April LMS Product Enhancements

April LMS Product Enhancements

April 27, 2010

We are happy to inform you of the new features being released today on the LMS. These new features will be available for administrators of your system. No new features are being added for Learners at this time. We will continue to make further enhancements to the platform as we continue throughout the year. Later this week the Help documents will be updated, and there will be a demonstration available on the Help System which will walk you through highlights of the new features.


Announcement Enhancements:

Text related to Publishing and Updating an announcement has been updated to reflect the options available when you are creating or making additional assignments to an Announcement. The Update feature is intended to allow you to save edits to the announcement. You can continue to update the announcement until you are ready to make assignments. At that point you will need to ‘publish’ the announcement. The updates have made this clearer for your users.

While an announcement is in progress, you will see:


After selecting the publish button, to make assignments to learners, you will see:


You may continue to update the announcement and assign to learners.


Report Enhancements

Note: MCS is continuing to build a new ad hoc report writer and report warehouse to improve performance and to give you more flexibility to create your own reports. This reporting tool is now under construction and should be available this summer. The new tool will update all existing reports and provide an ad hoc reporting tool for you to create all your own views. We will release report updates just as soon as we have them available. Those standard reports that may present performance issues for large amounts of data are being re-architected for optimal delivery.

New Exception report – The admin reports menu now contains a new option for an exception report which will allow you to find learners that have not completed assignments. The report filters give you 7 reporting options listed below. The report includes E-learning lessons and Events. It also provides for searching for a single lesson or a module. Thank you Immanuel St. Joseph’s Mayo Hospital for this suggestion.

Exception Report options:

1. Module: Learners not assigned selected Module

2. Module/Event: Learners that have completed selected Module OR selected Event

3. Module/Event: Learners that have completed selected Module AND selected Event

4. Lesson: Learners not assigned selected Lesson

5. Lesson/Event: Learners that have completed selected Lesson OR selected Event

6. Lesson/Event: Learners that have completed selected Lesson AND selected Event

7. Event: Learners not enrolled in a selected Event


New Preceptor Report: The Sys Admin menu now contains a link to a preceptor report which will allow you to list learners with permission to grade checklists (both Knowledge Manager (KM) or Skills). The report will list the preceptor, the Modules for which they are a preceptor, and the number of learners assigned. This report is available for system administrators. Thank you LSU for this suggestion.


Selecting Preceptor Assignments will take you to the menu for selecting your filters:


Transcript Report Enhancement

The Learner ID has been added to the Printed Transcript at the top near the learner name.


New Administrator Privileges

Password Visibility Option – A new permission has been added to allow selected administrators to view learner passwords. This new permission, if given to an administrator, allows the administrator to see Learner Passwords at Learner Lookup and on Add/Edit learner page based on their scope. Thank you - Immanuel St. Joseph’s Mayo Hospital.

The new permission appears in the admin list:



New Content Linking Feature

You now have the option to upload your own lesson files!

Manage Linked Content – A new permission available for your administrators is to allow them to upload their lesson files. This new Upload File functionality will be available when creating linked lessons. It allows you to pick up the URL for lessons you uploaded by choosing from a list maintained by the system. The system will then have the URL to create a linked lesson without passing the document through the Client Service team.[1]

If an administrator has been granted permission to upload, a new option will be available:


Selecting Upload Files will present the administrator with the following option to browse their desktop or network to upload a file to the MCS server for use in the LMS. The files will be uploaded from their computer to an FTP site.


Once the file is loaded, the admin may then go to the current manage linked content page below with a new option to ‘link to uploaded file’ button. This will present them with a list of uploaded files for them to select from.


An administrator may have permission to only upload files and not create lessons, or any combination of permissions that adequately supports your learning program. This is the first, of many self-service features to come. In the future we will be adding more options for you to manage SCORM lesson files, create/edit certificates, and manage custom rosters and e-mail notifications.


Events Manager Enhancements

New Add Event to Outlook Calendar - The option to add an item to your Outlook calendar will be included with the Event Confirmation Notice. The option to remove an item will be included with the email notification for an Event Cancellation. It will appear as an attachment -Add to Calendar . The recipient will need to open the attachment, and it will add the event to their calendar. On their calendar they will see the event information including event title/subject, start and end time of the event, andlocation of the event.

The e-mail notification will look like:


After saving the attachment to your calendar, you will see:


Email Journal Enhancement – Title has been updated to Email Log to reflect what it actually is a log of email notifications related to the event.


OnTrack Enhancements

OnTrack Administrator Permission Changes

Global OnTrack Access – Allows the admin to manage the Learners in an OnTrack Item for all learners across the organization. With this permission, the admin can assign any learners across the organization to an OnTrack Item, complete any learners, and/or remove any learners from an existing OnTrack item. This permission does not allow the admin to Create and/or edit the OnTrack Item itself.

OnTrack Access – This permission allows the admin to assign, complete, or remove learners within their admin scope. As with Global permissions, this permission does not allow admins to Create and/or Edit the OnTrack item itself.

Manage OnTrack Items – Allows an admin to Create a new OnTrack Item and/or Edit the properties of an existing Item as long as no learners in the Item have been marked complete. This permission will not allow the admin to manage any learner activity related to the Item.


The combination of these permissions should increase the flexibility in using the OnTrack functionality.

New Email Notification for Items Due - With this new feature, the system will generate and send an email to learners 15 days prior to the item being due. This functionality is configurable for each Client. If you have OnTrack and wish to use the item due email please contact your Client Service Representative to request the option be turned on. This enhancement was requested during an Administrator Round Table. Thank you to all of you that attended and made suggestions.

Note: We will be expanding this feature in the future to allow you to select the advance number of days and frequency of reminders .. stay tuned for more options in a future release.

All Training Item – An All Training option has been added to the OnTrack Reports. This will allow you to run the report for All OnTrack training, rather than a selected training item one at a time. Thank you Avera McKennan Hospital and Methodist Hospital System for this suggestion.


New Fields for list of Enrolled Learners – We have added two fields to the existing view of scheduled learner s when enrolling by Item: Job Code and Completed By. ‘Completed By’ identifies the administrator that marked the item complete for each learner. All Fields related to the learner may now be sorted. Thank you to Baylor Health Care System and Glens Falls Hospital for this suggestion.


Reschedule Multiple Learners – Admins may now reschedule multiple learners that have completed the item by choosing the learners, providing the new date and choosing Reschedule Selected learners (see above). The system will confirm your request and remind you that only Completed learners will be rescheduled. These changes were requested during an Administrator Round Table. Thank you to everyone who attends and makes suggestions.


Remove Selected Learners – similarly, the remove selected feature allows admins to remove multiple learners from an item by choosing the learners then choosing Remove Selected Learners. Learners that have a completed date or have been marked complete cannot be removed. The system will confirm your request and remind you that Completed learners cannot be removed.


OnTrack Reports – the OnTrack Report menu page has been updated to list the available reports in one place.


Knowledge Manager Fixes

Grading Checklists – the sort has been modified so when you choose a type – Graded, Non-graded, or All, the system will retain your selection as you drill down to the learner, and the specific checklist.

Printing Knowledge Manager Checklists – the MCS Imaging Logo has been removed from the printed checklist.


[1] At this time, the Upload feature only works for non-SCORM files.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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