Department (s): Nuclear Engineering



Department(s) Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering (100%)

Political Science (0%) ____________

Date October 7, 2013

1. Name Singer Clifford Earle Date of Birth September 8, 1948

(last) (first) (middle)

Citizenship USA

2. Present Academic Rank Professor 3. Tenure Status (as listed in the budget) A

4. Administrative Title (if any now held)

5. Degrees (field, institution, year awarded)

Field Institution Year Awarded

B.S. Mathematics Univ. of Illinois 1966

Ph.D. Biochemistry Univ. of CA, Berkeley 1971

6. Academic Positions at U of I and elsewhere (show % for multiple appointments)

Associate Professor, January, 1986 - 1992

Professor, August, 1992 – present (50% from May, 1998 – June 2005, otherwise 100%)

Director of the Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security,

May, 1998 – June 2005 (50%)

American Association for the Advancement of Science Visiting Scholar, July, 2005–July, 2006

7. a. Other Professional Employment

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Tech. - Nov. 1971 - Aug. 1972.

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Queen Mary College, London - Oct. 1972 - Feb. 1974

Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Queen Mary College, London - May 1974 - Aug. 1977

Plasma Physics Lab., Princeton University - Sept. 1977 - January, 1986

b. Major Consulting Activities (past five years)

Argonne National Laboratory, Summer 2007 and 2008

8. Honors, Recognition and Outstanding Achievements

Teaching Excellence List

Madhuri and Jagdish Sheth Distinguished Faculty Award for International Achievement

Awards after Receipt of PhD (external sources)

NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship

Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (Federal Republic of Germany)


A. Resident Instruction and Continuing Education

1. Resident Instruction (see other instructional activities, below)

2. Other Instructional Activities

Course Development:

NPRE/GLBL/POLS 480, Topics in Energy and Security;

NPRE/GLBL 481, Writing Seminar;

NPRE/GLBL 482, Civilian and Military Uses of Nuclear Energy;

NPRE/GLBL 483, Seminar in Technology and Security;

NPRE/GLBL 201 Energy Systems website development

3. Undergraduate Advising, current year

a) academic advising 8 students

b) student organizations

Advising Triangle Fraternity on energy conservation

c) other (design teams, individual projects, engineering

open house, etc.)

Advising on construction of laboratory scale renewable electrical energy demonstrations

B. Research, Creative, and Other Scholarly Activities

1. Publications

a) Books Authored

Energy and International War: From Babylon to Baghdad and Beyond, Singapore: World Scientific Press, 2008.

b) Books Edited

Proc. TFTR/JET INTOR Workshop on Plasma Transport in Tokamaks (July 9-10, Princeton NJ) C. E. Singer, ed., Princeton Plasma Physics Lab Rep. PPPL-2182 (January, 1985).

c) Chapters in Books

1. Singer, C.E., “Settlements in Space, and Interstellar Travel,” in Extraterrestrials, Where Are They? (M. N. Hart and B. Zuckermann, editors) Pergamon (1982).

*2. Singer, C.E.,, “Plasma Transport Near Material Boundaries,” in Physics of Plasma-Wall Interactions in Controlled Fusion (D. Post and R. Berisch, editors), Plenum (1986).

3. Neuhoff, J. and C. E. Singer, “The Verification and Control of Fissile Material in South Asia,” in Nuclear Proliferation in South Asia, (S. Cohen and S. Burns, editors) p. 207-264, Westview Press (1991).

4. Singer, C.E., “Beyond Horizontal and Vertical Proliferation: Towards an Integrated Approach to Nuclear Weapons Material,” in South Asia after the Cold War (K. P. Pajbai and S. P. Cohen, editors), p. 193-204, Westview Press (1993).

5. Singer, C.E. “Is an Otherwise Sensible Agreement with India and Pakistan Precluded Because it Would Reward Nuclear Testing?” in India’s Nuclear Security (R.G.C Thomas and A. Gupta, editors), p. 241-261, Lynne Rienner, publisher, Boulder, CO (2000).

6. Elson, A., G. Knaap, and C. E. Singer, “Using Tax Increment Financing to Provide Affordable Housing: A Financial Analysis of the King Park TIF District in Urbana, Illinois,” in Tax Increment Financing: Uses, Structures, and Impact (Craig Johnson and Joyce Mann, editors) p. 193-221, (New York NY: SUNY Press, 2001).

d) Monographs

*1. Singer, C.E., D. Post, D. Mikkelsen, M. Redi, A. McKenney, et al., "BALDUR: A One-Dimensional Plasma Transport Code," Computer Phys. Communications, 48, 275-398 (1988).

2. Singer, C., D. Wilkening, and J. Walsh, rapporteurs, “Reinventing Multilateralism,” Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security and Institute for Government and Public Affairs report on University of Illinois Allerton Conference Center meeting in May, 2004, also available electronically at .

e.1) Articles in Journals

†*1. Singer, C.E. and B. N. Ames, "Sunlight Ultraviolet and DNA Base Ratios", Science, 170, 822 (1970).

†*2. Singer, C.E. and G. R. Smith, "Histidine Regulation in Salmonella Typhimurium XII: Nucleotide Sequence of Histidine Transfer Ribonucleic Acid," J. Biol. Chem., 247, 2989 (1972).

†*3. Singer, C.E., G. R. Smith, R. Cortese, and B. N. Ames, "Mutant tRNAHis Ineffective in Repression and Lacking Two Pseudouridine Modifications," Nature New Biol., 238, 72 (1972).

*4. Roxburgh, I.W. and C. E. Singer, "On the Effect of Latitude Dependent Base Conditions on the Structure of the Solar Wind", Sol. Phys., 41, 241 (1975).

*5. Singer, C.E., "Microinstabilities in a Moderately Inhomogeneous Plasma," J. Geophys. Res., 82, 2686 (1977).

*6. Singer, C.E. and I. W. Roxburgh, "Onset of Microinstability and Its Consequences in the Solar Wind, J. Geophys. Res., 82, 2677 (1977).

*7. Singer, C.E., "Supernovae and Lunar Melting," Nature, 272, 239 (1978).

*8. Jassby, D.L., J. File, et al.,* "SLPX - Superconducting Long-Pulse Tokamak Experiment" IEEE Trans. Magn., Mag-15, 847 (1979).

*9. Singer, C.E., "Interstellar Propulsion Using a Pellet Stream for Momentum Transfer," J. Brit. Interplanetary Soc., 33, 107 (1979).

