Tredyffrin/Easttown School District

WORLD HISTORYName/Period:Mr. DeckerDate:MEETING the WORLD’S MOST ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONSReading the paragraph on page ten (10) of your textbook, “First Finds of Humans Around the World”, answer the following questions:What time period do scientist believe Homo Erectus disappeared? Which group of new hominids replaced homo erectus? _________________________What two groups of this new hominid emerged?____________________________________________ and _____________________________________________Which group disappeared sometime between 50,000 and 30,000 years ago? What invention ended pre-history? (pg. 4) ________________________________________Turn to page 11 to section 2 titled “Turning Point: The Neolithic Revolution”The Old Stone Age or ________________________________________________ refers to long time period from at least 2 million years ago to about _____________________.The New Stone Age or ________________________________________________ refers to period from about 10,000 BCE until the end of __________________________________.Using the attached Note Taking Study Guide titled “Turning Point: The Neolithic Revolution”, read chapter two/section two to complete the worksheet.Last week we learned the locations of four of the world’s most ancient civilizations. Turn to page 18 in your textbook to reacquaint yourself with the map of River Valley Civilizations. Choose one of the River Valley Civilizations. (find your Civ. in Chp 2 or 3)You are to create a POWERPOINT presentation on your chosen civilization.Go to and read the Cause and Effect chart on page 22.Go to and read the Basic Features of Civilizations chart on page 20.You will see the chart is divided by Feature and Description. In you PowerPoint, create a Intro Page and spice it up!Create eight (8) slides each titled by the Feature. (ex: Cities)Use the Description side to help organize and gather the information needed to describe the feature of your civilization.Sample PowerPoint slide to help you organize the information:Understanding Population Increase: link to 7 Billion and CountingList three (3) facts you learned:a.b.c. What year did humanity reach one billion people? __________________What year did humanity reach two billion people? __________________What year did humanity reach seven billion people? ________________Explain to the best of your ability HOW/WHY humanity’s population grows so rapidly today? Use the 7 Billion and Counting link to help. Use bullets to help organize your thoughts. ................

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