Current Events Assignment Rubric

Current Events Assignment Rubric

|Category | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |

| |Information from credible online web |Information from credible online web source|Summary may be unclear or incomplete. |Too much information was copied from the |

| |source is clearly summarized. Includes |is clearly summarized. Includes supporting|There is a need for more supporting |article or important details are left out. |

| |strong supporting details address the who,|details address the who, what, where, when,|details. Summary is on a few sentences. |Details or summary may be confusing. |

|Summary |what, where, when, why or how questions. |why, or how questions. | | |

|Content | | | | |

| |Writer makes little or no errors in |Writer makes very few errors in grammar or |Writer makes some major errors in grammar |Writer makes many errors in grammar or |

| |grammar or spelling that distracts the |spelling that distracts the reader from the|or spelling. Some sentences may not be |spelling. Sentences lack structure and |

| |reader from the content. |content. Most sentences are |well-constructed. Similar words are used |appear incomplete or are confusing. |

| |Every paragraph contains sentences that |well-constructed with varied beginnings and|too often. | |

|Conventions |are well-constructed. There are varied |vocabulary. | | |

| |beginnings and rich and appropriate | | | |

| |vocabulary. | | | |

| |Insightfully gives their personal response|Tells what their thoughts of the article |Attempts to tell thoughts about the |Response is inappropriate to the content of |

| |with extremely strong thoughts and ideas. |are, with detail and description. Attempts|article. Lacks thoughtful ideas that |the article. |

|Personal Response |Writer uses prompts to push thinking and |to push thinking with some prompts. |relate to the article. | |

| |transitions. | | | |

| |Article is from relevant website or news |Article is from relevant web source. Most |Article may not be from relevant web |Article may be missing and other important |

| |source (ie magazine or paper). All the |of the required information is complete. |source. The title, source, or one other |information about the article is missing. |

|Article |required information is cited clearly in | |piece of information may be missing. | |

| |document. | | | |

Student Name:_________________ Score:_______________


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