Academic Resume - NSF

Dr. Anita J. La Salle

National Science Foundation

Computer and Networking Systems Division

4201 Wilson Boulevard

Arlington, VA 22230

(703) 292-5006 (NSF)


|Professional Interests |Research in the areas of software engineering, software project risk management, technology project management, software |

| |process-improvement, education, education policy, and infrastructure. |

|Education |Ph.D. Computer Science 1980, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ. Thesis: "The functional decomposition of an |

| |operating system for off-loading onto peripheral processors" |

| |MS Mechanical Engineering 1971, Newark College of Engineering, Newark, NJ |

| |BS Mechanical Engineering 1964, Newark College of Engineering, Newark, NJ |

| |Other: Oracle Training 1995; Capability Maturity Model 1996; ISO9000 1996; Macromedia UltraDev 2002; Cold Fusion 2002; OOAD |

| |and UML 002; CMMI 2003, SEI Risk Assessment 2003 |

|Employment History | |

|2006 – |National Science Foundation |

|Present |Program Manager, Computer and Network Systems Division (CNS), Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering|

| |(CISE) |

| |4201 Wilson Boulevard |

| |Arlington, VA 22230 |

| |Principle Responsibilities: |

| |Advise and assist Division Director in the development of long range plans. |

| |Oversee and manage merit review processes that result in awards and declines of research proposals and the distribution of |

| |funds to support computing-related research. |

| |Collaborate with members of program management clusters in Education and Workforce and Science of Design. |

| |Manage performance assessment processes for Division. |

| |Oversee and manage post-award processes. |

| |Engage in outreach activities and award site-visits. |

| |Serve as Division’s Conflict of Interests Officer. |

| |Co-Direct CISE Education Initiative. |

| |Track research trends and emerging technologies in computing. |

| |Catalyze joint-funding opportunities between CNS Division, other Divisions of NSF, and other Federal Agencies. |

| |Represent NSF at professional meetings, conferences and other venues. |

| | |

|2000 – 2006 |National Science Foundation |

|and |Expert (Part-Time), Computer and Network Systems Division (CNS), Directorate for Computer and Information Science and |

|1988 - 1998 |Engineering (CISE) and for Directorate for Education and Human Resources, Division of Undergraduate Education. |

| |Principal Responsibilities: |

| |Manage programs for CISE Division of Computer and Networking Systems (CNS). |

| |Evaluate proposals for funding, generate RFPs, monitor and evaluate proposal management processes, coordinate undergraduate |

| |and graduate research and educational initiatives, manage budgets, and produce program announcements and special reports, |

| |manage grants and contracts. |

| |Serve on Science of Design Cluster, Education and Workforce Cluster, Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems Cluster and |

| |Co-Direct CISE Educational Initiative. |

| |Manage instrumentation and infrastructure programs in IT and engineering, |

| |Coordinate software RFPs with external contractors, oversight of external contractors, |

| |Manage budgets; develop processes for proposal management and automation. |

| | |

| |Other: |

| |Recipient of Director’s Award, June 2006. |

| |Recipient of Director’s Award, June 2005. |

| |Member of NSF’s FedTraveler Requirements Review Board. |

| |Member of CISE’s Recruiting Committee. |

| |Member of CISE’s Human Capital Planning Committee. |

| |Managed CNS Division’s Committee of Visitors, March 2006. |

| |Managed EIA Division’s Committee of Visitors, May 2001. |

| | |

|1988 - 2006 |American University, Washington, D.C. |

| |Professor Emeritus, Kogod School of Business (2002-2005), Director of Master of Science in Information Technology Management |

| |(MSITM) Program (until August 2005), Chair of Information Technology Department, Professor (tenured), Department of Computer |

| |Science and Information Systems (CSIS), College of Arts and Sciences, and Chair of CSIS (1992-1996). |

| |Principal Responsibilities: |

| |Administration of departments. |

| |Preparation of strategic plans and implementation strategies. |

| |Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Information Technology, Computer Science, and Information Systems (see course |

| |repertoire). |

| |Curriculum and external program development |

| |Research into systems and software engineering, distributed systems, and laboratory development. |

| |As Director of Marketing for CSIS and Director of MSITM, development of certificate and degree programs for off-site and |

| |weekend programs, market programs to business and government, develop budgets, and define supporting infrastructures of |

| |hardware and software to maintain programs. |

| |Manage program accreditation by external Accreditors. |

| | |

|1987 - 1988 |National Science Foundation, Washington, DC |

| |Program Director -- Undergraduate Science, Engineering and Mathematics Education Division (USEME) in Directorate for Education|

| |and Human Resources (HER) (On detail from the New Jersey Institute of Technology) |

| |Principal Responsibilities: |

| |Program Director for engineering and computer science instrumentation. |

| |NSF Manager of Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program (REU). |

| |Directorate Coordinator for Ethics and Values Program. |

| |Design and implement proposal review and evaluation processes to assure the quality of engineering and science education. |

| |Conduct technical analysis of proposals. |

| |Select outstanding scientists to provide objective reviews of proposals, either as individuals or as members of panels. |

