(July 9-August26 2007 )

My Portfolio




(July 9-August26 2007 )










Strategy Sheet 1.

1. Name of method or strategy:

• Internet Grammar Exercises-----Grammar Games/OHP

2. When is this method or strategy useful?

• While teaching grammar

• Teaching correct usage of grammar while speaking and writing

• Teaching/learning fluency and accuracy while speaking and writing

• Correct the wrong usage by the students.

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

• This strategy helps in editing a paragraph

• In improving the sentence construction and variety of structures.

• Writing paragraphs

4. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

• Model usage by the teacher by using Power Point Presentation or Oral Presentation

• Usage in the given context

• Deducing common features

• Working with the work sheets

• Discussion, review or assessment

5. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

• While taking up a written assignment

• Grammatically correct usage of grammar

6. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

• This strategy is student friendly.

• Appropriate and required usage of the Power Point

• Different sites on Grammar

Venn Diagram on OHP to teach Modals (Mentor’s)

Strategy Sheet 2

1. Name of method or strategy:

Guided Writing

2.When is this method or strategy useful?

This strategy is particularly for weak students with limited vocabulary ,who have difficulty in sentence construction,structure,new ideas etc..

3.Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

The beginners or the students who are weak in English need motivation and some kind of help in beginning to start. If the topic is discussed in advance ,a few key words are also given and some expressions to present their feelings or thought, it becomes easier for them to write.

4.What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

• The teacher asks some warm up Questions ie. How was your weekend?

• Each student tells about his /her experience.

• Pick out a few words ,general expressions to start the paragraph.

• Give a few words of happiness, joy sorrow, adventure etc .to help the vocabulary building. beginning sentence may also be given.

• They write their own experience.

5.When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

While teaching writing Skills.

6.What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

This strategy will help slow learners gain confidence and will improve their scores in the Exams in English as well as other subjects.

Strategy Sheet 3

1. Name of method or strategy:

Sequence / Flow Chart for Process Description (Short Composition) for classes 11 &12

2. When is this method or strategy useful?

a. While teaching to write Process Description to the students.

b. Revising a lesson.

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

a. It gives clear idea of the steps involved in the process and correct sequence of steps.

b. Students can re-arrange the step if they feel it is not correct.

c. The graphic depiction is retained better than the oral instructions.

d. Slow learners also clearly understand it

4. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

a. During warm up activity, some student can be asked about his experience while opening an account in a bank or making a Railway pass.

b. The general opinion of the students can be taken whether it was correct or changes were required.

c. The target topic is given and the class is divided in to groups of 4 or 5.

d. Each group discusses.

e. After the class discussion each group makes a sequence or flow chart .

f. Finally with help of the flow chart a paragraph is developed with instructions to write in passive voice. for general description.

5. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

While introducing Process description writing.

6. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

a. The same strategy is useful while teaching them a lesson with too many details /divisions and sub divisions.(Higher Classes)

b. To remember the events of a story.( Primary Classes)

Sequence Chart On OHP


Portfolio Strategy Sheet 4

1. Name of method or strategy:

Talk Show

2. When is this method or strategy useful?

• This strategy is particularily useful for the bright students who require challenging task.

• For peer group teaching

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

• This gives them the feel of near real life situation .

• Motivates them to read the text

• Gives them the confidence to face the interview/ talk shows peer group teaching

4. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

• Brief the students about the lessons

• Discuss with them the background of the character

• Assign the roles to be played by the students ( a moderator’interviewer,and the narrator,his wife and children)

• Students present the talk show

• The students become the audience of the talk show and ask them the questions

• Later reflective questions are asked and discussed to test their critical thinking.

5. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

After the lesson is discussed -

• for better insights in to the characters

• to train them for facing the interviews

What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

a. A good activity to engage bright students

b. peer group teaching

c helps them to utilize their bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal ,intrapersonal, linguistic and logical intelligences

Strategy Sheet 5

1.Name of method or strategy:

Morning Message /Editing

2. When is this method or strategy useful?

In the morning it self to start with. As a warm up exercise for the day.

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

• It revises the work done the previous day and gives a clear idea of the work planned for the day.

• Warms them up for the day’s activities

• Improves their grammar since the message is given with a suuffient scope for editing and error finding

4.What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

• As the class begins The Morning Message is displayed on the Transparency Sheet with many errors.

• One of the students reads the message and corrects an error.

• Next student corrects another and so on till the message is grammatically correct.

• Then the teacher reads it ,corrects the mispronounced words

• Explains new words if any in the message

• Explains and practices if the grammar part is not clear.

5.When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

To begin the day for all the classes from 1-1

6. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

• All the English teachers teaching 1-12.

• Revises the work done

• Tells clearly the plan for the day

• Improve s their grammar and general usage of English.

Strategy Sheet 6

1. Name of method or strategy:

Partner Reading

2. When is this method or strategy useful?

For comprehending a story or a novel.

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

This strategy is very useful for beginners.

It is very effective in a heterogeneous class.If a teacher is to train bright students, the bright ones can be partners to read to each other and slow learners can be paired with each other so that they shed off their shyness.Later heterogeneous pairs can be formed.

4. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

Students sit in pairs and take turns reading stories aloud. At first, partners read alternating sentences.

Weeks later, they are ready to alternate between paragraphs or pages. Often, partners track the text for one another using their index finger. Through partner reading, ESL students learn to assist each other with the pronunciation and decoding of words.

As students work through the text, a helping bond develops between them. Reading aloud becomes an enjoyable and interactive experience that helps students develop fluency and confidence in their ability to read.

An important consideration in partner reading is the pairing of students. In this strategy, teacher ranks students as high, medium, or low in reading ability in both English. Partners are then grouped as follows: high with medium and medium with low. These four later become a heterogeneous team.

Another important aspect of partner reading is modeling. Teachers first role-play partner reading with several students. Next, students role-play reading in pairs, while the teacher provides guidance and feedback on the helping strategies. The emphasis is on developing strategies for helping one's partner read fluently.

5. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

For training the students for reading comprehension.

To develop reading skills in them

6. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

This strategy leads to better understanding of the text.It is highly effective to generate interest in students to read the given text even in the attention deficient students.

Mentor’s Strategy


Lesson Plan 1

Intern: Veneeta Narula Grade Level: VII-VIII

Title: Akbar and Birbal (Story telling) Date: 7.28.07

I Objectives:

• Narrate a story to create their interest in listening and as a result develop listening skills.

• To expose them to Indian Folk tales and know about Indian history and culture

• To know about the popular Indian stories loved by children as well as adults.

• Understand setting as time,place,and duration in the story

• Understand the sequence of events in the story

• Understands the general traits of the character by what he says, does or reacts

II. Materials for Learning Activities

• The text of the story

• PPT slides ,OHP Sheets and pictures for introducing new vocabulary.

• Dictionary to learn meaning spellings of new words

• Paper and colours

• Work-sheets with objective Questions .

III. Procedures for Learning Activities

o General discussion about India, history of India and general human values as Warm up exercise

o Familiarisation with the new words with the help of PPt Slides highlighting the words with pictures of Akbar and Birbal,

o Narrate the story

o Role play of small events to bring out the concept of India marriage and Dowry System prevalent that time

o Drawing pictures on the transparencies of the tree with the hanging pot fire lit below it

o Pair work to discuss the events of the story

o Class discussion on characters and events

o Writing the events on the Board in mixed order

o Group Work by students to draw sketches and put the events in correct order of their happening and colouring the pictures

o Moral of the story and relevance in the present age.

IV. Assessment:

• Work-sheets with multiple choice questions

• Sequence chart of the events

• Oral questions

• Write a few sentences on describing the story

V. Differentiation

• Write five sentences using three new words learnt and two adjectives ( for average students)

• Write seven sentences using four new words ,three adjectives to describe characters and two adverb to show their behavior. Reflective questions like if you had been in Akbar’s place, what would have been your decision?

VI. Reflection

This could have been easier to understand by the enactment of it.

Peer teaching would also help.


Veneeta Narula ,India Grade 11-12


Identify Performance Objectives

1.Students read and understand the context and background of the proposed lesson

2.know about sea-voyage, dangers involved

3.understand the response and reaction in critical situations

Lesson Outline

Content: ‘an adventurous sea-voyage’

National Standards


Warm-up activity - General discussion on sea voyage and dangers involved.

Experience by sea-journey if some body has undertaken

Talk Show on TVs

Prior knowledge

Adventures on the sea.

