I Overview - Travelers

Product Launch Playbook

Revised January, 2006



Quantum Autosm is here! A lot of hard work has gone into creating a product that is one of the most sophisticated in the industry and will allow Travelers and agents to write more business than ever before. Now it is time to make sure agents know about it and to measure our success. This playbook has been compiled to assist in those efforts and provide some ‘best practices’ guidance for future Quantum Auto rollouts. It has been created and refined from the successes and lessons that earlier states have experienced.

Please refer to the Field Sales Resource Center for

electronic versions of these Quantum Auto Materials.


Table of Contents

For Internal Use Only


Product Launch Timeline

Promotional Items


Ordering Worksheet

PRE-LAUNCH SUPPORT - RSD E-mail, Brochures, Contests and E-mail Campaign

Brochure Samples

Agency Sell Sheet


Consumer Brochure

State Specific Eligibility Guidelines

State Specific Quote/Sales Contest

Sara Under Siege E-mail Campaign

AGENCY MEETINGS - Invitations, PowerPoint Presentations and Promo Item Tips


Save the Date Template

Invitation Example 1: Letter Style

Invitation Example 2: Fast Fax with Return Receipt

Launch Meeting Agenda

Agency Meeting PowerPoint Presentation

Quantum Quiz

BLITZ WEEK - Agency Visits, Quote Log Sheets, Promo Items and Conference Calls

Quote Log Sheet

POST-LAUNCH REPORTING - During and After Blitz Week

Blitz Week Daily Summary

Product Workbench Reports

WATCH OUTS - How to Address Common Concerns


Product Launch Timeline

For Internal Use Only

+/- Date

Responsible of Launch

Pre-Launch Support

Agency Manager Eligibility Guidelines submitted to HO Mktg

for promo layouts Product - 45 days

Email Email to AMs from region providing information regarding

promotional brochures and State specific eligibility guidelines

and sales contest flyer RSD - 30 days

Sales Contest Confirm parameters for sales contest HO Mktg - 45 days (Bill Hall)

Draft sales contest flyer (first distribution via AM email) HO Mktg - 45 days

(Bill Hall)

Designate Contest Administrator/Draft quote sheets Field Sales/ - 45 days

Publish Contest Online HO Mktg - 15 days

(Bill Hall)

Sara Under Siege Review and update email list supplied by Agency Automation Field Sales - 45 days

via HO Mktg (Lisa Martocci)

Send out RVP fast fax introduction to Sara Field Sales - 10 days

Email Campaign executed HO Mktg - 5-10 dys

(Kathleen Dauria)

Agent Meetings - 2 to 3 weeks prior to launch date

Attendees Consider who will attend internally; Prod, Clm, U/W, Automation, etc. Field Sales/All - 60 days

Event Plan Reserve space, layout plan, refreshments, all hospitality Field Sales - 60 days

Promo Items Determine quantities of promotion items needed and order via ARIBA Field Sales - 45 days

State Specific Items Determine quantities of eligibility guidelines and contest flyers

from Mktg Field Sales - 45 days

Delivery of material for packet assembly ARIBA/

Field Sales - 15 days

Invitations Create and send Save the Date flyers Field Sales/ - 45 days

(Kristin Salone)

Create and send invitations highlighting Quantum Auto and agenda Field Sales/ - 30 days

(Kristin Salone)

PowerPoint Customize for region and include any complementary initiatives Field Sales/

Product - 30 days

Blitz Week - Coincides with Product Launch

Promotional Items Order incentive items to encourage agents to provide quotes Field Sales - 45 days

‘RightFax’ Setup Designate point person to collect Blitz quotes and get dedicated Fax Product - 45 days

Agent Visits Schedule brief agency visits to collect quotes, introduce Field Sales - 15 days

product and maximize number of visits

Quote Log Sheets Distribute electronic quote sheets (also distributed at meetings) Field Sales - 15 days

AgentHQsm Promotional brochures posted on the state specific section of AgentHQ HO Mktg @ Launch

(Amy Twiss)

Conference calls Daily calls to discuss issues/review stats collected quote sheets Field Sales/ @ Launch


Product Launch Timeline (continued)