*10. Singer, C.E., D. L. Jassby, and J. M. Hovey, "Ignition of an Overheated, Underdense Fusioning Tokamak Plasma," Nucl. Fusion, 20, 489 (1980).

*11. Ogden, J.M., C. E. Singer, D. E. Post, R. V. Jensen, and F. G. P. Seidl, "One-Dimensional Transport Code Modeling of the Divertor-Limiter Region in Tokamaks," IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., PS-9, 274 (1981).

*12. Singer, C.E., F.G. P. Seidl, D. E. Post and P. H. Rutherford, "Ignition in a Tokamak Reactor with Intor-Like Parameters," J. Fusion Energy, 1, 75 (1981).

*13. Singer, C.E., "Questions Concerning Pellet-Stream Propulsion," J. Brit. Interplanetary Soc., 34, 117 (1981).

*14. Singer, C.E. and the PPPL Transport Group, "Modeling TFTR Plasma Physics," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 74, 347 (1982).

*15. Singer, C.E., D. B. Heifetz, and D. E. Post, "Pellet Injection in TFTR," Vac. Sci. Tech., Al, 964 (1983).

*16. Mikkelsen, D.R., and C. E. Singer, "Optimization of Steady-State Beam-Driven Tokamak Reactors," Nuclear Technology/Fusion, 4, 237 (1983).

*17. Singer, C.E. and D. R. Mikkelsen, "Continuous Tokamak Operation with an Internal Transformer," J. Fusion Energy, 3, 13 (1983).

*18. Singer, C.E. and W. D. Langer, "Axisymmetric Scrape-off Plasma Transport," Phys. Rev., A28, 994 (1983).

*19. Singer, C.E., "Semiempirical Transport in Tokamaks," J. Fusion Energy, 3, 231 (1983).

*20. Efthimion, P.C., M. Bell, et al.*, "Initial Confinement Studies of Ohmically Heated Plasmas in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor," Phys. Rev. Lett., 52, 1492 (1984).

*21. Post, D.E. and C. E. Singer, "Data Base Requirements for Impurity and Particle Control Models," J. Nucl. Mater., 128, 78 (1984).

*22. Mikkelsen, D.R., C. E. Singer, and R. J. Goldston, "Neutral Beam Orientation on TFTR," Fusion Technology, 7, 361 (1985).

*23. Langer, W.D. and C. E. Singer, "Two-Chamber Model for Divertors with Plasma Recycling," IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., PS-13, 168 (1985).

*24. Singer, C.E., K. Mann, K. Rauh, and D. Heifetz, "New Recycling Model for Light Ions and Atoms," J. Vac. Sci. Technology, A3 1183 (1985).

*25. Singer, C.E., M. Redi, D. Boyd, A. Cavallo, B. Grek, et al., "Semi-empirical Models of H-Mode Discharges," Nucl. Fusion, 25, 1555 (1985).

*26. Braams, B.J. and C. E. Singer, "Low Temperature Plasma Near a Tokamak Reactor Limiter," Fusion Technology, 9, 320 (1986).

*27. Sugihara, M. and C. E. Singer, "Energy Confinement in Tokamaks," Nucl. Fusion, 26, 1547 (1986).

*28. Sheffield, J., R. A. Dory, W. A. Houlberg, N. A. Uckan, M. Bell, et al., "Physics Guidelines for the Compact Ignition Tokamak," Fusion Technology 10, 481 (1986).

*29. Mandrekas, J., C. E. Singer and D. N. Ruzic, "Effects of the Plasma-Wall Sheath on Transport," J. Vac. Sci. Technology, A5, 2315-2318 (1987).

*30. Singer, C.E., L-P. Ku and G. Bateman, "Plasma Transport in a Compact Ignition Tokamak," Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Report PPPL-2414 and Fusion Technology, 10, 543-554 (1988).

31. Singer, C.E., "Theoretical Particle and Energy Flux Formulas for Testing Against Tokamak Data," Comments on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 11, 165-182 (1988).

*32. Ghanem, E.S., C. E. Singer, G. Bateman and D. Stotler, "Multiple Mode Model of Tokamak Transport," Nucl. Fusion 30, 1595-1603 (1990).

*33. Singer, C.E. and F. R. Singer, Jr., "Centrifugal Relays for Spacecraft Propulsion," J. Brit. Interplan. Soc. 44, 127-134 (1991).

*34. Kinsey, J., C. E. Singer, T. Djemil, D. Cox, and G. Bateman, "Systematic Comparison of a Theory-based Transport Model with a Multi-tokamak Profile Database," Phys. Plasmas 2, 1-14 (1995).

*35. Bateman, G., J. Weiland, H. Nordman, J. Kinsey, and C. Singer, "Theory-based Transport Modeling of TFTR," Physica Scripta 51, 597-601 (1995).

36. Singer, C.E., "How to Get the Most out of Your Cable Franchising Process," Illinois Municipal Review 74 #3, 9-11 (1995).

*37. Kinsey, J., C. E. Singer, D. Cox and G. Bateman, "Systematic Comparison of a Theory-based Transport Model with a Multi-tokamak Profile Database," Physica Scripta 52, 428 (1995).

*38. Qiang, J., J. Kinsey, and C. E. Singer, "Confidence Contours for Calibration of a Theoretical Transport Model against a Multi-tokamak Database," Nuclear Fusion 36, 1019 (1996).

*39. Qiang, J., C. E. Singer, and T. Hirayama, "Simulation of JT-60 Discharge with an Experimentally Calibrated Transport Model," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 35, 2797 (1996).

*40. Qiang, J. and C. E. Singer, "Parameter Estimation in a Tokamak Transport Model and Application to L- and H-Mode Simulations," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 24, 1202 (1996).

41. Qiang, J., C. E. Singer and A. Levinson, “Application of a Calibrated Transport Model to ITER Ignition Studies,” Fusion Technology 31, 311 (1997).

42. Cheng, S., G. H. Miley, and C. E. Singer, “Helium Accumulations: A 1 ½-Dimensional Sensitivity Study,” Fusion Technology 32, 161 (1997).

43. Singer, C.E., “Look before you Leap: Practicable Steps towards Nuclear Arms Reduction,” Washington Quarterly, 20:3, 199-210 (1997) and The World Affairs Weekly (in Japanese, 23 Sept. 1997).

