Name: ____________________________________________ Period ...

Name: _______________________________________________ Period: ____

Chapter 11 / Section 1: The Industrial Revolution (pp. 330-335)

1. In the early 1800s, a new revolution came to America... what was it?

2. The Industrial Revolution Begins: Before the 1800s, (1) what were most Americans and (2) how were most goods produced ?

3. New Technology: Where and when did the Industrial Revolution begin?

4. What was the first machine developed in 1764?

Describe what it did:

5. The Factory System: Who “built” the factories and hired the workers?

6. What three things did the factory system do?

7. Slater Breaks the Law: Who is Samuel Slater and what did he do?

8. Where was the first American mill located?

9. Interchangeable Parts: Who developed interchangeable parts?

10. Which industry did Lowell begin with?

11. How did the War of 1812 provide a boost to American industries?

12. The textbook named which town as “A Model Factory Town”?

13. What do you think: Based on your reading up to this point, in which region of the country are most of the new factories being built?

14. Daily Life... : Most mill owners hired mostly________________________ and ________________________.

15. Child Labor: Why were small children useful in textile mills?

16. Long Hours: What were the typical working hours (and days per week) in the mills?

17. Changes in Home Life: How did the factory system affect home life?

18. Growing Cities: In 1800, the vast majority of Americans lived where?

19. What happened during the Industrial Revolution?

20. What is urbanization?

21. Hazards: Describe some of the hazards and diseases of early cities:

22. Attractions: List three attractions found in early cities:

23. Finally, could you live in one of these early cities? Why or why not?


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