September 26-28, 2013

Sevastopol, Ukraine


Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine

State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine

Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property

Sevastopol City State Administration

Sevastopol City Council

Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (UAS) (Kiev)

Ukrainian Council of Inventors and Innovators (Kiev)

Internationаl Federation of Inventors Associations (IFIA) (Budapest)

Agency for Economic Development of Sevastopol

Sevastopol Regional Ecological Monitoring Committee

Сentre of Living Systems Study UAS (Sevastopol)

International Personnel Academy (Kiev)

Agency for Science and Innovations Support “New Time” (Sevastopol)

Scientific School of Causality: «Centre «Ayumel» LTD (Sevastopol)

Ukrainian Association of Valeologists (Kharkov)

Ukrainian Association on Bioethics (Kiev)

International Association “Health of Society” (Kiev)

Innovative Pedagogical Association

«XXI Century: Education. Science. Ecology» (Sevastopol)

Union of Gifted Youth of Ukraine (Kiev)

Organization of Indigenous People of Kiev Club "Eternity"(Kiev)

Аssociation “Russian House of International Scientific-Technical Cooperation” (Moscow)

International Innovation Club «Аrchimedes» (Moscow)

Global Forum of Researchers and Inventors (Bucharest)

The following events will be held within the framework of the Salon:

• Various presentations.

• New Time VIII International Contest of Youth’s Innovations and Works “New Time”. Its preliminary contests will be held in the participant countries and corresponding winners of national contests will take part in New Time 9th International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time” in Sevastopol.

8th International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time”

8th International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time” was held in Sevastopol on September 27-29, 2012. Leading innovative organizations, companies and firms from 33 countries took part in the Salon’s proceedings. This Salon was official event of International Federation of Inventors Associations. The following organizations attended the Salon: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine,

Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property (Ukrpatent), Hungarian Inventors Society, Polish Inventors and Rationalizers Society, Moldavian Intellectual Property State Agency, Romanian Inventors’ Forum, Romanian Inventors’ Association, National Institute of Inventions of Romania, Association “Russian House of International Scientific-Technical Cooperation”, MIC “Archimedes” (Russian Federation), Belgium Chamber of Inventors, World Forum of Researchers and Inventors and others. The Salon received substantial informational support from the following journals: Inventor and Rationalizer (Kiev), Ukrainian Technical Paper, etc. The Salon’s proceedings were covered on the web-sites of Sevastopol State City Administration, MIC “Archimedes” and others.

The Salon received greetings from the Ministries of Ukraine, Sevastopol City Soviet and Sevastopol State City Administration, regional state administrations of Ukraine.

In the course of the Salon’s proceedings International Jury headed by Prof. Pierre Fumiere (Belgium) was working as well as the National Jury headed by Ukrainian Representative to ETRIA European Association Dr. Anton Karlov (Ukraine). Head of Award Committee was Prof. Vasyl Goch (Ukraine), Honored President of Salon was President of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Prof. Alexey Onipko (Ukraine).

While summing up the results of the 7-th International Contest of youth’s innovations and developments “New Time”, 144 schoolchildren and students from 10 countries were awarded Salon’s medals and prizes.

More than 560 inventions (about 50% of them being of foreign origin) were estimated at the area of 1200 sq. m. 512 medals (gold, silver, bronze ones), 70 Diplomas of Honor and more than 60 prizes and other awards were presented.

Number of visitors amounted to 2700.


(Registration form should be submitted before September, 07 (2013) in Russian/Ukrainian and English/French)

WE PROPOSE NEXT MODEL FOR YOUR INFORMATION IN SALON CATALOGUE ( Times New Roman 12 text – not more than 5-6 sentences):


J. Szollosy, T. Farkas, A. Gasparics (Budapest, Hungary)

Hungarian Inventors Society – MAFE

ph.: T +3620 945 8078 el.: +36 20 945 8078 T Tel.: +36 20 91519 Budapest, Pf.: 426 – Hungary

e-mail: genius@inventor.hu


Invention combines the magnetic vector-field measurement with the optical position detection. The magnetic field distribution can be displayed as a colorful 3D image in real time by the help of the suitable data-acquisition and visualization software tool. This way the quick and easy to evaluate type inspection of the complex material structures become feasible.

Patent of Hungary №…(2010).

