NYSED Educator Diversity

[Pages:32]NYSED Educator Diversity


November 5, 2019

NYSED Educator Diversity Report


Report requirements in Ed. Law

Amid growing recognition of the importance of this issue, last year the legislature tasked the Department with preparing a report providing "an overview of teacher diversity throughout the state." (Ed. Law ?305 (58)) Lawmakers requested, and the report will contain: ? Data on the race, ethnicity, gender, and age of the state's educator workforce; ? A look at the hurdles diverse candidates encounter at each point along the pathway; ? Current efforts by higher education institutions to recruit and retain diverse candidates into educator

preparation programs; ? Current efforts by schools and the state to attract, hire, and retain certified teachers who reflect the

diversity of our students; and ? Recommendations on programs, practices, and policies that may be implemented by schools and teacher

preparation programs to improve educator diversity in New York State.

NYSED Educator Diversity Report


Input in developing report

The Department ...

? Conducted new data analysis from our student, teacher and leader data collections ? Asked the Learning Policy Institute to provide a literature review on educator diversity policy

and programs ? Reached out to education leaders throughout our P-20 system for their expertise and

insights ? Conducted a survey of P-12 superintendents, BOCES District Superintendents, and educator

preparation program deans about the systems of supports available for educators across New York State as well as the gaps that may exist. The survey generated a 77% response rate.

NYSED Educator Diversity Report


Defining "of color"

In the draft report, the term "of color" refers to individuals who identify as American Indian or Alaska Native, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Asian or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, or MultiRacial.

The Department arrived at the decision to use the term "of color" in distinguishing racial and ethnically diverse educators following consultation with stakeholders and national experts as well as review of the scholarly literature.

NYSED Educator Diversity Report


A diverse teacher workforce benefits all students

Role model effect: students see people of color in professional roles and positions of authority

Teachers of color ... ? deserve the same access to the education profession as all others ? demonstrate that they see students of color as capable, undermining stereotype

threat ? often function as cultural translators and advocates for students of color ? are rated highly by students of all races on Measures of Effective Teaching (MET),

including feeling cared for and academically challenged

Secondary sources: Carver-Thomas (2018); "See Our Truth" (2017); TeachNY Advisory Council (2016)

NYSED Educator Diversity Report


Data Findings

NYSED Educator Diversity Report


Race & Ethnicity

Students of color make up an increasing majority in New York State's schools, while the share of teachers who are white remains steady at 80%.

Percentage of Student Enrollment Percentage of Population

New York State's P-12 Student Enrollment by Race and Ethnicity







0% 2011-12




Academic Year



American Indian or Alaska Native Hispanic or Latino White

Black or African American Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Multi-Racial

New York State's Teacher Workforce by Race and Ethnicity

90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

0% 2011-12




Academic Year



American Indian or Alaska Native Asian or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander White

Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Multi-Racial

Sources: NYSED Information and Report Services (IRS) Public School Enrollment Files, NYSED Personnel Master Files). Data are as of 07-01-2019.

NYSED Educator Diversity Report


In most regions of the state, fewer than 5% of teachers were of color

More than 200 school districts did not report employing any teachers of color

Districts with the highest enrollment of students of color also tend to have the highest numbers of teachers of color

NYSED Educator Diversity Report


Source: NYSED Personnel Master Files). Data are as of 07-01-2019.


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