For Internal Use Only

Post-Launch Reporting

Blitz Week Summaries Template charts capture key metrics Product ea. day

PWB/QIW Template spreadsheets rolled up weekly by state Product weekly

Sustain the Momentum

Tips Various tips to assist with launch All Ongoing

Key contacts

Home Office Marketing

Kathleen Dauria 860.954.8526

Bill Hall 860.277.0698

Lisa Martocci 860.277.8223

Amy Twiss 860.277.2422

Kristin Salone 860.277.1846

Promotional Items

For Internal Use Only

A variety of support materials have been created to assist with the Quantum Auto launch meetings, blitz week and below is a list of materials available for order via ARIBA and the PL-Number unless otherwise noted by HO Marketing. Please try to allow 4 weeks for delivery.


100% cotton white waffle knit polo shirts are available in both men’s (2 button) and women’s (4 button). The Quantum Logo is embroidered on the chest and Travelers logo is on the sleeve. It is envisioned that these shirts will be worn during agency meetings. Shirts tend to run big, but will shrink. (PL-Q Men [sz] Polo, PL-Q Wmn [sz] Polo)


White T-shirts are available in S, M, L, XL. Good giveaways during meetings as prizes to keep the audience engaged. Recommended to order primarily large for a more universal appeal.

(PL-Quantum S T-shirt, PL-Quantum M T-shirt, PL-Quantum L T-shirt, PL-Quantum XLT-shirt, PL-Quantum XXL)


These neoprene mouse pads display the large Quantum ‘Q’ and encourage agents to “Quote Quantum Auto… Quote Everyone” (PL-Quantum Mousepad)


Intended for meeting distribution, these Quantum note pads carry the theme of “Quote

Quantum Auto…Quote Everyone” (PL-Quantum Notepad)


White coffee mug with the Quantum Auto logo and Travelers Personal Lines logo at the bottom.

(PL-Quantum Mug)


Red balloons with the Quantum auto logo. NOTE: Requires Field purchase of helium.

(PL-Quantum Red)


For Quantum Quiz giveaways and other miscellaneous incentive programs. This is our man in the can magnetic bendy man with the Quantum Auto slogan on the cover. Children will carry them everywhere, bringing the Quantum Auto branding throughout the household! Adults will stick them to file cabinets at the office and to the fridge at home. (PL-Quantum Bend)


Pen includes the following click message view of our overall Marketing and Agency support

system: Agency Development Workshops, Exciting Sales Contests, Proven Retention Strategies,

Local Market Support, Account Rounding Programs, Advertising, and Public Relations Support.

(PL-Helping Agents Grow Pens)

Promotional Items continued

For Internal Use Only


State Specific eligibility guidelines and market information is provided, as applicable.

These are available for order through ARIBA. (PL-12312)


Travelers Quantum Auto announcement explaining the new sophisticated pricing model.

These are available for order through ARIBA. (PL-12313)


Travelers Quantum Auto product information. For agency office display, agency mailings,

attach to quotes, or use for book transfer sales. (PL-12311)


General Travelers folder with the PL Travelers Logo. (White: PL-11484; Black PL-12377)


Contest flyers will be created by HO marketing (Bill Hall) once parameters have been agreed upon.

Printed quantities needed should be communicated to HO Marketing 45 days prior to date



Eligibility guidelines will be created by HO marketing once Product provides the required information

Printed quantities needed should be communicated to HO Marketing 45 days prior to date

needed. (HO Marketing)


These banners are great to hang in a meeting room or wrap a welcome table. There are 5 available countrywide so please coordinate with HO marketing to obtain and be sure to return them after your meeting!


Add professional flair by enlarging the launch with foam-board branding at your onsite

meetings. Perfect for a welcome table. (PL-12532)


Add professional flair by enlarging the launch with foam-board branding at your onsite meetings. Easel not provided. (HO Marketing)

Promotional Item Ordering Worksheet

For Internal Use Only

This worksheet can be used to track all of the support material used in the Quantum Auto launch. Home Office Marketing can be consulted with in determining quantities and the best uses of these items to support the product launch.

Meeting Logistics:

Meeting Date 1: _______ # Attendees expected: ____ Location 1 ___________________________________

Meeting Date 2: _______ # Attendees expected: ____ Location 2____________________________________

Meeting Date 3: _______ # Attendees expected: ____ Location 3____________________________________

Meeting Date 4: _______ # Attendees expected: ____ Location 4____________________________________

Meeting Date 5: _______ # Attendees expected: ____ Location 4____________________________________

Quantum Auto meeting orders should be placed through ARIBA 4 weeks prior to meeting.

