Doc.: IEEE 802.11-18/1089r0

IEEE P802.11

Wireless LANs

|Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group |

|Date: 2018-07-13 |

|Author(s): |

|Name |Company |Address |Phone |email |

|Stephen McCann |BlackBerry Ltd |The Pearce Building, West Street, Maidenhead,|+44 1753 667099 |smccann@ |

| | |SL6 1RL, UK | | |

IEEE 802.11 Plenary Meeting – Session #170

Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel, San Diego, California, USA

July 9th – 13th, 2018

IEEE 802.11 Opening Plenary, Monday 9th July 2018

The chair: Dorothy STANLEY (HPE) opened the meeting at 10:30 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).

Jon ROSDAHL Vice-chair 1 (VC1) Qualcomm

Robert STACEY Vice-chair 2 (VC2) Intel

Stephen MCCANN Secretary BlackBerry

There are 303 voting and 11 Ex-Officio members of IEEE 802.11

There are several members of the IEEE staff who are present at this meeting.

1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-18-1025r1)

1. This is the main agenda for the week and shows the allocation of meetings to time slots. The meeting is in Quorum.

2. Chair: There is one IEEE Staff member present.

3. Chair: Please note the changes to the agenda meeting graphic as shown.

4. Comment (C): There are 17 time slots on the screen, but 20 in IMAT.

5. Chair: Yes, that is being fixed at the moment.

6. Move to approve the agenda (graphic and Monday agenda only) which will become 11-18-1025r2

7. Moved: Al Petrick, second: John Notor

8. Following neither discussion nor dissent, the agenda was approved by unanimous consent.

2. Notices (11-18-1026r0)

1. Please note that photographs and recording devices are not allowed in these meetings and put cell phones to vibrate please. If there are any members of the press present, please can they make themselves known.

2. None

3. C: Some of the badges don’t appear to be correct.

4. Chair: Yes, some badges needed to be reprinted, so please return to the registration desk for a new one if your voting rights are not shown correctly on the badge.

3. May 2018 WG Minutes

1. Are there any matters arising from those minutes please?

2. Move to approve the Warsaw May 2018 minutes in document 11-18-0634r0

3. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Stuart Kerry

4. Following neither discussion nor dissent, the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

4. Attendance

1. Please remember to login and register your attendance.

2. 16 people attended this meeting for the first time out of 241 people in the room.

3. Secretary: There will be a new member’s meeting today at 13:30 (PM1) today, in room Mission AB.

5. Policy and Procedures (11-18-1057r1)

1. Regarding patent information, please view for IEEE-SA patent information.

2. The VC2 called for essential patents information.

3. No statements were made.

4. The IEEE-SA policy and procedures were reviewed.

5. The IEEE 802 participation slide was also reviewed.

6. Slide #14 mentions that members can abstain on ballots with “lack of technical expertise” and that is the only valid abstain option.

7. Slides #15 & #16 show some proposed rule changes to the IEEE 802 (LMSC) operations manual.

8. There are no proposed changes to the IEEE 802.11 operations manual.

9. No questions

6. Announcements

1. Liaisons (11-18-1026r0 slide #4)

1. Chair: There are two liaisons this week, one of which will be considered by 11ax. The other one does not require a response.

2. No questions

2. IEEE-SA Standards Board decisions (slides #5 and #6)

1. Chair: The P802.11ak press release received some comments and the revised version should be available soon. The Light Communications PAR was approved and therefore TGbb will meet for the first time this week. P802.11aq was approved for publication.

3. Other IEEE 802 working groups (slides #8 and #9)

1. Chair: This slide shows links to the agendas of the other working groups and joint meetings. Please note slide #9 about the IEEE 802.18 regulatory activities that are relevant to IEEE 802.11 this week.

2. Question (Q): The IEEE 802.19 meeting times are not correct and will be updated.

4. Meeting rooms and online calendar (11-18-1064r1 slide 6)

1. VC1: Please note that online calendar has been updated and is more automated and should match the attendance and online schedule. There is a QR code on your registration pack to find an online agenda and schedule.

5. Breaks and Wednesday social (slides #7 and #8)

1. Please note the times of lunches and breaks. There are eating areas within the hotel and many outlets outside the hotel itself.

2. Breakfast is included in the registration and will be in the main foyers.

3. There is a network help desk near the IEEE 802 registration desk, which now includes adaptors for the room projectors.

4. The social is on Wednesday evening. Please obtain a guest badge from the IEEE 802 registration desk for any guests. This will start at 6.30pm and will include food.

6. Meeting with IEEE Executive Director (slide #11)

1. VC1: This will occur at 6.30pm on Monday evening. There no tutorials this week.

7. November 2018 plenary (slide #15)

1. VC1: Please note that the November 2018 plenary meeting will be in Bangkok, Thailand.

8. September 2018 interim (slide #16)

1. VC1: Please note that the September 2018 meeting will be in Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA and hotel reservations are now available. Please be aware of the hotel reservations instructions on the reservations web-site.

9. Attendance (slide #21)

1. VC1: Please remember to register your attendance including affiliation for each meeting that you attend. Please record your attendance honestly. There are 314 people who have registered for this IEEE 802.11 meeting.

2. Please note that the IEEE-SA web accounts are free.

7. Status of all groups (11-18-1026r1 slide #12)

1. Chair: These slides show the general structure of the IEEE 802.11 activities and all the current officers for all the sub-groups. Please note that there are two new groups during this meeting: Extremely High Throughput (EHT) Topic Interest Group (TIG) and Ethernet Cable Requirements (ECR) Ad-hoc Group (AHG).

2. Lei Wang will chair WNG this week.

3. Yunsong Yang will chair TGba this week.

4. The 11ax draft 3.0 letter ballot passed.

5. There are reports of all the current groups within the document 11-18-1058r2. Here are some extra notes:

6. Editor’s Meeting: This occurs at 7am on Tuesday morning.

7. ARC: Please come along to the IEEE 802.1 YANG meeting, which is also applicable to IEEE 802.11 members who are interested in YANG.

8. PAR SC: This Standing Committee (SC) will formalize the review of PARs from other IEEE 802 working groups. There are 4 PARs to be reviewed this week.

9. WNG: There is one meeting on Tuesday morning to consider future topics for IEEE 802.11. There are currently 4 presentations.

10. TGax: The letter ballot on Draft 3.0 passed, so TGax now has an approved draft. The work this week will concentrate on the 2153 comments that were received in that letter ballot.

11. TGbb: This Light Communications (LC) task group is meeting for the first time this week.

12. BCS (Broadcast Services): The PAR and CSD will be worked on this week.

13. EHT (Extremely High Throughput): This TIG will meet face-to-face for the first time this week, as there have been a couple of teleconferences since the May 2018 meeting.

14. FD (Full Duplex): The group will work on an TIG output report this week.

15. Chair: This group may possible require an extension, but that can be considered in September.

16. NGV (Next Generation V2X): There will be 3 meetings of this group this week.

17. ECR (Ethernet Cable Requirements): This ad-hoc will meet face-to-face for the first time this week, as there have been teleconferences over the last couple of months. 11-18-1124r1 is the current report from this group.