| |Determine the need for and direct the preparation of technical and administrative guides, standards and criteria to accomplish|

| |improvement in undergraduate engineering and science education. |

| |Conduct final review of proposals and recommend awards based on resources, priorities and knowledge of NSF policies and goals.|

| |Manage NSF grants, contracts and cooperative agreements with other agencies. |

| |Ensure fulfillment of commitments by review of reports, publications or site visits. |

| |Maintain effective dialogue and liaison with Federal, state and local agencies; professional organizations; and other |

| |institutions and the public on all aspects of scientific and engineering personnel and education. |

| | |

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|1974 - 1987 |New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ |

| |Associate Chair of Computer & Information Science Department, Associate Professor of Computer & Information Science (tenured),|

| |Fellow of Manufacturing Engineering |

| |Research Responsibilities: |

| |Research into systems and software, communication systems, operating systems, distributed processing and computer science |

| |education. |

| |Project/thesis advisor to more than 70 undergraduate and graduate students. |

| |Writing research proposals. Eight proposals written from 1983 to 1987 totaling over $1,000,000. Six of these were funded for |

| |over $800,000. |

| |Co-designed Ph.D. program and three doctoral-level courses for the CIS Department Ph.D. |

| | |

| |Faculty Responsibilities: |

| |Teach graduate and undergraduate courses in systems and software engineering, telecommunications, operating systems, computer |

| |architecture, programming languages, computer center organization and the computer science core curriculum. |

| |First member of faculty to organize, prepare and present a course for credit on public television (15 one-hour segments). |

| |Developed the Institute's first personal computer laboratory as well as the first Computer Aided Instruction laboratory. |

| |Member of twelve academic committees. |

| |Academic advisor to 90 undergraduate students per year. |

| |Presentation of a variety of Continuing Education courses. |

| | |

| |Administrative Responsibilities: |

| |Managed the academic and non-academic administrative activities of the Computer & Information Science Department. This |

| |included the supervision of 50-60 full and part-time faculty, 25-35 teaching assistants and 5 full-time support personnel. |

| |Managed marketing efforts for CIS. During period of 1976 until 1987, increased enrollments from 27 majors to 1280 majors. |

| |Recruited and trained faculty and staff. Prepared and monitored budgets, purchased equipment and furnishings and developed |

| |laboratories from their inception. |

| |Developed off-campus master degree programs at seven state-wide sites including both corporate and non-affiliated locations. |

| |Coordinated Board of Visitors of industrial representatives who served as advisors to the department. |

| | |

|1969 - 1974 |Newark College of Engineering, Newark, NJ. |

| |Academic Coordinator of Computer Center |

| |Principle Responsibilities: |

| |Programming consultant on more than 50 research projects and advanced scientific applications. |

| |Managed daily operation of a remote-job-entry stations staffed by students in addition to supervising 16-20 user assistants. |

| |Developed and maintained software libraries as well as documentation for their applications in scientific and engineering |

| |projects. |

| |Authored two university feasibility studies that resulted in the purchase and installation of two mainframes and a |

| |minicomputer system to achieve the educational, research and administrative goals of the institute. |

| |Supervised the conversion team involved in the installation of a new mainframe computing system as well as creation of a |

| |minicomputer facility. |

| |Designed and developed special training programs to upgrade computer literacy of faculty and staff. |

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|1967 - 1969 |Worthington Corporation, Harrison, NJ, Research Engineer in Computer Applications |

| |Principle Responsibilities: |

| |Supervised a group of specialists responsible for computer applications to heat transfer problems and automated product |

| |design. |

| |Developed and maintained programs for automated design, selection and performance calculations of heat transfer equipment. |

| |Conducted computer-training seminars for engineers and scientists. |

| | |

|1866 - 1867 |Falstrom Company, Passaic, NJ |

| |Assistant to Chief Engineer. |

| |Developed computer programs for numerically controlled tools. |

| | |

|1964 - 1966 |York Division of Borg-Warner Corporation, York, Pa., Research Engineer. |

| |Designer and developer of thermoelectric products for commercial and military use and designer of thermoelectric product test |

| |suites. Development of computer programs for test data reduction. |

| | |

|Honors |Three National Science Foundation Director’s Awards. |

| |Visiting Scientist to University of Houston's Visiting Scientist Program, Center for Computational Science and Advanced |

| |Distributed Simulation, 1996. |

| |Award from Eastern Communications Forum, 1993 |

| |Nominated for University Award for Outstanding Teaching, 1990. |

| |Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Recognition of Service Award, 1989 |

| |Recipient of National Communications Forum Award 1989. |

| |Nominated for the American Society for Engineering Education Excellence in Teaching, 1983 |

| |Recipient of New Jersey Institute of Technology merit awards in 1979, 1980, 1981, 1983 and 1985. |

|Publications | |

|Books |A. J. La Salle, Introduction to Computer Science, workbook for tele-video course, 200 pages, New Jersey Institute of |