Ice bergs—The Titanic

Alan Bombard’s Sea Journey

Language Goals - communicative language


Activities – Days 1-5

Partner reading

Group discussion

Talk Show

Whole Class discussion

Four skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking Skill


1.Read and understand the theme of the story

2. Discuss the content and decide the roles played by different students

3. List out the questions to be asked the main character

4. Rehearse the mock show

5. Write on the main characters.


1. The students speak correct and fluent English

2. Make the situation look realistic

3. The audience on the show ask them relevant questions

4. Verbal and non-verbal expressions are effective.

5. They are able to reflect on the situation and decide their action in difficult situations


1.After reading the lesson presenting a Talk show

2. Reflecting on the situation and taking decision in real time situation


Partner reading

Silent reading

Group discussion

Talk show


Understanding the Content


- Testing the content questions and extrapolatory questions as if they are caught up in such a situation what would be their response?


- Written answers

Homework assignments

Change the story in the dialogue form

Make a sequence chart of the events happened

.Use of technology: 1. PPT of the Titanic against the Ice berg and whales attacking the ship etc.

2. World Map

Materials used

Text Book

World Map

:Props for the Talk Show- etc.

Closure Prepare a quiz to test their understanding

Lesson Plan 3

Intern: Veneeta Narula Grade Level:11&12

Title: Written in Early Spring Date:8/03/07

I. Objectives

• Know about the poet

• Enjoy reading the poem

• Critical appreciation of the poem

II. Materials for Learning Activities

Text book

Collected work of words Worth.


Slide Projector

Cassette Player

III. Procedures for Learning Activities

• Discussion on spring season-

• -PPT on Nature with plants and flowers.

• -Brain Storming on present day state of Nature / deforestation

• Recitation of the poem by the teacher and the students

• Comprehension questions are discussed in small groups

• Figures of speech are discussed

• General questions on reflection of the poem

III. Assessment

• Local comprehension of the poem

• Critical appreciation of the poem

• Extended questions related to sensitivity toward Nature

The questions will be assessed on the guidelines provided by CBSE

Short Ans. Content 1 mark

Expression 1M

Long Ans. Q Content 4 m.

Fluency 3M

Accuracy 3 M

IV. Differentiation

For slow learners Questions on understanding the poem ,

Collection of poems on the similar theme

For average students-

Write poem on the similar theme

How to control deforestation?

Foe Bright students

Write poem on the similar theme

Elocution on ----What would Wordsworth have felt had he been living in this present age?

V. Reflection

• The students can be taken to the library to search other poets writing on the same theme.

• Web resources for more information

• A street play on ‘Preserve Nature’can be prepared for general awareness

Lesson Plan 4.

Intern:Veneeta Narula Grade Level:XII

Title:The Andaman Islands Date:

I. Objectives

• To enable the students to read sitently at varying speed

• To analyse ,interpret,infer the ideas of the text.

• To write the description of the incidents and experience.

• To write the distinguishing qualities of the main character.

• Note making and summerising

• To express and argue a view point clearly and effectively

II. Materials for Learning Activities

C D on The Andaman Islands

Pictures and other information on the Cellular Jail

Informative history books on freedom struggle and Life-imprisonment(Black waters)

III. Procedures for Learning Activities

• The warm up activity would start with a general discussion on Freedom Struggle and their sentence to the Black Waters.

(Activity ) Group Discussion on L ife imprisonment, Death Sentence,Execution etc.Why and whether these werw justified.

• Text is read in Pairs. After the partner reading they frame questions based on the assigned part of the lesson.

• Quiz is conducted between the two groups formed with less disturbance to the seating arrangement of the class.

• Technology is used to show them know more about the details ie. CD,Pictures of the freedom fighters doomed to Death Sentence, the cellular Jail etc.

• In group again they discuss the justification of the cruel treatment by the Britishers.

IV. Assessment

• The students understanding will be assessed by the Test Worksheets

i) Questions with multiple choice.

ii) Short answer type questions.

Iii) few questions on Reading comprehension

iii) Speaking on the life of the inhabitants of the Andamans.

V. Differentiation

The students will be given questions based on text.

A few questions will be based on their personal reaction to the incidents or the events

The students will be asked to do Research work on as why Andaman island was selected as a place for Life imprisonment.(for Bright students)

What is the Andamans known for now? .(for Bright students)

VI. Reflection

The lesson looks complete in it self. But, on reflecting over, it looks that probably a documentary on the Andamans can be shown to them for better understanding.A movie on India’s Freedom struggle also would be a good idea.

Shared Lesson Plans

Teacher: Olga Oliynyk

Title: Britney Spears “Baby One More Time”

I. Objectives

SWAT: - to practice listening skills

- to practice asking and answering Wh-questions

- to practice speaking skills

- to practice reading skills

II. Materials for Learning Activities

• Tape recorder, recorded song

• Hand-outs

• Role play cards

National/State/Local Standards

• National Ukrainian Standards


Introduction: (10 min)

1) Teacher plays the song

Instructional strategies: (45 min)

• Sts read the text and working in pairs fill in the gaps asking and answering questions.

Student A.

Britney Jean Spears was born in rural ____a)______ (Kentwood) on December 2, 1981, to Jamie and Lynne Spears. As a child, Britney attended ____b)__ classes, and she was great at gymnastics, winning many competitions and the like. But, most of all, Britney loved to __c)__. At the age of __d)_, Britney tried out for "MMC" , but was turned down due to her young age. This directed her to an off-Broadway show, "Ruthless", for a 2-year run as the title character. At the age of 11, she again tried for “__e)__” and this time made it as a mouseketeer along side many stars of today (Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling). Her big ____f)___, however, came when she was signed as a Jive Recording Artist in the late 90s. With the release of her debut album, "..._______g)________" in early 1999, Britney became an international success, selling 13 million copies of "Baby" and __h)_ million (as of July 2001) of her sophomore album, "Oops!...I Did It Again," released in __i)__ of 2000.

Student B.

Britney Jean Spears was born in rural Louisiana (Kentwood) on December 2, __1)__, to Jamie and Lynne Spears. ___2)____, Britney attended dance classes, and she was great at _____3)___, winning many competitions and the like. But, most of all, Britney loved to sing. At age of 8, Britney tried out for "MMC" , but was turned down due to her ___4)__. This directed her to an off-Broadway show, "___5)___", for a 2-year run as the title character. At the age of 11, she again tried for "MMC" and this time made it as a _____6)_____ along side many stars of today (Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling). Her big break, however, came when she was signed as a Jive Recording Artist in the late 90s. With the release of her debut album, "...Baby One More Time" in early __7)____, Britney became an international success, selling _8)__ million copies of "Baby" and 9 million (as of July 2001) of her sophomore album, "Oops!...I Did It Again," released in May of __9)____.

• Sts match the words and their definitions

|loneliness |The state of being lonely |

|Reason |A basis or circumstance explaining some belief, action, fact, or |

| |event |

|Breathe |To inhale and exhale air in respiration |

|Sign |A motion or gesture used to convey an idea, command, etc. |

|Confess |To admit or reveal a secret, fault etc. |

• There are some lines that aren’t correct. Sts put an X beside the 10 lines that they think do not belong to the song.

|Oh baby baby |In ghosts and hell |

|Oh baby baby |When I’m not with you I lose my mind |

|Oh baby baby |My wallet and my keys |

|Why did you leave me and go |Give me a sign |

|How was I supposed to know |Remember the car is mine and |

|That you were in Korea |Hit me baby one more time. |

|That something wasn’t right here | |

| |Oh baby baby |

|Oh baby baby |The reason to breathe is you |

|I shouldn’t have let you go |Although I have asma |

|And now you’re out of sight, yes |Boy you’ve got me blinded |

|You’ve become invisible |Oh baby baby |

| |There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do |

|Show me |That’s not they way I planned it |

|How you want it to be |I wanted all your money |

|Tell me baby | |

|Do you want an ice cream |Show me |

|Cause I need to know now |How you want it to be |

|Because |Tell me baby |

| |Cause I need to know now |

|My loneliness |What’s your real name |

|Is killing me (and I) | |

|I must confess |REPEAT: MY LONELINESS… |

|I still believe (still believe) |REPEAT and REPEAT |

• Sts listen and check their guesses.

• After listening. Role Play. PERSUASION. Sts get cards and find their partners.