8. Chair confirmation motions (11-18-1059r0)

1. ECR ad-hoc (slide #4)

1. Confirm Osama Aboul-Magd as ECR ad-hoc chair

2. Moved Guido Hiertz, 2nd Lei Wang

3. Following neither discussion nor dissent, the motion was approved by unanimous consent

2. EHT TIG (slide #5)

1. Confirm Mike Montemurro as EHT TIG chair

2. Moved Ian Sherlock, 2nd Dan Harkins

3. Following neither discussion nor dissent, the motion was approved by unanimous consent

3. TGbb Light Communications (slide #6)

1. Confirm Nikola Serafimovski as chair of TGbb

2. Moved Michael Fischer, 2nd George Calcev

3. Following neither discussion nor dissent, the motion was approved by unanimous consent

9. Any Other Business

1. None

2. Meeting recessed at 11:50 PDT

Wednesday, 11th July 2018

IEEE 802.11 Mid-Week Plenary

Presiding chair: Dorothy STANLEY (HPE) opened the meeting at 10:30 PDT

201 people present.

10. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-18-1025r3)

1. Chair: There have been a few changes earlier today, so I propose to approve 11-18-1025r3

2. Chair: Any objection to accepting these changes to the agenda.

3. No objection to the approval of the agenda by unanimous consent.

11. Policies and Procedures

1. Please remember that we are still operating under the policies and procedures as mentioned on Monday.

2. The chair re-iterated the rules about participation.

12. Call for Essential Patents

1. Call for essential patents.

2. No statements were made.

13. Announcements

1. CAC

2. Chair: Please can all sub-group chairs remember to attend the CAC on Thursday evening at 7.30pm. If you can’t attend, please can a delegate be found.

14. Wi-Fi Alliance liaison (11-18-1289r0)

1. Update on the current activities of the Wi-Fi Alliance.

2. No questions

15. IETF liaison (11-18-1280r0)

1. Update on the current activities of the IETF.

2. No questions

16. IEEE 802.18 liaison (11-18-1283r0)

1. Update on the current activities of IEEE 802.18.

2. Chair: regarding slide #3, the ETSI BRAN documents are available, through a link, at the base of the web-page.

3. C: The 60 GHz documents are actually part of the ETSI ERM project, as opposed to ETSI BRAN.

4. ACTION: We especially need help with the TGay aspects.

5. No questions

17. IEEE 802.19 liaison (11-18-1294r1)

1. Update on the current activities of IEEE 802.19.

2. No questions

18. IEEE 802.11 graphic changes (11-18-1025r3)

1. Chair: Are there any room releases?

2. No, but the “PAR comments” meeting will finish after 1 hour.

3. ARC can move to a smaller room.

4. Chair: Are there room requests?

5. NGV would like 1 more slot please, Thurs AM1

6. BCS would like 1 more slot please, Thurs AM1

7. TGaz would like 1 more slot please, Thurs AM1

8. Chair: These changes are ok.

9. Motion: Approve the room changes to the agenda 11-18-1025r4

1. No objection to approving by unanimous consent

19. ECR update (11-18-1124r2)

1. Update on the ECR ad-hoc from this week.

2. Q: Are the values per band, or per AP; as it’s possible to have multiple logical APs in a device.

3. A: It’s for each type of AP, e.g. 11ac, 11ax and 11ay APs. I’ll update the presentation to make that clear.

4. Chair: On Friday, we’ll have a motion to approve the final report.

5. No questions

20. Amendment Cascading (11-18-1259r1)

1. Presentation about some potential changes to the current amendment and draft process.

2. Q: regarding slide #10, is 802.11 gaining a lot by doing this?

3. A: Yes, as the features will be fixed at an earlier stage and therefore the Wi-Fi Alliance programs will reflect these features more quickly.

4. C: 3GPP have many more people than 802.11 and meet more often.

5. C: regarding slide #9, the PAR should define the scope of the project. Therefore, having a more restrictive PAR at the beginning would also be an alternative way of doing this. In addition, the cadence should be based on a feature set, as opposed to time.

6. C: This is a good presentation, but I think more detail is required. Regarding slide #8, there were two presentations in 2014, which were similar to this slide. One of those presentations was accurate, but back in 2014 it was not approved. So, history teaches us to be careful. In addition, the term “major amendment” is difficult.

7. C: This process requires a lot of commitment to the process within the group and the gating functions must be respected.

8. Q: There is a single 802.11 document at the end of the day. Therefore, how does this cascading plan work with a single 802.11 document.

9. A: I think we do a good job with the baseline, so we should be ok there.

10. Q: I’m also concerned about the other amendments.

11. Q: I think that defining a process doesn’t work. Educating people is probably more productive.

12. A: Yes, but the mentality of the groups needs to change to adopt this updated process.

13. C: Regarding 3GPP, your slides really only apply to the RAN group. There is also an SA group and other groups which are several years ahead of the RAN group. Within 802.11 there is no such separation or discipline. In addition, 802.11 is a bottom up group, whereas 3GPP is more of a bottom down organization.

14. A: I agree that 3GPP is much more disciplined than 802.11 and perhaps 802.11 should move in that direction.

15. C: The relationship between 802.11 and the Wi-Fi Alliance needs to be looked at as well. It’s only when an 802.11 draft has been initially approved that the Wi-Fi Alliance can start on their projects.

21. A possible way forward (11-18-1284r0)

1. Presentation about a new process for the 802.11 main amendments.

2. C: This presentation (and the previous one) discuss focus and discipline, which is fine. Regarding slide #4, the creating of an ad-hoc is really the same as a current study group. Originally WNG was a talking shop about kicking off study groups for the next amendments. Recently we’ve not been very disciplined with this approach. The problem in 802.11 is focus and discipline. Additionally, I don’t think this proposed process saves anything.

3. Chair: There will be more time on Friday for additional discussion on these general topics.

22. Working Group Motions (11-18-1059r2)

1. TGax PAR extension (slide #8)

1. Chair: There are some changes that I made to this PAR, so the motion will be about 11-18-0870r3. The changes update the number of meetings in the extension request. Additionally, some of the links in the PAR responses are added to list documents in the private area, which cannot be access by all members in other IEEE 802 working groups.

2. Approve TGax PAR extension request in 11-18/870r3.

3. Moved: Stuart Kerry, 2nd: Ian Sherlock

4. [TGax result (y/n/a): 57/0/0]

5. For: 122, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes)

2. TGax revised CSD (slide #9)

1. Approve TGax revised CSD in 11-14/0169r2.

2. Moved: Al Petrick, 2nd: Jim Petranovich

3. [TGax result (y/n/a): 58/0/0]

4. For: 123, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes)

3. TGax PAR and CSD responses (slide #10)

1. Approve TGax PAR and CSD responses in 11-18-870r3

2. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: George Calcev

3. [TGax result (y/n/a): 56/0/0]

4. For: 120, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes)

4. TGax draft for sale (slide #11)

1. Approve that Draft P802.11ax/D3.0 be made available for sale.

2. Moved: Peter Ecclesine, 2nd: Lei Wang

3. [TGax result (y/n/a): 58/0/0]

4. Following neither discussion nor dissent, the motion was approved by unanimous consent.

23. IEEE 802.11aj Recognition (11-18-1027r0)

1. Chair: This presentation is regarding the completion and publication of the IEEE 802.11aj project. Please note that photographs of presented awards will be taken once this meeting has recessed.

2. IEEE 802.11aj chair: I would to thank everyone in 802.11 for their assistance with this project and especially the fact that the 802.11 officers were willing to travel, organize and chair the additional 802.11 interim meetings for some of the 802.11aj work.

24. Recess

1. Meeting recessed at 12:22 PDT.

Friday, 13th July 2018

IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary

Call to order at 08:03 PDT by Dorothy STANLEY (HPE).

139 people present in the room.

