
Kirkliston Community CouncilMinutes31 - 03 - 15Attendance D. Buchanan, N. Davidson, M. Elder, J. Henderson, J. Mackay, P. Hull, L. Mitchell, B. Walker, Cllrs. L. Paterson and N. Work, Sgt. P. Campbell and 9 members of the public Makanjuola Abebulehin – Waste and Open Space Development Officer Apologies S. Boyack M.S.P., B. Brooks, S. Lee, P. MacLeod, H. ZukowskiMinutes of Previous Meeting - Proposed by P. Hull and seconded by N. Davidson with one amendment – Cllr. L. Paterson stated that regarding the closure time at Kirkliston Library she was aware of the change of times.Matters Arising – NoneWaste and Open Space Presentation – M. Abebulehin gave a presentation on the new system of waste disposal and recycling. Not all of Kirkliston is on the new scheme yet, but the remaining households should be in Phase 4 which starts in June. Due to the new recycling arrangements the Council hopes to save money in terms of what goes to landfill - ?130 per tonne. Over the next two years up to ?2.5 million could be saved. Recycling capacity has increased by up to 90%.There will be a period of 6 – 8 weeks grace regarding anyone putting the wrong things in the wrong bin. If the refuse workers see the wrong things in the bin, the bin will be left and a truck will come the next day to uplift it. Assisted uplifts will continueFlats without enough space for bins will share larger binsFamilies of five or more, or two children under 3 or who have medical waste will get larger binsPlastic bags can only go in landfill or can be used in the food waste binPolice Report – Home Security Checklists were handed outMajority of officers are now trained in the use of speed gunsMaltings Development –Continuous breaches of site access rules. D. Buchanan has brought this to the attention of H. Coyle. It is hoped that A. Hope, Project Engineer can assist in this matter.Crudens is finalising a deal with Mid-Market Rent. This arrangement will assist people who cannot afford to buy a home as yet. It will take six weeks to install gas at the DevelopmentCompensation is due to the young mother whose pram was it by a lorry turning in to the site; D. Buchanan will check this is happeningNo word yet on landscaping and frontages at the Development yet, although there are maps on the CEC website concerning thisA site meeting is to take places with Crudens, Millers and the West Edinburgh Team and points raised above will be discussed especially with regard to what is allowable within the Planning permissionPublic Realms Work – Still waiting for the Road Engineer to check snagging at the crossroadsThe pavement on Queensferry Road is planned for resurfacingTraffic lights appear to be working wellTransport Issues – In the absence of J. Cross, D. Buchanan gave the following information:X38 should be going on the tracker system but it is still not being displayed- this needs to be checked63- increased frequency is in operation; it is running a later service and is also now going to Hermiston Gait; a question was raised as to how a subsidised bus can have its service extendedD. Buchanan to ask J. Cross to organise a First Bus representative to come out to one of the meetings of KCCThe Greenway has now been doneTimings of 21A and 21B are causing problems – J. Cross meeting with First Bus to see if the frequency can be improvedProblems with there being no direct route to any hospital from Kirkliston747 – still working on having it come back through the village38 – some38’s will go into the Gyle; D. Buchanan to aske J. Cross to find out which stops the 38 will now be reinstatingStirling Road School Entrance Update –The L.A. has recognised what is in the Safety audit prepared by Jacobs The architect will look at redesigning the Stirling Road area of the school which will mean having longer railingsDrawings will go to Transport Planning and West Edinburgh Roads for comment and will then go back to Jacobs to be looked at; there is no “done deal” but the problem has been recognisedHaddons –The temporary carpark discussed for Allison Park has not materialised, as the company want to be paid first. W. McIntyre from CEC is to write to Haddon’s Chief Executive about this.Lighting Issues – There are problems with the white light source as pools of light are thrown onto the road but the pavements remain dark and not very safe to walk along at night; Kirklands and Queensferry Road are two areas which have been mentionedThe Petitions Committee is reviewing complaints about lighting and Cllr. L. Paterson advised anyone with a complaint to contact CEC.Gateside Residents’ Association – The Association, chaired by B. Walker, was officially welcomed as a member of the Community CouncilThe Association has joined the Neighbourhood Watch SchemeG.R.A. has an Action Plan to deal with various issuesLiving Landscapes is working along with G.R.A. on a community garden; Hope to have K.E.G. involved tooComment was made that Millers has been helpful to work withCorrespondence – No fines for litter and dog-fouling23rd Feb. – 26th March: 342 fines at the Bus Gate amounting to ?10260; the running total is now 5983 fines amounting to ?179, 490; fire at the Fourways Chip Shop – the main road was closed and drivers were being diverted through the Bus Gate – 15 vehicles were caught and it has been heard that if those drivers wish to challenge the fine they will be made exempt – KCC thinks they should all automatically be exempt given the reason. N. Davidson to contact CEC about thisCleaning of Path Brae- only happening once in a month which is not what CEC has statedLetter sent to the Postmaster thanking him and his wife for their years of service and wishing them wellTreasurer’s Report - ?366.23 in the bank; block grant comes in AugustCouncillors’ Report – Greenway now in placeThere is land for sale at Gateside – G.R.A. has no issue with thatPlanning – Wellflats development has been withdrawn due to lack of access and utilitiesSam’s Shop – it is understood he wants to buy the land beside the shop and it is believed it is for storage purposesA.O.C.B. – Letter from W.L. Community Health and Care Partnership re the local Health Centre. There are now no partners due to Dr. Stewart resigning. West Lothian will take over the running of the Practice in the interim and will provide a salaried G.P. service until such time as new partners are appointed.The plan for Pike’s Pool has not been seen yet9th May Charity Football match at the Leisure Centre – the fence near the Stirling Road needs repairing. N. Davidson to take this up with Edinburgh LeisureSchool Catchment List – Cllr. N. Work will follow up the issue of children in the catchment area not getting into the primary school; a comment was made that we should push for Phase 3 of the school extension to get started in order that the community is not faced with this predicament again. This issue should be raised as much as possible on behalf of worried parents. CEC, on the other hand, will not start building until the money is available from the Developers. D. Buchanan will discuss having the Agenda on the website with S. LeeDate of Next Meeting – Tuesday 28th April; 7.00pm; Kirkliston Library ................

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