They should follow instructions given on their cards.

|You are Bruce Willis. Find Demi Moore and persuade her to |You are Demi Moore. Bruce Willis finds you and tries to |

|come back with you: |persuade to come back with him. You still love him but you are |

|“PLEASE, I want to marry you again” |tired of problems in your family life: |

|“Forgive me” |“Sorry, I don’t believe you any longer” |

|etc… |“I am tired” |

| |etc… |

|You are LUIS MIGUEL. Find Britney Spears and persuade her to |You are BRITNEY SPEARS. Luis Miguel wants to talk to you, |

|marry you. Tell her you can record an album together!! Luis |but you are tired of his crazy ideas and you don’t want to |

|and Britney is the title of the album!! |discuss them with him. Though you don’t want to hurt him so you|

| |are trying to be very polite. |

|You are a journalist. You are interested in all the gossip |You are a journalist. You are interested in all the gossip |

|about famous people. Listen to the conversations and take |about famous people. Listen to the conversations and take |

|notes for your newspaper. You need to find the hottest News!! |notes for your newspaper. You need to find the hottest News!! |

|Move around and create the most important NEWS of the year!! |Move around and create the most important NEWS of the year!! |

|You are a fan of Brad Pitt and you are crazy about him!!!! |You are a fan of Brad Pitt and you are crazy about him!!!! |

|Find him and tell about your love. Ask him for a romantic|Find him and tell about your love. Ask him to your |

|date this evening. Do not accept any excuses! |birthday party this evening. Do not accept any excuses!!! |

|You are BRAD PITT and you have a secret: you are a Homosexual.| |

|Don’t tell your secret but don’t accept any woman. | |

|Give then excuses!! | |

IV. Assessment

Sts can present their dialogues in front of the group and evaluate each other’s performance.

V. Extension

• Sts can explore what the singer meant in her song. The article presented below is one of the views on this question. The table gives the paraphrasing of this song according to this point of view. Sts can read the article and paraphrasing and discuss it in groups.

Britney Spears' sordid past

Background: prior to her release of "Hit me baby one more time", Britney Spears spent time in an undisclosed drug rehabilitation clinic, trying to kick her various addictions. Eventually she was allowed out and got a recording contract with Jive Records, allowing her to start life anew.

However, the drug problem was never far away. She wrote her feelings in a track titled "Hit me baby one more time", an ironic reference to the feelings she went through when she felt as though she just needed one more "hit" before quitting.

Originally the record executives were against the song, feeling that it would ruin the "good girl" persona which had been written for her. However, the song was remarkably reminiscent of the usual mindless pap churned out by pop stars, and so nobody suspected the truth. Until now.

Following the release of the song, Britney had a relapse and had to return to rehab. To stop people being suspicious, a false rumour was passed around that Britney was off having breast implants, which served to distract people from discovering the truth.

|Lyric |Meaning |

|Oh baby baby |At first she didn't notice the problems that the drugs were causing her - she didn't know that things weren't |

|How was I supposed to know|right. |

| | |

|that somethin' wasn't | |

|right here | |

|Oh baby baby |She feels bad after kicking the drugs the first time - however, the drugs are "out of sight" but not out of |

|I shouldn't have let you |mind. |

|go | |

|And now you're out of | |

|sight, yeah | |

|Chorus |She is letting the drugs take control. |

|Show me | |

|How you want it to be | |

|Tell me baby | |

|'cause I need to know now | |

|Oh, because |She is feeling down, going through withdrawal. |

|My loneliness | |

|Is killing me (and I) | |

|I must confess |Ambiguous - what does she "still believe"? |

|I still believe (still | |

|believe) | |

|When I'm not with you I |Drug withdrawal is causing her to hallucinate. |

|lose my mind | |

|Give me a sign |She feels that she needs someone to tell her that what she is doing is okay. |

|Hit me baby one more time |"Taking a hit" is a drug euphemism; the "one more time" part is reminiscent of the "just one more" mentality of |

| |many people when trying to give up an addiction. |

|Oh baby baby |In the depths of desparation, drugs are the only thing that keeps her going. |

|The reason I breathe is | |

|you | |

|Boy you've got me blinded | |

|Oh baby baby |She is willing to go to extreme lengths to get drug money. |

|There's nothin' that I | |

|wouldn't do | |

|It's not the way I planned|She didn't mean to fall into this life. |

|it | |

|Chorus | |

|Oh baby baby |She didn't realise what the drugs would do to her when she started. |

|Oh baby baby | |

|Oh baby baby | |

|How was I supposed to know| |

|oh baby baby |She feels so bad now that she wishes she had never tried to quit. |

|I shouldn't have let you | |

|go | |

|Chorus | |

• Sts can conduct a research on the Internet looking for other interpretations.

VI. Reflection

This lesson is good for motivation. Practically everybody heard this song at least once and for sure everybody knows the name Britney Spears. So it appeals to their background knowledge and at the same time is a great opportunity to practice their listening skills.


| |When I’m not with you I lose my mind |

|Oh baby baby |Give me a sign -- hit me baby one more time. |

|Oh baby baby | |

| |Oh baby baby |

|Oh baby baby |Oh baby baby |

|How was I surprised to know | |

|That something wasn’t right here |Oh baby baby |

|Oh baby baby |How was I supposed to know |

|I shouldn’t have let you go |Oh baby baby |

|And now you’re out of sight, yes |I shouldn’t have let you go--- |

| | |

|Show me |I must confess |

|How you want it to be |That my loneliness |

|Tell me baby |Is killing me now--- |

|Cause I need to know now |Don’t you know I still believe |

|Because |That you will be here |

| |And give me a sign |

|My loneliness |Hit me baby one more time. |

|Is killing me (and I) | |

|I must confess |My loneliness |

|I still believe (still believe) |Is killing me (and I) |

|When I’m not with you I lose my mind |I must confess |

|Give me a sign— |I still believe (still believe) |

|Hit me baby one more time. |When I’m not with you I lose my mind |

| |Give me a sign |

|Oh baby baby |Hit me baby one more time. |

|The reason to breathe is you | |

|Boy you’ve got me blinded |I must confess |

|Oh baby baby |(my loneliness) |

|There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do |that my loneliness |

|That’s not they way I planned it |(is killing me) |

| |Is killing me now |

|Show me |(I must confess) |

|How you want it to be |Don’t you know I still believe |

|Tell me baby |(I still believe) |

|Cause I need to know now |that you will be here |

|What’s the cause | |

| |and give me a sign— |

|My loneliness |HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME. |

|Is killing me (and I) | |

|I must confess | |

|I still believe (still believe) | |

• Lesson Plan (Olga’s)

Teacher: Kimberley Hale Grade Level: English 11

Title: Steven Crane “A Mystery of Heroism” Date: 07.25.07 Time: 7.30 a.m.-10.05 a.m.

I. Performance Objectives:


• Understand situational irony (literary skills)

• Identify theme (reading skills)

• Understand ambiguity (review skills)\

II. Material for Learning Activities

• Elements of Literature, Fifth Course, The Holt Reader

• Whiteboard, markers, paper, pencils

National/State/Local Standards

• High School Standards of Learning (SOL) Strengthening Course


Introduction: ( 30 min)

• Teacher elicits from the students the definitions of verbal and dramatic irony, which were discussed at the previous lessons

• Using the background knowledge teacher and students discuss the notion of a hero

• Teacher and students define the notion of situational irony

Instructional strategies: (45 min)

• Discussing the definitions and writing them on the board

• Teacher reads the story and comments on its content with references to the personal experience

• Teacher explains the vocabulary of the text which is not clear to the students

• Sts make margin notes along the reading and discussion

• Teacher asks questions, e.g.:

▪ What’s the atmosphere like here?

▪ Is this stupidity or heroism?

▪ Do heroes act childishly?

Summary: (15 min)

• Sts identify the theme of the story. They fill in the chart below with details from the story that illustrate the elements in the left-hand column. Then they review their chart entries and state the story’s theme at the bottom of the chart.

|Main events in the story | |

|What characters discover | |

|Significance of title | |

|Key details | |

|Statement of theme |

• Sts give the definition of ambiguity

Ambiguity is a technique by which a writer deliberately suggests 2 or more different, and sometimes conflicting, meanings in a work

IV. Assessment (45 min)

• Sts answer questions given as margin notes and hand in their papers.

Questions fall into several categories such as:

▪ CLARIFY, e.g. Re-read lines 17-24. What has happened to the burglar?

▪ COMPARE AND CONTRAST, e.g. Re-read lines 25-41. How does the narrator describe the natural setting?

▪ WORD STUDY, e.g. Lines 34-36 contain a metaphor and simile. Underline the metaphor (a comparison that does not use the words like or as) and circle the simile (a comparison that uses the words like or as)

▪ IDENTIFY, e.g. pause at line 76. Why wouldn’t it be difficult for Collins to get a drink of water from the old well?

▪ PARAPHRASE, e.g. The narrator uses vivid, eloquent language to describe the events of the battle. What has happened in lines 80-85? Restate the events in your own word.

▪ AUTHOR’S PURPOSE, e.g. Re-read lines 89-100. Which is more understandable: the human’s behavior or the animals’ behavior? What might the purpose of this passage be?

▪ IDENTIFY CAUSE AND EFFECT, e.g. Why does Collins ask to get some water from the well across the meadow?

▪ INTERPRET e.g. What do the words of the soldiers reveal about Collins’ actions (lines 186-195)?

▪ ANALYZE e.g. re-read lines 216-231. Does Collins think of himself as a hero? Circle the two phrases that make the answer to this question ambiguous, or open to interpretation.

