Carvel State Office Building

820 N French Street

Wilmington, Delaware 19801


Members Present: Mr. Steele Mr. Kuhrt

Mr. Brady Mr. Austin

Mrs. Dudlek Mr. Lanouette

Mr. Krzyzanowski Mr. Sterling

Mrs. Whittington

Mrs. Manlove, Administrative Director

Mr. Sholl, Deputy Administrative Director

Mrs. Rodgers, Election Office Manager

1. Mr. Steele called the meeting to order. Mr. Sterling made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 26, 2007, meeting. Mr. Brady seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

2. Mrs. Manlove reported that the canvassed results of the Appoquinimink School Board Election were the same as the election night results and that there were no issues with the election. Mr. Lanouette recommended the Appoquinimink School Board Election be certified. Mr. Krzyzanowski seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

3. Mrs. Manlove reported that the canvassed results of the Brandywine School Board Election were the same as the election night results and that there were minor issues with the election. One candidate withdrew after the machines had been shipped. The staff went to the polling places on Election Day to cover that candidate’s name with a label. Mr. Sterling recommended the Brandywine School Board Election be certified. Mrs. Dudlek seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

4. Mrs. Manlove reported that the Red Clay Referendum was a fairly clean election. Concerns regarding electioneering were quickly handled and those reported after the election have been forwarded to the Superintendent. The results are the same as those reported on election night. Mrs. Whittington recommended the Red Clay Referendum be certified. Mr. Brady seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

5. Mrs. Manlove reviewed the Financial Report for the previous month as well as other financial information:

• The school funds transferred from the Commissioner’s budget should be adequate for the upcoming Brandywine School District Referendum.

• We are transferring $2,000 from Mobile Registration to cover our energy costs.

6. Corrections to voter records:

• Mr. Sterling moved that the 56 names on the “Moved from State” list dated May 22, 2007, be removed from the voter rolls. Mr. Brady seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

• Mrs. Dudlek moved that the 122 names on the “Address Verification” list dated May 22, 2007, be removed from the voter rolls. Mr. Lanouette seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

• Mr. Austin moved that the 3 names be removed from the voter records as personally requested. Mr. Krzyzanowski seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

• Mr. Brady moved that the 7 requested birthdate changes be made. Mr. Sterling seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

7. Mrs. Manlove reviewed the decrease in the voter registration rolls due to the removal programs as well as the number of voters removed following receipt of the Deceased List from Vital Statistics and obituaries and written requests. Processing and filing are current.

8. Mrs. Manlove informed the Board of the following upcoming elections and voting machine demonstrations:

• May 22 – Cedar Lane ES Principal for a Day

• May 24 – Brandywine High School Class Officers

• June 4 – Brandywine School District Referendum

• June 19 – Ironworkers Local 451

• June 27 - UAW 1183 (may change due to holiday conflict in the event of a runoff)

9. Mr. Sholl discussed the activity on the Department’s website.

10. Mrs. Manlove shared staff training sessions with the Board.

• Election Center CERA program – Barbara should complete this fiscal year

11. Mrs. Manlove informed the board of the number of address verification cards mailed from January, 2007 through the date of the May meeting: 37,753.

12. Mrs. Manlove updated the Board on upcoming staff travel:

• July – Ft. Myers, FL – Barbara Lippincott – Election Center Course

• August 7-11 – New Orleans – Mrs. Manlove, Mr. Sholl - Election Center Convention

13. The Board was brought up to date on the progress of HR811 and our need to oppose the bill in its present form.

14. Mrs. Manlove informed the Board that the Governor’s office had contacted her and indicated the Governor’s intent to nominate her to replace the Commissioner upon his retirement. Mrs. Manlove has completed the required paperwork and forwarded it to the Governor’s office. This nomination requires Senate confirmation. She also informed the Board that Stan Anderson, the Senior Application Support Specialist for this office, has applied for the vacancy of the same position in the Commissioner’s Office.

15. Mr. Austin moved the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Sterling seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Noel H. Kuhrt


Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 5, 2007


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