Instructions & Question Book - Endless Games

[Pages:30]Instructions & Question Book


The object of the game is to score points by matching answers and to determine how well married couples actually know each other.

Equipment Used in the Game

1. Question book containing 600 questions divided into 60 rounds (plus 60 bonus questions). 2. (4) Answer Cards on which to write answers. 3. Scorecard 4. (4) Dry-Erase Markers Note: You will need tissues to wipe marker off scorecard and answer cards.

Rules for Standard Game

The Newlywed Game is played in couples. For each game, one player is elected to read the questions to be answered. The questions are read and answered in order. 2, 3, or 4 couples may play.

Each round consists of 10 questions - five for the wives and five for the husbands - plus one bonus question. For each answer matched correctly, the couple is awarded 20-50 points, based on the value of the question. (I.e., questions No. 1,2, 3 are worth 20 points.) Couples receive points for each correct matching answer.

Highest score after 3 rounds wins.

Playing the Game

Couples sit facing each other a few feet apart. The men on one side, and the women on the other. The questions are asked to the women first; starting with "Round 1 Women."

The first question is read and each wife writes down her answer. Question is re-read and the first husband announces his answer. If it is the same as his wife has written, he wins points.

The husband of the second couple announces his answer. Couple 3 and 4 follow in order. Circle score on scorecard for correct answer, then erase board and go to question 2. The second question is read, and the game continues as above. After the 5th question, the game continues with the husbands, and each writes his answers to questions No.1-5 "Round 1 Men." Wives then announce their answers in order. The correct match for questions No.1, 2 and 3 are worth 20 points. Correct matches for questions No.4 and 5 are worth 50 points. Following "Round 1 Women" and "Round 1 Men," the men are asked to write the answer to bonus question 1, on answer card. Wives must match answers to win 100 points. Following "Round 2 Women" and "Round 2 Men," the women are asked to write the answer to bonus question 2, on answer card. Husbands must match answers to win 100 points, and so on. Bonus questions are found in the back of this book.

Questions for Women

Round 1

1. What will your partner say is his very favorite kind of melon? 2. When it comes to having the "last word" in an argument, will your partner say that: It's more important to

him or It's more important to you? 3. Will your partner say that: He's a better lover than he looks or he looks like a better lover than he is? 4. How will your partner say you would complete this sentence? This is you talking about him: "I could have

easily won a "Weird Guy Photo Contest" if I had only taken a picture of him the time he wore (what)." Be Specific. 5. What will your partner say are his most favorite kind of "chips": chocolate chips, potato chips or poker chips?

Round 2

1. Will your partner say that most of his friends are: taller than him, shorter than him, (or) about the same size as him?

2. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about him: "It really drives me up the wall when he deliberately puts his (blank) (where)?

3. Will your partner say: You know more about his 1st romantic experience or he knows more about your 1st romantic experience?

4. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about him: "If I could sprinkle fairy dust all over my guy, I'd wish for him to suddenly become (what)."

5. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about him: "If you need a lot of gas to make a car run, then you need a lot of (blank) to make him run."

Round 3

1. Will your partner say he prefers his potatoes: Mashed, Fried or Baked? 2. What will your partner say is his favorite thing to "whine about" these days...? And give me your answer as if

you were imitating him whining it to you. 3. Which one of the following will your partner say best describes the way you really and truly felt last night:

turned on, turned down, or turned off? 4. What will your partner say is the one thing in your house that, if it disappeared tomorrow, you really wouldn't

miss it? Be specific. 5. Lately, when it comes to your bedroom behavior, will your partner say you need to have a little more:

Patience, Imagination, or Enthusiasm?

Round 4

1. The last time the two of you attended a party, will your partner say it was in honor of someone's: Birthday, Anniversary or Something else?

2. What will your partner say is the silliest superstition you have? Be specific. 3. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about him: "His friend (blank)

has a face that would stop a clock, but his friend (blank) could really ring my chimes!" 4. If your partner could have a custom-made cuckoo clock designed, which one of your friend's heads will

he say would look the most appropriate popping out? 5. Will your partner say that you were born: in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening?

