New York City Public Schools

Dear Transit Tech Student:

I wanted to take this opportunity to advise you of some of your basic behavioral responsibilities at Transit Tech High School. The general expectation is that Transit Tech students will demonstrate respect toward their peers, adults, the property of others, and our school building, at all times.

Some points of emphasis are:

* Students must be familiar with the standards, rights and responsibilities outlined in the Discipline Code and the Student Bill of Rights. Each is developed and issued by the NYC DOE. The Code is distributed and reviewed in September in all Social Studies classes. Please make an appointment to speak to your guidance counselor or a dean if you need an additional copy or if you have questions about it or any school rule.

* Students must carry their school photo ID card. Students must present the card when entering the building every day. The ID must also be presented to enter the cafeteria and when requested by any staff member. Students who enter the building without an ID must resolve the situation with the deans in room 142 prior to reporting to classes.

* Students must become familiar with, and comply with, all scanning procedures during entry to the school building. Failure to follow protocol can lead to action by the NYPD as well as in-school disciplinary action. The only liquids students may bring into the building are unopened/sealed soft drinks in plastic bottles. All other items, including beverages and aerosol sprays will be confiscated and discarded.

* Students are responsible for items on their person and in their belongings.

* Students must have a valid hall pass when outside of their assigned classroom. Students must present the pass upon request. Bathroom passes may ONLY be used for the bathroom; formal written passes must be used for other destinations. Bathrooms are locked during passing and for the first and last five minutes of each period. Students with lunch must use the facilities in the cafeteria.

* Students must arrive to class before the late bell sounds. Students late to class will miss valuable class time and therefore their grades will be adversely affected. Guidance conferences will be held in school with parents/guardians in the cases of students chronically late to classes. Students who have lunch or are using their lunch period to visit an office or other appropriate destination are also expected to be at that destination by the time the late bell sounds. It is each student’s responsibility at the conclusion of business at that given destination to secure a pass to lunch or their next appropriate destination. Students who are in the hallways after the late bell sounds without a valid pass will be directed to the holding area and guidance intervention will be required.

* Students may not wear hats or other head coverings in the school building at any time. These items will be confiscated and ONLY returned to parents/guardians. Items not claimed within 30 days will be discarded for sanitary reasons related to storage. This policy will be enforced with zero tolerance.

* Student may not have cell phones or other electronic items in the building. Violators will have their item (s) confiscated. A confiscated item will ONLY be returned to the parent/guardian of the student from whom the item is taken. This policy will be enforced with zero tolerance.

* Only students with an elevator pass due to a medical condition or disability may use the elevator.

* Student conflict (fights and play fighting) will result in the suspension of those involved. Student who believe a conflict is developing are urged to report the matter to a staff member so a peaceful resolution can be sought.

* Once students leave the building they are prohibited from returning for PM classes or other activities. Students who do not have an 8th period class but wish to remain in the building for an after school event or for a scheduled PM class MUST report to the student cafeteria before the late bell. The cafeteria will be a waiting area; students must remain orderly while waiting. The library is an alternative to the auditorium for students wishing to study in a quiet environment. Under no circumstance will students programmed for an 8th period class be permitted to stay in the cafeteria. Students in hallways without a pass will be followed up upon within the guidelines established in the Discipline Code and may be excluded from the PM program or extracurricular activity for which they are inappropriately waiting.

* The school enforces the Discipline Code with zero tolerance as it relates to gang activity, including the display of colors, flags, beads or other gang related clothing or accessory. Items displayed in school that are deemed to be possible gang symbolism will be confiscated and a parent conference will be scheduled.

* Graffiti, in any form, will not be tolerated. By mandate, acts of vandalism and graffiti must be reported to the police.

* Student names must be clearly indicated on metro cards and no student is permitted to hold or use a card belonging to another. Missing and damaged metro cards must be reported to room 142C during your lunch period. The school has a finite number of cards and must order replacement cards. The waiting period for a replacement is sometimes 10 school days from the point it is reported lost.

Failure to comply with school rules and regulations will result in consequences. In addition to those outlined in the Discipline Code, students who engage in untoward activity risk the loss of privileges such as participating in, or attending, after-school, extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. These include, but are not limited to, PM school, Saturday school, special assemblies, PSAL events, school dances, school trips, the senior prom and award and graduation exercises.

Thank you in anticipation of your cooperation and best wishes for a productive school year.


Marlon Bynum



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