Language of Literature

Holt Elements of Literature |BLM |Elements of Language |Reader’s Handbook |Supplementary Materials | |

|1 Ongoing Independent Reading |See Blackboard, |Reading Skills and Strategies, 15-16 |Reading Process, 36-43 |See LCC, English III, page 95 for a list of |

|Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: |“Reading: SSR” or BLMs of |Reading Process, 546-547 |Reading Actively, 49-52 |recommended novels for this grade level |

|Reading Instruction for the Advanced |reading logs and other |Reading Log, 991 |Strategy Handbook, 713 |

|Classroom, 3-6; Reading Log Copymaster, |SSR |Quick Reference Handbook: Reading, |Reading Tools, 738-757 |ideas.html “91 Ways to Respond Literature” |

|12; Metacognitive Strategies, 16-19 |documents |988-998 | | reading |

|Daily Language Activities: Critical | | | |strategies from Adolescent Literacy |

|Reading Section, 24 transparencies | |Transparencies: Your Reading Process, | |Gallagher, Kelly. Deeper Reading. (Stenhouse, |

|Workshop Resources—Writing, | |1-4 | |2004). |

|Listening, and Speaking: Presenting | |Holt Professional Learning for Language | |Pilgreen, Janice L. The SSR Handbook: How to |

|Literary Response, 44-49 | |Arts: Strategies for Helping Struggling | |Organize and Manage a Sustained Silent Reading |

|TE: Presenting a Literary Response, 692-693 | |Readers; Developing Critical Thinking | |Program. (Boyton/Cook, 2000). |

| | |about Literature | |Steineke, Nancy. Reading and Writing Together: |

| | | | |Collaborative Literacy in Action. (Heinemann, |

| | | | |2002). |

|2 Ongoing Vocabulary Study |Checklist of Common |Vocabulary Strategies, 559, 560, 575, |Improving Vocabulary, 659 |

|Daily Language Activities: Vocabulary |Errors, 1 |600, 601, 607, 646, 688, 689, 728, 729, |Word Families, 676 |sp?id=20 “Using a Word Journal to Create |

|Section, 50 transparencies; Analogy | |774, 775, 827, 828, 869, 887, 907, 918, |Word Roots, 762 |a Personal Dictionary” |

|Section, 25 transparencies | |1037-1038 | |

|Vocabulary Development: Act. #7, Soldier’s | |Word Choice, 729, 775, 828, 907, | |0/powerpoint.pdf link to handout on powerpoint from|

|Home,” 33; “A Rose for Emily,” 35; “The | |1000-1003 | |above lesson. |

|Feather Pillow,” 37; “The Leader of the | |Related Word Forms, 688, 728, 827, 1000,| | |

|People,” 38; “A Worn Path,” 39; “The | |1004-1007 | |Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary to |

|Jilting of Granny Weatherall,” 40; | |Analogous Statements, 601, 607, 775, | |identify new words |

|“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,” 41; | |918, 1037-1038 | |Allen, Janet. Inside Words. (Stenhouse, 2007). |

|“from Dust Tracks on a Road,” 42; | |Quick Reference Handbook: Vocabulary, | |Practical strategies for teaching vocabulary |

|Cumulative Review, 43 | |999-1009 | | |

|Powernotes: Handbook to Literary Terms | | | | |

|Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: | |Holt Professional Learning for Language | | |

|“Handbook of Literary Concepts, ” 229- | |Arts: Effective Vocabulary Instruction | | |

|240; “Handbook of Rhetorical Concepts,” | |Six Traits: Word Choice, 11-13, 104-105| | |

|241-243; “Word Banks,” 248 | |Word Sharp: Context Clues: Synonym, | | |

|Holt MindPoint® Quiz Show CD for | |Antonym, Contrast, Comparison, Example, | | |

|vocabulary practice in game format | |Restatement; Word Structure: Prefixes, | | |

|Brozo in CLSD for the LCC: Vocabulary | |Latin Roots, Greek and Anglo-Saxon | | |

|Cards, 26; Vocabulary Self-Awareness, | |Roots, Suffixes | | |

|27; Word Grid, 28 | |Vocabulary Workshop: Making New Words | | |

| | |Your Own (word attack strategies),1ff.; | | |

| | |Connecting New Words and Patterns | | |

| | |(analogies), 123ff.; Reading New Words | | |

| | |in Context (context clues), 141ff.; | | |

| | |Vocabulary Words, 233-234 | | |

|3 Ongoing Writing Prompts | |Writing Strategies & Applications, |Connect to Reading, |

