MINNESOTA SUPERVISORS’ CONFERENCE “Don’t Stop Believin’: How to Rock as a Supervisor”BREEZY POINT RESORT, BREEZY POINT, MINNESOTASEPTEMBER 10-13, 2017A G E N D ASUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 20172:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Annual Supervisors Golf Tournament4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Registration6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. – Dinner7:00 p.m. – 7:10 p.m. – Local Welcome: Bonnie Tweed, Breezy Point7:15 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. The Reality of Disability – Gaelynn Lea This session is about disability, overcoming challenges and the joy of music. Gaelynn will discuss her own experience as a touring and professional artist in a world that is not entirely accessible to her or others with disabilities. Gaelynn will also speak about how inaccessibility in the arts (venues, festivals, etc.) can affect others with disabilities. Gaelynn uses her music as a platform to advocate for people with disabilities and to promote positive social change.?Gaelynn Lea is a musician from Duluth, MN. She has been playing violin for over twenty years. First classically trained, she began learning traditional Celtic and American fiddle tunes at the age of 18. During her college years Gaelynn started sitting in with various folk/rock musicians and developed an improvisational style all her own. Eventually she also began singing and dabbling in songwriting. Gaelynn has played alongside many notable Minnesota musicians over the years, including Alan Sparhawk, Charlie Parr, and Billy McLaughlin. Gaelynn Lea has been actively performing throughout Northern Minnesota and Wisconsin since 2006, contributing to a number of musical projects in the Twin Ports. Currently her most active collaboration is The Murder of Crows, an atmospheric alternative duo with Alan Sparhawk. Together they recorded an EP titled “Imperfecta” in 2012. Their original song “When We Were Young” was featured on the Sundance Channel’s acclaimed drama “Rectify” in June 2014. Gaelynn also regularly performs solo sets of experimental fiddle tunes sprinkled with her original songs; her aim is to create a meditative, layered sound that allows the listener’s mind to drift. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 20178:30 a.m. – 10:00a.m.Linda, Listen to Me… – Michelle NelsonWant to thrive as a Human Service professional? ?Come learn about conflict and all the intimate details that lead to and create conflict. This presentation can be applied in a variety of settings, dealing with difficult clients, customers or stakeholders. Learn how rapport building, connecting, verbal interventions and stress management are the key strategies to defeat the unproductive conflict cycle. If you have clients that get into conflict or are responsible to train your employees about conflict this is for you. ?Michelle has over 20 years of experience leading, managing and motivating human service professionals. She has provided training on behavior and crisis management, team development, supervision and leadership at local, state and national conferences. ?She has also consulted for private and public organizations. 10:15 a.m. – 11:30a.m.There’s a Dream That We Dream How the World Should Be… – Patty Wetterling Patty will describe the dynamics of child abduction, sexual exploitation and how it affects community. She will share her life commitment to fight for a world where children have the right to grow up safe and follow their dreams.? Patty will share current resources for investigation, family support, prevention and community healing.? Participants will leave with an increased understanding of child abduction and the impact it has on the community and yet leave with hope for a better, safer world for children.Patty Wetterling is the mother of 11 year old Jacob Wetterling, who was abducted in St. Joseph MN on October 22, 1989. Jacob’s remains were found September 3, 2016. Patty has become a nationally recognized educator on child abduction and sexual exploitation of children. Patty co-founded the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center (JWRC) and Team H.O.P.E. a national support group for families of missing children. Patty co-authored the books, “When Your Child is Missing: A Family Survival Guide,” and “Perspectives on Missing Persons Cases.” Patty chaired the Board of Directors for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children from 2012-2015.11:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon: Association Business Meetings.Child Support (MCSES); Clerical (MACS); Financial (MAFAS); Social Services (AMSSS); Local Public Health Association (LPHA) 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Breakout WorkshopsMillennial Madness – Josh DyeSelfies, Social media and sharing (bikes, cares and more!) are hallmarks of the millennial generation- the largest generation in U.S. history. Selfish and sense of entitlement are words some have used when working with this group. If working with and supervising millennials was a Facebook relationship the status would be: "It's complicated". Factors including workplace culture, training, talent, motivation, personal life issues, and more all contribute to the working relationships. In this session you will learn how to move millennials from "it's complicated" to "Engaged!"