Access Services…Behind the Scenes

Access Services…Behind the Scenes

Volume 4, Issue 7: October 29, 2010

Executive Report

Over the last few years Access has implemented some new, innovative, and exciting programs. The newest project is the Visa TAP card and it will be presented to the Access Board at their November 10th meeting. For the last few years Access has been working with Metro to implement a hybrid TAP/magnetic stripe regional fare card for Access riders.

All Access vehicles are equipped with magnetic stripe card readers so having a magnetic stripe on the TAP card lowers the capital costs considerably. Access and Metro staff have joined with Visa to issue an Access ID card that is equipped with TAP and a magnetic stripe. The TAP portion of the card will allow the card to be used on all of the regional TAP providers while the magnetic stripe will allow the card to be used on Access.

Look for more information on this program in the near future. Staff expects to issue the new Visa Access ID in February 2011 so stay tuned.

Shelly Verrinder, Executive Director

Access at APTA Annual Meeting

Access’ involvement with APTA was highlighted in a number of ways at the 2010 Annual APTA meeting...

Access Board Director Dolores Nason was on-hand for the official release of the book “ADA Essentials for Transit Board Members, Fundamentals of the Americans with Disabilities Act.” This book was developed in partnership with Easter Seals Project ACTION and the ADA subcommittee of APTA’s Transit Board Member Committee of which Director Nason is a contributing member.

Access’ Chief Operations Officer Mark Maloney was a presenter for APTA’s three hour paratransit workshop. He gave an interactive presentation on how Access uses functional eligibility assessments, trip-by-trip eligibility determinations, fixed-route transit training, and the free fare program to encourage ADA paratransit riders to use all of Los Angeles transportation options effectively to increase rider mobility options and maximize the transportation financial resources of the county. The session spurred a lot of dialogue and material exchange on how other agencies could adapt what Access has done in Los Angeles to varied sized paratransit operations across the county.

Access Road Supervisor Rogelio Gomez was the proud recipient of an American Public Transportation Foundation (APTF) Scholarship. Mark Maloney had the honor of presenting Rogelio at the awards ceremony rightfully named “Growing the Next Wave of Leaders”. The APTF is a 501©(3) non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the education and professional development of young professionals pursuing careers in public transportation.

Access’ Director of Contract Administration Steve Chang was introduced as a member of the 2011 Leadership APTA program. See his article on Pg. 3.

Finally Access was a recipient of a First Place Award in APTA’s 31st Annual AdWheel Awards competition. Each year, the AdWheel Awards honor the best in public transportation marketing and communications. Access won its award in the print category for its 2009/10 Annual Report.

F Scott Jewell, Dep. Exec. Director, Administration

Disability Mentoring Day

October is National Disability Employment Awareness month and the Disability Legal Rights Center (DRLC), in partnership with the City of LA’s Department on Disabilities, commemorated Disability Mentoring Day (DMD) on Wednesday, October 20th. DMD promotes career development for students and job-seekers with disabilities through job shadowing and hands-on career exploration. This year, Access volunteered to host a student from a local community college. Ms. Eloise Cody, from Compton/El Camino Community College joined staff members, Giovanna Gogreve and Faustino Salvador for the day and experienced one-on-one time with several key staff members of Access, toured the Access Eligibility Center and San Gabriel Transit facilities and shadowed a Customer Services Representative (CSR) in the Customer Service Center.

According to Ms. Cody, the highlights of her non-stop visit were touring the Access headquarters, meeting staff, and learning about our operations. She especially enjoyed sitting in with the CSRs. Ms. Cody’s background is in transportation, where she worked as a bus driver for the Orange County Transit Authority. Ms. Cody drove articulated and charter buses for many years, which is why she was interested in Access Services. Due to her disability, she can no longer drive buses and stated that she missed the customer interaction aspect of this work the most.

In addition to being a host employer, Access also provided accessible transportation to program participants. Access transported seven students to their workplaces for the day throughout downtown Los Angeles. Access was pleased to participate in this successful program and looks forward to being involved again next year!