V. Differentiation

• Some students can be allowed to finish their papers as home assignment

VI. Reflection

The teacher’s reading was very good and the explanations were excellent. The personal references were of great use and helped to clarify a lot of things. I would just add some video material with a battle scene for the better understanding of the situation described in the story.

From Olga’s Portfolio

1.3. Sample Lesson Plans, English 11.

. Washington-Lee High School

| | |1 |2 |3 |

| | |◘ Gathering information and |◘ Reading with CD: To Kill a |◘ Reading with CD: To Kill a |

|[pic] |[pic] |facts and statistics: Lab A --|Mockingbird |Mockingbird |

| | |periods 1,3, and 6 (housing, |◘ Drafting individual reports |◘ Study Guide for final |

| | |salaries for job categories, |on findings: introduction, |examination |

| | |living expenses (clothing, |findings, conclusions, five |◘ Journal # 7 |

| | |food, etc.), car cost, making |quotations, three graphs of | |

| | |a budget, etc., etc) |facts, personal enlightenment | |

| | | |statement, bibliography) | |

|6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |

|◘ Silent reading: To Kill a |◘ Silent reading: To Kill a | |◘ Screening: Part I of To Kill| |

|Mockingbird |Mockingbird | |a Mockingbird | |

|◘ Reality Project: reading |◘ Study guide for first | |◘ Final quarter grades posted |No School – Veteran’s Day |

|informational texts – credit |quarter examination and time |English First Quarter | | |

|card application, with |to study for exam |Examination | |[pic] |

|questions |◘ Reality Project due | | | |

|◘ Homework: Reality Project | | | | |

|due tomorrow | | | | |

|13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |

| |◘ Silent reading: To Kill a |◘ Silent reading: To Kill a |◘ Silent reading: To Kill a |◘ Review American Romanticism |

| |Mockingbird |Mockingbird |Mockingbird |and begin content frame |

| |◘ Notebook check: papers |◘ Reading: EoL, American |◘ American Romanticism CRISS |◘ Journal #7 checked |

| |stapled and graded |Romanticism period, pp. |content frame (teacher |◘ Journal #8 assigned |

|‘No school for students – |◘ Informational reading: phone|156-161: complete content |supplied) | |

|Teacher Work Day |contract, with associated |frame of pages for notes; | | |

| |questions (graded in class) |followed by discussion and | | |

| | |short quiz | | |

|20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |

|◘ DVD: American Journey (4 |HW Collected: 24 notes | | | |

|min.) – viewing only |◘ Screening: Part II: To Kill | | | |

|◘ Reading ½ article: “American|a Mockingbird |No School: |No School: |No School: |

|Romanticism” in EoL, pp. | |Thanksgiving Break |Thanksgiving Break |Thanksgiving Break |

|162-168, with notes – four | | | | |

|category headings with five | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|notes each category, completed| | | | |

|as HW | | | | |

|27 |28 |29 |30 | |

|◘ Silent reading: To Kill a |◘ Reading 2nd half of article:|◘ Reading: To Kill a |◘ Reading: To Kill a | |

|Mockingbird |“American Romanticism” in EoL,|Mockingbird |Mockingbird (whole period) |[pic] |

|◘ HW collected: notes on part |pp. 169-173, with notes – six |◘ Second Viewing DVD: American| | |

|I of American Romanticism |category headings, four notes |Journey - w/viewing worksheet |Note: classes shortened by | |

| |each (24 total) |(graded) |half due to early release | |

| |◘ completed as HW |◘ HW due: 2nd half of article:| | |

| |Quiz: T/F in teacher edition, |“American Romanticism” in EoL,| | |

| |p. 173 |pp. 169-173 | | |

| |◘ Viewing only DVD: American | | | |

| |Journey | | | |

| |◘ Reading: To Kill a |◘ Fine Art Transparency: Mount|◘ Reading: “The Devil and Tom |1 |

| |Mockingbird |of the Holy Cross |Walker”, part I, pp. 176-180 | |

| |◘ Background on |◘ 4 questions introducing | |1 |

|[pic] | | | |◘ Reading: To Kill a |

| |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |Mockingbird |

| | | | |◘ Journal #8 checked |

| | | | |◘ Journal #9 assigned |

| | | | |◘ Distribute progress reports |

|4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |

|◘ Reading: To Kill a |◘ Reading: To Kill a |◘ Reading: To Kill a |◘ Reading: To Kill a |◘ Test on Romanticism |

|Mockingbird |Mockingbird |Mockingbird |Mockingbird |◘ Vocabulary quiz (re: p. 176)|

|◘ PowerNotes: Introduction to |◘ Reading background on |◘ American Romanticism Fine |◘ Essay Test: To Kill a |◘ Journal #9 checked |

|American Romanticism and |Washington Irving, pp. 174-175|Art Transparency with |Mockingbird |◘ Journal #10 assigned |

|westward expansion |◘ 20 vocabulary words (p. 176)|worksheet of 4 questions (from| |◘ New grades posted in |

| |(with added voc .- see teacher|supp. book, p.11) & four | |classroom |

| |edition) |short answer questions (p.12 | | |

| | |of supp. book) | | |

| | |◘ | | |

|11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |

|◘ Author and general |◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|

|introduction to the new novel:|Water |Water |Water |Water |

|The Color of Water |◘ Complete screening of film: |◘ Reading: “The Devil and Tom |◘ “The Devil and Tom Walker” -|◘ Journal #10 checked |

|◘ Reading: “The Devil and Tom |To Kill a Mockingbird |Walker”, part II, pp. 181-185 |questions from teacher’s |◘ Journal #11 assigned |

|Walker”, part I, pp. 176-180 | |◘ “The Devil and Tom Walker” |manual, A-G, pp. 184-185 |◘ Progress reports distributed|

|◘ Questions from sidebar of | |Questions from teacher manual,|◘ Essay Test: To Kill a | |

|teacher edition, A-H, pp. | |A-F, pp. 180-183 |Mockingbird | |

|177-179 | | |◘ | |

| | | |◘ | |

|18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |

|◘ Film: Part I - Last of the |◘ Film: Part I - Last of the |◘ Film: Part I - Last of the |◘ Silent reading: The Color of| |

|Mohicans |Mohicans |Mohicans |Water |No School: |

| | |◘ Essay test: The Last of the |◘ |Christmas Break |

|[pic] |[pic] |Mohicans |◘ |[pic] |

| | | | | |

|25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |

| | | | | |

|No School: |No School: |No School: |No School: |No School: |

|Christmas Break |Christmas Break |Christmas Break |Christmas Break |Christmas Break |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

| 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

| |◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|

| |Water |Water |Water |Water |

|No School: |◘ Discussion questions: The |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |

|Christmas Break |Devil and Tom Walker” p. 186, |Color of Water |Color of Water |Color of Water |

|[pic] |no. 1-5 |Discussion questions: The |◘ Test review worksheet on |◘ Test: “The Devil and Tom |

| |◘ “Devil and Tom Walker” |Devil and Tom Walker” p. 186, |“The Devil and Tom Walker” |Walker” |

| |vocabulary |no. 6-10 | |◘ Journal #12 collected |

| |◘ Journal #11 checked |◘ Journal #11 checked (last | |◘ Journal # 13 assigned |

| |◘ Color of Water readers |day without late penalty) | | |

| |journal checked (pp. 21-42) | | | |

|8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |

|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|

|Water |Water |Water |Water |Water |

|◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |

|Color of Water |Color of Water |Color of Water |Color of Water |Color of Water |

|◘ Vocabulary: Ralph Waldo |◘ Reading from Emerson’s |◘ Reading from Emerson’s |◘ Critical thinking questions |◘ Journal #13 collected |

|Emerson words |“Nature” excerpt, pp. 106-107 |“Self-Reliance” excerpt |on “Self-Reliance” no. 2-7 |◘ Journal #14 assigned |

| | | | |◘ Note: I like be out for |

| | | | |Library of Congress wkshp |

| | | | |◘ Reader’s journal due: pp. |

| | | | |85-125 |

| | | | |Vocabulary quiz: Emerson words|

|15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |

| |◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|

|Holiday: Martin Luther King, |Water |Water |Water |Water |

|Jr. Day |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Notebook check |

|[pic] |Color of Water |Color of Water |Color of Water |◘ Journal #14 collected |

| |◘ Reading and discussion: |◘ Readings from Walden: |◘ Review guidelines |◘ Journal #15 assigned |

| |Intro to Henry David Thoreau, |“Economy” |distributed for 2nd quarter |◘ Progress reports |

