Sources for New York City Statistics

Sources for New York City Statistics

is a growing collection of over 18,000 adherent statistic citations -- references to published membership/adherent statistics and congregation statistics for over 1,300 religions, churches, denominations, faith groups, movements, ultimate concerns, etc. To find NYC statistics, use the "Religion by Location" index.

Airport Traffic Report: John F. Kennedy International Airport, Newark International Airport, LaGuardia Airport, Teterboro Airport, Downtown Manhattan Heliport, West 30th Street Heliport. Annual.

New York, N.Y. : Port Authority of NY & NJ, 1994-

TL 726.4 .N5 P8111 - Latest in Business Reference

Previous title: Statistics Handbook JFK, EWR, LGA, TET, Heliports (1990-1993) at TL 726.4 .N5 P811.

[pic]Annual Report on Social Indicators.

New York, N.Y. : Department of City Planning, 1990-

HN 80 .N5 N50 - Lehman

AB An764 - Avery

Web version: 2004

Provides statistics on nearly aspect of life in the city. Included are sections on demographics, economy and employment, public safety, health, education and culture, poverty and social services, housing, and the environment.

Atlas of the Census: a Portrait of New York City from the 1980 Census.

New York : Dept. of City Planning, 1985.

HA 730 .N5 A84 1985g - Lehman

AA9127 N4 At65 - Avery

The Best Places to Live: New York City, from CNN and Money magazine.

Comparative statistics for NYC and the nation as a whole in several categories, plus rankings.

Blackburn, Anthony J.

Housing New York City 1993.

New York : Department of Housing Preservation and Development, 1995.

HD 7288 .N5 B56 1995g - Social Work

AA7544 N48 B56 - Avery

Continued by: Lee, Moon Wha., below.

Continues: Housing and Vacancy Report, below.

Chernick, Howard.

Welfare Reform and New York City's Low-Income Population

In this recent paper from the Institute for Poverty Research's Working Papers series, Howard Chernick and Cordelia Reimers examine the Current Population Survey in 1994-1995 and 1997-1999 to see if there was a discernible drop in households receiving public assistance in New York City.

Cities Census Committee, inc., New York.

Population of the City of New York, 1890-1930.

New York : the Committee, 1932.

HA 730 .N5 C5 1930 - Lehman

317.8 N484 - Business

AA9127 N4 C49 - Avery

Tabular presentation of data from several censuses, both Federal and New York State, with some data actually going back to 1790.

Citywide Accountability Program (CAPSTATS)

The Citywide Accountability Program (CAP) uses the Police Department's "COMPSTAT" program's approach to evaluate performance in defined areas of accountability for all levels of management at city agencies, to achieve the goals and objectives of those agencies. Through the collection of statistical information, constant performance tracking is made possible, enabling prompt and effective operational decision making, for the purpose of providing effective delivery of services at city agencies.

Community Profiles: 51 New York City Council Districts.

New York, N.Y. : Community Studies of New York, Inc./INFOSHARE : City Project, 2000.

HA 730 .N5 C58 2000g - Journalism Reference, Lehman

Along with detailed demographic, health and other information on each of fifty-one Council Districts, the report includes color maps and graphs showing trends in test scores, asthma hospitalizations and birth-related statistics for each district and the City as a whole.

Coalition for the Homeless

Coalition for the Homeless provides up-to-date information on New York City's homeless population and the shortage of affordable housing.

Community District Profiles

Land use maps, locator maps, and a statistical profile for each of the 59 Community Districts in New York City, from the Dept. of City Planning.

Community Service Society of New York:

Research and Advocacy Publications

The Changing Face of Poverty: Trends in New York City's population in Poverty, 1960-1990.

HV 4046 .N6 T62 1984 - Social Work

New York City's Labor Market, 1994-1997: Profiles and Perspectives

HV 99 .N5 L49 1998g - Social Work

Poverty in New York City. Biennial.

