Covington's world

S. C. R. I. B. E. 1200-1450Song-Yuan – Proto industrialization, gunpowder, rudder, compass, silk and porcelain, Yuan (Mongols in China)Crusades – Christian Europe attacks Muslim Middle East, learn paper, medicine, algebra, universities (sets Europe to come out of Feudalism)Regionalized – Smaller empires (except Mongols), feudal manors in Europe, Seljuk Central Asia, Mamluks Egypt, Al-Andalus SpainIslam-Incas – Dar al Islam, spreading through Silk Road, Trans-Sahara and Indian Ocean trade. Merchants. Inca – South American empire, Mit’a labor service (throw In Aztecs, too)Byzantine – left over Eastern Roman Empire (Constantinople). Rest of Europe fallen and independent feudal manors, fall to Ottoman Turks in 1453.Exception – Mongols only nomadic pastoralist to make largest empire ever! Bring tech and plague across Asia to Europe. Mali – Mansa Musa pilgrimage and dropping gold all over the place.G. E. R. M. S. 1450-1750Gunpowder Empires – Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal – make good use of Chinese cannons. Cross roads for Silk Road (SR) and Indian Ocean (IOTR). Slave soldiers (Janissaries). Lose power when Europe get into ocean trade (after 1450).Exchange & Exploration – Portugal and Spain first to explore, Treaty of Tordesillas divides world by Pope between them. Columbian Exchange – biological (people, plants, animals and disease) between Americas and Afro-Eurasia that changes the world. Triangular Trade – Europe manuf. goods and guns to Africa for slaves to the Americas, for raw materials like cotton and sugar back to Europe to be made into more goods to sell. Europe owns goods, plantations, and boats and are making buckets of money. Colonies and Castas in the New World. Europe takes over IOTR, especially Portugal.Renaissance & Reformation – Rebirth of ancient Greece and Rome, Wealthy urban dwellers, Art becomes important and scientific, Man is capable and has a mind, Secular thoughts – Catholic Church doesn’t know everything. Catholic Church has some corruption and requires lots of money, buy your way out of Purgatory, Monk Martin Luther says not right, Church splits into Catholic and Protestant, kill each other a lot (30 Years War). Remain split, Catholic make some reforms and are still here. Protestants move to America and found religious freedom.Ming – After Mongols, keep administration of Mongol but are ethnically Chinese again. Admiral Zheng He makes voyages through Muslim IOTR and goes all the way to Africa and gets tribute states. They stop after 7 voyages, China reverts back to isolationists. Known for Blue porcelain. Love that silver from the Americas, require all taxes in silver.Silver-Sugar-Slavery – new world has all three in vast quantities. Petosi mine is a mountain of silver in South America, Sugar is the biggest cash crop using the plantation system, after all the Indians die, need workers for labor intensive cash crops (sugar, cotton and tobacco), use Africans and bring them over by force as slaves. Horrible treatment and changes racial dynamic in new world (Castas – Peninsulares, Creoles, Mistizos, Mulattos, Natives and Slaves).R. A. I. S. I. N. G. 1750 – 1900Revolutions – USA, French, Haitian and South American. Remember your recipe. Enlightenment ideas of rights and freedom spur protests and constitutional governments. Haiti only successful slave revolt, 2nd independent country in new world and not by Europeans but Africans. France really a civil war against own government. Kill Louis XVI.Abolition – movement to end slavery. England 1835ish, America 1865, Brazil 1890, Arab World after 1900. Industrialization – mass production of goods by machines, more, quicker, cheaper. Rural to urban movement, pollution, fossil fuels (coal and oil), Owners, middle class and working classes, Socialism, communism, unions, child labor laws, women’s suffrage startsSpheres of Influence – Europe and US in China, forcing them to trade after Britain beat them in Opium War. US Open Door policy so all have equal access to ChinaImperialism – Industrialized countries need raw materials and markets to sell goods. Take over world, i.e. Scramble for Africa, US gets Cuba, Puerto Rico and Philippines, Britain everywhere. Use Social Darwinism to claim superiority.Nationalism – Rise in loyalty to nation, increased after Revolutions and Napoleon export of these ideas. Fierce pride in country, or desire own country based on common language, religion, ethnicity. One of MAIN causes of WW1 (Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism)Global Migrations – indentured servitude from India, China, Japan and SE Asia to replace slaves after abolition. Steam boat makes it cheaper and easier to travel, industry requires raw materials. Ethnic enclaves like Chinatown in San Francisco all over the world, laws against immigrants like the Chinese Exclusion Act and anti-Immigration policies and ugliness.ING – Qing China, last dynasty. Manchurians who are not Chinese rule for 400 years. Boxer Rebellion from all the Europeans in China, failure, China becomes Republic in 1911. Lose Opium War, military outdated, succumb to European inroads, Treaty of Nanking – Pay Britain 20,000,000 in silver, open more trade ports, Hong Kong to Britain, Extraterritoriality (foreigners under own laws) and Most-favored nation status (all deals with any country duplicate to Britain automatically). Chinese not happy. ................

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