EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - Home - Province of British Columbia

BUSINESS PLAN REPORT TEMPLATECAPITAL ASSET REFERENCE GUIDE: TEMPLATE 5Ministry of Advanced Education Version 1.5March 31, 2017Note: In instances where the opportunity for a New Development project or Whole Asset Replacement & Renewal project arises due to unforeseen government priorities, Institutions can potentially fast track the due diligence activity and project approval process. That is, institutions may submit a modified Business Plan that includes an options analysis normally completed in the Concept Plan Report (i.e., Concept Plan Report – Section 5.0 Program Delivery Options Analysis) in lieu of preparing an Opportunity Assessment Report and Concept Plan Report.TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PAGEREF _Toc475533908 \h iv1.0PROJECT DESCRIPTION PAGEREF _Toc475533909 \h 52.0BACKGROUND INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc475533911 \h 63.0STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT PAGEREF _Toc475533913 \h 74.0ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS PAGEREF _Toc475533914 \h 85.0DETAILED CAPITAL/OPERATING BUDGET PAGEREF _Toc475533915 \h 96.0DETAILED FINANCING PAGEREF _Toc475533916 \h 107.0PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT PAGEREF _Toc475533917 \h 118.0CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS PAGEREF _Toc475533918 \h 129.0IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY PAGEREF _Toc475533925 \h 1310.0REVIEW & APPROVAL PROCESS PAGEREF _Toc475533926 \h 16OTHER RESOURCES FOR THE BUSINESS PLAN REPORT PAGEREF _Toc475533927 \h 17APPENDICES FOR THE BUSINESS PLAN REPORT PAGEREF _Toc475533928 \h 18EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Provide a summary for each section of the Business Plan Report PROJECT DESCRIPTIONBACKGROUND INFORMATIONSTRATEGIC ALIGNMENTENVIRONMENT ANALYSISCONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONSIMPLEMENTATION STRATEGYREVIEW & APPROVAL PROCESSPROJECT DESCRIPTIONProject ObjectivesSummarize the project’s strategic and business drivers and objectives in the approved Concept Plan ReportProject ScopeSummarize the options analyzed in the Concept Plan Report and justify the selection of the recommended option that will be fully developed in the Business Plan Report. Include the number of FTEs the project will accommodate:New Development Projects, driven by growth accommodation and labour market demand-driven capacity, resulting in new system capacityIndicate the number of new FTEs the project will accommodateWhole Asset Replacement & Renewal Projects which improve the physical asset condition and reduces deferred maintenance backlog. 50% or more of the asset is replaced, resulting in increased system capacity from improved functional efficiencyIndicate the number of additional FTEs the project can accommodate due to functional improvements, if applicableUpdate student full time equivalents (FTE) and space utilization rate from the Opportunity Assessment Report Compare forecast service demand against current capacity Further define the project scope for the recommended optionThis typically requires an initial functional program and indicative designProject OutcomesSummarize the project’s outcomes in the approved Concept Plan ReportRESOURCES21583657175500Approved Concept Plan ReportMinistry’s Space Standards BACKGROUND INFORMATIONCurrent SituationSummarize and update the current situation from the approved Concept Plan ReportDemandSummarize and update the forecast demand from the approved Concept Plan Report2505710100330RESOURCESApproved Concept Plan Report STRATEGIC ALIGNMENTStakeholder AlignmentUpdate the strategic alignment from the approved Concept Plan Report Table STYLEREF 1 \s 3 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Stakeholder AlignmentThe MinistryGoalHow the Institution’s Opportunity Supports the Stakeholder’s GoalImpact(High, Medium, Low)1.2.3.STAKEHOLDER #2GoalHow the Institution’s Opportunity Supports the Stakeholder’s GoalImpact(High, Medium, Low)1.2.3.STAKEHOLDER #3GoalHow the Institution’s Opportunity Supports the Stakeholder’s GoalImpact(High, Medium, Low) Concept Plan Report Economic StimulusIndicate alignment with the provincial data on labour trends by providing an estimate of the number of jobs created. Job creation information must be calculated using the BC Stats Jobs Creation application. The Ministry will submit a request to BC Stats on an institution’s behalf. Please contact the Ministry to initiate this process.ENVIRONMENT ANALYSISReview ProcessProvide a list of individuals who will review and sign off on the Business Plan ReportEnvironment Scan Update the environment scan from the approved Concept Plan ReportTable STYLEREF 1 \s 4 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Similar Initiatives in Other Jurisdictions SummaryPost-secondary Institution/Project NameType of Project (New Build, Expansion, Maintenance, etc.)Programs DeliveredScopeCostRisksImpact on Job CreationInstitution #1Institution #2Institution #3Institution #4Institution #5Lessons LearnedUpdate the lessons learned based on similar initiatives in other jurisdictions from the approved Concept Plan ReportTable STYLEREF 1 \s 4 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 2. Lessons Learned SummaryPost-secondary Institution/Project NameLessons LearnedInstitution #1Institution #2Institution #3Institution #4Institution #5Detailed Capital/2260600116840RESOURCESApproved Concept Plan Report DETAILED CAPITAL/OPERATING BUDGETUpdate the capital cost, sustaining capital, and operating & maintenance cost tables in the approved Concept Plan Report’s options analysis, to fully develop the cost for the recommended option. This should be informed by the completed master