| |pp. 213-205 |◘ Quiz: background info on |exam |distributed |

| | |Thoreau |◘ Readings from Walden: “Where|Note: 2nd Q exams Jan. 19-26;|

| | |◘ Homework: organize notebook |I Lived” |respect testing in other |

| | |for check in Friday |◘ Homework: organize notebook |classes |

| | | |for check in Friday | |

|22 |23 |24 |25 |26 |

| |◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of| |

| |Water |Water |Water |Teacher |

| |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |Work Day |

| |Color of Water |Color of Water |Color of Water |[pic] |

|English 2nd Quarter Exam |◘ Note: 2nd Q exams Jan. |◘ Distribute progress reports |◘ Journal #15 collected | |

| |19-26; respect testing in |– reflects 2nd Q grade |◘ Journal #16 assigned | |

| |other classes |◘ Note: 2nd Q exams Jan. |◘ Note: 2nd Q exams Jan. | |

| | |19-26; respect testing in |19-26; respect testing in | |

| | |other classes |other classes | |

|29 |30 |31 | |Feb. Planning Notes: |

|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of| |-- Reserve computer lab in |

|Water |Water |Water |[pic] |Feb. for argumentation paper |

|◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |Martin Luther King, Jr. | |

|Color of Water |Color of Water |Color of Water | | |

|Reading: |◘ Reading: Walden’s “Economy” |◘ Reading: Walden’s “Where I | | |

|◘ Reading: Walden’s “Economy” |section, pp. 217-220 |Lived” section, pp. 220-221 | | |

|section, pp. 217-220 |◘ Note: Period 1 takes |◘ Reading: Walden’s “Solitude”| | |

|◘ Note: fire drill 10:15 |marketing survey, approx. 10 |section, pp. 221-222 | | |

| |minutes for student store | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |1 |2 |

| | | |◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |Water |Water |

| | | |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |

| | | |Color of Water |Color of Water |

| | | |◘ Walden Vocabulary quiz |◘ Journal #16 collected |

| | | | |◘ Journal #17 assigned |

| | | | |◘ Note: report cards mailed |

| | | | |◘ SOL vocabulary no. 1-10 |

| | | | | |

|5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |

|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Guidance counselors register|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|

|Water |Water |students for 2007-2008 school |Water |Water |

|◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |year. |◘ 3 Thoreau questions and no. |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |

|Color of Water |Color of Water | |103, pg. 230 (due at end of |Color of Water |

|◘ Screening: Eyes on the |◘ Argumentation essay |◘ Note: lesson plans altered |class) |◘ Journal #17 collected |

|Prize, Part 1 of 4 (27 min) |instructions distributed and |due to shortened day (two-hour|◘ Note: Shortened day due to |◘ Journal #18 assigned |

|[pic] |reviewed |delayed opening, snow |Early Release |◘ Reader’s journal due (pp. |

| | | | |209- 242) |

| | | | |◘ Progress reports distributed|

|12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |

|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|

|Water |Water |Water |Water |Water |

|◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |

|Color of Water |Color of Water |Color of Water |Color of Water |Color of Water |

|◘ Viewing argumentation |◘ SOL Practice release test, |◘ Screening: Eyes on the |◘ Thoreau and |◘ Journal #18 collected |

|examples (AP) and |Part II |Prize, Part 2 of 4 (27 min) |transcendentalism test |◘ Journal #19 assigned |

|brainstorming idea | |[pic] | |◘ CoW Reader’s journal due |

|◘ SOL Practice release test, | | | |◘ Note: Black History |

|Part I | |Valentine’s Day | |Assembly, period 3 |

| | |[pic] | | |

|19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |

| |◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|◘ Silent reading: The Color of|

|No School |Water |Water |Water |Water- COMPLETED |

|Veterans Day !!! |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |◘ Writing in Readers journal: |

|[pic] |Color of Water |Color of Water |Color of Water |Color of Water |

| |◘ SOL Reading release test, |◘ SOL Reading release test, |◘ Test review: The Color of |◘ Journal #19 collected |

| |part I |part II |Water |◘ Journal #20 assigned |

| | | | |◘ CoW Reader’s journal due |

| | | | |HW: drafting argumentation |

| | | | |paper |

| | | | | |

|26 |27 |28 | | |

|◘ Silent Reading: A Raisin in |◘ Silent Reading: A Raisin in |◘ Silent Reading: A Raisin in | | |

|the Sun |the Sun |the Sun | |[pic] |

|◘ Writing in Readers journal: | |◘ Writing in Readers journal: | | |

|Color of Water |◘ Test: The Color of Water |Color of Water |[pic] | |

|◘ Screening: Eyes on the |[pic] |◘ Screening: Eyes on the | | |

|Prize, Part 3 of 4 (27 min) | |Prize, Part 4 of 4 (27 min) | | |

|[pic] | |[pic] | | |

| | | |1 |2 |

| |[pic] | |◘ Silent Reading: A Raisin in |◘ Silent Reading: A Raisin in |

|[pic] |March |[pic] |the Sun |the Sun |

| |Spring is in the air |Heritage Week March 5-9 |◘ SOL practice writing test, |◘ Journal #20 due |

| | | |multiple choice, Part I |◘ Journal #21 assigned |

| | | | |◘ SOL practice writing test, |

| | | | |multiple choice, Part II |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |

|◘ Silent Reading: A Raisin in |◘ Screening: A Raisin in the |◘ Screening: A Raisin in the |◘ Writing: Pen Pal letters to |◘ Journal #21 due |

|the Sun |Sun |Sun |Norway and Sweden |◘ Journal #22 assigned |

|◘ SOL practice writing prompt |◘ Note: SOL Testing – Multiple|◘ Note: SOL Testing – Direct |◘ Homework: journal #21 |◘ Note: Heritage Week |

| |choice, to end of 2nd period |Writing, to end of 3rd period |◘ Note: SOL Retake – Direct |Assembly, period 3 |

| | | |Writing |◘ Note: SOL Retake – Multiple |

| | | | |Choice |

|12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |

|◘ Introduction to poetry: |◘ Completion of “Rain” poem |◘ Discussion and practice on 7|◘ Completion of “Rain” poetry |◘ Journal #22 due |

|“Rain” by S. Pettibone, |and viewing music video of the|parts of speech, imagery, |worksheet |◘ Journal #23 assigned |

|discussion and worksheet given|poem |rhythm, rhyme, tone, & point |◘ Completion of pen pal |◘ Final deadline for pen pal |

| |◘ Reading, listening, and |of view for rain worksheet |letters |letters |

| |discussion of “Transformation”| | |◘ “Rain” poetry worksheet due |

| |poem by Gene Atley | | |◘ Progress reports distributed|

| | | | |◘ Rain poetry worksheet due |

|19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |

|◘ Reading: Introduction to |◘ Note: collect $ to mail pen |◘ Reading: Introduction to |◘ Holt review exercise on |◘ Test: Modern Literary |

|Modern period and poetry, pp. |pal letters |Modern period and poetry, pp. |Modern Literary period (due at|period, pp. 886-905 |

|(886-893). part I |◘ Reading: Introduction to |901-905. part III, followed by|end of class) |◘ Journal #23 due |

|◘ Fine Art transparency on |Modern period and poetry, pp. |Holt review assignment |◘ Review for test Modern |◘ Journal #24 assigned |

|modern literary period with |893-900. part II | |Literary Period |◘ Progress reports distributed|

|student response |◘ Introduction to modern | | |◘ Third Q exam study guide |

|◘ Note: collect $ to mail pen |poetry – DVD Visual | | |distributed |

|pal letters |connections w/ worksheet (pp. | | | |

| |69-71 in teacher DVD book) | | | |

|26 |27 |28 |29 |30 |

|◘ Reading, discussion, and |◘ Reading, discussion, and |◘ Reading, discussion, and | |◘ Introduction to new novel: |

|analysis questions: Night |analysis questions: Mushrooms |analysis questions: Mirror by |English |The Great Gatsby |

|Journey, 1132 |by Sylvia Plath, 1149 |Sylvia Plath, 1146 |Third Quarter |◘ Journal #24 due |

|diagnostic exercise, no. 1-10 |◘ Note: 3rd Quarter Exams |◘ Note: 3rd Quarter Exams |Exam |◘ Journal #25 assigned |

|◘ Note: 3rd Quarter Exams |respect testing in other |respect testing in other | |◘ Progress reports distributed|

|respect testing in other |classes |classes |[pic] |◘ Film: The Poetry Hall of |

|classes | | | |Fame |

| | | | |◘ Note: SCA Olympics / Sports |

| | | | |Pep Rally, Period 7 |

|2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |

| | | | | |

|Spring Break!!! |Spring Break!!! |Spring Break!!! |Spring Break!!! |Spring Break!!! |

| | | | | |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |

| |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |

| |Gatsby |Gatsby |Gatsby |Gatsby |

|Teacher Work Day !!! |◘ Reading, discussion, and |◘ Reading, discussion, and |◘ Reading, discussion, and |◘ Reading, discussion, and |

| |analysis questions: “Night |analysis questions: “Mirror”, |analysis questions: |analysis questions: “Bean |

