Royal British Legion

|Monday 13th March 2017– BRANCH MEETING MINUTES | |

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|A Branch meeting was held at the Sudbury Snooker Club on Monday 13th March 2017 at 19.30 hours. Stuart Hume Chairman welcomed | |

|everyone and asked that during the Silence we remember those past members who died in March and whose names he read. Len Manning | |

|President said the Exhortation and Kohima. | |

|Present: See signing in Book (40 members) | |

|Apologies: Sue and Brian Smith, Irene Harding-Payne, Gary Pumfleet, Jennie Briggs, Dave Beck, Muriel Wood, Olive Braybrooke, | |

|Shirley Smith, Sharon Fisher. | |

|Minutes of the Meeting held 9th January 2017 were approved and signed. Proposed Rob Drawbridge seconded Mitch Sage and agreed. | |


|Branch Dinner: Saturday 25th February 2017 – Margaret said she hoped everyone enjoyed the evening and thanked everyone for making | |

|it easy for her to get everything in on time. Margaret was thanked for arranging the Dinner. Stuart said that he had a suggestion | |

|from some members that we toast the Queen with Port at the next Dinner but this suggestion was not taken up. Members now have a | |

|year to decide if they wish to do this or not. | |

|2017 Trip: Trip to see the Colonel’s Rehearsal for Queens Birthday Parade on 10th June 2017. Keith reported that there are 8 | |

|tickets left and that a decision was made to offer these to the RAFA. | |

|Sudbury on Show: Saturday 4th March 2017. Stuart thanked Tony Petersen, Colin Smith, Jane Brockbank, Vic Lewis, Peter Webb, and | |

|Len Manning for hosting the table through the day. One transfer of a member and a few enquiries. | |

|Big Night Out clear up: Peter Webb and Mitch Sage attended the Awards event and received a cheque £150 for Branch funds which was | |

|passed to the Treasurer. Cynthia to write a letter of thanks. | |

|Marking the end of the Great War: 11.11.2018. Alan Brockbank sent a letter to the Chairman and Committee withdrawing his proposal | |

|due to personal reasons. No other suggestions put forward tonight but open to further suggestions. | |


|Suggestion received from Dean Scot t regarding the lighting of a candle beside the Branch Book of Remembrance at Meetings when we |CH |

|remember past Members. Stuart had approached Louise (Snooker Club) whose reply was that the Landlord does not allow candles. After| |

|discussion Peter Webb agreed to buy a battery Candle and bring to next meeting. | |

|Bowling Wednesday April 5th: Peter took names tonight £6.50 for 2 games. | |

|St Georges Day Country Fair: Sunday 23rd April – Fund raising Bottle Stall and Boxed items for a Tombola Stall at the Cricket Club| |

|Sudbury with a table in the Marquee. Donations from Members will be very welcome to bring to next Meeting 10th April. | |

|Help with food for Branch Open nights please: 10 May Margaret Cresswell and Maureen Thomas, 12th June Ann Holmes and Irene | |

|Harding-Payne, 14th August Mitch Sage and Betty Heard and A.G.M. Keith Bunn said he would ask Sainsburys for sandwiches again. | |

|Cynthia thanked everyone for coming forward. | |

|Branch B.B.Q. 8th July: Margaret had tickets for the B.B.Q. tonight and Frank said it will be good to have an idea of numbers when|PW |

|possible. Frank confirmed that they have written to Shops and Supermarkets asking for donations of food or Raffle Prizes. | |

|Tom Welsh Presentation. Tom is to be presented with the Norwegian Medal for his service in WW11 in Norway helping the Country to | |

|oust the Germans and bring back freedom. The Attache is due to be at the Town Hall Mayors Parlour at about 9.50 a.m. tomorrow and| |

|members were invited to support Tom and attend the Ceremony. This was not a Legion event but is included Tom being a member of the| |

|Branch and Stuart assisting him with arrangements. | |

|Armed Forces Day: Saturday 24th June – Colin outlined arrangements. Veterans assemble bottom of Market Hill at 10.15 a.m. to march| |

|off at 10.30 a.m. to be met at the Town Hall by the Mayor and Vicar for a short Service followed by Tea and Coffee in the Mayors | |

|Parlour. | |

|RAF Wattisham Open Day – Wednesday 3rd May: Members invited to either attend 1.00 to 3.30 p.m. or 5.30 to 8.00 p.m. Cynthia took | |

|names and will send off to Wattisham. | |



|Membership Policy & Admin Newsletter February 2017: For Members to read afterwards. | |

|Election for Board of Trustees 2017 – Voting papers received and discussed. Stuart has now read all the CV’s and suggested that | |

|along with Colin Kemp Rod Bedford Denise Edgar and Lt.Col. Joseph Francis be voted in. Stuart to complete and return forms. | |

|Minutes of the Membership Council 11th January 2017. | |


|County Conference: John Mullan short Report. | |

|Newmarket Race Day: Saturday 12th August – details re tickets to follow. Agreed that David Brooks attend with the Branch Standard | |

|and also agreed that David would attend the Suffolk Show on 31st May with the Standard. | |

|Veterans Gateway Update: |CH |

|County Committee Minutes 11th February: Stuart pointed out that the Great Pilgrimage 90 had been discussed and it was anticipated | |

|that all branches will be asked for £1000 whether they go or not. This will be covered in more detail at National Conference. | |

|This as not to the members approval! | |

|Political Comments by Members: Sandra Fruish Assistant Director Membership pointed out that branches be aware that opinions of | |

|branch members or committee members must not be aired in the name of the British Legion. | |

|Training Courses: Branch Management Course now Saturday and Sunday 8th and 9th April at Long Melford RBL and Treasurers Course |SH |

|arranged for 6 and 7th May. | |

|Membership: Colin gave the Birthday list of names (attached to these Minutes) Membership numbers stand at 161 according to Colins | |

|record. Members welcomed David White recently transferred and also Ann Nichols, Linda Beecroft, and Jenny Taylor recently joined. | |

|Both Katie Lister and Rebecca Scott who are new Youth Members now confirmed actioned. Colin still has issues with Membership and | |

|is still corresponding with Head Office trying to get the records correct. | |

|Finance: Jane reported GP Balance£1936.46 as at end February but after the cheque to the Bull was presented the balance was now | |

|£886.86. A cheque has been refunded in the sum of £47.90 to two members who cancelled their Dinner because of ill health the odd | |

|amount being put to the tips on the night. Cheques drawn tonight were: £20.25 Mileage, £125.08 VV and charges for the RBL phone | |

|entry in the Phone Book (4 quarters) £16.25 Hospital visit. | |

|Welfare: Jane reported she is making the monthly visit to Mellish House and 3 other Home Visits were made. | |

|Poppy Appeal-Report: Stuart said the total to date is now £45,968.07. Counting at Delphi has been booked for Monday 13th November | |

|at a cost of £30. The upstairs room will be used as downstair rooms will no longer be in use. The 2017 Pins are now in stock which| |

|Stuart sold to some members tonight. He hoped to soon have some Passendale Pins too. | |

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|Meeting closed at 20.50 hours. | |

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|Next meeting – Monday 10th April – Open – Looking after and protecting V.I.P.s – Garry Egerton. | |

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|Signed…………………………………………….. Dated……………………………………….. | |

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