25. Agenda (11-18-1025r7)

1. Chair: Since the previous version, I’ve added various agenda items for this meeting and made some corrections. In addition, there are some new motions.

2. Move to approve the agenda in document 11-18-1025r7

3. No objection to the approval of the agenda by unanimous consent.

26. Call for Essential Patents

1. The meeting is still operating the P&Ps as described on Monday.

2. Call for Essential Patents and Letters of Assurance (LoA).

3. No statements were made.

4. The participation slide was also presented.

27. Announcements (11-18-1027r1)

1. Minutes and documents

1. Please can everyone remember that minutes, should be completed within 30 days, once the meeting is closed.

2. Preparation for September 2018

1. In preparation for the September 2018 meeting, there will be our usual CAC teleconference meetings between now and that meeting, on Monday 6th August 2018 and Tuesday September 4th 2018 noon ET.

3. LoA (slide #14)

1. Chair: There are 2 requests which are outstanding from Siemens and Communication Systems LLC as shown on the slide.

2. No questions

4. IEEE Store, ISO and press releases (slide #15, #16 and #17)

1. Chair: Some of the drafts on the screen are rather out of date and this is being addressed. In addition, some recent drafts will be sent to ISO.

2. Chair: Information about some proposed Press releases are contained in slide #17

3. Q: Why is TGbb having a blog, as opposed to a press release.

4. Chair: This is a recommendation from IEEE staff. It appears to be a that a blog can contain more information than that within a press release.

5. Q: Is the IEEE keeping stats on who is reading the blog, as opposed to the press releases.

6. Chair: I don’t know, but I’ll find out.

28. Meeting Location

1. VC1: Can I have a show of hands to see who is in favor of returning to this location again?

2. For: 85, Against: 0

3. Like the social: 43

4. Disliked the social: 1

5. Went to the social: 66

6. Did not go to the social: 18

7. No questions

29. Future Venues (11-18-1064r2 slide #30)

1. VC1: This slide shows where the next meetings are.

2. The next plenary will be in November 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand.

3. No questions

30. Treasurer’s Report (11-18-1065r0)

1. VC1: This is the current treasurer’s report.

2. This is the balance sheet to July 7th 2018.

3. Q: What was the final registration for this meeting?

4. A: Between 750 – 760.

5. C: I’d like thank Jon Rosdahl for all your help with these figures and the hard work you do.

31. Timeline Update

1. There are changes to the following timelines: TGax, TGba and TGbb. The timeline chart will be updated shortly.

2. No questions

32. WG Committee Reports (11-18-1060r0)

1. Technical editor (slide #3)

1. Please note the editor’s style guide and the rules on slide #13.

2. The running order of the next forecasted drafts will be revisited in September 2018.

3. No questions

2. AANI SC (slide #9)

1. No questions

3. ARC SC (slide #15)

1. Interesting discussion about TGba and there are now some technical questions that TGba need to consider moving forward.

2. No questions

4. PAR SC (slide #21)

1. VC1: These are the various comments compiled by IEEE 802.11 regarding the 4 PARs from other IEEE 802 working groups this week. All of the comments were accepted (or caused a change in the relevant PAR) by the other groups.

2. No questions

5. Coex SC (slide #41)

1. There is an important note regarding 11ax products in Europe on slide #42.

2. The group also considered a future coexistence workshop with 3GPP RAN and have created an invitation liaison, which will be considered later in this meeting. This is likely to be in either January or March 2019.

3. No questions

6. WNG SC (slide #47)

1. There were 4 presentations this week for WNG SC:

1. , “A resilient mesh for dynamic topologies”

2. , “A Future For Unlicensed Spectrum”

3. , “Real-time Mobile Game vs Wi-Fi”

4. , “Controlling latency in 802.11”

2. No questions

7. IEEE 802 JTC1 SC (slide #50)

1. There may be a workshop in November 2018 with ISO SC6 regarding security issues.

2. No questions

8. TGmd (slide #56)

1. There will be an ad-hoc from July 31st – August 2nd 2018 in Portland, Oregon, USA.

2. No questions

9. TGax (slide #61)

1. There will be a September 5th – 7th ad-hoc in the Bay Area, California, USA.

2. Q: regarding slide #64, the standards board does not meet in December 2019, so this schedule needs to be pulled back by 45 days.

3. A: Ok, it will be updated for the September 2018 meeting.

10. TGay (slide #67)

1. No questions

11. TGaz (slide #72)

1. No questions

12. TGba (slide #77)

1. No questions

13. TGbb (slide #82)

1. This is the first time that TGbb met.

2. No questions

14. Broadcast Services (BCS) SG (slide #89)

1. Q: what are the current versions of the PAR and CSD?

2. A: I’m not sure, but I’ll find out

3. Chair: Please can you post links to these documents when you find out.

4. A: Yes, this has been done.

15. Ethernet Cabling Requirements (ECR) TIG (slide #110)

1. The group has now completed its work.

2. Osama Aboul-Magd was thanked for leading this TIG this week.

3. No questions

16. Extremely High Throughput (EHT) TIG (slide #97)

1. Q: regarding the word “consensus” in this report, what does that mean?

2. EHT TIG chair: The group held straw polls and the ones with the largest result determined the consensus.

3. Q: I don’t think there was consensus in this group and this should be reflected in this report.

4. EHT TIG chair: The motion for this meeting was the one that was decided by the TIG.

5. Mike Montemurro was thanked for leading this TIG this week.

6. No questions

17. Full Duplex (FD) TIG (slide #101)

1. No questions

18. Next Generation V2X (NGV) SG (slide #105)

1. No questions

33. Liaison Reports

1. IEEE 802.15 (11-18-1341r0)

1. No questions

2. IEEE 802.21 (11-18-1342r0)

1. No questions

3. IEEE 802.18 (11-18-1060r0 slide #115)

1. No questions

4. IEEE 802.19 (11-18-1294r2)

1. No questions

5. IEEE 802.24 (24-18-0018r0)

1. No questions

6. IEEE 802.1 OmniRAN (11-18-1060 slide #130)

1. Some OmniRAN members may come to the November 2018 meeting to request some assistance with 802.11aq issues.

2. Q: Are you still meeting independently of 802.1?

3. A: We are meeting with 802.1 at the moment, because the 802.1 voting membership is important for OmniRAN. OmniRAN hopes to attend a wireless interim at some point.

4. No questions

34. Working Group Motions (11-18-1059r6)

1. Chair: we’re currently ahead of the schedule and we shall continue without a break at this point.

2. Liaison Officer Confirmation (slide #13)

1. Move to confirm the following liaison officers:

• Ian Sherlock (Wi-Fi Alliance)

• Peter Yee (IETF)

• Jay Holcomb (802.18)

• Tuncer Baykas (802.19)

• Tim Godfrey (802.24)