| |Journey”, p 1132 |p 1146 |“Mushrooms”, p 1149 |Eaters”, p 1158 |

| | | | | |

| |Note: beginning of 4th nine | | | |

| |weeks | | | |

|16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |

|◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |

|Gatsby |Gatsby |Gatsby |Gatsby |Gatsby |

|◘ Class discussion and quiz on|◘ Reading, discussion, and |◘ Review of first five poems |◘ Reading |◘ Completion of analysis |

|Great Gatsby, to p. 30 |analysis questions: “In Honor |in series and quiz: Night |◘ Derek Walcott’s ‘Elsewhere”|questions: “Elsewhere” p. 1164|

| |of My Father”, p 1158 |Journey; Mirror; Mushroom; |p. 1163 and class discussion |no. 1-7 |

|Note: Period 3 sees | |Bean Eaters; In Honor of my |◘ Class work: analysis |◘ Class work & homework: |

|storyteller Jamal Koram | |Father |questions: “Elsewhere” p. 1164|Imitation of Walcott |

| | | |no. 1-7 (completed tomorrow) |“Elsewhere” poem, 5-6 stanzas,|

| | | | |writing prompt p. 1164 |

|23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |

|◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |

|Gatsby |Gatsby |Gatsby |Gatsby |Gatsby |

|◘ Reading, discussion, and |◘ Reading, discussion, and |◘ Reading, discussion, and |◘ Reading, discussion, and |◘ Screening Part I of Great |

|analysis questions: “Ars |analysis questions: |analysis questions: “Visions”,|analysis questions: “Medusa”, |Gatsby film |

|Poetica”, p. 1175 |“Testimonial”, p 1179 |p 1185 |p 1190 | |

|◘ Deadline to turn in | | | | |

|Imitation of Walcott | | | | |

|“Elsewhere” poem, 5-6 stanzas,| | | | |

|writing prompt p. 1164 | | | | |

|30 | | | | |

|◘ Silent reading: The Great | | | | |

|Gatsby | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|◘ SOL Practice release test: |[pic] | | | |

|no. 1-7 (release 2003) | | | | |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |

| |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |

|[pic] |Gatsby |Gatsby |Gatsby |Gatsby |

| |◘ Quiz: Elsewhere; Ars |◘ Test Review – 10 |◘ TEST: 10 Contemporary poems |◘ Screening: documentary on F.|

| |Poetica; Testimonial; Visions;|Contemporary poems | |Scott Fitzgerald with |

| |and Medusa | | |accompanying parallel note |

| | | | |form |

|7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |

|◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |

|Gatsby |Gatsby |Gatsby |Gatsby |Gatsby |

|◘ SOL Practice release test: |◘ SOL Practice release test: |◘ Test: poetry vocabulary |◘ Gatsby test review game |◘ Gatsby test: to page 160 |

|no. 18-25 – note copyright |no. 26-30 (release 2003) |test, part II of packet | | |

|restrictions for no. 8-17, | | | | |

|(release 2003) | | | | |

|14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |

|◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Silent reading: The Great |◘ Screening 2nd part of film:|

|Gatsby |Gatsby |Gatsby |Gatsby |The Great Gatsby |

|◘ part II of contemporary |◘ SOL Practice release test: |◘ Gatsby quiz, last 10 pages |◘ Gatsby readers journal | |

|poems due |no. 31-34 (release 2003) |◘ Gatsby open journal |◘ SOL Practice release test: | |

|◘ | | |no. 35-42 (release 2003) | |

|21 |22 |23 |24 |25 |

|◘ Screening 3nd part of film:|◘ Review game: 10 contemporary|◘ Test: 10 contemporary poems,|◘ Reading along with DVD |◘ Reading along with DVD |

|The Great Gatsby |poems, the period, and |the period, and terminology |audio: Death of a Salesman |audio: Death of a Salesman |

|◘ Students generate 40 |terminology | |◘ SOL release test: practice |◘ SOL release test: practice |

|questions based on 10 | | |on one single section |on one single section |

|contemporary poems, the | | | | |

|period, and terminology | | | | |

|(test preparation) | | | | |

|◘ Gatsby open journal due | | | | |

|28 |29 |30 |31 | |

| |◘ SOL Testing – Math Morning |◘ SOL Testing – History |◘ SOL Testing – Science | |

| |testing block |Morning testing block |Morning testing block |[pic] |

| |8:19-11:15 |8:19-11:15 |8:19-11:15 | |

|No School | | | | |

| |Note: Only periods 4 and 1 |Note: Only periods 5 and 2 |Note: Only periods 3 and 6 | |

|Memorial Day!!! |meet |meet |meet | |

Shared Strategies (Paresh Pandya)


Identify Performance Objectives

1. The students will use the connectives like, that, if, whether, WH words, & to (infinitive) to join the sentences.

2. The students will use the respective past form of the given sentences.

3. They will learn to form assertive from an interrogative sentence.

4 They will learn to use the reporting verbs like, told, asked, advised, requested, etc.

5 They will learn to report a sentence from a direct form.

Lesson Outline


Reported Speech (Grammar )

To report sentences from a direct form to an indirect one.



Warm-up activity

The students will enjoy some dialogues from a movie named, “ Bend it like Beckham “ and they will talk with the teacher and other learners about the enjoyed dialogues in the class.

Prior knowledge

The students would have the knowledge of tenses, pronouns, and the sentences patterns.

Language Goals (vocabulary/structure/communicative language/functional language)

The students will be able to report the sentences ( Assertive, Interrogative, Imperative.)


Activities – Days 1-5

Role Play: Two learners from the class will come forward & introduce them and one reads a chit ( with an assertive sentence ) to another .Then the teacher will report the sentence to the whole class. ( This will be done 5 times of which three sentences will be reported by the teacher and two will be by the learners. This procedure will be used for the interrogative ( Esp. Inversion question ) form also.

Classroom situation: Maureen ( my mentor ) will ask some questions to the students using wh form of the questions and the teacher will report these sentences to the class.

Chits arrangement: The teacher will project four sentences and the learners will have the answer on various chits given to them and they will arrange the chits properly to get a correct answer. This will be a group work.

The classroom situations will be used to form imperative sentences and report them. ( The teacher will request them advise and order them to do some thing )

Four skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing


1. A book named Side by Side will be used for the practice.

2. Some sentences will be written on the chalk-board for them to report.

3 Lots of oral practice will be there.


1.The students will fill up the blanks with the most appropriate words and verbs ( as per the learnt topic).

2. The students will collect the direct sentences from an article of any news paper.


1. The students will report the collected sentences from the news paper. ( based on the Evaluation )

Methods/Approaches/Strategies : Discussion, Pair and group work, Classroom situation.

Other Activities:

Follow-up : They will report the sentences from the book they study ( HOLES ). On the basis of assessment the teacher will plan next period activities.

Homework assignments: To report a few sentences.

Use of technology: O H P , D V D .

Materials used: Chits with sentences ( Prepared for various activities )


The following strategies were shared and discussed in the class by the TEA Fellow Teachers at GMU after their Field work:-

1. Socratic Seminar- It is a group discussion. Questions prepared beforehand, leader moderates the seminar, sit in a circular fashion (intro questions, core questions, end questions) Students discuss various aspects of the text, go beyond the text, agree, disagree. Points are allotted for participation, supporting points with details from the text and submitting the details of the seminar.

2. Student Presenatations- About their country, family, food habits etc. Students use power point.

3. Creative Writing related to the text studied- Writing a story, writing a ballad after ballad is taught in the class and presenting it before the class.

4. Research-Finding information or texts from the internet- Writing a paragraph about the poem downloaded.

5. Student report of the guest lecture- Inviting the Mayor to discuss topics related to social studies curriculum and asking students to write a report about it.

6. Maps of different countries- students are told to collect information about different countries. Teacher puts up the map on the board. Students put up the information collected on the map.

7. Mind Mapping

8. Desert Island Activity-. Students m decide the flag, rules, Forming a govt etc.

9. Utopia- Based on the lesson taught. Imagine how the place would be like.

10. Pictionary- Make own definitions, explain words

11. Writing experiences- eg Bullying

12. Chain Story writing- important words to be written on the blackboard and students write a story.

13. Class room quiz- One group of students prepare questions and other group answers.

14. Choosing a picture- narrating the related part.

15. Sequence Chart- Drawing the sequence of the story which helps for recapitulation.

16. Enactment of a scene- Create the situation and enact the scene to explain new concepts. Eg Dowry.

17. Personal Album-Collection of stories and other details for the album

18. Four Square Writing Strategy

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|Reason |Reason |

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|Conclusion |Reason |

19. Guided Reading and Thinking- Book connection exercise. 1. Teacher gives extract from the book and students connect it with self,another book, world. 2. Books are given to students, they select extract and check any of the above connections.