?Professional and personal leadership takes courage. This is where thought-provoking presentations by Josh Dye of Convene, LLC make the difference. Since 2010, attendees in over 200 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth. Josh earned a Master's Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.Bullying in the Workplace – Jamie NaboznyJamie will use his own experience to explore the causes of bullying, as well as give you practical advice on how to prevent and deal comprehensively with bullying in the workplace. Jamie grew up in Ashland, WI. His life changed drastically when he was targeted in middle and high school for being gay. His years of harassment ended with a beating that put him in the hospital requiring surgery. With the help of a law firm, Jamie won a landmark federal lawsuit. The Southern Poverty Law Center produced a documentary titled “Bullied” that chronicles his life. Jamie has spoken across the country on the issues of bullying and harassment. Jamie lives in Brooklyn Park with his husband and two sons who he adopted from Stearns County. Ethics and Boundaries – Geoffrey MeyerWe all know that it is not ethical to sleep with our clients or steal from them but what about the more difficult ethical dilemmas when there is no clear right or wrong? This workshop assists Supervisors through looking at why some practitioners involve themselves in unethical behavior and providing five questions to avoid an ethical downfall. And of course there is an obligatory case study. Geoff Meyer has worked in the Human Services Field for the past 17 years. He provides trainings across the Midwest. Combining his BA in Film and Theatre with his MA in Counseling Psychology Geoff has developed a passion for engaging staff and clients to be able to fully experience trainings and therapy. Geoff puts a focus on person-centered, trauma informed, motivational interviewing and harm reduction with a dash of all the other treatment clichés that happen to be handy. Geoff encourages everyone to step back and not take themselves or each other too seriously.2:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. - Breakout WorkshopsLead! Create! Your Organization (and our world) needs you – Josh DyeLead! Leading and creating is no longer a hierarchy. It is about taking initiative, and having the guts to do something different and risking failure. It is about caring enough to put in extra thought, time, emotion, and energy to make something remarkable happen. Do you want your work to be more fulfilling and special? Then lead and create, regardless of your position. Learn how to be a motivational supervisor. Professional and personal leadership takes courage. This is where thought-provoking presentations by Josh Dye of Convene, LLC make the difference. Since 2010, attendees in over 200 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth. Josh earned a Master's Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University. State Medical Review Team (SMRT): Disability Determinations – Carly Pederson, Debra Wagner, DHS This workshop provides an overview of the State Medical Review Team (SMRT) disability determination process. It includes information on MA-EPD, TEFRA, and waivered services. You will learn when to submit a referral, how to submit a referral, how we determine disability, and how to access and traverse the new ISDS SMRT system. It will focus on the financial and social services role in the SMRT process, how that role is changing, how SMRT is responding, and what the future will hold. Deb Wagner has managed the State Medical Review Team at the Minnesota Department of Human Services for the last 7 years and has been with the DHS a total of 23 years. Her early education as an RN, fueled her passion for the health care industry where she spent 45 years working in a variety of positions. Carly Pederson joined the State Medical Review Team in 2015 as a Clinical Review Specialist. Prior to DHS, she worked for more than 10 years as a Social Security Representative where she represented clients in Social Security Disability hearings. PERA A to Z – Phil Coleman, PERAThe session is designed to provide a better understanding of how PERA works, from required contributions, investing of those dollars, member vesting and the various benefits offered by PERA. Phil Coleman is a Retirement Services Coordinator with PERA. Phil is responsible for one and one member training and education of the PERA retirement counselors. He coordinates through employers for outstate individual and group sessions. Phil has been with PERA since 1983, serving as the disability specialist early in his career, transferring over to regular retirement in 1997 and another move to PERA Education in 2011. 