New York State Department of Transportation Wetland ...


Route 17/I-86 - Interchanges 107 and 108

Bridge Replacement and Approach Improvements

Town of Thompson, Sullivan County


I. Introduction

This report describes the wetland resources located along a section of NYS Route 17 (future I-86) in the Town of Thompson, Sullivan County, as shown on the Location Maps in the Appendix.

Wetlands were delineated along both sides of Route 17 (future I-86) within the approximate boundaries of the project area at each of the interchanges. Each wetland was then given the interchange number where it is located, followed by a letter if more than one wetland was delineated at that interchange.

Eleven jurisdictional wetlands were found within the corridor, WE-107A thru WE-107K as shown on the wetland summary table. All of these wetlands are considered to be under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE). These wetlands are shown in the appendix on the Wetland Location Plans and Aerial Photos.

II. Wetland Delineation Methodology

The wetland delineation was based upon the presence of hydrophytic vegetation, wetland hydrology and hydric soils, as outlined in the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 1987 Wetlands Delineation Manual. The Routine On-Site Inspection Methodology as set forth in the manual was employed. The boundaries of each wetland were marked in the field with pink wetland delineation flagging. Sample data sheets were done for each wetland and additional data sheets were done, when needed, to confirm upland boundaries.

The wetland field delineations were performed by personnel trained in the three-parameter methodology as set forth in the above manual. The delineation was performed by NYSDOT staff (Bill Longwell, Mark Jakubiak, Chris Shiyam, Karen Lorf, Amber VanGuilder, and Brian Priestley – Design Services Bureau) in October 2005, July-August 2006 and May-July 2007. The location of the wetland boundaries (WE-107A thru WE-107K) are shown in the Appendix.

Existing Data Files for NWI and NYSDEC Wetlands, as shown on the Attached Plans in the Appendix, were consulted before the field delineation.

III. General Site Ecology/Wetland Descriptions

See Wetland Summary Table on the next pages.


|WE-107A |Palustrine, Forested|Wetland adjacent to County Route 161 (Helden Rd). |

| |and Emergent | |

| |Palustrine Forested |A small forested wetland adjacent to County Route 161. |

|WE-107B | | |

| |Palustrine, |A forested and shrub-scrub wetland surrounding a pond. |

|WE-107C |Forested, | |

| |Shrub-Scrub, Pond | |

| |Palustrine Forested|A small, isolated forested wetland. |

|WE-107D | | |

|WE-107E |Palustrine |A small shrub-scrub wetland. |

| |Shrub-Scrub | |

|WE-107F |Palustrine Forested |A forested wetland adjacent to the westbound lanes of Route 17. |

|WE-107G |Palustrine Forested,|A wetland complex adjacent to the westbound lanes of Route 17. Portions of this wetland have been impacted within the last few years with fill and excavation |

| |Shrub-Scrub, |activities by adjacent owner. |

| |Emergent | |

|WE-107H |Palustrine Forested.|Large wetland complex adjacent to the Neversink River. |

| |Riverine Forested. | |

|WE-107I |Palustrine Forested,|Large wetland complex adjacent to the Neversink River. |

| |Shrub-Scrub. | |

| |Riverine Emergent | |

| |and Forested. | |

|WE-107J |Palustrine Emergent,|A small wetland adjacent to old road bed. |

| |Forested | |

|WE-107K |Palustrine |Forested wetland adjacent to old road bed. |

| |Forested | |



Figure 1: Project Maps – Interchanges 107 & 108

a) Project Location Map

b) Wetland Aerial Photographs

c) Sullivan County Soils Map

Figure 2: Wetland Data Sheets

Figure 3: Wetland Photos

Figure 1

Project Maps – Interchanges 107 & 108

a) Project Location Map

b) Wetland Aerial Photographs

c) Sullivan County Soils Map

Figure 2

Wetland Data Sheets

Figure 3

Wetland Photos


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