Board Meeting Agenda Template - Young Living

Event Show Flow/Sample Agenda Overview: Sample agenda for the August 2019 Live Your Passion Rally #25yearsyoung Time Topic Content Who 1.5 min. Welcome Welcome to the event! Set the tone of what to expect, generate excitement Introduce intro video to get startedHOST 2.4 min. Corporate Video/SlidesFoundation Dream Video/Recap (video: 1:22 min.)VIDEO3.10 min.Corporate SlidesCBD and Davana Launches RecapHOST4.3 min.Corporate VideoPeace & Calming Roll-On Video/Recap (video: 47 sec.)VIDEO5.3 min.Corporate VideoFeather The Owl Video/Recap (video: 49 sec.)VIDEO 6. 15 min. Recognition Recognize efforts of those in attendance Milestones/advancements/Upranks/prize winners/retreats and qualification periods Corporate rep to recognize the council who put on the event (if applicable) HOST 7. 10 min.Giveaways /Icebreaker gamesProduct Giveaway’s/Swag prizes: Make it fun!HOST8.18 min. Member Experience A few members share experiences/testimonials Product focus (5-10 min.) Business focus (5-10 min.)HOST9.3 min.Corporate Video/SlidesNew Product Announcement/Slides (video: 44 sec.)VIDEO10.6 min.Corporate SlidesConvention Launches RecapHOST11.6 min.Corporate SlidesNew Product AnnouncementsHOST12.3 min.Corporate SlidesSavvy Eyeshadow Palette Recap HOST13.5 min.Corporate SlidesNew Product AnnouncementsHOST14.5 min.Message from corporate rep (if applicable) or HostCorporate Message/Updates on what is going on in our company around the worldREP or HOST15.3 min.Corporate SlidesZero Waste Tips & TricksHOST16.5 min.Corporate SlidesNew Product AnnouncementsHOST17.4 min.Corporate VideoMel Robbins: Achieving Your Goals Video (video: 2:50 min.)VIDEO18.2 min.Corporate VideoChivalry Video (video: 1:42 min.)VIDEO19.5 min.Close event/call to actionTake this content and event, build momentum, and send your guests home with excitement about all things Young Living! *Product Giveaway’s/Swag- Thank You’s, etc. HOSTAdditional Ideas:DIY Project, Breakout Groups, Keynote Speakers on specific topics, etc. Make it your own!!!!TIME 115 min. (6:54 min of videos) ................

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