7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. – Dinner SessionThe Co-Worker Challenge – Scotty GuntherScotty Gunther and the Co-Workers’ Challenge is a fun, quick paced, unique program that combines stand-up comedy and motivational speaking with a little bit of “Newlywed Game,” and promotes teamwork, leadership, communication, stress relief and group bonding through laughter. Supervisors will gain new, out of the box ideas to bring back to their teams. Scotty Gunther’s 25 year overnight success story is an ongoing journey. Born in Michigan, Scotty Gunther is a humorist, comedian, author, speaker, emcee, and award-winning syndicated radio host. His unique combination of original voice, ability to connect, improvisation, innovation, and an authentic “all or nothing” view on relationships and life has captured the attention of audiences throughout the U.S. and Canada. Scotty has written six books, and his viewpoint has been featured in national self-help magazines and newspapers throughout the US.TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 20178:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Leading a Life of Impact – Annie MeehanOur words, actions and personal stories are powerful and impactful. Life will reflect back to us what we create. Is your powerful, impactful life one of intention or one of default? In her make-it-happen message, Annie teaches supervisors to be purpose-driven, intentional and adaptable to change with an easy 6-point format.Intentional Living – Setting your intention in the morningMake it Happen – It isn’t magicPurpose – Finding your WHYAdaptability – Dealing with changeCommitment – Staying the courseTools – What’s in your toolbox?Supervisors will learn practical steps for re-focusing and re-writing their personal stories in order to live in ways that make a positive impact. These skills can then be transferred to staff and the client they work with. Annie is a Speaker and a Life Coach out of Minneapolis, MN. After starting her career in corporate America, she is now seen as the powerful successful motivational speaker with heart and determination that awakens her audiences to action. Annie uses personal and professional expertise to inspire her audiences, using dynamic and interactive presentations. Annie journeyed through life as the middle child of seven, raised by a single mom, and has many stories and life lessons to share. She has been a guest on Oprah and Twin Cities Live, a local celebrity show.Annie is a member of the National Speakers Association, a graduate of their apprentice program, and a certified coach. 10:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. – Breakout WorkshopsProfessionalism and Workplace Integrity – Karen EdensAn aspect of professional ethical practices includes demonstrating professionalism in the workplace. This workshop will benefit your career, improve your working environment, increase worker satisfaction and help to ensure that clients receive a higher degree of service delivered with increased integrity. Effective work habits and professionalism are learned skills all supervisors need to revisit and refine over time. Karen Edens, President and Director of Training - Edens Group, Past President of MARRCH, has 45 years of professional experience in the design and delivery of training, professional development, technical assistance and consultation. Karen delivers ongoing training to a wide range of human service professionals, offers a variety of other professional development seminars; consults with various human service providers and community groups; and provides highly acclaimed services related to creating and maintaining healthy workplaces.DHS Fiscal Update – DHSUpdates on the hot topics at DHS.?Accountable Leadership and the Peter Pan Principle: Inspiring others to jump – Greta GroschAccountable leadership is not accidental, it is purposeful, and when Peter Pan told Wendy to follow him out the window, he knew exactly what he was doing. Peter was able to lay out a plan: he told Wendy what was going to happen, he gave her a few simple tools, sprinkled a little pixie dust, and then after a relatively short time together, she grabbed hold of his hand and followed him from the safety and security of her 2nd floor bedroom out into the unknown. And great adventures followed. Are you the kind of leader that can inspire others to such acts of daring? Are you the kind of accountable, purposeful leader others are willing to follow? This inspirational and interactive workshop will explore the questions: How do I lead difficult people? How do I create a team? And how can I inspire others to action? A performer, trainer, and writer, Grosch has a wealth of experience in both commercial and business theatre. Over the past 20 years she has created educational and entertaining programming for numerous organizations across the country, has appeared in dozens of television and