Appendix 3B - New York State Department of …




|Approved By:      , Regional Structures Engineer, Region |Date:       |

| (Approval should be via e-mail from the Regional Structures Engineer ) |

| |


| |

|1. |PIN: |      |

|2. |BIN: |      |

|3. |Project Description: |      |

|4. |County: |      |

|5. |Town: |      |

|6. |City/Village: |      |

| |


| |

|5. |Over Roadway Description (Information can be found in WINBOLTS Report and/or Design Report) |

| |a. |State Highway Name and Number |      |

| |b. |Route Number |      |

| |c. |Local Road Number/Name |      |

| |d. |Functional Classification | |NHS System | |

| |e. |Design Speed | |Truck Traffic |     % |

| |f. |Projected Traffic Year |      |

| |g. |Projected AADT |      |

| |

|6. |Under Roadway Description (Information can be found in WINBOLTS Report) |

| |a. |State Highway Name and Number |      |

| |b. |Route Number |      |

| |c. |Local Road Number/Name |      |

| |d. |Functional Classification | |NHS System | |

| |e. |Design Speed | |

| |f. |Minimum Vertical Clearance Required |      (See Bridge Manual Section 2) |

| |

|7. |Maintenance of Existing Traffic (Information can be found in Design Report) |

| |a. |Is there vehicular traffic which must be maintained? | |

| |b. |If yes, how will it be maintained? |      |

| |c. |If a temporary detour structure is required, what live | |

| | |loading should be used? (See section 2.6.3 of Bridge | |

| | |Manual) | |

| |d. |Does pedestrian traffic need to be maintained? | |

| |e. |If yes, how will it be maintained? |      |

| |f. |Is the bridge part of a designated bicycle route? | |


| |

|8. |Structure Description: |      |

| |

|9. |Original Construction Contract No.(s) |      |

| |(Information can be found in WINBOLTS Report) | |

| |

|10. |Type of structure, span, and skew |      |

| |(Information can be found in WINBOLTS Report) | |

| |

|11. |Are plans available? | |Do they accompany submittal? | |

| |

|12. |Is there any asbestos on the existing bridge ? (See record plans and Section 3.9 of Bridge Manual) | |

| |

|13. |Is the bridge within or adjacent to an area of contaminated sediment or soil such as a superfund | |

| |site? (Information can be found By GIS Search) | |

| |If so, must contaminated soil be distributed or removed? | |

| |

|14. |Disposition of superstructure and estimated cost (Information |      |

| |can be found in WINBOLTS Report) | |

| |

|15. |Disposition of substructure and estimated cost (Information |      |

| |can be found in WINBOLTS Report) | |

| |

|16. |Are there sidewalks on the bridge? | |

| |

|17. |Specify any utilities carried on structure |      |

| |(See Bridge Inspection Report in WINBOLTS) | |

| |a. |Do any of these utilities need to be kept in service during construction? | |

| |b. |Can any of these utilities be interrupted for a given period of time? | |


| |

|18. |Recommended type and reason for preference | |

| |(See Section 3.0 of Bridge Manual) | |

| |

|19. |Typical Bridge Section: |

| |a |Number of lanes | |

| |b. |Lane width | |

| |c. |Shoulder width | |

| |d. |Are sidewalks needed? | |

| |e. |Sidewalk location and width |      |

| |f. |Should railing be used instead of barrier? | |

| | |Explain      |

| |g. |Are adjacent driveways or sight distance a problem? | |

| | |Explain      |

| |h. |Are there geometry issues involved? | |

| | |Explain      |

| |i. |Is deck drainage a concern? | |

| | |Explain      |

| |j. |Is water flow over Roadway a concern? | |

| | |Explain      |

| |k. |Should protective fencing be used? | |

| |l. |Should a permanent snow fence be installed on the structure? | |

| |m. |Railing Design Service Level | |

| |

|20. |Should provision be made for utilities? (Include letters of request by utility companies) | |

| |a. |Size |      |

| |b. |Number |      |

| |c. |Type |      |

| |d. |Indicate location, span capability, weight per lineal foot and amount of insulation: |      |

| |

|21. |Should provisions be made for lighting? If yes, provide light standard locations by stations and | |

| |offsets, and indicate size of conduit in an excel table in the project’s ProjectWise folder. | |

| |Are any signs to be supported by the structure? | |

| |If yes, Give sizes, weights |      |

| |

|22. |Are there any aesthetic requirements? | |      |

| |Is the structure located within the Adirondack Park? | |

| |Is the structure located within the Catskill Park? | |

| |Should access for fishing, hiking or wildlife be provided under the bridge? | |

| |If yes, explain       |

| |Are any parking or boat launching facilities adjacent to bridge site? | |

| |If yes, explain       |

| |Is the existing structure a historic landmark or a contributing factor to a historic district? | |

| |(Information can be found in WINBOLTS Report) | |

| |Are there any other special environmental considerations for this Bridge? | |

| |If yes, explain       |

| |

|23. |Do you recommend that approach slabs be used? (Based on input from the Regional Structures, | |

| |Geotechnical, and Materials Groups) | |

| |

|24. |a. |Should weathering steel be used? | |

| |b. |Should drip bars be used? | |

| |c. |Should all or a portion of the substructure concrete be cleaned? | |

| |d. |Should the steel be painted? | |

| |e. |What color paint is desired? |      |

| |

|25. |Datum used | |

| |Required correction to USGS Datum |      |

| |(See NYSDOT Survey Manual for Information on site specific correction factors, Map numbers available | |

