New York State Girls Basketball Officials Association

New York State Girls Basketball Officials Association

New Candidates

2010-11 Rules and Mechanics Examination – Closed Book

In 1 – 30, “C” is for correct and “I” is for incorrect.

1. There shall be no team control during a try after the ball is in flight.

2. A1 is dribbling the ball in the frontcourt. A1 bats the ball into the air over B1’s head. A1 allows the ball to strike the playing court, and then resume’s her dribble.

3. The length of an extra period shall be four minutes.

4. A free throw starts when the free thrower releases the ball.

5. A1 has possession of the ball in the air carrying her out of bounds, when A1 calls timeout. The official grants the timeout.

6. On a jump ball, the ball becomes live when it leaves the officials hand.

7. A1 has the ball for an alternate-possession throw-in. A1 throws the ball to A2 who has 1 foot on the floor out of bounds. The ball shall be awarded to team B and the possession arrow shall not be changed.

8. A1 is holding the ball in the backcourt. B1 is closely guarding A1 for 5 seconds. This is not a violation since A1 is in the backcourt.

9. A1’s throw-in spot is under her opponent’s basket. Team B is playing good defense. With the 5-second count nearing, she throws the ball into her backcourt. A2 recovers the loose ball; a backcourt violation has occurred.

10. During a free throw, all players must wait until the ball hits the rim before they cross the vertical plane of the boundary line.

11. Each team gets four 60-second timeouts and two 30-second timeouts.

12. Each team gets two 30 second timeouts per game; one of the 30 second timeouts must be used in the first half, or the team will lose it.

13. On a throw-in, team possession begins when the ball is handed to the player making the throw-in.

14. With 19 seconds remaining on the shot clock, Team B commits a kick ball violation. The shot clock is reset to 30 seconds.

15. Team A receives a technical foul before the game begins. B6 who is not in the starting lineup may enter and shoot the two free throws.

16. At the end of the first overtime period, the score is still tied; the AP arrow is set for Team B. The second overtime will start with Team B being awarded the ball at the half court line, opposite the scorer’s table.

17 After the 10-minute mark on the game clock before the start of the game, a team shall be charged a maximum of one administrative technical foul for changes made to the scorebook. This applies until the end of the game.

18. A defender is allowed to use one hand on the ball handler/dribbler to “measure up” with a “hot stove” touch and can avoid a foul call by alternating hands.

19. A dribbler is allowed to “back down” and displace her legally established defender as long as the official rules she is making a legitimate attempt to score.

20. It is legal for a player who has just received a pass to hop with both feet to adjust her position in order to attempt a 3-point shot.

21. A player’s try for goal from behind the 3-point arc enters the basket. She land with both feet inside the arc. The official rules 2 points.

22. Timers shall sound a warning horn 15 seconds before the expiration of any charged timeout and a second horn at its expiration.

23. A1 leaps from her frontcourt, intercepts B1’s pass while in the air and lands with one foot in the frontcourt and the other in the backcourt. Official rules a backcourt violation.

24. The ball rolls along the edge of the backboard without touching the supports. The official rules this a violation.

25. On a free throw by A1, B1 commits a lane violation. A1’s free throw misses the ring and flange. This is a double violation and the alternating possession rule shall apply.

26. A1 is in the backcourt and has dribbled for eight seconds when she passes the ball to A2 who is also in the backcourt. 2 seconds later the official calls a 10-second violation.

27. A1 releases the ball on a try for goal. After the ball leaves A1’s hands, the shot clock horn sounds. The ball hits the backboard (misses the ring and flange) and rebounds directly to B1. The official calls a shot clock violation.

28. Team A is winning 45 to 40. A shooting foul is called as the horn sounds ending the game. B1 is to get 2 free throws. The official allow B1 to shoot the two free throws with no one lined up in the lane.

29. A1 is dribbling the ball when she stops and shoots the ball on a try for goal. The ball does not hit the rim, flange or backboard. A1 following the shot catches the ball before it touches the playing court or any other player. The official allows play to continue.

30. A live ball shall not become dead until the try in flight ends and the official whistle is blown

In 31 – 50, multiple choices.

31. A jump ball is a method of putting the ball in play:

A) At the beginning of the game.

B) Between the 1st and 2nd; and 3rd and 4th quarters.

C) After any held ball.

32. A single charged full timeout shall not exceed;

A) 30 seconds

B) 60 seconds

c) 75 seconds

33. After the ball is placed at the disposal of a free-thrower

A) The free-thrower shall release the try within 10 seconds.

B) The free-thrower shall not fake a try.

C) The free-thrower shall not leave the semi-circle before the try contacts the rim.

D) All of the above.

34. The referee shall:

A) Approve the player’s uniforms.

B) Approve all equipment being used.

C) Have authority to set aside any officials rules or approved interpretations.

D) Approve the final score.

35. When player’s arms/or elbows are swung excessively but there is no contact, the official shall call:

A) Foul

B) Violation

C) Technical foul

D) None of the above.