radio commercials, and has traveled extensively as a motivational speaker and meeting facilitator. A professional actress since 1989, Greta is also the scriptwriter for the highly successful CHURCH BASEMENT LADIES’ musicals, and has worked as a contributing writer and creative director for a variety of corporate clients including L’Oréal, Health Partners, the Minnesota Vikings, and McDonald’s. For more information, visit 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Breakout WorkshopsHow to Create a Happy Work Environment – Denise MorelandWe want happy marriages and happy children. We wish each other Happy Birthday and Happy New Year. We exchange stories at Happy Hour. But we are conditioned to believe that happiness has no place at work, even in a country where the right to pursue happiness is a self-evident inalienable right. What if it was possible to be happy at work? This workshop will help you imagine what happiness at work looks like for you and your team, and give you practical advice on how to create a work environment where people can pursue their happiness. Denise Moreland is a career bureaucrat, a shameless optimist, a defender of public service and a champion for democratizing the workplace. In her book, "Management Culture: Innovative & Bold Strategies to Engage Employees" (Two Harbors Press, 2012), Ms. Moreland challenges leaders and employees to abandon the culture of command and control in favor of democracy and collaboration. Ms. Moreland understands the pressure, challenges and frustrations, as well as the rewards, of public service. ?Shenanigans vs. Communication: How do we Understand Client Behavior – Kelli Bodie-Miner, Zachary CampbellOur clients have a unique way of expressing their needs. Sometimes it is hard to decipher whether a client is trying to tell you something or they have an ulterior motive. Regardless, manipulation is ultimately our perception on how we perceive client behavior. Just because we label it is manipulation that does not mean that's what it is. By labeling client behavior as manipulation we limit ourselves as we don't explore more the function of their behavior. This workshop will prepare supervisors with tools to be more successful in your career. We will discuss how to assertively handle situations while promoting and continuing a therapeutic relationship. Kelli Bodie-Miner is a licensed independent clinical social worker. She earned her Master of Social Work degree from the University of Minnesota. She has worked with sexual offenders for about ten years both inpatient and in the community. Zachary Campbell is a licensed professional clinical counselor. He earned his Master’s in Counseling in Transpersonal Psychology with an emphasis in Eco-Psychology from Southwestern College in Santa Fe, NM. He is a clinical supervisor/administrative director at Minnesota Sex offender Program-Department of Corrections site in Moose Lake, MN.Finding and Working with Millennial Hires: Tips and Techniques for Success – Maria Stalzer Wyant CuzzoThis workshop explores the millennial workforce and provides trends and patterns that might inform your hiring and retention practices. Learn more about these valuable and talented people and how to adapt workplace practices to prevent conflict and promote retention! Dr. Maria Stalzer Wyant Cuzzo is Professor of Legal Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Superior. She lives in Duluth, MN. Cuzzo is a published author in conflict resolution and is a regional and national trainer on workplace conflict management. She has facilitated dozens of workplace retreats and events to help units work together more effectively and has done dozens of trainings on generational differences, opportunities and clashpoints.2:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. – Breakout WorkshopsLeadership and Integrity – Donna Rae ScheffertSupervise. Manage. Lead. Organizational duties often “put the leader in the middle” between employees, clients, and policies when challenging situations occur. How does a leader “do the right thing”? What can a supervisor do when they see ‘Red Flags’ in their team or organization? How do you avoid the downward spiral toward low organizational integrity? How can you make a comeback if you experience any of the indicators?What happens in organizations with low integrity? Avoid these pitfalls.?Breakdown in chain of command?Decrease in morale?Loss of productivity?Staff Freeze or Burn Out on the job?Increase in grievances and lawsuits?Damage to image and reputationGoals: At this session participants will:Sharpen supervisory skills related to problem-solving for ethical dilemmasDevelop confidence using a practical individual and group ethical decision making models applicable for public organizationsDonna Rae Scheffert is President of the consulting firm Leadership Tools. Her work helps to propel groups toward their goals quickly and easily while having more fun. Scheffert resides in Northfield, MN and has clients throughout the U.S. for