| |Technology, 1986. |

| | |

|Book Chapters and |A. J. La Salle (as member of Steering Committee), report, "Educating the Next Generation of Information Specialists: A |

|Reports |Framework for Academic Programs in Informatics," NSF Grant #9352944, published by Center for Advanced Computer Studies, |

| |Lafayette, LA, Nov 1993. |

| | |

| |S. Becker, A. J. La Salle, and B. J. Gleason, "An Integrated CASE Environment for Reverse Engineering," CASE: Issues and |

| |Trends for the 1990's and Beyond, IDEA Group Publishing, N. Y., N. Y., 1993. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle, L. R. Medsker, and D. Hillmer, "Planning and Implementing Expert Systems in Organizations: Tools for |

| |Managers," book chapter in Managing Expert Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay Liebowitz, eds., printed August 1991 (Copyright date|

| |1992). |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle - editor, Report on the National Science Foundation Disciplinary Workshops on Undergraduate Education, National|

| |Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., NSF 89-3, 1989. |

| | |

| |A.B. Newton, K. V. Schmittle, and A. J. Ventz (La Salle), "Thermoelectric Heating and Cooling," chapter in Developments in |

| |Energy Conversion, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1965. |

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|Journals and |Maliha Haddad and Anita La Salle, “Improving Software Acquisition Processes: A Study of Real Project Costs”, The 3rd Annual |

|Proceedings |Conference on the Acquisition of Software-Intensive Systems, Arlington, VA, Jan. 2004. |

| | |

| |Maliha Haddad and Anita J. La Salle, “The Use of Knowledge Management by the Software Acquisition Organization,” Proceedings |

| |of the IBER Conference, October 6-10, 2003, Las Vegas, NV, 12 pages. |

| | |

| |Maliha Haddad and Anita J. La Salle, “Additional Costs and Risks in Software Acquisition Projects,” Journal of Business and |

| |Economics Research, Volume 1, Number 8, August 2003. |

| | |

| |Maliha Haddad and Anita J. La Salle, “Additional Costs and Risks in Software Acquisition Projects,” Proceedings of IBER |

| |Conference, October 9-12, 2002, Las Vegas, NV. 8 pages. [Selected as Best Paper]. |

| | |

| |Maliha Haddad and Anita J. La Salle, “Customer Risk Identification in Software Sub-Contracting,” Proceedings of the Sixth |

| |World Congress on Customer Service, October 8-9, Arlington, VA., Published as “Customer Satisfaction Frontiers – VI” Section |

| |5.0., 12 pages, Quality University Press, Fairfax, VA 2002. |

| | |

| |Maliha Haddad, Anita J. La Salle and Vincent Ribiere, “Risk Assessment in Software Sub-Contracting,” Organizations and Society|

| |in Information Systems (OASIS) 2001 Workshop, December 2001, New Orleans. |

| | |

| |Maliha Haddad and Anita J. La Salle, “Software Subcontracting – Assessing Unexpected Costs,” Proceedings of the SAIS 2001 |

| |Conference in March 2-3, 2001, Savannah, GA. |

| | |

| |Maliha Haddad, Anita J. La Salle and Vincent Ribiere, "Using the SA-CMM as a Tool for Estimating the User and Management Costs|

| |for Software Acquisition Projects,” Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2000), Long Beach, CA, |

| |August 10-13, 2000, 5pgs. |

| | |

| |Maliha Haddad and Anita J. La Salle, “Measuring Hidden User-Costs in Software Acquisition Projects,” Proceedings of |

| |International Council on Systems Engineering Conference (INCOSE), 5-8 April 2000, Reston, VA. 5 pgs. |

| | |

| |Maliha Haddad, Anita J. La Salle, and John R. Harrald, “Software Subcontracting and the Cost to the Mature Organization,” |

| |Proceedings of AIS'99, Milwaukee, WI, August 1999, 3 pgs. |

| | |

| |Shirley A. Becker, Ebru Gunaydin Bjarnason and Anita La Salle, "A Structured Approach to Intranet Application Development, |

| |Proceedings of IRMA 1999 Conference, Hershey, PA, May 1999, 14 pgs. |

| | |

| |A. La Salle, et. al., "Multimedia Design and Development: A Team-Centered, Collaborative Curriculum," Proceedings of IRMA |

| |1999 Conference, Hershey, PA, May 1999, 12 pgs. |

| | |

| |V. Ribiere, A. La Salle, R. Khorramshahgol, and Y. Gousty, "Information Systems Quality Evaluation Tool," Proceedings of 1999 |

| |HICSS Conference, Hawaii, January 1999, 9 pgs. |

| | |

| |S. Becker and A. La Salle, "Translating Software Engineering Principles into Practice: Team Frameworks," Proceedings of |

| |SEES'98, November 1998, Poznan, Poland, 7 pgs. |

| | |

| |A. La Salle, "Mapping Maturity Characteristics into PSP," Proceedings of AIS 1998 Americas Conference, August 1998, Baltimore,|