2. Moved: James Gilb, 2nd: Jim Petranovich

3. Q: At the moment there is no IEEE 802.1 liaison and I think this is required.

4. Chair: This can be considered offline.

5. Following neither discussion nor dissent, the motion was approved by unanimous consent.

3. TGaz Vice Chair (slide #14)

1. Confirm Assaf Kasher as Vice Chair of TGaz

2. Moved: Edward Au, 2nd: Jonathan Segev

3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

4. TGbb Vice Chairs (slide #15)

1. Confirm Oliver Pengfei Luo and Tuncer Baykas as vice chairs for TGbb

2. Moved: Ian Sherlock, 2nd: Lei Wang

3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

5. Teleconferences (slide #16)

1. Move to approve the following teleconferences

|Group |Date(s) |Start |Duration |

|CAC |Monday August 6, Tuesday September 4 |Noon ET |1 hr |

|TGmd |Fridays: July 27, August 10, 17, 24 |10:00 ET |2 hr |

|ARC |With 10 days notice | | |

|TGax |Thursdays: August 2, 16, 30 |20:00 ET |2 hrs |

| |Thursdays: July 26, August 9, 23, September 20 |10:00 ET |2 hrs |

|TGay |Wednesday: September 5 |10:00 ET |1.5 hrs |

|TGaz |August 22 |11:00 ET |1 hr |

| |September 5 |12:00 ET |1 hr |

|TGba |July 30 |10:00 ET |1 hr |

| |August 13 |17:00 ET |1 hr |

| |August 27 |23:00 ET |1 hr |

|TGbb |July 31, August 7, 14, 21, 28 |09:00 ET |1 hr |

|NGV |July 31, August 21 |10:00 ET |2 hr |

|BCS |Tuesdays: September 18, 25 |10:00 ET |1 hr |

|FD |Wednesday August 8, Thursday August 30 |10:00 ET |1.5 hr |

2. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Michael Fischer

3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

6. Coex SC: Liaison to 3GPP RAN4 (slide #17)

1. IEEE 802.11 WG approves the liaison in 18-11-1305r0 to 3GPP RAN4

2. [Note: equivalent motion passed 22/0/8 in the SC, Note: the WG Chair has editorial license]

3. Moved: Andrew Myles, 2nd: Stephen Palm

4. For: 73, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes)

7. Coex SC: Liaison inviting 3GPP RAN to a Coexistence Workshop (slide #18)

1. IEEE 802.11 WG approves the liaison in 11-18-1327-02 inviting 3GPP RAN to a Coexistence Workshop

2. [Note: overwhelming straw poll approved a version that was later significantly edited. Note: the WG Chair has editorial license]

3. Moved: Andrew Myles, 2nd: Jim Petranovich

4. Q: Is this is January or March 2019, would it be held at an IEEE 802.11 meeting.

5. A: Yes, as last time this happened in 2015, IEEE 802.11 went to 3GPP.

6. For: 68, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes)

8. JTC1 Motion for 802.11 WG (slide #19)

1. Request IEEE 802 EC approval to forward IEEE 802.11ak, IEEE 802.11aq and IEEE 802.11aj to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 for information under the PSDO agreement

2. [Note: the WG Chair will take to EC assuming the motion passes]

3. Moved: Andrew Myles, 2nd: Stephen McCann

4. For: 62, Against: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes)

9. TGax WBA liaison response (slide #20)

1. Approve document 11-18/1291r2 as the liaison response to WBA and grant the WG chair editorial privilege

2. [TGax: Move: Youhan Kim, Second: George Cherian, Result: Y/N/A:33/0/3]

3. Moved: Stephen Palm, 2nd: Rolf de Vegt

4. For: 70, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes)

10. TGax September ad-hoc (slide #21)

1. Authorize TGax to hold an ad-hoc meeting on September 5-7 in the Bay Area for the purpose of comment resolution.

2. Note: PHY ad-hoc is meeting for only one day, Sept. 7

3. Moved: Yasu Inoue, 2nd: Bin Tian

4. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

11. TGax PAR extension (slide #22)

1. Approve TGax PAR extension request in 11-18/870r4

2. Chair: Please note that this an update from Wednesday’s motion, as there was a typo in the earlier document.

3. Moved: Yasu Inoue, 2nd: Lei Wang

4. For: 86, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes)

12. TGay Coexistence Assurance Document (slide #23)

1. Reaffirm doc 11-17/1288r2 as the Coexistence Assurance Document

2. [TGay result: 27/0/2]

3. Moved: Edward Au on behalf of TGay

4. For: 62, Against: 0, Abstain: 8 (Motion passes)

13. TGay letter ballot (slide #24)

1. Having approved changes to TGay draft D1.0, as defined in 11-18/0067r11 in addition to motions passed during the 2018 July session,

2. Instruct the editor to prepare TGay draft D2.0, and

3. Approve a 30 day Working Group Technical Letter Ballot asking the question "Should TGay Draft D2.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?"

4. [TGay result: 31-0-0]

5. Moved: Edward Au on behalf of TGay

6. For: 61, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes)

14. TGaz comment collection (slide #25)

15. Move to:

• Instruct the technical editor to generate and publish IEEE P802.11az D0.4 based on D0.3 and any amendment text adopted during the July meeting

• Initiate a 30 day comment collection on IEEE P802.11az D0.4

16. Moved: Jonathan Segev on behalf of TGaz

17. [TG result (Y/N/A): 12/0/0]

1. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

18. BCS SG first recharter (slide #26)

1. Request the IEEE 802 LMSC to recharter the 802.11 BCS Study Group

2. Moved: Marc Emmelmann, 2nd: Hitoshi Morioka

3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

4. For: 31, Against: 0, Abstain: 8 (Motion passes)

19. EHT SG formation (slide #27)

1. Approve formation of an EHT SG (Extreme High Throughput Study Group) to develop a Project Authorization Request (PAR) and a Criteria for Standards Development (CSD) for a new 802.11 amendment for operating in the bands between 1 to 7.125 GHz, with the primary objectives:

2. To increase peak throughput and improve efficiency

3. To support high throughput and low latency applications such as video-over-WLAN, gaming, AR and VR

4. With target start of the task group in May 2019

5. [Straw Poll Result in EHT TIG: Do you support using the above text as the motion text for EHT study group creation? Y 101 / N 40 / A 11]

6. Moved: Vinko Erceg, 2nd: Ron Porat

7. C: I’m completely happy with the motion, as the purpose of the study group is to consider a PAR and CSD but it’s not a given. The motion wording doesn’t need to be changed, but I just wanted to mention that point.

8. C: I think we should move forward with this. However, the current scope is so broad as to be useless. I also maintain that there is no consensus on the definition of the scope. However, I will abstain on this motion.

9. C: I wish to abstain on this motion, as I don’t think enough time was spent on this topic.

10. Chair: As this is a plenary, this study group will be formed either out of this July meeting with EC approval, or at the next plenary in November. Therefore if not this week, a study group could only start in January 2019 at the earliest.

11. C: This seems to be just the normal thing that IEEE 802.11 does and does not reflect any new process. However, the motion does reflect the feelings of the EHT TIG.

12. C: If this motion fails, does the EHT TIG carry on?

13. Chair: No. It will finish at this meeting.

14. C: What is the relationship between the EHT and the RTA TIG, as both of these groups could be meeting at the same time in September 2019.

15. Chair: I think they have different scopes, so that’s not a problem.

16. Motion to amend

17. [change May 2019 date from “to start” to “make a decision”]

18. Moved: Peter Ecclesine, 2nd: Michael Fischer

19. C: This change means that the SG will not start until 4 months later.

20. C: I speak against this motion to amend, as any SG can only start in January 2019. I think the date of May 2019 was reasonable.

21. C: What does “target decision date” mean. Does this mean before May 2019?

22. Chair: This is the latest date.

23. C: I speak in favour of the motion. I would like to progress this activity and the broader wording is ok at this stage.

24. C: I speak against the motion to amend. I don’t think this change makes the motion any clearer. I also think this slows down the process.