Agents may order consumer brochures through the Sales and Marketing tab on AgentHQ.

[pic]To order materials, go to the ARIBA Buyer link on STArt.

Pre-Launch Support

For Internal Use Only

As you have just seen, plenty of marketing support in the form of brochures and promotional items are available. Additional support has also been created in the form of an animated storyline and contests to encourage agents to both quote and sell Quantum Auto.

Agency Manager E-mail from RSD/Promotional Brochures

Well in advance of the release, it is recommended that the RSD send a comprehensive email to assist Agency Managers to better understand the product and get a bit of an internal buzz started. Along with the national sell sheets, frequently asked questions (FAQs) and consumer brochures, state specific information should also be communicated at this time to arm Agency Managers with the facts about broadened eligibility and the sales contest that will accompany the launch.

Eligibility guidelines should be provided by the states’ product team to Home Office Marketing (Lisa Martocci) to be enhanced graphically. Printed copies will then be supplied to the field in advance of the meetings and blitz week. These sheets have been the most desired by agents!

Agency Contests

The contest tailored to incent desired Agent behavior actually is comprised of two components; 1) a quote contest, and 2) a sales production contest.

The Quote Contest serves double duty by providing an incentive for agents to try out the new product for themselves. Earlier launch states have had the Best Price among all competitors quoted about 70% of the time, and that holds true across a wide variety of risk characteristics! With win-rates like that, it is clear why we want agents to see for themselves just how powerful a growth tool Quantum Auto will be.

The other benefit of the Quote Contest will be to solicit information for the product teams to ensure the pricing is meeting expectations for risks with varying characteristics, as well as to capture competitive quotes and gauge Quantum Auto’s positioning in the marketplace. This will particularly important in the blitz week described later.

Sara Under Siege E-mail Campaign

The objective of this campaign is to create excitement immediately preceding the launch of Quantum Auto. It also dimensionalizes the message for the agents that Travelers’ new sophisticated product has allowed us to broaden our appetite and will allow them to write a broader range of risks. This is accomplished through online animated episodes which follow the trials of CSR Sara as she attempts to effectively service the customers with diverse risk profiles that call upon her. In the final episode the hero is able to help Sara by providing a fair unique rate for all of her callers. Home Office marketing will obtain initial e-mail addresses for a region from Agency Automation and request that the field supplement these list and check for any errors 6 weeks in advance of the release.

It is recommended that some or all of the episodes be shown at the Agency Meetings to help introduce the campaign and create some familiarity when the episodes are delivered later. Home Office marketing will administer the distribution of the campaign, which will be comprised of three e-mails. The first e-mail will have four episodes presenting the CSR-heroine Sara with the challenge of writing a wide variety of customers, accompanied by an initial Fast Fax from the Region’s RVP. The second e-mail will have an additional two episodes showing how Quantum Auto can provide solutions for all of the agent’s customers. Finally, a wrap up e-mail will be sent the day of the launch reiterating the Quantum Auto message.


All of the brochures and ‘Sara’ episodes will also be available online in the Local News section of AgentHQ.

Examples of the below are included in this section and are also available on the Field Sales Resource Center:

• Agency Sell Sheet

• Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

• Consumer Brochure

• Eligibility Guidelines

• Contest Flyer

• RVP ‘Sara Under Siege’ FastFax

Pre-Launch Support

For Internal Use Only

We recently sent a survey to 1,200 agents/CSRs who received the Sara Under Siege emails to learn if they were effective based on our objectives of getting folks to think about Travelers differently and changing their mindset of sending us a limited amount and profile of auto quotes. Results are in - and it was indeed a successful strategy!

Objectives Agents/CSRs Who Agree

• Raise interest in Quantum Auto 61%

• Increase likelihood of quoting Travelers 67%

• Encourage thinking differently about Travelers 67%

Can the Sara campaign be an ongoing agent/CSR strategy?

Likely to open another Sara email 74%

And (not that we were trying to beat our competition, but….)

• 55% thought the this was a better campaign than others for car insurance

We will therefore consider new marketing applications of Sara and other characters she may meet in her travels.