Round 5

1. Which one of the following will your partner say was the last thing you rode: A bus, a train, or a plane? 2. At the movies, will your partner say he usually roots for: the good guys or the bad guys? 3. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking: "When it comes to my man's

body, somehow his (blank) just doesn't seem to go with his (what)!" 4. How will your partner say you would complete this sentence? This is you talking about him: "If he donated

his (blank) to science, they'd probably refuse it." Your answers must match exactly. 5. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about him: I think it's a riot that

he is really scared to death of (blank)." Be specific.


Questions for Men

Round 1

1. Will your partner say that most of the food she buys at the grocery store comes in: boxes, bags or cans? 2. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking: "My partner's idea of a wild

night is a (blank) and a (what). 3. Who will your partner say sleeps with more of themselves exposed? You or her? 4. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "Okay, you forced it

out of me...her (Blank) has just been pathetic lately!" Be specific. 5. Who will your partner say is the one person that's really been a thorn in her side since she met you?

Round 2

1. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "As far as I know, she made whoopie for the first time when she was (blank) years old and my first time was when I was (blank) years old."

2. How will your partner complete this sentence? This is her talking about you: "I'm basically not a jealous person, but sometimes I think he loves (blank) as much as he loves me!" Be specific.

3. When it comes to whoopie, will your partner say you're more: The exotic type, the erotic type or the neurotic type?

4. What will your partner say you hear her say more often: "I want it", or "I can't live without it"? 5. What will your partner say is the one thing she did recently that you're still waiting for her to apologize for?

Be specific.

Round 3

1. What will your partner say she was most teased about as a little kid? And be specific, gentlemen. 2. If a waitress undercharged you $20 on your dinner bill, will your partner say she would or would not tell her? 3. Who will your partner say is the last person, besides her, to see you in your birthday suit? 4. Where will your partner say would be the best place for you to go just to make her really furious with you?

Be specific. 5. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "It's unanimous! Her

(Blank) is really great!" Be specific.

Round 4

1. Will your partner say: She has more birthmarks or you have more birthmarks? 2. Will your partner say you that you are or are not a male chauvinist? 3. When the two of you kiss, will your partner say you do or do not keep your eyes open? 4. Which window in her home will your partner say she'd have the most trouble seeing the sunset from? Be

specific. 5. Who will your partner say is the one woman she definitely, positively, no doubt about it, doesn't trust you to

be alone with?

Round 5

1. What place will your partners say your last argument began in? Be specific. 2. Which will your partner say is truer: She gives you more back-talk or you give her more back-talk? 3. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "When it comes to

really romantic behavior, her attitude would best be described as (blank) in the morning, but (what) at night!" 4. Will your partner say most of the people the two of you know probably think: you're too big for your britches or she's too big for her britches? 5. What will your partner say is the one thing in your home that's really "Mickey Mouse"? Be specific.


Questions for Women

Round 6

1. In the past year , will your partner say he's thrown more: Softballs, Footballs, Basketballs, or Bowling Balls? 2. Since you first met, will your partner say: He's gotten more boring or you've gotten more boring? 3. Which one of the following will your partner say you think best describes his behavior lately in the romance

department: unconcerned, unconventional, uncoordinated or unconscious? 4. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about him. "If God wanted him

to (blank), he would have given him (what)?" 5. If you were advertising your partners bedroom behavior last week, which one of the following will he say

you'd use to describe it: "New and improved", "Old fashioned recipe", or "Never had it, never will"?

Round 7

1. What will your partner say is closest to his home: A department store, A grocery store or a drug store? 2. Where in public will your partner say the two of you were the last time you truly "made a fool of yourself?" 3. How will your partner say you'll complete this sentence? This is you talking about him: "If you want a real

good laugh, just hide in our bedroom and watch him (do what)!" Be specific. 4. What will your partner say is the one thing that makes his weirdest neighbor so weird? Be specific. 5. Which of the following will your partner say his taste buds like the least: Eggplant, Egg Nog or Egg Foo


Round 8

1. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking: "When I first met him, he was really wet behind the ears, when it came to (what)" Be specific.

2. Will you partner say that: You're more dependent on him or he's more dependent on you? 3. In the delicatessen of love, how will your partner say you think he behaved last night: Like a hot pastrami,

like a cold turkey, like a deviled egg, or like chopped liver. 4. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about him: "Lately, he has been

(blanking) like Rambo and (doing what) like Bozo!" 5. Will your partner say that there's more space for rent: in his brain or in your brain?

