Paw patrol movie coming out

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To say we're fascinated by our dogs is an understatement. Truth is, we're kind of obsessed. It's as if every little thing those lovable tail-wagging creatures do, from gazing at us lovingly to sighing dramatically, from licking our faces to licking our feet and watching TV with us, is imbued with a sense of mystery and magic. So if you've ever "pawsed" to wonder, "Why does my dog put his paw on me?" you're not alone. In fact, it's one of the doggy behaviors that veterinarians and dog behavior experts get asked about the most, according to Colby Lehew, head trainer at Chicago's Dogletics dog training facility. Pawing is a form of communication In its most basic form, "pawing" is a form of communication, explains Gerardo Perez-Camargo, DVM, Vice President of Research and Development at Freshpet. Or, more specifically, it's a communication initiation, akin to you clearing your throat to signal you're about to speak or tapping a friend on the shoulder to get their attention. But your dog could accomplish that just as easily with barking. So, when your dog chooses to put his paw on you to get your attention, he's making a choice. The question is: Why? Many dogs are inclined to "speak" with their "hands," observes Sarah Wooten, DVM, vet expert at Pumpkin Pet Insurance. The reason, according to Lehew, is that we've taught them to do so. When your dog hands you his paw, you're likely to react positively. Sometimes you'll even offer a reward (e.g., praise, physical affection, and/or food). By rewarding our dogs for communicating with their paws, we're encouraging them to do so again. And again. Here are 8 sure signs your dog trusts you. The "keep petting me" paw When you get the "paw" while you're already petting, tickling, or otherwise lavishing physical attention on your dog, you probably won't even have to ask, "Why is my dog putting his paw on me?" Chances are, you'll understand intuitively that your dog wants you to keep doing exactly what you're doing. This is one of the most common reasons dogs will put their paws on their people, says Dr. Wooten. The exception is service dogs, which you're not supposed to pet. Tatiana Dyuvbanova/EyeEm/Getty Images Similarly, a dog may place a paw on you if you were giving him physical affection but stopped, Dr. Wooten notes. It tends to happen very quickly: As soon as you start to withdraw your hand, he'll reach out and paw you. It tends to be very effective, leaving little room for interpretation. "Give me more," your dog is saying. If you're not sure, you can usually resolve the uncertainty by looking for one of these telltale signs your dog is happy. The "it's gonna be OK" paw "Good or bad, dogs feel our energy, and they care about how we feel," Dr. Wooten tells Reader's Digest. "When we are feeling sad or down, our dogs can easily pick up on that." And that's when your pup may reach out to you with his paw, as if to say, "Hey, I get that you're going through something, and I want you to know, it's going to be all right." Did you know even dogs want a little space sometimes? Here are the signs your dog needs some alone time. The "I love you" paw "Touching you with a paw is one way dogs can communicate love," according to Texas-based veterinarian Sara Ochoa, DVM, who consults for DogLab. "Just as dogs adore belly rubs, they also seem to understand that their people like to be touched as well, and since they love us, they want to make us happy." The "not feeling so good" paw Dogs associate giving us their paws with getting rewards from us. But not all rewards come in the form of praise, affection, or food. Sometimes, the reward is the offer of comfort and assistance when your dog isn't feeling well. Your dog's body language will offer clues as to whether he's offering a happy paw versus an "I'm not feeling so good" paw. But in case there's any doubt, feel free to refer to these 13 warning signs your dog is in pain. Capuski/Getty Images Our dogs can feel unwell both physically and emotionally, points out Caroline Wilde, DVM, staff veterinarian at Trupanion. So if your dog is feeling anxious or stressed, for example, he may seek out comfort from you by offering a paw. In such a case, you might also notice your dog licking his lips or yawning repeatedly. In addition, if he's licking his paws, that could be a clue that your dog is feeling anxious or stressed. The long "pawse" Most of the time, when your dog offers his paw, the gesture is brief. Sometimes, however, he doesn't just tap you with his paw but actually leaves it on you. Sometimes, it's almost as if he appears to be gripping you. "Why does my dog put his paw on me and leave it there?" you might ask. The reasons behind short and long dog touches are essentially the same, according to Jennifer Coates, DVM, who serves on the advisory board for Pet Life Today. However, a long "pawse" tends to happen when a short "pawse" has been ignored or has gone unrewarded. On the other hand, if a sustained paw-touch seems to come out of nowhere, you can probably rest assured that you've just received the doggy equivalent of a bear hug. Did you know dogs can be as mystified by human behavior as we are of theirs? Here are 23 things we do that experts say utterly baffle our canine buddies. Sources: Jennifer Coates, DVM, a member of the advisory board for Pet Life Today Colby Lehew, head of dog training at Chicago's Dogletics Sara Ochoa, DVM, a Texas-based small animal and exotic veterinarian and a veterinary consultant for DogLab Gerardo Perez-Camargo, DVM, Vice President of Research and Development at Freshpet Caroline Wilde, DVM, staff veterinarian at Trupanion Sarah Wooten, DVM, a vet expert at Pumpkin Pet Insurance photo-oxser/Shutterstock Chendongshan/Shutterstock iStock/Willowpix Originally Published: February 17, 2022 While the eyes, ears, and tail of your dog may get most