The Thirteen Colonies Test Review

The Thirteen Colonies Test Review

***Study your flip book of the 3 Colonial Regions***

How the geography of the 3 regions is alike or different.

New England: lots of forests, rocky soil, short growing season, rivers

Middle: rich soil, many good harbors

Southern: long growing season, rich soil, forests, rivers

What are the reasons for founding each of the 3 regions?

New England: religious freedom

Middle: profit, religious freedom, England wanted to unite their colonies

Southern: profit

Which region was founded for both profit and religious freedom?


What are town meetings? Which colonial region held town meetings?

Town Meetings: when all the people in a town meet together to make decisions and solve problems.

New England colonies held town meetings but only white, Christian men who owned property could vote.

What two religious groups settled in the New England Colonies?

Puritans and Pilgrims

What religious group settled in the Middle Colonies? Who was this group led by?

Quakers led by William Penn

What were the two most important aspects of the culture of the New England Colonies?

Education and Religion

Which colonial region was dependent on slavery? Why?

Southern Colonies because they needed slaves to work on the large plantations

What were the 4 main economic activities in the New England Colonies?

Fishing, whaling, manufacturing (shipbuilding) and trading

Which country (not England) originally settled in the Middle Colonies?

The Netherlands (Dutch)

Describe the government that William Penn set up in the Middle Colonies.

People in his colony had rights including freedom of speech and religion

Why were the Middle Colonies called the “melting pot”?

Due to the amount of ethnic diversity that was created by settlers coming from many different countries bringing their different cultures and religions

How did William Penn get the land for Pennsylvania?

The king owed a debt to his father so Penn convinced the King to give him the land of Pennsylvania to repay the debt

What were the most important cash crops in the Middle Colonies?

Wheat and corn

What was the nickname for the Middle Colonies? Why were they called this?

“Breadbasket Colonies” due to all the grains they produced

Who had most of the political power in the Southern Colonies?

Wealthy plantation owners

In which colonial region did religion play the smallest role in the culture?


What were the main cash crops in the Southern Colonies?

Tobacco, rice and indigo

Since there were fewer towns and schools, how did the wealthy plantation owners in the South educate their children?

They hired tutors to live on their plantations and teach their children

What was the name of the first English settlement in the New World?

Jamestown, Virginia

What was the main export in the New England Colonies?


What was the main export in the Middle Colonies?


What was the main export in the Southern Colonies?


Which colonial region had the largest population? Why was this?

Southern colonies due to the amount of enslaved Africans

Among all 3 regions, what was the leading export?


What are 2 differences between the New England and Southern Colonies?

New England: poor soil, short growing season, no cash crops, town meetings, education and religion very important

Southern: rich roil, long growing season, cash crops, education and religion are not as important

What was the Triangular Trade?

Trade patterns that connected the Colonies, Europe, Africa and the West Indies

What was the Middle Passage?

The route used to take enslaved Africans across the Atlantic from Africa to the Americas

What goods did New England trade with Africa?

Rum, guns, cloth, tools

What goods did West Africa trade with the West Indies?

Enslaved Africans

What goods did the West Indies trade with New England?

Sugar, molasses and Enslaved Africans

What goods did New England trade with the West Indies?

Lumber, fish and flour

What were the slave codes?

A series of laws that made slaves the property of their owners and said that all children born to slave mothers are automatically slaves themselves

Describe the life of enslaved Africans in the colonies.

Answers will vary

Which colony had the most enslaved Africans in 1770?


Which colony had the fewest enslaved Africans in 1770?

New Hampshire

What were the Navigation Acts?

A set of laws passed to regulate trade between Britain and the colonies

What does smuggling mean?

Moving goods illegally into or out of a country

What was an Apothecary?

A healer and a doctor

What was a Milliner?

Made shirts, gowns, aprons, hats, cloaks, etc.

What was a Cooper?

Made casks and barrels to hold goods

What was a Wheelwright?

Made wheels for wagons

What goods did Britain import from the Colonies?

Raw materials like trees

What goods did the Colonies import from Britain?

Manufactured goods like furniture and tools

What impact did the following Laws have on the colonies? (These will be multiple choice questions)

• The Wool Act: colonies could not make money by exporting to any other country except Britain

• The Hat Act: colonies could not make money exporting hats to any country

• The Molasses Act: colonists had to pay a high tax for molasses if they bought it from any country other that Britain

• The Iron Act: limited the ability of the colonies to make manufactured goods

Name 3 generalizations for the regional differences of the 13 colonies.

Regional differences were the result of differences in climate, natural resources, economic activities and cultural differences

Essay Question: How did the regional differences in natural resources impact the differences in economic activities among the 3 colonial regions?


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