Round 9

1. Which of the following Alfred Hitchcock film titles will your partner say best sums up how you really felt about him, when the two of you first met: Spellbound, Psycho, or The Wrong Man?

2. At parties will your partner say he prefers to: sit, stand or lean against a wall? 3. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about him: "The longest I can

go without whoopie is (blank) but the longest he can go without whoopie is (blank)." 4. Who will your partner say is the biggest moron the two of you know? 5. What will your partner say was the name of the last street the two of you made whoopie on? That's not

counting the one you live on now!

Round 10

1. What will your partner say was the last thing that happened in your home that would have been perfect for a TV show called "Marital Bloops and Blunders?" Be Specific.

2. How will your partner complete this sentence? This is him talking about you: "They would have loved her friend (blank) on Halloween because she's a real witch."

3. How will your partner say you think he behaved in the romance department last night: Like an old man, like a new man, or like a dead man?

4. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking: "If I was blindfolded, I would be able to pick my man out of any group of men, just by feeling his (blank)."

5. When you walk out the front door of his home, will your partner say the closes public mailbox is: To the right, to the left or straight ahead?


Questions for Men

Round 6

1. What will your partner say was the "price of a ticket" at the last movie you went to together? Your answers must match exactly.

2. Which one of the following will your partner say you enjoy the most: making money, making love or Monday Night Football?

3. Will your partner say you wish she was more lusty or more busty? 4. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "She looks just like a

"cute little baby" every time she plays with her (blank)." Be specific. 5. "Ding, dong, the witch is dead. The wicked witch is dead." Who will your partner say you'd nominate as her


Round 7

1. Which one of these sea creatures will your partner say you think she behaved most like on your first date together: a crab, a clam, an octopus or a flounder?

2. Who will your partner say led more of a "wild life" before the two of you got together: you or her? 3. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking to her. "If Miss Piggy is a sex

symbol then even your friend (blank) can be one." 4. What will your partner say is the one thing she's really interested in that you couldn't care less about? Be

specific. 5. When your partner is standing sideways which letter of the alphabet will she say the shape of her body

most resembles?

Round 8

1. Will your partner say she prefers to "hit the sack" on her: right side, left side, front side, or back side? 2. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "she is too intense

when it comes to (blank) and she's not nearly intense enough when it comes to (what)." 3. Which one of these chairs will your partner say best describes her behavior in the romance department last

week: an easy chair, a director's chair, a rocking chair or a folding chair? 4. What will your partner say is the one thing she does on purpose just to really get your goat? Be specific. 5. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking: "I don't know where she got

her (Blank) because it looks more like it belongs on a (What)?" Be specific.

Round 9

1. Will your partner say you prefer: red licorice, black licorice or candy-coated licorice? 2. What will your partner say is the one thing you're always, always...wrong about?...but you know you're not.

Be specific. 3. When it comes to your partner's body, will she say you're fondest of the parts that wiggle or the parts that

jiggle? 4. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking: "My partner is kinda weird

because her (blank) should be lower and her (what) should be higher!" 5. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "When it comes right

down to it, I know I (Blank) a lot more than she gives me credit for!"

Round 10

1. Where will your partner say is the one place she goes for her favorite hamburger? Your answers must match exactly.

2. Will your partner say you think she comes up with more: stupid questions, stupid answers or stupid problems?

3. How will your partner say you approached romance last night: an old way, a new way or no way? 4. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking: "What terrifies me most is the

thought of her never being able to stop (what)?" Be specific. 5. If there was an earthquake, which part of your partner's body will she say would register highest on the

Richter scale: Her top part, Her middle part, (or) Her bottom part?


Questions for Women

Round 11

1. Which one of the following will your partner say he likes to eat the most: Ice Cream Cones, Ice Cream Sundaes, or Ice Cream Sandwiches.

2. What will your partner say, you think, was the last really cowardly thing he did? Be specific. 3. When it comes to the bedroom, will you partner say: you've taught him more "new tricks" or he's taught you

more "new tricks"? 4. Will your partner say that there are (or) are not enough policemen patrolling your neighborhood? 5. When your partner is a "bad boy", what will he say is your favorite way to punish him? Be specific.