|Powernotes: Quickwrites, Collection 6, | |Writer’s notebook, 1076 |41 |sp?id=902 “Draft letters,” for students to think |

|(several slides might be useful | |Informal Writing to Learn: Reading Log, | |critically about major writing assignments. |

|depending on which texts you choose | |991; Graphic Organizers, 1068-1069; | |Students write letters of reflection to share with |

|in this unit) | |Outlines, 1071; Prewriting Techniques, | |a peer before completing the final draft. |

|Brozo in CLSD for the LCC: QtA | |1073-1076. | | |

|(Questioning the Author), 12 | | | | |

|Holt Assessment—Writing, Listening, | |Teaching Strategies for English Language| | |

|and Speaking: Portfolio Assessment | |Learners: Think as a Writer, 2; prompts | | |

|120-161 | |in Ch. 21-29 | | |

| | |Writing Notes DVD | | |

| | |Think as a Writer: Interactive Writing | | |

| | |Worktext, prompts in Ch. 21-29 | | |

|4 Ongoing Grammar Study |Checklist of Common |Grammar, 47-139; Usage, 140-313; |Reading for Tests, 596-637 | |

|Daily Language Activities: Proofreading |Errors, 1 |Mechanics, 314-477 | |Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) |

|Warmups Section, 27 transparencies; | |Commas, 338-363 | | |

|Sentence Combining Section, 15 | |Diction, 575, 618-619, 842-843, 930-933 | |

|transparencies | |Quotation Marks, 379-387 | |s.swf Flash-based overview of quotations |

|Resources for Teaching Advanced | |Parallel Structure, 486-487, 1099 | | |

|Students: “Handbook of Grammatical | |Passive/Active Voice, 240-244 | |

|Concepts, ” 244-247 | |Sentence Clarity, 480-497 | |sp?id=248 “Manipulating Sentences to Reinforce |

|Powernotes: Collection 6, | |Sentence Combining, 498-508, 706-708 | |Grammar” |

|“Proofreading Warmups” | |Style, 510-514, 574-575, 661-663, | | |

|Holt Virtual File Cabinet: grammar | |618-619, 807-809, 842-843, 886-887, | | quick |

|Pages for Practice, Remediation, | |931-933 | |reference to MLA style |

|Assessment, | | | | |

|Review, and Enrichment | |Grammar Notes DVD, Lesson 11 | | Students can sign up |

|TE: Taking the SAT and the ACT, | |(passive/active voice), Lesson 30 | |to have a daily SAT question delivered to their |

|LA19-LA32; Test Smarts, 1395 | |(strong verbs) | |e-mailboxes. Other invaluable resources for college|

| | |Holt Professional Learning for Language | |are available here. |

| | |Arts: Teaching Grammar in Context | | |

| | |Transparencies: Proofreading Warmups, | | |

| | |Sentence Combining | |student guide to grammar and writing |

| | |Six Traits: Sentence Fluency, 14, | | |

| | |106-112; Conventions, 17,113-118 | | free practice tests |

| | |Thinking as a Writer: Interactive | |for ACT, SAT, MCAT, LSAT, etc. |

| | |Grammar Worktext: Sections 1, 2, 3 | | |

| | |Grammar, Usage, Mechanics: | | for|

| | |Language Skills Practice, Ch. 1-14, 16 | |ACT preparation |

| | |Developmental Language Skills: Ch. | | |

| | |1-14, 16 | | |

| | |Preparing for the SAT and ACT | | |

|5 The Mid/Late Twentieth Century and Effects of the | | | | |

|Media |Analysis of Media |Media terms, 1045 |Propaganda Techniques in | and enter keyword LE7 11-6 |

|TE: “Analyzing and Using Media,” |Presentations, 46 |Analyzing TV News Genres, 893-896 |Persuasive Writing, 232 |for interactive timelines and interesting links |

|1314-1321 | |Persuasive techniques in advertisements,| | |

|Powernotes: Collection 6, “Historical | |914, 916-917 | | Ad |

|Intro.” “Media Workshop”; Video | |Analyzing persuasive techniques, 990 | |Gallery for the most recent television, print, |

|“New Voices, New Visions” | |Persuasive messages in media, 630, 855 | |radio, and banner ads |

|Holt Workshop Resources—Writing, | |Group discussions, 1019-1020 | | |

|etc.: “Analyzing and Using Media,” | | | |

|79-87 (with graphic organizer) | | | |tml American Rhetoric: Top 100 Speeches |

|PowerNotes: Collection 6, “Media | | | |

|Workshop” | | | |sound.htm thorough catalogue of rhetorical devices,|

| – use keyword | | | |defined with links to audios from famous speeches |

|LE7 11-6 to find a skills focus on | | | |and public speech |

|Media Workshop | | | |

|Holt Assessment: Writing, etc: Analytical | | | |oon/about.html “It’s No Laughing Matter: Analyzing |

