New Year's Resolution - Super Teacher Worksheets

[Pages:7]Name: ______________________________

New Year's Resolution

by Kelly Hashway

Erica scribbled her third New Year's resolution down on her homework sheet and smiled. "Done!"

"Really? That was quick," her mother said. "Can I hear what your resolution is?"

"I have three," Erica said. She held the paper up and read, "Do my homework right after school, don't wait until the last minute to finish my chores, and get an A in math."

"Wow," her mom said, sounding a little concerned. "What?" Erica thought she'd done a great job coming up with resolutions. Why wasn't her mom happy? "You know the point of a resolution is to change something in your life for the better and to stick with it. Can you honestly see yourself sticking to these things?" Erica looked over the list again. "Maybe," she said with a shrug. Her mom raised an eyebrow at her. "Well, maybe not all of them," Erica said. "I can try my best in math but that doesn't mean I'll get an A." "Then maybe you should find a resolution that is achievable and something you can benefit from." "Like what?" "You'll come up with something," her mom said, as she started to fix dinner.

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Erica sat at the table, staring at her list of resolutions. She really wanted to try to make these things happen. It would be nice to have more time in the evenings, so doing her homework after school and not leaving her chores until right before bedtime made sense. And if she planned some study time in each night, she might be able to get an A in math or at least a B+.

"How could I plan my time better to make these things happen?" Erica thought aloud. Plan! That was the answer. "Mom!" Erica jumped up from the table.

"What is it?" her mother asked. "I've got it. In order to do all these things, I need to stick to a schedule. So my New Year's resolution should be to schedule my time after school so I can do my homework, get my chores done, study for math, and still have time to relax." Her mother smiled. "I think coming up with a schedule and sticking to it is a great resolution." "Me too," Erica said, and she sat back down to start planning her schedule for the New Year.

About the Author

Kelly Hashway's picture book, May the Best Dog Win, is now available!

Dash has the perfect life until the Super Sweeper 5000 shows up. Sweeper runs all over the house sucking up the leftover food scraps, and he even gets his own room! But Dash won't give up his place as the favorite dog without a fight.

Hashway, Kelly. May the Best Dog Win. ISBN: 9780984589081 Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

New Year's Resolution

by Kelly Hashway

1. Why was Erica writing New Year's Resolutions?

a. She likes to write them every year. b. All of her friends are writing resolutions. c. She wanted to surprise her mother. d. It was a homework assignment.

2. Which sentence about Erica is probably true?

a. She likes to keep secrets. c. Math is a tough subject for her.

b. She doesn't usually do her homework. d. She enjoys doing chores at home.

3. Complete the graphic organizer.

Erica's New Year's Resolutions

When She First Wrote Them

Revised Resolution

a. _____________________________________ _____________________________________

b. _____________________________________ _____________________________________

c. _____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

4. Erica's mother said New Years' Resolutions should be achievable. What does the word achievable mean?

a. requiring a lot of thought c. reasonable and possible to do

b. requires luck d. nearly impossible

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: ______________________________

New Year's Resolution

by Kelly Hashway

Read each sentence and choose the best definition for each underlined word.

1. ______ resolution

a. worried

2. ______ concerned

b. household jobs

3. ______ happy

c. a decision to do or not do something

4. ______ achievable

d. to do something enjoyable

5. ______ chores

e. a choice that is reasonable and possible

6. ______ schedule

f. to spend time learning

7. ______ relax

g. pleased

8. ______ study

h. a list of times when things have to be done

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Name: ______________________________

New Year's Resolution

by Kelly Hashway In the story, "New Year's Resolutions," Erica writes her New Year's Resolutions. When her mother is concerned that her resolutions are not achievable, she suggests to Erica that she come up with one resolution that she can really stick with.

In the space below, write your own New Year's Resolution. Also, explain why you chose the resolution and how it will help you.

__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

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New Year's Resolution

by Kelly Hashway

1. Why was Erica writing New Year's Resolutions? d

a. She likes to write them every year. b. All of her friends are writing resolutions. c. She wanted to surprise her mother. d. It was a homework assignment.

2. Which sentence about Erica is probably true? c

a. She likes to keep secrets. c. Math is a tough subject for her.

b. She doesn't usually do her homework. d. She enjoys doing chores at home.

3. Complete the graphic organizer.

Erica's New Year's Resolutions

When She First Wrote Them

Revised Resolution

a. Do my homework right after school.


Don't wait until the last minute

to finish my chores.

Schedule my time after school so I can do my homework, get my chores done, study for math, and still have time to relax.


Get an A in math.

4. Erica's mother said New Years' Resolutions should be achievable. What does the word achievable mean? c

a. requiring a lot of thought c. reasonable and possible to do

b. requires luck d. nearly impossible

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New Year's Resolution

by Kelly Hashway

Read each sentence and choose the best definition for each underlined word.

1. c resolution

a. worried

2. a concerned

b. household jobs

3. g happy

c. a decision to do or not do something

4. e achievable

d. to do something enjoyable

5. b chores

e. a choice that is reasonable and possible

6. h schedule

f. to spend time learning

7. d relax

g. pleased

8. f study

h. a list of times when things have to be done

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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