| |MD, 4 pgs. |

| | |

| |V. Ribiere, A. La Salle, R. Khorramshahgol, "Hospital Information System Quality: A Customer Satisfaction Assessment Tool," |

| |ECIS 98, European Conference on Information Systems, June 1998, Aix-Provence, France. 12 pgs. |

| | |

| |V. Ribiere, A. La Salle, and R. Khorramshahgol, "The Integration of Cause-Effect Techniques into a Hospital Information System|

| |Quality Measurement Tool," accepted for publication and presentation at 7th International Conference on Productivity and |

| |Quality Research (ICPQR '98). |

| | |

| |A. La Salle, "An Inverted Computing Curriculum: Preparing Graduates to Build Quality Systems," Proceedings of the Frontiers in|

| |Education Conference, November, 1997, Pittsburgh, PA. (5 printed pages -- CDROM). |

| | |

| |V. Ribiere, A. La Salle, and R. Khorramshahgol, "Measuring Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study in Hospital Information Systems|

| |Evaluation," Proceedings of First World Service Congress, October, 1997, Tysons, Virginia. Pgs. 4.20-4.33. |

| | |

| |G. McGuire and A. La Salle, "Educating the 21st Century Software Professional: Breaking Paradigms and Building Bridges for |

| |Global Quality," Proceedings of the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, July 1997, |

| |Portland, Oregon. Pgs 569-572. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle and R. Khorramshahgol, "Taguchi Back-End Processing for Simulation Evaluation," Proceedings of the |

| |International Conference in Information Engineering, April 1997, Argentina. 11 Pgs. |

| | |

| |A. La Salle, R. Khorramshahgol, and Y. Gousty, "The Design of a Quality Decision Support System Using Simulation and the |

| |Taguchi Method," Proceedings of the 8th European Simulation Symposium and Exhibition, October 1996, Genoa, Italy. |

| | |

| |G. McGuire and A. J. La Salle, "Reengineering Team Process in Quality-Focused Software Development Environments," Proceedings|

| |of IEEE 1996 International Conference on Engineering and Technology Management, August 1996, Vancouver, Canada. Pgs 375-380. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle and R. Khorramshahgol, "Planning and Design of a Quality Information System for TQM," Proceedings of IEEE 1996|

| |International Conference on Engineering and Technology Management, August 1996, Vancouver, Canada. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle and R. Khorramshahgol, "The Application of Taguchi Method to Resource Allocation for Public and Private |

| |Projects in a Multi-Criteria Environment." Proceedings of International Conference on Technology Management: |

| |University/Industry/Government Collaboration, June 1996, Istanbul, Turkey. 5 Pgs. |

| | |

| |R. Khorramshahgol and A. La Salle, "Application of Taguchi Method to Software Quality." Proceedings of II Congreso |

| |Internacional de Ingenieria Informatica (Second International Congress on Information Engineering). November 14-15, 1995, |

| |Buenos Aires, Argentina. pg. 334-339. |

| | |

| |R. Everhart, A. La Salle, and R. Khorramshahgol, "Applying TQ Principles to the Requirements Phase of System Development." |

| |Proceedings of IEEE Annual International Engineering Management Conference. June 28-30, 1995 Singapore. pg. 223-228. |

| | |

| |D. Feinstein, D. Lidtke, A. La Salle, M. Mulder. "Computer Information Science An Emerging Discipline." Proceedings of |

| |Americas Conference on Information Systems. August 1995, Pittsburgh, PA., pg. 572. |

| | |

| |R. Khorramshahgol, A. La Salle, and G. Mc Guire, "Characteristics of an Ideal Teacher in a Quality Education Environment," |

| |Proceedings of the AAUA International Conference in Nice, France, September 1994. 4 Pgs. |

| | |

| |B. J. Gleason, A. J. La Salle, and E. McGuire, "Developing a Multimedia Laboratory," Proceedings of the Second Annual |

| |Conference on Multimedia in Education and Industry. August 1993 |

| | |

| |D. Hillmer, A. J. La Salle, L. Medsker, and G. Welsh, "A Risk-Identification Tool for Managers Planning Expert System |

| |Applications," Expert Systems with Applications International Journal, Pergamon Press, Vol. 4, 1992. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle and L. R. Medsker, "Distributed Knowledge Acquisition From Multiple Experts: Issues and Techniques," expanded |

| |version of conference paper to appear in special issue of International Journal of Expert System Applications, Fall 1991. |

| | |

| |D. Hillmer, A. J. La Salle, L. Medsker, and G. Welsh, "Identifying Risks in Expert System Projects," Proceedings of the |

| |IEEE/ACM International Conference on Developing and Managing Expert System Programs, Washington, DC, September, 1991. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle and L. Medsker, "An NSF Funded Research Experience for Undergraduates: Intelligent Systems," ACM SIGCSE |

| |Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 2, June 1991. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle and L.R. Medsker, "Distributed Knowledge Acquisition from Multiple Experts: Issues and Techniques," |

| |Proceedings of International Conference on Expert Systems Applications, Los Angeles, November 7-8, 1990. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle and L. R. Medsker, "The Expert System Life Cycle: What Have We Learned From Software Engineering," Proceedings|

