Project: Other Resume Styles

Project: Other Resume Styles | |

|Introduction: |

|Now that you have developed a resume in the one-page classic style preferred by employers, there are several other styles of |

|resumes that you may wish to create to use either now in your job search or in your future career. |

|You may wish to develop an extended resume for networking purposes that gives much more detail about your studies, work |

|experiences, and activities than you would list on an employer resume. |

|Or you may choose to create a functional style or combination of functional and chronological if you have many skill sets that your|

|work or activity experiences do not reflect. |

|You may wish to create a very lengthy curriculum vita type resume for others to use when introducing you as a guest speaker or when|

|selling yourself to a bank loan officer or for some other professional need. |

|Of course, once you have been in the world of work for a period of time, your resume will look quite different from this initial |

|job search resume in that you will list your work experience first and education later. Remember that resumes should be |

|constructed to list your most valuable career asset first. They are a tool to accomplish a desired effect. |

|Instructions: |

|Decide what type resume style you wish to create and then do research to learn how to create that style. Only one resume style |

|will be accepted for credit. |

|Option A: Complete your Extended Networking Style Resume. Read your textbook, Career Planning Strategies: Hire Me! (5th Edition), |

|Chapters 10 & 11, particularly pages 259-60, and look at the longer resume samples in Chapter 12 to gain ideas about creating this |

|resume. |

|Write your resume. Although the employer resume that you created for project 1 may be a good place to begin your networking |

|recommender resume, do not just turn in your Project 1 resume. This new resume must be substantially longer and much more complete|

|and thorough. |

|Consider beginning your networking resume with a skills summary statement. Think about what skills you have to offer and how you |

|want to describe yourself. Be specific. Rather than “good communicator” for example, think about what kind of communication you |

|excel at: public speaking? persuasive communication? relationship building? |

|Be thorough and descriptive when writing all other sections. Use class lecture and the textbook to help you. It is vital that your |

|resume be well organized, articulate, and completely free of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors. |

|On a separate page describe when and how you intend to use this resume. |

|Option B: Complete your functional or combination style resume. Read your textbook, Career Planning Strategies: Hire Me! (5th |

|Edition), Chapters 10 & 11, particularly pages 262-64, and look at the resume samples in Chapter 12 to gain ideas about creating |

|this resume. |

|Write your resume. This style resume will look completely different from your project 1 resume. |

|Your resume must be well organized, articulate, and completely free of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors. |

|On a separate page describe when and how you intend to use this resume. |

|Turn In: |

|Resume in option A, or B |

|Descriptive statement |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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