25. For: 6, Against: 32, Abstain: 27 (Motion to amend fails)

26. Back to the main motion

27. For: 60, Against: 2, Abstain: 24 (Motion passes)

28. Chair: I will appoint Mike Montemurro as chair of the EHT SG should it be approved by the EC.

20. NGV SG first recharter (slide #29)

1. Request the IEEE 802 LMSC to recharter the 802.11 NGV Study Group

2. Moved: Bo Sun, 2nd: Hongyuan Zhang

3. For: 48, Against: 0, Abstain: 4 (Motion passes)

21. NGV liaison (slide #30)

1. Move to approve the liaison in 11-18/1303r2, granting the working group chair editorial privilege.

2. [NGV SG: Move: Michael Fischer, Second: James Lepp Result: unanimous]

3. Moved: Bo Sun, 2nd: Hongyuan Zhang

4. For: 33, Against: 0, Abstain: 6 (Motion passes)

22. ECR report (slide #31)

1. Approve the ECR report in 11-18/1124r3

2. Moved: Guido Hiertz, 2nd: Joe Levy

3. For: 27, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes)

23. ETSI document access (slide #32)

1. Approve extending the ETSI/IEEE joint development agreement to include the activities in ETSI TC ITS

2. Moved: Peter Ecclesine, 2nd: Assaf Kasher

3. Q: What does this mean in practice?

4. Chair: I will contact Jodi Haasz, to work out exactly what is required here.

5. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

24. Real Time Applications (RTA) (slide #33)

1. Approve formation of a Real Time Applications (RTA) TIG to investigate

2. Latency and stability issues observed with real time applications such as mobile and multiplayer games

3. Potential mechanisms to address the identified issues

4. The TIG is to complete a report on this topic at or before the November 2018 session.

5. Moved: Allan Jones, 2nd: Bo Sun

6. For: 21, Against: 0, Abstain: 9 (Motion passes)

7. Chair: I appoint Allan Jones as the chair of RTA TIG, subject to WG confirmation in September.

35. Predicting timelines (11-18-1286r1)

1. Presentation about possible future timelines for 802.11ax and other 802.11 projects.

2. C: This is good overview of what has occurred in the past. Regarding 11ax, there were offers of ad-hoc meetings that were rejected at the earlier stages. If projects are urgent, this does seem very strange. Ad-hoc groups within a task group is a good idea, but then confirming their decisions in to the task group is a waste of time. The process must be parallelized. Regarding the SFD, it is indeed a waste of time.

3. C: I agree with your content, but not your conclusions. Creating ‘major’ and ‘minor’ amendments is not a good idea, as it sets bad habits within the whole of IEEE 802.11.

4. C: This presentation shows our problems with ‘scope bloat’ and this is now true of the EHT TIG. Regarding the SFD, this should be looking at simulation and justification text, as opposed to early specification text.

5. C: On slide #10, the TG was formed after 10 months. A lot of time was indeed spent on the SFD. To ensure quality control, I think the SFD is important for a PHY project, whereas for a MAC project like 11aq, it’s not necessary.

6. C: I don’t think we need to accelerate the process, it’s more doing things in parallel. That’s the change that some of us are looking for.

7. C: Serializing may be the only way. The work is dependent on how people discipline ourselves. Regarding the SFD, once it’s finished and approved; it is thrown away. Most 802.11 task groups spend 18 months moving from 75% - 90+% to move from letter ballot to sponsor ballot. This is also true of sponsor ballot, where we try to achieve 98% approval rates. Perhaps these thresholds can be re-visited. Within TGai, there was a very formalized SFD process which was unnecessary.

8. C: In 2014, the TIGs were introduced because addressing projects in WNG was not working. I think that the TIGs are working well. In addition, the maintenance activity does not slip its timeline. This implies that the task group scope document is very important.

9. C: This is an SDO, it is not a technology development organization. We are good at doing standardization. However, we are not good at developing technology itself. It’s the “working out what we want to do” that is a problem.

10. C: Thank you for all the comments and I’d like to carry this forward to another meeting.

36. Wireless Chairs Meeting (11-18-1027r1 slide #18)

1. Chair: This will be at 4pm on the Sunday September 9th 2018. If you are interested in the activities of the IEEE 802 wireless WGs, please come along.

2. Chair: Please remember that the next interim meeting is at the Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA. Hotel reservations and meeting registrations are now open.

3. Chair: If you have a colleague from TGaj who received an award and they are not here this week, please can you make yourself known.

4. C: Please note that the policies and procedures are being updated. It’s EC document ec-18-0104-01-0PNP-proposed-802-wg-pnp.doc, if you are interested as changes to minute taking will be occurring.

37. Adjournment

1. Chair: having exhausted the agenda, the meeting is adjourned.

2. The meeting adjourned at 11:44 PDT

Annex A: Attendance & Affiliation

|Name |Affiliation |Attended >= 75%? |Status |

|Abouelseoud, Mohamed |Sony Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Aboulmagd, Osama |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Adachi, Tomoko |TOSHIBA Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Adhikari, Shubhodeep |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Agarwal, Peyush |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Ahn, Jinsoo |Yonsei University |Yes |Voter |

|Ahn, Woojin |WILUS |Yes |Voter |

|Aldana, Carlos |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Alex, Sam |Facebook |No |Non-Voter |

|Alfvin, Richard |Linespeed Events LLC |No |Non-Voter |

|An, Song-Haur |INDEPENDENT |Yes |Voter |

|Andersdotter, Amelia |Article 19 |Yes |Voter |

|Andonieh, Joe |Peraso Technologies Incorporated |Yes |Aspirant |

|Ansley, Carol |ARRIS Group |Yes |Voter |

|Arokkiam, Jerome |OSRAM GmbH |Yes |Aspirant |

|Arrington, Arthur |Air Network Solutions |Yes |Voter |

|Asterjadhi, Alfred |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Au, Kwok Shum |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Azizi, Shahrnaz |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Baer, Bernd |Marquardt |No |Non-Voter |

|Baeten, Robert |Qorvo |Yes |Voter |

|Baik, Eugene |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Bajko, Gabor |MediaTek Inc. |Yes |Potential Voter |

|bang, saehee |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |Aspirant |

|baron, stephane |Canon Research Centre France |Yes |Voter |

|Batra, Anuj |Apple, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Baykas, Tuncer |Istanbul Medipol University |No |Voter |

|Berens, Friedbert |FBConsulting Sarl |Yes |Voter |

|Berger, Christian |Marvell |Yes |Voter |

|Berkema, Alan |HP Inc. |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Bhandaru, Nehru |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Boldy, David |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Aspirant |

|Bolotin, Ilya |Intel |Yes |Voter |

|Bredewoud, Albert |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Buffington, John |Itron Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Calcev, George |Huawei R&D USA |Yes |Voter |

|Canchi, Radhakrishna |Kyocera International, Inc. |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Cao, Rui |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Cariou, Laurent |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Carney, William |Sony Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Cavalcanti, Dave |Intel Corporation |Yes |Aspirant |

|Cepni, Gurkan |Apple, Inc. |Yes |Aspirant |

|Cha, Jaesang |SNUT |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Chang, Soo-Young |California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) |Yes |Voter |

|Chen, Cheng |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Chen, Jiamin |HUAWEI |Yes |Voter |

|Chen, Xiaogang |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|CHERIAN, GEORGE |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Cherniavsky, Dmitry |SiBEAM, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Chitrakar, Rojan |Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. |Yes |Voter |

|Cho, Hangyu |lg electronics |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Choi, Jaehyuk |Gachon University |No |Non-Voter |

|Choi, Jinsoo |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |Voter |

|Chu, Liwen |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Coffey, John |Realtek Semiconductor Corp. |Yes |Voter |