Note: These results are based on 240 responses, (20% response rate) with the answers of "strongly and somewhat agree". Other options were "no opinion, somewhat disagree and strongly disagree.“

Agency Sell Sheet

For Internal Use Only

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Version 1

For Internal Use Only

For Internal Use Only

For Internal Use Only

For Internal Use Only

Consumer Brochure

For Internal Use Only

State Specific Eligibility Guidelines

For Internal Use Only

For Internal Use Only

State Specific Quote/Sales Contest

For Internal Use Only

RVP ‘Sara Under Siege’ Fax

For Internal Use Only

‘Sara Under Siege’ Campaign

For Internal Use Only

Agency Meeting

For Internal Use Only

It is anticipated that Agency Meetings will take place 2 to 3 weeks in advance of the launch date of the product to allow interest and anticipation to build around the product as various tactics will continue to remind attendees of the impending launch. In addition, a week or so lead time will allow agents the ability to ‘hold’ a number of quotes for comparative rating purposes.


Template invitations are available and also will begin to set the stage for the meetings by providing a broad agenda and a hint at how Quantum Auto will be valuable to an agent. Example invitations follow and are available in a variety of RSVP method options. Save the Date templates are also available and may be sent prior to the formal invitation to reduce agency scheduling conflicts and also enhance buzz.

In addition to inviting agents, thought should be given to the appropriateness of internal attendees including Product teams, Claim personnel, Business Center staff, Underwriters and Interface Coordinators.

PowerPoint Presentations

A template PowerPoint presentation has been crafted to assist in explaining the new product and contains examples and illustrations about how Quantum Auto is different from previous Travelers products and what these changes mean for the agent. The most up to date template is available on the Field Resource Center, under Local Marketing Strategies, Quantum Auto. Once Quantum goes live in your state, they can also be made available on AgentHQ, in the ‘your news’ section for your state.

Another tactic to build anticipation will be the aforementioned Sara Under Siege animated campaign. In addition to supporting the new more innovative product, it also will dimensionalize the message for agents that Travelers new product has allowed us to broaden our appetite and will allow them to write a broader range of risks.

It is recommended that some or all of these episodes be shown during the meeting presentation to reinforce the message to Quote Quantum.

Promotional Items

There are a whole host of Quantum Auto materials that have been created to assist in the agency meetings. Please refer to the ‘catalog’ section of this binder for full details about materials available.

Foam-core signs, both large and small are available to greet attendees along with Balloons to spice up the meeting rooms. Of course, folders containing information about the new product and state specific content are available to be distributed. Note pads and pens are also suggested to reinforce the message and provide a way to jot down notes and questions.

Quantum Auto T-shirts are available as well and are suggested for use as rewards to periodic quiz questions throughout the presentation to help keep agents engaged.

Examples of the below are included in this section:

• Save the Date

• Invitation – Fast Fax w. Return Receipt

• Invitation – Letter Style

• Agenda

Save the Date Template

For Internal Use Only

Invitation Example 1 – Letter Style

For Internal Use Only

|[pic] | | |

| | |Leslie Marshall |

| | |Regional Sales Director |

| | |Personal Lines |

| | |(615) 372-7771 |

| | |(615) 372-7788 (fax) |

| | |LAMARSHA@ |

| | | |

|9020 Overlook Blvd. | | |

|Brentwood, TN 37027 | | |

April 14, 2005



«Title» «First_Name» «Last_Name»




Dear «First_Name»:

We have exciting news for you and your agency! On April 12, the state of Tennessee approved Travelers’ new auto product—Quantum Auto. We believe Quantum Auto will give you the opportunity to write more auto business for your agency, and we can’t wait to tell you all about it.

I would like to personally invite you to attend a Travelers’ agency meeting on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 at the Sheraton Music City on 777 McGavock Pike in Nashville. The meeting will be held from 9:00am to 11:00am, and light refreshments will be served.

In addition to learning more about Quantum Auto, you will have the opportunity to hear from our Tennessee Claim Management Team. They will share details on how we have enhanced our auto claim procedures to get your customers back on the road as quickly as possible. And—at your request, we will have our Mobile Claim Headquarters—our RVs that operate as mobile claim offices—available for you to personally tour.