New York, NY : Community Service Society of New York, 1987-

• 1980-1985: HC 108 .N7 R67 1987 - Social Work

• 1985-1988: HC 108 .N5 R67 1989g - Social Work

• 1991: HC 108 .N7 R682 1992g - Social Work

• 1993: HV 4046 .N6 R783 1994g - Social Work

• 1996: HV 4046 .N6 R783 1997g - Social Work

• 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005

County and City Data Book. Every 6 years.

Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1949-

HA 202 .A36 - Lehman

HA 202 .Un311 - Barnard, Business, Butler (Latest in Reference in all)

Web versions:    1988 & 1994, 2000

County and City Extra: Annual Metro, City and County Data Book. Annual.

Lanham, MD : Bernan Press, c1992-

HA 203 .C68 - Business, Lehman (Latest in Reference in both)

County Health Indicator Profiles (2000 - 2004): New York City

Annual tabulations in the areas of socio-demographics, perinatal health, mortality, AIDS, hospitalizations, and disease morbidity; from the NYS Dept. of Health.

Digital Atlas of New York City, by Professor William A. Bowen, California State University, Northridge

Data is principally for 1990, atlases are divided into six major topics: Population and Race, Ancestry, Income and Poverty, Adult Educational Attainment, Household Types, and Commuters.

District Resource Statement ... Biennial.

New York, N.Y. : Policy and Program Development/Office of Service Planning, 1985-1996/97.

All in Social Work Stacks:

• Bronx - HV 87 .N5 D4

• Brooklyn - HV 87 .N5 D42

• Manhattan - HV 87 .N5 D425

• Queens - HV 87 .N5 D43

• Staten Island - HV 87 .N5 D44

Hanson-Sanchez, Christopher.

New York City Latino Neighborhoods Databook.

New York : Institute for Puerto Rican Policy, 1996.

F 128.9 .S75 H3 1996g - Lehman

Data for the 21 Latino neighborhoods and an additional 33 smaller Latino "sub-neighborhood" areas, along with statistics for the city as a whole and for each borough.

Health Care Annual. Annual.

New York, N.Y. : United Hospital Fund of New York, c1990-

Serial H - Health Sciences

This title and its predecessor, Health & Health Care in New York City (1983-1989) presents tabular data on the demographics, health status, and medical care of NYC residents, as well as data on health care financing.

Web versions: 2005

Housing and Vacancy Report. Triennial.

New York : Department of Housing Preservation and Development, 1987-

• 1987:

HD 7304 .N5 S72 1988g - Lehman

AA7544 N48 St3223 -Offsite

• 1991:

HD 7304 .N5 S74 1993g - Social Work Reference

AA7544 N48 St3224 - Avery

• 1993:

see Blackburn, Anthony J. Housing NYC 1993, above.

Housing NYC: Rents, Markets, Trends

Contains a vast array of housing statistics from 1996 to the present; from the New York City Rent Guidelines Board.

[pic][pic]  Infoshare Online

Infoshare, produced by Community Studies of New York, is a database of official New York City statistics, including census (1980-2000), Housing and Vacancy Survey, crime, health & vital statistics, public schools, etc. You can build tables profiling an area in the city, using any unit of geography -- from city or borough to ZIP code, census tract, community district, police precinct, neighborhood, health area, and more.

The best source for New York City statistics!

Keating, Raymond J.

New York by the Numbers: State and City in Perpetual Crisis.

NY : University Press of America, 1997.

HA 545 .K43 1997 - Lehman

A compilation of current and historical statistics in the areas of fiscal issues, education, crime, societal indicators, and the economy, which seeks to illustrate the decline of NYC and NYS.

Keeping Track of New York City's Children. Millennium ed.

New York : Citizens' Committee for Children, 2002.

HV 99 .N5 K43 2002g - Social Work

Contains graphs and figures illustrating economic conditions & poverty, health, child care, educations, child welfare, environmental issues, and more. Also very useful for two additional tables of statistics on community district characteristics and community school district characteristics.

Krasner, Melvin I.

New York City Community Health Atlas 1994.

New York : United Hospital Fund of New York, c1994.

G 1254 .N4 E55 K7 1994 - Health Sciences Reference

Lee, Moon Wha.

Housing New York City 1996.

New York : Department of Housing Preservation and Development, 1999.