44. Ouzidane, M., C. E. Singer, and L. A. Bergman, “Spaceborne Centrifugal Relays for Spacecraft Propulsion,” Acta Astronautica 41, 35-42 (1997).

45. Singer, C.E., M. Thakar, and J. Saksena, “Feasible Deals with India and Pakistan after the Nuclear Tests: The Glenn Sanctions and U.S. Negotiations,” in Asian Survey XXXVIII, 1161-1178 (Fall/Winter 1998).

46. Cox, D.D., J. S. Park and C. E. Singer, “A Statistical Method for Tuning a Computer Code to a Data Base,” Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 37, 77-92 (2001).

47. Singer, C.E., “How Can National Missile Defense Best Enhance Security?” Defense and Security Analysis 18, 293-301 (2002).

48. Singer, C.E., James Walsh and Dean Wilkening, "Reinventing Multilateralism", (2004,) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Report ACDIS at Research and Methods

49. Singer, C. E., T. S. Gopi Rethinaraj, Samuel Addy, David Durham, Murat Isik, Madhu Khanna, Brandon Kuehl, Jianding Luo, Wilma Quimio, Kothavari Rajendran, Donna Ramirez, Ji Qiang, Jürgen Scheffran, T. Nedjla Tiouririne, and Junli Zhang, “Probability Distributions for Carbon Emissions and Atmospheric Response,” submitted to Climatic Change, 88, 309-342 and DOE 10,1007/s10584-008-9410-4(2008), available in extended form as “Probability Distributions for Carbon Emissions and Atmospheric Response: Results and Methods,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Report ACDIS SIN2. 2007 at

50. Singer, C. and J. Taylor, "Nuclear's Role in 21st Century Pacific Rim Energy Use," Global 2007 Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Systems American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting, Boise, Idado, September 9-13, 2007; available in extended form as "Nuclear's Role in 21st Century Pacific Rim Energy Use: Results and Methods," University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Report ACDIS SIN:1.2007 at Research and Methods.

51. Singer, C. and H. von Brevern, "Uranium Price vs. Cumulative Use," Nuclear Technology 176 (2011) 227-237; available in extended form as University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Report ACDIS SIN:1.2010 at

52. Singer, C., "U.S. Spent Nuclear Fuel management: Political, Fiscal, and Technical Feasibility," Energy Policy 61 (2013) 1521-1528).

e.2) Articles in Conference Proceedings

1. Bolton, R.A., et al.,* "New Techniques for Inducing Plasma Current in Large Tokamak Devices," Proc. of the Third Topical Mtg. on the Tech. of Controlled Nuclear Fusion (National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA) 2, 824-832 (1978).

2. Jassby, D.L., et al.,* "PITR - A Small Aspect Ratio, Small Radius Ignition Test Reactor," Proc. of the Third Topical Mtg. on the Tech. of Controlled Nuclear Fusion (National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA), 2, 1109-1118 (1978).

3. Singer, C.E., L. Bromberg, J. M. Hovey, and D. L. Jassby, "Evolution of Neutral-Beam-Driven Current in Tokamak Plasmas," Proc. of the Joint Varenna-Grenoble Intern. Symp. on Heating in Toroidal Plasmas, edited by T. Consoli (Pergamon Press, Oxford), 1, 19-24 (1979).

4. Singer, C.E., "Detection of Beam-Driven Currents in PLT and Other Tokamaks," Summary of the Workshop on Steady-State Current Drive in Tokamaks (U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C.), DOE/ET-0077, 79-80a (1979).

5. Singer, C.E. and D. E. Post, "Sputtering Data Requirements for Tokamak Transport Codes," Proc. of the Workshop on Sputtering Caused by Plasma (Neutral Beam) Surface Interaction (Conf-790775, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA), 1-1–1-4 (1980).

6. Stewart, L.D., et al.,* "Merits of D--Based Neutral Beam Injectors for Tokamaks," Proc. of the Second Intern. Symp. on the Production and Neutralization of Negative Hydrogen Ions and Beams, edited by T. Sluyters (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton), BNL-51304, 321-329 (1980).

7. Singer, C.E., "Collisional Orbital Change of Asteroidal Materials," in Space Manufacturing Facilities 3 (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York), 556-559 (1980).

8. Singer, C.E., F. G. P. Seidl, J. M. Ogden, and R. J. Hawryluk, "Plasma Scrape-off Layer in TFTR with Enhanced Edge Diffusion," JET Workshop on 1-D Transport Codes and Scrape-off Layers, edited by W. G. P. Core and T. E. Stringer (Culham Laboratory, Culham), 77-85 (1981).

9. Becker, G. and C. E. Singer, "Simulation of the Scrape-off Region in Asdex," IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Divertors and Impurity Control Proceedings, edited by M. Keilhacker and U. Daybelge (Max-Planck-Institut fur Plasmaphysik, Garching), 63 (1981).

**10. Callen, J.D., G. A. Emmert, et al., "Plasma Transport and Impurity Behavior in the Edge and Divertor Regions of a Tokamak," Proc. of the Eighth Intern. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Intern. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna), I, 775-788 (1981).

**11. Peng, Y-K.M., J. F. Lyon, P. H. Rutherford, et al., "Tokamak FED Plasma Engineering Assessments," Proc. of Ninth Symp. on Engr. Problems of Fusion Research, (IEEE Pub. No. 81CHl715-2 NPS.) II, 1278-1281 (1981).

**12. Lyon, J.F., Y-K. M. Peng, et al., "Plasma Analysis of a Tokamak Fusion Engineering Device (FED)," in Proc. of the Ninth Intern. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research (Intern. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna) IAEA-CN-41/E-5, I, 409-423 (1982).

**13. Petravic, M., D. Heifetz, W. Langer, D. Post, and C. Singer, "A 2- D Model for the Performance of Poloidal Divertors and Pump Limiters," in Proc. of the Ninth Intern. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research (Intern. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna) IAEA-CN-41/D-3-2, I, 323-335 (1982).

**14. Abdou, M.A., C. C. Baker et al., "Design Study of a Tokamak Demonstration Power Reactor," in Proc. of Ninth Intern. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research (Intern. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna) IAEA-CN-41/E-1-1, I, 349-361 (1982).

15. Hosea, J.C. et al., "High Power ICRF Heating on PLT and Extrapolation to Future Devices" in Proc. of the Third Joint Grenoble-Varenna Intern. Symp. on Heating in Toroidal Plasmas, (Grenoble), I, 213-223 (1982).

