New York Immigrant Experience: A Guided Tour Through History

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New York Immigrant Experience: A Guided Tour Through History

By Minetor, Randi. Mintor, Nic, Photographer.

Globe Pequot. 1 Cloth(s), 2010. hard. Book Condition: New. This illustrated history of immigration in America's most international cityranging from colonial times to the mid-19thcentury Irish Potato Famine, and from Ellis Island to the present dayprovides travelers with the most interesting details about related sites in the Big Apple, including El Museo del Barrio, the African Burial Ground, Little Italy, and Chinatown, as well as contact information for each. Here too are some of the key features of a travel guide, including insiders' advice on some of the best ethnic restaurants and places to stay. The front cover folds out into a vintage illustration of Manhattan, while the back cover contains a fold out map of the city as it is today, and on it the destinations mentioned in the book are highlighted for your convenience. 122.


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