«First_Name», on behalf of the entire Tennessee team, we appreciate your partnership and your business. We look forward to seeing you on May 4.

Please RSVP to Renae Tidwell at 1-800-933-2167 (extension 7769) or by email at dtidwell@ no later than April 25, 2005.



Leslie Marshall

P/L Regional Sales Director

Invitation Example 2 – Fast Fax w. Return Receipt

For Internal Use Only

Launch Meeting Agenda

For Internal Use Only

Agency Meeting Presentation

For Internal Use Only

The following pages contain sample slides which can be selected in part or in whole to deliver the Quantum Auto message. Notes and tips have been included in selected slides to assist in their delivery and use.

Please refer to the Field Sales Resource Center for the most current available Quantum Auto Presentation slides.

Quantum Quiz

For Internal Use Only

A ‘Jeopardy’ style quiz has been developed and is available on the Field Sales Resource Center. Questions have been developed to reinforce the key messages of the launch meetings. It may be embedded in the PowerPoint and played following the presentation. Alternatively, questions developed for the quiz may be interspersed throughout the meeting to keep attendees engaged and drive home the message. T-shirts and other small gifts are a great reward and further keep the crowd focused on the benefits of Quantum Auto.


Blitz Week

For Internal Use Only

Blitz Week has proven to be an excellent method to get agents excited about the product, personally address any questions or concerns, along with validating the competitive position in the state. The major goal is to visit all key agencies and have agents produce and record as many Quantum Auto and competitive quotes as possible. These quotes will then be faxed back to Home Office for a same day analysis and discussion during daily calls.

Agency Visits

AMs agency visits are a vital support component to our product launch.

On these visits they quote Quantum Auto, demonstrate Quantum’s competitive position and underwriting reach, gather competitive data, market the sales contest, demonstrate ease of doing business, deliver branding promotional items, provide training, answer questions, assess sales opportunities (book transfers, cross sell), and provide close ongoing support to sustain momentum in key markets.

Quote Log Sheets

These quote logs provide daily competitive data to Product Managers during blitz week and ongoing market data to Agency Managers for sustained momentum and opportunity identification. CSRs and Producers are motivated to record this data using Quantum Auto rollout Sales contests.

Promotional Items

To encourage agents to have quotes waiting when the Blitz week team arrives, promotional items can be used as incentives. Quantum Auto mugs or ‘Bendy Men’ can be nice way to encourage agents to have those quotes ready so the team can visit more Agencies and spend time addressing any questions or concerns that have arisen.

Conference calls

Daily conference calls have been invaluable to the entire organization to see price trending, determine if there are any common issues or concerns, and to quickly gauge the success of the launch. A product point person should be designated to collect all the faxes and compile the reports for distribution to the launch team for daily discussion. Examples of this daily report follows in the next section.

Examples of the below are included in this section:

• Quote Log Sheet

Quote Log Sheet

For Internal Use Only

Post-Launch Reporting

For Internal Use Only

Template reports have been developed to capture key risk characteristics and profile indicators.

During Blitz Week:

These reports are generated by collecting daily quotes and compiling the quote data for in depth analysis to gain early rate indications for each state.

The process of collecting Blitz week quotes: Currently, a fax number is set up by the region for the state rollout and a point person collects the quote logs which are submitted for contest rewards. The paper logs are entered into the system in the specific format needed to roll up for analysis. Daily meetings are coordinated and the data is quickly passed for reporting, analysis, and discussion at the daily Blitz calls and ongoing results meetings.

Make sure that there is a clear understanding of what information is being collected for product analysis and what information is for payout of the contest.

After Blitz week:

Analysis is done using the quote database using the report format on the Product Workbench.

21 Standardized Quantum Auto Reports updated and stored on the Product Workbench:

Weekly Quantum Auto Counts (5 Reports):

• Quantum Auto Production Comparison

• New Business by State

• Quotes by State

• Issues by State

• Close Rates by State

Tier and Insurance Score profile (5 reports):

• Current Week (updated every Tuesday)

• Month to date

• Program Inception to date

• Close Rate by Tier/Score Cell

• Close Rate by Distributions

Youngest Driver Age (3 reports): Current Week, Month to date, Program Inception to date

Driving Record Points (3 reports): Current Week, Month to date, Program Inception to date

Account Rounding Profile (3 reports): Current Week, Month to date, Program Inception to date

Territory Close Rates (2 reports): Month to date, Program Inception to date

Examples of the below are included in this section:

• Blitz Week: Daily Summary Reports

• 21 Standard Product Workbench Reports

Blitz Week Daily Summary Report

For Internal Use Only

Product Workbench Reports

For Internal Use Only

Below are the listings of Auto Executive Reports for Quantum Auto. You can select a particular state to review and additional states will be posted as Quantum Auto rolls out. The reports are posted every Tuesday.