16. Hwang, D.Q., et al., "High Power ICRF and ICRH Plus NB Heating on PLT," in Proc. of Ninth Intern. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research (Intern. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna) IAEA-CN-41/I-1, II, 3-15 (1982).

17. Fonck, R.J., P. Beirsdorfer, et al., "H-Mode Studies in PDX," Princeton University Plasma Physics Report No. PPPL-2118, in Proc. Fourth Intern. Symp. on Heating in Toroidal Plasmas, (Rome) (1984).

**18. Singer, C.E., L-P. Ku, G. Bateman, M. Sugihara, and F. Seidl, "Physics of Compact Ignition Tokamak Designs," Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Report, PPPL-2317, in. Proc. llth IEEE Symp. on Fusion Engineering 1, (Austin), (November, 1985).

19. Redi, M.H., C. E. Singer, D. R., Mikkelsen, and W. D. Langer, "H- Mode Simulations," in Proc. TFTR/JET INTOR Workshop on Plasma Transport in Tokamaks, edited by C. E. Singer, (Princeton, July 1984) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Report PPPL-2182, 2.1-1 (1985).

**20. Singer, C.E., W. Choe, D. Cox, T. Djemil, E. Ghanem, J. Kinsey, G. Miley, J. Park, D. Ruzic, S. Hu, N. Tiouririne-Ougouag, V. Varadarajan, R. R. Dominguez, R. E. Waltz, and G. Bateman, "Predictive Modelling of Tokamak Plasmas," Thirteenth Intern. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research, IAEA, Vol. 2, pp. 265-271 Vienna (1991).

**21. Sigmar, D., R. Batchelor, G. Bateman, M. G. Bell, B. J. Braams, et. al., "Physics Objectives and Design of CIT," Thirteenth Intern. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research, IAEA-CN-53/G-1-1, IAEA Vienna (1991), Washington, DC.

22. Bateman, G., C. E. Singer, and J. Kinsey, "Transport Simulations Using Theory-Based Models," Proc. 18th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, 4 pages (June, 1991).

23. Cox, D., J. S. Park, J. Sacks, and C. E. Singer, "Tuning Complex Computer Code to Data," Proc. Interactions Meeting (Seattle, 1991).

24. Singer, C.E., "Risk Assessment Based on the Siting Commission Report for the Rejected LLRW Site at Martinsville, Illinois," Proc. 16th U.S. Department of Energy Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference (Phoenix, 12-14 Dec., 1994) Volume IT, pp. 1-11.

25. Qiang, J., A. Levinson, and C. E. Singer, "Application of a Calibrated Tokamak Transport Model to ITER Start-up Study," Proc. 16th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, 288 (Champaign, 1-6 Oct., 1995).

26. Singer, C.E. and B. Youman, "Radwaste Considerations for Economics and Siting of ITER and Fusion Power Reactors in Illinois and Elsewhere in the U.S.," Proc. 16th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering (Champaign, 1-6 Oct., 1995) 0335.

27. Singer, C.E., “An Analytical Uranium Sources Model,” Proc. Technical Committee Meeting on Recent Developments in Uranium Resources, Production and Demand (Vienna, 10-13 June, 1997), IAEA-TECDOC-1258, International Atomic Energy Agency (1998), pp. 27-38.

28. Singer, C. and J. Taylor, “Nuclear’s Role in 21st Century Pacific Rim Energy Use,” Global 2007 Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Systems American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting, Boise, Idado, September 9–13, 2007; available in extended form as “Nuclear’s Role in 21st Century Pacific Rim Energy Use: Results and Methods,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Report ACDIS SIN:1.2007 at

f) Other (patents, bulletins and reports, magazine articles, etc.)

1. Singer, Clifford and T.S. Gopi Rethinaraj, “Going Global: India Aims for a Credible Nuclear Doctrine,” Jane’s Intelligence Review, 13 #2, 48-52 (February 2001).

2. Singer, Clifford and T.S. Gopi Rethinaraj, “Energy Wars: Past, Present and Future,” Jane’s Intelligence Review, 13 #6, 43-47 (June 2001).

3. Singer, Clifford and T.S. Gopi Rethinaraj, “US Energy Security,” Jane’s Intelligence Review, 13 #7, 48-52 (July 2001).

5. Esfahani, Hadi and Clifford Singer, “Will Oil Price Volatility Cause Global Economic and Political Instability?” The Illinois International Review, Winter 2007.

4. Singer, Clifford, Nuclear Energy Sector Facilities and Agents. Argonne National Laboratory internal report, 159 pages (2008).

5. Singer, Clifford, “Oil and Security,” Stanley Foundation Policy Analysis Brief (January 2008).

6. Singer, Clifford, Military and Civilian Uses of Nuclear Energy website essays at , including: (1) Will Mankind Survive the Millennium?; (2) Sources of International Conflict; (3) Formal and Informal Arms Control; (4) Ballistic Missile Offense and Defense; (5) Breaking the Impasse Conceptually; (6) Nuclear Reactions (7) Deep Cuts; (8) Tritium; (9) Global Management and Verification; (10) Hidden Nukes; (11) South Asia; (12) The Far East; (13) Persian Gulf Futures; (14) NATO and the Former Warsaw Pact Countries; (15) Civilian and Military Uses of Nuclear Energt; (16) Unblocking Multilateral Nuclear Arms Control; (17) Chemical and Biological Weapons; (18.) Non-state Actors; (19) Homeland Defense and Global Concert; (20) Hope

7. Singer, Clifford, “Oil and War,” Geotimes, June 2008, 59.

8. Singer, Clifford, “Energy Policy Must Address Fuel Prices, Emissions,” Champaign-Urbana News Gazette, (Oct. 5, 2008).

9. Singer, Clifford E., “Energy in Nature and Society: General Energetics of Complex Systems, by Vaclav Smil,” Book Review, Physics Today 62, 52-53 (January 2009).


1. Singer, C.E., R. Hulse, D. E. Post, L. Foote, and R. J. Hawryluk, "Calculation of Impurity Transport in Tokamaks," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 24, 1004 (1979).

2. Singer, C.E., A. Boozer, D. R. Mikkelsen, and D. E. Post, "Beam Driven Currents from High Energy Neutral Impurity Beams," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 25, 923 (1980).

3. Ogden, J.M., C. E. Singer, and F. G. P. Seidl, "Computer Simulation of Lower Hybrid Heating in Tokamak Reactor Plasmas," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 25, 934 (1980).