|Cordeiro, Carlos |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Correll, Perry |Aerohive Networks |Yes |Voter |

|Costa, D.Nelson |Peraso Technologies Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Cragie, Robert |ARM, Ltd. |Yes |Aspirant |

|da Silva, Claudio |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|D'Acierno, Alessandro |Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd |No |Non-Voter |

|Das, Dibakar |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Dash, Debashis |Quantenna Communications, Inc. |Yes |Aspirant |

|Dauphinee, Leonard |MaxLinear Corp |Yes |Aspirant |

|Dave, Brajesh |Quantenna Communications, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|de la Garrigue, Michael |Xirrus |No |Non-Voter |

|de Vegt, Rolf |Qualcomm Incorporated |No |Voter |

|DeLaOlivaDelgado, Antonio |Universidad Carlos III Madrid |No |Non-Voter |

|Derham, Thomas |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Dong, Xiandong |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Ecclesine, Peter |Cisco Systems, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Eitan, Alecsander |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Emmelmann, Marc |Self Employed / Koden-TI |Yes |Voter |

|Erceg, Vinko |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Fan, Xiaojing |Fujitsu Research & Development Center |No |Non-Voter |

|Fang, Ping |Huawei Device Co. Ltd |Yes |Aspirant |

|Fazel, Fatemeh |Intel Corporation |Yes |Aspirant |

|Finn, Norman |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |No |Voter |

|Fischer, Matthew |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Fischer, Michael |NXP Semiconductors |Yes |Voter |

|Fletcher, Paul |Samsung Cambridge Solution Center |Yes |Voter |

|Foland, Jeremy |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Friedrichs, Eike |OSRAM GmbH |Yes |Aspirant |

|Furuichi, Sho |Sony Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Gan, Ming |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Ghosh, Chittabrata |Intel |Yes |Voter |

|Gilb, James |General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.; University of San |Yes |ExOfficio |

| |Diego; Gilb Consulting, Inc. | | |

|Godbole, sachin |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Godfrey, Tim |Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI) |No |ExOfficio |

|Grandhe, Niranjan |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Griffiths, Scott | |No |Non-Voter |

|Grigat, Michael |Deutsche Telekom AG |Yes |Voter |

|Grow, Robert |Intel Corporation |No |Non-Voter |

|Guo, Qiang |Huawei R&D USA |Yes |Voter |

|Guo, Yuchen |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Hamilton, Mark |Ruckus Wireless |Yes |Voter |

|HAN, CHONG |pureLiFi |Yes |Aspirant |

|HAN, Xiao |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Handte, Thomas |Sony Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Hansen, Christopher |Covariant Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Haran, Onn |Autotalks |No |Non-Voter |

|Harkins, Daniel |Aruba Networks, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Hartman, Chris |Apple, Inc. |No |Voter |

|Heberling, Allen |Tensorcom, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Henry, Jerome |Cisco Systems, Inc. |Yes |Aspirant |

|hervieu, Lili |Cable Television Laboratories Inc. (CableLabs) |Yes |Voter |

|Hiertz, Guido |Ericsson AB |Yes |Voter |

|Ho, Duncan |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Holcomb, Jay |Itron Inc. |No |ExOfficio |

|Holland, Oliver |King's College London |No |Non-Voter |

|Hong, Hanseul |Yonsei University |Yes |Voter |

|Hsu, Chien-Fang |MediaTek Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Hu, Chunyu |Broadcom Corporation |No |Voter |

|Hu, Glenn |Tencent |Yes |Aspirant |

|Huang, Lei |Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. |Yes |Voter |

|Huang, Po-Kai |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|HUANG, YUN-LIANG |MediaTek Inc. |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Hunter, David |Timefactor |Yes |Aspirant |

|Hurtarte, Jeorge |Teradyne, Inc. |Yes |Aspirant |

|Hwang, Sung Hyun |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) |Yes |Voter |

|Inoue, Yasuhiko |Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) |Yes |Voter |

|Ishizu, Kentaro |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology |Yes |Potential Voter |

| |(NICT) | | |

|Jacobs, Darnell |US Department of Defense |No |Non-Voter |

|Jang, Insun |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Jauh, Alan |Spreadtrum Comm. |Yes |Voter |

|Jeffries, Timothy |Huawei R&D USA |Yes |Voter |

|Ji, Chenhe |Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Jia, Jia |Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|jiang, feng |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Jiang, Jinjing |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Jones, Allan |Activision |Yes |Voter |

|Jones, Chad | |No |Non-Voter |

|JONES, JEFFRUM |Qorvo, Inc |Yes |Voter |

|Jones, Peter |Cisco Systems, Inc. |No |Non-Voter |

|Jones, Vincent Knowles IV |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Jungnickel, Volker |Fraunhofer HHI |Yes |Voter |

|Kain, Carl |Noblis, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Kakani, Naveen |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Kalhan, Amit |KYOCERA Corporation |Yes |Potential Voter |

|KANG, Kyu-Min |ETRI |Yes |Aspirant |

|Kasher, Assaf |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Kecicioglu, Balkan |Cable Television Laboratories Inc. (CableLabs) |No |Non-Voter |

|Kennedy, Smith |HP Inc. |No |Non-Voter |

|Kenney, John |TOYOTA InfoTechnology Center U.S.A. |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Kerry, Stuart |OK-Brit |Yes |Voter |

|Kershaw, David |Intel Corporation |Yes |Aspirant |

|Khalid, Ihtisham |Article 19 |Yes |Voter |

|Khericha, samir |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Kim, Jeong Gon |Korea Polytechnic University (KPU) |Yes |Voter |

|Kim, Jeongki |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |Voter |

|Kim, Jin Min |LG ELECTRONICS |No |Voter |

|Kim, Namgi |Kyonggi University |No |Non-Voter |

|Kim, Sang Gook |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |Voter |

|Kim, Suhwook |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |Voter |

|Kim, Yongho |Korea National University of Transportation |Yes |Voter |

|Kim, Youhan |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Kim, Youn-Kwan |The Catholic University of Korea |Yes |Voter |

|Kitazawa, Shoichi |Muroran IT |No |Non-Voter |

|Klein, Arik |Intel |Yes |Aspirant |

|KNECKT, JARKKO |Apple, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Kondo, Yoshihisa |Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International |No |Non-Voter |

| |(ATR) | | |

|Krieger, Ann |US Department of Defense |No |Non-Voter |

|kristem, vinod |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Kumar, Manish |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Lalam, Massinissa |SAGEMCOM SAS |Yes |Voter |

|Lan, Zhou |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Lee, Hyeong Ho |Netvision Telecom Inc. |Yes |Aspirant |

|Lee, Jae Seung |ETRI |Yes |Voter |

|Lee, Wookbong |SAMSUNG |Yes |Voter |

|Leicht, Suzanne |National Security Agency |Yes |Voter |

|Lepp, James |BlackBerry |Yes |Voter |

|Levy, Joseph |InterDigital, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Li, Guoqing |Apple, Inc. |No |Voter |

|Li, Qiang |HUAWEI |Yes |Voter |

|Li, Qinghua |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Li, Yanchun |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Li, Zhiqiang |Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy Sciences |No |Non-Voter |

|Lim, Dong Guk |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |Voter |

|Lin, Wei |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Liu, Der-Zheng |Realtek Semiconductor Corp. |Yes |Voter |

|Liu, Jianhan |MediaTek Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Liu, Pei |HiSilicon Technologies Co., LTD. |No |Non-Voter |

|Liu, Yong |Apple, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Loc, Peter |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Loghin, Nabil |Sony Corporation |Yes |Aspirant |