Once you are in the Product Workbench, go to the left and select Quantum Auto Information. Then select Executive reports/QIW Executive Reports. You will see an archive folder and a current folder. Select current for the latest reports. Here you will also find interactive Atlas3 countrywide reports.

Quantum Auto Quotes by State

For Internal Use Only

This provides a view of quotes by processing month.*


Quantum Auto Issues by State

This provides a view of issues by state by processing month.*


Quantum Auto Close Rates by State

This provides a view of close rates by state.*


Quantum Auto Tier and Insurance Score Profile

For Internal Use Only

Reports Available

• Current week

• Month to Date

• Program Inception to date

*For sample purposes only. For the latest report, please go to the Product Workbench.


Quantum Auto Tier and Insurance Score Profile

For Internal Use Only

Reports Available

• Close Rate by tier/score cell

• Close Rate Distributions (not shown)

*For sample purposes only. For the latest report, please go to the Product Workbench.


Quantum Auto Youngest Driver Age

For Internal Use Only

Reports Available

• Current Week

• Month to Date

• Program Inception to Date

*For sample purposes only. For the latest report, please go to the Product Workbench.


Quantum Auto Driver Record Profile

For Internal Use Only

Reports Available

• Current Week

• Month to Date

• Program Inception to Date

*For sample purposes only. For the latest report, please go to the Product Workbench.


Quantum Auto Account Rounding Profile

For Internal Use Only

Reports Available

• Current Week

• Month to Date

• Program Inception to Date

*For sample purposes only. For the latest report, please go to the Product Workbench.


Quantum Auto Territory Close Rates

For Internal Use Only

Report 20: Month to Date

Report 21: Program Inception to Date

*For sample purposes only. For the full report in the proper format, please go to the Product Workbench.


Interactive Atlas3 Auto Reports

For Internal Use Only


Watch Outs

For Internal Use Only

Prior state launch experience has shown that some key issues are common to all releases. Below is a synopsis of these items and suggestions for tactics to address.

Quote to Effective Date

Issue: A different rate is charged for those policies quoted more than 7 days before the effective date and those quoted 7 or fewer days before the effective date. Agents are unclear about the specifics.


• Promote only as a discount and a way to obtain the best rate for those customers that plan ahead. These customers are shown to be statistically better risks.

• Ensure agents know to always make any needed changes to the original existing quotes, never start a new quote. Changes made to an existing quote within the last 7 day window will still receive the discount. If, however, a brand new quote is started within the 7 day window, the best rate will not be available.

Quote to Issue Premium Discrepancies

Issue: Agents receive one price during a quote but a different price upon issuance.


• Was all the information the same? A verified IS or MVR report may have impacted the premium.

• Rating factors that use time have aged and have now created premium changes. Quantum Auto rating uses significantly more segmentation around time factors. For example, the aging of driving record activity is now segmented beyond the traditional 3-year and 5-year breaks we’re accustomed to. Additionally, there are now other rating variables that are impacted with time rating. While this increased sophistication has favorable effects (improved competitiveness and accuracy), it can also be disruptive if the original quote characteristics have aged prior to policy issuance.

The most common causes of price changes are:

• Incident information is obtained after the quote

• Incident information is changed after the quote

• Changes to the effective date cause incidents to fall into our out of the experience period

• Changes to the effective date that change the quote to effective days variable

• Drivers are added to the policy

• Limits are changed

• Adding or deleting a lienholder

• Inputting an invalid/unissued policy number for the account discount

• The addition of loss activity over three years old

Account Credits

Issue: The account discount is applied in a more complex way and, therefore, is not easily explained as a specific percent discount.

