Kirkliston Community CouncilMinutes29- 09- 15AttendanceD. Buchanan, J. Paterson, N. Davidson, B. Brooks, B. Walker, J. Henderson, L. Mitchell, S. Lee, M. Elder, Cllrs. N. Work and A. Shields, Police representative and 14 members of the publicH. Coyle – Manager, West Edinburgh Neighbourhood Partnership2. ApologiesS. Boyak M.S.P., Cllr. L. Paterson, P. Hull, P. MacLeod, J. MackayMinutes of Previous MeetingExcluding the A.G.M. – Minutes approved; proposed by B. Brooks and seconded by L. MitchellMatters Arising – None Police Report – 46 crimes reported in the WA03 police area; not all are in Kirkliston17 of the above have been solvedHousebreaking – one such crime in Kirkliston was not attended by an S.C.O. which meant that a probable offender was not apprehended; there is a shortage of forensic manpower in EdinburghSpeeding – more officers required to monitor this; motor bikes are causing concernSome youths are causing problems around the village; because of their ages the police cannot have them charged; the Children’s Panel could impose a Curfew Check; it was mentioned that there is nothing in the village for the youth to doPolice for this area – James Kelly and Aiden DowdsUpdate on Kirkliston Community Action PlanThere was no difference from last month apart from a couple of dates – KCC would like to see start/finish dates for actions to be taken. It should have SMART targets. H. Coyle stated that dates instead of the present traffic light system can be put on the plan. He also stated that older actions which had been completed would be removed although with the present traffic light system it was positive to see so many green lights. H. Coyle further stated that the priorities on the plan come from the community not CEC. K. Mackay is working in the background to get things moving. CEC need to be accountable for community engagement; CEC has responsibility for certain areas of work and form a partnership with other agencies e.g. police for other issuesPath on the east side of Queensferry Road – money has been set aside but nothing has been done yet. H. Coyle explained a scoring regime is involved on a scale of 1 – 5 which in turn affects the Capital Programme; it was felt that a Council employee on a walkabout in the village should not say that something will be done – he should only make reference to “patch” jobs. B. Walker pointed out that the wall at Gateside had still not been repaired; work should have started on 1st September; the carparks at Gateside have not all been adopted by CEC and are full of potholesD. Buchanan stated that KCC appreciates the pressure CEC is under but something has to be done to take action on the work as listed within the Community Plans Public Realms UpdatePhase 1 – paving at the crossroads – still some snagging to be completed and the paving is to be power-washedPaving outside the hairdressers – it is flaking as opposed to cracking but M. Borthwick stated that it will nevertheless retain its appearance.Raised paving has been put at the hotel to prevent flooding, but it was felt that some sort of drainage channel should have gone inStill hoping to get double yellow lines from the traffic lights to the hotel car park as previously agreedPhase 2 – Manse Road and west entrance to the village –still in the planning stage re the garden; D. Sinclair is still to phone the young mother with relation to the Memorial Garden; The Community Council will receive copies of the plan for distributionThe plan for the roundabout at the west entrance to the village is to remove the vegetation and put up a wall with “Welcome to Kirkliston” on it. Nothing will happen without the approval of KCC and that includes GTRA.Disabled parking is being looked at by the West Neighbourhood TeamPuffin Crossing still in progress at Pathbrae which is covered by the S75 allocation from the Malting'sThe money for the Public Realm Works has to be used by May 2016 so it is imperative to see the plan Transport IssuesJ. Cross has resigned; D. Buchanan will take on the issues for the time being.Tracking Systems – this only works for the 63; D. Buchanan will contact J. ConnorThere is a new timetable for the 6363 tender is into its second year – the question was raised as to what will happen when the time runs out – does it continue or does it stop; D. Buchanan will raise this at the meeting of the Transport Sub-Group next week38A – First Bus may review the service re the Gyle Shopping CentreSanta’s SleighThe sleigh is at the garage waiting for a report; B. Walker will let B. Brooks know when he has the report and a decision will then be reached at the next meetingInverdunning UpdatePike’s Pool business is at a standstill at present; in consultation with the Planning Team at CECMonument – graffiti had been found on the monument; thanks to B. Douglas, the Museums Department was contacted and the graffiti cleanedA suggestion was made that the Monument could be moved to the Manse Road area as part of the Public Realms plan – this idea would be made known to the Planners; another suggestion was to place it at the roundaboutThe Environmental Team would be contacted re a possible grant to move the MonumentG.T.R.A.Housing Insulation – originally intended for the tenants but was then extended to the residents; however, complaints were made to Heating Scotland about the standard of the workDrawings completed for Community Garden; waiting for start dateHope to have a pump track installed which will cater for all agesGTRA website being updatedA.G.M. Thursday 1st OctoberSecretary’s CorrespondenceBus Gate – 24th Aug. to present day: 313 notices totalling ?9390; 7753 notices issued altogether amounting to ?232590No litter or dog fouling noticesLeisure Centre – perimeter fence repaired with thanks to D. Cruikshank; KSQFC playing in safety nowThe road outside the Library up to the traffic lights was cleaned but is as bad as everFlashing lights on Queensferry Road now operating, although a bush needs to be trimmed so that they can be clearly seenStill to hear about flashing speed lightCable at corner of Almondhill Road being attended toAllison Park – D. Noble of Hopetoun Estates has been approached to come to a public meeting in the village on 28th October regarding the suggestion of the Estate wishing to build 40 houses on the parkland; he would prefer an all-day drop-in arrangement instead but KCC is holding out for a public meeting at a set time. D. Buchanan stated that the Rev. Margaret Lane is agreeable to the Church being used for such a meeting. D. Noble had invited D. Buchanan, N. Davidson and a representative from KSQFC to meet with him. Representatives from GTRA are angry that they were not included. They feel they were deliberately ignored and it feels like a “them and us” situation. D. Buchanan was at pains to point out that he and N. Davidson represented the whole of the Community. He also affirmed that no formal approach has been made to KSQFC re a football pitch within the plan.A vote was taken on a proposal to hold the public meeting and a counter-proposal not to do so. 3 voted for the counter proposal and 6 for the proposal. Treasurer’s ReportHave now received the CEC grant of ?455.58, thus giving ?561.87 in the bank 14. Councillors’ ReportPedal for Scotland – lack of warningVillage Show – great success; new trophy in memory of Dave MunroCommunity Grant has been offered to the Scout Group for its development plans - ?2000Youth Decides Initiative – young people involved in projects funded by the Neighbourhood Partnership; good to see Kirkliston putting in a lot of effortCllr. A. Shields will provide an update on the Health Centre waiting times; D. Buchanan will speak with the Practice Manager15. PlanningPortakabin at Kirklands Nursery – granted; elected members will ask why this did not go to Committee as there were more than three objections A.O.B.Land adjacent to Kirklands Nursery – D. Buchanan to enquire who is responsible for its upkeepKirkliston Primary School now represented by Gordon Paterson – this will become a standard Agenda item. New P.E. and kitchen block will be open on 9th October; it is technically behind schedule but there will be no financial clawback; KPSA will meet with Haddons. New equipment is in place for the fire alarm; G. Paterson will check the situation re the huts and a fire alarm and will ask about the toilet situation also. 3G pitch has been installed and is for school use only at present but will be extended to community use later on. It was European Week of Languages last week. Christmas Market will take place on 28th November.Cllr. N. Work will e-mail a copy of the Constitution to P. Vaughn1000 followers now on the Facebook page Date of Next Meeting- Tuesday 27th October; 7.00pm; Kirkliston Library ................

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