Meeting opened at 7:08 pm - HomeTeamsONLINE

Mustang Hockey Association

August 6, 2008 Meeting Minutes

Meeting opened at 7:00pm

Guests: Randall Sperry, Julie Blair, Mike Hammer,

Board Members Present: Mark Koeckritz, Pam Blizzard, Daiva Worthington, JD Schultz, Becky Beckett

Excused Absence: Chris Canterbury, Dave Kosinski, Mike Harrington, Shellie Carr

Guest Concerns

• Mark: Reminder that we need 3 day notice for guest concerns

• Randall Sperry

o Bantam Tier III – registration fees and payment option(s)

• Molly proposed a pay structure; recommend 3 equal payments on same schedule as normal registration fee payment schedule

• Parents (or sponsors) will cover extra ref fees or tournaments, as with other House teams

• Credit card discussion: $10 extra charge for each CC payment

• ACTION: JD to figure out PayPal option

o 08-09 House evaluations. Who's on the ice, who's evaluating in the stands? And do we have a plan for those Mites and Squirts that don't come to house evals. and get cut from Blue Devils?

• All Squirts and Mites should attend house evals

• All Squirt and Mite evaluators should attend both house and comp evals if possible

President -- Mark Koeckritz

• Thanks to people who participated in the Bear Paw events

• Monthly ASHA meeting:

o Mark will email minutes to anyone who wants to see them

o Point Streak program is going forward – MAC will need a monitor in order to participate

o Select tryouts: Dec 20 – 21

o AK Region granted waiver for new icing rule for all national-bound teams; non-national bound teams will be held to the new rule

o Comp scheduling meeting to be held Aug 22 – 23

o Becky and Mike to do house /comp ice allocations without other participants

o House State meeting Aug 21st – place TBD

o Ref seminar dates are on the web – looking for help as refs are “hurting”

o For U14/16/18 teams, 3 refs on the ice for comp and house games

o ASHA wants coaching clinics to be completed before the scheduling meeting

o Next ASHA board meeting is August 23rd

Vice President – Pam Blizzard

• Need to have something in place so that only kids who have paid for Mite development are skating during Mite development – helmet sticker?

Treasurer – Dave Kosinski

• Comp Team Checking Accounts – Pam is taking off 07/08 signers and adding 08/09 signers. Propose putting $100 in each account so that the accounts are not automatically closed when the balance goes to $0 – approved.

Secretary – Daiva Worthington

• June minutes – Pam move to approve, JD second. ACTION: Daiva to send to Molly.

Public Relations Director – Chris Canterbury

• Registration PR Update – press releases sent out re: registration, House evals, Comp tryouts, new board members, etc.

• Bumper Sticker Order – ordered and paid for

• Sponsor Stickers – Propose 3 batches for sponsors including all three logos. Board chooses “I Support MHA” for text.

Coach Coordinator – JD Schultz

• 12 new coaching DVDs are available. Will set up library, and training session with Tom Sloan.

• ACTION: JD to check with coaches regarding evaluations to make sure we have coaches on the ice. Will also ask about any pinneys.

• List of house coaches to be finalized by September 1st, posted to website (by Sept 15th?) – JD to give Molly list of known coaches

Comp Program Director – Becky Beckett

• Jerseys – Hi Rez will do all placards, no iron-on. MHA will pay and bill out for jerseys and socks.

House Program Director- Mike Harrington

• need the numbers and/or pennies for the kids to wear – blue tote in the ref room

• volunteers for evals – per Board discussion, evaluators are covered

• Mark: where are the first aid kits that were purchased last year?

Registrar – Shellie Carr

• Volunteers for Registration – per Board discussion, we have sufficient volunteers

• Registration Rates – was discussed but not finalized; to be finalized via email after Molly makes recommended changes to budget.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm


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