Curriculum Vitae

Angela M. Wiseman, Ph.D.

Elementary Education

College Of Education

Poe Hall 317 C

North Carolina State University

Raleigh, NC  27695


2004 Ph.D. Reading, Writing, and Literacy with a Certificate in Urban Studies

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

1996 M.Ed. Teaching of Writing and Literature

George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

1992 B.S. Elementary Education (Interdisciplinary Studies)

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX


2007-present Assistant Elementary Education Department - Literacy

Professor North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

2006-2007 Adjunct Curriculum and Instruction - Masters of Education in Reading

Professor Graduate School of Education

University of Maryland, College Park, MD

2005-2007 Research American Institutes for Research

Consultant Washington, DC

2001-2007 Adjunct Advance Studies in Teaching and Learning – Literacy Program

Professor Graduate School of Education

George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

2001-2004 Literacy Specialist Kindergarten, First and Second Grade

Freedom Hill Elementary School

Fairfax County Public Schools, Vienna, VA

2001. Research Reading/ Writing/ Literacy Program

Assistant Language in Education Division

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

2001. Student Teacher Philadelphia City Public Schools

Mentor Graduate School of Education

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

1999-2000 Research National Center on Fathers and Families

Assistant University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

2000. Literacy After-school Program Development

Consultant Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA

2000. ESL Summer Second, Third, and Fourth Grade

School Teacher John Adams Elementary School

Alexandria City Public Schools, Alexandria, VA

1996-1999 Classroom Second, Third and Fourth Grades (Multiage)

Teacher Cora Kelly Magnet School

Alexandria City Public Schools, Alexandria, VA

Board of Directors Northern Virginia Writing Project

Teacher Consultant George Mason University

1994-1995 Classroom Fourth and Fifth Grades (Multiage)

Teacher Mount Vernon Community School

Alexandria City Public Schools, Alexandria, VA

1993. Congressional Congressman Joe Barton

Intern U. S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC


Articles under Review

Wiseman, A. M. (under review). Literacy through photography: A snapshot of multimodal and

visual learning with three “struggling” readers.

Wiseman, A. M. (under review). Documenting literacy in the community: Pre-service teacher’s

engagement and learning with students outside of school.

Wiseman, A. M. (under review). Literacy through photography: Multimodal and visual literacy in a third grade classroom.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Wiseman, A. M. (in press). Summer’s end and sad goodbyes: Children’s picturebooks about

death and dying. Children’s Literature in Education.

Wiseman, A. M. (2012). Resistance, engagement, and understanding: A profile of an emergent reader responding to readalouds in a kindergarten classroom. Reading Writing Quarterly, 28, p. 255-278.

Wiseman, A. M. (2011). Powerful students, powerful words: Students writing and learning in a poetry workshop. Literacy, 45 (2), p. 70-77.

Wiseman, A. M. (2011). Family involvement for adolescents in a community poetry workshop: Influences of parent roles and life context variables. School Community Journal, 21 (2), 99-118.

Wissman, K. & Wiseman A. M. (2011). "That's my worst nightmare":  Poetry and trauma in the

middle school classroom. Pedagogies: An International Journal. 6(3), 234-249.

Wiseman, A. M. (2011). Interactive read alouds: Teachers and students building knowledge and

literacy together. Early Childhood Education Journal. 38(6), 431-438.

Wiseman, A. M. & Fox, R. (2010). Supporting teachers’ development of cultural competence

through action research. Action in Teacher Education. (32)4, 26-37.

Wiseman A. M. (2010). “Now I believe if I write I can do anything”: How poetry creates

opportunities for engagement and learning in the Language Arts classroom. Journal of Language and Literacy Education. 6(2), 22-33.

Wiseman, A. M. (2010). Family involvement in four voices: Administrator, teacher,

students, and community Member. Perspectives on Urban Education. 7 (1), 115-124.

Wiseman, A. M. (2009). “When you do your best, there's someone to encourage you”: Adolescents’

views of family literacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 53(2), 132-142.

Wiseman, A. M. (2009). Perceptions of community and experiences in school: Understanding the

opportunities, resources, and education within one neighborhood. Early Childhood Education

Journal, 36(4), 333-338.

Wiseman, A. M. (2007). Poetic connections: Creating "Metaphorical Spaces" in a language arts

classroom. Language Arts, 85 (1), 43-51

Wiseman, A. M. (2003). The social construction of stories in a kindergarten classroom. The Reading

Teacher 56 (8), 802-810.

Wiseman. A. M. (2001). Neighborhood narratives: Learning about lives through conversations,

writing and photographs. Urban Ed Journal (vol.1 1) .

Wiseman, A. M. (1997). Using journals to reflect growth and theory development. Virginia English

Bulletin 47 (2).