program, which provides a detailed level of project definition (scope, cost, and schedule)A professional quantity surveyor will be required to provide an accurate cost estimateUpdate the program operating budget from the approved Concept Plan ReportThe program operating budget is typically prepared by the Institution’s Office of the Vice President, Finance & Administration DETAILED FINANCINGConfirm sources of capital and operating funding for the recommended option, including direct capital funding (e.g., provincial grants), federal grants, own resources, debt financing, private financing, disposition of surplus property, etc.Update multi-year cash flows prepared in the Concept Plan Report to reflect Section 5.0 Detailed Capital/Operating Budget Financing must include details of conditions, associated with external funding, borrowing assumptions, and planned commercial revenuesTable STYLEREF 1 \s 6 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Sources of Funding for the Recommended OptionProject FinancingYear1Year2Year3TotalSources of FinancingDirect capital fundingSource ASource B$ xxx$ xxxNew debt financingSource ASource B$ xxx$ xxxInternal financingSource ASource B$ xxx$ xxx$ xxx$ xxxExternal financingSource ASource B$ xxx$ xxx $ xxx$ xxx Total Project Financing$ xxx$ xxxPROJECT RISK ASSESSMENTUpdate the risk register and Capital Project Risk Screen Tool (CARG Template 8) completed in the Concept Plan Report for the recommended option with the Ministry and Ministry of Finance feedbackInclude new risks, if applicableA risk register is in accordance with project management best practices as described in the Ministry’s Risk Management Guide. Refer to CARG Template 9: Risk Register for further details and examples of risk identification, evaluation, and responseNote that risk monitoring & control and evaluation (with response) is completed during the project implementation phaseRISK IDENTIFICATION(Inherent)RISK RESPONSERisk Identification DetailsRisk Response Details Risk Monitor & ControlRisk Evaluation(With Response)Risk Evaluation (Inherent)Table STYLEREF 1 \s 7 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Risk Register – Risk Identification & Response 270573569850RESOURCESApproved Concept Plan ReportRisk Register in Risk Management Guide Capital Project Risk Screen Tool (CARG Template 8) completed for the Concept Plan Report with comments from Ministry and/or Ministry of FinanceCONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONSConclusionsList major conclusions Summarize findings for the recommended optionsRecommendationsList recommended next steps to advance the opportunity to the next activity, obtaining the Ministry and Ministry of Finance approvalsIMPLEMENTATION STRATEGYProcurement ModelUpdate the recommended procurement model identified in the Concept Plan Report to reflect the updated risk register completed in Section 7.0 Project Risk AssessmentScheduleProvide a Gantt chart to illustrate the estimated timeframe and key milestones including the design, permitting, construction, and commissioning phases of the project that reflects the recommended procurement model Table STYLEREF 1 \s 9 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Examples of Schedules Based on Project Delivery ModelProject GovernanceUpdate the planned approach to project governance indicated in the approved Concept Plan Report Update the Capital Project Risk Screen Tool (CARG Template 8) completed for the Concept Plan Report to verify the level of oversight required by the Ministry. A project board may be required depending on the scope, complexity and risk profile of the project, and may include members from the Institution, the Ministry and/or Ministry of Finance. Whereas the Capital Project Risk Screen Tool determines the level of oversight required by the Ministry, a project risk register is project specific and is updated in each phase of the project lifecycleFigure STYLEREF 1 \s 9 SEQ Figure \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Example of an Organizational Structure for a Small ProjectFigure STYLEREF 1 \s 9 SEQ Figure \* ARABIC \s 1 2. Example of an Organizational Structure for a Large ProjectCommunication PlanA communication plan is required to facilitate responsible and ongoing communication to the project team as well as stakeholdersAddresses internal and external communicationLines of communication should follow the project organization structure and indicate the following: What information is distributed (status reports, data, schedule, technical documentation etc.) Who receives the information (internal, external, etc.)How the information flows (written reports, meetings, etc.)REVIEW & APPROVAL PROCESSSign-offObtain signatures for the individuals listed aboveIf the Business Plan Report is not approved, provide the rationale for the decision_________________________________________________[FIRST NAME, LAST NAME], [TITLE] [MM DD, YYYY]_________________________________________________[FIRST NAME, LAST NAME], [TITLE] [MM DD, YYYY]_________________________________________________[FIRST NAME, LAST NAME], [TITLE] [MM DD, YYYY]_________________________________________________[FIRST NAME, LAST NAME], [TITLE] [MM DD, YYYY]OTHER RESOURCES FOR THE BUSINESS PLAN REPORTApproved Concept Plan Report Risk Register in Risk Management GuideAPPENDICES FOR THE BUSINESS PLAN REPORTThe following should be appended to the Business Plan:Initial Functional ProgramIndicative DesignQuantity Surveyor Cost EstimateGeotechnical Report Environmental Assessment Engineering Feasibility StudiesCapital Project Risk Screen Tool (CARG Template 8) completed for the Concept Plan Report with comments from the Ministry and/or Ministry of Finance ................

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