of the attention for expressiveness, don't underestimate the power of paws. Aside from just being awfully sweet, the paws are wonderfully designed appendages that enable canines to perform their feats of doggie derring-do. Whether slender and elegant, bold and athletic, or floppy and furry, a dog's trotters are a fascinating study in anatomy and adaptation. Consider the following 18 things that you may not know about dog paws. Of the 319 bones, on average, that comprise a dog's skeleton, a handful of those (so to speak) are dedicated to the paws. Along with bones, dog feet include skin, tendons, ligaments, blood supply, and connective tissue. Paws are made up of the following five components: Claws, digital pads, metacarpal pads, dewclaws, and carpal pads, as illustrated below. Illustrated with the paw of a 4-week-old puppy. Eric Isselee / Shutterstock / Treehugger 3. The digital and metacarpal pads work as shock absorbers and help protect the bones and joints in the foot. The carpal pads kind of work like brakes, and help the dog navigate slippery or steep slopes. 4. Paw pads have a thick layer of fatty tissue, but that doesn't mean your pooch can't sustain an injury from walking on a surface that's too hot or cold. Scientists believe that domestic dogs first evolved in colder environments before spreading out into other climates. The thick pads allow dogs to develop a tolerance to temperature extremes. However, in cold weather, dogs can suffer from cracked or bleeding paws and in hot weather, walking on hot sand or sidewalks can cause their paws to blister. 5. The pads also offer protection when walking on rough terrain. Dogs that are outside a lot and exposed to rough surfaces have thicker, rougher paw skin; dogs that stay in more and walk on smoother surfaces have softer pads. The pads also help the dog distinguish between different types of terrain. 6. The inner layer of skin on the paw has sweat glands, though they are not effective in cooling a dog on a hot day. You might notice paw prints as your dog's paws exude moisture; dogs get sweaty hands, just like humans do. 7. Dogs are digitigrade animals, meaning that their digits--not their heels--take most of their weight when they walk. Because of this, dogs' toe bones are very important. 8. Dog's toes are equivalent to human's fingers and toes, although they are unable to wiggle them with the ease that we do. 9. Dewclaws are thought to be vestiges of thumbs. Dogs almost always have dewclaws on the front legs and occasionally on the back. Front dewclaws have bone and muscle in them, but in many breeds, the back dewclaws have little of either. Because of this, dewclaws are often removed to prevent them from getting snagged. (However, opinions on the necessity of this procedure are mixed.) 10. Although they don't provide very much function for traction and digging, dogs do use their dewclaws; they help the dog get a better grip on bones and other things the dog may like to chew on. Front dewclaws also provide traction when dogs are running at high speeds. Pleple2000 / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0 11. Great Pyrenees still use their rear dewclaws for stability on rough, uneven terrain and often have double dewclaws on the hind legs. Among show dogs, the Beauceron breed standard is for double rear dewclaws; the Pyrenean shepherd, briard, and Spanish mastiff are other breeds that have double rear dewclaws listed for show standards as well. 12. Breeds from cold climes, like St. Bernards and Newfoundlands, have wonderfully large paws with greater surface areas. Their big, floppy paws are no accident; they help these breeds better tread on snow and ice. Newfoundland dogs have extra large paws. Seherzada Cehic / Getty Images 13. Newfoundlands and Labrador retrievers are known for their long toes. Both breeds also have webbed feet, which helps make them excellent swimmers. Other breeds with webbed feet include the Chesapeake Bay retriever, Portuguese water dog, field Spaniel, and German wirehaired pointer. 14. Some breeds have what are called "cat feet." These dogs have a short third digital bone, resulting in a compact feline-like foot; this design uses less energy to lift and increases the dog's endurance. You can tell by the dog's paw print: the prints of cat feet are round and compact. Akita, Doberman pinscher, giant schnauzer, Kuvasz, Newfoundland, Airedale terrier, bull terrier, keeshond, Finnish spitz, and Old English sheepdog all have cat feet. Marianne Perdomo / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0 15. On the other hand -- er, paw -- some breeds have "hare feet," which are elongated with the two middle toes longer than the outer toes. Breeds that enjoy hare feet include some toy breeds, as well as the Samoyed, Bedlington terrier, Skye terrier, borzoi, and greyhound. Their paw prints are more slender and elongated. 16. And then there's "Frito feet." If you notice the distinct smell of corn chips emanating from your dog's paws, resist salivating. Sometimes the aroma is due to bacteria and fungi, but generally, the odor doesn't lead to complications for the dog. 17. Do you love having your hands massaged? So does your pup. A paw massage can relax your dog and promote better circulation. Try rubbing between the pads on the bottom of the paw, and then rubbing between each toe. 18. "Paw" comes from the early 14th-century paue, meaning "hand or foot of an animal which has nails or claws," from Old French powe, poue, poe "paw, fist," a word of uncertain origin. At Treehugger, we are advocates of animal welfare, including our pets and other domestic animals. The better we understand our dogs, the better we can support and protect their wellbeing. We hope our readers will adopt rescue pets instead of shopping from breeders or pet stores, and will also consider supporting local animal shelters.

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