|Lopez, Miguel |Ericsson AB |Yes |Voter |

|Lopez-Perez, David |Nokia |Yes |Aspirant |

|Lou, Hui-Ling |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Luo, Pengfei |Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Lv, Kaiying |ZTE Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Lv, Lily |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Lynch, Bradley |Peraso Technologies Incorporated |No |Non-Voter |

|Lynch, Michael |MJ Lynch & Associates, LLC. |No |Non-Voter |

|Ma, Jing |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology |Yes |Voter |

| |(NICT) | | |

|Ma, Mengyao |HUAWEI |Yes |Voter |

|Madan, Nitin |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Madpuwar, Girish |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Malinen, Jouni |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Maltsev, Alexander |Intel |Yes |Voter |


|Marks, Roger |EthAirNet Associates; Huawei |No |ExOfficio |

|Mccann, Stephen |BlackBerry |Yes |Voter |

|McMillan, Larry |Western Digital Corporation |No |Non-Voter |

|Mcnew, Justin |Kapsch TrafficCom AG |No |Non-Voter |

|Meng, Xing |Tencent |Yes |Aspirant |

|Merlin, Simone |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Mo, Jianhua |Samsung Research America |Yes |Voter |

|Mohanty, Bibhu |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Monajemi, Pooya |Cisco Systems, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Montag, Bruce |Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) |Yes |Voter |

|Montemurro, Michael |BlackBerry |Yes |Voter |

|Morioka, Hitoshi |SRC Software |Yes |Voter |

|Motozuka, Hiroyuki |Panasonic Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Mueller, Robert |Ilmenau University of Technology - TU Ilmenau |Yes |Voter |

|Murakami, Yutaka |Panasonic Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Myles, Andrew |Cisco Systems, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Nagai, Yukimasa |Mitsubishi Electric Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Nandagopalan, SAI SHANKAR |Cypress Semiconductor Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Nguyen, An |U.S. Department of Homeland Security |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Noh, Yujin |Newracom Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Notor, John |Notor Research |Yes |Voter |

|Oh, Minseok |Kyonggi University |No |Voter |

|Olaziregi, Nikolas |Nokia |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Oteri, Oghenekome |InterDigital, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Palm, Stephen |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Pandi, Sreekrishna |Technical University of of Dresden |Yes |Aspirant |

|Pare, Thomas |MediaTek Inc. |Yes |Aspirant |

|Park, Eunsung |LG Electronics |Yes |Voter |

|Park, JaeCheol |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) |Yes |Aspirant |

|Park, Sung-jin |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |Voter |

|Patil, Abhishek |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Patwardhan, Gaurav |Hewlett Packard Enterprise |Yes |Voter |

|Petranovich, James |ViaSat, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|petrick, Albert |Jones-Petrick and Associates, LLC. |Yes |Voter |

|Petry, Brian |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Polland, Joe |CommScope |No |Non-Voter |

|porat, ron |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Pulikkoonattu, Rethnakaran |Broadcom Corporation |No |Voter |

|Qi, Emily |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Raissinia, Alireza |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Aspirant |

|Ranganath, Ashok |SAMSUNG |Yes |Voter |

|Regev, Alon |Keysight Technologies |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Reilly, Denis |Spectracom (Orolia USA) |No |Non-Voter |

|Riegel, Maximilian |Nokia Networks |Yes |Voter |

|Rison, Mark |Samsung Cambridge Solution Centre |Yes |Voter |

|Rosdahl, Jon |Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Ryan, Stuart |Blu Wireless Technology Ltd. |Yes |Aspirant |

|Ryu, Kiseon |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |Voter |

|Sadeghi, Bahareh |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Sahin, Alphan |InterDigital, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Sahin, Onur |InterDigital, Inc. |Yes |Aspirant |

|Sakamoto, Takenori |Panasonic Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Sakoda, Kazuyuki |Sony Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Sampath, Ashwin |Mixcomm Inc. |No |Non-Voter |

|Sampath, Hemanth |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Sand, Stephan |German Aerospace Center (DLR) |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Sarris, Ioannis |u-blox |No |Aspirant |

|Sato, Naotaka |Sony Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Schaefer, Ralf |OLEDCOMM |Yes |Aspirant |

|Schafman, Limor |Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) |No |Non-Voter |

|Schelstraete, Sigurd |Quantenna Communications, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Scott, Andy |NCTA |Yes |Voter |

|Segev, Jonathan |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Seok, Yongho |MediaTek Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Serafimovski, Nikola |pureLiFi |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Sharma, Prashant |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Yes |Aspirant |

|Shellhammer, Stephen |Qualcomm Incorporated |No |ExOfficio |

|Sherlock, Ian |Texas Instruments Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Shilo, Shimi |HUAWEI |Yes |Voter |

|Shim, Seonggu |Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) |No |Non-Voter |

|Smith, Graham |SR Technologies |Yes |Voter |

|Song, Taewon |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |Voter |

|Sowter, Paul |Anritsu Company |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Stacey, Robert |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Stanley, Dorothy |Hewlett Packard Enterprise |Yes |Voter |

|Stavridis, Athanasios |Ericsson AB |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Stott, Noel |Keysight Technologies |Yes |Voter |

|Strauch, Paul |Cypress Semiconductor Corporation |Yes |Aspirant |

|Sumi, Takenori |Mitsubishi Electric Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Sun, Bo |ZTE Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Sun, Chen |Sony Corporation |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Sun, Li-Hsiang |InterDigital, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Sun, Yanjun |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Szymanski, Christopher |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Takai, Mineo |Space-Time Engineering |Yes |Voter |

|Taneja, Mukesh |Cisco Systems, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Tarighat, Alireza |Facebook |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Tellas, Ronald |Belden |No |Non-Voter |

|Therrien, Scott |Teradyne, Inc. |Yes |Aspirant |

|Thompson, Ryan |eero |No |Non-Voter |

|Tian, Bin |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Tian, Tao |Spreadtrum Communications, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Torab, Payam |Facebook |Yes |Voter |

|Trainin, Solomon |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Tsodik, Genadiy |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Urabe, Yoshio |Panasonic Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|V Padaki, Aditya |Samsung Research America |Yes |Potential Voter |

|Valentino, Liva |Skyworks Solutions Inc. |Yes |Aspirant |

|Van Nee, Richard |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Vanthournout, Jerome |CEVA-DSP |Yes |Voter |

|Varshney, Prabodh |Nokia |Yes |Voter |

|Venkatesan, Ganesh |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Verma, Lochan |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|Verma, Sindhu |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Vermani, Sameer |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|VIGER, Pascal |Canon Research Centre France |Yes |Voter |

|Wang, Chao Chun |MediaTek Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Wang, Haiming |Southeast University, China |No |Voter |

|Wang, Hao |Fujitsu Research & Development Center |No |Non-Voter |

|Wang, Huizhao |Quantenna Communications, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Wang, James June |MediaTek Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Wang, Lei |Huawei R&D USA |Yes |Voter |

|Wang, Qi |Apple, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Wang, Xiaofei |InterDigital, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Wang, Xuehuan |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Want, Roy |Google |Yes |Voter |

|Ward, Lisa |Rohde & Schwarz |Yes |Voter |

|Wechsler, Johannes |Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS |No |Non-Voter |

|Wendt, Matthias |Signify |Yes |Aspirant |

|Wentink, Menzo |Qualcomm |Yes |Voter |

|Wilhelmsson, Leif |Ericsson AB |Yes |Voter |

|Wu, Jianbing |SHEN ZHEN ITEST TECH CO.,LTD |Yes |Voter |

|Wu, John |Microsemi Corporation |Yes |Aspirant |

|Wu, Tianyu |Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. |Yes |Voter |

