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QC News – Updates & Training – May 2020Welcome all new Members…and this is the way we like to start out each month. We are honored to have you as one of our newest Members! Current newsletters are included in all the Member Kits that go out. Only new Members get hard copy. After your first month, all future Newsletters can be found on our web site: . Click on the tab at the top that says, “QC News”. You can also find previous newsletters there. You can also order hard copy of past newsletters using your order forms.Welcome to the month of May…and summertime is right around the corner! Any time of year is a great time of year when you have great programs working like we do now with Quarterly Connection! While the world all around us is still in turmoil, we are still enjoying record breaking weeks, week after week! We know that it will not last forever, but we can certainly enjoy these times while they are happening! The all new Quarterly Connection…continues to be the big hit that it has been since we re-launched it the first of January. While some folks are enjoying the passive downline building and the passive income, there are many others that see the power in what we have and are doing their own personal mailings. It is no surprise that these same people are the ones at the top of the leader board. Keep up the good work! You know who you are!There are very few programs out there (if any) that one of their products is the member’s success. Quarterly Connection has always had great pride in the fact that we are an industry leader. It is no secret that the entire industry is always watching us to see what we are doing. Each time we create a new groundbreaking concept in the direct mail industry, it is only a matter of time before the masses start to follow! It is happening now!Quick-Fire continues to be on the move…just as it has been for several months now. Because of our super powerful “Expandable Forced Matrix”, we continue to see new people joining and receiving checks in the mail even before they have had time to get their mailings working for them. This is another exclusive concept that the masses will soon start to copy. You can always tell when you have a good thing because of the copycats! The Real Deal 20/20 continues to be the Big Deal in the industry…and it is showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon. We continue to see more new Cash and Stamp programs come and go month after month. It’s no surprise because postage is the biggest expense in direct mail marketing. We all know that fact. When you can combine cash to save on printing expenses and stamps to save on mailing expenses, it’s a big win!There is not another Cash and Stamp program out there that compares to The Real Deal 20/20. We think that most all of you realize that by now. There is not a business day that goes by that we do not see new sign ups come in the mail. And just like our other programs, with the Expandable Forced Matrix, more and more people are seeing stamps and cash coming in even before they mail out a single piece. It is enormously powerful!Finally in CTFO news…things continue to move along steadily! CTFO continues to launch more and more products to more and more countries around the world. It is one of the very best “free to join” programs that we have ever seen. Keep in mind that free to join programs traditionally move slow, and CTFO is no exception. However, on a positive note, since the program is free…there are no dropouts! Join for free now!That’s the news for this month…Until next month, everyone take care, stay safe and may God Bless you and yours!Your QC Staff ................

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