| |from WINBOLTS) | |

| |Name of USGS quadrangle (7.5 min. Series) showing structure location |      |

| |

|26. |Miscellaneous: |      |


| |

|27. |All electronic files submitted shall meet the requirements as set forth in the Department’s CADD Standards and Procedure Manual and |

| |Appendix 14 of the Project Development Manual. The designer should ensure that all electronic files submitted meet the requirements of |

| |the CADD Standards and Procedure Manual and Appendix 14 of the Project Development Manual prior to making them available to the Office |

| |of Structures. Any files not meeting these requirements will be rejected and will have to be resubmitted once the files are corrected |

| |to meet the appropriate standards. It shall be the responsibility of the Regional Project Design Engineer or the Regional Structures |

| |Engineer to notify the bridge designer of any changes in the alignments, profiles, superelevation, sections, or the proposed finished |

| |grade which will affect the final bridge design. A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the existing ground and the proposed finished grade |

| |shall be required which covers an area 50 meters from either side of the extremities of the proposed bridges. The required submittal of |

| |a Digital Terrain Model does not exclude the required submittal of waterway cross sections as required in the Waterway Supplement, |

| |Appendix 3B. |

| |

|28. |Electronic files are available on ProjectWise under the appropriate Regional folder and PIN. Plans can be plotted at various scales |

| |from 1:100 to 1:2500. The following chart shall be filled in by the Designer. Some of the more commonly used files with there location |

| |folders and extensions are listed below. All information required by structures shall be coordinated between the structures designer |

| |and the group providing the information. As an example; 1:250 scale plans with contour intervals should be displayed at 0.5 m for steep|

| |terrains and 0.2 m contour intervals for flat or rolling terrain. |

| |

|File Name |

|Location - Folder In ProjectWise |

| |

|1.) Geometry Project (Alg) |

|      |

|      |

| |

| |

|Feature |

|Horizontal |

|Vertical |

|Superelevation |

| |

|A.) Existing-Over |

|      |

|      |

|      |

|N/A |

| |

|" Under |

|      |

|      |

|      |

|N/A |

| |

|" Additional |

|      |

|      |

|      |

|N/A |

| |

|" Additional |

|      |

|      |

|      |

|N/A |

| |

|" Additional |

|      |

|      |

|      |

|N/A |

| |

|B.) Proposed-Over |

|      |

|      |

|      |

|      |

| |

|" Under |

|      |

|      |

|      |

|      |

| |

|" Additional |

|      |

|      |

|      |

|      |

| |

|" Additional |

|      |

|      |

|      |

|      |

| |

|" Additional |

|      |

|      |

|      |

|      |

| |

|C.) Detour |

|      |

|      |

|      |

|      |

| |

| |

|File Name |

|Location - Folder In ProjectWise |

| |

|2.) Surface (Dtm) |

| |

|A.) Existing-Original Ground |

|      |

|      |

| |

|" Bridge Deck |

|      |

|      |

| |

|B.) Proposed-Approaches |

|      |

|      |

| |

|" Bridge Deck |

|      |

|      |

| |

|3.) 2D/3D Base Mapping |

| |

|A.) Photogrammetry |

|      |

|      |

| |

|B.) Survey |

|      |

|      |

| |

|4.) Right of Way (ROW) |

| |

|A.) Existing |

|      |

|      |

| |

|B.) Proposed |

|      |

|      |

| |

|5.) Utilities |

| |

|A.) Existing |

|      |

|      |

| |

|B.) Proposed |

|      |

|      |

| |

|6.) Boring Location File |

|      |

|      |

| |

|7.) Baseline Survey File |

|      |

|      |

| |

|8.) Highway Plan/Work File |

|      |

|      |

| |

|9.) Typical Sections |

|      |

|      |

| |

|10.) Miscellaneous (A) File |

|      |

|      |

| |

|11.) Miscellaneous (B) File |

|      |

|      |

| |

| |

|Note: Some data fields may be N/A (Not Applicable) or Pending. |

| |

|29. One copy of boring logs. Indicate on 1:250 scale plan. |

|(Boring logs are obtained from the Regional Geotechnical Engineer and can be scanned and posted in Project Wise in PDF format) |

| |

|30. |For projects that cross the New York State Barge Canal System, the "Residency Map" for the bridge site should be obtained from the |

| |Division Canal Maintenance Engineer, of the Canal Corporation, NYS Thruway Authority. |

| | |

|31. |Any site restrictions pertaining to Wetlands, Parklands, and Historical or Archeological Areas, should be shown on the 1:250 scale plans |

| |(Available in the General Plan files on Project Wise) |

| | |

|3241. |Photographs of the existing bridge and approaches. (Information can be found in WINBOLTS Report) |

| | |

|3342. |Plans of the existing bridge - preferably "As Builts" (Many As-Built drawings are now available on the P:Drive @ P:\Office of |

| |Engineering\Design\MO_RecordPlans\As-Built Contract Plans) |

| | |

|3443. |Please submit costs for the following items which are to be assigned to the bridge share. |

| |a. |Utilities |      |

| |b. |Maintenance and protection of traffic |      |

| |c. |Removal and disposal of existing bridge |      |

| |d. |Channel Work |      |

| |e. |Detour Structure |      |

| |f. |Special approach and transition work |      |


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