Tactic: As a general rule, agents can achieve significant savings for their clients by selling Quantum Auto with the home, boat, or umbrella policy. The actual percentage may vary though based upon the customer’s unique characteristics. We will apply the account discount if the companion policy is to be issued within 90 days of the auto.


Enter the other policy numbers into Atlas3. NOTE: For PLUS supplements, enter the policy number as ‘444444444 300-1’ since it is an endorsement and does not have a unique identifier.

Watch Outs (continued)

For Internal Use Only

Lienholder Information

Issue: Lienholder information is a new field. Why?

Tactic: Travelers has always collected lienholder information. New to Quantum Auto is a drop down box that asks if there is a lienholder on the vehicle. In all cases where a vehicle has a loan or lease, ‘Yes’ should be selected, as this information is required for quoting as it is used to tier the policy. Actuarial data supports the use of a vehicle's lien status as predictive of losses in conjunction with other factors such as vehicle age, the number of vehicles and the number of liens on a policy. The extent to which this will impact the premium will depend, as with all Quantum Auto factors, on other characteristics of the policyholder.

Issue: A Lienholder exists but the specific information is not known and the policyholder needs a policy issued immediately.

Tactic: If the lienholder info if it is not available, the NAMED INSURED can be temporarily used as the lienholder. Type in their name, address, and zip code. When the actual lienholder information is available, a change transaction can be performed to revise the information. This will satisfy any compliance issue and also not cause any re-tier when the change is performed.

Quantum Auto Rates Appear Too Low for Some Risks

Issue: Some agents have expressed concern that rates are not adequate.

Tactic: Our PL research area has some of the best analysts in the industry and has spent thousands of hours reviewing data from Travelers, comparative rating software, internet rating portals and competitor filings to develop Quantum’s rating. Even so, through both internal and external sources, we are assessing Quantum Auto price points on a daily basis. As we identify segments that are underpriced or overpriced, we have the ability and tools to respond quickly as needed.

Ease of Doing Business

Issue: The introduction of Quantum Auto has included minor modifications to Atlas3 screens.

Tactic: The changes are extremely minor and include only a couple additional fields, including:

o Lien holders information now in quote as well as issuance as it is a new rating factor.

o Policy information for account credit

Copy Quote Functionality

Issue: Problems have arisen when agents attempt to requote a customer in Quantum Auto that was previously quoted in Travelers Auto Program (TAP).

Tactic: Atlas3 quoting and policy issuance systems do not include “copy quote” functionality for quotes previously prepared under our Travelers Auto Program (TAP). Any saved TAP quotes will need to be reentered to obtain an accurate Quantum Auto quote.

5 or More Vehicles

Issue: A customer is requesting coverage for five (5) or more vehicles.

Tactic: As there is only room in Atlas3 to enter four (4) vehicles when issuing a policy, specific methodology is recommended to ensure households with five (5) or more vehicles are accurately priced. Please consult with the Governance Policy & Procedure bulletin of October 7, 2005 for full details.

Watch Outs (continued)

For Internal Use Only

Comparative Rating Vendors

Issue: Some comparative raters do not support Travelers Quantum Auto. Why not?


• Non-Real Time: Travelers Quantum Auto is such a sophisticated, nimble product that we did not have confidence that comparative rating vendors which "manufacture" rates based upon rate plans would always provide an accurate quote. As a result, the only choice the raters will have will be to get the new rates directly from Travelers via an Internet connection to our Personal Lines gateway. This will ensure that the rates will be correct since they come directly from us and will have any updates and revisions.

• Real Time: Real Time comparative raters will support Quantum Auto; however, both parties work to ensure that the quotes provided are accurate. In each stage there is constant back and forth with the vendor but most all the fixes need to be made on their side. The result is that the vendor controls the pace and they so far have not kept up with our Quantum Auto rollout. It should be made clear to agents that this is the case and they should be encouraged to bring any pressure they can on the vendors to get this work completed. Status reports will be provided to keep launch state teams apprised of vendor progress.

Rewriting Business to Quantum Auto

Issue: Agents request to rewrite a customer or book of customers to Quantum Auto

Tactic: Please consult with the Governance Policy & Procedure bulletin of November 17, 2005 for full details.

Permit Operators

Issue: Agents are unclear of how to address permit operators.

Tactic: This procedure has not changed with Quantum Auto.