5. Registration Fees:

5.1. Invention participation fee – equiv. 200 euro

5.2. Contact information printed in catalogue + 2 sq. m of exhibition area.

6. Class of invention: (one item only)

Classification of inventions/ sections (Please, classify your invention in one of the following sections)

1. Fundamental and Applied Science

2. Energetic and Electrical Engineering,

3. General Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering

4. New Materials and Instruments, Apparatus Engineering

5. Тtransport, Building, Design, Municipal Economy

6. Food Industry and Agriculture

7. Electronics and Computer Technologies

8. Optics and Laser Technique, Robots

9. Ecology and Environment

10. Biophysics, Biotechnologies and Bioengineering

11. Medicine, Pharmacology, Cosmetology

12. Technologies of Health Care and Life Safety

13. Sports, Games, Leisure, Cognition, Tourism

14. Trade Marks

15. Innovative business

16. Cultural Innovations

17. Others.

7. Business negotiations:

• sell patent

• sell licenses

• find manufacturers

• find investors or financiers

• find sales agents

You can direct your REGISTRATION FORM to address:

Yuriy Skomorovskiy, exhibition, P.O. Box 36 Sevastopol, Ukraine 99006

tel.: 380-692-555628, 380-500094660 e-mail: aumel@, el-voz@i.ua

Vladimir Kulikov, exhibition,

tel.: +380-692-932038, +380-050-8126191

Registration on web: newtime-




Trade Fair of Inventions and New Technologies in Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency


September 26-28, 2013

Sevastopol, Ukraine

Organizers of the Contest program:

Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine

State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine

Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property

Sevastopol City State Administration

Sevastopol City Council

Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (UAS) (Kiev)

Ukrainian Council of Inventors and Innovators (Kiev)

Internationаl Federation of Inventors Associations (IFIA) (Budapest)

Agency for Economic Development of Sevastopol

Sevastopol Regional Ecological Monitoring Committee

Сentre of Living Systems Study UAS (Sevastopol)

International Personnel Academy (Kiev)

Agency for Science and Innovations Support “New Time” (Sevastopol)

Scientific School of Causality: «Centre «Ayumel» LTD (Sevastopol)

Ukrainian Association of Valeologists (Kharkov)

Ukrainian Association on Bioethics (Kiev)

International Association “Health of Society” (Kiev)

Innovative Pedagogical Association

«XXI Century: Education. Science. Ecology» (Sevastopol)

Union of Gifted Youth of Ukraine (Kiev)

Organization of Indigenous People of Kiev Club "Eternity"(Kiev)

Аssociation “Russian House of International Scientific-Technical Cooperation” (Moscow)

International Innovation Club «Аrchimedes» (Moscow)

Global Forum of Researchers and Inventors (Bucharest)

8th International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time”

8th International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time” was held in Sevastopol on September 27-29, 2012. Leading innovative organizations, companies and firms from 33 countries took part in the Salon’s proceedings. This Salon was official event of International Federation of Inventors Associations. The following organizations attended the Salon: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine,

Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property (Ukrpatent), Hungarian Inventors Society, Polish Inventors and Rationalizers Society, Moldavian Intellectual Property State Agency, Romanian Inventors’ Forum, Romanian Inventors’ Association, National Institute of Inventions of Romania, Association “Russian House of International Scientific-Technical Cooperation”, MIC “Archimedes” (Russian Federation), Belgium Chamber of Inventors, World Forum of Researchers and Inventors and others. The Salon received substantial informational support from the following journals: Inventor and Rationalizer (Kiev), Ukrainian Technical Paper, etc. The Salon’s proceedings were covered on the web-sites of Sevastopol State City Administration, MIC “Archimedes” and others.

The Salon received greetings from the Ministries of Ukraine, Sevastopol City Soviet and Sevastopol State City Administration, regional state administrations of Ukraine.

In the course of the Salon’s proceedings International Jury headed by Prof. Pierre Fumiere (Belgium) was working as well as the National Jury headed by Ukrainian Representative to ETRIA European Association Dr. Anton Karlov (Ukraine). Head of Award Committee was Prof. Vasyl Goch (Ukraine), Honored President of Salon was President of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Prof. Alexey Onipko (Ukraine).

While summing up the results of the 7-th International Contest of youth’s innovations and developments “New Time”, 144 schoolchildren and students from 10 countries were awarded Salon’s medals and prizes.

More than 560 inventions (about 50% of them being of foreign origin) were estimated at the area of 1200 sq. m. 512 medals (gold, silver, bronze ones), 70 Diplomas of Honor and more than 60 prizes and other awards were presented.

Number of visitors amounted to 2700.

The contest will be held: from October 1, 2012 till September 07, 2013

It will include three age categories and three sections:

1) younger than 12 years; 2) 12-17 years; 3) 17-25 years.

1. Young Inventor Contest.

2. New Technologies Contest

3. Social Innovative Projects Contest.

Materials for the contest are to be presented before September 07, 2013. Terms of summing up the results by the International Jury of the Contest is prior to September 10, 2013.

WE PROPOSE NEXT MODEL FOR YOUR INFORMATION IN SALON CATALOGUE ( Times New Roman 12 text – not more than 5-7 sentences):


E. Оsman, 14 years (Simferopol, Ukraine)

Crimean Gimnazium for Gifted Children

Scientific advisor – V. Маrchenko

Yaltinskaya str. 25, Bahchisaray reg., Tankovoye vil., Crimea, Ukraine, 98471,

ph.: +380655440659, fax: +3806554469-46, e-mail: elvisosman@


This project is a proposed option of generation of electricity from the wind energy that is increased due to various mountain streams. The novelty of the project is that accumulated energy in the form of a huge amount of water lifted by wind pumps into the upper reservoir can be used both in windless weather providing uninterrupted generation of electricity. The area for the power plants location has been determined from the monitoring of the wind regime for 25 years.

