Government of New York



FROM: P. Coulthart, Landscape Architecture/Environmental Services Unit


Accelerated Bridge Program


PIN SABP.03.101

BIN 1041820 – Route 222 Over Fall Creek

DATE: February 14, 2012

Environmental Screening results for BIN 1041820 are as follows:

Threatened and Endangered Species – There are no threatened or endangered species issues with this site. There is no Bog turtle habitat at this site.

Aquifers – The site is not within an aquifer of concern.

Wetland Impacts – There are no mapped wetlands within the project area that will be impacted.

Stream Impacts – BIN 1041820 crosses Fall Creek which is a Class “C(t)” stream as defined by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). Due to the classification of Fall Creek, no work in the stream shall be permitted from October 1st to May 15th. It is not anticipated that the activities associated with the scope of this project will require any work within the bed or banks of Fall Creek.

However, should any activity be necessary within the bed and banks of Fall Creek to complete the proposed bridge work, this work shall be in accordance with the US Army Corps of Engineer Nationwide Permit #3. It is anticipated that a NYSDEC Blanket Section 401 Water Quality Certification would apply to this project since the work required will meet the requirements of a Section 404 or Section 10 Nationwide Permit #3. A site specific erosion and sediment control plan and a restoration plan must be developed prior to commencing work activities to ensure permit compliance.

Any activity outside of the intended scope of work may require additional permits.

Air – Given the scope of the work, there are no air quality concerns.

Noise – Given the scope of the work, there are no noise concerns.

Historic and Cultural Resources – The ROW area surrounding the bridge is disturbed from the 1957 bridge construction on a new Rt. 222 alignment which included the realignment of Fall Creek to match the structure opening. See F.A.R.C. 58-124 Sheets 2, 6, 59 and D256425 Sheet 59. Any change in project

scope may re-open the cultural resource screening process.

Hazardous Waste – Based on the scope of work and a Hazardous Waste/Contaminated Material Screening (performed in accordance with Chapter 5 of the NYSDOT Environmental Procedures Manual), it is not anticipated that contaminated/hazardous materials will be encountered at this project location.  The scope of work is limited to bridge deck replacement, and minimally intrusive soil disturbance activity in previously placed fill material.  Further analysis must be conducted if the scope of work changes to include any: change in excavation plans; ROW acquisition or easements; utility relocation; or building demolition.

Lead-based Paint & Asbestos – This bridge was built by NYSDOT in 1957. Bridges built prior to 1989 are considered positive for lead-based paint. The NYSDOT tested BIN 1041820 for dumdum paint in 2003 and it was negative. An asbestos survey of the entire bridge will be performed prior to construction.

Water Quality – The scope of the project will result in less than one acre of disturbance, therefore a NYSDEC SPDES is not required for this project. Notes will be added to the contract directing the contractor to properly control, contain, and dispose of any water involved in the demolition and all construction.

Pedestrian Facilities – There is a DEC fishing access for this bridge.

Tree Removals – There are no tree removals anticipated for this project.

Temporary road, detour or ramp closure – Any use of a temporary road, detour or ramp closure must accommodate pedestrian access (as applicable) and should not adversely affect local business or events.


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