20. Use of drawing to teach

21. Use of games- Name of a celebrity is given to the teacher, students ask yes-no questions.

22. Jeopardy- Element of gambling. Students earn money for correct answer.

23. Personal Coat of arms-

• Student’s greatest success

• Greatest failure

• One year plan

• Ten year plan

• Dream

• Motto

• Symbol

24. Vocabulary Building with the help of newspapers.

25. KWL Concept

26. Self Study-Questions are given to students. They take the prescribed book and findthe answers Revised Action Research Proposal

Graphic Organizers

(shared by Social science Teachers for effective learning)

My Field work Reflections

• After an exciting week of orientation for the TEA Programme at Washingon DC and at GMU a more exciting and interesting assignment was in store for us- our Field work and Internship in different schools in the US.

I was attached to York Town High School Arlington. The very first sight was overwhelming---A massive building, huge entrances guiding your way through corridors decorated with painting and captions illustrating meaningful themes and leading to class-rooms fully equipped with high tech gadgets made lively with presence of the techno-savvy teachers with their presentations making the environment study condusive.It's indeed a dream image of school for me. But On the other hand, surprisingly students appeared to be a bit slow at studies ( being a summer school)and looked reluctant too.

Huge tables on both the sides of the room have a display of story books that we hardly find in an Indian School. Seating arrangement changes as demanded by the activity taken up again rare seen in my home school because of the constraints of space and time to do so..

In HILT(ESL),a lot of activities are taken up with active involvement of the teacher. Where as In English Class, advanced methodologies and strategies are used. The students are initiated into creative and analytical thinking. Journal writing is a permanent feature. Seminar method, paper presentation are the integral parts of the class room activities.There is a lot of emphasis given on the strengthening of Primary education but after visiting an American school I feel a lot has still to be done.

Huge library presents an inviting sight to the students and the beautiful display on the walls with the books arranged grade wise is worth emulating in our schools. The catalogue of the books at the mouse click as if the surroundings also breathe technology. The library is a vast resource room where day to day research work is done by students. In this manner the students are trained in self motivated research work.The HILT &HILTEX students are called to the library for the story sessions where they enjoy the stories and share their experiences.The library is decorarted with the country flags reflecting great respect to their country and rendering it a very colourful look as well

York Town Library A rare sight in the Indian schools is a variety of Departmental rooms for Driving Classes, Photography,a Gym and Indoor stadium with the portable rows of benches during the Sports Matches absolutely functional even for summer students.

The concept of Summer school too is new for Indian condition which if followed would bridge the gap between the bright and the slow learners with optimum use of their summer vacation.

'No child left Behind’ policy of the State persuades the teachers to be well planned in their approach to teaching and concerned about the performance of the students. The same concern and the corresponding pressure we experience in our country also.

• The school has its full fledged Counselling Cell working for students and the staff.

Counselling Room

• A workshop on ‘Newspaper in Class-room Teaching’ by the experts from US Today was arranged for the teachers of English and demo lessons were given on Enhancing the Reading Skills of the Students.

• My mentor Ms. Madden’s lessons were all incorporated with activities and technology based teaching .Each and every part of the lesson is taken up with different strategies where all are involved. Her personal involved with each and every child impressed me the most. The class has real diversity in terms of nationalities.Inthe class of 17 students the students belonged to 10 different countries.

• The children were really interested in knowing about India. They did know about Indian leaders and Indian film heroes.A detailed interactive sessions of 15-20 minutes every day on Indian culture and Visit Mumbai were enjoyed by me with the students. Indian folk tales interested them a lot..Indian traditions and customs charmed them.

• American system of education is very well planned and emphasis is laid on development of skills rather than rote learning. The are rich resource centres of Learning.

• Reflecting back I feel the children every where are the same .The US students also are also as warm as we feel we Indian are. Infact my last day at GMU was an emotional moment in my life. My mentor and my students cut a cake and presented a beautiful card with their impressions. I just can’t forget the experience and exposure I received here.

• To conclude my first impressions of the American School, I ‘d state that here the emphasis is more on developing the skills rather than memorizing the content based text. The teacher teaches the basic and small /minute details of the skill based content making sure that each child has understood it and the taught areas are reviewed simultaneously.

A few Pictures from York Town

High School,Arlington.


The colorful corridors

Trophies won

Technology aided Learning


Students in Action

Excellent Sports Facilities



1. Summer School: The concept of summer school itself is new for us. Summer schools help students to get their grades revised. It helps them to learn a portion if they have not understood it well. It is close to the notion of remedial teaching. This is required in the US mainly to cater to students coming from different backgrounds( Vietnam, China, India, Ethiopia etc)

2. Infrastructure of Yorktown High School: This school is a fifty year old public school. It is extremely well equipped with a new building that has come up. There are enough rooms for all teachers. The school has an amazing Lawn Tennis court and facilities for another sports, there is a Gym called the THE PATRIOT. The library is called the Media Center. It provides access to various books, magazines, journals etc. The students have an access to computer to do their assignments in the library. There are facilities like Photography room, Driving school etc.

The corridors display art work done by the students. There are photographs of the ex students who are achievers now. The school is extremely spacious and feels like a maze to a newcomer. However there is no dearth of resources. Each classroom is equipped with TV, computers, printer, books, CD players etc. Every possible resource is made available to student..

3. Activity based teaching: Most of the topics are taught by conducting a number of activities. They strongly seem to believe in the principle of Learning by Doing. Students interact a lot and do a number of tasks independently under teacher’s guidance

4. Teacher’s Approach: The teachers seem to be very patient with students. Students are generally not scolded by teachers. They are quite open. Students feel free to interact with teachers and even disagree with them.

5. Freedom to teachers: The teachers have a defined syllabus but there is a room for tremendous flexibility for a teacher. Certain texts from the book are mandatory.. i.e. a student has to do them. From the rest of the course the teacher is free to decide what he/she will teach. There is a freedom to decide the nature of assignments, test etc. Teachers can make their own assignments and make their own plan for assessment. The ultimate aim is that they should do well in SOL( standard of learning) Tests.

6. Classroom Environment: The classes are very well equipped with all the required resources. Computer, television set, CD player, OHP, White boards, books, printer, computers for students, required stationery etc… everything is available in the class itself. Besides this, a no. of charts are put up, students’ work can be displayed in the classroom. Every student sits independently and there is enough room for students to move. Students are given lot of freedom to interact among themselves.

7. Diversity: The most remarkable feature of the class is the diversity. Students from various countries are there in the same class. Hence it is a challenge for the teacher to take note of various cultures while discussing texts.

8. Different Levels in classes: In order to cater to different needs of people coming from different countries there is a provision of different levels of learning like Transition, HILT, HILT EX, Regular etc. There are many students whose mother tongue is not English. When they join schools their language is not up to the required level. Hence the student is sent to a HILT class or a transition class after which the student can dome to the level of a regular class. This is an excellent feature to deal with different needs of students.

My Action Research Proposal

Assigned by Dr. Flowers.


Statement of the Problem:

My major concern as a teacher is that the students whose performance is outstanding in Science subjects and who actively participate in class discussions score comparatively less marks in their written exams in spite of being quite capable and intelligent. Reflecting on their reasoning skills and understanding and later assessing their performance in written exams, I noticed that their weak area was the writing section. Though their comprehension of the question was reasonably good but expression in writing posed as a hurdle in communication. My job as an English teacher becomes challenging for the following reasons:

• The school offers bilingual competence. A few students take up English medium for other subjects but the medium of instruction is Hindi (1st lang.) in most of the cases till 9-10 Grades.

• Most of the students don’t have any exposure to English language at hom

School : My school ,Kendriya Vidyalaya, Bhandup is located in Naval Civilian Housing Colony catering to the educational needs of the Children of MES(Military Engg.Services) and dockyard Employees. It provides academic and all round competence through well planned Co-curricular Activities for high performance by every child. The children get exciting opportunities which brings about the holistic development of a student and thus ensures success. A wide range of educational activities as well as skill - building programs have been well incorporated in the school curriculum. Sports and cultural activities are groom and develop the all round personality of the child. High quality endeavours and tremendous efforts on the part of the teachers ensure that the child becomes self-reliant and disciplined.

Students and Communities Most of students of my school belong to Lower middle class background- 25% of the parents are illiterate. Mothers of 40% of the students are not even graduate and fathers are also in lowly paid jobs. Though 80% of the children are hard working, most of them are just average scorers. In English, their performance is rather worse. They don’t have much exposure to English language. Moreover they belong to linguistically diversified groups. With the increasing reputation of KVS and CBSE curriculum, new admissions from local English Medium schools have given a boost to the school. The classes are heterogeneous especially in grade 11& 12.children due to the inflow of the students from the private schools. Their choiced stream is Science and aim to join Medicine or Engineering .Very few opt to join the Armed Forces. Their focus is on the major subjects and so English remains their most neglected subject.

