Directions for downloading MARC records

Directions for downloading MARC recordsUpdated August 2017Skillsoft Books offers MARC records for the majority of publications within our service. These MARC records can be loaded into your online catalog, providing a direct link into the collection.MARC records are available from a FTP site. New MARC records are added on an ongoing basis for new publications published to the service. MARC records for Skillsoft Books collections are posted twice a month and for Skillsoft Videos collections every three months. If for some reason publications are removed from the service, a DELETE RECORDS file will be posted. EZproxy Tokens. Libraries utilizing our MARC records must edit the URL in the 856-field in order for the token authentication to work for patrons accessing via the catalog.The URL delivered in the standard MARC records is typically in this form: must be changed so the final URLs from the catalog are in this form: ?^B&bookid=xxxxxReferring URL Tokens. Libraries utilizing Skillsoft Books MARC records must edit the URL in the 856-field in order for the token authentication to work for patrons accessing via the catalog.The URL delivered in the standard MARC records is typically in this form: must be changed so the final URLs from the catalog are in this form: on Skillport 8i. Libraries using Skillport 8i must edit the URL in the 856-field for titles to be accessible via their links in their catalog.The URL delivered in the standard MARC records is typically in this form: must be changed so the final URLs from the catalog are in this form: CredentialsMARC records are located on two separate ftp sites. To download MARC records for the following collections:Use your current FTP program.Connect to ftp..Enter the Login (see below).Enter the PASSWORD (note, password is case sensitive) shown below.For ITPro records login using marc-itpro-newcustomers; password = funANDmenta1 (last digit is one)For BusinessPro records login using marc-bpro; password = funANDmenta1 (last digit is one)For FinancePro records login using marc-fpro; password = effPr0 (last digit is zero)For Digital Skills (formerly OfficEssentials) records login using marc-office-newcustomers; password = funANDmenta1 (last digit is one)For EngineeringPro records login using marc-engpro; password = Ftp@cc0unt (case sensitive, 7th character is a zero)For Skillsoft Books Summaries records login using marc-summ; password = funANDmenta1 (last digit is one)For Leadership Development Channel login using marc-ldc; password = funANDmenta1 (last digit is one)MARC records are not provided, but you can download a single record, “LDCCHAN.mrc,” to take you to the collection. If you have opted to include the various international language videos as well as English videos, please download “LDCchan-MultiLanguage.mrc” for a single record of the collection.For 50Lessons login using marc-ldc; password = funANDmenta1 (last digit is one)MARC records are not provided, but you can download a single record, “50Lessons.mrc,” to take you to the collection.To download MARC records for the following collections:Use your current FTP program.Connect to ftp..Enter the Login (see below).Enter the PASSWORD (note, password is case sensitive) shown below.For Skillsoft IT and Desktop Videos records login using marc-videoall; password = funANDmenta1 (last digit is one)For Skillsoft IT Videos records login using marc-videoit; password = funANDmenta1 (last digit is one)For Skillsoft Desktop Videos records login using marc-videodesk; password = funANDmenta1 (last digit is one)Any questions? Contact library@. ................

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