MEA Fall 21 Cto



Autumn 2021



By Vanessa DeSantis


From a young age Darrell Sims showed the qualities that made him a strong choice to become the MEA's new president: hard work, empathy and curiosity.

Sims grew up in a working-class

family in Ohio. "I could relate to living

on the financial edge from paycheck

to paycheck, trying to make ends

meet," said Sims. He took on many

odd jobs to help his parents provide

for himself and his nine brothers and

Newly Elected MEA President Darrell L. Sims

sisters - including janitorial work with his father, retail work at his mother's textile shop and bookstore, and

The MEA will have a new working on his grandfather's farm. president, starting January 1, After graduate school, Sims became 2022. Its Election Committee the first African American registered

named Mr. Darrell Sims President- architect employed by New York

elect at its Nomination Meeting, held City's Dept. of Housing Preservation

on August 4th. The Election and Development, the City agency

Committee was composed of Ms. responsible



Adrienne Leaf, Mr. Steve Koulish, and affordable housing.

Mr. Patrick Toner, who chaired the


Equipped with two master's degrees

from an Ivy League university, Sims

"He looks at both sides of every issue, assumed a management title at HPD,

which is important," said current MEA president Shelly Shulman, who nominated Mr. Sims and will continue to serve as president through the rest of 2021. "And he's always been

eventually becoming the Deputy Director for the Bureau of Multifamily New Construction Design Review Services in 2007.

involved in the MEA."

One of Sims' inclusionary housing

All eight members of the Independence in Action Team slate were unopposed. Effective January 1, 2022, the officeholders for the next

development projects is the stunning 250 Ashland Place in Brooklyn's neighborhood of Fort Greene. The 52-story brick and metal building is

three years are Darrell Sims, designed with 586 units of which 282

President; Edgar Landas, Executive are affordable housing. He retired

Vice President; Bernard Orlan, from HPD on January 1, 2020, after a

Treasurer; Lisa Yee, Recording 39-year tenure -- with 27 years in a

Secretary; Pamela Ross-Barnes, Sam managerial title.

Borkow, Peter Kontogiannis and "I have always felt good assisting

Cesare Lucido, Directors-at-Large. people who were economically less

fortunate and of a lower income similar to my family," he said.


Darrell joined the MEA in 1996 -- its instant appeal being its unique focus on managers and their common concerns and interests.

As MEA's President-elect, Sims will address the thorny issue of recruitment, as MEA continues to lose hundreds of its members as their positions are unionized.

"I think there's a personal satisfaction with being a manager that's beyond what's written on paper," he said. "To get people you are responsible for to produce their best work is a big challenge."


Sims will be working with MEA's new Executive Director, Alice Wong, who joined MEA at the beginning of 2021. He sees Ms. Wong's technological savvy as a powerful recruitment tool.

"She's been big on promoting the MEA, using our website and social media like Facebook, LinkedIn, IG, and Twitter to get the message out," said Sims. "Digital communication is so important."

MEA's Chapter Directors can also play a larger role in bringing new members to MEA. "We want to empower the Chapter Directors more," he said.

Sims already has a long history with the MEA. He's been an active Executive Board member for over 25 years. "After serving the MEA for such a lengthy time, I guess it is my turn to accept the challenge of being President," he said.




By Bendix Anderson

The New York City Managerial Health and Hospitals has entire year of 2020. MEA revived its

Employees Association (MEA) proceeded more slowly than Facebook page and in April 2021,

continues to fight for New York City anticipated. At the same time, the MEA joined Twitter, Instagram, and

managers in the same way that MEA attracted enough new LinkedIn.

managers fought for the City during members to keep its total numbers Users are drawn to the website and

the coronavirus pandemic.

of members strong. In 2020, 323 social media platforms by frequent

"City managers were once again new members joined despite the posts sharing valuable resources

called upon to be on the front coronavirus pandemic, and 195 with MEA members and city

lines," says Shelly Shulman, MEA new members joined in the first managers. The posts also provide

President, in his annual President's half of 2021.

useful analysis on what issues are

Report. Managers were asked to Several MEA chapters outdid most important to its members.

work extra hours, even though they themselves in 2020 meeting Current hot topics include Medicare

typically don't get overtime pay or compensatory time.

aggressive targets for recruitment. "I don't think we recognized the

Advantage Plus plan and how City workers are returning to the office.

MEA advocated for managers when winning chapters in the past," says the City furloughed them for five Alice Wong, who became the MEA's Visitors to the MEA's website also days during the budget crisis new Executive Director in January learned about online events -- caused by the pandemic. "After our 2021. "For the 2020 winners, we including the MEA's health and battle to get those wages recognized them across our social wellness seminars and professional

reinstated, the Mayor finally did media platforms and in our development presentations. MEA

return the lost pay," says Shulman. President's Report."

awarded $10,000 in scholarships in

"We remain disappointed that managers did lose five days of annual leave."