4. Mikkelsen, D.R. and C. E. Singer, "Optimization of Beam-Driven Currents in Tokamak Reactors," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 26, 962 (1981).

5. Singer, C.E. and D. R. Mikkelsen, "Pure Fusion Reactors with an Internal Transformer Driven by Neutral Beam Injection," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 27, 920 (1982).

6. Langer, W.D., C. E. Singer, and G. Hulbert, "Axisymmetric Tokamak Scrapeoff Transport," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 17, 971 (1982).

7. Wilson, J.R., P. Colestock, D. Daughney, S. Davis, J. Hosea, et al., "Transport Analysis of High Power ICRF Heating Experiments on PLT," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 27, 1044 (1982).

8. Kluge, A., A. H. Kritz, H. Hsuan, and C. E. Singer, "ECH Simulation During a Tokamak Discharge," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 27, 1080 (1982).

9. Fonck, R.J., M. Bell, P. Beiersdorfer, W. Blanchard, K. Bol. et al., "Summary of Recent Confinement Studies in Neutral Beam Heated PDX Discharges," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 28, 1172 (1983).

10. Redi, M.H., C. E. Singer, D. R. Mikkelsen, and W. D. Langer, "BALDUR Simulations of the PDX H-Mode," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 28, 1172 (1983).

11. Langer, W.D. and C. E. Singer, "Two-Point Model for Divertors with Recycling," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 28, 1173 (1983).

12. Singer, C.E. and B. J. Braams, "Low Temperature Plasma Near a Limiter," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 29, 1246 (1984).

13. Singer, C.E. and L-P. Ku, "Transport Studies of Tokamaks," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 30, 1398 (1985).

14. Bateman, G., F. G. P. Seidl, and C. E. Singer, "Transport Studies of Compact Ignited Tokamaks," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 30, 1426 (1985).

15. Singer, C.E., G. Bateman, and D. P. Stotler, "Boundary Conditions for H-Mode Simulations in Tokamaks," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 32, 1916 (1987).

16. Tiouririne-Ougouag, T.N. and C. E. Singer, "The Second Order Braginskii Problem," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 33, 1889 (1988).

17. Ghanem, E. and C. E. Singer, "Plasma Transport in Commercial Tokamak Reactors," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 33, 1973 (1988).

18. Djemil, T., E. Ghanem, and C. E. Singer, "Statistical Methods for Calibrating Transport Models," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 33, 1974 (1988).

19. Singer, C.E. and J. Kinsey, "Plasma Transport in Deuterium-Tritium Tokamaks,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 34, 1982 (1989)--also DOE/Princeton CIT subcontract report (September, 1989).

20. Djemil, T., D. Cox, J. Park, and C. Singer, "Statistical Methods for Energy Confinement Analysis," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 34, 1982 (1989)--also invited for presentation at the AFOSR, AT&T, NSF, UIUC Statistical Design and Computer Experiments Workshop, Urbana, IL (October, 1989).

21. Ghanem, E-S. and Clifford Singer, "Multiphase Mode Theoretical Models of Tokamak Transport," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 34, 1982 (1989).

22. Tiouririne-Ougouag, T.N. and C. E. Singer, "Numerical Methods for the Second Order Braginski Problem," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 34, 2043 (1989).

23. Sun, J-Y., G. Bateman, C. E. Singer, and E-S. Ghanem, "Effect of Theoretically Motivated Local Transport Models on Predicted CIT Performance," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 34, 2145 (1989).

24. Ghanem, E. and C. E. Singer, "Multiple Mode Theoretical Model for Tokamak Transport," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 35, 1979 (1990).

25. Kinsey, J. and C. E. Singer, "Transport Simulations of H-Mode Discharges," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 35, 1979 (1990).

26. Djemil, T., C. E. Singer, and D. Cox, "Statistical Methods for Testing Transport Models," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 35, 1980 (1990).

27. Tiouririne-Ougouag, T.N. and C. E. Singer, "Effect of Sources on Classical Transport Coefficients," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 35, 1980 (1990).

28. Djemil, T., G. Bateman, D. Cox, J. Kinsey, J. Park, C. E. Singer, and T. Tiouririne-Ougouag, "Testing Multimode Transport Models vs. Broad Data Bases," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 36, 2142 (1991).

29. Kinsey, J., C. E. Singer, G. Malone, and N. Tiouririne, "Anomalous Transport Modeling of Tokamaks," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 37, 1366 (1992).

30. Djemil, T., C. E. Singer, D. Cox, J. Park, and X. Ge, "Method for Testing Transport Models," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 37, 1366 (1992).

31. Singer, C.E., J. Kinsey, and G. Bateman, "Systematic Calibration of a Theory-based Transport Model Against a Multi-Tokamak Profile Database," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 38, 2078 (1993).

32. Kinsey, J., G. Malone, C. E. Singer, and G. Bateman, "Simulations of Large Tokamaks using an Empirically Calibrated Theoretical Transport Model," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 38, 2078 (1993).

33. Djemil, T., J. Kinsey, C. E. Singer, and D. Cox, "Statistical Methods for Calibrating Theory-based Transport Models," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 38, 2078 (1993).

34. Cox, D., J. Kinsey, and C. Singer, "Applications of Statistical Method for Calibrating Theory-based Transport Models," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 38, 2078 (1993).

35. Bateman, G., J. Weiland, H-G. Gustavsson, J. Kinsey, and C. E. Singer, "Properties of Theory-based Transport Models," Abstracts of the Sherwood Theory Conference (Dallas, 14-16 March, 1994).

36. Singer, C.E., J. Kinsey, J. Qiang, and G. Bateman, "Transport Simulations using a Theory-Based Transport Model," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 39, 1613 (1994).

37. Kinsey, J., C. E. Singer, J. Qiang, G. Bateman, and J. Weiland, "Theory-based Transport Simulations of TFTR," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 39, 1613 (1994).

38. Bateman, G., and J. Weiland, H. Nordman, J. Kinsey, and C. E. Singer, "Theory-based Transport Simulations of TFTR Supershots," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 39, 1676 (1994).

39. Singer, C.E. and J. Qiang, "Application of a Calibrated Transport Model to ITER Start-up Study," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 40, (1995).

40. Singer, C.E., “Space Weapons and the CD,” Bull. International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation, 20, (2002).