Book Chapters - Peer Reviewed

Wiseman, A. M. & Wissman, K. (in press). “We suffer more than you think”: Witnessing trauma in

children’s poetry. 61st Literacy Research Association Yearbook.


Wiseman, D., Wiseman, A. M. & Elish Piper, L. (2005). Teaching language arts in a field based setting.

Scottsdale: AZ: Holcomb Hathaway

Scholarly Presentations

McIntyre, E., Faulkner, V., Knight, B., Jeffries, M., Carrier, S., & Wiseman, A. (February 2012). A

partnership for a STEM-focused elementary education program. Presented at the annual

meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Chicago, IL.

Wiseman, A. M. & Wissman, K. (December 2010). Writers workshop: The contradictory symbolic

space of the classroom. Presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association.

Jacksonville, FL.

Wiseman, A. M. (April 2011). Literacy through photography: A snapshot of multimodal and visual

learning with three “struggling” readers. Presented at the annual

meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA.

Wiseman, A. M. (December 2010). A framework for analyzing trauma narratives in the classroom.

Presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Conference. Fort Worth, TX.

Wiseman, A. M. (December 2010). Literacy through photography: Multimodal and visual literacy

in a third grade classroom. Presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Conference. Fort Worth, TX.

Wiseman, A. M. (February 2010). A snapshot of students outside the classroom: Documenting community literacies with digital photography. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Atlanta, GA.

Wiseman, A. M. (December, 2009). Case study of a young struggling reader responding to

instruction. Presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (formerly National Reading Conference). Albuquerque, NM.

Wiseman, A. M., & Fox, R. (April, 2009). Teachers' cultural autobiography and pedagogy: Creating

knowledge for working with diverse learners. Presented at the annual meeting of the American

Education Research Association. San Diego, CA.

McIntyre, E., Wiseman, A. M., Carrier, S., & Jeffries, M. (February, 2009). Enhanced lesson study in teacher education: Focusing on technique in college and elementary classrooms. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Chicago, IL.

Wiseman, A. M. (2008). Documenting literacy in the community: Pre-service teacher’s engagement and learning with students outside of school. Presented at the annual

meeting of the National Reading Conference. Orlando, FL.

Wiseman, A. M. (December, 2008). Metaphorical spaces: Creating critical engagement and personal connections in the classroom through poetry. National Reading Conference. Orlando, FL.

Mangrum, J., Jeffries, M., & Wiseman, A. M. (2008). Assessing, initiating, and fostering cultural

competence via technology and reflection. Presented at the annual

meeting of the North Carolina Association of Elementary Educators. Raleigh, NC.

Wiseman, A. M. & Fox, R. (March, 2008). Supporting teachers’ development of cultural competence

through teacher action research. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York, NY.

Wiseman, A. M. (March, 2008). Perceptions of family involvement: Voices from adolescent students. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York, NY.

Wiseman, A. M. (February, 2008). Poetic connections: Creating “Metaphorical Spaces” in a language arts classroom. National Council of Teachers of English Research Conference. Bloomington, IN.

Wiseman, A. M. (April, 2007). Neighborhood narratives: Learning about lives through conversations, writing, and photographs. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL.

Wiseman, A. M. (April, 2006). Classroom and community partnerships: Poetic connections for literacy learning. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA.

Wiseman, A. M. (March, 2003). Complexities of community involvement: Using literacy to connect the classroom, community, and culture of middle school students. Presented at the annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association. Cleveland, OH.

Wiseman, A.M. (March, 2002). “Do you love me?” And other journal responses: Considering the

social construction of kindergartners’ knowledge as they draw, write, and talk about their worlds. Paper presented at the University of Pennsylvania Ethnography Forum. Philadelphia, PA.

Wiseman, A.M., Wiseman, D. Lowengard, P. Szakal, S. McCallister, E. (November, 2001) Future literacy teachers in urban Settings: Recreating the university experience. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English. Baltimore, MD.

Sipe, L., Daley, P., Donato-Miller, T., & Wiseman, A. (March, 2001) "This is me and Clifford": Urban

kindergartners’ responses to picture storybook readalouds. Presented at the annual

meeting of the University of Pennsylvania Ethnography Forum. Philadelphia, PA.

Wiseman, A.M. (March, 2001). Neighborhood stories: Learning about life through literate events. Presented at the annual meeting of the Spencer Urban Research Symposium. Philadelphia, PA.

Wiseman, A.M. (November, 2000). Authentic assessment: Developing a framework to connect

instruction and evaluation. Deptford County Public Schools. Deptford,


Wiseman, A.M. (March, 2000). Encouraging diversity through a role model research project.

University of Pennsylvania Ethnography Forum. Philadelphia, PA.