Giovanna Gogreve, Strategic Planning Analyst

10th Annual Seniors Celebrating Life

On October 19th, Stephen Wrenn and I represented Access Services at the 10th Annual Seniors Celebrating Life Luncheon. This event was hosted by Los Angeles City Councilwoman Jan Perry. Over one thousand seniors from her district were in attendance. Councilman Bernard Parks was a guest speaker, as well as actor/activist Louis Gossett Jr. and former Dodger Sweet Lou Johnson.

Stephen and I had a table at the entrance of the event, therefore making us accessible to all the attendants arriving and leaving. A majority of attendants that came to our table were not familiar with Access Services. We talked about Access and other transportation options with these seniors and many took applications and information to pass along to friends or family. Most of the seniors did not feel that they needed Access at this time. Many are still very active in the community and getting around independently either by driving or using the bus.

Many Access riders visited our table to talk with us about their services. They asked a few questions and made comments regarding, share rides, scheduling trips, routes, and length of time on vehicle. Overall they spoke positively about Access and were appreciative to have the service. Finally, the event was a great success for all in attendance. The seniors received much appreciated attention, a great lunch with entertainment, and goodie bags to take home.

Nicole Leiva, Mobility Management Coordinator

Let The Journey Begin!

At the 2010 APTA Annual Conference, one of the highlights was the graduation ceremony for members of Leadership APTA Class of 2010 and the introduction of members from Class of 2011. In a ballroom filled with APTA executive committee members, former Leadership APTA graduates, and transit professionals from across the country I had the pleasure and honor representing Access Services as part of the 2011 Leadership APTA program. Leadership APTA program is APTA’s flagship professional leadership development program designed to develop and support next generation of leaders of APTA and public transportation industry. Along with 24 class members, we will embark on an intense year-long journey that includes intensive professional development workshops, conferences, and projects.

Steve Chang, Director of Contract Administration

Tap Dancing on the Barbed Wire

Linda Ross was invited to be a panel member for a special HR seminar sponsored by the Southland Credit Union, titled HR: Tap Dancing on the Barbed Wire. With panel members Max Wagoner, Vrej Boghokian and Dominique Coe, the discussion explored best practices with regard to Performance Appraisals, Benefits, Health Care Reform, and improving employee morale. Following the panel discussion, the audience was able to ask questions and seek advice from the panel.

Linda Ross, Manager of Human Resources

19th Annual Access Award Luncheon

Access Services Executive Director Shelly Verrinder and staff members Louis Burns and Giovanna Gogreve attended the 19th Annual Access Award Luncheon on Monday, October 18th at the Kyoto Grand Hotel. Each year, the Los Angeles County Commission on Disabilities honors individuals and corporations that have demonstrated outstanding leadership and have worked effectively to create opportunities that enhance the lives of people with disabilities. This year’s recipients were well deserving of the prestigious awards. The recipients ranged from disability rights advocates, to a foundation for individuals with spinal cord injuries, to a non-profit organization involved in therapeutic horseback riding programs for physically and mentally challenged individuals. The luncheon was well attended by members of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, members of the disability community and many disability organizations. Entertainment for the luncheon was provided by Outta Sight, a group that many of you may recall performed at one of the Access Annual Membership Meetings.

Giovanna Gogreve, Strategic Planning Analyst

California Shake Out Drill

On October 21 at 10:21 a.m. Access Services participated in the 2010 Great California Shakeout. Almost 8 million people practiced Drop, Cover, and Hold On. The Great California Shake Out was a statewide earthquake drill spanning all 58 California counties. The drill was designed to educate the public on how to protect themselves during a large earthquake and how to get prepared. Schools, local government, businesses, non-profit organizations and many others took part in this drill.

Californians must get better prepared before the next big earthquake and also practice how to protect themselves when it happens. The purpose of the Shakeout was to help people and organizations do both. Access will continue to participate in this important event because the more prepared we are, potentially we can minimize injuries and casualties if a real earthquake ever takes place.

Luis Pacheco, Safety Analyst

Rider Comments

“Thank you for your letter... I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your service. I could not get around without it as I will be 81 in June & have a knee replacement. Unfortunately my knee is giving me a great deal of difficulty and I can’t use buses or other transportation except your service.”

Charlotte, Rosemead Rider since 2001

“I am an 89 year old lady with 2 time open heart surgery. Access is an excellent service. Thanks to this state for providing us with such a nice thing.”

Arax, Northridge Rider since 2001


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