41. Singer, Clifford E. “Will Mankind Survive the Millennium?” Swords and Plougshares XIII #1, 3-6 (Spring 2001), University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security

42. Singer, Clifford E., “Coerced Disarmament of Iraq,” Swords and Ploughshares XIV #3, 5-6 (Winter 2002), University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security.

43. Singer, Clifford E., “The Last Major International War?,” Swords and Ploughshares XV #2, 3-6 (Fall 2003), University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security.


1. Singer, C.E., "Prediction of Neutral-Beam Driven Current in PDX", Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Internal Report, PPPL-TM-318, 22 pages (August, 1978).

2. Bundy, J.J., R. A. Bolton, S. L. Gralnick, D. L. Jassby, K. Lind, T. Luzzi, J. D. Marino, W. G. Price, C. E. Singer and L. D. Stewart, "PITR: Princeton Ignition Test Reactor," Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Internal Report, PPPL-TM-317, 257 pages (September, 1978).

3. File, J., D. L. Jassby, G. Bronner, J. R. Clarke, H. G. Johnson, G. D. Martin, J. G. Murray, W. G. Price, P. Rogoff, C. E. Singer, L. D. Stewart, J. J. Bundy, S. L. Gralnick, T. Luzzi, D. Sedgley,, P. Eckels, P. Gaberson, J. Murphy, R. D. Hay, K. E. Lind, C. Paulon, G. M. Fuller, and A. L. Gaines, "SLPX - Superconducting Long-Pulse Tokamak Experiment," (Volume II, Parts I and II), Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Report, PPPL-1500, 180 pages (November, 1978).

4. Jassby, D.L., R. A. Bolton, W. G. Price, C. E. Singer, L. D. Stewart, J. J. Bundy, S. L. Gralnick, T. Luzzi, J. D. Marino, and K. Lind, "PITR -Princeton Ignition Test Reactor," Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Report, PPPL-1525, 261 pages (December, 1978).

5. Singer, C.E., D. E. Post, and P. H. Rutherford, "Transport Code Studies of INTOR at PPPL," Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Report, PPPL-1604, 21 pages (November, 1979).

6. Singer, C.E., "Impurity Generation in TFTR Long-Pulse Operation," Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Internal Report, TFTR Physics Group Report 3, 7 pages (February, 1979).

7. Singer, C.E., "Pulse Length and Injection Angle in TFTR with Four Beamlines," Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Internal Report, TFTR Physics Group Report 5, 6 pages (March, 1979).

8. Singer, C.E. and D. E. Post, "Neutron Production Tables for TFTR," Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Internal Report, TFTR Physics Group Report 8, 20 pages (May, 1979).

9. Callen, J.D., P. H. Rutherford, H. P. Furth, R. R. Parker, R. J. Goldston, G. E. Guest, J. T. Hogan, W. A. Houlberg, H. C. Howe, D. E. Post, C. E. Singer, and R. E. Waltz, "Energy and Particle Confinement," INTOR Internal Report 2, 29 pages (May, 1979).

10. Singer, C.E., "Consequences of Various Neutral Beam Configurations for Early TFTR Operations," Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Internal Report, TFTR Physics Group Report 15, 30 pages (October, 1979).

11. Singer, C.E., "Updated 1-D Simulations of 2.5 MA TFTR D:T Discharges," Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Internal Report, TFTR Physics Group Report 22, 24 pages (February, 1980).

12. Singer, C.E., R. A. Hulse and D. E. Post, "Alpha Confinement and Recycling," INTOR Report INTOR/PHY/8-11, 8 pages (June, 1980).

13. Singer, C.E., "Confinement and Ignition," U.S. Concept Advisory Group and U.S. INTOR Confinement Team (December, 1980).

14. Singer, C.E. and PPPL Transport Group, "Is Ignition Possible in TFTR?", Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Internal Report, TFTR Physics Group Report 34, 18 pages (December, 1980).

15. Post, D.E., C. E. Singer and A. M. McKenny, "Working Draft of the BALDUR Documentation" Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Internal Report, TFTR Physics Group Report 33, 215 pages (January, 1981).

16. Becker, G. and C. E. Singer, "Simulation of the Plasma Transport in the Scrapeoff Region of ASDEX," Max-Planck-Institut fur Plasmaphysik Report, IPP-III/75, 26 pages (October, 1981).

17. Hwang, D., J. C. Hosea, D. R. Mikkelsen, D. E. Post, and C. E. Singer, "ICRF Heating for FED," in Fusion Engineering Device Design Description, edited by C. A. Flanagan, D. Steiner, G. E. Smith, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report, ORNL/TM-7948 I, 13 pages (December, 1981).

18. Neuhauser, J., R. Wunderlich,, F. Wagner, C. E. Singer, A. M. McKenny, and the PPPL Transport Group, "Simulation of ASDEX with the BALDUR 1-D Transport Model," Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Internal Report, Applied Physics Division Physics Report 16, 25 pages (November, 1981).

19. Singer, C.E., D. R. Mikkelsen, F.G.P. Seidl, D. Hwang, J. M. Hovey, D. E. Post, A. E. Silverman, D. M. Meade and J. A. Schmidt, "Q", Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Internal Report, TFTR Physics Group Report 41, 36 pages (February, 1982).

20. Singer, C.E. and the PPPL Transport Group, "Neutron Production in TFTR with Pellet Injection Before Compression," Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Internal Report, TFTR Physics Group Report 42 (April, 1982).

21. Singer, C.E., "Towards a Predictive Model of Plasma-Wall Interaction" Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Internal Report, Applied Physics Division Physics Report 26, 22 pages (October, 1983).

22. Hwang, D.W., C. F.F. Karney, J. C. Hosea, J. M. Hovey,, C. E. Singer and J. R. Wilson, "Modelling of ICRF Heating of a Tokamak Plasma," Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Report, PPPL-1990, 27 pages (May, 1983).

23. Silverman, A., D. E. Post, C. E. Singer, D. R. Mikkelsen and the PPPL Transport Group, "A Request for Corrections of the BALDUR Documentation," Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Internal Report, Applied Physics Division Physics Report 23, 322 pages (July, 1983).

24. Singer, C.E., "Understanding the H-Mode," Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Report, PPPL-TM-356; (February, 1984) 33 pages: Internal Report, Applied Physics Division Physics Report #23, 32 pages (July, 1983).