|Wunderlich, Simon |TU Dresden |No |Non-Voter |

|Xin, Yan |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Xue, Qi |Qualcomm Incorporated |Yes |Voter |

|YAGHOOBI, HASSAN |Intel Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Yang, Bo |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|YANG, RUI |InterDigital, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Yang, Xun |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Yang, Yunsong |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Yano, Kazuto |Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International |Yes |Voter |

| |(ATR) | | |

|Yee, Peter |NSA-Cybersecurity |Yes |Voter |

|Young, Christopher |Broadcom Corporation |Yes |Voter |

|Yseboodt, Lennart |Signify |No |Non-Voter |

|Yu, Chinghwa |Spreadtrum Comm. |Yes |Aspirant |

|Yu, Jian |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Yu, Mao |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Yun, SunWoong |LG ELECTRONICS |Yes |Voter |

|Zeleznikar, Alan |ARRIS Group |Yes |Voter |

|Zhang, Hongyuan |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|ZHANG, JIAYIN |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Zhang, Xingxin |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Zheng, Xiayu |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Yes |Voter |

|Zhou, Richard (Yujia) |Charter Communications |No |Non-Voter |

|Zhu, Chunhui |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |Yes |Voter |

|Zhuo, Lan |CESI Group |No |Voter |

|Zuniga, Juan Carlos |SIGFOX |Yes |Potential Voter |

Annex B : Working Group Officers

Working group

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Dorothy V. Stanley |IEEE 802.11 Working Group Chair |+1 (630) 363-1389 |

|(HPE) | |dorothy.stanley@ |

|Jon Rosdahl |1st Vice Chair (Venues and meeting planning) |+1 (801) 492-4023 |

|(Qualcomm) |Treasurer |jrosdahl@ |

|Robert Stacey |2nd Vice Chair (Rules and reflectors) |+1 (503) 724-0893 |

|Intel Corporation | |robert.stacey@ |

|Stephen McCann |Secretary |+44 1753 667099 |

|(BlackBerry Ltd.) | |stephen.mccann@ |

|Peter Ecclesine |Co-Technical Editor |+1 (408) 527-0815 |

|(Cisco Systems, Inc.) | |petere@ |

|Robert Stacey |Co-Technical Editor |+1 (503) 712 4447 |

|(Intel Corporation) |802.11 Assigned Numbers Authority |robert.stacey@ |

| |IEEE 802 (LMSC) EC delegate | |

Standing Committees

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Jim Lansford |Wireless Next Generation Chair |+1 (719) 286-8660 |

|(Qualcomm) |(WNG) |jim.lansford@ |

|Joseph Levy |Advanced Access Network Interface (AANI) Chair |+1.631.622.4139 |

|(InterDigital Communications Inc.)| |jslevy@ |

|Mark Hamilton |Architecture Chair |+1 (303) 818-8472 |

|(Ruckus Wireless) |(ARC) |mark.hamilton2152@ |

|Andrew Myles |ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC6 shadow committee (JTC1) Chair |+61 418 656587 |

|(Cisco Systems, Inc.) | |amyles@ |

|Jon Rosdahl |PAR Review SC Chair |+1 (801) 492-4023 |

|(Qualcomm) | |jrosdahl@ |

|Andrew Myles |Coexistence Standing Committee Chair |+61 418 656587 |

|(Cisco) | |amyles@ |

Task Groups

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Stephen McCann |TGaq Chair |+44 1753 667099 |

|(Blackberry Ltd.) |(Pre-association Discovery) |stephen.mccann@ |

|Osama Aboul-Magd |TGax Chair |+1 (613) 287-1405 |

|(Huawei) |(High Efficiency WLAN) |osama.aboulmagd@ |

|Edward Au (Huawei) |TGay Chair |+1 (773) 782 6875 |

| |(Next Generation 60GHz) | |

|Jonathan Segev (Intel Corporation)|TGaz Chair |+972-54-2403587 |

| |(Next Generation Positioning) |jonathan.segev@ |

|Minyoung Park (Samsung |TGba Chair | |

|Semiconductor Inc.) |(Wake Up Radio) | |

|Nikola Serafimovski (pureLiFi) |TGbb Chair | +44 131 516 1816 |

| |(Light Communications) |nikola.serafimovski@ |

|Dorothy V. Stanley |TGmd Chair |+1 (630) 363-1389 |

|(HPE) |(802.11 revision project - P802.11REVmd) |dorothy.stanley@ |

Study Groups (SGs) and Topic Interest Groups (TIGs)

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Marc Emmelmann (Koden-TI) |Broadcast Services (BCS) SG chair |marc.emmelmann@ |

|Michael Montemurro |Extremely High Throughput (EHT) Topic Interest |mmontemurro@ |

|(Blackberry) |Group Chair | |

|James P. K. Gilb |Full Duplex (FD) Topic Interest Group Chair |+1 858-229-4822 |

|(General Atomics Aeronautical | |Gilb_IEEE@ |

|Systems Inc., University of San | | |

|Diego, Gilb Consulting) | | |

|Bo Sun (ZTE) |Next Generation V2X (NGV) Study Group Chair | |

Liaison Officials to non IEEE-802 organizations

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Peter Yee (Akayla) |Liaison to IETF |peter@ |

| |(Internet Engineering Task Force) | |

|Ian Sherlock |Liaison to WFA |+1 (972) 995-2011 |

|(Texas Instruments Inc.) |(Wi-Fi Alliance) |isherlock@ |

Liaison Officials to IEEE-802 organizations

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Juan-Carlos Zuniga |Liaison to IEEE 802E |j.c.zuniga@ |

|(InterDigital | | |

|Communications) | | |

|Jay Holcomb |Liaison to IEEE 802.18 |+1 (509) 891-3281 |

|(Itron) | |jay.holcomb@ |

|Tim Godfrey |Liaison to IEEE 802.24 |+1 (650) 855-8584 (office) |

|(Electric Power Research | |tim.godfrey@ |

|Institute) | | |

|Tuncer Baykas |Liaison to IEEE 802.19 |tbaykas@ |

|(Istanbul Medipol | | |

|University) | | |

Annex C : Minutes

This Annex contains references to all IEEE 802.11 SC/TG/SG/TIG minutes from this meeting. Please note that they are NOT subject to the approval of these minutes, but are confirmed and approved by their individual group in the opening meeting at their next session.

|WG |TE |18-1089r1 |

|TGMD |TG |18-1066r0 |

|TGAX |TG |18-1093r0 |

|TGAY |TG |18-1318r0 |

|TGAZ |TG |18-1262r1 |

|TGBA |TG |18-1355r1 |

|TGBB |TG |18-1251r4 |

|ARC |SC |18-1xxxr0 |

|WNG |SC |18-1279r0 |

|JTC1 |SC |18-1xxxr0 |

|EHT |SG |18-1332r0 |

|PAR Review |SC |18-1245r0 |

|AANI |SC |18-1264r1 |

|Coex |SC |18-1333r0 |

|BCS |TIG |18-1253r0 |

|FD |TIG |18-1348r0 |

|NGV |SG |18-1308r1 |

|ECR |Ad-Hoc |18-1331r0 |




This document constitutes the minutes of the IEEE 802.11 full working group for the July 2018, San Diego, California, USA meeting.

Please note that all affiliations at this meeting are shown in Annex A.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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