| |of ACM-SIGBDP International Conference on Trends and Directions in Expert Systems, Florida, October 1990. |

| | |

| |L. Medsker, A. La Salle, and D. Hillmer, "Knowledge Acquisition and the Expert System Life Cycle," Proceedings IEEE Managing |

| |Expert System Programs and Projects Conference, September 10-12, 1990. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle and L. R. Medsker, "Distributed Knowledge Acquisition From Multiple Experts: Issues and Techniques," expanded |

| |version of conference paper to appear in special issue of International Journal of Expert System Applications, Fall 1991. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle, "NSF Funding Opportunities in Education," Proceedings of the National Educational Computer Conference, June |

| |1990. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle and M. A. Baltrush, "Linking Electronic Mail Systems: X.400 Standards are the Glue," Proceedings of Symposium |

| |on Computer Conferencing and Allied Technology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, June 1-4, 1987. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle, "Meeting a Need: Televideo Courses in Computing," Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference, Texas, |

| |October 1986. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle and M. A. Baltrush, "Advances in Communications: the X.400 Communication Standard," Proceedings of ACM Computer|

| |Science Conference, Cincinnati, February 1986. |

| | |

| |L. R. Medsker, M. A. Baltrush and A. J. La Salle, "Computer Networking for an Engineering Environment," Proceedings of ACM |

| |Computer Science Conference, Philadelphia, PA, February 1984. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle report to Hon. M. Rinaldo, Electronic Funds Transfer, Congressional Committee on Banking, report published in |

| |Congressional Record, September 1977. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle report to Hon. M. Rinaldo, Report on the Privacy Act, Congressional Hearings on the Privacy Act, report |

| |published in Congressional Record 1977. |

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|Invited |Maliha Haddad and Anita La Salle, “Unanticipated Costs and Risks Associated with Software Outsourcing”, presented at American |

|Articles and |Society for Quality (ASQ), July 2004, Tysons, Virginia. |

|Presentations | |

| |Anita La Salle, “Software Industry and Economic Security” presented at the Software Industry Conference, April 2004, Software |

| |Productivity Consortium, Reston VA. |

| | |

| |Maliha Haddad and Anita La Salle, “Costs and Risks on Software Acquisition Projects”, presented at Software Engineering |

| |Process Group (SEPG) Conference, March 2004, Orlando. |

| | |

| |Maliha Haddad and Anita La Salle, “Improving Software Acquisition Processes: A Study of Real Project Costs”, presented at The |

| |3rd Annual Conference on the Acquisition of Software-Intensive Systems, Arlington, Virginia, January 2004. |

| | |

| |Maliha Haddad and Anita J. La Salle, “Customer Risk Identification in Software Sub-Contracting,” Presented at the Sixth World |

| |Congress on Customer Service, October 8-9, Arlington, VA. |

| | |

| |Maliha Haddad, Anita J. La Salle and Vincent Ribiere, “Risk Assessment in Software Sub-Contracting,” Organizations and Society|

| |in Information Systems (OASIS) 2001 Workshop, December 2001, New Orleans. |

| | |

| |Maliha Haddad and Anita J. La Salle, “Software Subcontracting – Assessing Unexpected Costs,” Proceedings of the SAIS 2001 |

| |Conference in March 2-3, 2001, Savannah, GA. |

| | |

| |S. Becker and A. La Salle, "Translating Software Engineering Principles into Practice: Team Frameworks," Presented at SEES'98,|

| |November 1998, Poznan, Poland. |

| | |

| |A. La Salle, "Mapping Maturity Characteristics into PSP," Presented at AIS 1998 Americas Conference, August 1998, Baltimore, |

| |MD. |

| | |

| |A. La Salle, "An Inverted Computing Curriculum: Preparing Graduates to Build Quality Systems," Presented at the Frontiers in |

| |Education Conference, November 1997, Pittsburgh, PA. |

| | |

| |"What is New in the New Curricula: Content" and "What is New in the New Curricula: Learning and Teaching" Presented at |

| |National Educational Computing Conference (NECC'97), Seattle, Washington, June 1997. |

| | |

| |"Cleanroom Software Engineering: Where are we failing in technology transfer?" Presented at 3rd International Conference on |

| |Cleanroom Engineering Practices , University of Maryland, College Park, MD, October 1996. |

| | |

| |"Reengineering Team Process in Quality-Focused Software Development Environments," Presented at IEEE 1996 International |

| |Conference on Engineering and Technology Management, August 1996, Vancouver, Canada. |

| | |

| |Presenter of "Computer Information Science An Emerging Discipline." by D. Feinstein, D. Lidtke, A. La Salle, M. Mulder. |

| |Americas Conference on Information Systems. August 1995, Pittsburgh, PA. |

| | |

| |"Teaching and Learning in the Quality Movement." Presented at the ISe Working Group (Information Systems engineering), |