25. Singer, C.E., D. R. Mikkelsen and J. Lovberg, "A Reactor Costing Model of the Internal Transformer Cycle with Neutral Beam and Lower Hybrid Current Drive," Princeton University, Plasma Physics Laboratory Report, PPPL-TM-359, 56 pages (December, 1983).

26. Singer, C.E. and L. P. Ku, "Computing Energy Confinement Times," Princeton Plasma Physics Report, PPPL-TM-374, 21 pages (May, 1986).

27. Houlberg, W., W. Miner, M. Redi, C. Singer (chairperson), L. Sugiyama, S. Wolfe, G. Bateman, L.-P. Ku, W. Tang, R. Waltz and J. Wiley, Ignition Physics Study Group Report on Testing Predictive Transport Models, University of Illinois Fusion Studies Laboratory Rep. FSL-237, 65 pages (1988).

28. Singer, C.E., G. Bateman and D. Stotler, "Boundary Conditions for OH, L, and H-mode Simulations," Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Rep. PPPL-2527, 29 pages (1988).

29. Ghanem, E.S. and C. E. Singer, "Theory: a BALDUR Subroutine and Stand-Alone Code for Computing Theoretical Particle and Energy Fluxes, University of Illinois Fusion Studies Laboratory Rep. FSL-241, 32 pages (1988).

30. Singer, C.E. and T. Djemil, "Maximum Likelihood Estimators for Tokamak Confinement Models," UIUC Fusion Studies Laboratory Rep. FSL-242, 19 pages (1988).

31. Singer, C.E. and T. N. Tiouririne-Ougouag, "Plasma Transport between Material Boundaries: I. An Ordering Scheme for the Transition Flow Problem," University of Illinois Fusion Studies Laboratory Rep. FSL-243 (1988).

32. Singer, C.E., E-S. Ghanem, S. Ho, and G. Miley, "Power and Particle Control Theory I: Transport in the Core Plasma," International Engineering Test Reactor Report and UIUC Fusion Studies Laboratory Rep. FSL-256, 23 pages (1989).

33. Singer, C.E. and T. N. Tiouririne-Ougouag, "Power and Particle Control Theory II: Scrape-off Plasmas," International Engineering Test Reactor Rep. and UIUC Fusion Studies Laboratory Rep. FSL-257, 13 pages (1989).

34. Singer, C.E., "Analytic and Numerical Integration of Tokamak Transport Theories," University of Illinois Fusion Studies Laboratory Rep. FSL-304 (1991).

35. Singer, C.E. and G. Bateman, "A Review of Multimode Predictive Tokamak Simulations," University of Illinois Fusion Studies Laboratory Rep. FSL-333 (1991).

36. Bateman, G., R. V. Bundy, J. Weiland, H. Nordman, J. Kinsey, C. Singer, and B. Brown, "Theory-based Transport Modeling of TFTR Supershots," Chalmers University of Technology Institute for Electromagnetic Filed Theory and Plasma Physics Report CTH-IEFT/PP-1994-28 ISSn 0281-1308 25 pages, (1994).

37. Singer, C.E., "Nuclear Confidence Building in South Asia," University of Illinois Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Research Report 78 pages (June, 1995).

38. Singer, C.E., “Scientific Method in Controlled Fusion Research,” Report on University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Research Board Grant #95252, 23 pages (October, 1995).

39. Singer, C.E., "Civilian and Military Uses of Nuclear Energy," 25 pages, in "Regional Conflicts and Conflict Resolution", R. Kanet, Editor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ACDIS Program Book.

40. Singer, Clifford. “Nuclear Confidence Building in South Asia,” DOE Final Report, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Report ACDIS SIN:1.1995 at

41. Morgan, T., J. Zych, and C. E. Singer, editors, “The 1995 Review and Extension of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,” University of Illinois ACDIS Occasional Paper, 93 pages (1996).

42. Singer, C.E., “Look before you Leap: A Practical Framework for Reduction and Possible Elimination of Assembled Nuclear Explosives Holdings,” University of Illinois ACDIS Occasional Paper ACDIS SIN:3.2001, 111 pages (1996). Translations in French, Chinese, and Russian are available at .

43. Wiesmann, J., J. Qiang, M. Petra, G. H. Miley, and C. E. Singer, “Economic Study of Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Reprocessing Practices in Russia,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Research Report, 60 pages (1997).

44. Singer, C.E., M, Khanna, S. N. Addy. J. Wiesmann, J. Qiang, and J. Zhang, “Nuclear Fuel Cycle Policies in South Asia,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Research Report, 108 pages (1997).

45. Singer, C.E. “Persian Gulf Futures” University of Illinois University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Research Report, 12 pages (1997).

46. Singer, C.E. “South Asian Nuclear Proliferation Research: Summary of Work Accomplished” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Research Report, 34 pages (1998).

47. Singer, C.E. editor, “After the South Asian Bombs: The Global Implications of Recent Developments Concerning Nuclear Weapons,” University of Illinois ACDIS Course Reader, 250 pages (1999).

48. Singer, C.E., “South Asian Nuclear Proliferation Research: Final Report” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Research Report 41 pages (2000).

49. Singer, C. E., Editor, “The New Nuclear Arms Control Environment: Trip Report and Project Conclusions,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Occasional Paper ACDIS SIN:3.2002, 53 pages.

50. Singer, C. E. and A. Sands, “Keys to Unblocking Multilateral Nuclear Arms Control,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Occasional Paper ACDIS SIN:3.2002, 9 pages (2002). Translations in Chinese, French, German, and Russian are available at .

51. Singer, C. E., “Nuclear’s Role in 21st Century Pacific Rim Energy Use: Results and Methods: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Research Report ACDIS SIN:1.2007.

52. Singer, C. E., T.S. G, Rethinaraj, S,Addy, D, Durham, M, Isik, M, Khanna, B,Kuehl, J, Luo, W. Quimio, K. Rajendran, D. Ramirez, J. Qiang, J. Scheffran, T. N. Tiouririne, and J. Zhang, “Probability Distributions for Carbon Emissions and Atmospheric Response: Results and Methods,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Research Report ACDIS SIN:2.2007, 63 pages.

53. Singer, C. E., “Nuclear Energy Sector Facilities and Agents,” November, 2007, Argonne National Laboratory internal report, 165 pages.

54. Singer, C. E., “Nuclear Energy in the Middle East and North and West Africa,” October, 2008, draft report for Argonne National Laboratory, 52 pages.

55. Taylor, J.’Tia, C. E., Singer, and S. Goldberg, “Role of Nuclear Energy in Supporting Economic Development in Ghana,” December, 2008, draft report for Argonne National Laboratory, 20 pages.