36) A1 is dribbling the ball in the frontcourt when the ball momentarily gets away from her. While the dribble is interrupted A1 pushes B2 while trying to retrieve the ball. Team A is in the double bonus.

A) Common foul is called on A1. B2 will shoot free throws.

B) Team control foul is called on A1 and B1 will not get any free throws.

C) Player control foul is called on A1 and B1 will not get any free throws.

D) None of the above.

37) A2 receives a tip by A1 on the jump ball to start an extra period. A2 is confused and dribbles toward the wrong basket. A2 attempts a 3-piont try and is successful in the wrong basket.

A) Cancel the score by A2, she was confused.

B) Award Team B with 3 points, and allow Team A the ball out under the basket.

C) Award Team B with 2 points, and allow Team A the ball out under the basket.

38) During an alternating-possession throw-in, Team A violates by:

A) Failing to pass the ball directly into the playing court.

B) Dribbling the ball while being out of bounds.

C) Shuffles her feet with the 3-foot boundaries.

39) Kicking the ball violation shall be called when:

A) Accidentally striking the ball with the foot.

B) While standing still, the ball is thrown off the player’s leg.

C) Intentionally kicking the ball with the leg.

40) Before a free throw by A1 is in flight, A3 steps into the free throw lane, then A2 pushes B2. The contact by A2 in not flagrant.

A) If A1 makes the free throw, count it and ignore all the other action. If missed then A1

will get another free throw.

B) The ball becomes dead when A3 violates. A1 free throw will be lost and the foul by A2

will be ignored.

C) The ball becomes dead when A3 violates. A1 free throw will be lost and a foul will be

charged to A2.

41) A foul shall be called when:

A) The defender contacts the e ball handler with two hands.

B) The defender places a hand on the ball handler and keeps it on her.

C) The defender contacts the ball handler with a bar arm.

D) All of the above

42) A closely guarded violation occurs when:

A) A closely guarded player anywhere in the front court only.

B) A player dribbling the ball is closely guarded.

C) A player holding the ball is closely guarded.

D) All of the above.

43) When is team B player allowed to call a timeout during A1’s free throw?

A) When the official is holding the ball.

B) After the ball has been released by the official and A1 has not yet caught the ball.

C) After the ball is bounced to A1, but A1 fumbled the ball and it has rolled away from the


D) All of the above.

44) A1 is attempting a three-point shot and is fouled intentionally by B2. The shot is successful. What is the result?

A) Count the basket, give A1 one free throw and team A gets the ball at the spot closest to

the foul.

B) Count the basket, give A1 two free throw and team A gets the ball at the spot closest to

the foul.

C) Count the basket, give A1 one free throws, if successful team B takes the ball out, if

unsuccessful play resumes as after any other missed final free-throw attempt.

45) While A1 is holding the ball preparing to shoot the second of two free throws, B5 who is in a marked lane space steps into the lane, after which A2 who is beyond the three point line, steps across the three-point line. Which of the following is true?

A) Double Violation

B) Delayed free-throw violation on B5

C) Only A2’s violation is penalized.

46) A timeout may be granted during which of the following:

A) An interrupted dribble.

B) When an airborne player’s momentum is carrying the player out of bounds.

C) After a throw-in starts following a made field goal if called by the throw-in team.

D) None of the above

47) When does team A NOT have team control?

A) While A1 is making a throw-in.

B) While the ball is in the air during a pass from A1 to A2.

C) After A1 has released the ball on a try.

D) All of the above.

48) A1 is making an alternating possession throw-in, and A1’s pass is kicked by B2. Which of the following are true?

A) Ignore the kicked ball and play on.

B) The possession arrow is set to team B.

C) The possession arrow remains with team A.

D) None of the above.

49) A visible count (arm flick motion) will be given from the shoulder to the head level, away from the body when:

A) A five second count on a throw-in.

B) A 3 second count for a player in the lane.

C) A 10 second count for a free throw

D) All of the above.

50) When calling a foul on player “24”, the official shall:

A) Use two hands when reporting a foul. The right hand will show a 2 and the left hand

shall hold a 4. Both will be given together.

B) The reporting official will say “two - four”.

C) The official will stand still when reporting the foul to the scorer.

D) All of the above.

2010-11 NYSGBOA Rules & Mechanics Exam

New Candidates Answer Sheet

Name________________________________ Questions Missed _______

Board_______________________________ Score__________

In 1 -30, In 31-50,

Mark an “X” through the correct answer. Multiple choices.

1) C I 16) C I 31) _______ 41) ____________

2) C I 17) C I 32) ________ 42) ____________

3) C I 18) C I 33) ________ 43) ____________

4) C I 19) C I 34) ________ 44) ____________

5) C I 20) C I 35) ________ 45) ____________

6) C I 21) C I 36) ________ 46) ____________

7) C I 22) C I 37) ________ 47) ____________

8) C I 23) C I 38) ________ 48) ____________

9) C I 24) C I 39) ________ 49) ____________

10) C I 25) C I 40) ________ 50) ____________

11) C I 26) C I

12) C I 27) C I

13) C I 28) C I

14) C I 29) C I

15) C I 30) C I


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