training, evaluation, facilitation, and strategic planning. She has co-authored five books and numerous articles on leadership development. Donna Rae is a former Professor at the University of Minnesota Extension. She has a master’s degree and has completed all coursework for a Ph.D. She has taught workshops about Integrity in 47 states and Puerto Rico.Team Building: Constructing and Maintaining Cohesion – Jennifer BingleParticipants will experience a variety of innovative hands on team engagement activities. Constructing Cohesion focuses on the basic principles of creating strong teams through the power of interrelation development. This workshop explores team collaboration by recognizing individual assets as unique and valuable contributions. Through an emphasis on team awareness and flexibility, participants are able to relate real world situations into their experience. This training is an exercise in professional as well as personal development. Content in this workshop is designed to offer lasting take a ways that provide invaluable team building and leadership skills beyond the workshop. Jennifer Bingle is an accomplished college professor and executive consultant with over 15 years of advanced communication skills training and leadership development experience. Jennifer holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Communication Studies, and is a Certified Gallop Strengths Coach. Jennifer is the sole proprietor of Strength Solutions, a consulting company which provides advanced leadership and communication training for clients in an array of backgrounds. Jennifer’s passion is about helping individuals and teams make and maintain significant transformations in their professional and personal lives.FAQ’s About Auto Coverage for County Employees – Jane Hennagir, MCIT This session addresses frequently asked questions from County staff. Does the County provide coverage when I use my personal vehicle for County business? What if my vehicle is damaged when I'm using it on County business? Whose coverage applies if I have a passenger in my vehicle? How does coverage apply if I'm using a County vehicle? We'll respond to the frequently asked questions and additional questions brought. Jane Hennagir joined the MCIT Risk Control group in January of 2010 after a reorganization of MCIT’s service delivery program. Beginning in October of 2000 Jane had been assigned full-time to the MCIT program as an Account Executive for Meadowbrook Insurance Group. Jane comes to MCIT with more than 25 years of experience in the insurance industry. Her experience has included claims adjusting and agency service and sales for insurance agencies in both Minnesota and Colorado. Prior to joining Meadowbrook Insurance Group, Jane worked for 14 years as an Account Manager assisting large, self-funded accounts with risk management. A must attend workshop for all Supervisors with staff in the field! WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 20178:15 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.DHS Updates – Commissioner Emily Piper - TBD10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. The Happy Hour Effect – Kristen BrownStep up your success with a fresh perspective on the work/life balance myth and what you should do instead to amp up your personal and professional growth. Stress affects you and your team’s success. It directly impacts how your co-workers and clients perceive you, whether you’re seen as a leader, and if someone wants to work with you or not. Kristen will use her Happy Hour Effect framework to help you gain perspective on the many moving pieces of your life so you make better decisions about your time, relationships, career, and goals. These are not only important for your personal growth, but tools supervisors should share with staff and clients. Learning Objectives:1. Understand how stress impacts your success and relationships at work and home.2. Build a customized Life Map to identify your personal and professional stress cues and cures.3. Identify your individual key characteristics that will enable you to put your best self forward to maximize team dynamics, goals, and work/life success.4. Identify skills staff may need to learn to be more successful in their job duties to reduce impact on clients. Recently named a top 20 trailblazer by Meetings Today magazine, Kristen Brown helps busy professionals transform their goals into productive leadership and personal growth strategies despite the stresses we face every day. She is a keynote speaker and bestselling author who partners with people-centered organizations including the State of Minnesota, General Mills, Boston Scientific, Mayo Health, and more. Kristen spent 15 years in corporate leadership roles before a personal tragedy prompted her to start her own business. She has shared her expertise extensively in the media including Live with Kelly, Inc. magazine, Forbes, Psychology Today, and more. ................

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