Simple questions for the real space specialist


Simple questions

for the real space specialist

Q: With a Space Shuttle you can transport satellites.

A: Yes, in the cargo bay.

Q: The space shuttle can be used to bring elements of the ISS to the Space Station.

A: Yes, and supplies and cargo as well.

Q: American space travellers are called astronauts

A: Yes

Q: Russian space travellers are called cosmonauts

A: Yes

Q: China has no rockets and capsules for manned space travel

A: No, the Chinese rocket is called Shenzou.

Q: An astronaut always has to wear a space suit and helmet.

A: No, not on board of the ISS.

Q: On October 4, 1957 Sputnik I was launched.

A: Yes, first satellite ever.

Q: On board of Sputnik I was a dog called Laika.

A: No, Sputnik I was unmanned.

Q: ESA’s Ariane V launcher is used for transporting satellites to space.

A: Yes, sometimes two satellites in one flight.

Q: Astronauts do their space walk on a special kind of space track

A: No, there is no track.

Q: Russian cosmonauts are allowed to travel by Space Shuttle as well.

A: Yes, Russians and Americans cooperate in space exploration.

Q: On the moon you only weigh one sixth of your weight on earth.

A: Yes, the moon is smaller than the earth, so the moon’s gravity is weaker.

Q: Cosmonauts are in fact travellers to the Cosmos.

A: Yes, that is the correct definition.

Q: In the universe there is more space than there are objects.

A: Yes, the space between the stars is immens.

Q: With the Ariane IV you can launch four astronauts at once.

A: No, only satellites.

Q: John Glenn made his second flight to space at the age of 77.

A: Yes, his first flight was in 1962.

Q: Yuri Gagarin flew a Soyuz rocket.

A: No, it was a Vostok rocket

Q: The first man to walk on the moon was Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin.

A: No, he was second.

Q: Alan B. Shepard made a space jump on May 5, 1961.

A: Yes, he was the first American in space.

Q: An F-16 jet fighter pilot can fly to space with his machine.

A: No, it is impossible to fly in a vacuum with a jet propelled plane.

Q: Alan B. Shepard was the first man to play golf on the moon.

A: Yes, in 1971 on the Apollo XIV mission.

Q: The first Russian on the moon was Alexei Leonov.

N: No, Russians never went to the moon. Leonov was the first to perform a spacewalk.

Q: The Mercury programme was developed to take one astronaut to space at the time.

A: Yes, the capsules were designed for one person only.

Q: Ariane launchers are launched from Aruba.

A: No, they are launched from Kourou, French Guyana.

Q: Baikonur is the Russian spaceport in Siberia.

A: No, Baikonur is in Kazakhstan.

Q: At ESA-ESTEC in Noordwijk new satellites are tested.

A: Yes

Q: Before being lauched, cosmonauts have to sing a Russian folk song.

A: No, it is a tradition that they urinate against the wheel of the bus.

Q: Mars Express is an unmanned space mission to Mars.

A: Yes, it is a satellite that orbits the red planet.

Q: All member states of the European Union are members of ESA.

A: No, ESA and the EU are different organisations.

Q: Claude Nicollier was a French astronaut.

A: No, he is Swiss.

Q: Columbus is a European space laboratory.

A: Yes, and a part of ISS.

Q: Envisat is a enviromental satellite.

A: Yes, a copy can be seen outside Space Expo, ESA’s visitors centre at ESTEC.

Q: To become an astronaut you must have extreme good eye sight.

A: No, some astronauts even wear glasses.

Q: To simulate gravity, astronauts wear magnetic boots.

A: No, the magnetic field would interfere with the electronics on board the ISS.

Q: Arabella was a spider that made a web in Skylab.

A: Yes, as part of an experiment.

Q: On the Pioneer space craft is a plaque with the image of two humans wearing a space suit.

A: No, they are naked.

Q: Apollo XIII brought back 59 kg of moon rock.

A: No, Apollo XIII never landed on the moon.

Q: Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space.

A: Yes, in 1963, and for 19 years she remained the only one.

Q: Valeri Polyakow lived in space for over 437 days.

A: Yes, during one mission, a world record.

Q: The first ESA astronaut was Dutchman Wubbo Ockels.

A: No, it was Ulf Merbold from Germany.

Q: Most moon rocks are limestone

A: No, basalt.

Q: Astronauts on board ISS have to take a shower every other day.

A: No, there is no bath or shower.

Q: In 1986, the Space Shuttle Columbia exploded after lift-off.

A: No, that was Challenger. Columbia was destroyed during re-entry in 2003.

Q: Space Shuttle Enterprise was the first Shuttle launched ever.

A: No, that was Columbia, Enterprise never went to space.

Q: Astronaut James Irwin (Apollo XV) went to Turkey several times, in search of Noah’s Ark.

A: Yes, but unsuccesfully.

Q: James T. Kirk was one of the first American astronauts.

A: No, captain Jim Kirk is a fictional character from the tv series Star Trek.

Q: Weightlessness can be simulated with anti-gravity technology.

A: No, that is impossible. Weightlessness can only be simulated during parabolic flights.

Q: Earth is the only world in our solar system with volcanic activity.

A: No, there are vulcans on Mars and Venus too and some very active vulcanoes on Io, one of Jupiter’s large moons.

Q: ATV is an umanned European spacecraft.

A: Yes, designed to transport new supplies and cargo to ISS.


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