HD 7288 .N5 L34 1999g - Lehman

Lee, Moon Wha.

Housing New York City 1999.

New York : Department of Housing Preservation and Development, 2002.

HD 7288 .N5 L34 2002g - Social Work

Li, Jiali.

Low-income Populations in New York City: Economic Trends and Social Welfare Programs, 1996.

New York, N.Y. : United Way of New York City, prepared for City of New York, Human Resources Administration, 1997.

HV 99 .N59 L5 1997g - Social Work

Mollenkopf, John H.

New York City in the 1980's : a Social, Economic and Political Atlas.

New York : Simon & Schuster, 1993.

G 1254 .N4 E1 M6 1993 - Lehman, Milstein

R978N48 M73 - Butler Reference

AA9127 N4So1 M73 - Avery Reference

[pic]My Neighborhood Statistics

My Neighborhood Statistics lets New York City residents know how City agencies are performing in their neighborhood by viewing locally mapped performance statistics using a street address or intersection. Color-shaded maps also allow for easy comparisons of highs and lows in different neighborhoods.

New York (N.Y.)

Community District Needs.

New York : The City, 1983-

HT 168 .N3 - Social Work

HT 168 .N3 - Journalism Reference

AA9127 N4 N417 - Avery

New York (N.Y.) Bureau of Health Statistics and Analysis.

Summary of Vital Statistics, the City of New York. Annual.

New York : the Bureau, 1940-

HA 730 .N42 N48 - Health Sciences Reference

New York (N.Y.). City Planning Commission.

Portfolio: an Information System for Community Districts. 59 vols.

New York : City Planning Commission, 1979.

F 128.6 .N4 - Offsite

AA 9127 N4 P838 - Avery (Manhattan volumes only)

Although most of the data for this massive set was drawn from the 1970 census, the level of detail presented here hasn't been matched since. Arranged by Community District, the set also provides tabular data for a variety of other sub-Borough geographic units. Extensive text, tables, and maps.

[pic]New York (N.Y.) Dept. of City Planning.

Demographic Profiles: a Portrait of New York City' Community Districts from the 1980 & 1990 Censuses of Population and Housing.

New York : The Dept., 1992.

HA 730 .N5 D45 1992g - Lehman

HA 730 .N5 D45 1992g - Social Work

AA9127 N4So1 N43 - Avery Reference

[pic]New York (N.Y.) Dept. of City Planning.

Socioeconomic Profiles: a Portrait of New York City' Community Districts from the 1980 & 1990 Censuses of Population and Housing.

New York : City of New York, Dept. of City Planning, 1993.

HA 730 .N5 S73 1993g - Lehman

HA 730 .N5 S73 1993g - Social Work

AA7544 N48 So13 - Avery Reference

New York (N.Y.) Dept. of Commerce and Industrial Development.

Statistical Guide for New York City. Annual.

New York : The Dept., 1957-1964.

HA 730 .N5 N481 - Business, Lehman

978 N48 N4887 - Butler

AA735 N4 N455 - Avery

New York City. Dept. of Education. Statistical Summaries

New York City attendance, registration, and assessment statistics.

New York. Fire Department.

Citywide Statistics

Includes monthly and annual Fire Report (1993-present) and EMS Report (1998-present), citywide and for each borough.

New York (N.Y.) Human Resources Administration.

HRA Facts

-- Monthly caseload information for HRA programs, comparative figures for previous years.


-- Current tables and charts on public assistance, food stamps, Medicaid and Medicare, home care, job placement, and more.

New York (N.Y.) Office of Management and Budget.

Monthly Report on Current Economic Conditions.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page for links to the monthly reports, usually the latest 5-6 months; each report is 20+ pages of NYC economic data and analysis.

New York (N.Y.) Police Department.

Statistical Report, Complaints and Arrests. Semiannual.

New York : Police Dept, City of New York, Office of Management Analysis, Crime Analysis Section, 1983-

HV 7597 .A6 - Social Work (Latest in Reference)

Web version:  Weekly Crime Statistics

New York City Council on Economic Education.

Fact Book: Tables and Charts on the New York Metropolitan Region. Irregular.