In 2020, Financial Information Services Administration/ Office of Payroll Administration (FISA-OPA)

2020 to members and their dependents to pursue their educational and career development.

The MEA continues to attract new increased its recruitment of new The MEA handled 528 cases in

members because it advocates for members by 41 percent, Dept. of 2020. Nearly half (47.3 percent of

City managers, provides useful Housing Preservation Development these cases) were job-related issues

resources, and services and by 30 percent, and the Dept. of like performance appeals, Equal

benefits, ranging from legal con- Design and Construction by 17 Employment Opportunity issues

sultation to pensions counseling, percent. The MEA awards winning and pay parity. MEA members also according to the President's Report. chapters a stipend, and chapters received legal services for work-

NEW MEMBERS JOIN MEA often utilize the award on events to related problems (4.7 percent of

The number of managers in the recognize members and recruit cases), and also non-work related,

MEA remains strong, even though new members. Pervious utilization legal issues (14.2 percent). MEA also

hundreds have become unionized of awards included a baseball game helped managers access benefits

positions. There are still close to and a morning meet-and-greet (29.7 percent of cases) and

3,000 members in the MEA, breakfast reception.

provided pension counseling (2.1

including both retirees and those


percent of the cases).

currently working as New York City WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA "Most importantly, when members

managers. That's slightly fewer "Providing resources on important have matters related to their job,

(0.95 percent) from 2019, com- topics is a way to highlight MEA's they should reach out to the MEA

pared to 2020.

commitment to our members," says office first to have representation."

"We lost members ? but not as Ms. Wong. More than 146,000 users says Wong. This kind of support

many as we anticipated, so far," visited the MEA's website in the first continues to draw managers to join

says Shulman. Unionization at NYC half of 2021, up 80 percent from the the MEA.


By Vanessa DeSantis





Lisa Yee will become the MEA's new IAT member Peter Kontogiannis will be Sam Borkow will become the MEA's

Recording Secretary on January 1, wearing a new hat at the MEA as its new Director-at-Large in January.

2022 after being elected as part of the Independence in Action Team (IAT) at the August 4 Nominations Meeting.

Director-at-Large, starting in January of 2022 after his election on August 4. Until then, he'll continue as MEA's Chapter Director at New York City's

He is currently an Assistant Chapter Director of the Retirees Chapter in addition to being on the

Ms. Yee began her career with the City Department of Environmental Finance, Organization and By-Laws

as a Deputy Counsel to the New York Protection, where he works as an Committees. His efforts to recruit

City Loft Board and then as an Assistant Chief in the City's Office of

Assistant Deputy Director Engineering Audit Office.



new members have been highly

the Corporation Counsel. Later she Before taking a job with the City, effective each year as Assistant

took a management title at the City's Kontogiannis was a quality assurance Chapter Director.

Dept. of Housing Preservation and auditor in the aerospace industry in "I am very proud to have been an

Development (HPD). Her legal the private sector for many years.

integral part of the recruitment

background helped her understand HPD's various programs. It was at HPD that Ms. Yee learned about the MEA.

"The skill set is transferable," said Mr. Kontogiannis, who now audits at many disparate construction contract sites throughout the City.

process," said Borkow. "The Retirees Chapter has increased its membership substantially in each

She was intrigued by the MEA's

advocacy for City managers, since they Kontogiannis' keen attention to detail of my three terms as Assistant

are not allowed to bargain collectively.

makes him an ideal Director-at-Large, where solving ways to expand


Joining the MEA also gave her a chance membership is key, along with keeping Mr. Borkow is a retired Deputy

to meet other people at her members appraised of all the Commissioner of the HRA Office of

professional level. "Being a manager underutilized employee benefits.

Investigation, Revenue and En-

in the City you're sort of always in "A lot of times people get intimidated," forcement Administration, and has

between the people you supervise and he said. "To find all the little perks is a longstanding ties with the MEA and

the people who supervise you," said like needle in a haystack..."

the IAT.

Ms. Yee. "I got to meet a lot of people Informal talks outside the meetings

who I learned a lot from."

help City managers discover benefits As Director-at-Large, Sam will

to City workers such as being endeavor to improve benefits for

The quality of the people who belong to the MEA eventually compelled her

reimbursed for things like the full cost of their Citi Bike and sports club

all members and managers alike.

to run for office with the organization. membership.

"I was always impressed with their "It's the special quality of the MEA," he generosity of knowledge; they really added. "The casual chit chats outside

are the heart of the City's operations." of the main meetings."

New York City Managerial Employees Association 42 Broadway ? Suite 1945 New York, NY 10004


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