New Mexico Higher Education Department

New Mexico Higher Education Department

1068 Cerillos Road, Santa Fe, NM 87505 p: 505-476-6521 f: 505-476-6511

NM Gear UP Budget Request for Approval

|Date: December 5, 2006 |

|Name of Person Preparing Budget: Sheila Raihl School: Chaparral Middle School |

|Address: 290 E. Lisa Dr. Chaparral, NM 88081 |

|Phone Number: (505) 824-4847 e-mail address: |

|Total Number of 7th Graders: 291 Funds per Student: $253.79 |

|Line Item Name |Total Budget |Budget Inc./Dec |Budget as Adjusted |

|2006-07 Award Amount |$ 73,853.97 | | |

|Interventions | | | |

|Teacher/Administrator Professional Development | | | |

|Quality Mentoring for Students |$2,000.00 | | |

|Building/Maintaining Parental Involvement |$2,000.00 | | |

|Career-Cruising Training |$2,000.00 | | |

|Total Teacher/Administrator PD (A, B, C) |$6,000.00 | | |

|Tutor Training | | | |

|Success Tracker Training |$1,000.00 | | |

|Read 180 Training |$1,000.00 | | |

| | | | |

|Total Tutor Training (D, E, F) |$2,000.00 | | |

|School Events (Family Meetings) | | | |

|Gear Up Community Launch |$1,500.00 | | |

|Gear Up Spring Event |$1,500.00 | | |

| | | | |

|Total School Events (G, H, I) |$3,000.00 | | |

|Summer Events | | | |

|Transportation Costs for Field Trips |$1,500.00 | | |

|Summer Enrichment Program |$18,000.00 | | |

|Line Item Name |Total Budget |Budget Inc./Dec |Budget as Adjusted |

| | | | |

|Total Summer Events (J, K, L) |$19,500.00 | | |

|Academic/Social Interventions (including curricula purchase) | | | |

|Success Tracker @ $10.00 per student |$1,800.00 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total Academic/Social Interventions (M, N, O) |$1,800.00 | | |

|Stipends ($23/hour X number of hours) | | | |

|Gear Up Coordinator – 228 hours | $5,244.00 | | |

|Parent Coordinator – 75 Hours |$1,725.00 | | |

|Site Liaison – 175 Hours |$4,025.00 | | |

|Tutor Stipends – 576 hours (4 people 2 hours twice weekly for 18 weeks) |$9,936.00 | | |

|Mentor Stipends | | | |

|Total Stipends |$20,930.00 | | |

|Materials & Supplies | | | |

|Computers for Success Tracker (10) |$12,000.00 | | |

|Furniture for Lab Room |$3000.00 | | |

|Misc. Student Supplies |$5,623.00 | | |

|Total Materials & Supplies |$20,623.00 | | |

|Other Costs (Explain on attached sheet) | | | |

|Total Direct Expenses |$ 73,853.00 | | |

I hereby certify, that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information contained on this report is correctly states, and the amount in Column 1 of this form reflects the provisions and regulations of the project.

| | | | | |

|Name and Title of Authorized Administrator | |Signature | |Date |


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