Statement of Research Purpose and Question:

   Research Question: Why a few of my English Language Learners who actively participate in class-room activities and speak English logically during the class discussions still fail to score marks in Exams?


As a teacher it was unbearable for me to see a few of my students scoring lower than their expectation only because of poor writing skills in spite of having good petence in listening, reading, writing and speaking help in mastering the language .Language competence leads to increased academic scores, enhanced communication skills and high self-esteem and soaring performance in competitive exams that offer them their career opportunities. Writing skills can be the ticket to better college grades and greater academic achievement. When a child has good reasoning and can think logically and reflect rationally, he should be able to express well .But, I noticed that every year there are students who in spite of their ability are not able to do so.

So, I took up this as my research Question to analyze the data to improve my own practice and ensure enhanced test scores for students. It will give me an opportunity to reflect on and assess my teaching; to explore and test new ideas, methods, and materials; to assess how effective the new approaches are; to share feedback with fellow team members; and to make decisions about which new approaches to include in the team's curriculum, instruction, and assessment plans.


Literature Review

Before embarking on the project I’ll review the literature already available on the Internet or in Journals .I’ll search through Google search engine and, browse through the literature available .After identifying the relevant research papers, I’ll analyse their suitability to my school students and their weak areas. I’ll incorporate one or two strategies to suit their requirement that are learnt during my Field Experience.

Next I will search through Eric (data base) and also read relevant books from the GMU library. I plan to discuss this problem with my co-teachers and experts on writing skills to understand the problem and work out a ready reference for carrying out my research.

Since my research is to help my students in acquiring better writing skills, the key words would be - mechanics of Writing ,content organization writing achievement,student motivation and student attitude etc.

I came across the following research papers-

1.. The Relationship between Writing Knowledge and Writing Performance among More and Less Skilled Writers

|Author(s): |Saddler, Bruce; Graham, Steve |

| | |

Journal Articles; Reports

I agree to the assumption of the writer that skilled writers are more knowledgeable than less skilled writers, My 11 grade students are good in spoken English but when it comes to presenting the ideas in writing a vacuum appears. Some are skilled writers and a few of them find difficult to write in an organized way and that individual differences in knowledge are related to writing performance.

My second review was of the proposal designed to improve the writing skills of students in the targeted first and fifth grade classrooms in one elementary school located in a Midwestern suburb. Among factors influencing students' writing skills are attitude and motivation (Kear, Coffman, McKenna & Ambriosio, 2000); environmental factors (Essex, 1996; Taylor & Adelman, 1999; Townsend & Fu, 1997; Wildavsky, 1999); instruction (Nickel, 2001; Wolf & White, 2000) and learning disabilities (MacArthur, Schwartz, Graham, Molly & Harris, 1996; Thomas, 1996; Wong, Butler, Ficzere & Kuperis,

A few points from the first research would be useful to me. I too observed that weak writing skills and ineffective communication pose a great hindrance to score in written exams. So, my focus will be to train them in brainstorming the given topic and organizing the collected ideas and write them following the format appropriate to the task assigned.

1feel that the factors listed in the second research have a significant role to play. So, these will also be a part of my strategies to improve their academic performance.

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Methods and Procedure

My method will be Quasi-experimental.(mixed method).

Keeping in mind the Multiple Intelligences Theory different methods and strategies will be used to improve the writing skills of the students . My method will include a survey, observations and a document analysis in order to provide insight in to the possible problems related to students' writing performance.. Observations will involve a behavior checklist designed to analyze students' writing skills. Post-intervention data will indicate an increase in the quality and quantity of the students' writing. Attitudes towards writing also changed through the course of the intervention in positive way.

The teacher will select an argumentative topic and discuss with the students in the class .They will be asked to write in 150-200 words in 20 minutes.

After correcting their writing task, I will analyze their performance and identify the students with poor writing skills. Since their writing is already scaffolded the problem remains with their organization of thoughts/ideas, fluency and spellings. They will probably have trouble with run on sentences, sentence fragments, punctuation, and organizing paragraphs.

These students will be the target students for this project. After that I,ll arrange a special class for them for 30 minutes once a week and discuss topic(narrative,descriptive,discursive,argumentative etc) and ask them to write in 100 words in 15 minutes .After self review and peer review I will suggest them points to improve.


The focus of my study will be the students of Kendriya Vidyalaya Bhandup,Mumbai..

The average age group will be 16-17 years.

I will first identify the students having poor writing skills ie.problems in written expressionby assigning .This test will be based on the level of the 9th grade students.

After evaluating this test I will be able to identify the dyslexic students.

In order to be sure that I have been able to identify the students ,

I will also ask the teachers of different subjects like science, economics,to let me inspect the identified students examination papers to analyse the spelling errors.

Data Collection:

My data collection method will be

• Pencil paper test to test their expression in writing assessing them on content, organization of ideas ,fluency and accuracy in terms of spellings and structure.

• Interview with parents to discuss the child’s progress.

• Picture composition test.

• Observation,

• student records, focus groups, etc

• performance assessments based on Rubrics designed and explained to assess the child`s content ( ideas) its relevance ,mechanics of writing and accuracy of spellings and structure.

Ethics: I will seek permission from the The Principal of my school to allow me to conduct this research on the 11th grade students.

In this letter I will promise complete dedication on my part and also promise that I will be able to show good results and an improvement in the writing skills of the students.

I will discuss the project with my students and their parents in detail and take permission from them and update them at regular intervals.It is Human to have likings and disliking towards people.But I will develop an objective approach during this research.I will remain unbiased, fair, accurate and just in my evaluation.


After the stipulated time I’ll conduct a Post-Test to assess their progress.i,ll record the findings in a tabular form.The tabular depiction of their pre and post test will show the significant progress in their wrting skills.

Action Plan

I’ll show the findings to my Principal and a copy will be sent to the management . A report of the study will be sent to the parents .A detailed report on the Action Proposal and findings will be uploaded on which is an educational web site since our school is registered with it and is invoived in other educational pursuits.I’ll put it on the discussion board and invite other teachers and students to share their experiences and suggestions.

If the plan is a success, a brief report will be sent to the local dailies for publication in the Education column of their paper.





Assignment on Assessment( Grading Rubric)

This rubric is from York town High School Arlington, Virginia with slight modifications to suit the assessment of a content based long answer type question.(Content based assignment) or an Essay.

This type of rubric does not leave much scope for variation in assessment of the writing and provides guidelines to assess objectively making it understandable and very transparent.

-Grading Rubric (10)

|Assessment Points |Excellent |Good |Average |Unsatisfactory |

| |(A) |(B) |(C) |(D) |

|Introduction with thesis Statement |Introductory |Introduces the |Touches upon the |Unclear thesis |

|(2) |paragraph |topic with |thesis statement |statement, no idea of |

| |introduces |identifiable |but not so clear |the essay |

| |discussion in |thesis statement|(1) | |

| |clear and concise |(1.5) | | |

| |manner (2) | | |(0-.5) |

|Body paragraphs with Explanation and Supporting |Clear topic |Clear topic |Clear topic |Unclear topic |

|Evidence |sentence focusing |sentence, |sentence but |sentence, missing |

|(4)—2 for supporting details and 2 for coherence |on thesis examples|relevance but |without examples .|supporting details |

| |and well developed|missing closure |(2) |( If totally |

| |explanations and a|sentence | |irrelevant 0 to be |

| |sentence of |(3) | |given) (1) |

| |transition to the | | | |

| |next para. (4) | | | |

|Conclusion with restatement of thesis |Effectively |Concludes the |Clear ideas but |Leaves it without |

|(1) |concludes the |discussion but |restatement is |conclusion,lacks |

| |discussion of the |does reinforce |unclear |clarity |

| |essay ,reiterates |the main points |(0) |(0) |

| |the main points |(.5-1) | | |

| |(1) | | | |

|Mechanics/Grammar/Title/Organization/ |Obvious proof |2-3Gr. Errors, |5-6 grammatical |Errors in mechanics |

|Format |reading; very few |apt title, |errors, needs |and grammar |

|(3) |gr.errors, |format followed |careful proof |(.5-1) |

| |creative (3)title&|(2-2.5) |reading | |

| |organized | |(1.5) | |




Lesson Plans: English 11, REGULAR Teacher: McCreary March 2007

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Lesson Plans: English 11, REGULAR Teacher: McCreary February 2007

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Lesson Plans: English 11, REGULAR Teacher: McCreary January 2007

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Lesson Plans: English 11, Regular Teacher: McCreary DECEMBER 2006

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Lesson Plans: English 11, Regular Teacher: McCreary NOVEMBER 2006

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Lesson Plans: English 11, REGULAR Teacher: McCreary April 2007

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Lesson Plans: English 11, REGULAR Teacher: McCreary May 2007

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