WIPO Technology Trends 2019: Artificial Intelligence

WIPO Technology Trends 2019

Artificial Intelligence

WIPO Technology Trends 2019

Artificial Intelligence

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Photo credit: cover montage created with images by ? Margarita Lyr / iStock / Getty Images Plus and ? Daria Dombrovskaya / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Printed in Switzerland

? WIPO, 2019

First published 2019

World Intellectual Property Organization 34, chemin des Colombettes, P.O. Box 18 CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland

ISBN: 978-92-805-3007-0

Attribution 3.0 IGO (CC BY 3.0 IGO)

Artificial intelligence is a new digital frontier that will have a profound impact on the world, transforming the way we live and work.

WIPO Director General, Francis Gurry





About the contributors




Executive summary

1 Introduction

The past, present and future of AI: what research and innovation trends can reveal; the data used in this report and how it is analyzed; and a scheme for categorizing AI technologies.


3 Evolution of AI patent applications and scientific publications

2 Trends in artificial intelligence

The historical development of AI innovation: analysis of trends in patents and scientific literature since the emergence of AI, and breakdown by techniques, functional applications and application fields.


Overall trends emerging from the data and analysis of changes over time, by region and industry and the most prominent entities.


4 Key players in AI patenting

The top applicants for AI patents: how companies and universities/public research organizations compare, which entities are most active in each area and where they are filing.



5 Geography 7 Key issues Selected AI

of patent arising from categories


AI and policy and terms

Comprehensive analysis of geographical trends, based on the offices where patents are filed, including both first and subsequent filings.



Views from AI experts on the key policy and regulatory issues raised by AI applications, plus examples of policies proposed or enacted in various jurisdictions.


Further reading

120 150

6 Market trends related to AI

Analysis of the use of AI technologies: data on acquisitions, funding, open source and patent litigation and oppositions.


8 The future of AI and the IP system

The opportunities presented by AI for business, society and culture, and how AI and IP rights interact with each other in the promotion of innovation.


WIPO Technology Trends 2019


This new report aims to shed light on the trends in innovation in AI since the field first developed in the 1950s.

WIPO Director General, Francis Gurry


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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