Remind agents of the need to capture information for all household members 13 and older. Permit operators are to be entered as licensed operators and then to identify them as permit holders only:

Atlas3 -

Check the “driver insured elsewhere” box.

Excalibur/Atlas II -

Enter an “@” in the occupation field.

Agents must then remove the permit designator when the operator becomes fully licensed.

A tent card has been created, which can assist your agents in addressing these issues as well. A PDF is available on the Field Sales Resource Center. It can also be ordered through ARIBA Buyer (PL-12680).



Sustain the Momentum

For Internal Use Only


Identify New Opportunities… and Capitalize!

As the quotes come in and so does the feedback, the region should be able to validate segments of the market where Travelers is newly competitive, be it youthfuls, less than perfect insurance scores, etc. Now that new areas and customers have opened, promote it and go after them!


As agents have a chance to see Quantum Auto in action and just how competitive we can be across a wide range of risks, they will no doubt comment on the benefits. Things like “Wow, Travelers blew my other carriers away!” or “I can’t believe Travelers had such a great price for my customer with 2 incidents” are not uncommon. Collect these and share them with others in the field as well as other agents! Consider a monthly e-mail.


Work with your Local Market Manager to reinforce the Quantum Auto message or address other changes or concerns via AgentHQ. It’s another great way to communicate with agents in your field area.

Continued Sales Support (Coming Soon!)

A Revenue Stream Analysis Worksheet is currently in development to help quantify the benefit to agents of book rolls as well as to discourage renewal rewrites of existing non-Quantum Auto Travelers business which is not at risk.

Creative Incorporation of Quantum Auto Campaign

Once ‘Captain Q’ and Sara are familiar to agents, their likenesses can be used to continue creating Quantum Auto awareness and reinforcing the messaging. An example which follows shows the cast of characters utilized at a golf outing on the tee box to highlight key Quantum Auto points.

Knowledge Sharing

Continue to talk to your colleagues about successes and challenges across disciplines and regions!



Creative Use of Sara & Co.

For Internal Use Only

The example below shows the cast of characters utilized at a golf outing on the tee box to highlight key Quantum Auto points.

Please contact Lisa Martocci should you wish to explore this or other options. [pic]


Item (Use)

PL - Number


PL - Number


Men's Polo (Field staff)

PL-Q Men S Polo

___ S

PL-Q Men M Polo

___ M

PL-Q Men L Polo

___ L

PL-Q Men XL Polo

___ XL

PL-Q Men XXL Polo

___ XXL

Women's Polo (Field staff)

PL-Q Wmn S Polo

___ S

PL-Q Wmn M Polo

___ M

PL-Q Wmn L Polo

___ L

PL-Q Wmn XL Polo

___ XL

PL-Q Wmn XXL Polo

___ XXL

T-shirts (Quantum Quiz prize)

PL-Quantum S T-shirt

___ S

PL-Quantum M T-shirt

___ M

PL-Quantum L T-shirt

___ L

PL-Quantum XL T-shirt

___ XL

PL-Quantum XXL

___ XXL

Mouse pads (Meeting attendees)

PL-Quantum Mousepad


Note pads (Meeting attendees)

PL-Quantum Notepad


Mugs (Blitz week)

PL-Quantum Mug


Balloons (Meetings)

PL-Quantum Red


Bendy men (Quiz prize, Blitz Week)

PL-Quantum Bend


Pens (Meeting attendees)






Sell sheet



Consumer brochure



Folders - Black



Folders - White



Contest flyers (State-specific)

HO Mktg (Bill Hall)


Eligibility Guidelines (State-specific)

HO Mktg (Lisa Martocci)



(Kristin Salone)


Foam core sign - Small Table Size



Foam core sign - Large Easel Size

(Kristin Salone)


Product Managers:

Please provide HO Marketing with Eligibility Guidelines to be used 6 weeks prior to launch!

To view the episodes, please visit

See what agents thought on the next page

Sara Under Siege Calendar

Scrubbed E-mail List to HO - 6 weeks prior

Agency Meeting Showing - 2 to 3 weeks

1st Episode/RVP Fax - 6 days

2nd Episode - 4 days

Wrap-up Episode - Day of Launch

Product Team –

Don’t forget to set up Right Fax number 45 days in advance to capture quotes during Blitz Week.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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