| |Portland, Oregon, September 1995. |

| | |

| |"Technology Enabled Learning." Presented at the NSF Invitational Conference on Collaboratives, December 1995, Washington, DC. |

| | |

| |R. Khorramshahgol, A. La Salle, and G. Mc Guire, "Characteristics of an Ideal Teacher in a Quality Education Environment," |

| |presented at the AAUA International Conference in Nice, France, September 1994. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle, and L. Medsker, "The Expert System Life Cycle: What Have We Learned From Software Engineering," presented at |

| |the ACM-SIGBPD International Conference on Trends and Directions in Expert Systems, Florida, October, 1990. |

| | |

| |L. Medsker, A. La Salle, and D. Hillmer, "Knowledge Acquisition and the Expert System Life Cycle," presented at the IEEE |

| |Managing Expert System Programs and Projects Conference, Washington, DC, September 10-12, 1990. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle, "Is There a Software Crisis?" invited position paper presented at National Educational Computer Conference, |

| |Nashville, June, 1990. |

| | |

| |A. J. La Salle, "From Hardware to Courseware - Defective Learning in CSE Laboratories?" invited presentation at ACM Computer |

| |Science Conference, Washington D.C., February, 1990. |

| | |

| |Tenure and the Biological Clock - Affirmative Action Programs in Science and Engineering, invited speaker at American Society |

| |for Engineering Education National Meeting, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, June 22, 1988. |

| | |

| |NSF Supported Undergraduate Instrumentation, invited speaker at American Society for Engineering Education National Meeting, |

| |University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, June 21, 1988. |

| | |

| |State-of-the-Art Engineering Laboratory Experimentation, Panel Chair at the American Society for Engineering Education |

| |National Meeting, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, June 20, 1988. |

| | |

| |Workshop on Proposal Writing, invited workshop presenter, Small Colleges Computer Science Conference, Clark College, Dubuque, |

| |Iowa, April 8, 1988. |

| | |

| |Support of Two-Year College Computer Science Programs, Keynote Speaker, Regional Meeting of Two-Year Colleges, Rochester |

| |Institute of Technology, Rochester, N.Y., March 24, 1988. |

| | |

| |Workshop on Undergraduate Computer Science Education, Coordinator, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., March 10 |

| |and 11, 1988. |

| | |

| |Federal Update Workshop: American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, invited speaker at Regional Meeting, Middlesex|

| |County College, NJ, November 19, 1987. |

| | |

| |NSF Research Opportunities, invited speaker at Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting, American Society for Engineering Education, |

| |Capitol College, Maryland, November 7, 1987. |

| | |

| |NSF Support of Undergraduate Education, presenter of Regional Workshop at Southeastern Massachusetts University, North |

| |Dartmouth, Mass., November 2, 1987. |

| | |

| |Towards a More Effective and Efficient Engineering Curriculum, invited panel participant, IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education |

| |Conference, Terre Haute, Indiana, October 24-27, 1987. |

| | |

| |Advances in Science and Technology Conference, invited panel participant, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, |

| |October 21, 1987. |

| | |

| |Federal Support of Undergraduate Education, invited panelist at Society of Research Administrators Annual Meeting, New |

| |Orleans, Louisiana, September 19-21, 1987. |

| | |

| |Linking Electronic Mail Systems: X.400 Standards are the Glue, Presented at the Symposium on Computer Conferencing and Allied |

| |Technology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, June 1-4, 1987. |

| | |

| |National Workshop on Electrical/Computer Engineering Education, NSF-sponsored participant, Kansas City, Missouri, May 4-6, |

| |1987. |

| | |

| |Meeting a Need: Televideo Courses in Computing, Presented at the Frontiers in Education Conference, Texas, October 1986. |

| | |

| |Advances in Communications: the X.400 Communication Standard, Presented at the ACM Computer Science Conference, Cincinnati, |

| |February 1986. |

| | |

| |Information Automation in Government, one-day seminar presented at Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, March 1985. |

| | |

| |Managing New Technology, invited speaker at Management Awareness Conference, New Jersey Institute of Technology, March 1984. |

| | |

| |New Technology and Small Businesses, invited speaker at NJ Small Business Conference, Somerset, NJ, June, 1984. |

| | |

| |Computer Networking for an Engineering Environment, Presented at ACM Computer Science Conference, Philadelphia, Pa. February |

| |1984. |

| | |

| |Steps in Automating Information Processing, Center for Information Age Technology, one and two day workshops presented to: |

| |Cape May County Government, May, 1984 |

| |N. J. League of Municipalities, June 1984 |

| |Center for Non-profit Corporations, October 1984 |

| |Somerset County Government, April 1984. |

| | |

| |Development of a Local Area Network Research Environment, presentation at Governor's Peer Review, Stevens Institute of |

| |Technology, NJ, October, 1983. |

| | |

| |Retraining Mathematicians for Computing Careers, invited speaker at SIAM Conference, Rutgers University, April 1983. |

| | |

| |Careers in Computing, invited speaker at Newark Careers Conference, Newark, October 1981 and October 1982. |