2. Grants, contracts and gifts received recently

a) For Research


TOTAL Allocated to # of

Years TITLE or description SOURCE OF FUNDS FUNDING This Professor CO-PI’S

00-04 South Asia, an Area of Continuing National Security

U.S. Engagement Education Program 271,599 1

01-04 Visiting Scholars Program Ford Foundation 175,412 1

03-05 Strengthening Scientific and MacArthur Foundation 1,350,000 2

Technical Advice on

International Peace and

Security Policy

06-07 Nuclear Futures U.S. Department of Energy 25,000 1

07-09 Market Context for Biofuels Energy Biosciences Institute 190,785 3


2008 Ghana Study U.S. Department of Energy 25,000 1

b) For Instruction

03-05 Strengthening Scientific and MacArthur Foundation (also supported instruction)

Technical Advice on

International Peace and

Security Policy

3. Areas of Research

Advanced propulsion systems, nuclear proliferation, nuclear power economics, South and East Asian nuclear programs, energy econometrics, climate change

4. Graduate Thesis Research Advising

a) M.S. Degrees Granted

Brian Veit 1991

Doug Wright 1992

Timothy Cockrel 1993

Andrea Kelley (w/G. Knaap) 1994

Ji Qiang 1995

Ben Youman 1995

Nicholas Pederson 2001

Scott Woods 2006

Timothy Milligan 2012

David Lartonoix 2012

b) Ph.D. Degrees Granted:

E. Ghanem 1991

Hu Shin (w/Miley) 1992

Toufik Djemil 1992

Nedjla Tiouririne-Ougouag 1992

Malika Ouzidane 1993

Jon Kinsey 1994

Ji Qiang 1998

Junli Zhang 1999

T. S. Gopi Rethinaraj 2005

5. Editorship

Swords and Ploughshares, 1998–2005

6. Post-doctoral Associates and Visiting Scientists

in the past nine years

Vandana Asthana, Christ Church College, India, 2001–2007

Ashok Shukla, Christ Church College, India, 2001, 2003, and 2004

Bushra H. Chowdhury, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2001

Md. Obaidul Haque, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2001

Abdul Shakoor Khakwani, Bahauddin Zakaiya University, Multan, Pakistan, 2001

Suba Chandran, India, 2003

Faisal Cheema, Pakistan, 2003

Nazrullah Mirza, Pakistan, 2003

Jaideep Saika, India, 2003

Nawrin Samrina, Bangladesh, 2003

Lt Col James Marchio, USAF, 1999 - 2000

Lt Col Robert Harvey, USAF, 2000 - 2001

Lt Col David LaRivee, USAF, 2001 - 2002

Lt Col Dwight Robyler, USAF, 2002 - 2003

Lt Col Mark Bontrager, USAF, 2003 - 2004

Lt Col Kurt Schake, USAF, 2004 - 2005

7. Other Scholarly Activities in the past six years (conferences organized or chaired,

papers presented, etc.)

International Network of Scientists and Engineers Against Proliferation Workshops on

Space Weapons, Berlin (2002)

Thirtieth Annual Third World Conference Keynote Address, Chicago (March 3, 2004)

Project on Nuclear Issues, U.S. Naval Academy (2006)

U.S. Strategic Command Short Course Lecturer (2007)

Hamburg University Guest Lecture (Summer 2009, 2010, and 2011)

National Nuclear Security Administration Short Course Guest Lecturer (2012 and 2013)

C. Service

1. Professional Society (membership)

2. University


Past Director, Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security, 1998–2005


Ad Hoc committees on Licensing, University Response to Critical Issues, and Global Studies,


Major International Events Campus Forums Organization, 2001 and 2003

Joint Area Centers Symposium Planning Committee, 2003–2004

Illinois Energy Systems Institute preparatory steering commiteee, 2007

Campus Energy Conservation Committee, 2007


Physics Liaison Committee, 2000 - present

Awards Committee, 2004 and previous years

Engineering–Biology/Chemistry Liaison Subcommittee Chair, 2003 - 2004

Ad Hoc Committee on Energy and Environmental Sustainability Chair, 2007


NPRE Search Committee, 2001 - 2003

Qualifying Examination Committee, 2006 - present

3. Federal and State

Committee on Nuclear Policy, 1997 -2000.

National Research Council of the National Academies Reviewer, 2004

Policy Briefs for American Association for the Advancement of Science,

U.S. State Department, U.S. Department of Energy, and U.S. Congressional Staff

4. Other Outside Services

George A. Miller Committee, 1986-89

Member/Chair College Strategic Planning Committee on Computing, 1989 - 1997

Member/Chair Scholarship and Awards Committee, 1991 - present.

CCSE Steering Committee, 1995-1996

Nuclear Engineering Curriculum Subcommittee, 1988

Nuclear Engineering Facilities & Services Committee, 1989

Nuclear Engineering Admissions Committee, 1990, 1994

CSO Accounts Coordinator, 1987 - 1994

Supervised BALDUR Transport Code Development Team, Princeton Plasma Physics

Laboratory (PPPL), 1984-85.

Assisted in Administration of PPPL Applied Physics Division Transport Group,


Urbana City Council, 1989 - 1995.

US INTOR Concept Advisory Group and Consulting Team, 1980 - 1983.

ZEPHYR Ignition Experiment International Review Board, 1982.

STARFIRE Commerical Fusion Reactor Review Board, 1983.

US Ignition Physics Advisory Group Committee Chair, 1985 - 1986.

Aries Fusion Reactor Design Project Team, 1988 - 1990.

US Transport Task Force Committee, 1990 and 1993 - 1994.

International Tokamak Data Base Oversight Committee, 1990 - 1993.

Champaign County Intergovernmental Solid Waste Disposal Association, 1993 - 1995.

Regional and International Press, Television, and Radio Interviews, c. bimonthly, 1998 - 2005

Improvement Activities (List any specific programs in which you have participated to improve teaching and professional competence.)

University of London Extension Service Course

Princeton University Alumni School

Princeton University Management Training Course

University of Illinois Science Technology and Society Forum

Dean's Seminars and Workshops on Teaching

IMS Class Visitation and Evaluation Program

International Atomic Energy Agency Conferences

Peace and World Security Studies Faculty Workshop, Hampshire College

Faculty Teaching Seminar on the History of Strategic Weapons Proliferation, UCSD


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