Phi alpha delta

Phi alpha delta

Pre-law fraternity



Ohio University

Constitution and by-laws

Prepared by: Eric M. McIntyre

September 1998

Revised by: laura denton

Brandon cowans

Brenna clark

Kristin rippel

Colin Bennett

September 2004

Article I

Name and Purpose

Section 1. Name

As chartered by the International Executive Board of Phi Alpha Delta Law

Fraternity, International, the name of this Chapter shall be the “Ohio University

Pre-law Chapter, of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International.” This Chapter

is chartered and established at Ohio University, in Athens, Ohio, and shall remain

chartered at this University unless lawful action to the contrary is taken by the

International Executive Board.

Section 2. Purpose

As provided in the Pre-law Chapter Charter, as issued by Phi Alpha Delta Law

Fraternity, International, this Chapter shall promote the principles, ideals, and precepts of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International. This Chapter shall abide by the Constitution and

International By-Laws of the Fraternity that may, from time to time, be lawfully amended;

adhere to the rules and procedures, that may, from time to time, be lawfully promulgated by

the International Executive Board; and shall submit such reports and transmit such fees that

may, from time to time, be required of the Chapter by the duly constituted authorities of the


Article II

Qualifications of Membership

Section 1. Membership

The membership of this Chapter shall be composed of those person accepted into Pre-Law

membership of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International, by this Chapter, who are in

actual attendance at Ohio University, and in good standing, and such other Pre-Law members

of the Fraternity duly accepted into the Fraternity by other Pre-Law Chapters of the Fraternity,

who are in actual attendance, and in good standing, at Ohio University.

Section 2. Eligibility for Membership

a. This chapter of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International, is open to any person who is

in attendance and in good standing at Ohio University, and is interested in the pursuit of a

career within the legal profession. Any individual seeking membership must be willing to

contribute growth and management of this Chapter, and have an accumulative grade point

average of, at least a 2.800.

Section 3. Acceptance into Membership

All invitations to Pre-Law membership into Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International,

shall be by a majority vote of the Pre-Law Chapter membership. The selection process will

take place the following Rush period.

Section 4. Termination of Membership

Pre-Law membership into this Fraternity may be terminated by one or more of the following:

a. Expulsion by a legally constituted Pre-Law Chapter of this Fraternity, for violation of the

principles of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International, the breaching provisions of the

International By-Laws or the By-Laws of this Chapter, or for the failure to pay lawful financial

obligations to the Fraternity, or this Chapter.

b. Voluntary resignation from the membership to this Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International.

c. By violation of the attendance policy of this Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International.

d. By violation of the disciplinary clause of this Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International.

Section 5. Academic Probation

A review of each member’s accumulative grade point average shall be conducted by the Chapter Secretary at the beginning of each quarter. Any member who fails to maintain the required accumulative grade point average, as set forth, in Article II, Section 2, of this Constitution, shall be notified, in writing, by the Chapter Secretary. That member shall be placed on academic probation. If that member fails to meet the required accumulative grade point average for a total of two consecutive quarters, they shall be suspended from all Chapter functions. If, after one academic year, or three consecutive quarters, that member fails to meet the required grade point average, they shall be expelled from the Ohio University Pre-Law Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International.

Section 6. Voting for Members

New members shall be admitted for membership contingent upon a vote of the active chapter. The decision shall be based primarily on the basis of pledge requirements, but also on an individuals conduct during the pledge process. Clarification for conduct deemed unacceptable can be found in the Ohio University Student Code of Conduct.

Article III

Officers, Elections, and Duties

Section 1. Officers

This Chapter shall, annually, elect a Chapter President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Pledge Educator from among the student members of the Chapter who are in good standing with the Fraternity. Those members to be elected must be in attendance for at least one full academic year prior to graduation from a graduate or undergraduate program at Ohio University.

Section 2. Election of Officers

Elections for Chapter officers shall be held during the month of February each year. The Chapter President shall set the exact date, time, and place for such an election. Election shall be by a majority vote of the members, in good standing, who are present and voting, subject to the quorum regulations.

Section 3. The Elections Board

a. An elections Board shall be formed for elections. The board shall consist of four Chapter members, one of whom will act as chair of the board. These members shall be graduating seniors who are not serving as members of the Executive Board. The Elections Board shall distribute all election information to the Chapter, including a list of offices and the duties of each, the time, date, and place of the said election, and the election rules and regulations.

b. Nominations for office shall be held exactly one week prior to election day. Members who are not in good standing with the Chapter shall not nominate others for office, nor be nominated for office. Members who are inactive shall not nominate others for office, nor be nominated for office. Members must be present to be nominated or elected to a position. The Election Board Chairman shall explain the rules and procedures of election nominations and then begin by opening the floor for nominations for the office of President. One board member shall record the names of the nominating members, the names of the members seconding the nominations, and the names of the candidates for each office. The remaining two Election Board members shall act as monitors. It is their duty to ensure that all members participating in the nomination process are members in good standing. It is also their duty to ensure that a professional atmosphere is maintained throughout the nomination process. The Chairman of the Election Board must open and close all nominations. Once the Chairman has closed the floor for nominations, no further nomination shall be made. The Chairman of the Election Board shall proceed with the nominations for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Pledge Educator, respectively.