| | |

| |Summer Institute for High School Teachers, two-week workshop for high school teachers, New Jersey Institute of Technology, |

| |July 1976. |

| | |

| |Planning a Data Communications System, two-day seminar, New Jersey Institute of Technology, June 1973 and June 1974. |

| | |

| |Snobol: A Tutorial, speaker at RCA Computer Users Conference, Montreal, Canada, and February 1973. |

| | |

| |Thermoelectric Principles, invited speaker at American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Harrisburg, PA, 1965. |

| | |

|Lectures and Media |Invited Speaker at NOVA Conference on Articulation: April 16, 1993, Northern Va. Community College |

|Programs | |

| |American University Mellon Colloquium -- "Minds and Machines: Technology and Fear" April 28, 1993 |

| | |

| |Windows of Opportunity Conference (sponsored by Computing Research Association): Session Moderator -- Student Research in |

| |Computing, May 1993 |

| | |

| |PBS-WETA "Challenges in Adult Education" Panel (1 1/2 hours), Thurs, Nov 5, 1992 |

| | |

| |Introduction to Computer Science, Video course for credit on New Jersey public television (15 broadcast hours), 1987. |

| | |

| |Selecting a College or University, television interview with Chancellor of Higher Education in NJ, NJ Public Television, 1985.|

| | |

| |Newark Highlights: Computing Careers, WBGO Radio Interview, Newark, July 1983. |

| | |

|Other |“You Can Get Here From There.” A retrospective of IT, presented to the joint meeting of the IEEE and SWE at Mitre Corporation,|

|Professional and |November 2004. |

|Miscellaneous | |

| |Chair of two Quality Management sessions, IEEE 1996 International Conference on Engineering and Technology Management, August |

| |1996, Vancouver, Canada. |

| | |

| |Chaired panel at National Science Foundation's Shaping the Future Conference, Washington, DC, July 1996. |

| | |

| |Chaired CSAB Accreditation team for undergraduate Computer Science Program at American University. |

| | |

| |Chaired Program Review Team for review of undergraduate and graduate programs in CS and IS at American University. |

| | |

| |Introduction to Computer Science, Video script for course for credit on public television (15 broadcast hours). |

| | |

| |Graduate Student Guide, guide for graduate students from curriculum requirements through project and thesis design, |

| |documentation and defense, 60 pages, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1986. |

| | |

| |Specification of Computing Requirements, analysis of computing needs for New Jersey Institute of Technology (two separate |

| |feasibility studies: 150 pages and 100 pages). |

| | |

| |VMOS Users Guide, guide to use of the Univac Operating System, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 80 pages. |

| | |

| |Computer Center Guide, guide to computing facilities at New Jersey Institute of Technology, 75 pages. |

| | |

| |Instructor's Guide, Students Guide and Lecture Guide for CIS101, instructional materials for basic required course for all |

| |freshmen, New Jersey Institute of Technology. |

| | |

| |Planning a Data Communications System, N. J. Institute of Technology, Continuing Education Division, 90 pages. |

| | |

|Funding |Research Awards |

| |1990-1991 National Science Foundation |

| |(funded $36,000) |

| |Intelligent Systems Lab - Instrumentation |

| | |

| |1990-1991 National Science Foundation |

| |(funded $40,000) |

| |Research Experience for Undergraduates Site |

| | |

| |1989-1990 National Science Foundation |

| |(funded $40,000) |

| |Research Experience for Undergraduates Site |

| | |

| |1988-1989 National Science Foundation |

| |(funded $40,000) |

| |Research Experience for Undergraduates Site |

| | |

| |1988-1989 American University Mellon Fund |

| |(funded $6,300) |

| |Expert Systems Software Development Tools |

| | |

| |1986-1987 AT&T Corporation |

| |(funded $215,000) |

| |Communication-Based Development (X.400 MTA) |

| | |

| |1986-1987 NJ Commission on Science & Technology, Computer Sciences Corp. and AT&T Corp. |

| |(funded $300,000) |

| |X.400 Communication Standard Development |

| | |

| |1985-1986 NJ Commission on Science & Technology, Computer Sciences Corp. and AT&T Corp. |

