the fruit damage the feet of animals,

particularly horses, sheep, cattle & dogs & are a nuisance to

humans particularly on playing fields, caravan parks etc; when growing in

orchards, vineyards & market gardens caltrop fruit are an annoyance

to “,”The native range of caltrop is very wide, extending from

the Medit region through Asia, Afr & subtropical Aust; it occurs in

almost all temperate areas of the world & is troublesome in most; it

is imprt in N Amer, particularly in the SW from Texas to

Cali”,”Noxious Weeds of Australia, P & C”

Tribulus,terrestris, ,Puncture-vine ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Wildland weeds of lesser

invasiveness,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Tribulus,terrestris, ,Caltrop n ,,,,” PROCLAIMED

PLANTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 1996 # Plant must be destroyed. *

Control required in part of the State only. + Control not required. n

Notifiable in part of the State. N Notifiable throughout the State. c

Special program in south-ea”,” Sale of Plant, or Produce, Goods

etc. Prohibited in South Australia (Section 54(1) (2) applies) Roadside

control cost to be met by adjoining Landholder (Section 60 applies)

Mo”,”South Australian ““Proclaimed Plants”“


Tribulus,terrestris, ,caltrop,,,,,,Weed Science List

Tribulus,terrestris, ,puncturevine,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966

Tribulus,terrestris, ,caltrop,,P,,,,Western Australian

Prohibited List

Tribulus,terrestris,,puncturevine,,,,”RANK 2.

“SIGNIFICANT THREAT”Exotic plant species which possess some

invasive characteristics, but have less impact on native plant

communities; may have the capacity to invade natural communities along

disturbance corridors, or to spread from stands in d”,,Invasive

Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee

Zygophyllum,fabago,, syrian beancaper,Possible Weed of Agriculture and Grassland habitats: High Weed Potential in Disturbed areas,,"Potential Exotic Plant Species Invading the Blackfoot Drainage, Montana, Peter M. Rice, Chris Toney and Bob Sacco, weed"

Zygophyllum,fabago, ,Syrian Beancaper ,,,,”California

Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory (CNWCPI) A combined

government/private/non-profit effort to establish a database, accessible

through the Internet, containing information on noxious weed control in

California. This information will f”,,Californian Noxious Weed

Zygophyllum,fabago, ,,,,,,”Eastern Europe, some

scattered in Spain & SW France”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Zygophyllum,fabago, ,,,,,,”Eastern Europe, some

scattered in Spain & SW France”,Hanf “Arable Weeds of the


Zygophyllum,fabago, ,Syrian bearcaper ,,,,PRELIMINARY LIST

OF PLANT SPECIES OF CONCERN: Red alert - high potential to

spread,,Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (Weed)

Zygophyllum,fabago, ,Syrian beancaper,,,,”Source:

“USA Composite List of Weeds” published by WSSA WEEDS 14:

347-386, 1966”,,WSSA WEEDS 14: 1966


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