|Scale, 60 | | | |Political Cartoons” |

| | | | | |

| | | | |links to lessons on advertising and media |

| | | | |

| | | | |sp?id=1080 “And the Question Is…Evaluating the |

| | | | |Validity of a Survey” |

| | | | |

| | | | |sp?id=1084 “And the Question Is…Writing Good |

| | | | |Survey “ |

| | | | |

| | | | |sp?id=405 “Propaganda Techniques in Literature and |

| | | | |Online Political and Online Political Ads” |

| | | | |

| | | | |05/PropagandaLiterature.pdf “Propaganda Techniques|

| | | | |Used in Literature” BLM from lesson above |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|6 Modern Poetry | |Poetic devices, 626 | | |

|TE: Giovanni—“The Beep Beep Poem” |Analyzing Modern |Answering questions about tone in |Reading Poetry, |Additional poems for any of the four authors listed|

|1309; Brooks—“The Bean Eaters” |Poetry, 47 |test-taking, 828 |387-443: |(as well as other listed in the text) may be found |

|1157, “In Honor of David Anderson | |Guidelines for letters, 1069 |Focus on Language, 400 |at the following sites: |

|Brooks, My Father” 1159; Dove— | | |Focus on Meaning, 408, | |

|“Testimonial” 1178; Collins—“Man | | |Focus on Sound and | from the Academy of American |

|Listening to Disc” 1193 | | |Structure, 415 |Poets, useful for bios and audio versions of |

| | | |Style, 412 |selected poems |

| | | |Tone, 396, 405, 443 | |

| | | | | Poetry 180: A Poem |

| | | | |a Day for American High Schools |

| | | | | |

| | | | | Poetry Society of America |

| | | | | |

| | | | | published by the |

| | | | |Poetry Foundation |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |sp?id=943 “A Poem of Possibilities: Thinking |

| | | | |About the Future” |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |sp?id=839 “Literary Parodies: Exploring a |

| | | | |Writer’s Style Through Imitation” |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |sp?id=848 “Poetry: Sound and Sense” |

| | | | | |

| | | | | and enter keyword LE7 11-6 |

| | | | |for short bios. on Plath, Brooks, Cofer, or Lee and|

| | | | |other resources |

|7 A Researched Literary Analysis of Modern Short Fiction|Literary Analysis |Support for literary analysis, 726-727 |Research, 691-712 |

| |Assessment |Quotations: citing sources of, 735; |Reading a Website, 513-527 |sp?id=398 “A Biography Study: Using Role-Play to |

|TE: “Speaking of Courage,” 962; |Rubric, 48 |incorporating, 745-747, 799; notetaking |Doing Research, 691-712 |Explore Authors' Lives” |

|“Game,” 973; “Everything Stuck to | |and, 786 |Drawing Conclusions, 47, 221|Bradbury, Baldwin, Malamud, Ann Beattie, Tim |

|Him,” 984; “Daughter of Invention,” | |Split infinitives, 112 |Reading on the Internet, |O’Brien |

|994; “The Handsomest Drowned Man | |Subjunctive mood, 245-246, 1104 |510-537 | |

|in the World,” 1008; “Rules of the | |Evaluating Web Sites, 813-816 | | database for print and web|

|Game,” 1016; “When Mr. Pirzada | | | |resources |

|Came to Dine,” 1029; “The Book of | |Writing and Researching in a Digital Age| | |

|the Dead,” 1048; “The Magic Barrel,” | |DVD, 15 lessons | | |

|1278; “Son,” 1291; “Teenage | |Think as a Writer: Interactive Writing | | |

|Wasteland,” 1300 | |WorkText, Ch. 26 | | |

| | |Transparencies, 25-27 | | |

| | |WritingNotes DVD, Lesson 18 | | |

| | |Teaching Strategies for English Language| | |

| | |Learners, Ch. 26 | | |

| | |Holt Professional Learning for Language | | |

| | |Arts: Using Literature Circles; | | |

| | |Developing Critical Thinking about | | |

| | |Literature | | |

|8 Connecting Generations |Final Composition: |Descriptive details, 550, 557 | | |

| |Qualities of an |Structure of a composition, 527-540 | | |

| |American, 49 |Compositions, 1061-1064 | | |

| | |Group discussions, 1019-1020, 1022-1023 | | |


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