| |(funded $250,000) |

| |X.400 Communication Standard Development |

| | |

| |1984-1985 AT&T Corp. |

| |(funded $35,000) |

| |Frame creation system laboratory |

| | |

| |1984-1985 AT&T Corp. |

| |(funded $25,000) |

| |Super-microcomputer laboratory |

| | |

| |1983-1984 Control Data Corp. |

| |(funded $40,000) |

| |CAI laboratory |

| | |

| |1981-1984 State of NJ - SBR |

| |(funded $22,000) |

| |Program transferability through software engineering |

| | |

| |1980-1981 National Science Foundation |

| |(funded $50,000) |

| |Guided design in software engineering |

| | |

| |1976-1978 National Science Foundation |

| |(funded $250,000) |

| |Comprehensive Assistance to Undergraduate Education (CAUSE) |

| | |

| |1975-1976 Victoria Foundation |

| |(funded $25,000) |

| |Development of computing training aids for secondary school teachers |

| | |

| |1969-1970 National Science Foundation |

| |(funded $35,000) |

| |Programs for pressure vessel analysis |

| | |

| |Contracts |

| |HPTi: MSCS/IS On-site program - $250,000 |

| |AT&T: MSIS Weekend Program - $354,450, $350,000 |

| |Federal Reserve Board: MS Courses in CS and IS - $93,636 |

| |Defense Intelligence Agcy.: MS Certificate in CS - $204,264, $200,000 |

| | |

|Editorial |Associate Editor of Journal of Informing Science |

|Activities and Board |Reviewer for SAIS 2001 Conference |

|Membership |Reviewer for IEEE Transactions in Software Engineering |

| |Reviewer for 1998 HICSS Conference |

| |Reviewer for IEEE Education Electronic Journal, Oct. and Nov. 1997 |

| |Reviewer for IEEE 1996 International Conference on Engineering and Technology Management |

| |Reviewer for ACM SIGCSE Conference: Spring 1992 and 1993 |

| |Reviewer for IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Ed Conference: Summer 1993 |

| |Reviewer of Papers for AIS Conferences (1995, 1996) |

| |Reviewer of Papers for IEEE Managing Expert Systems Conference |

| |CSAB Accreditation Visitor: 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995 |

| |NASA Board: Summer Faculty Fellowships |

| |National Information Systems engineering Task Force |

| | |

|Professional and Honor |Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) |

|Society |Institute for Electrical & Electronic Engineers. (IEEE) |

|Membership |Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) - Computer Science Honor Society |

| |Tau Beta Pi (TBP) - National Engineering Honor Society |

| |Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) - National Leadership Honor Society |

| |Order of the Engineer |

| |Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) |

| |Association for Information Systems (AIS) |

| |International Council of Systems Engineering (INCOSE) |

| | |

|Other |Research Reviewer for Swedish National Agency for Higher Education |

|Professional Activities|Paid Expert/Consultant to: |

| |National Science Foundation |

| |Chugach and McKinley |

| |State of Louisiana |

| |Florida Governor's Commission on Science & Tech. |

| |Bendix Corporation |

| |Foster Wheeler Corporation |

| |Peck School |

| |ARRADCOM (US Army, Picatinny Arsenal) |

| |State of NJ Government |

| |NJ County Governments |

| |NJ Small Businesses |

| |Invited Participant to IEEE Industrial Relations meeting, April 1993, in Washington, D.C. with President's Director of |

| |National Information Infrastructure Workgroup. |

| |Reviewer of National Science Foundation Proposals (for CISE and DUE Directorates) |

| |Computer Science Research Board Systems Workshop Participant, 1990 |

| |Achieved Certification as CSAB Visitor (for Computer Science Accreditation), 1991 |

| |Invited Participant in NSF Special Panel on Laboratories |

| |Program Committee, 1989 National Computer Science Conference |

| |Session Chair (three sessions), 1989 NCSC |

| |Member of US Congressional Advisory Committee |

| |Reviewer of ACM Publications |

| |Consultant to NJ Tripartite Committee on the development of a Northern-node in the state educational computing network |

| |Faculty Advisor to the student chapter of the ACM |

| |Faculty Advisor to the Computer Science Honor Society |

| |Chairman of the first Regional Student Computing Conference (SCC'76) |

| |Representative to the ACM Regional Conference on Student Chapters |

| |Member of the NJ State Committee on Teacher Certification |

| |Member of Board of Advisors of Felician College |

| | |


|Repertoire and |IT, CS and IS Undergraduate/Graduate Core Courses |

|Curriculum Development |Organizational Behavior and It Staffing (Grad) |

|Activities |Software and Systems Processes (Grad) |

| |Systems Analysis and Design (Grad. and Undergrad.) |

| |Client Server Computing (Grad.) |

| |Computer Organization (Grad. and Undergrad.) |

| |Communications and Networking (Grad.) |

| |Operating Systems (Grad. and Undergrad.) |

| |Quantitative Analysis for Information Systems (Grad.) |

| |Software Engineering (Grad. and Undergrad.) |

| |Data Structures and Algorithms (Grad. and Undergrad.) |

| |Graduate Research Seminar (Grad) |

| |Capstone Workshop (Grad) |

| | |


| |Master of Science in Information Technology Management to Master of Business Administration Bridge (MSITM to MBA Bridge) |

| |Master of Science in Information Technology Management for Kogod School of Business |

| |Government and Non-Profit Informatics Course |

| |IT Track for School of Public Affairs Masters in Management Consulting |

| |Software Process Improvement Graduate Certificate Program |

| |Revised CS and IS Minors |

| |Telecommunications Track |

| |Ph.D. in CSIS |

| |BS in Multimedia Design and Development |

| |Graduate Certificate in Software Process Improvement |

| |Project Management Graduate Certificate Program |

| |Information Resources Management Certificate Program |

| |MS in CS in Applied Artificial Intelligence Program |

| |Information Systems Undergraduate Curriculum |


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