Round 12

1. What will your partner say is his least favorite kind of poultry? 2. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about him: "I wish I had a video

camera the last time he (blanked) at home, because then I'd have proof that he's very, very weird!" Be specific. 3. Since you've been together, will your partner say you think he doesn't: kiss you enough, hug you enough, or do "you-know-what" enough? 4. Will your partner say that his favorite animals to watch at the zoo are: the lions, the kangaroos, the monkeys or some other animal? 5. When your partner gets romantic, will he say you think he's more like: a tiger, a hyena, a baboon, or just a lion there!

Round 13

1. Will your partner say that he spends most of the night sleeping closer to: the edge of the bed or the center of the bed?

2. Will your partner say that: He's more of a hypochondriac or you're more of a hypochondriac? 3. Will your partner say you think most women would find his: front view least sexy, back view least sexy or side

view least sexy? 4. What will your partner say is his favorite kind of nut? Your answers must match exactly. 5. Which of the following will your partner say is his favorite holiday: Thanksgiving, Easter or Halloween?

Round 14

1. What article of Clothing in your wardrobe will your partner say makes you look "slightly sleazy?" Be specific. 2. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about him: I hate to say this but

he looks just like "a little old lady" when he (does what)." Be specific. 3. When will your partner say was the last whoopie session the two of you had, that really should have been

given the gong! I'm looking for the day now. 4. How will your partner say you would complete this sentence? This is you talking: "Take my partner's (blank),

please!" Be specific. 5. Will your partner say that: You have more male characteristics or he has more female characteristics?

Round 15

1. Who will your partner say gets more junk mail? You or him? 2. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about him: "I warned him that if

he made any snide remarks about me today, I'd tell you all about the way he (blanks) when he thinks no one can see him!" 3. What kind of insect will your partner say he looks like when he's really romantic? 4. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about him: "If I wanted to, I could really get him angry just by throwing out his (what)?" 5. Where will your partner say was the most crowded place the two of you ever got really romantic? Be specific.


Questions for Men

Round 11

1. Which kind of soup will your partner say she would order first: Creamy, chunky or crunchy? 2. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking. "If Bruce Springsteen was Born

To Run, my partner was born to (blank)." 3. Who will your partner say utters more "lovey-dovey stuff" during a hot and heavy romance session: you or

her? 4. Which of the following will your partner say you think she's been saying much too often lately: Don't do

that! Do that! or Get way from that! 5. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "My partner will

probably kill me for telling everyone that her (What) is not the "real thing." Be specific.

Round 12

1. What will your partner say is your birthstone? Your answers must match exactly. 2. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "If you wanted to

learn anything about (blank), forget her because she'd be a lousy teacher!" 3. The first time you and your partner made whoopie, will she say she tried to act: more experienced than she

really was or less experienced than she really was? 4. If your partner was a product and came with a warning label, what will she say you think the warning label

would be?...and say it like you're reading her warning label right now. 5. What will your partner say is the one thing she always says about you, that you feel is totally unfair? Be


Round 13

1. What will your partner say is the tackiest thing you've ever seen her do in a restaurant? Be specific. 2. Speaking from your vast experience with women, what will your partner say you think is the one

characteristic you've found in every woman you've met that really drives you crazy? Be specific. 3. How will your partner complete this sentence? This is her talking: "When I get really romantic, I like to take

off my (blank) but leave on my (what)." 4. How will your partner say you would complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "I am absolutely,

positively, 100% convinced that she is a (blank) fanatic!" Be specific. 5. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "If she had to publish

a profit and loss statement about herself, it would say that she gained on her (Blank) but lost on her (What)."

Round 14

1. What will your partner say was the last really gross thing you watched her eat? Be specific. 2. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking: "I haven't the slightest clue why

she likes to (blank) because I don't think it's very feminine!" Be specific. 3. What will your partner say is the most famous landmark the two of you have ever gotten really romantic by?

Be specific. 4. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "You can lead her to

(blank) but you can't make her (what)." 5. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "She is convinced

that our (Blank) is possessed by evil spirits." Be specific.

Round 15

1. What will your partner say was the last thing she got insanely jealous about? Be specific. 2. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "It took a real long

time, but I think I've finally gotten accustomed to her weird way of (doing what)." 3. Will your partner say you think you're more: sensual than she is, sexual than she is, or better looking than

she is? 4. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "Her brain shuts down

completely whenever I want to discuss (blank)." Be specific. 5. How will your partner say you'd complete this sentence? This is you talking about her: "She has no idea

that I just pretend to like her (Blank)."



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