Section 4. Duties of Offices

a. The officers of this Pre-Law Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International, shall

include: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Pledge Educator. These officers

shall discuss, plan, direct, and implement the operations of this Chapter under the authority

and approval of the Chapter President.

b. The President shall:

1. Act as the chief executive and administrative officer of the Chapter.

2. Insure that all Chapter officers perform the duties of their respective offices, and

shall be responsible for the welfare and dignity of the Chapter during the term of


3. Direct the general operations of the Chapter and the execution of policies and

procedures. The President shall appoint chairpersons immediately upon assuming


4. Preside at all Chapter, executive, committee, and judiciary meetings. The President

shall also serve as an Ex Officio member of each committee.

c. The Vice President shall:

1. Act as the chair of the Ritual, and as such shall be responsible for organizing and

directing the Initiation ceremony, Pledge Induction ceremony, and Officer

Installation ceremony.

2. Act as the coordinator of internships and LSAT programs which will require the

organization and implementation of Chapter programs for those members who will

take the LSAT.

3. Assist the President in the performance of such Chapter duties as may be requested

by the Chapter President. In the event of the absence, death, resignation,

disqualification, or removal from office of the President, the Vice President shall

assume the office of the President and its duties thereto.

4. Act as the director of all Chapter committees and chair under the direction, authority,

and approval of the Chapter President.

d. The Secretary shall be the chief recorder of the Chapter. The Secretary shall keep a true and

complete record of all matters pertaining to the Chapter, and shall certify thereto when

necessary. The Secretary shall be the custodian of the Chapter By-Laws, minutes,

administrative records, and reports for this Chapter. The Secretary shall maintain a record of

all Chapter members, together with their current addresses, grade reports, and attendance.

In performing the following duties, the Chapter Secretary acts as the Chair of Membership Review. In this capacity the Chapter Secretary is responsible for maintaining a list of all

members who are in poor standing with the Fraternity. The Secretary shall be responsible for

submitting the official reports required of the Chapter, by the procedures promulgated by the

International Executive Board. The Chapter Secretary shall also furnish the Executive Board,

Pre-Law Director, and Chapter President with such information as each may request. The

Secretary shall be the chief correspondent of this Chapter, and as such shall be responsible

for any correspondence with the Executive Office, school administration and faculty,

Chapter members, and members of the community. The Secretary is also responsible for

maintaining a current professor evaluation file. The Chapter Secretary shall act as the Chapter Awards Coordinator, whish includes the Outstanding Senior Scholarship Award and any other Chapter awards deemed necessary by the Executive Board, or the Chapter President. The duties of the office of Chapter Secretary shall be carried out under the authority and approval of the Chapter President.

c. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the Chapter. The Treasurer shall also act

as the chair of the budge committee, when in session. The Chapter Treasurer shall have

charge of all Chapter funds and the collection and disbursement thereof. The treasurer shall

keep International membership fees and other Chapter funds in separate accounts and shall

certify, prior to acceptance into membership, that all financial obligations of new members

have been paid. The Treasurer shall pay out money on itemized vouchers, only with the

approval of the Chapter President, while keeping a chronological record of monies received

and disbursed. The Treasurer shall remit to the Pre-Law Director such monies as the

procedures promulgated by the International Executive Board prescribe, and shall submit

such reports and other information as the International Executive Board, Pre-Law Director,

or the Chapter President may request. The duties of the office of Treasurer shall be carried

out under the Chapter President.

f. Pledge Educator

The Pledge Educator shall be responsible for the direction and implementation of the Pledge

Program, in its entirety, in accordance with the Pledge Manual. In addition to the Pledge

Manual, the Pledge Educator shall administer the re-voting procedures and evaluations, of

the pledges, in conjunction with the pledge committee. The duties of the office of Pledge

Educator shall be carried out under the authority and approval of the Chapter President.

g. Chapter Advisor

The Chapter Advisor, or advisors, shall assist the student officers in the administration of the

Chapter, shall be available to counsel the student members, and shall act as a liaison between

the Chapter and Ohio University administration.

Section 5. Executive Committees

a. The Executive Committee of the Chapter shall be composed of the five duly elected Chapter

officers. The Chapter Advisors shall serve as Ex Officio members.

b. The Executive Committee shall have the responsibility for the proper, efficient, and effective

operation of the Chapter.


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