New York: The Council, 1965-1995.

HC 108 .N7 N4 - Butler, Business, Social Work

New York City Housing and Neighborhoods Information System (NYCHANIS)

A service of NYU's Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, NYCHANIS is a database which allows users to choose a NYC neighborhood and retrieve data about it in terms of housing units and vacancies, land use, income, school atttendance, crime, and other factors. The results can then be mapped or charted in various ways. Access is free, but users must register for the site.

New York City Housing and Vacancy Survey, 1993-2002, New York City Rent Guidelines Board

For 1996, see also, CD-ROM HD 7293 .A492 N49 - Electronic Data Service

New York City Housing and Vacancy Survey 1999 & 2002, from the U.S. Census Bureau

New York Metropolitan Transportation Council

A wide range of transportation-related data is available on this Web site, and has been organized into easy-to-read formats with charts, maps and visual displays through Geographic Information System (GIS) software. Click on Interactive GIS/Data on the left side to access the data menu.

New York's Competitiveness: a Scorecard for 13 U.S. Metropolitan Areas

Prepared by the Citizens Budget Commission, July 2001.

The Newest New Yorkers.

New York, N.Y. : Department of City Planning, 1992-

1982-1989: F 128.9 .A1 S39 1992g - Lehman

1982-1989: F 128.9 .A1 S392 1992g - Lehman

1990-1994: F 128.9 .A1 S394 1996g - Lehman

1995-1996: F 128.9 .A1 S395 1999g - Lehman


Regional Economic Conditions (RECON)

RECON was originally designed to assist the FDIC in the examination process by providing economic information at the state, MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area), and county levels. Using RECON, anyone with internet access is able to drill down to any state, MSA, or county to view standard graphs, tables, and maps depicting economic conditions and how they have changed over time. RECON contains a 'shopping cart' feature that allows the user to assemble charts and tables of interest and then print them together at the end of their session.

Regional Economy .. Review and ... Outlook. Annual.

New York: Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, 1988-

AB R2437 - Avery

Rosenwaike, Ira.

Population History of New York City.

Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 1972.

HB 3527 .N7 R66 - Butler Stacks, Lehman

Examines the ethnicity, religions, births, deaths, and migrations of the population of New York City from 1610 to 1970. Contains over 100 tables and a short bibliography.

State and Metropolitan Area Data Book. Every 5 years.

Washington : U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1979-

HA 203 .A35 - Business, Butler, Lehman (Latest in Reference in all locations)

Web version:  1997-98

State of New York City's Housing and Neighborhoods. Annual.

New York : New York University School of Law, Center For Real Estate and Urban Policy, 2001-

HD 7304 .N5 S7 - Lehman

HD 7304 .N5 S7 - Social Work

AB St2885 - Avery

Stegman, Michael A.

Housing and Vacancy Report : New York City, 1987.

New York, N.Y. : Department of Housing Preservation and Development, 1988.

HD 7304 .N5 S72 1988g - Lehman

AA7544 N48 St3223 - Offsite

Stegman, Michael A.

Housing and Vacancy Report : New York City, 1991.

New York, N.Y. : Department of Housing Preservation and Development, 1993.

HD 7304 .N5 S74 1993g - Social Work

AA7544 N48 St3224 - Avery

Summary Travel Characteristics: New York, NY PMSA

Statistics on travel into and from the NYC metropolitan area, from the 1995 American Travel Survey

Taub Urban Research Center, at New York University

The Taub Center site includes research and analysis of population and employment trends, including:

• Immigration Is Transforming New York City, December 1997

• New York City Adoptions 1997

• Preparing for the Future: a Commercial Development Strategy for New York City: Group of 335 Final Report, 2001

• Race-Based Neighborhood Projection

U.S. Census Bureau:

County QuickFacts:

• Bronx County

• Kings County

• New York County

• Queens County

• Richmond County

For each county: the latest Census demographic, business, and geographic statistics.

U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Region II with some sections specifically for NYC data

Welfare Reform and Social Indicators: New York City

Current data for the city, each borough, and each Congressional District, from the Fiscal Policy Institute.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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