THE MEMPHIS CONFERENCE ARCHIVES The following items in our ...


The Memphis Conference collection is located in the Memphis Conference Office Building. Ann Robbins Phillips serves as the archivist on a parttime basis. The archivist's hours are Tuesday and Thursday mornings. She is available other weekdays by appointment. Email, mail, and phone queries are welcome and are addressed in the order they are received, and as time allows. The Archives collection pertains mostly to the Conference and its activities and records. There is some biographical material on ministers, especially those who died while serving in the Memphis Conference. There is a small amount of early local church material that has been rescued and donated to us.

Files are kept on all of the local churches in the Conference, but the materials for these files must be sent to us by the local churches. If the church has not sent us copies of historic materials, we have nothing on the history of that church except in those rare cases when old record books have been found and donated.

Most of the materials must be painstakingly dug out bit by bit by reading the old Journals which are now available on line, checking Women's Society Yearbooks, reading District records, etc. The Archives does not have the staff to do lengthy research, but we will answer simple requests whenever possible and as time allows.

The following items in our collection may be of help:

Minutes of the Annual Conferences, 1773-1865. Condensed minutes of all the Annual Conferences in the United States. They include ministers admitted on trial, ordained, retiring and deceased; membership numbers by district; appointments by district. These are the only records we have of the Memphis Conference until 1862. For the years before the Memphis Conference was formed, it is helpful to check the Kentucky and Tennessee Conferences.

Journals of the Memphis Annual Conference, 1862 to current. Minutes of the sessions of the Annual Conference. Available on line with word search within each year. There is no listing of individual local churches, only of circuits, until the mid-1920s when local church statistics are listed. Conference minutes do not contain founding dates of local churches.

This collection of microfilms has been moved to the Tennessee Conference Archives while the indexes remain here. The indexes are also available on line. The TN-Conference Archives can make copies of the microfilms for you.

South-Western Christian Advocate (microfilm) 1838-1846 and Nashville Christian Advocate (microfilm) 1846-1861, 1869-1919, and July ? December 1929. Memphis Conference officials and churches often sent important news to the Advocate, even when it was not the official Conference newspaper. Births and deaths of ministers' families and of local church people often appear, as well as some information on local churches

Wesley (or Wolf River) Circuit Quarterly Conference Minutes (microfilm and handwritten paper) 1830s to 1885. These are the oldest records in the Archives. They cover the area between Jackson and Memphis during the very earliest days of settlement. At one time most of the churches in the area were on this circuit as it developed and changed. As more circuits were formed, churches dropped out of the listing. A name and place index for extreme West Tennessee, prepared by Joy Rosser and Bernice Cargill, is still available at the Archives.

Wadesboro-Murray Circuit Quarterly Conference Minutes (microfilm, very poor condition) 1832-1878. Our oldest Kentucky records, this major circuit covered a large area around Calloway County. An abstract and name index prepared by Pat Crawford is available at the Archives. Microfilm labeled Alphabetical List of Ministers and Histories of Local Churches (very poor quality and difficult to read) may contain the Kentucky church histories taken to Paducah and microfilmed by the University of Kentucky in 1963.

These indexes are still available in Jackson.

Nashville Christian Advocate, Index and Abstracts of Obituaries, 1838-1861, 1869-1893, 1897-1919, 1929.

Western Methodist, Index and Abstracts of Obituaries, 1833-1834. This is the predecessor of the South-Western Christian Advocate and the Nashville Christian Advocate.

Minister Appointments 1821 ? 1898 sorted by NAME. Prepared by Joy Rosser and Bernice Cargill.

Index of Memphis Conference Journal Memoirs, 1840 ? 2000. Alphabetical list of preachers and wives obits with Journal year, page and if a picture is available. Prepared by Emily B. Walker.

Deceased Ministers Files. Covers ministers who died while connected to the Memphis Conference. These files contain obituaries from the Conference Journal and, occasionally, material donated by families, clippings from Conference newspapers, and photocopies of other biographical material. These files may be accessed by cards that note the year joined, year ordained, located or transferred, and whether the minister's picture appears in a Memphis Conference Journal.

Local Church Files. These files contain materials donated by the churches, such as histories, pictures, copies of historic materials, clippings. They are indexed by county.

Yearbooks for the Woman's Society and its antecedents. Fairly complete from about 1890. These files contain some records of local church units being formed and lists of donations by local units. Sometimes this is the only clue to the existence of a local church.

Diaries of early Memphis Conference ministers including James Blackard, Joseph T.C. Collins, Thomas J. Lowrey, collection of Peeples family materials, and the R.V. Taylor collection.

Quarterly Conference Records from a variety of churches or District Superintendents. No complete runs; just scattered record books.

Records of Closed Churches. Materials regarding over twenty-five discontinued churches. Although most of these records are incomplete, they still may provide useful information to the researcher.

Marvin College Materials. One book of assorted bulletins from 1888 to 1920; a few letters and pictures. No student records.

archives The website now contains many archived churches, some with pictures, location of records, available historical information. This list is constantly changing as churches are added.

Charges. There are NO charges to churches or ministers. For others, there is a minimum research/copy fee of $5.00 which covers 6 copies and mailing. Additional copies are 25 cents. On site copies are 25 cents and there is no research fee unless the time spent is lengthy.

For further information contact: Ann Robbins Phillips, Archivist/Historian memphisarchives@

731-664-5540 or 731-427-3975 (home)

These books have been moved to the Tennessee Conference Archives in Nashville. Rev. Von Unruh is the Archivist. Email: von.w.unruh@ , 520 Commerce St. Suite 205, Nashville, TN 37203

Disciplines from 1840 to present. Fairly complete set of M.E., South; some M.E., all United Methodist.

General Conference Minutes, Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Fairly complete collection with a few gaps in early years.



The United Methodist Church

The Memphis Conference Archives 24 Corporate Blvd.

Jackson, Tennessee 38305 731-664-5540


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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