Introduction to CALL Resources and Ideas

Ian’s list of Useful Web Sites for Communicative CALL

Online WWW activities

The Internet TESL Journal – thousands of categorised links to every aspect from theoretical to practical (single best link to everything)

Master link to links for activities on the WWW for listening, pronunciation, vocabulary, reading, writing, grammar, research and more

Australian based lesson ideas using the WWW

Australian based lessons with worksheets

Lessons on travel, shopping and search engines

varied lessons on Stephen King, Shakespeare, elephants, fox hunting, Pokemons, Mars, Berlin Olympics Us presidents

online activities on a variety of topics for different levels

this page has links to quests on movies, music and the news as well as worksheets on a number of different web pages

the links to activities here relate to San Francisco, Rio de Janeiro, travel and machines

Lesson plan and handout for using the CNN weather site

Web activity about Movies

Web activity using online Menus and restaurant information

Online job application form

Including pre lesson worksheets, online activity and follow up test on currency exchange

About Brisbane but designed for ELICOS

Introduction activity/workshop to the WWW

Online planning a trip to the Grand Canyon

Web activities around the theme of food

another web activity about food and recipes

Internet Treasure Hunts

Article on using treasure hunts

The Internet TESL Journal’s direct treasure Hunts

The Internet TESL Journal’s link page of treasure Hunts

this page has links to quests on movies, music and the news as well as worksheets on a number of different web pages

Fairly easy Australian based treasure hunt

Treasure hunt on the Australian Government

A number of treasure hunts with easier ones on Sport, Famous people Animals, and Travel

introduction scavenger hunt on variety of topics

Readings with exercises

great link page totally concerned with reading

another link page to everything about reading for EFL on the WWW including online readings

interactive reading exercises on diverse topics from Stephen King and Shakespeare to elephants and fox hunting

simplified news stories with exercises

links to readings on media –film, music, fiction, photo

link page for reading on the WWWW

Fables with online exercises

CNN stories with online activities

link to a host of varied reading activities



lessons with linked listenings

link page to radio news requires Real Audio

Using Search engines

Information sites

Links to newspapers from all over the world

More links to newspapers around the world

very good link with topics about society, politics, history, culture, science and technology. Good for EAP research.

Information and Links to everything about Movies

Film scripts

Yahoo’s link page to every sport

Another good site with a wealth of information useful for EAP research topics


lots of info on debating about smoking, guns, animal rights

Wealth of resources, links, lesson plans and more on debating and issues for debating as well as presentations in general

Muddled Methodology – CALL in the classroom is not always communicative but it can be.

Ian Brown, ACL Sydney, Australia


1. Armstrong, K. L. & Yetter-Vassot, C. 1994, ‘Transforming teaching through technology’, Foreign Language Annuals, vol. 11, no. 4 pp. 475-486.

2. Brown, D. 1994, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, Prentice Hall Regent, New Jersey.

3. Coleman, G. 1996, 'Integrating CALL into the language syllabus' ON-CALL, vol.10, no. 1, pp. 21-33.

4. ‘From Now On’ 1998, vol. 7, no. 6,

5. Kaufmann, H. 1992, Computers: A resource for teahing literacy in the AMEP, AMES, Victoria.

6. Lee, K. 2000, ‘English Teachers’ Barriers to the Use of CALL’, Internet TESL Journal, vol. 6, no. 12.


8. Levy, M. 1997, Computer Assisted Language Learning: Concept and Conceptualization, OUP, Oxford.

9. Nunan, D. 1991, ‘Communicative tasks and the language Curriculum’, TESOL Quarterly, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 279-295.

10. Nunan, D. 1993, The Learner Centred Curriculum, Cambridge University press, Cambridge.

11. Pilus, Z. 1995, 'Teachers' interest in CALL and their levels of computer literacy: some implications', ON-CALL, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 8-11.

12. Seedhouse, P. 1995, ‘Communicative CALL: focus on the interaction produced by CALL software’, ReCALL, vol. 7, no, 2, pp.20-28.

13. Tan, G., Gallo, P., Jacobs, G. & Lee, C. 1999,’using Cooperative learning to integrate Thinking and Information technology in a Content-Based Writing Lesson’, the Internet TESL Journal, vol. 5, no. 8.

14. Trickel, K & Liljegren, K. 1998, ‘Using Multimedia Computers Effectively in the ESL Classroom’,

15. Warschauer, M. & Whittaker, F. 1997, 'The Internet for English Teaching: Guidelines for Teachers', TESL Reporter, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 27-33.

16. Warschauer, M. 2000, The Death of Cyberspace and the Rebirth of CALL




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