Patent of Ukraine №… (2011).

Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English, French. All materials in Ukrainian/Russian should be represented in one of the indicated languages (information about a participant, name of development, short description of invention – up to 5-7 sentences).

Note: adults’ participation for the age groups 1 and 2 is allowed, if they helped to arrange the idea as scientific advisers.

Within the framework of the project additional informative preparation of participants is planned. It will include matters of TRIZ-pedagogic, pedagogic of creation, fundamentals of safety and use of intellectual property, reservation of copyright and invention activity.

The winners of Contest will be awarded medals and diplomas and other awards of international organizations. They will get recommendation to participate in the operation of inventing societies, and in special trainings and competitions.

Contest organizers’ address:

Yuriy Skomorovskiy, Exhibition, P.O. Box 36 Sevastopol, Ukraine 99006

tel.: 380-692-555628, cell.: 380-50-009-46-60 e-mail: aumel@, el-voz@i.ua

Vladimir Kulikov, Exhibition,

tel.: +380-692-932038, cell.: +380-050-812-61-91

Registration on web: newtime-


An invention is a created or regenerated material object or a process which outstands in novelty and has practical application, which is proved by proper documents. It can be: a device (constructions and products), a method (process of implementation of actions (operations, receptions), that results in creation of a new object or change of existing objects or their research), matter (compounds, compositions (compositions, mixtures), products of transformation) biotechnological product (isolated from their natural surroundings or got by other methods), and also their use.


1. Fundamental and Applied Science

2. Energetic and Electrical Engineering

3. General Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering

4. New Materials and Instruments, Apparatus Engineering

5. Тtransport, Building, Design, Municipal Economy

6. Food Industry and Agriculture

7. Electronics and Computer Technologies

8. Optics and Laser Technique, Robots

9. Ecology and Environment

10. Biophysics, Biotechnologies and Bioengineering

11. Medicine, Pharmacology, Cosmetology

12. Technologies of Health Care and Life Safety

13. Sports, Games, Leisure, Cognition, Tourism

14. Cultural Innovations

14. Others.

Patents can be presented to the Contest, with description of sphere of their application and the results received from their use. Also ideas to be patented can be introduced, in which case it is necessary to represent the results of patent search (similar works, with pointing out difference in the decisions offered).


New technology is a non analogue development of a set of effective means and ways of production, transformation, development of useful items, products, etc.

Contest aim is the selection of unique new technologies in energy saving and EE as well as in other domains of science, technical engineering. Their application should lead to effective solving human being development problems as well as assisting in introduction of the above in common practice (expertise, legal processing and investment attraction).

The applicants may present patents with descriptions of their fields of application and achieved results as well as concepts with copyright or potentially patentable ones. In the second case patent/information search results are to be presented (similar developments as technologically distinguished from the presented ones).


New technology is a non analogue development of a set of effective means and ways of production, transformation, development of useful items, products, etc.

Fields 1-14 being the same as in the previous position “YOUNG INVENTOR CONTEST”

The applicants may present patents with descriptions of their fields of application and achieved results as well as concepts with copyright or potentially patentable ones. In the second case patent/information search results are to be presented (similar developments as technologically distinguished from the presented ones).


Social innovative project is a plan, idea of organization, device, foundation of methods of со-operation (voluntarily, socially important) which will be instrumental in effective development of social life and pointing to real ways of this plan/idea achievement.

Purpose of Contest: the selection of the best social innovative projects and assistance in their practical advancement, including bringing in of investments, registration of copyright for the developers of most successful projects.

Form for registration should include:

Part 1 Analogues or similar ideas, results of informative search…

Part 2 Description of the basic idea and real ways of its realization: short hypothesis, its ground, advantages of this solution in comparison to others, specific technological steps and their sequence, performers of the social project, its effectiveness, financing, volume, duration of the project.

Part 3 Description of practical steps for approbations of the project, documentary evidence of its realization whether a copyright is reserved for the given project.

Desirably, the text of the project description should not exceed 5-7 sentences Times New Roman text the Word format font 12.


Decision about the winners of the Contest is up to the International Jury after completion of an open discussion of the best projects and solutions. The best developments of Contest can be assisted in pre-patent preparation and reservation of their copyright. The winners of the Contest will be invited to participate in the New Time IX International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies to be held in September 26-28, 2013 in Sevastopol, other international invention and new technologies exhibitions. The best projects and developments will be published in the catalogue of Salon in a section «International Contest of Youth’s innovations and developments», marked by diplomas and medals of Salon, awards of other organizations.

To select the best developments the representative offices of the Contest in can be created countries-participants, the participants of the competition can also send their developments directly to the address of the Contest.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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