Verabolia - Lanternfish ESL


You have been offered a really nice job as a CEO in a company in another country called Veraboloia. And your job this class is to find out as much information as you can about this country. At the end of class, you will decide whether you want to move there or not based on all of the news stories that you here from other students. You will be marked on this sheet so take careful notes.


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The Economist Magazine

Economic analysts are worried that the government of Verbolia has been spending far too much money. The government debt is likely to cause high inflation and unemployment over the next year. Foreign investors have been leaving the country because they are worried about an economic recession.


Rebels have kidnapped 17 tourists from a popular beach resort. Police and military are searching the jungles around the beach resort for the rebels and their hostages. It is expected that the kidnappers will demand money for the release of the hostages. This is the 8th kidnapping this year. So far 42 people have been kidnapped and 7 people have been killed in attempted hostage takings.

Beach and Surf Magazine

The best beaches in the world for surfing are on the south coast of Verbolia. The beach hotels are clean and cheap. If you are into scuba diving or fishing then this is the country for you. Prices are very cheap and courses for beginners are available. You won’t find better beaches and coral reefs anywhere in the world.

The New York Times –

Hurricane MaeMoo has crashed into the East Coast of Verbolia causing power outages all along the coast. It is estimated that 100,000 people have lost their homes due to flooding and high winds. Highways have been washed away and buildings have collapsed resulting in billions of dollars of damage.

The Blue Note Jazz Magazine

For Jazz and music lovers all over the world, you might want to check out the island of Verbolia. This year, there are four grand music festivals being planned. In April, the spring Jazz festival will be held in the capital city. Some of the world’s greatest musicians will be playing there. In July and August, the reggae and island hip hop festivals will be held on the southern beaches. Last year’s festivals attracted young people from all over the world.

Fifa Soccer Magazine

Verbolia has won the world cup again! Yesterday, Verbolia beat Brazil in an amazing 4-3 victory. Verbolia played a strong offensive game and managed to win in overtime. The whole country is celebrating. The celebrations are expected to last for throughout the month.

Health Magazine

This year, Verbolia has been hit hard by an outbreak of Ebola virus. Last year 234 people caught the disease. This year so far, 572 new cases of the disease have been confirmed. Travelers are advised to stay away from Verbolia as the disease is highly contagious.

Archeology Magazine:

A lost civilization has been discovered on the island of Verbolia. Archeologists have uncovered an ancient city with temples and pyramids. The ruins are thought to be over 2000 years old.

Entertainment Tonight

A new 0077 movie has been filmed in the beautiful jungles of Verbolia. Actor Pearce Bonzznon starred in the movie. The movie is expected to be a blockbuster. It will come out to theaters next summer.

Wine Weekly

The Verbolia wine makers have won first prize at the international wine festival in France. Judges said that the Verbolian wines were tasty. The wines are much cheaper than other countries in the world, yet they are very delicious.


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