Introduction - Robert MacLean

Commitment to JSFrame the entire discussion around Microsoft committing to JS in a big way. Goal is to show MS is serious about this and educate on the various options which existIntroductionStandard introduction bit – these are the topics I plan to cover. Broken into three stories, platform looks at our platform support for JS. IDEs looks at the improvement in VS & introduction to Code. Tools covers our extras we are shipping to make everyone’s life easier. Less than 1min.PlatformWindows 10EdgeProject WestminsterIDEsVisual Studio 2015Visual Studio CodeToolsTypeScriptWinJSVorlonWindows 8Brief recap of Windows 8 and what we did in Windows 8 for JS. Less than a min. Goal is to setup for compare to Windows 10. Key touch points:Store app platformBuild once for Windows Phone 8.1 & Windows 8Build in JavaScript with CSS & HTMLRendering engine is IE 11Windows 10Universal app platformBuild once for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows 10, Xbox & HololensBuild in JavaScriptRendering engine is EdgeFree upgrade from Windows 7, 8 & 8.1IEOld browser with backwards compatPoor performanceConstantly updates at a slow pacePlug-in model requires native code (& some C++)EdgeNew browser with no backwards compatGreat PerformanceConstantly updates with fast performanceNew plug-in model uses JavaScriptAligned to Chrome & FireFox so easy to port overProject WestminsterPart of our four bridge planiOS, Android, Classic Windows Programs, Web<DEMO Creating a project Westminster app for JSinSA>Visual Studio 2015Community, Express, Professional, EnterpriseCommunity & Express are freeExpress: has functionality limits and low usage limitsCommunity: no functionality limits and some usage limitsMajor enhancements for JavaScript, HTML & CSS<DEMO VS Enhancements>Visual Studio CodeFree IDE & Cross PlatformMacOS and LinuxBETA BETA BETACurrent goal is a code first experienceBuild in JS, CSS, HTML & ChromeAmazing support for JavaScript<DEMO: VS Code on Linux>TypeScriptJavaScript transpiler Allows you to use JavaScript 2015 & 2016 functionality todayTypeScript gives extra info to IDEsAll JavaScript is already TypeScript<DEMO: TypeScript in Sublime>WinJSCross platform JavaScript control libraryBrings modern design controls to appsUseful with everyone going flat<DEMO – WinJS demo app>VorlonCross platform JavaScript library to allow remote debuggingThink browser dev tools without the browser and over the internet<DEMO – Vorlon>JSiNSA Demo ScriptSetupWin 10VS 2015 < start it upSublime + typescript plugin < start it upVorlon server running + websiteVS Code (on Linux VM) < start it upOpen try. Project Westminster DEMOStartPage=""> <uap:ApplicationContentUriRules> <uap:Rule Match="http://*" Type="include" WindowsRuntimeAccess="all"/> </uap:ApplicationContentUriRules> <DeviceCapability Name="location"/>VS 2015 DEMONew Angular + WinJS projectRight click > add grunt + bowerShow grunt + bower config filesOpen packages.jsonAdd grunt-copy to it and hover over it to show the detailsHTML: <ng-view/> {{Dog}} <horse></horse>App.js > F12Class snippet – method: awesome(){} JSDoc example /** @function */NavbarCommit to reproVS Code DEMOPull from reproBower.json“private”: true “private”:”true” Open html – show ng-appTo app.js code everything is there tooShow JSDoc tooltip workingTypeScript DEMORename app.js to app.tsOpen in sublime Show intellisense dog = “” vs dog = 1 demoCtrl+B > show JSWINJS DEMOOpen website – show semantic zoom hub, angularVorlon DEMOVORLON DEMO ................

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