
1231900Extra Credit Opportunity – Psychology in the News 0Extra Credit Opportunity – Psychology in the News Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to expose you to some of the current research and news in the field of psychology. Psychology is the study of behavior and mental processes, so… where there are people and animals, there is psychology!! This assignment will also allow you to earn extra points on a unit test or project. You may complete no more than 1 article for 10 points toward a test/project grade. Assignment: A. Your assignment is to find a recent news article about psychology (must be an article from sometime in the past 3 years, and the date must be visible on the article). Your article could be related to ethics, research, a psychologist and his/her work, psychological disorders, therapy, etc., but must be related to something we have discussed in class. Pretty much any topic is fine for your article, as long as it relates to something we study in psychology (if you have a question about whether or not the article is appropriate – ask me!). B. Write about your article (should be at least 2 pages in length [double spaced with 1-inch margins]) using complete sentences, and submit your paper to by the assigned date (Friday, October 25). Also, be sure to include a link to your article. If your response does not meet these requirements, or you fail to provide a link to your article, your extra credit will not be accepted! Your summary should include the following:Who is the article about? What is the article about?When did this take place? For example, if this article is about a study conducted, when was the study? “When” does not refer to the date the article was published.Where did this take place? Be specific.Why is this subject/article important in the field of psychology?How does this article relate to our study of psychology this semester? Check out these websites for some great articles: ................

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