Wiseman, D., Wiseman, A. and Many, J. (November 1995). Looking back at four years of teacher education at a school-university partnership. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Washington, DC.


Under Review

Principal investigator for Literacy, Technology, and Social Justice Youth Development Program.

National Endowment for the Humanities Digital Humanities Grant, 2012, $30,000.


Principal Investigator on the Internationalization Seed Grant, North Carolina State University.

Educational Research and Cultural Exchange with Turkey. Study Abroad Office, North Carolina State University, 2011, $2500.

Senior Researcher on interdisciplinary NSF grant, Project AIM. PI is Paola Sztajn, $2,913.433.

Principal Investigator on Faculty Research & Professional Development Grant, North Carolina State University Collaborative Video Data Analysis: Understanding Multimodal and Visual Literacy in a Third Grade Classroom. Faculty Research & Professional Development Grant, North Carolina State University, 2010-2011, $4000.

Submitted, Not Funded

Principal Investigator for Literacy Through Photography: Multimodal and Visual Literacy Instruction

for Struggling Readers. National Education Association, 2012, $5000.

Principal Investigator for Collaborative Video Data Analysis: Understanding Multimodal and Visual

Literacy in a Third Grade Classroom. Elva Knight Foundation, International Reading Association, 2011-2012, $8,000.

Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Steve Amendum. Enhancing Literacy Instruction with Preservice and Cooperating Teachers Through Mobile Technology. North Carolina State University Foundation Grant Program, 2011, $25,000.

Principal Investigator for Literacy Through Photography: Multimodal and Visual Literacy Data Analysis and Pedagogical Development Elva Knight Foundation, International Reading Association, 2010-2011, $8,000.

Principal Investigator on Faculty Research & Professional Development Grant, North Carolina State University Literacy Through Photography: Multimodal and Cross-Cultural Literacy Learning. Faculty Research & Professional Development Grant, North Carolina State University, 2009-2010, $8000.


Editorial and Review Boards

Reviewer for the English Language Arts section of Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education

Reviewer for Journal of Literacy Research

Reviewer for LRA/NRC Yearbook

Reviewer for Teaching Education

Reviewer for Language Arts

Reviewer for International Journal of Multicultural Education

Guest reviewer for Teaching Education 2009-present

Proposal Reviewer for National Reading Conference 2008-present

Guest reviewer for Language Arts 2007-present

Roles in Professional Organizations

Publications Committee for Association for Childhood Education International, 2010-present

Membership in Professional Organizations

Association of Childhood Education International

American Educational Research Association

Literacy Research Association

North Carolina Reading Association

International Reading Association

Service to NC State

Read Smart Scholarly Book Discussant, a partnership between NC State and Wake County Libraries, April 2012

Literacy Ph.D. “Revisioning” Committee (2011—present)

NC State College of Education, Literacy Faculty Search Committee Member, 2010-2011

Courses and Curriculum Committee (2010-present)

College of Education Laptop Initiative (2009-present)

NC State Library Representative (2008-present)

American Education Week Committee (2008-2009)

Elementary Education 21st Century, Diversity, and Global Curriculum Member (2008-2009)

American Education Week 2008-2009

Capital Area Writing Project Mentor (2008-2009)

College of Education, Elementary Education Literacy Faculty Search Committee Member, 2007-2008

Wiley Art Reception Committee (2007-2009)

Community Service

Volunteer with Wake UP Wake County: Great Schools in Wake Coalition, a nonpartisan group of citizens concerned about the future of schools in Wake County, 2010-present.

WRAL TV Interview (August 2010) Spoke to the news program about how to prepare your child for going back to school.

WRAL TV Interview (August 2009) Spoke to the news program about selecting a tutor for your child.

Olds Elementary University Connections Teacher 2008

Volunteer at Swift Creek Elementary School 2007-present


NC State University

• ECI 745 Literacy Theory and Research

• ELM 572 Methods for Teaching Reading in the Elementary Classroom for Initial Licensure

• ELM 571 Language Arts, New Literacies, and Media for Initial Licensure

• ELM 335 Teaching Reading in the Elementary School

• ELM 430 Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School

George Mason University

• EDCI 555 Literacy Teaching and Learning in Diverse Elementary Classrooms

• EDUC 606 Education and Culture

EDRD 634 School Based Leadership in Literacy

• ENG 695 Writing Across the Curriculum (Northern Virginia Writing Project)

University of Maryland, College Park

• EDCI 662 Diagnostic Reading Assessment and Instruction

• EDCI 763 Reading Cognition and Instruction

• EDCI 673 Assessing, Diagnosing, and Teaching Writing


Area Chair Research Award, Literacy Research Association, 2009.

University of Pennsylvania Research Fellowship, 1999-2001.


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